#Simple Copy Paste Method
blog-with-etagfree · 1 year
Earn Rs. 80,000 per month💸Simple Copy Paste Blogging Tamil🔥🔥100% Free Me...
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parisoonic · 9 months
I just want to say I love how you do your lineart, it looks so good! ahhhhhhhh!!
I'm gathering a lot of advice about the topic of lineart and I just wanna know how you get it to look like that? My line weight is getting better but the drawing itself just comes out a bit.. weird.
Thank you so much! Lineart is probably the thing I've been working hardest on as I am not a lineartist (and still struggle a lot) but it's something I really need to get better at for my job. UM there's honestly so much that could be said on the topic of lineart. Big things for me are:
Weight -> Use line weight (aka thickness) to describe form, lighting, contact and scale. Thick lines imply shadow, contact and nearness-to-camera. Thin lines imply tension, recession and light.
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Straights vs Curves -> Use straight lines against curved ones for maximum interest. This is partly a character design thing but as we're using lines to describe our characters it's worth mentioning :)
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Complex vx Simple -> Use complex lines against simple. Faces are always complex so therefore the backs of heads should always be simple. Chests are quite complex so backs should be simple. Dorsal sides of the arms are complex (Delt, tricep, bicep) whilst the ventral side is more simple (tricep...mainly) etc.
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'Think in Ink' -> Lower your sketch layer almost to 0% opacity so you're not getting hung up on how nice/energetic your sketch look and instead are approaching the piece from an ink mindset. BUT it's digital! So if there's something in your sketch that you like just bring it forward (copy and paste) into your ink layer. I sketch and ink with the same brush so I can use this workflow
'Confidence' -> small hesitant feathery lines will look nervous compared to big swooping lines. Less is always more. I'll redraw arms/limbs until I can get the appearance that it was done in one brush stroke. Again it's digital so you can erase to cheat this look : )
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MISC 01: I always hear 'draw from the shoulder'........meh............it's digital so draw from your wrist...it's fine honestly. If we were working at A1 in a life drawing class then we could get some shoulder action going but most of us are hunched over 16inch tablets. I think this advice aims to pull people away from feathery-nervous lineart honestly which you can improve on without relearning how to draw from your shoulder.
MISC 02: For a 'smoother' look do your lineart at a larger canvas size than you need. Once I'm happy with a sketch I usually double the canvas size and do my lineart then.
MISC 03: In PS (at least) anti-aliasing goes funny at any zoom level that isn't in the 5 times table. So try not to look at your canvas when you're zoomed in to 87% or 71.39% or something crazy. Just stick to 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% if possible.
UNFORTUNATE TRUTH: Lineart is incredibly based on raw draughtmanship I've discovered. When you're working with colour you can hide a lot in rendering (shadows, highlights) or post-processing (depth of field) but in lineart all your mistakes are just...there for people to see. There's ways round this...which I use A LOT. 'Flourishes' (I use 'flourishes' to mean over-confident lineart where it veers particuarly thick or particuarly thin in contrast to your approach in the rest of the image) can sort of trick people into thinking you're more confident about an area than you actually are.
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As well as leaving 'breathing room' within your lineart instead of actually...resolving the area. I do this the most around the face and hands.
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Hopefully some of this helps? Honestly there's a lot of deep dives that could be done into indivudal things and there's also the massive caveat that all of these are 'guidelines' and not strict rules. I also favour a more...concept-arty? animation-y? storyboard-y? look to my lineart which favours flourishes and breathing room for a incomplete/work-in-progress feel which would make methodical colouring (ie: for a comic or something) a pain.
Keep up pratice is the main thing and doing studies of artists who you like that have great lineart - you'll pick up draughtmanship skills along with the lineart studies. Here's some of my lineart from a year or two ago...it varies between very 'standardised' (which makes it difficult to read volumes and to be honest, it's boring) and 'TOO EXCITING' (which...also makes it difficult to read volumes and for the eye to rest).
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I'd like to share my brushes at some point as I've found 3 that I really like and use for everything more or less. I discovered that a shocking low amount of people use PS on tumblr (shocking to me I guess as i'm so used to PS being the standard) and everyone seems to use Procreate or Clip Studio Pro...so I want to check that the brushes are Procreate compatible at least before I share!
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Candy human reader!
[Suggestive, Mdni] (mentions of mutilation, but brief and reader regenerates/doesn't feel pain)
Born from the dying dreams of a failing confectioner and a human's body weight in sugar comes a sweet baker with their creator's passion for making treats and hopes for companionship. Unlike your parent, you succeed greatly in your goals due to the simple fact of being made out of the very sweets people adored. Taffy skin, sugar syrup running through your very veins. A swift swing of your blade and you had the ingredients for your next batch of delights. A sip of sugar water and a quick nap made you good as new the next time you popped open your eyes. The line was out the door opening week. Most had their interest peaked in who took over the location after what tragedy became of the original owner, but it was the samples you left out that kept them crawling back. They were obsessed - in more ways than one.
It wasn't just the sugar bringing customers in. If anything, your smile, and the hour long conversations you'd have were far sweeter. Your knowledge of the human world was sparse, but you had a strong enough grasp to get you far and you never lost that - wonder so many people lost when faced with life's challenges. Perfectly imperfect, the love some of your customers knew extended past a hunger for those cakes in your displays. They loved you, they wanted you. And they'd do whatever it took to have you.
When they break in, the fear of being kidnapped doesn't cross you, rather the shock of them bursting into your kitchen to the scene of you holding your arm over a batch of those truffles they adored so. Their fingers plunge into the mix and before they realize those digits are in their mouth, not that they would've stopped if conscious. It's syrup. Your blood is syrup. You frantically try to explain the situation, but they're too busy licking a wound that's already healed. There were too many questions on their mind. What were you? Did you hurt yourself by doing this? Is this why your treats were so irresistible?
You explain to them that you while feel pain, it doesn't exactly hurt when you dismember yourself and as much of your anatomy as you have figured out while you're at it. Bless your sweet heart. Giving so much to an ungrateful world when you don't know much about yourself. There must be another way to extract your fluids even if it causes you no harm. Your loyal customers offer you an alternative that may even benefit fit you more in the long run. You happily agree, sitting back as they undo your apron.
Their tongue makes your body feel sticky and slick, but the heat pooling between your legs as their head dives between your thighs is a new sensation entirely. They leave not an inch of skin unscathed and playfully nip at your hip or meat of your thigh when you find yourself adjusted to the methodical press of their fingers and muscle within you. You react so well, but they can't give you everything when it's only your first night of forever together. It's crazy to think that a small bite sends more electricity to your core than lobbing off your own hand, but this world was full of surprises your lover would come to show you the more you grew comfortable with each others bodies.
