#Lilian Worth
autisticrosewilson · 1 month
You have any Wilson family headcanons to spare? Especially on Rose & Grant?
DO I EVER!!! Gosh where do I even start
I mentioned to a friend of mine the other day that I think Slade was a leash kid, and I stand by that whole heartedly. He wanted to raise Grant as a leash kid too, simply because he thought you were supposed to, but Adeline threatened his life so it never happened. This was the first of many times he was confronted with the concept that maybe his home life wasn't great.
He would not even begin reflecting on this until almost a decade later. He still doesn't really consider himself a victim and honestly most of his shitty parenting comes from him just having no clue what he's doing. He's aware that he's bad at it, but instead of trying to improve he just tries to avoid his kids in hopes that they'll be better off without him.
Also he grew up in 1950's-60's Appalachia, I think he's more superstitious than he lets on. I imagine he grew up hearing about family curses and old wives tales, and while on some level he recognizes that Fran likely just used those stories to cope with the situation there's also a part of him that believes it for the same reasons she did. He's not a victim, he can't be, so it must not have been abuse. Which eventually turned into him just kind of accepting that he was always going to be a bad father, that there was never a chance for him to have a family and any attempt he makes will just end up worse than the last.
It makes it easier to maintain his self imposed isolation that way.
Adeline is a lot more interesting than people give her credit for. I like to think she was born and raised in a big city like New York or maybe Gotham if I wanted to be funny. She was definitely a wild child, and that was something that didn't change during her first marriage.
I truly do believe that Count whats-his-face (I don't care enough to look him up) tried exactly once to hit her and he ended up with three bullet wounds that all knicked arteries. It was his only warning and he was smart enough to know that.
Addie is loyal to the end, she's the kind of person that steadfastly refuses to let go of people she cares about. In basically ever version of her story she tries, she tries so hard to make things work. I once compared her to the Greek myth of Medea and I think about the comparison often.
I also think that Adeline was always her father's daughter, whether she liked it or not. I don't remember if it was canon that she was raised primarily by her dad but I only remember her dad being mentioned so I think she grew up in a single parent household and was mostly left to her own devices as a kid. She probably grew up really close with her cousin, most people probably thought they were sisters.
Mayflower fucking HATES Slade, she was advocating for the divorce before they were even married. I know in my heart she was Slade's biggest hater. Her and Slade talked mad shit about each other but they were also gossip buddies for the longest and it was the only thing that stopped her from beating his ass all the time.
SladeAddie is so toxic Bi4Bi coded. Really funny to me that Addie was probably older than Slade, do you know the kind of rizz you have to possess to bag a milf that could kill you in 20 different ways before you could blink? One who's already been divorced? What charm was this freshly 18 year old drop out exuding to be pulling like this?
When do you think he told her that he lied to the recruiter about his age and he wasn't actually 23 or whatever? Did he ever tell her? Did she figure it out herself? It was literally never addressed but I think about it all the time.
Slade is definitely still mildly in love with her and falls a little all over again every time she deals him grievous bodily harm. I don't know his thing for people who hate him is probably a self conscious way to punish himself for sucking all the time.
Billy and Alfred being friends is a headcanon that I literally never stop thinking about. Why wouldn't they be old friends or whatever? They have tea the 4th Tuesday of every other month. They complain about their respective morons and brag about the kids they have to take care of because their morons won't.
Billy is definitely a British rock fan and he fucking HATES country music. Slade starts playing it in the car and Billy threatens to crash the whole car just to make a point.
He's like maybe 5 years older than Slade if I'm being generous about it, he just looks older next to Slade because he's not hopped up on super serum.
He's the one Rose gives her father's day gifts to <3
SladeBilly is canon to me, no way Slade is capable of spending that much time with someone without sleeping with them at least once. It might be the healthiest relationship he's ever had with anyone and Billy barely tolerates him.
Lilian Worth my beloved,,,,,,they gave her such a white ass name. I choose to believe that she changed it later on for anonymity. Chea Nath is a name she hasn't used in a while, but it's still one she holds dear.
She seems like someone who was really into ballet, and probably someone who was really good at it too.
She's one of those characters that we don't really have any information on, which leaves a lot of wiggle room backstory wise. I probably write too much about characters with poor backgrounds (surprise your bitch grew up impoverished) so I guess I'll let Lili have this one.
Diplomats daughter, her and her mom were really close growing up, and she seems like she grew up with sisters. She's got that middle sister energy to her, growing up everyday was a fight and let's just say she didn't lose often.
If Adeline is Medea, Lili is definitely Circe. Versatile, powerful, a man hater, and she'll do anything to protect her girls.
Honors student, her grades never dropped below an A- and she has degrees in everything from fine art to communications. Rose went to college purely because her mom made it clear that not going was not an option.
Grant is one of my favorite characters. Ever. He's definitely an old school country enjoyer, much to Billy's chagrin and Slades secret delight.
He was the boy who climbed up the tallest trees to prove he could and then came home with a thousand little scrapes on him.
He has a bee allergy.
He's the least enhanced of his siblings but he still has a meta gene, I think the reason the H.I.V.E. serum didn't activate it like it should have is because his power was the mental kind and not the physical kind so his body couldn't hold up against it even while his psychic powers were getting stronger.
Painted his nails one(1) time, it was a dried up iridescent blue that Addie dug up and was going to throw away but Grant wanted to try it. He didn't know what nail polish remover was though so he scraped his teeth on his nails to get it all off but he couldn't get all of it and he almost cried so hard he threw up at dinner that night because he was scared of Slade noticing (Slade didn't notice and wouldn't have cared if he did).
Thought he was SO stealthy when he snuck out but literally everyone knew because he always came home smelling like weed, hungover, and he went to school in the same clothes he wore to go out. Most of the time Addie didn't care (See above: "former wild child") but Slade "Biggest loser in his hometown" Wilson always had an issue with it.
Officially his tomb is located in the Kane family plot but he's actually buried in Slades hometown next to his grandmother. (Adeline is not aware of this)
Joey was actually the one who pulled most of the pranks when they were kids, but Grant always took the fall. Mostly because literally no one would believe it even if Joey said he did it. Which he tried to do, many times.
Grant taught Joey to make flower crowns but he never admitted it because he thought it made him look weak. He still keeps the few that Joey made for him though, they're basically turning to dust in the drawer he hid them in to this day. They're one of the few things that weren't torn down and shoved in the attic after his death.
Joey still celebrates Grant's birthday every year, him and mom play The Last Man by Clint Mansell on the piano because it was his favorite piece to play before he stopped because it wasn't "cool".
Grant tried to get Joey to come with him when he ran away but Joey didn't want to leave Addie. Joey ended up moving into Grant's old apartment, he often thinks of what life would be like if he'd taken up the offer.
Grant is THE ass hole big brother from the late 90's/early 2000's. Down to the mullet and the shirt with the sleeves cut off. He used to steal Addie's eyeliner and she would get so mad because that stuff is EXPENSIVE and he's just smearing however. She teaches him how to do it properly but he says it makes him look "too girly".
Grant's picture is the only one in Slades wallet because he doesn't have to worry about putting him in danger anymore.
DON'T let Joey's "natural" pretty boy look fool you he has a 20 step skin routine and a 15 step hair routine and he wakes up at the ass crack of dawn to start on his makeup.
He used to get the worst acne as a pre-teen and he has physically burned all the evidence except for one picture of him and Slade on a fishing trip when he was like thirteen, he doesn't know it exists and it's the only picture Slade consistently travels with.
He doesn't want to be the favorite but he would get mad if someone else was the favorite because what work were YOU even putting in for it.
He has 12 year old boy humor I fear. Giggles at dick jokes and has used his name to make "Joe Mama" jokes on various occasions.
Number one Mama's boy of all time, there's not a single time they've gone out in public together where they haven't had coordinated outfits. Him and Addie call biweekly to shit talk people and exchange recipes and the like.
Joey is THE biggest gossiper. He'll talk shit about people right in front of them if he's sure they don't know ASL and whoever is around just has to try not to laugh while they "translate" him.
He's so good at convincing people to do things for him just by looking at them with his big ol' eyes. And he's a theater kid so his expressions are really exaggerated.
Rose, my muse. I know canonically she's a smoker but I'm changing that to her being a vaper. I don't know she just looks like she'd beat the shit out of you for a cherry lemon cancer stick.
Energy drinks don't work on her in normal amounts so to rectify that she constantly walks around with horrific concoctions in a water bottle the size of her head.
She street races as R4V4G3R and she's pretty good at it. She learned a lot about cars doing it which is how Slade justified being an anonymous benefactor for her.
The few weeks Slade had her she ran that shit like the navy. Up at 6 AM on the dot, tight ass ponytail swaying as she got ready for school. She was out that door by 7:25 everyday and she would MAKE Slade violate traffic laws to get to school by 7:35.
Has bitten people before and will do it again.
Had the BIGGEST crush on Donna Troy when she was on the Teen Titans. She didn't know it then but she did. Her taste in women really hasn't changed at all.
Only has her grunge thing going on when she's planning on meeting people, average day outfit is all pastels and florals that her mom used to pick out for her.
Got pretty much all of Lili's stuff, her main apartment is always Immaculately decorated. She also lives in L.A. because literally fuck New York. She's trying to get her engineering degree in PEACE.
She looks up to Grant a lot, she really only has Joey's account of things and he only tells her the good stuff. How he was brave, and strong, and funny. When she was younger she really wanted to be like him, but that was the last thing Slade wanted. So obviously she named herself Ravager out of spite.
Rose is the shortest one in the family but she's buff as hell, my girl is built like a fridge and she knows it. Joey tried to rest his arm on her head one and she stabbed him. It didn't go through his armor obviously but it did leave a mildly annoying bruise that he pouted about for a week.
She low-key really likes Addie but she tends to stay away because of the whole "child of infidelity" thing. She HAS threatened to call Addie on Slade multiple times.
Grew up with a bunch of other kids so she never really wanted siblings, but she would kill for Joey. She'd like a sister though. Really misses her cousins and aunts from the brothel but doesn't want to put them in danger by talking to them.
She's fond of kids but wouldn't want her own because she doesn't want to bring a kid into the kinda life she has, or their family in general.
Routinely takes jobs from Slade because she knows full well he won't do shit. And she's right every time he makes it into a team up that usually ends with them fighting but sometimes, every once in a while, they do something nice together and it makes her remember why she wanted to find him so bad when she was 13.
I don't like her carving her eye out for Slade I thought the whole concept of her idolizing Slade was fucking stupid. She tolerates him at best. So I like to attribute it to her visions, I think the blind prophet symbolism is really fun. Especially because then we can have a Prometheus type situation where her eye patch keeps switching sides/sometimes she's not blind because she keeps carving them out in fits of Seer Madness™️ but they keep regenerating.
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bat-besties · 1 year
Who is Lili? (1.5)
Part two got quite long, so this 1.5 is going to focus on the time between Lili’s backstory in Cambodia and her appearance in the “current” continuity. It’s the most speculation-heavy segment as we only get one line about what she was doing. I’m also going to discuss her suddenly being an expert martial artist. 
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CW: discussion of the real human rights violations in these camps, discussion of Cambodian cultural erasure, no graphic detail for either. 
It makes sense comics-wise for where Lili has been to be a quick line- but it leaves a gap in her story. What could she have been doing during this time? 
If Rose is 14 when Slade said this, that would be 6 years in a camp. (Lili would have left the camp in 1987 if this was 8 years before 1995)
Thai camps were referred to as “determent camps” because they were meant to “deter” Cambodian refugees from coming to seek a better life. They were poorly provided for and protected. In Site 2, the most populous camp, violence, rape and robbery were common from both the gangs within the camp and the Thai rangers meant to keep order.  There were dirt-floored hospitals and little schooling. In the dry season, water had to be driven in by lorries, and the few supplies brought to feed refugees entered the black market. 
To have stayed in those conditions so long implies that Lili’s wider family were killed/imprisoned and she had no contact with Slade, as either could have provided her a way out. She was totally alone. 
Giving birth with inadequate medical support and raising her baby alongside the threat of violence and without basic needs being met would be horrific. It’s no exaggeration to say that without her metahuman genes Rose was likely to have died in infancy. 
[Rose spending the first five years of her life in one of these camps is so massively psychologically damaging and it is NEVER mentioned or discussed. She would have been malnourished, witnessed violence regularly, and been told not to trust men with guns and uniform. No wonder she has issues with authority!]
Going back to Lili, the fact she survived this ordeal and kept her daughter alive through it is yet again testament to her love, strength, and intelligence. Based on her previous actions, I can very much see her being “princess to” others and providing leadership and negotiation with those in power. I think her fluency in English would be valuable for those hoping to get to the US, and I imagine she already spoke some Thai or if not would have an easier time picking it up as she’s already bilingual. Like the real adults in these camps, she may have taught in the makeshift schools, performed in basak plays and raised Rose on folktales, trying to pass on her culture to the next generation. 
There is something else which I think happened during this time - later on in the US we hear and see that Lili is suddenly an expert martial artist.
Now, Lili had no combat skills in her backstory, and martial arts in Cambodia are traditionally male-only so I doubt she learnt that before the civil war as a minor royal. The decision that once Lili is the owner of a brothel and not in sexual slavery she should suddenly have martial arts skills shows her transition from one stereotype to another - the lotus blossom to the dragon lady. 
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Like the lotus blossom, the dragon lady is exotic, othered and sexually available, but she is a powerful villain rather than a love interest. (Lili is not a villain in the US arc, but she does wish to kill people and she’s allied with Slade, so she’s definitely not portrayed as a hero.) The dragon lady is not as weak as a lotus blossom trope, and for defying Western ideas of demure Asian women she becomes dangerous and amoral. She is a ruthless fighter, usually with a proficiency in martial arts - but, as in the panel above, her skill is sexualised.
