moonsidesong · 2 years
the owl house having an onscreen moment where its main protagonist comes out to her mother as bi and having it be a happy, celebratory thing is just so so special and wonderful. it makes my heart full, even if it was just a little moment in a montage :’)
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team-avia · 10 months
Okay so my insomnia is really bad so I’m going to force you to listen to my raving and rambling about RL theories because I saw some old promotional stuff and now my mind is galaxy braining right now
(Sorry if this has been brought up before btw and is old news)
Obvious potential spoilers!!! Beware everyone else!!!
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This motherfucking promo image is the source of my thoughts, especially after playing Cass’s and Bella’s demo. Particularly the symbols used for every character:
Cassandra: obviously an prodigy actress and star of the department but the further we get into her demo we realize there’s more behind the diva persona than meets the eye— hence the symbol, while classic in theater, can also reflect her emotional state and her need to cover it up with smiles and arrogance. Her nightmares and sense of commitment to potential romantic lovers maybe be a symptom of a more deep reason.
Bela: THE HEART like bruh obviously it in reference to whatever Miranda did to her before the game started—being heartless and what not. And how she’ll eventually regain her ‘heart’ if we go down the route right.
Daniela: so far she’s seems normal, well adjusted, and tame in comparison to her sisters. Key world being SEEMS. There’s definitely something broiling beneath the surface with her and I bet it has to do with her family troubles and her always putting on a brave face. Hence the rose but the notable thorns beneath it. Every rose has its thorns and what not. Idk if it has anything to do with the rowdy crowd she associates with.
Angie: the doll obviously fitting her RE origin and over all her personality, sweet, kind, and maybe bombastic. But look closely—there’s a tear on the doll’s face. Like Cass (and maybe Dani) she has a mask—aka being a party animal and overall alcoholic. It may have something to do with being Donna’s niece and I’m assuming Claudia’s daughter. But where’s the latter???? I’m sensing a dark back story here and her maladapting to her mother’s death.
The last three are the hardest to theorize because we haven’t seen much of them in the Demos but I’ll slightly theorize here:
Donna: the recluse of the campus is pictured with a syringe. Could be a nod to her RE origin being with her pollen/hallucinations but could also have to do with why she’s so shy and introverted. Maybe in the similar vein to Angie’s, what with her sister and what not.
Alcina: Wine is an obvious choose to use for her. Bitch loves her red. Idk what else to pull from this. Again hard to speculate with no demo introducing her. It’s giving wine mom energy and not in the fun way.
Miranda: this bitch has some fucking powers or something—giving hag in the swamp vibes and doing shit to people. Bela with her heartlessness (and maybe Cass’s nightmares?). Also Mia being a witchy gal and giving Miranda a gift that’s warm? Hella sus. The Corvus skull is obvious to her RE origins but also a nod to witchcraft and supernatural things. Also a symbol of death. Bitch be brewing shit idk.
Anyways those are my thoughts. Idk how accurate this is and, based on how old the pic is, could be completely wrong. I’ve spent too many hours thinking on the Demo for it to be healthy so this was a long time coming.
Feel free to cuss me out for how wrong I am. I just needed to get my thoughts out there.
Make sure you take care of yourselves! Love you guys! Stay safe and healthy!
