#Lee And Kya From The Tea Shop AU
demaparbat-hp · 3 months
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Felt like sharing some Lee & Kya From The Tea Shop AU sketches ✨🍵
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gemgirl28 · 2 years
A prompt:
An AU where Katara has severe prosopagnosia (face blindness)
It's incredibly frustrating because she can't recognize her own family members and has to use other little markers to help identify them.
And then one day, Katara enters the recently opened tea shop and the tea server's face is so wonderfully distinctive.
She can't help but stare...but not for the reasons Zuko might think.
Hello anon! Thanks for the prompt!
Not gonna lie, I've SUPER struggled with this because I, like my father, have a memory for faces. Names? No. Faces? Haunt me. So this might be a bit rough.
Katara didn't understand why she couldn't remember faces, but from the time she was a young child, she struggled to remember the face of anyone she met. She spilled enough frustrated tears to drown Ba Sing Se over the course of her short life.
Once they realized what was wrong, Hakoda and Kya did everything they could to work with Katara. It's why her father started keeping his braids in the same place, on the sides of his face. It helped that Kya already wore the same necklace everyday. Hakoda made Sokka a whalebone necklace, so she could recognize him, too.
When they met Aang, it was easy to remember his tattoos. Toph was identifiable by the headband she wore that didn't keep her bangs from falling in her face. That, and the distinct layer of dirt she kept over her skin.
So when Katara walked into a new tea shop in the Upper Ring, she never expected to recognize someone.
But the second she laid eyes on him, she was overwhelmed with the feeling that she knew who he was.
She just couldn't remember how they knew each other.
The tea server looked nervous as he approached her table. His eyes kept darting between her and Momo, his hands wringing on the notepad.
Katara studied his face, willing any memory to remind her who he was. His gold eyes, still shifting about, looked warm. His skin was pale and his complexion clear, except for the angry scar over his eye. Katara felt herself frowning. Whoever he was, he'd been through a lot of pain.
"Good afternoon," said, drawing her from her study of him. "Welcome to the Jasmine Dragon. What can I get for you today?"
Katara tilted her head, trying in vain once more to recall who he was. "I'm sorry, but I can't help but feel like we know each other," she said.
He blinked, stunned by her statement. "You... you don't recognize me?"
Katara shook her head. "I'm sorry, it's a- a curse I have, I can't remember faces. Yours feels so familiar, but I can't place it."
He stood very still, as if frozen from the inside out, an awkward tension growing between them. Finally he said, "We did know each other."
He nodded. "Back when I was- when I was chasing after something I shouldn't have been. But I'm different now. I've changed. I'm trying to be better for my uncle."
Katara smiled warmly. "What's your name?"
"Well, Lee, I think I'd like a cup of jasmine tea." He nodded, jotting down her order. "And- and if it's ok, I'd like to try and get to know who you are now."
His eyes widened, a small blush dusting his unmarred cheek. After a moment he cleared his throat, ducking his head but she thought she saw a smile forming on his lips.
"I'd like that," he whispered. Meeting her gaze, his eyes were burning. "I'll get your order right in."
Katara grinned at him. "Thank you, Lee."
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julchenawesome · 2 years
Encanto AU but in ATLA: Bumi is like Mirabel.
(Yep. I think I'm not the first one to think that the plot of Encanto would fit in the Gaang Family)
Like the title said, Bumi is Mirabel, because both of them had no bending/gift.
It would be when Bumi is young, still the oldest bro.
Aang and Abuela had some things in common, because both lose important people in a traumatic event, and both the world/village trust that they can resolve their problems and put what the people's need first of theirself. But, when Bumi didn't show any talent on bending, he feels worried. When Kya is born and grow up to be a waterbender, and then Tenzin...well, he focus in this two, specially Tenzin and the duties they had as the last airbenders.
Katara and Julieta are both healers, and in the AU Katara would try to make Bumi feel that he is part of the family even if he doesn't had a bending.
Kya and Tenzin are like Luisa and Isabela. Kya feels the pressure of help everybody for her waterbending (but still close to Bumi). Tenzin is the "perfect golden child", and with Bumi had a hard relationship. Aang would love that Tenzin and Lin would be a couple, and their "love story" is more like an arranged marriage since their childhood.
