#Should her name be Titania?
fluffychubbydragon · 11 months
I think Auberon just saw a mockingbird land on our roof... Got this gem of a photo:
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Also got a blurry version since my camera decided to focus on my yard than my boi:
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If you wanna draw Auberon here, go right ahead. I don't bite, promise. Just make sure you tag me so I can see him, like it, and reblog it. Because who wouldn't? 😁🤌
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maddzgt · 1 day
Uranus' Major Moons Designs
I finally did it! I think this marks me designing all the spherical Moons of the Planets in our solar system unless I missed some.
Anyways, I tried basing my designs off of dark academia and English aesthetics since these Moons are named after faeries in Shakespeare's works. I gave everyone a "leading color" also based off of their names:
Titania is the queen of faeries or queen of light, and her name means "giant, great one". As the leading figure in her group of Moons, she acts as their big sister or mother, taking care of everyone and ensuring their safety.
Oberon is, unironically, Titania's husband and is depicted as the king of faeries in Shakespeare's play. He is said to rule over the moonlight, dreams and all fairy rites. Thus I gave him the somewhat opposite color of orange/gold - turquoise/silver.
Umbriel means "shadow" in Greek. The Moon's surface is also really dark, thus the name and color.
Ariel means "lion of God" in Hebrew. She is an adventurous and joyful character, so I gave her the color yellow!
And lastly, Miranda. Her name stands for "to be wondered at" in Latin (or "worthy of admiration"). She is a loving and light-hearted character - I kind of imagine her becoming a fashion designer, hehe. The color red should suit her.
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elluia · 4 months
Choose Your Legends 8 ended with lots of surprises, and it's time to celebrate!
I've seen concerning amounts of salt and bashing on the games involved or not, so this will be a positive post! I'm tired of the fandom's dumb takes and toxicity so let's praise everyone for the amazing scores and stories that unfolded during this vote!
First let's start with the link to all the official CYL art since Year 1 of FEH, enjoy the trip down memory lane!
(I nabbed that chibi Soren right away, bless Kita Senri)
CYL 8 Male winners:
🥇1: Alfonse | A beautifully deserved win for our well-written OC lord who keeps the story of Heroes entertaining with his crazy one-liners and unhinged plans, with more tender moments with his family and friends to soften him. I hope we get to see him grown-up like Legendary Veronica.
🥈2: Felix | I love seeing non-lord characters emerge from the voting. His voters have shown their supports 4 years in a row and it paid off! Especially nice win because Felix has been shafted by IS with a silly seasonal and an ok god-sword pre-TS unit.
CYL 8 Female winners:
🥇1: Bernadetta | Just like Felix, her voters lost to circumstances (aka the surprise Gullveig sweep), so I'm glad for them! Plus her post-TS personality should force the writers to tone down the moe nervous trait that flanderizes her character.
🥈2: Female Robin | She's finally free to be in the common summoning pool as herself, not Grima! She has too few alts to her name, and she marks the first time both genders of an avatar have won CYL, so good job!
About the Engage non-sweep, don't get disheartened! The votes for Engage were equal to Three Houses, but they were split between A LOT of fan favourites for both genders, while the FE3H fans rallied one last time for 1 male and 1 female representation, without competition from their lords. It's a respectable result, and the bashing on Engage is disingenuous and undeserved.
I've seen the top 5 from each game and I'm happy to see Finn up there for Thracia and Mae for Echoes. I hope to see Linoan soon, and other alts for Berkut and Rinea. People rallied for Athos to get in the game already, for Lloyd to have new art, for Seth and Titania to get the stats they deserve...
Fan favourites like Lyon or the Black Knight still score high. Azura received love. Even Elincia who's already been very lucky in 2023 got in the top for PoR and RD! I love to see people rally for a Sentinel Nephenee too.
We continue to see Leo and Takumi side by side, chilling in the male top 20 like BFFs. It's adorable.
This CYL8 follows in the steps of CYL7 with no main lords, only favourites and avatars.
Next year I hope to see Jugdral and Elyos win, but for now I'm happy with the 4 we have 🥰
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Woah no way?? People (completely unprompted /s) want to hear my trans Shakespeare headcanons?? You bet I can do that.
I’ve done this once before:
But I have even more thoughts now!!
In no particular order:
Puck (A Midsummer Night’s Dream): Every single pronoun possible. He/she/they/it + all of the neopronouns and xenopronouns that exist currently or will ever exist. Fairy gender is always weird but Puck’s is extra weird.
Oberon (A Midsummer Night’s Dream): Fairy gender. Probably he/they/it?
Titania (A Midsummer Night’s Dream): More fairy gender. She/they/it?
Titania’s fairy attendants (Midsummer): Get a hat and fill it with various pronouns and draw them out at random for the fairies.
Benedick (Much Ado About Nothing): Could go either way, but I really like the idea of transfemme Benedick. Or he/him lesbian Benedick.
Beatrice (Much Ado About Nothing): The she/they to end all she/theys
Viola/Cesario (Twelfth Night): Could be trans in literally any direction. I made a post about this too at some point. My suggestion is all of the directions: they/she/he
Sebastian (Twelfth Night): He/him, transmasc. I also made a post about this at some point.
Feste (Twelfth Night): I saw a great she/her Feste last summer.
Orsino (Twelfth Night): Specifically the himbo variety of he/they
Margaret of Anjou (Henry VI trilogy and Richard III): If I ever play Margaret, I will use she/they pronouns.
Catesby (Richard III): Just played Catesby with she/her pronouns and it worked!
Richard II (Richard II): Tell me Richard isn’t the most they/he or he/they guy alive (or… dead).
Hal (1 Henry IV-Henry V): Saw Hal played with she/they pronouns last summer and it was great. Could also see he/they Hal. Very nonbinary vibe overall. I personally believe that going by Hal rather than Henry for two whole plays is their way of pulling the “going by the first letter of what my name used to be instead of picking a name from scratch” nonbinary trick. He probably pretends to be cis after his dad dies and he becomes king—one more element of Hal’s lifelong identity crisis.
Hotspur/Harry Percy Jr. (Richard II & 1 Henry IV): He/they in denial.
Kate Percy (1 & 2 Henry IV): She/they, not in denial. (Also Katespur should be bi4bi)
Ned Poins (1 & 2 Henry IV): Transmasc Ned Poins?? Maybe he doesn’t actually have a sister and Nell is just his deadname. Ned Poins’ failed scheme to flirt with Hal.
Romeo (Romeo & Juliet): he/they (t4t R&J!!!)
Juliet (Romeo & Juliet): she/they (t4t R&J!!!)
Mercutio (Romeo & Juliet): they/he(/it?). Vibes alone. Look at them. Just look.
Nurse (Romeo & Juliet): she/her, transfemme!
Cassius (Julius Caesar): Would love to see a they/them Cassius
Hamlet (Hamlet): he/they. I’ve made multiple posts about this theory and I still love it.
Ophelia (Hamlet): she/they. As she should.
Laertes (Hamlet): she/him and NOT just because Laertes used she/her pronouns the first time I saw this play.
Rosencrantz (Hamlet): he/they/she. Vibes. Sometimes goes by Ros/Rose. Probably genderfluid.
Malcolm (Macbeth): they/he or they/them. Also vibes.
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth): stolen straight from my last post because this is still my HC: she/they; would insult you for “having pronouns in your bio” and then turn around and punch you in the face for using their pronouns incorrectly.
Angus (Macbeth): she/her, transfemme. (t4t Ross/Angus. I will die on this hill… Dunsinane Hill.)
Ross (Macbeth): he/him, transmasc
Caithness (Macbeth): she/they lesbian
Mark Antony (Julius Caesar and Antony & Cleopatra): I would not bat an eye at he/they Mark Antony
Edmund (King Lear): they/he, nonbinary, sexiest man (/gn) alive.
Edgar (King Lear): he/him. Transmasc Edgar is slowly becoming canon To Me.
Cordelia (King Lear): she/her, transfemme.
Goneril (King Lear): she/they. I would let them kill me.
Coriolanus (Coriolanus): transmasc OR transfemme Coriolanus is!!!! The butterfly/metamorphosis motif! Name changes during canon! Discomfort with scars/body! Lack of autonomy granted by society! This is THE transgender play. (Other than Twelfth Night)
Imogen (Cymbeline): Tell me she doesn’t want to be a she/they so bad.
Florizel (The Winter’s Tale): he/they(/she?). Literally just a vibe. I have a pet rock named Florizel.
Perdita (The Winter’s Tale): she/they. I also have a pet rock named Perdita.
Ariel (The Tempest): Similar to Puck, probably they/she/he? Even my conservative English prof consistently rotates between she/her and he/him for Ariel (possibly not intentionally? I’m not convinced he knows what her canon pronouns are.)
Ferdinand (The Tempest): she/they. PLEASE give me transfemme Ferdinand. PLEASE let Miranda realize she’s a lesbian during canon.
Miranda (The Tempest): she/they. Ariel taught them about the existence of she/they pronouns and she immediately started using them.
So in other words… every Shakespeare character should be trans, actually.
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dyns33 · 1 year
True love kiss
Dream of the endless x female reader 
Careful, spoilers if you didn’t read the comics. 
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The Kindly Ones didn't really live up to their name. There was really nothing nice about them, although their function did not require them to show kindness, but to bring justice and punishment after a serious crime had been committed.
