#You can ask the Kingpin
444lec33 · 20 days
The Arrangement // Mafia!Lando x Reader
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Part 2 can be found here
WC: 1.7k
Warnings: none that I can think of
No descriptions of reader's physical appearance
Author's note: This was so fun to write, I hope you guys enjoy it 🧡
“I can’t believe you’re making me do this,” you sighed looking incredulously up at the ceiling. 
“Well believe it because he’ll be here any minute,” your father said sitting behind his desk. 
There was a quick knock on the office door before it parted to reveal your mother standing there, an exaggerated grin on her face. She beckoned you closer and you went to her begrudgingly. She grabbed your chin looking you over and started smoothing out your outfit. 
“You know how much this means for both our families. Don't embarrass us now, sweetie.” 
You rolled your eyes and refused to respond as he three of you trekked the halls leading to wherever your soon-to-be husband was. 
He was standing there looking rather curiously at the art work that adorned the ornate dining room. 
You hated the sound of your name on his lips and the cheeky grin that accompanied it as he turned around. Your arms were folded in irritation as you gave a simple greeting, letting the awkwardness grow.
“Sweetheart, why don’t you show Lando the rose garden?” Your mother chided hopefully, knowing that without being prompted you would never move things along for Lando’s visit. You were going to make a joke about the future kingpin’s disinterest in flowers before Lando spoke up with a playful tone. 
“I would love that.” Oh he was eating this up. 
“It’ll be good for you two to have some alone time before the wedding.” Your father remained silent as your overzealous mother aligned the pieces to connect your family to the most notorious mob in the country. 
Lando was all too excited to appease your mother’s wishes. A rough palm reached out and collected your hand dragging you towards the back entrance of your home. 
“I don’t know anything about you.” 
Your finance rolled his eyes before responding to your claim. “We’ve known each other for years, and this” he motioned between the two of you. “Was something we always knew would happen. No point in complaining,” he shrugged seeming as carefree as he always appeared for someone in his position. 
But Lando was right. You’d both grown up in relative proximity to one another, your families’ mafia ties linking the two of you in ways that ran deeper than you’d ever comprehend. 
“Alright fine,” you threw up your hands while standing up in front of him. “If we’re gonna do this we’re doing it my way.” 
Lando nodded, the appearance of his dimples telling you how comical he found your sudden interest in your present circumstances. “Ask away, love. Whatever you want and it’s yours.”
You hummed before rattling off the shortlist of needs you’d like to be met before you walked down the aisle to marry the mafia prince.
“Well for starters I want a ring. I big one. Like really big. Do not get me anything princess cut. Too predictable and cheap looking.” Lando was going to interject but you continued. “I don’t care if it’s gold or silver as long as it looks classy. Maybe a nice cushion cut or a Marquise. Dutch marquise,” you quickly added. “Oh and I wear a size 7.”
Lando took your brief pause as an opportunity to speak. “Should I be taking notes on all this,” he laughed and licked his lips clearly having fun with your pre-wedding demands. “Alright, now that I know what you want I promise I’ll deliver.” You knew he wasn’t lying. The Norris’ family was one of the wealthiest around, their fortune managed to dwarf the elaborate lifestyle your family’s own mob ties afforded you. 
“Okay, good. Glad we got that out of the way. Now if you’ll excuse me,” you pointed your thumb in the direction of your home, “I’d like to get back to enjoying the rest of my night.”
Lando was quick to his feet, his hand catching your wrist as you started towards the large mansion. “We’ve spent all night going over what you want, don’t you even care about what I’d like?” He questioned with a playful glimmer in his watercolored eyes.
“I couldn’t care less,” you turned and began walking again before Lando stopped you, grabbing your shoulders and spinning you to face him.
“That really hurts you know.” You rolled your eyes and glared at him. Leave it to Lando to make this situation into a joke. 
“Fine, what do you want? Separate houses? A girlfriend on the side? Whatever it is I really don’t care.”