The audience is not expected to question why Lili has this expertise- there’s an implication that when an Asian woman becomes powerful she magically gets martial arts skills. 
However, taking Lili’s backstory as-is from comics, I think the Thai determent camp is the most logical place for her to have learnt martial arts.
 Pol Pot persecuted men who practised traditional Cambodian martial arts like bokator, and many teachers fled as refugees or went into hiding. It’s possible that Lili made a connection with a martial artist in a determent camp, and he taught her enough of his craft so that she could defend herself and her daughter in this dangerous environment. Perhaps she was ahead of her time in being a Cambodian woman who broke gender roles to learn bokator and preserve the art Pol Pot tried to destroy. And perhaps it was those skills which kept her and Rose alive and safe until they made it to the US. 
Whatever happened, she and her women passed on self defence skills to Rose. 
Slade was never Rose’s first instructor - Lili was. 
After her mother’s death, Rose tries to repress all memories or thoughts of her to avoid the pain of her grief. The first time she’s able to think of her without breaking down is when she uses her mother’s teachings to protect herself. The moment is one in which Lili is able to protect Rose even after her death. 
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Report on overview of Cambodian refugee sites in Thailand (I didn’t go into it in the main post but she could be in any type but one run by the Khmer Rouge, and Site 2 or 8 are most likely. I discussed Site 2 in the post as an example with most written about it, not that she would have definitely been there.) https://policy-practice.oxfam.org/resources/just-waiting-to-die-cambodian-refugees-in-thailand-134989/
Article focused on daily life in Site 2 - https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-11-24-vw-202-story.html
Study from 1995 (the year this storyline is written) about intergenerational PTSD in Cambodian refugees in the US - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7559310/
Study from 1996 about PTSD in adolescents from Site 2  - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8714328/ 
Dragon lady tropes-
Bokator - https://intocambodia.org/content/bokator (note the use of amulets)
https://sankimsean.com/  - the history of the modern father of bokator
The Cambodian women learning bokator today -https://www.khmertimeskh.com/89481/female-bokator-martial-artist-challenges-gender-norms/
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the9jafresh · 2 years
Actress Lilian Bach Biography - Age, Career, Education, Early Life, Family, Movie, Awards, And Net Worth
Actress Lilian Bach Biography – Age, Career, Education, Early Life, Family, Movie, Awards, And Net Worth
Actress Lilian Bach Biography – Age, Career, Education, Early Life, Family, Movie, Awards, And Net Worth Let us discuss Lilian Bach’s Biography in terms of her Age, Career, Education, Early Life, Family, Musics And Net Worth and much more. Lilian Bola Bach was born in Lagos Island, Lagos state, Nigeria, on November 9, 1970, to a Polish father and a Yoruba mother. She is an actress, film…
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mrs-weasley-reid · 1 year
Bubblegum Bait
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Aaron Hotchner x undercoveragent!reader
Summary: Interpol, France HQ, asks the BAU team for assistance to retrieve their missing agent from a sex trafficking case that coincidentally landed on the BAU's radar. Turns out, as Hotch took the initiative to go undercover, you were already planning your escape.
Warning: use of Y/N and L/N (not a lot), curse words, violence, sexual advances and innuendos (and more, tell me if you spot them)
A/N: this is my first Aaron Hotchner post, have mercy lol.
Derek whistled, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. "Old money, hot daddy."
Emily bursted out laughing, throwing her head back against her seat. David gave his best—he really didn't—to fight the chuckle threatening to rattle out of him, settling for a tight-lipped smirk.
"I was going to say that!" Penelope argued, turning to Hotch with a huge grin on her face. "Them ladies are 'bout to get an extremely Hotch meal."
Aaron depressingly placed a hand over his forehead, weighing all his options, regretting all his decisions. His ears glowed bright pink.
It wasn't like he had never worn a suit before, but this suit wasn't particularly the same as the ones he wore everyday. This one smelled strong and sexual, radiating opulence and grandeur.
His hair was out of control, as if he was a rabid man. The cologne that laced on the sides of his neck were reminiscent of asshole and arrogance. It would've been fine if he was still in college, but he was four decades in his life time for pete's sake.
He felt a hand squeeze his shoulder, turning to find the culprit of his demise. "You don't have to do this, Agent Hotchner." The woman with salt and pepper hair gave him an apologetic look.
"We're still working on identifying the victim. It's like she never lived here." Penelope stated as she pressed a button on the remote control.
"That's because she didn't." They all turned to find a woman in her sixties, accompanied by a lot younger man. She stepped inside the conference room, "Jeanne Renaud, chief of the Lyon Interpol Headquarters."
Aaron stood up, reaching a hand out. "Aaron Hotchner." He gave her a curt nod. "I didn't get any notice about your arrival. We're unfornately about to work on a case."
A tight-lipped smile ran along her lips, motioning for the man behind her. The man began to distribute folders around the table. "The victim is Liliane Zairsev. She's from Paris and a suspected victim of sex trafficking. A month ago, we found out that this organization is moving here in America. One of us was tasked to work undercover. We haven't heard from agent in a week. Three days later, we hear news about dead women who had the same victimology as the ones in the file, Liam handed out." She breathed deeply, crossing her arms close to her chest.
"Thirty-two victims?" David raised an eyebrows. If three was a horrifying sign in their line of job, he couldn't imagine the terror of the number he just mentioned.
"We need our agent back, Agent Hotchner. We need your help." Jeanne pleaded, worry flickering in her eyes.
Aaron's eyebrows softened, "Hotch is fine." He said kindly, despite the sternness of his voice. He cleared his throat, turning to his team. "I go inside, find her, and then get us out when I give the order." He recapped, laying out the plan in brief detail.
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
"The night starts with auctions. There are two types of categories, dine in or take out. We're not sure which one she's in. We don't even know if she really is there. No matter what, once you find her, fight for her worth." Liam explained, checking the wires that hung like vines around Aaron's body.
Aaron kept silent, running every possible outcomes in his head. He wasn't knew to auction events, but how would he show eagerness rather than desperation? How was he going to save you without everyone figuring out that he was a federal agent and possibly risk both of your lives?
Liam straightened himself, signaling Aaron that he was done. "Dine in or take out, as long as you choose an exclusive package deal, they will grant you a private room. That's where they would possibly prepare her for—" He paused, clenching his jaw. As your close friend, he wasn't comfortable talking about you in such disrepectful ways. But Liam knew how vital every single information he gave Aaron. "—your pleasure... She will likely be sedated, but she fights like a lion. Just calm her down and get her out of that hell hole."
It didn't take a whole team of profilers to know that Jeanne and Liam didn't merely take this mission as part of their job. It was personal. It was family. You were their family, and they wanted you back.
"I'll get her back." Aaron promised, earning a nod from the younger man. He plugged the earbud that Liam handed him.
Everyone waited for Aaron in front of the building. Some of them, Penelope and Derek, have yet to fade their teasing smiles.
But JJ was the one who had an encouraging smile, "You look good. Take her back home to her family." She fixed his tie, tapping his chest with a load of silent 'good luck.'
David threw a set of keys in his direction, "Don't hurt her. She's the only wife that stayed for more than ten years."
Aaron let out a small chuckle, eyeing a 1984 black Cadillac Eldorado biarritz convertible. "I'll bring her back by midnight." He got on the driver's seat, feeling the texture of the wheel. If only David had the kindness to whip his vintage cars out every case, Aaron would've loosen up the lines on his forehead.
"Always remember, we're inside your head." Emily pointed at her ear, creepily grinning at him
"We'll be following you too, of course. We're going to surround the place, so don't hesitate to call us in." Derek added, chuckling at Emily's words.
Aaron nodded, taking a deep breath. He started the engine and made his way to you.
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
"Struggling will only make it hurt more." The man with sculpted arms growled, glowering at your smaller body compared to him.
Cuffs bit the skin around your wrists and ankles. Cold hovered all over your exposed skin. With the little amount of coverage on your body, naked was the closest you could describe yourself.
The man held you by the neck, treating you like an animal for exhibition. He was getting off your winces, how a small whimper would shiver out of your lips when he dragged you too fast. He thought he could do them to you because you were sedated.
If he only knew how much you wanted to smash his face on the wall. But you had to keep an act.
Besides that was all he could do. Watch. Because you were for other people to ogle at. For disgusting, coward men who couldn't make their wives cum, much less you even if you tried.
You were a new addition to their attraction. Tonight was your first night. And you planned for it to be the last.
A woman, who was trying her best to avoid eye contact with you, walked the opposite way of where you were headed. She carried a tray, where a small letter knife sat seductively.
Half of her face was lined by a scar, dragging diagonally across her left temple down to her right cheek. Although the scar was visible, you couldn't help but notice how beautiful her eyes were. They were of bright grey-blue.
Without missing your chance, you purposely bumped on her, falling on your feet. "Sorry," You weakly smirked, swiping the knife in a blink of an eye.
"You fucking bitch! Look where you're going, you ugly shit!" The man shouted at the woman, kicking the tray in the middle of her picking it up.
You drilled in your head how many times you would apologize to her when you managed to escape the place and watch it crumble down during your arrest.
"It was my fault," You defended timidly. Despite the mental promise and keeping an act of being sedated, you couldn't just stand there and let her take all the blame.
The man glared at you and swung his arm. You prepared for the harsh impact, but another guy called out his name.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Are you fucking stupid?!" The other man yelled, he had blonde hair and awful beard.
You took that chance to slip the knife on your back, strapped under your bra's band, hiding it beneath the cascade of your hair. You bit your bottom lip, your movement causing a slight sting to shoot down your spine. At least you were certain that the knife was sharp.
The blonde man yanked you to his side protectively, as if what he was about to do was going to be a god-like behavior. "She's a new attraction. No one would pay if she's damaged. A bruise would lose us thousands of dollars, you stupid fuck." He lectured the other, nudging you to move.
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
Aaron immediately felt dirty just by standing amongst the men that impatiently waited for some tits to jiggle or ass to bounce across the one-way mirror.
Each of them either holding wads of cash or a glass of their chosen drinks. Most of them were wealthy nobodies, but Aaron recognized a few politicians from distant cities.
He lifted the glass of old-fashioned close to his lips. Aaron has been catering the drink for a good two hours now, sipping little drops to keep himself sober and alert.
So far he hasn't seen you. There just might be hope that you were simply in hiding, but safe regardless. He has seen fifteen women being shown off like antiques, the men screaming for their high prices. If he could only buy all of them to safety, he would. But Aaron was there for you and you only.
"Gentlemen! Here's our special and last beauty of the night! She's new! Fresh! And untouched! She is available for dine in to the highest bidder!"
Aaron's grip on his glass tightened.
Jeanne slid a picture of you towards Aaron. "Her name's Y/N L/N. She's a brave one." Her breath hitched, fighting the urge to cry in front of profilers.
Your hair was tied up away from your face, revealing all your beautiful facial features. You were no doubt a gorgeous woman.
But besides your attractive face, Aaron's eyes were drawn to the gold necklace that sat on your chest. It was a gladiolus flower. A hidden smile spread over his lips.
It symbolizes strength and power. He immediately knew you were someone who always put up a fight.
Your hair almost hid the beauty of your face, but Aaron recognized the necklace around your neck even from afar. It was you.
"50! Anyone want to top that? What? I heard $80,000!"
"100,000 dollars!"
Aaron stared at your dagger glaring eyes. He let a smirk twitched his lips.
You knew.
You knew where you were. You knew men were fighting for you. You knew. Which meant, you weren't sedated at all.
"Smart girl," He mumbled to himself before announcing, "Five billion."
The crowd went quiet. And if Aaron was being honest, he would've paid more, because you were worth more.
Sadly, the bureau had a budget. He had to limit himself at 500 thousand and could move to 1 million if needed, but he'd explain his actions in the privacy of his office later on.
In that moment, he only needed to rescue you.
The announcer grinned maniacally, hitting the gavel against the sounding block. "One night dine in with this beauty, sold!"
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
You weren't sure what type of man was unlucky enough to buy your time tonight. You bet he wouldn't expect a violent woman like you.
Contrary to your display earlier, you were now clothed with more fabric. Satin to be specific.
They made you change onto a black lace set. The bra pushed up every tits you could offer. A cheeky underwear that made your ass rounder. A garter around your waist that hooked on your black stockings that hugged your thighs deliciously.
You moved the letter knife on your right thigh. An easy access under the short black satin nightgown. You were prepared for battle.
The door swung open, came in the blonde man that seemed to keep his eyes on you. "Sit on the chair." He demanded.
You internally protested, but obliged. He placed back your handcuffs, but kept your ankles free. In his mind, there was no other way for you to escape but the door.
"This guy paid a lot for your time. Don't mess up. Or I'm going to make you regret it." He threatened before leaving the room.
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
The payment process was crucial. Money was an immediate factor, Aaron mentally apologized to David for using his card, and for memorizing his bank account's information.
They led him down a hall filled with private rooms. Pornographic noise's echoed as they passed each door. Most from men. And if a voice of a woman managed to vibrate across the walls, they were of plea to be let go.
Aaron swore his ears were bleeding with disgust.
"This will be your room, Sir. Enjoy." The man excitedly said. He leaned a little, placing a hand on the side of his mouth to hide the words he was about to say, "I say you get the best out of this one. Everyone's dying to get a taste."
He managed to hold his fists back, urging a smug smirk to roll over his lips. "Then, I suggest you don't disturb us." Aaron stated before watching the man nod and walk away.
