#Real girls wear 17 Cosmetics
thelibraryghost · 2 months
A Young Person's Introduction to Early 20th-Century Western Fashion
am i hip with the kids yet
General information Dotschkal, Janna. "1920's." FOUND. October 21, 2016. English Heritage. "Fashion Through History: Episode 3 – 1930s." YouTube. April 16, 2023. Rudolph, Nicole. "The History of Standardized Sizes in Womens Fashion and Why They FAILED." YouTube. May 16, 2021. Vintagebursche. "100 Years of Classic Menswear - and what we can learn from each decade." YouTube. February 29, 2020. Zebrowska, Karolina. "1920s Fashion Is Not What You Think It Is." YouTube. May 20, 2018.
Accessories Cox, Abby. "Flappers, Y2K, & Capitalism are Why Women "Don't" Have Pockets." YouTube. January 12, 2023. Cox, Abby. "The Disappointing Truth On Why We Don't Wear Hats Anymore..." YouTube. December 18, 2022. Rudolph, Nicole. "The History of the Iconic Cloche Hat: Making 1920s Fashion." YouTube. September 18, 2022. Rudolph, Nicole. "When Hats were Illegal: Sewing a Goth Edwardian Hat." YouTube. February 21, 2021. Sheehan, Sarah. "Neo-Egyptomania." PatternVault. December 31, 2022. Zebrowska, Karolina. "Why Did We Stop Wearing Hats?" YouTube. April 28, 2020.
Cosmetics Banner, Bernadette. "Making and Testing a Victorian Skincare Routine." YouTube. April 8, 2023. English Heritage. "1930s Makeup Tutorial | History Inspired | Feat. Amber Butchart and Rebecca Butterworth." YouTube. December 18, 2018. Holland, Evangeline. "On How to Be Lovely." Edwardian Promenade. April 15, 2010. Rudolph, Nicole. "The Controversial History of Color Season Analysis." YouTube. November 4, 2023.
Fabrics Rudolph, Nicole. "The History of Elastic." YouTube. July 4, 2021. Rudolph, Nicole. "Wearing Overalls to Boycott Fashion Greedflation? Weird History of 1920." YouTube. March 16, 2024.
Gowns and formal wear Banner, Bernadette. "I Redesigned Mary Poppins' Jolly Holiday Dress Based on REAL Edwardian Lingerie Gowns." YouTube. February 20, 2021. Banner, Bernadette. "I Remade Mary Poppins’ Dress to be Actually Edwardian." YouTube. July 9, 2022. Cox, Abby. "Alexander McQueen & the Patriarchy Problem in Modern Fashion." YouTube. October 20, 2023. Cox, Abby. "What Makes a Gown Haute Couture (like House of Worth) in Victorian and Edwardian Eras?" YouTube. September 19, 2021. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "An Edwardian Woman's Fashion Evolution." YouTube. June 4, 2022. Oakes, Leimomi. "Terminology: what is a lingerie dress or lingerie frock? (and blouse, and skirt)." The Dreamstress. July 21, 2018. Rudolph, Nicole. "Stop Idolizing Coco Chanel: a shocking history of theft." YouTube. January 13, 2024. Rudolph, Nicole. "The Truth about the Fringed Flapper: Making 1920s Evening Dresses." YouTube. November 6, 2022. Vintagebursche. "1920s Theme Party - How to dress." YouTube. December 9, 2023. Zebrowska, Karolina. "1920s Fashion Encyclopedia, Pt 1: Daywear." YouTube. November 27, 2019.
Hair care and styling Banner, Bernadette. "I Tried Following a Real Edwardian Hair Care Routine." YouTube. May 12, 2020. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "Getting Dressed in the Edwardian Era / Gibson Girl Hairstyle Tutorial." YouTube. June 12, 2020. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "Titanic-era Hair Tutorial // Getting Dressed in the 1910's." YouTube.September 4, 2020. SnappyDragon. "Historical hair myths debunked : How often should you wash your hair—daily shampoo or no shampoo?" YouTube. August 12, 2022. Zebrowska, Karolina. "Weird Edwardian Beauty Tips." YouTube. February 11, 2017.
Laundry and starching Banner, Bernadette. "Ok but how did the Edwardians WASH these dresses?" YouTube. August 3, 2022.
Outerwear Cox, Abby. "Athleisure: Destroying Fashion & the Environment." YouTube. January 18, 2024. Rudolph, Nicole. "150 years of Masc Women causing a Moral Panic." YouTube. June 17, 2023. Rudolph, Nicole. "The History of Jeans, T-shirts, and Hoodies: Time Travel 101." YouTube. March 20, 2022. Zebrowska, Karolina. "SPRING/SUMMER FASHION TRENDS REVIEW but it's 1936 (ft. original fabric samples!)." YouTube. April 22, 2022.
Shoes Rudolph, Nicole. "I Made Witchy Edwardian Shoes by Hand!" YouTube. March 14, 2021. Rudolph, Nicole. "The Myth of Tiny Feet "Back Then"." YouTube. September 26, 2021. Rudolph, Nicole. "The True History of Stiletto Heels : the battle between Ferragamo and Dior." YouTube. August 26, 2023. Zebrowska, Karolina. "Why Is No One Talking About 1930s Shoes?" YouTube. September 15, 2020.
Undergarments Banner, Bernadette. "1903 Patented Bustle Pad Reconstruction." YouTube. June 8, 2019. Banner, Bernadette. "Achieving That Classic Edwardian Shape: Reconstructing a 1902 Bust Bodice." YouTube. April 16, 2020. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "So What are Guimpes Anyway? // Examining Antique Edwardian Guimpes." YouTube. August 21, 2020. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "They Wore Corsets in the 1920's?!" YouTube. January 29, 2022. Rudolph, Nicole. "Did Brassieres End the Corset?" YouTube. February 28, 2021. Rudolph, Nicole. "Dressing in Edwardian Clothing: Undergarments and Layers of 1907." YouTube. November 1, 2020. Rudolph, Nicole. "How Flappers got their Figure: the 1920s Silhouette." YouTube. July 10, 2022. SnappyDragon. "How pin-up photos fooled dress history : the making and marketing of lingerie pictures." YouTube. April 1, 2023.
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u2fangirlie-blog · 4 months
50 Things for My 50th Birthday - Now With 10 Bonus Things!
50 Things for My 50th Birthday
A continuation of my 40 Things for 40 List, with 10 additional entries for 50. Plus 10 Bonus Things!
Originally written December 2013 on my 40th birthday. It's a list of bits of wisdom I wish I had known when I was younger. Every item has a story behind it. I don't know if this is original, intelligent, humorous, creative, interesting, or valuable to anyone other than myself. But it means something to me.
Maybe someday I'll write an annotated version of the list with the stories for each one. Then that would turn into a book. Maybe it's better to give short snippets and remain mysterious than to overshare everything. December 2023.
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40 Things for my 40th Birthday: 12/2013
1. The Universe has a sense of humor which manifests itself as irony. Take time to stop and notice the big glowing neon signs that point to irony.
2. Karma, like gravity, is a force of nature. It does not discriminate. It balances your actions and consequences like balancing an equation.
3. It’s better to be single and alone than be in a bad relationship for the sake of being in a relationship.
4. See the patterns and interconnections - streams, veins in leaves, flowers, moss, agates, geodes, galaxies, calendars, time – it is beautiful and awesome.
5. Every day is different. If today is shitty, tomorrow will be shitty in a different way.
6. Look for the positive. Thousands of things go right every day.
7. Have a good work ethic. Do your best, but don’t let perfectionism interfere.
8. Know your history. Remember your ancestors and family. You could not be who and where you are without all of their hard work.
9. Don’t bite the hook.
10. Don’t feed the troll.
11. Remember Professor Remus Lupin’s Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons – Ridiculous, Expecto Patronum, and Chocolate.
12. Learn crafts – sewing, knitting, beading, etc. – it enriches life. It’s fun to give surprise presents to people.
13. Dream out loud at high volume. Turn it up to 11.
14. No good deed goes unpunished.
15. The Platinum Rule: Treat people how they want to be treated.
16. Always have 2 weeks’ supply of socks and underwear.
17. Invest in good bras. Your back and boobs will thank you later in life.
18. Always wear comfortable shoes. Your feet will thank you later in life.
19. Don’t waste time in front of the mirror. Save money. Cosmetics are optional.
20. Do not fester. To fester is bad. Don’t bottle things up for years. When you eventually explode, it only frightens, confuses, and pisses off the target of your nuclear blast, and innocent bystanders may be injured.
21. Don’t confuse lust for love. Lust and love are not the same thing. Don’t allow physical attraction to obscure reality. Ask questions. You might not like the answers but ask anyway.
22. Beware of charming men. They use sexual energy to get attention and evoke a reaction, like using glamour magic. The feeling is fleeting. It’s nothing special.
23. Don’t wait by the phone or the computer. When a man says, “I’ll call you tomorrow,” he probably won’t. He might intend to call, but he doesn’t know which tomorrow he means – 24 hours, 6 months, 8 years later. Don’t take it personally.
24. Diamonds are not a girl’s best friend. You don’t need a ring. A loving relationship is the real treasure.
25. U2 is the greatest rock ‘n roll band and “Achtung Baby” is the greatest rock ‘n roll album in the entire Universe.
26. You are your own worst enemy. You are the only enemy you will ever have. Stop listening to the Itty Bitty Shitty Committee.
27. You are your own best ally. You are the only ally you will ever have. Never betray yourself to others or to yourself.
28. It is what it is.
29. Chill the fuck out.
30. On the subject of Big Girl Panties: Pull them up. Deal with it, whatever it is. They can be She-Ra Princess of Power, Wonder Woman, or Tinkerbell Underoos. In times when you can’t pull up your Big Girl Panties, get some Coping Skills so you can deal with it. Use Coping Skills until the problem is solved or the situation subsides. Repeat as necessary. Coping skills will eventually become the New Normal way of dealing with it.
