#Knocking on Heaven's Door
eff8y · 4 months
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grandboute · 11 months
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Knocking on heaven's door
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rolloroberson · 6 months
Bob Dylan - Knocking on Heaven’s Door
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sofysta · 1 year
Knocking on Heaven's Door
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.... music and visuals ...
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Knockin’ On Heavens Door / Sweet Child O’Mine - Jordan White acoustic cover
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blueeyeddarkknight · 1 year
Happy birthday to the iconic Bob Dylan! 🎂
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Val and Bob in masked and anonymous 2003 & the premiere (This was Bob's first movie he wrote and he asked Val to be part of it).
The original Bob Dylan song that Val used (unfortunately Val's version has never been released 😭)
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clacclo · 9 months
MB14 & Tamara Knockin' on Heaven's door Beatbox+Guitar
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the-vandals-handle · 7 months
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peninsularian · 1 year
Stunning solo bass transcription
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roonyxx · 2 years
Firefly Chapter 10: Knocking on Heaven's Door
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By Roonyxx and Jay-and-dean
Pairings : future Dean x reader ?
Summary :  40 years in Hell, but he didn’t spend all this time all alone, he had her.
Prepare to know what happened during those years Dean never talks about. To immerge yourself in Hell, only lit by the mysterious kid growing here…
And to see some of your favorite villains again : Crowley, Lilith, Lucifer… And also Sammy and Jack…
Serie Warnings : Hurt!Dean, Hell (torture, even if we tried to not give it graphic descriptions, creepy demons, blood, violence), swearing, angst, future fluff and smut.
This story is in both Reader’s POV and Dean’s POV
Wordcount : 4600
Note : This is our second collaboration. We can’t both edit the same post, so we decided we would post 1 chapter/2 each, like we did for Same.
We both worked as much on this story and it’s the result of both our brains but also both our hearts.
Please, if you want to show love for this story, don’t forget we were together in this.
This is the last chapter of Firefly, @jay-and-dean​​ hope you all enjoyed the ride and we thank you so much or your amazing feedback! You’re all awesome people! Jay and I thank you so much for all your kind words :D. Enjoy the very last chapter of this long journey xxx.
Firefly Masterlist
Jay’s Masterlist
Roonyxx Masterlist
10. Knocking on Heaven’s Door
Dean’s Pov
She was smiling, as usual. Smiling despite the horrors she had known almost her whole life, despite the people around her, stressed and bitter like they can be in big cities. Smiling despite Dean acting like they hadn’t made love…
“Hey” she chuckled, taking a big bite of her hotdog, a little mustard falling at her feet. “We can’t see the stars, okay, but you must admit big cities offer some amazing distractions.”
“Mh…” Dean answered absent-mindidly, following another drop of mustard threatening to fall on her sweater with his eyes. 
But she obviously didn’t mind getting messy.
Her eyes widened and she wiped her hand on her jeans to tug at his sleeves, showing something like an excited child. But it took Dean a few moments to stop looking at her radiant face to turn to what she was showing.
“Dean !” she said with her mouth full, her free hand in front of it. “Street dancers !”
“Yeah” he smiled, amused by that never ending enthusiasm, that hunger for life.
She tugged at his arm, leading him in the middle of the little crowd that gathered around a group of young men dancing Capoeira.
The evening was clear and softly warm, and the traditional music was making it seem even warmer. Dean had never stopped to look at dancers in a big city square at night. He had never ran in a field without being chased by a monster either. And now he knew it : He had never loved like that.
After he had taken her to the best spot he knew to see the stars, they had slept in the car, they had eaten in an indian restaurant, and the fattest burger Dean could have found, they had ridden for hours to see New Orleans, drank until they were falling asleep on each other in the bar, they had almost kissed in that zoo, and he had almost let go a thousand times.
He had never been so alive. Forgetting the monsters for a few days, or a few weeks ? He had lost track of time… He wouldn’t stop, hunting, because it was his life and he had chosen it, but as long as she would be there, he would never forget to live again.
Sam had found a hunt in Chicago, and since they had made it here, Y/n had never stopped to drag them everywhere to see everything. And after their trip to the Millenium Park, she insisted on eating from food trucks and walking in the streets with Dean at her arm. 
“I learned to dance, you know” she said, barely audible in the music.