Aaron held the knob with hesitation. He wasn't sure of what he was going to be met with. He took a deep breath and twisted the knob, pushing the door open.
There you were, sat on a chair, patiently waiting for him.
The image was to be treasured, but Aaron had to remind himself that he wasn't the men that frequented that place.
A spark flickered in your eyes. Your lips slowly curved onto a smirk. "Hey, old man." You started in a teasing tone. "You can't just stand there and keep the door open."
Aaron's eyebrows knitted, but closed the door nonetheless after checking that the coast was clear from listening ears. "I'm Aaron Hotchner—" You cut him off.
"Strip." You casually ordered, taking him by surprise. "What are you? A cop? Fed? It's fine. It doesn't matter. Now, Aaron, strip. They're watching." Your head motioned towards the direction of the camera in the corner of the ceiling.
He took off his jacket, then began to undo his tie. "Fed. How did you know? We were thorough on my disguise." Aaron couldn't believe how amused he was. Thank god his microphone was off after Penelope begged him to turn it off due to the moans and asked to turn it back on when he found you.
You rolled your eyes, "A fine looking man like you doesn't look the type to wear a wrinkly shirt. You're obviously wired." Your voice echoed a matter-of-fact tone. "You took your first step with your left foot when you got inside the room, but it's clear to me that your dominant is your right. You have a gun on your foot. Which I think is pretty impractical. Come closer, you're here to fuck me, remember?" Your brows were raised, impatient for him to move.
Aaron would be lying if he said you words weren't affecting him. "You have a good eye." He stood before you, glowering down your face.
"Or you're just a bad undercover." You smirked, "What are you waiting for? Kiss me."
A silent huff escaped your lips when he froze. You stood up and began unbuttoning his shirt. "You're very quick to have cold feet, Agent Hotchner." The way his name rolled off your tongue was distracting.
"Hold my waist—" You swiftly grabbed his hands and placed them on your sides. "—once you have a character to play, you embody it. Because it'll get us both killed if you don't." You kissed little of his exposed chest and looked up at him with a hairpin stuck between your lips. "Now, kiss me." You repeated in a muffled sound.
Aaron finally caught up with your plans. He leaned down and owned your lips, kissing the pin from you. With one hand, he took the pin and reattached your lips together as he began to unlock your cuffs.
You pulled him closer, tugging his belt loops. You led the two of you on the corner of the room, under the vision of the camera. And just as your back made contact with the wall, you felt your hands free.
You pulled away with a gasp of relief, "Thank god, I thought I had to fuck your brains out before you could even understand." You heaved, rotating your wrist to let the blood circulate once again.
Aaron looked away, "Sorry. I was a bit taken aback." He couldn't help but notice your closeness.
"Mhm, must be that old-fashioned you've been sipping like coffee."
His gaze shifted back to you. The taste might've been lingering on his lips, but the action he took? How did you know he was taking his time with his drink? Aaron would think that you're a profiler if he didn't know any better.
"You owe me a bubblegum," You exclaimed, pulling him back from his trance. "I prefer a proper old fashioned. Whoever made your drink was pitiful."
Aaron raised a brow, "I'll pay you a box of bubblegum just for that statement." His eyes were drawn to your purple wrists. "Did they hurt you?" He asked, fanning his breath on your skin.
"They wouldn't even if they wanted to. My beauty has never failed to save my ass." You chuckled, getting a whiff of his scent. Your nose crinkled, "Who made you wear that nasty cologne?"
He chuckled at your expression, "Jeanne."
Your face softened, nodding. "Makes sense. She has bad taste in men."
Aaron was having too much fun, when a voice echoed in his head.
"Hotch, are you there? If you don't answer, we're going to barge in."
He pressed the microphone, "We're fine."
"We?" Derek questioned from the other line.
"I'm with Y/N. We're about to make our way out." Aaron conversed, still flushed against you, caging you in his build.
"Y/N? Earlier she was just a her and now you're on first name basis?" Emily teased, which Aaron rolled his eyes on.
Your brows knitted, confused by his expressions. While he busied himself chatting with whoever was speaking in his ear, you began climbing on him like he was a ladder.
You fished your knife and cut the wire of the camera. Aaron's height was a huge help for you to reach such a high place.
He helped you get down, gently holding your waist to guide you. "Don't tell me you were already planning to escape?" Aaron was filled with amusement.
"I was going to kill you if you weren't a fed." You shrugged, walking out of his body cage. You picked up his jacket, "Mind if I borrow this?"
"It doesn't suit me anyways," Aaron kidded, earning a soft smile from your still plumped lips.
"Oh, really?" Derek taunted in his ear.
You glanced back at Aaron, "Tell your friends we're on our way out. They should meet us halfway. The guys outside are not skilled in combat, but they have guns. We'd be dead before they can even shout 'hallelujah' if they don't move now." You slipped your arms inside the sleeves of the jacket.
The jacket could almost swallow your whole body. You rolled the sleeves up a little. Aaron couldn't take his eyes off you. He loved the way his clothes looked way better on you.
"Did you get that?" Aaron spoke to his ear, nodding when he got a confirmation. He glanced at you with a stern look, and you two would never admit the small tug on his lips. "Let's get you out of here."
You scoffed, "Your help is just a bonus. I'm saving myself out of this hell hole."
With silent agreement, you opened the door, immediately greeted by two men who were about to check on your state.
"Hey—" You didn't give one of them the chance to finish shouting when you kicked his adam's apple straight into the center of his throat.
Aaron's eyes widened. Did the France Interpol really need the BAU's help? You definitely didn't look like you did.
You took the two men all by yourself, stepping on someone's back as you placed a hand on your hip. You stared at Aaron with disbelief. "You just gonna stand there?"
Before he could even respond, Aaron saw a man about to attack you from behind. He pulled you by the waist with one hand and punched the man with the other.
"You okay?" Aaron twisted his neck to your direction, hand still on your waist.
A wide grin swiped over your lips, adrenaline pumping through your veins. And your body moved like it was dancing on an upbeat music.
The two of you fought your way out of that hallway alone. It made every second of waiting to escape worth it.
By the time the team met you, you and Aaron have beaten up about half of the men in the place, minus those who were merely guests.
— ✦ — ✦ ✦ — ✦ ✦ ✦
Jeanne attacked you with a tight embrace, cutting your air supply. "I'm so glad you're safe! Oh, mon dieu!"
Next came Liam, punching your arm. He offered a welcoming smile. "I told you to always keep your tracker with you." He scolded lightly.
"I did!" You reasoned, a playful smile over your face. "I swallowed it, but I didn't expect to shit it out and flush it down the toilet." If you were lying it would've been way easier, but you weren't.
The BAU team introduced themselves one by one. You flashed them the same sweet smile you had on your picture.
"Behavioral analysis unit..." You nodded in thought. "Sounds legit." You added with a smile.
Their eyes couldn't help but notice how Aaron's jacket still sat around your shoulders. They weren't so slick as they thought, "It's collateral." You lifted your shoulders.
They looked at you with narrowed eyes. A chuckle coming out of your lips, you motioned your head in Aaron's direction where he was talking to Jeanne and a short-haired, dirty blonde woman.
"He owes me," You announced playfully.
Spencer was the first to furrow his brows closer than it already was. Why would their boss owe you? Aaron literally saved your ass.
"I can hear you judging me, Dr. Reid." You said without moving your gaze onto his. "Is that a side effect for being a genius?"
Emily's mouth flung open, "How'd you know he's a genius? He looks like one, right? Right?" She was friendlier than you had concluded.
You smiled, glancing at Spencer. "I've been an undercover for sixteen years. Reading someone became my second nature. I suspect it's the same for all of you, since you can't stop knitting your brows as if you're reading a difficult textbook."
"Sixteen? How old are you?" Derek had a great estimation of your age, everyone did.
"She's thirty-three. So old right?" Liam wrapped an arm around you, grinning.
"You started when you were seventeen?" Spencer curiously asked. An underlying question in his mind. How?
You pursed your lips, a small pop echoing between all of you. "You know those movies where the main character was raised to be an assassin?" They nodded simultaneously, like children eager for their mother's story. "My life was kind of like that. And when I was rescued, I didn't know how to do anything else." You explained carefully.
The others joined you, making short eye contact with Aaron. Jeanne stood next to you. "And we're sad that she's retiring." She announced lightly.
JJ looked at you in awe, you were only a few years older than her. It was inspiring to hear your story. "What are you gonna do after you retire?"
"Find a job that's less undercover work, but still occupies most of my days. Old habits die hard." In short, you didn't have a plan. All you knew was that after the case, you didn't want to work as undercover anymore.
"Come work with us!" Penelope blurted, earning everyone's attention. She glanced at Aaron, "We have an opening. Right, Hotch?" A sly smile decorated her cheery face.
Aaron raised his eyebrows, then met your gaze. He does still owe you a box of bubblegum, if he remembers clearly. And seeing your gorgeous face and watching you take down unsub more often didn't sound like such a horrible idea.
He bit the threatening smirk on his lips. "Yeah, I think we do."
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indigosabyss · 1 month
quick, thinking of how Lilian and Senku would interact, write ficlet:
"Senku, I want you to meet the newest member of the Soyuz crew." Byakuya announced brightly, nudging him towards the rooms where the soon-to-be ISS residents, "Meet Lilian!"
Lilian, a blonde woman with mischievous eyes, smiled at him, "Hey, Senku."
"This is my son I've been telling you about!" Byakuya pulled Senku into an extra-tight hug.
"I can tell." She replied, lips twitching slightly.
Senku thought for a few seconds, before he finally recognized her, "You're...not an astronaut. You're that singer. Lilian Weinberg."
"That's me!" She agreed, "Gonna be the world's first space tourist."
Senku could feel his eyebrows rising. Space tourism was estimated to cost hundreds of millions of dollars. He'd known that Lilian Weinberg was famous - had made it big even in Japan - but... woah.
"We're going to pretend to all the other ISS occupants that she's a total diva!" Byakuya wheezed, "It's gonna be great."
Lilian giggled and smacked a hand against his shoulder, "I haven't agreed to that yet! You've got way too much faith in my acting skills."
There was a certain look that flashed between them. Senku blinked in confusion, wondering if he was seeing things.
Of course, he looked up Lilian's net worth once he was back in his hotel room (JAXA didn't provide relatives of astronauts a place to stay).
She was a billionaire.
He looked over at the other tab on his browser, the signup tab for the course on ebola research he wanted to take.
"You like my dad, right?" He checked with Lilian, while Byakuya was busy with NASA stuff.
Lilian looked at him, "Uh... yeah." She agreed.
"He listens to everything to everything I have to say. I'll put in a good word for you." He bargained, "If you could bankroll my trip to Africa to study ebola."
For a moment, she didn't say anything. Then a bright smile spread over her face, "Are you bribing me?"
"Is it working?" He didn't bother pretending.
If anything, that just made her beam brighter, "A fourteen year old is trying to bribe me." She cooed, not at all upset, "This is the cutest thing I've ever seen. How much does it cost?"
And she was already writing up a check for him.
"Are you even allowed to take this to a bank?" She checked, pulling her hand back, "I don't know how this works exactly."
"Well, I flew here alone and I'm not allowed to do that either, so I'll figure it out." Senku assured, taking it from her.
"I... don't know how to feel about that."
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danpuff-ao3 · 3 months
Snarry-a-Thon 2018
Snarry-a-Thon is an annual fest of Snarry goodness that always brings so much creativity and joy in the Snarry community. I am forever blown away by how much talent and passion Snarry-lovers have. With that in mind, I wanted to create some special recs for a fest near and dear to my heart.
With that, here are my Top 5 picks for the 2018 fest! But first...
Disclaimer: my rec lists are created based on my personal experiences and preferences. There are plenty of other stories and authors who are quite good and deserve just as much love. This is not meant to be an objective “best of the best” list, but the subjective opinion of a longtime reader and fangirl.
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Worth Watching
by accioslash. Rated: E. Words: 3,784. Muggle AU. Drunk sex. Established relationship.
One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.
by Acid (@ac1d6urn). Rated: E. Words: 17,240. Spinner's End. Grief/Mourning. Romance. Hurt/comfort.
After the war, the house on Spinner's End is a shelter, but not a home. Then Snape lets in a pair of strays.
by avioleta (@avioleta). Rated: E. Words: 24,861. Panic attacks. PTSD. Student/teacher. Hogwarts 8th year. First time.
Harry’s back at Hogwarts. Severus is back in the Potions Lab and everyone is just trying to find some semblance of normal after the war. Prompt #113: Old school 8th year fic.
Little Monkeys
by Lilian. Rated: T. Words: 15,756. Past character death. Grief/mourning. Children.
"There might be a chance that maybe, perhaps, Severus went too far this whole ‘exile far away from the Wizarding World’ thing. Because however he tries to frame it, it comes down to this: after nine years of being completely alone, the first time he stays with another person, he’s plotting to steal said person’s children."
Afloat (on a Sea of Love)
by suitesamba (@suitesamba). Rated: G. Words: 8,334. Humor. Old men in love.
In their autumn years, Harry and Severus finally find each other and, though Harry’s kids object, decide to take a cruise to celebrate their budding relationship. Back home, Lily, Al and James have ample time to discuss just exactly why they object to Severus as they sit through a Hogwarts Quidditch game. When their old headmistress Minerva McGonagall joins them in the stands, she opens their eyes about their dad and Severus. Featuring old men in love (and in Speedos), a Quidditch game that will not end, Minerva the match-maker, and a seven-year old wedding planner.