31. Learn as many life skills as you are capable of doing - housekeeping, home repairs, yard maintenance, gardening, cooking, car maintenance, etc. Be as self-sufficient as possible.
32. Know when to ask for help. Offer to help others too. Know when to hire professionals to do the job.
33. Felines are the best animals ever in the history of all species on Earth. Being a Crazy Cat Lady is wonderful. It’s the cats who are crazy.
34. Read everything. Read constantly. Develop highly effective writing and verbal skills. Clear communication is essential.
35. Book smarts, diplomas, and degrees are not an accurate measure of intelligence. Common sense, ability, skill, and experience are most important.
36. No one likes an insufferable know-it-all. Don’t correct others even if you are right – unless it is a life-or-death situation.
37. Practice mindfulness. Orient your perception to the meta level.
38. Be grateful and express gratitude.
39. Be compassionate, sympathetic, and empathetic – even to people you dislike or who dislike you. Everybody hurts. Everybody has bad days. Understand that.
40. Remember the reason why you had your ears pierced on your 30th birthday. Enjoy the small pleasures of life: favorite foods, scents, sights, sounds, clothes, jewelry, and all the pretty things. These are what the dead remember and desire the most.
50 Things for My 50th Birthday: 12/2023
41. Toxic Situations: Know when to get out on your terms while you still have options. Leave before they force you out. Otherwise, you could be left scrambling and everything is worse.
42. The Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42, obviously. (Thanks to Douglas Adams.) 42 is the atomic number of molybdenum. 42 divine beings, with Osiris, Ma’at, and Thoth in the Hall of Truth, judge souls before they enter the afterlife in Egyptian mythology.
43. Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills, motherfucker, do you use them? You spent 2 years in Fight Club. Strive to be skillful every day. The core skill sets are mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. Remember your values. Remember Wise Mind. Remember Radical Acceptance.
44. Gaslighting: Discussing problems is complaining. Telling the truth is causing trouble. Explaining yourself is making excuses. Asking questions is undermining others, making others look bad, or challenging authority. Challenging hurtful comments is not knowing how to take a joke. Expressing emotional needs is neediness. Expressing emotions is seeking attention. Showing confidence and intelligence and using an above-average vocabulary is being a bitch, being a know-it-all, or flexing your education and experience.
45. You need people whether or not you like it. Remember the pandemic lockdown. Remember working from home for a year and a half. You thought you trained your whole life as an introvert for that historic moment and would be excellent at it. No. It was objectively bad. It was a disaster. You need people. Be a better daughter, sister, and friend to the people in your life.
46. People change for better or worse. People will drift in and out of your life. People grow apart. This is a natural part of life. Accept it.
47. Magical Thinking: It’s one thing to know better. It’s an entirely different thing to do better. This is stupid behavior. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, how hard you work, or how good your intentions are. It’s never going to work out how you want it to. It’s never going to get better. And no one cares. Accept responsibility for your part in it. Don’t make excuses. Do something different. Do better. Change.
48. “Do or do not, there is no try” is fundamentally bad advice. Yoda’s lesson led Luke to black-or-white thinking. What would Spock or Picard teach Luke about learning a new skill? Get up and do it again until you can do it or find another way to do it.
49. Everybody is sick of your shit. Everybody, including you, is sick of your shit.
50. On the subject of Giving a Fuck: You either give too many fucks or you never have enough fucks to give. You need to practice, as the internet meme says, “moderate fuck distribution.” Ask yourself when you truly feel like you have zero fucks to give, are you completely out of fucks? Can you have a fuck debt, have a negative number of fucks? Or does something magical happen? Like a mint in the bottom of your purse, like loose change between seat cushions, like a potato chip under the fridge, there is always one more fuck to give. Like a free play token or an extra life in video game, one more fuck will magically appear. That one magical fuck will be dirty, hard, bitter, and broken, but it will be there when you need it. That one magical fuck can be saved or given as needed until you can replenish your regular supply of fucks.
BONUS CONTENT: I have more than 10 things to add to the list of 50 things.
Life is unpredictable. I don’t know if I’ll live another 10 years to continue the list, so I’m writing 10 Bonus Things. Everyone loves free bonus things!
51. “If I don’t do what my parents want, they will be mad at me.” WHAT? Did you just say the quiet part out loud? Every decision in your life is based on it! How can you be in the fifth decade of your life on this planet? Are you even an adult?
52. You can’t be needy if you don’t have needs. Meet your needs for yourself. No one else will. If there’s the slightest stink of neediness on you, people will abuse and reject you.
53. Don’t have expectations of others. Don’t engage in wishful thinking. Stop wanting people to demonstrate their feelings or care for you in the way you want. They won’t. It’s never going to happen. If you ask for what you want, then you are needy or attention-seeking. Accept what they offer as they give it, even if doesn’t meet your expectations, even if it’s nothing. That may be the only thing they can offer or the only way they know how to express it.
54. Most of being an adult is lying to everyone that everything is okay and that you are fine, when in reality your life is an unbearable mess, and you are not anywhere close to being okay.
55. Nothing you do is ever good enough for others. You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. It never changes.
56. “Use it or lose it.” You refused to believe it until you quit using it and you lost it. You don’t need to look in the mirror to see it. How does your body feel? Get up, girl, and use it.
57. No one gets out of here alive. Prepare for your death. Don’t leave the burden of your funeral plans, estate, and debts to your family, friends, or strangers. If you worked on projects or created things with other people, include it in your will. Your legacy, and that of others, literally could be thrown away. If you don’t tell people what you want, they will get it wrong. Then you’ll have to come back and haunt the fuck out of those people.
58. There’s no escaping your past, especially with family. They remember everything. Every obnoxious thing you did as a teenager. Every time you freaked out. Every time you had a bad day. Every mistake you made. Every mental health breakdown. It doesn’t matter how hard you work to change and overcome your problems. You’ll always be that past worst version in their minds, and they’ll hold it against you forever.
59. Your family is never going to forgive you for getting a degree in English. It’s always going to come down to their misperception that you are nitpicking and correcting them when you’re not. They’re going to throw it in your face like a glass of ice water.
60. Remember the “Litany Against Fear” from Dune. You memorized it when you were 15 years old. It still works.
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fugitive-96 · 3 years
Uptown Girl (A TG/TF story)
"Yes, we'll go over those tomorrow morning. I've got a meeting with the board of directors at 17:00 so I won't be able to get to those yet, just give them to me when I get to my office tomorrow, oh I've got 13 messages too? Great well I'll check those after my meeting, okay thanks Claire." Hanging up his phone David Prammer leaned his head against the headrest and sighed in the back of his limousine.
He was a very wealthy man, head of a cosmetics company that his family had been running for nearly a century now, but the workload was a lot for him. He was never greedy or ungrateful for his fortune, but at the same time he wouldn't have described it as his 'ideal life'. He'd always been surrounded by wealth and now had a job that he'd inherited rather than actively chosen to do.
Honestly if he could drop his job tomorrow he would, but unfortunately things weren't that simple, although David wished things could be more simple.
Pulling out some earphones he plugged them into his phone and surfed through his playlists before coming across one song he didn't recognize.
"Uptown Girl?" He said curiously.
He was hardly a music aficionado as it was, but he'd never heard of this song before, let alone put it on his phone.
"Hey Frank, you ever heard of a song called Uptown Girl?" He called to his driver.
"Can't say that I have mister Prammer." He replied.
David leaned back in his seat puzzled for a moment. Maybe it was one of those songs that came free with the phone he thought, and maybe he'd just never noticed it. Then again he'd had the phone for over 3 years, and every day he'd listen to music on his way to a meeting.
He shrugged and figured why not mix things up a bit, so he leaned back in his seat and hit the play button.
"Uptown girl, she's been living in her uptown world, I bet she never had a backstreet guy, I bet her momma never told her why.."
David quickly found himself getting into the song, nodding his head slightly and moving his shoulders to it before closing his eyes and relaxing in his seat.
As he was getting into the music the limousine drove into a tunnel, the lights inside of it rushing through the limousine's interior highlighting David for barely a second as each one passed in time with the beat of the music.
As he sat there with his head back the song filled his head making him feel lighter, more comfortable as he lay his back drifting into a state of complete relaxation as an invisible force flooded his body.
His face which had tired looking eyes and slightly saggy skin became more taut, giving him a face that no longer resembled anyone, his features had becoming a blank canvas waiting to be given an identity. His neck too looked slimmer than before.
Still oblivious to the changes his shoes began to loosen on his feet, before his suit legs also began to move slightly as they looked baggier around his lower legs, whilst they tightened around his upper legs along with his belt creaking as it was stretched to the sides. His ankles also became more visible as his legs lengthened.
His suit jacket seemed to drop abruptly at the shoulders, as well as his sleeves also looking baggier. The sounds of cotton sliding around were interrupted by a sudden crunching and churning coming from his torso, with his shirt being pulled in where there was once a visible gut and the suit jacket pulled further inwards at the waist.
He then became slightly elevated in his seat when a slushing sound came from his rear, before his body pushed his chest out as his spine cracked, before relaxing now with two visible mounds sticking out through his shirt. As that occurred his lower half jiggled slightly along with a quite and abrupt slurp sound as his suit lay flatter against his crotch. This caused David to let out a moan through his closed lips, but upon hearing it sounding more like a woman it was enough to temporarily snap him out of the haze he was in.
He sat up lifting his hand that had been resting against the car door after feeling what he thought was pins and needles, only to be shocked when he saw his palm and fingers twitch and crack as they slenderized whilst his nails grew out into a more manicured form leaving him with feminine hands. The changes he saw carried along the rest of his arm when his sleeve fell down to his elbow revealing the continuation of the changes. This was too much for David causing him to pass out in his seat with his body still sitting upright whilst his head hung downwards, before out of nowhere a black fedora materialized onto his head with a rim wide enough to conceal his face.