“You did ?” he smiled, his eyes glued to her, to the reflection of the city lights in her eyes.
“Not this dance, but, I did ! Jada, the other waitress at Sue’s bar, she danced, she taught me moves” saying that, she swayed her hips and giggled a little. 
“Very nice” he chuckled.
“Stop making fun of me” she smiled, looking up to dive in his eyes. 
And once again, Dean almost bent to kiss her. He almost gave in to his overwhelming love and held her like the treasure she was, but he licked his own lips instead, and wrapped his arm around her to hold her head against his mouth as he smelled her hair. 
“My Dean” she whispered, turning to nuzzle against him.
“We should go back to the motel, we have to get up early tomorrow” he said. “And we can’t let Sam do all the work, right ?”
“Yes” she nodded. “Let’s go back and find out if I can be a hunter !”
The motel was one of the worst Dean had known. They had booked something really cheap out of town, in the area where the murders had occurred. Prostitutes were walking its corridors and at least four different types of drugs were roaming the place.
      But she didn’t seem to mind.
      He entered the room they had finally booked for her, to avoid making one of them sleep on the sofa, which was really dirty.
“Hey Firefly” he entered after knocking. “I don’t like you being alone here, so I told Sam I will sleep in your room.”
She smiled, looking up from her book.
His false excuse floated between them for a moment but they both knew there was another reason, he just hated to be away from her. He hated it because he felt like he would miss something. What if she laughed and he didn’t hear it ? What if his hand wasn’t here when she wanted to take it ?… 
“That’s good news, but why ?” she said, getting up to arrange the single bed next to hers.
“This place is shady. And the cops just took a corpse out…”
“Oh” she frowned with a sorry look. “You know Dean, I have known places worse than that.”
“Yeah well, you grew up in Hell, but those are not the same kind of bad people. Believe me some humans are crazier than demons.”
She opened her bag, and took sheets out of it, to change the one the motel had put on the bed, carefully.
“Oh, you take clean sheets with you” he chuckled.
But she didn’t answer that question.
“I wasn’t talking about Hell” she stated, working to make his bed more welcoming.
 Reader’s Pov
      Dean always wanted to protect her, and over the years growing up with his stories, she knew quite clearly that he thought it was his role.
So she let him. There would be a time for taking this burden out of his shoulders, one day, bit by bit ; but for now he needed it. It gave him a goal, helped him feel in control. That’s why she didn’t object that she could kill any crazy human, like he said, pretty easily if she had too. That’s why she was making his bed, simply enjoying the idea of him next to her during the night.
“You slept in places like that ?” he asked, joining to help her with the sheets. “When you were on Earth the first time…”
“Well” she hummed calmly. “The first months, it was only when I was lucky.”
“Shit” he groaned, rubbing his face. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.”
“You were in Hell, Dean” she stated. “Then you had no idea I was here. Really, nothing bad happened to me, I just learned life the hard way… Didn’t you too ?”
“I at least had a family.”
“I had superpowers” she winked with a little smile, making him chuckle.
      Once the bed was done, she sat on hers, cross-legged like she always did in his cell, and waited for him to take his jacket off and sit too.
“Tell me more Firefly” he asked. “I’m always the one telling you stories. I want to hear yours.”
She smiled a little and started thinking, to organize her story.
“There were those explosions of power” she started. “When Lilith locked me and when Crowley tricked me into believing you were free… I remember it like violent explosions.”
His eyes were glued to hers, emotions vibrating in his green irises.
“I was consumed by rage and everything was blurry except those waves of fire inside of me” she continued. “Then all went calm. Not outside of course, the world was swarming and loud, but my fire was silent, and I had no idea what to do… So I sat and waited. I have no idea how long. But, Dean, when I decided to live, you were with me. Every second of it, you were with me.”
He came to sit next to her, his hand grasping hers.
“You were with me when I slept in the street, and found the existence of foster homes. When I was hungry, or scared. You were with me when I first laughed and when I finally looked up to the sky… Then I met Sue” a little smile crossed her face. “You would have loved her, and she made the best pie, ‘extra butter’ was her secret. It wasn’t really a secret when you tasted it, and your fingers were all greasy” she chuckled. 
“I’m so glad you found her” he nodded. 