Snarry-a-Thon 2018 Masterlist
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thehollowwriter · 3 months
🫶😑 and 🧸 for the octoquartet?
Thank you, Lilian!
🫶: Who ended up falling first? Which of them actually realized that they’d fallen in love first?
Okay, so Azul and the tweels were already dating before they began dating Finn. For that, the tweels both fell for Azul first, but Azul realised he was in love with them first (in his odd Azul way).
When Finn came around, Floyd fell first, then the other two shortly after. Finn... he greatly admired Azul before their boot camp/coming to NRC. You could say he had a little puppy crush on him before it began blossoming into love. Falling for the tweels as well took him by surprise. He realised he was in love first out of the four of them.
😑: How easily do they get jealous, and how do they handle it?
Finn doesn't get jealous easily, mostly because he cares so little for most others fjfudkddkkd. He kinda just ignores the feeling, or goes to one of his partners and stays by them for awhile. The person he's jealous of could never be in such close quarters with them, after all.
Azul... he does get jealous pretty easily. It's those insecurities, still buried deep down, that claw it's way to the surface when he sees somebody else getting too cozy with one of his boyfriends. Even if it's one of their partners, and that's when it's incredibly difficult to deal with.
Azul just works and hopes it goes away or makes snarky comments at whoever he's jealous of, smirking at them as he does so. He reminds himself of his own achievements, of how he's smarter, more powerful, and more attractive. He's not that snivelling child anymore. He has no need for petty things like jealousy! (He goes out on more dates, too, lol)
Floyd, funnily enough, doesn't really get jealous at all? Clingy, yes, but not jealous. He doesn't bother with it. Besides, he knows none of his bfs would just abandon him.
Jade is the middle ground between Azul and Finn. He gets jealous of the others don't spend as much time with him as usual, or if they show more interest in someone else's things than his own. He gets petty, and for a guy with a deep voice, he sure can whine. "Oh darling... I've been feeling so lonely. You won't go study with X, would you?" He demands more quality time and probably finds some way of messing with who's causing his jealousy.
🧸: Would they want to have kids together? If so, what are their kid(s) like? How are they as parents?
It is a decision they would all have to agree on together, of course, but possibly! They would still be perfectly happy childless, and they don't see as something that "must" happen in the future. It's more of an option worth considering.
They don't care if their possible children are adopted or biological, so even if these kinds don't have magic or their (well, Finn and Azul's tbh) level of power, they will be such clever, mischevious little bastards. They would be adept at getting the maximum benefit from any situation as well as turning people on their heads. And if you have a problem? Please do take it up with their dads, I'm sure they would love to hear what you have to complain about.
I think the octoquartet would be very... interesting parents. They probably spoil their kids, but not too badly. They're not all that strict, apart from Azul, I suppose, and their main focus is ensuring their little one(s) is happy, healthy, and successful in whatever they want to do. Chaos reigns forever in that household, and I think they would be happy to make deals with their children lol. (For example, I'll show you how to make a potion if you xyz)
Sorry this was super long fjfkgk
Tagging: @elenauaurs @distant-velleity @krenenbaker @the-banana-0verlord @kitwasnothere @boopshoops @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @jovieinramshackle @krenenbaker @theleechyskrunkly
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opinated-user · 21 days
you know lilian-v-orchard isn't lily right? it's a joke/satire blog that took the url so she couldn't grab it.
i know, but they had that clip and i thought it was worth listening to it so i shared the post.
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autisticrosewilson · 24 days
I keep thinking of a WFA style Wilson fam webcomic and I know some of you are already frothing at the mouth but hear me out
People will mischaracterize them (they already do this)
People will idealize Slade (they already do this)
New fans will be annoying for a while until they actually read the comics (This is just how fandom works)
Grant, Joey, and Respawn get to be alive again
Poppy, Tanya, and Sunny get to exist again
I can add new panels to my Addie Kane folder
Lilian Worth can have a character
Exploration of relationships we never got (Rose and Grant, Grant and Addie, Respawn and Joey, Rose and Poppy, ect.)
Elaboration on relationships I'm already fond of (divorced co-parent SladeAddie, Billy and Rose, JOEY AND GRANT, Addie and Rose can find support in each other)
If it gets popular DC might consider bringing Joey and/or Grant back to main continuity
DC might consider that Slade's family is the best part of him and we can get more dysfunctional Wilson fam focused comics
Talia Al Ghul and Adeline Kane can meet
We can get a canon name for Respawn
There's a very faint chance they'll imply DickJoey/GarJoey/RoyJoey literally any queer relationship with one of the Titans
Slade and Addie are still divorced
Slade must be bullied regularly, at least once per episode
Grant can have powers but they have to be unstable/lame
Rose can have a missing eye but it can't be caused by Slade
Dark comedy, I like when they're a little dysfunctional and they're still mostly assassins
I'm kind of iffy on Lilian being a prostitute because there's a lot of negative stereotypes about Asian women that plays into but sex work isn't something I'd want to be demonized either and Rose's introduction comic was surprisingly good about that for the time. I don't trust anyone in DC to do it so I just don't want them to bring it up at all
Rose, Lili and Respawn must be drawn with their ethnic features. This is not optional
Joey is still a superhero, he is also still mute
Lili, Talia, and Addie would never fight over Slade none of them want him
Palpable sexual tension between Slade and literally everyone he meets (this should be a running gag) but particularly with Billy (TTG Batman/Gordon style)
Poppy gets to bully them all for being rich (she's who you guys wish Duke was)
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thececeverse · 2 months
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002. CHOUKA AIKAWA … ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
CHOUKA AIKAWA is a soloist under Republic Records, Flowerbank Entertainment, and Avex Trax. Starting out as a fashion blogger, YouTuber, former ballerina, and socialite in 2017, Chouka branched into acting in 2019, and finally made her way into the music industry in 2024. In addition to becoming a prominent fashion influencer, she has also become a prominent singer, with her debut single “Girls Don’t Cry” going on to become a chart topper.
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BASICS … ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
BIRTH NAME … Aikawa Chouka
ENGLISH NAME … Love Rose Antoinette Aikawa
KOREAN NAME … Soo Sa-rang (수사랑)
NICKNAMES … Rosie, Marie Antoinette, Cupid, Ai-chan
BIRTHDAY … March 14th, 1999
ZODIAC … Pisces
BIRTHPLACE … Milan, Italy
HOMETOWN … Milan, Italy + Kyoto, Japan + Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan + Paris, France + Berlin, Germany + Amsterdam, Netherlands + Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
ETHNICITY … Japanese
NATIONALITY … Italian-Japanese-American
SEXUALITY … Pansexual
PHYSICAL … ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
HEIGHT … 5’7” 1/2 (171 cm)
WEIGHT … 119 lbs (53 kg)
꒰ ♡ ꒱ “Ti amerò per sempre” + located on left shoulder blade + shares with fiancé
꒰ ♡ ꒱ A rose encased in glass + located on left shoulder
CLAIMS … ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
FACE CLAIM … Minatozaki Sana (TWICE)
VOICE CLAIM … Ariana Grande (English) + YooA (Korean / OH MY GIRL)
DANCE CLAIM … Sunmi (soloist / ex-Wonder Girls)
CAREER … ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
COMPANY … Republic Records + Avex Trax + Flowerbank Entertainment + Wilhelmina Models + Creative Artists Agency
OCCUPATION … Singer-songwriter, social media influencer, actress, TV personality, businesswoman, model, former ballet dancer
DEBUT DATE … April 5th, 2024
YEARS ACTIVE … 2024–present
FANDOM NAME … Rosettes (로제트 + ロゼット)
BACKGROUND … ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 🩰 … ONE. IF I WAS A RICH GIRL
Aikawa Chouka was born on March 14th, 1999 in Milan, Italy. And unlike most in her field, she was born into immense wealth and prestige. Her father, Aikawa Chujirō (also known as Michael Aikawa), is the current president and CEO of the Aikawa Group. Originally founded in 1969 as a technology conglomerate, the company sold its shares twenty years later for $20 billion, turning itself into a sprawling holdings company. Owning mostly luxury brands (including Versace), they also own multiple department stores in the United States such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Macy’s, and even Paramount. The Aikawa Group has been touted as the “Samsung of Japan,” and with a net worth of over $480 billion, the Aikawa family is the richest in the world.
Meanwhile, Chouka’s mother, Nakamura Aiko (also known as Liliane Aikawa) is an accomplished, London-born actress and designer, as the founder of luxury lifestyle brand Lily by Liliane, as well as a socialite, art dealer, and former model. Aiko was born into a family older and wealthier than her husband’s (or at least that would’ve been true in 1990), and is the only child of Nakamura Hiroaki, the president of the Nakamura Foods Company. Founded all the way back in 1909 (although the Nakamura family was rather high up in Japanese society generations prior), the food packing conglomerate is worth over $20 billion. Like her husband’s family, Aiko’s family also owns a department store, having acquired ownership of the Tokyu Department Store in 2009.
Obviously, Chouka grew up in the lap of luxury. Living in Milan for the first five years of her life, she attended a Japanese international school and learned her native language of Japanese, along with Italian and English. In 2004, Chouka and her family moved to Kyoto. And due to her family’s wealth, they would spend a lot of time moving.
During the summers of 2009 and 2010, they would live in three separate cities: Berlin, Amsterdam, and Paris. Starting in 2011, they would live in Singapore for a year. And finally, in 2015, the Aikawa family would move for the final time to the wealthy neighborhood of Aoyama in Tokyo. Chouka completed her final two years of high school there, and was involved in quite a few extracurriculars. She was a cheerleader, a member of her school’s tennis team, and she served as editor-in-chief of its newspaper club. Chouka would move again in 2016, but without her parents this time. She spent that winter at a boarding school in Switzerland, like most rich girls of her caliber.
By then, Chouka was a seasoned ballet dancer. At the age of three, she was placed in classes by her mother at the request of Chouka’s grandmother. She attended two separate ballet academies at some point: the Dutch National Ballet Academy and the Paris Opera Ballet. For years, Chouka believed that she would become the world’s next prima, but the universe had different plans.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 🩰 … TWO. DRESS TO IMPRESS
For the most part, Chouka’s childhood was normal. However, when you have a designer for a mother, you tend to get dragged to a whole lot of fashion shows. At the tender age of thirteen, she attended her first show for Dior. And it wasn’t just that, either. Chouka grew up watching her grandmother order couture from Paris and Milan, she would be gifted old pieces from her mother, and her father even gifted her Louis Vuitton for her tenth birthday. After that Dior show, however, Chouka’s entire world changed.
She became quite obsessed with fashion, and she would spend hours flipping through fashion magazines or rummaging through her mother’s closet. All the balls and launch parties and red carpet events that Chouka would attend with her family changed her outlook on fashion, and after she was scouted by a modeling agency at fifteen, her interest only grew. She attended Fashion Weeks in Tokyo and New York, and modeled for brands like Betsey Johnson.
Chouka kind of knew that her career as a model was temporary, though, and her “true calling” was a fashion designer or journalist (courtesy of her mother). With the rise of the beauty guru, Chouka’s interest in fashion blogs, and all the time she spent on Instagram, however, she decided that, instead, she would become social media famous.
In 2015, Chouka launched a blog of her own: Love Moda. This was unusual for her family, as like the real-life, Japanese rendition of the Young family from Crazy Rich Asians, they were notoriously private. They would sporadically appear in news articles, Aiko would give the occasional magazine interview solely for brand reasons or to promote a new project, and Chujirō mainly limited his media appearances to business publications. Obviously, though, Chouka had vastly different aspirations. Love Moda was mentioned in an editorial she did with Tatler, and that kind of exposure—plus the fact that she had money—made interest in her blog skyrocket. By 2016, it had amassed over 10,000 readers.
By the next year, Chouka had cemented herself as a somewhat of a “baby influencer.” Despite the invites to Paris fashion shows and the articles being written about her in Vogue, however, she was far from mainstream. Her small legion of fans wanted her to be, though. Chouka was asked to start a YouTube channel by one of them, and so on May 19th, 2017, she did.
Chouka was already a bit of a “micro-celebrity,” so by the summer, her sizable following had transferred to her new channel. Her YouTube gradually begin to grow larger than her blog as the beauty community gained traction themselves, and her status as the “Aikawa Group heiress” was definitely a selling point, alongside her feminine, “rich girl” fashion and peculiar accent. By the end of 2017, the brand deals were beginning to roll in, and everyone was gradually starting to know her name.
In 2018, a particular video of Chouka’s suddenly went viral. What followed afterwards was the exact mainstream fame that she’d been looking for. She moved to Los Angeles from New York and was scoring ambassadorships with the likes of Kate Spade, Nina Ricci, and even Prada. She was getting invited to award shows, launch parties, and was a seasoned Fashion Week attendee at that point. And by 2019, Chouka blew up even further. She was named “fashion’s newest It girl,” she made her way into the acting industry, and it was pretty much impossible to escape her.
2018 was also a rather difficult year for her, though. At that point, Chouka had been a ballerina for sixteen years. But with her rising career online, she knew that she couldn’t pursue her lifelong dream of prima stardom without giving up her YouTube career.
Although ballet would always have a special place in her heart, her career aspirations had obviously changed. Even then, though, Chouka was still training, and she still wanted to attend another ballet academy. But balancing that and what clearly transformed from a hobby into her way of life was asking for too much. So that year, Chouka hung up her pointe shoes and bid goodbye to ballet. That decision was a difficult one, but it was probably for the best, as her career as an influencer has done more for her than a ballet career ever would. And there was still a whole lot more in store.