This was quickly followed by the same crunching and churning sound from earlier now coming from his head and face, an audible snap from his jaw along with his lips slapping together.
His shoes then began to pulsate, sucking inwards against his feet before effortlessly tearing open, the torn leather folding out like a blossoming flower as it reached under the back of his feet pulling together into glossy black heels, whilst the toes of his shoes pulled forward and pointed out into the same glossy black completing the set of heels that revealed David's shrunken feet.
His baggy suit legs then began to quiver as they morphed together, slowly pulling their way up his body revealing supple calves and smooth hairless skin covered by tights before stopping just below his thighs, his widened hips and thighs stretching the upper part of what was now the skirt section of his suit until it burst out into a flowing lower half of a dress with a frilled upper section, the whole thing stopped just above his knees.
His sleeves pulled themselves up into his suit jacket before vanishing, followed by his suit jacket and shirt losing detail as his collar receded and his buttons vanished. They morphed together into one single grey piece of clothing that connected to the dress section covering his bottom half, highlighting his now curved figure and the feminine arch to his spine. It then began to shorten, pulling itself partway down his body, leaving his shoulders and part of his upper torso bare whilst it came down further at the back, revealing his smaller torso as his shoulders had shrank and pulled further inwards along with his collarbone being more pronounced along with his shoulder blades. It ran down over his breasts stopping once the peak of the crevasse between them was visible.
By now it had formed a full dress with no sleeves or straps over the shoulders, before the grey colour of it shifted to a black followed by patches of white fading onto it. A black band then slithered out from behind him as it wrapped itself around his waist pulling the dress slightly tighter, further highlighting his new curvature. His phone had vanished as his earphone cord pulled into the earpieces which began to dissolve into a golden liquid that ran down his ears, before the drops formed into a set of dangling earrings.
After that his skin finished smoothening out, any blemishes or hairs vanishing before his already smoothed out skin took on the most golden tan you could imagine, giving his new body a flawless finish that most women would die for.
Despite his head being tilted forward and hidden by the hat there was still some of his face visible, and it was clear from the visibly puffier lips that were glossed over in lipstick that nothing physically remained of the man that once sat in the back of the limousine. There were now visibly pronounced cheekbones as well as the tip of a petite nose peaking out from under the hat.
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When he came to David felt groggy as he moved the hat out of his vision and was quickly taken aback by his new form. He looked down at the pair of breasts on his chest before touching them to see if they were real, only to quickly pull back in shock at their sensitivity. A coldness ran down his back and after reaching a hand around to find it mostly left bare he realised there must have been no bra underneath the dress.
That lead to him inspecting his new attire, running his hands down the dress feeling the comfortable material whilst also taking in his new curvature. He moved the skirt section aside and ran a hand down his lower left leg feeling how smooth and supple it was now, staring in shock at the heels that adorned his feet.
The weight on his ears lead to him realizing he now wore earrings and he could feel longer hair kept contained by the hat. With all the other changes he noticed he was thicker in the back and after gently reaching a hand down felt a lack of what used to be between his legs, but after feeling his chest he didn't want to know what would happen if he reached further into his crotch.
He was utterly speechless, he couldn't think of anything to say as he looked up panicked which revealed his new feminine face, which was adorned with makeup and his thinned eyebrows on top of the other features made him look incredibly attractive. Realizing they'd left the tunnel he looked out his window and was abruptly taken aback by not only his reflection, but also what he saw outside, as the city he'd lived in his entire life was now unrecognizable.
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Everything around him was strange, it looked like somehwere around the 1940's with the cars, the buildings and the fashion, but there was a weird foggy looking glaze over everything. Looking around the car it then became clear that he was no longer in the same vehicle, it was much smaller and less comfortable, with an older looking interior with his driver wearing a new uniform. If he had to guess he'd swear it looked like the interior of an expensive car from the 40's.
He was about to ask his driver what was happening but upon trying to speak his name nothing came into his mind. He'd been friends with his driver for years he thought to himself, how could he forget his name?
He saw the car pass by a broken fire hydrant before it pulled up by a vehicle repair shop.
David still in complete panic began to notice mechanics approaching who were singing the song he'd been listening to earlier which made his whole body stiffen, he couldn't move or even speak as his body sat there with a panicked expression, all he could do was cry out desperately in his mind as the song began to flood his every thought.
"No, this isn't right! I'm not a woman, I'm an uptown girl. NO! God please get out of my head! I'm getting tired of her high-class toys. This isn't real, It's just a dream and when she wakes up, and makes up her mind. Please! I never asked for this, I never asked to be looking so fine. I mean, I wondered what it would be like to have a new life but she's got a choice. No, none of this has been my choice! You can't treat a girl like me this way! Oh no, did I just think of myself as an uptown girl. I'm looking for a downtown man. I was thinking that I'm looking so fine. When she's walking, she's looking so fine. When she's-an uptown girl-looking so fine-when she's walking-looking for a downtown man. What are you doing to my mind, and why is it feeling so fine?"
The more time he heard the lyrics the less he began to panic and the more he enjoyed them, he couldn't tell if they were eroding his mind's attempts at resistance or if he was just letting the lyrics slip in, either way the pleasure of hearing those words was like nothing he'd ever experienced before.
"Ooh.. is this how it feels to be an uptown girl? It feels so good to be an uptown girl. Oh, I think I've made up my mind."
With that whatever his name was before didn't matter to him, what she was now was all that mattered, and soon it would be all that she ever was. Thoughts of jewelry, pretty dresses, makeup and looking hot as hell flooded her mind, wiping away everything else as her once fearful expression shifted into a pleasured grin.
'*Giggle!* Well I'm an uptown girl, and I've always been living in an uptown world.' Echoed through her head as all traces of David Prammer had been expunged, she was the uptown girl now.
She sat there watching the mechanics working and cleaning the car listening to the song they were singing, it was truly quite charming she thought. She rolled down her window as she sat with a smile on her face just enjoying listening to the music and watching those delightful downtown men at work. She'd never been around men like them before but she could think of nothing but how much she wanted them.
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Her driver seemingly adjusted to the new reality walked over to her door and opened it, and almost as though it was second nature to her she stepped out, her left hand resting on her collar bone as she strutted in her black heels, clearly knowing how to walk as a woman and look good doing it as the mechanics followed close behind her still singing and dancing.
As she strutted gracefully around the place she couldn't believe how good it felt, she'd never felt anything like it she thought as she continued showing off her body. She was an uptown girl, tired of living in her uptown world as she teased the men with her body, before she too started to dance to the song that was flooding her mind.
She was in sink with the mechanics with a grin on her face, she was part of this world now, all there was was the song, her song. She'd become a part of it, and it had become a part of her. She could do nothing but grin ear to ear as she danced.
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She took one of the men by the arm after he offered it and let him lead her over to a motorbike which she climbed onto the back of, holding onto him before taking of her hat and shaking out her luscious blonde lochs as she was driven away from the repair shop, which had a billboard on its roof displaying 'Uptown Cosmetics' which featured her posed alongside their products, her new and easier life had just begun.
