#It would be used as another weapon against her and against Artorias
kingarise · 2 years
For Dadverse Lucette, if you don’t mind: What is a secret she has that nobody knows?
OOOOoooo what a beautiful ask to return to
The answer would probably most likely seriously damage her rep in Anor Londo and probably even make Artorias a bit mad or disappointed with her.
Lucette doesn't actually really like the slaughter of dragons and wyverns, drakes, etc. She can tolerate and maybe even enjoy hearing stories of the battles against the Everlasting Dragons, because in the end, those were battles. But hearing about the hunting and purposeful extinction of dragons and destruction of their nests makes her sad and feel ill. She doesn't like it.
(Context for this next bit: I hc that Anor Londo will do gladiator-esque matches between captured wyverns and other draconic creatures and soldiers and other warriors as entertainment. It's seen as a big sport with a lot of risk but warriors who slay the creatures gain a lot of prestige in the eyes of society and wealth. )
Once, when Lucette was around 12 or 13 years old, Artorias took her to the equivalent of the Coliseum to watch a match between a Silver Knight and a wyvern. She absolutely hated it. She tried to stick it out for her dad, but every time the wyvern cried out in pain, it got harder. Until finally she gave up and poor girl just started crying right then and there. Which did cause poor Artorias to panic a bit because Lucette is not the type of child to just randomly burst into tears. So he took her home and never took her back again.
Don't get her started on trophies like their heads and horns and stuff like that. That makes her extremely uncomfortable.
Now as to why she doesn't like this stuff, there are two reasons.
Artorias has always taught her to respect life, even of animals and that they are not inferior to their own.
Her bio parents. When he was alive, Her bio father was in a religion that worshipped fire and that extended to creatures that could create fire. Like dragons. Now for obvious reasons, this religion was heavily looked down upon and had to be kept and practiced in secret. And because kids are historically known for being terrible at keeping secrets, Lucette was never fully inducted or shown this religion. However, her dad did tell her old stories and legends from his religion, so she wasn't completely oblivious. Even though her bio family is long gone, she still remembers the old stories and keeps them close to her chest.
She just can't bring herself to completely and utterly despise dragons and their descendants like the rest of her people do. Lucette fundamentally has a soft and gentle heart. Especially for creatures. Even for the most frightening of beasts.
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Pesadilla Navidad (part 5)
(Part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)
Rex, Nota, and Quetz found themselves in the singularity that had popped up. "This is kinda nightmarish!" Nota stated upon their arrival.
Suddenly Da Vinci got into contact with the three. "Hey you three! I see the rayshift went well! But it seems we have to rayshift one more thing to the cousins!"
Rex and Nota were a bit confused at that. "What are you going to rayshift to us?" Rex asked.
Suddenly out of nowhere in a flash of light, a whole Sleigh with what looked to be Raptors attached came in in front of them! "It's your Santa Sleigh!" Coyolxauhqui said out of nowhere on the communicator.
"You got a Santa Sleigh pulled by Tzitzimitl???" Quetz asked in shock.
"Now's not the time!" Nota exclaimed back. "We've got Santas to Save" as she entered the Sleigh.
The trio were no airborne with a decent view of the landscape around them. "Da Vinci! Can you tell where the other Santas are?!" Quetz asked on the communicator.
"I can see Artoria Alter's saint graph over by what looks to be a river?" Da Vinci answered.
"Any river in a place like this can't be good!" Nota said as she directed the Sleigh towards the location.
By the aforementioned river, Artoria Alter, who seems to be missing Excalibur Morgan, is seen avoiding the attacks of a mysterious faceless being with what seems to be a very large Staff. The staff wielding would sometimes stab their weapon into a small portal, and a corresponding giant blade would come out of a larger portal near Artoria Alter.
The crew land on the other side of the river. "Alter! We're here!" Nota shouts towards the currently in peril Rider.
"Finally!" The annoyed Rider yelled out. "I've been avoiding this daft cunt's stupid attacks for too bloody long!"
The being turns towards the group and starts to attack them too. Launching powerful Magical attacks in an attempt to kill the group.
"Okay, time to test our new Santa powers!" Nota yelled out.
"Wait what?!" Alter questioned.
"Don't worry about it!" Rex said. Suddenly in his hands, he managed to summon a Jade green staff in the shape of a tuning fork. "Oh shit!"
"Isn't that Chalchiuhtlicue's?!" Quetz questioned.
"Maybe!" Rex says, he waves the staff towards the enemy, and a torrent of water rises from below them.
"Okay my turn!" Nota yells out. Leaping into the air, she pulls out a huge Macuahuitl, imbued with lightning. "Oh holy shit!" Immediately she slams it against the enemy and combined with the water already there, zaps them to hell!
"That was Tlaloc's weapon!" Quetz pointed out.
Nota's zap seemed to do the job thankfully. The enemy is destroyed, only to reveal Alter's weapon: Excalibur Morgan.
"Finally!" She takes her sword back. "Been annoying not being able to use this. Not that I'm dependent on it, but she was so overwhelming it was hard to do much more then avoid her attacks."
Da Vinci contacted the group again. "Oh good! You got Alter! We've got Santa Lily's location! If you could hurry it over, and save her too!"
"Not a moment's rest, huh?" Nota comments.
"To the sleigh!" Rex exclaims. The group, now one member bigger, run to the cousins' sleigh.
"Are those bloody dinosaurs attached to the sleigh?!" Alter asks when she sees the Tzitzimitl.
"Don't worry too much about it." Nota tell the original Santa servant.
The Sleigh rises into the air, flying towards the next location. "Santa Lily seems to be stuck in a deep crevice past the large mountains east of your location!" Da Vinci tells the group.
"She's likely also under unarmed and under attack." Alter tell the group.
"Do you know who's the cause of this singularity?" Quetz asked Alter.
"Oh I've seen them! And they seem to be a big fan of yours!" She tells Quetz.
"Wait wha-" Quetz was starting to say before being interrupted.
"There she is!" Nota yells out, seeing Santa Lily in the crevice.
The group lands in the crevice, seeing Santa Lily trying to avoid attacks from another faceless being. This one in a large cloak, creating seemingly eldritch minions to attack the smaller Santa.
"Ok this is pretty familiar" Nota commented on the appearance of the enemies.
The small enemies immediately also converge on the group as they entered. Alter and Quetz start to fight off the enemies. "Amor! Nota! We'll hold them off! You fight their boss!" Quetz yelled to the cousins.
"We'll do our best, corazon!" Rex yells back.
The two run towards the faceless enemy. All of a sudden, Nota's hands grow huge obsidian blade claws. Meanwhile, Rex's mouth started to leak a dark black void like energy. Both were confused, but tried to adapt to these interesting abilities.
Rex blasts the enemy with the void energy, like a dragon blasting flames. Nota meanwhile, slashes at them with her newfound claws. She manages to pierce right through their chest, killing them. The enemy falls apart, to reveal Santa Lily's spear.
Meanwhile, with the others the enemies they were fighting off also fall apart. "Yay! Reindeer saved us!" Santa Lily cheered.
"Not reindeer anymore." Alter told her. "Their true Santas now."
She gasps at this revelation. "Wow! Masters are Santas too!"
Da Vinci comes on the communicator once again. "Sorry to interrupt, but there's still two more Santas to save!" She explains, urgently. "Altera is in the forest towards the south end of the singularity!" She tells them.
The group runs back to the Sleigh, Lily also surprised by the dinosaurs attached to it. "Are those the new reindeer?! I think I proffered when you two were the reindeer." She tells the cousins.
"Sorry about that! But these guys work really well!" Rex tells her.
They get onto the sleigh and head towards Altera's location. Quetz then took the time to bring back the subject about who's responsible for the singularity. "So you were saying, Alter? Something about whoever is doing this being a fan of mine?!" She asks.
"For some reason, they claim that you alone are the true Santa servant!" Alter explains.
"Yeah!" Lily adds in. "Even when any of us tried to explain it changes every year, she still claimed it's only ever been you!"
"Why would they say that?" Quetz questions. "That doesn't make any sense!"
"I see Altera!" Nota exclaims, pointing down from where they were.
Down in a forest, they see Altera being assaulted by a warrior looking being, wielding what is definitely Altera's own sword against her.
Altera is mostly managing to avoid it's attacks, before getting unlucky and tripping. "Ow!" Falling defenseless.
As the warrior being raises the sword to attack, before it gets blocked by Excalibur Morgan. "You're not getting to her, ya daft bastard!" Alter yells out.
Alter is able to hold back the warrior with her sword. "Lily! Now!" Alter yells out.
Suddenly Lily leaps out from behind the warrior, stabbing the warrior with her spear! "Take that!"
The warrior tries to attack Lily, but she turns and runs and calls out "Miss Sun! Your turn!"
Suddenly a huge fireball hits the warrior from behind once again. "Over here, Pendejo!" Quetz yells out.
Then underneath the warrior, the ground shakes and suddenly a huge stone pillar bursts out and launches the warrior into the air. "Ha!" Nota yells out. "Your turn primo!"
Then Rex leaps into the air, with a Caiman tail, slapping the warrior down into the ground with it.
With the warrior on the ground, Altera runs and takes back her weapon. Before stabbing it into the warrior's heart.
"Finally! I didn't think I could keep up anymore." Altera says. "Thank you all for coming to my aid!"
"No problem, Altera!" Rex tells her.
Altera then notices the cousins' outfits. "Oh? Are you two Santa this year?" She asks.
The two were a bit taken aback by how casual she is about it. "Oh! Uh yeah!" Nota said. "We are this Year's Santa."
"Oh that's fun! I wish you the best in completing the job this year!" She tells the pair.
"Thank you, Altera!" Rex says. "That means a lot."
The communicator comes on once again. "We're at the home stretch everyone! I've got Nightingale's location! She's in a desert at the most northern part of the singularity!" Da Vinci explains to the group.
"To the sleigh!" Nota yells out.
The group runs back towards the sleigh. Getting inside and flying towards the sky to get to Nightingale. "Oh what fun Reindeer you two have!" Altera exclaims. "I was wondering who would be your reindeer, since you're normally the reindeer."
As they flew towards the final rescue, Quetz has more questions for the Santas. "Altera! What have you seen of the one responsible for this?! What Alter and Lily have told me so far is confusing!" She questions.
"Oh yes! For some reason she'll only recognize you as Santa!" She mentions.
"But why?! I don't understand!" Quetz responds.
"Hmmm" Altera starts to ponder, staring at Quetz's eyes.
"Uh… Altera?" She questions.
Altera then looked at Rex, lifting his hat off his head for a little bit. "Altera? What are you doing?" He questions.
"She had hair kind of like master Rex's and eyes like yours." Altera tells Quetz.
"Oh really?" Rex asks.
"I see the desert!" Nota calls out.
The group looks down, and witnesses Nightingale in the desert, down on all fours, Clearly weak. "Nightingale!!!" The group yells out.
They land in the desert, and see a haunting figure riding atop a steed of their own. Towering over Nightingale, but not outright attacking her. She's seen coughing, and wheezing. Probably the weakest the group has ever seen a servant.
"She's filled with curses!" Quetz notices.
"But she's still alive! All those curses, I would've figured she'd expire by now." Altera states.
"It might be keeping her alive to curse, but we'll handle it!" Nota says.
As they run towards the haunting rider, the phantom rides towards them aswell, holding a deadly looking spear. Suddenly, most of the team starts coughing and wheezing too. Quetz is mostly resisting, and the cousins seem decent aswell.
"What's going on?!" Nota asks.
"The rider's very presence must be afflicting us with curses!" Quetz says. "I've got good resistance, and you two must have it too!"
"So how do we stop it?!" Rex questions.
"I've noticed you two have the abilities of some other gods, maybe you have healing powers too?!" Quetz asks.
The two have a realization.
"Tlazolteotl!" Rex says.
"Mayahuel!" Nota remarks.
The two are able to heal the group with healing mists coming from their hands. It not only reinvigorates the group, but now has the Rider feeling weak. "It has the opposite effect on them!" Nota exclaims.
"Good!" Alter yells. "Now I can kill it!"
She then prepares her weapon. "EXCALIBUR, MORGAN!!!!!"
The wave of energy destroys the rider, and reveals Nightingale's umbrella gun. She picks it back up, as she starts to feel much better. "Thank you, you all. You have my gratitude." She says to the group. But then she looks at the cousins with a not so happy look. "You two! You are the ones who took the Santa Grail! I told you it'd be too dangerous for humans to be Santa!"
The two were definitely guilty and didn't deny it. "We know! And we're sorry! But we really wanted to be Santa, and were tired of being just the reindeer!" Nota tries to explain.
"It's still not right how we went about it, and what some of our 'helpers' did definitely wasn't what we had in mind but that doesn't excuse what's happened and we're sorry." Rex also adds.
Nightingale sighs before telling them. "Well you two are apologetic enough. And seem to be handling things well, so for now it's fine. Besides, we still have to deal with the singularity.
Suddenly the very earth shakes and a loud yell echoes out throughout the entirety of the singularity.
The communicator comes in one more time. "Everyone! The big boss is here! She seems to be at the very center of this singularity mess!" Da Vinci tells everyone.
"Well that should be easy enough!" Quetz states.
The group gets on the sleigh, heading towards the center. "What an interesting sleigh" Nightingale adds.
"Nightingale! Can you tell me anything you may know about the one causing this?!" Quetz questions.
"I think I actually know why she's doing this." Nightingale tells her. "But I think it's best you see for yourself."
As they reach the center, a shadowy arena is seen. "I think that's our destination!" Rex says.
They land the sleigh right inside the arena, all getting out. Ready to face whoever comes.
Suddenly, as the earth shakes a mountainous figure rises, mostly covered in shadows but with some parts revealed. Blood red skeletal arms, a half-skull face, obsidian black hair that matched Rex's. Jade green eyes like Quetz's, a huge hammer in her hands, and behind her rose out two ginormous wings! She stood more then 10 stories tall, seeming ready to attack the group.
As everyone prepares to attack, and the figure raises her hammer in the air, she seems to take a second look at everyone and seems shocked! "W-wait! Why are you two here?!" She says in a surprisingly normal sounding voice.
Everyone seems surprised to hear her say that. "W-wait! Who do you mean?" Rex asks.
Suddenly the figures shrinks down into a much smaller form. Now looking like a normal human girl in a hoodie, glasses and her same hair and green eyes. "M-mama! Papa!" She says out loud!
Almost everyone is surprised to hear her say that! But Rex and Quetz specifically kinda piece it together. "D-do you mean us?" Quetz asks, while motioning towards both her and Rex.
The girl nods, while walking closer towards them. Tho seeming nervous the whole time. "I was mad at the people trying to steal your role as Santa, mama."
Quetz walks up to the young girl. "Tell me your name, Mija." She says.
"M-Maria" She answers.
"Maria, why do you think I'm the only Santa?" Quetz asks her apparent daughter.
"Well, growing up, it was always you giving us our presents! Every year on Christmas me and Ed would get the nicest presents from you as Santa!" She tells her mother.
"Ed? Is that your brother?" Rex asks.
"Ah! Yes! Eduardo." Mari tells her father.
"Makes sense that's his name." Rex says.
"Oh, well Mija. That maybe the case in the future, but here in Chaldea I only did it one time. Others have come before and after me! They're not stealing the role at all! Even this year, your father and aunt have the role! Would you attack them for doing that?" Quetz explains to her daughter.
Maria was surprised to hear that. "You're Santa too, Papa?" She asks.
"Si! But like your mother says, just this year. Then someone else will be Santa." He explains. "No one's stealing it from anyone."
Maria felt shame, and lowered her head when she heard that. "S-sorry I did this." She told them. "I hadn't known…"
The two parents went and hugged their daughter. "Aw, it's okay dear!" Quetz says.
"This is a big misunderstanding, but everyone males mistakes!" Rex tells her. "This was…. Quite a big one, but so long as you know better now."
"But you should probably at least apologize to the ones you attacked." Quetz tells her.
She walks towards the other Santas. "I don't expect you guys to forgive me. What I did was way too far. But I felt, betrayed, somewhat. In my time some of you are like family, so when I assumed you guys took the role of Santa… it felt like a great betrayal." She tells the group.