Your first release they keep to themselves. As your new helper they should always get first taste and just like everything you make your fluids are addicting. They tongue fuck you to an orgasm twice over before finally retrieving the bottle you feverishly begged them to grab. Always thinking of the customers first. They'll fix that for you soon enough. They clean everything up while you fall asleep in their car and keep you out of the shop that weekend to rejuvenate and perfect your new secret ingredient. Your admirer keeps a copy of your heart when you're away so they don't get lonely, before ultimately deciding to join the staff in case you run out while on the clock. Your customers love the new recipe blissfully unaware of what goes on behind closed doors.... Until one of them gets a little too jealous seeing you leave everything with that arm around your waist.
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voidtouched-blue · 8 months
starter for @forgotten-contract
Bustling cities had a kind of charm about them that just drew people in. Merchants bringing wares to sell, adventurers seeking their next job, the impoverished looking for a new start, and of course knowledge seekers pulled in by the wealth of information and skills the guilds provided. Ul'Dah was the jewel of the desert. It's streets gilded by the sun, and its people the heart of its illuminating glimmer. Yet, in all the excitements and pleasures the glittering gem provided, what interested Cyra more were the secrets that laid in the dark.
It had been six months with no answer to her summons, and she grew tired of waiting. The wound still fresh in her heart had been her driving force for the last year, and now her curiosity and thirst had brough her to the Thaumaturges' guild once more. The brothers that commanded their charge of the tomb their order operated out of were no strangers to her. The healer had made generous donations of both monetary and service-related origin in the past. Even her interest in the arts of Thaumaturgy had captured their interest enough to allow her nearly free roam of the sanctuary. What interested her more than their method of manipulating aether was the carefully kept tomes secreted in their collection.
The art of Thaumaturgy was deeply rooted in an understanding of the Voidsent, and the natural charge of a Black Mage was the power of destructive magics at their fingertips. The techniques had been passed down from mages who had learned to wield and control the secrets given to them by the denizens of the Void, and Cyra's desire for those secrets carried an unnatural thirst for the forbidden knowledge stored within the sanctum. While she had the support of the guardians of the tomb, none of them were willing to grant her permission to access those materials.
Perhaps there is aught I can glean from their available texts. In the very least I can try to keep track of constant themes between tomes. Her thoughts danced around the idea of sneaking in after hours, even casting a simple sleeping spell on the brothers on watch just to get a glance. Initially, she only wanted to ask permission to simply see the secrets they kept locked away, but even her display of mastery over the destructive magicks wasn't enough to convince them that she could keep her wits about her.
They had the right of it.
Cyra's want for their information was borne entirely out of her craving for power. Were she a little more lost to her madness, she would have considered taking it by force, but her principles kept her from acting on impulse. She would not take a life so needlessly. Not unless her well-being had been threatened first.
The hours she had spent in one day alone was more than most of their students would spend practicing their craft. So driven was she by her desires that she neglected any attempts at getting her attention throughout the days she had spent perusing their collection. She would find the answers she was looking for, and if she had to, Cyra was prepared to even commit crimes to fulfill her wish. "Gods-damnit!" She cursed in a sharp whisper. "This would be so much easier if they would just let me have a peek." It took a significant amount of restraint to keep her from slamming her fists onto the table in frustration. Several stacks of tomes covered the surface within her reach, with a rather large and delicately decorated one opened in front of her. She tapped her dry quill on the page, rereading her notes as she compared copied passages from multiple books with one another. The mentions were too vague to have any immediate connections to the titles she had heard Cocobuki mention in passing to one of his brothers.
She leaned back in her seat, setting the quill down in the ink well and letting out a frustrated sigh. The Miqo'te rubbed her face with her free hand, her gaze shifted distantly to the candle that sat just out of reach on the other end of the table. The playful dance of the flame held her focus for a moment. It was curious how something so small had the power to cause catastrophic destruction. She knew what she asked of the brothers. She knew what the consequences would be should she lose control over the magick she sought to control. Cyra was sure that her determination and desire were strong enough to overcome any perceived failure they may have had nestled among their doubts.
"Aghk!" Something in the light felt like it burned a hole into her mind. She winced, hunching over slightly in the chair as she cradled her face delicately with her clawed hands. She had felt headaches before, but this was different. The sharp pain behind her eye moved to her forehead. Her vast knowledge of the body, and its innumerable ails didn't provide her with any immediate answers.
"Perhaps..." She grunted, rubbing her temples. "Perhaps it's time for a small respite from throwing my head at the wall." The healer pinched the bridge of her nose and pushed her seat away from the table. As she moved, the headache seemed to pulse. The way it ached had her nearly incapacitated. But as suddenly as the pain appeared, it had subsided to a dull throb. I should return home. I doubt they will grant me access, and I have much to go over. I would also prefer to suffer through this fatigue in the comfort of privacy.
As she stood up from her seat, spots obscured her vision. She wobbled, only catching herself at the last moment on the surface of the table before she had completely toppled over herself. In her brief episode, she had knocked over the chair. The sound of the wood clattering onto the stone floor had silenced any conversation happening throughout the sanctuary, and yet she couldn't be bothered to even pay attention to it. All she wanted was to regain control of herself. But something felt like it was wriggling around in her head, sending her vision into a spin and losing focus on the task at hand.
The flame on the candle flickered towards her curiously.
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grey-gazania-fic · 10 months
Maedhros, Elrond, and Elros. Rated G.
"You're really going to teach us to fight?" Elros asked, eyeing the practice swords that lay on the ground near Maedhros' feet. They were wooden and sized for the boys, and now he knew what Taraharn had been so busy with for the past few days.
Maedhros nodded. He was dressed in a simple tunic and breeches, his long hair pulled back from his face, and he was leaning on a wooden sword of his own, this one much longer, more suited to his great height. "You're old enough to learn," he said, "and I would have you able to defend yourselves. The wilds are a dangerous place. You know that."
"Aren't you afraid that we'll kill you someday?" Elros said. Elrond shot him a disapproving look, but Elros ignored him; he had always been more blunt than his brother, and he had no qualms about bringing up the truth of how they had come to live with the Sons of Fëanor.
"I do not fear death, Elros," Maedhros said. It was a sentiment Maglor had voiced before, but unlike Maglor, when Maedhros said it he spoke the truth. "Besides, I believe you have more sense than to try. It would do you no good."
Elros had to concede the point. Even if Maedhros and Maglor refused to defend themselves from the boys — and that alone was a big if — there were certainly people among their followers who would not hesitate to avenge their lords. "That's true," he admitted.
Elrond rolled his eyes. "I don't feel like killing anybody except Orcs," he said. "Let's stop talking and get started."