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taboofables · 3 years
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CP2077 OC ask game *:・゚✧⚔️🤖🔮 [x]
1. what is their full name? do they have any nicknames? what are they and why did they get them? Vincent Laszlo Toth. Everyone just calls him V because he doesn’t like getting too personal. But if he feels comfortable around you he prefers to be called Laszlo. He’ll tell you himself  
2. how old are they? how long have they been living on their own? 28 as of 2077. He’s been living on his own for 10 years since he joined Arasaka
3. what are their astrology signs? sun/moon/rising. He was born on June 10th 2049, which makes him a sun Gemini, moon Libra and ascendant Virgo 
4. what tarot card from the major arcana would you associate with them? The Fool, the Hanged Man, Death
5. are they religious or spiritual in any way? Neither but his experience made him think of many things and he’s coming to a sort of spirituality in his own way 
6. which of the four elements would you associate with them? Fire for his inner strength and transformation through action 
9. which of the nine alignments are they? (lawful good etc) Chaotic neutral 
10. which of the myers-briggs personality types are they? ESTP
11. do they have any cyberware? is it cosmetic or is it weaponry/armor? Circulatory system: Second heart; Frontal cortex: Ex-Disk; Arms: Projectile launch system; Ocular system: Kiroshi optics; Cyberdeck: NetWatch Netdiver Mk.5; Integumentary system: Subdermal armor; Skeleton: Titanium bones, Bionic lungs; Legs: Fortified ankles 
12. what is their occupation? Arasaka’s personal lapdog? He’s not sure yet because he does a bit of everything but his competence in weaponry and hacking earned him a good score in the eyes of Saburo and Hanako Arasaka themselves. Sorry Goro & Oda 
13. if you were to choose a class for them, what would it be? Combat netrunner
14. what is their weapon of choice? M-179 Achilles precision rifle, Malorian Arms 3516 gun
15. what is their preferred vehicle or transportation of choice? Villefort Cortes Delamain no.21 & Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X.  Depends on his mood and how fast he needs to arrive
16. how would you describe their style? He’s a shameless looter and wears only the best from his fallen enemies :)  But mostly it’s neomilitarism
17. are they a early riser or a night owl? Night owl. He can adapt but at any given chance he stays up late and wakes up late
18. share three songs you associate with them. Devils Got You Beat - Blues Saraceno Nu Disco Remix Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff Jonathan Davis - Walk On By
19. is your character from night city? if no, where were they born? what brought them to night city? if yes, what area of the city did they grow up? Charter Hill, Night City. It’s a corpo district, relatively new. Used to be a nice place until everyone with big pockets got the hots for North Oak. Now it’s just the most affordable comfort area for mid-level corpos
20. where do they currently live? describe their home. He currently resides at the Arasaka Family Compound outskirts of Tokyo. It’s a huge ass fortress in a feudal style, beautiful and old-fashioned. He has a simple but spacious room in a traditional Japanese style with a futon mattress. He loathes it & most of the people around but at least he gets fed well regularly, and he enjoys spending time in a cherry grove garden 
21. do they have any favorite spots around NC? A garden in the Glen, he found it refreshing
22. do they like to cook for themselves, or eat out? do they prefer restaurants or street food? and how do they feel about vending machine food? He doesn’t like vending machines and enjoys the food served at the Compound, even if it seems exotic to him. But occasionally he eats street food to remind himself of his past life
23. do they prefer the city or the badlands? Stone jungles all the way. He was born in the city and he doesn’t get the appeal of dirt, sand and wind
24. what gang/faction/corporation do they align with, if any? Arasaka. He always thought it was more promising than Militech despite his parents’ lectures. His fate within the company wasn’t always good but he worked hard to prove himself. In some twisted way it did pay off
25. which radio station(s) is their favorite? He switches between Pacific Dreams, Vexelstrom, Samizdat and Morro Rock
26. if they do merc work, do they have one dedicated fixer? if so, who? Not really but he enjoyed working with Rogue. Johnny was right, she is the best. Her charisma is unmatched
27. have they ever had run ins with the badges? He prefers not to attract attention even if he has corpo immunity
28. are they quick to help a stranger in need or do they prefer to stay out of other peoples business? Depends. If stranger seems to be innocent then he might, but if V smells they brought it on themselves he won’t lift a finger for them
29. do they have any favorite celebrities that frequent or live in NC? how would they feel meeting them? V isn’t into celebrities. His closest experience to meeting one would be abduction of Hanako Arasaka. It wasn’t part of the plan and at first he thought he screwed up even worse than before - she was his former boss’ daughter at the time and he was practically begging her for help. But for some strange reason she reached out to him more than once so maybe he wasn’t so terrible
30. is your friend a social butterfly or more of a loner? Not exactly a butterfly but certainly not a loner. He socializes well but currently the world of top-level managers makes him feel out of place. Not a lot of people to connect to and it’s suffocating
31. who are their closest chooms in NC? Jackie was. Now it’s Viktor Vector and Misty but he hasn’t seen them in a while
32. do they have anyone they would consider family? Judy and Panam as they went through a lot together and supported each other
33. what is/was their relationship like with their parents? They are Militech managers so they weren’t happy when he chose Arasaka. They don’t communicate ever since
34. do they have siblings? He has an older brother Andras ‘Andy’ Toth but he hasn’t spoken to him for a while either
35. how would you describe their relationship with their family? Estranged
36. who is their biggest enemy? At this point anyone The Arasakas point their fingers at
37. tell a short story about your character with their best choom. Not exactly a story but V regrets never telling Jackie how much he affected his life. Jackie was a real force of nature
38. do they have a love interest? if so, who? He might... But he’s completely oblivious to his feelings and she’s way out of his league. It’s Hanako Arasaka
39. are they in a committed relationship or do they date around? They’re not and they don’t
40. has your character ever been in love? if so, with who? Once, with another corpo girl at Arasaka long time ago. It didn’t work
41. do they believe in soulmates? No, he believes in luck and mutual efforts
42. do they believe in love at first sight? He heard about it but it never happened to him and he doesn’t believe he can fall for someone just seeing them for the first time. You literally don’t know them at all at this point. He believes that love is a mutual investment and work
43. describe their ideal date. At this point it might be something as simple as watching sakura trees blooming. Small pleasures of life
44. would your character ever get married? If he had more time to live then maybe, theoretically. If he could be with someone special and circumstances worked in their favor
45. what was your characters first impression of their partner(s)? Not a partner but rather a love interest. He thought that Hanako handled herself well given the overall situation, and even was arrogant as fuck. Maybe that’s why she impressed him, it left a mark on his memory. I mean, you kidnap someone and they pretty much insult you? Fuck yes, no gift wrap is required
46. are they open about their relationship or low key? how would other people feel about them together? They’re not in a relationship but if they would be then it’d definitely be low key. No one should know, otherwise it may create serious problems for both
47. share a headcanon about your character and their partner(s). He likes to take and touch things from her table when he’s pensive during their conversations. Occasionally he spouts self-made haiku when the mood strikes him and boy - he’s terrible at it
48. share three songs you associate with your character and their partner(s). Chris Isaak - Wicked Game Jonathan Davis - Basic Needs The Rolling Stones - Anybody Seen My Baby? Hikaru Utada - Heart Station
49. name three of your characters biggest turn ons. Nice derriere, beautiful eyes and maturity
50. name three of your characters biggest kinks. Not taking clothes off; Voyeurism; Footsie
51. do they like having multiple partners or do they prefer monogamy? When it comes to a relationship he’s fully committed but he hasn’t been in one for a long time
52. do they watch porn or braindances? Both but BDs beat porn. He doesn’t do it often though
53. would your character ever make an explicit braindance? No, he’s not interested and not in a position to make one
54. do they have any cybernetic enhancements that serve sexual purposes? No
55. do they have a preference for ‘ganic bodies or do they like modifications? He doesn’t care much as long as he likes the person. Organic bodies are soft and warm, they give different kind of sensations. But he’s not picky
56. name three of your characters biggest turn offs. Low IQ, overly sexual behavior, manipulations
57. what is their ultimate fantasy? or ““secret”“ kink? Don’t ask because he won’t tell you even if his life depended on it. It’s bending Hanako over her piano and giving her a hard fuck, and once they’re done it’s breathing heavily in unison against her neck, their hands holding each other, her golden fingers leaving bruises on his thighs afterwards
58. would they ever use any substances like aphrodisiacs, alcohol or drugs during sex? No, he prefers natural sensations. At least as long as his nervous system is working properly
59. what is their wildest sexual experience? He accidentally almost drowned once during sex in a bathtub
60. are they more submissive or dominant? Dominant
61. does your character need to have an intimate relationship with someone to have sex? or do they prefer being unattached? That depends on a situation. Intimate relationship heightens the effects but aren’t necessary to derive pleasure
62. has your character ever participated in group sex? No but he received invitations
63. do they like to sext or play over the holo? Yes, if there’s a appropriate time for it
64. has your character ever ghosted someone after a sexual encounter? Yes
65. how would they react if they were ghosted by someone they like after a sexual encounter? He’s already been ghosted by Meredith Stout and he doesn’t think it’s a big deal. It’s unpleasant but why focus on something that doesn’t work if you can find more opportunities?
66. do they prefer kink oriented sex or spontaneous passionate sex? If he had to choose then it would be the latter 
67. how do they get down on their own? quick and easy or do they have to romance themselves a little? Quick and easy, all he needs is imagination and a shower. Just don’t disturb him
68. in what outfit do they feel sexiest? how do they dress to impress? Anything that’s clean, fresh and comfortable to wear
69. do they like having music on while they have sex? share three songs they’d play while getting down. He never tried it with music but he’s always open to new experiences and suggestions
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wxste-lxnds · 4 years
QUEEN OF GLASS Thoughts & Opinions (part one)
So, here are my thoughts and opinions on part one of Queen of Glass <- throne of glass’s original story. I know, it’s a bit stupid to critique an almost fanfic but I want to so I’m doing it.
“Adarlan was famous for it’s glassware. [...] At one point, glass shoes were all the rage.” I like this little nod to the Cinderella inspiration, to be honest. The original concept of T/OG was that it was Cinderella as an assassin. Which would’ve been amazing if executed well and T/OG... wasn’t.
This prologue is full of infodumping about Adar/lan’s history. This is easily forgiveable, given Sarah was 15/16 when she wrote this and infodumping country history is a common mistake for new writers. (We’ve all done it!) There’s a lot of untapped talent and potential here in the prologue too which is sad when you consider what her published books are like.
Terr/asen is called Trasien here, which is interesting. There’s a lot about how this is the real story of Cinderella, which once again would have been so interesting if executed well. That’s about it for the prologue, nothing really notable yet.
Chapter One:
“Due to her rather violent nature, she had a new one at least three times a month.” This is the edgy, killer queen we were supposed to see in T/OG. Though, this a bit unrealistic, she would’ve been hung already for killing this many overseers so quickly.
“None of them would ever assume that she, a woman, would actually be a real threat! [...] After all, she hadn’t been Adarlan’s deadliest assassin for nothing.” So, she’s forced to compete in a weekly fight club and it took them two years to figure out she needed more than one man to restrain her. Humble brag, I guess? That’s, again, not quite realistic but sjm likes OP character’s so I’m not surprised.
“You know,” Celaena said, in her cool, cultured voice.” What in the fuck does THAT mean? Also her overseer talks the same way Hagrid does in the Harry Potter books and I am killing myself with giggles, imagining poor Hagrid arguing with Celaena in a mineshaft. She laments about killing someone with an innocent hairpin. Um. Okay.
“[...]If you put shackles on me. I’ll still be an assassin, just a much more intelligent and vengeful one.” I get the sentiment, I do. But assassins kill for political and monetary gain. Here, Celaena’s just killing for shits and gigs. Which makes her a serial killer (and in some cases a mass murderer), not an assassin.
Celaena discusses how she was caught, she mentions sleeping gas. I would’ve been interested to know what exactly the sleeping gas was, given this is obviously set before the creation of mustard gas etc.
“They beat her because they were afraid of her.” They usually beat prisoners because they like to exert power and control and harbor violent and sociopathic tendencies. Plus, Celaena is a young woman and they are grown men used to getting their way.
“In three months, Celaena had killed seventeen overseers.” The gallows are in your future, sweetheart.
