#Kanene's Au
Bom dia a todos venho aqui oferecer uma coffe shop au com hideduo pq faz meses que eu pensei nisso mas ainda não consegui escrever então eh isto.
Os brasileiros tem uma cafeteria chamada de "Fofoca?" e o Fit é um cliente frequente de lá, que gosta bastante do local e é bem simpático com todo mundo (mas especialmente E secretamente pensa que o Pac é bem bonito e charmoso) porém o dia que ele realmente cai de amores pelo nosso querido é quando um assaltante tenta roubar a loja e o Pac e o Mike se juntam para desmaiar o cara e roubar ele
Tipo, tudo que está na minha mente desde que eu comecei a pensar nisso é tipo, Mike sendo o primeiro a criar o plano, puxando o Pac pra dentro dessa, Pac pulando de cabeça mó foco, mó determinação enquanto grita internamente. Fit estando prestes a agir por conta própria e simplesmente ficando lá com corações no olhar enquanto o Pac distrai e atrai o assaltante pro ponto que ele e o Mike combinaram enquanto o último tá ocupado fazendo um clofofórmio caseiro (super confiável, confia) e eles três tem uma pequena luta, o cara desmaia, Pac agoa começa a gritar (alegria ou desespero fica aí o questionamento) externamente, Mike está rindo, comemorando e xingando ao quatro ventos e o Fit tá lá percebendo que ele é Muito MUITO Gay.
Pac, no entanto, tem um crush no Fit desde o dia que ele tava procurando uma academia lá por perto, achou essa nova que tinha aberto recentemente, entrou lá e viu o Fit e o Philza numa lutinha saudável pra fortalecer a amizade e percebeu que o Fit "literalmente poderia me quebrar em pedaços minúsculos :)" e BAM Gay Screaming
Ainda quero escrever uma oneshot disso mas fica aqui a ideia pra eu não esquecer
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zevlor · 21 days
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why have a vampire boyfriend when you could have a vampire girlfriend? - Ká:nen belongs to @bigbywlf
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ash-spiderash · 8 months
FINALLYYYY ash's Man in the chair....
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Dreadlocks usually kept up, loads of freckles, darkish skin, soft body ( basically that means not really toned but not skinny either), usually wears shirts with baggy pants, sneakers
Name: Kanen
Age: 16
Ethnicity: Puerto Rican mixed with white
Favorite things: games, coding, reading, cooking, ash
Least favorite things: ash getting hurt, bad people, peanut butter
Personality: very caring for all the people he loves and very overprotective, He's more toned down than Ash and He has a calm energy, though he gets very annoyed at Ash when he gets hurt or in trouble.
He lives in New York not the Pokemon world
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
Heyy, bean! Can I ask you a 9 for this ask-thing? :>
Heyaaa! It's the b-day bean!!!! Hi hiiiii :D
9. One of your favorite tickle tropes? (from This Ask Game)
Okay I think I am always talking about cheer up tickles here so lemme choose another one this time to ramble non stop sdfrhujdfg
Alright alright , this one I don't see very often but it's when a non-human-being has a human friend and discovers what is tickling for the first time. It doesn't matter how the scenario will play out, it's always the most ADORABLE and PLAYFUL thing. If they decide to tickle the human to understand better what is tickling. If the human has to actually explain what is this human bonding activity while blushing and smiling all the way because their friend is genuinely curious (and this can always led to the AWESOME conversation of the non human being asking if they like this 'tickling' activity, or if they can tickle them etc etc). Or if the human decides to "show" them what tickling is by (surprise, surprise) tickling the non human being and chuckling and teasing them all the way about their reactions.
Now, for a more """common""" tickle trope I would say "making the lee that is hiding their face show their smile with teases or gentle tickles or surprise tickle attacks and then comment about how beautiful their smile is or how cute they look or how nice is their laughter"
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kanerallels · 8 months
i'd love to see more kanen and hera in pacrim au?
And I would love to write more because no thoughts only this au
The alarm going off sliced through Kanan’s hazy dreams, and he sat bolt upright, blinking disorientedly. A second later, what exactly was happening registered, and he was moving, tossing aside his blanket and hopping out of his bunk.
He’d slept in his clothes, and stopped to throw his jacket on as he headed for the door. After a few minutes of hunting, he located his shoes, and yanked them on as he headed out.
Hopping on one foot to get his second shoe on, Kanan only made it two steps down the hall before the door he was heading for swung open, and Hera stepped out. She was dressed, too, her hair swept up in a neat bun behind her head. Internally, Kanan marveled over the fact that she could look put together when she’d been sleeping only minutes ago.
It was just one of the many things that he found impressive about her.
Matching his stride with hers, Kanan followed Hera as they headed down the hall. “Kaiju sighting?” he asked.
“Couldn’t be anything else,” Hera said. Pulling a hair band off her wrist, she wordlessly held it out to him.
Taking it from her, Kanan swept his still loose hair back into a messy ponytail. “I told you there would be one soon, didn’t I?”
“For the last time, Kanan, your ‘Kaiju sense’ is not a thing.”
“Maybe that’s what the Kaiju want you to think.”
Hera snorted, the corner of her mouth turning up a little. “Why don’t you get your head in the game, dear? We’ve got a city to protect—”
“And a Kaiju to beat,” Kanan finished, grinning. “I’m with you, Captain Hera.”
