#Yes I'm officially the mean old lady now
sugdenlovesdingle · 1 month
Just yelled at some 10 yr old brat in a fucking maga hat for throwing fireworks at people.
I'm pretty sure it was harmless stuff but it's hot and I'm annoyed and that kid had been doing my head in all day. He was throwing fireworks at people when I was out walking my dog earlier and now he'd moved on to a few girls of around his age.
But there are a lot of apartment buildings around here so the echo is fucking annoying.
If he's still there when I walk my dog later, I'm drop kicking him into the dirty creek next to my building.
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dxrksong · 1 year
Jason 13 au memes part two
Bruce: *slams a door on accident*
Jason 13, calling Danny on speed dial: JAIL FOR FATHER!!!!
Jason: to be fair, I forgot???
Kitty: speaking of which, hows that going out for you?
Jason: it's been....emotional.....not to mention the whord of shades trying to mother hen me 24/7
Kitty: I've been meaning to ask you about those.
Jason: I thought you wanted to talk about our relationship?
Kitty: we have communication rings, we can do that later. I'm more worried about the tall intimidating city spirit behind you.
Jason: oh that's just Gotham
Gotham: *tall black lady that can kick your ass* ;)
Kitty, sweating:
Jason: don't worry, she's nice. She's just a litte over protective of her kids.
Kitty: there's MORE of you????
The batfam:
Kitty, surrounded by baby ghost cores like stray kittens: I don't know what's worse. How much they look like you or the inane urge to just adopt them all, oh nooooooooooo!!
Jason: now you know how it feels old man.
Bruce: *confused in bat*
Kitty: crimes?
CatWoman: hell yes, kitten!
Kitty: you know considering my name it's a little odd that you're the one being all cat like.
Jason, laying his head on her lap while she cards through his hair: shut uuup, it's not like I can ask anyone else for attention like this. It'd be weeeeiiiird.
Kitty: *sighs* better hope you didn't leave your comm on.
Kitty: Johnny.
Jason: I can't remember if I turned it off or not
Dick: you know little wing, if you wanted attention you could've just asked-
Jason: SHIT!!!!!!
Spectra: so are you still dating him or..?
Kitty: you know? We died basically around the same time and we were introduced to each other first before anyone else, so we kinda just stuck together. And really everyone had kinda just started calling us boyfriend and girlfriend, and we just didn't think otherwise to correct them.
Ember: wait, so you two HAVEN'T been dating??
Kitty: it was never official, if anything it was an ongoing bet to see how long it would last before people started to notice. We're more like.....siblings but not quite. Or emotional support ghosts for each other.
Spectra: that....actually makes a lot of sense. You two are hardly seen without the other and you haven't exactly been dead for long, so it would make sense you're still settling down from the trauma of dying.
Kitty: did you just psychoanalise me?!
Spectra: You basically gave it to me on a silver platter!! It's a force of habit!!!
Jason: hey squishy
Blob ghost in Johnny 13's bike: ?
Jason: think you can get this blob ghost out of my corpse-
Squishy: *Rev's backwards out of the bat cave*
Jason: ouch! Not even my own pet will help a zombie out.
Danny: so how you feelin Jason?
Jason, sarcastically: oh just great, I've only had ONE murderous breakdown this week due to Zom!
Danny: Zom????
Jason: the blob ghost possessing me.
Danny: You named it????!
Danny: I'm telling frostbite-
Jason: Don't you DARE!
Dick: Hey, Jason? Can you come over? I need your help.
Jason, muffled by a humming noise: sorry, I don't think that'll be possible at the moment?
Dick: what do you mean by that Jay, and what is that sound?
Jason, swallowed into the shadows and getting fussed over by the shades: would you believe me if I said I got readopted by shades?
Dick: U Wot?
Batman: Jason, what's this about shades adopting you??
Jason: look I didn't ask for it, it just happened.
Bruce: and are they....good? Parents?
Jason: well they like putting me in shadow jail alot.
Batman: Shadow jail?????
Jason: not to mention the constant babying-
Bruce: WHAT?!?!
Jason: ?! Jeez Bruce!! Wha-
Jason: .....are-are you JEALOUS?!
Bruce >:'(
Dick: ok, so to recap! *pulls out a projector and a Google slide document*
Dick: Jason got reanimated by something going awry and messing with reality, accidentally reviving Jason. *click* He gets scooped up by Talia and revives him fully. *click* this leaves him with powers and uncontrollable emotional problems *click* apparently he can talk to ghosts and they are often friendly to him back. *click* so much so, according to Jason himself, he has been adopted by the entirety of the ghost population in Gotham *click* including the SPIRIT of Gotham herself.
*it's a vague drawing of what Gotham looks like*
Dick: any questions?
Tim: yeah, uh. Who's that?
Danny: hi! :D
Dick: no clue, next question!
Danny: I'm phantom! I used to beat Jason up when he used to go by Johnny 13!
Cass: does the Lazarus pit taste like lemonade?
Dick: no, it tastes more like sprite.
Duke: wait-how do you-
Jason, 'living on his own':
The Shades: :)
Squishy: :)
Gotham sometimes: :)
Kitty: :P
Danny: >:)
The various bird and/or bat: :)
Damien: :
Ember: lmao I'm the older one now! >:D
Spectra: (usually only when Kitty shows up)
Skulker: (target practice training) >:)
Technus: (built Johnny's bike believe it or not) >:)
The box ghost: (this man has dad energy, change my mind) >:)c
The lunch lady: (every growing ghost needs proper calories!) :)
Jason: ...............I need a bigger house....
Batman steps into the batcave to see green fire everywhere, Jason in his ghost form, and Damien trying to stab him with a sword.
Damien: it was Todd's idea!
Jason: Damien, you fucking snitch!
Batman: language!
Damien: yeah Hood, watch your fucking language!
Batman: DAMIEN!
(Reference to this)
Jason: remind me why you're here again?
Danny: what? Like I can't visit my favorite Rouge?
Jason: I thought that was plasmius?
Danny: he's my arch nemesis, not a rouge! He doesn't count!
Jason: if you say so. But why am I your favorite, and I'm pretty sure I no longer qualify to be one of your rouges?
Danny: dude you're the only one I can have a serious conversation about! Vlad's a fruitloop!!
Jason: yeah but at least he knows what he's taking about half the time.
Danny: psh. 'Half the time'
Danny: you can still turn into Johnny, right?
Jason: I mean if I concentrate real hard I guess? But it'll take a lot of energy.
Danny: wanna convince Vlad he's going insane?
Jason: only if I can record it.
Danny: DEAL!
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notebookqueenofnarnia · 4 months
Okay Demigods
now that Season 2 has been confirmed (!!!!!!!!!!) I am here to make my official appeal that you ALL read the books. and yes...i mean ALL the books. Because here is what you are missing if you don't:
(mostly spoiler free. mostly vibes and chaotic no context)
Percy's INCREDIBLE sarcasm
Lots of chaotic Mr. D moments
Percy's unending absolute obliviousness when it comes to: his own abilities/powers, his own feelings towards a certain daughter of Athena, and EVERYONE'S feelings towards him
the full list of Percy's felonies (it's longer than you think!)
how much Percy thinks about Annabeth, especially in the third book
The Hunters of Artemis (everyone's like 'which godly parent would you have?' but im like ??? who cares??? I'm running off with the girls to immortal to hunt men i mean monsters)
soooooooooo much Sally Jackson is the Best Mom (to everyone who walks through her door) content
Rachel. Elizabeth. Dare. (this is how the audiobook says her name every single time)
Paul Blofis
Sally Jackson, author
Poseidon: Blowfish?
If you don't read these books you are missing out on some of the coolest female characters Rick has created: PIPER (an iconic), HAZEL (unintentionally hilarious), REYNA (beautiful character arc), and ANNABETH's point of view will have you loving her on a whole other level, trust me
All The Ladies Love Leo
the audiobooks are INSANE. It felt like a full cast read the book, but no. it was just one insanely talented narrator.
Personally, I spent a lot of time reading the OG 5 wondering about how Roman mythology plays into Percy's world. Uncle Rick answered my questions and answered them SO WELL
Hazel the horse girl
Frank the horsebirddolphinman
Frank, gentle himbo, my beloved son
Forced Proximity for 7 teenagers and one chaotically violent satyr (that's Coach Hedge)
Eros/Cupid being one the most genius things Rick's ever written
Percy's hate of Ares transcending god magic
(also his love of Annabeth, but that's like obvious)
weird barely gnome things
this one giant whose name is definitely not pronounced like female anatomy
everyone thinking Percy and Annabeth are constantly getting up to the hanky panky
a statue made me cry
Gay Grumpy/Sunshine (or should that be Death/Sunshine) origins!!
Apollo, vain himbo of godly proportions is forced to live as Lester Papadopoulos
Percy: why
a very chaotic twelve year old daughter of Demeter
she commands Apollo around
plant magic
terrible great haikus at the start of every chapter
Sally Jackson being the best mom to everyone who comes to her door
magic shoes
a sassy magic prophetic arrow that talks in Shakespearean English
so much gay grumpydeath/sunshine content
also yes sunshine's dad is Apollo
Apollo sings
Grover! Piper! Reyna! Hazel! All the friends! Everyone
Jason! (also im sorry)
what if there were some trees who were an elite squad of warriors who also answer to the chaotic twelve year old
gay moms of the midwest
in the last book, chiron takes the campers on a 'field trip' to help take down the big baddie and he shows up dressed as a warrior soccer mom with granola bars, water bottles, and extra swords attached to his fanny pack
a different chaotic twelve year old while fighting to the death in a building that's on fire: "CAN WE GO ON FIELD TRIPS EVERY WEEK?"
okay im not going to spoil it but in the last book there is also this extremely horrifyingly violent moment that Uncle Rick somehow turns into one of the most hilarious things i've ever read
Piper in the epilogue
more insanely funny percy first person narration
Grover, Percy, Annabeth reunite ("the gang is back together!" "The three musketeers!" "Shrek, Fiona, and Donkey!" "Excuse me?")
have you met the god of himbos? (Percy has)
for Season one. you can totally see how Uncle Rick worked on the script and chalice together
if you liked Annabeth shoving Percy into the water....this one is for you
Percy, supreme god of snakes
the cutest cutest cutest cutest Percabeth content you will ever read
hippie gods (yes more than one)
Percy is literally obsessed with Annabeth
Annabeth already being the Jackson daughter in law
Sally Jackson and Paul and
For the record: You CAN read Chalice of the Gods without reading the other series, but please please please read all these books. The audiobooks are phenomenal.
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sansa286 · 9 days
Political Reasons to Support Either Team (Season 2 Edition)
Let's say you're a Westerosi citizen, noble or smallfolk, and the Dance of the Dragons has started. We'll pick up right where season 1 ends and season 2 begins. This will focus solely on the political side of things and will not bring into account outside factors like character analysis; while yes, we the audience know Aemond killing Luke was an accident, the average person in Westeros does not, and likely never will. This is about what a Westerosi citizen might be thinking, not why an audience member might side with one team over the other. I put "Season 2 Edition" because this is bound to change as the series progresses and I may have to update as the war escalates.
We're going to start with Team Green as they currently hold King's Landing and, sanctioned or not, on purpose or not, with Luke's death, they're the one's who've officially called for war.
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1.) Precedent is Maintained
With Aegon being named king, the precedent that men and boys come before women and girls in succession is maintained. Notice I said precedent and not law, as we've seen numerous times, including in the time period House of the Dragon takes place in, that notion can and does get challenged. But it's still something widely accepted. If you're a the first son, then you will more than likely be Team Green because if Rhaenyra takes the throne, then that means the older sister(s) you have could pose a real threat to what you believe is truly yours. So, in a way, not only is the precedent maintained, so is stability in the realm, as quarreling and attempted usurpations between sisters and brothers won't be normalized.
2.) Cultural Significance
While King's Landing is the capitol of Westeros, Oldtown is the largest city in and home to two of some of the most important cultural institutions in the country: the Faith of the Seven with the Starry Sept and the Citadel. Aegon is not only half-Hightower from his mother, the previous Queen Consort, but he also has a member of House Hightower as his Hand on his Small Council. House Hightower's support actually means a lot in this scenario because they themselves are one of the most influential houses in Westeros at this time. They're an ancient house, have maintained their status, respect, and wealth. They've also been involved with the royal family for some time. This connection to a cultural hub in Westeros will also impress the smallfolk, who may view Team Green as more "relatable" due to their Reach connections. Alicent donning Faith of the Seven jewelry and placing symbols of it throughout the castle is not just simply a show of faith, but also a way to signal to the other lords and ladies "hey, I'm like you."