Normally, Morpheus and his entire kingdom should have been wiped out after the murder of his son. Infanticide could not be tolerated.
But the Kindly Ones listened to Caliope's complaint. They listened to the story of the young Delight, now Delirium, who had lost her mind long ago, while remaining the wisest of them all.
Although the crime was proven, Orpheus had requested that his father release him from his condition, so that his aunt could be able to take him to his wife. They couldn't not punish him, but they could accept mitigating circumstances.
A choice was therefore made.
"We won't destroy your kingdom, Master of Dreams. Not right away anyway. But you've spent your entire existence hurting others, behaving selfishly, refusing to see what you are. We are wondering if you really deserve to stay, or if a replacement wouldn't be better. So here is our verdict. Like those who enter your realm, you will fall asleep, and only someone who loves you, and who has always loved you, feeling no bitterness towards you, can ward off this fate. The longer it takes, the more your power will decline, and your sister will have to come and put an end to all this, before the dreams become only a vague memory. We have spoken."
Dream didn't have time to answer that it would probably be faster to destroy him now, because he couldn't see who could have loved him without ever resenting him. He fell asleep, and the Kindly Ones let the dreams take care of their unconscious creator.
It had not been specified what form of love it was, so the other Endless came to see their brother, and each of them spoke to him, took his hand, and kissed him on the cheek, but without result.
They had all had, during their long existence, a quarrel with Morpheus, and although they all loved him, their relationship was not perfect.
It was exactly the same with his former lovers. Most of them didn't even agree to come, or only to have the pleasure of seeing him fragile and vulnerable.
The others secretly hoped to wake him up, thereby regaining his love, their place by his side, and a chance to rule the dream realm.
"Good thing that freaky woman didn't make it. She kissed the boss for almost five minutes, yuck ! I felt like pulling her hair to pull her away."
"The noble fairy queen Titania is not a freaky woman, Matthew."
"I thought she was married ?"
"She is, Mervyn. Fairies don't care about that sort of thing. There's some repairs to be done in the north wing, please. Matthew and I will find something else."
"Quick, Luce. I can try to fix it, but if the boss doesn't wake up soon, it won't help."
All dreams and nightmares had also tried, at Lucienne's request and because they didn't want to die with their creator, but none of them seemed to love him enough to lift the curse.
After several days, there were only two options left.
"Option one, we must seek out a mortal. We have asked all other beings that exist and know of Lord Morpheus."
"And the second option ?" Matthew asked, tilting his head.
"... We accept that we are going to disappear."
"I'm going to the Waking world. Although I'm not sure who to look for."
Dream had never been very close to the dreamers, let alone mortal dreamers. He didn't really hold them in his heart, considering that humans were terribly selfish and cruel. It hadn't really improved since his confinement.
Yet he had some friends on Earth. In any case people with whom he discussed, like Constantine, Mad Hetty, Rose or Hob.
They were all shocked to learn what was happening to the master of stories, and they agreed to try to help, but again, it didn't yield any results.
All hope seemed lost.
"So it's over ? There's nothing to be done ? Everyone tried and nothing worked ?"
"No, Robert Gadling, nothing worked."
"Damn. Not even with Y/N ? Damn."
"... Who is Y/N ?"
The librarian had vaguely heard of Y/N. A friend of Hob, a strange young girl, with whom Lord Morpheus often argued. When he spoke of her, it was to repeat how annoying she could be.
"They adore each other." Hob said with a big smile. "They're dumb and shy. Once they're in the same room, they can't stop yelling at each other to hide their feelings. I thought it was funny at first. Now it's kind of boring."
"Even if you were right about the feelings they might have for each other, I don't think that's what we're looking for. The person has to love them, have always loved them, with no resentment."
"I don't think they've ever really argued over anything. Anything real I mean. Y/N asks me about him all the time, pretending not to care about the answer, but she freaks out if I say he's not well. She criticizes him, but always finds good excuses for him despite everything. She is convinced that he will never be able to fall in love with someone like her, but she remains hopeful. In any case, she dreams of being with him. We could try."
It wouldn't cost anything to try, so Matthew went to visit Y/N to explain the situation.
At first, as Hob had said, she was very attentive and obviously ready to follow him to help Dream. Then the raven explained to her what she should do, and she seemed more hesitant.
"... I don't understand what you want from me."
"Well, we don't really know. Being there, for sure, telling him you love him, or showing him. A kiss, maybe. That works well in storytelling."
"... I have to tell Morpheus I love him and kiss him ? Why would I do that ?"
"To help him ? If it works, that'll be great."
"No, it won't be 'great'." replied the young woman, grimacing. "He'll laugh at me. Or he'll pity me, not knowing how to tell me he doesn't feel the same way. We won't be able to stay friends. I'll be ashamed !"
"I don't think the boss will laugh."
"Sorry, I don't think so either. He'll be nice, he'll try not to hurt me."
"Or will he tell you that he loves you too ?"
"You are funny, little raven." Y/N sighed, stroking his head. "What if it doesn't work?"
"So we are lost."
It didn't make her happy, but Y/N ended up entering the Dreaming with Matthew, accompanying him to Morpheus's bedside, who still hadn't moved.
There was a lot of hesitation. A long discussion with Lucienne, Merv and Matthew. Insults towards Hob, for having talked too much. The fear of being humiliated. The certainty that it wouldn't work, because even though Y/N vaguely admitted to being in love, that didn't mean that she had never been mad at Morpheus. There was also the possibility that it wouldn't work because he didn't love her back.
But Y/N really loved the master of dreams, so she approached him, ready to try anything to make him wake up.
The kiss was quick. Almost shy. She backed away to a corner of the room, not knowing if she wanted to see the outcome, or what outcome she would have wanted to see.
Then there was a movement.
"Glad you're back with us, boss."
"Thank you Matthew. What happened ?"
"Well..." Lucienne began.
"Nothing. Nothing happened, we are all happy with this happy ending, and I would like to go home, now."
Dream watched Y/N for a long time, probably wondering what she was doing here, but he nodded before waving his hand to send her back to her house as she had requested.
Like his subjects, part of him wanted to respect her request for silence.
 Something had happened and she didn't want to talk about it. But Morpheus was curious by nature. He didn't like not knowing, especially if it concerned him and his kingdom.
Several times he tried to understand, by asking specific questions, but the librarian was far too intelligent to be fooled, Mervyn pretended not to understand, the two brothers went to hide in their house.
Only Matthew seemed ready to give in, torn between his loyalty to his creator, and his gratitude to Y/N.
It was a human who offered him the answer. A human who always offered the answers.
"I'm really very happy to see you again, my friend. You're early."
"I'm also glad to be back, Hob Gadling. I deserved my punishment, but the world needs me. I'm a necessity."
"So how did things turn out in the end ? Y/N wouldn't tell me."
"It is complicated."
"Everything is always complicated with you, my friend. I don't understand why. She loves you. The kiss proves it, showing that she never held a grudge. And maybe it shows that you love her too. Yes, she's mortal, but she could become like me. It's really not that complex."
"She's right, you're too talkative." sighed the  raven. "I should have agreed to go and poke your head when she asked me... Boss ? Where's the boss ?!"
"Sleeping Beauty is probably on his way to find his princess."
"Alright, that's it, I'm going to prick your head, you asked for it."
Meanwhile, Y/N was trying not to jump as Morpheus appeared in her bathroom. Fortunately, she was already in her pajamas, but she hesitated to throw her comb in his face.
"I troubled you." whispered the master of dreams with a strange look. "Forgive me."
"I guess endless beings don't really have the concept of doors, privacy, and showers. Do you shower ? No, you have to have magical skin and hair that's always clean."
"Technically, we don't have bodies or hair."
"What can I do for you ?" she asked hesitantly, hoping he wasn't there to talk about what had happened, definitely not ready to have her heart broken.
"Hob explained to me that you saved me."
"By kissing me."
"Because you are in love with me."
"Hmm hmm."
"You are very troubled now." he said again, still with that look. He seemed scared, which wasn't normal. A child who thought he had done something stupid, and that he was going to be punished by being abandoned on the side of the road.
During their short trip to the Dreaming, Matthew had spoken a bit about his master's love life. He had heard rumors, and he had seen certain disasters. Dream was really bad when it came to relationships. All kinds of relationships, with his family, with his subjects, with those who wanted to be his friends, and with his lovers.
He was always saying or doing something that upset them, hurt them, and make them leave.
The proof was that they had all tried to wake him up, and that none of them had succeeded, because they had all at least once felt some resentment towards him.
All except Y/N.
There were times when he could be a real pain, but she never really blamed him, forgiving him right away, because he wasn't human, he didn't understand everything, and especially because she couldn't resist his big eyes and desperate pout, when he was unable to apologize, while not wanting to lose her.
That was what was happening now. Although she wasn't sure yet why he had come, Morpheus was afraid to act like the idiot he could be, and scare away the only person who had shown unfailing affection for him.
"I'm probably confused because you are here to tell me that you are grateful, but that you prefer that we remain friends. I would have understood that without you having to come see me."
"I'm not here for that."
"I still find it hard to believe that you ever hated me, even a little bit. And I can't guarantee that you'll never have reason to hate me. The Kindly Ones cast this spell on me to a good reason. But if you... If I..."
Y/N silenced him by pressing her lips against his, before pulling away just as quickly, waiting for cries of anger.