That got a half-smile from Maedhros. "Take up a sword," he instructed. "It doesn't matter which; they're identical in all the ways that matter."
Elros and Elrond looked at each other, shrugged in unison, and each picked up the sword closest to them.
"These are meant to be used with one hand. Maglor will teach you the two-handed method, for obvious reasons," Maedhros said dryly. "Now, hold it like this, but in your right hand. We'll start with your dominant arm." He demonstrated with his own sword, and the boys copied him. "Good," he told Elrond as he examined his grip.
Elros received no praise. Instead, Maedhros handed his sword to Elrond, saying, "Hold this." Then he took Elros' hand in his own, adjusting the position of the boy's fingers. "You want your thumb here," he said. "It minimizes the risk of injury to your hand if you block a blow close to the cross-guard."
Elros nodded, but his mind wasn't on Maedhros' words. Instead it was fixed on the calloused, scarred hand wrapped around his own — a hand that was celebrated in song for its owner's deeds in the Dagor Bragollach, but also a hand that had slaughtered his mother's people twice over. Was it irony that this hand would be the one that taught him and Elrond to fight, or was it simply misfortune?
He didn't know, and he was snapped out of his reverie by Elrond elbowing him in the ribs.
"Elros," Maedhros was saying, "are you listening to me?"
"I'm sorry," he said, looking up. For a moment he thought he saw the dreaded Kinslayer standing before him, but he blinked and the man became simply Maedhros again, tired-eyed but patient. "I was just— I was thinking," he tried to explain.
"Thinking is good, but try to keep your thoughts focused on the present," Maedhros said. "Otherwise there is no point to these lessons." He took his sword back from Elrond and held it upright in front of him. "Now, copy me."
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angelltheninth · 1 year
How to permanently hide/block AI generated works on Ao3
As you might know people have started using AI to generate fics and have been posting them to Ao3. As of now there are almost 400 works with the words/tag: 'Chat GPT' or some variation of 'AI written'.
When I asked Ao3 support about blocking/deleting them they told me they don't violate their ToS (which I think is bullshit, since the fics are made from stolen works). That being said I kind of understand why they don't want to delete them. If they do then the works would go untagged and be impossible to filter out.
You may also ask: why not use Ao3's Block and Mute feature?
You can but there's a limit to how many users you can block/mute. Since there's already almost 400 fics I imagine they're just gonna keep popping up and sooner or later you'd run out of block/mute spots.
Therefore I find it much easier to permanently block them all together.
For these you will need the Tampermonkey extension, the Ao3 savior script, and the Ao3 savior confg script (which the one you will be editing).
Now I will show you how to use them:
First you need to add Tempermonkey to your browser:
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Next is the Ao3 Savior and the Config, you add them the same way:
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After that you need to install the scripts in Tampermonkey to make them work:
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To edit the scripts you need to click on the Tampermonkey extention and go to "Dashboard". After that you will see your window and click on the Ao3 Configuration edit:
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The script might look scary and complicated but I promise you its not. You may edit lines 20-40 in order to make it work.
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The things you want to edit should be separated by commas and have apostrophes before and after the word so that the script knows where the blocked tags begin and end. Also remember to click "File" in the top left corner of the script and click "Save" or your progress will be lost.
My script looks like this, if you need a visual,:
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And if you want to know the exact words I used and just copy and paste them here you go:
For authors: 'ChatGPT', 'ai3fanfiction'
For titles: 'AI written', 'written by AI', 'ChatGPT', 'written by an AI', 'AI Dungeon', 'written entirely by an AI', 'AI-written', 'written with an AI', 'written entirely by AI', 'written by a AI'
For tags: 'AI generated', 'ChatGPT', 'OpenAI', 'Chat-GPT - Freedorm', '*Written by AI', 'AI written'
For summary: 'written by AI', 'AI Dungeon', '*written entirely by an AI', 'AI written fanfiction', 'written by an AI'
Of course you can also add ships, tags you may find triggering, etc. in the exact same way, just make sure you add them to the right line and in the format I showed above.
I hope this helps until someone finds a way to hide authors works from AI cause Ao3 seemingly isn't doing anything. Or AI bros gets sued by some big company and get shut down.
In the meantime you can use this, feel free to add any other other words you find to make it work better because I most likely didn't find them all. And if you know of a more simple method you may also share.
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spockandawe · 8 months
Hello! I am a novice/hobbyist bookbinder; currently I'm making sketchbooks, but eventually I'd like to bind some fanfic so I can have a hard copy! Your work is awesome! 2 questions: how do you trim your text blocks? (If it's a guillotine, do you have a recommendation?) And do you have any links to tutorials for how to do the k118 binding? I looked up the binding on google and ended up here, hence my asking! (Yeah that's more like 3 questions but oh well! Thanks!)
Ahhh, yes! I do use a guillotine. My model is vevor, but that actual listing is gone now. It's pretty close to this amazon model, it's definitely more POWERFUL than the simple lever ones you sometimes see in craft spaces. Mine handles up to 500ish pages without trouble, and past that, I've tried chisel trimming (without the right press to hold it, i got a bloody outcome and a mangled book) and using a handheld orbital sander (slow and VERY messy, but works)
I do not have a better tutorial for k118 at hand, apologies. I went from the descriptions of the construction that you can find at the top of search results, then used the tightbacked leather covering methods discussed by das bookbinding in his videos. I'm hoping to maybe make a tutorial of some kind soon, because it always makes me sad when I can't answer yes to this question, so one may be forthcoming!
However, especially if you're new to bookbinding, I'd definitely recommend other styles like casebinding or coptic binding first, and getting comfortable with how leather handles on something like a bog-standard case before trying a tightbacked style. I didnt, my first attempts at leatherwork weren't k118, but tightbacked binding with laced on boards, and the learning curve was BRUTAL, it was the closest I've gotten to being completely discouraged away from a bookbinding skill. Whether or not you do a leather k118, you're going to be wrapping a a sheet of material where one side is covered in paste around a three dimensional object, manipulating it to do the turn-ins, and trying not to get adhesive on the pretty side of the covering material
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It's the easiest tightbacked style I've tried so far and i love it! I think it is very attainable. I just also don't want people to get discouraged away from the hobby because this particular style was too hard to figure out. I think it's a little reductive to say 'people shouldn't try this style until they can understand it from the vague descriptions,' which is why I want to write a tutorial, but I also think it's important to level up some other skills first before tackling this one!