Pepa and Felix: I would said it, are Zuko and Sokka. Just because I imagine Zuko trying to be the FireLord and not showing clearly emotions and had to act like he is so calm, and not stressed. And Sokka, well, he is close to Bumi, and after getting married with the FireLord, is the person who accepts Zuko with his awkwardness. They had their daughter (thanks Mai), a shy Izumi, who is so invisible in her ways and after learning the abilities from Piandao and Papa Zuko (as the Blue Spirit), she hears everything about everyone. So, she is like Dolores.
But also Toph is like Dolores. Because she knows when someone is lying, and also she finds out about "that". She had Lin and Suyin, and is "close" to Suki. Suyin is a trouble child with her metalbending, a little bit mischievous, and Lin has the weight of being the future wife of Tenzin (Kya is in love with her, Toph knows that), but also wants to learn about kyoshi warrior's fight style.
And there is someone we didn't talk yet. It isn't Mai, neither Ty Lee. We are talking about SHH SHHH...
Wedon'ttalkaboutAzulaNoNoNoWE DON'T TALK ABOUT AZULA!
(A clue: she is with Iroh in House Arreste in his tea shop. Or is what the Gaang thinks she is)
Azula would not had visions, but follow Iroh in trip to the Spirit World (idk how they will do, but is Iroh...) and maybe she is less crazy. Maybe she cared about the child who is, in a certain way, as her brother. But with a better sense of humor.
So this is what I had in my mind. I want to draw and more things.
Just imagine the songs:
The Familia Madrigal---The Avatar's Family.
Waiting for a Miracle---Bumi singing about his wishes.
Surface Pressure---Kya/Lin being honest about herself.
We Don't Talk about Bruno---We don't talk about Azula, with Zukka(PepaxFelix), Suyin(Camilo), Tenzin(Isabela), Kya and Izumi(Dolores), and obviously Bumi.
What else can I do?----It would be with Tenzin, but...i think it would fit with Lin. (I almost forgot this song xd )
All of you---The entire Gaang and family.
That's the post :)
Tell me what you think about it.
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milf-harrington · 3 years
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some unorganised thoughts i have about the dirty dancing au:
Zuko has a summer job as a dance instructor on Ember Island, the rest of the year he works at Iroh’s tea shop
Sokka’s family stopped going to Ember Island for a few years after Kya died, but then they found out Aang’s never been so Katara and Sokka figure “it’s a demon we have to face”
Fuck it Sokka gets called ‘Baby’, it’s a nickname his mum started and no one wanted to let it die (i was gonna go for Wang but i can’t even read that without laughing)
Idk who owns the resort/hotel thing (maybe Arnook??)
Hahn is, like, weirdly nice to Sokka and Sokka’s kind of like “this may as well happen? but i will leave at the first chance of escape” and it’s kinda weird for him bc Hahn was an asshole when they were younger and Aang and Katara constantly make fun of the situation
He sees Zuko and Mai dance on the welcoming night and is like ‘<3 oh wow i am bisexual’
Runs into Ty Lee when he’s exploring and she takes him to the staff house where there is a fun little dance party going on (includes the classic “i carried a watermelon scene” bc it has such strong Sokka vibes but Zuko finds it endearing)
Ty Lee and Mai are together bc i fucken love Mailee
Zuko and Sokka both fall into gay/bisexual panic upon meeting each other properly and Zuko hides it by being snarky but then comes back and teaches Sokka how to dance (and then has to run away bc oh god he’s hot)
Mai can’t do the dance bc she hurts her ankle and Sokka offers to take her place for their dance thing, but he’s mostly joking until Mai and Zuko start looking at him like “hmm”
Mai can’t dance properly for a few weeks but she can still teach without dancing (cue the bisexual panic that i go through every time i watch the scene where Baby’s sandwiched between Penny and Johnny)
They do all the fun bonding things, like balancing on a log and practising lifts in a lake but with more cute banter and kissing bc fuck it they’re already together by that point
Sokka ends up getting mad insecure and self-hatey over not doing the lift which leads to a conversation about feelings bc these boys have trauma and I WILL talk about it
I’ve decided Katara and Aang know about Zuko and Sokka and have been covering for him/helping them hide it from management
Zuko later gets accused of theft and Sokka stands up for him by coming clean about their relationship so Zuko still gets fired but at least it was bc he broke rules and not bc he stole peoples wallets
Katara and Aang do a cute lil duet at the talent show thing
Sokka is pouting in the corner and then we have the classic ‘Nobody puts Baby in the corner’ scene eventhough the wording makes me laugh