Instead, Morpheus looked shocked for a brief moment, before throwing himself on her to kiss her again and again, much better at it than speaking.
Maybe that wasn't what the Kindly Ones had planned, certain that no one could truly love Dream of the Endless, dooming him to die and be replaced.
Or they were giving him one chance, one last chance, and if he didn't stop behaving like a selfish fool, hurting and losing Y/N, then he would be alone on top of his mountain, and he would call his older sister to put an end to his stupidity.
But for the moment everything was fine, the Dreaming was here, its inhabitants were safe, and Morpheus continued to kiss Y/N, full of love, fear and gratitude.
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sailtomarina · 9 months
The Artist's Daughter
She was here again.
Draco Lucius Malfoy, First and Only Prince to the kingdom, stayed hidden in the stacks next to a row of tomes dictating the genealogies of the royal families dating back hundreds of years. He had his private tutor to thank for the tiresome task of locating the volume listing the exact ancestor Draco had failed to name correctly in his latest exam. The other day, he’d been here searching for a text that would answer which crops their kingdom specialized in for exports. Ridiculous, really. As if he wouldn’t some day have advisors to do all this research for him.
Then, just like today, he’d seen a girl wandering through the shelves. She hadn’t noticed him, of course. Draco was far too sneaky to be detected by some muggle, which she had to be given her unaware musings as she walked around with her nose buried in a book.
The first time, he’d remained hidden, even going so far as to cast a disillusionment spell on himself. As surprised as he was to see a stranger, he supposed that if they were to wander any of the handful of libraries in the castle, this was the most appropriate one. It was situated on the ground floor not too far from the entrance and ballroom. This is where most of the muggle texts were organized, along with an unfortunate number of historical texts currently pertinent to Draco’s education.
She’d struck him as pretty, albeit in a muggle sort of way. She’d worn a simple lady’s gown in a pale yellow that contrasted with the rich dark curls tumbling down her back. Freckles sprinkled generously across her pale skin, markings his cousins would have glamoured over from birth. If he guessed correctly, they weren’t too far apart in age, perhaps fourteen or fifteen. That was another indicator of her humble breeding—he didn’t recognize her, not from school or from the countless balls and feasts he’d attended growing up. She couldn’t be a noble.
Today, she wore a dress in a lovely sage green with tiny white flowers embroidered along the scoop neckline. Draco imagined her eyes to match the green, or to perhaps blink at him in a hazel hue. He needed to know.
“Who are you?” His voice came out much harsher than intended. 
He’d stepped out in front of her just as she was about to pass, causing her to come to an abrupt stop before crashing into him. Startled eyes, irises dark brown and glinting with a hint of gold, gazed up at him. He’d been wrong about the colors.
“Oh! I didn’t see you there. I’m Hermione Granger. And you are?” She stepped back to an appropriate distance from him, hugging a few books to her chest like armor.
“I’m Draco,” he said simply.
“The prince?” She didn’t sound too surprised, and eyed his unmistakable platinum hair.
“The very same. Why are you here in the library?” He’d finally tempered his tone to a more congenial one. 
“I was told I could read whatever I liked in here. My father is painting your Grand Ballroom.”
Ah. She was the daughter of the painter.
His mother made it a point to elect a new project as soon as the previous one was complete. Previous years had resulted in a reworked Imperial Garden, which boasted rose gardens with every imaginable variety, both magical and non-magical. A formidable greenhouse was added shortly after, and the caretaker they’d employed soon obtained and cultivated the rarest of specimens for use in medicine and potions. 
This year, Queen Narcissa turned her attention to the Grand Ballroom. She and his father adored hosting balls at every opportunity. What better way to display their love for art and beauty than to paint the entire ceiling and all its walls with depictions of magical beasts and figures from history. Circe. Merlin. Rasputin. Titania and Oberon.
Draco had assumed they’d hire a wizard, but he should have known that when it came to art, the king and queen saw no difference between magic or not. They simply wanted the best, and if that happened to be stationary art, then so be it.
“Find anything interesting?” He feigned interest, intent on keeping her talking. She was far more entertaining than pouring over volumes of ancestors alone.
She perked up at his question, and Draco could have sworn sections of her hair floated for just a brief moment.
Certainly not.
“I did! Did you know your castle is situated on top of the most powerful spot in the kingdom? All of the most prominent ley lines converge here underneath our feet!” She stomped one foot in emphasis. He wouldn’t be surprised if she went through several slippers a season if she always beat on them in that manner.
Did she say “ley lines”?
“Are you a witch?” he blurted out, once again wincing at the gracelessness of his question. His mother would be mortified if she could hear him.
Hermione looked at him as if he was stupid. “Yes. Why else would your family let me wander around here by myself?”
“I don’t know, maybe because this is the one library of many where muggles are allowed? They do come here occasionally, muggle nobles, to garner favor with us,” he sputtered. He still couldn’t quite believe it. She was a witch. She was an unknown witch of his age. “Why don’t I know you? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before.”
“My parents are muggles. I might have a squib ancestor somewhere, but as far as we know, I’m the only magic user in the Granger family. They sent me abroad for schooling since Hogwarts doesn’t currently accept muggle-borns.” She raised her eyebrows as if challenging him, but Draco couldn’t find it within himself to care about her background.
Hermione didn’t fawn on him like the other girls who had paraded themselves around him at school. She didn’t bat her eyelashes or titter behind a gloved hand. She didn’t wear gloves at all, her slender fingers wrapping around ancient texts as if relishing the touch of the worn covers. She probably thumbed the pages like his instructors told him never to do.
He would have thought that would annoy him, but he instead found himself intrigued in this muggle-born witch who liked reading, wore slippers instead of heels, and forewent glamours.
“Do you want to see the other libraries?”
His words were like a spell, as effective at getting her to brighten as a cheering draught.
“Oh, can I? The king and queen won’t mind?” She nearly vibrated in her excitement.
Her hair was definitely twice the size it was before.
“Not if you’re with me,” Draco said with a smirk, though that was partially a lie. If they’d wanted her in the other libraries, they would have explicitly told her. 
“Well, in that case, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” She made to dash away, but he caught her shoulder before she could do so.
“Allow me,” he said with a gesture towards the books still clutched to her chest.
“Oh, I can carry these.”
“Please, I insist.” It wouldn’t do if either of his parents not only caught him skiving off lessons with the girl, but allowing her to carry around books like some commoner. When she finally let go of her findings, he cast a featherweight charm and looked at her knowingly. She flushed an adorable shade of pink.
“They really weren’t very heavy, but thank you anyways.”
They spent the remainder of the afternoon exploring, only making it to two additional libraries. Hermione had only added to the pile of books floating behind Draco. He had to refresh the charm multiple times due to the sheer weight.
“You do realize you can’t remove these from the castle, don’t you?” He hoped this wouldn’t be the last time he’d see her, that she’d continue to visit along with her father for as long as there was work. “How long will it take your father to finish the ballroom?”
“To answer your first question, yes, I do understand that I’ll need to reserve these books to read later. I was hoping you could help with that.” He nodded his agreement, even as he inwardly danced with joy at the thought that he now had a reason to continue seeing the girl. “And to answer your second, it could take my father years.”
“Years?” Draco was aghast at the approximation.
“Years,” she repeated. “If you go take a look, you’ll see why. He’s not even working alone—he has an entire team helping with the moldings and scenery.”
Trust his mother to pick a project of such staggering proportions that it required multiple artists. On the bright side, that meant he’d have a long time to get to know Hermione, even if it was only during the holidays.
“It’s a shame you can’t attend Hogwarts.” It wasn’t until she tutted in agreement that he realized he’d said the words aloud. If she’d been like any other girl, she would have pounced on any hint of attachment on his part. She, however, did not.
“Well, if the king’s word is true, then I may soon. In exchange for my father’s work, yours agreed to update Hogwarts’ policies. I love Beauxbatons, but I can’t disagree that staying closer to home would make everything a lot easier on my family.”
“If you do,” Draco said the words slowly, hardly believing they were coming out of his mouth but needing her to know before it was too late, “then you should ask to be sorted into Slytherin.”
His heart sank at the way her nose wrinkled and lips turned downward in a grimace. “Isn’t that house renowned for pureblood ideology? I was leaning more towards Ravenclaw, myself.”
He nodded somewhat agreeably. “Books and cleverness…you could certainly do worse. They’re not a bad lot, if you ignore their tendency to disappear into their studies. Though…” he trailed off, reluctant to give away his feelings again without assistance.
“Though it might mean we don’t see each other? I wouldn’t let that happen outside of exams,” she said offhandedly. “I’ll keep in mind what you said. Snakes can be quite clever, in a sneaky kind of way.” The pointed look she sent Draco reminded him of how he’d approached her in the first place.
A gentle melody played in the air, noting the top of the hour and finishing with eight long chimes.
“And that’s my cue. Hold on to those for me, would you?” Hermione leaned up onto her toes, laid the palms of her hands atop his shoulders, and pressed a kiss onto one cheek, then the other.
Draco could do nothing but stand still in shock at her forwardness. Then he remembered where she went to school and the strange habits the people of that land practiced. He cleared his throat to cover his awkward silence, but the crooked smirk she wore proved the attempt useless.
“When will I see you next?” He realized how needy that sounded as it came out, and hastily continued,“Just so I know when to have them ready?”
She flitted to the doors and didn’t respond until she was nearly through them, “I’m sure you’ll find me!”