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illuminatedquill · 7 months
Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger:
Star Scar-Crossed Lovers
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They don't know how much they'll miss At least until you're gone like this Talking to the mirror, say, "Save your breath Half your life, you've been hooked on death" Twice the dreams, but half the love Be careful what you bottle up The chemistry is a mess, it seems But me, I'm still a sunbeam I will never ask you for anything Except to dream sweet of me I will never ask you for anything Except to dream sweet of me Tell me, when the party ends Will you still love who I am, I am? - Fall Out Boy, Heaven, Iowa
Here's the thing - Ezra's disappearance and subsequent absence from Sabine's life was always going to hurt her in a way that no one else's did.
All because Ezra was kind. That's the horrible, tragic irony of it all that keeps me up at night. Sabine has lost so many loved ones throughout her life: ran from her own family; her fellow Mandalorian and friend Ketsu Onyo left her for dead; Kanan died to allow her, Hera, and Ezra to escape Imperial forces; and, later on, her master, Ahsoka Tano left her shortly after the Purge of Mandalore.
It's arguable that even Hera and Zeb presumably became estranged from her at some point during or after the events of the Original Trilogy. The Ghost Crew split up. Sabine is alone on Lothal and clearly is not accustomed to visitors when we see her in the Ahsoka premiere.
Sabine, as we know, is accustomed to this. She has developed a method of "moving on" and forging a new path ahead. She internalizes the pain, for better and worse, and keeps moving.
It's served her fairly well.
But not with Ezra. He does the one thing none of those others did: he leaves a message, just for her, shortly before his disappearance with Thrawn into another galaxy.
With that message, that act of unconditional love and kindness, it leaves an indelible scar on Sabine's heart.
With the others who left or died or she ran away from, she could ignore the pain. Sabine could justify it for being due to one reason or another.
Ezra's message does away with that defense. Slips past through her hardened exterior and nestles deep within her heart.
Because he's kind. Because he's Ezra and he didn't want to leave his friend without saying good-bye and wanted to give her some sense of closure.
"Sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined." - Ocean Vuong, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
She doesn't close the door on Ezra. But she can't cross through it either. For the next ten years, Sabine becomes stagnant, keeping that fire of hope burning for her lost friend but unable to act on it.
And she plays that message every day, probably.
Plays it again.
And again.
And again.
She dreams of that recording; has Ezra's statement memorized to where she mouths along the words with him and can even copy his mannerisms. Sabine takes to heart every little one of his movements and how shy and awkward he looks when he says she's "like a sister" to him.
(And she scoffs. Every single time. But doesn't quite know why that line irritates her.)
The tragedy is that Ezra's message was meant to reassure Sabine and let her move on . . . only to do the exact opposite.
It becomes a burden to bear - one that she does so willingly and with all the ferocity and determination she can muster. But, still a burden it is, despite Ezra's good intentions.
Sabine eventually does the unthinkable - she takes on the mantle of a Jedi.
Think about it. Never, in the entirety of Rebels, had she ever shown an inkling of being interested in following the Jedi path.
Why now? What's changed?
It's simple. Ezra's gone.
Maybe it's a desire to get closer with him but, equally likely, Sabine sees it as a potential avenue to find him someday. She's seen it's power and the abilities it produces in those who are able to wield it.
But even that path forward to Ezra fails. Her people - and her family - are purged by the Empire and Ahsoka cuts her Jedi training short out of fear for Sabine becoming dangerous should she reach her full potential after such a tremendous loss.
More years pass, but the fire never dies. But Sabine cannot do anything. She stays locked in Ezra's watchtower, seeing the galaxy return to life but not feeling any of it for herself.
And then, eventually, Ahsoka returns with the map to Thrawn.
We know the rest.
The planet of Seatos. The map. Ahsoka's fall.
Sabine's choice. The only choice. The grand calculus of the universe demands that she place duty over love; that she throw away Thrawn's one chance of returning to finish what he started.
And, in doing so, doom Ezra to die far, far away from home.
And Sabine makes her choice. Gambles the fate of her galaxy, the hard won peace that so many had fought and died for - all for love.
The Ahsoka finale seems to find Sabine and Ahsoka making peace over her choice. Yes, Thrawn has returned to the galaxy - but so has Ezra, thus fulfilling Sabine's promise to herself of getting him home.
Ahsoka reassures her that the Force has plans in motion - that although they are stranded in another galaxy, they are meant to be here. Just like Ezra is meant to be back home.
Trust in the Force. Sabine and Ezra will find their way back to each other, no matter what.
. . . But there's always consequences to a decision. Always.
I don't believe that Sabine sacrificing her desire to be with Ezra after being kept apart for so long is the true cost of what she did. I don't think that's her real trial.
I think the real reckoning is yet to come.
Because Ezra never found out how she came to find him.
Sabine could not bring herself to tell him. Because she is, appropriately, scared of how he will react. She does not want to lose him again.
(The weight of that will break the galaxy.)
Helping Thrawn return is not only a betrayal of everything Ezra and others had sacrificed for but it places Lothal, Hera, Jacen, Zeb, and countless other beings in extreme danger.
In making her deal with Baylan to find Thrawn, Sabine may end up losing him again in a way more permanent than being trapped in a distant galaxy.
Sabine got him back after so long . . . only for her choice to cause an irreparable rift in their relationship.
The loss of Ezra's love, trust, and respect for Sabine is something I cannot fathom how she would handle. She saved him, only to lose him because of it.
And to think from it on Ezra's side - that he doesn't know how his message came to define Sabine's life these past ten years. He's Force-sensitive and, more importantly, knows Sabine better than most people; he knows she's hiding something from him.
But I don't think he could guess it was something like helping Thrawn. He wouldn't even consider it being in character for her, let alone especially for someone who is training to be a Jedi.
Ezra would never, for a single second, consider that Sabine is a traitor. It's unthinkable for him. It's probably why he never questioned Sabine further after she showed up on Peridea with little explanation.
For what reason would she risk the galaxy? To throw everything into the hands of the galaxy's most feared and cunning Imperial warlord?
And when he finds out it was all for him . . . . my heart breaks for Ezra.
The scar of Sabine's choice would mark him long enough for several lifetimes.
How do you fix something like that? How do you come back from a betrayal that burns everything you've ever sacrificed for, everything you've ever stood for?
How do you face the person you trusted to safeguard all of that, only to find out that they're the one who lit the flame?
How do you reconcile that they did all these terrible things for you?
(Ask Vader how well that turned out for him.)
It's Sabine. It's Ezra.
And the scars they've given each other . . . all for love.
If Filoni is brave enough, then this could be the most interesting relationship in all of Star Wars.
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thewertsearch · 1 year
EB: my house is HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE! TT: Actually, building up your house has been one of the more trivial ways I've passed the time. TT: Great swaths of the structure may be copied and pasted with little architectural consideration.
Gravity took one look at the Medium, and threw in the towel.