thank you for noticing the little details 😭 ❤️ ive been waiting for someone to notice HAHAHAHA
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blupengu · 7 months
Okay I gotta yell my virche reactions into the void here, but I won’t clog up the actual tag… this is just for me 😂
I just finished the common route last night and have a couple thoughts, just in case of spoilers I’ll put it under a read more
First off. THE BOURREAU POSE?? HELLO HI LUCAS??? It’s like they didn’t even try to hide it bruh!!! I think he also shares that pose where he’s grabbing his neck with Scien, just mirrored, and I have no idea if it means anything or they’re reusing assets or I’m going crazy?? And also I saw one trigger warning for his route was gaslighting and LMAOOOOO it’s already starting oh my god. “Haha no I’m delicate thank you for taking in the groceries,” “wow Mathis good job throwing that knife that was so impressive!” This bitch is so sus 👀 I LOVE HIM, the saint germain-vibes are insane thanks to him having the same VA it’s driving me crazy
MATHIS DRIVING??? FAST AND FURIOUS??? King shit, that whole scene killed me
I am already a bit of an Ankou simp too, why did they draw him bending over like that in his promo art though
And Adolphe and Scien please button up your shirts sweeties, you’re gonna catch a cold
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newsintheshell · 1 year
Con il nuovo megapost vi porto tanti nuovi video, locandine e anche qualche data. Spoiler: l'anime di Shy è programmato per quest'anno!
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Fra scosse di terremoto che mi hanno fatto perdere anni di vita e altre questioni sempre non propriamente piacevoli, che non vi sto ad elencare, vi dirò la verità, me la sono presa con più calma del solito nel raggruppare le novità di questo fine settimana.
L'ANIME RECAP era già pronto nel tardo pomeriggio, ma non avevo neanche l'ombra di un'idea di che immagine usare in apertura! Esatto, sono messo così male. 😅
Non c'è tanta roba di cui parlare a differenza dell'ultima volta, ma qualche highlight non manca, tipo il nuovo trailer del live action de I Cavalieri dello Zodiaco (che vi ho messo prontamente in pole position u_u), l'arrivo dell'anime di Shy nell'arco di quest'anno e il primo promo di Reign of the Seven Spellblades, di cui non si sapeva nulla da un bel po'. Buona lettura/visione e buon weekend!
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Novo trailer e continuo a non sapere cosa pensare del film. Di sicuro cercherò di andarlo a vedere al cinema, giusto per farmi qualche risata con del popcorn in mano! Chissà, magari poi non è brutto come potrebbe sembrare e Sean Bean potrebbe sorprenderci ancora di più, non morendo una volta tanto.
Questa prima pellicola (se va bene si parla, potenzialmente, della realizzazione di sei film in tutto), diretta da Tomasz Baginski  e sceneggiata da Kiel Murray (Raya e l'ultimo drago), Josh Campbell (10 Cloverfield Lane) e Matt Stuecken (Notorious Nick), uscirà in Giappone il 28 aprile, mentre qua in Italia il 26 giugno.
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Nuovo promo per l’anime tratto dall’action fantasy harem di Kazuha Kishimoto, che mostra qualche incertezza lato grafico di troppo rispetto al precedente, con disegni e animazioni non propriamente entusiasmanti, devo dire.
Vi ricordo che la serie è il primo progetto in solitaria di STUDIO ELLE e coinvolge principalmente uno staff di debuttanti. Il primo episodio andrà in onda il 9 aprile.
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Anche qua non navighiamo di certo nella sakuga, ma come vi ho già anticipato, con me questa serie ha un occhio di riguardo anche solo per il fatto di essere un vero e proprio thriller puro.
Fra l'altro comincerà ad andare in onda dal 2 aprile e arriverà in simulcast su Crunchyroll
L'anime si basa sul manga ideato da Naoki Yamakawa (I’m Standing on a Million Lives) e illustrato da Masashi Asaki, pubblicato qua in Italia da Panini Comics.
La regia della serie, in produzione presso TEZUKA PRODUCTIONS (Adachi and Shimamura, The Dawn of the Witch), è affidata a Takashi Kamei, che in passato ha supervisionato il capitolo “Il Sorgere della Terra” della trilogia Transformers: War for Cybertron su Netflix.
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Annunciata ormai un paio di anni fa, la serie tratta dal nuovo action fantasy scolastico firmato da Bokuto Uno (Alderamin on the Sky) si mostra in un primo trailer, rimandandoci alla premiere che si terrà a luglio.
