#Werewolves are so fun to draw lol
ebinezercherie · 6 months
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This is one of my favorites from participating in Loretober this year! I plan on posting more of my favorites soon, but all of them are on my Instagram account :D
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sirmanmister · 10 months
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Have I made it obvious yet that I think coursers are so swag and cool cuz they are
Artfight attack on @candyphones
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silverspleen · 6 months
Venting the "spooky supernatural elf covered in blood" energy through my own personal blorbo. (dnd-dao werewolf)
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tigereye105 · 10 months
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Last batch I did for Art Fight, it was intense this year!!!
@plants-and-swords , FurbyBoi (AF), @chaoticclueless , @ivelte , samus (AF), @sporesgalaxy
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jirachuuu · 2 years
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My what big teeth you have Viktor🫣😏
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akatix · 4 months
Thornebrook Family Tree
Still working on planning for my lil novel idea - today the need hit me to draw out Talon's family :)
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Starting with Juno and Oak - the Matriarch and Patriach of the Thornebrook family.
Their family pack is a strong one, most assume due to the sheer size + strength of the patriarch - but in reality Juno is very cunning. There's little that gets by her. Oak is just a big ol squish, especially to his kids. They have both since retired.
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Taking over the family is Asher, the eldest Thornebrook son and his wife Elowen.
Asher may be large like his father, but it's his brain that runs the operations. He took over and immediately organized the extended family pack
They have 3 hellacious daughters.
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Next brother is Rowan. The strong sarcastic type, he is second hand to Asher and spends most days with a keen eye on the enemy. Is very much his father
Since losing his leg he spends most of his time as a wolf, and has lost exactly 0 ferociousness.
or sarcasm.
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Talon is the third son. Taller and lankier than his brothers and is far more like his mother. Which comes with high intelligence, but also quite a cut throat attitude.
He leads the charge in research & intel for Asher, and begrudgingly stays out of most conflicts for safety...for now.
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Finally, the youngest - Laurel. 100% a daddy's girl. Asher sees her as a valuable - when he can get her to focus.
More often than not she's partying, but does take breaks to push her brothers' buttons by setting them up with friends. Neither T or R appreciate her hard work.
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All in all, they're a pretty happy lil family unit. Oak is endlessly supportive and ready to do anything for his kids or grandkids, while Juno does most of the thinking and planning. Although don't let her general air of "these emotions are beneath me" fool you, she'll be planning out the best way for her husband to remove your head without aggravating his heart.
The pack is made up of a few cousins and extended relatives, but for the most part they're all more condensed down to the main family.
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kapi-tanka · 1 year
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mother mother — the sticks
turns out illustrating songs is the most fun thing to do like. ever. my three fnv protags vs little snippets from their past: old world blues starring andy ramirez, honest hearts starring ovidio ramirez, and last but not the least, oscar ramirez, in the act of procrastinating the main storyline. some ramblings under the cut:
the girl from the last one is summer, she's oscar's ex\partner in crime. i'll introduce her properly later also. drawing badass/serious art with ovidio is so weird cuz the sims completely ruined mine and my friends' perception of him. i made a werewolf bite him (i was curious and have never tried werewolves out in the sims 4 before) plus i play with wickedwhims on so..... yeah. he acted fucking FERAL. the only normal thing he did was a game of chess with arcade. he was such an insufferable household bully, like he literally snarled at people 24/7, scratched all the furniture all the time (and this household's dirt poor, they never had money to fix it lol), he could go hunting and then come back with random raw meat in his inventory, he banged people in public restrooms and was overall a mean, horny, horrible mess. eventually i made a PRISON for him 💀💀💀 it was a dark, almost empty room in the basement in which i put him during his transformations and then temporarily locked the door for him so he couldn't get out. so yeah, drawing his imprisoned younger version for this piece was a journey. you go to jail sir. bye
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charlybird · 2 months
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monster AU! Vampire Alden and Werewolf Bill. It's not easy being a monster couple. This AU is like Undead Nightmare but with vampires and werewolves. John got scratched by a werewolf at the start of the game but Micah was a vampire for much longer. Alden eventually gets pissed off with some of the gang members for bulling Bill and he ends up stabbing Micah but his blood infects Alden and turns him into a vampire. Bill is human while dating Vampire Alden to start with. Alden gets upset about being a monster but Bill says it really doesn't bother him. Alden liked Bill when no one else did so he stands by him. Eventually werewolf John ends up accidentally attacking Bill and scratching him during the night of a full moon. I want the reverend to have a place in this AU too lol. But it's just a silly fun AU at the moment Bill and John do turn into actual wolf like monsters but I'm not good at drawing that so I haven't yet, but the sketches of Bill as a wolfman are like an unfortunate permanent side effect, but no one really notices lol. Hosea desperately tries to convince Arthur that Bill is a werewolf but Arthur doesn't believe him because "he's always been hairy, smelly and weird" Arthur "first it was Micah's a vampire..." Hosea "HE IS A FUCKING VAMPIRE!!!" Arthur "and now Bill's a werewolf?" Hosea "god fucking damn it why does no one believe me"
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maverick-werewolf · 1 month
Hi! I suck at sending asks so I hope I don’t come off in any kind of bad way
I know you very briefly mentioned Van Helsing (2004) in one of your ‘Vampire vs Werewolf’ posts, but I wanted to know your thoughts on the werewolf designs in them. I was doing research for one of my characters, and I’m not really sure if drawing inspiration from their designs would fit/work with the actual folklore.