And just like that, she was gone, leaving behind her stack of books, the echoes of her soft lips on his face, and the sweet scent of apple blossoms in the air. Draco wondered if she had perhaps cast some sort of love spell on him. How else could he explain his complete lack of reservation around her, or why her humble origins didn’t matter to him like he thought they should?
Queen Narcissa found him still in contemplation shortly after, and was impressed at the amount of reading material gathered around him.
“My dragon, there you are! Wilfred said he’d sent you to recover texts on our family history ages ago.”
“Mother, did you know the painter has a daughter?”
Narcissa blinked as she processed the odd question. “Master Granger? Of course. Hermione is a lovely, bright little thing. I told her she could read whatever she liked in our First Library. Why do you ask?”
Her son continued to stare at the wall, and she had half a mind to cast a homenum revelio.
He came to with a shake and gave her one of his rare, full smiles. “No reason. I think we’ll be wonderful friends. You should make sure Hogwarts changes their acceptance rules before school starts again.”
Bewildered and bemused, she stroked a hand over his hair, so like his father’s. “I take it the two of you met?”
“We did. These are all hers.” He gestured towards the books once more.
“And here I thought you’d finally taken an interest in your studies.”
He snorted and she nearly pinched him on the arm for his cheek. She made do instead with a tickle to his side. He ducked away from her with a laugh, holding up his hands in surrender. “Mother, please! That isn’t fair! You know all my weak spots.”
She desisted in her attack with another indulgent smile. “And don’t you forget it. Just be careful with Hermione, dear.”
“What do you mean?” He tilted his head in confusion and she nearly sighed at his naivety. The young could be so oblivious, but she envied them their freedom.
She thought back on her own upbringing. The Blacks were more ancient and arrogant than even the royal family; her marriage to Lucius had been agreed upon at birth and as expected as the fact that clouds brought rain and Blacks were as pure as pure could be. She knew she was his from the beginning, and no amount of pining after others or imagining life in another place with a different name would change her fate.
Narcissa looked at her son, a near perfect replica of her husband aside from the softer grey eyes she’d bestowed upon him and his smile. He’d been so much like her at the start, but over the years he’d become more and more like his father. Now, today, he was like his younger self again.
She didn’t care what Lucius intended for his heir. She just wanted him to find happiness.
“True friends are difficult to come by, particularly for people of our station. I have a feeling that, if you nurture your relationship with Hermione, she’ll be someone worth keeping at your side.”
“What would father say?” he asked, caution and desire battling for domination on his face.
“He prizes power above all else.” This much was true. Lucius just happened to have a bit of a blind spot outside of magical families. “Apply yourself to your studies, help one another, and I’ll take care of Hogwarts and your father.”
Listening to his mother, Draco started to relax and let a bit of his earlier hope trickle back in. He wasn’t sure how Hermione had secured her approval, but she had. Greater deeds had been turned into ballads.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re a bit terrifying sometimes?”
Narcissa smirked, immediately reminding Draco of wild curls and a smattering of freckles. The two women looked wildly different, yet they gave off a similar air of confident capability.
“I have been told. Once or twice.”
He made a note to tread carefully around Hermione in the future. If she turned out anything like his mother, he never wanted to be on the opposite end of her ire.
Oh, the feats they would accomplish together.
WC 2606
DHRMonth Prompt: Week 4 - Alternate Universe, September 22 - Royal AU
Cross-posted to AO3
I have half a mind to write a full story in this setting, since it spiraled into something I want to know more about. I didn’t think I used to have a thing for royal AUs, but maybe I do???
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ladykailitha · 9 months
Just a little continuation of this AU idea. I'll be using their show names for ease of understanding but in the story they would be called what I called them in the previous post.
It all cumulates toward a masquerade ball where everyone is dressed as mythical creatures.
Newly crowned King Steven dresses as the Stratford Lyon. A beast that is that of a red lion with large antlers and tusks, but known for its impressive and wild mane (you know Steve would latch on that like lightning). He dressed all in red with his hair flowing to his shoulders, his mask is red, too. It's a full face mask that is a lion face with tusks and the antlers coming off the top of the mask gracefully blending into his hair.
Eddie is beguiling dressed as Mephistopheles. He's dressed all in black. His mask dark rust red covering his upper lip and horns curling from the top of his mask, like Steve's antlers but his are rams' horns.
Robin is dressed as a Nachtkrapp. She was born in Germany and married off to a French Marquis (multilingual like whoa) so she grew up hearing about the night raven. She wanted to go scary and masculine. She succeeds. :D
Chrissy is an angel, to play up on the queen thinking Steve should pick her and Steve wanting to pick Eddie. Her mask is silver, only covering her eyes. She wears a circlet on her piled up hair making it look like a halo. She wears pure white dress. And she is the only one at the ball who knows that Mephisto is Eddie.
Steve's other candidates for marriage are dressed as Titania, a mermaid, and a Valkyrie, Nancy, Vickie, and Tammy respectively.
The Party is all dressed as mythical creatures. Dustin is a griffin, Will is a unicorn, and Mike is dragon. And is completely pissed when Lucas shows up a wyvern. Lucas points out his wings are his forearms which completely different from the four legged, back-winged dragon Mike is. Dustin wanted to be a griffin because it was like Steve's Stratford Lyon without completely giving it away who is under the mask.
The queen is royally pissed when Jonathan turns up as Oberon signalling that Nancy and he are an item, completely removing her from candidacy.
Eddie dressed up in secret for the ball because as he was stripped of his titles he wasn't allowed to go. But an advisor of Steve's and long time friend of the Munsons, lets Eddie go in his place. Chrissy helps him get clothes and things and stores them in her room. Which he sneaks into after the ball has started and changes.
Hopper helps him sneak around front to go through the front gates as though he's arriving.
Steve is drawn to Eddie, even though he doesn't know it's him. The queen is chewing glass. This was NOT how it was supposed to go.
Eddie tries to sneak back to Chrissy's before the unmasking at midnight, but Steve chases him. He finds out the man he was so attracted to is also the one that makes him laugh, makes him think, makes him a better person.
And they kiss about it.
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
It started as an accident. She had looked human enough, after all. And as more of the faeries departed, the more the rest hid. The one thing they didn’t bother hiding was their prowess in bed, though. In fact, a lot of supernatural folk didn’t, though he found that out over the course of a few centuries.
It turned out, after a while, that the ones who were willing to fuck someone who looked so human and fragile were the ones who *always* did. He read a few books…listened to a few rumors - eventually wrote a list. Had the impulse to title it ‘Supernatural Sluts’, then, out of fear of recovering from a smiting, went with “The Horniest Bastards”.
He started working his way up - found a few entities who weren’t common in the human literature but who the other folks on his list knew and were all too happy to tattle on. “H.G.” kept moving up the list. (Not the best plausible deniability, given that he always kept them the same, but better than putting any of his names to a paper he could lose.) Lucifer was hard to get to, consider Hob’s whole stance on everything, but he caught them on a week’s vacation to Earth and they had a delightful couple days together (for good measure, he made a pass at Mazikeen- she accepted, making it quick and dirty.) A lot of the gods were a bitch to find, no longer where legend had always put them but generally still considering themselves above humanity and keeping away accordingly.
By the time he was making for Zeus, he knew there were betting pools going around: whether he could come out of it amicably and in human shape. There were also people flagging him down to ask if he knew what he was getting himself into. He might’ve thought they meant Zeus, if he hadn’t had to add someone to the top spot back when he tupped the former fifth place Horny Bastard. But ever since he’d made it to technically-now-sixth place, it had been “Dream of the Endless” this and “the Shaper of Forms” that. Hob hadn’t thought it could be possible to be more infamous than Zeus, but he’d heard the story of Nada a couple times now, and knew Titania herself counted among his exes. Now, the goal was only to bed them - work his way to the top, make himself a challenge for other horny bastards and to know exactly who could give him what he needed on a booty call. But fuck if he didn’t want to find this Dream, blow his mind, and part amicably just to spite all the man’s (being’s?) naysayers.
Zeus was almost disappointing, not that he’d ever admit that out loud. He liked not being a swan, thanks much. But it was so easy to part amicably with him - don’t insult him on purpose and play anything else off as a joke. And for all his practice, he was rather sloppy and selfish. Hob hoped the same couldn’t be said about him. Hob set out to find Dream of the Endless with a passion.
It was annoying how many people said it was easy to find him - that Hob just had to visit the Dreaming. No one would explain what that meant. Before he could figure it out on his own, Bast had come for a visit.
“I will tell you only a fool would do this. Unfortunately, I know now you are one. When you *do* reach the Dreaming…if the form he should pick has a tail, he likes a tug here and there. And if he should pick the right ears -“ she flicked her own. “You ought only to tickle or blow on them if you wish to be pinned.”
And it just sort of - kept happening. Exes kept finding him to recommend *against* Dream, but kept airing all his dirty laundry, anyway. Hob might be offended on his behalf if he wasn’t so determined to blow his mind. And some would show up regularly. It turned into a sort of club.