“She found me… We both had our angel” saying that, she dropped a small kiss on his shoulder. “She really wanted to meet you, I talked about you all the time” Y/n added, then she looked away for a second. “She called you Prince Charming.”
“Yeah I’m pretty far from that…”
Another silence fell on them.
She turned to lay with her head on his thighs. It was something she had dreamed to do for a long time. The thing she remembered the most of her time on Earth, was painfully wanting to be held just like she used to rock him for all those years.
“Are you ?” she whispered, her love barely hidden in the words.
His sigh made her snuggle closer to him. His body welcomed her, moving a little to make her more comfortable, his hand pushing a stray of her hair out of her face, and drawing the contour of her face.
“Do you remember…” she murmured, totally engrossed in enjoying the brush of his fingers on the side of her head. “When you talked to me about classic rock the first time ?”
“I must have talked about classic rock a lot” he softly smiled.
“I went to a Bob Dylan concert” she said without looking up. “It was a festival in summer and I went there alone and got drunk and a little stoned. Cried a lot when he played Knocking on Heaven’s door.”
“Really ?” his voice was soft and pensive. “I think I would have cried with you… If I could have been with you… When I think that I was there, somewhere in this country, wasting my time. I missed everything.”
“Not everything” she hummed, closing her eyes to focus on his large hand stroking her head like he had done it his whole life. “You weren’t wasting your time.”
“How was it ?” he asked low.
“It was my first concert ever, it was amazing… I swayed to the music and made out with a girl” she let out a slight laugh at the memory.
Dean looked down with a little frown, and she looked up to give him an amused smile but his face stayed flustered. 
Behind the sordid thin walls, people started to scream, fighting about sad subjects with bitter words. But all she could focus on was his touch and his smell. His eyes turned to the wall, his pupils contracting in wary.
“Screams, always screams…” Dean sighed.
At his words, Y/n sat up, breaking their comfy bubble of tenderness that was disturbed by yet a little more violence and hate. 
“Lay down” she said.
And Dean just obeyed without a word, taking his shoes off to put his legs on the single bed, laying on his side to face her.
She joined him slowly, her face only a few inches from his, their knees touching, both shyly resting on the edge of the bed. 
A comfortable smile appeared on her face, she raised her hand and carefully put it flat on his ears, pressing just enough to muffle the screams.
“No more screams” she mouthed without any sound.
From here, she could see the perfect lines of his face, she could see the freckles she always loved more than stars, and the wrinkles on his skin… She could also see the thousand thoughts in his glistening eyes.
It was easy, and it was natural. She had been made to protect him, she felt like the case for his diamond eyes.
His hand started moving, grazing her side, flattening on her shoulder to squeeze it softly in a sensual gesture. It went up more, holding the side of her neck, his thumb pressing gently under her chin, stealing a very soft moan out of her. Then, imitating hers, it landed on her ear, covering half her head, fingers tangled on her hair.
“No more screams” he mouthed too. 
And they both stayed there in the calm of the other, looking at each other until Dean’s eyes ended up closing his, when sleep fell peacefully on him.
Dean’s Pov
He felt a warmth enveloping his body, a reassuring pressure on his chest. He opened one eye to see her snuggled on his chest, he felt her even breaths like hot waves rolling over his right pectoral. 
He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her body, enjoying this moment while it lasted. He couldn’t look away from her peaceful face, how her hands clung to his shirt, her hair looked somewhat messy but still perfect. 
With one hand he pushed a stray hair from her face, as soon as she felt his touch, her head leaned towards it, like she craved his touch as much as he craved hers. He put his hand on her head, keeping her close to his chest, to his heart. Because that was where she belonged.
But he knew this couldn’t happen everyday, he had to keep her safe, he had to protect her. So he would keep his distance, even if it broke his heart.
With a sigh he carefully unwrapped her hands from his body and slipped from underneath her, replacing his chest with a pillow. He took his shoes that were still lying next to the bed and watched her sleep for a moment, burrowing her face deeper into the pillow with a frown on her features.
He had his hand on the doorknob when he heard her soft voice.
“Do you have to go ?” her voice sounded hurt, as if asking it was like tearing a little piece of her heart.
He turned and saw her sitting up right in the middle of bed, her face no longer held that spark he loved so much and he hated himself for putting it out. 