3.) Well-Seasoned Politicians
The people that currently sit on Aegon's council are mostly well-seasoned and well-known politicians who've helped Viserys rule over a relatively peaceful period in Westeros; these familiar faces will be seen as a symbol for the continued prosperity Westeros can have under Aegon as he is surrounded by good advisors. In contrast to Rhaenyra, who will probably not keep her father's old Small Council (as they plotted her downfall for a decade plus) and thus things will be unsure, however, you can rest assured Daemon will surely be sitting at that table. From a nobleman standpoint this will make you uneasy, as you don't trust Daemon, who's made it a point to make a lot of enemies.
Now let's move on to Team Black, who currently have the ball in their court.
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1.) Active and Experienced Leader
Rhaenyra sat on her father's Small Council for over a decade and ruled Dragonstone, the seat of the heir, for about six years with virtually no hiccups. And in that time, she birthed several children. Simply put: she's shown her dedication to the craft of learning to rule and engaging with it. Aegon does not have that reputation at all. Rhaenyra had rumors surrounding the paternity of her children, but to someone who values good leadership from the person in charge and not just their Small Council, Rhaenyra is clearly the way to go.
2.) Male-Preference Primogeniture Has Run Its Course (into the ground)
Say you're one of the several women in Westeros who currently holds a land and title, and you're sick of being challenged by your male family members, some being quite obscure, for your birthright. Say you're a lord with only daughters and would like your house to continue through one of them over your brother, nephew or cousin without any detractors or the potential of one of your daughters getting attacked once you've died. Perhaps you have really a crappy son(s) and a well-rounded older daughter(s) who show better potential for ruling well and you'd just simply prefer absolute primogeniture for the sake of your house. While there is no guarantee that Rhaenyra will implement this policy universally, if you try to go against the grain and name a woman or girl as your heir, you will have a reference point from the highest seat of power in the country.
3.) Respecting Wishes
Let's be honest: no one has an actual reason to believe Alicent when she said Viserys wanted Aegon to be the heir right before he died. While she definitely believes that, and while the audience knows that Viserys never intended for Aegon to be king, even in context, it sounds like a lie and no one, not even people on Team Green, believe her. If people playing on her team don't believe her, why would anyone else? For over twenty years, Viserys maintained that he wanted Rhaenyra as his heir, never waivered, and had witnesses both in the court session and at the following dinner affirm his decision to keep her as his heir. Put it simply: if you're someone with any sort of power, this would be quite concerning. If the king cannot have his wishes honored even in death, then what's stopping someone from doing the same to you?
BONUS: Neither/Both
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If you're a member of the smallfolk, you'll be screwed over by war regardless of who wins. Crops will get burned, towns raided, family murdered and assaulted etc... The succession aspect doesn't matter to you, because you nor your family will ever have an ancestral seat, so what do you care? Hoping for a peaceful resolution between the family or not giving a damn about either is a more than sensible stance to take.
If you're a member of the nobility, playing it safe by waiting out the war and accepting whoever wins or only claiming a side when there's a clear winner is also a viable option. You nor any of your family or armies have to risk their lives in battle, and you'll keep your land. But, you might get a reputation for being a fence-sitter and get perpetually side-eyed by whoever the ruling monarch ends up being.
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illuminatedquill · 7 months
Sabine Wren x Ahsoka Tano
His Life In Your Hands
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Story Summary: In the early days of her Jedi training, Sabine struggles using Ezra’s lightsaber. Ahsoka comes to realize why - and recognizes the danger it represents to her Padawan’s future as a Jedi.
Sabine moved forward, the green-white blade of her lightsaber coming down in an overhead slash.
It met with the pure white blade of one of Ahsoka's lightsabers; she nodded in approval. "Parry."
Her other lightsaber swept forward, aiming for Sabine's mid-section. The younger woman stepped back and blocked the move - barely. The white blade clashed against the green-white in clumsy fashion with a violent hiss.
Ahsoka saw Sabine's teeth clench in aggravation, straining to maintain the position.
The Jedi Knight noted the trembling in her Padawan's arms. Muscle fatigue, she realized. Not unusual after a lightsaber sparring session, but they hadn't even gone ten minutes.
Ahsoka closed down her lightsabers. "That's enough for today," she declared.
Sabine, face shiny with sweat, blinked in disbelief before shutting down her own. "That's it? That was so short!"
They were in Ahsoka's T6 shuttle, currently travelling between worlds. The sparring room, customary to all Jedi shuttlecraft, was brightly lit and clean with soft padding on the floors and walls. It was well stocked with everything a Jedi would need for training exercises; no small feat, especially after the Empire's purge.
It would never replace the Jedi Temple, but it was more than up to the task.
And, more importantly, it had served as Ahsoka's home for quite some time.
Huyang, Ahsoka's friend and droid, stood in a corner, observing the training. "You are improving, Lady Wren," said the droid. "That was almost ten minutes this time."
Sabine wiped the sweat from her brow. "Oh," she muttered, embarrassment coloring her tone. "That long, huh."
"It's progress," encouraged Ahsoka. "But you won't get much farther if you don't master that lightsaber."
Sabine paused and looked down at the lightsaber in her grip. Through the Force, Ahsoka could sense the usual tumultuous swirl of emotions her Padawan felt whenever she contemplated the weapon.
Oh, more importantly, who gave it to her.
"Is it still heavy?" asked Ahsoka.
"Yeah," Sabine replied, frustrated. "It comes and it goes, though. Feels light as a feather some days; others it feels like I'm dragging it through water."
Her padawan's grip tightened. "It shouldn't be. I don't understand. I've used it before."
"Briefly," reminded Ahsoka. "But now you are using it full time in your own training as a Jedi."
"And it's not mine," muttered Sabine. "It's Ezra's."
Ah, thought Ahsoka. That might be the problem.
"He gave it to you, Sabine," Ahsoka replied. "It's yours now. Do you understand what that means?"
Her padawan was uncharacteristically quiet, still contemplating the weapon. "A Jedi's weapon is their life," Sabine finally said.
She looked up at her master. "Ezra . . . gave me his life."
Ahsoka nodded. "It's rare for a Jedi to give away their lightsaber."
"How rare?"
Ahsoka looked to Huyang. The droid, with all his years of Jedi knowledge and history perserved in his memory banks, shook his head. "You know well as I do, Lady Tano. Rumors, here and there. But there was only one officially recorded in recent history until Ezra Bridger."
Ahsoka looked away. Anakin.
"So, it's an exclusive club then," said Sabine. "Great. No pressure." She seemingly hadn't noticed her master's sudden discomfort.
Ahsoka shook herself free of old memories. Time to focus on the now.
"My belief, Sabine, is that your struggles with the lightsaber stem from not being in tune with your feelings."
Sabine frowned. "You mean just like with the darksaber?"
"Yes. There is something you must face within yourself in order to sync with the kyber crystal inside. An emotional block that must be lifted." Ahsoka searched her padawan's eyes, wondering . . .
"What? You mean my feelings for Ezra?" Sabine asked, her tone incredulous.
Ahsoka felt her heart sink. There it is.
"Your words, not mine," replied Ahsoka. "Sleep on it tonight and have an answer for me in the morning."
My feelings for Ezra. Even now the words bounced around in her head, making her cringe with each resurgence of the statement.
Why had she said that? Sabine tossed in her bunk, exhausted after another day's practice but still unable to fall asleep.
"He's Ezra," she muttered out loud. "What else is there to say? Why is that making it hard to wield his lightsaber?"
"Because you have not yet accepted the gift he has given you," said a voice from the doorway.
Sabine jerked at the voice. It was Huyang, standing there with his arms clasped behind his back.
"Huyang," she breathed. "Didn't the Jedi give you proper etiquette programming? You almost gave me a heart attack."
"I have been knocking on your door for the past minute," replied Huyang, wryly. "Your mutterings seem to have blocked out the noise."
Sabine winced; rubbing at the back of her neck to cover the embarrassment, she motioned for the droid to enter. "Well, come on in, then."
"Thank you." The droid walked over to her desk and sat on the chair there.
Sabine moved to an upright sitting position to properly face the droid. "Huyang, what did you mean by that? That I haven't properly accepted Ezra's gift?"
"It is an enormous act for a Jedi to trust their life with someone else. You know this."
"I think I've used his lightsaber fairly well," Sabine pointed out.
Huyang shook his head. "I am not speaking of the physical weapon. I am speaking of what it represents. Ezra put his life in your hands. It is yours now."
The droid leaned forward. "It is a huge and sacred responsibility. And one that I believe you are struggling with."
Sabine mused on that. "And why am I struggling with it?"
"You tell me, Lady Wren."
Sabine reached over and grabbed the lightsaber from her desk. She turned the weapon over in her hands, taking in every detail, feeling its weight and its history.
Feeling its owner; all the care and effort he put into making it.
She smiled, despite her heart aching. Ezra's presence was all over the lightsaber and it felt like seeing her old friend again.
Finally, she replied, "I'm struggling because . . . I don't know if I'm equal to it. What he gave me."
"Precisely," Huyang agreed.
"And what do you think, Huyang? Am I worthy to wield it?"
Huyang considered her for a moment, before saying, "I do not believe Ezra would have given his lightsaber to you, otherwise. There was no one else. He placed his faith in you to finish what he started, above any one else."
"His life in my hands," murmured Sabine. She was finally starting to appreciate what Ezra had done for her; what he had given her.
"You know, it almost sounds romantic," she said.
There was a long pause from Huyang before he spoke again. "In a way . . . it is, Lady Wren."
She almost dropped the lightsaber. "What, really? I thought Jedi were forbidden to have relationships?"
"Not exactly," Huyang replied. "Attachment was forbidden for a Jedi; they must have the clarity of judgment in order to make the right decision, after all."
"But they couldn't get married. Or have romantic relationships."
"That is correct, Lady Wren."
Sabine said, thoughtfully, "But that was with the old Jedi Order. We're building something new."
"I . . . suppose."
"So the old rules don't necessarily apply anymore. I mean, Kanan and Hera had a kid."
"That is true. I cannot say for certain how a new Jedi Order would operate. I can only tell you what came before."
Sabine ran her hand over the lightsaber again. "Thanks, Huyang. This talk really helped me sort some things out."
"Of course, Lady Wren. I shall see you tomorrow morning." The droid departed, leaving Sabine alone with her thoughts.
"Your life in my hands, Ezra Bridger," she said, quietly. Raising the lightsaber in front of her, she ignited it, basking in the glow from the emerald blade.
A romantic gesture, she thought. And then you disappeared right afterwards.
My feelings for Ezra.
The weapon grew lighter in her hands. She blinked and then said it aloud, "My feelings for Ezra."
Even lighter. She blinked and then closed down the blade.
In the darkness, she felt her cheeks warm. Is that really it?
She held the hilt up and stared at it for a few moments.
Then, quietly, she said, "Well, you're the only one who will hear it."
And she said three words, then re-ignited the lightsaber. The emerald blade sang and it felt light as a feather.
Sabine smiled in the dark.
Ahsoka noted the improvement immediately in the next day's practice session. There was a confidence in Sabine's movements and a surety in her strikes and parries that was absent before. And the lightsaber blade seemed much lighter in her padawan's hands.
But, for whatever reason, that made her uneasy. Huyang had filled her in on his conversation with Sabine the night prior; she had not been pleased at the direction it had taken.
After an hour, Ahsoka called for a break. "You're handling it much better today," she reported. "I suppose you've worked through your block?"
"I have," said Sabine. She stood straight up and looked her master in the eyes.
"And what is your answer?"
"I love Ezra," Sabine replied, matter-of-fact.
Ahsoka frowned. It was the truth - it rang clearly with the clarity of a rung bell; but it wasn't the whole truth. Ahsoka sensed that her padawan's feelings for Ezra ran much deeper than she even knew.
But it was a good step forward that Sabine was at least acknowledging it.
Yet it could also be a step in the wrong direction; Ahsoka knew how easily even a fully trained Jedi Knight could lose their way.
I know it all too well.
"Sabine," she said, hesitantly. "Being a Jedi will be a full-time commitment. I need to know that you'll be able to do it . . . without the fear of losing what you cherish most."
Her padawan was still, her face composed to a neutral mask - but Ahsoka could sense the tumultuous swirl of emotions that represented Sabine's usual state sharpen into a dangerous sort of clarity.
"That won't be a problem," declared Sabine. "Ezra gave me his life. I will protect it." Her eyes burned as she finished, "No matter the cost."
Ahsoka glanced at Huyang. The droid shared a pensive look with her.
Something to keep an eye on for the future, she thought.
But that was the future. She needed to focus on the now and ensure Sabine didn't go down the same road as Anakin did.
Or, at least, she privately amended, I will try. Nothing was certain.
Ahsoka nodded at Sabine. "Very well. Raise your blade, Padawan. Let us move on to the next lesson."