“Honestly…” he trailed off, his hand rubbing nervously at the back of his neck. “I want us to give this a shot.” The words had barely left his mouth before you’d started laughing. “Okay, sure laugh at me but I’m being serious. Think about it this way; in a few weeks time we’ll be legally bound to each other and all the other bullshit that entails for the rest of our lives. You’ll probably, no definitely, be the mother of my kids.”
His words were making you feel things you wish you didn’t. As irritated as you were with this entire scheme your two families created you knew there was nothing you could ever do to escape it. Would leaning into it really be so bad? What’s the worst that could happen? Before you could interject with one of the million and one reasons you could think of to not forge a real relationship Lando spoke again. 
“You don’t have to decide now, whatever decision you make I’ll respect it.” You swallowed the lump that had grown heavy in your throat. “Oh and what you said earlier? I don’t want some girl on the side or whatever you want to call it. I’m actually willing to give us a try and I hope you’ll do the same.” 
You gaped at him, eyes wide. No dick on the side, no way. The words refused to leave your mouth but you nodded, hoping to bring the conversation to a close. 
“I have eyes everywhere, but I’m sure you already know that. If I were you I’d tie up any loose ends before the wedding.” It took a moment for you to realize what he was indicating. But how could you ever forget who Lando Norris truly was. If you were to ever go behind his back he would know, and from the looks of it things wouldn’t end to well for you or your paramour. 
“Okay fine, you win.” 
A shit-eating grin spread across his perfectly structured face. “I win,” he said more to himself, clearly enjoying the taste of the words in his mouth. “I do have one more condition before we really do this.”
Your eyes didn’t deviate from his as you waited for him to get on with it. “I want a kiss.”
“Alright great talk but no. Have a great night!” You were practically sprinting to get inside but Lando was quick on his feet catching you almost instantly. “You know you really need to stop running away all the time. That’s something we’ll need to work on.” The proximity between the two of you was closer than ever. If it weren’t for his tight grip you would have squirmed under Lando’s heavy gaze. 
He reached out to grab you chin making sure your eyes were trained on him. “Better now than the first one be in front of everyone we know. Let’s consider this practice for D-day.”
Practice. Sure. 
“Okay,” you whispered before your better judgement could stop you. Lando was confident taking the lead as his lips came close to yours. Nothing could have prepared you for the feel of his plush lips against your. As the kiss dragged on you slowly felt the tension you’d harbored before leaving your body. Why did he have to be such a good kisser. 
It felt like forever before the two of you separated, an awkward pause hanging in the air as you tried to separate your hate for your pre-planned life from the growing lust you were feeling for your future husband. Lando removed his jacket and draped it over your shoulders. He pulled you close to him as he guided you the short trek from the rose garden to your home. 
If you looked even half as disoriented as you felt it was probably best to stave off the embarrassment and head straight upstairs. You reluctantly turned around at the sound of your fiancé calling your name. You cast your gaze down to the end of the spiral stairwell where he stood. “I’ll see you next Saturday.”
There were question marks swarming your head as you tried to figure out what he was talking about. Tonight was intense enough, what else would he need to see you for?
Lando swiped his hand against his facial hair barely trying to hide the pleasure he felt by catching you off guard. He tilted his head to the side, dimples more prominent than ever. 
“Saturday night. Our engagement party.” 
Oh. Ohhhh.
“Right. Okay, yeah.” You mentally kicked yourself for forgetting the second most important date on your calendar for the foreseeable future. 
“I think a week should give you enough time to think about our little chat.” You were more likely to be ruminating over that kiss. 
At this point you were drained. Words were too much so you just flashed him a thumbs up and trusted one of the maids to show him out. “Goodbye Lando,” you called over your shoulder ready to hide away in your room for the rest of eternity. 
“Goodnight wifey.” 