Murmurs went through the club one day, a shudder of concern. His ex-wife, captured just like him. He demanded elaboration, but they knew him well enough they would only tell him about Calliope. A god was not so far a thing from a human - a muse, a human might save with a bit of luck and the element of surprise. But, apparently, the Endless were so far beyond human - beyond any of them - that he couldn’t be trusted not to get himself stuck. He definitely wasn’t sulking when he showed up to the next meeting with Calliope in tow and they all *still* refused to tell him anything, with Calliope only saying she would reach out to who she could, to see what they could do around ‘The Laws’. Given that they never showed up to shove Dream of the Endless at him out of morbid curiosity (and several exhibition kinks), he figured that had gone nowhere.
Club meetings continued, he took notes, they bitched together and relaxed together and kept each other safe, occasionally ‘entertained’ each other.
His stranger came back! Called him friend! They talked for hours, well into the night. Hob didn’t even think to ask his name, too busy telling him of every technological wonder and sparkling new cultural phenomenon he could. And his friend seemed relaxed enough that Hob suspected, in hindsight, he might have just forgotten, somehow, that he was still nameless - he smiled every time Hob used ‘friend’, like it was an endearment and not a stand-in for a name. To be fair, really, it was that, too. In the end, Hob invited him to come by more often, and he said yes, and Hob nearly skipped his way to bed that night.
At the next meeting of The Club, he mused playfully about whether His Friend might belong on the Horny Bastards list somewhere, quickly mentioning the heated looks in the 18th century. Many of the others were quick to encourage the thought - they all maintained that he was better off without pursuing Dream. And then the New Inn’s door chimed. His friend entered and cast his eyes around. Hob met him with a dazzling smile and a wave. His friend’s face started to soften, but then he froze. Hob wondered if he was the sort that was intimidated by the likes of Bast and Titania and Calliope. At least until he noticed the whole club was equally still, and began to wonder if he was missing something here.
🌔 anon. You are an icon. The "Get Hob Gadling to fuck Dream of the Endless Club" is my new favourite thing.
Dream when he walks into on Hob hanging out with 3 of his exes:
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Hob working out that his Stranger is Dream of the Horny Bastardness:
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Everyone else in the pub:
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Comedy GOLD. I salute you, my friend.
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mercutio-the-velaryon · 8 months
Hello stranger, I saw you asking about gen v supe names so I come bearing offerings:
For Marie, the best I've heard so far is Heartstring (which I think would work especially well if we're imagining vought's influence, and trying to push Marie as the new Starlight) I also like Heartstopper and Queen of Hearts, but I think those lean more towards villain names
For Emma, she could keep Cricket, but I like the idea of her picking something to do with her giant form, so: Giantess, or Colossa, or Titania
For Jordan, (now realistically vought would chew them up and give them the most cliche, cringy name possible, but ignoring that) my personal favorite is Pulse or Pulsar.
For Cate, I've seen Push as a good option, but I also like Siren, Whisper, or Piper (as in like the pied piper)
For Andre, I hate to say it but I think he'd just take up Polaris. Though I also think Magneta, (I know it sounds like magneto but TB universe doesn't know that) or Steel would work, I could also see Vulcan (the Roman god of metal) being cool but that might be too niche. (Metallo would be my first choice but it's been used sadly)
For Sam, tbh Sam's powers are pretty stock, so he could probably pick anything he wants. I could see him taking up something that follows the same format as his brother, so: _____ boy (ironically the first choice that I think would come to Sam's mind is superboy, but that is of course off limits, though personally, I'd find it hilarious) maybe Ultra Boy or Power Boy, or the Strong Man (who am I kidding these are all terrible, I've got nothing for Sam... Super Sam?)
Really though when you look at naming conventions (both in the boys and in superhero tradition overall) a lot of heroes' names don't have a ton to do with their powers and are either: highly generic (Superman, Mr. Fantastic, Captain Marvel, Wondee Woman etc) or have to do with a gimic that isn't necessarily related to their powers, so there's actually quite a bit of wiggle room, to just pick whatever sounds good.
Omggg these are great, I wanted to write an au set in the near future, where the cast had their superhero names so thank you for this if you would kindly allow me to steal these names for that purpose 👀👀
Heartstring is so good, it fits Marie so perfectly I gasped because yes exactly. I was thinking Emma should have a name change to kind of symbolise her regaining her autonomy from her mother with how she was forced to portray herself, I'm feeling Titania tbh. I really really like Pulse for Jordan simple effective love love love. Siren for Cate is insane cause not only does it encompass the nature of her powers but it also speaks to how she's used them, how she's lulled her friends into a false sense of security then caused them harm (wiped their memories) like yesssssssss. Ugh this is such a good listttt. Andre I think would change his name from the one he'd inherit from his dad, I was workshopping something like Silver Bandit, Heavy Metal or Ironclad (already in marvel lmao fml) or Steel Knight to pay homage to his rebel without a cause energy. I wanted just Steele but that's already a version of superman I think, John Irons I believe holds that mantle. I think even just Ultra would work as a name for Sam. Or maybe just The Boy like how Kimiko's The Female idk.
Thank you this is so helpful!!!!!
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thenightling · 1 year
How Morpheus pays his servants
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Every so often I come across Sandman fans who joke (or are serious) that Morpheus does not pay his servants, that they are secretly his slaves.  They’ll even all him a hypocrite when he tells Hob Gadling that it’s a poor thing to hold another in bondage. Let me state, Morpheus IS against slavery.  In The Sandman: Season of Mists Titania ”gave” Morpheus Nuala as a gift as a bit of a trap.  She knew Morpheus fairly well. She must have known he he feels about slavery.  If Morpheus refused the gift the fae could “take offense” and go to war, an excuse to try to take the key to Hell from Morpheus.  And if he did keep her, it rids Titania of a potential annoyance.  In some fae lore Nuala was the name of a fae Oberon had interest in. When Morpheus is given Nuala he is reluctant to accept. Finally he allows her to stay.  He never gives her any commands but he removes her glamour.  Though it was initially against her will, Morpheus’s removal of the glamour actually did Nuala a favor. Nuala’s people are very conformist and they all wear glamours, hiding their true forms to look ‘as beautiful as possible.”  What Morpheus did was teach Nuala to appreciate who she is without conforming to what her society had demanded of her for her whole life. It can be seen as a trans metaphor, especially when, later in the story Nuala shows in the fae court without her glamour on and it nearly causes a scandal but she decides she prefers her true self rather than what her society wants of her. Morpheus never gave Nuala any orders. She went about cleaning within the castle to give herself something to do.  But despite this Morpheus repaid her service with a boon.  A boon being any favor (within reason) that she might want, should she call upon him.  Not only that, but as a bonus, Morpheus rescued her brother from imprisonment while Nuala was still working for him.  Morpheus makes it very clear he saved Cluracaun for Nuala’s sake. Though he does not use money, Morpheus DOES pay his servants in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman.
Here are some examples as to how Morpheus pays his servants.   Cain and Abel = Morpheus gave them each a magical haunted house that is bigger on the inside and full of stories, ghosts, and monsters, to fit their spooky inclinations and desires.  The houses are somewhat sentient too and they gain caretakers to look after them, make repairs, and keep things up and running. It’s a win for everyone involved.
In the Netflix Sandman series both gargoyles, Gregory and Goldie, were actually given as gifts to Cain and Abel instead of Goldie being a gift to Abel from Cain like he was in the comics.     
Lucien / Lucienne is revealed in the comics to have been the first raven. In the story called The Hunt we see that Lucien can still take raven form at will. Lucien loves books. So how was Lucien paid?  Lucien was given a new elfish form (taller even than Morpheus) and the largest library in the multiverse.  And status as second in command in The Dreaming.  That’s a pretty nice payment for services rendered. Aristeas the Raven is based on an actual myth where he was the raven of apollo. Aristeas was a real Greek poet who supposedly became a raven after his death to serve the God Apollo.  This ties into the running gag in The Sandman of people mistaking Morpheus as Apollo.  After two hundred years of service Aristeas decided he didn’t want to serve Morpheus anymore and he was offered a boon.  He chose becoming a mortal man again but he soon found that he could not adjust to the mortal world after having been away from it for two centuries so he asked to return to being a raven.   It’s unclear where he is now. John Constantine / Johanna Constantine was paid by having their nightmares dealt with.  There’s also the possibility that Morpheus may have rescued Constantine’s soul from self-made damnation since Jon Constantine tends to believe he’s going to Hell and has made some bad decisions / bargains as a result.  In a Hellblazer comic it’s pretty much confirmed that Jack Constantine, Johanna (eighteenth century version) and John Constantine were all the same soul just reincarnated into the same bloodline. For John Constantine Morpheus also helped Rachel to die peacefully in a pleasant dream since there was no saving her (in the comic it was implied she was actually already dead and rotting. The sand was the only thing keeping her semi-alive / her soul tethered to her body.)      His usual method of payment though is a boon.  So I think I’ve made my point here. Yes, Morpheus does pay those who serve him and he never forces anyone to do anything against their will (unless you count him telling The Corinthian not to kill people...)
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raayllum · 3 months
part ii of Sorpeli at the Banther Lodge headcanons (followup to this)
Opeli has never been to the Banther Lodge before, really.
She knows of it, of course—it'd been King Harrow's wedding present to Queen Sarai, back when they'd been prince and princess respectively—and she's come on delegation trips to collect the princes from it more than once over the close to six years since the end of the Second War.
But really, why would she have? She was yet another member of King Harrow's council back in the day. Here, with King Ezran, she is his closest advisor, and the unofficial head of the council period. A few more people have been added since Callum and Rayla left to live in Xadia, and Corvus to the westward forests for peace—there's bright young Stantley, a representative from Ellis' village to help with the reintegration of Moonshadow elves at the Nexus, and General Titania who oversaw the Breach in Amaya's stead as the need for militia dwindled.