Zuko’s essentially like “fuck y’all, i don’t work here anymore i can dance however i want” and then Sokka does the lift bc he loves and trusts Zuko 
tagging @woollysokks​ bc they wanted to hear my thoughts :)
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primmrot · 3 years
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All the way from my notes app to you: An ATLA AU I must have created in the dead of the night but love all the same-
“Another Atla Au:
sokka has been off to boarding school for like the past year or two bc he’s a genius and all that and probably got a scholarship (it’s probably Ozai’s school too) so now he’s in two friend groups
the gaang of childhood friends who all grew up going to elementary-high school (except sokka for the second half of high school bc it was then that he got the scholarship to the boarding school which he took bc...let’s say Kya always encouraged his endeavors whenever she was alive or smth- plus it’s a full ride so)
the rich kids aka Zuko, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee who he met at the boarding school and became friends with bc they were all top of the class in whatever they were doing (Azula being all around good and stellar in debate or smth; Mai being captain of the archery club/team and her family having connections with Ozai; Ty Lee and Zuko both being in dance and being undefeated bc i love the thought)
then the groups clash bc Sokka is visiting home and ozai is like (to his kids and their friends) “you guys should go visit your uncle who just so happens to live and own a tea shop where your new friend Sokka is going while I probably do some incredibly illegal and under the table actions”.
heck we can add my favorite trope of Sokka and Azula being bffs bc they’re both top of their class and surprisingly work well together
and why not make it zukka too bc they’re idiots and have crushes on each other and now that they’re both not focused on studying so much to please Ozai (in sokka case bc his scholarship requires him to be top of his class bc it’s like unheard of for the school to give scholarships and there was this one particular time when Ozai called him into his office when he first arrived and was vaguely threatening but Sokka doesn’t like to think of that time) they can focus on ✨them✨
queue a lot of inside jokes from both sides- maybe drama in the form of both groups not working well together and both wanted to have Sokkas time
the gaang (encouraged by Katara and Azula’s instance dislike of each other) sees the boarding school group as spoiled and rude
and the boarding school group feels like the gaang is full of themselves and hold him back (that last part is probably just in Azula’s mind for character development later on)
wtf am i doing i don’t have time for another au”
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wildshadowtamer · 4 years
inspired by @aboutiroh, @azu1as and a few other tumblr blogs’ thread about Child!Zuko being Firelord at 7 years old.
In this AU, everything’s set 8 years in the past and the comet arrives early.
Feel free to ask questions about this in reblogs/asks.
More in-depth explanation below. (warning: long)
It starts with Sokka, who has stolen a kayak and gone fishing with his sister. Sokka is 7 while Katara is 6, meaning their father hasn't left yet and their mother is still alive. Katara tries to practice her water-bending while Sokka hunts with his spear, things go almost-canon until Katara canonly yells at Sokka, instead she gets scared and loses control of her bending, resulting in the iceberg breaking
Once they find Aang, a still twelve-year-old boy, they bring him home along with Appa and explains what happened to their parents. Kya is worried and Hakoda gives them a talking to due to the kayak-stealing.
Zuko, having already gotten his scar at 8 years old bc Ozai's just Like That, has been banished along with Ursa and Azula, who is not old enough to hate her brother yet, so she tried to stand up to Ozai and got banished as well Of course, Iroh and Lu Ten are there, however the burning of Iroh's 8 year old nephew's face made both of them realize jut how cruel and coldhearted the Firelord is and just how messed up the fire nation in general is.
So, their on a boat. Lu Ten, Iroh, Ursa, Zuko and Azula. A big family of banished 'traitors' They get down to the south pole so Iroh can study water-bending and thus create the lightning redirection technique. However, Zuko and Azula find Aang, Sokka and Katara, hear about their quest to the northern water tribe, and decides to join. The adults on-board decide to let them, as Iroh has already figured out Zuko's destiny to help stop the war, no matter what age. Ursa stays with Kya and the water tribe while Iroh and Lu Ten head to Ba Sing Se.