"I didn't know it was a role passed to others. And what I did was far more cruel then I should've been doing." She continues. "I'm sorry for what you all went through. I shouldn't have done any of that"
"Well, I understand that feeling of betrayal." Alter tells her. "To think close family would do such a thing, must've hurt."
"And I don't think you were thinking right either." Altera adds. "You seemed far more angry then you are now."
"It's ok, sun daughter!" Lily says. "My sister does a lot of scary things too! It's not that bad for us servants!"
"And I think you can help make up for it, if you did something for us." Nightingale tells her.
"What would that be?!" Maria asks.
The group of Santas motion towards the cousins behind her. She then looks back towards her aunt, and father.
"Can you help me and your father deliver presents for the holiday?" Nota asks.
Maria's eyes lit up! "I'd love to!!!" She yells out!
"Well let's get on the Sleigh together!" Rex tells her.
Maria excitedly runs into the sleigh, with her parents and the rest of the group joining in too.
"Ready?!" Rex asks his daughter, as he gives her his Santa hat.
"READY!!!" She answers back.
"Here we go!!!" Nota says, as she gets the sleigh going!
As they fly through the night, the singularity falls apart, as they fly to deliver presents to everybody on this Christmas night!
A/N: and we're done!!! Hope you all liked the Christmas story! Hopefully the end was satisfying!!!
@madillhethen @hikikomuridesuuu @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @hasarjunadoneanythingwrong @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @littleminxthings @syracusemoon
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Latest fic idea: The Chaldea Christmas Pub Crawl
Don’t know the reasons why, but I have the greatest desire to see Guda and a dozen or so servants trolling through a city, drinking and generally causing chaos along the way. While I don’t know the full cast, I can toss out the following plot points:
All four Cus attend, but are gradually lost along the course of the night. 
Artoria gets drunk enough to start sobbing about Guinevere to the point of needing to be carried to the next bar.
Drake vanishes somewhere between the third and fourth pub, then shows up again at the seventh with Anne and Mary, all three crowded onto Ishtar’s scooter.
Nero streaks. Twice.
Ishtar also gets sobbing drunk, channels Mama Rin a little too hard and treats Guda like her kid.
The Knights of the Round get Artoria super drunk at a Medieval Times-esque location, don’t deal with the previously-mentioned drunk Artoria, then end up fighting the staff and are subsequently left behind. Except Gareth. Gareth escapes with the crew. The Rest are last seen surrounded by Christmas knights.
Ushiwakamaru beats a motherfucker with another motherfucker, somehow using Benkei as a blunt weapon against a bouncer.
Quetzalcoatl is also lost halfway through, last seen rushing towards a horde of evil Mall Santas.
By the end of it, only Guda, Shuten, Jing Ke, and Fergus are left standing...but Guda didn’t any of these servants in their party when they started.
And all of that is just off the top of my head. 
Yes, you can blame “Pub Crawl” by the Arkells for this
EDIT: I’ve come to realize that this would be the perfect opportunity for Nagao Kagetora to be Santa, since she can’t actually get Drunk. A perfect companion to keep Guda alive through all this…and to try and learn to understand the humanity behind Christmas.
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megasoniczx · 3 years
Hey, so, this was an idea I had. Fate/Grand Order is one of the few other gacha games I constantly play aside from FEH, and that ultimately led me to the idea of “What would a collaboration between the two games look like?”, and that’s what led to this, a full on Fate/Grand Order themed banner in Fire Emblem Heroes with SIX possible units they could add, including two legendary heroes and a mythic hero. Unlikely? Yes, this is incredibly unlikely in many ways. But the idea still seems fun, so let’s stretch our suspension of disbelief and have fun with this idea.
Now, I’m in no way a hardcore player, so the explinations of what exclusive skills these heroes have won’t be super in-depth. I’m just going to explain what kind of role I’d think they could play and give a general idea of what their skills would do.
So, let’s start with the poster child of Fate-
Artoria - King of Knights:
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The Legendary King Arthur, Artoria Pendragon, who is in fact a woman in the Fate Series. As a Saber Class Servant, Artoria had to be the Sword Infantry of the banner, there was no other option. Her PRF Weapon would of course be Excalibur, the legendary sword of light. I imagine Artoria would be a fairy balanced across the board unit, only really excelling in her attack stat with her flaw being low speed. 
Her Exclusive Skills:
Excalibur - Raises ATK/DEF by +4, would have Distant Counter built in.
Sword of Light - Exclusive Special Skill, has a charge of 4 and boosts her ATK damage by 75%
Avalon - PRF B Skill, Raises DEF by 25%, doubles to 50% when Special Skill is used for 2 turns
EMIYA - Nameless Hero:
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A Nameless Heroic Spirit who formed a contract with The World, he has seen many battles, enduring pain to create weapons. As an Archer Class Servant, EMIYA would be a grey archer unit, excelling in his ATK with his personal bow with high SPD, but having low DEF/RES. 
His Exclusive Skills:
Mystic Bow -  Effective against flying units Raises ATK by +5, has Desperation 2 & Quick Riposte 3 built into it.
Caladbolg - Exclusive Special Skill, has a charge of 3 and boosts his ATK damage by 50%
Projection - Boosts ATK by 10% after every turn not spent in combat (only activates after player phase)
Cú Chulainn - Beast of Culann:
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The original Lancer infamous for dying in the original Fate/Stay Night visual novel, Cú Chulainn is Irland’s child of light and famous for his absurd endurance. He excels in high ATK & SPD with moderate HP and RES, low DEF being his main weakness. 
His single Exclusive Skill is:
Gáe Bolg: Raises ATK & SPD by 5, Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Gilgamesh - King of Heroes:
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The first Heroic Spirit and King of Babylon, Gilgamesh is among the most powerful heroes in Fate, so no doubt he’d be powerful here. He excels effectively in every stat, save speed due to being an armor unit. He’s also an armor tome unit, something we don’t see a whole lot of. 
His Exclusive Skills are:
Gate of Babylon - Raised ATK/SPD/DEF/RES by 5, has Close Counter built in, and is effective against Dragon/Beast units.
Enuma Elish - Exclusive Special Skill, has a charge of 5 and boosts his ATK damage by 150%.
Golden Rule: Raised ATK by 4, grants him Vantage 3, Desperation 2, & Quick Riposte 3.
Yes, I know, this man is broken as shit. What are you gonna do, throw F!Edelgard at me?
Mash Kyrielight - Chaldea’s Shield:
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A Demi-Servant with the powers of Sir Galahad from Fate/Grand Order, Mash is best described as a complete fucking tank. As the sole member of the Shielder Class, Mash’s entire job is to soak up damage like a sponge and then beat the shit out of you. 
Her Exclusive Skill is:
Lord Camelot - Raises ATK/DEF by +5 and has Obstruct 3 built into it.
Jeanne d’Arc - Saint of Orleans:
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Our mythic hero for this banner is Jeanne d’Arc as a staff unit (do we even have a mythic staff?). She excels as an offensive healer, poor resistance being her only fault. Her Exclusive Skills are:
Flag of Orleans - Raises ATK by +5 and foes cannot counterattack. Has Close Counter & Time’s Pulse 3 built into it.
Luminosité Éternelle - Grants +5 DEF to unit and all allies within 3 tiles of unit. Saint’s Blessing (A Skill) - Boosts healing equal to that of unit’s attack
So, funny thing. I'm a dumbass who forgot to give Jeanne an actual recovery skill, so pretend she has one as well. What's funnier is that I gave her Distant Counter, remembered she couldn't inherit one, then remembered she's supposed to have CLOSE COUNTER!
I'm sorry Jeanne, you deserved better.
And that’s the general idea I had for this “FEH X FGO” banner. Maybe I’ll make another one of these, maybe I’ll spin it the other way around and design some Fire Emblem characters as Fate/Grand Order units.
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lorddoom01 · 3 years
The Saber and the Second Son
The night sky was clear. The full moon glowed and the stars twinkled in all their glory. However the blonde haired woman who stood in the suburban streets could not enjoy beautiful view, her focus on a more unsettling sight. A figure was walking down the street, she could feel the murderous intent pouring off of him. She could almost smell the blood on his hands. The street lamps illuminated the man. He easily stood a foot taller and stood in stark contrast to Artoria Pendragon. His skin an olive tan to her fair white complexion. Long, thick black hair hung freely from his head. He only wore a rag of fabric, which hung from his shoulder to provide himself some dignity. He was covered head to toe in tattoos, Artoria could see glaring demon faces and recognized symbols and glyphs of truly heretical devotion. His grey eyes met her green ones.
The man stopped a few meters away from Artoria. His hands were dripping with blood. He looked her over and raised an eyebrow in contempt. He was not impressed by her choice of battle attire. A blue puffy dress and not a weapon in sight. Still she stood here in clear challenge of him, so he took a battle stance and harden his expression. In an instance, he closed the gap between them. His speed caught Artoria off guard, but she was still able to avoid the reckless right jab he had aimed at her face. She twisted her body counterclockwise and bent her head back. As she did, she raised her right arm in a diagonal arc. The man jumped back as it passed by the front of his chest, but it was far too late. A long gash appeared on his chest, as if slashed by a sword.
Artoria rotated back to fully face her foe as he retreated, but was shocked by what she saw. Her opponent was merely confused. He'd look at the wound then to her several times. He wasn't in pain. He wasn't even winded. A smile crept across his face as he took another battle stance holding a pitch black short sword in one hand. Artoria eyes widened in shock. She hadn't seen any weapons on him when he arrived, even his tunic was too ratty to hide such a blade. So how was he suddenly armed? She didn't have time to contemplate as he once again launched an attack. He opened again with a lunging strike, aimed at her chest this time though. She parried the blow with her invisible sword, and attempted to slash his chest again. The man, however, backed away in time to avoid the blow. He immediately surged forward again, bringing down his blade on her.
Artoria blocked the blade with her own, though she quickly had to grab it with both hands to stop the force of the man's swing. The man wasn't similarly occupied, he extended his left hand under their locked blades. A pitch black dagger in it. Artoria wasn't able to dodge it. However rather than finding her stomach, it bounced off of a chest plate that had magically formed around Artoria's torso. The man jumps back, well outside either of their blades reach. The dagger he had used was nowhere to be seen. He'd raise his sword and point it at Artoria.
"What is your name, warrior?"
Artoria was startled by the man's voice. His voice carried intelligence and respect. He looked every bit the berserker as Hercules, she would have expected him to be as lacking in conversation.
"Why would I bother telling a murderer like yourself that?" Artoria replied as she exploited the lull in the fight to readjust her own stance to a more aggressive one. The wound she had inflicted didn't seem to be affecting him at all, still open and bleeding. She couldn't let him control the fight with that level of stamina.
"I like to know those who are worth my time." He'd say with a smile. The man would tense to lunge again, but this time Artoria closed the gap first. With both hands she swung to the left, then the right. His black blade sprayed sparks as he blocked both attacks. She'd thrust forward and he dodged to her left. He fell for her faint. She'd pivot to her left, swinging the extended sword at his chest again. The invisible nature of her blade caused him to misjudge the distance and she scored another slash across his chest. Not as deep as the first, but still a serious wound.
Artoria couldn't relish in her success as her assault came to an end. Her opponent swung down at her. She quickly raised her blade to block the black long sword the man was now wielding. Once again a weapon just appeared in the man's hand, while there was no signs of the other blades he had used. The first swing she blocked easily. For the second swing, the man grabbed the black blade with both hands and swung down again and again. An onslaught of overhead blows he delivered upon Artoria, which she was only able to block against. She felt each blow through her whole body, the ground cracking beneath. After a dozen strikes, she was able to counter him. Artoria deflected his blade to her right side. However, the man instantly let go with his right hand. Artoria got a far better look at what magic this man was using.
It was so brief an action she couldn't be sure if she really seen anything. The man's hand seemed to disappear into a hole in the air, then reappear holding a black dagger. It quickly approached her face. She twisted her arms to point the tip of her blade at the man. The man shot backwards as the blast of air slammed into his chest, he flew down the street. Artoria quickly gathered herself. She felt pain from her right arm, she suspected she might have sprained something releasing Invisible Air without properly bracing herself. She felt blood on her left cheek, he had still managed to cut her.
Her opponent landed with little grace, smashing into the side of the car. He was still for a moment, then he peeled himself free of the car. Even at this distance, Artoria could see the glass in his back. And the ecstatic smile on his face as he stood up straight. He then began running full tilt towards, he'd be on her in seconds. She raised Excalibur as she saw the man move his arms in throwing motions. Three of his black blades flew through the air at her. She easily swatted the three daggers out of the air with her own blade. She grimaced as the man had yet again pulled a new blade out of thin air. A pitch black great sword, held at his left side. She prepared to be batter again by the man's strength. He made to swing and she prepared to block the attack. Mid swing, the blade vanished. Artoria couldn't defend herself in time as the man transitioned into a low left hook, swinging under her guard.
She heard the crunch of her armour, felt spikes pierce her side, before she was launched down the street. Unlike her attacker, she was able to land on her feet. She skidded to a stop with the help of Excalibur digging into the pavement. She'd glance at the wound in her side, then up at her foe. A black spiked gauntlet was on his left hand, and a sick grin on his face.
"Are you sure you won't tell me your name?" He would ask as he walked towards her. "No," Artoria replied as she steadied herself. She noted he was breathing heavier now, but barely. She was chipping at his stamina. But he had dug deep into hers. She was burning too much magic. She watched as the great sword reappeared in his hands. Her own sword vanished as she recoated it with Invisible Air. She took a draw sword stance, her blade pointed behind her. The man charged her again. He'd raise his sword over his shoulder and that was her opening. She released Invisible Air again. She rocketed forward, instantly closed the gap between them, and then shooting past him. She stopped a few feet behind him, her blade fully extended in front of her. She heard him give a little laugh. "Excellent form!" he'd say gleefully. Artoria spun around in frustration and panic, she was certain she had cut clean through his torso.
She was shocked to see she had, most of his body was crumpled on the ground. The top half of his chest has held up by his arms, with disturbing ease. He faced her with a manic smile. "What magic binds you still to this realm?!" she'd demand. "None," he'd reply calmly as colour drained from his face. "I do hope I don't take too long coming back for our rematch. This was fun." He suddenly collapsed, dead. Cautiously, Artoria relaxed her stance. Then took a step back as the man's body began rapidly rotting right before her eyes. In mere seconds, he was reduced to dust. Nothing remained of him. She carefully looked around, raising her guard again. After a few moments of nothing happening, she lowered her guard again and dismissed her armour. She had a bad feeling this was the start of something terrible.
Several weeks later, in a dark cave, a tomb sat. It was a large cube, three meters tall, wide, and deep. The thirteen locks upon the single entrance began clicking one by one, as each released. The door swung slowly open. Able El Asem stepped out, his tattooed body reborn. He hoped not too much time had passed, it would be a shame if that woman with that fairy sword had died to someone else. He wanted that pleasure for himself.
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #179
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re building the other half of Team Tyrannical Shooting Star, Artoria (Rider Alter)! This version of Artoria is totally a maid, and as such she’s a Battle Master Fighter to coach other servants while wielding sniper rifles and swords, a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer so she can fight in a swimsuit, and a Zeal Cleric to clean up the battlefield through sheer force of will.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: Team Satisfaction H∴T∴E!
Race and Background
Artoria’s still human, but she’s a copy of a copy, so that’s pretty Variant if you ask me. This gives her +1 Dexterity and Charisma, the Insight skill for better... maiding? She also gets the Sharpshooter feat, which lets you ignore disadvantage from long range shots so you can sniper with your rifle, ignore all but full cover, and you can take a -5 penalty to hit with a ranged weapon to deal an extra 10 damage. Basically: boom, headshot.
You’re also a variant Noble for your background, grabbing proficiency with History and swapping out Persuasion for Intimidation. We’ve played this song and dance before.
Ability Scores
In case you couldn’t tell from the feat, we’re investing heavily in Dexterity this time around. Turns out, firing a sniper rifle from the back of a moving motorcycle requires good balance. You also have pretty good Wisdom- you can’t hit a target before you see it, and you can’t clean a mess before you find it either. Third is Charisma, you’re pretty intimidating, and you’ve got to know how to conduct yourself to be a proper maid. Your Constitution isn’t terrible, riding on waves isn’t easy. Your Strength isn’t that high, we just don’t need it, but we’re dumping Intelligence. Your skills in maidery come from persistence, not know-how.