He stepped towards her and sat on the edge of the bed.
“I… I have too” he said without meeting her eyes.
“Why ?” she whispered.
He looked up at her, searching her face, searching for that answer, because everyday he was with her, he could feel his walls coming down bit by bit. 
Why ?
Because he had too, because she was too pure and good for him…
“Because I’m no good for you” he couldn’t keep his voice straight, he wanted nothing more than to be what she deserved, but she deserved the world, and he was far from that.
She moved closer to him and cupped his cheek.
“Dean, you’re the best that ever happened to me. You shaped me to the person I am today. We need each other, I know we have this connection Dean, you can’t deny it” she said as she took his hand in hers.
He was holding back tears, he never got this emotional, but she meant so much to him.
“I-I’m poison Firefly, I can’t lose you, not again” he felt a tear roll down his face as his walls started to crumble. 
She took both his hands in hers and he felt her squeeze them a little.
“You won’t lose me Dean. Never, I won’t let that happen and you’re not poison. You were the only hope I had in my life, you were the only one to show me kindness in a cold and harsh place like Hell. You call me Firefly but don’t forget, you’re mine too, Dean” her eyes held tears as she spoke to him.
Her firefly ? Her light ? How could he be light ? Her words resonated in his mind, hitting the corners of it like a blinded moth, before it reached his soul. Was it possible, indeed, that she was the one he never hurt, the one that had seen the darkest of him and didn’t mind at all ; the one that was made of the same clay ? A matter born in pain and darkness, but still aiming for light…
“I’ve lost everyone” he said as he held her hands tight. “I-I can’t lose you Firefly, I can’t. And I can’t damage you.” 
She leaned forward to press her lips on his, he could taste the salty tears on them.
“No you can’t and you won’t Dean, you know how strong I am. Nothing can take me from you, not even you” she held his head close, foreheads pressed together. “But I don’t want to be your responsibility. I learned to live, thanks to you, I learned to live on my own, Dean. So if you give me a few weeks to find a place, maybe a job…”
“Don’t…” he cut her with a strangled voice. 
Just the idea of letting her go was unbearable. The idea of her alone in an apartment…
“I can be your friend” she continued. “If you need a friend, I will be your friend. I… I can visit when you invite me.”
“No” he whined.
“You’re free Dean” she stated low. “I’m not chains, I’m not them… But you will always be the only one….”
“I… I l-love you, Firefly.” he whispered so softly he thought she wouldn’t have heard it.
But she did. Her Y/E/C looked deep into his green ones.
“I’ve loved you since I was fifteen, Dean. I’m never gonna stop loving you” she ran her thumbs over his cheek bones.
He kissed her again, he couldn’t hold back anymore, his walls didn’t crumble because around her the walls just didn’t exist. He loved her, he always did but in Hell he didn’t have the room for those kinds of emotions and now that she was back, now that she was real, those emotions were hitting him now all at once. 
He couldn’t hold back anymore.
He deepened the kiss as he laid her back on the bed, his hands pushed her shirt up to roam her sides. Her fingers tangled in his hair to tug at it, making him groan.
He sat up to tug his flannel off his shoulders as she crossed her arms over her body to pull her shirt over her head, leaving her in nothing but her cute little pj shorts. 
Dean groaned at the sight of her. He bent forward to take one of her nipples in his mouth, making her gasp as she tugged on his t-shirt. With one hand he reached to the back of his shirt and took it off, crushing his chest on hers, kissing from her neck up to her lips.
“I love you, Y/n” he moaned in her ear, his hips rolling into hers as his arousal grew behind the confines of his jeans. 
He wasn’t afraid of saying it anymore, she knew anyway. She was in his heart, and she could feel it, so hiding made no sense…
“I love you too, Dean” her hands went to unbuckle his belt, tugging eagerly at it. “I need you” 
She pushed down his pants and underwear, he needed to sink inside of her, deep inside of her. In fact, if he could, he would sleep in the center of her soul. 
He helped her take his clothes off, his hands janked her shorts down her legs and threw it aside. She seemed to need it as much as him. His lips were attached to every inch of her skin. 
She arched her back as little ruby fireflies started to appear in the room, spinning and moving in the air like dragonflies around them. Dean looked up from her neck for a second.