It's clear that Sburb only pretends to be a house-building game. It was initially presented as a necessary step to reach the Gates, but it seems pretty easy to reach them with alchemy gear. Dave did it with zero grist.
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Back in Act 3, Nanna implied that the building mechanic had a hidden objective, seemingly unrelated to the Gates. Maybe that's Rose's goal here - but then again, maybe not. After all, she seems to have turned against the game, rejecting its objectives.
...or at least, I think she has. I'm still not 100% sure how to interpret her recent behavior, or how much of it can be attributed to the Noble Circle. Guess there's only one way to find out.
TT: We have a lot of grist. [...] TT: Last I checked, more than a million units of several different types.
That's a lot of Pogo Hammers. It might even be enough for the original Fear No Anvil, the most expensive item we've encountered.
I wonder - is it enough for a really tiny universe?
TT: Shared, through an application. [...] TT: I convinced your nanna to install it on your computer. EB: you got her to do that? [...] TT: My methods of persuasion have been improving.
Nanna is John's sprite - and, pranks aside, she's here to help. I don't think it's weird that Rose was able to persuade her - but I am taking note of her phrasing.
"My methods of persuasion have been improving"? This is awfully vague, especially for someone who used to explain Sburb's mechanics so precisely. I guess she abandoned clear communication alongside her GameFAQs guide.
What skill, exactly, has Rose been honing? What, exactly, is she 'improving' at?
EB: what's up with the alchemiter? [...] TT: Upgrades. EB: did you get nanna to do that too? TT: No, your consorts were utilized for that. [...] TT: [...] They seem eager to receive simple instruction. TT: I'm guessing they find their way back to your house to allow the client player to remain productive while the server player is away.
There's clearly more to the Server Player's role than just building their Client's house. Rose implied that she's been engaged in other, less 'trivial' activities - but like I said, I have a sneaking suspicion that she's not talking about game objectives.
EB: i'm surprised they even understand what to do. TT: Like I said. TT: Coercion hasn't been much of a problem.
Again with this. Consorts seem impressionable, and I think it would be easy to enlist their help - but the language Rose is using here is suspicious as fuck.
Surely she's aware that her use of 'coercion' demands follow-up questions?
EB: uh… EB: what exactly does that mean? EB: what have you been doing this whole time??? TT: Why don't you tell me what you've been up to first?
Which she's dodging! Well, that's just great.
At least John is picking up what she's putting down. That's right, Egbert - something's up here.
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meilia-stims · 10 months
How Do You Make Stimboats?
How To Make Stimboards
First we pick a theme. For example, let’s say we want to make a purple stimboard. You would first find yourself a purple gif!
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I like this purple star gif from this user’s stimboard, so I am going to copy the link for the whole stimboard and paste it in Discord! I have a specific channel in a personal server for this.
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If you don’t use discord, I’m sure there are other methods for saving your links, such as a Google doc. You will need these stimboard links later.
Next, I open the stimboard link through Discoed and save the gif I want to my camera roll, like so.
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After that we put the gif in our stimboard! Most stimboards are made up of nine gifs, but for the sake of convenience, I’m just going to show how to credit a single gif.
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Choose an emoji (I’m using the Purple Heart 💜), or a simple “X” and highlight it. Click the insert link button. This is where you will need your stimboard link.
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Copy the stimboard link and paste it in that box, and click “Add Link”
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Once you’ve done that, the emoji or “X” should have a line under it like this;
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And that’s how you credit your gifs! Do this nine times (I usually save nine gifs at once to save time, rather than literally repeating these steps over and over) and you’ll have yourself a typical 3x3 stimboard!
Hope this helps! I’ve never made a tutorial before. Good luck and happy stimming!
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tbcanary · 7 months
Hi! Do you happen to have basic/simple/easy tutorials for editing comic panels to recommend?
i do not actually have one to refer you to, but i’m happy to write some things up! i’m assuming this is just for removing backgrounds and creating icons; if you want a how-to on the way i animate panels, that lives here.
i use photoshop cs6, but the same general principles should work in other editors. also, there are probably easier or faster ways to do the things i do. i like my methods and i’m comfortable with them, but i’d recommend experimenting to find what works best for you.
and... yeah! let's get into it.
step one: finding a panel
i save panels as i’m reading comics. they all live in one PSD file named “panels,” and i make a new one for each run. anything that seems pretty or thematically resonant gets copied and pasted in there. this way, i don’t have to dig through endless comic issues to find a specific image that stuck with me. i usually save the full page just so the edges are clean and everything is included.
let’s go with this page from birds of prey:
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step two: cropping
the way i crop the image depends on two things: what i’m hoping to make, and what the image looks like. here, i’m just doing a basic portrait, and helena is taller than she is wide. that makes it easy; let’s crop it so she takes up most of the frame.
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(my preferred ratios are 4x6 for smaller panel edits like this; for banners, i usually do 2x1, but if the framing works better as 3x2, I have done that, too. just feel it out. actual pixel sizes depend on the size of the original image.)
step three: removing the background
this part is, I think, the area with the most room for personal preference. we need to erase the background, and there are a LOT of tools to do this. each one varies depending on what the image itself looks like. there’s the magic selection tool, the eraser, or the lasso or magnetic selection tool. 
(i don’t use the lasso or magnet because they’re evil, to me, but they work reasonably well when you have a character on a mostly solid background and art with thick, defined lines. i have no real advice other than that.)
here, we can mix and match some things. i’m going to start by using the magic selection tool to grab all the white or solid colors and remove them with the delete key, like so:
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surprise! gone.
after that, for the more finicky areas, i am a perfectionist and i go in and erase pixels using the eraser tool at 4-5px width. i start by outlining the character, like so:
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from there, you can use the lasso tool to select all of the remaining background and delete it. i usually hide the white background layer at this step, too. (i'm also going to color the smoke and the man in the foreground black and redraw the crossbow string with the paintbrush tool. this ain't about him.)
you should end up with something like this:
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step four: cleaning the linework
this part is mostly using the layer style stroke and the tool refine edge.
so, because of how selection tools and erasers work, there are a bunch of hidden pixels throughout the image you can’t really see. this drives me absolutely bonkers. at this point, i combine all the layers of the paint i've done so far -- everything except for the transparent background. select the layer with the character — Helena — and apply the layer style stroke, set to “outside” at 3px.
