#X-men OC
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Francis Cordelia (or just Fran)
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ruerock · 11 months
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sera my best friend sera
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smallbutplucky · 9 months
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"Dress up" Shiloh decides to raid her big sister's closet while she gets ready for the Gala. I'd like to believe that despite the age gap, if given the chance, Lorna would try to be the best big sister she could to Shiloh. Inspired by my own childhood where I'd pester my big sister in her room while she tried to get ready.
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stem-cell · 4 months
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New Year New Rabbit 🐇❌💛 Warlock, as always, can come too… 
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souurcitrus · 7 months
Doodles of my Sabretooth oc family bc I'm a little silly, featuring Sabre's oldest cub
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folansstuff · 26 days
Atti Thoughts
going under a read more cause its long and rambly and self-indulgent
I’ve been thinking a lot about Atti and his relationship with The Garden.
To be a little inside baseball and pull back the curtain on how I write for Atti (in my own special very involved way), a lot of Atti’s stuff is defined by what contrasts him nicely against Illyana, it’s why he’s tall and fat while she’s short and buff/skinny, why he’s nice and sweet (with some hidden anger) while Yana is aggressive and stubborn (while being secretly sweet). I think those contrasts make him and their relationship more interesting, and it’s 90% of the inspiration for their interpersonal history. 
Anyway, on to the point. After I came up with The Garden ((which is a little bit House of Leaves and a little bit of The Zero from Kentucky Route Zero)) I knew I wanted it to be in contrast with Limbo. 
As I’ve said on this blog before, I (and plenty of others) see Limbo as part of Illyana’s metaphor for trauma and abuse. Her spiritual and physical attachment to the place, from her magic to the nature of the Darkchylde, has been a part of her since she was 13. It’s a place of violence and pain at it’s very core, and that has reflected onto Illyana. Recently writers have made the intentional move to pull her away from Limbo by having her hand it over to Madelyne. While I have issues with the execution, I don’t mind the idea as a metaphor for moving past one’s trauma, she’s still Magik, she just doesn’t need the power that she associates her pain and suffering with.
So what does this have to do with The Garden? Well, first I have to define what The Garden is; something I’ve done a really bad job with in my fics. The Garden is a Sub-Dimension, similar to Limbo or Otherworld. But unlike those spaces, The Garden, true to its vision as a flora-filled ’The Shire’ style paradise, is alive. It thinks and feels, and is capable of communicating through an avatar. It’s kind, so, so, kind, and it doesn’t really do more than try and simply live in relative peace. But when the New Mutant’s go on a brief excursion back with the original team, it ended up imprinting on a young Atticus Moore, effectively attaching itself to him through a bunch of unknowable ways. It ends up forming a similar relationship to Atti’s powers that Limbo had to Illyana, when he spins away to teleport, he’s more than likely going to pass through The Garden as well, even if he doesn’t want to, he starts to feel a weird pull to the place, and ocassionally hears it’s ‘voice’ in his head. Over time, The Garden starts to form a fascination with him, slowly considering this bumbling bear of a man its ‘favourite plant’. 
So when Atticus dies, The Garden is confused. It’s thinking, due to being a living biome, is inhuman in a way that means it doesn’t understand why Atticus simply can’t be replanted and regrown. So, figuring that Illyana and the other X-Men simply hadn’t done their job as good gardeners, steals Atti’s body and ‘replants’ him within itself. The funny thing is that it works. It takes forever, 6 years forever, but it works. The Garden, a biome, revives a human. It fixes up Atti’s problems, tunes down his paranoia, makes him a little more friendly and agreeable. In a way, it makes Atticus more in it’s image, after all he was grown within it’s soil. But it also means that Atticus is The Garden, and The Garden is somewhat inside Atti. He can feel it’s pain, and The Garden shifts and grows new things to accommodate his wants (shout out to the cabin it builds for him to hide in.). That doesn’t even begin with how, similar to Krakoa’s own resurrection policies, if Atticus is killed, The Garden just… brings him back! It’s fine right? You can always pick up the seeds and try again! Who cares that his memories are a little spotty and his arms have noticeable bits of bark instead of skin? Our favourite plant is back! 
It’s a Ship of Theseus thing. How much of Atticus is that old corpse in the middle of a root system no human could ever begin to explore? How much is just soil and nutrients, sculpted in the image of a person an inanimate object can’t even begin to fully understand? 
My point is, I guess, that narratively Illyana can, and has in some ways, shed Limbo. Her connection to the place that caused her so much pain is not as prevalent, and she can start to heal. But Atticus has done the opposite. He’s become fused with a place that won’t let him die. Secretly I think he fears what will happen when he gets old. Will he die besides his loved ones, only to wake up in the same 30 year old body? Or will The Garden age him up again? Force him to live only a few years just to repeat the process again? 
Maybe he’s just worried all the kindness and warmth he feels isn’t his own. No one knows.
((More fun, but this is why Atti likes gardening in his 30’s. It’s compulsive.))