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 2 months
The King and I
Chapter Five: The Monarch of Sweden
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Featuring King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden
During an official visit to IEA headquarters, King Carl XVI Gustaf led a high-level delegation of officials, academics and business leaders taking part in a roundtable meeting on the emerging global energy crisis and the importance of clean energy technologies with myself and other senior figures from the Agency. The day before the visit, my boss came to talk to me, wanting me to work my magic and get this proposal through. She knows I’d do what even it takes to get the deal done, even sleep with clients.
I'm a 29-year-old man, blonde-haired with supermodel looks. My athletic body with my tight ass, 8' cock, a smile that could light up a room and seductive eyes, I could make just about any man mine. 
But the married, 77-year-old monarchy in Sweden?  
Well, I wasn't sure of that. But I just didn't know how to say "no thank you" to this lady. She knows how to nudge people into doing things her way.
By the next day, all I was thinking about was King Carl. I was picturing him with his multiple castles, gleaming medals, and plenty of wealth, looking down on the common folks. I hoped that was not the case, but suddenly, I wasn't too excited about my assignment. Yet that afternoon, I knocked on the conference room door where the king waited.
"Good afternoon, Your Majesty. I'm James Avery, I'll be presenting the company's proposal."
"Good afternoon, Mr. Avery. How nice to meet you. Do please get started." Said the very imposing man sitting at the conference table.
He looked handsome. Silver hair with a receding hairline and a slender build. His eyes were friendly and warm yet enigmatic. Like there was more to him than he was willing to reveal. I was getting interested in him again, until I remembered he was straight. I endeavored in vain with the plan, going over our proposal to the impeccably groomed, white-haired man who now looked intently at me.
It almost felt like he was checking me out, I thought to myself. I tried to keep myself from smiling as I was entertaining that idea. Just then, I decided that I might just have some fun with him. I always had a thing for older guys.
I dropped some of my paperwork and I made sure to bend down with ass in his direction so he could notice it. I peeked behind and yep, he was staring dead at it. He even smiled at me as he settled into his leather chair.
I could almost see the gears in his head. Was I flirting with him or was it all in his head? I decided to press on, "Your Majesty, I'm glad I was able to speak to you. I can't stress how important it is to have a back door… I mean an open-door policy."
I watched carefully as I "mistakenly" said, "back door" and saw all I needed to see as he turned slightly in his chair, and I saw his bulge. I had him right where I wanted him as he sat there, not knowing what to do next.
I walked over to him and asked, "Is there something I can do to ease your concerns on our proposal?"
His face turned red and just shook his head as if there was nothing I could do. But I knew what was going on in his head. He's debating on wanting to fuck me or not.
We sat there for an awkward minute as he had his internal struggle, so I chose to take things to next level.
"When was the last time you had your cock sucked, Your Majesty?" He didn't budge as I caught him off guard. His lower lip seemed to quiver a bit as if words were trying to be formed, but my now sexual presence was suffocating them.
"Does your wife take good care of you, Your Majesty? Does she suck your cock every night? Does she make you feel good?" I whispered, looking into his eyes.
He slowly shook his head no as I kneeled in front of him.
"May I Your Majesty?" I asked licking my lips.
With his lips still quivering, he nodded yes as I slid my hands up and down his legs. Putting on my most sincere face, I thanked him while unbuckling his belt so I could undo his slacks. Reaching into his underwear, I was rewarded with a nice cock. It was about 8 inches, thick, veiny, and most importantly, hard. I licked from the bottom of his shaft to the tip, taking in his musky smell as he shuddered in pleasure. It felt so erotic.
His Majesty gripped the arms of his leather chair as I slid my lips over his manhood and went to work. I could feel the veins on his cock as my lips glided up and down. Looking up to see his glazed over eyes told me everything I needed to know. I had him right where I wanted him. He's going to agree with the deal.
I was going to milk this old king and leave him wanting more, sucking him off for everything it was worth. My head bobbed as his moans got louder and louder. Eventually, he built enough courage to lay a hand on my shoulder as my hands slipped under his ass so I could take him deeper.
Next thing I knew, he grabbed me behind the head, pulling my face toward his crotch, and forcing his cock down my throat. I managed to take inch after inch of his thick dick down my throat until my lips were pressed against his pubic hairs. I let his cock hit the back of my throat a couple times before I released his cock from my mouth with a gasp and I jerked him off so I could catch my breath.
I was feeling really slutty, with one thought on my mind as I let his cock free of my mouth again and spat on it to lube it more. I’ve never been fucked by a king, and I wanted Carl to fuck me.
“Fuck me!” I told him, but not waiting for his answer as I stood up and jerked my pants and boxer shorts down, bent over the conference table, jetting my butt in his direction.
His Majesty didn’t answer, he just looked at his cock and then over at me. I guess the sight of my ass overcame me not being a woman because the old king got behind me, pausing for a moment to spit in his hand.  
A moment later I felt his slippery dick head pressing against my asshole. I relaxed as best as I could and gasped as the head pushed past the ring of muscle and into me, working the whole 8" into me till his hips pressed against my ass. I was in heaven having my hole stretched by a hard cock, feeling his heartbeat inside me though his pulsing manhood.
“You got a nice tight asshole.” The old king said almost angrily as he gripped my hips firmly and began to stroke in and out of me, slowly at first. He’d pull out till the head almost slipped out then thrust it smoothly back in, each entry into me I gasped out loud.
Eventually, his rhythm began to pick up speed and he grunted with pleasure. The smell of musk and sex filled my senses, and it was intoxicating.
As if knowing someone would come in soon or wanting to blow his load, His Majesty pumped into me faster and harder forcing more moans and gasps from me.
"GOD YES! Fuck me Your Majesty, Fuck me!"
That spurred him on as he thrust fully into me digging his fingers into my hips and grunted holding himself deep in me.
He began spraying my insides with his hot royal seed. I could feel it in me and knowing that I was being breed by the king of Sweden had me cumming on the floor. Carl was panting as if he'd just ran a marathon as quickly put himself away.
Later, the king and his delegation agreed with our proposal, helping us deal with global energy crisis and make up a lot of money in the process. And King Carl gave his personal number to keep him up to date with our progress.  
I wondered if he even still had sex with his wife. Oh well, it didn't matter. It would be much better if they didn't. I've found that men will do almost anything for sex. Especially really good sex.
As they left, I secretly told His Majesty, "I’ll personally keep you updated Yor Majesty…"
With that, he left smiling. Another satisfied customer.
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supernovasilence · 4 months
Casmund au: Edmunds mother calling Caspian Edmund's beau. Since shes the first to come around she soon adores Caspian and how much he makes her son happy(if she could she'd brag about him to her lady friends at tea) Caspian is Helen's favorite in law. Even though technically Casmund is not married(they might be in Narnia)
I'm dying because yes, Helen would love Caspian. He makes her son so happy and he's handsome and charming and a perfect gentleman and she absolutely would brag about him at tea. She calls him her son and everything thinks she means he's like a son because he's orphaned and a dear family friend. But secretly she means son-in-law. Except then I started thinking about Caspian and Edmund being married in Narnia and now I have so many ideas.
Imagine right before the final battle in VDT, Caspian realizing it's now or never and asking Edmund "In case we don't get through this...will you marry me?"
Edmund is shocked because you're asking this now? They might die, and even if they don't, they both know this is the reason Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace were brought to Narnia; they will likely not stay long after the battle. That's exactly why, Caspian tells Edmund. If they only have a little time left together, Caspian wants Edmund to be fully his for it.
So they have a very hasty wedding (Drinian officiates, Lucy is Edmund's best man and Reepicheep is Caspian's), they fight sea serpents, and then they have to say goodbye.
OR imagine Caspian telling Edmund "In case we don't get through this...I want you to know I think of you as my brother" because he wants to ask Edmund to marry him but loses his nerve at the last moment. Wouldn't it be cruel, to offer Edmund his heart and his hand right when they are about to be separated? But after the battle Aslan tells Caspian "There is a question you did not ask earlier, but this is a place of endings and beginnings both. It would be meet to ask it here." Caspian asks Edmund to marry him, Edmund says yes, and Aslan marries them, there at the edge of the world.
OR OR there's the comedy version. I wrote a fic (Favor for a Knight) where the ring Caspian wears in VDT is an old one of Edmund's that Caspian took from Cair Paravel's treasure vault after PC, thinking he'd never see Edmund again. What if there's some quirk of Narnia law and oops, they're now legally married? Caspian doesn't realize until Edmund and Lucy tell him. Caspian is horrified he forced a king of old into marriage, and Edmund thinks Caspian was trying to wear a momento of Susan's, and both keep insisting they'll figure out how to dissolve the marriage because they think the other one wants to. Meanwhile Lucy can see they're both head over heels and is trying so hard to get them to tell each other. So hard. They're both pining oblivious disasters.
But no matter what scenario, they have to say goodbye, and then Caspian gets his second chance in England. And one day Helen is sighing that it's a shame Edmund and Caspian can't get married. And they look at each other, and Edmund awkwardly says, "well...we sort of already are."
(Helen is delighted and also so disappointed she missed it. They have another, private ceremony out in the country at the Professor's house so she and the rest of the family can attend.)
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mpregnateyourocs · 10 months
My Problem With Countess Strahd
I know I'm going to get flack on the lesbian vampire website for disliking the lesbian vampire, but the truth is I don't dislike genderbending Strahd, what I dislike is the way she is implemented, partly this is because there is a very popular fan supplement that does exactly what I DON'T want to see in a female Strahd.
Spoilers below the cut, and also bitching
I understand why some DMs want to genderbend Strahd. Maybe the themes of abuse that come with the story are more palatable when it's a woman doing the abuse. Maybe bisexual vampire lady sexy. Maybe the DM can't do male voices. As I said, nothing wrong with wanting Countess Strahd, the problem comes in how she's portrayed.
Strahd's character is fairly well known. A powerful and intelligent general, he turned to dark powers out of a fear of his own mortality. Right off the bat, that's a great villain, regardless of gender. But so many people who want "female Strahd" don't settle for "male Strahd but with different pronouns, they want to make her...A Woman.
The DMs who genderbend Strahd always feel compelled to change major aspects of her character and backstory. And THAT is where I start to have problems.
When it comes to the personality, rather than play him as the arrogant, commanding, lawful evil monster he is, female Strahd tends to be a seductress who manipulates her way to the top of the pile, using her looks and Feminine Wiles to get what she wants. Gone is the commanding and deadly attitude, now she's someone who lurks in the shadows, often lying to the party and claiming she's much less dangerous than she really is.
Which ties back into the backstory changes. Strahd was the firstborn son, raised to be a king and a general, spending his entire life at war. Female Strahd never gets to be a general or a king. The story is always changed so she is forced to marry a man (usually abusive) and all she wants is to be taken seriously for her big brain. Her resentment toward Sergei is changed so that, rather than being jealous that he had an easy life and she had to fight, he gets to be king and she is passed over.
"This makes sense" a DM says, "that a woman in ye olde timese would want to be king but couldn't." Except it only makes sense because you decided that Strahd's homeland was a patriarchal society. Except we know almost nothing about Strahd's homeland and what little we do know does not suggest a firstborn daughter couldn't rule. You're literally making up sexism where it doesn't exist. All in the name of making Strahd a grrrlboss struggling to Fight The Patriarchy!
Usually this leads to problems, when you make a female Strahd with a more sympathetic backstory than male Strahd, 9/10 times the DM goes running to the CoS DM subreddit crying 'my players want to redeem Strahd what do I doooo???'
The handling of Ireena and Tatyana is perhaps the most varied change with a female Strahd. Some just have her be bisexual and chasing after a female Ireena, some have her be bisexual and chasing after a male Ireena or Ismark. If Tatyana is a woman a DM will often make it so either Strahd couldn't confess because "that's forbidden love!" or she and Tatyana were having an affair but that mean Sergei forced Tatyana to marry him (once again back to the "I've made female Strahd more sympathetic than male Strahd" problem). Sometimes things get...weird like changing it so Strahd is actually Tatyana's abusive mother, which is an oddly common thing. A female villain MUST be a mother, because that's a plot for Women.
Incidentally, this is similar to the reason why most Villain Tatyana leave a bad taste in my mouth. Tatyana is a character we get no unbiased information about, what little there is about her in Official Books is written from the point of view of Strahd who, being in love with her, is the most biased a person can get. What we do know of her is that she was ultimately a victim, of Strahd, of Sergei, and of the games cosmic forces played with their lives. She is strong, yes, breaking free of a vampire and throwing herself off a cliff rather than just 'giving in' takes strength. But ultimately she was the victim, she was the one who suffered the most. So taking a victim and going "oh she's evil now she wants to do bad things and now you have to kill her" is maybe the most distasteful interpretation of the Tatyana story that exists.
Anyway, there is no real conclusion other than if you're going to give Strahd (bigger) boobs she should still be Strahd and not Sexy Vampiress.