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carrie-tate · 1 year
Top 22 of 2022 End of the Year Game Tag
Well, as I understand it, I, too, have been drawn into this tag game. At least I was to mention @otomiya-tickles and @happyandticklish, thanks for that, in any case, I'm glad to join)
Part 1: Fandom Faves
1. Favorite new fandoms of the year You know, there are no exclusively new fandoms this year. Rather, my love for a couple of old fandoms caught fire in a new way. Like Mob Psycho 100 or Psychonauts. Oh! Milo Murphy's Law, Kaitou Joker, Inside Job, Super 4 (this two actually new…) and Percy Jackson too btw! Balan Wonderworld is deserves a mention too Okay, okay, that's all, otherwise I'll just go into the enumeration of ALL fandoms in general, because I don't know how to choose my favorite
2. Favorite new ships since this year If I lower my impudent ships with s/i, then I will say: Milo/Amanda (Milo Murphy's Law), Annabeth/Percy (Percy Jackson) Well, obviously Terumob and Shoritsu (Mob Psycho 100), haha
3. Favorite anime/TV show of the year Oh I also started watching Supernatural this year and I should keep watching (while I'm stuck on the first episodes of season 4), I definitely like this show Speaking of anime - Mob Psycho 100 and Kaitou Joker, I haven't really watched anything else huh
4. Favorite movie of the year Complicated question, yet I watch a lot of things, but at the same time I remember a little… Only Klaus (2019) and Rise of the Guardians come to mind, which I'm going to review closer to the holidays
5. Favorite character of the year Shigeo Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100), Rasputin Aquato (Psychonauts), Mini-Mini-King (Kaitou Joker), Stoll Brothers (Percy Jackson), Brett Hand (Insider Job)… *mumbles in enumeration*
6. Favorite soundtrack of the year The Meat Circus from Psychonauts (this tune haunted my mind for a month while I was playing the second part and actively sat in the fandom, haha) Crazy Necross from Vangers GO GO REIGEN! from Mob Psycho 100 which I just found but I love it and want to set it as my ringtone lol The whole Gris ost (the ending of the game makes me cry when I need to…), the whole Beetlejuice east… I guess that's it, heh.
7. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year Percy Jackson book series (honestly, I promise myself to still find time and read the Mark of Athena from the second cycle TwT)
8. Favorite game of the year Psychonauts 2, this game literally became the first platformer (well, in general, a game where you need to run, jump and beat enemies) that I went through completely And Little Inferno too
9. Highlight of this year to remember Entrance exams and college admissions, god it was this summer but it feels like it's been YEARS
Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2022 To be honest, I haven't been as active on tumblr this year, so I have no idea what happened here in a year. That is, perhaps I know, but most likely I do not attach any importance to this.
11. Favorite fan art of the year Oh, there were two memorable fanarts that come to mind here and here
12. Favorite fic of the year Can I just say that ALL of Kanene's MP100 fics are my favorites at the moment? Like, so much so that I can't remember anything else lol
13. Favorite ask game of the year It's not like I'm involved in a lot of that, is it..? Maybe that recent fandom thing? This was fun
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger The fact that I was able to get out of the shell and start interacting with really cool people from tk community, and the fact that I literally carring the mp100 fandom with my sketches, lmao
15. My own best fic/post of the year If we talk about the post that I am proud of, then this is one of the last posts with the Kageyama bros. I think I did a really good job on the poses this time
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year My posts are related to mp100 Beetlejuice!AU, because I want to develop this idea, but I think that people are not very interested in it
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected I'm still surprised by the popularity of that art with Shoritsu, which was one of my first posts on mp100 here, and probably one of my most popular posts in general…
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year Well, my blog is only a year old, so I can't say anything definitive…
Part 3: Next Year
I have such a spontaneous lifestyle that I don't have anything planned for next year huh, so I can't seem to answer the questions below…
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year 20. Goals for next year 21. 2023 releases I look forward to the most
Part 4: Spreading Love
22. Shoutouts to people who made my 2022 a better year Well, then I'll throw everything under keep reading
@candyheartedchy, thank you for the fact that formally it was with you that my acquaintance with the existence of such a thing as s/i and f/o began! Your art is amazing and inspiring! @kanene-yaaay, I am sincerely grateful for every reblog of yours, like, this is one of the main incentives why I draw now. You are so emotional and bright, it's just amazing! @misaki-just-doodles and @we-dont-talk-about-potato-nonono, yes, we haven't talked in a while, but I'm really grateful to you two for supporting my work this summer. It was a great time and I hope you are doing well! @otomiya-tickles @ssnicker-doodless @vqler @thecomfortable even if it's still a little embarrassing for me to tag you, I want to say that I admire your creativity and you are like those cool older comrades that you look at and think "I want to be like this when I grow up", thanks for that!
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muppenthings · 3 years
Logan: Roman, after dozens of researches, I believe I discovered something about your garden. What I am about to say can be what most people would consider shocking so I advise you sit down and face this with rationality.... Your gargoyle is alive.
Roman, an actor at heart: *pikachu face* :0 no!
- Kanene 💛
Pfahahah yes! 😂
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The Moment of Truth AU where they all arrive at Ealdor and Lancelot is already fighting Kanen’s men.
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cc-0420 · 3 years
since mena massoud has been cast as live-action ezra, here’s a skybridger aladdin au
imperial prince!luke, street rat!ezra
vader is the king, getting manipulated by his counselor palpatine
maul works for palpatine (like iago) and does the dirty work. palpatine discovers there is a holocron that can grant wishes to its user, so he sends maul after it. the issue is that only a untrained jedi can get to it (luke doesn’t count cause he’s getting trained by vader).