Sarà il castello, le tuniche o le spade usate come bacchette, ma il video mi ha portato alla mente Harry Potter e spero veramente che l'ambientazione scolastica venga sfruttata in modo simile.
La regia è affidata a Masato Matsune (Chronos Ruler) e la produzione è in corso presso J.C. STAFF. 
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Lo ripeto sin dall'annuncio, ma questa serie trasuda wholesomeness da ogni frame e questo nuovo trailer non fa che rafforzare la mia idea. Sono contento che avremo modo di seguirla in simulcast su su Crunchyroll dal 9 aprile.
Tratto dal manga di Taku Kawamura, l'anime è diretto da Shigenori Kageyama (Dynamic Chord, Himawari!) presso STUDIO SIGNPOST.
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Waifu con esoscheletri, che combattono come se stesso pilotando dei mecha? I'm in.
Con il nuovo promo è stata anche svelata la locandian della serie e la data di debutto: 3 aprile.
L’adattamento televisivo ispirato al videogioco di COLOPL è diretto da Hirokazu Hanai (Don’t Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro, Dances with the Dragons) e prodotto dallo studio NOMAD.
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L'attesa è quasi finita! L'anime tornerà in onda a partire dal 9 aprile. Per chi non avesse seguito la serie, i primi 12 episodi sono già disponibili su Crunchyroll, sottotitolati.  
L’anime è in lavorazione presso lo studio SUNRISE (ora conosciuto come Bandai Namco Filmworks) ed è diretto da Hiroshi Kobayashi (Kiznaiver, Spriggan), assieme a Ryo Ando (Interviews with Monster Girls, Double Decker! Doug & Kirill).
🔶🔸 SHY
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L'anime basato sul particolare action hero manga firmato da Bukimi Miki (pubblicato da Panini Comics in Italia), arriverà nel 2023 a quanto pare. Non è stato svelato in quale stagione, ma presumo quella autunnale ormai.
L’adattamento è in lavorazione presso lo studio 8-BIT e a dirigerlo c'è Masaomi Ando (Astra Lost in Space, Toilet-bound Hanako-kun).
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La nuova serie animata, ispirata allo storico manga di Shigeru Mizuki, sbarcherà su Netflix in autunno.
L'anime è diretto da Fumitoshi Oizaki (A Centaur's Life, Romeo × Juliet), dietro alla supervisione di Junichi Sato (Aria, Sailor Moon), che al tempo lavorò pure all'originale prima serie del 1989.
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Fissato anche il periodo di debutto per la serie che, a partire da ottobre, porterà in tv l'action adventure di Katarina e Ryosuke Fuji (L’Attacco dei Giganti - Lost Girls), edito qua in Italia da Panini Comics.
L’adattamento arriverà in streaming su Crunchyroll ed è in lavorazione presso lo studio C2C. La regia è in mano a Toshiyuki Kubooka (Harukana Receive, Wandering Witch - The Journey of Elaina), assistito per l'occasione da Hiroki Ikeshita.