General Zhao is the one hunting for the avatar, and since he's Like That, he doesn't care if the Avatar and his friends are literally 4-12 years old.
They get captured by Kyoshi Warriors, but their like 7 year olds, and since Sokka hasn't quite gotten the sexism in his head yet, he doesn't get mad about *girls* beating him up, he's just mad he got ambushed so easily. He gets a childhood crush on the 7-year-old Suki, but is bad at the whole 'socializing' thing so he tries to bully her and gets his butt royally whooped.
At some point along the way, the Gaang picks up Toph, a 4 year old girl who was playing with badger-moles and *still* more badass then all of them combined.
Azula and Zuko get Sibling Bonding after seeing how Sokka and Katara bond, and actually become really good friends.
Eventually, they get to Ba Sing Se and settle down for a few weeks, planning their next moves and all, until they realize the Dai Li are up to something. Soon, Zuko and Katara get captured, Iroh hears of it and comes to the Gaang for help w(ith Lu Ten, of course) Zuko explains to Katara how he got the scar, burned after speaking up to his father after Ozai threatened a servant, and the two bond over their loving mothers and siblings.
However, instead of Azula chasing them down, it's Mai and Ty Lee, angry about being abandoned by Azula when she got banished. (Mai is 7, Ty Lee is 6) Zuko refuses to betray his friends and family, and neither does Azula. However, when their having the big fight in the crystal caves, a lightning bolt reflects off a crystal and hits Avatar State Aang in the back, killing him.
Iroh, after seeing how dangerous it is for Zuko and the Gaang, decides to go back to the Fire Nation with Mai and Ty Lee, leaving Lu Ten to look after this gaggle of toddlers.
After a week or so, Aang wakes up on a fire navy ship, with the Gaang and parents on-board. The crew is: Zuko, Azula, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Suki, Hakoda, Bato, Kyo, Lu Ten and Ursa. However, Aang runs off into the storm and canon generally goes on from there.
The Fire Family becomes a thing, Sokka somehow convinces the principle he is in fact an adult and definitely not himself and Zuko in adults clothing. (Sapphire Fire is Katara and Suki in a dress) However, things go wrong at the Eclipse and the adults get captured, Ursa, Zuko and Azula get to speak their mind to Ozai as Iroh and Lu Ten forces him to stay against the wall. The Gaang, along with young Teo, The Duke and Haru, travel to the Western Air Temple. Mai and Ty Lee, after having a very stern talking to by Iroh, ask to join the Gaang, to which they accept after an apology from both of them to Azula, Aang and Zuko specifically.
From there, Aang mostly masters all four elements, they go watch that god awful Boy In The Iceberg show, Aang talks to his past lives and Ozai eventually gets defeated by a bunch of children and toddlers.
Who does Zuko and Azula fight at the end, you may ask? Zhao. Everyone was so busy worrying about the comet and Ozai, nobody had even realized Zhao didn't die at the NWT, simply thrown into the ocean and got rescued by a ship. And, turns out, learnt to generate and shoot lightning somewhere along the way. and everyone knows Zhao isn't above harming a bunch of children.
in the end, Zuko ends up jumping in the way of the lightning bolt, but survives and Zhao gets thrown in jail to rot some more.
And yes, Zuko does become Firelord. in fact, Lu Ten becomes his advisor while the Kyoshi Warriors are his personal guards. Iroh doesn't take the throne, but becomes the most popular tea shop in the Fire Nation after making the Jasmine Dragon a multi-nation Tea Shop chain. (Some trusted Earth Kingdom friends of Iroh and Lu Ten become the managers of the original Jasmine Dragon shop)
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princessizumi · 4 years
Here are some Modern AU Izumi headcanons just cause
Izumi is terrified of those giant characters in costume (like Mickey Mouse) Her parents hired one for her fourth birthday and she spent the entire party running from it.
Azula and Ty Lee take her to her first concert when she’s 9. She loses her voice from screaming and singing the whole time.