“This is beautiful” he stated with a lazy smile, last time, her magic firework was golden.
She hummed as she wrapped her legs around his waist, encouraging him to take her, her lips peppering his neck and shoulders with warm kisses.
His hard cock was rubbing on her folds, impatient. He groaned loud, desire consuming him..
“Baby… you’re so wet” he used his thumb to push his cock deeper between her folds, making them spread around the wide head of his cock. 
“So beautiful” he whispered as he pushed inside.
His arms came to rest next to her head, caging her, lips claiming hers as he thrusted steadily into her.
Her ecstatic moans and his possessive groans filled the room as he stretched her out, more bright dancing ruby dots appeared in the room, casting a red glow onto the lovers.
Her hands gripped his shoulders tight as he thrusted harder into her, his pace fastening. The memory of the neighbours fighting was long gone, the sounds of their skin hitting skin filling the room.
“I’m close D-Dean” she gasped against his lips. 
Her walls clenched hard around his member, empathizing her words.
“I’m right behind you baby, come for me” he lowered his body so they were flush against each other as she came hard around him.
The little scarlet fireflies turned to light snowflakes of the brightest ruby and started to fall on them, like fresh snow, covering them in a soft red dust.
“DEAAN YES” she screamed into the night. 
He was with her, and needed nothing more than a second, his face nuzzled into her neck as his hips snapped hard into her, groaning loud when he filled her up with his cum.
“FUCK BABY” he fell limp on her as the last drops of cum left his cock, welcomed by her body.
He lifted his head up to look at her, a blissed out smile on her face when her eyes met his. The gloomy room now looked like it was sprinkled with love and dreams. They were both out of breath when she asked :
“What does this mean Dean ?” 
She pushed the sweaty hair that stuck to his forehead aside.
“How do you mean ?” he rested his chin softly on her chest as he looked up at her.
“Us, what are we now ?” her fingers ran through his hair as she stared deep into his eyes.
“We’re together” he said with a smile. “I mean if that’s what you want” he quickly added.
“Yes, I want that Dean” she angled her head down to kiss him passionately. “Of course I want that.”
He thought of it one last time. Of the danger, of his doubts… But they were far, and faded now. They had met in the worst, so nothing could happen. 
Together made sense, it felt right and sure. All he had missed in his life.
“I love you, Firefly” he whispered against her lips, his hands holding her closer.
“I love you too Dean” she said.
Reader’s Pov
She had her arm around Dean’s shoulders as he limped down the bunker’s stairs. As usual, he was careful to not put his weight on her, and that made her smile tenderly.
“Twenty eight !” Sam made her jump a little when he shouted behind them. “Twenty eight monster in seven days ! The other hunters are going to be unemployed !”
“That’s a lot” Dean grunted. “Two nests and those demons…”
“I’m opening a bottle” his brother stated. “The way you burned those vampires, Firefly ! Like… They were there and then…  freaking ember ! I… Wow.”
His long arms were mimicking the vanishing of the monsters with enthusiasm, but she had stopped listening when Dean had whined on the last step.
“Damn demons, they always go for the knees!” he muttered.
She helped him sit down on one of the chairs in the library and pulled another chair closer to him to sit on it herself.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there fast enough baby” she said. “Close your eyes” she whispered as she put both her hands around his injured knee.
A golden hue erupted from her palms as she closed her eyes to focus on his knee. No one, nothing, would ever make him suffer again, especially not demons, and the one who had had the audacity to make her Dean cry out in pain was now a memory.
When she pulled her hands away Dean lifted his leg to bend his knee and smiled when he could do it effortlessly.
“Thank you, Firefly” he pecked her lips with a sweet smile.
“I hate it when you’re hurt” she said with a pout. 
She nervously put a finger in the hole of his jeans, tickling the skin under his knee a little, earning a tender smile from the man she called hers.
“With those powers of yours, it barely happens anymore, no monster can eat us” he cupped her face and pulled with his thumb on her bottom lip. “You’re so cute when you pout” .
She pouted exaggeratedly  just to hear him laugh, then pushed her hair behind her ear.
“Are you hurt baby ?” Dean asked as he checked her over, pushing her in every way to see on the sides, on her back… his hand came to the cut on her jacket.