Within the next five years, Chouka would grow to become one of the best fashion influencers on the planet, with 11 million subscribers, over twenty brand deals, and countless successful business ventures to her name. Even with a billion dollar bank account, though, she—like most influencers nowadays—couldn’t help but branch into the music industry.
In late 2023, Chouka signed to Republic Records and Avex Trax to manage her American and Japanese activities, promising her fans a debut by the next year. And on April 5th, 2024, she fulfilled her promise. Debuting with the single “Girls Don’t Cry,” her debut was a smash hit. Surprisingly, it was received far better than the music of other influencers, nearly becoming a No. 1 hit and turning Chouka into an up and coming pop princess. Even with her previously existing and clearly successful career, Chouka has plans for an album, a Japanese debut, and a potential Korean debut. Her first single already has fans eager to see what she has next, and her next projects can turn her into not only an It girl of the fashion world, but an It girl of the music industry, as well.
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Flowerbank Entertainment belongs to @pinkscaped + @venusvity ! ♡
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JLRRT's To-Read List
A list of books and articles I mean to get to. (Books I've read and recommend)
Caligula, by Aloys Winterling
Cicero, The Cambridge Companion to, by Catharine Steel
Cleopatra, by Duane Roller
Cleopatra's Daughter, by Jane Draycott
Clodius Pulcher, by Jeffrey Tatum
Crassus: The First Tycoon, by Peter Stothard
Gaius Marius: A Political Biography, by Richard John Evans
Livia, Empress of Rome, by Matthew Denison
Mark Antony, by Eleanor Goltz Huzar
Nero: Matricide, Music and Murder in Imperial Rome, by Anthony Everitt and Roddy Ashworth
Pompey the Great, by Robin Seager
Sextus Pompeius, by Kathryn Welch
Sulla: The Last Republican, by Arthur Keaveney
Terentia, Tullia and Publilia, by Susan Treggiari
Livy, The History of Rome books 21-30 (Hannibal's War)
Plutarch, Parallel Lives
Polybius, The Histories
Vergil, The Aeneid
Other Nonfiction
A Critical History of Early Rome by Gary Forsythe
The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World, by Walter Schneidel, Ian Morris and Richard P. Saller
Cannae, by Adrian Goldsworthy
Commanders and Command in the Roman Republic and Early Empire, by Fred Drogula
The Collapse of Rome: Marius, Sulla and the First Civil War, by Gareth C. Sampson
The Cults of the Roman Empire, by Robert Turcan
The Defeat of Rome in the East: Crassus, the Parthians, and the Disastrous Battle of Carrhae, 53 BC, by Gareth Sampson
Discourses on Livy, by Niccolo Machiavelli - Read this years ago, want to reread.
Hadrian and the Triumph of Rome, by Anthony Everitt
Laughter in Ancient Rome, by Mary Beard
The Fall of Carthage, by Adrian Goldsworthy
Party Politics in the Age of Caesar, by Luca Fezzi
Plebs and Politics in the Late Roman Republic, by Henrik Mouritsen
Religions of Rome, by Mary Beard, John North and Simon Price
The Rise of Rome, by Anthony Everitt
The Rise of Rome: From the Iron Age to the Punic Wars, by Kathryn Lomas
The Roman Elite and the End of the Republic, by Henrik Mouritsen
The Roman Toga, by Lilian M. Wilson
Rome and the Mediterranean 290 to 146 BC, by Nathan Rosenstein
The Veracity of Caesar, by J.P.V.D. Balsdon
Women in Antiquity, by Barbara Levick and Richard Hawley
Why Did Caesar Cross the Rubicon?, by G.R. Stanton
The Ides of March, by Thornton Wilder
Masters of Rome series, by Colleen McCullough - Yes, I've read them before. Worth reading again!
Roma Sub Roma series, by Steven Saylor - Another series I've finished but want to reread!
SPQR series, by John Maddox Roberts - Enjoyed the first two, haven't read the others.
Feel free to suggest more - I'm most interested in the period from 133 BCE-14 CE, and in the Second Punic War. Big fan of mysteries, romances, and queer characters, too.
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mossyscavern · 4 months
Comics, stories and books oh wow!
‘Ugh! I’m so board!’
Sam thought, frustrated by boredom. He was even begging Travis for at least something to keep him occupied, but he got nothing from the ‘YouTuber’ who is also board.
Lilian isn’t up to her mischief, Tim and Tom are no where to be found, Benny is asleep and Caleb is… also asleep. He’d give anything for at least something to occupy his mind.
Heck! He’d bet not even the books he packed in his bag are-… “right! The books.” He shouted, immediately getting up and running towards the bus where his bag is normally. Once there he zipped it opened and found not only books but also his favourite comics too.
Both marvel, dc and fantasy. He also brought some sailor moon manga too but that’s mostly for his gal friends.
With a content sigh, he picked out a marvel comic he hasn’t read yet and opened the first page. Minutes later he became invested and was about to turn the next page when someone tapped him on the shoulder.
Curious and confused he turned and looked up to see the mangled, masked twin himself, Tom weaver. “… hola Tom.” He greeted, closing the comic he was reading. “Is something bothering you?”
Tom shook his head and pointed at the comic. “Who’s that?” He asks, tilting his head slightly. “Wasn’t comics invented-… oh! Right, spider-man wasn’t.” Sam says out loud, picking up the comic again.
“Spider.. man?” Tom questions, looking more confused. “A super hero comic, I have plenty more since he’s a superhero comics are my favourite.” He said excitedly.
Placing the newish issue back in his bag and bringing out a different one. “Why not read the one you had?” Tom asked, sitting next to Sam anyway after the redhead moved over.
“Cause miles morales isn’t the first spider-man.” Sam answered, opening the comic while Tom lays his head on Sam’s shoulder. “… who? And who’s spider-man?”
“Let’s just read the comic, está bien?” Sam says, turning to the first page of the comic, not really reading but letting Tom read it himself, Sam expected him to take the comic. But he stayed on Sam’s shoulder, eyes scanning the page until he needs to turn the page.
It made Sam feel better about the situation he got himself into, no matter how traumatic the experience was. It still traumatised him but he’ll get there.
For now Sam just wants to enjoy these moments a little longer before sunrise.
… he might regret it but it’s worth it.
Gotta be honest? I don’t have a single regret this time... wait, no scratch that-.
I mean, we all have different interests and since comics are like… something we all grew up with when we need a break from social media.
Plus I had to like… research when Spider-Man comics came out and turns out it’s around the 1930’s (probably the wrong info knowing the internet)
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chaseadrian · 2 years
don’t sabotage the lightshow
Six years out of high school, you've carved your own little home and built your own little family at a dive in Chicago, a family of runaways and survivors, like you. But when the new band shows up, a familiar face brings back all memories of Hawkins you wanted to forget. Threatening the sanctity of what you've built, you find yourself wondering if it might be worth tearing down anyway. [SERIES MASTERLIST]
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pairing. eddie munson x f!reader tags. 18+ ONLY, minors DNI, original side characters, best friends to enemies, hate sex, reader smokes weed, mentions of drinking, semi-public sex, m receiving oral, vague references to traumatic past word count. 5.7k+ an. uh yeah i'm obsessed with this dude. this does take place in 1990, it's never explicitly said but just for clarity sake that's where we're at.
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“Bandits surround you in the treasure room, prepared for a fight, but before anyone can draw their weapon, the corner of a stone pillar crumbles over Baron Hayes. Pebbles knock against your head, sending you stumbling into a shrine in the wall. The ground rumbles underneath you, and the bandits start falling one by one, a vibrant purple mist rushing in and out of their ears. 
They die before they can scream, blood trickling out onto the floor. You look around at each other, nerves seizing as the mist bends around you. This couldn’t be your last moment, could it?” 
You look around at the wide eyes in front of you, the grimaces and crossed fingers. 
The room swells with silence, and Baron Hayes breaks it, his eyes leaving yours to stare across the table. He reaches out, “Lilian, my lady, if this is our last mome—”
“Silence!” You shout, deepening your voice, “A booming voice shouts, and the mist swirls between you, blossoming into a thick mushroom cloud before it takes corporeal form, ‘This will not be your last moment. You need not fear me.’ The figure before you has pallid skin, he is adorned with jewels and dark hair, and the mist that felled your enemies swirls from his waist down.” 
“A djinn!” Lilian says, slapping the party member next to her. 
You smile behind your binder, “I am indeed the djinn Wymark,’ he says, floating closer to the Baron, ‘You have freed me, Baron Hayes.’ He gestures to the shrine, where a fading porcelain vase lies broken over a pile of jewels. Wymark holds a closed fist over his chest, ‘I am indebted to fulfill any wishes you so seek until you have completed your journey.’ 
Wymark waves a hand over his body, appearing before you as a full human and brushing the riches away from the shrine, revealing it to be a throne. He takes a seat, ‘I cannot, however, leave the grounds of my palace. You may bind me once more to the vase, but if it shatters again—”
A loud knock outside the room interrupts the final moments of your session, and you glare down the table at Lilian. 
“Iona.” Baron Hayes whines, letting his head fall back against his chair. 
She holds a finger up, “Sorry, Griff! Must be the band for tonight. One second!” 
You stare at the rest of your script, fingers tapping on the table as Iona rushes out the door. You can faintly hear her voice outside, “Hi fellas, and uh, gal! Come in, come in.”
She guides them into the office, “We’re just finishing up our little session. It’s nerdy, don’t mind us.”
You make a mental note to have Lady Lilian caught in a bear trap next session. 
“We’re just missing your lead singer, yeah?” 
“Yeah, yeah, he’s just running behind.” You look up at the musician that spoke, and flick your gaze to the shaggy-haired one that flops down on the couch with a grumble, “Running behind with all our equipment.” 
Iona waves a hand, “Oh people always shuffle in here late anyway.” She turns to your party, “Everyone, these are our new regulars—what’re you called again?” 
“Corroded Coffin.” 
A sting of familiarity plants itself in your brain, but you brush it off.
“Corroded Coffin, yes! This is Jeff, the guitarist, Gareth’s on the drums, Robin’s backup vocals, and of course, their incredible bassist—”
“Iona, can we wrap this up? They’re not going anywhere, right?” The party member next to her empty seat sits back, throwing a hand around the chair on his other side, his voice heavy with a Spanish accent, “Rin and Griff need to get the bar squared away because they forgot to do so last night.” He purses his lips, and pinches Rin’s shoulder. 
Rin rolls their eyes and sets their head in their hand. 
“Yes, Javi, fine.” She turns to the band, “Guys, these are the miscreants who keep The Kindling alive. Rin and Griffin, they’ll make you the strongest drinks at any club in Chicago. Our manager Javi here makes sure the place doesn’t get busted, and Selma will be the reason it goes down anyway.”
“That’s an ominous way of saying I photograph shit, Iona.” Selma says, “It’s true though, if you’re gonna do coke, do it in the bathroom.”
Gareth frowns at her, squinting his eyes. Robin looks between him and Selma, slack jawed, “I—is she for real?”
“Shush, Selma! No, she’s not. Nobody does coke in our bathrooms…they do it in the alley.” She laughs, “Anyway, last but not least is our amazing, super creative light tech slash DM—”
You interrupt her to offer your name, nodding at the band, “Nice to meet you.” 
Jeff nods back, “Yeah, good to meet you all.” He sits down next to Gareth, pulling the bassist down with him. Robin looks behind her to see the couch full, and she sits on the edge of the wooden coffee table next to it.
Iona claps her hands together once more, “Oh, good, now that that’s over! Sorry, Lady Lilian present and accounted for. Where were we?” She sits back down, flattening her palms on the table. 
You take a deep breath, “Wymark throws a leg over the other, ‘If my vase breaks once more I will be unable to accompany you, bound again to the palace until the enchantment that sent my castle to ruins is broken.’ It seems you have a choice before you now. Rid the Djinn of his enchantment, or risk taking him with you in a weak vessel?” You start shuffling your papers into a stack.
“But that is a question for next time.” The group groans together, and you smile as you shut your binder. 
“Alright, alright, quit the whining. You guys are gonna want to really think on this one.” 
The table starts picking up their figurines, dumping them into a small metal lunchbox and breaking the game board into four squares to fit alongside the pieces. You reach down into your bag and pull a half drunk water bottle out, downing it in one go, throat tired from affecting Wymark’s booming voice.
“You running a homebrew?” Gareth asks, leaning forward to put his elbows on his knees. 
He directs the question to you, but Griff answers, “Oh, yeah. She puts us through the ringer with the stories she comes up with. You guys play?” 
Robin shakes her head while the boys nod. 
“Not so much now,” Jeff says, “With college and the band and working to even afford to live in this city. But yeah, even had a club in high school.” 
“Sick.” Rin says, “We’d only heard the basic shit about you know, cults and sacrifices and all that before she got us into it.” They gesture towards you. 
Gareth scoffs, “Bullshit.” 
“Total bullshit.” Iona nods, “But I kind of can’t believe they let you run a club like that in Indiana. Aren’t they all like, mormon over there?” 
“You’re thinking of Utah.” Robin leans back on one hand, “Indiana’s evangelical.” She makes a cross in the air with her finger. Iona mouths an ‘ohh.’ 
“And anyway, screw that.” Gareth shifts to show the group a patch on his other arm, smiling. “We’re Hellfire through and through.”
Your friends laud its design, chattering about their own lack of branding—“Why don’t we have a cool name?” “Yeah, we should get patches.” “Yeah!”
You laugh and lean forward to get a better look.
You know that patch. 
You drew that patch. Or at least, the first draft of it. 
Without making a show of recognition, you nod in approval and sit back, “So, you guys are from Indiana?” 