Neither Soren nor Ezran will say it, but she knows they are hoping that when they have a free day in Del Bar, they will be able to convince Claudia to leave Lissa and come home with them to be Ezran's replacement High Mage.
Stepping through the great wooden archway, though, Opeli finds it easy for once to put politics almost entirely out of her mind.
The Lodge is spacious yet cozy, walls adorned with updated tapestries and items for outside fun like sleds and snowshoes. A roaring fire is lit in minutes, Rayla readily climbing the stairs while Stella leaves her shoulder perch to explore.
Opeli sets down her bag to take off her boots but when she straightens up to grab the handle, it's gone. "Wha—"
Soren picks it up, hoisting it over his shoulder in one smooth swing. It wasn't exactly heavy, but he has what looks like his own and Ezran's bags, too. He gives her a cheery grin in response. "Guess I can show you the guest rooms, too."
"There's no need to carry my bag for me, Soren," she corrects, somewhat exasperated. Must he show off here at the Banther Lodge, too? You'd think he'd grow out of it at twenty-six—
"I know," he says, smile softening to the point she can't mistake it for the sharp swagger of arrogance. "I want to, is all. You're here for a break too, aren't you?"
Then he heads up the stairs before she can fathom an adequate reply, and Opeli hastens after him. He points out the rooms along the hall that each of them sleep in, puffing out his chest that he's "next to Ez, for crownguard duty," and directing her to the bedroom by the window seat alcove.
It's a comfortable looking spot, and she thinks longingly of the novel she'd been indulgent enough to pack. At the castle there is always more legislature to read, always more letters to draft, but here, maybe...
In the end, that first day (or afternoon, she supposes) is mostly spent milling around the Lodge itself. They unpack, and Ezran creates a delicious havoc in the kitchen with Callum's help, and Rayla and Soren grow overly competitive when the group plays cards. Opeli has never had much practice and doesn't mind being out first. (But she'll do better next time, she swears, if only so Soren cannot needle her afterwards that he's so much better at her than something.)
Come nightfall, when everyone else has gone to bed, she sits up at the alcove and watches the snow fall. Then she clasps her candlestick holder and reads, eyes drooping halfway through the first chapter.
Then there's a creak down the hall, and Soren ambles over. "Opeli?"
Her name sounds different when he whispers it, like it's soft and safe in his mouth. It makes her feel warmer than it should.
Opeli sets her book aside though, swinging her legs back over. Her toes touch the cold floor. "What are you doing up?"
"Was going to get a cup of water." When he steps closer, there's bags under lightly glistening eyes. Another nightmare, perhaps? "Maybe some tea."
A distraction, then. She can give him one.
She pats the recently vacated space beside her, pleased when he takes it.
"How's your book?"
"A little ridiculous, maybe," she acknowledges. The plot is convoluted and the male lead a tad too stubborn for her taste. "But entertaining."
"That's good."
He looks slightly smaller in his pajamas, but she supposes she's dressed down too, in just her thickest night gown. She'd debated not even bringing her circlet and ceremonial robes. She won't be able to wear them if they venture out into the snow tomorrow.
Opeli chances a nod to the window. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
"Yeah," Soren agrees, lightening. His smile grows more genuinely. "Snows almost as much here as it does in Del Bar."
"You're not sleepless about our destination, are you?"
"No. Just... hope Claudia is doing better than she was, when I left."
And while Opeli has no fondness in her heart for the younger of Viren's two children, nor initial confidence in Ezran's pardoning of Claudia, well... Opeli likes to think she's grown and learned a thing or two since arresting Rayla all those years ago. "I'm sure she is. Time can change many things for the better."
Like both she and Soren, maybe.
He catches her eye, heads turning to mutually face each other like two halves of the moon. Her heart beats fast, though she can't place why. They might be sitting closer than usual, a heavier, lidded look overtaking his expression, but...
She glances at the warm curve of his lips before she can stop herself, the bend of his mouth accentuated by the light of her candle, the way the faint shadows and moonlight catch the stubble on his jaw.
Yes, she can almost forget about politics at the Banther Lodge.
She pulls back.
She clears her throat. "I could be persuaded to have a cup of tea, if you'd like."
Opeli grounds herself in how much colder it feels, suddenly, as they stand and separate. Soren heads down the stairs first.
She watches him, shoulders rolling and arms stretching, while he makes the tea, when he's not looking.
That's one indulgence she can allow, for now.
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jiliansky-blog · 6 months
In the dark. Chapter 7. Trials
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Pairing: Morpheus x FemaleReader
Rating: PG
Words: 1800
“Morpheus”, Titania’s voice, was cold as ice. “I didn’t expect that you were going to cheat me in my own bedroom. And with whom, with a mortal girl”.
“You are not even married”, you can say. “He wasn’t yours, and he will never be”.
“Oh, I understand”, she smirked. “You are that girl that he was spending time with. The one that failed him. I should say thank you”.
“And now I’m here to take him back”, you replied.
“You can’t”, she smirked. “The deal is a deal. Morpheus is mine”.
“He is not a thing or anyone’s property”, you admitted.
“Brave mortal”, she laughed. “You dared to come here to claim what is mine. I like it. I can give you a chance”.
“What chance?” you asked.
“A chance to free him”, she replied. “You will have three trials. If you fail one of them, you will lose and stay here forever. But you won’t see him ever again”.
“Alright”, you nodded.
“No!” Morpheus said. “It’s too dangerous. I will marry you, and you should let her go”.
“Oh no, that means that her little act of bravery will go in vain”, Titania said. “And it is going to be fun. I will let you know about the first trial. Now leave my room, little human. I need to talk to my fiancée”.
You fixed your dress, looked at Morpheus for the last time, and let Cluracane take you out of the room. He was watching your every step.
“I know that you are hiding something”, he said.
“You were spying on me”, you admitted. “Why?”
“If my charms don’t work for you, then something is odd”, He just shrugged. “I was curious what was wrong with me. It turned out that you were charmed by someone else. But I didn’t understand how he got you”.
“You don’t know him like I do”, you said.
“Or maybe I know too well”, he laughed. “So you are the girl he chooses to spend nights with. Did it even occur to you that he was nice to you because your affection can break the spell?”
“He doesn’t want me to fall in love with him”, you replied. “And he wants me to leave, but I chose to stay”.
“And are you willing to risk your life for him?” he asked. “If you will be mine, I can promise you help in trials”.
“I am willing to take a risk”, you said. “And I don’t need your help. Something tells me that it was you who told the queen about us”.
“She would find out anyway”, he declined.
You didn’t answer. You entered your room instead. Well, Rose’s room. And she was there, looking confused.
“What have you done?” she asked immediately.
“What did you hear?” you asked.
“I heard you make love with her pet”, she said.
“Almost”, you blushed. “And he is not a pet. His name is Morpheus”.
“Do you mean Dream of the Endless?” Rose looked shocked. “That who he is”.
“Yes”, you sighed. “And Cluracane brought the queen to catch us on the place. Now Titania wants to do some tasks for me”.
“Did she?” Rose was still shocked. “She doesn’t want to help you. She wants to torture you”.
“I understand that it wasn't an act of kindness”, you replied. “She wants to see me fail and stay miserably here. But I will win”.
“Is he worth it?” she asked after the silence.
“Yes, he is”, was your response.
Later, Cluracane came to your room. He was serious, but he smirked when he saw you. He enjoyed your problems.
“The time has come”, he said. “Our queen is waiting for you”.
You wondered if Morpheus would be here. At least in the form of the cat. Or is she going to hide him just to make you suffer?
"There is our little brave mortal”, Titania said when you came to her throne room. “Are you ready for your trials?”
“You can say so, your majesty”, Your voice was a little bit sarcastic.
You were angry at this woman who tricked the god of dreams and wanted to marry him against his will or turn him into her pet.
“I can’t see what he finds in you”, she said. “You are a simple human”.
You wanted to object to that, but that changed your mind. It would be better if they underestimated you.
“Do you think you are the only mortal that comes to rescue someone?” she asked. “But they all stayed here”.
You kept silent. You won’t give her the satisfaction of mockery.
“Are you going to tell me about the trial or not?” you asked.
“Who are you to talk to me in such a way?” she hissed. “Watch your little tongue, or I will change my mind”.
“I’m sorry, my queen”, your smile looked forced for sure. “I’m just eager to know about my trials and to begin them”.
“You think you can win”, she admitted. “Cute”.
“I can hope and try”, you admitted.
“First, I will test your love”, she said. “How well you know your precious Morpheus. Among all the cats, you need to find him”.
“Let’s go”, Cluracane said, leading you to another cat.
There were a lot of cats. And every cat was black. Some were sleeping, some were meowing, and some came to you. You thought it was easy. But perhaps it wasn’t.
“You have half an hour to detect Morpheus and three tries”, you heard the queen’s voice say.
You tried to think. But some cats were trying to get your attention. Cluracane smirked.
“Maybe one of these cats is Morpheus”, he whispered.
Then you looked at Titania. She ate some fruits, and you suddenly have an idea. Morpheus wasn’t actually a cat. So he shouldn’t behave like one of them. You tried to find the cat with eyes as attentive as Morpheus. But there are few of them.