luke decides he wants to sneak out and see the galaxy, but gets lost in the corusant market trying to help feed a kid. ezra (and chopper) comes out and helps him by indirectly using the force
they bond over feeling trapped by class system/parents (?) and the ability to use the force
“the force?” ezra inquires. “yeah, like this” as luke shows him how to make the fruit float
suddenly stormtroopers come to arrest ezra under order of palpatine and luke reveals himself
luke confronts palpatine who tells him he’s been executed as a known force user
ezra, meanwhile, contemplates his discussion with luke in his cell, where his cellmate (maul) tells him about the treasure and helps him escape
the cave is guarded by bendu, who says to touch nothing but the holocron
chopper, as the war criminal he is, touches another shiny treasure, just as ezra is able to reach the holocron. as everything collapses around them, ezra pretends to give maul the holocron and a magic ship (the ghost) helps them get to safety as they are about to get crushed
ezra then uses the force to open the holocron, in which 4 souls were trapped at the beginning of the war by a different force user
as per the agreement of getting to hide in the holocron, the souls had to grant the user wishes. one for each member as the forth grants them
they introduce themselves to ezra as hera, sabine, zeb, and the wish granter, kanan
kanan tells him the limitations of the force, and ezra begins talking about, what’s the point of having them if he can’t even get out of the cave. this angers zeb and tells kanen to get them out of there. knowing what ezra was doing, he still lets them out anyway
once they’re out, sabine explains how they’re trapped in the holocron until the empire is defeated. ezra promises that his last wish will be to end the empire cause he doesn’t like it anyway
he asks hera for his first wish is to become a moff/governor/prince so he can marry luke
he’s quick to win over the citizens, and even vader as they talk about ships
meanwhile, luke hates the idea that palpatine and vader has to pick his lover
ezra is able to win her over by showing her the galaxy by riding the ghost
(hera is his wingman, giving ezra the best flirting advice)
luke is able to trick ezra into telling him he’s the boy from the market by mentioning chopper
unlike aladdin, he actually tells luke the truth and he keeps it
then, maul and the stormtroopers abduct ezra after their flight and throw him into space
as he goes unconscious, zeb comes out of the holocron and helps him out as his second wish cause the kid was growing on him
vader then announces to luke that maul will marry him
then ezra comes in and accuses him of trying to kill him (he is sent for execution), while discovers palpatine is manipulating vader
palpatine manages to escape
meanwhile, ghost crew is trying to guilt ezra into ending the empire now that he got luke
palpatine then steals the holocron from him and asks his first wish from sabine to remove vader’s power and give it to him
his second wish from zeb is to be able to do anything with the force, therefore, he basically makes luke and vader as his slaves and send ezra to the unknown regions in the galaxy
the ghost was able to travel and retrieve ezra and bring him back to the palace
luke is able to distract palpatine by saying he will join to the dark side
ezra ends up getting caught which results in luke getting locked up and palpatine transforming to his ultimate power as sidious
ezra then mentions that the most powerful being is the beings in the holocron. therefore, palpatine’s final wish from hera is to be a genie
this then traps palpatine in a holocron to prevent him from doing anything else
ezra frees luke who still loves him, in which anakin allows them to get married
ezra then wishes the empire to end and the ghost crew to be their own people again
kanan then offers ezra a place amongst them as they travel the stars again, but he ends up staying with luke to help rebuild the galaxy
if you like this, should i make a tangled au?
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trashyswitch · 3 years
The Naughty Ghosts
Virgil and Logan are risky siblings who look for creepy, cool, maybe haunted buildings in their town. One day, they come across a large abandoned house that looked like it was pulled out of the Victorian era and thrown into the middle of Florida. Logan and Virgil quickly discover the place is haunted. But they're not the usual creepy, evil ghosts you normally think of...
For @kanene-yaaay and Pumpkinpaw
SOOOOO sorry it took so long!...Again...
*sigh* I'm trying. Some of my motivation is coming back though. It's slow, but happening. I'm now on an extra medication to help boost my deteriorating mental health. Though the timing also has given me a big boost. Pride month has arrived, and my birthday just went by! I feel more adulty now! Kinda...
Anyway, this fanfic is somewhat of an AU that I threw together on the spot. I hope you like it!
Logan and Virgil were looking around with their flashlights, admiring the very old-looking house. It was HUGE! And quite run down. There were dirt stains all over the place, papers covered in water, and furniture filled with dust that rested there for decades. It felt unusual...and yet so mysterious!
“Hey Logan, look!” Virgil called.
Logan looked over and noticed a large dresser covered in a collection of porcelain dolls. He widened his eyes and adjusted his glasses. “W-Well...that’s not creepy whatsoever…”
“I recognize Anne of Green Gables up there…” Virgil mentioned, shining his light to the porcelain doll with ginger braided hair, and a sun hat with flowers on her head.
“There’s so many Victorian Porcelain dolls. And a couple french porcelains as well!” Logan reacted.
“Don’t forget that baby porcelain doll…” Virgil added, pointing to the baby-faced porcelain doll with red cheeks, and a night gown with a bonnet on its head. Logan shook his head to get the thought out of his mind and tried to move on.
Logan looked up at the huge roof and noticed the huge chandelier in the middle of the room. It was covered in pearls and glass...it was even reflecting and shining brightly as he shined the flashlight onto it! It must’ve been a beautiful piece of decoration before the home was abandoned.
“Whoa...look at that chandelier!” Virgil reacted. “It’s like a disco ball from the silent era!” Virgil added.
Logan giggled at his comparison. “You’re not wrong.”
Logan and Virgil walked around the Victorian-style house a bit more, and noticed there were still stuffed animals, pillows, and even flowers placed casually around the house as if it was still being decorated. “Interesting…” Logan muttered.
“That’s not the only room that’s decorated all fine and dandy…” Virgil mentioned from the dining room. Logan walked to where Virgil was and immediately noticed what he was talking about: all the cutlery were set up in their places on the table perfectly. But the napkins were folded into little napkin flowers to hold the cutlery. Though it was strange and technically inaccurate, it did add some flair to the usual style of set up.
“I wonder who would’ve did this…” Logan asked out loud.
“Maybe someone who likes their victorian history?” Virgil asked.
“Perhaps…Or an especially preppy person.” Logan added.
“Hmmm...Maybe both?” Virgil asked. “How about ghosts? Have you considered ghosts in your hypothesis?” Virgil asked.
Logan laughed. “Of course I have! That’s one of the reasons why we’re doing this!” Logan reacted. “I wanna see if spirits really do exist and if they’re more humble than the movies give them credit for.” Logan explained.
“You’ve officially hit the triple digits in times you’ve explained this to me.” Virgil muttered loudly. “I know. And it’s why I go with you. Because not all ghosts are as humble as you think. Most ghosts have probably gone insane from years of being stuck in the same place for centuries.” Virgil added.
“Right back at you with the triple digits thing. I already know, Virgil.” Logan mentioned.
Virgil smiled at himself as he looked around. That conversation usually happens at least once a trip. It’s quite funny when you think about it. Two brothers trespassing into old homes, checking to see if they’re haunted and then doing the pikachu face when something spiritual and ‘creepy’ happens.
