tmabutlesbian · 2 years
oliver study time? oliver study time. lets get to know ollie boy!!
i had tons of fun with mike crew so i'll be doing this to oliver banks now since i always get confused with his personality n also death so.
avatar of the end, duh. he sees tendrils tied to ppl who are abt to die. so like only ppl who r close to dying have those tendrils then? i'm assuming so.
originally he dreamed of ppl's deaths 10 days before their death. around 2014, maybe 2013, he started seeing the tendrils awake as well.
he has 3 aliases: antonio blake, the coroner (cool ass title), and Dr. Thomas Pritchard (random ass name but we move on)
he died by satellite impact but came back ofc, at a research vessel near Point Nemo
descriptions: tall, dark n handsome. lmao, he's tall, he's black, he's careworn???? don't know what that means. n also has worry lines on his face. boy is anxious. oh careworn means "tired and unhappy because of prolonged worry". boy is depressed and anxious, mood.
2000-2006: boyfriend Graham!! in 2000-2001. dated 6 years, lived together, broke up before 2007. Ollie moved to london around 2005 "to do his undergraduate degree at the London School of Economics and started working at Barclays directly after graduating" boy went to school! undergraduate means this is his first degree btw! also wtf is barclays? oh i googled it its a back. heh oliver banks. works in a bank. hehe. oh shit, boy got too stressed, had a breakdown after barely a year n had a dramatic exit from his job around 2007. his dreams started soon after.
ok i just saw graham's page. he died in 2006. no wonder they broke up, oliver probably realized smth was wrong or the notthem ruined their relationship. poor boy :( but also i cant remember if graham broke up with ollie before or after his death. hmm. they might have broken up since graham was obsessed with that table n eating notebooks n shit.
around 2013: 2015, oliver was working on a magick shop. king. they sold crystals n tarot cards. jane prentiss mentioned him looking at her with deep sadness n even fear. this is where jane worked not oliver
oliver worked on a shop that in soho that had a sign saying "Crystals. Books. Tarot" pretty straight to the point. he asked jennifer what she was listening to even tho she had no headphones on n when altered to this he just walked away muttering a warning abt protecting her ears. so. he's awkward as well. how cute
march 2015: he gives a statement, under antonio blake, abt gertrude's death. so gertrude died around this time then.
mid 2015-2018: "Oliver assumed the identity of a chemist and boarded an unnamed research vessel in the hopes of getting some restful sleep" boy what. how do you go from A to B here. i'll read the statement in a bit to get more context but this sounds WILD w/o context. n then when he notices theyre all abt to die cuz of the vines he. kills the captain? n leads everyone to a location that gets hit by a satellite killing them instantly.
2018: oliver gives the statement to coma jon, saying the web sent him, which is interesting how the web has so much power but its all so behind the scenes. when georgie encounters him he uses his alias antonio blake again, but she knows shes an avatar of the end right away n that he reminds her of someone evil which. yikes!
post-change: he has his own domain, corpse roots, n gives jon another statement, also theorizes abt the ruined world. he's a nerd <3
still unsure of his age but! if he started his undergratuate in his 20's in 2005, then by 2016, the start of the podcast, he's around his 30's, probs 31.
let's get into the statements
mag 11: Dreamer: ok so his work stress also had a hand on the breakup actually, n he left their home to stay with some friends. he slept on his friend's Anahita's sofa, n thats when he started having the dreams.
the dreams were irregular throughout the years, so at least it wasnt everyday. he read tons of books abt esoteric dreaming but found nothing of value.
he also saw his father's death, n couldnt stop it. even after his death, he saw his father in his dreams for a month and a half
he lied to get into the institute to give his statement to gertrude, knowing she would die soon. poor boy just wanted to help somebody, even if he couldnt help his father :(
mag 42: Grifter's Bone: interesting that jennifer did not die but oliver still warned to protect her ears. she didnt even suffer damage since she took precautions. how did he know? did he see a ton other ppl with tendrils in their ears? did he actually change the trajectory of her death by being a puzzling man warning her to protect her ears?
she did kill herself by hitting her head with a hammer. does this mean that, even tho she didnt die by the grifter's bone, she still did die? like oliver sees when ppl r going to die n the only thing he can maybe change is the way that it happens? thats fucked up
mag 121: Far Away: he can feel the tendrils when they appear irl! he feels a chill when he touches or brushes against one. he isolates himself since he doesnt want to see ppl's deaths, but he cant escape that entirely. probs saw neighbors n shit, or when he went grocery shopping. or just looked out the window, oof
point nemo is a point in the ocean that is the furthest place away from any civilization. the lonely must like him a little as well, damn. he cant dream abt the place since the vines dont let him. he finds out theres a scientific voyage going to point nemo, he replaces one of the members who is fated to die n takes his identity, deposing of the corpse. him n martin are so alike sometimes how fun. no wonder martin felt threatened lmao.
he has dreamless sleep for a while, keeping to himself. finally got the context lmao. but the vines return when they get to the destination, n he understands their fate n his purpose (as an avatar of the end? as a bringer of death? damn). he makes it so they reach the place where the vines originate from n they all die. this time, he's the one to cause the deaths, not just be a bystander. i bet he also wanted to die a little bit, loosing hope of having a normal life and just wanting it to stop :((
oliver embraces death, becoming an avatar. he also states he's going along with what "she" wants, which could be annabelle cane or just the mother from the web.
mag 168: Roots: (iconic "martin, are you jealous?" episode, just fyi) his alias here is The Coroner, which is rad as shit. he sees the veins of the end, n he has no power to stop the fate of death, but even if he could he wouldnt. "for to rob a soul of death is as torturous as its inevitable coming" grim poet over here lmao
interesting that he measures how close somebody is to death by "stretches" which are "waves" of terror or whatever. some ocean terms here, probs since oliver died in the middle of the ocean, so nice lil detail.
he likes to watch ppl be afraid of their inevitable deaths, even the inevitable deaths of others. we love a lil evil in out handsome men ofc.
he also has his concerns. the ppl will die, but without ppl to die there's no End. he may need other victims from other domains, but that will result in conflict. theres probs not new humans being created, so the humans will eventually run out if the apocalypse keeps going. and when that happens, all the fears will end and this reality will be rid of them. even then, there's no action to be taken to prevent this. the other fears will feed into The End, n he will see this happen, n while this might have terrified him before, he's too much of an avatar to be what he was before, he's more of the end than oliver banks now.
so! oliver is a handsome, tall, black man. he is anxious n also very sad, and awkward. a pretty chill guy regardless. he cares abt ppl, even those he doesnt know. he slowly comes to terms with death tho, n he just starts to like. not care less but just understand that it doesnt matter if they will all die n shit. he will also lie to get his way, n he has mostly good intentions, he's just desensitized to death now. also he might be into magick's. n he used to be a banker but that didnt go well. n also he's gay. king <3<3<3
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berryunho · 2 years
🍓 anon is back online for the weekly update oh yeah JENFENF
First of all 😭 YOU HAVE 7 SIBLINGS???/?:?/ 😭😭😭 LITERALLY HOW DO YOU HAVE ANY PRIVACY LMAO I PRAY FOR YOU BRO IT MUSTVE BEEN ROUGH- unless they’re chill ppl in which case you got v lucky lolol
Ironically enough I just cannot talk about myself to other people like if you ask me “what 3 words best describe you?”… nah… I’d be sitting there for the whole period just thinking about 3 words 😭 it’s just kind of embarrassing to talk abt myself to other people in such an inorganic way yk? And esp abt my hobbies like omg I cannot say that I like kpop in front of so many ppl 💀
But yeah I already have a mini group presentation due this week and it’s supposed to be a maximum of 10 minutes long which I’m either going to max out or go severely under 💀
Luckily though I have a mini vacation at the end of the month so it’s the only other thing I’m looking forward to! (Other than getting paid lol)
ALSO IM QUITTING MY JOB LMAOOOOO so I have to find a new one before I hand in my 2 weeks 🥳🥳 let’s hope I get a call back from my applications 😭🙏
And YAS Mightychondria anon 🤝 Lauren 🤝 🍓 anon best pen pals haha! I like our long little talks and hearing abt your guys’ struggles as well cause I’m acTUALLY ALSO PRETTY FAR AWAY FROM THE VENUE BY A GOOD 4-5 DRIVE 😭 I have to figure out what time to leave so I can get there in time for the soundcheck 😵‍💫 I hope you can make it out of your exam though it would honestly suck so hard if you had to stay there instead of seeing *THE* 4th gen performers AHHHHH SHAKING THINKING ABT IT HAHA
But for my major… maybe wanna guess what my major is?🫣 I kinda wanna see what vibes I give of too lolol 🥸
That’s it for this week!
