#My mind is racing with ideas
down-the-rabbid-hole · 7 months
Phandrow community...what if....
Borrower Woodrow
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clerati · 2 years
I am eagerly awaiting Midnights Literati and Bail Buddies gif sets 💛💛💛
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vanwizard · 4 months
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feel like pure shit just want him back
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randomfingthings · 3 months
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Well this may be the delulu speaking but McLaren is looking reaaalll good so far*😙
*literally first day testing, redbull still a rocketship and also idk what the fuck I'm talking about anyway
They're definitely going to be second team this year**
**Ferrari and Mercedes are like right there, but in my heart it's trueee
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volleyball rivals to lovers me thinks #caitvi #arcane #piltoversfinest — @wickesdt on twitter
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oxenfr-e · 9 months
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seenfull · 2 months
Regarding the racer guy: I love him so much and I do know a little about F1 so I could offer some ideas?
Since not all riders are the same height/weight (naturally) they add weight plates to the cars of the lighter riders to make it fair. Additionally they get weighed in before and after the race. It's also normal for them to loose a few kgs in sweat during the race especially in warmer climates.
So: how about the racer guy not being the tallest on the grid (maybe even one of the shorter guys) so he started with a decent amount of additional weight plates in his car but as the season drags on, his team can remove them one by one as he is climbing the ranks regarding his weight. Maybe his team colleague (always 2 drivers per team) starts to notice the change too and sees a chance to be the star of the team so he feeds him extra donuts whenever he can.
The race suits are usually pretty snug as well and lined with fire resistant fabric so they're not very flexible. Him growing out of them over the span of a few races is actually quite realistic.
May I also add: they usually wear team shirts around the paddock and for press conferences (excluding Lewis bcs he's extra like that) so the racer guy sitting there in too tight athletic shirts in his post-race interviews would also be realistic.
If he wins often enough you can add podium celebrations for after the races with buffets too. They usually party hard after a win (understandably).
Anyways I love your racer guy and the molded seat post was genious🤌
Thank you so much for all this info & inspo!! Around the time I made those two drawings I was doing some research so I eventually read about the weigh-ins and the weight plates and other bits and pieces of info :) though I felt like I needed some info that I couldn't get anywhere and, out of fear of getting anything wrong, I ended up not posting much about it.
Anyway... our guy would definitely be on the shorter side, would gain easily, and would absolutely get teased by the other driver of the team. He loves racing, bet he loves the rush of winning even more... too bad he gets easily distracted whenever food's involved, almost forgetting how he's supposed to be on a diet >:) thank god his good-hearted teammate is right there to remind him just how much weight he has put on since the start of the season...
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starryluminary · 1 year
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Ridonculous Race but Noah is friends with Owen part 5: You can count on me, like 1, 2, 3, I’ll be there.
“Hmm… Let’s see… Oh! I know! Nothing!!” You’ve never kissed a girl. Not once in your life. The closest you got was some geeks ear when you were 16. Owen was in a relationship for three straight seasons. Please dear God put your pride aside and accept the help
Image 1 Noah: I’m just trying to get to know her so I can ask her out. Owen: What can I do to help?
Image 2 Noah: Nothing. I’ve got this aaallll figured out. Owen: Oh. Are you sure?
Image 3 Noah: Mm hmm. Owen: …Really? Are you really sure? Noah: Yup. Owen: Are you Noah, Interrupting Owen: Yes.
Image 4 Owen: If you say so. But… Yknow… If you ever DO need any help…
Image 5 Noah: You’ll be the first guy I ask. Owen: Good.
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race-week · 3 months
Debating finding another cafe to watch the race in (and having to deal with the necessary social anxiety related to how many drinks I should buy to offset me taking up a table for a length of time) or using my data and watching it in a random park
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da-proti-toku-grem · 5 months
venting in the tags again bc i'm literally shaking right now wtf
#god i hate it so much#my exams start on monday and i'm not even halfway through everything i need to know for my first exam#i've had all the holidays to study but i just can't concentrate on anything#i've been in my room all day every day (except the days i spent w family like christmas and new year ofc)#and seemingly i'm studying all day#my family thinks i spend all day studying#but the only thing i'm capable of doing most of the time is stare at the things i have to do w/o having any idea of wtf i'm doing#my brain won't shut tf up and telling me stuff that i know are not true#but i just can't#i feel like i've been having an anxiety attack non stop since this monday#not very bad most of the time but it doesn't really stop yk?#and i feel like i have a weight on my chest that i can't really take off#i've been going to therapy and we've come to the conclusion that the cause of my anxiety overall are my studies#(not counting my social anxiety that's been getting worse every day to the point that i don't even want to go out with my best friends)#which doesn't really surprise me but it's just Too Much#i just want to drop everything but since idk what i'd do if i quit this career i chose to do my exams#bc maybe they are useful if i do change my path#but i just can't find it in me to focus and study because my mind is racing all the time#i just want to lie down and cry but i don't even have the strength to do that#i just feel so weak and miserable ever since i started uni and every day it gets worse and worse#my mind just screams at me saying#'stop complaining all the time. no one cares. everyone goes through stuff like that. you're no different. stfu and study like everyone does'#and i know i could do it if i tried but i just can't#why tf is it so difficult to be normal and do what i'm supposed to do for once ffs....#venting#maca speaks
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achillean-knight · 5 months
I might have a plot idea for your Mask bot series!