Maybe you could even list some of your favorite designs or good places to reference from, if you know any?
— House 🩵 (I love your blog so much it’s a literal godsend for Vamp and Wolf research)
Not at all a bad way; thank you for sending in an ask! And I'm so glad you enjoy the blog, thank you for the kind words! :D
I actually love the werewolf designs in Van Helsing, overall. They're very cool - they're big, scary, muscular, and wolfish (all traits I personally love), but they are also varied according to character...
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This is concept art from the film. Notice how they all look like wolves and have a coherent common design while also having unique and characterized features and builds. I really love that. You may not have even noticed it a whole lot in the movie itself (I did, though), but it really makes them feel more like an individual turning into a monster instead of just someone turning into a standardized creature like a transform ability in a video game.
I'd say they're a good starting point for any werewolf concepts that want to go for the big wolfish humanoid look while still being scary and characterized!
Designing werewolves after folklore can be tricky and even odd, given folklore varied very widely and also wasn't always very specific. Most werewolves in folklore turn into wolves, which leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Some also had paws they used as hands (does that mean they had hands? etc) and other variations. Some even looked quite ridiculous and not even very wolfish, with things like a tufted lion tail and red hindquarters! It got wild in folklore.
Personally, I wouldn't restrict yourself to trying to stick too closely to folklore specifically. Design something cool, and most importantly, have fun with it and make it yours. My recommendation is just to stick with what you like and think looks cool and things that look wolfish in some way. Don't do like a lot of designers and tell yourself that a wolf is the last thing you should be drawing reference from; that's just silly. They're still werewolves. Granted, since you're interested in folklore and enjoy my blog, I doubt I need to say that, lol. I have other personal preferences, but at the end of the day, that's my advice to others.
My advice might also sound a little bit canned, but that's how I feel. My werewolves in Wulfgard have a variety of designs per individual and other factors in the story/world itself and many other elements; their designs are something I have hashed out over the course of literally my entire life, so it isn't something to rush. I like a variety of designs, and curses are complicated in my world, and I've adapted that into the entirety of werewolf designs themselves. I'm really proud of what I came up with - be sure to check back to my blog in November for some big news in terms of my own werewolves and their designs... Sorry - shameless plug! I've got a big thing coming.
Hope this helps, and hope you're having a great day! :)
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arliedraws · 5 months
Rewatching the PoA movie as I do chores, and I gotta pause while I’m thinking about this.
People who know me even slightly understand that this is my least favorite HP movie. In my opinion, it totally misses the point of the book and tries to simply hit plot points without understand what ties them all together.
If this is YOUR movie and you LOVE IT, this post is NOT for you! Save yourself some grief and don’t click the ‘read more’ below.
Here’s what the film does right:
- Wise/playful Sirius. We get a wink and nice touchy moment with Harry, and I see a glimpse of the Sirius I love here. This is good! The quiet moments with Gary Oldman is Sirius are VERY good. As time goes on, I am much more confident that Oldman would’ve made a very good Sirius given the opportunity. That intimate scene with Harry and Sirius at the end is a good cinematic interpretation of the internal longing Harry expresses to the reader.
Okay, that’s it. That’s all I like.
Nitpicky bits:
- The editing is just. Weird. We see ONE dinner scene with Marge and it seems like Harry just blows up one night (or blows her up lol) as if he’s just got a short fuse. Harry is a quiet person. He watches, he listens, he puts up with shit until he breaks. This scene needed to be longer, it needed to have more tension. We needed to understand the deal between Uncle Vernon and Harry + signing the permission form for Hogsmeade. One way this could have been shot with Harry at the table with everyone and slooooooow down the conversation. Build the tension. Close-ups, shots of Harry trying to pretend he doesn’t hear her. The book scene is very tense because Harry is quiet as they are talking about him as if he’s not there. THEN, he quietly speaks, drawing their attention.
- Don’t get me started on the Firebolt scene.
- Sirius saying when Remus is transforming “OH NO HE DIDN’T TAKE HIS POTION” as if Remus regularly took Wolfsbane back in the day? And then Sirius pleading with Remus not to transform??? Like Sirius, I think you know werewolves don’t work like that.
- I hate the werewolf design. It doesn’t HAVE to look like the wolf in canon (which is nearly indistinguishable from a regular wolf), but damn, it just didn’t do it for me.
- When Harry sees Peter on the Map??? Dude that was so dumb.
- The scene with the animal noises? Why? I don’t care about the other boys in Gryffindor. Show me why the trio are close other than out of loyalty (something that the books honestly miss out on)
- Remus being so upfront with Harry that he knew his parents and then focussing on LILY??? And also, part of what we learn over time in the book is that Remus knew James but refuses to indulge Harry. He keeps all of that secret—the mystery of Remus is completely wasted in this movie. I would have personally played this up in the film. Build him up as the “cool” professor who holds back emotionally. The payoff when he shows up at the end at the Shrieking Shack would be like, “Oh shit! I knew there was something off about him!” when it seems like he’s helping Sirius. Then, he would have to earn back the audience’s trust just like he does with the trio.