When you finally reached your room you found yourself drawn to the window. You opened it up, not so subtly peaking at your fiancé’s black McLaren as it exited the gates. The sound of your phone vibrating on your bed pulled your attention from the sleek car growing distant from your home. You plopped down on your bed, body still wrapped in the warm jacket Lando covered you with. Looking at the device you noted several missed messages and calls. Some from your girl friends, and even more from your friends friends. You pulled a throw pillow close to you as you got comfortable scanning through your messages. 
Still on for tomorrow?
Missed FaceTime 
2 Missed calls. 1 Voicemail.
Time to tie up those loose ends…
Part 2 can be found here
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spiderg0th · 1 year
Established or mutual pining with Hobie Brown 🥺 maybe he's teasing the reader who is also a spider person (maybe include a kiss fake out or a chin tilt, something cutesy that gets the reader flustered). Maybe they're working together to capture an anomaly, and the reader is playfully annoyed?
(Hope that made sense!🥺)
can i kiss you?
hobie brown x spider person! reader
desc you visit his world for the first time.
wc 925
warning contains small spoilers from atsv (though it takes place before the events of the movie) and a mention of an injury.
Squinting as your eyes adjusted to the flashing array of colors from the portal, you removed the hand that shielded your face as an entire new world came into view. Taking a moment to take in your surroundings, you stood in awe at the vast landscape before you: large buildings featuring colorful billboards dominated the landscape. Everything flickered and changed shape every couple of seconds—it was unlike anything you had ever seen before. That was saying something because despite your short time in the Spider Society, none of the other worlds you had visited came anywhere close to this.
“Impressed?” Hobie questioned smugly, and even though you couldn’t see his facial expression due to his mask covering it, you knew that he was probably smirking.
“You were right, it’s certainly something.” You responded, pressing a few buttons on your watch, letting headquarters know that you both had safely traveled to Earth-138. An anomaly of Kingpin from another dimension had shown up in Hobie’s, so naturally, Miguel paired you together to handle it. Not only did you work well together, but Miguel trusted you to make sure that Hobie would get the job in a timely manner.
“I know exactly where it is. Just grab on so we don’t have to waste anymore time.” He spoke before bending over slightly so his lanky frame was closer to the ground.
“You’re joking right?” You asked incredulously, attempting to hide the uneasiness from your voice. If you were being completely honest with yourself, being piggybacked around by your crush sounded more than pleasant, but you didn’t want to give him any indication of your feelings. Besides, wouldn’t “fraternizing” like this be breaking some sort of Spider Society rules? Relationships between two spider people from different dimensions didn’t exactly sound like something Miguel would be in favor of. Then again, you rarely agreed with his policies anyway.
“What are you waiting for?” He asked again, turning to look at you over his shoulder. “You scared or something?”
“What? No?!” You said agitatedly before reluctantly wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“Alright, hang on.” You knew from spending so much time with him that Hobie’s style of swinging around was more erratic than most, but you weren’t expecting it to be this wild. It was taking every amount of restraint within you to not let a scream rip from your throat. It was bad enough that you were sure he could feel your rapid heartbeat.
“Hold on, hold on.” He stopped on the top of a nearby building and you set yourself back on the ground.
“Are we here already? The watch says he’s much farther from here.” You state, looking around at the bustling streets below.
“No. You’re almost strangling me with your arms. We’ll get there soon.” Not even giving you a moment to protest, he places your left arm around his shoulder and his right around your waist. Securing a web on another skyscraper, you were off. Although this position was far more comfortable, it was also more embarrassing. Even though you were thankful he couldn’t see your expression beneath your mask, you still felt the need to hide your face in his neck. When you eventually reached the location where Kingpin was, you couldn’t deny the disappointment you felt when his arm slipped away and he set you on the ground.