“Celaena Sardothien was a beautiful woman - or at least, some had considered her so. Granted, she was never considered unattractive, but her degree of attractiveness depended on those judging her.” Uh, yeah. That’s how attraction works. Why is this paragraph even necessary? We know she’s beautiful, she won’t shut up about it. She could’ve left it at the first sentence.
She goes on her about her special eyes and how they entrance and bedazzel people. Look, I have hazel eyes. Depending on what I’m wearing/what makeup colours I have on/the lighting I’m in, my eyes will appear different colours. Compliments happen, yes, but do they entrance and bedazzle? No, because they’re fucking eyes.
Celaena also says she uses cosmetics to enhance her not so attractive traits. I wish we were told what these cosmetics were, it’s not like she can take a gander to Sephora and pick out a pretty lipstick. Apparently her beauty makes her a good assassin. This isn’t how it works, usually. A person can only fall for physical features to a certain extent and not every person is the same. Cunning, stealth etc are all much more important assassin skills than a pretty face. Also, it’s a bit creepy that she was a young girl (as in 14-17) seducing old men. Isn’t that just child prostitution with murder being the dessert?
So basically these fights clubs are like The Hunger Games. Shes a crowd/guard favourite so she gets more food and supplies than the other slaves. Makes sense, but still. An 18(?) year old girl beating battle-hardened war criminals twice her size? Nah.
“You won’t be eating there tonight Sardothien.” It was not the voice of her overseer. It was dark, smooth, and sounded almost civilised. It had been so long since she’d heard someone speak properly!” This comes across as racist, Sarah. Ew. The overseer says something in his Hagrid accent and the man (I’d assume is Chaol?) says “translate please”. Come on, Sarah. Look how that sounds!! The overseer can’t read, either. Christ, this is nuts. Anyway, Chaol Wydrael is here to taken Celaena away, she thinks she’s going to be hung.
So that’s the end of chapter one and the prologue! Wow, that was gross and so, so much infodumping. At least with T/OG and ACO/TAR, the infodumping wasn’t too bad. Then came CCity...
Anyway, I’ll do chapter 2 and 3 when my brain stops feeling like it has teeth. Thank you @crescentcitysux for sending me the file
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c86 · 5 years
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Real Girls Wear 17 Cosmetics
Smash Hits, 7-20 May 1986
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queenofcandynsoda · 4 years
Relatives of the Five Families
Kurosawa Family
Yui- Katsumi’s wife, 34 at death, very loving and smart
Ichiro- Katsumi’s eldest son, 31 at his death, very serious and honorable
Momoka- Katsumi’s daughter, 29, carefree and pay attention to cosmetics and makeup
Eito- Momoka’s fiancee, 30, son of the leader of the Red Oni Yakuza, a subordinate gang
Osamu- Katsumi’s second son, 26, aggressive with very high standards for honor
Kenzo- Katsumi’s third son, 25, carefree, hedonistic, and send time in brothels, parties, and restaurants
Hayate- Katsumi’s fourth son, 23, very intelligent and responsible
Roncalli Family
Durante- Palmiro’s younger brother, 42, very artistic, enjoys visiting Venice
Emilia (real name unknown)- Palmiro’s first wife, 37 (presumed, real age unknown), Worked for Interpol and the Special Secret Agency, left and disappeared after Palmiro discover about her agent status, she planned to take her sons with her but Palmiro threatens her not to, she said she spy on him after the Sorrowful Sunday incident in the Netherlands, Palmiro told his sons that she died
Faustino, Palmiro’s oldest son with Emilia, 17, very intelligent and harsh, doesn’t like Sienna
Gaetano, Palmiro’s second son with Emilia, 14, very athletic and loves football, doesn’t like Sienna
Sienna- Palmiro’s second wife, 26, very sweet and kind
Ladonna- Palmiro’s daughter with Sienna, 5, loves the PowerPuff Girls
Saverio- Palmiro’s youngest son with Sienna, 3, loves sweets and stays close to his mother
Villalobos Family
Henio- Ignacio’s father, 73, in a wheelchair, speaks very slowly
Milo- Ignacio’s older brother, 47, general of Ignacio’s personal army, El Cementerio, has a very harsh and serious exterior
Verónica- Ignacio’s wife, 35, a great chef, tough yet kind
Perla- Ignacio’s eldest daughter, 14, very spoiled and a perfectionist
Alfonso- Ignacio’s son, 9, annoyed by Perla, interested in movies
Ilaria- Ignacio’s youngest daughter, 4, very shy and meek, stay close to her mother
Sangster Family
Hadwin- Husband, 41 at death, very kind, wise, and loving
D’angelo- Ora’s eldest son, 30, intellect and easygoing 
Eithan- Ora’s second son, 28, very strict and responsible 
Omnira- Ora’s eldest daughter, 27, cares for cosmetics and hair care
Sean- Ora’s third son, 24, often hacks highly secure databases of rival gangs, very intelligence and introverted
Khenan- Ora’s youngest son, 22, enjoys American culture and would often speak in an American accent, usually Californian
While Ronica left her family, she is still very important 
Ronica Barnes- Ora’s youngest daughter, 21, recently started working for the NHS as a paramedic, usually for Great Ormond Street Hospital, poison and drug immunity, can absorb toxins out of a person’s body. She is very loving and kind, hadn’t spoken to her family for three years. Ora unknowingly put her and her daughter as a target in order to stop Caulton from interfering with the Ackee Yardies
Caulton Barnes- Ronica’s husband, 23, works for the National Crime Agency, an enemy of the Ackee Yardies, protective of his family, a subject of Ora’s assassination attempts 
Poppy Barnes- Ronica’s daughter, 6 months old, Ora and the Ackee Yardies are unaware of her existence, has poison immunity
Krupin Family
Berglijot- Yegor’s wife, 21, very outspoken and cheerful 
Ruslan- Yegor’s son, 2, very cheerful and often giggles
Kliment- Yegor’s younger brother, 24, very stoic and wears sunglasses
Evgeni- Yegor’s younger brother, 17, hot-tempered 
Timur- Yegor’s younger brother, 17, aggressive but can be lay-back 
Nadine- Yegor’s cousin, 22, level-headed and very tactical 
Pavel- Yegor’s uncle, 49, harsh but has a soft side 
Pyotr- Yegor’s uncle, 52, very cruel and sadistic, often targets enemies’ families, especially if they have young children, often give out disproportionate punishments, tried to convince Yegor to do human trafficking but the latter constantly refused
Raisa- Yegor’s cousin and Pytor’s daughter, 23, has a guise of a cold-blood assassin, in truth, she often spare people who are uninvolved and don’t deserve death, especially if they have families, are children, or unable to defend themselves,
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Globe, June 22
Cover: O.J. Simpson was framed by cops
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Page 2: Up Front & Personal -- AFAIK none of these unflattering pictures came from Instagram -- Ben Affleck walking his dog, Lady Gaga bares her tummy, Dennis Quaid plays golf 
Page 3: Melanie Griffith, Hugh Grant, pregnant Katy Perry at the beach with her dog 
Page 4: Screen stud Brad Pitt is stuffing his face with fast food and his unhealthy diet is threatening his bottom line: his once beautiful behind, just-married Bindi Irwin won’t take her new husband Chandler Powell’s last name because she wants to honor her late dad Steve Irwin 
Page 5: Gwen Stefani has three sons with her ex-husband Gavin Rossdale and now the 50-year-old is desperate to have a baby girl with boyfriend Blake Shelton 
Page 7: Image conscious First Lady Jackie Kennedy Onassis followed a bizarre beauty ritual that included rubbing facial toner into her armpits, Kanye West is threatening to sue a former bodyguard for at least $10 million claiming the security specialist ran his mouth and breached a confidentiality agreement 
Page 8: Lori Loughlin’s spoiled daughter Olivia Jade was slammed by online critics who say the rich kid was tone deaf when she shared an online message about using white privilege to fight racism
Page 9: Glamorous Jennifer Lopez is taking on the role of one of the most vicious female criminals in history -- drug queenpin Griselda Blanca who murdered at least 250 people -- in a brazen bid to win an Oscar 
Page 10: Disgraced Prince Andrew’s twisted life as pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s pampered house pet is being exposed by the murdered billionaire’s former butler who blows the lid off naked pool parties, kinky sex toys and cash payments to young girls recruited as sex slaves 
Page 12: Celebrity Buzz -- Busy Philipps (pictured), chipper Clint Eastwood says he doesn’t mind growing old while in gloomy contrast Woody Allen whines his pampered life is pointless, Kelly Clarkson still has babies on the brain despite having had her tubes tied but (soon-to-be ex) husband Brandon Blackstock doesn’t want another child, Reese Witherspoon admits nabbing Kerry Washington’s fountain of youth secret -- a veggie concoction she’s chugged each morning for more than eight years that includes lettuce and spinach and celery and banana and pear and apple and lemon with the seeds, Yolanda Hadid the ex-wife of two multimillionaires has found love again in the arms of 70-ish farmer Joseph Jingoli who also happens to be the stinking-rich CEO of his own company 
Page 13: Justin Bieber (pictured), Ashley Benson (pictured), Hugh Jackman buys flowers in NYC (pictured), Bryce Dallas Howard finally graduated from NYU 21 years after commencing collegiate courses
Page 14: Parkinson’s disease isn’t knocking down Alan Alda anytime soon, Octavia Spencer is finally owning up to her real age after having fibbed for years that she was two years younger; she was found out by pals from her school days, Fashion Verdict -- Sarah Hyland 9/10, Padma Lakshmi 8/10, Rumer Willis 2/10, Tracee Ellis Ross 7/10, Keri Russell 4/10 
Page 16: Faith Evans was busted for domestic violence by cops who say the singer assaulted her producer husband Stevie J., radio talk show host and self-proclaimed marriage expert Dr. Laura Schlessinger has vowed to give up men and chances for a third marriage because today’s guys are not up to her high standards 
Page 17: Money-grubbing celebs are nickel-and-diming hardworking fans for the privilege of receiving a new form of the paid autograph -- personalized videos -- Jeff Ross, Tom Arnold and Caitlyn Jenner are some of the celebs involved although Cait says she’s doing it for charity 
Page 19: 10 Things You Don’t Know About Pat Sajak, Lori Loughlin’s devastated daughters think it’d be surreal to visit her in the slammer, Britney Spears is one of the hottest pop babes but she felt like an ugly duckling as a kid
Page 20: True Crime 
Page 23: Gary Busey claims he met angels during a near-death experience after a devastating motorcycle crash in 1988, country singer Rosanne Cash is singing the blues after a vulgar MAGA blowhard blasted one of her four daughters for wearing an anti-COVID mask to a Nashville grocery store 
Page 24: Cover Story -- rogue cops faked O.J. Simpson murder case -- Simpson was the target of racist payback after Rodney King beating embarrassed police 
Page 26: Health Report -- Gene ID’d that can fight fat, quick test for kidney stones, junk food dims your wits, easy way to get health insurance online 
Page 32: Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise’s secret chats that she kept a secret from Keith Urban -- since their bitter 2001 divorce after ten years of marriage Nicole hated Tom’s guts but he’s really mellowed lately and they’ve been secretly mending fences and the glue fusing their new connection is their adopted kids Isabella and Connor, breastfeeding has freaked out first-time mom Karina Smirnoff 
Page 38: Real Life
Page 39: Livid Lionel Richie has vowed to kick Scott Disick’s butt after the sleazeball’s split with his daughter Sofia Richie -- Sofia’s been spending a lot of time with her dad and some of the stories she’s been sharing about what Scott put her through have been hair-curling 
Page 40: David Hasselhoff is such a sex machine at age 67 that his nearly three decades younger wife Hayley Roberts is asking for time-outs in the bedroom 
Page 44: Straight Talk -- Enough already with Matt Lauer’s moaning 
Page 45: Makeup mogul Kylie Jenner tearfully worries about being tossed into jail over shocking fraud allegations -- the panic comes after Kylie was cut from the famed Forbes World’s Billionaires List with the magazine claiming Kylie and her mom Kris Jenner may have forged tax returns and lied about the value of her Kylie Cosmetics brand, Lea Michele is being accused by former Glee co-star Samantha Ware of making her first television gig a living hell 
Page 47: Hollywood Flashback -- 1983′s The Right Stuff, Bizarre But True 
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dc-translator · 4 years
[ENG TL] 191031 Ray interview
[Dreamcatcher] members,active globally, spill the beans about fashion choice and cosmetics
2019/10/30 CULTURE
Original article:https://ray-web.jp/52989?page=1
Notice: This translation was completed without any form of endorsement from the copyright holder. It may be deleted later.