- The Aesthetic: this movie relies on aesthetic so much more than “what makes sense narratively.” There is so much winking at the audience by the filmmakers it drives me bonkers. Anytime something weird happens, they’re like, “Haha this weird thing is NORMAL in the wizarding world! Look at how weird it is! But for them! It’s normal!” Like jfc we get it. I know the first two movies are like, “look at how beautiful magic and cool is” but GOD. This is the film where we need magic to be “normalized.” We get it. We’re three films in. This is a magical world. These cheesy, winking-at-the-camera moments aren’t even like…cute or fun. They’re boring and uncreative. “Oh, how about a maid opens a door and a monster screams at her and she’s bland about it.” Like. Is it supposed to be funny? Because…it’s boring.
When you’re focused on Vibes rather than Character, everyone turns into a cheap, bland caricature. The filmmakers do NOT understand who the characters are. Even in Sorcerer’s Stone, Ron is the comic relief but we understand that he is fiercely loyal. In PoA, he is pure comic relief. They don’t even understand Harry. Both his and Ron’s lines are given to Hermione in the Shack scene which is like…why????
But this is the problem. At the heart of every scene, it was as if the filmmakers didn’t understand why the scene was there. In the film, Harry is an angsty teenager and things happen TO him. Oh sure, they want to show that Harry feels something but…we don’t really, as an audience, FEEL it. They TRY to force that emotional tension by rushing events along and then showing Harry crying sometimes and yelling his feelings. yawn, honestly.
- There is SO MUCH SHOUTING in this film. Harry screams about killing Sirius when he hears the Minister/McGonagall/Rosmerta talking about the betrayal. This was so…poorly done. This boy needs to close himself off from his friends and stew in his hatred, not scream about it. We need to be angry with him, not feel sad for him. We need to want to kill Sirius too.
Look, it would’ve been a boring movie scene if they’d done it like the book. This is not an adaptation-friendly book, and I’ll be the first to admit it. BUT. What they could have done was this: use flashbacks and montages. They do it in Sorcerer’s Stone when Hagrid explains how the Potters died and it’s effective—you see Lily panicking, dying, and then you see cute little Harry with a wand in his face. That’s emotional!
This scene in The Three Broomsticks should have been a flashback with voiceover from Fudge/McGonagall/Rosmerta/Hagrid. It should have shown us Sirius and James being best friends at Hogwarts. With them, we could see Peter and Remus (who we wouldn’t know was Lupin). Then, we should have seen Hagrid arguing with Sirius about who gets Harry (the little devil in me wants to hear Sirius’s voice break, but also, we should feel like Sirius is going to harm the baby Harry). Thennnnnnn we should have seen what the Muggle witnesses saw — Peter crying that Sirius betrayed Lily and James, a misleading explosion, and then Sirius laughing. Thennnnn a close-up of Peter’s finger. Back to present.
Why is this effective and why would it build tension? As the audience, we need to be presented with proof that Sirius is a bad guy. We need to understand why this guy’s gotta be caught!
Also, show us how scary Sirius is by reeeaaaallly playing it up with a scene with the Minister in Azkaban—quiet, sinister Sirius please. Again, give us the tension! (Sirius acting all crazy in the wanted posters instead of the book’s slow blinking, empty-eyed prisoner totally misses the mark for me.) Then, show us him sleeping and talking in his sleep.
This would have been effective becaaaaaaause you could have brought back this flashback in the Shrieking Shack scene.
Which brings me to: The Shrieking Shack scene.
The most disappointing part of the film, in my opinion.
This is supposed to be it—the built-up tension (which never actually happens) finally explodes here. But the movie holds no tension so this scene is reduced to a lot of yelling in the movie. And of course Hermione taking everyone’s lines for some reason.
As as audience, we can’t just be scared. We should be angry. Sirius needs to be quiet, softer. He’s lured Harry away from safety by kidnapping his friend. He needs to be grinning, taunting Harry (I mean, he’s not, but it sounds like it). We need to feel like Sirius is just fucking AWFUL. Sirius MUST compare Harry and Ron to James and himself. Stretch this out like a rubber band until it snaps—until Harry snaps. GOD THIS COULD HAVE BEEN SUCH A JUICY SCENE.
The explanation should have been all voiceover—Remus explaining what happened over shots of the Marauders’ time at Hogwarts. Otherwise, it’s weird that we don’t have an explanation of the Marauders…at all??
When Sirius explains what really happened November 1st, we would see shots that the original flashback didn’t show (Peter looking miffed/jealous/“suspicious” behind everyone’s backs, Peter becoming Secret Keeper, a shady glimpse Peter kneeling before a faceless Voldemort or some shit, and then finally—the missing shots from the explosion in the flashback from earlier in the film.) Then, let’s see Sirius wasting away in Azkaban, growing older and older. Give us the EMOTIONAL WEIGHT. Then, Sirius’s voice breaks and we cut back to the present. We see the trio fighting with their own interpretations with close-ups.
(I also wanna see Sirius seeing the photograph of Pettigrew when he’s explaining how he knew Peter was alive.)
Also, also. Peter needs to be the Gollum of this film. Gives us watery eyes, precious. There has to be a reason he isn’t dead, and it’s because he’s so pathetic, no one can kill him. As an audience, we need to be like, “GOD, he is SO PATHETIC and defenseless!” The idea of killing Peter should be like killing a really ugly puppy. Like…ughhhh, I just can’t do it! Show us why Harry saves him. We need to see gross begging, manipulative sobbing, and completely emotionless Sirius and Remus, watching and getting ready to kill him.
Why does the film miss the mark? Because it’s about friendship, and the filmmakers had no idea.
