thehandl3r · 2 years
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Also Ben:
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Five: do you know how they call a hero that never accepts help and always works alone, Viktor?? huh?? A VILLAIN
literally anybody: hey Five do you need hel-
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thatsweeird · 2 years
The Umbrella Academy s3 spoiler!!
-Okay i'm so fucking pissed of rn u have no idea, literally.
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Five spent his whole life in that fucking apocalypse, 45 fucking years, alone, without food or water, toxic air, a fucking mannequin who believed he was human because HELLO GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY HE HAS A FUCKING TRAUMA and he has seen the dead bodies of his family multiple times, lived with the commission just to be able to go back to who exactly? his ungrateful sibilings? who? the ones who don't appreciate him and accuse him of causing that fucking apocalypse for pleasure because he has nothing better to do? as if all of it wasn't for him a fucking trauma he has experienced three times since he was what, 13 years old? Really? And not to mention that they always blame him for everything i mean fuck off honestly.
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He did everything for them, literally. He pushed himself over and over again, got hit, beaten, lost an arm, nearly killed and all this over and over while they... what? What have they ever done for him? Everyone calls him an asshole as if this asshole wasn't the one who saves your life without batting an eye after disappearing. He's back after 17 years of missing (or at least for THEM were 17) and, without even sleeping, he immediately started looking for a solution. Oh poor them all.. are you lost in a timeline all alone? Well he was alone for 45 years and he was a fucking kid and I'm so sorry if he was trying to fix the mess you caused in 17 years and he took you all with him losing his strength and suffering just to save your asses so yeah, be alone in another time it's surely a fucking shit but up to 10 minutes before you were crying because you were going to die and he saved you, again.
I'm really tired of this. He's insulted, not appreciated and much more and has had a life full of shit and not even a break if not that nap in the hotel and all that for what? Try to save sibilings who don't care about him? I wonder why they can't just say thank you to him or acknowledge the fact that he's the one who puts himself out there for all of them and never gets anything in return. No one appreciates him, no one recognizes all the effort and what he went through for them, ever. Not even once.
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Even in the end when Allison made that mess and everyone lost their powers, he was left alone. The others didn't bat an eye, didn't say anything and didn't even look at him, they simply allowed the brother who saved them multiple times to find himself in the body of a thirteen-year-old without powers and completely alone without even looking at him. When Allison has been bad and acted like shit all season then it's okay because she's in pain but if Five tries to save them and they make more mess then what? Then he did it on purpose, right? And he's what, just an asshole without feelings? But are they at least aware that his life revolves around their safety and nothing else? We want to talk about Luther who, again, blames Five because Sloane was not there? hello?? doesn't he know that Allison did it all by herself?? why blame him? fuck off u all honestly.
And no, this is not a competition to see who is most traumatized and who deserves more and you know what? They're fucking lucky with that because he would win hands down after not even a second because he lived 60 years of shit just for them and I don't care about who will go against me because these are facts.
Don't you agree? That's okay, of course I accept it but please don't start discussions. I recognize that everyone has suffered but it seems to me that everyone is there for each other except when it's Five because when it's him it's okay, right? So it's just the old Five who gets drunk and is an asshole, right? I look very angry because I am, believe me.
(the only one to say good things to Five was Klaus during their trip but I didn't expect anything else from Klaus <3)
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oskarwing · 2 years
Five *talking about how different versions of them exist now*
Luther *gasps* DOPPELGÄNGER! PARADOX PSYCHOSIS! I learned all about this in Texas! This is great. I'm gonna get a good grade in little side adventures with my elderly brother, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
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c0ffeeb1ack · 2 years
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supervisorkenadams · 2 years
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boomthemoon · 2 years
We don't talk enough about how all the siblings were like "our Ben was so good, and sweet and pure, definitely the best of us", but when was Klaus talking about his Ben, was like "he was an annoying asshole who made my life a living hell and I loved him so much"
He knew Ben better than the others, he knew all the bad sides of Ben, and those were the ones he loved the most.
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writinghargreeves · 2 years
i love how Smart klaus is. his siblings and reginald tend to treat him like a clown who doesn’t know what he’s doing, but he consistently makes intelligent decisions they wouldn’t have though to make. like when he jumped onto the bison instead of getting kugelblitzed. he understood that it would just straight up wipe him from existence, and he wouldn’t be able to go to the other place. i love it he’s so smart
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plentyelegant · 2 years
the best thing about the footloose scene is that like... it objectively serves absolutely no use to the plot moving forward. like yes it shows what jayme's spit does but the delores scene happens like five minutes later and serves literally the exact same purpose in showing that she makes hallucinations by spitting at people. they could have just made that her power's introduction and it wouldn't have changed much plot wise but instead they went "no were going to make diego hallucinate one of the most fun and memorable dance scenes in the show since I Think We're Alone Now even though it isn't Actually Happening" & I for one am obsessed
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m0ricake · 2 years
The Hargreeves losing their powers after learning how to use them:
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Diego can be one of the best brothers if he wants to
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thehandl3r · 2 years
The whole fandom collectively when Reginald comes on screen:
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27-umbrellas · 2 years
I am obsessed with Stanley as just like a twelve year old who was SO CHILL about time travel he just pops in thirty years in the future, no questions, just there for tomfoolery and general prankfuckery
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just-me-screamin-42 · 2 years
my favourite part of s3 is where diego just decides that klaus is the cool fun uncle, not the guy who can throw you two stories high and lived on the moon, or the teleporting one with time travelling stories, but the gay recovering addict with a fashion sense set in every decade at once that sees dead people and died like 58 times
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taiturner · 2 years
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This whole Viktor thing... well, it’s a pretty big deal, right? Should we say something, make a formal gesture?  Welcome him as brothers? Should we, I don’t know, mark the occasion somehow? 
The Umbrella Academy 3x03 | "Pocket Full of Lightning"
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c0ffeeb1ack · 2 years
every single person who ran klaus over not giving a single shit about KILLING A MAN and just pulling an absurd series of hit and runs makes absolutely no sense but it’s fucking hilarious. i’ll allow it
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