Class Levels
1. Fighter 1: Staring off as a fighter gives you plenty of goodies right off the bat; proficiency with Strength and Constitution saves, as well as Acrobatics and Perception for the aforementioned sniping off a motorcycle, the Archery fighting style for more accurate shots, and Second Wind to heal yourself as a bonus action. Knowing when to sharpen your axe is half the battle of chopping down a tree.
2. Fighter 2: Second level fighters get an Action Surge once per short rest, giving you an extra action for a turn. Maids need to be able to handle a thousand tasks at once, after all.
3. Cleric 1: Bouncing over to Zeal Cleric now makes you a Priest of Zeal right away, letting you attack as a bonus action after you attack with your action Wisdom Modifier times per long rest. You can now (to a limited capacity) dual wield a gun and a sword. You also learn some Spells that use your Wisdom to cast and prepare. Included in the zeal package is Searing and Thunderous Smite in case you wanted to feel like a paladin again.
You also get Guidance to coach your allies, Mending to mend things, and Light to light your master’s way at night since your dumb human eyes don’t work at night. For other spells, Detect Poison and Disease will alert you to areas of filth, and Purify Food and Drink will let you dust a 5′ radius sphere of food to remove it. That is the purpose of dusting, right?
4. Sorcerer 1: We aren’t staying here long, but I wanted to pick up your Draconic Bloodline for your Draconic Resilience, giving you an extra hit point and an AC of 13 + your dexterity modifier while not wearing armor. You also get Draconic Ancestry to double your proficiency bonus against dragons.
You also get another set of Spells, this time using your Charisma to cast. Grab Booming Blade, True Strike, and Magic Missile for more combat focused spells, Friends to make your intimidation checks even easier, Mage Hand to swap weapons more easily, and Expeditious Retreat to speed yourself up. You’re relying on Nero for your bike, but it wouldn’t hurt to be good at running either.
5. Fighter 3: Bouncing back to fighter now for your martial archetype; the Battle Master! When you become a battle master you become a Student of War, giving you proficiency with one type of artisan’s tools. Unfortunately they forgot to make cleaning supplies and option, but you can always go with Cook’s Utensils for the added bonus of getting to feed yourself.
You also get Combat Superiority, four d8s that recharge on short rest. You can spend one die per attack (or in another way, depending on the maneuver) to switch up how your attack works, adding extra effects.
Commander’s Strike forgoes your own attack to give another ally the chance to attack as a reaction, and they add the d8 to their damage. Your Commanding Presence gives you a bonus to your intimidation checks (among others). You also get a Maneuvering Attack, adding the die to your damage and letting an ally move as a reaction without provoking attacks from the target you just hit. If you really want them to move, you can always shoot them instead.
6. Fighter 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to become a Crossbow Expert. This lets you ignore loading on crossbows so you can use Priest of Zeal on your sniper rifle, ignore disadvantage on ranged attacks while enemies are within 5′ of you, and you can officially dual wield a crossbow with your excalibur without needing Priest of Zeal, opening it up for that snipering I was talking about a few clauses back.
7. Fighter 5: Fifth level fighters get an Extra Attack, giving you two attacks per action, three per turn while dual-wielding, or 4-5 with your action surge. Get more done faster, the essence of maiding.
8. Cleric 2: At second level, clerics can Channel Divinity once per short rest in one of two ways. Saying you can Turn Undead is a bit of a stretch, but a lot of ghosts are casters, so I doubt they’d be happy to see you. Alternatively, your Consuming Fervor lets you maximize the damage of one thunder or fire effect for more effective grenades. Only the best; this attention to detail is why you’re a professional.
9. Cleric 3: Third level clerics get second level spells, like your freebies Magic Weapon and Shatter for a better excalibur and a stun grenade. You can also use Enhance Ability for more coaching, and Lesser Restoration to fix up old cars. Wait, that’s not what that spell does?
10. Cleric 4: Use this ASI to bump up your Wisdom for better maidliness and stronger spells.
11. Cleric 5: Fifth level clerics see their turn undead become Destroy Undead, instantly killing any zombies or the like of CR 1/2 or lower who fail their wisdom save.
You also get third level spells this level, like Fireball for a bigger grenade and Haste to turn whatever nonsense Nero builds into a proper racing machine. Speaking of, you’ve got to get your motorcycle seaworthy for your noble phantasm, so pick up Water Walk so it won’t sink.
12. Cleric 6: At sixth level you can Channel Divinity twice per rest, and as a zeal cleric you also get a Resounding Strike when dealing thunder damage to creatures, pushing them up to 10 feet away. You’re a maid, it would just be weird if you couldn’t sweep people off the battlefield.
13. Fighter 6: Use this ASI to become more Alert, to give yourself a +5 initiative bonus, immunity to surprise, and to prevent hidden creatures from attacking with advantage. A maid’s job is never done.
14. Fighter 7: As a seventh level battle master, you Know Your Enemy, letting you spend 1 minute to figure out two characteristics of your enemy. You find out if it is better than, worse than, or equal to you in the following: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, AC, current HP, Total class levels, and fighter class levels. You also get a 5th die each short rest.
You also get two more maneuvers. Pushing Attack continues that sweeping theme from last time by dealing more damage and pushing the enemy away if they fail a strength save (dc 8+proficiency+dexterity modifier), and Tactical Assessment adds the die to your Investigation, History, or Insight check.
15. Fighter 8: Use this ASI to bump up your Dexterity for more accurate shots and more powerful pushes.
16. Fighter 9: Nine levels of fighter make you Indomitable, letting you re-roll a failed save once per long rest.
17. Fighter 10: Your Improved Combat Superiority makes all your maneuvers more deadly, by turning your superiority dice into d10s.
On top of that, you get one more round of maneuvers. Grab a Precision Attack to add the die to your attack roll rather than the damage for super sniping and Sweeping Attack mostly for the name. It lets you attack a second creature with the same roll as the first, dealing the superiority die in damage.
18. Fighter 11: Eleventh level fighters get another Extra Attack each action, and this one does stack with the original, giving you 3 attacks with one action, 4 with your bonus action added in, and up to 7 when you use your action surge.
19. Fighter 12: Use your last ASI for more Wisdom, giving you stronger spells and more Priest of Zeal activations.
20. Fighter 13: Your capstone level gives you a second use of Indomitable each long rest. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s extra protection, which is never a bad thing.
Thanks to sharpshooter you have a massive range of combat, and thanks to spells like haste and Nero’s vehicles you’ll have plenty of speed to make the most use of them.
You can deal pretty consistent damage thanks to your bevy of attacks and the sharpshooter feat helping you put holes in heads from hundreds of feet away.
Despite your distance from the rest of the party, maneuvers only have a range based on sight and hearing, so you can freely support the party by giving them extra attacks, and helping them get out of sticky situations with maneuvering strikes, resounding strikes, and pushing attacks. You’re also pretty helpful outside of combat with healing and spells like Enhance Ability to help with skill challenges.
While not terrible, your health isn’t great thanks to that dip into cleric and sorcerer. I wouldn’t call it bad necessarily, just try extra hard not to get cornered.
Even with Tactical Assessment helping out a bit, you’ve still got a low intelligence, which might make the more intellectual parts of maiding a bit harder than they need to be.
While your physical attacks are super long range, you’ve still got normal spell ranges, meaning you can’t take full advantage of the sharpshooter feat if you want to chuck grenades as well.
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Gilgamesh having a spat with another Heroic spirit and someone recording it and posting it onto social media andd the shit just goes viral. Plus Gil manipulated that to his own advantage
LMAO, this one made me laugh my socks off. I can totally imagine that happening. It's all according to his plans...
Here, he'll fight multiple spirits. Can you guess who they are?
Gilgamesh Fighting with Heroic Spirits (and then recording it)
-Gilgamesh was bored, dispirited even. With all his closest allies out on quests, he had nobody in particular to talk to. Due to a tumultuous series of unfortunate events encountered in the latest lostbelt, there was a severe lack of morale in Chaldea as well.
- In other words, there was nobody to entertain him. That meant only one thing for Gilgamesh- it was time for CHAOS!!!!
- Lurking through the halls of Chaldea, Gilgamesh searches for any unlucky targets; coming across none other than...
- A chill runs up his spine as he encounters the Saber in the canteen, eyes widening with glee. As Gilgamesh can never seem to run into Artoria (she either greets him coldly or avoids him), Arthur presents himself as the perfect new rival for Gilgamesh to test his mettle against.
- When Gilgamesh speedily clunks his golden feet as he paces powerfully towards Arthur, all Arthur can mumble is a slight 'hello...??' before Gilgamesh challenges him to a spar.
- "Loser wears whichever outfit their victor shall desire." Arthur is so confused by this random challenge, and has no clue what in the blue blazes Gilgamesh is going on about- so he tries to politely refuse him. However, Gilgamesh successfully manages to goad him into the fight by questioning Arthur's honor as a king.
- Arthur is FUMING with rage. As the two of them exchange sharp insults, weapons flying haphazardly around the place; as they bitterly clash against one another- a Mordred wandering around with Fran takes sight of this ridiculous scene and is captivated by it (they have wanted to see arthur in battle!) Then before anybody even realizes it, the Knights of the Round start pulling out their devices to record the entire thing; as they scream words of encouragement in support of Arthur.
- However, when Arthur sadly loses and is forced to wear an incredibly gaudy and short maid outfit, the knights' reactions are quite interesting. Some claim that they will battle Gilgamesh to reclaim Arthur's honor, whilst others such as Mordred thank Gilgamesh for the sheer hilarity of this event.
- As soon as this hits the Chaldea network, everybody goes INSANE. Arthur is embarrassed beyond belief, and Gilgamesh is as smug as ever! He had always wanted to try out a prank like this.
- As Gilgamesh departs the premises, he grins proudly. He's happy to have at least boosted Chaldea's morale a little bit.
- And now, his next target was....
- However, she anticipated him just in time. You see, Gilgamesh knew about Medea's secret collection of figurines and outfits- possessing a great interest in them. He planned to catch her in her room in order to give her a good scare.
- Before Gilgamesh can even burst into Medea's room with his recording device, Medea's magical wards set themselves off; destroying Gilgamesh's device with one hit.
- The King is shocked to his very bones. For Medea to see through his plans comes at a great surprise. With a new sense of respect for her, he carries on with his journey.
The Chaldea Kitchen
- As soon as Emiya catches sight of Gilgamesh's presence within the Chaldea Kitchen, he pulls out Kanshou and Bakuya with enough force to startle even Tamamo Cat!!
- In spite of that, when Gilgamesh asks Raikou and Boudicca to pass him the rice; Emiya's face twists with delirious confusion. Gilgamesh? Offering to help with the cooking? Lowering his blades, he mutters insults underneath his breath as he resumes cooking lunch for the kiddy gang.
- 'I must be losing my touch,' Emiya muses, as Boudica and Raikou teach Gilgamesh how to use the rice cooker. Interestingly enough, Gilgamesh listens carefully to both of them, although he does boast that he has a contraption that works even better than a rice cooker. However when Boudicca says "ok then show us hotshot!!!", Gilgamesh glares at her.
- Once the rice is cooked, Gilgamesh dumps it onto his pure gold serving board, purposely bumps into Emiya's side, and thrusts it onto the table standing before them. "Faker. I'll show a pathetic copy like you who the better cook is. I challenge you to a rice ball making competition!"
- Emiya is dumbfounded. An eerie silence passes between them all, until a tiny golden recording device pops out of a small, rippling gold portal. "Hoh, how deplorable of you. You'd really be as brazen to defy my challenge, despite declaring yourself to be the ultimate Chaldean chef? What a farce!" Face glowing with mirth, Gilgamesh incites his wrath.
- It is without a doubt that Gilgamesh loses the challenge. As the other chefs clap and pat Emiya on the back, as they examine both competitors' riceballs with awe; Gilgamesh is oddly relieved. (it's all according to his keikaku)
- It seemed as if the kitchen had regained their sense of passion as well. This puts Gilgamesh's heart at ease. As he spouts more lofty insults, as he carries his large array of caviar-stuffed riceballs back to his room (with Emiya yelling 'don't come back here ever again!'); Gilgamesh laughs.
- This video is also a smash hit within Chaldea. Even Gudako (who had been holing themselves up in their room) finally bursts out of it again, to laugh at the entire ordeal. As Emiya treats her to a large meal of curry, realization dawns upon him- his face marred with disbelief.
- 'Did Gilgamesh do this...In order to cheer up Gudako...? And to restore harmony back at Chaldea...?' As this thought passes through his mind, Emiya vigorously shakes his head. 'No, no way in hell would he do such a thing. I must be growing soft.'
- As Gilgamesh takes a bite out of his riceballs, he wonders which group he should torment next. Maybe the Chaldea staff? Or he could invade Marie's tea party and hijack Mozart's piano. Or maybe he'd destroy the Chaldea Man's Club by destroying them at a game of cards... As long as Chaldea never lost its touch of amusement, then Gilgamesh was fine.
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emptyrule · 2 years
  the knowledge that something was coming could never have prepared for what would eventually arise.
        preperation meant nothing. the only choice was to run or fight and after her initial request to Saber, she already knew what she needed to do. even without her full strength, there was no turning away and there was no ignoring. for the sake of her Master and those she cared for, until the bitter end, she would fight back. she would be the last guard, keeping at bay the creatures that dared to try and put a stop to both Chaldea’s Shield and the King of Knights. they will do what they must and she will do what she must. 
               yet it seemed that, for a moment, Saber forgot her objective.
    “ Morgan!”
  concern colors the yell and she curses beneath her breath. did she forget what had been decided? Morgan knew she was not that foolish nor stupid. no, she was worried for the former Queen and no doubt intending to aid her in her eternal battle. that can’t be allowed. normally, she would not care, but this is not normal circumstances and plus...there was her request. if Morgan were to fail, then it would fall upon the other’s shoulders. she cannot allow them both to fall. her suspicions are correct when she can hear rushed steps towards her direction and another warning.
                      “ Get back!”
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   the tip of her spear skewers another creature with ease before its flung carelessly to the side. she has but a split second but it is enough. the former Queen turns on her heel just as Saber arrives to stand defiantly besides her with a clear intention to aid her. words are a pointless endeavor and she has no time to argue with Artoria. with one bloodstained hand, she presses it flat against Saber’s shoulder, fingers curling to grip it before she uses her strength to send her flying back. back towards the Shielder, away from the ever-growing battlefield around Morgan, back to focus on the possible one chance this place had. there was no intention to harm with her action-- Saber would understand that.
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     it was a risk. barely does she have enough time to raise her Staff to block a strike aimed at her turned back but the positioning is off and it allows the creature’s claws to slice clean through the flesh of her thigh and across her abdomen. down on one knee she goes with a short, pained cry, breath hissed between clenched teeth as fingers gripped the Staff so tight her knuckles turn white. in a second, the monster that struck her was beheaded. there are more coming, for the onslaught is endless and breaks cannot be afforded right now. still, she remains: one knee on the ground, one hand firm around her weapon and the other pressed flat against a ground littered with glass and blood and debris. 
    she is not well. blood flows freely from her numerous wounds, dripping with reckless abandon to the earth below, creating crimson pools and staining already black clothes darker. her vision is colored red and platinum blonde hair has been splattered with splotches of blood and ash. breathing hurts and the Berserker knows further fighting would only hasten the inevitable but if she is to die, then so be it. death is nothing to fear for a Servant and she has a duty to fulfill. but, at the very least, she will die standing. there will be no repeat of Britain. she has long since decided this. 
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    a violent cough racks her body, blood splattering against chunks of concrete, sliding and dripping from her chin. both hands grip her Staff and she forces herself up higher and higher until both feet are planted firmly upon the ground.  all Morgan can hear is ringing and the quickened pace of her heart but it’s fine. she only needs to focus on making sure nothing gets past her. once more, she enters the fray, somehow managing to hold the line. blood of the monsters mixes with her own on her person as one by one they fall, only to be replaced by another but none make it past. they’re too focused on her.
              but her Spirit Core cannot last forever if this keeps up.