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those little black dots are what we're after. there aren't too many right now, because this was a fairly clean edit; sometimes, it looks scary and messy, but that’s okay. the layer style has just outlined all those invisible pixels. i go through and erase them — especially in tight places like corners. for example, this pesky area between strands of hair:
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(before vs. after)
once you’ve erased all of those pixels and cleaned up the image, you can go back into the stroke layer style.
you’ve done a lot of erasing and feathering and cleaning up, so chances are, the line work is not nearly as crisp as it looked in the original panel. that’s fine! shift the settings to “inside” and 1px, like so:
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sometimes it’ll need to be 2-3 px, sometimes it’ll need to be center-aligned, and sometimes you might even decide it looks better outside or without the stroke style at all! this is all personal preference. do whatever you like.
once it's where you want it to be, i like to duplicate the layer -- to save the one without the new outline in case anything goes wonky. then right click the copy of the layer and "rasterize style" to get a flat image with new linework.
your workspace should look something like this:
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if it happens to feel like the edges are a little harsh — which happens sometimes! especially when using selection instead of eraser — you can select the whole image and use refine edge. this softens it. you don’t need to do much; i usually do 2-3px of feathering, a couple pixels of smoothing, and some contrast, depending on how it looks. see below:
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you'll have three layers now. it gets confusing, so try to keep track of which one is your active layer. you can delete old ones, if you want; i generally don't, just in case.
there isn’t a hard and fast rule for this part. do what you think looks good. and if you want to refine the edge before you add the new linework, that can work! do another stroke layer style after the first round! test things out and find out what you like. most of the time, it depends on the image and your preference.
after all that, this is the helena we now have:
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step five: creating a new background!
this part is easy. create a new layer, pick a color you like — i tend to pull from the actual background using an eye dropper tool, or if it’s for a multiple-part edit, I use the swatches i’ve decided on for the color scheme of the whole thing — and paint bucket that thing right on there. this is some of the blue that was behind her originally:
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i don’t like flat colors, pretty much ever, because they feel harsh to me. so i go back and add artistic touches and mess around with the filters a lot. sometimes i pull text or accents from other panels and follow the same steps as above to incorporate them into the edit; sometimes, i don’t. no rules just vibes.
in this case, i want it to be pretty simple. so i’ll make a new layer, then fill it in with a gradient tool. i usually make a custom gradient; one side is the color of the background and the other side is either black or white, depending on the vibe I want.
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i do an orbital gradient most of the time — circles are your friend — and focus the center on something that I want to draw the eye to. here, i’m going to do helena’s face.
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then i mess around with the opacity until it looks the way i want it to. like this:
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step six: final steps
congrats! you have an edited panel! you’re perfectly fine to post/share/use it at this point, but there are a couple other things i like to do to give it that final polish:
if you want to jazz up your edits, try messing around with outer glow, or drop shadow. both of those layer styles can add some emphasis to your focal point. (i prefer those be kept at a low opacity, when i use them, which isn’t often.)
i'd also recommend messing around with gradient maps if you want to superimpose a larger silhouette over the background. that would take more room than i have left in this already far too long guide, but it does add something to have it in there.
i dislike having text bubbles in my edits unless i specifically put them there, so i do have a process for removing them, much like the smoke or the man in the foreground. again, we are running long already, so i won't get into that here. my recommendation if you don't want to deal with entirely removing a bubble is to just paint over the text inside with white so you have an empty text box or speech bubble instead. it's simpler, quicker, and honestly the more common practice based on what i've seen.
that being said, if you want to know how i paint over them -- or how to do anything i didn't get into here -- feel free to ask. i don't mind writing these up.
i have a guide on how i size my images here, which walks through the exporting process. it’s not strictly necessary, but i like for my edits to remain consistent in size, so i do usually follow it.
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and that’s it! you’re now ready to edit comic panels to your heart’s content. happy cropping and so on, and thanks for asking me. <3
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mirrorhouse · 3 months
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@cherriesandsulphur (this got long so i'm posting my reply here) thank you 😊 i used a combination of methods: for gortash it's just a straightforward swap with the ring of metamorph mod. for my durge, it involved some file editing
first, i created a new transformation using the tutorial listed on the mod’s page. that involves adding it as a new entry, and then basically rebuilding your character’s appearance in the files. that worked for most general swaps, but because aylin switches to a different version of her model in this scene, i had to edit her files directly
for that, i followed this tutorial (very simple when you've already built your characters appearance once, because you can just copy and paste it as needed). for aylin, she needs to have her 'nowings' and 'nowings_nohelmet' (not exact because i'm on mobile rn, but they're named something along those lines) appearances changed. then, i had to apply my previously created ring of metamorph swap to her before the scene played, because otherwise she loaded as my character with her colours (pale skin/blonde hair etc)
overall it is a kind of complicated process at first, but not really once you get the hang of it! i have most of the game files unpacked and use the modders multitool to search for names within files i need, so it sped up everything a lot too
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satoshi-mochida · 7 days
Dokapon: Sword of Fury remaster announced for Switch
From Gematsu
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Sting has announced Dokapon: Sword of Fury for Switch. It is a remastered version of the 1998-released PlayStation title of the same name. It will launch on August 1 in Japan for 4,620 yen.
Here is an overview of the game, via its retail listings:
The most taboo in the Dokapon series?! Are you sure these kind of expressions are OK in the 2020s? Now you can enjoy the visuals of the past as a remastered release. While retaining the subtle world depicted by the original game’s pixel art graphics, the illustrations and 3D graphics have been made easier on the eyes on the big screen with newly added effects. The 3D graphics use a toon-like expression, and the illustrations have a smooth look. You can also revert back to the pixel art graphics of the past.
Key Features
Outsmart Your Friends and Become the Richest Person in the World – The player who becomes the richest (has the most assets) will be the winner. To do that, you must fight against monsters, steal items, rob stores, and… defeat your friends? This is a board game where anything goes! Use unique events like the Tenka Ippin Battle tournament and alliance systems to maximize profits. Of course, it can also be enjoyed as an RPG in which you adventure across a vast map.
A Rock-Paper-Scissors-Based Battle System That Anyone Can Enjoy – When you encounter an enemy, a battle will begin. Battles are simple—they are turn-based battles in which a coin toss determines who goes first and who goes second. As for the controls, simply select an attack method from four commands. If your attack is successful, it can do major damage to the enemy. Conversely, if it does not play well against the enemy’s defense method, you could end up taking major damage yourself. Tense battles will unfold where you must read your enemy’s moves, and where the outcome can change in an instant depending on the commands you choose.
Newly Added Multiplayer Support and Online Battles – With multiplayer support for up to four players, everyone can play with just one copy of the game. Additionally, with online support, you can play with friends far and wide. You can even stop playing mid-game, save, and continue playing from where you left off.
Increase the Tempo with the New High-Speed Function – A high-speed function has been added as a quality-of-life feature. You can choose 3x speed and 5x speed, so even busy people can play with ease. This feature can also be used online.
