#Team hunk but that's beside the point
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who runs this account omg 😭
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
omg i love your blog sm!! it’s been a while since ive been in the fandom and i didn’t think anyone wrote for vld anymore, ahhhh but i love the way you write!! you’re so so talented!! how do you think a love triangle sitch with keith and lance would play out? i love the both but UGHHHH THE DRAMA I LOVE IT😩😩
Oh my god thank you so much! I’m so flattered asfdafh 🥰🥹 I know the fandom is dead to most but not to all. I’m still here and voltron will always live on in my heart ❤️‍🔥 BRO THIS PROMPT??? PLZ ITS SO GOOD AAHHH ENJOY!
❤️Love Triangle💙
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Okay first of all, these two would try to win you over IN COMPLETELY OPPOSITE WAYS.
Lance is, of course, over the top and very romantic and kind of cliche but so considerate and thoughtful and sweet.
Keith will be more nonchalant and mysterious, trying to use his skills and talents to impress you. He’s the type to slowly win you over by being very genuine and honest.
It started when Lance threw a pick up line your way and not only was the line terrible…but you actually laughed at it. It brought some pink to your cheeks as well. They both noticed that.
Lance was very smug about the fact that he made you giggle and blush.
Keith was a little annoyed at first, thinking Lance was just being his usual obnoxious self. So Keith just kept trying to make moves on you in his own way.
One day, Lance walked into the training room to see you and Keith sitting beside each other on the floor, breathing heavily as if you’d just decided to take a break. He couldn’t really hear what Keith was saying but you looked very focused, very into the conversation and you two were sitting just a little bit too close for his liking.
Lance didn’t like the eyes you were making at the red paladin
But Keith sure did. He was so excited to be sitting so close to you.
Then it’s like the spider man meme of them pointing at each other like 😧👉🏻 👈🏻😮
“Wait! You like (Y/N)? No no no, you can’t! I like (Y/N)!”
“Well I liked them first!”
“No! No! Dibs!”
“Really? Dibs?” *eye roll*
For the next week, they’re both acting like goofballs around you.
It’s kind of hilarious and very entertaining for you because…you notice that they start adopting each other’s ways of flirting and dropping hints. They do a little swap.
It’s like they think the other person has a better chance with you so they try to switch it up and copy each other. Lance thinks Keith’s ‘mysterious bad boy’ persona is something you’re into. Keith thinks you find happiness in all the silly, goofy things Lance does. So they both try to switch it up in hopes of making you fall for them. Does that make sense?
Imagine Keith trying to use a pick up line on you and failing miserably. He’s probably sweating through his shirt and his mouth is dry bc he’s so close to you, he can smell your shampoo. He’d end up stuttering and then getting really pissed at himself for looking dumb in front of you. May go back to his room and pout if he felt things didn’t go well.
Now imagine Lance trying to be all soft spoken and mysterious, trying to act cool. Lance trying not to talk too much is the equivalent of him holding his breath. It’s only a matter of time before he breaks character and says some dumb, cheesy shit that has you rolling your eyes. He awkwardly shuffles away to his room and also pouts bc he feels like he’s just loud and annoying.
The boys got into a yelling match about it once. The pot just boiled over and all you could do was watch.
That was their very shitty, joint confession of their feelings for you- them screaming about who likes you more, who liked you first, who you’re more compatible with, ect ect blah blah blah
All right in front of you
And all the while, the whole team is so confused
Cue Allura and Hunk stepping in between them because both their faces are turning red from anger and jealousy.
Everyone just looks at Shiro like 👀
Shiro, the dad of the group: 🙄😤 “fine…”
Shiro sits them both down for a long chat and by the end of it, the boys have come to terms with the fact that they both like you and not only is it your choice who you’d want to be with, but there’s a lot of other things to be worried about rn. They shouldn’t, and they won’t, pressure you.
Buuttttt…they do keep up some of the same things they like to do with you.
Keith still trains with you often (and he really enjoys helping you with your stance/posture bc he gets to be touchy✨)
Lance still invites you into his room to play video games (and he always seems out of breath when you sit so close to him, your arm touching his)
They try their best to control their temper around you and they try not to be around when you’re with the other person. They don’t need to see you being all close and personal with someone who isn’t them. :,(
The boys just continue to be their normal selves with you. They figure you should get to know them, the real them, before you make any decisions.
Yes, they both like you.
Yes. They’re both very competitive and very jealous.
But they respect each other and they respect you.
And we are in the middle of an intergalactic war right now, this is not a real priority.
They’ll give you some time and a pace to think about it.
Now comment on this post and tell me who you’d choose 😈 I love them both so so much but Lance is my soulmate for sure
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autisticlancemcclain · 4 months
part one
“Guys,” a soft voice interrupted, and Keith could’ve collapsed with relief. The castle has been flipped sideways during the fall, floor suddenly now 90 degrees, and standing at the side of the control board, now the very high top, was Lance. For whatever reason he had climbed it while they bickered, and now stood very still, gloved hand pressed to the glass of the windshield. Blood trickled from his temple, tracing a line down the side of his face, disappearing in the neckline of his armour. “We got company.”
Shifting gears – Keith was about to tear him a new one, when Shiro says sound off you sound off – but froze when he looked out the window, following Lance’s gaze.
Marching towards them, in numbers Keith couldn’t pretend to count, was an army.
— — —
“Well,” said Hunk, holding Allura in both arms, “that looks bad.”
Shiro snorted. “Thank you, Hunk.”
Keith wanted to snap at them both. What time was it to laugh? They were injured, mostly defenseless, castle crashed. The Lions still sat, unusable, in their hangers. Hopefully they were okay, but it wasn’t like anyone could go check. Keith could barely even feel Red’s presence in the back of his mind – that stupid new Empire toy had drained them. It was frightening. And Hunk and Shiro were making jokes?
But Keith couldn’t find the words to chew them out. Instead, his voice was caught in his throat as he looked on the slowly advancing army with wide eyes and tense shoulders.
The advancing army was…trees.
That’s what it looked like, anyways. Rows and rows of rough bark and quietly swaying leaves, advancing in formation. A large black bird flew, cawing, above them. Keith tried not to think about omens. 
“Did a forest come to life?” Pidge muttered, squinting. Keith was relieved she was seeing the same thing. Keith has been in space a long time, at this point, but this was like nothing he had ever seen before. This didn’t look like a people in any way he understood. They were alive, surely, their movements organic in fluid in a way non-living things couldn’t quite manage, but his eyes were not deceiving him, and in front of him was a bunch of moving trees. As he watched, they advanced slightly further, stopped, and froze. 
And then, slowly, they morphed. 
Out of the bark, people seemed to…melt? Was that the right word? The trees planted themselves on the beach as if they’d always been there, as if the giant ocean was simply a lake beside a forest, and the bark of each plant seemed to shimmer, to shift. Humanoid figures took form, with skin like wood and hair like moss and leaves, eyes dark and old and knowing. Little saplings hid behind the sweeping dirt skirts of giant, older trees, giggling amongst themselves. Tiny droplets of water shined in dots on dozens of brown faces, glittering on brows and lips and noses like diamond piercings. Vines wreathed around torsos like tailored clothing. 
Above them, Lance gasped. It was a quick, near-silent sound, one Keith only noticed because he was watching Lance from his peripherals anyway. 
“Dryads,” he whispered, unmistakably excited, and before anyone could get so much as a word in he scrambled down the control board, careened down the bridge, and sprinted his way out the exit. 
“No, what are you – Lance!” Hunk shouted, the first to react. He handed a still-unconscious Allura off to Coran, who took her with a wide-eyed, confused expression. 
“Number Two, what is –”
“I am going to burn your Percy Jackson books,” Hunk seethed, already stomping out after Lance. He scooped up his blue helmet on his way and shook it at the door. “You hear me, Leandro? Burn them! Head outta the clouds, that’s an army!”
Keith was quick to follow. The rest of the team fell in step behind him, jogging after Lance. 
Outside was…well, it startled him. 
He’d seen it on the way down, of course. But he hadn’t been focused, really, hadn’t taken the time to map it past what the air currents felt like, past a safe (ish) place to land. The beauty of it now knocked the breath out of him. The ocean was almost crystalline, it was so clear and blue. Keith could smell it even through his helmet, the salt, the sea, and something Keith couldn’t recognise. Every rock on the seashore shone in the bright golden sun, glittering like encrusted jewellery. Down the beach, where the rocks gave way to beach, the sand was bright brilliant white; hard, actually, to look at. On Keith’s other side was a rolling, sage green meadow, peppered with wildflowers so familiar Keith almost felt he could name them. He saw dozens of fruit trees, all different kinds, so ripe and rich his mouth watered. He was nowhere near enough to smell them, but the fruits were so plump and colourful that every instinct curled up in every corner in his head begged him to gorge himself to coma. Even the army in front of him, the rows and rows of stern tree warriors – dryads, Lance had called them – couldn’t stir wariness in Keith’s heart. His shoulders relaxed without his say-so.
One of the warriors stepped forth. She was wide-set, tall, and the ground trembled with every step. Her eyes were dark as murky green pond depths. Deep gauges lined her face, most from the pattern of the bark that made up her skin, but many that disrupted the pattern; rough, torn scars, one right through her right eye. 
“State your business,” she said, voice rough as sandpaper. 
No one said anything. The awe Keith felt was reflected in his friends, wonder rendering them mute.
“You’re dryads,” said Lance softly. He stepped forward, Hunk’s hand falling from his shoulder. “Tree spirits.”
The tree-woman nodded. “If that’s what your people call us, child. Here, we’re Aegians, Last Guardians of Marmaro. And we ask again – name yourselves.”
Her army raised their weapons as she spoke. Sharp, pointed weapons, some of hardened stone, some of crystal and marble, some of the same wood that made up their flesh. One even had shards of metal attached to a complicated string of vine. 
“We are Paladins of Voltron,” Shiro said, finally, hands held up in peace. He moved slowly up from next to Pidge, eyes never leaving the Aegian leader, until he finally stood in front of her, arm loosely circling Lance’s elbow, tugging him gently back. “We come in peace. Our ship was attacked by the Galran Empire, and we barely made it out intact. We apologise for any damage.”
“I’m not sure ‘intact’ is the right word,” murmured the Aegian leader, glancing quickly at their smoking ship, “but regardless. You are here now.  I am Dryope, and I grant you asylum, as is my birthright.” She said the name like dry-oh-pay, but with a lilt to her vowels Keith couldn’t replicate even in his own head. 
Dryope stood to her full height – which, ho-lee – and struck her staff twice on the rock on which she stood. Immediately, the army fell back, weapons sheathed, postures loosened. 
“Aegians!” she called, and every single tree-warrior stood to attention. “The Paladins of Voltron have come to us. We shall extend our hospitality to them, as dictated in the Ancient Laws.” She turned to them for a moment, contemplating. “Seven households come forward. Our guests are to be fed, clothed, and cared for. Who shall claim the honour?”
Keith exchanged a look with Hunk, shifting uncomfortably. Seven households? They were in no position to complain, but on all the planets they’ve visited before, they’ve never been housed separately. To speak up would surely insult their hosts – but was it safe to split up? They were injured and exhausted – if their hosts proved malevolent, they would be almost powerless individually. Allura was still out, Lance for sure had a head injury, Keith was, now that he noticed, breathing laboriously. A quick glance beside him revealed an odd angle to Pidge’s wrist, probably sprained, and Hunk shifted every couple of seconds like he could not stand comfortably. Shiro favoured his left leg. Only Coran stood tall and strong, Allura held protectively in his arms – but Keith knew better. (He will never, as long as he lives, forget the way the man collapsed, ashen and unresponsive, right at his spot at the castle’s controls. The rest of them had just been deemed healthy enough to fight again after falling ill to Deadman’s Spots, fevered and covered in sores and wasting away. Only Coran had been spared – or so they thought. They had almost lost him.) Coran could have a shard of bone sticking out of his leg and none of them would know. 
They could not afford to refuse the help.
The gathered army rippled and shifted as people answered Dryope’s call. One by one more Aegians pushed their way to the front, until seven stood just behind their leader, shoulder to shoulder, chins raised proudly.
“We have space for the injured girl,” spoke the first Aegian. She stepped forward, and she didn’t look like a warrior at all – the smile on her face was soft and welcoming. She was much stouter than Dryope, and and her eyes held the same maternal kindness that Shiro’s often did, deep and black and understanding. The lined pattern that made up her bark was softer, lining her face like smile lines. Thousands of branches twisted and grew out of her waist, resembling the tangled roots of the biggest tree in the forest. Clinging to her branch-skirt were at least four little saplings, young and reedy, peeking their wide eyes out behind their mama’s hips. She smiled wider, hands outstretched, and Keith had to stop himself from walking into them himself.
“Yes,” said Dryope, nodding at her. Her face went oddly soft, smiling at the maternal woman. When she turned back to face the team, her face morphed back into its impassive expression. “Paladins, Rhea and her family will house your injured girl. She will be well cared for – Rhea has nursed and watched many in her time.”
“Come,” beckoned Rhea, almost interrupting Dryope. The leader didn’t seem to mind. “Bring her to me, she must be laid comfortably.”
Coran walked forward, handing Allura to her gently. It spoke volumes to her character that Coran approached her at all, let alone that he pressed a quiet kiss to his charge’s forehead and stepped away. 
“She is only tired,” he said softly. “Not injured. She needs rest, and perhaps food.”
“I will see to it. Come, children.” With a sweep of her skirts echoing like a bamboo broom, she walked back through the ranks, saplings clinging to her back like baby monkeys.
Next, an elderly man stepped forward. He was hunched, gnarled fingers curled around the haft of a sharp wooden trident that resembled Dryope’s staff. Despite his limp, he walked with dignity, and when he lifted his chin to face Coran, his eyes were bright.
“Have you space, Father?” murmured Dryope.
He nodded. “Always.” 
Using his trident as a walking stick, he strode toward Coran, standing beside him. Coran, ever the diplomat, smiled slightly, and began speaking with him too quietly for Keith to hear. Both men, he noticed, seemed to stand the same way, although he couldn’t explain what that meant. It was just – vibes, he supposed. An energy.