“What a cute kittens”, suddenly Rose appeared next to you and tried to pet one of them. But he just disappeared. Then you understand that these cats are illusions.
“Rose, what are you doing here?” Cluracane hissed.
And Rose looked at you attentively. Something was odd. Most cats are illusions. If Morpheus is here, he is probably sleeping, so he won’t come closer to you. Or…
“He is not here”, It was risky, but you think that it is worth trying.
There is silence. Everyone was looking at me. And Titania can kill you with her eyes. And at that moment, all the cats disappeared.
“You know it's too risky to bring him here”, you continued. “Or he would help me or give me a sign at least”.
“Clever mortal”, she huffed. “I suppose that task was too easy for you”.
“No, my queen”, you replied. “They just don’t act like him”.
“Alright, Rose, take away your pet till I make up a new trial”, she said.
And the fairy took your hand and led you to our room. You walked in silence until you came to your room, and only then did you breathe out.
“Thank you”, you said finally. “You helped me to understand the truth”.
“I told you”, she replied. “Our queen wants you to make a mistake. So then you can stay here forever. I still owe you my life. And I also don’t want to get into trouble. Well, into even bigger trouble than you already are”.
“It’s so kind of you”, you said.
“Oh, stop”, she said, but smiled a little. “Tell me what he is like.”
“Who? Morpheus?” you asked. “He is very serious, gentle, kind and smart. And he is certainly different from any other man I’ve met”.
“Oh, you are so in love, human”, she smirked. “You should be really special if he chooses you over our queen”.
“It’s not only me”, you replied. “He hates doing this against his will. He is not mortal or just another fairy. He is God. Or more than a god, but she treats him like he is nothing. She should think about his revenge later. He will never be fully hers”.
“And you know him pretty well”, she noticed.
“We talked at night,”, you admitted. “We only shared one room in the dark”.
“And did you share the bed?” she smirked.
“We did, but in another sense”, you replied. “But falling into sleep is a sweet experience too. "I never thought it would be nice”.
“You are so sweet, it makes my toothache”, she sighed. “You need to prepare yourself, though. The next task will be harder”.
“I’m sure of that”, you sighed.
You can’t find your place the next day. Rose left you alone in the room. Cluracane didn’t come to bring you to Titania. And of course, you couldn’t roam corridors in search of Morpheus again. You were sure that the fairy queen had hidden him from you somewhere else. She wants to make you suffer and be anxious. You won’t give her that.
You started to think that she wanted to make you nervous while keeping you waiting. And you were thinking about how Morpheus feels these days. He must be angry and nervous too. You want to see him so much.
Suddenly, you heard the knocking at the window and saw the raven. That was Matthew, perhaps. And you opened the window to let him in.
“It's good that I found you, he said.
“What are you doing here?” you asked. “What if they know that you are here? Can you even be here?”
“I can”, he said. "What will they do to me? I'm already dead. Anyway, Lucienne is worried. Could you find your boss?”
“I could,” you said. “She turned him into a cat. And now I have two more trials to free him”.
“What?” he was confused.
You told him about everything that happened, and he was worried.
“You should wake up”, he said. “Or return to the Dreaming and then wake up”.
“I can’t”, you sighed. “Even if I wanted to do this, she can’t allow me to escape”.
“Oh dear”, he sighed too. “Everything is difficult”.
“Can you stay here for a few days?” you asked. "Maybe I will need help with these trials too. I won the first time, but now Titania can come up with something tricky and difficult”.
“I can try”, he replied. “I can’t believe you almost made out on her bed. That was extremely stupid or brave”.
You blushed. “I missed him so much, and he was desperate”.
“Oh, I don’t want to know more”, he cawed. “I do whatever I can to help you two. I decided. You are the brave one”.
“Thank you”, you smiled.
And he flew away when you heard the sound of the door opening. It was Rose. And Cluracane escorts her.
“What is happening?” you asked.
“The time for your next trial has come”, said the fairy.
@shadowqueen1318 @mypsychoticlove @justathirstyhoe​ @ladymoztaza @sapphireonline @deniixlovezelda
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thevikingwoman · 4 months
Meryta gets a letter after defeating Tatiana
Fandom: FFXIV | Words: 987 | Read on Ao3
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Meryta Khatin x Tansui | during The Wheel Turns | romance Rating: Teen. Letter writing, longing, fear of death, fear of change, Ardbert friendship, dealing or not dealing with feelings
Letters and Longing, part 2
Despite her fears, Meryta manages to slay Titania. The Light crawls inside her body after, but she tries to ignore it. There are more important matters. Feo Ul crowned king, Eulmorians driven away, and now they’re safely back at the Crystarium, one unwelcome Ascian tagging after them.
She doesn’t think of him, not when an excited post moogle finds her on the way to the Pendants. It hands her a letter, her name scrawled on the front, along with a message across the back:
This better reach you, with the outrageous fee the moogle charged. There’s only so many ships in the sea
She laughs, sudden relief and happiness bubbling in her chest. Nodding at the attendant, she hurries up the stairs to her apartment, and sits on her bed, ignoring the table decked with food. She rips the letter open with a smile.
Dear Meryta
Glad I was to hear from you. Surprised too, given what you told me of your whereabouts, but the moogle assured me a special friend would help with a return post. I pray this finds you, somehow.  I hope your fight goes well, as it customarily does. It is too much to ask, I suppose, that calmer waters await you, but I do wish for it. Here, things are much the same as usual. We have not had an influx of recruits since the last one, many staking their hopes on Doma restored. With the recent bolstering, we are not of want for people, and the Captain sets his hopes for profit along with a strong and allied Doma. Your friend, Lord Hien, does well in bringing together the most unlikely allies, I must say. Rasho has decided that I should play envoy, so I do travel to the enclave, which continues to thrive I may add.
We have not seen a swell in the Garlean ships, but I do thank you for the warning. We will keep a look out for unsavory behavior – more unsavory than our own, that is.
But, enough about that.
Please, Meryta, I wish you well for all your upcoming fights. I can only imagine they will be frightfully many. I hope to hear from you soon.
I likewise wish for you to be back with me. I will happily cook for you again, and see you back in my bed.
Stay safe,
Her heart warms as she reads it, and her cheeks as well, at the last part. She misses him. His wit, his eyes and his hands on her. The way he listens to her.
There’s a long sigh from across the room, and when she looks up from the letter, Ardbert is there, an almost impatient look on his face.
“Happy news?”
“Yes.” She looks down at the letter, where it’s signed. She runs her thumb across his name. “Welcome news.”
“Someone you care about, then? Someone who cares about you too, I take it. Lucky.”
“Something like that, yes.” She does care about him, rather much she finds. An unfamiliar ache in her chest. The longing she feels for him is unfamiliar somehow, different from how she longs for her family, her friends.
“Really? Don’t waste your time pondering.”
“I suppose not.”
“Are you going to write them back? You should.” Ardbert gestures to the table, and the food she didn’t notice when she entered. She was too eager to open the letter, she realizes. “Got some nice food here too. He’s keeping you well fed, the Exarch.”
She nods and sites and eats and talks a little more with Ardbert, of Ascians, but of Seto too, and much more. It’s nice, and the food is good. When the conversation lulls, she starts writing. Ardberd does not have to remind her, but he smiles encouragingly when she fetches her parchment, and implores her to write now, not later, before he fades into – wherever he goes when he’s not hovering.
This time she writes not only Tansui, but manages short letters to Tataru, her family, and Emmanellain too. Tansui’s letter is the longest, and though she tells of her victory, it’s the only one where she doesn’t downplay the danger she’s in. He already knows how she feels, and he deserves to know all. She wants him to know. The extra aether is still swirling inside her, good food and good conversion and the happiness of correspondence can’t stop that.  It’s a relief to be able to say all that’s on her mind.
She also tells of the good things, a little of the people at the Crystarium. The hope she sees in everyone, even as she leaves out her own role, in the myth people are starting to spin. They don’t know it’s her, and she doesn’t want to call herself some kind of hero, least of all to him. She writes of mundane things, of Frithrik and Moren and asks about the people in Onokoro. If she closes her eyes, she can almost feel the sea breeze.
Hand aching, she’s happy she took the time to write, to all of them. It is easier this time, and she worries less about messing it up – and it’s easier to write of a victory than of worries. She’ll worry about the other Lightwardens another time, and perhaps the Light inside of her will dissipate, perhaps this feeling of dread will too. She won again, and she shakes her head to dismiss the thoughts of the next battle and the next again. She finds she’d rather think of Tansui, of warm sand and sea, of the fumes of Hell’s Lid and the setting sun. Tomorrow will bring what it must. Pleased, she bundles her letters, and she goes to send them immediately instead of waiting for the morrow. She hopes they reach everyone soon, and sending them now is better than later. She’s not so tired that she can’t handle a few stairs.
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transboykirito · 4 months
since i mentioned it, here's part of that fantasy au. please give thoughts. please. please dear god.
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Asuna pulled the hood of her cloak further over her face, “I can manage well enough on my own, thank you very much.”
“You’re not from here, are you?” 
“I already told you, I live in Selmburg. I took a trip to Algade for the market.”
“No, no that’s not where you’re from,” the man gave a suspicious look to the rings on her finger, “I recognise that ring, that’s the crest of the royal family of Alfheim.”