Setting yourself down next to him on the ledge, you let out a sigh of relief because Kingpin was finally caught. He would have to settle for being tied together with webbing for now, as Miguel and Jessica weren’t there to physically take him back to the Spider Society Headquarters. He put up one heck of a fight, but it wasn’t something neither of you couldn’t handle. That didn’t mean you escaped the battle unscathed though. You caught Hobie examining your features when you slipped your mask off your face. If you weren’t so tired you would actually be embarrassed at the attention.
“Wait, look at me.” He said quietly, tucking a finger under your chin so he could look at your face more closely. He was close enough that you could feel his breath fanning your cheek.
“What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?”
“No.” He didn’t have a hint of sarcasm in his voice, which was kind of alarming to you. “It’s just a cut… gonna look sick once it’s healed.” You felt disappointed again, he was just looking at an injury on your face, nothing special. Assuming that he was done, you attempted to move your head back forward but his voice stopped you.
“Can I kiss you?” That’s not what you were expecting at all. Not thinking much, you immediately nodded your head and you could’ve sworn that you saw him smile before he leaned in. Unfortunately for you both, your watches decided to go off when your lips were only about a few centimeters away from each other.
“We’re here.” Hobie rolled his eyes as you stood to your feet. “Send the location of Fisk and meet us there.” As usual, Miguel had terrible timing. Before you could utter a word to Hobie, he swung to a building below and turned back to face you.
“You coming down here or do you need me to come back up there and grab you again?” He shouted jokingly.
“Shut up!”
While the day didn’t end up going exactly how you wanted it to, you were happy because one thing was certain: Hobie liked you back, and that was all that mattered.
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imagine-shenanigans · 4 months
sighs dramatically.
Okay but the ghost distribution system as we call it is hysterical but can we tlak about how None Of The 141 are built to date.
Like, sure, Gaz is great at flirting, and he's charming, but DATES? He's the type who asks you on a date because he thinks youre pretty/handsome/adorable/etc but by the time the two of you actually go on a date he's ready figured out like. the whole rest of your lives together. He's already imagined up 20 different scenarios of different dates, stalked your front-facing social media and found your secret or hidden accounts that theoretically don't link back to you. Sure, he's scrounged through your discord servers and your private messages and texts and a thousand other things while he was bored on leave. He knows enough to know that he's happy with what comes next. All dates are simply... ritual at this point? Something obligational, other than the fact he gets to spend time with you.
You're not going anywhere, he's just the least heavy handed of them, the one who'll let you think its your choice to keep him around until he's got his ring officially on your finger. Life won't go according to plan but he's prepared for that too. In his head, you're already married anyway, he's just working his way up to that part. He'll manufacture any scenario to keep you with him, because he wants you to be. And he'll make sure you want to be too.
Soap on the other hand is WAY less tactful about it. He's charming, and he'll take you on dates, sure, but the moment he spots you it's incredibly easy to get obsessed. He immediately drops an arm around you, purring in your ear and talking to you. Doesn't ask you on a date so much as demands it, puts his number in your phone and presses a kiss to your temple, his fingertips squeezing your chin before you leave. God forbid you let him into your home - he'll never leave if you do. Johnny's SUCH a physical guy that while, yes, personality matters, it seals the deal for him the moment he's got his tongue down your throat and his fingers in your pants. Something about the way you settle in against him makes him feel like he's home, and you will never get rid of him.
He's willing to take you on dates if you need more proof, but he won't even pretend like he doesnt already have a copy of your key. Like he's not telling the guys about the bonnie little thing he's going home to - he slips into your apartment/house/etc and into your bed without changing, barely finding time to slip his boots off. Presses one hand to your mouth and just... holds you. He'll fuck you within an inch of your life later when you're less panicked, sure, but he just wants to press his nose to your neck and breathe you in. If his hips rut against your ass, ignore it for now. (Haha... unless? No? okay in a minute then)
Price is just as manipulative as Gaz can be, just as charming as Soap and Gaz too. But he just... doesn't care, just like Simon. There's a reason so many people have Price with like... mail order bride or a "one day you look up and hes your husband" scenario and thats because he's good at what he does. And by that I mean being a husband and pumping you full of kids whether or not its physically possible. (Btw check out Ceil's mail order bride western au its good shit, or Bo's Kingpin Price drabbles, makes me lose it every time.)