Enjoy A Bit of Customization with “Secret Sauce” – The “Secret Sauce” feature allows you to change bits of the game balance. Like seasoning, it allows various elements to be slightly adjusted. The “Number of Games Setting” allows you to designate the number of games played, so even those with little time can enjoy playing. Other features include the ability to play around with subtle balance settings, such as setting limitless magic usage and the number of times Wallace appears. And for Dokapon series fans, there is also a feature that allows you to change the battle background music to that of previous Dokapon games. Live in the atmosphere of the past!
View the first screenshots at the gallery. Visit the official website here.
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ramonag-if · 2 years
Adding a volume slider to your Twine Sugarcube game
Since I made the first how-to add music guide, I realised that some might want to also add a volume slider as well. This is a really, really simple guide and covers the basics. You will be using javascript for this, I'm afraid, but I've kept it all very simple and easy to understand - you're simply copying and pasting code. The documentation and code can be found in the Sugarcube Documentation website.
I used this method for Crown of Exile and honestly, it's nothing fancy but it works perfectly fine, so if you're still new to coding and need a little help, hopefully this will help clear up any confusion 😊
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samssims · 8 months
hey, how did you make different sections for your blog? Can't figure it out, I'd like to divide up my posts so my main page isn't messy. Thanks!
Hi Nonny! I am not entirely sure what you mean by this so I will give a bunch of general tips below. If this doesn't cover it or you want something expanded on, feel free to let me know!
Tips to keeping your blog neat & tidy!
Let me start off by saying it is your blog. Make it as messy as you want. However there are a few things you can do to make posts easier to see and read for yourself and your followers.
Tag your posts. All of them. Have a different tag per save, story, gameplay, have one for asks, have one for reblogs. Have multiple tags! Tags galore!!! All of this will let you filter your posts to just the ones you want to see. If you tag every post with just "ts4" then you will not be able to find anything.
Example: Two of my saves have the individual tags "NSB" (for Not So Berry) and "Princess Legacy" but then I break them down even further by doing "NSB Gen 1" & "NSB Gen 2" so viewers can choose to view the project as a whole or just to search through one Gen.
This is ABSOLUTELY OPTIONAL but it makes your posts stand out from each other if you give each story/gameplay/save their own banner. It doesn't have to be extravagant. It can just be a color. Or even a pattern.
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Princess Legacy:
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You can absolutely steal the dimensions of these banners (aka save them right from this post) to create your own.
Use Your Queue
One of the easiest ways to organize your blog is to organize your queue! If you have a lot of stories or posts, try to limit when/what days you are posting them so it looks more consistent on your blog.
Example: In a perfect world where I have consistent content this is also referenced in my timezone which is PST: NSB posts go up at 6 AM every WEEKDAY - I manually schedule these Gameplay posts (whatever gameplay I am currently into as this changes) 3 times a day on the hour every weekday 11 AM-1PM - this is my normal queue set up Reblogs of others post - Weekends, 3 times a day as my normal queue is set up for
When I was doing really well with content, I would queue up 15 posts of gameplay (3 posts a day for 5 days) then go into the sims tag and throw 6 reblogged posts into my queue. Then start over again so I could queue up months in advance.
Using this method for myself makes my blog feels more structured to me. It's just for my own peace of mind and keeps me more organized.
Blog Themes
One of the best creative flex this site offers you imo. You can customize your blog theme to make it fit what you want.
There are a TON of blog themes over theme-hunter. This must be done from desktop and is only for desktop. It cannot be changed via mobile. If you check out theme-hunter, go to the top right "MORE" button. If you are looking for a main page theme, search through the "All-In-One" tag. If you are looking for a story page like i have to showcase all your stories together, I usually look through the "Family/Favorites/Characters" tag.
Now this does require a very BASE knowledge of coding, which I cannot get into in this post. It's a bit of work. Start with a simple theme until you get it down.
PRO TIP: Make a private side blog for just yourself where you can test out the themes. That way if you break the code it doesn't break your main blog. Once the code is ready on your private blog, then you can just copy/paste it onto your main!
HERE is a quick guide on how to add a tumblr theme. If you have never done it before, it's a bit of a learning curve, but honestly it's sooo satisfying once it's done.
Example: The codes for the current pages I am using can be found below: Main Theme: [X] Story Page [X]
Customizing Your Blog
Putting this all together!
Your new story pages and blog pages can include links to the specific tags you are using on your posts! It's how others can find you content so it's organized!
So let's look at this tab on my blog:
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This is part of my blog theme. I change it out to update whatever my blog is currently showcasing! It's part of the custom page and me going into the code to manually change it.
If you were to click any of the "Start" tabs (for the ones that have them) they would take you to the URL for the tag itself:
samssims.tumblr.com/tagged/nsb+gen+1/chrono [tumblr url] / [the word TAGGED to show you are searching the tag] / [the tag itself with + signs for spaces] / [the word CHRONO just means it will start at the beginning of the tag, useful for stories]
NOTE: These URLs only work on desktop/mobile browser. They do not work on the tumblr app.
And that's just a little bit about organizing your blog. But honestly it's your space. Just like your room IRL, you keep it the way you like it! This system works for me! If it helps you find your flow then I am happy to help!
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habshihalwa · 1 year
Surviving GCSES: The Ultimate Guide
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NB; some 'specific subjects' may not be included
- revision should be 'little and often' - meaning you should be revising a few hours every week, whether it's recapping the material, quizzing yourself, or doing homework. By doing little and often revision, it's more likely to become embedded in your long term memory
- if you cram the day before an exam, do effective cramming. Use this time to go over anything you don't know or understand. Blurting is a good method to use- try reading a page or a topic and writing down as much as you can remember from it. Fill in the gaps and identify your weak spots
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ACTIVE RECALL should be the main way you revise. It's forcing your brain to actively remember what it can about what you've learned, bringing it to the front of your memory
- blurting: blurting is a great way for you to find out what you know and what you don't. Write down as much as you can remember, and fill in the bits you can't with a different colour. You can repeat the process until it's embedded in your memory and until you're confident that you know everything you need to know
- flashcards: when writing flashcards, do NOT just copy notes onto there. Write questions on one side, and answers on the other then use it to quiz yourself. ALTERNATIVELY for memorising quotes, you could also write half of it on one side and half on the other. You could also write notes on one side and questions on the other, so you have to look in the text to find the answers
- past papers: I cannot stress this enough. Once you've revised and learned everything you think you've learned, test yourself by doing past papers. Research has shown that the top students do more past papers and questions than anyone else. Mark these yourself using the mark scheme so you can identify where you went wrong and how to improve it. Pay extra attention to the mark scheme so in an exam you can quit the waffle and identify where your marks are at
- pretend to 'teach' the content to someone younger or dumber than you. Try and explain it the best you can in simple words - this shows you understand it enough
- there are LOADS of videos out there about how to revise- watch them and use them!