-Mike is in the PizzaPlex trying to correct his father's sins (even if he is still stuck in UCN in your AU or not, many people have still been hurt)
-Jeremy manages to make Mike recognize him
-They try to find Jeremy's daughter Cassie cuz Jeremy knows that with the V.A.N.N.I. mask, his daughter's life is in danger
-Find Roxy torn apart (due to the Mimic battle but the may not know that yet)
-Fix Roxy (not really they probably just manage to power her on or something)
-Discover the Tangle
-Discover the Mimic
- Find Cassie (in critical condition mind you)
Aaand that's all I could come up with for now. Of course these are just ideas so you can have your own plot.
Yoyoyo Anon! GODS THANK YOU FOR THE SUGGESTIONS! Especially since it helps me tie together a story I had in mind that was rather loose and just floating ideas in my brain... Also it kinda fits in weirdly well with another Anon ask/request that I'll for SURE get around to doing... eventually HKJH\SGDJ
With these in mind, here's a little story idea with bits from your suggestions with mine that I might eventually get around to making into a comic 👀👀 (Under the cut bc it is LONGGGG like REALLY long lmao)
Mike returns back to the Pizzaplex during the events of Ruin. He worked at the Pizzaplex while it was still running, for what reason? There's not a clue in the world, but he went undercover as a security guard. They say that his mother owns the place, evident by his rank high up, but nobody at all knows who runs the place and how Michael even got a job. But there he was.
He's back again to uncover the reason for it's destruction- to hopefully find answers to unsolved mysteries left by this company and to rewrite the sins of William. He's arrived maybe an hour or so after Cassie entered, so there's no sign of life in the main entrance besides a certain mask bot without the key item in its possession. The events of this comic take place during this time.
Afterward, the mask bot can't seem to let go after finding Mike again- Jeremy couldn't let go- so he tags along as Mike scours the pizzaplex. Jeremy's following along as he knows the programming of the bot he inhabits, gave his daughter a very dangerous item- the V.A.N.N.I mask- So he wants to try and get it off her hands as soon as he can with the help of Mike. How he'll convey his wants on the matter? He can't, but he'll try.
They're quick through the place- Cassie cleared the way, so all enemies are pretty much nonexistent to them, so they catch up quick to where she was recently. They find the MXES system offline and Mike panics, as he knows what's beyond it. (Playing off the theory that it was Henry's creation, Mike would know what it is.)
They find Roxy destroyed, Mike motioned to Jeremy to keep looking and he agrees. Making his way quietly, Jeremy peeks around the corner to see the Mimic's hand grabbing the power supply to the elevator. He hears Cassies voice faintly, possibly in the elevator and freezes in horror as the Mimic rips the wires and the Elevator fails (playing on the theory that the Mimic caused the elevator to fail.), all he can hear is Cassies screaming and he rushes back to Mike.
As he returns back, Mike somehow got Roxy online, but she's still in a completely wrecked state. They take her to the nearest safe zone- one they could think of on the spot to avoid the Mimic and try and fix her up a little more. Awake again, Roxy remembers her duty of protecting Cassie and tasks herself with finding Cassie- Jeremy is pleased with this as he can't convey his own panic- Once she somehow picks up her location, she guides them through twisting turns and flights of staircases until they find a bunker- Mike knows this bunker
They're back at the SL building : > (IDK, where else would the elevator lead lmao, I don't think there's anything lower than the SL bunker 😭)
Mike is familiar with this place but struggles to come to terms with this fact that this was where he was supposed to die- and who does he find than a giant mess of wires and destroyed bodies of past animatronics. He remembers Ennard He remembers Molten Freddy- This was horrifying, huge, and there was a mess of screams and crying inaudible, but he knew the thing was upset. Jeremy recognises the mask the thing it's wearing- it was Lefty, the thing in the VR world that tried to kill him while he was mending Helpy (this AU has Lefty as the head of the Blob/Tangle)
Mike has a feeling he knows what this is. He wasn't the person who attended the burning of the Pizzaria Sim Location, but rather, he helped guide the animatronics with Henry there for whomever was working there at the time, but he was indulged in Henry's plans- And he was mortified to know it only made everything worse- This was an amalgamation of all the children's animatronic bodies- remnant- souls- they were upset, scared, just wanting to move on, and Mike wanted to help so badly.