They nod, and Jeff rolls his eyes, “Unfortunately, yeah. Wouldn’t recommend it.”
“Oh, I-I know. I grew up in Hawkins.” 
“No way, that’s where we’re from!” Robin says, laughing to herself, “Small world.” 
You flash a wan smile and scan their faces, rifling through memory to try and place them at all. 
No such luck, which is great. If you don’t recognize them, they don't recognize you—and if they do, they aren’t confident enough about it to say anything. You hold onto the hope that this is just a strange coincidence. They’re a band looking for their break, this is a city full of opportunity for such a thing. 
That’s all.
But even the reminder of Hawkins has you mentally checking out from this conversation, and you stuff your binder into your bag, reaching a hand out to Iona, “I’ll be upstairs if you need me. Good to meet you guys.”
You raise a hand to the band and throw the bag around your back, clapping Javi on the shoulder and bumping Rin’s fist as you pass behind them. 
Climbing the stairs, you shake your hands at your sides and press your nails into your palms, trying to push off memories of Hawkins. The group chatters downstairs, excited voices lamenting stories of past campaigns, fading the further up you go.
It’s silent on the balcony, and you flop down in the wheelie stool at your setup, sliders and buttons wired to the threadbare array of lights around the stage. You spin around, kicking off with the ball of your foot and circling until the wheels scoot you close enough to the controller table and you crash into it. 
When your vision stills, you look down at the stage to see the band sitting on the edge of it, kicking their feet as Iona chatters excitedly. You can’t hear what she says, not until another figure walks into view and she claps her hands. 
“Eddie!” She shouts, wrapping her arms around him. He pats her on the back with one hand, and you slide the chair over to the balcony’s ledge, holding out the last threads of hope that this isn’t the Eddie your mind immediately jumps to. 
Iona points up at you and waves, and what was only a vague possibility to you twenty minutes ago is now a fully realized scene playing out in slow motion. 
He looks up at you, the smile on his face fading as dread and disbelief fly through you.
You push on the ledge and roll back to the controller. You try to keep your leg from bouncing, try to regain some composure and still yourself, but it’s no use when you can hear the distinct tone of his voice downstairs. Inaudible as it is, you know the cadence well. 
“Hey!” A voice from behind startles you in the seat, hands grabbing the edge of the control table to keep it from sliding out under you. 
Selma strolls over, “You got the scrollers? They weren’t downstairs.” 
You point to a bag on the floor next to the table, “Yeah, yeah.” You clear your throat, “Javi caught someone snooping around backstage last show, he brought ‘em up here. Hey, um, did you see the lead singer?” 
Selma crouches over to rifle through the color lenses. She pops a finger up for every one, and smiles, looking up at you once she’s satisfied with the count, “I know. He’s legit, huh? He’s in my Visual Language class. I got Iona’s uncle his demo, they’re really—” 
You hunch over close to her, lowering your voice, “Wait, wait. He goes to UChicago?”
“Oh come on, it’s not just prep school jockies going to these nice schools now, y’know?” She taps her knuckles against your knee, “Why, you into him?”
You push back in the chair, straightening your posture, “No! No…no I just. I went to high school with him.” 
Selma stands up with the bag, “He’s from Hawkins, too? Color me surprised, I kinda thought the band picked him up on the side of the road somewhere.” She hums, “Him and Jeff kinda keep things close to the vest.” 
“Trust me, Sel. He is just another drop in the ocean of that town. He looks different from the normies, but he’s…” You trail off, shaking your head to yourself. 
“Hey,” Her voice softens, “Being reminded of home would shake any of us, and you know we got you no matter what, okay? Say the word and Javi kicks ‘em to the curb.” 
She holds the bag in front of her, feet together, features empathetic. 
You roll around in the chair, resting your back against the edge of the table and crossing your arms, “Yeah, no, I know, but…they’ll be good for the club. I’m alright, promise.” 
Selma squints her eyes at you, “Swear?” She holds up a pinkie, and you laugh, wrapping your own pinkie around hers. 
“Good, now I gotta get these downstairs. Iona said purple, yeah?” 
“Great.” She mock salutes you at the top of the stairs, “Standby.” 
You return the salute, and roll back over to the ledge, resting your forearms on the cold wood. You plop your chin down in your hands before letting it loll onto your arm, cheek squished as you watch Selma slide the scrollers onto each light. 
The band is too busy setting up their equipment to notice you watching them, Eddie’s jacket tossed on an amp, wearing a plain black shirt with the sleeves rolled up as he unwraps cords and throws Gareth’s drumsticks at him with a smile. He’s broader now, more adult. The acne that you could see from space when he hit puberty was barely visible, if there at all. 
He’s kept his long locks, though it looks like he learned how to take care of them. All waves and shine converse to the matte frizz you once knew. 
You put your hands out in front of you, now trying to picture them as they were when you last saw him. Were there less wrinkles? Had they changed tone in the Chicago weather? Looking in the mirror each morning, you gave little thought to how you’d changed since high school. Maybe your smile lines were deeper now, maybe there was a little more hair in the sink each time you brushed it. 
Nothing much made you care. Naught except the sudden presence of someone who knew that version of you. Knew you when you were shiny and brand new, a witness to the way life broke you in. The way it broke you both until you turned on each other. 
The sharp feedback from the stage cuts you from your thoughts, and you watch everyone cringe as Jeff plugs his guitar into the large amp. Eddie sticks a finger in his ear and does the same. You exhale a laugh, watching Iona press her palms to either side of her head and walk away. 
Selma shoots you a thumbs up from downstairs, and you roll back to the control table, hitting buttons and sliding tabs until you can see the stage lit up in purple. Neon violet lights against the black wall contrast with the overhead rig, constant in its white-yellow hue. Eddie hovers his hand above his face, blocking the blinding light and looking up at you. 
You don’t know if he can see your head poking over the control table, but you shrink down anyway, shoulders jerking back in a quick spasm of nerves. You stand up to turn the stage lights off, shaking your hands at your side before flopping down on the couch. The ceiling light burns into your retina, and you throw a wrist over your eyes as the band starts warming up. 
It’s a half-assed practice, and you can hear laughter after every missed note. Right now it’s not Eddie’s voice in the mic, but what you can only assume to be Robin’s. Raspy, understated, still sweet. She makes up choruses for every melody they come up with. They aren’t great, by any means, but there’s a smile in her voice. You’d much prefer hearing her over Eddie. 
They cycle halfway through a couple songs, volume on the amps lowered, music echoing through the empty club. Closing your eyes, you try once more to push away all you can of Hawkins, of Eddie. The music helps, Robin’s voice not quite fit for metal, but she makes a passable attempt. You can understand how it might fit with Eddie’s in the overall ensemble, a soothing constant to grab onto behind the bashing of drums and intricate, electric riffs. 
Your friends downstairs cheer for the band once the music stops, more excited chatter and the ‘clink’ of beer bottles. 
You raise your head to the familiar pattern of footsteps, a prick of relief in your chest knowing it’s not Eddie. 
“Here.” Javi throws you a water bottle before walking into the control booth at the back of the room. Radio metal starts playing out the speakers of the club, and you sit up to take a drink.
He rolls around the doorway, leaning against it and fiddling with the chain around his neck.
He has to yell over the music, “You good?” 
“Mm, Javi, fine.” You lay back down, throwing a leg over the back of the couch and shooting him a thumbs up. 
“Doors open in ten, so I’m locking the office. Keys—”
“Keys in the skull jar, thank you, I know.” 
“Are you sure everything’s okay?” 
“All good!” You pop the cap off the water and tilt a few droplets into your open mouth, sitting up when it dribbles onto your shirt.
You brush the water off and smile at him, “Really, just go do your job.” 
“Tch, you do yours!” He rolls his eyes at you, shaking his head and feigning offense. 
A wave of giddiness passes through your stomach, and you laugh at him as he points from his eyes to yours, “I’m watching you!” He goes down backward on the stairs, keeping his eyes on you until the stairwell blocks the view.
He slams the office door as he always does when you’re up there alone, his calling card to tell you the door is locked. That you’re safe. The Kindling isn’t the seediest of clubs in Chicago, but that wasn’t saying much. 
Patrons shuffle in as expected, and you sit once more at the ledge of the balcony, staring at the empty stage. Strangers bump into strangers, drinks in hand, spilling over the rim and onto the forever sticky floor. You turn your wrist over, and trudge to the sound mixer, silencing the speaker music just as Iona takes the stage. 
You plop back down in your stool, chin on your forearm, reaching lazily over to turn on a couple overhead lights flanking her.
“Helloooo!” She speaks into the microphone, curtsying a little when several patrons whistle at her. 
“I won’t waste any time up here, you’re all really gonna like these guys. Let me be the first to introduce your new favorite local band: Corroded Coffin!” She claps, and as the band enters you raise the rest of the overhead rig, illuminating them as they take their places. 
Eddie throws his guitar strap over his shoulders, and grabs the mic stand, the crowd buzzing in front of them, “Alright! Alright, I, uh,” He looks over at Robin with a smile, then to Jeff and the bassist at his other side, “I won’t waste your time either.” 
“We’re Corroded Coffin, let’s go!” He kicks his foot against the floor as Jeff plays the first sting, and you slide up the power on the violet lights, the crowd matching Eddie’s immediate energy. 
They’re good, better than you expected. You always knew Eddie to be talented, to have a future if he actually tried. As you predicted, Robin’s voice is a subtle mix-in with Eddie’s gruff tenor, but she has the same energy as the rest of them onstage. Where Eddie’s shredding at a mic stand, she’s dragging her wired microphone around, jumping in time to the music, her short bobbed hair flicking back and forth. She’s great, they’re great, and it shoots a sharp spiral of frustration through your side. 
You sit there at the controller, flicking this light and that, the violet lights off during Jeff’s guitar solo, his figure just illuminated by the white overhead rig. Purple on Eddie when he has a solo, feet planted firm and intimidating as he sings into the mic, his gaze wiping over the crowd. 
People in the audience reach out for him, a woman even drops out her tits when his eyes rake over her. Oh they like them, for sure, and by the smile on Eddie’s face, by Jeff’s wide eyes and Robin’s awkward, interrupting laugh into the microphone, they also like the attention. Even the quieter patrons on the sides are singing along to the covers they know, bobbing their heads to the originals they’ll come to learn.
He tilts his head up at you several times throughout the set, brief glances behind blinding stage lights. You hate that he knows you’re up there, hate having to watch his every move. You conduct these shows from an invisible seat, and that’s the way you like it, but you don’t feel invisible now. Every time he stares up towards you, it feels like he’s peeling off a new layer, skin and muscle and nerve until you’re down to the bone. He grins at the mic as though he knows this.
After a short half hour of adrenaline and bright lights and an audience shoving their way to the front, the band is dripping in sweat, hair clinging to their faces, jackets and flannels tossed to the side every other song until they’re in tank tops and t-shirts. Eddie raises a hand above the crowd, waiting for them to settle into a normal chatter. 
“We are oh-so grateful for you tonight,” He grins, “How about one last song, huh?”
They roar in front of him, and he laughs into the mic, “Now this just came out last month, so we will forgive you if you don’t know it yet,” Eddie slides his hand up the neck of his guitar and back down, “But you’re gonna learn.” 
With that, the crowd returns to its previous state, and Eddie stares up at you behind the lights as he sings. You slide over to the ledge and look back; if he can’t see you he’s doing a convincing job pretending otherwise.
—reduction is addictive too
Personality overview
I can see what the cost will be
He wraps a hand around the microphone, bringing his lips right up to it.
You know I don't need you
I just can't Put You Down
I can see what it all means to me
Honey I don't need you
I just can't Put You Down
Frustration boils in your stomach once more, and you storm down the steps to the club’s breaker box and flick off the main switch. The lights shut off, the crowd shouting their disappointment as you grab the keys from the jar and rush outside. 
“Sorry, everyone! Must’ve tripp—” Is all you can hear from Iona onstage before the metal door slams shut. 
You pull a blunt and lighter from the pocket of your flannel, shaky hand bringing it to your lips. It does little to cool the all over fury you feel rattling your body. Frigid air nips at your wrists, at your neck. The cold seems to come earlier every year in Illinois, wind chill reaching you now at the tail end of summer. 
You stand there in the dark alcove, a little space with trash cans and a pile of cigarette butts mostly blocked off from the rest of the world. You burn down the blunt until you feel it calming your mind. A calm that’s short lived before the metal door across from you opens, and Eddie strolls out, kicking a nearby brick up against the door to prop it open. You can hear the music inside, the loud chatter. 
He nods at you, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket.
You scoff and start moving further into the alcove, but he follows you.
“Weird thing, the circuit breaker.” He slides a cigarette from the pack, and walks over to you, holding the end of it up to the blunt in your hand until it catches. “You’d think…place like this? Wouldn’t get overloaded so easily.” 
“You’d think.” 
“Alright, cut the shit.” He raises his eyebrows and smiles, but there’s no friendliness there. He shrugs, “Why’d you do it.” 
You scoff, “Really gotta ask that?” Bringing the blunt to your lips, you take another long drag and blow it into his face. 
“Yeah,” He nods, “Yeah, I do. Because if you wanted to fuck up the show, you would’ve done it way earlier.” 
You kick at your heel with the toe of your boots, “Didn’t like you looking at me like that.” 
“I’m looking at you now.”
“Yeah, and I don’t like it. So if you could fuck off, that’d be great.”
You flick the cigarette out of his mouth. 
Eddie smashes it with the toe of his sneakers, “Come on, you really mad at me because we fell out?” He licks his thumb and forefinger, snuffing out the end of your blunt and pulling it from your mouth to toss in the trash. “It’s been what, six years? People move on.” 