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
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wikiangela · 1 year
watching 911 lone star 4x10
spoilers under the cut
I liked the last two episodes but tbh I'm kinda not feeling the show anyway lately, like I'm not excited about the new episodes or anything idk - this show is slowly losing me sns 😂 (like, I've been putting off this episode and I kinda don't wanna watch it rn but I'm gonna bc I'll stick out at least this season 😂)
okay, time to watch it hah:
Tommy looks gorgeous as always 😍
oh my god that eye thing was so gross, I could not even look at the screen 🤢
is Pearce the dude that worked with them for a minute a while ago? i would never remember this dude if they didn't remind us in that HR episode (and I had to google him then to know who they're talking about 😂) why is he back wtf
this is so annoying 😂
oh my god Grace looks stunning 😍😍😍😍
"serial killer, it was my dad that had the stalker" lmao their lives are crazy 😂 and the way TK said it so calmly and casually 😂
I can't take my eyes off of Grace jfc she looks AMAZING 😍😍🔥
I feel like I've seen the actress who plays Kendra somewhere but can't put my finger on it
so... a new love interest for Owen or just a one time thing? tbh I couldn't care less but I miss Amy Acker 😂
aw, Nancy telling Mateo the plot of a book, and he's so excited 😍 look at them, so adorable 😍
ngl I'm kinda bored rn 😂
okay, the whole Owen thing with Kendra paying him is pretty funny, even if I'm annoyed that we're back to focusing on Owen after literally just one episode where he took the backseat
"I may be easy but no one, and I mean no one, has to pay for it" 😂 that got an actual out loud laugh out of me ngl 😂😂😂
oh shit I knew this was gonna happen as soon as I saw the tubes - and it seems like this episode is more focused on medical emergencies and I like that tbh
Grace really is the mvp of this whole show 😂 we need more of her
(also, can we get more of the dispatchers, like, I don't even know anyone's name but Grace, we rarely see her interact with others, and I can't help compare with the og where they have a few recurring characters who are dispatchers🙄)
they're literally racing in ambulances 😂 this is so funny lol
I'm loving another episode where Tommy is a petty queen lmao, I love seeing this side of her 😂
ugh I just do not give a fuck about Kendra and the whole Owen thing 😩 (playback speed 2x, can't get through it otherwise)
the fact that she keeps paying him is funny, but other than that it's just such a fucking boring plotline 😂
oh shit, I did not expect the Paragon ambulance to explode 😂 that took me by surprise 😂
I do not care about Kendra or her sad backstory or whatever
ha, Paragon's getting sued lmao, good 😂
"karma is a beautiful thing" yes it is, Tommy 😂
and that's the episode
idk, this season kinda flactuates for me, it was whatever, got better, then another few meh episode, two great ones, and now it's whatever again 💁🏻‍♀️
BUT I'm watching the promo and next episode will focus on Mateo more??? hell yeah!! I'm so happy they're starting to give screen time to others - maybe this season can be great yet 😂
it was an okay episode, but not one of my faves 😂 I enjoyed Tommy and Nancy and TK and that side of things, and the few moments we got of Nancy and Mateo were adorable, but other than that it was kinda whatever 😂
looking forward to the next one tho haha
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vroomvroommuppett · 1 year
911 6x11 spoilers ahead
and we start with maddie’s house
ew the buckleys
maddie buckley does not need help when she has the 118, margaret
”DO MORE!” -edmundo diaz 2023
coma buck time
the buckleys?? worried??
yes its a dream but still
the buckleys in a hospital for buck?? did they hit their heads??
chim telling maddie that it was suppose to be him
so doug’s not bad??
he remembers all doug did to her in the real world
nope he’s still bad
he went to chimneys
its been two days??
something’s happening
he can’t breathe
not bobby feeling responsible
such a long way they’ve come since lawsuit era
he’s not breathing
hes ok now
aw alberts there
ooh chim and albert talking about their parents
he remembers THE PLANE CRASH
bobby never told anyone?
ooh he’s talking about eddie
”angry guy” -chimney han 2023
fuck you diaz parents in buck’s coma
chris wanting to talk to buck😭
eddie breaking down when chris is talking to buck
”wherever you are right now, you have to come back”-christopher diaz 2023
sorry i had too
i swear if he dies im suing
aw may looking out for bobby
her style is always amazing
may calling bobby buck’s dad
”mom brought two kids into the marriage and you brought one” -may grant 2023
and he doesn’t deny it
ooh something’s happening
whos he chasing??
bobby’s unhinged in the dream
momma athena
he made bobby who he is bc he joined the 118
chimney meeting maddie in the coma dream
not his parents convincing him to stay in the dream
i swear if daniel prevents him from leaving imma sue
too far daniel too far
yeah i hate daniel
buck talking to himself in the dream as it’s making more sense
doctor buck??