“By the Sky, Mother, how long is this going to take?”
Startled by the abrupt change in tone, Keith jumped, turning towards the man who spoke. He was taller than anyone on the team, although shorter than most of the other Aegians, and covered himself with leaves that looked deliberately sewn rather than grown. His smile was wide and white and what Keith could only describe as shark-like. 
But what was most striking was his skin. The dark lines of patterns that covered it had Keith thinking he was as Aegian as the rest of them, made of tree bark, but then he blinked and realised – they were merely marks, or tattoos. Unlike the rest of the Aegians, this man had skin, this man was – 
Lance gasped. “You’re — human!” 
“Half,” the man corrected, chuckling. He swept forward and delicately grabbed Lance’s hand in one of his, pressing a kiss just above his wrist. Lance blushed up to his hairline. “My name is Peitho. I was born here, on Aegis. My father was a lost human explorer. I have never been to earth. But human genes…” He looked Lance up and down, grinning charmingly. “I’ve always felt they’re very dominant.” 
Lance, obviously pleased with the attention, warmed up quick. He walked over, reaching up to brush the hair out of Peitho’s eyes, touch lingering. Like they were friends or something. Keith ground his teeth so hard you could hear it from the ship’s smoking engine room. 
“I thought…I‘ve never seen a human in space. I thought we were alone, up here.” 
Peitho laughed, full-bodied and bright, like the sound of a smoothly rumbling engine. His handsome face creased lightly as he laughed, emphasizing newly-formed smile lines, which only made him more beautiful, not less. Lance smiled widely along with him. “Oh, my dear,” he said, turning that charming grin full blast on Lance, “you are never alone.”
Keith thought his jaw might crack. What a sleazeball. No wonder Lance liked him so much.
“The introductions need not drag on,” Peitho said grandly, sweeping his arm out like he was in charge or something. His other arm was around Lance’s shoulders. “Akeso, Dysnomia, Elatreus, meet with your paladins. They are hungry, and likely tired from travel. The sooner we have them rested, the sooner they can partake in our welcoming festivities. Right, Mother?”
Dryope nodded, looking a mix of annoyed and amused. “Yes, you embodiment of impertinence.”
As ordered by the embodiment of impertinence, three Aegians stepped forward. The first – who must be Akeso, a tall, reedy person with willowy locs falling to their shoulders, who held no weapon – approached Shiro, nodding tersely. Keith felt his brother match the terseness, stiffening. 
(Internally, Keith winced – could his brother not get someone who smiled, maybe? Akeso was probably fine, but, yeesh. There was once a time when Shiro laughed more than anyone else Keith knew. Sometimes maniacally, on two hours of sleep. But he heard it so rarely now.)
The second Aegian, Dysnomia, approached Pidge. Like the Green Paladin, she was short as shit. Keith met his friends eyes and snickered at her. The murderous look he got would make him more nervous if he, as Lance so often liked to gripe, had a bone of impulse control in his body. (Rich coming from him, but. Whatever. It wasn’t like Keith could argue.) The third, Elatreus, was absolutely, one hundred percent, the coolest Aegian Keith had seen so far. Holding an intricately crafted crossbow and with a shoulder width approximately the size of a small mountain, he lumbered over to Hunk. He held out his fist. Hunk wasted no time bumping with his own. Keith would be jealous if Hunk didn’t deserve it so bad. 
“Oh,” said Peitho, after a moment. “Of course, there is one more. Ares!” He gestured with half as much enthusiasm at Keith. “Your guest.”
Keith stilled. From behind Dryope, the last Aegian host stepped forward. His pale, papery bark was gnarled and scared, bulky, and – stained, it looked like, all the way up the arms. His face was more impassive that Dryope’s, expressionless, except for the slightest of sneers. Resting on one shoulder was a massive club, three times the size of Keith’s head at its tip. Like his host’s arms, it was stained. 
Keith forced himself to meet his stare. His host had eyes red as pomegranates – well. Eye.  The right side of his face, like the rest of the Aegians, was humanoid. The left side looked like it had – looked like someone had clawed out his eye, leaving a gaping, half-healed knot of a scar. 
Keith wasn’t familiar with a lot of myths. But he knew what namesake his Aegian host bore – Ares, god of war, god of pain, god of hardened warriors and battlefield and bloodshed.
Fitting, hissed a voice in his mind. Keith curled his fists and ignored it.
“Paladin,” nodded Ares, taking his place next to him.
Keith swallowed. “Ares.”
“That, I believe, is everyone,” said Dryope. “Paladins, please follow your hosts. They will bring you to their homes and ensure you have somewhere to rest. At sundown, we shall reconvene at the hearth, eat, and make merry. Please –” she spread her hands, “enjoy our island. I will see you all shortly.”
She cracked her staff once on the ground. Immediately, her army parted for her, following her in formation once she marched through. Many of them returned to their tree form. It was still strange to watch. 
Keith jumped as a hand reached out and squeezed his shoulder. Shiro smiled slightly at him, squeezing again before letting go. 
“See you soon, kiddo.”
He followed his host, leaving Keith to realise he was the last still gathered in the shadow of their crashed castle. The eyeless Aegian stood next to him, hands resting on his club, watching him curiously. 
Keith cleared his throat. “Um, we can go.”
The Aegian continued to stare. Keith shifted uncomfortably, fighting the urge to draw his bayard. That would certainly not help. Things were precarious enough. 
“You do not trust us,” his host observed. His one remaining eye was unblinking, holding Keith’s stare until his own eyes burned and he had to blink.
“No,” Keith admitted. It wasn’t that he was scared of the Aegians, per se, but he was wary of them in the same way he was wary of the Blades of Marmora. He recognised their strength, their power, and knew from the way Dryope stood that she was keeping a lot of information to herself. Any group that kept secrets was impossible to trust, at least by Keith’s standards. He suddenly wished he had been paying attention enough to watch Pidge, Lance, and Hunk leave with their hosts, to make sure they were armed. 
His host shrugged. “Wise, probably. I would have no trust in your position.”
He started to walk over the rocks, and Keith followed. It was no accident that the Aegian kept Keith on a diagonal to him, visible from his right side. Keith did his best to keep himself in his line of sight. 
“You wouldn’t?”
“Do I look like I would?”
“I don’t know how to answer that diplomatically.”
To Keith’s great surprise, his host huffed a laugh. A slight smile upturned Keith’s own lips.
They walked the rest of the way in silence. Off the beach and across the meadow, in a deep, round valley, there was a sprawling village. Small, large-bricked buildings dotted hills and lay nestled at the edge of small farms. Dead centre of the valley was a giant fire pit, gently lit, and surrounding it in a perfect circle were several larger buildings in the same style. Keith recognised many of the buildings as temples. 
“This way,” Keith’s host said, beckoning him forward. He turned off the main path and walked along the edge of the hill. Keith teetered after him, trying desperately to keep his balance. He was reminded how hard it was to breathe with bruising around his ribcage, how tired he was. But he kept his mouth clenched tightly closed, unwilling to look weak. 
They walked far past the centre circle, past outer circles, past even the farthest of farmhouses. In crossing one of them, the man stopped, Keith nearly walking right into him, and waited for several moments. He bent over as a tiny little boar came galloping to the edge of the fence on runty little legs, smiling as he scratched the thing between its tusks. Keith couldn’t help but notice the blood covering the sharp, portraying bones, as if the animal had just recently hunted. 
“Hey, Kyknos. Good to see you.”
He pet the boar for a few more minutes, then wordlessly started walking again. Keith had to jog to keep up, tired from the hike so far.
“That, uh, your pet?”
Keith waited. No more information came forth. 
“Oo-kay, then.”
There was a Lance in his head that was laughing at him, bringing up every one-word answer of Keith’s that had frustrated the Blue Paladin to twitching eyes. Keith scowled.
Finally, the host stopped at a house. Keith felt he would nearly faint with relief, beyond ready to lay down his head, wariness or not. 
“This your place?” Keith asked, panting.
His host raised his eyebrow, pushing open the door.
“No,” he deadpanned, “this is my annoying neighbour’s house. He’s on holidays. I’m staying here and using all his things to take revenge for hours of small talk.”
“Oh,” Keith replied, impressed. “Cool.” He’ll have to do that next time Lance is on a solo mission. 
“No, I’m – I’m kidding, Paladin.”
“Oh,” Keith repeated, disappointed. “Less cool.”
“Just – get in the house.”
Keith didn’t argue. He followed his host into the small building, nodded as he was pointed to a guest room, and passed out the second his head hit the straw-stuffed pillow.
— — —
part three
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casuallyawkardd · 7 months
Hello dear, how are you? 😘 I wanted to know if it's ok, do you write an imagine where reader calls Miguel for the "first" time from the nicknames that spiders sometimes call him, but NEVER in front of him like "Guelito" "Miggy" or my favorite " Miguelito". thank you and I loved the second part "Close Encounters of the Spiderkind" I'm looking forward to seeing the next chapters
'Miguelito' is also my personal fav 😌 I should start work on pt 3 of 'Close Encounters of the Spiderkind' very soon so thank you for the love. Appreciate you anon 💕
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x GN!Reader
Warnings: fluff, awkward beans being awkward beans, can be interpretted as platonic or romantic depending on the vibes you want
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"Sounds like big guy's mad again."
"When is he not, Parker?"
You shot the other spider a half hearted glare, too tired to fully commit. It had been a long week, in fact it had been a long three weeks. Someone, everyone had agreed not to point fingers, had lost one of the anomalies. It was a variant of Rhino, some version that looked like a bodybuilder and a mecha anime had a baby, had barreled his way through HQ and was now loose in Nueva York. Miguel's home turf.
For being such a large hunk of muscle, the anomaly was apparently very good at flying under the radar. When you and the other spiders were able to get a ping on him, he was even better at forcing his way through an escape plan. Every 'we almost got him' and 'we'll get him next time' seemed to be grinding against your boss's psyche, sometimes clenching his jaw so tight that you were concerned about his teeth breaking.
The latest hunting party was gathered in the cafeteria, comprised of Gwen, Hobie, Pavitr, Peter B and you. The bane of your existence right now, aka Peter, was obnoxiously slurping on his soda on your right, taking a bite of his O'Hara Burger between gulps. Normally things like that didn't bother you, but today it was like nails on a chalkboard; the urge to beat your own burger, that had quite the resemblance to your boss, to a pulp only growing by the minute.
"Can we just all agree that good, old Migs was the one who fumbled the bag today, yeah?" Hobie chimes in with his usual nonchalant attitude, picking at his own food.
"A...greed," everyone chimes in, all equally tired. Well...almost everyone.
You side eye Peter, who seems to be holding off on his own response. "Well..." he starts carefully, speaking through a mouthful of burger, "you were the one who wasn't able to cut the anomaly off at the corner."
"Excuse me?" you snap back.
"I'm just saying," he holds up a hand in a placating gesture, "I don't think blaming Miggy for everything is always fair. Man's got a lot on his plate keeping all of us in line."
"Yeah, you sound like an old man."
The younger spiders at the table joined in on the conversation, "I am an old man, respect your elders," Peter scolds the teens before looking back at you. "Look, I'm just saying maybe take one for the team and...apologize."
"For fumbling the bag today."
You take a deep breath in through your nose, head leaning back as if asking for an answer from someone up above. Finally, with a heavy sigh, you look back at the man next to you, "And why do you think me apologizing will help?"
Peter shrugs, "Maybe an apology is what Mig needs to relax a little, he likes when people take accountability. Besides, everyone knows he has a soft spot for you-"
"That man doesn't have a soft anything," you cut Peter off before he can start rambling.
"C'mon," Peter sighs, giving you a reassuring pat on the shoulder, "just go in there and be all 'Ohhh~ Miguelito, I'm really sorry for messing up, please let me help pull that stick out of your ass,'" his impersonation of you has you snickering despite yourself. Damn him and his dorky humor.
"I think I'd be dead if I called him that, or anything we call him when he's not around."
"Honestly, our little nicknames are probably the more tasteful ones," Gwen notes, "Trust me, I've heard some real creative ones."
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And that's what brought you to where you were now, slowly making your way into Miguel's lab. You had to keep playing the events of earlier today in your head as a reminder of why you're even here in the first place. Yes, you were the one who was meant to stop Rhino from escaping yet again, but Peter was right. You had choked. Froze on the spot and Miguel had to be the one to pull you to safety. The memory replayed over and over as you mentally scolded yourself, thinking that Rhino would be in the Go Home Machine right now had you stood your ground. But hey, hindsight was 20/20.
"Whatcha doin'?" Lyla's chipper voice pulls you from your thoughts, yellow hologram blipping from here and there as she followed you.
"M'here to see Miguel," you answer a little reluctantly, knowing what she'll ask next.
"Because...?" Lyla's now projecting at your side, life sized and walking in stride with you. Her eyes are focused on you, not needing to watch where she's going, seeing as she fazes through every obstacle. Your silence has her pixels forming a teasing smirk, "Oh, you did something wrong~" she coos in a sing-song voice.
"Not now, Lyla."
"Jeez..tough crowd today. I'd expect it from Miguel, but you? I thought we were friends," Lyla stopped walking, giving you a mock pout that had you rolling your eyes and continuing on your way. Lyla's so-called 'betrayal' was short lived as she appeared on one of the control tables, sitting with her legs crossed. "Well, it is good you're here. Big guy's been debating whether or not to call you into his office for the last hour."
That had you pausing. "Why does he want to talk to me?" you ask the AI, who only smirks back. It's clear that she knows, what you know, that he also knows... "How mad is he?" you decide on inquiring next, wincing a little in anticipation of her answer.
Lyla keeps you waiting, of course she does, humming and tapping her chin with a finger. "Not...too mad. Slightly over the average amount for him."
"Was that supposed to make me feel better?"
Lyla laughs behind her hand, pixels now standing in front of you again, "Come on, you're stalling~ Rip it off like a bandaid," she pantomimes patting you on the shoulder. With a heavy sigh, you press on into the main room of Miguel's lab.