The subplot of the book is seemingly Hermione and Ron being on the outs because of Crookshanks and Scabbers, but like Peter does with the Marauders during the war, Scabbers drives a wedge between the trio. He seems so innocent and we think CROOKSHANKS is the problem, but it’s the quiet spy. (Sure, Hermione was a dick about her cat and if Scabbers hadn’t been Peter, it would’ve been different—I get that. Not excusing Hermione. But stick with me). Up until now, the trio’s friendship hasn’t been tested by personal problems, and now, we see how Harry and Ron respond to a challenging situation with a friend.
Which. I don’t think that’s the subplot. I think this is the crux of this book.
Harry and Ron fail very hard at friendship in this story. They fail Hermione who, while extremely flawed and misguided, has good intentions. Harry treats her with indifference and then ignores her; Ron treats her with outright antagonism. They fail Hagrid miserably when it comes to Buckbeak, and we find out that Hermione has been doing her best to help Hagrid despite being rejected by Harry and Ron. And this is important to the overall situation with Sirius Black because before we find out the truth, we think Sirius was a bad friend.
Okay, let me talk about the Firebolt now because the Firebolt was never really about Sirius.
The Firebolt plot was so crucial to the story that it’s outrageous they cut this out of the movie. (But the filmmakers had no idea PoA was about friendship so I guess whatever.) When Harry loses his Nimbus to the Whomping Willow, he expresses that it “felt like he had lost a friend” so when he gets a new broom that he really wants, he’s willing to sacrifice his true, human friend for it. He rejects Hermione because she told on him to McGonagall to keep him safe—not her best move but honestly, if Sirius had really wanted to kill Harry, it would have been very easy for him.
When you are making an adaptation of a book, you must ask essential questions. What is the POINT of this film? What is the lesson we are showing? Every part of that film should be building up to demonstrate that point. Trying to hit every plot point without knowing why is so lazy. “I want to make a Harry Potter film—but the tone has changed. It’s DARK now. You gotta know—he’s an ANGSTY TEEN!” Yeah, that does nothing for me, dude.
Harry’s willingness to sacrifice himself for his friends in the Shack is supposed to show that he is capable of growth and that friendship/love should come before all else. You need to be able to forgive (Snape subplot/Hermione subplot), and you should be willing to set aside petty quarrels/greed for your friends (Firebolt subplot/Peter subplot). Sure, the plot is that “a murderer breaks out of prison and wants to kill Harry Potter” but it’s not what the film is ABOUT.
If Sorcerer’s Stone is about making friends and building a friendship, Prisoner of Azkaban asks the question, “What happens when the honeymoon is over? What happens when my friends reveal glaring flaws? What happens when those flaws affect ME?”
Anyway, I really tried to give this movie another chance (I’ve seen it about 6-7 times since it came out), and it STILL does not do it for me. I’ve come around to Gary Oldman as Sirius (but not when he’s yelling or hysterical—does he EVER yell in the books?), but that’s it.
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SFW Alphabet: Mason
CW: alcohol, a little suggestiveness, kidnapping, violence and murder, manipulation
Sorry for taking so long~ Had to spend time studying, blehhh. Also kept getting distracted when writing this and thinking of things that would probably fit better on his other alphabet 🫣
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Mason shows some affection physically, generally keeping a hand against your back or around your waist. He also unintentionally falls into a sort of Sugar Daddy role, buying you pretty much whatever you like (within reason, he’s not super rich lol). In addition, and this might come as a surprise, he’s one of the werewolves most adept with verbal comfort and praise, lowering his head to your ear so nobody else overhears what he has to say 💕
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Just ask Hunter; they watch sports together, drink together, go on walks together, makeout once in a while 🫣
Being the Sheriff, you may have met him while he was on duty. Maybe he got called because somebody was getting rowdy at the diner, and afterwards while checking to make sure everyone was okay, he paid just a little extra attention to you… Gave you his personal number, y’know, in case you ran into more trouble… 😏
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Mason enjoys holding you and just breathing in your scent after a long day at work. His favorite ways to cuddle are having you in his lap, or having you lay with your head on his chest <3
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Like Hunter, I think Mason is already domestic. Of course, he feels a lot of pressure from keeping the group under the radar, and if you want to help relieve that stress he would greatly appreciate it 💖
Mason can clean and cook (especially on the grill– who do you think showed Hana all the tips and tricks for perfect kebabs and meats?), but oftentimes he’s too tired after work. Once he has a day off to sleep in, though, he’ll tidy up around the place that afternoon.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Uhhhh….. I don’t want to be That Person, but as a cop he has a disproportionate amount of power to keep you where he wants you. If you escape, he’s got strings to pull at the D.A. to put out an APB and warrants out for you, so even if you escape the jurisdiction, cops from a neighboring county could catch and bring you back… it draws a lot more attention than he wants, and he feels extremely dirty for it, but he rationalizes it as somehow being “for your safety” 😒
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Mason loves the idea of a beautiful, quiet, rustic wedding with you. He’ll start to think about getting married within a month of knowing you.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Mason is very gentle with you physically (unless you… want him to be tougher on you 😳). Emotionally, however, he can be a bit more manipulative and coaxing than his “open-and-honest, upright lawman” persona is designed to suggest.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Mason likes hugging you; he just melts into you at the end of the day, and it means the world to him if and when you run up to him for hugs <3
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Mason says he loves you for the first time when you spend the night alone together, whispering it against the top of your head as you fall asleep.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Mason really only gets jealous if you form relationships outside the pack. Then he gets his hackles all raised and does his best to intimidate and scare them away from you. It makes him feel really content to see you enjoying yourself and having fun with the pack, even if he doesn’t get the majority of your attention 🥹💕
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Mason likes it when you kiss him on the forehead, and he loves to give you kisses across your back and shoulders. His kisses are soft and slow most of the time. He also tastes like coffee in the morning, and sometimes whiskey or bourbon at night 👉👈
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Mason is incredibly good with kids, especially babies! He would make a good Dad.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mason will snooze his alarm and snuggle back up to you.. Just five more minutes?