“You know that can’t really happen Dean” she took his hands from her coat and lifted her sleeve to show him the cut had already healed. “See ? I’m okay baby” she assured him with a smile.
“I know but that won’t stop me from checking” he took her hand and kissed her knuckles, like he often did. “I don’t know how we survived hunts before we had you. Your powers really come in handy” he stroked her hand with his thumb.
“And it’s a bonus that demons are scared of me” she chuckled. “Did you see Krampus’s face ? That bastard used to denounce me all the time when I sneaked out… Bye bye ugly face.”
Dean’s laugh filled the room, making home even warmer.
“Yes it is” Dean said at the end of his frank and now familiar laugh.
He looked at her face, staring at her deeply. His wrinkles next to his eyes slowly appearing as his smile grew, the white of his teeth showing just a little through his plumb lips.
“What ? Do I have something on my face ?” she asked as she started to wipe at her brow.
The chuckle that rumbled deep in his chest made her stop wiping her face and smile to the love of her life.
“No I just…” a deep sigh left his mouth “What would I do without you ?”
She laughed through her nose, nodding to thank Sam who had come back with three drinks, and sat with a focused look at his phone in his hand. But once again, her attention was on Dean. 
“Probably, crash and burn” she shrugged nonchalantly with a smile.
“A few days off ?” he suggested, making her nod. “Netflix and chill ?”
“Or… “ she grinned. “Las Vegas ?”
“Las Vegas ?” he chuckled. “With your powers we could win a lot of money” he realized with widened eyes. “You hear that Sammy ?”
His brother hummed absent-mindidly. 
“With the money, we rent the biggest room, order fancy things…” he continued with a sparkle in his eyes. “Oh that will be fun !”
He cupped her face and kissed her deep, a mix of excitement and pure love on his lips.
“I love you my Firefly.”
In answer, she grazed his glass and frost appeared on it. And that meant I love you. She would keep him safe and the furthest possible from Hell and blood, she would wake up humming their song, and cool his drinks, forever. 
And he would always hold her when the flame inside her would get weak a little, when it would be cold or dark. His hands around her to shelter her and to remind her that she wasn’t forged by Hell, only locked in it. 
She would be a light, because it was what he had always needed. She would be his freedom, his comfort, his choice…
His Firefly.
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grandboute · 8 months
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#door #instadoor #heinjtadore #knockingOnHeavensDoor #porte #instaporte #heinjtapporte #peuUnePorte #nainPorteQuoi #pasDePorte #benSi #porteAporte #enFlanant #cityShot #urbanphotography
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baberbackbookstack · 2 years
guns n' roses really said here's a timeless song that will make people bawl their eyeballs out and rip their souls right out of their chests for generations to come and called it don't cry
and i will stand by the alternate lyrics until the day i die. no i will not be taking criticism at this time.
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30ahchaleh · 3 months
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (1973)
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این فیلم یکی از فیلم های خوب در ژانر وسترن با زیر شاخه (تجدیدنظرطلب) است
revisionist Western
این شاخه از فیلم های وسترن بر خلاف وسترن های سنتی ، کمی واقعگرایانه تر و انتقادی به دوران غرب وحشی نگاه میکند
در این فیلم شخصیت ها و کلیت سرگذشتشان واقعیت تاریخی دارند اما داستان و درون مایه آن دست پرورده ی ایده پردازی های نویسنده ها شده است
از این ها که بگذریم میرسیم به چند نکته جالب در این فیلم
⭐اولین نکته : حضور "Bob Dylan باب دیلن" برنده جایزه نوبل ادبی سال 2016 در این فیلم ، هم به عنوان بازیگر و هم آهنگساز و شاعر و خواننده و نوازنده است
باب دیلن نقش الیاس را در این فیلم بازی میکند در کنار آن چند ترانه و آهنگ برای این فیلم میسازد و خودش آنها را میخواند
باب در آن زمان مشهور نبود اما سکانس کلانتر بیکر و مادرش در این فیلم همراه با آهنگ و ترانه و خوانندگیش او را سر زبان ها انداخت
این سکانس یکی از بیادماندنی ترین سکانس ها برای دوستداران حرفه ای فیلم های وسترن است چراکه هم قصه اش زیباست و هم باب دیلن برای این تراژدی یکی از معروف ترین ترانه هایش را ساخت و خواند
قصه این سکانس اینگونه است که کلانترPat در پیرو دستگیری مجرمBilly به کمک کلانترBaker احتیاج دارد اما او که با مادرش زندگی میکند و خسته از این شهر و مردش است میخواهد قایقی بسازد تا با آن از مسیر رودخانه ای که از کنار شهر میگذرد بتواند خودش را از دست این ناحیه لعنتی خلاص کند
Sheriff Baker :
کلانتر بیکر :
One of these days,
when I get my boat built...