- Love, 🍓 anon
hehe hi hello welcome !
okay so TECHNICALLY i have 7 siblings but my 3 older step sisters i have never lived with and my 3 younger half siblings ive never even met (i am estranged from my bio dad LOL) (for the better so idc) so really i only grew up w one sibling 😭😭
i totally get it though like ice breakers are just so... awkward and no one likes doing them so idk why they're necessary 😭 i gotta say atp im not embarrassed to tell people im a kpop stan anymore bc like. thats just me. but i AM embarrassed when people CLOCK ME as a kpop stan. like idk why but it is so mortifying when someone can just look at you and be like 'youre a kpop stan arent you' LIKE ????? im literally ~alternative~ too so it makes it worse KFLJDSL:JFK
i have a group presentation this week too... sick i hate presentations 😭 BUT AKDJFL;ASKD YAY QUITTING YOUR JOB!!! im sure you'll get an offer heck yeah !!! hopefully something better than your current job ... hehe
ALKJFLAKSJDF no bc tell me why my friend that im going to that concert with and i JUST realized hamilton is a solid hour drive from toronto. blink blink blink. she lives in calgary and is flying in and obvs im american so im flying in too (though im significantly closer to toronto than she is lol) so now we have to figure out howww we're scooting down to hamilton THAT FRIDAY MORNING but ... haha ... im sure itll work out ... BUT AKSLDJFLKASJD wow we all really are travelling far 😭😭😭 ugh yes hopefully everything works out for mightychondria anon im so KLJFDKLJFSDK for them 😭😭
but... hmmm.... as for your major... i feel liberal arts... w no basis i see you being a fine arts major or a psychology major or a statistics major... those are 3 very different things but i feel them KFJDSLFKJSLKD pls let me know the closest one (or the real answer hehe)
have a good rest of your week!! almost halfway there!! :]
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jayflrt · 2 years
Ahh Alice 🥰 yeah summer classes are WHEW I'm taking 2. One is a 5 week session so it ends next week and I'm hype 🤩 we literally had a test every week in that class and we'd do a new chapter of material every single day it was INSANE but I think I'm gonna get an A in the class so that's all that really matters, right??! The other class is either 8 or 10 weeks idk but it ends late July! That one is definitely still accelerated but definitely more manageable that the other. Even tho my professor wants us to read over 100 pages in the textbook while also watching 4 hours worth of lecture videos 🙃 but at least I have a week to do that rather than a night jsjjssj but since I'll still have the other class I don't expect really doing anything over the summer :(( it's my first summer away from my family 😭 hopefully I'll be able to go home for a weekend or something but I don't expect doing anything exciting other than that 🥲 but since I'm at my apartment I spend time with my roommates when I can and I've made some new friends through them so I'm dealing with it well :)
And yes oml ofc I thought of you 🥺 my favorite enha account!! I've been in Enha feels so bad bc of iland ndnsnsns I've had my enha Playlist on repeat and I think I listened to attention please 75 times in one day so... 😳 I've been spending most of my breaks between hw watching their videos hehe it feels like I'm stanning all over again! I love it tho 🥰 I stayed up later than I should have (I still have lots of hw to do today) last night watching their Weverse crack videos 💀 my ult group is on weverse now so I'm active more on there than I used to be so the videos hit harder now since I know the struggles LOL plus I'm in the big enhypen discord and they're doing a 2 year anniversary event where your favorite pics and stuff and yeah IN THE FEELS!! Is there any work of yours that you're most proud of that you'll want me to check out first?? Doesn't have to be enha either~ I'm excited to get back into reading bc I really do love it 🥺 I expect my fall semester is going to be very similar in terms of insane workload so I'm going to try and enjoy the freedom as much as I can starting in a week 🙏🏻 I love you! 💙
oh my gosh my college also offers 5 week summer session courses and it’s sooo grueling 🤧 last time i was literally thinking “i never wanna do this again” LOL so props to you for sticking through 🤩 you’re gonna do great and get to enjoy a fun summer ahead i just know it 💗💗 YESSS COP THAT A !!! and a test a week is so brutal 😭😭 like i thought two midterms was bad but .. a test …….. a week 😰
i’m glad your other class is manageable tho !! that’s a nice break from your five week course 🤧 also omg i’m glad it ends july so you still have some break to relax during (i think) 🥰 omg nooo :(( i hope it feels homey where you’re living at least! and i’m glad you have your roommate and friends to keep you company <33 i’m also here if you ever wanna talk :’))
PLSSS IM SO TOUCHED 🥺🥺💖💖 so insane bc we talked on my nct blog before this blog even existed !!! ATTENTION PLEASE SUPREMACY 🤩 i constantly loop upperside dreaming it’s tooooo good 😮‍💨 and getting back into a group is such a fun feeling :’) i’ve been watching more enha content recently too and i’m glad bc it makes me feel more excited for their cb ♡ also omg i hope you get to finish your work soon and get some rest! 🤧🤧
AHH THATS SUCH A SWEET QUESTION HAHAH :’)) i suppose i’m pretty proud of my spiderjake fic “i’ll save your (again)” on my enha masterlist :o but tbh feel free to just read whichever piques your interest !! i know sometimes ppl are just in the mood to read for a different group or different genre so just go for whatever you like 💝
AHH SAME IM SCARED FOR THE FALL QUARTER LMAODJD for once i actually got all the classes i wanted !! downside: i had to take an 8 am section 😵‍💫 so i will be suffering this fall 😭 also love u too !!! <33
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wisteriagrowover · 4 years
i was tagged by: @aliciareads13 ly !!!
instructions: tag 10 followers you want to get to know better
gender: female
star sign: cancer bby
height: uhh i think im like 5′2
sexuality: bi bi bi !!!!
hogwarts house: lol def hufflepuff 
favourite animal: omg thats so hard but i fricken love hippos & koalas 
 average hours of sleep: um i think 7 ?? but i feels like i get 4 lol
dogs or cats: this IS SO HARD BC THEY ARE BOTH A DIFF TYPE OF COMPANION :( im saying dogs rn bc i can’t do my pupper like that but i still stand by what i said
number of blankets you sleep with: two !! 
dream job: LOL i have no clue what i want to do w my life rn but i rlly want to help ppl i just dont know how yet !!! I’m also super passionate about mental health & positivity so maybe something w that 
when i created this blog: oh boy !! january 2015 lol
how i came up with my url: oooft well ive had a lot of urls lol but w this one i just LOOVE don’t blame me sm & i also rlly loved daisies so i figured it worked (& imyourdaisy was already taken so i had to improvise lmao) 
i tag: @namegoesup @wearingmybestapology @swiftingthrough13 @delicatay @crxwlingforyouhoney 
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clearskiiess · 2 years
hiii goofball mwahh i am giving you an unsolicited ask about what makes me think of you <3 well ofc the newest addition is dr pepper it’s so sweet and specific and unlike anything else and it’s so YOU and also strawberries?? just they’re very sweet but also vibrant w the red and like. even though you’re taller than me i picture you as like. bite sized LOLL and also all my classic rock stuff (esp like joni mitchell and stevie nicks, girlbosses such as you <333), OH & (1/? bc theres a char limit?)
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1. YESS U TOLD ME ABT THE DR PEPPER i really really really wanmna try it now if it reminds u of me !!! AHHH<33 cherry coke does actually sound pretty banger i hope its good !!
2. STRAWBERRRIESS AHJH STRAWBERRIES R GREAT i love dipping them in melted chococlate or nutella bc im a little fiend <333 omg thATS SO SWEET DOE
3. JKHDFSJHKFDS OH MY GOD BITE-SIZED I- * passes away * im literally like grinning rn if u saw me irl HDHJKF IM LOSING IT
4. AND YES CLASSIC ROCK !!! i love that music a lot !! not as much as i used to but definitely yes!!!!
7. AND THATS DJDJFJFJ FOMG A BEACHBALL 😭😭DUUDEE thats so cute! i used to have this giant beach ball when i was a kid like . the size of like two ppl and my fam would bring it out to the beach it was rly fun shdhdhdhf
8. THE EARRINGS OMGGGG i do have quite a few earrings i often have like little object ones like i have knife earrings (im gonna stab sum bitches) and little blue wine bottles BDHDHD and stuff bUT THATS S CUTE HDJDJD CUZ I LOVE EARRINGS AND I WEAR EM A LOT
9. OH MY GOD I LOVE SPACE AND PLANETS DJDJFJG THATS AMQZING AAHHH <33333 i love that so much!! that's so cute that i remind u of that ily ily <333 mwah !!
10. YEYEYEYS I LOVE DOING THAT AT BOOKSHOPS LIKE TOUCHING YHEM AND RUNNING MY HANDS ALONG THE TOPS OF EM DJDJDJ AHH THATS SO CUTE <3333 i definitely do get excited abt reading at least i used to when i wasn't lmao hashtag depression 🤪🤪🤡🤡🤪🥺🥺BUT YESS
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geffenrecords · 3 years
hey lee could u tell me abt creek sometime 👁👁 we love to see it
hello rai my dearest i am finally here to answer this.....i apologize for the delay i forgot u sent this.
anyway. creek. goddamn. whats not to love abt them. theyre so good. like literally.......they r so ideal. they work so well together honestly.
they rely on each other but also know when to keep their distance but also they just love bein together. like they can do anything together and theyre so happy.....they go to the grocery store for fun bc theyre boring and theyre so excited and giggling the whole time like okay old ppl......whats next we gonna go feed pigeons in the park [that was a joke but oh they so would].
theyre just very domestic. craig loves doing stuff w tweek like he just adores him so much......the 1 braincell he has left is devoted for tweek Love and Care. thatse it. all the pet names come from there what can i say. craig is also very inexperienced w romance bc theyre like. 10 or so. and also he just never cared for love until he met tweek and then he was like okay? this kinda fucks. let's go. clyde was the real romantic. he loves cheesy romance movies like the notebook or other things [i dont know romance movies.....go ask alyssa idk] so clyde would always show craig these things and craig would be like wtf thats so stupid. love is cringe 😠👎 but then he meets tweek and suddenly hes asking clyde Top Ten Most Epic Date Ideas and clydes all over it.....he wants a full out highschool musical movie type story for craig but craig is like do i take him to the pet store to look at cool fish together? is that romantic? [it is]
token and jimmy arent really much help bc yknow. theyre all kids. they have no idea what you do for that kinda stuff. but they have craigs back but honestly? tweek doesnt really even mind. he thinks whatever craig picks is good. like craig can make it so cute and endearing. it's a little awkward at first bc craig is this twig ass tall kid w braces and he never says anything and has a resting bitch face and the few times he does speak is him being bitchy abt smthn....and tweeks a little strange ngl. he reeks of coffee for various reasons and has these wide eyes and messy hair but both of them r very nice if u actually take the time to sit down with them. like tweek is actually so Funny and Witty like homeboy is genuinely a fantastic person and craig is actually very nice and polite when he wants to be.
but usually theyre just kids!!!! fuckin hell man they love just doing mundane shit together like going to the pet store and looking at all the fish or camping out in craigs backyard to watch the stars as craig tells tweek all abt the constellations and all the myths behind them bc he just Knows so much about space....and tweek apologizes at first because he can never sleep so he'll probably keep craig up but craig always relaxes him and he feels so safe and loved that he falls asleep right there pressed to craigs side and craig just lays his head on top of tweeks and craigs parents have to bring them in so they dont freeze hehe......and they draw on each other too omg. craig like writing little messages on tweeks arms like "today will be good" or "dont worry and if you do im here" in his god awful shit handwriting but tweek is so moved by it all......and tweek draws little stars on craig and planets and craig understands that love really IS real when he does.....their moms are not happy but it never stops them.
or smthn like that idk theyre just in love n shit yknow.