But eventually, he’s gotta go to work. I mean, unless you wanna go with him…? No? Alright, he’ll let you sleep in 💕
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Mason falls asleep pretty early and easily, and he loves to cuddle with you~ He’s not too much for the nightlife or staying up super late anymore, although he’ll make an exception to go out for a few drinks with you and Hunter, or to stay up for a good backyard bonfire date with the whole pack.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Mason’s middle-of-the-road on this. He’s certainly got skeletons in his closet (NOT literal… that would be the worst place to hide human remains… if he had any to hide 🫢), that he doesn’t want to share with you. Other than those bigger secrets, and the lengths he has and will go to to protect you, he’s open about everything else. He’s too old, and concerned with bigger problems, to be too shy about who he is and what he wants.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Mason does his best to be level-headed and patient, but that patience has his limits. Limits that Ace likes to push and prod at for fun. Luckily, he’s so enamored with you that he’ll never get truly mad at you (well, except for if you do something dangerous and he’s worried, and it comes out as frustration). Most of the time he just sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, making an effort to keep his temper in check, but every once in a while he does yell. Again, mostly just at Ace though. And when he found you in the lodge all scraped up after the kidnapping he yelled at Hunter for the first and only time. And Mateo did push just a few too many buttons that other time… Maybe his temper isn’t that well controlled after all 😓
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Mason remembers almost everything~ Sometimes smaller details slip his mind when he’s busy, but he always feels bad when he misses something, and he kisses you on the forehead and promises to make it up to you 💝
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Any little moment that displays your trust in him. When you look up at him with trust and love in your eyes, it really takes his breath away. He also likes it if you cling to him or hide behind him when you get nervous, and when you show him things you’re really excited about. He might not always understand what you’re telling him about, especially if the subjects you’re interested in are more obscure, academic, or artistic, but he loves listening to you talk about them regardless.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Mason is incredibly protective, and he’s very strategic about how he protects you. If he can manipulate or leverage his position as a cop to resolve a situation, he will. The less you know about his efforts behind the scenes, the better. He never wants you to look at him with fear or disgust. If you’re in immediate danger and he has no choice, Mason can kill with no remorse. He will act like he feels worse about it than he does, so you hopefully won’t think of him as a monster…
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Mason puts a lot of effort into dates and anniversaries, but might not always have a great idea of what you’d like. He starts out with stereotypical romantic dinner dates, and if you’re not particularly interested in those, he’ll have a difficult time trying to figure out what it is you’d actually like lol. He could just ask you, but he doesn’t want to admit that he’s lost on what to try. Ace overhears him asking Hunter for advice and roasts him about it endlessly 😭
Okay sorry, got carried away there lol. Everyday tasks get as much effort as he has energy for, being tired much of the time. He likes casually going shopping with you and buying you gifts here and there 💕💕
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
…….his whole career. No offense meant.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s old and his back hurts, he doesn’t have the time or energy to care too much about his looks. That said, he does try to keep his beard and hair trimmed, and as long as his clothes are clean and not-too-wrinkled, he’s good to go 🫡
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Mason would be able to go about everyday life and continue to do his job, compartmentalizing to hell and back, but any light he had left inside him is dead. Nothing gets a genuine reaction from him anymore; it’s as close to an automaton as a human– or werewolf– can get.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Mason’s pretty casual about physical affection. In another post I’ve talked about how he’ll keep his hand on your thigh when you’re in the passenger seat and he’s driving. Similarly, when you’re walking, he often holds your hand and absentmindedly strokes his thumb over your hand. Also, every once in a while, when he’s sure nobody else is around to see, he will playfully slap your ass (if you’re okay with it). He’s not easy to embarrass but asking him to do that more often, or in front of other people, is a good way to do it lol.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Mason loves you and can excuse almost anything you do. Even if you’re committing crimes left-and-right, and helping Ace make his life harder, he’ll go easy on you. Ace would be constantly pouting about the blatant favoritism lmao.
The only thing that would really make him sad would be if you rejected his love, and his gifts. It’s not a deal breaker, he’s sure he’ll win you over eventually, it just really hurts to hear you say horrible things to him, or destroy whatever he brings you.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Mason likes to drink a little nightcap before bed, usually a small shot of liquor. It helps him relax and unwind after a long day. One of the werewolves bought him a maternity pillow as a joke about him being a “mom friend” and he still sleeps with it anyway. It helps with his back and knees ☺️💕
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pansear-doodles · 11 months
here are some interesting graphs from my art fight hitlist because im feeling the tism and sometimes people give me funny responses
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yes! 143 responses! keep it coming!
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hi werewolves
did you know that for the past three teams im in they all won?
do you want to break that streak? good luck!!!
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oh i can take any species and character type. im not sure why i put this to be honest but i guess i was just curious
but then...
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I FORGOT TO ADD FERAL AS AN OPTION!!!!!!!!!! (warrior oc owners mad!!!!!!)