When she can, she works after school in her grandpa’s tea shop. Iroh always gives her all the tips from the night no matter how many times she objects.
She’s the captain of the junior debate team and has lead them to the national championships two years in a row.
Bumi collects Pokémon cards but he’s very particular about letting Kya and Izumi play with them after Kya accidentally bent one.
So the girls start their own collection together and don’t let Bumi trade cards with them
Izumi is also on the volleyball team. She isn’t a starter but that doesn’t stop her dad from going to every single game (home and away)
She is a Nintendo baby. She loves to play Animal Crossing because it relaxes her and she knows all the shortcuts in Mario Kart.
Mai buys super expensive and stylish designer baby clothes for Izumi 😎
She has a pet bearded dragon named Shaw. Zuko went with her to the pet store and she picked it out on her own.
Whenever she sleeps over Kya’s house, Aang and the girls play karaoke and have dance parties and make jewelry together.
Izumi gets a (really nice) car for her sixteenth birthday. Kya is happy for her friend but low key jealous. (She gets over it when she realizes she doesn’t have to bum rides off her brother anymore)
Zuko puts Izumi in every single extra curricular activity when she’s young. She ends up trying gymnastics, art, piano, ballet, and soccer
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WAITTTT DID YOU GET ANY ZK ASKS YET? If not, pls do 1, 12, and 28 ☺️☺️ love you and your blog 🥺💞💞💞
Hey, girlie!!! Love you too, queen 💖💋
So let’s get to these questions, shall we?
“1. What made you start shipping Zutara?”
Okay, I’ma keep it real with y’all; I saw fanart and screencaps from the show and thought they looked cute together. But then once I watched A:tLA for the first time in a long time, I fell in love with their characters and their super dynamic relationship. Zuko and Katara have become my favorite relationship and favorite characters because they’re just a whole vibe, y’know??? Like who wouldn’t want someone who can let you genuinely be yourself with no judgement whatsoever and hear every word that comes out of your mouth and never take them for granted? Who wouldn’t want someone who embraces the mistakes you’ve made and tell you how much you’ve grown as a person and how deserving you are of love? Who wouldn’t want someone who takes all of you in and gives all of them back? Idk about y’all but that sounds like marriage material to me.
“12. What are your steambaby headcanons?”
HOO BOY, buckle up, y’all cause it’s about to get LONG!
So, I headcanon that Zuko and Katara have four kids; Izumi, Lu Ten II, Kya II, and Kallik (in order from eldest to youngest). I wanted to keep their canon daughters because I love them sm.
Izumi - Nonbender; the crown Princess of the Fire Nation; looks pretty much the same as she did in TLoK, but she has black hair in youth; Wears signature Water Tribe hair loopies and Fire Nation top knot; Izumi is skilled in the art of dao swordsmanship, jian fencing (courtesy of Uncle Sokka), tessenjutsu (courtesy of Aunt Suki), and chi blocking (courtesy of Aunt Ty Lee); Izumi has ADHD—more on the inattentive side than the hyperactive—and her special interests include writing and reading (will expand on those), and one of her coping mechanisms is writing lists (just like Sokka), and when she is feeling overstimulated, Zuko and Katara let her take breaks and do what she needs to do to feel better cause sometimes old fashioned nobles just don’t get it; Izumi goes on a journey of self discovery because she has doubts about being the Fire Lord.
Lu Ten II - Firebender, but make it blue like Aunt Azula’s; Black hair, shaved at the sides, wears it in top knot when he has to be formal otherwise it’s always in a wolftail; Blue eyes like his momma 🥺; Tallest of the four; Light brown skin, like pretty mixed, you can tell he’s biracial; Lu Ten is skilled in archery and, like Uncle Sokka, loves to invent things; I know windsurfing wasn’t invented till the 1970s, but whatever this is fantasy, Lu Ten is a pro windsurfer; I base him mostly on Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet; Has a lot of unresolved angst (for reasons would be spoilers for a big A:tLA project I’m working on); Is a big momma’s boy, he loves and respects his momma, but he doesn’t need to drink respect women juice since it’s already coursing through his veins; May or may not be the next Blue Spirit 🤫
Kya II - Waterbender; looks about the same as TLoK counterpart; Total daddy’s girl; Katara 2.0; A trouble maker, her and Lu Ten are the chaotic duo of the siblings; Bisexual panic all day erry day; becomes the Southern Water Tribe representative and chairwoman of the United Republic Council; Goes to live in Republic City when she’s older; goes from SWT helping with her cousin Chief Amaruq (Sukka baby) and Republic City. Might help Korra with her waterbending training.