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catierambles · 3 months
Blood Moon Ch.16
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Pairing: Syverson x Annalisa Caulfield (OFC)
Sy let them know that he couldn't shift back right away and would have to wait a few hours before he as able to do so. Annalisa called Pendulum and let them know he wouldn't be in for his shift, but to call if anything major happened. The picnic table around back was in pieces but Annalisa said she would replace it. The dogs had initially barked at him when they saw him, but it just took one good sniff for them to recognize him, Aika being the first to approach him. The kids and their moms had left hours ago before this whole thing started, so it was just them in the house.
He ended up sitting on the floor as he was too big for the couch, Annalisa sitting in a recliner behind him, running her fingers through the fur at the top of his head idly as they watched TV.
What, Mikey? You're starin' again.
“Does it hurt?” Mike asked, “I mean, the sounds we heard...”
Yeah. Yeah it does. A lot.
“Oh.” He said, “You said you're not yourself.”
No, I ain't. After the shift, I'm...I'm wild and dangerous. Ain't nothin' human upstairs. If you came across me like that, it wouldn't see you as family. It'd see you as prey.
“But not Annie.” Pete said.
Annie is my Mate, it sees her as it's Mate. She's the only one who'd be safe around me like that.
“We have something similar,” Annalisa said, leaning forward to wrap her arms around his shoulders, “Sy is mine.”
“What's the alternative?” Mike asked.
“Annie said you couldn't do the “alternative” when you grabbed the roast.” He said, “What's the alternative?”
That's uh...somethin' you don't need to know. He said and there was a moment before the epiphany crossed over his face.
“Oh.” Mike said.
“What?” Brian asked, “What's the—” Mike gave him a look and his eyes went a little wide, “Oh. Really?”
“Damn.” Jack said chuckling, “Seein' you in a whole new way, girly.”
“I'm a four hundred year old vampire, and that's what changes how you see me?”
“And here I suggested you were too young for'im.” Denise said, “Four hundred years old. You don't look a day over twenty-two.”
“Twenty, actually.” She said with a shrug. “I was twenty when I was Turned.”
“By who?” Pete asked.
“My husband.”
“You're married?” Denise asked with an arched brow.
“My late husband.”
“Oh, well, foot meet mouth.” She said, “My condolences.”
“Thank you.”
Babe, I never asked. How long were you two married before...
“Twenty-five years.” She said, “We had just celebrated our anniversary when he...when he was killed.”
“I'm sorry, Annie.” Brian said, “They catch the guy?”
“Thank you.” She said, “And no, they didn't. You have to remember, police work and medicine then was nowhere near how it is now. Yes, my husband was a Lord, but his official cause of death was listed as a hemorrhage, and therefore natural causes. They just didn't have the knowledge or technology to look into it further.”
“He was a Lord?” Pete asked and she nodded. “That'd make you a Lady, yeah?”
Lady Caulfield. Sy said, reaching up to hold her arms.
“I haven't been a true Lady for a very long time.” She said, resting her head on his.
You'll always be my Lady.
“You two are gross.” Jake said and Sy kicked, catching his chair and sending the whole thing tipping backwards with a crash, making the others laugh including their parents.
Sy shifted back a couple hours later, taking the others by surprise as they hadn't seen the initial transformation. He laid there on the floor for a bit afterwards, breathing through it with his eyes closed.
“You—” Brian started, “You good?”
“Yeah.” He panted, giving him a thumbs up before resting his hand on his chest again, “M'good.”
“That was...” Pete said, “Somethin'.”
“Yeah.” He said and gently pat one of the dogs, a Rottweiler named Peaches, as she licked his face in concern.
"Some leftover pain?" Denise asked and he nodded. "You need anythin'?"
"It'll pass." He said, "My body had to remake itself, there's gonna be some side effects."
"You know," Jack started, "We gotta coyote problem at the farm. The dogs have been keepin’em away, but I don’t want to risk them gettin’ bold and tryin’ their luck with one of the goats or the chickens.”
"Jack!" Denise snapped, "You ain't possibly takin' advantage of our sons condition!"
"It's all right, ma." Sy said, sitting up with a grunt. "I'll come over next full moon, put a scare into'em, let'em know to move on."
"I'd appreciate it. You tell me when, and I'll head to the butchers, get you something bigger than a roast to eat." Jack said, "Unless you and Annie want to go with the alternative." He winked at her and her face heated making him laugh.
“You have a farm?” Annalisa asked, eager to change the subject, and he nodded.
“Livestock mainly. Dairy cows, goats, sheep for fleece, chickens for eggs. Some crops, but just so they have quality feed I know ain’t filled with bullshit.” Jack said, “You ever been on a farm?”
“My father owned land, had a small flock of sheep he tended. He also had some crops, mainly to feed us, but he sold the excess harvest when there was some. Between that and coin I sent home from my job, my family was comfortable. Not wealthy by any means, but...comfortable. My brothers helped him when I went to work in the city.”
“What did you do?” Pete asked.
“I was a maid.” She said, “It’s how I met Markus—my late husband. I was a maid for his estate.”
“No, Pete, he didn’t take advantage of’er.” Sy said, “Been down that road already.”
“But he—”
“You weren’t there.” Sy said, cutting him off again, “Don’t make assumptions.”
“Right, sorry, almost made an ass of myself.” Pete said and she gave him a gentle smile.
“It’s quite all right.” She said, “Sy came to the same conclusion you did, it’s what our first fight was about.” She reached out, running her fingers through the stubble covering Sy’s scalp and his eyes closed, swaying into her touch slightly.
“You went from hired help to Lady of the house?” Denise asked and she nodded. “Musta made your mama proud.”
“She was.” Annalisa said with a somewhat wistful smile, “She liked Markus and she liked that he treated me well. He got some grief from others for marrying someone of “lower birth” but he didn’t care. He loved me, and I loved him.”
“Any kids?” Brian asked.
“I’m incapable of having children.” Annalisa said, “And not because of the vampirism.”
“I forgot he was one too.” Brian said and she chuckled. “Vampires can have kids?”
“If the person was able to before being Turned, yes.”
“A blood drinkin’ baby?” Jake asked.
“No, actually, their...dietary requirements are normal as they age, but once they reach full maturity around mid-twenties, they stop aging and their needs align with their parents.” She explained, “I’ve met a few, they’re no different than any other child. You met Frost, right Sy?”
“Yeah, she’s cool.” Sy said.
“She’s Sweeney’s daughter.”
“No shit?” He asked, looking back at her over his shoulder and she nodded.
“Wait,” Mike said, “The Marilyn Monroe looking platinum blonde with the pale blue eyes?”
“We call her Frost because she looks like Emma Frost from the X-Men.” Annalisa said, “She loves the comics, so she adores that nickname. She got her hair color from her mom, but Sweeney dyes her hair black so you can’t tell.”
“I love those comics, I’ll have to ask her what her favorite run is next time I see her.” Mike said.
“She’ll talk your ear off about them.” Annalisa warned.
“Trust me,” Brian said, “Don’t get this one started on video games or comics, he won’t shut up.”
"Nothing wrong with having something to be passionate about." She said, "Bring it up with her, Mike, she doesn't often have the chance to talk about it, it'll make her night."
“Who’s the dad?” Sy asked, “Anyone at the clubs?”
“Eugene.” Annalisa said.
“Are you fuckin’ serious?” He asked, looking at her again, and she nodded, “He’s two steps from bein’ your stalker and he’s got a kid with another woman?”
“Eugene?” Mike asked.
“Renaud.” Annalisa said and he snorted.
“His real name is Eugene? Try-hard.” Mike said.
“This Eugene someone we don’t like?” Denise asked.
“Can I?” Sy asked and Annalisa nodded. He didn’t go into detail, but he did let them know the circumstances, how Eugene had taken advantage of Annalisa while she was in a vulnerable state after her husband was killed.
“Shithead.” Jack said with a scowl. “Why do you keep him around?”
“He’s my second-in-command in the coven—a group of vampires—and he’s good with the public relations end when it comes to the clubs. I handle the business end and the staff, he handles the press and marketing. He hasn’t done anything to warrant banishment, so kicking him out would cause too many waves.”
“Understandable.” Jack said, clicking his tongue against his teeth. “Don’t like it, or him, but I understand it.” Denise got up from her chair telling them she would be right back, heading up the stairs to the upper floor, coming back down a short while later and handing something to Sy.
“Ma.” He said and she nodded, sitting back down. Getting up from the floor, he turned, looking down at Annalisa who was looking up at him in question. “Come on, there’s somethin’ I want to ask you in private, don’t wanna make you feel pressured by doin’ it front of my family.” Taking her hand, he pulled her into the kitchen.
“Ma?” Jake asked and they heard a happy squeak from the kitchen a moment later, Aika’s ears perking up at the sound. “Did he just—” Denise just nodded and they came back into the living room, Annalisa clinging to his arm.
“I’m gettin’ married.” Sy said, “The ring is a bit too big for her so we’ll have to get it sized, but she said yes.”
“Of course I said yes!” She said and pulled him down into a kiss, “I love you.”
“I love you, too. You don’t have to take my last name if you don’t want. You been Caulfield for a while now.”
“I don’t know, Annalisa Syverson sounds good to me.” She said and a wide smile pulled over his face, Sy sweeping her into his arms.
“Hold—hold up.” Pete said, “I’m happy for you two, really, I am, but she’s gonna live forever, Kyle. Unless what turned you furry also made you immortal, you ain’t gonna grow old together.”
“It did actually.” Annalisa said and Sy looked at her in surprise. "Babe, what makes me me and you you are...cousins? Kind of? Putting it in layman’s terms? I won’t age, and neither will you. So while yes, Pete is right, we won’t grow old together, it’s more accurate to say we won’t grow old at all.”
“We really are forever.” He said and she nodded, Sy pulling her into his chest again and holding her tight, his face buried in her neck.
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kitkatopinions · 11 months
Ruby, sending out a message during the course of V8: "Hey it's me, a random girl that some of you might recognize as a Beacon student that competed in a sport event about a while ago. I didn't go onto my team's 2v2 and I look like a high schooler because I'm seventeen but somebody gave me a badge after I dropped out of my first year of training. And I know last time your regularly scheduled programing was high jacked by some random girl, it marked the fall of a kingdom, but I'm not like that girl I promise. Also a kingdom is falling right now, and you can't trust your government officials. Yes Vacuo doesn't have a lot of resources, Mistral is without defenders, and Vale is still recovering from a devastating fall similar to the one I'm telling you about now, but it's probably too late to save Atlas now too which was previously the only kingdom with a fully functional army and good resources but now all that's destroyed. Also there's an immortal indestructible evil Grimm witch lady controlling all the bad things in the world and she's the one destroying Atlas and she's coming for you next, she's going to attack and again she IS immortal and indestructible, but hey there's probably SOME way we can do something about that if we knock our heads together. I know girls and old artifacts are mind blowing, but I'm sure teachers who have been keeping secrets from everyone can suddenly fill you all in - not Ironwood though, he's evil. And don't feel bad because uh... Unity."
Team RWBYJNOR: *Dumps thousands of auraless defenseless now homeless civilians onto a kingdom that has to be already struggling themselves, with like ten fighters several of which were working alongside bad guys last season, some of whom aren't at graduation age, and all but one of whom worked for the same government as Ironwood the person the world has been warned not to trust. And also they come baring the news that Salem has two powerful world ending resources and is now that much closer to destroying everything.*
The rest of the world: *Somehow miraculously (hand of the creator-y) manages to not panic enough to launch devastating 'Fall of Beacon' level Grimm attacks, pulls together what meager resources they (the hand of the creator) pulled out of their asses to create some semblance of a thrown together army, have somehow (hand of the creator) managed to get the citizens of Atlas/Mantle out of the sandstorm and Grimm attack they were in and now are attempting to feed them, and somehow (with the hand of the creator) salvaged the crashed remains of Amity clear across the world and reconstructed it into a battleship.*
Winter: "Isn't it devastating, you poor perfect martyrs, that we have squandered all the amazing good you've done? The other day I saw a poor person be mildly mean to my blueblooded billionaire mother, therefore all the totally not messy things you did have been tossed aside. She has to wear a little sun hat when she goes out now, isn't it horrible? You would be so disappointed in humanity since we didn't miraculously make everything perfect. Don't come back. It would only hurt you."
Like honestly, what did Winter THINK was going to happen?
Note: I know this scene got cut and might not be a V10 end product we get. I'm just still making fun.
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thatruerealmwalker · 3 months
Crawls out of a hole in your wall
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"Despite it all, This Empty Shell still Remains." -Pre Acceptance Quote
"Within this Hollow Heart, Love Still Remains!" -Post Acceptance Quote
This is Claire Taker, a new OC I've made! And let me tell you- the origins of the OC is fucking weird.