Or when the police find them...that’s usually a ‘surprise’ in and of itself.
Logan looked around further and moved to one of the bedrooms. The bedroom was put together as well. All covered in dust, but still quite put together. There was a doll clothed and brushed, holding a teddy bear on the bed. Logan opened the dressers and noticed all the dressers except for the top, were empty. The top drawers were filled with old keys, old fashioned money, old paint brushes, a few jars of ink and...feathers? Why feathers? Were they meant to be quills? Because the end of them certainly didn’t look like quills.
Logan raised an eyebrow as he picked up the quill and raised it up a little. The quill didn’t have the usual fitted bottom that Victorian quills usually had. And even if it were a regular quill, it would’ve been cut at the bottom to make the suitable end for dipping and writing. But...this quill was just a normal, uncut feather. Perhaps it was just spare feathers for future writing? Logan couldn’t say. He never lived here, after all.
Virgil turned around and immediately noticed that one of the paint brushes was moving in the drawer. And it wasn’t just ‘casual shifting from force’, it was flying! He swore he could see it flying right now!
“L-Lo?” Virgil called.
Logan turned to face him, and noticed the paintbrush as he turned. “Yes Vir- OHGOD.” Logan stared deeply at the paintbrush and slowly reached out to grab it. “Hiiii there, floating paintbrush…” He greeted the object nervously.
The paintbrush moved itself back and forth in a waving motion right back. Hey...It was trying to wave back! Cool! Virgil walked closer and poked the brush curiously. “Not bad...Guess we know the place is haunted...By Casper the friendly ghost.” Virgil teased.
The brush jumped in surprise, and flew closer to Virgil. “Hey little buddy. What are you up to?” Virgil asked.
Then, the brush snuck itself into Virgil’s shirt collar! Virgil jumped and tried to get it out, but the brush kept moving away from the hand and started moving to Virgil’s upper ribs. Virgil giggled as the feather-like bristles flickering across his ribs. “Whahahat thehehe-” Virgil squealed as he felt the paintbrush move past his abs and into his belly button.
I’m sorry...What?!
Is...Is the paintbrush tickling Virgil?
“I...Goodness, I’m so confused.” Logan admitted.
Virgil tried to cover up his belly from the brush but the moment the brush noticed his distinctive defense attempts, something had grabbed him! Something invisible had grabbed Virgil’s wrist and started holding it up above his head! Virgil shrieked as he tried to pull his arm down with no success.
“LET ME GO- BAAAHAHAHAHAHA!” Virgil shrieked and bursted out laughing more. “STAHAHAHAP! WHYHYHYHY?!” Virgil asked, pulling on his arm as his exposed armpit was being tickled with the brush.
Logan started to smile as he watched. He started to wonder if he could feel the ghost. So, Logan cracked his knuckles and reached out beside Virgil’s exposed right arm to feel for a ghost. But to his surprise: He couldn’t feel anything. “Where are you, oh mischievous one?” Logan asked.
This ‘name’ Logan used, earned him a taste of the tickles as well. Logan gasped as his eyes fell onto a pair of floating brushes and feathers. Logan’s curious look quickly morphed into a wobbly grin as the realization computed into his brain. “O-Oh...Oh boy...That’s not good, now is it?” Logan asked.
This was the last thing Logan asked before he was forced into a fit of tickly hysterics. The feathers were so light and...feathery that the tickles felt stronger than they really were! Why did the tickles feel so strong?
The brushes and feathers paused for a moment. One of the feathers turned the pen-like bottom to face Logan’s belly, and flew down. The feather started casually writing letters onto his belly! Logan giggled and snorted at this. It felt kinda sharp, but tickled enough to get him giggling again. “Hehehehehey!”
The feather stopped, moved itself to the left side of Logan’s belly, and started rewriting the letters all over again! Logan squeaked and was right back to giggling. “Dohohohon’t stahahart ahahagahain!” Logan begged.
The feather stopped writing...dragged itself to the left side and restarted the cursive. Logan groaned a little as the writing went back to the Y it started with. But instead of trying to protest this time, Logan tried to stay quiet and understand the letters that were relaying a message to him:
[Y-O-U-R - L-A-U-G-H - I-S - S-O - C-U-T-E] The feather wrote.
Logan’s face went bright red the moment he properly interpreted that.
The worst part was that the ghost just kept writing teases! Like:
[C-O-O-C-H-Y C-O-O-C-H-Y C-O-O],
[T-I-C-K-L-E T-I-C-K-L-E!]
and [G-I-G-G-L-Y S-U-S-A-N-N-A].
Meanwhile, Virgil was hugging his belly and laughing as his feet were attacked. A ghost was using a comb to tickle the bottom of his feet and telling by Virgil’s inability to pull away, one of the ghosts must’ve been holding onto his foot.
The ghost must’ve seen that Virgil needed something lighter, because the comb was soon set aside and replaced by an old fashioned feather duster. Yes...old fashioned, meaning it was made with real feathers at the end. Virgil squeaked at the look of it, and covered his mouth. Oh no! His squeak gave away the fact that he was nervous!
The feather duster ignored his squeak and moved closer and closer to Virgil’s foot. Virgl tried to tug, but it wouldn’t move away, and though it didn’t feel like anything, there was something invisible preventing him from pulling his foot away. Soon, the feather touched down and started wiggling all over the place as Virgil’s laughter and snorts filled the room.
The feather shook up and down as if the ghost was giggling at Virgil’s reaction. Then, Logan looked on as a soft-bristled brush from the early 1900’s moved closer and closer to his sides. Logan giggled just at the thought of the ticklish brush returning to his sides, and started wiggling around all over again. Was this really happening? Was Logan’s creepy expedition to a Victorian house really turning into being tickled and messed with by the spirits?! Why?? Why did the spirits wanna tickle him? Was it fun for them? Were they always this mischievous? If so, how has nobody found this out until now?!
Logan gasped as the brushes touched down on his belly and ribs. Logan squealed and started full out laughing this time! His ribs were much more sensitive to the softer bristles of the brush. It tickled so badly! It felt like a million bristles were tickling his rib bones all at once! And it didn’t help that both sides were being attacked! No matter how much he squirmed to get away, the bristles would just tickle more from his instinctive wiggling!