The thing was kind to them, even Mike for some reason. Roxy begged the thing to guide them to Cassie and it Obliged- the soul that was in the lead wasn't malicious, it was kind, especially to children so it wanted to help. It was kind to Mike- why Mike? He didn't know that the thing guiding them to Cassie was Charlie, she knew Mike- She wanted to help mike and with Cassidy in the amalgamation helping Charlie, she knew Mike was safe after letting his little brothers soul free from Golden Freddy while she inhabited it, so she deemed him good.
They find Cassie, incredibly injured and Jeremy panicked, rushing over and holding her close. Something was wrong though, she wore the mask- they didn't know her mind isn't in control anymore- she has succumbed to a similar fate as Jeremy but he is determined to save her from it.
She will be the next Vanny.
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yaoicoreren · 1 month
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P.E. funtimes
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What are the ethnicities/races or the celestial bodies in your story ?
Howdy! Actually I don't really have 100% set ethnicities or races for each character, due to them being celestial bodies. This is so that there's freedom of interpretation for the viewers, but still taking inspiration from real life!
Here are some coding I've made for some of the characters although if you have a different headcanon, it's fine as long as it's respectful to me and other people who may have different perceptions.
Sun, Jupiter, Saturn - Caucasian, likely of European descent
Mercury - Southeast Asian (I personally pin him as Filipino because I'm Filipino. Haha. But he's meant to be broadly coded as SEAsian)
Venus - Latina or black/Latina mix
Earth - probably SEAsian or Latino + Caucasian mix (not sure yet)
Luna - likely East Asian mix, or purely East Asian
Mars - East Asian
Uranus - Caucasian (may be pure, may be a mix of some sort, but I personally see him as Russian)
Neptune and Pluto - at least part Asian (not sure yet, but probably a mix too)
Earth and Venus + Uranus and Neptune having different ethnicity/race coding is due to a piece of Heliospheric lore I wrote back then; nobody's literally "blood-related" and most of their "relationships" are simply titles of the bond that they feel towards each other.
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aro-aizawa · 9 months
me, whenever i figure a plot twist in a 20 year old anime: oh wow i am SO big brained rn i am such a genius
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me, two minutes later, conpletely blindsided by a major plot twist:
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#shut up danni's talking#danni liveblogs#danni liveblogs detco#gif#detco spoilers#look i was 100% sold on the idea that jodie = vermouth/belmont i did NOT peg dr araichi as her instead#episode 345 took me out w the whiplash i got enduring all those plot twists i did not see coming#but looking back i can DEFFO see where they came from and the foreshadowing ohhhhhh i can tell.#i can tell this isn't gonna be a blast through the content and forget abt it kind of thing my mind has been racing w fanfic aus#i wanna delve into the fanfic/fandom too but hnk i wanna avoid spoilers!!!!!!#also i don't know how the fandom categorises things that happen at different plot events etc#there's straight up like a thousand episodes and im only a third of the way through#anyways thats gotta be a good stop for today i can't remember how long i've been awake for but it feels like forever#i am exhausted#urgh this always happens when im home alone for more than a few days#fun fact: kogoro is legit my least favourite character and yet i relate to him immensely#me daydreaming of when i catch up/know every case; i cannot wait to write an au where shinichi gets credited for the cases he solved via him#either shinichi or conan idk which would be better bc shinichi being nowhere near the crimes solved them or a literal 6 year old#im leaning more to the six year old bc its fkn hilarious#that one episode where he defused a bomb in a major landmark and was credited for it as a 6 year old is so fkn funny#this guy had the whole city hostage and yet he was completely stopped by a 6 year old#yeah he has the mind of a 17 y old but c'mon he's physically 6#this is my allure to this series which will win; hundreds of criminals or one determined 6 year old#if you bet against the 6 y old he's coming for your kneecaps
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cconfusedkat · 10 months
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I thought this was a lil funny to make it Tuggoffeelees related 😭😭
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atlaskrr · 10 months
Wait can cxs dive into a future photo? Like theoretically guys since we only know they can dive into photos, not specifically the past, if cxs were to leave a future photo in the past could he dive to the future? Like think abt it. Could lg also use it to see into the future?
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