This tainwreck of a Lady came about because I was reading @zoeywinterrose's smiling critter fanfic on A03 (which you can check out HERE), started letting THE VOICES speak through me, eventually pulled out the original story I have and made the Caretaker seen there into a fully realized character in my story (get it? Claire Taker?), told them so, found each other on tumblr, because friends(?), and they maybe sort of said yes when I said I was gonna draw the character and make and AU of their AU (in some order there, the progression of events may be off a bit)... I DON'T KNOW HOW I GOT TO THIS POINT.
So yeah, I'm gonna be both explaining this character, my own story, and having all that be loosely connected to Poppy Playtime (Again how did I get here?) So the tags are gonna be silly because of that.
Claire Taker is, as said before, a Magical Girl by the name of Heart Hollow (well Technically Magical Woman, she is pretty old but I prefer saying magical girl)... well the term for in my Canon is a "Blessed" or "Actor"... but those are the official terms, she and the others still use Magical Girl and Magical Boy (because that IS what they are)
And yes! There are both Magical Boys and Girls in this World!
Claire Fights with her Fists and Legs, being a close range brawler, as well as fights with her threads. She uses them in a variety of ways, from creating points to jump, pulling things to her or pulling herself to them, wrapping up targets, or even sometimes using them a whips.
Her Threads are also capable of Stitching people back together and healing them! Apparently the world thinks this means she should be one of the few to get constantly injured, needing to reattach her limbs in the middle of fights sometimes! (or it could be seen as caused by her low self worth as well). I mean look at all of those scars! And those are just the ones she couldn't fully heal for different reasons, she gets hurt alot! ("Better then letting one the kids take the hit" she would say)
Her mental health isn't the best, but it gets really bad when she is alone- Luckily, she's gained the trust of the Parents of the three kid members of Her group to look after them while their at work- as well as fostering the teens when they need somewhere private to hand out. (Her home is like one of 2 unofficial team bases)
At this point, almost everyone who isn't an adult (and two who are like 18-19) calls her Auntie- which she is still getting used too.
After finally getting into a far more okay mindset, she takes to jogging and exercise in her free time. She even helps the younger of the team practice fighting forms and working out when they train at all.
She actually owns a good few properties thanks to her parents- and after her depression weakened she put them up for rent. After a while (and learning how to duplicate cash with Starlight from the group's resident self appointed "Chaotic Gremlin") she was able to start getting a good amount of cash saved up for when the group needs a break or wants to go somewhere fun- (The cost is usually split between her and the other full Adult in the group most of the time).
She still has episodes where her is very not okay (like panic attacks or just bad thoughts)- but it never gets to the point where she feels like hurting herself at all anymore. It helps that one of the kids, the team's unofficial mascot, lets himself be her comfort animal when she has these episodes (and while he hates to admit it, he does enjoy her hugs)
That's all for now! If your interest in more of this original story, let me know!.. Though it probably won't be tagged under Smiling critters next... unless I make William apart of this then it will!
A full view of her plot is down below if your interested in that as well- Anyways thanks for reading this and maybe what lies below, and I hoped this sparked your interest/was a fun read all the same! I think I got an AU to write now!
Claire Taker's Story:
(Content Warning! This gets a bit dark!)
Claire Taker used to be a Person of Joy, living life as Happy as any other- even had Children she cherished most dearly... however one day- in a series of events, Claire loses her kids, be it an Accident or something far worse. Believing herself to be solely at fault, she shut down, remaining within her home and rarely leaving. At first those closest to them attempt to help, as it does, even if She rarely talked or interacted. Just being with others helped to keep her afloat...
But she was abandoned- left alone... and that is what sealed her fate. For a long time- years, close to Ten even, she drowned. She lost her smile, her kindness, her emotions, her Love. She tried, and try she did to get better... but she still drowned all the same.
She made many half attempts on her life- and the one time she fully went through with it- she only lived because she forgot to turn off the Safety on the Gun. This attempt was on the day, when she was so close to pulling herself back together that she was reminded of her kids- undoing all the work she did to get better at a single moment (one the prolonged her deep depression for a few more years-)
Eventually, upon one better day Claire spent shopping with a local mall for much needed supplies for her bare home, a Star fell from the Sky and landed nearby. From it formed a Matrix, and Starlight Leaked into the world. The pure, unfiltered and uncontrolled Starlight, the Blood of Creation, tainted the area in its presence, and Claire. The Building Creaked and Groaned as Starlight lashed into the populace surrounding. Many ran as the structure began to collapse around them...
And Yet Claire stepped forward, Drawn in by the Star.
Even while her body warped, as fur sprouted from her skin and monstrous claws ripped out from between her fingers. As her bones cracked and shattered before being reformed. As the demented whispers that long accompanied her gained form, breaking out from Claire's back and ripping into her flesh-
She reached the center, Where the Fallen Star has landed and with her last bit of strength before she became tainted under Starlight, reached out and touched the Glowing Star within the Epicenter-
And Starlight gathered and condensed, leaving her body, the surrounding air, and returning herself from the Monstrous form it was trying to become- And within her hands laid her Matrix, a Softly glowing heart floating between her palms.
A Stranger came to her one day, and promised her he would grant her most wanted wish "To return your children to you" in exchange for gathering as much Starlight she could.
She, like many other Actors, believed his word, and walked forward with a long lost flame in her eyes, ready to do Anything to get her children back.
Even after learning there was others like her (most of them teenagers or young adults), even after learning that many of the monsters she is fighting against and killed to gather Starlight (the Tainted or Cursed) were once people, even after she learned that should she actually get her wish- she would have to kill the other Blessed and steal their Starlight- She continued on.
It was only when the Three Children amongst the Blessed stood against her to protect their older peers then she questioned if what she was doing was worth it- if ignoring the signs that something was wrong was worth it- if her once beloved children would accept being brought back through the blood of others- if she could really kill these three if it was required of her.
It was from there, after giving up and fleeing that she changed from an antagonist to a protector akin to Tuxedo Mask for the Blessed- more so the Three kids that fought in this battle than the other Blessed.
It was here that Claire was taught how to tell if a Cursed was made from a person, animal, or object/fully made from Starlight as well as how to defeat the Tainted without killing the Person or Creature within. She learned that gathering Starlight is unneeded, and should she continue to gather Starlight like she has- she would only overwhelm her Matrix and become a Cursed herself. She learned how to truly use Starlight, how to prevent herself from Tainting someone on accident, and how to dispose of unneeded Starlight safely.
She was slowly pulled into the Group, being one of the Few Actors to listen and stop the senseless fighting between them. Even when she fell and broke, these Bright Souls dragged Claire along, taking her on their group adventures away from the Magic within their lives. Exploring the town, eating at an Café, enjoying the park. Slowly but surely, she became apart of this group, of the team who fought against the darkness that surrounded them.
The rest of the Blessed, especially the younger of them, started to call Claire 'Auntie'.
However, there was one final truth all of them avoided telling Claire, the final Lie told to Claire about the situation, even if in the depths of her heart she knew the answer herself yet feared to speak it aloud in vain hope for it not to be true.
That there was no Wish- That it was the ploy of The Man who Thought Himself God to either gather followers and resources or spark war between those who could threaten his goals and attempt to turn them into monsters- a Truth that they all knew could break Claire, steal her reason for continuing to live, to stand up tall.
They were going to, right after they handled this newest Tainted... but The Man who Thought Himself God appeared near the battles end... and with a smile, knowing Claire's history of mental health, and the reasons for it, held her by the throat while floating in the air, while Claire thrashed and fought with all of her might, while her allies called out in fear and rushed to save her, whispered in her Ear- "I lied~ There is no Wish, no reversing your most heinous Sin. Your children will never come back- for you killed them. They are gone and you killed them."
Claire SHATTERED then and there. Once again all of the work she put into getting better, doing better shattered- and as The Man who Thought Himself God threw her from high above towards the ground- Starlight, once Shining, became fully black- And the Blessed became Cursed under the weight of Despair-
Mother Gospel: The Harbinger of Mourning was born- as so her fellow Blessed fought, and after a long an almost lethal fight, where the extent of Claire's grief and broken heart was bared to the world, the ones who claimed her as their own, with all they had, ripped Claire out of her Depression made Manifest, and saved her from her fate.
Amongst the broken building, Claire laid as her Heart, once healing, was now torn apart once more as she cried tears of sorrow... and then she was hugged by the most youngest of them... then the other children joined in, all crying and making sure their Auntie was okay. The older kids of the Group joined in as well, despite two having to be dragged within. And even the young adults sat nearby and showed their love for Claire-
And that was what it was- Claire was LOVED, and she could Love in return. She was not Alone anymore, and so the dam burst within her and she cried and screamed and hugged back as sadness and joy danced within her. Her Hollow Heart had become not so Hollow anymore.
It took time, but somewhat soon Claire stood, still in mourning of her lost children, still not fully okay, but she could finally move on, she could finally live with those who saved her from that Sea that engulfed her and gave her warmth and belonging.
And so she fought, and even now fights, against those that would bring about the horrors she went through upon to others with the family formed under the Light of the Stars.
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Please give us more of the ymhsb au. I love deb Kate and baby Tony so much! Maybe how Kate’s first meeting with Violent and Edmund went?
Oh but imagine how nervous Kate would be, worried if they think she'll be a good wife to Anthony completely unaware of the fact that Violet's nearly strangled Anthony because now, in her sitting room, she's going to have to entire a gentleman, his wife who had signed her letter Lady Mary Sharma, in the most elegant hand she's ever seen, and their two daughters! Thank you very much Anthony for that!
And Anthony's just grinning, "But she's very pretty Mother, and her laugh makes my chest feel tight."
"Oh! Oh is she Anthony? Well I'm very glad! Perhaps you should have spared a thought for your poor mother before you chased after a girl who was raised by someone whose official title is lady!"
"Why are you fidgeting so much?!" Edwina snipped irritatedly, swatting at Kate with her book who had been craning over Edwina to look out her window. "You've your own window to look out."
"Yes but I can't see the village appearing on my side."
Edwina rolled her eyes, turning the page of her book a little officiously for ten years old. "You've been so annoying since Mr Bridgerton left London."
Kate rolled her eyes, though her stomach was churning at the rightness of it. The discontent that had settled in her chest the moment she'd seen Anthony ride away from London, with his cart finally loaded, stabbing at her chest. She already met him that morning, before he'd come to take his leave of her parents, of course she had. The two of them had sat under a tree at the edge of the park, hidden from the world, his fingers tilting her chin up as their lips met again and again, her heart pounding in her chest as he'd pulled back, his bare chest shining in the morning sun, broad and powerful and strong under her explorations, growing bolder and bolder by the second.
"We can't do this in Kent." Anthony had gasped, even as she'd made a noise of protest.
"It might be awkward if we can't after we're married."
Anthony had rolled his eyes, "I meant before we wed."
Kate had nodded, missing him already. "I don't want you to go."
"I'm afraid I must ready my family for your arrival, and you'll follow in a week. Your father has given me his word that he doesn't mean to lock you away as soon as I leave." He'd growled playfully in her ear. "And my mother writes she has received a letter from your mother." Anthony grinned.
Anxiety had churned in her stomach even then. "Your parents... are they very cross?"
He'd shaken his head, Still grinning beautifully in the dawn. "They are... surprised."
"Do you think they'll... will they approve of me?"
His hands had shot out quickly, pulling her back against his chest tightly, "They are going to love you. You and I are meant to be together, Kate, I know we are."
Kate had felt it sting at her eyes, settling in her chest, the truth of it. "That doesn't mean your Mama won't tut at me."
"My Mama only ever tuts at me." He wiggled his eyebrows roguishly.
Silence settled between them for a long moment before Kate had sighed, "Well, stand up then. I wish to commit you to memory if that's all I'm to have for the next month."
And she'd missed him every day for a week, as their belongings had been packed, ready to withdraw from town completely following her wedding in Kent. Nothing but the worry gnawing at her stomach and Lady Sheffield storming into the drawing room to persuade Mary to make her see sense.
"Well, she's not even yours and you've managed to poison her completely!" lady Sheffield had spat at Mary who'd sat calmly sipping her tea while Edwina sat thunderstruck. "I'm not sure why I'm surprised! You weren't even her age when you were pregnant with that one! And her father was not yet your husband."
"And what am I to do, mama? Am I to lock her in her room with nothing but stale bread to eat and mice to converse with?" She had sounded nothing but bored, ignoring Kate's pleading apologetic look for the ire she was facing. "And from memory, Tharman would have been my husband by the time you learned of Edwina had Papa not thrown him from the house by the collar of his coat!"
Lady Sheffield had tutted, "You're to make her see sense, Mary!"
Mary had taken a long sip of her tea, still not having offered her mother one, before she turned towards Kate. Her voice calm. "Kate, darling, will you throw Mr Bridgerton over?"
"No, mama. I love him."