He must've heard your conversation with Lyla, the platform already starting to lower at its painfully slow pace. Miguel is standing stiff, hands on his hips and his back to you. The sight has you swallowing thickly, nerves only heightened as you watched the man, who was going to tear you a new one, approaching in the most ominous way imaginable.
With a deep breath, you step forward, finding your voice after a moment, "I think we should talk," you tell him, cursing how your voice has that slight waver to it.
Miguel audibly sighs as well, shoulders sagging at the effort. "I agree," he replies, turning to face you and stepping down to the ground floor. Your stomach drops as he approaches, Miguel stopping and crossing his arms over his chest as he looked down at you. Why he had to be stupidly tall and intimidating was a mystery to you, one that wouldn't be solved in this moment.
"Look, I know today could've gone better," you start with, "we almost had Rhino and we lost him. Or, I guess I lost him.." your eyes avert to the floor, hands fidgeting together, "What I'm trying to say is-"
"I'm sorry."
The two of you speak at the same time, giving you pause. Your eyes finally look up to meet his, brows knitted together in confusion. "I'm sorry, what?" you deadpan, looking at him in disbelief. Surely my ears just aren't working, you think.
Miguel huffs, not a fan of repeating himself as he adjusts his stance, "I said, I'm sorry. The anomaly got away again, that's on me."
"You were in the prime position to neutralize the target and I got in the way," he continues to say, as if not hearing your interjection. "I...let my concerns get in the way and cloud my judgment-"
"Wait, hold on-"
"I let you down, I let the team down..."
"That's enough, Miguelito-"
"¡Cállate!" You jump when he raises his voice. "I'm trying to swallow my pride and apologize here," he snaps, annoyance evident in his tone. He huffs, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers and muttering under his breath in Spanish. You, on the other hand, were frozen on the spot. Mainly because you were still reeling from his initial outburst, but as realization set in at your slip of the tongue. Maybe he was too mad to notice?
"I came to apologize to you," you clarified, pausing when Miguel shoots you another glare. However, you were unperturbed, "It's my fault the mission went wrong. I got cold feet," you spoke a little softer, embarrassed at your confession. "If anything, I should be thanking you for making sure I didn't get trampled to death..."
"Stop," Miguel chimed in, holding up a hand to silence you. His lips pressed together in a hard line, thinking of what to say next. "You don't need to be so hard on yourself."
"Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?"
You crack a smile, hiding a chuckle behind your hand. Miguel's frown deepens and you can't help but laugh even more at the sight, the tension in the room dissipating once you realized the feeling of guilt was mutual. That and the fact you were both too stubborn to let the other be in the wrong. He seems to catch on to the irony of the situation, a reluctant snicker escaping him as he shook his head wryly.
Before either of you could pick up where you left off, there was a beeping sound coming from each of your Gizmos. It looked to be an alarm, further inspection revealing that Rhino had been spotted and all available spiders were to go to the given coordinates.
Miguel was on the move, his touch surprisingly gentle on your arm as he guided you to follow him out of the lab. Once you fell into stride, he was typing away on his Gizmo, "Parker, do you copy? I want you to gather the group from earlier and meet y/n and me there."
"Got it boss," the familiar sound of Peter B's chipper voice answered, "Anything for you, Miguelito~"
You winced slightly as he emphasized the nickname, a fresh reminder of your slip of the tongue. It had you feeling anxious once more as you walked beside the source of said anxieties.
"Don't call me that," Miguel snapped into the comm, "and don't be late," he added before ending the call. His eyes glanced your way, causing your breath to catch in your throat for a brief second. The knowing smirk and low chuckle he gave you in response was a surprise, stunning you even more.
It took a moment for you to remember that you were still walking, quickening your pace to catch back up. The two of you didn't speak as you walked through HQ, some kind of silent understanding that your earlier debate would be an 'agree to disagree' kind of situation. Everyone knows he has a soft spot for you, Peter's words echoed in your head, putting a little spring in your step. Confident that you wouldn't freeze up this time around.
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Tags: @prettylittlebrowngirl @khaleesihavilliard @leahnicole1219 @edgycatx @graysonshaven @qiaipia @3zae-zae3 @melovetitties @jebsoxnoshansk @thedevax @erissco @its-carlerrr @muimui06 @cheezit-luv3rr @leo-lvr @stqrlightrs
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aspenmissing · 10 months
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚒𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚅𝚘𝚕𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚗 (𝙿𝚝 𝟷)
"Roll out, donkeys!" Lance, Hunk, and Pidge exit the simulator and stand before Iverson and their class. A young woman stands beside her team, staring at the three in sorrow. Y/N Gane, top of the class; best pilot "Well let's see if we can't use this failure as a lesson for the rest of you students. Can anyone point out the mistakes these three so-called cadets made in the simulator?" Iverson shouted. 
"The engineer puked in the main gearbox," a voice said.
"Correct, as everyone knows, vomit is not an approved lubricant for engine system. What else?" Iverson said while shaking his head.
"The comm spec removed his safety harness," another voice said and Y/N laughs a little. 
"Is there something funny Miss Gane?" Iverson asks. Everyone looks to Y/N and she stands up straight and keeps a straight face. 
"No sir" She replies. 
"Miss Gane, can you tell me something they did wrong?" he asked.
"Erm... The pilot... crashed?"  Iverson looked at Y/N before smiling. 
"Correct! Miss Gane" he shouted and walked away. Y/N gave lance an apologetic smile, who just shrugs and smiles "And worst of all, the whole jump, they're arguing with each other! Heck, if you're going to be this bad individually, you'd better at least be able to work as a team! exists to turn young cadets like you into the next generation of elite Astro explorers, but these kinds of mental mistakes are exactly what cost the lives of the men on the Mission" Y/N's fists clench.
"That's not true, sir!" Pidge shouts. 
"What did you say?!" Lance clasps his hand over Pidge's mouth, but Pidge continues; her voice muffled by the hand.
"Sorry, sir! I-I-I think he may have hit his head when he fell out of his chair. But point taken" Lance says.
"I hope I don't need to remind you that the only reason you're here is that the best pilot in your class had a discipline issue and flunked out, and the second-best refused to be the best" Lance glances at Y/N before back at Inversion "Don't follow in his footsteps" Iverson turns to look at Y/N and her team "Miss Gane, your team is next!" Lance, Hunk and Pidge watch as their classmates board the simulator, Y/N patting Pidge's shoulder, smiling softly. 
Later, Lance and Hunk hide in the halls of the Garrison as curfew begins.
"Lights out in five! Everyone back to their dorms, now" Iverson shouts.
"We shouldn't be doing this" Hunk whispers.
"You heard Commander. We need to bond as a team. We're going to grab  Pidge, hit the town, loosen up, meet some nice girls, maybe we can bring Y-" 
"OK, I'm just- I'm just saying this here, right now, on the record: This is a bad idea" The lights turn off; Lance and Hunk sneak through the hallways.
"You know, for someone in a space exploration program, you don't have much of a sense of adventure"
"All of your little 'adventures' end up with me in the principal's office" Lance sneaks by the instructor's lounge and motions for Hunk to follow, which he reluctantly does "Oh, man..." The two hide in recycling cans as a guard passes by.
"L-5 North all clear," The guard says. Lance jumps out; Hunk tries to follow suit but gets stuck and falls over. Hunk stands.
"I'm fine" They hide as Pidge and Y/N leave Iverson's office. The two watch"
"Where are they going?" Lance asks. Y/N and Pidge were sat on the roof of the Galaxy Garrison. Pidge listens to radio chatter through headphones and special equipment. Y/N is sitting beside her, looking up into the sky, eating a snack bar. Hunk crawls along the roof and Lance carefully removes the headphones to speak close to his ear.
"You two come up here to rock out?" Lance asks. Pidge jump and spin around to face Lance and Hunk. Y/N following, snack bar still in her mouth. 
"Agh! - Oh, Lance, Hunk. No, Um... we-" 
 "We were just looking at the stars," Y/N says, chewing.
"Cool. Where did you get all this stuff? It doesn't look like Garrison tech" Lance wondered.
 "He built it," Y/N says, swinging her arm over Pidge's shoulder. 
"He built all of this" Hunk said astonished. He tries to touch the equipment; Pidge smacks his hand away.
"Stop it! With this thing, I can scan to the edge of the solar system" Pidge says, gesturing to the tech.
"That right? All the way to Kerberos" Lance smirks. Pidge looks away but does not respond, Y/N's eyes sadden. "You two go Ballistic, every time the commander brings it up, What's with that?" Lance continued. Hank tries to sneakily touch the equipment again.
"Second warning, Hunk!" Y/N says and Hunk stops.
"Look, Pidge, if we're going to bond as a team, we can't have any secrets. Same for you Y/N" Y/N looks at Lance confused "You may not be a part of the team, but you're our friend. Friends can't keep secrets from each other"
"I mean they can" Y/N mutters.
"Fine. The world as you know it is about to change. The Mission wasn't lost because of some malfunction or crew mistake—" Pidge sees Hunk trying to touch the equipment again "-STOP TOUCHING MY EQUIPMENT!!" Hunk groans but finally desists "..."So, I've been scanning the system and picking up alien radio talking" Pidge pushed up her glasses.
 "Whoa, what? Aliens?!" Hunk says.
"Oookay. so your insane, Y/N please tell me you don't believe in him," Lance asked me. Y/N nods"
"He is serious" Y/N holds up a pad with 'Voltron?' on it "They keep repeating the same word over and over again, Voltron. and tonight it has been crazier" 
"How crazy" Lance said. The Galaxy Garrison building alarms blare. Iverson speaks over the intercom
"Attention, students. This is not a drill. We are on lockdown!, Repeat: all students are to remain in barracks until further notice" A fiery object appears in the sky.
"What's going on? Is that a meteor?! ... A very, very big... meteor?" Hunk says and Y/N grabs binoculars
"Its. It's a ship" She says. Lance takes the binoculars and looks at the object. 
"Holy crow! I can't believe what I'm seeing! That's not one of ours" Lance said with wide eyes. 
"No. It' 's one of their" Pidge says.
"So wait, there are aliens out there?!" The three watches as the alien spacecraft crash into the desert. The Garrison sends out land rovers to the crash site.
"We've gotta see that ship!" Pidge says, standing up, pulling Y/N with him.
"Pidge, slow down" She laughs.
"Hunk, Come on" Lance yelled and chases after the two. 
"Oh, this is the worst team-building exercise ever" 
Lance, Hunk, Pidge and Y/N spy on the quarantines crash site from a nearby cliff. Lance views the alien spacecraft through binoculars.
"Whoa... What the heck is that thing?! ... And who the heck is she?" Lance asks, looking at women through the binoculars.
"Lance!" Y/N smacks his head.
"Ow! Right, Right, alien ship. Man we will never get past those guards to get a look" Pidge continues to type on her computer.
"Aw, man. Yeah, yeah, I guess there's nothing to do but head back to the barracks, right?" Hunk says.
"Wait for Pidge, there is a camera in there, try and hack into it," Y/N said and pointed at the screen. Pidge hacks into it.
"I've grabbed its feed, Look" They all looked at the screen.  Inside, a man is strapped to a table as Garrison technicians examine him.
"Hey! What are you doing?"
"Calm down, Shiro. We just need to run some tests" Iverson says, trying to settle Shiro. Y/N chokes on her breath.
"You have to listen to me! They destroyed worlds!" Shiro grunts "Aliens are coming!"
"That's! Shiro The pilot from the Kerberos Mission, That guy's my hero!" Lance shouts with excitement. 
"Guess he's not dead in space after all" Hunk says.
"Where's the rest of the crew?" Pidge asks, saddened. Y/N put her hand on her shoulder, smiling softly. 
"I'm sure they're fine, I mean if Shiro's still alive, I'm sure the rest are" She reassures. 
 "Do you know how long you were gone?" Iverson asks, walking over to Shiro? 
"I don't know, Months? Years? Look there's no time. Aliens are coming here for a weapon. They're probably on their way right now. We need to get Voltron!" Shiro struggles, trying to get out of the bounds holding him down. 
"Voltron!" Pidge and Y/N say in unison.
"Sir, look at this. It appears that his arm has been replaced with a cyborg prosthetic" A technician asks, looking at Shiro's arm.
"Put him under, until we figure out what it can do," Iverson said and a technician came over with a syringe. 
"No, no, no don't put me under, There's no time, Let me go!" Shiro is one again trying to get out of the bounds.
"They didn't ask about the other crew members"
"What are they doing? The guy's a legend. They're now even going to listen to him" Lance said. 
"We have to get him out," Y/N says.
"Ah, I hate to be the voice of reason here, always, but weren't we watching on TV, because there was no way getting past the guards" Hunk says, standing up.
"That was before we were properly motivated. We have just got to think. Could we tunnel in" Lance says, standing up. Y/N snorts, standing up alongside him.
"What so funny," Lance asked. 
"Really? Tunnel in, Tunnel in!!" Y/N laughs
"Well at least I have a plan, where's yours," Lance said with a smirk.
"We find some hazmat suits and sneak in like med techs" Y/N smirks back. Lance thought for a while.
 "That's a pretty good idea"
"Or... we could dress up like cooks, sneak into the commissary... little late-night snack" Hunk drools.
"...No. What we need is a distraction" As if on cue, an explosion burst in the distance and the four cadets scream.
"Is that the aliens?! Are—Tha—The—Is that the aliens?! Are they here?! They got here so quick!" 
"No. Those explosions were a distraction, for him!" Pidge points to a figure arriving by hovercraft "The Garrison's headed towards the blast, and he's sneaking in from the other side!" Lance views the new arrival through binoculars.
"No way...!  Oh, he is not going to beat us in there! That guy is always trying to one-up me!"
"Who is it?" Hunk asks.
"Come on, Lance. Don't start"
"Who?" Pidge asks.
"Are you sure?" Hunk asks.
"Oh, I'd recognize that mullet anywhere!"
"Lance, come on, man! Keith hasn't done anything"
"Who's Keith?!" Pidge asks. The four-run towards the quarantines crash site. Inside, the technicians examine Shiro, who's been put under.
"These readings are off the chart," The technician says. Keith enters.
"Hey!" Iverson shouts. Keith attacks and knocks out all three technicians, then runs to Shiro, surprised to find him. 