You swallow hard, brows knitting together, “Yeah, and I have my own shit now. My own shit that I’m not gonna let you take from me.” 
He laughs at you, “You’re still on that Hellfire bullshit? It was my club!” 
“It was ours, Eddie, ours!” You knock your hand against the side of the trash can. 
The year flashes through your brain in a matter of seconds. The rescheduled sessions, half-assed apologies, A’s on your report card and F’s on Eddie’s. The deeper into senior year you got, the more he pulled away. The acceptance letter in your mailbox filled your stomach with more dread than excitement, but when Eddie found out, you suddenly couldn’t wait to leave.
“It was ours, and you cut me out.” 
“Fuck, whatever, what’s done is done, right?” He throws his hands up, and pulls at the hem of his shirt, wiping the sweat off his face. 
Your gaze drops to his waist, to the faintly toned muscle of his abdomen, taut, pale scars covering his skin. Your stomach lurches, hot and angry and tightening as he wipes the sweat from his brow. The tendons in his hands flex, and your eyes pause on each ringed finger, on the callouses at his fingertips. 
He smashes his bangs up against his hairline, revealing a little spattering of acne on the skin. You smile to yourself. 
Resetting your composure, you press a finger into his shoulder, catching the edge of his collarbone, “You guys wanna play your shitty little covers, feel free, but stay away from me, okay? And Corroded Coffin, really? You stuck with that stupid name from middle school?”
“And? What’s wrong with it?” 
“Come on, Ed, Corrosion of Conformity isn’t that underground. And even that name is shit.” 
“We had that name first.”
You look down and shrug, “Yeah, well. What do I know, anyway. Leaving Hawkins is the only good idea I’ve ever had, right?” 
Eddie’s first acknowledgement of everything you created together lights you up once more with anger, your stomach knotting further. 
He just stands there, and it deepens your fury. 
“Huh?” You push him backwards. He takes a step back and slaps your hand away, jaw clenching. 
You want to push him until he breaks. 
“Right, Eddie?” Another shove, his heels just about connecting with the wall, and he wraps a hand around your bicep to keep you from shoving him again.. You smile and exhale a laugh, “Leaving Hawkins, leaving you, was the best idea I’ve ever had.” 
He grabs the back of your hair and forces your head away from him. 
Smelling like smoke and sweat, the wet hem of his shirt clings to the exposed strip of your stomach. He tugs your head back more, baring your throat, his eyes flicking to your lips and back. He swallows hard, “Yeah. It was.” 
Letting out a choked laugh, you squint your eyes at him, “Well, I had to. My life was going somewhere.”
“Fuck you.” He whispers.
“You did, Ed. Remember?” Smile still on your lips, voice low and hard, “Or is that why you’ve been staring at me all night?” 
You stand on your tiptoes, your nose grazing his, “Forgot I was the first notch on your belt? Wanted to check it off before you tear through Chicago, for old times sake?”
Eddie stands there staring, tightened grip in your hair, fingers pressing harder into your bicep. His breath hits your lips, hot and languid and shaking. You grab a fistful of his shirt, his chest rising and falling underneath your knuckles while he tries to steady his breathing.
“C’mon then, Ed,” You say, “Fucking take what you want.” You spit, bringing your lips to his. You leave them hovering too close for comfort, his cupid’s bow brushing against your bottom lip. He tilts his head up, just shy of a real kiss, a stone’s throw from giving in. 
He pauses, and you whisper against his mouth, “Take what you want, or let me go.” 
Several thick, silent seconds pass before his grip falters, big brown eyes shiny with reflected moonlight, and you step back from him. 
Turning to go back inside, you mutter to yourself, “I knew you wouldn’t. Fucking coward.” 
Eddie’s sneakers slide over the littered pavement, and he yanks you back just as you’re reaching for the door, “Don’t ever call me that.” His voice is rough, like there’s gravel in his throat, and his eyes burn into you when he speaks. 
You hide the smile on your face and force away the excitement in your chest as he pushes you up against the brick wall. You got him; whatever bullshit tough guy act he puts on now is a front for the boy who’s always been wrapped around your finger. He fumbles with his belt while his teeth sink into your neck, and you swat his hands away when they try to undo your jeans. They come back hard on your hips, shoving you into the wall, and he yanks down the jeans.
The cold air has little opportunity to make its way between your bodies before he’s grinding himself into you, a hand coming up tight over your mouth. There’s scarce warm-up for either of you, all crude language and his teeth on your neck.
The sweaty shelf of his pelvis ruts against you, sparking the nerves of your clit, a wash of arousal building in your belly. You’d never give him the verbal satisfaction of knowing you like any of this. Love when the head of his cock pushes you open, stretching your walls with hard, fast pumps. 
Before the pressure on your clit and in your stomach climbs to the point of overwhelming, Eddie spins you around, fucking you from behind, his hand squeezing your jaw until it hurts. 
He fills you so entirely, but you bat away the urge to reach behind you and grab the backs of his thighs. Resist the incessant, nagging thought of your hands on his ass, pushing him into you.  
Instead, you focus on digging your knuckles into the wall, the sharp sting of old brick against your skin. The top layer will be flaked and scabbing tomorrow, but it’s worth it to keep your composure. Keep him from knowing how close you are, how the harsh thrust of his cock hits you right where you need it, vitriol and hate and history just added fuel to the fire in your chest. 
You open your palms on the wall, pushing into him on the edge of your orgasm. It crests as he pulls out and you’re overwhelmed by the sudden anger you feel with his eyes on you, watching you lose yourself like this. He shifts his hand on your mouth, and you bite down onto his forefinger, expecting him to yank it away. It’s a surprise that he doesn’t, that he instead grabs you by your jaw and spins you around, fingers squeezing your cheeks. 
He presses one hard kiss to your open mouth, lips tasting of smoke and beer. He spits onto your tongue and pushes you down to your knees, sliding between your lips. 
You drag your teeth over his shaft, staring up at him, watching pain and frustration flash over his features before he pulls hard on your hair. You concede this once, concede because he’s put himself at your mercy, given you the power. Because the man you hate has a body you love, and fuck if you won’t use it to fill your needs.
Despite this, you refuse to work for him the way you would for anyone else. You’re lazy with your lips, careless with your teeth; you keep your tongue flat and motionless under his length. 
With mounting frustration and an orgasm just out of reach, Eddie starts pushing into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat, pioneering a concentrated effort to make you gag. 
This is another satisfaction you won’t give him, all focus dedicated to opening your throat. 
It’s a success short lived when you feel his orgasm pumping over your tongue. You’d intended to spit it back at him—swallowing would be a courtesy he didn’t deserve—but you’re slow on the uptake, and before you can register how his hips jerk and his breath grows heavy, he’s pulled out.
You spit at his feet anyway, wiping your mouth and staring at him as he tugs his jeans up. 
He grabs another cigarette from the pack.
Yanking the handkerchief from his back pocket, you stand up and swipe it between your legs before throwing it in the trash. 
Eddie tries to catch it mid-air and fails, the glare he sends your way could burn a hole in you if you cared. 
“Guess we’ll be seeing more of each other,” He says.
Fixing your jeans, you pull the keys from your jacket pocket and grab the edge of the door, kicking the brick he’d set out of the way, “Unfortunately.” 
You slap a hand against the red ‘EMPLOYEES ONLY’ sign on the outside of the door and slam it shut.
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
hello! i have entered in the fandom not so long ago so hoping for great times ahead with all you guys~ before i ask for a recc, i'd like to give my thanks to the people behind this acc!
now, i'm looking for a fic where aziraphale and crowley are apart, and crowley is just purely yearning for aziraphale. preferably one that's less than or around 10 chapters long and gets hot and spicy in the end.
thank you once again :D
Hi and welcome! Now, when you say “apart” my mind thought physically apart, so I’ve bookended these recs with some long distance...
A Pirate's Silver by KitCat_Italica (E)
Of all the modes of travel humans had invented, Crowley hated sailing the most. But Hell had given him this specific assignment of captaining a Mediterranean pirate vessel, with specific instructions to tempt the crew on the way to Tripoli. So here he was. No miracles could get him out of spending his 1741 on this stupid, stupid boat.
As was Crowley’s habit on quiet nights like this—in the middle of shit assignments and with nothing to distract him from his thoughts—he closed his hand around his wedding ring. He pressed it close to his chest, holding his breath.
Angel, his mind whispered. You there?
Warm by Caedmon (E)
Crowley uses a miracle to make it snow in order to please Aziraphale. Unfortunately, he causes a blizzard that he can't stop. It leaves him nearly frozen, but Aziraphale knows how to warm him up.
Invite Me to Stay at Yours by Lilian (E)
Crowley writes a List to cope. Aziraphale loses and gains some books.
I’m All Yours by FeralTuxedo (E)
Anthony J. Crowley knew he looked like a walking mid-life crisis. The tight jeans, half-up bun and sunglasses positively screamed ‘I left my wife for the babysitter and bought a vintage car just to feel alive again.’ In an adaptation of his life, he’d be played by Hugh Grant. He looked like a divorcee desperate for action, and it didn’t help that he was currently standing outside a nightclub surrounded by drunk twenty-year-olds. But Crowley wasn’t here for a good time tonight. He was on a rescue mission.
Crowley has been rescuing his friend Aziraphale over and over again for a decade. Hopelessly in love, ready to jump at a moment’s notice when he was needed. When Aziraphale finally breaks up with his partner, Crowley is there to help him through what’s looking to be one hell of a mid-life crisis. Things could finally change. If he manages not to mess it up again.
A human AU with a whole forest’s worth of pining squeezed into a single day.
Truth in Imitation by KannaOphelia (E)
Three times in six thousand years, Aziraphale and Crowley pretended to be lovers.
Crowley remembers every touch.
is there anybody out there? by theycallmeDernhelm (E)
Welcome to the zombie apocalypse. England has been overrun by walking corpses, everything's gone to hell, and the few survivors are scattered- among them, Crowley and his 11-year-old son Warlock. When Crowley's radio signal is unexpectedly picked up by another group of survivors, he finds himself falling, in a way he never thought he'd fall again, for the charming and kindly Aziraphale. Over three seasons and a tenuous radio connection, a romance develops between them, while a friendship grows between Warlock and Aziraphale's nephew Adam. Love isn't dead (or undead) after all.
- Mod D
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daisies-daydreams · 7 months
The Found Voyager - Chapter 2 (OP!OC Lilian x Shanks - Platonic)
Pairing: Lilian x Shanks (Platonic) Category: Fluff/Angst Warnings: Swearing, Violence, Mugging, Descriptions of Cuts/Bruises/Blood Word Count: TBA
Summary: Lilian shares her past with Shanks. The next morning, she decides to go out and buy gifts for the crew...only to find herself in a dire situation (Part 2 of a request from @shadytidalwavehideout).
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Lilian woke up to the feeling of the golden sun warming her face. She blinked slowly and nearly fell out of her bunk when she realized she wasn't in her bedroom. The young woman placed a hand over her heart when she saw her new crew mates snoring peacefully in their beds. She quietly slipped down the ladder and changed into a fresh pair of clothes. Lilian hummed softly as she made her way to the upper deck. Shanks was already awake and leaning on the side of the ship, his eyes trained on the sun peeking over the horizon as he puffed at his pipe. He turned when he heard a board creak behind him.
"Didn't think anyone else would be awake at this hour," he grinned. Lilian giggled as she clutched her handbag.
"I'm just off to pick up a few things,” she explained. Shanks hummed as he blew a trail of smoke out of his nostrils.
"Would you like me to come with you?" he asked as he stepped forward. Lilian shook her head as she gripped the strap of her bag.
"No, thank you. It's a rather...secret mission," she whispered. Shanks chuckled as he sucked in another deep breath.
"Alright. Just make sure you're back in a couple of hours or else I'll send a search party after ya," he winked. Lilian giggled and nodded.
"I'll make sure!" she said before taking off with a wave.
The market was already crowded, people bustling in and out of the various stands and shops. She hummed to herself as she strolled through the rows of vendors, keeping her eyes peeled for anything that might interest her crewmates. The pink-haired woman nearly squealed when she laid eyes on a bottle of Shank’s favorite rum he was telling her about last night.
“Excuse me, how much for a bottle?” she asked the bearded shopkeeper.
“It’ll be three-hundred Berries,” the thin, blonde man replied. Lilian frowned.
“Oh, I only have a five-hundred,” she sighed.
“How about I throw in a small flask of whisky as well?” he grinned. Lilian returned his smile as they exchanged the money and alcohol. “Thank you and come again soon!” he waved. The young woman nodded and waved back before continuing her journey. By the time she had collected gifts for almost all of her new crewmates, the sun hung high above the clock tower at the center of town. Lilian gasped.
“I better get back soon,” she muttered to herself. Lilian quickly rounded the corner, only to bump into a large man. She gasped and stumbled against a wall as three men surrounded her.
“I’m so sorry, sir! I didn’t see you there,” Lilian apologized.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” he grinned, a few of his teeth missing from his mouth. Lilian looked at each and every man: the large man bald with a scar across his face, the other one with long, greasy hair and an eye-patch, and the last tall and hulking.
“Are you all lost? I’m sorry, but I can’t provide any directions for-” her eyes widened when the one-eyed man pulled out a knife and held it to her chest.
“Give us all the money you’ve got on ya,” he sneered. Lilian swallowed a lump in her throat.
“I-I don’t-” she squeaked when the large man kept her pinned to the wall, his breath reeking of mead and cigar smoke.
