#Kung Fu spoilers
earnmysong · 2 years
listen, deadline, i didn’t appreciate having my blissful bubble of naïveté shattered, okay? sure, i knew the nicky/henry situation wasn’t exactly on solid ground. but did i think they were done? not in the least ...
joke’s on me, i guess.
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tishrivers · 2 years
so y’all wasn’t gonna tell me that henry and nicky broke up in the finale….just wowwww my heart
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thelolarahaii · 1 year
what hits so hard about the scene after pei-ling's death is that nicky never knew that zhilan was only alive for pei-ling. i think while nicky thought they were saying goodbye because zhilan was gonna go somewhere else, there was a deeper meaning for zhilan bc she honestly didn't know if she was gonna ever see nicky again
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lesbianmaxevans · 1 year
Hi, I'm sorry for bothering but did they write off Bo in Kung Fu?
not a bother!
granted, I am in no way involved in the making of the show so I cannot say anything with 100% certainty, but Bo staying in the shadow realm sure felt pretty final for him. he gave Nicky his totem, so he has no way to leave, and the way Bo was swarmed by those creatures after he sent her back gives the impression that he's dead.
I guess the writers could have Nicky go and save him in s4, if we get it (which I'm not holding my breath for tbh) but given how flippant the writers have been about his trauma and the fact that characters kept threatening him with violence for literally being a grooming victim, I really have a hard time believing they'd care enough to bring him back. also it's very clear his purpose in the narrative was to keep Nicky and Henry apart, and it's very clear Nicky and Henry are going to get back together in the finale tonight, so that's another reason for the writers to not give him another thought :/
anyway Bo ilu, u deserved so much better :(
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bklily · 2 months
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What could possibly defeat them when they're together?
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While the pair is having their bonding moment, Lilia is on the verge of a stress induced heart attack
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lovewillthaw-j · 3 months
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Kung Fu masters
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vivid-adventurer · 1 month
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I binge watched a playthrough of Peach Showtime and man she has so many cute fits I had to draw ALL of them
I also will be selling these as stickers starting mid-May so 👀 keep ya eyes peeled on my kofi perhaps?
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nyaskitten · 5 months
Okay, after a bit, I've realized what exactly is off with Zhen to me. It's not the voice (although Awkwafina's voice is... very grating to put it as politely blunt as possible,) no, it's the overall design. I'm not here to be all nitpicky and annoying, but genuinely, her design feels out of place in this universe. Kung Fu Panda's designs are so heavily shape-focused, their shapes and sizes are so unique and special to them! So when you bring someone like Zhen, who looks ripped straight from Zootopia, it just feels... lame. And It's not like this applies to ANY of the new characters we see either!!! Look at the Chameleon vs. Zhen!
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The Chameleon has this unique shape to her, she's so skinny, her shape intentionally reduces her fear factor, she's small and puny, so thus she would also be weak, no? But you're WRONG, she's a more powerful threat than you could imagine! Meanwhile with Zhen I can't even tell if she's a fox or a wolf, like I had to go to the wiki just to find out she's even a fox!
All her design tells me about her is she's some bandit or something... again, Kung Fu Panda is KNOWN for its unique shapes and sizes, it's stylization is something to gawk and marvel at, with just how GOOD they are... and Zhen just doesn't deliver... which really sucks, especially if the theory of her being the new "Dragon Warrior" is true...
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godslayyer69 · 2 months
Its hard for me to say this but kung fu panda 4 is a cheap fucking remake. IT DID NOT serve cunt and they did in fact LEFT ALL CRUMBS 💀💀💀
Daddy Tai Lung was there but even he cant save this movie🥲
The most enjoyable part are the Dads, as usual Mr. Ping and Li slayyed💅 they should've just made a movie about these love birds if they aren't giving us the furious five😩
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k-martins · 7 months
Now I realize that Megs's rabbit tries to do a sequence of three kicks… just like Yuji does.
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Like father Like Son
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Just saw Kung Fu Panda 4. I'm just gonna say it:
It is viscerally mediocre.
The only upside to it is that because of it, an idea for a much better Kung Fu Panda 4 violated all my boundaries and got into my head on its own. It has much better character development, a much better plot, and a much much MUCH better antagonist.
If this post gets 10 notes, I'll write it.
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creaman · 2 months
To preface, I watched this movie and I'm genuinely tweaking right now so I had to write down a very brief (lie) criticism on this film — which you should boycott, by the way.
Starting with the things I liked, before briefing my primary points of criticism:
Po's Character Regression
Po and Zhen's Dynamic
The Chameleon
I'd also yap about Lord Shen and the death of the art style and the entire narrative and pacing and use of the staff of wisdom but my therapist says being such a hater is 'unhealthy' or something. My heart is full of hatred.
SPOILERS for the entirety KFP4 for the 2 people who care.
KFP4 undermines and ignores the previous three movies — Unwriting character developments, outright removing the Furious Five, straying from the character design philosophies and is completely inconsistent with the established lore.
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Things I Liked About Kung Fu Panda 4
The Chameleon's character design
Visual gag in the Tavern where Po uses a recently thrown axe as a hat rack (made me laugh)
When Mr. Ping did this:
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so cute! the little heart!