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
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Episode • 1/8
Mobile Masterlist •
♡ ☾ ✐
Authors note• bro this is so long I’m so sorry I’m breaking it into parts for u (I HATE MY LIFE)
Warnings• mentions of death, language
Songs• something - the Beatles/ With love, Vincent - Murray Gold/ she’s so lovely - beach house
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•Na Jaemin remembers the exact moment he first laid his eyes on Y/N Y/L/N.
•He was standing by his locker on the first day of sophomore year
•laughing with Jeno and Haechan about their new math teacher
•when she walked past him with two other girls, smiling and holding some books in her arms.
•Jaemin will tell anyone that listens that this was the first time he felt the air knocked out of his lungs
•He remembers thinking that she was the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen.
•He didn’t know who she was; he had never seen her before (he would remember) (sike he’s stupid)
•yet he knew that he would marry that girl.
•he was worried bc he didn’t know who tF she was, but don’t worry bc the second time he ever saw her was maybe 6 minutes later
•he walked into his 4th period Honors English 10 class, and she was talking to the teacher across the classroom, before moving and sitting down in the first empty seat she saw.
•Jaemin didn’t know what to do
•his new mystery dream girl was in his class.
•Should he sit next to her?
•Should he just ignore her and talk to her later?
•what is gonna wear?
•is he gonna cry?
•Jaemin didn’t have much time to decide
• a mere 10 second delay was all it took for three boys (also on the football team with Jaemin) to enter the room and wrap their arms around his shoulder
•ushering him over to an empty table in the back while showcasing their excitement about being in the same class together.
•Jaemin tried not to show his disappointment, and instead gave one of his usual, dazzling smiles (ya know the one!) while joking along with them
•trying to forget about the mystery girl (and the excitement he got when he learned her name during roll call)
•It was then that Na Jaemin’s and Y/N Y/L/N’s rolls in their story were set in stone.
•He would be the popular boy that everyone knew, but didn’t really know
•and you would be the quiet girl that only a few, special people knew of, but those people were your closest friends.
•And over the course of the next two years, it would stay that way. •Jaemin, secretly pining for you
•and you, thinking the beautiful boy as untouchable.
•That would, however, change, on one god forsaken, cloudy Friday.
•A Friday that would forever be ingrained in Jaemins memory as the day he sealed his lonely fate in the world
•and the day he lost his true soulmate
•before he even talked to her.
•If Haechan’s persistent moaning and groaning about school wasn’t enough
•the weather was gloomy and cloudy
•and anyone with eyes could tell that rain was to be expected. •Jaemin, secretly, didn’t mind.
•Although he would never share it, he loved the rain.
•What he did mind, was his friends continuous bitching.
•”Hyuck, shut up,” -Renjun, 2020
•I mean he wasn’t even paying attention to the group, too preoccupied w his sketch book, sometimes glancing up at a girl that sat across the school yard, before looking back down at his sketch book (spoilers for something I’m writing??? Hehe you’ll never know hehe)
•all Jeno did was MenTion that rainy weather meant football practice would be cancelled
•hyucks smile was BaCk
•Jaemin was not impressed
•okay the conversation went something like this
“Damn Na, why are you looking at me like how my mom looks when my report card come in?” -full sun
•You literally insulted football to my face.” -nana
•haechan let out a loud laugh
•at Jaemin’s expense
•“you don’t know the ups and downs of High-school football” -nojam and injunnie
•also at Jaemins expense
•due to an ongoing joke that Jaemin reminded their friend group of the teenage redhead from riverdale
•Na Jaemin was so upset, he didn’t even eat his fries.
•”I wouldn’t care so much if I wasn’t the fucking captain of the team, hyuck. I mean, I gotta hold you responsible to a certain degree, you’re the fucking quarterback!” -Na Jaemin
•someone bully him
•so as that is happening, 2/3 of the missing members of their group come in HOT
•I mean literally
•they’re breathing heavily and everything
•acting like they just ran a mf marathon
•jisung YEETS his bag in the table (covering Renjuns sketchbook, which annoyed the fuck out of the older boy, but really who cares)
•”Guys guys guys! You will never guess who we just saw in the library!” -Mochi
•”lemme give it a try; mark?” -bitch ass Chinese bitch (renjun)
•”No! We saw Mar- wait what? How’d you know?” -child prodigy Zhong Chenle
•“Uhh, maybe because he texted in the group chat that he was gonna be in the library?” -nojam makin a comeback
•”Okay okay, but - can I have a fry? - did hew shay who hedt be wif?”
•”Swallow your fucking food first, le.” -smart boy you guess who
(Whew are y’all getting sensory overload like I AM)
•“He said, did he say who he’d be with, though? No, he didn’t, but guess who WE saw him with,” -jisung bringing the T E A.
•no one answers
•Chenle and jisung give each other the “we’re friends w dumbasses” look
•“Y/n! He was sitting with y/n!”
•oh shit
•Everyone quickly turned their heads to Jaemin
•tell me why this boy was glaring at the table like it messed w his daughter
•Out of everyone ever, the only people who knew about Jaemins secret crush was the 5 boys sitting with Jaemin
•and the one sitting in the library with said secret crush.
•They didn’t even really know, they just knew that they once saw Jaemin slip something like a note into Y/n’s locker junior year
•and Jaemin made up a bullshit excuse that it was something for class that no one
•-not even Jeno, who always trusted his friends -
•”why aren’t you mad”
•”you should be angry”
•literally all of the present boys were THROWING it on jaemin
•and naturally -
•he deflected
•”bro I’m not even upset, I don’t like y/n!”
•lmao K
•now at this point
•the boys thought they were helping
•it was innocent they promise.
•really how were they to know what was going to happen
•so hyuck had JOKED and said that if Jaemin didn’t like u, he wouldn’t mind hurting u
•it was super harmless
•some other popular ppl walked over RIGHT as Haechan said that
•and he was like oh fuck
•but silently
•bc Haechan knew what Jaemin was like
•if it was just their lil group still, Jaemin would have told hyuck to fuck off
•but Jaemin was terrified to lose his reputation
•he was an insecure boy
•he would have really done anything to keep his position as most popular boy in school
•so when one of his jock friends dares Jaemin to get you to date him until prom, get ur virginity the night before, and then ditch u at prom and tell you it was all a dare in front of everyone and that he never liked you
•he stupidly agrees
•the dreamies agree with it
•only bc they don’t actually think Jaemin will last
•they think he’ll back out last minute and stay w you
•and that Jaemin will finally get u
•wishful thinking
•you were failing math
•it’s not that you were stupid, you weren’t
•you just R E A L L Y hated math
•and your mom was so upset w your grade
•my girl forced u to get a tutor
•good thing u knew mark
•he agreed to meet w you in the library Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s at lunch
•and Thursday’s if you needed it
•thank god 4 mark
•everything was going Super Fine™️
•up until you both look up when you hear squealing and the sound of someone smacking someone else
•and there’s jisung and Chenle,
•staring at you both
•and squealing
•and smacking each other on the arms
•before just plain running out
•”if I don’t go after them, they’ll tell all of our friends that we’re marrying each other, so i should go.” -Mark fucking Lee
•so you’re walking towards your locker to put all of your math work in it,
•and when you open it, a lil note falls out and flutters to the ground
•your smile: 3% -> 95%
•honestly you were kinda having a shitty day
•so you were so happy to see a note in your locker
•you had been receiving love notes since you were in sophomore year
•you don’t remember exactly when during the year
•but one day, they were just there
•you were excited to add another one to your box
•this one wasn’t big, it just said “Your Personality makes me want to be a better person! I hope you have a beautiful day, sunshine!”