Logan looked over at Virgil, who was covering his face as the pointy side of a feather wrote teases on his belly. The feather duster had been placed aside for the moment so, he guessed, the ghost could tease him more. “Cohohome ohohon! Ihihihi’m nahahat thahahat cuhuhuhute!”
Yup! It wanted to tease him more. That last sentence confirmed it.
Logan giggled at his reaction. “Yehehess yohohou ahahare!”
Virgil squeaked. “LOHOHO SHUHUT UHUP!” Virgil shouted, uncovering his likely red face. It was hard to see if his face was actually red due to the lack of light, but Logan could easily assume that Virgil was blushing up a huge storm. It was really cute to listen to!
Virgil couldn’t take it anymore! He had to roll away to get away from them. “STAHAHAP, PLEHEHEASE!”
The feather stopped its feather and moved away. Virgil clutched his own stomach and rolled onto his side into the fetal position. He was such a flustered mess!
The ghost put the feather onto a nearby desk and moved over to a bookshelf. The ground was so covered in dust, that you could see dusty footprints with dust bits popping up while they walked! The ghost grabbed a big scrapbook and placed the scrapbook onto the kitchen table. Logan got up slowly and walked to Virgil. “Hey Virgil: they have photos.” Logan told him.
Virgil pushed himself up onto his feet and walked to the kitchen table. “Whoa...They really do.”
The scrapbook had many photos of a few adults. One of them was an adult with a light blue shirt on, that had 2 kids with him. “Whoa...Is this you?” Logan asked.
The ghost picked up a pair of glasses and showed them. Logan looked at the glasses, and replaced his own glasses with the ghost’s. They still had a bit of a prescription, but Logan’s prescription was much stronger compared to the ghost’s. “Huh...you were nearsighted.” Logan muttered. “He couldn’t see far away.” Logan added.
“Weird.” Virgil reacted. “And where are the kids?” Virgil asked.
The ghost handed out papers and used markers to write the names. “Twin #1” was on one paper, “Twin 2#” was on another, and “Dad” was on the last. Logan smiled bittersweetly. They were a family who had died within the house. But they stuck together even after their deaths.
“What are your names?” Logan asked as he changed back into his regular glasses.
The ghost grabbed the end of the marker and pointed to the scrapbook. Logan looked around, and didn’t see any indication of a name or three. But, Logan pulled out the photo and soon found the names on the back. “Easter 1940. Remus and Roman (twins) and Patton (Dad). Happy to be alive!” was written on the back of the scrapbook picture.
Logan looked at the ghosts and back at the scrapbook. But Logan quickly did a double take when he realized the ghosts had tickle tools in their hands again! One had the feather duster from earlier, one had two feathers, and the last one had the hairbrush and a paintbrush!
Uh oh! That’s not good!
Logan yelped and lifted Virgil’s jaw up. The moment Virgil saw the tools again, the emo practically sunk down in a flustered frenzy! Not this again! He was still flustered and blushy from the last time!
Logan couldn’t help but giggle nervously as the evil little tickle monster ghosts made their way closer and closer to Logan and Virgil. They actually didn’t mind being their ticklish entertainment! They often tickled each other out of brotherly love because they both knew each other liked it. Virgil loved melt spots along with being teased to oblivion, while Logan loved much softer tickles that drove him up the wall with hysterics!
Logan squeaked and covered his neck the moment he felt cold, ticklish finger flutters against it. It felt airy, but made enough of a feeling to tickle him! And it drove him NUTS! “NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!” Logan begged.
The ghost just kept going in that one spot, as if it was the greatest ticklish spot in the whole universe! Logan’s voice was cackling, laughing and snorting. It could not choose what it really wanted.
Virgil was giggling as a hairbrush was brushing his belly and sides. Virgil was somewhat limited in his wiggling abilities, which made Logan wonder if one of the kids was sitting on top of him while tickling him. Whatever the kid was doing, it was working better than expected! “IHIHIT’S SOHOHOHO BAHAHAHAHAD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! EEHEHEHEHEHE QUIHIHIHIT IHIHIHIHIT!” Virgil begged.
Logan squeaked and yelped as a paintbrush made its way to Logan’s belly button. OH NO...THAT’S A DEATH SPOT!
Logan’s wheeze filled the room for only a few minutes before his laughter went silent. The tickle monster ghost noticed the change in laughter, and lessened the tickles a bit. But it didn’t fully stop. “......aAHA! AAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHahahahahahaha! Ehehehehehehehehe- Thahahahank yohohohou.” Logan replied.
The feather moved back to Logan’s belly and started writing with the pokey side. [N-O P-R-O-B-L-E-M K-I-D-D-O]
Logan giggled at the nickname. Since when is he considered a ‘kiddo’? He’s never been the kiddo in the family! That’s always been Virgil.
Virgil smiled. “Patton...I like that.” Virgil admitted.
The feather moved to Virgil’s back and started writing more letters. [Y-O-U A-R-E M-Y S-O-N N-O-W]
Virgil bursted out laughing at the words written. “Whahahat? Since when?”
Logan tilted his head with a smile. “What did he say?”
Virgil looked at Logan. “He said I’m his new son.” Virgil said with a giggle.
Logan laughed. “We’re brothers! Does that mean I’m part of the invisible family now too?” Logan asked.
Logan watched as the feather wrote on his own back. [Y-E-S]
Logan gasped. “I have a ghost father now! And ghost brothers!” Logan declared.
Virgil laughed at this specific declaration. Looks like they’ve come out of this experience with an unofficial adoption into a centuries-old family of three.
Should I continue this AU? Or no? I don't really know yet.
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clea2011 · 3 years
Slaves – Rec List for Merlin Bingo
This is a rec list for the square ‘Slaves’ on Merlin Bingo and should finally complete a line. I’ve listed a long fic, a mid-sized one and a short one.
Gadarene by Unpossible
This is a canon au, a long fic and well worth a read but do heed the warnings.