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Po — Character Writing
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Po, as established in the previous movies, is confident in his abilities and identity — he’s learnt inner peace, he’s matured as a character. However, in KFP4, his character has completely regressed. He’s immature again (such as KFP1, possibly worse) and says verbatim, “only knows kicking butt and taking names” — UNLEARNING inner peace and insisting that “…being the Dragon Warrior is all I know.”
It’s childish, and sort of Hotel Transylvania-esque.
Which isn’t helped by the comedy, the dialogue — a large chunk of which are jokes in the style of:
Master Shifu says something philosophical
Po quips off of it / doesn’t get it (i.e. Whoa!! beat I don’t know what that means.)
Oh, it’s great, yeah, very tolerable. Po’s shenanigans are normally reeled in by the presence of the Furious Five who are generally more serious in nature, creating a much needed balance in the dynamic — So without them, it’s just Po becoming increasingly obnoxious and insufferable with every consecutive quip throughout the screenplay.
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Po and Zhen — Character Dynamics
[No more graphics sorry I'm too angry]
As if it wasn’t obvious that Zhen was going to be the next Dragon Warrior the second she was introduced.
Zhen, as a character, has no depth besides being a quippy thief. She quips, she steals. This character has no motives — it can be assumed that the writers intended on a ‘change of heart’ thing, but she isn’t established as evil, her working for the Chameleon is written as a (albeit poor) twist reveal.
By which point, her taking either side wouldn’t make sense, given that she has shown no loyalty or attachment to either Po nor the Chameleon.
The movie artificially strengthens their bond by having Zhen start opening up about her backstory out of nowhere for no reason but they have done nothing to grow closer to each other.
Small tangent, her backstory is exactly what you’d expect it to be with no subversions or even emotional weight. Woe is me I was so small and hungry I had to steal to survive. Glossed over in about a minute.
The majority of the dialogue between Zhen and Po is spoken exposition — explaining how powerful and badass the Chameleon is, explaining how ‘we have to go here to do that’ and ‘this place was cool until the Chameleon did such and such’, and the rest of their time together is spent engaging in filler chase sequences and fight scenes.
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The Chameleon
Where do I even start…
This is where it becomes apparent that the movie relies heavily on telling rather than showing —
She is the weakest villain by far, not only in universe but as a written character; which is particularly disheartening because I genuinely adore her character design and feel as though a shapeshifting character has great potential.
The movie artificially inflates her power by insisting through exposition that this is the most capable antagonist thus far (lie).
The audience is TOLD by Zhen and various restaurant patrons that the Chameleon is a powerful shapeshifting sorceress and that she 'dominates the city' whilst the film does nothing to showcase this.
'Dominating the city' meaning letting her henchpeople run amock and bully the civilians just like Lord Shen's wolves in KFP2... uninspired.
I just realised they didn't even give her a NAME what the FUCK is going on
She describes HERSELF as ruthless, clever and unsentimental when comparing Zhen to herself.
She says HERSELF that she’s “Stronger than every opponent you’ve ever faced.”
Let’s see what vile reprehensible things she’s done, shall we?
Gently push someone down some stairs
Her first appearance is through Zhen’s exposition, as opposed to the dramatic and memorable entrances of the previous villains. Her motives or character aren’t established until the final third of the film. She doesn’t even FIGHT anybody until the final third of the film; and even then, her fight sequences are uninspired and she never really poses a real threat. (She goes down in two hits.)
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There's a scene after the climax of the film where all the kung fu masters and previous villains from the spirit realm bow to Po. I'm not going to provide my thoughts on this because I fear I may burst a blood vessel. Good day!
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Closing Statements
To put it simply, Kung Fu Panda 4 was my Megamind 2.
The film rejects its predecessors in every way. It really feels as though they brought in somebody with no prior knowledge of the franchise to direct the movie.
It's a film that relies heavily on telling rather than showing — banking on the previous three movies to carry it through the box office.
It's just really disheartening to see studio execs turn one of the best franchises into a safe sequel cash grab and regress every character's development.
Nevertheless. I do adore the chameleon's character design so I might do my own take on her character.
As far as I'm concerned, there is no fairy godmother, there is no tooth fairy, and there is no kung fu panda 4.
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awestruck-atrophy · 3 months
missed opportunity to let Gary Oldman bitch about being stuck in a room full of kung fu masters. the very thing he wanted to destroy. additional missed opportunity to let Shen show up and have the chameleon fucking fail to take his kung fu. he doesn’t have any kung fu abilities mf fights with a sword and daggers and a fucking cannon he would be like “bitch you WISH”
they would have tea and talk abt metalworking
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ric505 · 2 months
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es cine
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dontexpecttomakesense · 3 months
Me being disapointed that Tai Lung was used as a marketing ploy even if it was obvious from the trailer that he was being used as one
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weirdkev27 · 3 months
Charlie: I just found out that my girlfriend is an exterminator.
Carmilla: ...your girlfriend?
Charlie: [nods]
Carmilla: The one with the x over her eye and the angelic spear?
Charlie: [nods again]
Carmilla: [no change of tone or expression whatsoever] ...That must have been quite a shock.
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