Mary had tutted in faux disappointment, her voice dry. "Drat. I felt sure that would work."
Lady Sheffield had stormed from the room, slamming the door behind her with a "You always were a useless girl!"
Kate had stared after her, with guilt swirling in her stomach. "Mama, I'm sorry, I-"
But Mary had burst into giggles, "Truly, I've not seen her more livid since the morning I told my Father I was pregnant. Lord, I'd forgotten how funny it was."
And now here they were, approaching the village she was to make her home.
"I suppose I've gotten used to seeing him every day." Kate said a little primly.
Edwina's brow furrowed, "But he didn't even visit every day."
Kate realised what she'd said, clearing her throat, avoiding her father's eyes as he stared pointedly at the roof of the carriage as though praying for strength before Mary intervened.
"Edwina, look Darling, a donkey!"
"Are we to meet Anthony in town, Kate?" Appa ground out, changing the subject completely, his voice tight as though he were reminding himself that he had promised not to hurt him.
She nodded, already craning her neck. "His letter said he would meet our carriage with his Mother and Father, they've invited us for dinner."
"Very kind of them." Mary said gently, pointedly, to Appa who nodded in agreement. "His mother's letter was very kindly written."
The carriage was slowing, rounding its way through the village before it stopped entirely outside a small inn.
"We can always go home, little one." Her father had caught her wrist as the footman had opened the door, stopping her from leaping out, his eyes serious. "If you decide at any point this isn't what you wish for, Mama and I will take you straight home."
She nodded gently, squeezing his hand, "I won't want to go home, Appa."
"But we can."
"Tharman, Darling, get out of the carriage before the Bridgertons think we're lunatics." Mary said briskly, nudging him forward until he got out, helping her down before he reached for Kate's hand.
She leapt down, already scouting around and-
"Kate!" Anthony had forgotten himself, clearly, forgotten that they were no longer alone in his excitement as he bounded forward, a bouquet of tulips crushed in his hand, his hair tousled over his forehead as he wrapped his arms tightly around her, and every ounce of anxiety Kate had had left her immediately. His chest was warm against her, his voice soft in her ear as he held her, "I missed you."
"I missed you as well." She whispered, letting herself be held.
"Mr Bridgerton? Lovely to make your acquaintance." She could hear her father saying behind them. "Mr Tharman Sharma, my wife, Lady Mary and our younger daughter, Miss Edwina. And you may have gathered, that young lady in your son's arms is Miss Kate Sharma."
"Mr Sharma, A pleasure." A slightly nervous voice responded before he cleared his throat. "My wife, Violet and I would like first of all to apologise for our son's actions, we were... surprised at him and I assure you -"
"Ahh they're in love." Kate heard her father say with what seemed to be a clap on Anthony's father's shoulder, "We'd be foolish to try and stop them!"
"Kate, Darling," Mary's voice floated back to her, "Perhaps you might wish to let that Mr Bridgerton breathe and introduce yourself."
Anthony let go of her immediately, blushing scarlet as he greeted her parents before turning towards his own who were watching her with curious expressions, his chest puffing proudly. "Mother, Father, I'd like to introduce Miss Kate Sharma. Kate, my Father Mr Edmund Bridgerton and my Mother Mrs Violet Bridgerton."
His father looked almost exactly like him, twenty years his senior but with the same kind smile as he inclined his head, and his mother looked startled when Kate curtsied in her direction, her lips parted in surprise at having been addressed so politely.
"It's lovely to meet you both, thank you for welcoming me into your family." She took a shuddering breath, a little of her anxiety returning as she cleared her throat. "I realise I may not be the wife you'd have chosen for Anthony but I intend to learn what I must in order to be a good wife to him and I... I'll make him happy."
And every inch of her relaxed when his father's laughter boomed through the town. "Miss Sharma, I can safely say, that is the one thing we aren't concerned by. The lad hasn't stopped smiling once. Now, if you'll have your man follow us, Mr Sharma, we'll direct you to the farm."
"Mrs Bridgerton, this is such a lovely Dress." Mary leapt in, addressing the startled woman, "You must come with us to Kate's dress fitting."
And everything fell into place.
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maikingsenseofit · 2 years
Debunking common anti Maiko arguments - Nightmares and Daydreams
Not much of a preamble here so I’ll basically launch right into it. This is an argument I’ve seen OVER and OVER again, in which in the “Nightmares and Daydreams” episode of Avatar, Mai suggesting that they order servants around shows that “Mai truly does not know Zuko and that he wouldn’t be comforted by ordering servants around.” And this therefore proves that Mai doesn’t fundamentally understand Zuko as a person - so there relationship was superficial and lacked emotional intimacy - and so on and so forth.
I honestly think there isn’t much analysis here. Let’s once again take a look at the CANON material to debunk this claim - similar to how I did it with the whole seashells argument.
There is no doubt that Zuko is experiencing moral and emotional turmoil when he returns to the fire nation. Yes he was exposed to the daily lives of those who are not fire nation royalty. Yes he sees just how much the fire nation impacted their colonies. Yes he’s on his journey to understand why he fundamentally disagrees with his dad.
But let’s not forget that while experiencing this turmoil - he is still shown to enjoy the perks and comforts of being a prince.
Example 1:
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Zuko looks at the towels for a moment and takes one. He is seen wiping his forehead before walking out of the room. The two servants bow behind him. - The Official Transcript
Then on the way to Mai’s house - he is offered a ride on the palanquin. At first he shows hesitation, but then he smiles, basking in the attention of being a fire nation prince, and takes the palanquin ride to Mai’s house despite it being 10 steps away - which Mai sees.
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Keep in mind that he didn’t have to take the palanquin. No one forced him. He refused offers from the servants for a hot massage. Yet there are some perks and pleasures that come with being royalty - and Zuko enjoys them and finds comfort in them.
Case in point: when Zuko happily obliged to Mai’s request for fruit tarts by asking the servants to make them - which once again Mai sees first hand.
Zuko Tell me, if you could have anything you want right now, what would it be?
Mai Hm ... A big fancy fruit tart, with rose petals on top.
Zuko You know, being a prince and all, I might just be able to make that happen.
Mai [Chuckles.] That would be impressive.
Zuko [To the servants.] Do you think you could find a fresh fruit tart for the lady, with rose petals on top?
Servant Excellent choice, sir.
Once again - Mai is not privy to the extent of the emotional or moral turmoil that Zuko is undergoing. She knows that he is unhappy, confused, and angry at himself when he’s back at the fire nation - but she doesn’t know why. But she is shown to understand what he needs. She is not an Iroh - who can say exactly what he needs to hear or guide him on the right path. She is a teenage girl from another broken home who was never taught what love truly means. She was taught to restrain herself and her emotions. But when Zuko needs comfort the most - she provides it for him by attesting that despite all the things she doesn’t care for - she cares for him. She becomes emotionally vulnerable in front of Azula to comfort Zuko amidst his difficult times. And yes, In this example on The Beach - Zuko is shown to be comforted and cared for her by her words.
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Zuko [Close-up.] Because I'm confused. Because I'm not sure I know the difference between right and wrong anymore.
Azula You're pathetic.
Mai [View from behind Zuko.] I know one thing I care about. [Walks up to Zuko. Frontal view.] I care about you. [They kiss.]
Look at what Azula says right before. Mai knows that Zuko suffered constant and endless harassment and abuse from his sister and father. From the creators themselves:
“She’s known Zuko her whole life. She knows his life has been intense” - Bryan and Mike, The Beach Commentary
Yet shes the only one from his old life, other than Iroh, that shows unwavering and unconditional support to him. Like @thethiefandtheairbender said, “Mai gives Zuko a reason to love the home that spurned him.”
So back to the Nightmares and Daydreams episode. Mai’s immediate thought is to cheer Zuko up with something that gave him comfort five minutes before.
When that doesn’t work, we see Mai’s unemotional facade break down. She knows that this is something he has to figure out on his own. Her face shows pure empathy, that he must be going through something very troubling. But she doesn’t force him to stay with her. She gives him space to come to terms with his own emotions. She doesn’t stick by him or force him to cheer up after she sees her methods DIDNT work. She doesn’t get frustrated. She feels empathy for him.
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And then antis claim that Mai bringing up the whole war meeting was a way to make light of Zuko’s trauma or that she didn’t want him to ruin their happy mood. Yet they conveniently forget that Mai waited outside for the entire duration of the war meeting for Zuko - and immediately asks him how it went - ensuring that things didn’t transpire the way it did at the last war meeting. For them, it’s impossible to see that what Mai said was a matter of true concern for Zuko’s safety. But her actions prove otherwise.
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Zuko chooses to spend the night at Mai’s house. He finds comfort in her company. He’s no stranger to shutting down or shutting people out when he’s experiencing emotional angst or turmoil. He’s done it countless times to Iroh in Ba Sing Se. Instead of being anxious by himself, he chooses to stay with Mai. Because she provides him comfort - no matter how small. And he celebrates the small victories with her too. He turns to Mai immediately when he hears the news that he’s invited to the meeting. They both share a smile - and Mai once again proves the unconditional support she has for the boy who has been constantly spurned by the people that should love him.
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And to provide an even more salient counter argument to “Mai shutting down Zuko when he’s trying to explain his “life story to her” - Mai listens to Zuko unwaveringly while he explains how during the meeting, he was the perfect fire nation prince but he wasn’t himself. She doesn’t cut him off out of boredom. She doesn’t shut down his emotions or tells him to feel a way he shouldn’t. After the Beach episode, she learns to listen to him - proving her character development. She’s engaged, she’s listening. She is once again - supporting Zuko throughout his emotional turmoil.
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I will never understand the argument that Zuko’s relationship with Mai represents a regression because he wasn’t being himself when he was in the fire nation. Let’s get a couple of things straight. Zuko had to return to the fire nation to truly confirm for himself that he was making the right decision. But the fire nation will always be Zuko’s home. That is why he is coronated as the fire lord at the end. Throughout season 3, Mai experiences Zuko’s good, bad, and ugly. He never once put up a facade around her. She experienced everything - the emotional turmoil, the parts where he pretended to be the perfect prince, the part where he truly loved spending time with her. And not once did she stop loving him - the only thing she did was hold him accountable when he was acting like an ass. Mai was there for Zuko when no one else from his old life was. And if their relationship was a regression - then why did the creators have Mai stand up against Azula and everything she knew her whole life - for Zuko and his mission? That argument would make sense if there was no episode called The Boiling Rock. But rather, the creators did a brilliant job showing Mai and Zuko loving each other BEFORE his redemption and AFTER his redemption. That Love isn’t conditional based on someone’s morality or redeemable actions. That people who have experienced trauma and turbulent upbringings deserve to love and be loved at the end of the day.
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rjmartin11 · 11 months
Just One Kiss
Chapter Five
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Pairing: Elvis & female!reader
Summary: Once upon a Memphis time, you and Elvis were very close friends who turned lovers. After he went into the Army, you both drifted apart, leaving you heartbroken. Time passes, and you go on a Vegas business trip with your long-term boyfriend, Edward, and find out that your old lover is performing at The International Hotel. Old feelings surface once again, and you plan on making this a trip neither of you will soon forget.
Word Count: 3.4K
Warnings: Alcohol abuse. Cussing.
Author's Notes: First and foremost, I want to apologize for the last chapter. Somehow, the story posted during my writing and editing of the chapter. The response was great, though. Friends, you all are too kind. Thank you so much. It was a great birthday eve gift. It warms my heart, truly. If you like this chapter, like, comment, and repost!
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You and Pat spent the next few minutes catching up and talking about the good ole days as you both sat by the pool.
"Y/N, where did you go? Never told us goodbye or anything. You missed out on a lot. You missed our wedding." Pat wondered.
You look away at the water. You hear the words of the past echo through your head.
"I love you, Y/N. Have I ever told you how beautiful you are? Baby, you the best. I love you so much."
You bite your lip and hold back those forbidden tears.
"I... *clears throat* I went to spend time with my Aunt Lily." You smile at her.
"Spend time? Dear, we haven't seen you in nine years. Is your aunt in Tennessee?" Pat says.
"No. No, she isn't. But I can't tell you because if I need to go back." You tell her.
"Y/N, it sounds like you ran away from something. What happened?" Pat persisted.
You take a deep breath and let her know enough about the situation.
"Well, Pat. You see, I was in love with... this guy. I thought he was a good guy. He wasn't, and I needed to leave Memphis."
"Did he hurt you? Who was he?" Pat ask. You hear worry in her voice.
"I can't. Just know. I was safer out of Memphis. Away from... him."
Pat takes your hand and holds it.
"Y/N, I'm just glad you're okay. We all worried about you. I remember Elvis..."
"Elvis, what?" You cut her off.
"Elvis seemed a mess when we didn't hear from you. You vanished. We heard later that you moved away, but we didn't know where. Then it got to the point that you weren't to do discussed around Elvis. It was like you deserted him or something."