•the rim of the paper had squiggly yellow lines, and the bottom had a poorly drawn sunshine, with a heart, like always
•you didn’t know who your secret admirer was
•but you wish you did
•u lowkey loved them
•you’re still smiling about it as you walk into your 7th period math class
•and the note was found at lunch, like an hour ago
•they make you so happy
•you silently sat down in your seat, and stared off into space with a dreamy look on your face
•and THATS how Jaemin knew you got his note
•you always had that look when you read his notes
•not that you knew it was from him
•it made him so happy
•even if you two had never talked before, he still freaking loved that he could make you smile
•Jaemin wasn’t happy for long
•he tried not to let you notice him staring at you in class,
•it was kinda hard, seeing as you two literally sat next to each other
•he couldn’t believe he had to break your heart
•he wanted to die lowkey lol
•but he had to do it
•not really, but really
•so he took a deep breath
•and opened his mouth
Continued here
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@ivietea @fiveguysgoodbyeguys @comically-sleep-deprived @woosans-sann @mozartwasajungkookstan @littlefluu @cxcxlxlee @jaesluvklub @uyuzo @sweetie-yoongi7 @marklexleaf
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
hello my beloved morgy!! i'm alive and well! 💌💘💞 awaaaaa,, i missed you a lot darling!! even if its only been a few days, life is way more dull when i can't check in with you here :( i hope you've been doing well during that short absence of mine, and if things aren't going so swell, i'm here to hopefully cheer you up dear!! 😊❤ (1/10)
"i am doing much better now and i'm fully recovered, and thank goodness i didn't wind up hospitalized again!!! apparently my narcolepsy fired up crazily when i started to fall ill, and that ended up confining me to my bed, which was absolutely horrible (especially since i couldn't talk to you 😞💕) we still don't know what the illness was, but luckily i fought it off fast thanks to my family and friend's quick thinking!! i'm much happier now that i'm here again with you 💖 (2/10)
and oh gosh, you finished sbr??? ahhh that makes me so happy and so sad at the same time!! it's actually my favorite part along with vento aureo, and don't worry love, i want gyro back too, so you're not alone on that 😖 oh, and all those picrews?? lovely as always!! i love how much creative liberty you all take,, it astounds me!! and it shocks me that you all remember such miniscule details about me,, like the fact that i love the bahamas, ahhhh i'm so flattered by all of it!! (3/10)
i can never choose a favorite creative piece that any of you send in, i just love them all so much!! once again, thank you for all of your hard work and effort, i adore it each and every day 💕💕💕💕 thank you all for your well wishes and love!! my sister told me that apparently you mentioned something about people freaking out over me,, oh my! that surprised me a lot,, so any of those anons who read this, please don't worry about me!! (5?/10)
i assure you i'm okay, i just have a bad immune system and get sick easily, that's all!! but all of your concern means so much to me, thanks a million 💞 before i got sick, some friends came over since they wanted me to teach them how to ballroom dance for some reason,, it was very sudden but i was happy to do so nonetheless! i haven't danced like that in a long while, so it was quite exciting for me,, i am a dancer after all! (6/10)
i taught them how to do a basic waltz and tango,, they seemed to enjoy it a lot!! i suppose i'm a dance teacher now hehe 💞 oh, and last night, a friend slept over and we spent the night watching different televised comedy shows! stand-up has always held such a special place in my heart,, because when i was very small, i wanted to be a famous comedian for a long period of time,, silly isn't it? (7/10)
i would watch all of these different comedians perform and look up to them as inspirations,, i even wrote a few comedy routines to perform in front of my family when i was 4,, i guess i was really into it! now that i'm older, my aspirations have changed, but i still love to occasionally sit in comedy clubs with a glass of whatever i want, ahhh,, it never gets old ✨ (8/10)
ooh, and my mom and i were finally able to catch the escapee bunny from a while ago!! we brought him back to the garden, and he wouldn't stop following me around! i named him toffee, and he kept trying to jump on me for cuddles,, awaaaa it was so cute!! i can't wait to see him again 🌺 (9/10)
ahhh there's still so much i need to talk about, but its getting late here!! so i'll just continue on tomorrow then hm? goodnight amore, sleep well for me!! sweet dreams! 🌹 - love always, your amorous waifu xoxo 💕💖💘💌💋🌹 ps: you know morgy, like that one anon said, you also live in my brain rent free 💗 also, you are way too nice to me for your own good morgy dear, i swear, i can't stop smiling whenever you pull your sweet one-liners <3 (10/10)"
Im very glad to see ur back and fine darling, i acc forgot to answer all the anons but trust me my inbox was literally b o m b a r d e d w ppl sayin they miss u and wishing that u'd get better soon😳😳😳 if anything i'd say the fact that u didnt end up in the hospital again is very lucky and relieving
I myself cant believe i finally finished sbr yesterday and goddamn dat ending was far from pleasant🤡🤡 imma just say shame on araki for killin off all my homies....no more homies all my homies are D E A D (as a matter of fact my fav is p4 but i think u know that already)
And wow u as a comedian? Ngl i did not see it coming but thats oddly cute?? Like just imagining a tiny waifu creating comedy skits and performing them is really amazing for whatever reason jdhshsn i still see u more on the v o g u e side of things doe👁️👁️
Even if u were hella sicc at least u managed to snatch wigs and teach ppl how to dance (cant relate watch me step on everyone's toes within a 10 mile radius, mine included) a n d summoned ur disney princess powers again in order to get that rabbit😩😩😩 i also love pullin one liners bc really ur reactions are g o l d darling and thats just how it is on this bitch of an earth👀👁️👀👁️
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chrisbangs · 5 years
1-5 and 20-25 :-) sorry for all of them hehehe — 🖤 also i’m getting off work I WILL SEND U ANOTHER ASK HEHEHEH
oaiwenfoia you’re sooo c*te perhaps i’ll d*e………. hm………… anyway;; thank you angel (sorry it took me so long to do this ;; ___ ;;)
also this got mad long so i’ll put it under a cut! 
1. how did you get into graphics / gif making?
i was an early ‘the vamps’ and ‘5sos’ fan and because of that, i used to make lil graphic type things?? i guess?? like i tried to make stuff like the ones i saw online omg… and mine were soooo bad but it was like so fun and i used to use this online editor and it was trash but like i would have so much fun… (and that was back when i was in grade 7-ish..? so i would’ve been like jfjfiwaoefo 12/13) and then i just kept doing it;; eventually in grade 10 i took a graphic design course and i got a hold of photoshop and it blew my mind and from there i just kept kinda… doing it?? 
and with gifs omg… ok i swore i would never make gifs cause it looks SO complicated like bitch ill kill u what do u mean layers to frames wtf !!!!!!!!!!!! and then when i was in my first year of uni in around june i was like… omg i wanna try again… cause i’d tried it before and my ps just crashed… so i was like let me give this another go.. and i did… and it worked.. and my mind was like blown omg… i was in AWE… omg i just realized its been a whole year since i learned how to gif stop ill die 
gfx/gif questions
2. do you do something creative/related “irl” as well?
well!! i just got into college for graphic deisgn hehe;; so i’m hoping that that’ll be my future :’) 
3. who/what inspires your graphics / gifs?
hm, well!! whenever i see really great pieces of gfx or even in real life when i see a magazine piece or a billboard that just looks stunning i feel inspired!! and i’m like eugh i wanna try making smth like that ;; also music and movies and games inspire me sometimes?? but if i was to say who!! then it’d probably be all my amazing content creating mutuals!!! their work is always wowing!! i always tag ppls gfx with ‘gfx inspo’ bc im genuine :0 when i see it ;; ___ ;; like how is everyone so creative and talented;; 
4. what do you enjoy about making graphics / gifs?
oh wow, mm… it allows me to be creative? and put to use skills that i think aren’t always appreciated? like my p*rents never take me doing graphic design seriously;; but then recently my mom wanted me to make a lil label for her for a friend’s garden and i did and she was like !!!!!! so happy abt it i was like TT TT cause both my parents were finally like ok i get it sorta;; i really like that i’m able to make smth kinda outta nothing?? like art is really interesting bc you get to let your thoughts and experiences affect the outcome of your work so?? like.. i like that everyone has a different style?? 
and for gifs;; i really enjoy that its such a structured task like… its very.. orderly and routine based?? like i know what i’m doing everytime?? and the places where i get to change it up are like the colourings and the style of set i make and that makes it fun and creative too;; 
5. what do you dislike most about making graphics / gifs?
mm the creativity block;; i feel like sometimes i cannot think of ANYTHING to make and those days i feel kinda useless as a cc…… it sucks but foiawnefiawn eventually i’ll figure smth out if i move things around enough fajwefowaeo 
and giffing omg…… idk… probably the colouring process…… but thats majorly because my laptop’s screen displays colours kinda whack from how they actually look and so i have to do 2x the work to make sure it looks good and smdays its like idc anymore just post the set and pull the trigger 
20. your favourite fandom(s) to make graphics / gifs for?
for gfx it’s definitely stray kids!!! they have some of the most fun lyrics to work with and their concepts always always inspire me like crazy!!! 
for gifs its the tmg fandom! everyone in that fandom is suuuper nice and supportive and like;; even if i’m not always making gifs i dont feel like i’m falling behind or ? like ppl will be mad or smth ? like its a safe small community and bc of that it feels so good ;;; 
21. how much time do you spend on a single graphic / gif?
very dependent! gfx can take from like an hour to like a week+?? it just depends on how intense and intricate it is ig;; 
gifs are shorter;; probably take me a few hours?? the longest a set has taken me is maybe like 6 hours but that’s bc i was being slow about it and trying to find all the necessary parts! but on average itll take abt half an hour to maybe two for one set
21. what is your biggest improvement since you started making graphics and or gifs?
ogoaiweniogaw stop this is so funny.. i wanna go find my old wattpad covers so you can all cringe with me but… mm, with gfx i guess i learned what my Aesthetic™ was and what i really liked and like fjjfaiosdksfd i learned how to use photoshop which is a big thing lmaoooo……… and with gifs!! definitely my quality (shout out to vapoursynth) and my colouring :’) 
23. what is your biggest improvement in the past month?
hm… time management jfaiweoofiaw i’ve definitely gotten wayyy faster at giffing and i really do not take as much time anymore;; which gives me some peace of mind lmao 
24. what is something that you’re wanting to learn right now?
illustrator! i’ve been fooling around with it a lot recently;; and even one of the pieces i submitted in my portfolio was smth i made on illustrator heh;; but theres a huge learning curve (like btich what is the pen tool ill kill u) fnaoiefiownf so i wanna get lots better with it ;; 
25. what would you like to see others learn how to do?
this is an interesting question;; mm i guess everyone is different?? so idk if i can answer this question cause i think everyone’s style requires them to learn in their own ways?? so idrk ;; i guess something to make certain people’s lives easier would be like LEARN KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS !!! that shit saaaves my life like idk man it cuts down on my time for sure;; 
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6ad6ro · 5 years
um so… i woke up thinking of this old friend. she was like best friends w my bad ex? like i used to hang out w her like crazy. she was rly nice? mostly? tho she def had this issue where she didn’t rly know what she wanted in life. and let other ppls warped judgements of “how ppl should act” rub off on her.