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it seems everyone whos filling out my hitlist is fully aware im primarily a mass attacker
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hihi 25 people as of writing! ready for another round?
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good! don't have to worry about someone for now.
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lol only one of you said no
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i am glad a majority of you picked yes. making mass attacks is difficult but ultimately rewarding. you have to plan the layout, core theme, study each and every character you're including so you can have them do something and create scenes, hope that none of the characters get hidden while you're drawing (which is the most annoying part but understandable) and then submitting, and much more.
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the three people who answered "ive known you for a long time" are all incorrect (youd have to know me longer than you know me from drawception, which is likeeeee late fnaf fandom i think???). a good chunk of you are from rain world!
rain world ppl youre in for a treat hehe. this is like the month of the year where i go tism on your characters, studying them under a microscope (and then probably most for them ill let them wear jackets or cool scarves)
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you guys are right tho. neither of them would want to fight each other LOL
i saw that a good number of you pondered on attacking with my artihunter. do be informed that i also love rogueval art and was very crazy about it last year (and i think i still am)
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i even made a comp of sorts, containing a chunk of cool rogueval art i got from af 2021 haha
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ill be happy regardless on who you want to draw, whether its my fan ocs and aus, or my original original characters
either way
youre all getting souped
now finally.... the remarks....
some gold ones here here...
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we have a lot of lovely nice comments. there are so many i could only grab a handful. thank you for your kind words. ill be sure to take easy this time this year.
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and then we have the funny ones lol
sincerely, thank you everyone for supporting my endeavors this way. seeing everyone unite and be giving to one another- i enjoy it a lot. art fight is easy on the first half, but it does get stressful later on based on my experiences. dont be afraid to take breaks and dont feel bad if you only manage to put out a couple of attacks in the end. your participation and willingness means well.
keep this one thing in mind: you are never obligated to attack back, and you are never obligated to have your art be at your best.
the overall goal is to have fun.
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rollercoasterwords · 11 months
I feel like an interesting thing about remus and sirius dynamic in the wfrau is that they're not really that different, it just is kind of convenient that the cause remus works for happens to be the moral highground, bc rlly what other choice does he have when he was forced into prostitution before them. like the order, despite the sacrifices he has to make, is literally the best place for him: he gets a purpose, friends, food and shelter, and a life beyond anything he could have on his own. idk this could be a TOTAL misread of his character, and since we've been looking through sirius' eyes its natural to want to sympathise with him more, but it would be a lot more of a cost for sirius to abandon his life and join some (in the shadows)(LARGELY unsuccessful) rebellion where he could easily be found out and killed/tortured gruesomely. Remus admits himself that he's prideful ("But his pride—that’s the one thing that’s always remained his own.") and he obviously looks down on sirius a lot for the life he lives, but I feel like at the end of the day they both just want to a) avoid suffering/protect themselves and b) protect the people they care about, and they both only have one place to turn to to do both of those things, and remus' just happens to be morally superior to sirius'.
correct me on this if you think I've misread remus (cause hes v complex obviously) or the worldbuilding, and not to understate that sirius is doing bad things and remus is (trying) to do good things, and that it is possible to escape the life sirius has (regulus did, apparently), but idk I just wanted to try and tell what makes their dynamic so interesting.
oooh such a fun analysis for me 2 read!! v interesting 2 see how other people interpret the things i write etc. before i respond tho i feel like i need 2 put a little disclaimer that like, i believe in death of the author etc such that i don't think my interpretation/intent should necessarily be taken as inherently more valuable, bc once a work like this is shared ik there are going 2 be varied ways of reading + interpreting it, and i don't want 2 encourage anyone 2 approach stories like this as if there is one Ultimate Correct Interpretation drawn from the writer's intent that u need 2 find, etc.
that being said, i'm happy 2 share my own interpretations + the thinking + intent behind what i've written thus far! think this is gonna get long so i'm gonna put a cut tho lol
so i definitely see the parallels ur drawing between remus + sirius both joining the organizations they joined due in part to coercive conditions outside their control as well as seemingly sharing some core motivations. however i'm not sure i would go as far as you have in saying that their situations are essentially the same and remus just ended up on the "right side" (to paraphrase)
first off - while i see where your take on remus is coming from, keep in mind that at this point in the fic we don't actually know anything about how or why he joined the order. i do have a backstory in mind regarding how exactly he started working with them, and it might not necessarily align with ur interpretation here. don't want to spoil too much, but i will say that remus's choice to join the order was a choice. it wasn't just a matter of having no other options.
something i specifically wanna put pressure on with ur reading is the idea that he was "forced into prostitution" before joining--it seems like ur interpretation of why remus joined the order is that he did it to escape sex work. but keep in mind that remus joining the order resulted in him "selling himself" in a much more dangerous and violent way--he joined the fighting rings + began risking his life every month as well as killing and maiming his fellow werewolves. we know, from his pov, that this is not something he would have done were it not for the order mission; it's reasonable to conclude that remus himself would have preferred sex work to becoming a fighter in the rings, but did so anyway for a larger goal. i'd encourage you to reflect, here, on whether you have a more visceral emotional reaction to the thought of remus "selling himself" as a sex worker versus "selling himself" as a ring fighter--whether the former strikes you as inherently more debasing, more abject, more likely to warrant a desire to "escape." if so, i'd encourage you to reflect on why that might be, and how it affects the way you think of sex work and sex workers. additionally, we know that his involvement with the order did eventually require him to engage in sex work again--so the idea that he joined the order to escape sex work isn't really something that i'm trying to get at in my writing.