بالاخره یکی از همین روزها قایقم رو می‌سازم
...I’m gonna drift out of
this damn territory.
و خودم رو از این منطقه لعنتی بیرون می‌کشم
میدانم دوستداران سهراب سپهری وقتی این سطرها را بخواند یاد شعر قایقی خواهم ساخت او می‌افتند
اما نمیدانم آیا سهراب این فیلم را دیده بود یا نه
سکانس را خلاصه وار برایتان گذاشتم تا سرانجامش را ببینید
اما شاهکار این سکانس با ترانه و آهنگ و خوانندگی و نوازندگی باب دیلن کامل میشود
وقتی به ما میفهماند ، آنگاه که مرگ فرا برسد دیگر نه "نشان" ها بدرد میخورند و نه "تفنگ" ها و نه "قایق" های نیمه ساخت 🥺😢
این ترانه ، ایرانی پسند هم هست چراکه قافیه دار و استعاره ای است و مفهوم آن غنی و غمی 😅 میباشد در کنار آنکه آهنگی دل نواز هم دارد😊
⭐دومین نکته : سرگذشت فاجعه بار خوده این فیلم است به طوری که در مرحله تدوین فیلم بین سرمایه گذارها و کارگردان چنان اختلاف شدیدی در میگیرد که افتضاح ترین تدوین کاری کارگردان رخ میدهد کارگردان که فیلم را در 165 دقیقه درست کرده بود مجبور میشود آنرا به 106 دقیقه کاهش دهد و آنرا آماده نمایش روی پرده سینما کند و نتیجه آن یک شکست واقعی از طرف منتقدین برای فیلم بود
اکثر مردم دنیا بخصوص ایرانی ها هم همان نسخه دوبله 106 دقیقه را دیدند که خب معلوم است نپسندند
کمپانی صاحب اثر بعدها در سال 2005 یک نسخه یک ساعت و پنجاه و پنج دقیقه و شانزده ثانیه یعنی 115 دقیقه آماده میکند که به طور کل نظر منتقدین را عوض میکند
از ویکیپدیا :
این نسخه منجر به کشف مجدد و ارزیابی مجدد فیلم شد و بسیاری از منتقدان آن را به عنوان یک شاهکار گمشده تحسین کردند. شهرت فیلم از زمان انتشار این نسخه به طور قابل توجهی افزایش یافته است و فیلم به عنوان چیزی شبیه به یک کلاسیک مدرن در نظر گرفته می‌شود
یک نسخه 124 دقیقه ای "پیش نمایش" قبل از افتضاح 106 دقیقه ای برای منتقدین آماده شده بود که پس از دیدن آن ، آنرا به عنوان بهترین فیلم کارگردان تحسین کردند اما در نهایت 106 دقیقه ای اکران شد
شایعه ها برای وجود نسخه های دیگر زباد هست مثل سرگذشت واقعی شخصیت مجرمBilly در فیلم ، من خودم بعد از سعی فراوان نسخه قابل قبول 2005 را دیدم و خیلی خوشم آمد اما دوست داشتم نسخه 124 دقیقه ای آنزا که وجودش اثبات شده ببینم ولی نشد
بله ، وقتی قیچی و چسب خوب کار کند میشود "تدوین" در غیر اینصورت سانسوری بیش نیست حال به هر بهانه ای !
یاد فیلم رضاموتوری مسعود کیمیایی افتادم با آن مدل تدوین و نسخه های متعددش
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fleetshotter-minstrel · 6 months
‘Gettin’ dark, too dark to see…,”
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darthdutton · 7 months
I think studio bones is easily my favourite animation studio. Don't get me wrong , I appreciate ufotable and mappa and their extravagant stuff. But I just love Bones❤️
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