   Berserker can hear the Shielder shout in defiance but the words cannot be made it. her attention, her eyes, her stance-- they all remain forwards. as everything is dyed in a crimson glow, she can do nothing else but stand and wait. she is reminded of her kingdom burning. she is reminded of a forest on fire. she is reminded of a cruel laugh. 
      the black sun draws closer behind her, but she does not retreat. Camelot needs to be protected. that which she can never truly reach, but still loves, must be protected. the wind whips violently around her, pulling free the ribbon from her hair, whisking it away in whichever direction it willed. she barely has the strength to grip her Staff anymore, but she refuses to set it down. 
      a creature draws close at high speed. the tip of her Staff is aimed forward, posture unmoving, eyes unblinking. it reaches striking range and then-- 
                   everything stops.
        she awakens with a gasp, chest aching in protest at the sudden breath. the surroundings are not familiar to her one bit, but as her eyes open an adjust to the light, she does recognize the woman seated in the chair across from her. it takes a minute, but she remembers: this is....her from that alternate Spirale. questions of why and how and what exactly what was going on would come in due time. for now, Morgan is left to stare in confusion at herself.
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��    the other woman offers a nod once she sees Morgan’s eyes are open, hands tapping the lid of the first aid kit situated within her lap. “ You’re finally awake. Let us speak while I take care of your wounds. It seems...your world has already suffered and there’s much you need to know. “
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Discuss Morgan/Artoria, skip if you're uncomfortable.
So far the Master-Servants of LB have been compatible in one way or another. I can't speak for Wodime-Caenis but people have been saying good things about them. Pepe-Ash is a good pair. I have no strong feelings for Anatasia-Kadoc. Yu-Lanling is another good pair. I'll refrain from commenting on Ophelia-Sigurd. Latest is Beryl-Morgan.
Beryl claimed to love Mash from the bottom of his heart. This makes me uncomfortable to compare him to Morgan but his dynamic with Mash may have confirmed Morgan/Artoria as canon.
Mash shares several key traits with Artoria in this LB. Both are called 'Child of Prophecy'. Both are artificially created. Both entered a deep sleep 'frozen' to be awaken much later. Both did so with Morgan's help. Both got antagonized by Beryl/Morgan.
But Mash embraces the title while Artoria wants to rejects it. Mash is a Designer Baby, Artoria is a human with supernatural blood mixed in along with interference by Britain. Artoria entered a 'frozen' state as she was dying. Mash was not even injured when she did. While Morgan is Artoria's keeper, Tonelico didn't do the same to Mash. Mash was physically harmed by Beryl. Artoria wasn't.
Since Beryl is obsessed and is in love with Mash, can the same be said about Morgan and Artoria?
However, Mash rejected him and rightfully claimed that nobody (the not deranged,sadistic kind) would be able to understand that twist love even if it's true. In contrast, Artoria understand Morgan's love for Britain even if nobody could. This perhaps is the most concrete detail to show how different they are. Foil.
Beryl harms Mash because he claim to be in love with her. Morgan hurts Artoria as a byproduct of her love for Britain. Beryl protected Mash from one certain thing as he didn't want a world without her. Morgan protected Artoria numerous times, being her final guardian not for Britain. Britain wants Artoria dead. Vortigern, another spawn of Britain obeyed its will and unsuccessfully try to kill Artoria. Morgan even was the one to give Artoria an instrumental weapon in that fight. All the time she protected Artoria, she did so out love and defying Britain's will. I won't compare their willpower as Vortigern should have no attachment to Artoria. Morgan however has all the reasons to scheme and let her die to take the throne. If she had any fatal plan, she didn't carry it out. They didn't meet at least until Artoria pulled out Caliburn and beat Lot. Morgan shouldn't have developed familial love for Artoria that soon. It shouldn't even be a thing as then Artoria was confirmed Uther's successor and her anger should have started then. She loves Artoria enough to go against Britain's will time and time again, most likely wrestled back control of her individual will to do so.
Lancelot learnt Artoria's secret from Gwen. Gwen herself accepted the marriage for political reason and had thought of it as a union based on ideals. Sexual attraction occured with Lancelot and sexual activities happened with him. Based on this, she wasn't aware of the time Merlin did the thing to Artoria. Artoria herself didn't bring it up with her. The other person to know and subsequently took advantage of this was Morgan. She doesn't have Clairvoyance (yet, might be retconned later by Nasu) so the knowledge must come from being around Artoria. Either Artoria confided in her or she noticed something unusual with Artoria.
The general idea within the fandom is Merlin did that so Artoria can have a child with Gwen. Yet Gwen had no knowledge of the incident at all or even mention of worry about an heir. Merlin assisted in an heir creating situation before between Uther and Igraine. According to Kay, there's no love in it. Gwen was chosen for political reason, not to bear an heir. Uther was the one to do it, stealing his vassal's wife even as it the condemnable thing to do. Someone else was intended to be the bearer of Artoria's heir. I don't want to say it's Morgan, it would be too sickening of Merlin to do so. But Mist of Avalon had Vivian did it..... I'd go with the idea Artoria doesn't want to go through with it and told Morgan. She took advantage of the situation to both undo Merlin's spell and to steal the genetic material. Perhaps she offered this solution but Artoria refused to burden her. Or Artoria never told her but Morgan enchanted her to get the truth. Still suspicious to say she's enchanted Artoria remember the pleasure.
They're really not human I guess.
Morgan's obsession with Artoria and wanting to resurrect her could stem from recognizing Artoria as the same being as her - someone she formed a mutual understanding with.
Even still, Artoria doesn't talk about her personal feelings toward Morgan. Why would she? That's for Morgan to know. For Morgan, as long as Artoria remains Artoria, they're not enemies.
Still I might be dwelling too much on outright confirmation like Beryl's. It'd be appropriate of Morgan to contrast him by using actions, not words. Mash and Tonelico both accepted their eventual fate to be in conflict. Artoria too had to accept it. But Artoria respects Morgan and loves her even if no one else does.
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strykingback · 3 years
War is Coming...
Location: Odin, The Capital City of the KIngdom of Artorias. 
Time: 8:00 AM
OST: Victory for Artorias 
The streets of Artorias was filled with cheers of citizens who had received the announcement of Atlas’ fall with soldiers marching down the streets looking forward and some of them so overjoyed that their war with Atlas had finally come to an end. Parents, Husbands, Wives and Children hugged their loved ones even attempting to march with them. 
Despite it being Imperius Prime who destroyed Atlas and Mantle it was enough for the Artorians to finally feel sated after months of fighting. Now they can have a respite. Which every soldiers unit lined themselves up in front of Daedalus Corner. Inside the Grand Hall of the Artorian Council was Glestchner and Hans walking together. 
“Brother, full glad I am to see that you are alive after everything those savages put up against our forces….but I must ask you something where is Salem?” Glestchner said which Hans stopped walking. 
“Salem was killed by that of the Prince of the Brumelians and The Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. As for Watts he was captured by an Atelier Agent so far we have no spot on his location yet. But We do have two things now….” Hans answered. “And that is?” “The Relics of Knowledge and Creation. How lovely both of these would be…. Thanks to Cinder.” Hans said which both him and Glestchner looked behind themselves looking at Cinder who had a confident smirk on her face. “Still… you used the last answer for the Relic did you not Cinder?” Hans asked looking at the Fall Maiden. 
Which she could feel that confidence fall back a bit being questioned that feeling many eyes being stared at  with Hans Elite guard prepping themselves which she had no choice but to say it. “Y-Yes… I used the Relic of Knowledge to find out what Ruby and her friends were planning...then I used the Relic of Creation to-” Cinder spoke which prompted Hans to put his hand up  telling her to stop which he snapped his fingers with one of the Elite guard bringing up miniature V-PAD showing the footage from Atlas. “I do not care about Han’s so called plans! I just want to kill Ruby and I have the power to do so and after I am done with her I will kill Hans and his useless brother next, Tyrian, and whoever gets in my way!” Cinder shouted on the recording towards Neo who seemed unfazed by her shouting which the recording ends there which Hans returned the V-Pad  to the  guard stepping backwards. “So you had plans on killing me? I will admit this is very unpredictable of you Cinder little did you know that you have to be careful with what you say.. For your words can become consequences…” Hans said “Guards… remove her  Grimmified arm and also… make sure  she loses her Maiden Abilities… Permanently.”  Hans said  with Cinder preparing herself to attack with her eye glowing  before she felt something pricked against the back of her shoulder which  she grabbed it with her human hand and looked at it feeling drowsy trying to approach Hans before falling down. As two members of the Elite Guard picked her up and carried her away. “Now brother.. Time for your speech it will be broadcasted to all of Remnant… and thus we shall ascend as the fourth kingdom replacing Atlas once and for all.” Hans said placing a hand on his brother's shoulder with Glestchner returning a soft smile as he walked out of the Hall along with his brother. 
Location: Actus, Capital of Brumel. War-Room. 
OST: Pride..
Time: 9:00 AM 
Rodrigues looked at the empty podium waiting for Glestchner to begin his speech whilst Guangxian who was busy hacking away ready to get things started with Rodrigues’ speech instead. Which the King himself had spent days conversing with the Knights of the Roundtable, and the Brumelian council about the action Brumel should take and it was Unanimous. Declare War…
Brumel would be going to war for the first time in fifteen years and this time it would be with a vengeful wrath this time around. 
“Activate the Sleeper Agents..” Rodrigues said  leaving the room with one of the War Room Attendants calling the numbers of the Artorian sleeper agents… -Back in Artorias-
A Phone Went off in three different places One in an apartment, another in a security guard position in a broadcast station, and finally in a Soldiers pocket who was talking with some family members with each one picking up their phone as they answered with a brief  “hello” with all of them hearing this one phrase….
“For the Glory of Brumel…” 
With all three freezing up and hearing their mission objectives in their head, with the apartment sleeper agent leaving his apartment and going to the broadcasting station, the security guard who moved to shut off all cameras grabbing his pistol and leaving his post into the guards break room. Which they all looked at their former ally who had their gun raised at them with everyone trying to scramble to pull out their pistol only to be  met with bullets to their heads sighing softly as he left the area of carnage to go meet with  the broadcasting crew. 
The soldier sleeper agent left his family saying he had something to do, meeting up with the Apartment agent with both nodding at each other and going to the broadcast station which both had their own objective there. Which the soldier explained to staff that this person was selected by Hans to  help the broadcast team  which the two were escorted by the security agent as when all three arrived at the door they prepared their weapons which the Soldier gave the Apartment agent a pistol. Finally opening the door and closing it to the confusion of the broadcasting staff as they were met with bullets as all of them were killed….
Which the apartment agent hopped on and took out a USB drive he had from when he went on “Vacation” beginning to upload it into the stations mainframe which back in Brumel Guangxian smirked knowing that agents were getting the job done which he and the Apartment agent worked together on the hack finally opening up a connection Brumel which Rodrigues’ can broadcast his speech not only to the Artorias but the rest of Remnant as well which after a few minutes passed the hack was complete. All the Apartment agent had to do was wait until Glestchner said something that would change it from the speech to Rodrigues doing his speech. 
Back to the Grand Hall came out none other than Hans and Glestchner with Hans taking a seat with his most trusted Generals. With many soldiers and citizens shouting the salute of Artorias.
Which Glestchner smiled preparing to speak with the salute dying down as everyone in Remnant with the exception of Atlas….
“My people, sons and daughters of Artorias. It has been done, the Atlesians who had laughed at us  has now been eliminated from the world of Remnant and to dust it returned!!! We have proven ourselves in the face of a most  contemptible opposition but we had risen and shown our pride! I thank you the soldiers who had joined us against our Atlesian foe! We have Rebuilt Our Nation, We Have Regained Our Strength and WE HAVE BECOME THE NEW FOURTH KINGDOM  TO REPLACE ATLAS ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!” Glestchner said with Pride. With Vacuo and Vale’s people looking on with horror seeing what remained of Atlas until it was switched over to Rodrigues’ sitting behind his desk on every screen in Artorias, Vale, and Vacuo. 
“You will not be such a fourth kingdom…” Rodrugues spoke on the screen. 
“Whats this?!” Hans said putting his finger up to his communicator, “What is happening?” He said with an angered tone. 
“Sir, the broadcast station is not replying, we have zero conncection with it at all and are sending teams to check it out over.” A reply came over which Hans nodded. 
OST: Atelier
“For years we had merely did our best helping wherever we can within Remnant, the Atelier Agents, The 105th Atelier Rifle Division, and much more. Yet, we too had attacked our Atlesian brothers and sisters. But We found it in our hearts to forgive them as they were led by a cruel dictator.” Rodrigues spoke. 
“Such foolishness and they suffered for their mistake when they-”  Glestchner spoke. 
“Yet, if we only knew of your plight we would’ve helped you. We could have helped stabilize and return your kingdom to its former glory. Instead you allowed a son to murder his father in a planned attempt to destroy Atlas… instead you had succeeded where we had shown mercy in taking the lives of our Atlesian brothers and sisters and going as far as to destroy their home.”
“I know this, My son.. Had told me this HANS AMADEUS. That a son who murders his father who sought to converse with the Atlesian council for aid and succor is a fool to do so!!! This is no longer a reconciliation this… is what we shall do. The Kingdom of Brumel hereby declares War against Artorias… may the Brothers Grimm have mercy on you, your soldiers, and its people…. Enjoy your days of peace as they will be short-lived.”  Rodrigues said with the broadcast shutting off with an explosion going off where the broadcast station.. And smoke rising from it. 
Which many people including soldiers who thought they were doing this with a good cause started walking away and with many civilians calling out Hans for what he did but others getting in arguments thinking it was the right thing to do…
War was coming… and is Artorias prepared for it…? Only time will tell.. 
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Soulsborne!Frozen AU: Great Knight Annatorias, the Abyss Walker
This is @jabs-wocks and @daughterofhel’s fault but I’m also @-ing myself because apparently I don’t need much encouragement to write stories sometimes so…
Before getting started, this entire 3.5k (yes, that's the correct number) brain-on-fire, sleep depriving idea, was inspired by two pieces by @azaffranist and one by twitter user @agongbushou. I highly recommend checking the linked art out before reading, since I reference them at times directly.
Okay Soulsborne!Frozen au, Anna is Knight Artorias, legendary fighter, sent to the Abyss to seek and destroy the Darkness of the world itself.
No pressure or anything.
Anna is a brave hearted woman, shoulder to shoulder with those who fought and killed nigh immortal dragons. Her kind pluck such foul creatures from the sky with arrows larger than trees, with lightning more forked than a hurricane, and slay enemies with the kindness of silver and gold-tipped daggers.
Her own mighty broadsword swings over her left shoulder with ease, a smile on her lips as she walks. The Age of Fire is upon them, but there is fear in the hearts of the gods, and to save those who would, without help, succumb to the evil inside of them Great Knight Anna will stop at nothing.
There are monsters to kill, perverted and misguided souls, each one more disturbing and profane than the last, as each is born from the Abyss itself, a dark, treacherous place where no mortal would dare tread. The city of Oolacile is threatened, sinking slowly into Darkness as an ancient, promethean man eats it from the inside out.
But Anna holds courage in her heart, and should she need a reminder of strength or solace, she need only look to her right and Elsa, her direwolf companion, is next to her, ice-blue eyes speaking more than a voice ever could. Her pure white fur makes the Darkness shrink, her frost-like Light magic a boon in the most murky corridor. Elsa has a nose for danger, and can conjure crystals to warn of dangerous earth, poisoned water, a new rash of weather over the mountains, or the lurking threat of fire. Her pelt is soft and warm, and in the mountains where they camp she’s as cozy as a bonfire, her fluffy tail wrapped around Anna’s middle as the Knight snoozes against her side.
With such skill and determination, and pureness of heart, Anna is more than well equipped to fight the Darkness, especially when Elsa is with her every step of the way.
The Abyss calls itself Manus and it is a nightmare.
For the first time, Anna is overwhelmed. She is battered against the walls of this cave, she is clawed and crushed and flogged with fists of pure Darkness. Her ears ring with primal screams. Elsa’s magic is no more effective than her teeth, and Anna watches as her companion lunges at the Manus’ middle, watches how the Darkness warps impossibly, sees a hand of incredible size form above Elsa’s unprotected back. Anna moves.