"Shiro...?" Keith cuts Shiro free from his bonds and tries to carry him out. Lance, Hunk, Y/N and Pidge arrive.
"Nope. No, you—No, no, no, no, no, no, no you don't. I'm saving Shiro" Lance lifts Shiro over his shoulder.
"Lance, let's just get him out of here" Y/N looks to Keith "Hey Keith" 
"Hey Y/N, long time no see" Y/N nods "So, who's this?" Keith asks, looking to Lance.
"Who am I? Uh, the name's Lance" Keith silently looks at Lance without recognition "...We were at the same class at the Garrison?"
"Really? Are you an engineer?"
"No, I'm a pilot. We were, like, rivals. You know, Lance and Keith, neck-and-neck" Y/N snorts.
"Oh wait, I remember you. You're a cargo pilot"
"Well, not anymore. I'm fighter class now thanks to you washing out" Lance says, proud.
"Lance!" Keith looks to Y/N in confusion "I refused to take your place, that was yours. I couldn't take it" Keith nods, before looking to Lance.
"Well, congratulations" 
Lance and Keith carry Shiro out together. Keith hops onto his hoverbike, along with Lance and Shiro. Keith holds out his hand for Y/N.
"Hop on," He says. Y/N smirks, reaching for his hand before pulling his close.
"You may be a gentlemen and I may be a girl, but this girl beat your ass in training" She whispers into his ear before jumping onto the bike behind him, Keith staring at his hand stunned - and slightly blushing. Hunk spots the Garrison returning.
"Oh, man, they're coming back and they do not look happy. We gotta go. Uh, do you mind if we catch a ride with you?" Hunk asks. Everyone climbs aboard Keith's hovercraft and it tips over.
"Is this thing going to be big enough for all of us?" Pidge asks.
"No" Keith replies bluntly. Keith has to take off as the Garrison arrives to pursue them. Pidge has to hold on to Shiro.
"Why am I holding this guy?"
"Hey, we did all fit!"
"Can't this thing go any faster?" Lance asks, looking back at the vehicles following.
"We could toss out some non-essential weight" Keith says sarcastically. Y/N shakes her head, nudging Keith's hip with her knee.
"Oh, right!" He glances around, clearly not getting Keith's sarcasm "OK, so that was an insult. I get it" 
"Big man, lean left!" Keith shouted. Hunk leaned left. 
"Whoa!" They all shouted. Two of the cars smashes into each other.
"Aww, man. Mr Harris just wiped out Professor Montgomery. No, wait he's fine" Hunk sighed in relief. They were on one of the roads and next to us was a big ditch 
"Big man, lean Right!" Keith shouted. Hunk leaned right, they managed to get over to the big ditch and land on another road. Two of the cars are still chasing them. They were still all screaming, and they went around a corner. One of the cars crashed, but one is still following. 
"Guys? Is the-the-the-the-that—Is that a cliff up ahead?" Hunk stammers. 
"Oh, no, no, no" Lance shouted. 
"Yup," Keith smirked. 
"Just like old times" Y/N smiles, wrapping her arms around Keith. Keith increases speed, everyone was screaming, apart from Y/N, Keith and Shiro. The hovercraft jumps off the cliff.
 "What are you doing? You're trying to kill us all!" Lance shouts
"Shut up and trust him" She shouts back. Keith safely avoids crashing and continues flying into the desert, escaping the Garrison.
Shiro and Y/N stand outside a desert shack at sunrise, the two hugging each other.  
"It's good to see you again, Shiro," Y/N says, smiling. They pull away as Keith approaches.
"It's good to have you back," Keith says, placing his hand on Shiro's shoulder.
"It's good to be back" Shiro replies.
"So what happened out there? Where...were you?" Y/N ask. 
"I wish I could tell you. My head's still pretty scrambled. I was on an... alien ship but... somehow I escaped. It's all a blur. How did you know to come to save me when I crashed?"
"You should come to see this" Shiro and Y/N follow Keith into the shack. Inside, Keith shows Shiro, Y/N, Lance, Hunk and Pidge his board of maps, diagrams and notes.
"What have you been working on?" Shiro muttered.
"I can't explain it. After getting booted from the Garrison, I was kinda... lost and... felt drawn out to this place. It's like something... some energy was telling me to search." Keith explains.
"For what," Shiro asks. Y/N stands close to Shiro, his arm around her shoulders, her own crossed in front of her.
"Well, I didn't know at the time... until I stumbled across this area." Keith pointed at a map  "It's an outcropping of giant caves covered in these ancient markings" We looked at the pictures of the markings "Each tells a slightly different story about a blue lion, but they all share clues leading to some event, some arrival happened last night. Then you showed up" Keith explained more. Shiro took his arm from around Y/N's shoulders and walked over to the others. 
"I should thank you for getting me out. Lance, Right?" Shiro says. He offers Lance his prosthetic hand. Lance hesitates but shakes it. Shiro offers to shake Pidge and Hunk's hand, Pidge being the only one who does.
"This nervous guy's Hunk. I'm Pidge. so, did anyone else from your crew make it out?" Pidge asks, which makes Shiro's face saddens
 "I'm not sure. I remember the mission and being captured. After that, it's just bits and pieces" Shiro goes back over to Y/N, placing his arm back over her shoulders as she leans into his side. Lance zones out from the conversation, looking at the two confused.
"Are they TOGETHER! No, Lance, No! Shut up! He's way, way older than her. They're probably just really, really close" Lance thinks "I'll ask Y/N later" 
"You'll ask me what late?" Y/N asks, Lance looks to see Y/N standing in front of him. 
"Uhm, I- I was just wondering if- Uh"
"Come on Lance, spit it out" Lance sighs.
"Uhm.. a-are you and Shiro... Uh... together?" Y/N eyes widen before bursting out in laughter "What's so funny?"
"You thought me and Shiro were dating?" Y/N says, whole trying to catch her breath.
"It was just a question" Y/N continues to laugh, gaining everyone's attention.
"What happened?" Hunk asks.
"I just asked her if she and Shiro are dating" Pidge starts to laugh a bit. Shiro and Keith chuckle.
"What!? Why's that so funny" Lance asks, getting slightly annoyed.
"Okay, okay," Y/N says, trying to catch her breath "I'll tell you" She clears her throat "Shiro, is my brother" There was a long, awkward silence.
"WHAAAATTT!!!!????" Hunk and Lance asks in unison
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prettyxvenom99 · 1 year
Turkey-less Stuffed Roast with Gravy (and Ghosts)
Levi preparing his Thanksgiving dinner. Lots of angst ahead.
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There is no point in buying whole turkeys — they are too big. Besides, they take a lifetime to defrost, and once they do, all Levi wants is to sink himself in the puddle they leave. 
Turkeys aren’t his favorite animal, not by a long mile. They’re too much of a symbol. People only eat them once a year, in a very particular occasion: two bustling days of preparation and one big dinner, everyone around a table hand in hand, gratitude on their lips. 
But to Levi, there is no point in buying whole turkeys — they are too big, and his table too small. Instead, he bought one of those boxes of artificiality they sell at Trader Joe’s: Breaded Turkey-less Stuffed Roast with Gravy, which the store at the corner of his street has ceaselessly advertised, and to which he has finally caved.
Upon scrutinizing the packaging, he has come to a conclusion: the best thing about it is that it freezes well. This is, obviously, a dietary requirement for singles with no families — he can’t finish everything by himself, but now he’ll have food for the whole week. Perfect. He can be thankful for that. 
He slices the brown, breaded hunk of fake meat. Careful with the stuffing, he tells himself. He lays the oval pieces on a baking sheet, sprays oil over them, pops them into the oven. Fifteen minutes, the instruction says. Yes, sir! Levi answers. 
He has heard tales of what a great fun Thanksgiving dinner prep could be. This must be what it feels like. It’s just that those people would have others to perform witty dialogues with. Meanwhile, Levi only has the writings at the back of a food package — a decent conversation partner, but he knows it won’t win him any Oscars. 
HEATING INSTRUCTIONS: GRAVY. MICROWAVE (1200 watt): Microwave cook times may vary depending on oven wattage …
“Do I even know my ‘oven wattage’? Come on, nobody knows their oven wattage,” he chides. “Anyway, I’m done spinning around as my life’s tryna burn me. Let’s just use the stove top.”
STOVE TOP: Empty gravy into a sauce pan, over medium heat and stir to simmer. 
“Yes, sir!” Levi murmurs. “Ready when you are, sir!”
As the gravy waits for a simmer, the oven works with a soft hiss and quiet creaking. Levi kneels before it and peeks in with a careful frown between his brows, muttering some earnest encouragement. 
Gotta get ‘em up to … Instructions, what was it again? An internal temperature of 165 degree Fahrenheit — yeah. You can do it, Oven! You little brat, stop complaining. You ain’t even that hot yet. 
(If this all sounds a little crazy, that’s because it is. But he’s trying to have fun, and there’s only so much conversation you can have when you’re alone.)
“You look beautiful,” he breathes out when the roast is done — golden-brown slices of perfection. He bathes them meticulously in the gravy, lays them next to the mashed potatoes and cranberries he’d scooped out from their little plastic containers. 
“There you go,” he says. “All done. Great job, team. Here ends our Special Thanksgiving Operations. Successful, as far as I’m concerned. Thank you, everyone.”
But he knows it isn’t really over yet. No, the hardest part is yet to come. 
He brings his plate to his tiny dining table and sits down. He folds his hands together and takes a deep breath. 
“I am grateful for …”
His voice breaks. No prayer comes. What is there to pray for, when there’s no one left? What is there to be grateful of, when life just takes and takes and takes …
He cuts a small bite, throws it into his mouth. He looks around at his invisible guests, the ghosts around his table. He smiles. “Not bad, huh? We should do this again next year. I hope you’ll still be around, all of you.”
No one corrects him, of course. No one dares tell him the truth. 
To some people, ghosts and imaginations are all they can be thankful for. It’s a lie and an insanity, but what does it matter? People take whatever warmth they can get. Let’s not ruin it for them.
Disclaimer: This is not a Trader Joe's advertisement.
Likes and reblogs are very much appreciated! Also, happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate that.
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phiixomath · 1 year
02. movie
The movie is halfway through by the time Lance finishes with his shower and skincare routine. He slips into the viewing room, quietly as he can, toward his usual seat beside Keith on the couch. Keith's arm slung across the back, and it feels almost inviting with the way he's pushed against the arm of the couch, sitting relaxed with one knee drawn to his chest and the other folded under him, his intent gaze softened under the glimmer of the projection.
Lance slides in next to him. He sighs from the immediate warmth but Keith's so engrossed in the film it takes him a second before he glances to his side. When he does, his lips quirk in a smile. He undoubtedly sees the stretch of couch Lance has left untouched but shifts so Lance can lean into his chest. 
Lance has gotten almost expectant of their routine: Keith will wait for a moment where everyone else is present though occupied, perhaps even distantly aware of the pair's close proximity, before he'll gain the courage and initiate contact. Lance guessed he'd prefer being in one of their rooms, someplace no one besides Lance is there to see him at his most loving, but it's almost like he becomes shier when it's just the two of them.
They haven't told the others yet—partly because there's nothing to tell, and partly because... well, there's nothing to tell. They're still Lance and Keith, and, if Lance were to guess again, he'd wager most of the team can see the way they feel about each other. Or, at the least, the way Keith feels about him. The guy isn't nearly as subtle as he believes himself to be; Lance enters the room and Keith instantly brightens to the point it's a little funny how huge a confidence boost it is. They train together frequently enough to climb the leaderboard, always end up being the first or last in a room together, pair up for every mission, and sit next to each other at meals.
In fact, it was during a meal when Keith first reached out.
Everyone was eating, idly talking. Pidge brought up a function they'd discovered in the Altean technology they were messing about with. The team listened in fascination, and while Lance, too, paid attention, he also needed a way to expend excess energy and thus took great pleasure in poking and prodding Keith's hip under the table. Keith wasn't irritated, but Lance knew he was at least somewhat ticklish. He bit back a smile every time Keith shut his eyes to keep from bursting, swore he could hear the mental repetition of 'patience yields focus patience yields focus patience yields focus' until he finally grabbed one of Lance's hands. Keith raised an eyebrow as if to challenge Lance from protesting, but all he could do was stare back wide-eyed.
The others snickered at Keith holding their hands somewhat awkwardly in mid-air, but the topic was quickly pivoted to the upcoming mission. Lance averted his gaze from Keith's, as well as the plethora of questioning and suggestive looks Hunk and Pidge threw their way, and Keith dropped their hands under the table, well out of the team's view.
They might've seen the resulting whirlwind of emotions play out on Lance's face, but what they didn't see was Keith slowly lacing their fingers together. Lance momentarily froze before he remembered Shiro was still talking and that he needed to, at the least, look like he was paying attention. 
They'd held hands before, during a mission or training session, pulling the other up when he fell, got injured, or when their hands brushed and Lance had to pretend it wasn't as monumental as it was and remain on task. In this case, listen to Coran relay the most important cultural norms of today's target planet, though all attempts to do so were thrown out the window the moment Lance feels Keith's hand adjust around his. Like he was consciously thinking about Lance. Like he meant for their hands to stay together. It might've been that he just didn't want to let go and risk Lance going back to poking him, but... that just didn't seem to be the message from the way Keith held him.
Biting his lip, Lance took a peek. 
Keith appeared much the same—far less affected than Lance was certain he himself looked—but, upon closer inspection, wore a soft smile. Lance stilled, uncaring whether the others would look their way again, until Keith looked back. His eyes met Lance's and his ears reddened, though his hand stayed in Lance's. Lance found himself grinning back, just in time to nod in agreement when Allura asked for their stance on the current plan of action. 
Later, after they reconvened in front of the hangars, Keith approached him again. 
"Hey," Lance responded, feeling his heart quicken as Keith moved closer. "We're all good, right? I'll get in with the help of your handprint, work my magic with the ambassador, while everyone dismantles the warship that's set to depart tomorrow." Keith nodded. He listened with his head tilted and it felt particularly disarming, except for when he glanced downward. Lance raised his eyebrows like Keith had when they regained eye contact, only this time clearly teasing. Keith suppressed a smile but looked down again and this time Lance followed. His expression was earnest when his hand twitched toward Lance's. 