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Dreamcatcher, the 7-member girl group who have been attracting a lot of attention with their Japanese album, 'The Beginning Of The End', as well as their new Korean track, 'Deja Vu'. Though they look cool performing on stage, we get up close and personal with the surprising private life of the girls.♥
What kind of group is Dreamcatcher? Check out the member profiles!
They debuted on January 2017, featuring the "Nightmare" concept. Their charm comes from the use of intense metal sounds, as well as their powerful performances, rare for a Korean girl group♥ They've drawn interest as they were active not only in Japan and Korea, but all over the world, visiting Europe and South America in their world tour!
JIU 'My own clothes are in simple styles♪'
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Leader, lead vocal. Born on May 17th 1994. Blood type B. Assigned nightmare is "the dream where you are being chased by someone.''
"Hello! I'm Dreamcatcher's charismatic bunny, leader JIU♥"
Q. What is your unique charm?
That I look pure and sexy at the same time? (Laugh)
Q. What kind of fashion do you like?
I generally go with simple, comfortable styles, like a white T-shirt and denims.
Q. Is there something you focus on when doing makeup yourself?
I care about everything in makeup, but if I had to choose one... lips!
Q. What is your morning and evening skin care routine?
The day before important schedules, I make sure to put a pack on before I sleep.
Sua 'Energy level to Andromeda (Laugh)'
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Main dancer, sub vocal. Born on August 10th 1994. Blood type O. Assigned nightmare is "the dream where you can't move your body"
"I'm the dancer and queen, Sua."
Q. What is your unique charm?
Beyond everything else, I'm very upbeat. Andromeda levels of energy! (Laugh) I also like fun things.
Q. What kind of fashion do you like?
I like clothes that feel comfortable when I'm wearing them!
Q. Is there something you focus on when doing makeup yourself?
I focus most on the base makeup! I enjoy matte textures, so I make sure to finish it off properly with powder.
Q. What is your morning and evening skin care routine?
My skin is really sensitive, so I make an effort to make sure that my skin care products are soft on my skin.
Siyeon "I like boyish style fashion!"
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Main vocal. Born on October 1st 1995. Blood type A. Assigned nightmare is "the dream where you are trapped in a small place"
"Hello. I'm the wolf of Dreamcatcher! Siyeon."
Q. What is your unique charm?
My wolf-like facial expressions and eyes on stage!
Q. What kind of fashion do you like?
I often wear oversized clothes. I like Jerseys so I have a lot of them in multiple colors. I also like fancy floral patterns♥
Q. Is there something you focus on when doing makeup yourself?
It's my lips. I like the calmer colors, but in summer, I'll use brighter colors as well.
Q. What is your morning and evening skin care routine?
I use two types of toners, and I care a lot about them. One of them helps control the oils in my skin, and the other is for adding moisture!
Handong "I like making my eye bags look shiny ♥
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Sub vocal. Born on March 26th 1996. Blood type O. Assigned nightmare is "the dream where you are watched by someone"
"Hello, I'm the kitty, Handong"
Q. What is your unique charm?
How elegant I am♥
Q. What kind of fashion do you like?
I wear a lot of different styles! I like cropped tops
Q. Is there something you focus on when doing makeup yourself?
I really like making my eye bags look shiny!
Q. What is your morning and evening skin care routine?
I make sure to apply essence.
Yoohyeon "I'm doing the '7 skin method' with my twist on it!'
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Lead vocal. Born on January 7th 1997. Blood type O. Assigned nightmare is "the dream where you wander around an unfamiliar place"
"I'm the puppy of Dreamcatcher, Yoohyeon. I'm often told that my face and mannerisms resemble a puppy. (laugh)
Q. What is your unique charm?
The stupidly bright expression I make when I laugh!
Q. What kind of fashion do you like?
I like formal styles♥
Q. Is there something you focus on when doing makeup yourself?
My cheeks! My complexion looks better just by applying cheek makeup, so even when I go without makeup otherwise, I make sure to apply cheek makeup.
Q. What is your morning and evening skin care routine?
I apply toner multiple times. It's called the "7 skin method". Applying toner multiple times over is supposed to be good for your skin, and it's been popular among beauty Youtubers. But since I'm lazy, I only do it twice. (laugh)
Dami "I focus more on skin care than on makeup"
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Main rapper. Born on March 7th 1997. Blood type A. Assigned Nightmare is "the dream where you get hurt"
"Hello! I'm the rapper, Dami."
Q. What is your unique charm?
That I have good judgement?
Q. What kind of fashion do you like?
I have a lot of tracksuits. Also, I don't deal with the cold very well, so I always try to dry warmly!
Q. Is there something you focus on when doing makeup yourself?
I don't put makeup on very often. Instead, I put a lot of attention in skincare.
Q. What is your morning and evening skin care routine?
At nights, I cleanse and wash my face like anyone else, but for mornings, I wash my face with water only!
Gahyeon "I don't really pay a lot of attention to either fashion or skincare! (laugh)"
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Sub vocal. Born on February 3rd 1999. Blood type AB. Assigned nightmare is "the dream where you fall from high places".
"Hello. I'm the lovely maknae Gahyeon!"
Q. What is your unique charm?
Beyond anything else, I'm filled with aegyo♪
Q. What kind of fashion do you like?
I tend to put on whatever's there. (Laugh) I often wear miniskirts and denims.
Q. Is there something you focus on when doing makeup yourself?
Eyelashes! I finish them with about 3 types of mascara, so it takes a good deal of time.
Q. What is your morning and evening skin care routine?
I almost don't do anything...(Laugh) I do apply lotion, though.
Voice 01
What is Dreamcatcher's unique charm?
JIU: "Dreamcatcher" is a name that was chosen to give people listening to our songs the sense that they're "in a good dream". So members were each assigned different nightmare concepts since our debut. That concept is reflected in the story of our music videos and in our album jackets!
Voice 02
Is there a point that you'd like us to pay attention to in "Breaking Out, the lead track of your 1st album, released in September?
Siyeon: The lyrics towards the end of the track goes "Bye bye to the nightmare now". To us, this album is "the beginning of the end". We've promoted under the nightmare concept until now, and this promotion closes that out. So I feel like those lyrics are the focal point of the song.
Voice 03
Was there a story you wanted to share with us about filming the "Breaking Out" MV?
Yoohyeon: There was a scene where Handong and I had to act while gazing at each other. We really struggled to not laugh. (Laugh) Still, we managed to pull it off in the end, so that was a relief.
Sua: I had an individual shoot where I had to be on a flaming swing. I was really surprised when real sparks fell from above. I also had really high heeled shoes on, so I couldn't jump off if something happened. The staff kept saying "don't raise your face" as I filmed the scene.
JIU: A big fly kept bothering me while I was trying to act, which was bothersome... We were filming at a studio deep in the mountains, and there were a ton of bugs.(cry)
Voice 04
The showcase in September was also a big hit. You've already held multiple shows in Japan now. Compared to your first time in Japan, has something changed?