He sees you walking about and the MOMENT you do anything remotely domestic - pick up a neice/nephew/babysitting kid/etc and put em on your hip? Rock hard. play peekaboo with a baby across from you at a cafe? pick up after yourself just to be polite to the waitress? he's already stalking you on multiple platforms theres no goddamn way youre getting away from him. He'll figure out where you go in your free time and insert himself there as naturally as possible. He's not particularly hiding what he's doing either - he likes to test you, to see if you notice things missing or moved. If you do, he'll be a little more cautious, use it as reason to drive you into hsi arms. If you don't he jsut views it as all the more reason to take you away - poor thing, you just can't help yourself can you? You're lucky nobody else has got their claws around you, hm?
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Defiled Heroine: Arin - Oh My Girl
Tags: Rape, Fantasy, Superpower, Parody(?), Villain And Heroine, BBC, Degradation, Musk Kink, Armpits Kink, Body Odor, Body Worship (feet), Throat Fuck, Belly Bulge, Creampie
Character(s): Arin × Male Reader Ft. Sunmi
Word Count: 10, 785
A/N: Hello! I'm alive! Sorry for disappearing. IRL stuff got in the way somehow. I got this commission a while back but took some (long) time to finish it so thanks to the requester for being understanding. As you can see in the tags, it's not for everyone but for those who don't mind, enjoy!
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It's a dark and gritty world that you rule with an iron fist. The underworld caters to all manner of vices - drug dealing, human trafficking, illegal arms trade, you name it. 
You are the kingpin, the untouchable overlord who lords over it all. Your influence spreads far and wide, your tentacles ensnaring anyone who dares cross you.
But then that meddlesome little girl in the sailor uniform showed up. Sailor Purity, they call her - a mere child who somehow managed to bring you down. 
You can't believe it. How could someone so small and insignificant defeat you, the great and powerful ruler of the underworld? It's an insult, a stain on your reputation that you refuse to accept.
In the throes of your death, you feel a dark presence materialize. The devil himself has come to offer you a second chance - a chance to rise from the ashes and take your revenge on that wretched Sailor Purity. 
All he demands in return is your soul, to use as his own twisted form of entertainment, to watch you exact revenge. Without a moment's hesitation, you strike the deal. 
With the devil's powers coursing through you, you are reborn. Superhuman strength, agility, and endurance - nothing will stop you from hunting down that pathetic heroine and making her pay. 
But the devil has an even more sinister gift for you - knowledge of Sailor Purity's deepest, darkest weakness. You now know the one thing that can bring her to her knees, that can make her beg for mercy.
You will show her the true meaning of pain and humiliation. She will learn to submit to you, to grovel at your feet. 
This is your one chance, and you refuse to let it slip through your fingers. Sailor Purity's reign of justice is about to come to a bitter, brutal end.
You look down at your hands, feeling the new powers coursing through your every vein under the bright moonlight. 
The cool night air caresses your bare skin - the devil has sent you back to the mortal world, deep in the forest at the border of town, without a stitch of clothing on your body.
A sultry voice calls out your name. "Lord Muteba." 
You turn to see a brunette woman in a skimpy res latex outfit that only barely covers her ample soft assets. This must be the villainess the devil has promised to be by your side.
"Ah, Sun Mi, isn't it?" you ask, licking your lips hungrily as you take in her form. Your thick, veiny cock instantly springs to life at the sight of her, a sign of your new vigor.
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"Yes, my lord," she responds with a smirk, approaching you. Her fingertip trails down your dark-skinned, tattooed chest, stopping just above your throbbing manhood. 