like i remember times she would more or less call me a lazy piece of shit to my face. like it was somehow “understood”? but then i’d be like “why are u calling me that?” and she wouldn’t know. bc it wasn’t her actual opinion. she liked who i was. idk she was just rly confused. i think her brother was a cop. her dad was emotionally neglecting and like conservative or militant? i remember her always wanting to smoke pot but also saying “drugs are bad™”. she was someone who u could tell always wanted to be free but was held back by the opinions of the people around her.
especially her on again off again bf? i… didn’t like him. he wanted to grow up to be a politician. he only listened to classic rock. he looked and acted like a conservative wanabee eric foreman from that 70s show, but somehow even worse. he had her convinced that her dream was to be “a loving housewife”… it made me sick. i remember how he tried to convince her to stop hanging out w her best friend and me JUST bc she smoked pot. bc “she was an evil hippie and bad”. i mean tbh she SHOULD have stopped hanging out w my bad ex, but for completely dif reasons. like he was def that kinda guy. a selfish, immature, stubborn, self-righteous idiot. but he was the first guy to ever rly like her. and she had… self esteem issues. i remember how she would… was always waiting for him to decide to wanna go out w her. she seemed so lonely.
her and i were kinda friends separately from my bad ex (lets call her “A”). so one time i remember she ended up coming over to hang w me n watch rocky horror in my room? it was rly fun tbh!! we were having a great time! it was totally innocent! but i remember at one point she like… got weird. got up. and was like “im sorry i think i’m being a bad person i gotta go”. and left? i didn’t get it at the time? or rather… i think i denied it. she clearly liked me, wanted something to happen that night, and felt like a bad friend for having those thoughts. i never asked her about it but looking back it was p obvious. also A was a control freak n just a bad person… so i wouldn’t be surprised if she told L to stay away from me. even tho A was constantly cheating on me n using everyone around her etc. idk it was complicated.
i also remember another time before her and that guy that became her bf (lets call her “l” and him “m”)… i remember there was some small party at my house and for some horribly embarrassing reason my bad ex (we were still together then) convinced me to mess around w her under a blanket in same room as our other friends? we were all v v drunk. i guess it made others in room feel v lonely n so L and this other girl started like… both making out w the one other guy in the room? it was bizarre. that kind of stuff is fine in some circumstances? but this was rly unhealthy. i remember the guy felt bad and told the other girl he had to stop bc he had always rly liked L and wanted to see where things would go w her? other girl said she was fine w it (and knowing her persona it easily was?) and he ended up napping on floor w L. next day i think she woke up, completely regretted what happened, and ran back to M. it kinda sucked for guy bc he rly cared about her but she never even was willing to talk about what had happened. to her it was just a drunken mistake (i knew she kinda liked him back but obv she was scared).
even w all that stuff, L was a constant member of our hangout group for like… 7 or 8 years straight? idk! it was always rly fun w her! even if, looking back, A constantly was ruining all our fun w her insane bullshit. i have fond memories of 3am park hangouts n just roaming around talking n going on adventures… i’d never cheat on a partner. never have, never will. but i think i did have like… feelings for L that i always ignored? that part of her that… wanted freedom? from those weird family’s/bf’s/society’s ideals that she let chain her down? it was attractive. she was a nice person just doin her best.
anyways i remember around when A and i finally broke up for good (only a month after my dad died, if u wanna know how awful of a person A was). and she ended up taking me aside n warning me that A had been cheating on w me w another guy, but it’d gotten serious w him. and A of course was lying and stringing me along so she could get money n sex from me etc. A using me was p common. but L had had enough and “betrayed A” (did a v nice thing) and told me. i think that was… really what set in motion A and i being done for good. that helped wake me up about what a horrible person A was. and had always been. i’ll always be grateful to L for that. that must’ve been hard for her. and i think her and A’s like 10 year friendship died over that. which rly was a good thing like A was a terrible person.
anyways fast forward like 2? 3?? 4 years? L had gone off to a college out of state w her boyfriend M. she… followed him around. no judgement, but it prob wasn’t good for her. i was in an apartment in another city and me and A had been DONE™ for years. i was still def hurt from the 8+ years of abuse, but i was def over her at least. seeing other ppl regularly. it was def a weird time for me but… that’s another story.
L and i hadn’t rly talked in years. i just didn’t rly associate w ppl A still hung around. i never knew her and L had stopped being friends or i prob woulda kept up w L. i don’t think L and i cut off contact on purpose, but it was just one if those “things”. but L hit me up outta the blue. was like “ back in town do u wanna hang?” and we did! it was rly nice seeing her! we went out and about. idk. we started hanging for a bit. but she… idk she clearly rly enjoyed my company? but also… had those weird judgements. idk.
one time we were hanging and she was at my place and saw all the alcohol i had layin around and was like “hey uhhh can i have some?” and i was like “hehe okay i guess we can drink” and ordered a pizza and we just hung out.
idk but before we got drunk she finally told me why she was back. M, the guy she had followed to college, had done the gross, stereotypical dude thing of breaking up w her right after they both graduated. i got a vibe he had been cheating on her all throughout too. he rly was the type. and as we drank we talked about it. i felt so bad for her. she vented all night. and idk all i remember was we were both v drunk and i think i was… idk why my head was in her lap? but she was playing w my hair. and idk. we kissed. things happened. she seemed so happy w it! i was too. i even stupidly cracked a joke “i bet A would be rly pissed if she saw us rn” and we both laughed. i always regretted sayin it tho bc its not like i was doin it to get back at A.
but i remember we were in my bed making out bc i had accidentally gotten aggressive w her n slammed her into a wall n started kissing her? so hard her nose started bleeding? i felt awful but she LOOOVED it and idk we somehow wound up in bed. idk i kinda regret this. bc… i was having a hard time around then and… just sleeping w all my friends? it just became… clockwork. i would do what i thought my friends wanted me to do regardless of how i felt. i had become kinda a slut.
so i remember like… making out but then i started to escalate things? and i think fir a split second she sobered up and was like “wait lets cool this down a little”. and i was like “okay no prob” and we both tried to go for a walk n find a park? we walked hand in hand and she kept telling me how happy she was? like how… this was the kinda stuff M would never do with her? she was just smiling a lot. it was cute. but i was so drunk n still fairly new to area, so i took her in wrong direction from the park. we ended up giving up n just walking back.
we got back in and thats i think when she sobered up mostly but i wad still out of it? and she realised her dog hadn’t been fed. it was def a partial excuse but she rly loved that dog so i could tell it was REAL guilt. i felt bad bc i tried to take her hand n go back into my room bc i wanted her to stay n cuddle? i was just drunk. i wasn’t forceful, but i shoulda been like “oh that’s fine!” but tbh i was also a touch worried she was too drunk to drive. well anyways… she left.
later we did have a looong talk about it. like… she ended up going to try and get back with M again (i still will never know what she saw in him like he rly used her n treated her bad like even going so far as to ask her advice on dating other girls after they broke up). but idk i thought she was smart enough to end things w him, and could tell her and i had feelings, so i tried to stay a lil closer than friends? idk what i told her but it was along the lines of “we can stay friends but if things happen sometimes it’s okay w me”. i look back on it w embarrassment but i guess it wasn’t that bad a thing to say?
but rly it was mostly a drunken mistake. and she was scared. and wanted to cut it off. she couldn’t end things w M like she was still torally in love w him even tho he had abandoned her. tbh i know what that’s like. well anyways i remember a few hangouts later she just… bailed on me? in a rly mean way? i had gone to pick her up from her house (idk 30 min drive each way) and she just… totally stood me up. i was parked at her house like texting her wondering where she was? and she sent me a text like “sorry something came up”. and wouldn’t tell me what happened and i got annoyed and drove home.
i have a feeling now that like M had… shown back up in her life and she sorta… threw me away to run back to him? i mean i can’t take it too personally bc she woulda done that to ANYONE. i don’t remember what happened after that but we just stopped talking again. i saw later on fb that her and M had gotten engaged or married?? idek? idk if her and i are still fb friends or if one of us blocked the other or what? i don’t remember.
but idk. i hope she’s well. i hope M got WAYYY better. or she left him. or idk. i wouldn’t even know how to contact her. i’m almost afraid to. like bc i… could see her giving up on her dreams and just being that housewife to him. even if she was mildly content doing that, i know she’d never be happy. and it’s so unlikely that he’d have grown to be good to her. i just… hope she’s doing well and is okay and happy. idk why i woke up worrying about her. it’s been so long… i’m such a dif person now. idk. time is weird.
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illusionlock · 6 years
hm because I’m curious and I don’t think I saw you answer this before (sorry if you did!) - overall how would you rate/rank Pizzeria Simulator compared to the other games? Did you feel like it was a satisfying conclusion to the series?
oh no, not many ppl have actually asked me about my opinions on ffps before so its absolutely ok!!! id love to talk more about it anyway!
i feel like, it was honestly a very nice surprise, i liked the giving nature of the game n how much lore n secrets it hid, of course its not entirely perfect n does leave a lot to be answered n theorized still, but then again, it wouldnt rly be fun if it did- or rather, well, it wouldnt be fnaf!
but honestly, if you rly wanna know, i find it a very satisfying conclusion because it is what it is: it wraps up the deaths of other side characters who didnt get proper closure on fnaf 3 n gives them their peace or their deserved damnation *cough* william *cough*. it was just, satisfying to see how different the games universe is from the novels, n seeing it tie up. idk, it just made me happy, i know i cant speak for everyone here, but i was rly satisfying learning the role of the puppet n where henry was in the games.
that being said, however, the nature of the game itself, can be a little, well, overwhelming. there are just so many animatronics to purchase, many of which dont even DO anything, only the salvages hunt you down, you have to search n try to active the minigames on your own, and overall, it took weeks for everyone to find everything. thats not necessarily a bad thing of course, but its something that kind of puts you on edge like “have we found everything yet, can we rest”. plus management games stress me the hell out so djfkdsjgjfg
overall, id give it an 9/10, only leaving that little 1 out of there out of pure personal nitpicks because of stuff i said previously- kind of overwhelming gameplay and the lack of much action for the new animatronics that you could buy (tho i bet thatll be fixed on the custom night hehe!)