Siyeon: Every time we hold promotions for songs or concerts, the number of InSomnias who come to see us seem to increase. Whenever I notice that, I feel really happy, and feel like I'll be able to work even harder.
Dami: At first, I was really hung up on memorizing Japanese. Now, I'm able to focus more on presenting a perfect performance.
Voice 05
Europe, South America, you're holding shows all over the world. Is there something you found memorable about the cultural differences, or the fans' reactions?
Gahyeon: In Europe and South America, the passion is palpable even before the concert starts. Before concerts, our songs play within the venue. Our fans will sing along to that, or dance to it. Then, when the concert starts, they cheer for us even more energetically. I thought they were incredibly passionate.
Voice 06
Tell us something unexpected about the members, that the fans wouldn't know!
Handong: I shared a hotel room with Yoohyeon during our Japanese schedules once. I looked at her suitcase, and it was almost empty. It seemed like she mistook the length of our stay. She didn't have any clothes to wear, so during our stay in Japan, she was making do with our Live merch T-shirts and things like that. (Laugh)
A great gift from Dreamcatcher♥
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Follow the Ray official twitter & Retweet our tweet of this article. From those who do, we’ll randomly choose 7 to receive signed polaroids of the members♥
1. Follow the official Ray twitter account (@mag_ray) 2. Retweet the notice for the Dreamcatcher article, and tell us which member you want to receive.
The winners will be contacted by our editorial board via DMs.
Selecting the winners could take up to a week after applications are closed. After the winners are selected, we are going to contact them with TL, so please don’t unfollow us until then.
We’ll wait your applications♪
[Application deadline]
Until November 8th(Fri) 2019 23:59
Dec. 21st(Sat) Osaka Cool Japan Park Osaka SS Hall
Part 1 13:00 Open / 13:30 Start   Part 2 17:30 Open / 18:00 Start
Dec. 22nd(Sun) Tokyo Shibuya Hikarie Hikarie Hall B
Part 1 13:00 Open / 13:30 Start   Part 2 17:30 Open / 18:00 Start
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lebkuchenhaus · 5 years
36 Things I Will Tell My Daughters
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1. Don't spend a fortune on cosmetics.
2. Wear natural makeup. Ultimately, it is best to save the cosmetics for when you are alone with your husband.
3. A push-up bra is for when you are alone with your husband.
4. If a boyfriend cheats (this includes checking out other girls, flirting with others, looking at, and/or following immodest women on social media) on you, break up with him.
5. Don't document your life on social media.
6. Some people will never appreciate how great you are. Don't let it discourage you.
7. The complementarity of masculinity and femininity is beautiful.
8. Be kind to everyone.
9. Learn to apologize.
10. Learn to forgive.
11. Not everyone deserves your trust.
12. Be polite.
13. Put others before yourself.
14. Pray.
15. Don't judge people. Do judge associations and influences, to help a brother or sister avoid destruction, your protections, and the teachings of pastors and theologians.
16. Don't let your mistakes define you, but learn from them.
17. Your mom can see a fake friend before you can.
18. Daddy can spot a boy that is unworthy of you before you can.
19. Exercise regularly.
20. Eat healthy 95% of the time, so you can enjoy yourself the other 5% of the time.
21. Don't pretend to be someone you're not. Jesus told us to love one another, not to impress one another.
22. Bad times make us appreciate the good times.
23. There are always reasons to be thankful.
24. You were beautiful before any guy noticed.
25. Nothing good happens after 10 P.M.
26. Mini skirts, mini dresses, hot pants, tube tops, bra tops, crop tops, tight clothes, and form fitting clothes are the attire of the Proverbs 7 woman.
27. Modesty is a sign of self-respect and respect for others. Real men respect women who respect themselves and others.
28. Real men aren't afraid of commitment.
29. A real man provides financial and emotional security.
30. A real man will sacrifice himself for you, even if that means taking a bullet for you.
31. Contraceptives prevent unity as well as procreation. Rejecting one's fertility is a rejection of them. You should embrace each other's fertility. Also, the majority of contraceptives are abortifacients.
32. The marital act is a wedding gift from our Heavenly Father to a man and his wife.
33. Before marriage, your body belongs to God. After marriage, your husband has authority over your body as you have authority over his.
34. The sights of your scantily clad and completely naked body are for only your husband, just as sights of his scantily clad and completely naked body are for only you.
35. Just because it covers your body doesn't mean it's modest. A beige shirt is as immodest as a mini skirt.
36. Regardless of how nice your legs are, you will always be more elegant and ladylike with your knees covered.
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benhardyorbust · 5 years
30 Questions Challenge
I was tagged by @bentaylorrogerhardy, Thanks!!
Rules: Tag the person who tagged you, answer the questions, tag 20 people
1. How tall are you?: 5’1
2. What color and style is your hair?: My hair goes down a little past my shoulders (trying to grow it out), I have really heavy blonde highlights. My dream is to go full platinum blonde one day. 
3. What color are your eyes?: blue/green depending on the light and my mood
4. Do you wear glasses?: Yes! I feel lost with out my glasses lol. 
5. Do you wear braces?: nope!
6. What is your fashion style?: I would say its classic, simple, clean, slightly preppy and comfortable. But most of the time you can catch me in leggings and a sorority tshirt lol 
7. Full name: I’m not really comfortable putting my FULL name on here, but my full first name is Samantha
8. When were you born?: April 2, 1997
9. Where are you from and where do you live now?: Born and raised in Omaha, Ne! Hoping to move in a year or so 
10. What school do you go to?: University of Nebraska 
11. What kind of student are you?: I am a pretty good student. I was raised to always get my work done and try my hardest. I procrastinate like no one’s business but I always get everything done and (not to toot my own horn lol) but I always make the dean’s list.
12. Do you like school?:  for the most part yes! I know I am going to miss it when I graduate but I am also ready to be done
13. What are your favorite school subjects?: in high school it was sociology and government, in college I do mostly public relations classes which I love!
14. Favorite TV shows: Any of The Real Housewives franchises, Bob’s Burgers, Queer Eye, Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Love Island, The Bachelor, Shark Tank, Gossip Girl, Greek, Gilmore Girls (I love TV!)
15. Favorite movies: Legally Blonde, The Princess Diaries, Clueless, Mamma Mia!, Bring it On, 10 Things I Hate About You, John Tucker Must Die, Stick It, She’s the Man, Spotlight, The Post, Miss Representation 
16. Favorite books?: The Outsiders, The BFG, The Secret Life of Bees
17. Favorite pastime: hanging out with my friends, watching mindless tv shows, listening to music, working out, shopping, writing 
18. Do you have any regrets?: not really 
19. Dream job: I have a lot of dream jobs right now, I would love to do some kind of PR work for a cosmetic brand, or be a publicist for a celebrity 
20. Would you like to get married someday?: Not anytime soon, but yes! 
21. Would you like to have kids someday?: Again, not ANYTIME soon, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it. pregnancy really freaks me out lmao
22: How many?: no more than 3
23: Do you like shopping?: love it
24: What countries have you visited?: lol just America. I really need to get out of here and explore tho! 
25. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?: the other night i had a dream me and some of my high school friends were trapped in our high school with this guy chasing us? idk it was scary lol 
26. Do you have any enemies?: I don’t think so
27. Do you have a s/o?: lmfao noooo 
28. Do you believe in miracles?: I do
I tag: @wearethechampionsblog @fatbottomedgwil @isabella-bby @yourealegendfred @rogerinatrash @fics-for-my-heart @borhapstyles @wearethechampionsblog
I’m too lazy to tag more people lol, sorry! 
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helenofsimblr · 6 years
I have a LOT of catching up to do!
I was tagged to do the 57 facts thing by @fayts4 @tabbyrhsims4simblr and @midnightdevotions I think I got everybody if not you’ll have to forgive me my shoddy memory. But I have so many blogs to catch up on I am ready to cry!
1. Simblr is a secret thing for me, only my husband knows about it. Its my own guilty pleasure.
2. I recently became a parent and I am very much planning to have at least 1 more while there is still time!
3. I have done a lot of work on some really amazing stuff, none of which I can ever talk about due to secrecy agreements. 
4. I have a PhD in mathematics, so that proves I am super boring.
5. I tried my first cigarette at age 11, but didn’t touch it again till age 26 which was when I took it up, I would smoke anything from 0 to 10 cigs a day depending on the day I had. I quit cigs this year aged 32 in January. So hopefully didn’t do myself too much damage.
6. At age 29 I started smoking cigars on special occasions those are: my birthday, Christmas, New year, Valentines, and my wedding anniversary. Being the “badass” I am, I inhale every 5th drag for a little extra kick, even though you shouldn’t do that... I have not quit the cigars!
7. I have a younger brother and an older sister, I am the middle sibling.
8. I have only ever had 3 boyfriends in my life. And 1 “fancy man.”
9. I was engaged to be married to my second boyfriend, I basically twisted his arm into it because of my condition I was afraid I’d be some old woman called Ms instead of Mrs, he did not want to be married, not to me anyway. I should have realised that back then...
10. While I was engaged to boyfriend number 2 I had an affair which lasted about 8 months, it was with a colleague at work, and it was amazing! I don’t condone cheating, not in the least, but I realise, the sensible thing to do would have been to call off the engagement. 
11. I had giganstism (Acromegaly) as a child, I am 6 foot 7 inches tall bare foot. I do not like being this tall... not one bit. There are so many health issues that come with this, that it really isn’t worth it.
12. When I stopped growing, Acromegaly causes your face and hands and feet to carry on growing... I have size 14 feet. UK size. My hands are large enough that I can grip 4 tennis balls in one hand easily. 