She does not feel her arm shatter (that pain will come later) but she hears it, cracking and shredding and splintering, heedless of muscle and skin.
The shield’s magic forces Manus back, screeching into the Dark. A brief respite.
Elsa pants hard, the concussive force of the hit rattling already exhausted bones, empty of energy and magic. Anna knows Elsa will not survive another blow. She is still young, a pup, and deserves to grow, large and strong. A pelt, a life, as bright as Elsa’s should not be swallowed by the Dark.
Anna speaks the runes and the shield ignites with Light, protecting Elsa from the Abyss forever, but also protecting Elsa from following Anna as she hefts her greatsword in her off hand and limps back towards the sound of Manus’ roars. She closes her ears to Elsa’s pitiful cries.
The Dark would not claim another victim.
But it does.
Whatever thou art, stay away.
Soon I will be consumed by ‘Them’, by the Dark.
All of you… forgive me. For I have availed you nothing.
Hundreds of years later Elsa’s ears pick up the sound of an interloper in the graveyard. She rouses herself, shaking rainwater from her coat. The snowflake mark on her brow has dulled, no longer lively purple but a morose kind of brown, the color of bloodied earth long dry.
Elsa is tired. Thieves keep coming to steal what is most precious to her. Could they not see the weapons of their fellows littered on the ground? Monuments to greed, pillars of failure each one of them, a blade planted vertically in the dirt next to small, unmarked headstones. Don’t they see? They seek an object that will only kill them, the wicked artifact that allowed Anna to walk into the Abyss unharmed, only for claws of black to tear her asunder. The cursed item that allowed Anna’s fate.
No one should have the power to throw themselves so willingly onto Death’s sword.
As the thief approaches Anna’s enormous headstone, reaches their hand out to touch Anna’s greatsword, Elsa makes her presence known. She is a formidable sight: a fully grown Great Wolf, she towers, mountainous, over this puny looter. Anger shoots through Elsa, igniting her limbs as she leaps down and tears Anna’s weapon from the dirt. Again. To stop one so desperate to kill themselves. Again.
Elsa howls at the moon, anguish and guilt and fury clashing within her.
Let Anna rest, her work is done. Do not walk in her footsteps, as there lies only suffering.
She repositions the sword in her mouth and swings, long and sweeping as she has seen Anna do many times before.
Blood stains the rocky headstones in crimson arcs.
Elsa awakes yet again and everything has changed.
It is dark, unnaturally so. There is no graveyard, there are no trees, no whisper of wind through her coat. She is flat on her back and there is a strange man in a wheelchair to her right, telling her things. Yharnam? An Outsider? He mentions blood and suddenly Elsa’s nose is filled with it, cloying and pressing against her. How had she not noticed it before?
How also had she not noticed she was strapped to a bed?
He begins his so-called transfusion and Elsa sees that her feet do not end in paws and her tail is missing. Her teeth are no longer sharp as she tests them with her tongue and her muzzle does not like to growl but to grumble, too short to carry the sound forward.
But she does not have time to contemplate this as her vision blurs and she falls backwards into the dark once more.
A Beast of blood emerges from the floor but Elsa feels no kinship with it. The Beast is twisted and wrong, and as it reaches out to touch her it bursts into flame, screaming. Perhaps her Light magic still works here… or perhaps Anna’s shield is still bound to her, after all this time. For surely that creature is borne of the Abyss.
So too must these small pygmy-like wretches crawling up her stomach and chest. Fear jolts through Elsa’s heart as these pale things are not deflected by magic and instead reach her head and cover her eyes. A voice whispers in her mind.
“Ah… you’ve found a hunter…”
The Hunter’s Dream is serene and soft compared to the Night eating Yharnam alive. Here there are flowers, a pleasant breeze that does not carry wails, and though there are graves it seems a peaceful place of rest for all, not just the dead.
And this is where Elsa finds her.
Anna. Her Knight, her long lost friend, lying against the garden wall. Her eyes are closed, peaceful in sleep. Elsa approaches with great joy but… something is wrong.
Anna… doesn’t smell like Anna. Elsa presses her nose against the woman’s cheek, just to be sure, but is chastised by the man inside a house at the top of the steps, the one who must have brought her here. Elsa remembers a piercing pain in her chest followed by a long dark like a heavy blanket, deep and inevitable. Perhaps she died the night of the thief, and this world is simply the next one. Anna, or perhaps not-Anna, has not stirred in the slightest to Elsa’s presence, and with another beckoning of the old man, Elsa realizes this is a mystery to be put aside for the moment. Besides, Anna is peaceful in this state, and… she was not peaceful the last time Elsa saw her. Maybe this is where she has been sleeping all along, as Elsa watched over her grave in the other world.
Elsa slowly gets used to walking on two legs, though she always misses her tail, expecting it on the back of her calves every other step. She is both taller and shorter than she feels she should be but the little pygmies do not laugh when she misses her target because of this. In fact they are friendly, bringing her trinkets at times. She understands them a little, as they too are non-verbal. Human language still eludes her, though Elsa realizes she has now, the ability to speak it, as clearly and easily as she used to speak to Anna with just her movements. No one seems to mind her silence, and in turn she feels no need to break it.
Except for the Doll.
That’s what the man calls her, the not-Anna. Now awake, she is kind and gentle, and while her warmth kindles familiarity in Elsa’s soul, it is not enough like the bonfire of a spirit Knight Anna always possessed. Though she shares Anna’s face, her voice is thinner, like a creek through reeds, shallow like music from another room. If this is what her Anna has been reduced to, then Elsa will care for her as she always has, her silent companion. But it is the only time Elsa wishes she could speak, align her muzzle and teeth and tongue in the right order for speech. But she, the Doll… Anna… this woman, seems to read Elsa’s eyes well enough, and always wishes her wellness and luck in her hunts.
The Yharnam Elsa now stalks may be new, but it is not unfamiliar. There are monsters here too, but they are not undead but Beasts, sick like the Darkness made humans sick. The town conjures a feeling of familiar unease, it is like Oolacile being consumed all over again. Elsa has been given a strange blade: a cane-sword, they called it a trick weapon. It has a different kind of grace than Anna’s greatsword, but Elsa can admire its stinging, erratic bite as it curls around shields and tears flesh with the same ease as her old jaw.
Elsa resigns herself to the Doll, this copy of Anna, a pale comparison but not an unkind one. Until the day she learns of Lady Anna, an Old Hunter, experienced slayer, and roaming ghost of Yharnam. The man tells Elsa that Lady Anna wishes to exterminate Beasts so that people can live in peace, forever, and she is as ruthless as she is discerning, relentless in her quest. Even the Doll has nothing but admiration in her too-soft voice for this person.
Elsa needs to meet this her, and sets out immediately. She sounds… very much like Great Knight Anna: firmly set in her beliefs and desire for goodness and peace in her grisly work, but Elsa swallows the glass-like shards of hope rising in her throat. Disappointment would be its own kind if dying.
She finds her in the Clock Tower. The likeness is uncanny, but if the Doll was an enthusiastic replacement, this body was a carbon copy. The swallowed glass gets lodged, stabbing into Elsa’s heart, but still, she dared not hope. This person, Lady Anna, was so… still. Knight Anna was never still, so much boundless energy, so much eagerness, the will to do good, to make safe haven, sometimes even robbed her of sleep. The woman sitting in a lonesome chair is not like that at all, she is calm, collected.
Perhaps she is dead.
Indeed, Lady Anna is covered in blood and Elsa does not see her chest breathe, not even an inch. Tentatively she reaches out a hand. Oh, now this would be cruel indeed - to find her Knight only for her to be dead and bloodless and empty of everything once again.
The vice-like grip around her wrist shocks Elsa from her thoughts.
“A corpse… should be left well alone.” A corpse, a corpse!? But Lady Anna is so very alive and her voice--
But quickly Elsa realizes she’s fighting for her life. There’s so much noise and movement and blood, so much blood it reeks. Lady Anna’s swings seem to come from nowhere, fire igniting in the wake of every slash and it’s dazzling and swift and uncanny… and yet.
Her stance may be foreign but her prowess is not, she directs her weapons with grace and skill, and the blades dance towards Elsa’s throat with a precision borne from battle hardened assurance.
Just like a knight. Just like Anna with her greatsword.
Suddenly Lady Anna is upon her, grabbing Elsa’s collar and pulling, clutching Elsa to her chest. It’s rough and unfriendly but Elsa knows deep down this is new and startling for both of them. Anna’s breathing is ragged despite her absolute dominance over the battlefield, her voice shaking with some burdening magnitude.
“I know you,” Lady Anna whispers in her ear.
And Elsa, having not made a sound this entire time except in exhaustion or pain, gets her too short tongue working and too small teeth out of the way to say, “And I know you. You are Lady Anna, protector of Yharnam, slayer of the Darkness that lurks in the hearts of men to make them Beasts, and you have done well to make a name for yourself here. But all of that I know only because I found myself here, in a Dream. When I was young, and Awake, I knew you as Great Knight Anna, warrior against the Darkness itself, and you held in your powerful grip a sword as tall as you so that you could always slay something larger than yourself. It flashed as brightly as your smile until it could no more. And the last I saw you was when I had no shared language to warn you, no voice to scream in grief as your arm shattered and yielded to profane horror. Despite your broken body you used your only able limb to shield me against death itself, magical and eternal. But it kept me from you, and you walked back into the Dark where I could not follow and then there was the most terrible quiet. I saw someone go in afterwards, and only then did I hear your voice again, but as it was never meant to be: broken and hollow and defeated. Dark.”
Lady Anna’s hand shakes, her other poised over Elsa’s heart. It could drive right through her chest, seek the Beast in Elsa’s blood and rip it out. But perhaps it was there before the infusion, one of kindred spirit instead of illness and madness. Anna releases her hold without warning and Elsa’s knees hit the ground hard.
“I… have felt a loneliness for so long,” Lady Anna says, almost to herself. “I have searched for years, every nook and cranny, guided by nothing but some deep knowledge of a phantom ‘other’ by my side, etched so deeply it could be in my very own blood. But this presence, this… twin soul, has never showed itself.” She looks at her swords. “They did not used to split, it was one weapon, until I could not stomach the void anymore. I threw it away, and fashioned these. They… somehow I knew I needed two. There were supposed to be two. Two… of… us.”
Elsa goes to answer but the words tangle in her mouth, gargled and guttural and rough. Speech flees from her again, focus gone, and Elsa clutches her throat, gasping. Lady Anna twitches, hands tightening on her weapons.
Anna’s voice holds the tension of a tripwire. “You--... She... I gave someone a name once. My closest friend. She had unique Light magic: small diamonds, blue, beautiful.” Her eyes flashed with her steel. “Show me. Tell me her name, or be not Hunter but Beast.”
And Elsa does.
The Clock Tower fills with floating diamonds, glittering and bright, etched with symbols of safety and protection and Light. They move and spin, arranging themselves into a shape, not a Yharnam rune but an older one, one only Anna would know. Elsa’s name in the language of the Age of Fire.
Anna drops her swords, clattering to the floor and embraces Elsa with arms so fierce and desperate that Elsa cannot breathe, until Anna’s shoulders slump and hitch with sobs and now Elsa holds Anna with tired, grateful hands.
“I thought…,” Anna manages, trembling in Elsa’s grasp, “I thought it was a Dream. All that before… really happened.” Anna clutches at Elsa’s clothes, like burying fingers in thick fur, “I have missed you every moment of my death, including all the seconds from when I Awoke without you, until now.”
Elsa wipes Anna’s tears away, clumsy in her joy but her eyes say everything her stubborn tongue won’t, and it is just like before, when she knows Anna understands her completely.
“In my defense,” Anna sniffs, regaining a bit of control, “I thought you’d be taller. And well, you were a wolf the last time we met.”
Elsa can’t help but smile at that, lending Anna an arm as they stand. The smile turns into quite the wolfish grin indeed when they realize at the same time that Elsa is in fact, an inch or so taller than Anna.
“You really did grow up without me, didn’t you?” Anna says wistfully, as though to chastise for leaving her behind.
Elsa makes a huffing sound that they both know is laughter and presses her forehead against Anna’s.
Finally. Her Knight. Her Lady.
Her home.
This time, neither will face the Darkness alone.
Alternate Endings, courtesy of questions asked by @daughterofhel (who patiently let me tell the ENTIRE story of Artorias and Sif AND the Good Hunter and the Doll and Lady Maria to contextualize this… entire… thing)
-Lady Maria!Anna is not immune to Beast blood like in canon and after joining up with Sif!Elsa actually succumbs to the plague and goes feral. Their roles are now reversed, Elsa is the badass Hunter with a Beast companion. They still know each other well enough to communicate but are ostracized from the other Hunters because Elsa refuses to kill Anna
-Because Elsa was a creature in her past life, the Beast blood takes hold very naturally, and it does not change her personality or sense of self. Lady Anna reclaims her greatsword trick weapon and travels Yharnam with Elsa by her side, now a were-beast. The magical snowflake on her forehead comes back and her fur is the same white/white-blonde as when she was a Great Wolf
-Lady Anna actually DOES rip Elsa’s heart out of her chest like that killer parry (for female Hunters only!), realizing seconds too late she has killed her life long friend who crossed time and space to find her. Distraught, Lady Anna consumes Elsa’s heart, drawing upon her vampiric, Vileblood ancestry to bond Elsa’s soul to hers. Other Hunters begin to hear rumors of a unique Beast stalking Yharnam, slaying it’s own kin and leaving behind oceans of blood. It has patchy red and white fur, a greatsword strapped to it’s back, and two different colored eyes: one green, one blue. Some even claim that it speaks to itself, though broken and twisted, and it will leave a trail of blue-glowing diamonds in areas safe to return to, lighting up the dark.
Players who fight this Beast are startled to learn that the heat-up phase is actually the Beast transforming into a much smaller, very human figure who begins to wield the trick weapon on its back with swift, deadly, and ferocious attacks. The figure will sometimes scale walls and launch attacks from above, the air along the cut of the weapon’s blade igniting into flame and leaving explosive blue crystals behind. Upon the boss’s defeat the player gets double the amount of Blood Echos they expect and as the person collapses a white soul emerges to entwine around a red one, dissipating into the ether together
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transjinako · 4 years
I’ve been feeling kinda sick lately but hey here’s Masamune i really hope you guys like her 
Saber: Masamune 
Strength: B
Agility: C+
Endurance: C
Luck: A
Mana: A
Territory Creation EX
Sword Creation EX: It is believed that Masamune had perfected the Nie style of sword making. Her blades gleam with the utmost beauty and divinity, they all share a trait of being extremely capable against Evil aligned beings while also being empowered specifically when it is swung with truly good intention and action. When wielded by someone with ill intent or action, or when swung onto the innocent, it won’t even cut, reflecting the wishes of it’s creator. If wielded by someone who is truly good, then the sword also acts as though possessed, guiding it’s user to wield it expertly and giving even normal people the ability to defeat the evil they would swing it against. 
Infinity: The opposite of Zero attained by swordsmen, the thought process of it goes, “If I am victorious once, I will never be defeated”. In practice it is akin to the second magic focused entirely on the sword. It causes the blade to appear as though it were a whisp or a constantly shifting illusion, in reality it is constantly both passing through many casualties and cutting through them to a single point that is the blade. Essentially, this means that to fight against this technique is to fight it across infinite realities. Losing even once causes that reality to impose itself on all others. 
To fight this technique one on one without also using it or Zero will assure your defeat, although, a great number of variables on the fight can help to defeat this technique. 
Also, the user is able to cut space between one area and another creating a passage between the two points. 
Noble Phantasm: 
Densetsu no Yawarakai-te伝説 十千夜寒  (Legend of Gentle Hands) 
Type: Anti Unit 
Rank: EX
Masamune pinpoints her sword on a future in which the opponent is cut by it, and once it is decided, it is repeated throughout the many parallel dimensions in which it was decided as well. The sword itself gains a great amount of divinity in that moment as it swings toward the opponent. Once cut, thousands upon thousands of cuts are applied all at once, only a god or one with a truly ridiculous level of the Battle Continuation Skill could hope to live through this attack and even then there would be little left. 