You can already tell she is eager to please, and you intend to put that eagerness to the test and command her to transport you both to your abandoned base. 
In a swirl of purple smoke, you disappear, ready to begin rebuilding your empire and plotting your revenge against that meddlesome Sailor Purity.
This time, you will not be defeated. You will crush her, make her beg for mercy, and teach her the true meaning of submission. Your one chance at redemption is here, and you refuse to let it slip away.
The knowledge of Sailor Purity's weakness burns brightly in your mind, a sinister gift from the devil himself. Now, all you need is the perfect bait to lure the nosy heroine out of hiding. 
Your gaze settles on the towering agriculture company, the very pillar that keeps this small town alive. Yes, that will do nicely. 
You will orchestrate its destruction, taking the CEO and researchers hostage inside the building. Sailor Purity will surely come rushing to their rescue, unable to resist the opportunity to flaunt her "justice."
You may no longer have any loyal followers, but that hardly matters. You have Sun Mi by your side, and together, you are more than enough to handle that pathetic heroine.
With a twisted grin, you turn to your sultry assistant. "Sun Mi, I want that agriculture company reduced to rubble, and those precious hostages ready to receive us." Your cock throbs with anticipation as you imagine Sailor Purity’s horrified expression. "It's time to show Sailor Purity the true meaning of pain.”
Sun Mi returns your grin, her eyes glinting with malicious intent. "As you wish, my lord." Without further ado, she sets the plan in motion, ready to lure your nemesis into your trap.
The rumors of your return have spread like wildfire through the small town, and Arin, in her civilian guise as a college student, hears them buzzing all around her. 
The memories of her past confrontation with you, Lord Muteba, send a shiver down her spine. She had defeated you completely - or so she thought. The idea that you could have come back from the dead is simply unthinkable. 
Surely, this must be the work of some lowly criminal, trying to stir up fear and make a name for themselves. And yet, Arin can't shake the growing sense of unease that settles in the pit of her stomach. Something about these rumors doesn't sit right with her.
Her worst fears are realized when the town's sole agriculture company suddenly erupts in a fiery explosion that night. Without hesitation, Arin transforms, donning her iconic Sailor Purity costume. 
The purple bow on her chest strains against her firm bosom, the red skirt swishing alluringly around her shapely thighs. Her white gloves cup her delicate hands, leading up to the sparkling tiara that adorns her head. 
On her feet, the red heels click against the rooftop as she leaps to the scene of the disaster, her heart pounding with a mixture of trepidation and determination.
This can't be a coincidence. Arin knows in her gut that you, Lord Muteba, must be behind this. And she's ready to face you once more, to put an end to your villainous schemes for good.
As Arin rushes to the scene, her eyes take in the horrific destruction before her. Flames lick hungrily at the three-story agricultural facility, half of the building already collapsed in a heap of smoldering rubble. The employees and staff are nowhere to be seen, and Arin's heart clenches with worry for their safety. 
Without hesitation, she calls upon the power of the Sun Orb, her flame attribute blazing to life. With a sweeping gesture, she dissipates the relentless fire, clearing a path through the wreckage.
But just as she finishes, a movement catches her eye. There, atop the still-intact portion of the building, stand two figures - one she recognizes instantly. 
Your towering, muscular black frame is covered in a web of sinister tribal tattoos, your head shaved bald. And your aura... it's different, darker, more menacing than she remembers. 
Arin's eyes widen in a mix of recognition and revulsion as she takes in your nearly nude form, clad only in a tight speedo that leaves her gagging and wincing.
"Muteba," she breathes, her voice laced with disgust. "I defeated you once before, and I'll do it again."
The woman beside you, dressed in a scandalous latex dominatrix outfit, regards Arin with a cruel smirk. "My, my, the illustrious Sailor Purity graces us with her presence. How delightful."
You lick your lips hungrily, your gaze raking over Arin's shapely slim form. "Yes, the little heroine returns. But this time, the outcome will be quite different."