“We heard you mention all the money your jewelry was worth in Minerva’s shop yesterday," he cackled. Lilian’s jaw dropped. She winced as the gangly man pressed the tip of his dagger closer to her throat.
“Hey, c’mon now cutie. Won’t you be nice to give us some cash… huh?” he lilted as he licked his chapped lips. You saw the third man crack his knuckles. Her blue tattoo began to glow blue as she readied her fingertips.
“I-I’m sorry, I don’t really know you. So please, leave me-”
Shanks furrowed his brows as he scanned the market from the dock of his ship.
"She still hasn't come back?" Benny grunted. The Chief sighed and shook his head, his heart sinking into the pit of his stomach.
"What's going on?" Hongo asked. Benny and Shanks turned to their crewmember, only to see the rest come up behind him.
"Lilian's been gone for hours," Shanks said as he marched over to his quarters. He soon returned with a cutlass on his hip. The crewmembers' faces grew pale. "I'm going to search for her. You're all welcome to come with me," he said gruffly before marching towards the ramp. Every man looked at each other before walking behind their Chief.
The next time Lilian woke up, her head was throbbing with a dull ache. She winced as she slowly opened her eyes, her vision blurry and head relentlessly spinning. Lilian released a sharp cry as she tried to steady herself, her arms shaking and covered in crimson scrapes and indigo bruises. She blinked a few times before falling back onto the cobblestone. The young woman hissed in pain before she felt something sticky against her cheek. A cold chill ran down her spine as she dreaded to see what was below her. She pulled herself up again, finding stability on her palms as she balanced on her scratched knees.
She nearly screamed as she backed away and saw a pool of thick, scarlet blood right where her head was resting. Lilian turned her head but whimpered as a sharp pain shot through her skull.
“Where are they?” she thought as her mind raced. She gasped when she couldn’t find her bag of gifts.
“No,” she whispered as hot tears rushed down her cheeks. All that time picking out the gifts she thought they’d loved were gone. She scraped her fingernails against the pavement as she gritted her teeth. She shot up with a sudden rush of adrenaline, catching herself against the wall as she shivered. Lilian puffed through her flared nostrils as she wobbled on her bruised legs. She clutched her side and coughed violently. A group of people gasped as she flopped onto the street, thankfully catching herself on her hands again.
“Someone get a Marine!” a man called. Lilian shook as blood flowed from the gash on her forehead.
“It’s all my fault, I didn’t act fast enough…I-I should’ve use my magic,” she thought as blood and tears trickled onto the pavement below. She felt a pair of hands on her back as her vision began to fade.
“Ma’am, I need you to stay with me…" a muffled voice said. She crawled forward on her hands and knees, her eyes lingering on the red plus-sign in front of her.
"Need to get…there," she slurred before collapsing onto the ground.
Lilian gasped and lurched forward. She hissed when her ribs felt like they were about to pop, her head still throbbing with a dull ache. She glanced around and found herself in a hospital room. The events that recently transpired hit her like a ton of bricks. She clutched her aching side and sniffled before sobbing into her knees.
“I’m telling you, I need to see her!” Shanks bellowed down the hall. Lilian perked her head up as she heard a woman scoff.
“There’s no way I’m letting a crowd like you take one more step inside our clinic,” she huffed.
“But ma’am, I’m a doctor! Surely you can make an exception,” Hongo chimed in.
“No way!” she replied with an angry snort. Lilian turned her head to the door as auguring broke out amongst the crowd. Her eyes widened when she realized the entire crew was in the lobby.
"Sir! I can't let you back there! Sir!" the woman snapped. Lilian flinched when the door swung open. Shanks' eyes widened before his face twisted with rage.
“Shanks,” Lilian called in an exhausted voice. The other crew members filed in behind him to the chagrin of the receptionist. “Benny…Limmy…you’re all here,” she choked. Shanks rushed to her side and quickly kissed her cheek. She sniffed as he dropped to his knees and squeezed her hand.
“I thought we’d lost you,” the Chief said in a shaky voice. Lilian frowned as her throat tightened.
“I-I’m sorry,” she sobbed. Shanks gripped her hand even tighter.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about, kid,” he reassured her. The rest of the crew quietly filed in, their expressions mirroring their Chief’s as they gave her space.
“Y-Yes there is. I should’ve had someone come with me, should’ve brought a weapon along, should-” she paused when Shanks pressed another kiss to her cheek, his warm lips lingering for a bit longer than usual. He brushed his fingers over her knuckles as his eyes glossed over.
“I’m just glad you’re still here,” he choked. Lilian sniffed before she went to wrap her arms around Shanks, only to cry out in pain.
“I knew I never should’ve left Fairygod Island,” she sighed. All of the men gave her a perplexed look.
“Where the hell is that?” Yassop asked before someone smacked him upside the head. Lilian’s eyes widened as she gripped her blanket. All eyes were on her now as she remained stiff as a board. She nervously looked over at Shanks who gave her a reassuring nod. Lilian took a deep breath.
“It’s an island in the sky,” she said. Everyone muttered as they gave her uneasy looks.
“I thought the sky islands were just a myth,” Limmy whispered. Lilian sighed.
“I know it hard to believe, but it’s true,” she hesitated to tell the next part of her story. The crew waited with bated breath as the young woman squeezed her hands. “And my parents…they’re the King and Queen of Fairygod Island,” she explained. Everyone’s eyes widened as their jaws dropped.
“Are you serious?!” Lucky screeched.
“Yes,” she silently glanced down at her lap. “They were terribly cruel people, never letting me walk about the towns nearby and only bringing me out when I needed to make an appearance for one of their many lavish parties,” the princess sighed. “That’s why my butler Kumo helped me escape,” Lilian explained. Everyone had an uneasy expression written on their face when she finished her story.
“I know it’s hard to believe, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you all right away. I just…I didn’t want you to see me any differently just because I’m royalty,” she sighed. Lilian’s eyes widened as Shanks squeezed her hand.
“It’s okay, Lilian. We believe you,” the red-haired man stated. Everyone nodded, though some seemed more convinced than others. Lilian gave a small, warm smile.
“Thank you,” she breathed. Shanks nodded.
“If you're not too shaken up, could you tell us what happened earlier today?” he asked.
“More importantly, who the hell did this to you?” Benny asked as he drummed his fingers against his sword, his voice laced with venom. Lilian sighed as Shanks wiped at her swollen cheeks.
“I-It was a group of three men. One was thin and gangly, one big and muscular, and the other…well, he was about in between,” she sniffed. “Th-They all looked different-but the biggest one had a horizontal scar across his face and a red bandana on his head,” Lilian explained. Benny clenched his jaw as he gripped his sword.
"Those bastards," he gritted his teeth before he spun on his heel. The man paused before turning back around and kissing Lilian on the cheek.
“Limmy, Gab, you’re with me,” he barked. The two other men kissed Lilian’s cheek before heading out, readying their weapons.
“No weapons in the building!” the receptionist screeched. Lilian couldn’t help but giggle a little before her side ached. Shanks patted the side of her face as he kept her hand in his.
“It’ll be okay, Lilian,” he reassured her with a warm smile. Lilian felt her heart swell as the rest of the crew lined up behind him, each taking their turn giving her a soft kiss on her cheeks. Hongo stepped forward, his brows knitted together as he wore a deep frown. He barely ghosted his fingers over the wrap on her head. Tears welled in his eyes.
“Look at what those bastards did to you,” he sucked in a sharp breath. Lilian sighed as he cupped her cheek with his large palm.
“Wish I could’ve gone on that damn hunt,” Lucky said as he curled his fist. The young woman sniffed, making all of the men turn their attention to her.
“I-I’m sorry. I j-just never had anyone care about me like this,” she cried as she wiped her eyes. The room fell into a heavy silence as she sobbed into her hands.
“Of course we care about you, Lilian,” Shanks said.
“Yeah, you’re our girl!” Yasopp piped up. Lilian’s eyes widened before she cried even harder. Shanks cooed as he gently wrapped his arms around her and stroked her back.
“Thank you, thank you everyone,” she smiled as tears streamed down her face.
Lilian perked her head up when a pouch was tossed onto her bed. She glanced up to see Benny standing with his arms crossed, a few strands of blood crossing his outfit.
“Sorry we couldn’t bring you back the full amount. Damn thieves made off with almost half of what was in your bag,” he said. Limmy and Gab stepped up behind him, their faces grim and worn. Lilian gently took the pouch and placed it on her bedside table.
“Thank you,” she said with a weak smile. Benny grunted and looked down at the Chief still holding her hand even as he snored against the side of her bed.
“He hasn’t moved an inch,” Lilian whispered.
“Well, that’s Shanks for ya,” Limmy said with a nod. The rest of the crew were all asleep, their loud snores echoing inside the small room as they lay slumped against the wall or in a chair. Lilian sighed.
“I’m still upset that I couldn’t give you guys your gifts,” she said as she gripped her blanket.
“Gifts?” Benny asked. Lilian nodded, her heart feeling too heavy inside her chest.
“That’s why I went out today-to buy gifts for all of you,” she replied. Gab’s bottom lip trembled as he sniffed and wiped at his eye.
“Aw Gab, you big softie,” Limmy jested.
“It’s been forever since I’ve gotten a gift,” he sniffled. Lilian frowned as she held up her hands.
“I’m so sorry. You would’ve had it by now if-”
“It’s not your fault,” Benny cut in. Lilian shrank in her bed.
“I-I know,” she sighed as she twiddled her thumbs. Benny shifted in place.
“How about this: two of us go out shopping with you tomorrow. We can split the difference between us,” he said.
“Absolutely not,” Hongo muttered nearby. The three of them flinched.
“I thought you were asleep!” Limmy whispered loudly. Hongo yawned.
“I was. But like I said-Lilian should stay here and heal for a few days before she goes out again,” the doctor stated. Lilian’s heart sank as she sighed.
“He’s right,” she said before yawning and blinking slowly. Hongo cooed.
“Get some rest, Lilian,” he whispered. The young woman nodded before drifting off to a much needed, deep sleep.
A bird chirped right outside Lilian’s window as the sun seeped through the cracks of the blinds. She yawned and stretched, only to grimace at her sore arms. Lilian gasped when she saw a bounty of packages set in front of her. Her crew stood in the doorway behind Shanks.
“What’s all this?” she asked as she looked at the pile. The Chief stepped inside and kissed her cheek.
“Benny told me your little plan from yesterday,” he grinned. You glanced over at the man who wore a small smile. “So, the crew and I went out and decided to return the favor,” Shanks continued. Lilian’s throat tightened as she smiled ear to ear.
“Do you like it?” Lucky asked. She nodded as she placed her hands over her mouth.
“I love it! Thank you all so much!” the young woman beamed. They all nodded, their smiles just as wide as hers. Lilian thanked each and every one of them as she opened her gifts. Her heart has never felt fuller as she looked around at her new crew: she was finally home.
Thank you for reading! 💖
Taglist: @maybethatfanfictionwriter @depressesoespressorat @yuhhtricki999 @lavenderbabu @tayleighuh @thedevax @famouscattale @spktrgantenk @zombieblogx @mrswhitethornbelikov @migueloharastruelove @galaxy-dusk @samanthadusk @theloneshadow24 @xxkay15xx @inspace1 @manlikemilesmyguy @ghostslynx @synamonthy @oharasfilipinawife @scaleniusrm @jotarossshark @acotarobsessed @8xbygirl
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sshewonders · 2 years
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Hi there! I'm Lilian Grey, and welcome to my blog!
I've been on Tumblr for almost 3 years now, but I haven't posted many stories yet since I mostly enjoy reading here and used to be active on Wattpad. You can also find me on Wattpad with the same username. English is not my primary language, so if I make any mistakes in writing, please feel free to let me know.
Anyway, please enjoy reading my stories, as writing them is my way of finding comfort and expressing everything that's going on in my mind. Thank you!
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✧pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Grimes!Reader
✧era: Season 1 - ???
✧status: incomplete, work in progress
✧synopsis: You found yourself in the heart of the apocalypse, a world where the chance to reclaim your old life felt like a distant memory. Just before everything crumbled, you were the kind of person longing to vanish, forgotten and, in short, no longer alive. Ironically, amid the end of the world, that desire to fade away persisted. Fate played a trick on you when a certain crossbow-wielding redneck barged into your life, finding a crack in your sealed and abandoned heart. From that unexpected meeting, you unearthed something worth surviving for - a blend of hope and love that brought life to your previously desolate existence.
✧author's notes/disclaimer: This excerpt is from my published book on Wattpad, which still retains the same title and username. However, it differs from the original as it's not written in the second person point of view, and it doesn't involve a Daryl Dixon x Female Reader but instead features an OC. On Tumblr, the narrative will shift to a Reader, but the character maintains her own detailed backstory. Despite being related to Rick Grimes, I will endeavor not to delve into minute details about her appearance. I hope you enjoy this adaptation. Additionally, chapters marked with "✦" indicate that they contain triggering scenes. Thank you.
001: Stranger, Danger
002: The Quarry
003: The Archer 🏹
004: Back to the Camp
005: Doubtful
006: Vanished
007: Trust Me
008: Bit of Banter
009: Spill the beans
010: Promises? Nah
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💥 [angst] ; 💞 [fluff] ; 🩸 [smut] ; 🔞 [dark themed]
↝ CONSEQUENCES [coming soon]
↻ Rick Grimes x Walsh!Fem!Teen!Reader [💞💥🔞] ; After extinguishing his best friend's life, Rick Grimes ought to have grasped the significance of the age-old adage. The world dropped subtle hints that he should've heeded that fateful night—hints he failed to recognize. Little did he know, the repercussions of overlooking those signs were about to unfold in a way he never imagined.
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