Kallik - Waterbender; Blue eyes, dark brown hair shaved on the sides in a wolftail with a braided beaded strand hanging out (if someone knows the official name please tell me), and brown skin; Kallik is a sensitive soul, he’s a hopeless romantic, loves theatre and animals; Iroh taught him how to play Pai Sho and make delicious tea and he would invite Zuko and Katara to tea parties with his stuffed animals; Wants to become a doctor to help people, so he knows a lot about human anatomy and medical stuff; Is part of the reason Katara gets over her fear of bloodbending, he shows her that it can be used for good; Becomes the new owner of the Jasmine Dragon once Iroh passes away and lives happily with his husband and two adopted kids while being one of the best doctors there.
Yeah, Zuko and Katara are proud of the family they created, and while they had their fears in the beginning, they love their babies with all their hearts and wouldn’t change a thing. If you’d like to hear more about my steambaby headcanons, feel free to DM me!
“28. What’s a Zutara fic trope you can’t get enough of?”
Oh man, I love me a good modern AU. There’s just something about Zuko and Katara in our day and age that just makes it that much more fun. Like Zuko and Katara going grocery shopping? Amazing. Them texting cute mushy things on their phones? Adorable. Just everything about a modern AU is fantastic.
If there’s any more questions you guys would like me to answer, please feel free to ask me them! I love talking about Zutara and A:tLA in general.
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thatbeluga · 4 years
Avatar Water/Fire swap AU part 2
Part One 
Lol I just found this in my drafts. Basically, if you didn’t see the first post from a long time ago, these are my ideas for an ATLA AU where Water and Fire have been swapped. Since Earth and Air are mostly the same, my Book 2 ideas won’t be as long but I promise Book 3 will make up for it (I tried swapping earth and air but it was too dang complicated)
-Book 2 is still Earth.
-After leaving the Western Fire Tribe to go back to the Earth Kingdom, Master Jeong Jeong gives Azula a conductive stone that aids in fire healing
-in this AU, lightning can be used for healing by rerouting electrical nerve signals or something. Using lightning offensively doesn’t come up till Book 3
-Prince Sokka and Gran-Gran Kanna go into hiding
-Princess Katara leaves the Water Nation in search of her family. On the boat over, she practices bloodbending (under her instructors Ha and Ma). When she tries to kidnap Sokka and Kanna, Kanna is able to resist her bloodbending (like Iroh redirected lightning)
-Katara gets together an elite force to hunt down the Avatar. She recruits Yue, who’s swapped with Mai, and Suki, who’s swapped with Ty Lee (Ty Lee is the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors. ik it’s not a perfect swap but outside of the original Gaang Katara doesn’t have many Water Tribe friends)
-Yue is proficient in throwing darts and Suki is an expert chi blocker
-Instead the Foggy swamp tribe, Azula, Zuko, and Aang meet the Sun Warrior Tribe
-Toph still joins the group and is basically the same
-When Toph is training Aang, Zuko falls in a hole
-In Sokka Alone, it’s revealed that after Kanna’s other son died and she failed to take Ba Sing Se, Hakoda tried to take the throne. Sokka’s grandfather Kata (who Katara was named after) threatened to kill Sokka, so his mother Kya poisoned Water Lord Kata and was exiled. Then Hakoda became Water Lord.
-Sokka shows the kid how to use boomerangs. He reveals himself by waterbending.
-After their confrontation in the Chase, Sokka nurses an injured Kanna back to health. She tries to teach him bloodbending, but he’s unable to. Instead, she teaches him how to resist bloodbending, a technique she learned from earthbenders (who stand their ground and don’t let others enforce their will)
-At the library, Zuko finds the date of a lunar eclipse that will leave the Water Nation defenseless
-Also Zuko uses a knife and staff as his two weapons (instead of a boomerang and a club.)