Arthur is prone to fits of madness (known as the mad prince of Camelot) and so is forced to share power with his uncle ‘for the good of the kingdom’. Of course it is anything but.
This is a compassionate Arthur who takes Merlin as his slave in order to protect Merlin from Kanen. There’s a lovely slow burn romance. It’s a fandom classic for a reason.
Viking’s Slave by Rotrude
Rotrude’s historical aus are always a satisfying read. This one is a 35k Viking au where Arthur is a Jarl, the king’s son. He finds Merlin having his virginity auctioned out and decides to buy him. Merlin doesn’t speak the language and things don’t go well once Arthur’s got him home. Again there is a slow romance as Arthur gains Merlin’s affection, but the plot continues with added twists beyond that.
Crown of Thorns by Schweet Heart
This is just under 1000 words and was written for Pornalot. Arthur is the slave in this one, but there’s nothing subservient about him (not that there is about Merlin either in the previous two). Merlin is the son of the druid leader who has defeated Camelot. He’s given Arthur as a slave. It’s an interesting little story squeezed into such a small word count and it leaves you wishing that there was a much longer fic.
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The boy on the farthest table
Kanene’s Notes:
So, I’ve been reading all the fluff content with Dadzawa I could find and I am very surprised I didn’t manage to stumble in a Dadzawa running a Cat Café so I thought ‘h e y’ why don’t I make it??? SO here we are!!
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* That fanfic has Dadzawa and Yamadad and their relatonship can be seen as romantic, if you wish.
* This happens in the same universe as This Fanfic Here and you can also find it on AO3.
* No warnings this time!! Only fluff and a bit of hurt/comfort.
* This characters do not belongs to me. They all belongs to the amazing the manga/anime Boku no Hero.
* Something around 2.500 words. -w-)b.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any advice is very very welcome!
* Tô com preguiça de postar a versão em português brasileiro aaaa! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Eat a delicious snack, sleep a bit, take care and drink water and sleep well! Byeioo!~
Aizawa doesn’t really care about his clients more than the strictly necessary amount. He arrived where he is because of the cats and the coffee. If people paid more because he decided to mix both together and open a business with that premise than better for him.
 So, yes. Aizawa doesn’t care at all about his clients. Neither held any favorites above the others, don’t matter what Yamada tried to imply with his ‘discrete’ smug eyes and knowing grin as, for the second time today, the black haired worker narrowed his eyes at the boy sitting on the farthest table, lost in his deep thoughts as he stared intently at his notebook just like he has been doing for the past two hours, lazy scribbles fulfilling the lines in a tired, yet determined attempt to keep going.
 The owner of the Cat Café didn’t really care about what his clients did as long it didn’t annoy his cats or him.
 However, that doesn’t mean he kept himself completely oblivious of what happened at his establishment nor the persons who attended there.
Perhaps he wasn’t the most enthusiastic worker there – that is why him and Hizashi had an unspoken agreement that he would stay firm on his place making drinks and serving pastries, sometimes scaring some insufferable clients away, while the louder, social friend would focus in talking and getting the orders, – but he knew enough to not be a bad one.
 He knew that the girl with yellow bright eyes and nuts and bolts shining in between her curls liked strawberry muffins, tended to not be able to stand still for much time, and visited on Fridays, so he always kept one baked sweet hidden for her on these days.
 Just like he always recognized that tall, skeleton-like adult as soon as his form crossed the door. A client who came especially for the cats and the Jasmin tea, although always sneaked a couple and more glares to the cat-themed cookies, so he made sure to “accidentally” drop one with the donuts he always asked to go for “- a friend! He loves them but is often very busied with work… So, I thought I could try and treat him a bit after everything he already did to me!” And also, who, in the next day, came back to attempt to pay for the free cookie but was, day after day, defeat by Hizashi’s stubbornness and convincing abilities, leading the loyal client to make sure to put a generous tip on the Tip Jar as a revenge, making sure to stare intently at the pouting worker during the whole process.
 Or the young girl with red eyes full of curiosity and a tongue full of questions which him and Yamada took turns to answer, eliciting shy smiles, bright excitement and a glare full of gratitude from her older brother, who used the free time to study while she ate and played with the kittens, sometimes even falling asleep when his two friends – an extremely quiet boy with a gigantic sweet tooth and an electric smiley girl who always convinced the younger one to help her to gather the biggest amount of sleepy cats to nap on the blond teen before he wakes up in the middle of purrs and laughter - accompanied them.
 That being said, Aizawa liked to be informed and, above everything else, was good at getting the information he needed. He mastered the skill of analyzing details and understanding situations others used to ignore, making connections and arriving to conclusions that seemed foreign to others, that is why he continued to cast quick frowns and glances to the boy, doesn’t liking at all how his brain continued to run and turn, seeking for any answer or hints of what happened to him, only to get at nowhere. He was, obviously, just trying to assert the situation, which had nothing to do with the fact that the boy – always shining, always with such a bright smile every time he ordered anything – was alone on this Saturday. A not so rare occasion, since even though the café was a common place for him and his friends to meet – an occurrence impossible to ignore due how full of energy and joy and chaos and energy they all were, - he also seemed very keen to spend hours writing and studying on his own.
 However, there was something different today. Something to do with how quiet, concentrated, calm, lethargic the teenager was acting the whole time, which worrie- no, intrigued him.
 Because Aizawa wasn’t worried. Of course not. That would be illogical and preposterous. He wasn’t anything to the child, not his family, not a friend, not a relative, just the guy who grunted a one-word answer every time the younger tried to make small talk and pretend to not notice him and Hizashi trading cute cat videos and pics during the blonde’s breaks.
 Hell, he didn’t even share more words than the necessary with the green haired boy. The longest interaction they ever had was when the younger one came to him on his first time visiting the place and asked for more cat toys, since all the available ones were already being used. Which maybe or maybe not led to Aizawa leaving his friend to deal alone with the orders while he took his time to show and explain the favorite toys of every cat the green boy pointed.