also, getting back to the idea that remus was "forced into prostituion"--again, i wanna step back here and ask u 2 reflect a bit on what your choice of phrasing there might say about the underlying associations you have with sex work that might be influencing your reading. my intent in writing remus's backstory with sex work was not to give the impression that he was an abject victim forced by powers beyond his control into sex work as his only option. rather, it was to portray him as a character who is constrained, yes, by the forces that oppress him--specifically, the government that bars him from using magic, accessing stable work, accessing accommodations for his condition, fails to provide any social safety nets, operates + sustains itself on unfair labor conditions which require an exploited class of laborers, etc. but within those constraints i specifically wrote in that remus does have other options; he has, in the past, found other types of work, and there are, of course, the fighting rings or any other number of illegal methods by which he could try to obtain money. remus weighs those other options and chooses to turn to sex work because it seems like his best choice; whether that's because he thinks it will offer him the most control, or the most money, or the most security--it doesn't matter. what matters is that all his options are equally constrained by his oppression, all come with their own pitfalls and humiliations and degrees of exploitation. mysticizing sex work as somehow inherently more abject than the others is...not really what i was going for. that's part of why i wrote about his experiences with it--including experiences that might be viewed by some as grave violations--in a purposefully casual way. for remus, his body has always been an exploited object; sex work is not something he would have felt the need to "escape," from, because he chose to do it, and it's at least a way to make use of his marginalization by exploiting the fact that his condition is made into a fetish. it doesn't mean he's not aware of the coercion involved in his choice--maybe if his father hadn't been so sick and he hadn't needed cash fast for medicine he would have made a different decision, but there likely would have always come a point where he needed money fast and his dad wasn't able to act as the breadwinner anymore. remus has always been very aware that his options in life are limited.
all this is to say, remus's decision to join the order is not something done out of desperation because he thinks his life will be better with them--it's done specifically with a broader political goal in mind. and this is a significant reason for his disdain for sirius. because remus isn't just trying to survive, to protect himself and his loved ones--he and his loved ones are risking their lives every day in service of their ideals, to fight for change. the fact that sirius, who is so much more privileged than remus has ever been, only joined the death eaters because he was forced to is not something that really wins points with remus. it shifts his view of sirius, sure, to know that he doesn't like...delight in serving voldemort and has enough of a conscience to feel guilty about what he does. but remus still disdains a person who would harm others to save their own skin--it's just that sirius is a coward, not a sadist.
and remus doesn't really know or understand how the drive to protect regulus was bound up with sirius rising through the death eater ranks. he's only had glimpses into sirius's home life and his relationship with his brother, and he honestly isn't going around trying to dig up explanations about any of it--he would much rather continue viewing sirius as a contemptible, cowardly death eater than change his perspective, because sirius literally embodies the forces of oppression that have been hurting remus since he was a child, along with his loved ones.
and then the last major difference i'd point out between their joining of their respective organizations is that sirius does benefit, in many tangible ways, from joining the death eaters. like--remus joining the order is mostly just putting his neck on the line and a target on his back, though he does of course benefit from obtaining a community and friends and support in many ways. but in the larger systems of power at play here, remus joining the order only marginalizes him further, when he was already marginalized.
sirius, on the other hand, gains power from becoming a feared and respected death eater. obviously, he suffers many personal injuries and hardships and would not choose to join them had he been given a choice. but he does, in some ways, enjoy the power he obtains from his status. he enjoys his wealth and the comfort it brings. he enjoys it when he's able to accrue enough power to go off and play rebel in small ways that allow him to grasp onto the illusion that he's not given in totally to these people who he knows are corrupt, when he's able to make himself virtually untouchable by the vast majority of people. for sirius, most of his hardship and struggle is internal, emotional, and though he, too, has suffered and been marginalized in some ways by larger systems of power, when offered an avenue to take advantage of those systems of power it's not as if he hated every part of the ride to the top. yeah, he was forced to join the death eaters because he was a kid whose parents wanted to make sure their heir didn't end up a faggot. and that was incredibly traumatic. but his joining the death eaters did not actually marginalize him--it granted him access to a lot of power. and this is something remus is acutely aware of, and another reason that, from his perspective, it's difficult to just feel sorry for sirius.
anyway, you're not wrong that there are definitely parallels between them, but i'd say when it comes to the organizations they're each working for an important difference is that remus actually believes in what his organization is fighting for, while sirius sort of knows that what voldemort's doing is wrong but ignores it and remains complicit.
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lady-byleth · 2 years
As we all know, I am a bit of an obsessive nerd. Not quite Silmaril hunting levels of obsessive but getting there
Today I shall use this power to draw up a few fun parallels between the most famous love story in Arda and Beren and Luthien (lol, I couldn't stop myself).
This is not going to be in chronological order because the parallels of the two stories don't happen at the same points and it might be a bit jumbled because I'm wicked sick with covid so bear with me
Let's start with the setup for both.
Broken down to its essentials, Beren and Maedhros are sent to retrieve a/the Silmaril/s from Melkor by a great elven King who happens to hate one part of the pairing.
Feanor is no fan of Fingolfin's line in general, Fingon being his half-brother's heir would not have been the most beloved person to Feanor. Thingol is also not particularly fond of Beren.
The difference is that Thingol is giving Beren this task because he deems it impossible and hopes Beren will either give up or straight up die while Feanor's sons swear the Oath so they can't stop unless they die.