13. I have no tattoos. I have never ever wanted a tattoo. I don’t actually like them very much.
14. I don’t have any piercings anywhere else beside my ears. I have 2 piercings in each ear.
15. I am a huge petrol head. I love cars and I will happily have a discussion with any man about them, or woman if she is so inclined!
16. Due to the facial changes caused by Acromegaly I decided to go and get cosmetic surgery in late 2017 to change my face back to a more softer look.
17. I love Star Trek. Captain Kirk is my favourite captain, he is the best. No discussion. If it wasn’t for Kirk there would be no Picard, no Sisko, no Janeway. None of those pretenders would be here!
18. I think Quentin Tarrantino and his films are vastly overrated and often incomprehensible and worst yet, non linear. 
19. I really dislike the taste of alcohol. The only drinks I get on well with are Guiness and Gin and tonics. Most others I don’t like. I hate wine.
20. I hated that stupid Pokemon Go craze!! The amount of people who walked into me in the street... That shit was dangerous.
21. My hair used to be naturally blonde, but in recent years its started to get darker, which is why I now use colouring to keep it where it was.
22. I should wear glasses to read, but I don’t bother.
23. While preggers I had gestational diabetes. Which was not fun at all.
24. I love swimming, but I hate the sea because I am afraid of whats in it. Sharks, jellyfish, all sorts of wonderful, yet horrid creatures designed to kill and maim!
25. When I was doing my PhD, somebody on my research team literally took about 80% of my thesis content and used it in their thesis. I had  no time to appeal or go through proper channels as I already had a job lined up, and was due to have my pituitary tumor removed, therefore, my only option was to redo 80% of my thesis. 
26. I am not religious (at least not in any organised way), however, I find the theory of how the universe came into being utterly laughable. A big bang... seriously?? If before the universe, there was nothing, where did the shit that exploded come from? Its bullshit. Truth is, nobody knows for sure, but we’re so desperate to know that scientists will happily invent theories to fit what few facts they have.
27. Despite not being religious, I firmly believe in existence after death. I say existence, not life, there is a difference. I have seen what would be colloquially referred to as a “ghost” when I was 13 years old.
28. I love the old pulp sci fi, things like Lost in Space, and voyage to the bottom of the sea
29. My favourite foods are pizzas. I cannot get enough of them! In particular just bog standard pepperoni
30. I suck at sports. Any sport, and I suck at it.
31. I often worry about things so much I lose my perspective, I cannot help but worry and it usually leads to a cascade of worry and I may make poor decisions. 
32. I am part German. I can speak German, to a fashion... its not very good as I rarely use it.
33. I have regular chiropractic care and I have to say its worth every penny. I feel better physically now than I have in years! As a bonus, the IBS I suffered with, since I have been seeing my chiropractor has actually cleared up! 
34. I am currently trying to complete something on my bucket list, I am attempting to watch EVERY John Wayne film.
35. I hated Star Wars the Last Jedi. Shit film!
36. I have a cuddly toy from I was a baby which I still have! (I don’t sleep with it of course)
37. I love inappropriate/dirty jokes.
38. I am, somewhat, anti-abortion. I understand there is a time and a place for everything however, but given birth control and access to morning after pills... 
39. I am not political, I loathe politicians. None of them have a clue what it is like to be in the real world. Also... why do we have Ministers of health who have never been a nurse or doctor? And so forth... doesn’t make sense!
40. I have been married 3 years now. 
41. I cannot bend over and touch my toes.
42. I recently took a woman to court and won! After she keyed (Scratched the car with a key) my Range Rover from bumper to bumper in the supermarket. 
43. I hate shopping. I find it so tedious and inconvenient. I honestly do not understand how other females can find this a pleasurable activity!
44. I have never tried any illegal drugs in my life.
45. Apparently I was late performing all my children milestones. Walking, talking and potty training. I took months longer than my siblings did.
46. I find it really hard to go to the toilet in a public toilet. It disturbs me.
47. I hate it when people tell me “You’re late.” As though I have no concept or track of time. I usually reply with “I was quite aware before you pointed it out.” I never apologise for being late, unless I know that my being late was definitely my fault.
48. I am often amused by simblr. Especially at all these “dramas” that pop up round here. Particularly over custom content and how it should never be uploaded by anybody but the creator or changed or whatever... did I mention how somebody took 80% of my PhD thesis and used it in their work? Oh yes. Point number 25.
49. If I go for ice cream, doesn’t matter where it is, I will always go for vanilla.
50. White chocolate is my favourite chocolate of all. So sweet and creamy...
51. I am allergic to penicillin.
52. I love superhero films. Particularly the Marvel ones. I think Marvel do better films than DC but DC do better animated films / television than Marvel do.
53. I think Nolan’s batman trilogy is overrated speaking of superhero films.
54. Speaking of films, only once ever have I walked out of the cinema. I remember I went to see Mr and Mrs Smith, and half way through I walked out. Have never seen the end of that film since.
55. My favourite Junk Food is bacon double cheeseburgers! 
56. Due to having acromegaly... every year... without fail... I have to go and get a camera up my ass! Yeah its great being tall(!)
57. I HATE pears. I mean hate them! I hate the texture of them in my mouth, I hate the feel of their skin, I hate EVERYTHING about pears. Even sat here typing this I get goosebumps. If I was trapped on a desert island where all there was to eat was Pears. I would starve to death!
I tag, @themoonglitch @rebelsoulsims @igglemouse and @flowers--girl  and @sparkiemonkey and @alittledaylight do this EPIC tag. If you think you can’t. or done it, or don’t want to cool. 
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malunedyne · 6 years
Espero que ya hayas resuelto lo del antojo de ayer porque te toca responder el ask list dulce 🎂🍰🍫🍭🍯🍮🍩🍧🍦🍡🍨
tarde pero seguro, fam
chocolate: when was your first kiss? when i was 17
french vanilla: how old are you? 23 at the current moment
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to? JAPAN!!!! England, might as well say India
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak? japanese, it would be amazing for a weeb like be
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands? uhh *sweats loudly*
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors? it depends on what we’re talking about ???????
cookie dough: do you play any instruments? the drums, though i’d like to learn to play both piano and violin (and have a never ending interest for bass)
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment? Persona 5 OST, I listen to it everyday ever since January, certainly obsessed with this one
(maaaaaan, i love Lyn’s voice so much wtf)
butter pecan: favorite songs for life? Guardians of the Galaxy vol 1 n 2 OSTs. Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)
cheesecake: what’s your zodiac sign? the wild-card Aquarius
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool? beach, there’s not even comparison lol (except for mexican beaches….. i hate them, people are just noisy and dirty, disgusting)
chocolate chip: what’s your most popular post? can’t believe i have to scroll through my sherlockian past's mess to find it, here it is http://malunedyne.tumblr.com/post/88104749810
bubblegum: books or movies? i enjoy both very much but c’mon, i can’t choose. they give you different experiences
pistachio: manga or anime? aaaaaa fuck. dude. oh gods. it depends. about BL, i go after manga because of the lewd stuff, i must admit that. but most of times, i always go for the anime first and then the manga if i really went nuts with the animation.
salted caramel: favorite movies? ghibli movies, bro; 2001: a space odyssey; megamind
birthday cake: favorite books? THE HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY SAGA, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Shakespeare’s sonnets and Twelfth Night
moose tracks: favorites for manga? Doukyuusei’s saga (I haven’t read Blanc yet but dfkjsdkjsd), Mob Psycho 100 (webcomic, but it’ll count it as manga)
orange sherbet: favorites for anime? Mob Psycho 100, Nichijou, Hetalia, Cardcaptor Sakura
peanut butter: favorite academic subject? gender, social issues, art, jungian archetypes
black raspberry: do you have any pets? currently, a blond cat
mango: when and why did you start your blog? ohh shit, somewhere in March, 2012 (thought i had already stalked periodically a couple of blogs bc i was too depressed)
mocha: ideal weather conditions? warm but not hot, also cloudy while warm (warm rain is my favorite thing in the world)
black cherry: four words that describe you? random, tired, eccentric, imaginative
neapolitan: things that stress you out? procrastination, people’s stupidity and indifference, impotency, life in general,
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music? i like a wide range from classic rock to ethnic indian music so idk, but i hardly ever listen to music in spanish tho
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy? ferrero rocher chocolate are unbeatable about things found in the common market
toffee: a card game that you’re good at? cards against humanity, hehehe
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast? barely, but yeah (i must improve this aspect though)
dark chocolate: turn ons? long hairs, knowledge, kindness, interest in art or video games
fudge: turn offs? being a huge piece of shit
peach: how do you relax? i lay down and listen to music or random noise generators
praline: a popular book you haven’t read yet? pretty much all of Latin-American’ greatest books
superman: do you like sweaters? hell YEAH
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee? i like the taste of both
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play? what a name for the ask tho
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried? oh i have, now i feel sad because that was in my college days that are now long gone…..
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have? fucking actually notifying me when a blog reblogs or posts something!!!
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs? setheverman and usbdongle are p funny; a bunch of writing advice blogs and color palettes are amongst my favourites
almond: favorite mean girls quote? why the fuck is everyone always talking about this movie??? I’ve survived 23 years of my life without watching it and plan on continuing doing so unless it’s actually inevitable lmao
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now? no color. gonna paint them silver and dark blue soon
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to? yep. 0/10 would never recommend.
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone? always a crush, never something actually serious though
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps? now and then (only when i’m too tired or having headaches or so) though i try to avoid them
mint: the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done? telling a friend some real deep psyche weaknesses of mine !oof
brownie batter: do you like sushi? YUUUUSSS -but i like ramen better hehehe-
key lime: where do you want to be right now? in my bed, -not worrying about having to go to work tomorrow !oof-
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses? nope, but i wear anti-reflective glasses
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?
cookie, baileys (man, that shit is so good!!! ), chocolate, vanilla
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