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theday · 6 years
30 song tag! thank you for tagging me @astrofireworks this looks super fun ;-0
rules: answer all questions then tag 3 people you follow and 3 the whole fucking world people that follow you that you want to get to know better.
1. a song you like with a colour in the title? almost said coloured by astro lmao but dark blue - jack’s mannequin
2. a song you like with a number in the title? 12 through 15 - mayday parade
3. a song that reminds you of summer? breathless - astro (its the title track for summer vibes how could i not)
4. a song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget? hm theres no one that affects me that negatively but i guess any 1d song?? live while we’re young maybe?
5. a song that needs to be played out loud? lean on me - day6 any of day6′s rock songs tbh
6. a song that makes you want to dance? .......... was gonna do dance dance but lets try nd keep this to one artist per question hdhdhjd shut and dance - walk the moon
7. a song to drive to? hhhhhhhh i automatically thought of im serious bc they were in a Car but,, i like me better - lauve solely bc i kept hearing it play on the radio
8. a random song you first think of? i wanted 2 put this alongside the sad song but since i hadnt answered this yet goodbye winter - day6 hehe i broke my own damn rule but who cares day6 have over 30 songs u cant expect me to not have one for each question like..... its day6
9. a song that makes you happy? from zero - monsta x it cheers me up and whenever it comes on shuffle i smile tm
10. a song that makes you sad? well. every day6 song since all brian writes are break up songs ;-/ but i loved you especially.... also jet black heart - 5sos if i wanna b diverse here if you don’t know kills me too
11. a song you will never get tired of? fuck diversity all in - monsta x its one of the few songs i dont skip OH ACTUALLY,, check yes juliet - we the kings
12. a song from your past? huh... girlfriend - avril lavigne (wdym its been 8 years omg....) i never kno how 2 spell her last name and fireflies - owl city (this was 8 years ago too??>>C>>DS?S?/)
13. a song that’s sexy? LMAO crazy sexy cool idk hm... how .. long...?????hDGHGHHGDHGGDS IDK!!!! theres this song my friend recommended me 2 listen 2 its called hatefuck by cruel youth so i guess that idk im a whole shrug emoji on this one
14. a song you’d love to be played at your wedding? oh..... oh w0rmth.. honestly ?? sekai wa koi ni ochiteru - chico with honeyworks
15. a song you’re currently obsessed with? hm..,,, rewrite the stars - zendaya and the guy from hsm
16. a song you used to love but now hate? i wouldnt go as far as to say hate but most says i listen to get skipped by me whenever im on shuffle sodhjhdhjs?? everything??? theres no real song i hate i like everything
17. a song you’d sing a duet with at karaoke? im laughuhfdjhfjhjs please one time i went to the karaoke with friends and shouted the lyrics to i need u - bts and some other songs so that maybe??
19. a song that makes you think about life? wow thats deep ! idk there isnt any but i like listening to ghost rule - deco*27 (ft. miku) while dissociating its like netflix and chill expect theres no netflix just a lot of chill oh another one; never lost word - jin (this one is rly good ok)
20. a song that has many meanings to you? h..... northern downpour - panic! at the disco bc its the first song.. this one buddy of mine recommended me,, 
21. a song you think everyone should listen to? beautiful - wannaone
22. a song by a group you still wish was together? ah. aoi shiori - galileo galilei
23. a song that makes you want to fall in love? you had me @ hello - a day to remember 
24. a song that breaks your heart? like we used to - the rose oh man this one too the way sou sings this like my wig and me r both cryig? 
25. a song with amazing vocals? i like you - day6
26. a song with amazing rap? HAHAHHDDHGSGHDGH dramarama - monsta x also sing me - day6 (live vid bc the feeling you get is insane) dont say goodbye baby like miss a ! omg watching that vid of day6 made mehjfghdhhgs i miss them here’s another vid that goes straight to brian’s rap
27. a song that makes you smile? memory - direct (mr fijiwiji remix) alternatively, death of a strawberry - dance gavin dance
28. a song that makes you feel good about yourself? hjhhdjhjd theres none so heres a song i like :D メトロノーム - kenshi yonezu
29. a song that you would dedicate to you and your best friend/mutual/someone close to you? my day - day6 everyone is my day,,, (baby you’re beautiful) and say wow (because all of you make me say wow)
30. a song that reminds you of yourself? i know.. i know i keep doing day6 but hjhjhjdhdh!!!!!! better better - day6 also i bring the weather with me - the amity affliction 
and that concludes the end i know ppl wont check the songs out (no problem!) but linking is fundhfdhgdghhfg anyway taggin @tokayhk and @wonhoslisp alongisde @ilovedowoon @whonpil and @younghyuuns (myday mutuals try not 2 use a day6 song for every qn challenge)
vivi thank u so much for tagging m this was ?? rly an experience i love it :-D
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2seoke · 7 years
BEst writers?
In no particular order bcz they are all breathtakingly amazing when it comes to writing :3 ! ! ! !
@queenjunghoseok my hope. my angel. my JEN SHE WAS PART OF MY SQUAD A LOOOONG TIME AGO AND WELL I STILL LOVE HER AND I STILL READ ALL HER STUFF SECRETLY AND TELL PPL TO GO FOLLOW HER IN SECRET WITHOU- wait. did i just rat myself out… LMAO anyYWayS if anyone deserves more followers, its my baby: jen
@yoonminnings vivi? vivi is simply my vivi. Ive been through a lot with her and i literally pray for her every night thats how much she means to me… when I realized she wrote pics…. oh good lord i swear I DIDNT EAT OR SLEEP FOR A WEEK STRAIGHT BECAUSE I NEEDED TO reAD ALL THE FICS I HADNT READ YET lmao YALL DONT REALIZE HOW MUCH I HATED MYSELF THAT WEEK BUT THATS HOW GOOD SHE IS… I STOPPED MY DAILY SCHEDULES TO CTACH UP ON EVERYTHING (if that doesn’t tell you smth IDEK WHAT WILL @ this point :’)
@bangtanhmu winnie :3 she honestly makes one of the best texts in this entire goddamned website LMAO my gurl got 1k followers… in one week…. lMAO BYE SEE WHAT I MEAN HWQICGQEOGQOWV and I know she isn’t a writer but I just H A D to mention her efhiekclibILwb ilySM LOVE STAY HEALTHY DONT UPDATE TOO MUCH (its a problem rlly she loves her followers so much updates faster than lightning) 
@jungkxook ALY. ALY ALY.……… lmao all i have to say abt her is she ruined me in half…. :) (i still hate you for “arranged love” because the pain was excruciating) but other than that LIFE IS GREAT GO FOLLOWER HER BEAUTIFUL ASS (ILY BABE DONT BE MAD @ ME U KNOW HOW GOOD UR WRITING IS DONT FUKCEN DENY IT) :) NOTHING BUT SYMPATHY FOR YOU :) :0:):):))0;)):;0;):); and my BROKEN HEART :):)::):):);0):);00:):
@inktae tbh I thought she was gonna delete and I almost started crying BUT THEN SHE SAID NO AND I ALMOST THREW A PARTY LMAO BBY tbh when I’m sad mari’s blog is like the first one i always check because…. idk tbh… my fingers jus tap her url OUT OF NOWHERE :) LMAOO her guys… look… even my subconscious is telling you to follow and read her entire master list… hehe…:)::):):):):) (GOD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOURE THE BEST NEVER STOP WRITING)
@knjns my goddess, my seoul, my everything. She knows who she is, and how much she means to me, and truthfully no matter how much I write on here it’ll never ben enough to express myself. So, I’ll keep it extra short: I love you. Her writing? A whole different story. The way she manipulates words still scares me sometimes because the amount of feels I get from her fics is just -idek- astonishing. she deserves every follower and more.
@tayegi SHE HATES JEON BUT LETS BE HONEST SHE’D DIE FOR HIM. ok, now that I got that out of the way…. LU IS THE BEST :) (lmao don’t hate me) “ROOMMATE” AND “TINDER 2.0″ AND ‘IN BLOOM” AND “EQUILIBRIUM” d o you know how many times I’ve read them? think of a number. now, multiply it to the 10^9. I swear this chick aint human, her smut style is just astounding.. to a point where she gets 3k for one fic LMAO GUYS PLEASE GO SEE HER (then again who doesn’t know her/???? LOL) YOUR WRITING IS AMAZING! NEVER STOP AND TAKE YOUR TIME WITH UPDATES IF YOU EVER DECIDE TO BLESS US WITH ONE!
@hobibliophile Last but DEFINITELY NOT fucking LEAST, jules. JUJU. she has many names but her main one is “goddess of fan fiction” I swear this chick is part of the avengers or smth, not with the way she maneuvers words….. also idk her personality in her tags reminds me of Downey Jr.  and omfg I rlly hope thats not a bad thing or smth bcz I love him ANYWAYS BAKC TO JUJU!!!!!— WAIT. OMG. JUJU ON THAT BEAT. JUJU ON THAT BEAT. DID I JUST- WHT TEH FUK WHY AM I LIKE THIS……………..WQHCWBUWUW nANYWYAS tbh i came for the tags for jules, and I stayed for the talent. “Dick-stractions”?? omg I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY.. NAMJJOON…..HES MY WRCKER TOO DID YOU KNOW THAT FIC MADE HIM GO UP BCZ OF YOU? YOURE ALSO THE REASON A BOY WENT UP MY BIAS LIST……. PLEASE GO READ HER E N T I R E MASTERLIST SHE DESERVES GOD himself COMING DOWN KISSING HER CHEEK
These are the people at the top of my head and that I regularly read from, of course there are many more out there :3 plz enjoy them all theres a reason they are on this list!