Is that really what this is about? Lance thought, reaching forward.
He brushed Keith's fingers with his and, once again, felt the air rush from his lungs when Keith solidly clasped his hand. His expression turned to one of determination and Lance pursed his lips from how adorable it was. 
"What?" Keith asked, his voice mesmerisingly low. Lance shook his head, eyes darting around the hangar. The others didn't pay them any mind, they stood in various huddles a few feet away, but Lance felt positively exposed from his smile and the laugh threatening to spill from his lips. Keith was also starting to look amused. He chuckled when Lance swung their hands to try and distract from the heat climbing his neck. 
"Ready, everyone?" Despite everything, Lance half-expected Keith to snatch his hand away when Shiro turned to address them. Instead, he separated only after a squeeze, barely moving a foot further as Shiro re-briefed everyone. Lance felt unbelievably light.
His stomach swooped, much the same way it does now as he sinks against Keith's chest and shimmies so he’s cozily facing the screen. The residual tension from today's mission uncoils from his shoulders, no match for Keith's pleasant, furnace-like warmth seeping in from his chest and the arm he's crossed over Lance. 
Keith clears his throat and Lance looks up at him in question. Keith must assume he’s uncomfortable because he shifts again, this time bringing his leg out from under and moving it to Lance's side so, when Lance leans against him again, they're pressed even closer than before. Keith sucks in a sharp breath. Lance resists looking anywhere but straight ahead until he's confident his heart isn't racing.
“Are you okay?" He whispers. Keith hums. 
"I'm good." He brings his arm back around Lance and relaxes ever so slightly. "This is nice, but I have to say you're freezing." 
"Not everyone can be an oven of a human." 
"Oh, am I too hot? I can—" 
"No, no, no." Keith makes to get up but falls back when Lance doesn't budge. Lance blushes, grateful at least that the others are out of earshot. "Uh, you're good, just—" He cranes his neck, stuttering when his nose strokes the underside of Keith's jaw. 
"Do you wanna go to my room?" It surprises even Lance when he blurts it out. Keith blinks, his expression unreadable under the faint glow of the projection, but his eyes are focused on Lance's and it compels him to continue. "It's nothing bad! I just think we should talk, you know?" Keith slowly starts to nod. 
"Yeah?" Lance sits up, eyes searching Keith where he can. 
"Yeah, let's go." He starts to smile. "You sure you don't want to finish the movie?"
"I've barely been watching." That prompts a laugh and Lance joins in, breathlessly. 
Lance gets up first, pulling at the edges of his shirt. He catches Hunk's eye and bites back a smile. His questioning frown quickly turns into an exaggerated gaping jaw when Keith stands up, too, and they scuttle out of the viewing room before he can ask any questions.
It's surreal, stepping out into the castle during its night shift, like leaving theatres back on Earth and feeling like something had shifted. The door gently whooshes closed behind them but they linger in the hallway. He's rooted to the floor when he turns around and sees Keith, his hair disheveled from the repeated rearrangements on the couch, his incisors peeking past his lip, eyes shimmering under the pulsing lights. Lance lets himself beam and takes a step toward him, unable to look away. 
Before Keith can do or say anything, he offers his hand. Keith chuckles and gladly takes it. 
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Chapter Thirty-Four
The Doctor leaps out of Bessie, ignoring Jack. She walks up to the crash, crouching down beside it.
A very familiar voice remarks, "Ah, Doctor, I see you've changed again."
The Time Lady's face shoots up, a smile filling her face as she leaps to her feet. "Brigadier Alastair Gordon Lethbridge Stewart, oh it is good to see you."
The Brig scans the Doctors face, taking in the changes, "Its good to see you as well, but I do wish you would stop by for tea rather than only showing up in a crisis."
She crosses her arms like a petulant child, "It's not as if I choose to only come when the world is in danger. I try to come more often, but the TARDIS always takes me somewhere else."
"She has a mind if her own. So what brings you here now, Doc?" Jack asks.
The Time Lady meets his eyes, then looks back at the ship. "I was hoping it might be obvious."
"There is a crashed spaceship," Ryan says.
"And an alien that escaped it," Yaz adds.
"Where else would she be?" Graham finishes.
"Good point," Jack cedes. "You must be the Doctor's companions. Captain Jack Harkness, it's a pleasure to meet you."
"Stop it!" the Time Lady groans.
"Just introducing myself."
"With your 51st century pheromones that I'd basically an invitation to your bed."
"If we could focus," the Brig says, his eyes raised to heaven with a look of defeat on his face.
"Right, yes. Everyone, this is the fam, Ryan, Yaz, and Graham. Fam, this is everyone."
Jack points a thumb behind him, "This is Gwen, Owen, and Toshiko."
The Doctor drops back down to the ground, extracting her sonic from within her coat. Scanning the ship, one of her eyebrows quirks. She leaps up onto the top of the ship, crawling for the opening. She slides head first down into the ship, and Jack reacts almost instinctively, rushing to the ship. "Doc, are you alright?"
"I'm fine, don't worry." Banging resounds from the metallic interior, and what sounds almost like a melody follows, although Jack recognises the noise as a string of Gallifreyan curses.
"What did you do?" the Brig asks, sounding exasperated.
"I'm okay," she grumbles. The Doctor slides out from under the ship, her sonic clenched between her teeth. Ryan steps forward, grabbing her hands and helping her stand.
"So, what'd you find?" he asks. The Time Lady thrusts a hunk of metal into his hands, and removes her sonic from her mouth.
"I found that," she nods, tucking her screwdriver back into her pocket.
Tosh steps forward, taking the metal from Ryan's hands, turning it over a few times within her own grip. "What is this?"
The Gallifreyan had walked back over the ship, scribbling something onto a scrap of paper. "That's the flight recorder, keeps up to date on the log, the conditions of the actual ship, as well as the conditions in space as the ship flies."
"So it's a black box?" Ianto questions.
"Yes and no," the Doctor responds, standing to her full height. "It can do a bit more than a normal black box." Turning to Jack, she states, "We need to get it back to you Hub, hook it up to a computer, or even the TARDIS, figure out exactly what went wrong with the ship." She stuff the piece of paper into her pocket.
Jack nods, before he glances at the Brigadier, "The Hub is top-secret, no one can know it's location, especially not UNIT."
"Oh, leave him be, Jack, he won't tell anyone. Will you, Brigadier?"
"Certainly not. The last thing we need is UNIT gaining access to even more alien technology."
The captain nods, turning for the Torchwood van, signalling his team to follow. Gwen stops, "Hang on, is no one questioning how this Doctor is completely different than the last two we met?"
The rest of the group just sort of shrug, shaking their heads. "I do have a question though," Owen says, stepping forward, "If you're all here, and Ianto is here, who's watching Sophie to make sure she doesn't injure herself anymore?"
"The TARDIS is keeping a good eye on her, she should be healed by the time we get back. Shall we?"
Team Torchwood pile into their van, as the Doctor leads her fam back to Bessie. The Brigadier follows the Doctor, as Graham, Yaz and Ryan climb into the back seat of the speedster. The Time Lady leaps into the drivers seat, as the Brig climbs in beside her. She doesn't offer warning, as the car takes off like a rocket down the roads of Wales, heading back to Roald Dahl Plass.
If at all possible, they arrive faster than it took them to get to the crash site. The Doctor aims her sonic at a wall, and a door slides open. Bessie parks herself back into the spot she was previously in. The Gallifreyan leaps out of the car, leading the way back to the main area of the Hub.
Sophie had awoken about twenty minutes after the Doctor had hooked her up to the TARDIS. She can tell that her injuries are healed, as the time/space machine pulls the needle from her arm with a large set of mechanical limbs. She rolls her neck, turning to place her feet on the metallic flooring. A shiver goes up her spine, as she realises shes still in a medical gown. Carefully, Sophie stands up, padding down the long corridor. The TARDIS carpeted the halls, and moved one of the wardrobe rooms right down the hallway.
Once she gets a fresh change of clothes, and takes a quick shower, she heads back out to the Hub. She finally takes in the entirety of the building. It's a lot darker than she had originally realized. The grungy decor is only more highlighted by the dingy desks and floors. Sophie shrugs, moving to the desks in the centre of the room. She sets her slushie she made in the TARDIS on a desk, flopping into the wheely chair. She twirls the chair back and forth, staring at the ceiling. She hopes that the Doctor and company arrive soon, as Sophie can tell that she will be bored.
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swagging-back-to · 1 year
whump idea thats super messy and trash
cw ableism and canon typical sadness.
the usual seventh wheel asshole team behavior
something happens and everyone but lance is severely injured or altered in some way
pidge has vocal atrophy, hunk has Hyperesthesia making it impossible for him to touch other people or smell and taste things with too much flavor. Shiro is like normal but x10000. Keith develops seizures, muscle tremors, and hallucinations. coran has severe amnesia and hostile delusions, similar to dementia. Allura displays symptoms of conduct disorder.
hunk and pidge are the only ones who can act somewhat normal, keith is sane most of the time.
obviously being the only able bodied and able minded person on the ship, lance has to be resident nurse to 4 traumatized humans and 2 extremely overpowered toddlers. at first he can handle it, his abuelo had dementia, and he practically raised all his nieces and nephews. But of course, after time, the edges start to fray.
it started with hunk, Lance letting it slip more than once that he wishes he could taste hunks cooking and feel his strong arms wrapped in a tight hug.
it progressed to pidge, with Lance snapping during a particularly slow evening for the teen to "just say something, anything! i dont care if you say how much you hate me, or how stupid i am, or how im the weakest link and cant do anything to help anyone---just please say something." all pidge could do was stare in shock at the outburst until an eternity had passed and Lance stormed from the lab with bloodshot eyes.
Next, it was Shiro. It had been during a collective outburst by both Allura and Coran, with both of them screaming and wailing and throwing their (entirely too strong) fists at Lance's face. The violence caused Shiro to start wheezing to the point he turned blue, digging his fingers into his throat like he was being strangled. It was anything but brag worthy, but Lance was unable to do anything but hiss "Shiro i cant deal with your bullshit right now! Get the fuck out of here instead of strangling yourself" by the time he had managed to get Allura and Coran calmed down he was too busy sewing his split eyebrow to realize what had slipped from his mouth.
Unsurprisingly, Allura was the next target. She had been acting particularly defiant all day, purposely sabotaging all the preparations Lance had made in order for everyone to get what they needed (food, sleep, showers, meds, physical therapy, training, etc.) It wasnt until she had purposely started spraying purfume in Hunk's quarters did he truly rip into her, slamming her wrist against the wall halfway through her dumping an entire bottle on hunks bed to the point it left a bruise for a month. There were too many harsh words and insults to be remembered by either of them, but allura couldnt ignore the way her wrist clicked everytime she rolled it now.
Coran's berating didnt come until much later during the peak of a galran ambush. The ginger was completely unable to help, standing around mindlessly while Lance ran from the bridge to the controls. Halfway through inputting coordinates for an impromtu wormhole, Coran suddenly went back to a specific point in time and recognized nothing else besides *random alien using control hub, ship alarms blaring* and went on the offense. Lance had to dislocate one of corans shoulders in order to get him to stop long enough to create a wormhole--with another severe concussion.
Keith had been given most of lance's patience, able to provide Lance with some normalcy half of the time and keep him sane...until the hallucinations started up. Keith's own frustration over not being able to help, not being able to train, not being able to exert himself even a little bit before he ended up on the floor convulsing, how he couldnt keep his hands steady enough to hold his blade did not help matters at all. He started snapping at Lance everytime he awoke to Lance's hovering and concerned questions. Eventually Lance stopped waiting around for the seizures to stop--he had 5 other people depending on him. Eventually, he stopped trying to break Keith from his delusions, leaving him to be stuck in them for days or weeks. it wasnt until Keith hallucinated him as Zarkon did Lance have a problem with it again, snapping about how Keith was more like Zarkon than he, a full human, ever could be. How Keith was a bloodthirsty alien, and if he couldnt pull himself together and stop being "fucking delusional" then he might as well die, "that's your people's motto, isnt it? at least then i wont have another problem to clean up."
what lance failed to remember over time was that the team wasnt mentally gone, they werent deaf or blind, they didnt just forget. They had moments of lucidity, some more than others, and watched his spiraling descent into raged insanity.
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creativekrissy · 1 year
Honestly, my theory was this:
S3-s8 was heavily edited to keep Shiro in the series because his character was very popular and at the cost of Keith’s scenes as a leader.
Keith’s hands revealing he was Galra was suppose to be the build up to fighting against Lance in the episode “the black paladins”— it would have made sense to be “the red paladins”. Why do I believe this? Frames are obviously edited and Shiro (Kuron) never had a sword and the “sword” given is highly similar to Lance’s Altean sword and I’m talking about the outline.
Shiro’s nightmares or thoughts of himself may have been imagining himself as a full out Galra and Haggar most definitely tormented him on the sidelines until the fight between the red paladins.
All the interactions of Lance and Shiro were suppose to be Keith and Lance, I say this because their interactions in confiding each other began in s3 before Keith left the group. So imagine in s6, Haggar believes she has full control of Keith or his Galra genes took over and he’s freaking out.
Either way, the whole fight ends with Lance bringing Keith back to the group fighting Lotor— it’s also possible he didn’t bring Red with him and had no chance but to pilot Black to make it home or a possible scene of he and Keith talking to make their way back.
As for s7, it would make sense why the bond between those two is on point and strong— all interactions between them is suddenly gone. They are brief and subtle.
I also believe that Pidge was meant to be in the middle of the game and Lance was beside Keith. It makes sense because there are hints of those two subtly beside each other but it was edited— just what I believe, I know many would argue. Great editing exists. That’s just me.
Anyway, Keith is probably feeling the worst because of how he fought Lance and left the team, which would make sense why Lance calls him out for being a lone wolf, he’s always trying to run away from his problems.
Plus the leaving him to be leader and grabbing Acxa, forming the wings together. If you remember— Lance is edited to suddenly be with Allura in every scene— I feel like it was suppose to be Romelle. They were suddenly close friends in s7-s8.