Description of Servant: 
Masamune is more of a reclusive sort. She doesn’t quite enjoy large crowds of people nor does she really like showing off, however don’t mistake this for any out right shyness. She cares for others quite a lot, and subscribes mostly to the tougher sort of love at times, she makes what she thinks of others known and can be quite scathing at that. Still, she’s always happy to lend a very patient ear to anyone who might be troubled or simply need someone to talk to. Masamune of course is interested in swords and swordsmen a like, but mainly swords, she can be a bit pompous at times though, if she perceives a sword with faults that her own don’t contain. 
She can’t help but love the heroic, selfless type either. In her own opinion, if you aren’t fighting for good nor for a love of others, then there’s no reason to be fighting in the first place. On that note she can forgive those who fight for themselves and their own beliefs, but sees that as a dangerously teetering scale. 
About that Patient part also, there are only two people who can truly test her patience and that’s Muramasa and Musashi, who she also sees as her children. 
Interactions with Other servants.
Musashi: Chipper as always, Musash-chi? I hope you haven’t been causing trouble for anyone in the kitchen, or troubling that poor hime, or troubling others at random to start fights you know you can win? Ara? Is that sweat on your brow, Musash-chi? Mhm, come here, i’ll dab it right away with Musashi-Muramasa, hows that sound?
Muramasa: Agh, my most foolish student has arrived. Huh, I should repeat that? I said MY MOST FOOLISH, BULLHEADED, OLD MAN OF A STUDENT HAS ARRIVED. Ohoh, your still as funny and small as always though, thinking glaring up at me like that. Hm? Another duel? Fine, embarrassing you in front of master is a nice pass time. 
Artoria(non altered) Servants: You there, white girl. Your weapon. Give it. I’m no thief, I only wish to look. Hm...yes...hmm...You europeans do enjoy your large weaponry, although, I can understand the need. This weapon however...it was cut from something quite….hm. I’ll give it back now, thank you for indulging me. 
Artoria(Altered) Servants: You, white girl, your weapon. Drop it. Can’t you feel the energy coming off of it? Its like a dog biting at the air waiting for a hand to come close enough. Eugh. I can’t be near you, these energies….disgusting…
Oda Nobunaga(Avenger): ...My student, I am troubled by something. Oda Nobunaga’s sword...whenever I am near them I feel the urge to tell them...that thing is trash. Anyone can see it plainly, its like a decoration in a room meant to start conversation. But. They seem to love it so much...urgh...student, you tell them. I can’t stand to watch this any longer.
Emiya Archer: Eh? Muramasa? You cook? You never cooked for me, tch, useless student. Oh no, don’t pretend to not know me. Well, since you apparently have taken up a knife than a hammer, I expect you to make your mother and teacher a lovely meal for all her efforts. No complaining, hop to it. (Clap Clap) 
Emiya Alter: Urgh, Muramasa, to think you’d let your emotions get the better of you. No, don’t say anything, I’ll kill you right here right now. I could not call myself your teacher if I did not. Come, my student, show me your still in there...
Scathach: ….Oh, were you looking for me student? Ah, sorry. I have recently found myself spending time with the Queen of the shadow lands, particularly in having her teach me the methods on how to create her famous Gae Bolg. Although, I always instinctively mold them into blades. We did have fun using them on each other afterwards though. Hmhm~ 
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years
More cu alter and Ereshkigal scenes, please?
Let me see here...
The first time she had worked with the Berserker, she’d beenthe only one in the group to not pull away and leave him to whatever enemy hewas fighting. Ishtar, Artoria, and Gilgamesh had all given him distance. Eventhe loaned servant and their master had kept their distance.
But she had been interested in the man, for some reason.
Sparks flying off his tail and person. Eyes flashing in thefires around them, his roar making the others scramble in his wake. He ran intobattle like the mightiest of warriors descended into the underworld, peeringdown their noses to her, daring her to punish them for their misdeeds.
The spear in his hand moved like lightning, flashing thisway and that, leaving an aftersound of screams like the clap of thunder. Hewent from one opponent to another, striking them down indiscriminately. Therewas no chance for safety for them. No chance to escape.
Once they were in his eyesight, they were down.
Ereshkigal could only listen to the sound of her heart racing,her mind flickering back to her husband from way back when. She watched the beastof a servant stand over the bodies of the dead, giving out one more roar. Triumphthis time.
They headed back with her behind them. She watched the beastloom ahead, waiting at the rayshift point and walking away as they returned toChaldea.
She jumped, glancing over at Gudako.
“Ereshkigal? Are you alright?” Gudako frowned. “You weren’thurt, were you?”
“Ah- No. I’m fine.”
Gudako nodded, her eyes flickering to the door as shehummed. “…I see. Would you mind doing me a favor?”
“What is it?”
“Could you check on Cu Alter for me? I know he was wounded andhe just wandered off. He’s always so bad about being treated.”
“Y-You want me to do this?”
Gudako nodded, moving to the bandages in the nearby kit andhanding them over. “Just try not to die. He’s got a temper like nothing I’veever seen. Thankfully, he listens to me sometimes and he is a good fighter. We’vebonded enough through all the fighting that he knows I’m going to at least havehim partake in a good fight when I call upon him.”
“I’ll treat him well!”
She didn’t wait, hurrying along the corridors. Cu Alter’sroom was near hers. It wouldn’t be hard to find. Sure enough, she saw the door.When she knocked and peeked inside, she found him sleeping.
His chest was bleeding though.
She tsked.
He’d bleed to death if she didn’t treat him.
Ereshkigal hurried forward, slowly pulling him upright. Shepulled her cloak off, pouring the alcohol onto her robes before she dapped athis wounds.
The man hissed, but he didn’t awaken.
She wasn’t sure what she would say if the beast woke up.Sorry, I found you dying and wanted to help? I’m sorry I’m trying to help you?I think you’re a beautiful fighter?
Her face burned as she thought that last one.
No, better he slept through this.
She wrapped the gauze around his waist before bandaging himwith a loose ace bandage. Her eyes drifted up to the man’s face, waiting tomake sure he wasn’t waking up.
“Thank Nungal,” Ereshkigal murmured. She slowly lowered himback against his pillows before smiling down at him. The man was handsome. Hewas very handsome. She couldn’t blame her sister for liking the Lancer versionof him.
The lancer was too good though. Too dull.
Alter was far more honest. He was far more open in what hewas doing and much more in touch with doing what duty told him to do.
“You are very handsome,” she told the slumbering man. “If Ididn’t know how much you didn’t like people telling you that, I might’ve toldyou that to your face after working with you in a few months from now. I knowyou hate Medb telling you that though. I’ll just keep my distance andappreciate your help in battle.”
She pulled the red blanket around him from nearby, hurryingout the door.
The man inside the room peeked an eye open, glancing down atthe red cloak over his person. Giving out a grunt, he pulled Ereshkigal’s robeinto his arms and rolled onto his side.
“You are quite the interesting fighter yourself,” hemuttered.
His mind flickered back to the blond twin tails that hadbeen flashing in the air as she had used her skills to support him. Her weaponhad been striking down enemies almost as fast as him.
Perhaps he had gotten carried away, showing off for her.
His hand pressed to the bandages, another grunt escapinghim.
Death liked him.
How ironic.
He liked death too.
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #129: Artoria Pendragon (Archer)
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, our fun in the sun continues as we make yet another Artoria Pendragon. Geez, we’re over 100 builds in and they just keep coming. How many of you are there?
...Wow that’s a lot of clones.
Anyway, Artoria’s known for two things- the existential horror of existing in over a dozen places simultaneously, and now, her skill with water guns. I choose to believe those are connected somehow.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: Summer lovin’, happened so fast!
Race and Background
Again, there’s nothing new here. You’re a Human, giving you +1 to all stats. You’re also a Knight, getting History and Persuasion proficiencies.
Ability Scores
Your Charisma was already pretty strong, and thanks to Summer helping you chill out a bit it’s only gotten stronger. Instead of focusing on Strength, your mana bursts now empower you Dexterity for greater speed and avoiding other player’s shots. You’ll also need some Wisdom to spot enemies lying in wait. Your Constitution hasn’t been changed much by your class change, but your Strength did take a hit as did your Intelligence. It’s Summer, the one time you don’t have to worry too much.
Class Levels
1. Sorcerer 1: Thanks to your ranged weapon specialization this time around, being a paladin is completely useless for us! The good news though is that we can finally take a moment to appreciate your Draconic Bloodline. As the descendent of a white dragon, you get abilities related to Cold damage later on. You also double your proficiency in charisma checks against dragons. Your Draconic Resilience makes your sorcerer hit dice slightly less terrible, and you get a permanent mage armor effect, making your AC 13 plus your dexterity modifier.
On top of that, you get proficiency in Constitution and Charisma saves, as well as two sorcerer skills- Intimidation and Religion. You can really put the fear of god into people.
You also get Spells you can cast using your Charisma. Grab Frostbite, Shape Water, and Ray of Frost for the opening salvo, Light so you can still make your sword all cool and glowy without God helping out, Expeditious Retreat for a bit of speed, and Charm Person because there aren’t that many first level spells I really like for you.
2. Warlock 1: You wouldn’t be King Arthur without Merlin hanging on like a hair in a biscuit, so let’s spend this time to make you a Archfey warlock again. This gives you a Fey Presence that lets you force Wisdom saves on creatures in a 10 foot cube (DC 8 + proficiency + dexterity modifier) or they become frightened/charmed by you for a round once per short rest. You are the king of the britons wielding a deadly weapon, but you’re also in a bikini, so either one works here.
You also get Pact Magic, another spell list that also uses your Charisma to cast. This spell slot doesn’t mix with your other spells, so just use the normal spell tables to figure out how many you have.
You get Friends for more charisma shenanigans, Eldritch Blast for a quick and easy water gun (it’s force instead of cold, but that just means you’re blasting them really hard). For first level spells, Armor of Agathys ensures you get water all over the place when you’re hit. I told you to put a towel down before you sat in the car, but noooo... You also get a Healing Elixir to create a healing potion. Nobody will judge you if you take a sip out of your water gun. Actually I just saw its color, everyone will judge you. But it’s still healing.
3. Warlock 2: Second level warlocks get some Eldritch Invocations to customize your squirting experience. Lance of Lethargy makes your Eldritch Blasts slow down enemies when they hit once per turn by making their socks a bit squishier. Most people would call it rude to attack someone with a squirt gun when they’re clearly not ready, but you call it strategy. Like usual, we’re saving the other one for level 3.
You also get Protection from Evil and Good, because even if you’re not a paladin officially, you still gotta get some of the holy flavor in there.
4. Warlock 3: You’ve probably figured it out already, but your pact boon is the Pact of the Blade, allowing you to create a magical melee weapon as an action. Thanks to your Improved Pact Weapon, you can also make it a crossbow, if you really want an actual water gun. Regardless of its form it gets +1 to attacks and damage. You’re limited to two-handed crossbows though, so you won’t be able to dual-wield a gun and sword like in your NP.
You can also cast Calm Emotions, to cool down your allies and enemies alike with a little playful water. Don’t mix this up with your killing people water, that’s an easy mistake to make.
5. Sorcerer 2: Second level sorcerers are a Font of Magic giving you a number of sorcery points equal to your sorcerer level each long rest. Right now you can use them to recharge spell slots, or vice versa. This gets more interesting next level.
You can also cast Magic Missile now! it might not be cold damage, but it is very accurate.
6. Sorcerer 3: Third level sorcerers can use their sorcery points for Metamagic, adding extra effects to their spells. Right now you get two options, Distant Spell doubles the range of spells that involve attack rolls, making your water guns fire on par with most bows. Empowered Spell allows you to re-roll damage dice on your spell for some extra pumps before firing. Both of these cost 1 point.
You also learn how to fire a little wildly thanks to Snilloc’s Snowball Storm, launching cold damage in a 5 foot radius, dealing full damage to creatures who fail a dexterity save (DC 8+proficiency+charisma) or half as much if they succeed.
7. Sorcerer 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to round up your Dexterity and Constitution scores for better weapon attacks, a higher AC, and more health and concentration.
Your next cantrip is Blade Ward in case you miss raging, and you can cast Alter Self to give yourself a swim speed and water breathing. There’s other uses, but you can just ignore these.
8. Warlock 4: You get another ASI right away, so use this to become an Elemental Adept. Your spells now ignore resistance to cold damage, and all dice rolled for damage count as at least 2. Your water blitz skills grow by the day.
You can also Create Bonfire for a cookout after the match, or take a Misty Step for some extra speed.
9. Warlock 5: Fifth level warlocks get third level spells, and Spirit Shroud will allow you to add extra cold damage to your closeup attacks, and make your surroundings a bit more slippery for enemies.
You also get the invocation Eldritch Smite. Just because you aren’t a paladin doesn’t mean you can’t hit like one.
10. Sorcerer 5: Your Magical Guidance lets you spend a sorcery point to re-roll a failed ability check, because being a protagonist means never having to say “I got a nat 1.”
You can also cast Water Walk at this level to walk on water. This is more in-character than alter self, use this instead.
11. Sorcerer 6: You now have an Elemental Affinity for cold damage, adding your charisma modifier to cold damage caused by spells. When you deal damage with such a spell, you can also spend a sorcery point to gain resistance to cold damage. You’re probably the only person in the party in a bathing suit, water shouldn’t be an issue for you.
You can also cast Haste now for even more extra speed and eldritch blasts.
12. Sorcerer 7: Seventh level sorcerers get fourth level spells such as Stoneskin. We’re not spending levels on barbarian this build either, but that doesn’t mean you should miss out.
13. Sorcerer 8: Use this ASI to bump up your Charisma for stronger and more damaging spells. You also get Watery Sphere this level. I don’t have a way to flavor this as a watergun technique, but there’s only so many cold spells so we can’t be picky.
14. Warlock 6: As a sixth level feylock you speed up a lot thanks to your Misty Escape. As a reaction to taking damage, you can turn invisible and teleport up to 60 feet away, once per short rest.
You can also cast Blink to become fast enough to be completely unhittable. At the end of each turn, you’ll have a 50/50 shot of vanishing into the ethereal plane. You’ll pop back in at the start of your next turn, or if the spell ends.
15. Warlock 7: Your final spell is the fourth level Elemental Bane, forcing a constitution save on a target creature. If they fail, the first time they take cold damage each turn they take extra damage as well, and lose resistance to the damage type. (It also works on other types of damage, but... come on.) You also have a Thirsting Blade, allowing you to attack twice with your pact weapon each turn.
16. Sorcerer 9: At ninth level your aim starts getting really wonky, turning your watergun into a Cone of Cold. It’s a cone, it’s cold. It forces a constitution save.
17. Sorcerer 10: With another metamagic option you get Twinned Spell, allowing for double the blasts at once.
If you really wanted to, you could cast True Strike. Or you could do something productive with your turn and go with Far Step, giving you teleportation as a bonus action each turn the spell stays up.
18. Sorcerer 11: Your sixth level spell gives you the nicest bikini magic can make, the Investiture of Ice. This outfit makes you Immune to Cold damage and resistant to fire damage, causes the area around you to become difficult terrain, and you can create cold blasts as an action, dealing cold damage and further reducing the speed of anything that gets caught in it and fails a constitution save.
19. Sorcerer 12: Last ASI, bump up your Dexterity. More AC, better weapon fighting, yadda yadda.
20. Sorcerer 13: Your capstone level nets you a seventh level spell, Plane Shift. I’m not entirely sure where that place you do your noble phantasm is located, but I’d bet the elemental plane of water will make a great substitute.
Sorcerers are good blasters, and you show that off nicely. With haste and a quickened spell you can fire off three supercharged cantrips per round, or the powerful eldritch blast. Or, you can use other spells like Spirit Shroud or Elemental Bane to push your spell damage even higher.
Thanks to all that ice and water you’re sporting you’re great at slowing down creatures, controlling the tide of battle by controlling the tide.
Compounding on that, you’re pretty mobile thanks to those teleportation spells to pop you around the battlefield, making you a real nuisance to pin down.
All three of those pros mostly rely on concentration spells, meaning you’ll have to pick which one you’re good at at any one time. You also run the risk of wasting spell slots by dropping them since we spent all your ASIs on feats and attack stats instead of constitution.
We got a lot out of multiclassing into warlock, but we also lost a lot, especially in regards to sorcery points. It’s a good thing you’re good a blasting, because you’re not good at extended fights.