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Ok here's the X-Men oc based off that Powerlisting random choice I got. It's kinda convoluted but stay with me lol
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This is her first look when everyone including her thinks her power is just related to string and she's blatantly borrowing her style from Jolyne Cujoh. She's a massive fan of the character and it's part of why her mutant ability manifests the way it does. Her code name is Dream Weaver (She wanted "Arachne" but found out that a Spider-Woman hero already had that name and didn't want to confuse people--she already gets enough Spider-Man comparisons...) and can alter her body as if it were made of super strong string. It takes a lot of training but she has the potential to make it strong enough to be slashed by Adamantium and not get cut.
Initially, she and everyone else assumes her mutant power is related only to string. But during a life-threatening fight, she winds up losing control and in a fit of rage she winds up wrapping her strings around a Sentinel and suddenly makes them disappear...only to reappear in random pieces that look incredibly strange. Some are blinking lights, some are covered in glitter, some are floating in midair, some are turning into spiders and crawling around.
From this point on, her powers start going haywire with odd results. Sometimes the laws of physics just stop working and anything that comes into contact with her strings gets manipulated in weird ways. Sometimes her strings can pick up the thoughts of people nearby as if it were a telephone wire. Eventually Jean and Professor X start to pick up on how her power has developed, and have to call on Scarlet Witch to weigh in. Jean examines her mind and she and Scarlet conclude that the strings are a kind of self-imposed limit on how her mutant power really works--instead of String Manipulation/Physiology, it's more like Reality Breaking. The only reason it manifested in the form of strings is because of Dream Weaver's fixation on her favorite character when her power manifested as a teen.
So now she has to do a metric ton of special training since her potential power level could get to near-Phoenix levels or Wanda's Probability Manipulation if she isn't careful; Wanda manipulates probability and the laws of the universe, but Weaver's power by default breaks it. They're similar, but breaking is much more prone to causing problems. She basically has to learn how to break the universe and laws of reality in small ways to avoid causing damage to space-time.
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zyalahmiscfandom · 2 years
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X-Men Evolution Screencap redraw, once again adding my Marvel OC River into it.  I love this show and wish we could have seen the Dark Phoenix saga they were planning.   
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dhampiravidi · 6 months
X-Men OC: Achilles (aka Gambit's twin)
template taken from here
General Information
Name: Sébastien Kylian Landry Alias(es): Achilles [codename], Kylie [preferred name] Age: (see this) 19 upon enrolling in Xavier’s; late 30s as an adult Species: Homo sapien superior aka Human Mutant Ethnicity: Cajun (White/European American) Gender: genderfluid/nonconforming (he/she/they) Sexuality: Pansexual (& polyamorous) Affiliation: the X-Men
Physical Appearance (FC: Taylor Kitsch)
Kylie is a 5'10" (177.8 cm) male who engages in regular physical activity. He has brown hair that tends to look blond in certain lighting, and he keeps it shoulder-length. If he needs to, he'll tie it up, but he typically wears it loose. His eyes are a dark green, which tends to get mistaken for dark brown. Both ears are pierced, usually for small hoops or studs. When he's not on missions or anything serious, he wears black eyeliner and nail polish in solid colors. His outfit depends on how he'd like to present and usually includes muscle tees, jeans, bralettes, rompers, and the occasional dress--all casual, as he's not a fan of formal events. His X-Men suit, which is brown and black with silver accents, resembles lightweight plate armor. It's lightly padded where he'd typically have trouble guarding (below the waist, ankles, butt, etc.) His gloves are fire-resistant.
Many view Kylie as prideful, but he simply lacks the insecurities that others believe to be important to a normal sense of self. In other words, he doesn’t care much about what others of him, because they are not his family/loved ones. He’d rather have a tight circle of close friends than the approval of everyone. When he loves (in a familial or romantic sense), he loves hard, doing the most he can to keep those people happy. He also views all people as equal, so if he overhears a bully antagonizing someone, he’ll jump in to end things (his words and his fists are both fair game in his eyes). This, as well as his deeply ingrained loyalty, can easily be seen as weaknesses of his. He's a lot better with high schoolers and adults than he is with kids (they make him a little nervous).
Kylie is the younger twin brother of the mutant known as Remy LeBeau. They were born in early November, to Alison Broussard and Tom Landry of Metairie, Louisiana. Alison was only 19 while Tom was 24. She'd run from her strict Catholic family to be with him, spurred on by how much they feared her mutant ability to manipulate her own gravitational field. So when she died in childbirth, Tom was overwhelmed by the prospect of raising two kids by himself, not to mention heartbroken. He took one and abandoned the other, reasoning that it would be even harder trying to raise a child who was clearly a mutant. Tom was an unconfident father who worked two jobs to support his family, leaving Kylie to spend most of his childhood in the streets with his friends. When Kylie's mutant abilities manifested at the age of 13, he accidentally caused a lethal car crash while trying to save his friend from being hit. He later would get kicked out of his first high school, because his powers allowed him to win every fight he got into (even though he was usually defending someone else). Then, at 17, he accidentally hurt his then-boyfriend and girlfriend with his powers while they were making love. Ashamed, he joined the Army where he learned to control his powers to deadly effect. Once he returned home, he couldn't adjust to civilian life, so he started wandering the country, taking odd jobs to make ends meet. Eventually, he learned about Xavier's from a mutant he met and went there, hoping to find a place where he belonged.