Arin steels herself, her hands clenching into determined fists. "We'll see about that, Muteba. Your reign of terror ends here."
Sun Mi grins wickedly, her eyes glinting with eager anticipation. "Oh, I simply can't wait to see what you're made of, Sailor Purity." With a flourish, she cartwheels off the building, landing gracefully in front of the heroine. 
"This one's mine, Lord Muteba," she calls up to you. "I want to test the limits of your precious heroine's strength."
You nod, a dark amused chuckle rumbling in your chest. "Very well, my witch. Show me what you can do."
Arin takes a defensive stance, her body thrumming with the power of the Sun Orb. "If you think I'll go easy on you, you're sorely mistaken."
Sun Mi cocks her head to the side, her purple aura flickering to life around her, blazing. "Oh, I'm counting on that, sweety. Make this fun for me, won't you?"
The villainess extends her hand, and her aura bursts forth, twisting and coiling like sinister tentacles. Arin unleashes a blazing torrent of flames, but to her shock, the dark energy simply absorbs the fire.
"What?!" Arin yells, backing away as the tendrils lash out, wrapping around her limbs. She struggles against their grip, but the more she fights, the tighter they constrict.
You watch with fascinating attention, your bulge straining against the confines of your speedo. Seeing Arin, the mighty Sailor Purity, trapped and helpless is an intoxicating sight. 
And you know her weakness is slowly but surely taking its toll, draining her strength and resolve.
Arin unleashes a burst of blazing flame into the night sky, burning away Sun Mi's dark tendrils and rushing towards the villainess with a barrage of fiery flaming attacks. 
Beams and fists of pure heat lash out, but Sun Mi's dark aura simply absorbs them, growing stronger with each impact.
The heroine's short skirt swishes as she moves, her white panties flashing with each dodge and weave. Sun Mi's scanty latex outfit clings to her sinful curves as she teleports behind Arin, wrapping an arm around the heroine's neck.
"Tell me, Sailor Purity," Sun Mi purrs, her hot breath caressing Arin's ear. "Is it true your sensitive armpits are your greatest weakness?"
Arin can't help but shudder at the villainess' words, her eyes widening in horror.
Sun Mi's grip tightens, and with a sudden, brutal movement, she suplexes Arin to the ground, the impact cracking the pavement and causing the heroine's white panties to be brazenly exposed.
"Oh, I guess it's the truth," the villainess sneers, rising to her feet and grabbing Arin's leg. With a hard slam, she sends the heroine crashing to the ground once more.
Arin grits her teeth, her body aching from the crashes. But she refuses to give in, unleashing a barrage of fireballs to force Sun Mi back. She needs to create some distance, to assess this new threat.
You watch the battle unfold, your thick, veiny cock throbbing with excitement, seeing Sailor Purity’s weakness exploited, her precious modesty compromised - it's a delicious sight. And you know, deep down, that this is only the beginning.
Arin's instincts scream at her to retreat, to regroup and assess this new, formidable threat. But her sense of justice burns too brightly to allow these criminals to run free. Plus, she needs to ensure the safety of the workers trapped inside. 
With a deep breath, she steels her resolve and prepares to launch her next attack. But just as she moves, a sudden stench presence at her back makes her heart skip a beat. 
Swinging her blazing leg around, she lashes out at you, only for you to effortlessly block her strike. Your gaze roams hungrily over her squishy ass cheeks, licking your lips.
“Well, Sailor Purity," you rumble, your voice dripping with amusement. "You used to be such a challenge. But now," Your cock throbs once again. "Now, you're just delicious."
Arin's eyes widen in alarm as she realizes the true extent of your enhanced strength. Quickly, she places herself between you and Sun Mi, ready to face you both. 
"I defeated you once before, Muteba," she cries, her voice wavering slightly. "And I will do it again, no matter how strong and how… foul you've become!"