Oh? You think. He was fucking Anita and I'm the deserter. What a joke.
"I... I apologize for leaving the way I did, but with the guy plus the situation, it was time for a change. It was the best thing." You say.
"I'm glad you're okay." Pat said, giving you another hug.
"Well, I'm glad yo bring old friends together to bond." Laura interrupts.
Like she really did something spectacular. You were beginning to loathe her. Was she really that dunce? What the hell did Elvis see in this child? Yes, she has a model body. Her face is radiant, and she sounds educated with her mouth shut. Plus, you can't stop thinking about what she said about Elvis' money last night. How superficial she is. You don't joke about that stuff unless you mean it.
"Patty, may I borrow Y/N for a spell?" Laura asked.
"Sure." Pat answered.
You both give one another the knowing look. It's a look the ladies gave one another way back when you were officially in the inner circle. The look said that you were on the same page of a situation and others were not allowed. Laura may be Elvis' girlfriend for now, but how long would that last?
Laura steals you away from Pat, and you two begin to chat.
"Y/N, I'm so glad you made it. It's good to make more friends and bond and to catch up with old friends." Laura says.
"I completely agree. Thank you for inviting me."
"Y/N, would you like to come and have dinner with Elvis and me?" Laura asked eagerly.
"Laura, I..."
"Oh, please bring your boyfriend. Edwin, right?" She interrupts you.
"It's Edward." You correct her.
"Edward, right. Bring him with you. Elvis and I would love to meet him. Oh!" She grabs hands together with the excitement of a child. She widens eyes with the hope that you'll agree to her plans. "Owe, we can double date! Please, say you'll come have dinner with us."
You take a deep breath and place a small smile on your face. "How can anyone deny such a precious little one."
"You'll come?"
"And you'll bring Edward?"
She grabs you into a hug and shifts you from side to side.
"We're gonna have so much fun tonight. You'll see." Laura speaks with good intentions and hopes of the evening to come.
"I can hardly wait." You say.
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You get yourself ready for the dinner show. Finishing the final touches on your face, you conjure up a story to get Eddie to come to the dinner show for your meal.
Eddie comes into the room excited from the events of the day.
"Y/N, what an exciting day I've had. I feel like I'm getting through to the partners, and this deal is going through. It will go through and be finalized by the end of the week. I know it." Eddie brims and bubbles with enthusiasm.
He turns and looks at you. A smile dons your faces. You're glad he's a great mood, which means he'll most likely agree to this last-minute dinner.
"Oh, Y/N, baby, forgive me." Eddie says, walking over to embrace you. "I should have come in and kissed my girl first, then tell her how my day went. I'm just excited. But how was brunch with your friends?"
"It was fun and informative." You say.
"Informative? How so?"
"Laura gave me some insight on the dinner show tonight. Telling me about the whose who and who will be there."
"Okay. Who's going to be there?"
"We're going to the dinner show tonight with my friends, Eddie."
"Okay. Well, let me get ready, and we can go."
"You're not disappointed, Eddie?" You asked him sincerely.
"No, baby. I still get to spend time with you."
He kisses your forehead before retreating into the bathroom. Your heart swoons at his words. His kindness. You're going to tell him you love him tonight. You don't care if Elvis is sitting there in front of you or not.
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You arrive downstairs just in time for the dinner show, arm in arm with Eddie.
"Hey Joe. Are we allowed in, or do you need to get one of the boys again?" You ask sarcasm, filling your voice.
"No, Ms. Y/N. That won't be necessary. Come on in." Joe said, moving the velvet rope to allow you both in.
Joe escorts you and Eddie to booth that's front and center and seats you.
"Ms. Y/N, they'll be here shortly. Is there anything you need in the meantime?" Joe asks.
"No, Mr. Joe. Thank you, though."
You hear a commotion, and you turn your heads toward the main door. You hear people cheering and shouting with excitement.
"Seems we won't have to wait long at all." You state.
"Who is that?" Eddie asks.
After a few moments, Elvis and Laura appear in front of you. Laura brims with excitement that her plans are at fruition. Elvis is looking as fine as ever. Black suit that's tailor-made to fit his manly physique completed with black boots. You and Eddie stand as Elvis and Laura approach you.
"Eddie, this is Elvis Presley and his girlfriend, Laura." You introduce him.
Eddie and Elvis shake hands, and he kisses Laura's hand before you all sit down. Still in shock, Eddie wraps his arm around your shoulders and whispers,
"I can't believe you know Elvis Presley."
"Eddie, calm yourself. It's not a big deal." You whisper back.
"Should we order drinks?" Elvis says.
"Yes, darling. Top shelf, please." Laura insists.
"Only the best, baby." Elvis says.
You raise your eyebrow. Who the hell is he trying to impress? Maybe Eddie, but not you. Never you. He doesn't have to impress his girlfriend. They've been together for far too long. Or maybe he's trying to show off his millions because you have Eddie next to you.
Elvis and you make eye contact across the table. You hold Eddie's hand, and he kisses your cheek. Elvis winces at you and places his arm around Laura's shoulders.
"Y/N, what would you like?" Elvis asks you.
"Water is fine." You comment.
Everyone at the table laughs.
"Baby, it's a party. Let loose." Eddie says.
"I partied hard last night. I don't think I should participate in alcoholic beverages this evening, but help yourself to whatever you like." You say.
Elvis flags down a waitress and orders for the table.
"Hi, sweetheart. Could you please send a bottle of your best champagne for the table and a glass of water with lemon?" Elvis asks.
"Absolutely, Mr. Presley. Coming right up, sir." The young waitress said.
As she walked away, Elvis struck up a conversation for the table.
"Eddie, what do you do for a living?" Elvis asks.
"I'm a finance accountant. This business trip with the main business partners will get me the promotion I've been working for. At least, I hope it will." Eddie says, downplaying himself in front of Elvis.
"Eddie, you're brilliant." You say, squeezing his hand for reassurance.
"I'm good, but from what I hear, Elvis is brilliant. I have one of your early studio albums from RCA. I believe it's somewhere at my house in California." Eddie says.
"Thank you." Elvis says, nodding his head.
The next moment, the best champagne in the house is brought to your table along with your glass of water with lemon.
"Eddie, you should come see him perform. He's incredible." Laura says, bragging in Elvis.
"And how do you know Y/N?" Eddie asks.
"Oh, Y/N and I go way back. To Memphis. A mutual friend of ours brought her to my house, and we connected over an album."
You glance away for a moment. Remembering the moment you met. Your next thought is that the water will not satisfy you as much as alcohol when Elvis starts his foolishness.
You take a sip from your water and try not to roll your eyes. How can Elvis be annoying and charming all at once?
"That's so sweet." Laura chimes in. "What album was it?"
"It was my first record with RCA. Y/N, darlin', whatever happened to that record I signed for you?" Elvis wondered.
In your mind: I broke the damn thing and threw the pieces in the trash. Cause that's where our relationship was. Now. It's rotting in the Memphis landfill!
What you say out out loud: "I'm sure it's still in Memphis."
"Memphis. Home." Elvis speaks of Memphis reminiscently. "Yeah. Y/N was there one day and just vanished the next. Where did you go, baby?" Elvis asks.
You see what Elvis is doing, and it angers you. He got his child bride to set this dinner up to see you again and to interrogate you about the past. You think quickly. Aunt Lily told you never to attack in anger physically or vocally.
"I was lost, and I needed to find myself." You submit.
"So, where did you go?" Laura noses in.
"No place in particular." You say, moving your finger around the lip of your glass. "Don't you like a mystery?"
"My love, you are quite the enigma." Eddie says, kissing your temple. "All I could tell you is that I met the beauty in California, and she changed my world."
"How romantic." Laura says, snuggling into Elvis.
"When are we eating? I'm starving." You say, looking for the waitress. "A girl can't live on water alone."
Elvis flags down your table waitress, and you all order your dinner. You order the cream of chicken grilled breast with the steamed broccoli, and Laura orders the steamed vegetables. Elvis and Eddie, being the manly men they are, order steaks with potatoes.
Despite the company of Elvis and Laura, dinner was delicious and, dare you say, fun. It was nice to be out with Eddie and some company.
You always stayed in. There's no need to go out. You had some wild times after you left Memphis. You stayed out late drinking and partying. You made so-called friends that you caroused with around Jacksonville. You had friends who were boys that showed you an extra great time, but they didn't compare to Eddie. Plus, a far cry away from the gentleman you believed Elvis to be.
If Eddie played his cards right, night would be the night you'd express your love for him.
"Dinner was delicious." Laura expressed.
"It was decent. Quite decent. Thank you for dinner." You say.
"It was so good, I hate to leave." Eddie says.
"What do you mean?" You ask.
"I have to go, Y/N."
Eddie rises from the table and extends his hand to Elvis.
"It was nice to meet you, Elvis. I'll catch one of your shows while you're in town. And Laura." Eddie kisses her hand, and you see a tint of blush coat her cheeks. "You are a precious gem. It was a pleasure to meet you. Both of you. Thanks for dinner. We must do it again."
Eddie walks away from the table without a word to you. You walk away to talk to Eddie.
"Excuse me, Elvis. Laura. Eddie, wait!" You chase after him against your better judgment.
"Eddie, why are you leaving? You promised this night to me." You ask.
"Work, Y/N."
"Work. I swear. You haven't been able to be with me for a full day in weeks. Why bring me here if there's only work and no play?"
"Do you not understand how big this is for me?! This business trip is the big time. The big leagues! If the partners love me, this can lead to a promotion. This can set me up for life."
You give him a laugh at his statement.
"I thought it was about us? I thought you were worried about me caring about you, but it's the partners you want to love you the most. You said a proposal. I don't see that happening."
"Y/N, I..."
"Have to go. I know. I'll see you later. We'd hate to keep the partners waiting." You interrupt him. You cross your arms and turn away from him.
"Bye, Edward."
He wouldn't fight with you now. When you used his full name, he knew you were angry and done with the topic at hand. No more Eddie. Edward meant business.
He kisses your cheek and walks away. You would cry if you could, but you refuse to cry over any man.
"I need a drink." You say, making your way to the bar.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚💋✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚
Fifteen minutes later.
You feel the alcohol take affect after the third glass, but you don't care a bit. You want to dance and sing.
"Oh, is it hot in here, or is it just me?" You ask.
You stumble away from the bar. You giggle and sway to the rhythm of the music. That feels great. Almost as good as Elvis'... no! No! That's not what you want. You despise that him, but Elvis isn't the one who has you angry. You're pissed off at Eddie. He wants to get married and can't spend one full night with you. How dare he bring you on this trip and make you empty promises.
You stagger towards the stage, and you feel a hand grab your shoulder.
"Y/N? Are you okay?"
You look over and notice it's Pat and Red.
"Patty, dear!" You slur, and you're vocally loud. You wrap your hands around her, placing her into a tight hug. "Patty, Patty, Patty! And Red! You big hunk!"
You kiss Red on the lips. Not passionately, but enough to get his attention.
"Y/N, you're drunk." Red says, wiping the lipstick off his mouth.
"I recent that! I'm not! I had three!" You hold up all five fingers on your right hand. "No. No. That not right. Is it? Aren't you hot in here, Patty, dear?" You ask.
Pat shakes her head. "Y/N, dear, you're drunk. You need to go back upstairs." She tells you, trying to guide you out the showroom.
"No, I want 'nother drink. I have to tell you something, Patty." You get close. "Red is a good guy. Keep him, kay? Don't let any bitch named Nita around him. Break your heart. I'm going dancing!"
You snatch away from Pat and head towards the stage, swaying a bit. You swipe a drink from another table and gulp it down. You place empty glass on a random table, then hop onto the stage and start to jiggle to the beat.
You find the microphone and say,
"Play Mame for me, boys."
The band knows the exact song you speak of and starts up the beat. You shimmy and sway to the rhythm and begin to sing.
When they had the earthquake in San Francisco back in nineteen six
They said that Mother Nature was back to her old tricks
That was the story that went around, but here's the real low down
Put the Blame on Mame, boys. Put the blame on Mame
One night, she started to shim and shake
That brought on the Frisco quake
So, put. The. Blame. ON MAME!
The crowd is in an uproar of applause. You're a little taken aback, but in your drunken state, you take a bow.
"Are you hot in here, or is it just me?" You speak into the mic, fanning yourself with your hand.
The audience combusts in laughter.
"Sincerely, y'all. I've been dying to get out this dress and haven't found a way yet."
Your strap is hanging off your shoulder. You pull it down further and expose your bra. The men in the crowd shout and whistle at you.
"Any sexy men here good with zippers?" You shout.
"Oh, baby! I can help you!" A random young guy shouts out and runs towards the stage. You gesture for him to come closer with your finger.
