gael-garcia · 22 days
save me, tipsy gael garcía bernal shaking those hips with his hands on his waist
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bathroomcube · 5 months
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this is the most obvious sexyman bait ive ever seen.
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Greetings, YYH Fandom!
We’re launching an event to celebrate our favorite characters. One week of every month will be a time to create all kinds of fan content dedicated to them.
Fanarts, Fanfics, Moodboards, Playlists, Cosplays, TikToks, Essays—any form of creative contribution will be welcomed and appreciated!
The first 4 events will, of course, be dedicated to Team Urameshi! Feel free to send us suggestions of who you want to see next.
First up is Yusuke Urameshi! His week begins a month from now on Saturday, July 1st. For the event, we’re using the tag: #sdf yusuke week. Please @ us in your posts so we can reblog them here and be sure to follow this blog so you don’t miss out on updates and posts.
If you are interested in collaborating with other creators and talking to other fans, join us over in Nerd Violence (18+) [link]
That’s all for now! We’ll be back with a reminder a week before Yusuke Week. We hope to see you there!
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feveryrice · 3 months
found a style for this. whatever my project is
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kind of shaped and shadowless. i like it that way
All AUs I based off mine belong to their respective creators.
Undertale belongs to Toby Fox.
Underswap is by popcornpr1nce. (given over to @underswapped3 )
Swapdust is by Keanechiiii and Kurbo0.
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Project2025 #CorpMedia #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #FeelTheBern
JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava
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dougielombax · 5 months
Just leaving this here.
Feel free to reblog.
Fuck Erdogan and his cronies for this shit!
Feel free to reblog.
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photos-de-france · 2 months
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Sans-abri vivant sur les berges de la Seine, Paris, 1926.
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thehighpriestess1 · 11 months
I often imagine in sdf that it's gojo who chose the name Alice for the baby and that y/n burst into tears because of hormones and memories of her sister and Satoru who is disturbed because he thought he was doing something stupid while y/n is just happy and approves. Also I wanted to know if you could tell how satoru fell in love with y/n, we knew it was in high school but can we have more details on their meeting when she fell in love with him, did she want to go out with him, was he a playboy....
It was definitely Satoru who suggested it. It was hours after Alice was born and the two of them were just watching her sleep and Gojo suggested the name. Y/n was extremely overwhelmed because she had also thought the same but was a bit hesitant to being it up and when Satoru did her heart melted. Gojo was scared of her silence but when she kissed him he knew it was all okay.
They met in high school and they met through Shoko! Gojo was popular but he wasn’t a playboy. Y/n initially thought that he was a playboy but when they became friends she realised that she was wrong. Even though Gojo had the attention of the entire school he still hated it when y/n didn’t give him attention. She didn’t swoon over him. He liked that but also hated it. Geto told him that he had feelings for her but Gojo denied it. Whenever he saw another guy talking to her he would interrupt their conversation. If another guy tries to borrow her notes then he would pout like a baby and insist that she gives them to him instead. He had a private tutor and didn’t need it at all but he just liked looking at her handwriting and her added comments in the margin. If he be found out that another boy had a crush on her Gojo would turn into a mean boy and would make fun of the other kid in front of y/n. He would challenge him and then absolutely crush him. But he denied he had any feelings for y/n.
Gojo realised he was in love with the reader over the summer break when he couldn’t see her. He did miss her and did everything to distract himself but one week into a one month long break he realised that he was in love with the reader. Everything he saw and everything he did reminded him of him. So he took the first flight back to tokyo and went to see her. But when he saw her he got scared to confess because he thought she wouldn’t feel the same so he continued being friends with her. As for the reader there is no one definitive moment when she fell for him. It was gradual and when Gojo showed up at her house in the middle of the summer break she realised that she had been missing him and the more time they spent during that summer the more they fell for each other but neither of them confessed. At the end of the summer break Gojo asked her to go to the lantern festival with him and she agreed. He took her on a boat to the middle of the lake and decided that if he didn’t tell her how he felt he would go insane so he confessed while the reader was talking about their school work. For a moment he thought he made a huge mistake and his friendship was ruined but when she smiled and said she felt the same Gojo felt like he was on top of the world.
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steph-photographie · 5 months
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Photo originale par Steph-Photo
Triste scène dans ce magnifique atrium romain à Dijon (21)
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heretic-child · 8 months
“We were like the living dead,” said the women of Raqqa while talking about the period when Raqqa was controlled by ISIS, adding, “The liberation of Raqqa was like a rebirth for us.”
This week marks the sixth anniversary of the liberation of Raqqa from ISIS. Long live the martyrs!
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vhscorp · 1 year
Dans les recoins les plus isolés et reculés de nos grandes cités vivent de pauvres âmes qui n’ont plus de vie ni de visage, ils sont là, invisibles, pâles fantômes oubliés de tous, condamnés à l’errance, privés d’existence et de droit de cité…
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nando161mando · 2 months
Armenian fighters of the SDF's Shahid Nubar Ozanian Battalion held a military ceremony in Rojava to commemorate victims of the Armenian Genocide
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Botan won the poll so now officially: her week begins on 28th of November. Can't wait to see what y'all come up with!
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feveryrice · 3 months
icons of all my projects(they're uncoloured and pixel and bad quality.)
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Undertale: HOLLOW!AU
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Storyshift Fever
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Underswap Fever
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All AUs I based off mine belong to their respective creators.
Undertale is by Toby Fox.
Underswap is by popcornpr1nce and @underswapped3 aka JustTheTMG.
Storyshift is by @ut-storyshift aka Voltra.
Underswitch is by me.
Underdwell is by me.
HOLLOW!AU is by me.
Storyshift Fever is by me.
Underswap Fever is by me.
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Project2025 #CorpMedia #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #FeelTheBern
JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava
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dougielombax · 21 days
They’re popping up all over the place now.
Once again the SDF seems to be the only one even trying to deal with them.
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