Now skip to Hunk finding his family. I strongly believe this was suppose to be about Lance finding his family. The flashbacks were meant to be Lance being playing with his niece and nephew— that scene we got in his reuniting was very odd and out of place.
I feel like the return to earth was suppose to build character for Lance’s confidence in himself as a Paladin. Keith helps him find his parents, Veronica found their parents with the Mfe group. All is reunited but Lance is livid for Sendak imprisoning his family.
As for the scene where Lance and Allura come together to help each other in their lions to protect earth— I feel like Allura is heavily edited from Keith’s outline. This season was suppose to show the growth of these two as a team.
S8 may have been a romantic hint or at least a build up— again why? Take it from where Allura was edited into Keith’s outline because I don’t think they were ever meant to be together. I believe she was strongly focused on moving forward and finding Lotor later in the season.
The date episode could have been everyone invited to Lance’s family dinner. The group could’ve went to find clothes appropriate for dinner since Keith doesn’t fit clothes other than the garrison fit.
Honestly it could’ve been anything but it doesn’t make sense why the Lance and Allura kissing scenes were censored and blocked. Since Keith and Lance are originally blue and red paladins— they make purple— the colour surround Allura which is pink is heavily implied on it.
Also, Allura may have cancelled dinner because of Luka waking up. Maybe Lance was suppose to try a last attempt impressing Allura since she’s not with Lotor— that would make sense and he broods about her cancelling and it brings Keith to the sunset scene. That’s my imagination or theory on the date episode.
Plus looking back at Heart of a Lion episode— Keith could’ve told Lance to be careful, his attempt at being open and vulnerable. Could be platonic— who knows, Keith is just trying to open up more and had there been more accurate interactions between the two in s6, it makes sense for Keith to talk with Lance more as a norm— the whole “got your back” trope that’s building to a strong bond. Who knows, because the studio was doing fine in naturally building same sex relationships since Shiro and Adam were confirmed for the series.
Plus apparently Shiro came back with Krolia? That was the first idea but it was scratched cause they kept him anyway. Shiro is probably making his rounds to be captain of the atlas because what else can he do?
So they leave out to space for s8. Allura finds out Lotor may be alive and investigates— she finds Lotor and brings him back to the Atlas. I believe the scene with Lance and Allura in the medical room was suppose to be Allura and Lotor. Lance’s outline is similar to Lotor and in canon, Lotor is taller than Allura. The features are very similar.
Even on the festival episode, Keith and Lance are definitely checking the place out but Keith just isn’t the type— he still can’t relax. I do believe Shiro was meant to be arm wrestling because of his arm.
So anyway, Lotor wakes up and the search for Honerva and her plans are revealed. Lance is likely to doubt the plans because she’s a dangerous woman— which could be why Keith and Lance confide in each other and pretty much announce their bond will never change or they always have each others backs.
Now if we skip to where the atlas and Voltron combine— you’ll notice one of the face slides is larger than the rest. I theorize that Lotor was meant to be there. The end is where either Lotor and Allura say goodbye to the paladins or they get their parental conclusion and say goodbye to their parents to restore and rebuild Altea than what Lotor had planned in the first place.
It’s possible Allura was saying goodbye to Lotor or that whole kissing scene was added to make sense of Allura and Lance. MAYBE both have joined their parents— possibilities because the lions leave the paladins in the end and the galaxy picture of Allura and Lotor’s body.
Maybe Adam never died and found his way in s7, could’ve been imprisoned by Sendak instead of dead. So Shiro finally marries him properly in the end. If Keith and Lance were meant to be in a relationship then it would be hinted at Keith and Lance during Shiro’s wedding.
So many possibilities.
That’s just what my brain thinks of the heavy outline edits and sudden plots inserted from s3-s8.
Regardless— I still love what VLD is in the end but my brain cannot fathom obvious edits and out of balance inserts in story or character development plots.
There I said it all! I will now leave this behind me~
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Vera Halley says “Hello!”
(This is a role-play introduction.)
Tumblr media
Good morning, noon, or evening! I’m Vera Halley, but please, call me Ver. I go by She/Her pronouns! I’m also the one and only engineer for Team Plasma, working under the wing of Dr. Colress (or as I like to call him, “Blue-Boy”). If you couldn’t figure it out already, I make all the machines while Col codes the hunks of metal. Besides building machines, every other job in the lab aren’t really my forte so I leave all the tech-y stuff to Blue-Boy — I noticed it doesn't really bother him; perhaps coding is his specialty. Hey, we all have our strengths!
Getting to the point, a few days ago Colress lent me this laptop: his old laptop. Colress, of course, helped me get this thing booted up and suited just for me (how nice of him!) Though we both knew I wasn’t really going to use this much, he still helped me with getting set-up. It wasn’t until Rosa and Hilda told me about this platform where I would be able to find people around the globe! An exciting concept that was since me and Blue-Boy haven't talked to anyone outside of our house because, well, we don’t want to go to jail.
“Like a Wonder Trade?” I asked them. “Like a Wonder Trade, but you can do so much more than trade!” Rosa nodded as Hilda’s eyes twinkled just like it did when I first battled her. This generation of kiddos are so smart! I’ll tell you what, Rosa got this account up and running in a matter of a few minutes! My kids are so clever. 
So here I am now! Tumblr is quite an odd name, but if it allows me to talk to some more people, I won’t question anything. If anyone sees this, Vera Halley says “Hello!”
— V.H.
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soliloquyepistolary · 2 years
In the dream, I was a small creature and I was with Edward who was also a small creature and we usually sleep inside a tiny mouse hole that is dark and cold and we usually huddle together very tightly while we sleep. We sleep facing wall, as if to ‘face away’ from the darkness. You have to crawl through a hole to get there and at the back of of the den is a gaping hole that seemingly leads to nowhere. It radiates an ominous energy, it scares me but I realise that I had been able to ignore its existence for the entire time I have slept inside this place. Like short-term memory loss. Actually, for some reason I think sleeping here is very comfortable, even Edward thinks so, he says to me ‘this is the best place ever’. But suddenly it’s like I ‘wake up’ and  realise I don’t want to be here, that actually.. this place is horrible. It’s claustrophobic, cold, dank, I feel trapped, fearful and unsafe. The feelings are overwhelming to the point where I am beside myself. I know that outside of this mouse hole, there is an entire house with spacious rooms, light, warmth... it would be better in every way. When I realise this, I run outside of the mouse hole and I feel instant relief, I am free. The world is larger and more is possible that I ever could have imagined. Meaning: You can see the truth that this place is awful, and you’re ready to go. Your dis-ease in being here is the cognitive dissonance between being in this reality but knowing there is another far greater one just outside the door. 
In the dream, I was with Agnes and the boys from work and we were walking around the mall trying to find something to eat. The boys were pretty hellbent on getting food from ‘Panda Express’ which is an American fast food restaurant that sells Chinese cuisine. Agnes and I weren’t very enthusiastic about that food choice at all, we didn’t want to eat something from a chain restaurant. We wanted better food somewhere else. We were waiting for the boys to get their food and I told her that I understood why though, that the food here is consistent, you know what you’re going to get each time no matter which chain you go to, it’s fast, and that it will be reliably ‘good’. She was holding a table number while waiting. Meaning: Agnes is not an NPC. She is on the light team waiting with you, for this repetitive, unoriginal reality to be over. In the dream, I am at school and there is some information session being held about a jewellery course. I didn’t hear anything that was being said by the speaker so I had to ask Sam questions about it because I was definitely interested in it. I asked her if the course was on the free TAFE list and she said it wasn’t, that I would have to pay if I wanted to do it. I then thought to myself that I should like to do this course right now, concurrently with my horticulture course but she said the jewellery course start date wasn’t until the middle of next year. Meaning: You are too hurried in your approach to leaving, you want it now but you need finish this current reality before you on to another more shiny one. You have to ‘pay’ for it, you need to do the work, energy exchange, energy transmutation before you can go. 
In the dream, I am in my bedroom with my sister we are playing with some crystals and our newfound powers of telekinesis. I remember a rose quartz crystal that fit inside the centre of a larger crystal that was probably clear quartz. It was on the bed, a pink sheet. It looked very roughly and jaggedly like a donut and donut hole but in a crystal form. I looked at the two pieces and wondered if the pink crystal really fit snugly with the white crystal at all, because it didn’t look like they would ‘fit’ together appearance-wise, but they did anyhow. I used my telekinesis powers to pull the pink crystal from the white crystal but it was a lot of effort to do so. I could see the pink crystal moving gently up and down through the air without me touching it. There was also a big hunk of selenite crystal that we were using for some sort of ritual and we were very excited to have finally received it. We were so impatient and overjoyed that we assumed that we had to break the crystal down into smaller parts. We hurriedly broke it down into smaller selenite rods, the pieces practically falling apart in our hands but then we had a thought that we should check the manual and see what we were actually supposed to do next ‘officially’. It said that for the spell we were supposed to keep it intact, as one whole piece. We were disappointed and regretful that we had made presumptions about the next step without thinking it through first, our impatience at creating something wonderful had ‘ruined’ things. At that moment, we could sense that someone was coming and we had to quickly pack up and hide what we were doing. I got a towel and we put all the little crystal pieces in it, we were panicking about being found out. I wrapped the towel up into a ball and hid it under the bed.  Meaning: You’re rising up higher than the donut. The donut is on the bed, staying where it is comfortable. You’re too impatient in your desire for destruction, taking down this reality too quickly would be an interruption to what is trying to achieved here, it would bring things in that you do not want to deal with. Things need to stay the way they are for this next part. There is a plan, a step-by-step. Trust it, what is created will be beautiful.
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erikssonbbxhamilton · 2 years
The most effective idea for 2019 Halloween - attempt to cosplay Avengers endgame Thor
If you are interested to pick any one of the avengers endgame cosplay, then there are great deals of superheroes characters offered in the costume in which Thor is a man of character in the avenger's film. The Thor suggests god of thunder which defines that he has the powers of thunders, like no other where the Thor character plays an important function in fighting with the lunatic while they are using the remarkable coats. Thor is powerful superheroes to cosplay and where when you pick to cosplay Thor in your institution cultural occasion or drama show then it provides you an appearance of the Norse god. The following are the very couple of important items that offer an excellent look to the Thor character in the avenger's endgame. They are.
how to cosplay avengers endgame thor with the helps of cosplay costumes
Thor leather vest-- Thor wears this doubtful black natural leather suit in the last film, where the vest has a attractive as well as decent outside, metal circle shield are consisted of on the suit to make it more special.
authentic superman costumes -- The lovely white, maroon as well as white jacket is presented in the avenger's endgame movie and also in order to take a trip in the quantum actual you will be requiring the all the effective superheroes.
Thor quantum hoodie costume-- When you put on the quantum hoodie costume you will certainly be getting the optimal look as the quantum heroes as well as this costume was created in excellent fashion as to perfectly match for the avenger's endgame fans.
Besides captain america costume for adults there are likewise varieties of accessories which you need to make use of for making avengers endgame Thor character to search in the cosplay show. Some of the additional costumes of the Thor character in the avenger's endgame are black shirt, Thor eye patch, Thor axe, Thor vest, Helmet, cape, hammer and also a lot more points. The Thor headgear is a critical device and it is extremely essential one to get the right one in which you can obtain the safety helmet from high to low quality to make the Thor Halloween costume as the very best one in the cosplay show.
About the various devices as well as weapons of the Thor Halloween.
The Thor Halloween is the prominent and also commonly used cosplay costume by both school kids and also the adults for their cultural occasions in which this cosplay costume holds number of items along with the attire, just when you are using these things you will certainly be able to make your cosplay costume as efficient one. The shirt of the Thor Halloween is comprised of the elastic, soft material advertisement design patterns which are additionally so flawless and it gives you an appearance of the real clothing. The cape of the Thor Halloween is located to be the most vital device of the Thor character in the avenger's endgame this is since no super hero will certainly be complete without wearing this device. Then the cosplay costume will be insufficient so it is rather apparent one which you require to wear it, if there is not a cape for the superhero.
The weapon made use of by the Thor character in the avenger game is hammer where this is made up of the plastic product and it is really simple to bring around unlike the real hammer, this tool is made use of by the Thor simply for obtaining the ultimate powers to beat the opponent throughout battling. In which the avengers costume is a team of criminal activity fighting superheroes where these heroes come from the marvel comics' universe where a lot of the renowned female as well as male superheroes are located to be in the part of the company. The avenger's endgame costumes include the Thor Halloween, iron man, spider man, captain America, the unbelievable hunk and also wolverine. Just recently the marvel comics have expanded their organization that makes the avengers Halloween costumes and also this costume enables individuals use it for the cosplay show. The Thor Halloween character of the avengers endgame is made and made with the excellent quality of the textile products where this costume provides the precisely look of the Thor when you do the cosplay show of the avengers end game. The Thor Halloween character of the avenger's endgame cosplay costume is especially made with the imported textile products, so the life time of the material will be long long-term.
0 notes
autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
Keith knows his nerves must be leeching off him, because the rest of the team is overcompensating. There’s an abundance of chatting and banter, way more than usual, enough that Keith can recognise the oddity even though he’s been gone for two years. It might just be everyone’s relief after finally getting to sit down and be calm after rushing to foil Haggar’s weirdo clone plan, but Keith’s pretty sure his team has noticed his strangeness, and is trying to make him comfortable again. The thought makes him smile despite his anxiety. He’s missed them.
He’s snapped out of his thoughts by Pidge pointedly clearing her throat and using her spork to point at Krolia, who’s been about as anxious as Keith (only for her that manifests as looking like she wants to kill small cute things).
“Are you finally going to tell us who Tall Dark and Gorgeous is?” she asks, because she is the least subtle and nosiest person in the galaxy and Keith honestly should have expected it. His face flames, and his mother raises an eyebrow, while the rest of the team snickers.
Shiro tries his best to appear a little more adult. “If you wouldn’t mind introducing us, Keith.” He smiles kindly at Krolia. “You were amazing out on the field, we were really grateful to have you. Sorry for not getting us all introduced earlier.”