"Fuck off, kid. If you know what's good for you." Elvis says, grabbing the young man's arm.
The young man puts his hands up in defense and backs away slowly from you.
"Look who's here to ruin my party. Mr. Rock N Roll himself!" There goes your buzz.
"Get off the stage." Elvis says sternly.
"Fuck off, E."
Elvis takes you off the stage, and you fight him.
"Elvis, get your damn hands off!"
"Calm down! Are ya crazy?" He asks.
"Put me down or so help me god, I'll scream!" You threaten.
You fight him all the way out of the showroom. He doesn't put you down until you're in the elevator heading up to the second floor.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! Acting like a stripper and shit?! Like you lost your damn sense?"
"Fuck you, Elvis!" You yell at him, you raise your hand to slap him. He grabs your wrist and holds it. "Let go of me!"
The elevator doors open, and you run off with Elvis following behind. You realize it's not your floor where you share your room with Eddie, and the only way back is to the elevator. Through Elvis.
Elvis has his key to room 202 and opens the door. He grabs you, and you struggle against him.
"Get your fucking hands off me, Elvis! Don't touch me!" You yell, not caring if you make a scene.
He forces you in the room and locks the door behind you. You struggle against one another. You fight to get to the door. To get away from Elvis. Elvis has both of your wrists gripped tight. You use all your might to free yourself from his hold.
"I don't care how mad you are with me! We're talking!"
"I HATE YOU, ELVIS! I HATE YOU!" You scream at the top of your lungs.
"No. You can't. I won't let you hate me! You're not allowed to hate me!" Elvis says, pushing you on the bed.
"I hate you. I hate you."
"Calm down, Y/N. I'm not letting go until you do!"
Tears wail in your eyes as he lays on top of you to calm you down. You scream, holler, and kick, but Elvis has you restrained. Stuck between him and the mattress with no where to go. No where to run, and you have to face the fact that you've been running away from him for a while. Nine years' worth of running.
You can't help but let all your pent-up anger and pain come out. You cry. For the first time in a long time you cry.
"Elvis, please let me go." You cry to him. A bit calmer than before.
"No, we're talking. We gotta talk, baby."
Taglist: @missmaywemeetagain @beeandheroddobsessions @headfullofpresley @everythingpresley @epforeverohyes @plasticfantasticl0ver @pianginferno @powerofelvis @ab4eva @foreverdolly @searchingforgravity @thatbanditqueen @daffieapple @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @epsgirl @richardslady121 @literally-just-elvis-fics @thememphisflash1935-1977 @c-rosenn @vintageshanny @iloveelvis
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aggravateddurian · 6 months
Boy golly, I've just come back to tumblr and...
It's WIP Wednesday Whenever, my dudes (gender neutral, of course)!
Thank you to the following who tagged me: @wanderingaldecaldo, @chevvy-yates, @olath124 and last but not least, @ouroboros-hideout.
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Judy and Val have arrived to serve cunt. Night City, you have been warned...
Where Has Durian Been?
Firstly, I've been on a bit of a tumblr hiatus. There's something screwy with my feed that means I'm not seeing everyone's new stuff (some people yes, but for others it's weeks, even months old). I stopped posting for a bit in the hopes it was something on my end. Alas, it appears not to be so.
I have elected to therefore charge ahead and just post anyway.
Yet Another Valerie Ocampo-Gonzalez Lore Rewrite/Character Respec
I've recently become very interested in netrunners, and in a move that I feel fits Val's established backstory well, she's becoming one.
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Vik is surprised to find that not only has Val had two girlfriends in one year (she has relationship dramas that are often not her fault) but they have the same haircut! Clearly she has a type...
As some may be aware, I recently began writing The President's Lady, a Myers x Vega 'V' Hawse AU fic. I made some changes to Val's speciality and abilities.
Val has moved from being a Solo with a strong techie background to a netrunner. In a lore post coming up soon, Val goes on the net by the handle 's33lynx' (a play on the word 'lynx' and 'c-link', the latter being the official name for the interface plug on the back of netrunners' heads, and the former her favourite type of cat). She loses the Apogee Sandevistan for Class III netrunning hardware.
Otherwise, there's no major change in her character.
(also, if you know how to do tattoos for the VTK texture system and would be interested in a commission or request, hit me up, I have cool ideas for Val's tattoos that I've drawn sketches of, but no real idea of how to make them appear on Val's body because I ain't really a visual artist. I know my strengths, I'm a writer, not a visual artist haha)
Val's Pussy... cat, I mean cat!!!
xBaebsae released a Nibbles replacer mod about a year ago. I mentioned Val is a cat person and owned a ginger cat.
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This is Pumpkin, Val's cat. In both appearances of Val (Brother's Shadow and Chorus) she's Val's cat, and both times, she's a gift from Melanie Foster. In Brother's Shadow, Melanie, of course, ghosts Val for unspecified reasons, so Val keeps Pumpkin. Pumpkin (or more appropriately, calabaza) is Judy's pet name for Val, so there's also that, I guess.
Writing Projects Continue
I am continuing to write Chapter 4 of Brother's Shadow. It's gone through the wringer as my perfectionism has once again claimed another victim. Rest assured that if you're interested in that story, it will come out before Christmas.
Chapter 3 of The President's Lady is also coming out by the end of tomorrow. Those who have me on Discord have already seen a preview, but if you're not one of those people, have a look:
Myers grinned as she placed her chin on V’s shoulder, “I can relate to that loneliness. It’s easier to talk about with someone who’s experienced it.” V nodded, “Yeah.” Myers’ hands began to explore beyond Vega’s arms, towards her hips, “If I’m out of line…” Vega felt… odd. The President… Rosalind was her boss… but at the same time, Rosalind was the only other person who really knew how Vega felt. She didn’t really want her to stop exploring. All Vega could do was smile, and follow Myers’ hands, “Glad to see we’re on the same wavelength.” The door creaked. Vega’s smile faded as Myers’ hands quickly retreated from Vega’s body. Reed stomped into the room. Myers clasped her hands as she turned to face him, “Solomon.” Reed eyed the pair of ladies. He seemed somewhat suspicious as he held up a sealed shard container, “The report, Madame President."
There are now two new projects in the pipeline. The first is The Alpha Bitch of Dogtown, a story about my femV character Vega becoming the leader of BARGHEST and Dogtown after allying with Colonel Hansen in an alternate ending to Phantom Liberty.
After being dumped by Judy (it's Vega's canon event for Judy to leave/move on from her due to various reasons), she falls in love with Bennett, who she then dumps and exiles from Dogtown after he is revealed to betray her, and she falls in love with another BARGHEST soldier who she has grown close to.
It forms part of Chorus Timelines, an AU where basically any time something begins to rot my brain, a new timeline is created where said brainrot occurs. Vega goes through a lot, I feel sorry for her.
The second is an as-yet untitled Rogue x V fic, based on an idea I developed spontaneously on Discord. I thank @merlgeim and @awwwokay for planting the seed of brainrot in my mind. Basically, Rogue falls for V(ega) after Johnny and Rogue go on their movie date, and Johnny is beside himself over it all. Queue funny interactions with Johnny about how V stole his girl.
Virtual Photography
My VP is in a moment where I come up with cool ideas, I snap them, and they either become photo stories or illustrations for future chapters of my fics. I have a few non-specific ideas that will get put through, including another Val x Judy photo story set in 2077.
I've kinda based it around one idea, and that's putting V (Val's half-brother) to rest in the columbarium after he is presumably killed at the Crystal Palace. It's the last act she does before she and Judy leave Night City with the Aldecaldos, and a capstone to the tumultuous relationship she and V have had, with Vince's final epitaph.
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"See ya, V. Save a seat for me next to mom at the big bar in the sky."
What I intend to be the last words of Valerie to V in Brother's Shadow. How we get there? We'll have to find out as I develop Brother's Shadow.
Other Random Stuff
I've decided that at some point, Val and Songbird can meet and be very normal about how similar their hair is.
That's about it. I would like to tag: @merlgeim, @awwwokay, @ratsstick and @byberbunk2069.
Thank you to everyone who follows and supports my horrific brainrot content, and enables my continued spiral into fanfic shenanigans. Please continue to tag me, comment and/or dm me.
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freyaswolf · 1 year
For years, I lived in bewildered befuddlement regarding the musical musings of Taylor Swift. I usually listen to rock or metal, so her brand of pop was not a part of my usual lineup. However, I gained lovely friends here on Tumblr who swear by our Lady TayTay, so I decided I should check out her stuff. But there was SO MUCH, I didn't even know where to start. Luckily, my dearest mutual and actual friend, @idontgettechnology , took pity on me and made me the most amazing playlist to get me started. She titled it Taylor Swift 101, with a description of "Class is is session bish".
I spent today working my way through it, and it was a revelation! I took notes, cause that's what you're supposed to do in class, so here are my highlights from the 56 song playlist. I know I'm missing out on years of lore regarding TSwift, but I'm eager to learn. After a few more listens I may even be ready for the 201 level of this class lol
Notes below the cut, to save your scrolling thumb 😜
Ok, here we go! (I'm pretty sure these are in the intended order, and mostly these are first impressions)
1. Fifteen: wow, this took me straight back to highschool!
2. Teardrops on my Guitar: yep, I'm already hooked
3. Fearless: UGH!!!!
4. Tied Together with a Smile: FUCK!
5. Whitehorse: Holy shit!
6. Cold as You: DAMN!!!
7. You Belong with Me: (SCREAMING) I'm officially invested!
8. Stay Beautiful: 😍😍😍
9. That's The Way I Loved You: FUUUUUUCK!!!
10. Come Back, Be Here: I'm dead over this one ☠️
11. Sparks Fly: EHRMEHGHERD!!!
12. All Too Well: DUUUUUDE!!! I think this is about Jake Gyllenhaal? Also, OOOUUUUUCCCHHH, I can feel her pain!
13. Dear John: EW! Girl, he's a toxic ass narcissist! Babygirl, you need to ditch those boys, get you a girlfriend instead. I volunteer as tribute, or I would if I wasn't too old and boring lol
14. I Almost Do: 🥺🥺🥺🥺
15. Enchanted: Oh the feels!!! Also, my personal head canon is that this is about Chris Evans 😜
16. Red: oh boy, have I been here!
18. Blank Space: HA! I love this song!
19. Out of the Woods: girl does not have normal relationships
20. How You Get the Girl: OOOOF! I mean come on, she's literally giving instructions!
21. Bad Blood: Fuck you song if ever I heard one! "You made this mess, you know that right?" Kinda vibes
22. Clean: (hand over heart in salute) I feel you sis!
23. Wonderland: Love this! Also, who is this green eyed boy she keeps mentioning?!
24. Look at What You Made Me Do: love this! "Fine, now I'm the bad guy" vibes 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
26. Gorgeous: Love this! UGH SHUT UP YOUR PRETTY FACE! Also about Chris Evans lol
27. Getaway Car: Damn, I've had a few of these, and yeah nothing good happens in a getaway car. Doomed! Lol
28. Dress: HOT!!!
29. New Years Day: Oh my heart!!!
30. The Man: FUCK YES!!!
31. The Archer: wow, exhausting/exhausted, this poor kid!
32. London Boy: FUCK. (This totally made me think of JQ) lol
33. Paper Rings: LOVE!!! ❤️❤️❤️
34. Cruel Summer: relatable lol
35. Cardigan: Sobbing 😭
36. Ivy: UGH! Made me cry!
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38. Champagne Problems: this girl needs a hug
39. Illicit Affairs: OUCH!
40. Coney Island: 🖤
41. Hoax: I am bereft. I feel like I just broke up with all of my exes at once.
42. Gold Rush: definitely about Chris Evans. Also the way I flirt, if you're too perfect, I avoid and ignore. And if I can't do that, I heckle.
43. Tis the Damn Season: FEEEEELS!!!
44. Mirrorball: she needs all of the hugs, and some real friends.
45. No Body, No Crime: I would absolutely hide bodies for her. I would die for her.
45. Betty: I have questions? Also, I 🖤 when she says fuck.
46: Evermore: I liked it, but I didn't have a definitive "note"
47. Antihero: HA!
48. Maroon: I really love it when she says fuck. It may be a new kink for me.
49. Lavender Haze: I really want her to get a girlfriend.
50. You're on Your Own Kid: SO GOOD!
51. Bejeweled: FUCK YES!!!
52. Mastermind: 😈😈😈 I've done this. This is me.
53. The Great War: bonded like war buddies lol
54. High Infidelity: Feels decidedly Hellcheery
55. Would've Could've Should've: DAAAAAMMMMNNN!!!!
56. Dear Reader: WOW
And I am SPENT! This was a rollercoaster of emotions, and I enjoyed the whole fucking time. I am now a ride or die T Swift fan. Dude, I had no idea. Thank you so much MJ for this guided tour, I had the best time today! 🥰
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