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Homestuck High - Chapter 4
Homestuck high Chapter 4: The duel, a homestuck fanfic | FanFiction
to the people asking if im a troll no i am not i wuld rly like 2 bee one tho since the homestuck ones are cool!
~My worst fear is confirmed
idk why id own a dildo to stick up an ass lol im not old enough 2 own one.
~A. I love how you took their comment as a serious request
~B. If you're not old enough then WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WRITING EROTIC FICTION!?
to the nice ppl who left nice reviews i wnt 2 say thank u because they made me smile hehe.
~It must take some serious willpower to write a nice review on this story
nefotion gave me a REALLY god idea 2 add in wizards 2 the story so i might do that.
~You already got one though
~for the last god damn time, hagrid, im not a fuckin wwizard
im rely glad u like the character developement but whaat is my immortal? do you mean like the song by evenescense?
~I actually read My Immortal earlier today and DEAR LORD. I'm not even part of the Harry Potter fandom but it was just so awful
Just when all hope was thought to be lost Eridan took out of his deadly weapon knwon as the almighty Demontroll and began to rock out on it so the noise would distract Sollux wich it did and he let go of Jade and she came running over to them.
~But Eridan's Strife Specibus is Riflekind though
"Thank you sooooooooooo much John" she exclaimed
"My name is Eridan, John is no longer part of this body but exists now within hells wreched flames!" Eridan spoke
"Oh ok" Jade said
and walked over to Dave
"So..." Sollux begins as he took out his own instrement, the dark and almighty Red
~And blue
tooth which was an old wooden violin
~If Sollux played an instrument it would probably be a double-neck guitar
and began to fight back against Eridan "You are challenging me to a duel"
"You will not win it" Eridan ejaculates
~That's the second time someone ejaculated from talking
as he plucks the guitar harder "you will not win over my wrath and you will no take these chicks back to your castle within the dark clouds to create the next evil dark overloard!"
~Can I just take a moment to ask why Sollux is evil
"Then if i lose the battle you must hand over to me Rose and Jade so I may plant the dark spawn within them to create the ultimite POWER" Sollux suggested
~Wait, that happens if he LOSES? Wouldn't he WANT to lose then?
Both demons began to rock out on their instruments and a clash of white and black aroma smashed together within the space between them as they batteld it out. they began to sweat. it was a tough duel but Eridan did a triple eighty and knocked Sollux back flying.
~How does playing an instrument knock someone back?
"WELL DONE ERIDAN!" everyone on Eridans side cheered.
~Is there anyone besides Sollux not on his side?
"Whatevs" Eridan said, putting his guitar into his pocket
~It's bigger on the inside
~Unrelated, but I can't wait for series 10 of Doctor Who. I used to be a massive Whovian, but now it's been over a year since series 9 ended, and I really want to reignite that flame. Anyways, back to the story
Sollux walked away in defeat but hed be backk they all knew it.
Eridan took off his horns and John returned.
"What happenend" John ingerigated
"you turned into a super awesome demon
~They're called trolls
called Eridan and you battled that Sollux guy to protect me and Jade" Rose bubbled.
~Rose bubbled
"Oh ok" John said
~What is it with John and having the most underwhelming reactions?
"Lets go to class" Gamzee cornered
~Is the author just using random words they don't know the meaning of to try and sound smart?
"I smell a war coming..."
~That's Terezi's job
~Actually, where is Terezi? Or Nepeta? Or literally any of the other trolls?
Tarvos wanred "I do not like this. Be careful John mboy"
The next day Rose came over to John bubbling with news
"John guess what" she said
"what" John said
"Were going to have a baby" she cried
~I know I already used this image 3 times but
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"Thats great" John said
~Not even an exclamation mark. Fucking cold
~Also, teen pregnancy is far from great
and he hugged her tightly. he always wanted to be a
"Whats going on" Dave inquisited
~Dave somehow managed to interrupt the narrator
"Rose is going to have a baby" John said proudly
Dave smiled "But wait what about Sollux and the dark spawm"
~He said this while smiling
"Dont worry about that right now we must celebrate" Rose manifactured.
"Ok" Dave said
next chapter there will be a baby shower and a realy big surprise but is it a good or bad one review to find out
~Probably awful, but I'm not sure if it'll be worse than *shudder* chapter 3
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
ah, this day has been very long, hello there my dolcezza!! 💌🌠🌺 has the day treated you well? i hope it has!! things have been quite busy but i managed to get some rest time today, so i hope you did too!! ❤ so i saw that someone said i'm bruno in real life?? that made me laugh a lot!! i do wish to be like him,, considering he's one of my all-time favorite jojo characters!! (but you already know that hehe) the fact that you agree with that anon makes it even better 😂 (1/8?)
"oh and, i have something important to tell you dear,, of course i fell in love with your personality!! you may think that you're not so great and that your personality is flat and unappealing, but i wholeheartedly think otherwise!! something about your indifference and chaotic behaviors is very charming to me,, (2/8?)
frankly, i can see many different hidden layers,, your personality has much depth to it,, and you really are such a sweetheart to me, which i can't help but find appealing!! you truly are very entrancing in my eyes, and something tells me that you need to hear that more often 💞💞💞💞💞 i really do admire you caro!! (3/8?)
so most of my day was spent cooking, napping, and playing some video games (since i had some more free time!) my sister and i got to start playing eyes of heaven, and i won my first battle playing as jolyne with joot as a sidekick!! their interactions are so cute,, i love them so much!! 😊 (5/8?)
and i also played more ps4 minecraft today on a friend's world, we finally finished a huge build project, which was a giant renaissance style villa,, it took us only a week since i would play for a few hours a day (while he played up to 12 hours,, che pazzo!!) we were so happy when we finished that we started jumping up and down while on video call,, it was so funny 🌺✨ (6/9)
i also got to make some fresh marinara with my mom since our gardener neighbor brought some very large tomatoes!! we have this secret family recipe that comes from my bisnonna, so we made a pot full of it and stored it away,, i also got to help make some more pastries,, and my dad said that i should open up a restaurant hehehe,, i think it would be a nice side goal in the future but i have some big dreams to pursue first!! 🌠 (7/9)
i also slept lots today, i was very lethargic today for some reason... but we had this huge scary storms come through that really frightened my cats and i!! my twin told me i was being a baby about it, but i think he got karma when a huge bolt of lightning struck nearby,, i had to hide under my blankets and pillows the whole time 😖 (8/9)
oh well, at least i'm still alive!! it's very late, so i'll just end it here! make sure to keep taking care of yourself for me morgy darling, you are very important to me and the army!! 💗 - much much love from your sleepy fiancée, waifu anon xoxo 💖💘💕💓💗❤🌺🌼🌸🌻(9/10)
ps: 1) my friends are quite impatient about this wedding apparently!! ive been telling them that it's coming up and that they need to be patient,, but quinn started ranting to me about impatience, i'm gonna have to lecture her 😅 2) if you do ever need to hear something uplifting about yourself,, you can always count on me dear 💖💖💖💖 (10/10)"
Darling once again u amaze me....not only did one person ever said before to me that my indifference and overall behavior are charming and such...quite the contrary actually🤡🤡🤡 i still cant comprehend what is there thats absolutely charming to u but at the same time it does make me a little more happy knowing that somehow u like it😳😳😳✌️✌️✌️
On another note, i did acc hear from one of my american friends that there's alot of storming going on (we acc dont get such massive storms often and its kinda a shame since i love em) and heY i would have teased u a lil for hiding under the blankets too since thats lowkey cute but i wouldnt call u a baby, girl u wanted to join the military thats the opposite of a baby😩👊
Also u always helping out ur family with cooking and baking and saying that u have family recipes sounds surreal and hella magical jsudjsjs maybe yall b secretely some sort of sorcerer family and i believe it esp after i saw how enchanting u are dear👁️👀 and i was just gonna say i can so see u opening up a little pastry shop...even if its like a side business since ur gonna b a top vogue model after all🤭🤭 i bet ppl (me included) r gonna b standing in huge ass lines to buy handmade desserts carefully crafted by the one and only vogue waifu😤😤
Oh since u mentioned Quinn (im just gonna answer their ask here since its easier, they sent an ask sayin u been feeling lowkey wacky today??? Idk whats goin on but make sure to at least eat smth properly and dont stress so much dear...im awful w advice and comfort i know but still me and the clown army are a t u r s e r v i c e in case of anything ma'am👁️👁️
As for myself i just watched more of cowboy bebop (almost finished it a h a) and then ended up playing this cringe fail racing game until almost 1 am skhddhsh sELf cARe😩😩😩🤪🤪🤪🔥🔥
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survivorwakea · 5 years
Episode #3: “New Tribe New Tribulations.” - Ben
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That joint tribal went almost perfectly besides the fact that a dean voted for me for whatever freakkkkiing reason, but I really came out of that tribal with close allys in Johnney and Chloe from the other tribes so I really think that is dope I would type more but I’m shot
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wow ladies so im sitting on the toilet rn and i am fucking shaking in my boots. do u know how worried i am rn. im so worried. johnny said at the joint tribal that we were SOMEHOW not a part of that the 13 of them had already gotten to know each other and meet each other and everything that hit me rly hard bc like.... shit. shit shit fuck. fuck fuck shit. fuck. they’re friends already and more likely than not lono is gonna get picked off one by one at the tribe swap or whatever im literally so scared
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Omg omg omg I just went to like my first ever live tribal and it was soooo exciting omg omg omg. I really loved having the chance to sort of better connect with these people and have a moment with them that you wouldn't otherwise have really. And, I survived so that's a massive plus as well!! Eek I'm just so excited right now to be playing this season and everyone on the other tribes seem so active and happy and I'm really looking forward to getting to know them more throughout the season. It sucks I had to lose Dean but we all have to make sacrifices somewhere.