-Even though Ty Lee is swapped with Suki she and Zuko don’t have a thing. They’re just good friends (in this AU Zuko is still dramatic and gloomy but in more of an older theater gay brother).
-Sokka and Kanna sneak into Ba Sing Se as refugees and end up running a soup shop, the Rosemary Koi. Also Kanna is to soup as Iroh is to tea. 
-Sokka frees Appa as the Moon Spirit and has a crisis
-Jet claims that Kanna was stirring her soup (implying waterbending) and everyone was like “they work in a soup shop?”
-Sokka’s cover name is also Lee
-Katara stages a coup, and there’s a big showdown beneath Ba Sing Se. Azula and Sokka talk, and Azula almost heals his scar. Just before Aang masters the Avatar State Katara bloodbends his chi paths (like Amon) and also probably breaks some internal shit. Azula uses the magnetic stone from Jeong Jeong to save him.
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demaparbat-hp · 6 months
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Lee wasn't made for customer service and it infuriates Kya to no end.
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demaparbat-hp · 24 days
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As she watches Lee and Kya avoid each other's eyes from across the room, the phrase comes back to her, swift and silent:
"To hesitate is to lose."
As Song treats the victim of an unfortunate interaction with a rare poisonous flower, her day takes an unexpected turn when it becomes apparent that the old man's nephew and her assistant have history.
A vivid history.
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demaparbat-hp · 5 months
what is your Lee and Kya AU based off of ATLA
I've always been a little bit obsessed with Zuko's journey through the Earth Kingdom in Book Two, especially the time he (and the Gaang) spent in Ba Sing Se. The city, the people, the Dai Li, the conflicts... Everything is amazing. I love Jet's arc, and I never get tired of seeing Zuko (however briefly) feel happy and complete with a humble life.
There's beauty to the simplicity of life, and I'd like to explore that with ZK.
Book Two AUs will always be my go-to. From reluctant-travelling-partners to Bluetara-in-Ba Sing Se—I love all of it, so it's only natural the Lee and Kya from the Tea Shop AU came to exist.
The AU itself is only a bunch of scenes in my head so far. Of all my AUs, it's one of the most focused on the vibes and characters than the plot itself. That's not to say there's not a story involved. It's just not my main focus.
It's one of the most common Book Two AUs ever. Zuko and Katara are separated from their companions, find each other and travel together to Ba Sing Se, learning how to work together and falling in love along the way. Nothing new there, except for a few scarce scenes that are so precious to me and, by extension, to the AU itself.
They get help from Uncle Iroh and the White Lotus to get to Ba Sing Se, but they go alone (he'll eventually join them, just not for a long while). No Uncle Iroh = no Jasmine Dragon = more time in the Lower Ring.
There's also a lot more of Jet (and his antagonistic, one sided crush on both Kya and Lee), and possibly some spy/informant work for the White Lotus. Also short hair Zutara because we need more of that.
For some reason, Katara isn't searching for the rest of the Gaang (maybe she believes them dead, or perhaps they were forced to leave her behind at the Swamp and her deeply ingrained abandonment issues resurfaced).
Zuko is Tired with a capital T. Tired of the war, tired of trying, tired of everything.
Uncle Iroh is off on some obscure White Lotus business, and he trusts them both enough to draw them into the Order and ask for their help.
So, a little drama, some spy shenanigans, and lots of fluff.
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demaparbat-hp · 5 months
Out of curiosity, is your Half-blood AU the same as your Lee and Kya AU?
Oh, this is a nice question! And I can see where you're coming from, but they're two different AUs. In fact, HalfBlood may have more similarities with the Soundless AU rather than Lee and Kya.
Lee and Kya From The Tea Shop depends more heavily on canon. The main plot, the character relationships, the stakes—it's a classic Book II AU. But Halfblood is different in that, while it can certainly be considered a canon-divergent AU (starting with Kanna settling down in the Earth Kingdom instead of the Southern Water Tribe) it also changes a lot of big, important things.
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demaparbat-hp · 5 months
I hope Lee and Kya from Ba Sing are having a great day today 💘
Today's a busy day at the shop, but they have each other and that makes everything okay ♥️
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