 Which was, sure, only a revenge on his boisterous coworker since the aforementioned interrupted his morning nap by tripping on him on his way to the kitchen (and yes, it was Yamada’s fault for not looking at where he’s going and obviously not Shouta’s because he decided to ‘JUST FREAKING PASS OUT ON THE FLOOR. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO SEE IT?’) and, not content with his actions, decided to lock the other out of his own establishment,  only letting him come back after lunch and, consequently, at least five hours of sleep, leaving him on the care of Nemuri, who proceeded to tease him unmercifully for the whole length of yesterday.
 Consequently, it was only a payback, of course. The gleam on the smaller’s eyes as he took notes on a well worn out notebook and the fact that, on the next Saturday, the boy distributed all the correct toys between his friends and their favorite cats were two completely ignorable things and therefore unrelated with the quick, barely visible smile appearing on the corner of his mouth on the respective day and every time he remembered that occurrence.
 But, when a quiet sniff reached his ears, Aizawa almost felt his neck crack with how quickly he turned on the other’s direction, just in time to see the ending of the teenager’s action of wiping a few tears away. The one who definitely didn’t get enough sleep on his entire life to deal with it sensed his left eye twitch.
 That. Is. It.
 “Shouta…” Hizashi whispered behind the usual smile he plastered for the customer in front of him, nodding while writing down what she said and chipping excitedly for her to just wait a little bit to get her order, deviating his attention to his friend when she moved away to sit in one of the unoccupied tables, both taking the opportunity of having no more customers in the line to held some private words. “Do you want me to go there?” his voice was bathed in worry, because his coworker was emotional like that.
 “No.” And Aizawa didn’t know why he was so fast to answer, however he was already washing his hands, mind running, seeking to remember how other people - besides his friends, who were barely humans, - worked. “You know I hate being the cashier.”
 “Riight.” His way-too-smug-grin was fast to become a snicker when his friend aimed a kick on his shin, which he promptly dodged. “Hey! I didn’t even say anything!”
 “Your thoughts are loud. I will be right back.”
 His eyes were focused on the kid, who now was curled on his chair, chin resting on his knees as his arms firmly hugged his legs, making him look even smaller.
 Aizawa grunted, part of him feeling inclined to just drop an entire gallon of water on his head to successfully wash all his problems way, or maybe shake all the bad, lying thoughts taking over his mind and resulting in a few tears to escape what, on its turn, made a strong feeling of protectiveness, which was immediately ignored, shines on him. But Shouta knew he couldn’t act on any of those two options because it wasn’t “socially acceptable” – nor very useful, but he ignored that part, - and “problems” and “people” tended to be more complicated to help than that.
 The older sighed, kneeling on the spot before the front door where the sun passed through the window and made a perfect warm piece of floor for the big, - extremely big - messy pile of purple fluff lay and nap without a single worry in the world, not even stirring as the customers had to tiptoe around him to get in and out of the establishment.
 Shinsou hissed when Shouta first petted him, although was fast to purr louder than a machine as the human began to scratch behind his ears, going back to his peaceful sleep. He was the most calm, chill and snarky cat he has ever seen. His hobbies consisting on getting on the highest shelves to watch the entire place with a judging, tired glare and napping on people’s laps, especially when they were about to head out, which made his customers to order something else and stay for at least more fifteen minutes, not having the heart to interrupt the purple’s sleep.
 Needless to say, he and Aizawa got along just fine. Even with the animal’s habit of climbing him to nap on his shoulders and teaching the younger kittens to do the same thing, knowing very well the one with dark hair would never have the heart to put them away, the human knew he sustained a soft spot for him.
 Nemuri and Yamada liked to tease him, affirming that Shinsou was his cat form and Shouta would never admit he agreed with them.
 He also ignored the implications of that when he remembered Shinsou was one of the green haired bag of energy favorites.
 “I have a mission for you.” It was the only mumbled warning the cat had before being carefully scoped on the human’s arms, melting on the embrace, hissing, yawning and then proceeding to melt even further. Shouta huffed, amused.
 Another signal that the teenager was much more trapped in his mind than the normal was the fact he didn’t realize the adult coming closer, nearly jumping three feet in the air as Aizawa’s command hit him.
 “Sit correctly.”
 The teenager yelped, looking at him, at himself and then at him again, a strong shade of an ashamed red taking over his features. “O-o-of course, sir! I am sorry!” He bowed, putting his feet on the ground and straightening his back, a slight tremble on his movements making the adult frown.
 “Don’t think too much about this.” And before any protest could come out of the other’s mouth, Aizawa laid Shinsou on his legs, leading the boy to freeze completely, eyes locked on the cat, who just blinked lazily at him and started to knead his thighs, low, rumbling purrs escaping, demanding the new human as worthy.
 A barely suppressed squeal flew from the younger, who already seemed ready to cry again, although for different reasons.
 The cat café’s owner hid his amused smile by catching a kitten who approached with curiosity, petting him and proceeding to flop him on the soft, green curls. Ojiro meowed, purring and immediately attempting to eat his new environment.
 “I…” His wide, wobbly smile increased further as Shinsou butted his head on the teenager’s palm, his voice, a whisper, lapsing for a beat. “I love them.”
 There was no way for the adult to hide his snort at his words, but the Problem Child seemed unfazed with his reaction, turning to him with shiny eyes and smile.
 “Thank you so much, sir!”
 After a nod, Aizawa turned away and came back to his spot behind the counter. And if talking and taking orders when Hizashi uses part of his break to “discreetly” take a few pictures of a beaming boy smiling to the camera and pointing the cats on him to send to him later, is much more bearable than before? It has absolutely nothing to do with the young figure on the farthest table sporadically giggling as he plays with an Ojiro who is fiercely convinced he can win the battle against the red laser.
 “Excuse me, Yamada-san. I’m sorry, but my order was 476 yens and you only charged me 200.” Aizawa knew the boy was going to lose the fight the moment Hizashi only grinned and locked the cashier, completely ignoring the two pieces of paper on the other’s hand.
 “Don’t worry about it, little listener! Don’t worry! Take this as a thank you for letting Shinsou and Ojiro sleep on you for one hour, okay?”