Asuna’s heart started to race as she thought of an excuse, desperate to try and keep her composure. She knew this was a bad idea. She was alone in a forest with no weapons, and now she was being interrogated by one of Aincrad’s guards - a horsed guard with a sword as wide as Asuna’s body, no less.
“And what of it?” she shot him a glare from beneath her hood, “I don’t see any laws that state someone in Aincrad can’t wear jewellery from Alfheim. The trade of goods hasn’t stopped yet.”
The man pulled the reigns of his horse tighter, his free hand reaching upwards towards the sword on his back. Shit. She was done for. He would draw his sword, demand her identity, and then execute her. She should have never come to this place. She should have listened.
Then she noticed something - a small symbol embossed into the leather of the horse’s saddle, a cross with curves at the edge of each arm. She felt her breath catch in her throat, glancing up at him so she could better see his face. Then she smirked.
“So, you’re a knight.” 
Asuna motioned her head to the cross on the saddle, “That’s the emblem of the Knights of the Blood Oath. The only people with access to the KoB’s supplies are Aincrad’s knights and the royal family. Simple guards aren’t permitted to display the emblem anywhere on their gear.”
The man faltered, stammering as he spoke again, “Yes, well, it’s different, sometimes, besides… In some circumstances, guards can…”
“Give it up, you’re not a guard.” Asuna stepped back, “And the Knights have no authority to execute anybody outside of direct threats to the royal family. Therefore, I’m free to go.”
Asuna turned on her heels, quickly hurrying back in the same direction she had arrived. She was selfishly smug, proud of her quick thinking and memory, but she knew it was only buying time.
Aincrad was plotting something, and Asuna was the queen of Alfheim. She wasn’t supposed to be in Aincrad at all, and her husband would be furious if he discovered that she had been here.
He lowered his hand, grabbing the horse’s saddle roughly as he dismounted, chasing after her on foot. Asuna picked up her pace, cautious to not hurry to her full speed if she could avoid it, careful to not give herself away.
“Come back!” he yelled.
Asuna looked over her shoulder to see him rushing towards her in a flurry of black fabric and shouts. Distracted, she tripped over a decaying tree root and tumbled to the ground, her soft hands hitting the rough ground with a jolt of pain through her wrists. In her fall, her hood fell from her head, but by the time she’d recovered enough to pull it back over herself, it was too late. He’d already seen.
She winced at the sound of the name, then she glared bitterly. How dare he. How dare he, a knight of the enemy, address her so informally? She looked down at the ground, fear and anger coursing through her, and she bit her lip.
“Queen Titania of Alfheim,” the man said, stopping still behind her.
She slowly looked up at him, taking a shaky breath.
Then he knelt down next to her, sword still untouched, and raised his hands to his own hood. Slowly, cautiously, he pulled back the thick black fabric, and Asuna saw a mess of black hair fall across his face. She raised an eyebrow for a moment, confused, and then recognition hit her like a bolt of lightning.
“You’re the prince?”
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roach-works · 9 months
vanitas has a skytram, you know. there's a great big tower at the center of the city, all twined around with rose briars and suspension cables, like a maypole, and the skytram shuttles whirl all around like dancers at a fair and flies at a corpse. do you know who's inside the tower? can you guess?
sleeping beauty lies in state, there at the eye of the needle, at the axel of the spinning wheel. did you think id name some braver girl? would you have guessed dorothy, or alice, or lucy? or perhaps something grander yet: persephone, titania.
no. here lies sleeping beauty, nameless, suspended between early death and immortality. is that hard to believe? every storm has a still point. every galaxy has a hole for a heart. should i tell you she's in a hospital bed, and tubes run in and out and through her like a maypole, like a tower? should i say 'once upon a time' or should i tell you covid, cancer, concussion? a hundred years she's slept in this high hospital tower and still she's only sixteen. is that fair? you know there's girls who don't get half as long.
in the city where the lost girls went, there lies at the center that great lady who found her way to myth not dead but dreaming. she dreams there still, and all around her bower there bloom the rose red dreams of every bouquet ever brought as sacrifice to sickness.
the janitors at the hospitals know what happens when the girl doesn't wake before the roses fade. you will not like to learn what they could tell you.
here lies sleeping beauty, suspended in that moment between departure and return. the lost girl who never went anywhere.
maybe one day she'll wake, and take vanitas with her into whatever world comes next.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
I actually have a bunch of ideas for fake crossover statements I've been collecting. Here's my favorites:
“Make A Lot Of Noise”: statement of Sid Phillips regarding his childhood toys. (Toy Story, Stranger); "Make a Lot of Noise" is the song from the Toy Story Musical (yes, that's an official thing) about the toys getting revenge on Sid.
“The Serpent in the Garden”: statement of Warlock Dowling regarding his atypical upbringing. (Good Omens, Stranger/Spiral?); the title here refers to Crowley's origins as the Snake in the Garden of Eden and how he (serpent) and Aziraphale (gardener) raised Warlock, but I'm not sure what Entity "I was raised by two uncanny not-humans who turned out to have thought I was the Antichrist" falls under.
“Ill Met By Moonlight”: statement of Alissa Denton regarding the last performance of Misty Moore. (Dimension 20: The Unsleeping City, Stranger); this would be about "Broadway Brawl," where Misty kills the real Titania while playing her during her rejuvenation ritual and then uses the glamour from the performance to be reborn as Rowan Berry.
“Skulk”: Statement of Steve Bergensten regarding the creature he encountered during a caving expedition. (Minecraft, Dark); Bergensten is Jeb's surname, and skulk is the stuff that summons The Warden.
“The White Whale”: Statement of “The Mariner” regarding how he murdered his stepfather. (The Mariner’s Revenge Song, Hunt/Buried); title is a Moby Dick reference, of course.
“The Entire Circus”: Statement of Gog-Agog regarding why you should be Gog-Agog too! (KSBD, Corruption); title is a reference to the meme "You are not a clown, you are the entire circus," because Gog-Agog is clown-themed.
“Treasure Hunt”: Statement of Stanley Yelnats regarding his imprisonment in a correctionary boot camp. (Holes, Buried)
“Shadow Puppet”: Statement of Lena Sabrewing regarding her troubled relationship with her aunt. (Ducktales 2017, Web); title refers to Lena being a living shadow who was emotionally, then later physically puppeted by her aunt in shadow form, and ultimately possessed.
“Fly Me To The Moon”: Statement of Donald Duck regarding his sister’s disappearance in space. (Ducktales 2017, Vast); title references Della's ill-fated joyride that ended with her being stranded on the moon, and Vast seemed appropriate given how her need for adventure led her to go higher and higher until she vanished into the huge void of space.
“Worldbreaker”: Statement of Gyro Gearloose regarding a recurring problem with his creations. (Ducktales 2017, Extinction); Worldbreaker is the name of the program Akita used to force BOYD to be evil, and one could theorize that Gyro's persistent belief that all of his creations turned evil (because of what happened with BOYD) is what caused him to keep making evil robots in a self-fulfilling prophecy spiral.
“To Have And To Hold”: Statement of Twilight Sparkle regarding her brother’s marriage. (MLP:FIM, Stranger/Corruption); title is from the traditional marriage vow, with this specific line summing up Chrysalis' intentions for Shining Armor.
“Urban Legend”: Statement of Emma-May Dixon regarding the local tourist trap in Gravity Falls. (Gravity Falls, Stranger); title is a play on the cryptids and folklore Stanley uses in the Mystery Shack, and Emma-May Dixon is McGucket's ex-wife.
“See No Evil”: Statement of Tate McGucket regarding his fear of memory loss. (Gravity Falls, Spiral); title refers to the Society of the Blind Eye's goals, and I figured someone who saw his dad progressively lose his memories and sanity without knowing why would develop some hangups about that, especially with an amnesia-inducing cult (that his dad created) running around.
“War Games”: Statement of Jack Merridew, regarding his time stranded on an island as a child. (Lord of the Flies, Slaughter)
“Dollhouse”: Statement of Coraline Jones regarding what was behind a door in her new apartment. (Coraline, Stranger/Web)
“God Save The Queen”: Statement of Julie Jenkins, regarding the murders at her high school prom. (The Ballad of Sara Berry, Slaughter); Julie Jenkins is the girl who was beating Sara out for Prom Queen because people were pity voting for her, and the only target of Sara's rampage to survive.
“Silent Assassin”: Statement of Pam Kingsley, regarding a string of inexplicable assassinations she reported on. (Hitman, Hunt); Silent Assassin is a recurring challenge in Hitman and the subtitle of the second game, and Pam Kingsley is a recurring news anchor character.
“God, That’s Good”: Statement of Tobias Ragg regarding his employment in a meat pie shop. (Sweeney Todd, Flesh); "God, That's Good" is the song Toby sings advertising Ms. Lovett's cannibal pies.
“Future Imperfect”: Statement of Arven Violet regarding the results of his father’s research. (Pokemon Violet, Extinction)
“This Be The Verse”: Statement of Beatrice Baudelaire Jr. regarding her a series of unfortunate events her guardians experienced. (ASOUE, Desolation); "This be the verse" is the poem Count Olaf recites as he dies: "Man hands on misery to man / It deepens like a coastal shelf. / Get out as early as you can / and don't have any kids yourself.
“Mayhem”: Statement of Marla Singer regarding her boyfriend’s involvement in terrorism. (Fight Club, Desolation); title refers to "Project Mayhem."
all of these sound like absolute banger fics!
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