Krolia nods at him, smiling in an awkwardly reassuring way. “Of course, Black Paladin. There were bigger things to focus on handling.”
She returns to her food too after speaking, clearly done her piece.
Keith grimaces. He was hoping she’d introduce herself, but it looks like he’s going to have to. Fuck. (He’s not sure why he’s so opposed to it. It’s nerve-wracking, though, introducing his actual mother to his family. To his brother, his almost-father.)
“Um, Krolia, this is my family.” He points to them all and names them, rolling his eyes fondly at Lance’s wink and finger guns. He even introduces Lotor, even though he still maintains that they are not friends and Prince Hairdo has a lot of making up to do. “Everyone, this is Krolia.” He looks directly at his brother, taking strength in the man’s encouraging expression and addressing him directly. “She’s my mother.”
The entire table goes dead silent. Small conversations abruptly halt, the sounds of eating cease, silverware freezes where it was scraping on bowls. Complete and total silence.
Shiro’s face goes from encouraging and open to shocked to shuttered, jaw set and eyes narrowed.
Keith’s anxiety skyrockets. He sees his mother tense from across the table, and feels Lance go rigid beside him.
This is worse than what he expected.
“Your mother?” Shiro clarifies, words careful and controlled. He’s the first to return to movement, scooping goo into his spork almost robotically.
“Yes,” Keith says hesitantly. He doesn’t understand his brother’s reaction. He had expected some hesitance from Hunk, who is wary of newcomers, and maybe some understandable discomfort from Allura, but not…
Not Shiro. Not Shiro who is great in a crisis, who is the king of diplomacy, who has always supported Keith.
The rest of the team slowly follows Shiro’s example, returning to their meals, but there’s no more jovial conversation. All eyes are avoiding the brothers, but ears are open, movements slow and quiet so as to not miss a word.
“Hm. Interesting.” Shiro takes a bite of the goo, slowly chewing and swallowing, looking forward like he’s really contemplating. Keith watches every move carefully. “Where’d you find her?”
His tone is almost pleasant, conversational, but there’s something off and plastic about it. Forced. Like he’s talking about a volatile creature Keith has dragged home that he’s trying to be cool about, not the parent Keith has been searching for his whole life.
Keith glances surreptitiously at his mother, but she only shrugs at him. “On the space whale. Well, at the Blades, technically. She was assigned the mission with me and we both got stranded.”
Shiro makes another hum of acknowledgement, nodding to himself. He pokes aggressively at the bowl of green gelatine. “That’s wild. I would have guessed you’d have found her in a jail cell for tax evasion or something, since she seems to be the type to avoid responsibility.”
Keith blinks in shock. Two seats down, Hunk chokes on his water, and Coran thumps his back to help. Every other jaw is dropped in shock, heads swivelling from Shiro to Keith, at a total loss.
“What the fuck are you talking about,” Keith says harshly. He glances at his mother, who quickly hides the hurt on her face with a carefully practiced mask of indifference.
“Oh, nothing,” Shiro says, distractedly pushing around his goo. He sounds blasé, unbothered, but Keith recognises this tone of his, as rare as it is to hear it — the passive aggressiveness, the snooty way he speaks when he’s too furious to even yell, and just wants to make everyone around him feel stupid. “I just figured the person who abandoned her infant son without so much as a note is someone of the more irresponsible and immature variety. That’s all.”
Lance, who has never been capable of handling tenseness, stands abruptly and starts gathering the bowls and utensils of everyone at the table, regardless of whether they’re finished. Keith watches distantly as he quiets Pidge’s whining, firmly telling her to get up and bring it with her if she needs.
“She’s my mother,” Keith says through grit teeth. He pulls his gaze away from the red paladin, glaring at his brother. “I thought you’d be happy for me.”
Shiro finally looks up from his stupid goo, baring his teeth in a poor imitation of a smile.
“Thrilled,” he drawls.
Quietly, Krolia stands, pushing in her chair and following the rest of the team to the door. In the back of his mind, Keith wonders if it would be better for her to stay, but dismisses it just as quickly. Better for her not to hear whatever Shiro’s problem is. She walks out the door without so much as a glance backwards, and Shiro’s gaze follows her out with a sneer. Lance shoves the rest of the reluctant team out of the kitchen doors, then glances back one more time, brown eyes big and reassuring, smiling sadly before closing the doors quietly behind him.
When Keith finally returns his gaze to his brother, his eyes are wet and there’s a lump in his throat. Hurt swarms his chest as much as anger.
“You’re being a dick,” he says. His voice cracks several times as he says it.
“Oh, well, fuck me, then,” Shiro says, violently pushing his chair away from the table and stomping to his feet, grabbing his bowl with his prosthetic so tightly it cracks. He barely even glances at it, fisting the pieces and storming over to the kitchen to toss them. “Here, let me pretend.” He turns back to face Keith and forces a smile on his face, mockingly sincere. He reaches over and yanks Keith bowl away, with his flesh hand this time, and all but tosses into the sink.
There are small smears of blood on it, from the shards of porcelain that dug into Shiro’s flesh hand. Keith’s own hands shake. He scoops his and Shiro’s sporks into his hands, squeezing them tightly, and walks carefully to the sink. He resists the urge to fling them right at Shiro’s head, instead forcing himself to set them gently among the rest of the dirty dishes and standing next to his brother to rinse what he washes. He says nothing as Shiro roughly scrubs the goo pot — they’ve discovered it tastes sort of better hot, so they take the time to cook it — and practically slams it into Keith’s sink.
“Could you tell me what your fucking problem is,” he grits out. He can no longer stop his tears and they drip down his face, down his nose, over his lips, down his chin and disappearing into the dishwater. Every time he swallows, it’s bitter with salt.
“Sure,” Shiro snaps. “I have a couple questions first.”
Frankly, Keith wants to tell him right where he can shove those questions, but he wants this to be resolved more than he wants to be angry.
“Great,” Shiro says with a relish, and Keith regrets it immediately. “She recognise you the second she saw you?”
Keith swallows. He has to try three times to speak, to force his voice above a whisper. “No.”
“Huh. How long’d it take her to realise?”
Keith hands shake so bad he has to set down a cup lest he drop and break it. He doesn’t want to answer. “Some time.”
“Crazy. Bet she told you she’d been looking for you, huh?”
“Stop,” Keith whispers, choking on a sob, but Shiro plows right on.
“Told you that finding you was all she ever wanted? That she’s so glad she can finally see you again?”
“That you’ve turned into a fine young man she’s proud of?”
“Shut up!” Keith shouts, and the words hurt on their way out of his mouth, shoved past the giant lump in his throat. He gasps for air and can barely find it, lungs heaving, hurting everywhere, heart feeling like he’s being squeezed. He can no more stop his sobs now than he could stop a star from imploding, and they tear out of him, leaving him aching and shuddering and shaking. “Stop. Stop. I don’t know why you —”
“I’ll tell you why,” Shiro snaps, dropping the last dirty dish and gripping the sides of the steel sink so hard it warps under his prosthetic. “You remember when you showed me those pictures of your dad and his crew? When you were thirteen?”
Keith nods, sniffling, wiping his eyes with wet hands. He hears metal creak, hears hands being dried on a dishtowel, and a long, heavy sigh.
“I picked him out immediately, kid,” Shiro says quietly. Some of the overt cruelty has faded from his voice. He just sounds tired, now; bitter. “You didn’t need to point him out to me. I barely even needed to look at it. I knew who your father was immediately.”
Keith sets the last dish on a drying rack and takes a step back, leaning away from Shiro and pointedly looking away. “So?”
“So — ”and Shiro’s voice sounds almost gentle, now, apologetic, although to Keith or for Keith he’s not sure — “you look just like your Pa, Keith. You are his spitting image. The only difference is your eyes, and your height.” He glances at Keith and then snorts softly. “Well, not the height anymore.”
Keith doesn’t smile back anymore. He hears what Shiro is saying and he hates it, hates him a little for bringing it up.
“She had no reason to expect it was me,” Keith argues.
“And no reason not to recognise you if she was really looking,” Shiro retorts. “If she was exactly what she said she was, she’d recognise you.”
Keith scowls at him. His eyes still burn with tears. “I was wearing my Blade uniform. And she hadn’t seen me since I was a baby.”
Shiro’s face has started to return to the anger it held before, the frustration. “That’s the fucking point!” he shouts. “She left you! Without so much as a goodbye, or even a note! Just a cryptic knife that did nothing but confuse you!”
“There was a war to fight!”
“And she had a kid to raise!”
“What was she supposed to do about Blue, huh?” Keith demands, pushing off the counter and throwing his hands up. “Let Zarkon find her? She had to protect the universe!”
“She had to protect her fucking kid.”
“One kid is not worth more than the entire universe!”
“You are!”
Keith freezes. Shiro barely notices, face twisted in rage so badly that he’s barely even looking at Keith, fists clenched hard enough to creak, fury radiating off of him.
“What?” Keith asks in a small voice, but Shiro plows on.
“You’re her fucking kid. You come first. You come before any other kid, you come before her mission, you come before the fucking universe. That’s how having a kid works. They’re the priority. And anyone who leaves their family behind like that is unforgivably despicable.”
The truth comes crashing down at Keith all at once. He looks at his brother with wide eyes, unclouded with his own hurt, and sees for the first time all the pure hate and rage and pain — not directed at Krolia, not even a little, but sharpened to a point and shoved back into himself.
Anyone who leaves their family behind is unforgivably despicable.
The words ring through the room. Keith hears them repeat a thousand time in three seconds. A million different memories whirl through him at once, all tinged with a pain and a border of abandonment; memories he hasn’t let himself touch since he got to space.
“I don’t blame you for Kerberos,” Keith says quietly. He waits a beat. “I never have.”
Shiro says nothing. His expression is frozen, body unmoving, but his dark black eyes — the eyes that chose him first, that followed him with pride, that were the first to look at him softly when his heritage came out and everything went to shit, that he used to cry and sob and beg to have so that Shiro could be his brother in more than name — are wrought with pain. His face does not crumple, but his eyes are like shattered volcanic glass, and slowly they fill with water, and a drop escapes the corner of his almond eye, dripping slowly down his cheek.
“How can you ever forgive her?” he asks, near silent, voice rough as sandpaper and twice as painful.
How can you ever forgive me?
Keith chokes back his tears and meets his brother’s eyes head-on, determined and steady and loving as Shiro always has been when Keith was the one shattering.
Shiro swallows. It’s loud, deafening in the silence of the room. The sound of it, the knowledge that Shiro is pushing his pain down but it’s coming up anyway, makes Keith’s chin tremble.
“I don’t deserve easy.”
“You deserve whatever I want to give you.”
Finally Shiro breaks, and sobs. And sobs and sobs and sobs. His cries seem the yank the life out of him, drain himself of energy; his knees hit the floor with a crack and he crumples at Keith’s feet.
“Forgive me,” he begs, like he knows he doesn’t deserve it.
Keith gently kneels next to him and reaches out, almost afraid to touch. “I already did.” He reaches out finally and holds his brother, his big brother who was stronger than his body and bigger than his dream and catapulted Keith up to the stars with him, and holds him together as he cries.
“I forgave you before you even left,” Keith whispers, when Shiro’s sobs don’t sound so painful. He squeezes tighter, because he’s almost worried that he needs to keep Shiro all together. “So did Adam.”
The mention of Shiro’s…whatever Adam is to him makes him cry harder, but Keith pushes on, sure that he needs to know.
“The day you went missing, he broke into your apartment. Went looking for the rings. He never took it off after. Never stopped looking for you, either. He forgave you, too.”
Shiro cries something, too warbled to make out, but Keith can make a pretty good guess as to what it was.
“You do deserve it,” he says firmly. “You are not a monster. You are not undeserving of our love, Shiro, of any of our love. We have always loved you as you are. Don’t rob of us the chance.”
“I don’t actually hate your mother,” Shiro whispers.
Keith laughs wetly. “I got that one, dumbass. Use your words next time.”
Shiro smiles slightly, wisely not agreeing. They both know he won’t. They both know this will probably happen to him again, and probably Keith, too — they may not be blood brothers, but they’ve always been alike anyway. Neither has ever been good at expressing themselves, at letting themselves be vulnerable.
But Keith holds his brother tighter, and thinks of their family who loves them with all their shit, despite it and because it, and thinks that they’ll make it through anyway.
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sabersandsnipers · 2 years
Healing Touch
A/N: I wrote this after watching the latest episode of TBOBF and realized I just want to follow Din around and be his nurse. I’m a sucker. 
Warnings: Blood, violence, cursing. 
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It all happened so fast. First, you were fighting next to Din, using your batons and electric charges to stun and down the stormtroopers. You could hear the hum of the dark saber as Din used it to slice his opponents. The two of you worked in unison. A perfect team. When you downed the last trooper with your baton, you both stood for a moment to catch your breath. Din was across the room from you, so you could see clearly when a still conscious stormtrooper rolled an explosive towards Din.
“Din, no!” was all you could scream before you saw his body go flying. The blast knocked you down, but you remained uninjured. You quickly scrambled to get your feet under you. Running over to Din, you dropped down beside him.
“Din?” you asked, shaking his shoulders. You heard a grunt escape him. The dread within you alleviated. “We have to go, before more troopers get here.”
Din nodded. You got one of his arms over your shoulder and attempted to help him stand. That’s when you noticed the piece of shrapnel sticking out from his leg.
“Shit,” you muttered, staring at the hunk of metal stuck in his thigh. A million things ran through your mind at once. What about infection? Did it hit bone? You shook the thoughts, focusing on the task at hand.
The scene continues to replay in your mind as you carry a half limp Din to his new Razor Crest. Moans and grunts of pain continue to leave his lips and your stomach twists at the sound. “We’re almost there,” you promise him as the Razor Crest comes into sight.
Just as you start up the ramp with him, he collapses.
“Din!” you exclaim. You lean down and attempt to roll him into a sitting position. “Come on,” you grunt. “You gotta get up.”
But he stays limp. Panic grips you. You can hear shouts coming from the distance. More troopers.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you mutter as you begin yanking Din up the ramp. Luckily you didn’t have far to go, as the weight of the beskar isn’t helping.
