#I can be just as petty
robbielouvre · 1 year
No, I don’t want validation and approval from two grown men who mocked the art of mostly young girls and teens in front of a huge audience. We’re fine, thanks.
Been on the Anti- Bryke hatedom for 15 years now. I’m comforts.
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ruporas · 10 months
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being a little petty (ID in alt)
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waitineedaname · 2 years
divorce as angst: boring, depressing, overdone, I've had enough of that in my own life thanks
divorce but the characters are still friendly: good! healthy! more of this please!
divorce as comedy: unparalleled, hysterical, I want characters to divorce each other repeatedly for no reason
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chrisrin · 1 month
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umblrspectrum · 23 days
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i got lazy in the second panel and didnt feel like coloring or whatever bite me
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Wei Wuxian 🤝 Maleficent: Not being invited to a child's birthday party but showing up anyways (to make things worse).
(for @youremysunshine8)
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The Babel Incident
Phantom doesn't make talk to anyone when he joins the Leauge. They may try to make small talk and learn more about their new teammate, even going as far to to invite him to the occasional gathering or socialize, but the newest member simply shows up when there is mandatory meetings, helps out on the field, and leaves as quickly as he arrived.
Keeping everyone at arms length, no matter how they much they try. They can clearly see he's lonely, but he insists they leave him be.
Clark doesn't miss (or like) the way Bruce tries to get more useful information on the newbie in roundabout like asking other Leauge members for anything. It wasn't until the usually straight faced Phantom got angry at Bruce to vanish to get away from their leader. It irked the Dark Knight to not have any useful information, even when Martian ManHunter told him no to reading his mind, but Bruce will keep trying to get something out of Phantom.
Little do they know that the reason why Phantom doesn't speak or socialize with anyone has to do with the fact that Batman uses mere conversations to formulate his contingency plans to put down his colleagues, something they don't know about yet. The Last Universe he visited had its Batman getting his plans stolen by a villian and had gotten the entirety of the Leauge killed.
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densewentz · 7 months
i think the turning point in my life both academically and professionally was realizing that. If you Go First, be it a presentation or an interview or whatever. If you go first, you are being judged based on NOTHING but yourself. They aren't comparing you to anyone else, you don't have an act to "follow". You are the Bar. You can literally just do the best you can and at that point it will automatically be the best they've seen so far. And once you're done you're done. You can mentally and emotionally check out.
Game changer insofar as being stressed about presenting because now I just bulldoze over everyone else to go first like a feral hog.
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harbingersecho · 2 months
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they had to pause their morning workout to drive wash to the ER at 7 am bc he somehow got hit by a car while getting mail. there's traffic. maine fiddles with the radio and carolina is imagining herself parkouring over the other cars
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kingkatsuki · 11 months
I feel like we always talk about how perfect a boyfriend Bakugou would be, but we never talk about how annoying he really is.
He pulls the worst, grumpiest faces when you’re trying to get a cute selfie with him.
He refuses to take off his hoodie and give it to you when it’s raining, because it’s your fault you should’ve dressed for the weather.
He’s already stabbing a fork into his food when you’re trying to take a photograph of it, or mixing the cream on top of his Starbucks frappe before you can get the perfect aesthetic because “I don’t have time for this dumb shit you’re supposed’ta be eating it.”
He’s a blanket hog. Curls himself up in it until you’re left with the edge (although this may just be a ploy to get you to cuddle up to him as you go to sleep), but then he gets too hot during the night and the covers end up bunched around the foot of the bed so you wake up freezing.
Never wants to give you an answer to questions like “would you still love me if I was a worm?” Because “When the fuck would you ever be a worm?”, “Always askin’ the dumbest shit” even though he eventually appeases you and answers.
He’s terrible at replying to text messages, or sends back blunt replies or one word answers that are infuriating sometimes. Gives the standard thumbs up emoji to a wall of text and it winds you up to no end.
Will fight you for the last dessert/treat in the fridge if it’s his favorite.
Leaves his heavy ass grenades (that he knows you can’t lift) in random places all over the house.
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mystilotls · 10 months
The escalation from "I'm going to graffiti motivational quotes" to "I'm going to play obnoxious sirens of my voice everytime you get close" to "I'm going to unite with the server to bury you alive with your home, and I'm going to plant trees so it looks like you were never there" is certainly something.
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comradekatara · 4 months
i know i talk a lot abt how much i love katara’s rage and passion and revolutionary spirit, but i also just love her cuteness. her joie de vivre. her unrelenting idealism and faith in others. her curiosity and sense of adventure. that time she asked for a table for two for herself and momo. she’s such a perfect kid
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akidachi · 2 months
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i have been rotating them around in my head for months
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tossawary · 4 months
Having written a lot of complete, novel-length fics at this point... I want to say that it's a lot of work and that it's not weird to struggle to complete a creative project. I don't think it's a moral failing to have WIPs or abandoned works or ideas that just don't pan out for whatever reason. It's not a Bad Thing that you've done to yourself or to anyone else.
Like, I don't want to position myself as a big fandom authority here, I just want to speak from my experience and maybe reassure someone by agreeing that completing any creative project is not easy. I have WIPs and abandoned works you haven't seen. I have ideas that I know I'll never follow through on, both achievable and unachievable ones. Writing takes time and effort that has to be taken from elsewhere, and sometimes work is too exhausting and dinner still has to be made and decent sleep is too important, so you just can't do it. Dedicating time to any one hobby means less time for others and that kind of sucks sometimes. Sometimes, I just don't FEEL like writing and I'm not going to "suffer for my art".
It's flattering to be held in high esteem sometimes for writing long and complete fan stories (I have other fan creators I personally admire for similar reasons), but I do want to make it clear that it's a lot of work (writing is work no matter what you're writing!), I'm pretty lucky to be able to do that work more frequently than many others, and I personally don't think anyone should hold it against themselves (or against anyone else!) if circumstances get in the way. Sometimes, things just don't work out and we need to give ourselves time, or even just move on. I appreciate people's slow-to-update WIPs and abandoned works and stories on lengthy hiatus and fic ideas that will never be written.
So, like, if anyone is feeling a little down because they have a story that they're struggling with... I feel that. I don't think it's weird if your fanfiction is important to you or to feel like you've fucked it up somehow. I don't think you're a bad person or a bad writer if you take years to finish a story or if you have to give up on one because you've outgrown it. I think it's cool to share what you have if you want to share it. I think you're cool.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Words Collide
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genesis-quoi · 3 months
My big-brained friend @nortedwayfinder and I like to imagine that food shortage is a prominent part of aosth. Sometimes the children are on the run for a while and can’t stop safely, or simply run out of money or friendly faces to rely on for charity, and that means they sometimes go days without eating.
Angsty, right? Haha (kinda) WRONG !!!
Because Sonic and Tails are masters of improv and being public nuisances alike. Tails gets nabbed?? He’s actually in the kitchen the whole time robotnik is busy monologuing, stuffing his face and stealing snacks to save for Sonic when he arrives.
Because if some dude is gonna burden you with the weight of growing up super fast and make an 11 year old and a toddler the sole guardians of the peace then you should be able to clean out his refrigerator. like fuck you and ur stupid shrink ray ivo im taking the thin mints
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