If you could focus on either your sword or your water gun, you’d have a much easier time squeezing yourself into 20 levels. You dual wield though, so we have to split our attention.
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Bonded || Dragonwalker [Artorias/Ornstein] Fanfic
Summary: Artorias realizes he has feelings for Ornstein and doesn’t know how to go about confessing.  Rating/Warnings: E for Everyone. Nothing mature here except really dorky feelings and momentary muscle ogling. Word Count: 4,061 Notes: This was originally a fic I hogged in my google docs and only showed my close friends. I got encouraged to post it somewhere actually so here it is! This is the first fic I’ve written in a long time outside roleplaying. Also, warning for an average attempt at old english. 
   It just happened.
   If pressed to answer when and where, Artorias couldn’t answer. Perhaps, it had always been present. Born too far back for him to remember a time he felt differently. It was a fact of life now, a constant in what it meant to be Artorias. The only true change was his awareness in it, something that had little effect on its existence; awareness did not mean it hadn’t existed prior. He acknowledged its presence, and almost wished to return to a time he was ignorant again. It brought anxiety deemed distracting and bothersome to someone who lived like him. It was an unknown he didn’t know how to approach, which made it a thorn in his side despite its purity.
   How and why, however, was something he found easier to answer once he had the courage to ponder it. People found comfort in exploring their fondness of something, and could easily explain why once prompted. Gleefully, they could list why they favorited a time of day or adorned themselves in a singular color.
   In Artorias’ case, he was not fond of something, but instead fond of someone. It was a different journey. It had history. A walk backwards with fondness led to a longing heartache, and an active imagination about what it would be like to have more. Something that people who enjoyed a mere sunset did not worry over. A sunset would always be a sunset. They did not need to imagine what more it could be.
   To say the least, love of a person was more complex than preferences and favorites could ever hope to be. It was why the answers to how and why took a special courage. It had the power to hurt, and to instill a desire that could never be met. It was easy to give into doubt and despair, and live with an emptiness that lived as long as the desire did. Even crueler, it did not stay just as history. It bled into every reminder and reinforcement why the fondness stayed. Against one’s will, it made itself known through strengthened palpitations and mysterious waves of warmth. It could force unbecoming behavior and be what makes an impulse a reality.
   After all, there was no mercy to be found in legends and stories that oft turned wise men into fools and experienced women into young maidens again.
   Artorias was not spared from these troubles except for one aspect. He had yet to make a fool out of himself. Except... degradingly, he had already begun to see his own feelings in of itself as silly and foolish. How could he let this happen? Was he not meant to be above such desire and distraction?
   But, once again, now that he was aware of it, it became harder to ignore. He wanted, as much as he tried to wish it away. He desired and dreamt. He loved, just like any common soul could.
   There was no changing it. He wanted Ornstein.
   Artorias had his list. His how and whys answered. It seemed obvious now why he was doomed. Certainly, if he ever dared to explain to another, it would only be seen as natural. Of course, you would love him. Of course, of course--- that is the best kind of love there is.
   His mind was most active at night, his back to the covers of his bed, and the cool air unable to chill his flushed skin. His thoughts were filled to the brim with reminders of why he loved Ornstein, and why the truth could never be denied again without becoming a lie instead of ignorance.
   Steely gauntlets knocked against goldened metal with the same rhythm one would use for a door, much to the irritation of the owner of the lion-shaped helmet who had been hunched over the list of duties for that day. A few lines had early been crossed off.
   “Artorias,” Ornstein grumbled with a lack of force that would surprise some. Truly, too used to such antics, and after all, this is just what it meant to be them. “Must thou intrudest upon my work? Again?”
   Ornstein’s gentle exasperation was met with a dismissive chuckle from Artorias. “If I waited until thou hast no work, no words would be spoken to thee again.”
   “Thou knowest my duties. Perhaps thou shouldst become familiar with thine own again.”
   “Completing thy duties does not mean thou canst not have a break.”
   This was their dance. Artorias knew the steps well by now. Ornstein’s chastising were hardly to be considered so, nothing but the lingering sense of professionalism being a captain brought. He teased and nothing more, and Artorias had known how to tell as such early on. It was easy to mock, and the persistent display amused the wolf knight every time. It was who Ornstein was. Change was unlikely.
   Beneath his hood, Artorias smiled as he saw Ornstein’s helmet dip in defeat--- a familiar sight in banter like this. Despite Ornstein’s resistance and contradictions, he often yielded to Artorias like he would to no one else except the highest royalty. Their bond was special, after all, forged through years and years of war and battle. They saw sides to each other that would be considered a privilege to see, aspects of personality that were near exclusive to one another.
   Ornstein sighed. “Thou hast an idea for this break, then?”
   “When do I not?” Artorias returned before he took lead. Ornstein followed without resistance, ever curious about what they would do this time.
   The pointed tip of a spear was held up to the vulnerable skin of a throat shrouded by a hood, while the end of a greatsword was slid beneath the rounded ends of a golden helmet. Both weapons stopped short of actually doing damage, serving their purpose of bringing thoughts of a loss and death as they pressed against such vulnerable places.
   “So, is this to be considered a draw then?” Artorias asked.
   There was a pause before Ornstein relaxed and pulled his spear away from the wolf knight. “I suppose so.”
   Artorias breathed. Mirroring Ornstein, he relaxed and pulled away his greatsword. Another draw, he thought. Disappointed that it had been some time since he was able to hold a victory over his friend. Better than a loss, he went on to reason to himself.
   When time allowed for it, sparring matches between the two knights was not uncommon. When a soul was warforged, it lived off the thrill of a good match as if it were a sport. The complexity of their challenges to one another ranged from hand-to-hand to full equipment. Their competition even reached more grandiose levels, bordering on pretentious, when they sought unorthodox methods to show off. Tests of accuracy with bows and arrows for example, a weapon neither of them favored.
   Artorias learned that if he were to hope for a victory, it was best he decline all challenges of jousting from Ornstein. Each time, he found himself upon the ground and with a lion knight whose ego was fat with satisfaction. The only perk to the loss was bearing witness to Ornstein’s pride and rare attempts he gave into temptation to show off. So rare of the captain to give into that it made Artorias laugh despite his wounded pride.
   It was one way to learn Ornstein could ride horseback standing.
   Artorias was brought back to the moment when Ornstein’s helmet thudded against the sparring room table. Artorias looked over just in time to see a bead of sweat roll down the creased brow of his friend. He also noticed that the fine line of Ornstein’s jaw flexed, a tell that he was deep in thought as he worked to remove his armor.
   They lived so much in their armor, it was a delightful surprise whenever their kind was not confined to ornate layerings. Not that he was to forget Ornstein’s features any time soon. It was merely… a treat to see them again, when he could.
   A treat? Why did he have such a peculiar thought? Artorias already found it strange enough he took such detailed notice of said details--- like how aesthetically pleasing Ornstein’s jawline was carved or the admirable condition his hair was kept in. Now he deemed it a treat. It was troubling, but he had yet to know why.
   “Thou leftest thyself vulnerable,” Ornstein spoke up suddenly, thankfully pulling Artorias away from his thoughts.
   “And I could say the same to thee. ‘Tis why it wasth a draw.”
   Ornstein grunted before he resumed stripping himself down to the leather he wore beneath his armored suit. Artorias did the same, devoting more focus to doing just that. Silence returned between them again. It was not until they were both left in just their leathers and neatly sorting their armor that the quiet atmosphere was broken by Artorias.
   “I want thee to accompany me to Royal Wood.”
   Ornstein slowed to a halt in middle of making his layout of armor neater. He looked over his shoulder. “Pardon?”
   “Next time there is more time to spare, I want thee to accompany me to Royal Wood,” Artorias repeated with louder clarity.
   “I did not mishear thy words--- but why?”
   “For a proper break. To be free from our duties, if only for a day or two. For… fun. Surely thou hast not forgotten the meaning of the word. A visit had already been planned. Only fair to invite thee.”
   “And what dost thou plan to do in Royal Wood?”
   “Speak to Alvina. See how her new hunters fair. It was my home before Anor Londo. ‘Tis a beautiful forest. I think thou wouldst think the same.”
   “This is something thou canst do alone?”
   Artorias sighed, disappointed the offer could not be simple to Ornstein. What else did he expect? He placed his hands on his hips and turned to face Ornstein. “I will not force thee to come, but it would be greatly… appreciated.”
   There was a stretch of silence as Ornstein turned back to his armor. Artorias prepared for a final decline, feeling that he had pressed his luck too much. He turned his back to Ornstein.
   “I will come,” Ornstein agreed suddenly.
   Artorias did a double take, head lifted suddenly. He was surprised and his follow-up was to give a doubtful “Really?”.
“Yes, I will.”
   There was a flood of warmth in Artorias’ chest. He knew how Ornstein felt stepping away from Anor Londo, and the importance was not lost on him. He swallowed. “Thank you,” he said with heavy sincerity.
   Ornstein waved, most likely to dismiss the knight’s flood of emotions, and continued on as if the conversation never happened. It seemed that was that to him, and Artorias said no more on the matter.
   Now that was a memory Artorias did not dare dwell on. It was not a disaster by any means, really the opposite. The time spent with Alvina was pleasant and her hunters were turning out to be true warriors. The forest thrived and he even showed Ornstein the peculiar white flowers that glowed in the distance.
   The one complaint he had that caused the memory to be avoided was that it was a hot, muggy day. They were in no danger of being harmed by it, but that didn’t mean it was not uncomfortable. In the last hours they had, remembering simpler times of swimming in the cool, crystalline water, Artorias suggested just that without thinking much of it.
   He didn’t have second thoughts until he was in the water himself and Ornstein stripped down to join him.
   Here he had been fretting over his notice of Ornstein’s jawline. Now, he had fixated on much more than that of Ornstein’s, and had to avert his gaze plenty of times over to keep his dignity.
   It was here he learned he was capable of such... base desire.
   Not to say he was depraved or drawn to those aspects of the body. His eyes kept above the other knight’s waist. The mere shape and definition of Ornstein’s muscles, the expected physique of someone of their kind as active as he, was what earned so much notice. Some would say it was hardly a scandal, but with the way Artorias had slowed and gawked in the waters, it was a blessing that Ornstein’s attention had not been on him. He couldn’t live it down if the other knight actually saw how Artorias looked at him.
   As a flush threatened to warm Artorias’ face, he took a deep breath and pressed his pillow to his face. Now he knew why he had such odd quirks for Ornstein and only Ornstein. He felt stupid about it now, the answer feeling obvious.
   Of course, you would love him. Of course, of course.
   The moments between Ornstein and Artorias began to feel less natural. Convinced that there was no chance, that he was simply a lovestruck fool, Artorias did not pursue Ornstein. The negativity burdened him, and without his knowledge at first, had begun to leak into his behaviors.
   It took time for him to see that his reception to Ornstein had grown colder, more distant, than either of them were accustomed to. Each draw and occasional loss drew more bitterness from the wolf knight. Their touches lingered less. He had stopped showing up to bother Ornstein during his duties, and spoke formally as a knight should when he conversed with Ornstein.
   In an ideal world, Ornstein would not have noticed.
   He did.
   It was evening hours when Artorias found himself sat upon his bed, puzzled and feeling as if he had been caught doing something illicit, with Ornstein stood in his doorway with a wide-footed stance and a frosty look in his eyes. Ornstein took one step forward and shut Artorias’ door behind him, and even turned the lock on the door for good measure with a hand behind his back.
   “What is wrong with thee?” Ornstein interrogated, tone ladened with accusation and topped with a cutting edge.
   Artorias blinked, uncomfortable shuffled his feet, and cast his gaze downwards. “I know not what thou speake---”
   “Do not,” Ornstein cut off with a fire that Artorias was not used to having directed at him. “Do not play these games with me, Artorias.”
   It has been a long time since he had seen Ornstein mad with such spark, and it left the wolf knight wondering why. Had his behavior been worse than he thought? Or perhaps he truly believed something had gone gravely wrong with the wolf knight and hunted the problem as was his duty as captain, dedication seeped into the bone.
   Artorias kept silent. Words did not come easily. It was hard enough to think of the truth, how was he to be expected to actually speak it?
   The continued silence and lack of response was not received well by the captain. If anything, it only served to vex him further. He took a few heavy steps towards Artorias until he towered over his seated position. He looked down, a crease between his brows and upper lip almost twitched into a sneer.
   “Well? Am I to guess?”
   Ornstein growled. “Have I done something to anger thee?”
   Artorias shook his head.
   “What is wrong then?”
   More silence.
   The wolf knight twiddled his thumbs.
   Ornstein stomped once on the carpet to demand Artorias’ full attention, another growl rumbling in his throat. “Artorias, as thy captain, I demand thee to look at me and tell me what is wrong!”
   “I’m--” Artorias felt like he was going to burst beneath the scrutiny. The pressure was felt on his sternum and around his poor, aching heart.
   “I’m what?!”
   “I’m in love with thee.” How fast it came out. A wonder how unrefined, how raw, how scared one sentence could be! The moment it left his lips, Artorias’ hands shot up and covered his face, elbows rested on his knees, as if he expected Anor Londo to crumble above his head.
   Now they were both silent. Artorias could not see Ornstein’s face nor reaction, but he felt and heard the uneasy change in step in the carpet. Hah, he morbidly thought, he did a double take… Oh, what a mess. He prepared to hear the worst, or for Ornstein to simply leave; far too above such lowly things to even deal with the situation anymore.
   He didn’t.
   “... thou speakest the truth?” Ornstein asked quietly, hesitantly. To Artorias’ trained ear, it even seemed that there was a waver. A sharp contrast to the blazing fire. The lion knight was unsure of what to make of the situation, and for once, proceeded blind--- Artorias knew this much.
   “Indeed and… I’m sorry.” The apology felt necessary, whatever it may be taken for. Artorias was sorry for the other’s treatment, sorry for having such feelings in the first place… he was sorry for anything Ornstein needed him to be sorry for.  
   Ornstein himself was at a loss of words, if the spaces between his sentences were to mean anything. Against his better judgement, Artorias looked up from his hands to see the emotions on Ornstein’s features, but the other knight was looking off to the side. His eyes were no longer so cold. The enraged spark that had guided his actions prior had dissipated entirely. Now, he looked deeply contemplative, if not still reeling at the sudden confession.
   “How long?” Ornstein asked just as hushed before.
   “Too long.”
   There was a small hum of acknowledgement from Ornstein. His stare shifted to the floor. Artorias had the slightest idea what that meant, let alone what he thought.
   The silence grew along with Artorias’ anxiety and impulses. “Believe me when I say that I expect nothing from thee. It is foolish, I know. Thou hath no obligation to meet my desires.” The words bumbled out without caution, messy. He bursted with energy to salvage what he could of the situation, to rectify as what he saw as a mistake. “Thou---”
   Ornstein held up a hand to cut him off. “Artorias, stop. Please.”
   Artorias felt like a scolded child. Embarrassed, his shoulders sunk as his hunched form curled even more. There was so much more he wished to say, but he dared not to defy Ornstein at this point. He kept his silence.
   For a couple of more seconds, Ornstein continued to merely stand and say nothing. Then, he moved towards Artorias’ bed and sat next to him. The mattress sunk into the frame with both their weights. Out of the corner of his eye, Artorias cautiously watched him. At least it seemed he had no plans to walk away.
   “I am not upset at thee,” Ornstein began. “But I will be honest. ‘Tis… not something I have thought about before.”
   Artorias let out a lengthy sigh. It hurt to hear. His chest ached and it was entirely unfair. His mind, his body, had betrayed him. He was supposed to be a knight of Gwyn? “I know, I know. I expected as such. ‘Tis why I wanted to keep it secret, so thou---”
   “Artorias,” Ornstein cut off again. However, this time, the name was said much gentler. Almost sweetly. It saved Artorias from aggravation at the insistent interruptions. Ornstein’s hand reached out and slid underneath Artorias’ arm, thumb circling over the wolf knight’s bicep. To Artorias, it was close enough to a comforting caress, but he knew better than to let his mind insert its wants. Still, a pleasant touch that sent electricity up his spine. “... I did not say ‘twas a thought I am opposed to.”