the thots i have
he’s ok
buck telling bobby the dream reality
ooh chim’s step mom wants to help
chim’s dad was ashamed so he left him
chim wanting his dad and step mom to stay a few more days
not his parents asking about him not having a couch
so his mom wants to buy him one
his parents want to be in his life
they’ve changed? or is it just an act?
no bobby
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barb-l · 2 years
No no no you aren't a partypooper by any means. It's in one's best interest to keep themselves grounded which is definitely what I should be doing but alas.. I allow myself to be carried away for now haha. Genuinely don't feel romantic interest vibes abt either Tyler or Xavier though even when looking at the possibilites more objectively. Tyler might end up as a good friend to both Enid and Wesnesday which is great. Everyone loves a good trio. Hopefully he isn't a bad guy and will survive whatever it is attacking them. Iirc correctly we can presume Enid already does know him cause we saw him skyping with her on her laptop. Then he is probably introduced to Wednesday when she starts investigating. As for Xavior.. he is indeed very sus to me too. Something's not entirely okay with him imho
Oh no that doesn't mean YOU have to tone it down tho! Have however much fun as you'd like. Definitely allow yourself to get carried away for now if you want. The show is still weeks away anyway .
And yes! I love a good trio! I just wanna see what Wednesday's dynamic is gonna be with the rest of the students too. We already know Bianca's gonna be a rival, so I'm most curious about what part Yoko is gonna play.
And yeh Xavier was super sus. He had a lot of lines in the Nevermore promo for some reason, even though he barely has screentime in the trailers(maybe because they're spoilers---)
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smilingperformer · 2 years
I don't know if this is a spoiler... I think not? But the "toys" I guess that have Feb 2023 release have the Paldea starters in them as well as Gou and Aceburn, so my theory is Gou stays in anime but not in JN format. Idk how they'll pull it off but that's all I got from it lmao.
At any rate I feel like they tried to make up for lack of Galar exposure in JN with Twilight Wings? No one seems to mention that lol.
I saw the toyset! Cinderace and Scizor seem to be the main sus elements in it, so many people kept noting Eevee as Koharu's as well but... it's a boy. Koharu's Eevee is a girl.
It could be just Galar and Hisui late promo merch, dunno.
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marmota-ekun · 2 years
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Porque ustedes lo pidieron, más procesos. Espero y sea de su agrado. Un spoiler de la promo de mañana de #estanteríageek #DragonBall #DragonBallSuper #dragonballsuperheroes #dragonballsuperhero #Gohan #ドラゴンボール超スーパー スーパーヒーロー #ドラゴンボール超 #ドラゴンボール https://www.instagram.com/p/CfqG3S1OMyx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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diskusaurus · 4 years
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Two possibilities that came to mind:
1. Steven's tears work now, as seen in Fragments. Maybe he's accidentally bringing things to life with his tears, and they try to defend him because they know he's upset.
2. Some corrupted gems in the past acted out in certain situations (like the desert glass that created endless pillars). His powers could be acting out too and creating life to protect him.
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defxctive-rebxls · 6 years
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This is the inside of my brain.😱😱😱😱
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This is my face. 😨
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And here you have what my heart feels like. 🤯
Guys. I’m shook like I can’t even think right. I have a shit ton of theories, you guys wanna hear them?
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swordonyx · 4 years
Here’s a new (and potentially last) promo for Steven Universe Future!
Episodes will return airing on March 6th with the last ten episodes and finish on March 27th, signifying the end of the Steven Universe series ;_;
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taikova · 4 years
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so what the heck is going on
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depressedchun · 4 years
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I am scared...
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weedle-testaburger · 4 years
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the last few eps look insanely angsty but i’m gonna look on the bright side
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falling-red-petals · 4 years
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So... is no one going to talk about the fact that Steven seems to be in a mental institution and/or a hospital in a few of the shots of the new promo or...
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