In any case, the setup is quite similar at its core.
Of course they do not set off alone. Maedhros is accompanied by his family and the host of Feanor, sharing the Oath with his brothers. Beren meanwhile cashes in on his own family's good relationship with Finrod Felagund (himself a relative of Maedhros and Fingon) and gets his own company for his quest. Now we have an Oath of some sort on both sides and Finrod to connect them further.
Next we have Luthien and Fingon, who out of devotion themselves set off on a journey to follow their partner. Now, I don't quite remember where this comes up but Fingon, if memory serves, goes for two reasons: 1, cuz he too wishes to build something new in Middle-earth, a call to adventure if you will, and 2, because Maedhros is going. Luthien follows Beren when she senses he is in danger, so like Fingon there's a deep bond there that motivates her.
Maedhros and Beren both end up captured by the enemy (Maedhros after losing a significant portion of his company and Beren loses them while captured) and against the better judgment of just about any sentient being Luthien and Fingon both make the solitary treck to some of the most dangerous places on the planet to save them. Thangorodrim are three mountains/volcanos atop Melkor's stronghold Angband, teeming with evil creatures and magic. Dol-in-Gaurhoth belongs to Sauron at this point, where his werewolves make their lair. Incidentally, Beren and Luthien also head for Angband later on.
At this point, Luthien does manage to save Beren from Dol-in-Gaurhoth with the help of non other than Huan, a hound of the Valar gifted to Maedhros' brother Celegorm, again drawing a connection between the two tales that is not quite a parallel but interesting. We won't get into the logistics of how Luthien and Huan came to be a team but like her, Fingon also receives the help of a beast close to a Valar - Thorondor, King of the Eagles
How does Thorondor know to help? Well, Fingon manages to track Maedhros down by doing what every elf does when they are distraught: he sings. And Maedhros, by a small miracle, hears his song and answers, the same way Luthien found Beren in Angband because when all else fails, sing. Well, he sings. Actually they both do, at different points.
Anyway, Maedhros is weakened and in agony, and begs Fingon to kill him. And Fingon, because he sees no other way, raises his bow and prays to Manwe that his arrow might fly swift and true. And Manwe, despite all the bad blood between him and especially the Feanorians, despite the Doom of Mandos promising that everything the Kinslayers do ends in failure, and despite everything that went down between the Noldor and the Valar...sends Thorondor instead. Thorondor, who also appears to help Luthien bring a dying Beren back to Doriath, much like he carries Fingon and Maedhros back to Lake Mithrim.
Beren is currently dying because Carcaroth bit off his hand and poisoned him that way. His right hand, to be precise. Maedhros is in horrific shape because he was tortured for decades and then had his hand cut off.
So if I had a nickle for every time Thorondor carried someone on the quest for some shiny stones back home after they lose their right hand, I'd have two nickles.
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Luckily both Maedhros and Beren survive their ordeals...until they both die with a Silmaril in their hands later on. But that's neither here nor there.
Luthien, in her grief, sings her sorrow to Namo, who consults with Manwe on her behalf. And Manwe hears her plea and does what he can do help her, like he heard Fingon's plea and helped him.
So, to summarize, dudes taller than most of their families set off (together with their respective companies, which include Finrod at some point) to retrieve Feanor's shiny stones because an elven King said so and end up captured by the bad guys. Pretty dark haired people follow them, against all odds find them (one of them even twice) and beg the Valar for help, who answer in unexpected ways. Tall dudes lose their right hands, Thorondor is there to play Great Eagle Airlines. Someone is found through singing. Both Maedhros and Beren end up dying very soon after reclaiming one Silmaril.
I hope this is halfway coherent because again, covid. It's probably jumbled all to hell but I think I made my point
Thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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zwy01 · 1 year
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I just wanna draw them alll day allll year…. Ahhhhh 😭❤️
My OTP Luzaria enjoying some time to themselves before everyone prepares to head home for Lukedonia after a vacation in the human world. (this is the same vacation as the one featured in my nobles’ beach party piece I did earlier this month)
I’d like to think that unlike humans and werewolves whose bodies still need to sustain themselves with external resources no matter how modified they are, nobles don’t need sleep and food at all. They can choose to sleep and eat if they want to but it isn’t required and most nobles actually live a pretty boring life since they just go without. Lukedonia honestly doesn’t have much to offer for fun lol…just meetings where they stare at each other, walking through gardens, reading books, managing documents… etc. So the ever-changing human ways of life are very intriguing to nobles and learning how to have fun from them can be rewarding.
So Ludis studies how humans express love for their partners and here we have a lovely breakfast and a happy Rozaria! Everyone has to go home and return to their duties, but this was a fun week and amazing opportunity to make good memories~~~~
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dolorum-magne · 2 years
Decided to spend longer than I intended making drawings of the mh boys in @whatir3ality s monster hornets au!
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I have more art I planned on making for this au because I think its super cool but I just finished the last detailed piece so I wanted to post it now
I had so much fun drawing these and doing cool lighting and (aside from jay lol) doing mostly some fun poses.
I wasn't exactly sure what to do for Jay since he doesn't have much monstrous about him since hes just a ghost so I just gave him a more neutral pose and expression but messed around with lighting and made him slightly transparent so he'd be at least a little spooky :)
Also I refuse to stop drawing werewolves with slightly pointed ears as humans, you can pry this detail fro my cold dead hands-
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