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Just got on new tribes and I’m pleased. I think I should be able to make some strong connections here. Elmo’s on my tribe and that really helps. Also talking to Joey and he seems pretty cool. Hopefully we do a good enough job on whatever song we choose so none of us have to go home. Hopefully Johnny, Justin, and Taylor are alright. I still kinda don’t know what I’m doing or where I am. Didn’t realize until half way through the last round that all 3 tribes were at the combined tribal. I thought there were 10 of us and that it could be a split vote. True flop? Yes. Maybe I’ll decide to get it together.
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After a really crazy tribal council, we swapped and to be honest I don’t feel as bad about this as I probably should. I feel like during the joint tribal I bonded well enough with Chloe, Thomas and Taylor where I think that if we go to a tribal I have enough bonds started that will keep me safe at least for another round and on top of that we also got Cullen on our tribe which is honestly the best case scenario because that could honestly be a free round!
Trust Rankings (Early AF) 1. Chloe 2. Thomas 3. Taylor 4. Randy Who’s Cullen?
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Well I knew I was going to be talking about the swap eventually. Cullan just got evacuated which is sad and I hope he is doing okay. I'm glad I swapped with Chloe and I feel Adam and Taylor are staring to see me and Chloe as a duo, which can be either good or bad. Randy I need to talk to more. Taylor and Adam both said they would be a number to me and Chloe if we need them, but I hope to hold that off for a little while.I just want to win this next challenge and avoid tribal :)
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WHAT IN THE ABSOLUTE FUCK DOES THOMAS THINK HE IS DOING RIGHT NOW?   Taylor has messaged me saying last night they spoke to Thomas about maybe us 3 working together and that Taylor thought maybe Thomas should message me first about it. But here I am with Taylor messaging me about it and no word at all from Thomas. I've given Thomas a chance to bring it up, I've been sat talking to him about how he's now finished school so he has more time to play orgs. This could so easily lead into a conversation about how Taylor messaged him. But instead he's just said "Im gonna go get a slurpee" well while you're out go find someone else to work with you because you're gonna need all the help you can get because I'm fucking coming for your bitchass now and I'm not gonna stop until it's red raw from taking all these hits from me.
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New Tribe New Tribulations. I stayed with Elmo which is good, and I have been chatting up the rest of the tribe. Jared seems nice and I've floated the idea of working with him at a potential tribal. I've talked less with Lily, but she seems nice. People I've talked the least with are Ian and Joey. Joey never responded to my messages, and Ian I just don't talk to lol. I'm pretty confident ian would stick with me and elmo and I think we could successfully target Joey, especially if we hold the milo 3 over their heads and threatened rocks.
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So, my premonition was most indeed correct. We ended up swapping from 4 tribes to 3 tribes. Not that that’s a totally bad thing. I mean, looking at OG tribes on Haumea 2.0, I’m in a 3-2-1 majority. And we had a music video challenge. My tribe lip synced to I Write Sins Not Tragedies. The question is, will we be pouring the champagne in victory? Or will the goddamn door be closed on one of us at tribal council?
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whew. sorry i haven’t made a confessional yet i’ve been busy. but now i feel like i’m gonna leave out important info so let’s hope i don’t. we swapped tribes and that was... a bummer. i had my 3 person alliance over on my other tribe and i had elmo! i miss elmo so much and just hope we meet again soon. i don’t really loooove my new tribe.. i like justin of course and i think i’ve been hitting it off with johnny. and strayed talking to anbel a bit. tried to talk to bodhi and asya but nothing really clicked. here’s something interesting.. justin told me he went idol searching and he looked where i looked round one and where i found the idol. he told me that a power was there but it’s now gone and he told me that johnny told him he looked there but said he just drowned in the vortex and didn’t say anything about a power being there. so i think johnny just messed up his words but now justin thinks johnny has a power and i’m just letting him think that and throwing scenarios out there and i can let johnny take the blame hehe. i also went idol aka advantage searching somewhere and i got somewhere asking if i’d be willing to give up 2 votes. i thought about how during the joint tribal a vote was missing so i assumed whatever power is there, somebody has it. so i said nope bye i want my votes! i told justin about this so i can kinda pin asya having this power since she was at the joint tribal and she’s on my tribe now so it could be a good excuse to vote her off if we ever go to tribal and i can be safe another round.
so now justin thinks johnny has the idol or some kind of power even though it’s really me who has it. and thinks asya has whatever power she got for giving up 2 votes. idek if asya is the one who got that power but i needed someone to pin it out so we have an excuse to vote her out and i can stay safe.
i also wanna apologize for whatever spelling mistakes i make and if i literally don’t make any sense at all. it’s so hard to type up exactly what i’m feeling and put it into words kdkdkdkd.
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Trust List:
1. Joey 2. Anabel 3. Elmo 4. Ben 5. Bodhi 6. Lily 7. Randy 8. Ian
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so we swapped which is great! the initial numbers are 3-2-1 and im in the 3 so that's great! however ian isnt the most socially active player so i think he could easily be the target of the 2 and the 1 and i dont think either ben or myself would want to pull a rock for him right now
i think i will hint him to get close to like lily or someone so in case we ended up losing a challenge she'd want to target joey instead of him. thats the goal. i dont want to lose ian bc basically if lily sides with joey in that situation, jared will be the decider and while i do trust jared, i think it gives him too much power yanno and it might be enticing for him to stick to his OG tribe ally rather than two ppl he met at the swap
im not sure how that will go but i hope well hehe! ALSO I FOUND AN IDOL, ZACK'S INFORMATION PULLED THROUGH!!! i havent told anyone yet, in fact host made a mistake in the beginnin sayin that it was already found and then said like 1h later, oh u actually have an idol and that got me SHOOK TO MY CORE! the awk thing is that i told ben already that i didnt find it so hdiasfahsdif! i just hope that when / if i tell him, he wont be too upset with me bc i right now i consider us p close!
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It’s hot as hell where I am right now. Better to be sweating over the heat than sweating over tribal, I guess.
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I got tribe swapped fucked and im annoyed.
So i got put on a tribe full of STINKY stinky players. And the challenge is a lipsync so im like "submit the lipsyncs ASAP" and theyre practically more than useless and do nothing. So we submitted practically nothing because theyre so fucking bad at time management. And now we're at tribal.
Nobody talking to me about the vote, so I'm going home. I'll try and pull a stunt but idk. Wish me luck
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Milu 2.0...hmmm... Where do I begin? 🤔 So my feelings on the tribe are mixed. Adam, Tom and Chloe were all part of the previous joint tribal so I had already had conversations with all of them. It made it easier to socialize when the swap actually did happen. Tom seems like a cool cat, and I had approached him with the idea of him, Chloe and I grouping up. Chloe seemed more than okay with it, but Tom never talked to Chloe about it like he said he would. That raised some red flags for me and Chloe. Adam and Randy I didn't feel as comfortable to begin with, but in the past day or two Adam has really came around and proposed we work together. Thus CAT was born. It's maybe not something long term but I think I could have great allies in Chloe and Adam individually. Tonight's vote is probably the most uncomfortable yet. Nothing feels solid, everything feels very much in the air, even if I have a majority alliance. This game is a rollercoaster and tonight I'm teetering on the edge and I have that sinking feeling in my gut. All I can do is put blind faith in my people and hope for the best.
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Milu 2.0...hmmm... Where do I begin? 🤔 So my feelings on the tribe are mixed. Adam, Tom and Chloe were all part of the previous joint tribal so I had already had conversations with all of them. It made it easier to socialize when the swap actually did happen. Tom seems like a cool cat, and I had approached him with the idea of him, Chloe and I grouping up. Chloe seemed more than okay with it, but Tom never talked to Chloe about it like he said he would. That raised some red flags for me and Chloe. Adam and Randy I didn't feel as comfortable to begin with, but in the past day or two Adam has really came around and proposed we work together. Thus CAT was born. It's maybe not something long term but I think I could have great allies in Chloe and Adam individually. Tonight's vote is probably the most uncomfortable yet. Nothing feels solid, everything feels very much in the air, even if I have a majority alliance. This game is a rollercoaster and tonight I'm teetering on the edge and I have that sinking feeling in my gut. All I can do is put blind faith in my people and hope for the best.
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This confessional is for the Third cycle where the end result was 4-1 (Randy, Tom) Loosing this challenge as honestly a rally hard pill to swallow I was absolutely pissed if we’re being honest, pissed at the fact that the final product was my video that as supposed to get snipped and trimmed because I didn’t know legit anything about that song or even lii syncing. I think me competing and being the one that submitted helped me when it was time to vote somebody out because I was told by basically everyone that sending me home would have been a silly decision. I honestly think my only option was too got out Randy because I think I’m solid with everybody else individually where I was trying to force something with Randy. If we lose again things will honestly go from 0 to 100 real fast as I don’t think anybody knows if Tom and Chloe are actually tight or what the deal is there but that will one hunger percent come in to place. All in all very successful round for me in my opinion. I think I need to be careful not to build this huge target on my back but I’m staying focused and just plowing through
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I’m doing wonderful! As far as this game is concerned, Jared and I are tighter than Ralphie May’s(RIP) pants. We know what each other is doing, and we communicate CONSTANTLY. Ian is tricky to get. He just says “Oh, okay” to everything, its as if he’s building up a wall to prevent me from having a social game, it’s highkey INFURIATING. I LOVE LILY, she’s an actual angel, and she’s a good player. I like Elmo alot, he’s definitely at a disadvantage due to his timezone. As far as everyone else, I’m getting closer to Asya as we’ve put our “beef” aside and we realized we’re friendly. Johnny and I have known each other for 3 years, he was the first person I knew in this community, he was the first person who hosted me and got me into this community, he’s going to always be like a brother to me.
Cullan is removed from the game. Randy is voted out 4-1.
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