Once you get Din inside, you race up the ladder to the cockpit. Adrenaline floods your veins as you begin the sequence to get in the air. Gripping the controls, you pull down to take flight. Blaster shots fire at the window next to you. You unknowingly duck in response.
You continue your ascent until you’ve left the atmosphere. As soon as the ride turns smooth, you turn on auto controls and jump back down to care for Din.
His body remains slumped on the floor. You drop next to him, looking for any sign of movement or breathing. Placing your head on his armored chest, you listen for a heartbeat. You can’t hear anything with the beskar in the way. And you need to check his pupils to see if he has any brain damage. You stare at his limp form, wondering how mad he would be if you removed all his armor. Your brain jumps between options. Heart thumping in your chest, you reach your conclusion.
“Screw it,” you say, beginning to peel away his armor.
Your hands pause when they reach his helmet, knowing this is the point of no return. You slowly lift up the piece of metal, and are met with tan skin and a gorgeous head of dark hair. Your heart jumps in excitement. So, this is what the Mandalorian looks like under all that metal.
Once your task of removing the armor is done, you assure that he has good breathing and a heartbeat. After that, you pull out a light and check his pupillary response. Both are equal and reactive. You notice the dark brown irises surrounding his pupils.
You look down to his shirt. You hate to expose him, but you have to check for any bleeding or trauma to his chest. Grabbing a set of shears, you quickly cut away the material. A quick assessment shows only a few small lacerations and nothing serious.
You glance to the piece of shrapnel in his leg. It’s not a huge piece, but you know it’s significant enough to leave a good-sized gash. You wonder if you should take it out now, or wait until you can assure he has pain medication in him. Your gut tells you to take it out as soon as possible.
It takes a good amount of strength, but you’re able to yank the metal from its place. You quickly press a hunk of gauze firmly against the injury, hoping the bleeding will be minimal. Din doesn’t even budge the whole time. He must’ve really gotten knocked for a loop.
Now that all the big issues have been managed, you begin cleaning his wounds and starting an IV to push pain medication. He gets the good stuff after the event he’s been through. You know he’ll be loopy when he wakes up. You also manage to pull him onto a clean blanket so he’s not just laying on the floor.
You’re in the middle of cleaning the cut on his forehead when his eyes begin to flutter. His gaze meets yours. You can immediately tell how drowsy he is.
“Din?” you ask. You wonder if he even remembers what happened.
“Hey,” he croaks.
“Drink this,” you tell him, handing him a container of water. He tentatively takes a sip.
That’s when he realizes he’s naked except for his underwear, and a sheet that you placed over him. You can see the realization on his face.
“I’m sorry, Din,” you start. “But you were unconscious from an explosion and I didn’t know how extensive your injuries were so I had to-“
“It’s okay,” he cuts you off.
Disbelief hits you. “You’re not mad?”
He shakes his head. “You did what you had to do. I’d probably be dead if it weren’t for what you did.” You’re grateful for his kindness. Although he’s a fearsome bounty hunter, he’s done nothing but build you up and make you feel like a better person.
You realize then how close he is to you. It makes your heart race. Heat rushes to your face at sight of his dark brown eyes.
You clear your throat, tearing your eyes away. “I just have to finish dressing this cut and I’ll leave you to rest.”
He just nods, but his eyes don’t stray away. You go back to the task at hand, gently applying a healing solution to the wound on his forehead. You almost wish he was still sleeping so he couldn’t see how your hands shake while he watches you.
And then he’s leaning into you. You can feel the warmth radiating from him. You try to keep your eyes glued to the bloody gash in front of you, but they stray for a moment only to find themselves lost in his gaze. Your eyes flicker down to his lips.
His hand reaches for you. Fingers threading themselves in your hair to pull you in closer. His dark eyes are the last thing you see when his lips meet yours. You melt into his touch. The feel of his lips against yours is so intoxicating.
His touch grows stronger. One hand rests on your back and pulls you in close so your chest is flush against his. You reach up and run your fingers through his dark hair, admiring the soft feel of it.
He pulls away suddenly, gasping in pain. You notice him clutching the side of his torso. Your heart pounds in your ears. He needs to take it easy. He still got thrown across a room after all.
“You need to rest,” you say, your hand resting on his. You stand up to leave but his grip stops you.
“Stay with me,” he says. The expression on his face makes you want to melt into a puddle right then and there.
You lean down and scooch onto the blanket next to him. He wraps his arm around you. You settle your head onto his chest, being careful not to disturb any injuries. His heartbeat is strong against your ear. Its sound is evidence of the hard work you did to keep him with you.
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aspenmissing · 10 months
𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙵𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
Lance is talking to Nyma away from the rest of the team.
"I mean, there are only six of us in the entire universe, so I guess you could say it's kind of a big deal" He says.
"I don't understand. The lions are ships? Are they, like, flying statues that you ride on?" Nyma asks.
"No, no, no. They're magic, but also super scientific and advanced. And they fly crazy fast and have all these incredible weapons. Really, the entire Castle is just insane. I wish you could see it" 
"Yes, it's too bad we're not allowed inside. I would love a tour from one of the knights. But I guess the big one is in charge, huh? You have to obey his orders?" Nyma says, looking at Hunk.
"Who, Hunk?  I don't have to listen to him!" Lance says. He brings Nyma inside the Castle of Lions to the bridge.
"This place in incredible" 
"Yeah, I guess. You get used to it"
"But it's so gigantic. It must take you forever to get to your lion." She said. 
"Ooh, you'd be surprised" Lance brings Nyma with him down the zip-line to the Blue Lion's cockpit.
"Pretty slick, right?" I said. "Unbelievable! Take me on a ride around the moon?" Nyma says.
"We should probably get back to the others" Lance says,
"Yeah, you're right. Maybe Keith will give me a ride"
 "No! Hold on a second! I mean what's the point of having the lion if you can't enjoy it, right? Giddy-up, buddy!" Lance activates the Blue Lion and takes off with Nyma. 
Hunk is working on Rolo's ship, but witnesses the Blue Lion leave.
"Oh, Lance!"
"Ah, let them have their fun. Thanks to you, this thing is just about ready, so we're going to be on our way soon. Too many light years on that guy, I guess" Rolo says. Hunk suspiciously eyes the part he replaced.
"Yeah" Y/N looks around.
"Has anyone seen Soul?" She asks. 
Inside the Blue Lion, Soul peeks around the corner to see Lance and Nyma in the cockpit. Lance fly's the Blue Lion around the moon.
"Look, a kinetic spring! Let's land over there. The minerals reflect off the water, making a rainbow" The Blue Lion flies over the spring, causing water to spray and a rainbow to appear.
"Wow. Is there anything you don't know" Lance said. With Lance distracted, Nyma presses a button on her bracelet to signal Rolo.
Rolo suddenly exits the engine of his ship.
"I think this thing is just about ready for a test flight. Beezer, come co-pilot for me.  Be back in a tick" Rolo and Breezer enter their ship, leaving the Voltron team dumbfounded outside.
"Uh..." Rolo's spacecraft takes flight with no issues at all. 
Elsewhere, Lance and Nyma stand at the kinetic spring by a tree.
"So, ah, you want to see how fast I can climb this tree?" Lance said. Nyma giggles.
"Aw, you are cute. Let me show you something. Give me your hand" Lance offers Nyma his hand and she handcuffs him to the tree.
"Whoa! Uh, this is...king of..." Rolo's ship appears and abducts the Blue Lion "Nyma, what's going on?" 
"Sorry, Lance. Maybe we'll meet again" Nyma grabs onto the rope only for Soul to bite on her hand "Ow!" She grabs Soul with her other hand.
"Soul! How did you get here?!" 
"Your that purple ones pet. I might just keep you" Nyma grips Soul by the scruff of her back and the two are raised into her ship and it takes off, leaving Lance behind. Lance looks around for his helmet to contact his team and sees it out of reach.
 "Oh, Quiznak!"
The rest of the team is waiting outside the Castle of Lions. 
"How many ticks have they been gone?" Pidge asks, swinging her legs.
"Probably hours" Y/N says, upside down besides Pidge.
"I don't know. I hope they didn't break down again" Allura said. 
"Something ain't right." Hunk said. 
"Guys? Hello? Little help?" Lance says. Y/N, startled by the noise, falls on her head.
"Ow" She gets up and puts on her helmet, everyone following.
"Lance? Lance! Are you all right? W-What's going on?" Shiro said into the comm. "Well, I'm kind of chained to a tree" Lance says. Y/N laughs.
"I knew it!" Hunk said with his arms crossed.
 "And I think Nyma and Rolo just stole the Blue Lion" Lance continues.
"I knew it!" Hunk shouted. 
"And Soul" 
"I kne-" Hunk pause.
"What" Y/N says, teeth grinding.
"Where are they?" Shiro asks.
Hunk rants at length as the Paladins head to their Lions.
"Uh, I never trusted those guys, from the beginning!" Hunk rants "I mean oh at first it was just like a feeling in my gut, you know, but when I was replacing that pipe, the pipe was cracked, but none of the hardware around it was damaged" 
"Okay, we get it!" Keith shouts. Hunk continues.
"I mean if the thermal pipe is cracked, then, obviously, hello, the entire assembly should be totally roasted" Everyone starts getting annoyed by his rambling.
"Okay, we get it!" Keith said again. 
"We should've had to replace the entire undercarriage of that reactor. So, right then, I was, like, positive. Foul play" Hunk said. 
"Okay, we get it!" They all shout. The remaining Lions chase after Rolo, Nyma and Breezer.
Rolo contracts Prorok through a video transmission. 
"Commander Prorok, my name is Rolo. I understand you're offering a reward to anyone helping capture the Voltron Lions" Rolo says.
"That's correct. Do you know where they are?" Prorok asks.
 "I know where the blue one is. It's in my ship"
"Excellent. Bring it to me and you'll have your reward immediately" 
"Just a tick. My friends and I have a bit of a checkered past. Some stolen merchandise from the Galra Empire may have fallen into our possession without us knowing about it" Rolo says. Prorok hums in response.
"Well, I'm sure that a full pardon can be arranged for the brave souls who bring Emperor Zarkon a Voltron Lion. Is that all?" He said. 
"We'll take the reward, too." Nyma says.
"Of course"
"All right. We're on our way" The transmission ends. Rolo stretches.
"I almost feel sorry for those Voltron folks. Seemed like a nice bunch." Rolo said.
 "If you're feeling guilty, you can turn yourself in. Stealing from Zarkon carries a life sentence" 
"They don't seem that nice" Rolo says "Now, tell me again. Why did you take her?"
"Why not, look how cute she it. Besides, her species are rare these days. Maybe we could sell her" Nyma says, walking over to a caged Soul "Isn't that right" Soul growls and tries to bite Nyma through the cage.
"Or she could bite their fingers off" Rolo's alarms start blaring because the remaining Lions are closing in "No way" Rolo starts to fly his spacecraft to safety.
"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Nyma asks "There's no way we can outrun those Lions"
"Not in the open. Good thing the Zorlar asteroid belt is right up here. I know that like the back of my hand"
The criminal aliens fly into the asteroid belt.
"We'll  never get through this asteroid field!" Pidge shouts.
"Maybe I can just bust through!" Hunk slams the Yellow Lion into an asteroid, causing all the asteroids to bump against each other "Nope. That was wrong. That was a bad idea"
"Maybe someone can get through" Y/N mumbles "Keith, you're the only one who could possibly fly through this"
"Y/N's right. We need you, buddy. Get in there and flush him out" Shiro says.
"You got it. See you on the other side" Keith pursues Rolo in the Red Lion, navigating the asteroid field easily. 
Rolo's computer shows the Red Lion nearby.
"No way. Get on the blasters. Take him down!" Rolo orders.
"Copy" Nyma and Breezer fire the ship's laser blasters at the Red Lion. Keith doges the attack and fires his Lion's mouth cannon in retaliation.
"This kid can flat-out fly"
"He's gaining on you!" Rolo tries tricking Keith into crashing into an asteroid; Keith avoids the trick and flings the Red Lion's jaw blade at Rolo's spacecraft. The attack disables the ship's weapons "Blasters are offline!"
"We've got yo get out of here!" Rolo tries to flee. Keith fires the Red Lion's mouth cannon at their engines. The criminal's ship is knocked out of the asteroid belt. Keith catches them with the Red Lion. The other Lions arrive.
"Yeah! Haha! Hey, Lance, I got your Lion back" Lance and Keith talk through their helmets' communicators.
"Thank you, Keith. Now, can you come and unchain me?" Lance asks.
"What's that? I, uh... Y-You're cutting out. I can't—I can't hear you" Y/N laughs.
"Oh, come on! I thought we bonded. Keith? Buddy? My man?"
The Team rescues Lance and returns Rolo and his crew to the alien moon with their broken ship. They stand outside the Castle of Lions. Soul sits on Keith's shoulder.
"Since your ship really doesn't work now, you'll have to wait here for a rescue" Y/N says.
"Thanks for sparing our lives" Rolo says.
"Now that these guys are dealt with, let's get to the Balmera and save Shay and her family"
"You may not believe this, but I hope you do stop Zarkon. It's a lifetime of fighting the Galra that led me to where I am today." Rolo says. The Team looks considerate, but does not respond and leave. 
Keith walks into the bridge, Soul still on his shoulder, the others follow. He feels a tickle on his cheek and turns his head to see Soul lick him; he freezes. Y/N laughs.
"Don't worry, it doesn't mean she sees you as food" She says "She likes you"
"What. Why?" 
"Well, because you saved her. I'm guessing they hold a strong liking to who ever saves them"
"That is partly true" Coran says, walking over "Creavnolians are very grateful creatures. If they are ever saved, they will forever respect that being that saved them" Lance goes to stroke Soul only for her to hiss, and he jumps away "However, that also means that Creavnolians also have a good memory, to remember those who save them, but also those who get them into trouble" 
"Do something, Y/N! She's looking at me like I'm some kind of snack!" Y/N shakes her head.
"You hungry, Soul?" Keith asks, Soul nods.
"I'm sorry! I'll be good, I promise!" Everyone laughs.
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