   “Excuse me?” Artorias’ back straightened out, an eyebrow quirked in pure puzzlement. Was this a trick? Did he mishear? Could Ornstein possibly mean what he thought he meant? All at once, he felt dizzy and sick to his stomach as the situation felt more uncertain. Yet, closer to his dreams.
   “I said I… I...” Ornstein stuttered. He truly, undeniably, stuttered. Artorias could hardly believe it. Now that he was not some overcome with his own shame, the tells of embarrassment and shared awkwardness in Ornstein was more apparent. Not surprising when thought upon, for Ornstein was entirely outside his element. Even the best among them would stumble in such a foreign, yet delicate predicament. “Yes, it is not something I considered before. Now that I have, ‘tis not an… an unpleasant thought. Being something… more,” Ornstein finished with a sudden haste.
   “Oh,” was all Artorias could reply at the moment. It took time to process, and the silence they had seem to become so fond of came back. Ornstein now twisted the ring on his own finger. “And now it is thou who speakest the truth?” There was a breathy chuckle afterwards, a noise of unsure disbelief.
   “Doth thou believe I speak lies?”
   “No. Forgive me. I confess I… do not know what to say to thee anymore.”
   “How does thou thinkest I feel?” Ornstein anxiously chuckled.
   Artorias worried his bottom lip between his teeth. He merely stared and stared at Ornstein now, lips slightly parted. It was enough to draw a look of expectant confusion from Ornstein.
   While Artorias was being bold…
   “May I… may I kiss thee?” the wolf knight tentatively asked.
   Ornstein balked. He gave another chuckle like before, except this time it hitched and sounded more nervous. “Thou movest fast.”
   Artorias’ dipped his head, a bit of shame. After all, he did not want to do anything to unsettle the other knight so early on.
   Ornstein looked at Artorias, then the walls, Artorias again, and then to the floor. “If it is thy desire…” he murmured.
   Artorias’ heart skipped a beat. Alright then. The wolf knight tried to swallow the nervous lump in his throat. He angled himself to face Ornstein better, and reached up to cup his face in his hand. A glance off to the side by Ornstein betrayed his embarrassment as the sudden sweetness.
   Artorias leaned forward, hesitated, and then continued. His fingertips trembled against Ornstein’s jawline, and he hoped that the lion knight did not think too badly of him for his nerves. With a deep breath for confidence, Artorias pressed his lips against Ornstein’s.
   It was a soft kiss and short-lived too. It did not have a fever to it like many stories would try to tell. The only heat between them was the blush that spread across both their faces. In all meanings of the word, it was a gentle action. Simple. The kiss had newfound innocence in it and a purity that neither of them had felt in a long, long time. He felt young.
   When Artorias pulled away, Ornstein returned to looking away. It was… disheartening, to say the least, for there were no tells of enjoyment or satisfaction.
   “I’m sorry,” Artorias apologized.
   That brought Ornstein’s attention back. He flinched as if struck, and his eyes were widened with an almost angry confusion. “For what?”
   “I… do not know. ‘Twas deemed fitting.”
   “‘Tis I acting like a blushing virgin, not thee. Thou hast done nothing wrong.” Ornstein self-criticized with a sudden frenzy, hands clenched into tight fists in his lap, and cheeks slightly puffed. Angered by what he deemed his own inadequacy.
   Oh, Artorias thought. That’s… cute. He laughed and shook his head, wondering why he was surprised by Ornstein at this point. Lanky arms wrapped around the lion knight’s midsection and pulled him closer. Artorias bent down and rested his chin on Ornstein’s shoulder. Ornstein tensed at first, then relaxed, not used to such touch. He finally stroked Artorias’ arm with a hand. The silence was comfortable for once.
   “Perhaps we both need time to figure out what this means,” Artorias murmured against Ornstein.
   “Maybe so… but thou knowest it needn’t change much.”
   It was a point that deserved contemplation. After all, it was everything before the allure of romantic implications that caused Artorias to love him as so.
   “Wouldst thou like to return to thy duties?” Artorias asked.
   Ornstein huffed and shook his head with disbelief. “Of course now is when thou seekest to send me off.”
   “Surely Lord Gwyn would miss thee. Thou is eager to returnst any other time,” Artorias teased accompanied by what could be described as a small nuzzle.
   “I will finish my duties for today. But later… later we talk.”
   “I will wait for thee eagerly until then.”
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
Star Wars Episode IX:The Rise Of Skywalker Wishlist
My new Episode IX Wishlist now that The Rise Of Skywalker title and teasr has been revealed
Rey’s training will be complete. It will be revealed that the “We’ve passed on all we know line” will mean the force ghosts of Luke, Yoda, Anakin and Obi-Wan. Rey is now ready to face Kylo Ren one last time and bring the war to an end
Finn will be revealed as force sensitive and wield the lightsaber by the end. Finn is force sensitive and there is so much evidence. The teaser is a red herring. By the end of the movie Rey and Finn will team up together against Kylo. Rey will have made her own Saberstaff and Finn will wield the Skywalker Lightsaber.
Finn and Poe will have their epic bromance(I love Stormpilot, but I know it won’t happen, I’m happy with Finnrey) and kick the First Order’s asses together
Rey and Rose friendship. Given the picture in Episode IX it seems like we’re finally getting to see Rey have a friendship with another girl FINALLY and a giant fuck you to Rian Johnson and Jason Fry for making Rose bitter and jealous towards Rey for no reason. Fuck you, you misogynistic assholes, fuck you. While we see Finn and Poe’s friendship grow, we will
Knowledge of Finn’s family. We will finally know about Finn’s family is. Perhaps BB-8 hacks into The First Order’s computer or something and the droid reveals it to Finn. Finn will be revealed to be the Lost Prince of  Artorias. Finn is said to be influenced by the Legends character Finn Galfridian, well Galfridian and Kyle Katarn. Finn is the lost prince. This is the best possible way to explain Finn, this would also explain Finn’s force sensitivity and holding his own against Kylo Ren. So how it could work is Finn was born on Artorias and the First Order had plundered the world first due to their weak military. They would take the children of the planet and turn them into Imperials while using the wealth of the royal family to help fund the FO. BB-8 could download these records and show them to Finn and The Resistannce. And Finn wanting to reclaim his title and world. This could also lead to Rey and or Luke training Finn. Finn will take his place as the co-protagonist in a big way.
Rey will be revealed to be the daughter of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. Kylo lied, it would not take a genius to figure that out and JJ said there is more to tell. The ship Rey saw in TFA appeared in the trailer. Keri Russell will play Mara Jade. Luke will tell Rey the truth. Maybe it happens like this. “the force is strong in my family. My father had it, I have it, my sister has it and my daughter has it”  “You were never meant to be left on Jakku…I thought you died the night in the academy.” “All those years. I was so alone.” “I know. I’m sorry.” “Did you ever try to find me?” “Of course. For so long I searched the galaxy for you. Everyone said that you had died that night in the temple, that I should give up searching. But through the force, I could still feel you. I knew you were still alive. Every face I seen, it was your. Every voice I heard, it was yours. It drove me crazy. I came to this island, turned away from the force because it was so hard. Feeling that you were somewhere in the galaxy and being unable to find you. Seeing you in front of me right now… I’ve never felt so lucky.” He wanted to turn Rey away from her family heritage and training her because he was afraid of losing her again. But now that he embraces her, he has never been so proud in her life. Luke will explain that his mother Mara Jade took her away from the academy before she could be killed by Ben during the academy massacre. Mara then took Rey to Jakku and blocked off her memories, so she can never be found by Kylo Ren or the First Order. Rey, now a Jedi will take up her family name and stop her cousin and bring balance to the force. It fits. Throughout The Force Awakens it fits, Rey needs to be a Skywalker in order for her journey to make sense. Rey is the heir to the Skywalkers and Kylo Ren is the Heir to Vader. 
The other scenario is Rey will take up the mantle of Skywalker. Rey has finally found her family and her place in the galaxy. Rise Of Skywalker means Rey and her connection to the Skywalkers, it’s about Rey even if she’s not a true Skywalker.  The entire trilogy is Rey’s hero’s journey and her character arc. She started as a scavenger abandoned on Jakku. She found a purpose aside from desperately waiting for something that will never come. The Force Awakens was Rey’s awakening. She found the force within herself and saved herself and her friend. The Last Jedi was about Rey finding her place and eventually becoming The Last Jedi. She found that her place was not following the teachings of the old Jedi or with Kylo Ren. Her place is becoming the new generation of Jedi and Rey herself becoming a legend. Rey will take the mantle of Skywalker and become the beacon of hope the galaxy needs.  
Rey, Finn and Poe will be on a journey to the Death Star graveyard to find the last Kyber Crystal.  Rey wants to use it to bring hope to the galaxy, while Kylo wants to use it as a weapon. It’s a race against time. We will finally see the three as the Sequel Trio. About fucking time.
Rose will be the big deal in The Resistance. Given the only picture we have of Rose in TROS is near a computer, I think Rose will be The Resistance’s hacker. And finally Rose will get the better writing and recognition  that she deserves. She will be devoted to The Resistance and will be a big hand in ending the war.
Jannah will be Jannah Calrissian, Lando’s daughter, she will be crucial to the story and help the trio in their mission.
Lando Calrissian will lead The Resistance in battle as General and be the war hero that destroyed the Death Star. Lando is not a tool for Kylo’s redemption. Respect the legacy characters or don’t use them at all
Leia’s role will be heartbreaking but satisfying. She will give her farewell to Rey, Finn and Poe. I’d also love it if her final action in Star Wars is to use Battle Meditation to lead The Resistance to victory.
A scene of Kylo and Leia together. It might not happen, but I want Leia to have a scene with her son, Leia to try and reach Kylo but it will fail as Kylo Ren is too far gone, her son is dead. He has completely submerged himself in darkness  and has pledged himself to destroying everything his family has built. He has promised to Leia that when The Resistance is in ruins, when my uncle(Lando) is dead, when “my replacement”(referring to Poe) is dead, the traitor is dead, when my cousin is dead(Jannah) and when the last jedi lies dead, then I will finally kill you, mother. Then Leia knows that her son is truly gone.
Kylo Ren is the villain. Kylo Ren is the villain of the sequel trilogy.  He has chosen his path over and over again, Kylo Ren is not getting redeemed and Reylo is not happening. He is The Supreme Leader, his goal is to end the Resistance and finish what Vader started by killing The Last Jedi. JJ himself said that’s what he means by “finish what you started.” Kylo rejected his family and chose The First Order, the point of his story is he is the Skywalker who chose the dark side and rejected the light. He will lead The Knights Of Ren to destroy The Resistance and to either force Rey to rule by his side or die with The Resistance. 
Anakin’s force ghost will visit Kylo to try and save him, but it is far too late. Snoke was preventing Anakin from seeing his grandson to bring him back and stop his grandson from repeating his mistakes. Ben Solo felt betrayed and lost it when he found out his grandfather was Darth Vader. He never found out that Anakin returned to the light and saved his son. Snoke lied about the truth and gaslighted Kylo into believing only Vader mattered and made him believe that compassion made him weak. Ben never learned the truth about Anakin. As for Anakin. Anakin was always the light that was calling to Ben, but because of Snoke, Anakin watched in vain as his grandson was becoming his mistakes. Anakin could hear everything that’s going on, he was a watching Kylo always but he can never be sensed or seen. Anakin hears Kylo ask “Show me again grandfather” and Anakin is so desperate to do something to turn him away from this dark path but he can’t do anything but watch in sadness and horror. So when he is finally able to manifest to his grandson. Anakin will tell him  “I never wanted you to repeat my mistakes. That pull to the light you were feeling was always me. I wanted you to be better than I was, who I could have been” and showing Ben his memories and what he had to go through. His life as a slave, meeting Padme, meeting Obi-Wan, becoming a Jedi, losing his mother, Order 66, losing Padme and being saved by Luke. And telling Ben “Let the light in. You still have a chance, no one is ever really gone“ And Kylo Ren would refuse to believe this. Kylo will retort that “the light made our family weak, your compassion made you weak, I will finish what you started and were too weak to finish.”  and Anakin watches in horror as his grandson continues his mistakes…and realizes he has become worse than he ever was as Darth Vader. His words fell on deaf ears and he could not save his grandson.
The Knights Of Ren will play a big role in the movie. My big hope is we actually learn about The Knights Of Ren. Unlike The Praetorian Guards who were faceless Guards who all just die, we know that the Knights are important and actually characters. We learn they were Jedi who left with Kylo Ren and helped him destroy the new Jedi Order. And they are Kylo’s new family.  The Knights serve The First Order, but they are completely loyal to Kylo. We only know of one of the Knights Of Ren. The Knights Of Ren will destroy The Resistance and finally destroy The Jedi.
Palpatine will return as a Sith Holocron to guide Kylo Ren and the Knights Of Ren. Palpatine will just be Classic Sheev™ trying to turn Vader’s heir into who he was meant to be and guide The Supreme Leader. It makes sense. The Jedi are guiding Rey, while the Sith guide Kylo Ren. Palpatine guides Kylo to Vader’s lightsaber. The legacy lightsabers of Anakain Skywalker and Darth Vader. Can’t think of a better way to have a final battle than that.
Phasma is dead. She is not coming back. She has been screwed over twice, thankfully Gwendoline Christie’s talent will not be wasted for a third time. It’s such a shame Phasma was not used to her full potential.
Hux will actually be threatening, he wants the kyber crystal so he can power the Empire’s abandoned superweapon that can finally crush the Resistance, he also plans on using this weapon on Kylo Ren and the Knights Of Ren so can  crush all his enemies in a single move. Hux is playing the long game. I’d also like a Phasma mention by Hux “it is lonely without Phasma, I always wanted her to rule by my side, she will be missed” 
In a final force bond session, Ren will taunt Rey. telling her she is nothing and to join him and together they can rule the galaxy. Rey will then tell him “I was never nothing. I am Rey Skywalker, a Jedi like my father and mother before me”  Ren is like “oh shit” but prepares for her
The final battle will be on Jakku. It will end where it began. It ends at the Empire’s defeat and the birth of the First Order and it ends where Rey’s journey began. Rey will face Kylo, but her friends will stop her from going alone. Perhaps this Kyber Crystal will help awaken everyone’s potential. So this way, we can have Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose and Jannah be the new Jedi who rise. The Skywalkers. Rey and her friends will face Kylo and The Knights Of Ren 
The duel between the new Jedi and the Knights Of Ren will be intense and emotional, it will even rival Anakin and Obi-Wan. It will end with the Knights being defeated but only Rey and Kylo will be left fighting.
Rey and Kylo are evenly matched. But it will end. Rey is giving him one final chance. “Ben, Surrender. Your fleet is in ruins, Hux  has been captured and your Knights are defeated, you have lost Supreme Leader” Kylo Ren will scream at her “BEN IS DEAD, I KILLED HIM. I WILL KILL YOU ALL, AND FINALLY GENERAL ORGANA, THIS ISN’T OVER” Ben Solo is truly dead. his eyes are piercing yellow and his lightsaber is pure crimson. Only Supreme Leader Kylo Ren remains.
Kylo Ren’s fate. The battle between The Resistance and The First Order is over. The fight between Rey Skywalker and Kylo Ren is finished. Rey will chop his hand off and destroy Ren’s lightsaber. Rey has both legacy lightsabers in her hands and Rey at her mercy like her grandfather had Dooku at his mercy.  Ren is screaming and begging her to kill him. But once again, Rey refuses to do what Ren tells her to do. Rey will pull a Aang and sever Kylo Ren’s connection to the force. The war is over. Kylo Ren does not deserve death nor does he deserve to live with the force. He deserves to live with the consequences of his actions and be  accountable for his actions and forever be imprisoned for his crimes against The Galaxy and his family
The final episode will end with the war ending, The Resistance and The First Order has signed a peace treaty and together as the Galactic Federation has brought peace to the galaxy.  Kylo Ren, and Hux will spend the rest of their lives imprisoned for war crimes against The Galaxy and The Republic. Rey, Finn, Poe, Rose and Jannah have formed a New Order, The Skywalkers and brought balance to The Force. It ends with Rey and Finn’s wedding. Luke, Anakin, Yoda and Obi-Wan look proudly upon Rey and this New Order.
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