Powers / Abilities:
Like his famous brother, Kylie can manipulate the kinetic energy of solids, both organic and not. He typically uses his ability to absorb it from attacking enemies or projectiles (forcing them to slow down), then uses the energy to temporarily increase his speed and strength as he retaliates. It is also possible for him to take energy from one moving object and use it to direct another. He's punched through brick and steel with ease and halted multiple bullets in midair. He can also reduce temperatures to put out flames and freeze water. If he needs to, he can use his ability to stop a person's bodily functions completely, killing them in seconds. Kylie's limits are mostly determined by how fast he can react (without prior augmentation) and how far he is from whatever he wants to take energy from. For example, it would be dangerous for him to stand in directly front of a person who's shooting at him, because he'd need to have a few seconds to absorb the kinetic energy of the bullets before they hit him. Kylie could theoretically move a football during a professional game while he sits in the stands, but it would be difficult because of how far away he is from the ball. The intense concentration this would take would leave him with a headache, if not a migraine. And when he uses stolen kinetic energy that isn't redirected, he tends to become unfocused and hyper until it "wears off".
Kylie didn't graduate high school until he went to Xavier's, because he ran off to the Army in the middle of the school year after he hurt his then-BF & GF. Recruits are supposed to have a GED or high school diploma, but strings were pulled when he revealed his mutant abilities.
He learned to play guitar at a friend's house, which was easy since he's always done well in his Music classes. Kylie's also pretty good at anything English-related & he likes reading classic novels (it helps him feel like he actually had a good time at school).
He knows some basic Persian (better at listening comprehension than speaking) and Louisiana French (conversational), in addition to his native (American) English.
More than 1 kid has said that he dresses like a pirate. Kylie finds it amusing & doesn't disagree.
In the past, Kylie's worked as a: server, bouncer, janitor, landscaper, cashier, sign flipper, dog walker, barber, and a massage therapist.
When he went to basic training for the Army, they taught Kylie a succinct combination of BJJ, judo, Muay Thai, and boxing. But in actual fights, he does whatever works, AKA punching + shoving + using his powers.
He tends to fall for men more often than other genders, but he often finds women and other genders of people to be more tolerable/platonically interesting.
Brotherhood AU: he's recruited either right after the multi-car crash (when he's 13) or when he's coming home from the Army. He's loyal to Magneto until he's told to kill a non-mutant who's been separated from their family.
Origins/Wolverine: Logan either is accidentally directed to meet him instead of Remy OR he hears & checks out their fight.
The Movies: he's been at the school for a couple years & he's in his early 20s by X1. He barely survives Jean's disintegration wave, using his own powers (but he's rendered comatose doing so).
General/Comics: he's always ready to go on a mission, partly for the adventure, partly to redeem himself, partly because fighting is all he's good at. He plays his guitar, tutors for English & serves as a voluntary punching bag for whoever needs it. Kylie's also probably fawning over whoever he's in love with.
IRL AU: after an honorable discharge from the Army (due to injuries received in battle), Kylie works to become an action star who specializes in fight scenes.
*I don’t want to write any threads dealing with live-action movies made after The Last Stand. I just don’t like their plots & some of the casting (plus the timeline confuses me SO MUCH) –anyway, I’m still down to RP with canons from then!
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cirquecutbored · 11 months
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My beloved X-Men OC. Art by the always amazing jackalakiart
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ruerock · 2 years
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guy has no one to play games with so he opens a portal to hell
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smallbutplucky · 10 months
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Is this just a Roguneto blog now? Oh well, I'm loving the art I'm creating with this muse! And what sort of a shipper would I be if I didn't come up with an OC kid for them? Name: Shilo Eisenhardt Alias: Joule (pronounced: Jool) which is a unit of energy Classification: Mutant Powers: Strong Force Generation and Manipulation -Atomic Transmutation -Energy Absorption -Flight -Superhuman Physiology: Nigh-Invulnerability, Enhanced Speed, Strength, Stamina, and Reflexes -Matter Generation -Self-Sustenance -Quantum Field Manipulation -Energy Absorption, Projection, and Alteration.
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stem-cell · 1 year
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A yearly Rabbit for the year of the rabbit! 🐇❌💛 Warlock can come too... 
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terrestrial-dracorn · 7 months
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X-Men OC!! Her name is Beverly and she goes by Chiroptera. She was briefly an X-Man before joining the Brotherhood. I will probably redesign her Brotherhood suit. The last pic is already a slight redesign of her since I decided that yea I want her hair to be hot pink.
Along with the obvious ability of flight, Bev is a low level speedster. She can only fly superfast though, and even then nowhere near as fast as like Quicksilver. However, her brain also works superfast letting her process things incredibly quickly and granting her some immunity to telepaths. She also has a secondary mutation of communicating with nature though she is unable to control nature unless she overexerts herself.
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folansstuff · 1 month
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@illyanamoonstar New phone home screen
Never thought I'd get fanart, genuinely so excited
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delannoie · 1 year
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We're just two lost souls Swimming in a fish bowl Year after year
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