 “B-but sir! It was no problem at all!” The way he moved to prove his point made Aizawa picture a small, energetic bunny. “I really like them and I was going to stay here longer anyway!”
 “Now, now, young boy.” Hizashi pointed a finger at him, trying and failing miserably to see or sound at least a tad chastising. “Refusing a ‘thank you’ is a serious offense, I wonder if I will need to give you a free blueberry muffin to go because of that…”
 “No!” Aizawa huffed, turning away from them and heading to the tables, taking the opportunity of how low the business was to clean and prepare them for the next customers, stopping right on his tracks, mid step as a wide, pleading glare found his. “Aizawa-san,” he shook the 276 yens at his direction, puppy eyes staring right on his soul, “please.”
 The dark-haired one scoffed, looking away from the powerful graze. “Don’t bring me into this. Fight your own battles, problem child.”
 Hizashi laughed at the pout he received in response, having pity on the loyal customer. “Okay, okay. I give. You can pay for this.” Aizawa glared at him, one eyebrow up in a non convinced expression. His friend winked, big grins as the younger turned to him, much more smiley. “With a hug.”
 Problem child seemed surprised, especially when the flamboyant employee jumped across the counter and stopped in front of him, arms open in an invitation. “Only if you’re comfortable, of course.” His voice was softer. “I can always accept 100 yens if you really want me to, little listener.”
 He didn’t understand the magic thing his friend always managed to do. The way he succeeded to dance around someone’s barriers, finding openings and walking through them, asking no permission to get closer yet always attentive when to stop and retreat or to talk about every or anything. The same magic he showed when they were teenagers.
 Tsuyu meowed and Aizawa kneeled down to give her attention for as long as the embrace lasted, pretending to not notice the two hugging behind him, the taller lightly swaying them while the younger relaxed, melting on the touch.
 A few seconds later the anxious bunny was bowing, thanking them and getting out with a gleam on his face, hugging happily the notebook next to his chest and petting Cloud before going away. Shouta came back to his spot, Yamada followed and the green hair disappeared on the corner.
 “We’re not adopting the Problem Child.”
 “But he already even has a nickname! Shoutaaa, it’s meant to be! And you’re already soft for him as well, don’t deny it.”
 He scoffed. “Shut up. You try to say no to those fucking puppy eyes next time.”
 “You fought well,” Hizashi patted his shoulder, his own gaze getting a dangerous, gleaming light. “Dadzawa.”
 The rarefied clients distributed across the café jumped when, between laughter and dramatics cries of pain, the blonde fell on the ground, a half pleased, half evil smile presenting itself on the shorter’s face in a flash before his impassive expression took over and he calmly continued with his usual chores, pointedly ignoring the ‘It was so worthy it’ snickered by his friend, still laid on the floor.
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 3 years
The Boy on the Farthest Table
The boy on the farthest table by Kanene yaaay
Aizawa doesn't really care about his clients more than the strictly necessary amount. He arrived where he is because of the cats and the coffee. If people paid more because he decided to mix both together and open a business with that premise than better for him.
So, yes. Aizawa doesn't care at all about his clients.
But, when a quiet sniff reached his ears, Aizawa almost felt his neck crack with how quickly he turned on the other's direction, just in time to see the ending of the teenager's action of wiping a few tears away. The one who definitely didn't get enough sleep on his entire life to deal with it sensed his left eye twitch.
That. Is. It.
Words: 2752, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Eri, Toogata Mirio, Hadou Nejire, Amajiki Tamaki, Hatsume Mei, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Except for Midoriya and Yamada and Aizawa the others are just briefly mentioned, Shinsou is a cat, jiro and Tsuyu are kittens, Caf Café, AU, alternative universe, Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Dadzawa, YamaDad, Dadmic, Coffe Shop AU I guess?, Aizawa cares for the problem child but you can pry that confession from his dead cold hands, Cats, It's just cute fluff really
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30017424
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
Me: Bruh, you know what. Mob kind of reminds me of Sunny............................. It’s been such a time since I last listenned to The Final Duet from OMORI. I should 100% re-watch this extremely emotional, impactful, culmination of all the game’s struggles and conflicts scene. It def won’t absolutely BREAKS ME DOWN and left me emotional for the rest of the morning :)
asdfghjksdfghj guess I literally walked on this one xD
Anyway!! On a literal and totally unrelated note I finally  f i n a l l y got a new phone and hoooly gosh. It was really unexpected (I was thinking I only would get one in March maybe February) so it will take a bit to get used to it but!!! I can’t wait to start rb-ing a bunch of stuff again!!!!!! Y e s
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kanerallels · 1 year
DO kanen and henry become friends???
The in universe reason is that I often see Kanan, in any given modern au, as a teacher of some sort, so they can bond over (and I say this with love and respect) nerd stuff, or even work together! And I can also see Kanan being former military, like Henry. Plus they're both CRAZY in love with their super awesome wives and support their careers
The real reason is that I love them both and can't handle the answer to that question being no
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The Boy on the Farthest Table
The boy on the farthest table by Kanene yaaay
Aizawa doesn't really care about his clients more than the strictly necessary amount. He arrived where he is because of the cats and the coffee. If people paid more because he decided to mix both together and open a business with that premise than better for him.
So, yes. Aizawa doesn't care at all about his clients.
But, when a quiet sniff reached his ears, Aizawa almost felt his neck crack with how quickly he turned on the other's direction, just in time to see the ending of the teenager's action of wiping a few tears away. The one who definitely didn't get enough sleep on his entire life to deal with it sensed his left eye twitch.
That. Is. It.
Words: 2752, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Eri, Toogata Mirio, Hadou Nejire, Amajiki Tamaki, Hatsume Mei, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Except for Midoriya and Yamada and Aizawa the others are just briefly mentioned, Shinsou is a cat, jiro and Tsuyu are kittens, Caf Café, AU, alternative universe, Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Dadzawa, YamaDad, Dadmic, Coffe Shop AU I guess?, Aizawa cares for the problem child but you can pry that confession from his dead cold hands, Cats, It's just cute fluff really
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30017424
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