- sleep: sleep is also a revision technique after you've learnt something, as sleeping gives your brain time to process the information and store it in your memory. but only sleep AFTER you've revised a bit
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- teachers are your best tool. Use them
- teachers know what they're doing, and are specialised in their subject for a REASON
- request revision materials,
- if you don't understand anything, simply ask. That's what they're there for. At the end of the day, your grades are gonna matter more than the time you bothered them
- listen in lessons!!! This is so important and many people don't realise. Pay attention in lessons like you're listening to the latest gossip or hot celeb talk or whatever you're into. Give it 110% and actively participate. It won't be embarrassing when you get those good grades.
Here are some websites I like to use that are FREE and I use constantly to aid me with revision
• Quizlet
• anki
• StudySmarter
• seneca
• tassomai
• gcsepod
• hegarty maths
• Corbett maths
• maths genie
• YouTube and tiktok (they have some good shi on there ngl)
• Duolingo
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practice papers and questions. Memorise formulas and how to use them. Just keep doing practice questions. If you like puzzles and games, you like maths- think of it as another piece to solve, and like a game. At the end of the day, maths it's just problem solving. There's only one right answer.
blurting, mind-maps, flashcards to learn quotes. Look at the AOs to figure out where your marks are, and try and do as much work as you can because at the end of the day, over the year or two years your classwork is gonna be what you've done the most. Plan essays and write them. Talk to your teachers about where to improve and where you've gone wrong. Read more to help with developing your language and writing style. Try writing something unrelated to school- maybe a story, a poem, a speech. Repeat it to help develop what you're doing. English lit is just memorising quotes and explains them- don't overthink it. Make sure you know your text back to front and know how to answer questions. Write practice essays and get your teachers to mark them, and later ask them to explain what you can do to get more marks. Especially in gcse, these examiners are marking abt 50-100 essays. What makes YOURS stand out. Why do YOU deserve that grade amongst everyone? YouTubers I like to use include Mr Bruff, Mr Salles, Mr Everything English
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it depends on how you like revising. I like copying out my notes and making my mind-maps, and then using flashcards to help memorise quotes. Answer practice questions regularly and ask your teacher about the mark scheme and HOW to answer questions if you're struggling. Think of it as learning about yourself and your religion, and many others - help it bring you closer to God if you're religious
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science is mostly fact based and about how well you apply these facts to questions and practical examples. I very strongly recommend using flashcards and paying attention in lessons. Watch YouTube videos and actively and constantly recall your notes. Answer LOTS of past papers and practice questions - every year they use 3-4 of the exact same questions in the exam. There's only so many questions they can ask. Also, print off the specification (this can be found on the exam board's website) and use this to make sure you haven't missed any content out. Use this specification to make flashcards - also, use the questions at the end of each lesson in cgp textbooks as practice questions for flashcards!!! Science is quite flexible to revise from, you can watch videos and make notes, or make mind-maps, or do blurting. Just make sure it's active and that you're reviewing the content regularly!! I also recommend using Seneca to sort of make sure you know everything the day before an exam. Science is an explanation for everything, think of it as something interest as it can make quite a lot of interesting conversation topics.
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think of languages as something essential to your identity and helping you live in today's everchanging world. Language is a way to communicate with people - honestly just think about that for a sec. Use duolingo, Quizlet and other language apps!! Be consistent and the night before ur exam, do the biggest and fattest Quizlet you can revise. Test yourself on flashcards when memorising chunks for speaking exams. Also think of everything in ur designated language like when ur drinking water translate that. Or when ur speaking at home or to someone speak with what u know in that language.
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there's a lot of dates and factual knowledge in this, so your best option is to constantly review and actively recall everything. Try doing some practice questions and planning essays. Blurting is SUPER useful for this subject especially too!!! History is super interesting - we learn from the past to improve the future. History builds us and moulds us into where we are today!
- find out what you want to do in life: medicine? law? art? finding a passion and knowing what you want to do after school can really help motivate you
- if you're unsure of you're career, start by listing what you like and what you're good at. Ask people what career they think you'd be suited to and why. Research these careers and about life beyond school
- a reminder that school is SO much more than just listening to teachers about useless stuff. When you think about, it's teaching you everything about the world you are living in RIGHT NOW
- knowledge is power
- make your parents and your family proud. If they can spend thousands of pounds on you and spend 15+ years raising you up, im pretty sure you can do this
- think about everyone who's ever told you you can't do it or thought you're useless. Imagine the look on their face when you make it. Prove them wrong.
- watch academia and studytok videos. As dumb as it sounds, they're quite motivating
- think of the consequences if you don't revise. while everyone will be smiling and happy with their results, you'll be sitting there knowing you could've done better if only you'd taken the opportunity. That opportunity is now
- a reminder that social media is always going to be there. There's always posts to like and videos to watch but the real world isn't here forever. Focus on your studies before your phone
- think about what you're ultimately working towards: WHY do you want these grades- money? A successful career? Revenge? Validation?
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- don't make school your life- having a hobby or doing something you enjoy is SO important. It also makes you a more interesting person :)
- we all need downtime. find what that thing is for you
- you need to develop your brain outside of school too. Whether it's sport, music, art, writing- invest a little bit of time into that everyday
- READ. Reading is important and gives you more knowledge and develops your brain. JK Rowling once said if you hate reading, it's only because you haven't found the right book. FIND IT.
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- don't forget to take care of yourself. At the end of the day, a test is just a paper, a grade is just a number. As much as you want to get good grades, remember there's so much more to life
- remember this world is temporary - don't become so caught up in school you burn out. One day we're all going to die so it's important you stick to your religious faith/beliefs because everything is from god/happens for a reason. Ultimately, you may put so much effort into something but if God isn't pleased with you or decides not to make it happen, it isn't going to happen/if it's not meant to happen a certain way, it won't. Failure is inevitable and don't let it put you down. The afterlife/death is forever and when you're standing in front of God on judgement/ rotting in your grave this test is not going to matter. At all.
- hang out with friends often, and make sure they're not toxic and they're people who make you feel happy. Do things with them because you're only a teenager once so live your life and make memories with them. Just a reminder that there's a difference between fun, and stupidity+danger. Don't wreck up your future in the process
- take days off, and love yourself. Have a relaxing bath or a facial, or dress up for no reason. Remember that YOU are the most important person. Never hate yourself for putting you first
- don't overdo it so much that you burn out. Don't sit at your desk for ten hours straight trying to memorise something
- remember to get fresh air and go on regular walks and exercise. Exercise gets your blood flow pumping and can help clear your mind and help with exhaustion and mood.
I love you, and good luck to everyone doing their GCSEs :) you got this! ❤️
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