Sun Mi lets out a mocking laugh, her sinister aura flaring to life. "Oh, Sailor Purity, you really have no idea how weak you've become, do you?" Her purple tentacles lash out, wrapping around Arin's limbs.
Arin struggles against the vice-like grip, but just like earlier, the more she fights, the tighter the tendrils constrict. "No!" she gasps, her body trembling.
You step forward, your gaze darkening with hunger. "That's it, Sun Mi. Break her. Let her feel the true extent of her pitiful useless power."
Arin's heart pounds in her chest as she's caught between the two formidable villains, her once-mighty abilities now woefully inadequate. But she refuses to give in, her determination fueling her final, desperate assault.
Arin's flame attacks and energy beams grow weaker with each strike against Sun Mi's dark aura. She should know by now that her powers are no match for the villains, but her sense of justice burns too brightly to allow her to back down.
"Justice always prevails!" she cries, launching another volley of attacks. 
But you and Sun Mi merely laugh, toying with the heroine, testing the very limits of her abilities - and the devil's claims about her weakness. To your delight, Arin's powers do indeed seem to be faltering the closer she gets to you and Sun Mi. The pungent odor of your bodies assaults her senses, making it difficult for her to focus.
"What... what is this?" Arin gasps, covering her nose with one hand as she tries to attack with the other. "You weren't this foul before!"
Sensing her growing distress, you flex your muscular chest, a deep chuckle rumbling in your throat. "That's right, Sailor Purity. I had been reborn anew! Give in to your despair! Me! Lord Muteba!”
Arin grits her teeth, jumping high into the sky to avoid Sun Mi's relentless wild acidic tentacles. Her leg bursts into flame as she shoots a powerful kick straight at you. “Take this, Muteba!!!”
You laugh uproariously, meeting the attack head-on, flexing all your, hardening your body to the max. "Yes, Sailor Purity! Show me your pathetic power!" 
The resulting explosion shakes the very ground, but when the dust clears, you stand unscathed, your speedo-clad bulge throbbing with leaking excitement.
"Is that all you've got?" you taunt, your gaze raking hungrily over Arin's trembling form as if she just hits a mountain. "I expected more from the mighty Sailor Purity."
You charge forward in a blur of motion, slamming your powerful fist deep into Arin's toned stomach. She doubles over, coughing out a thick gob of spittle as agony ripples through her frame. Without hesitating, you seize one breast, relishing how it strains against your brutal grip. With a bellow, you hurl Arin's body to the ground, creating a crater that swallows her body.
Her once pure Sailor uniform makes a hole where you gripped that tiddy, the ravaged material exposing her other perky mound to the open air. Leering down, you clasp Arin's face in one massive hand, slamming her skull mercilessly into the jagged earth. Each sickening impact cracks her tiara further as you laugh like a demented madman. Veins bulge beneath your dark, sweat-slicked skin as muscles ripple with savage glee.
Sun Mi's dexterous tentacles snake forth, coiling around Arin's bruised limbs to lift her broken form upright in a kneeling position. The proud heroine sags weakly, coughing on the overwhelming reek of your bestial musk in close proximity. Her arms are pinned at her sides, leaving Arin helpless to cover her features as the stink of your unholy arousals assaults her senses.
You and Sun Mi circle the kneeling form of Arin, peals of cruel laughter echoing off the surrounding debris. You sneer down at the once mighty "Sailor Purity," enjoying how she flinches as you recite her debased title.
"Look at you now, so-called 'Purity.' Beaten and broken, weak to mere body odor and musky filth." Your deep baritone rumbles with dark delight. 
Sun Mi slinks closer, her sweaty scented boobs brushing Arin's flushed face as she grinds her sticky slick crotch against the heroine's gasping mouth. Arin's body goes limp, sweat glistening over her curves as she's smothered in the overwhelming aromas. 
You and Sun Mi encircle her, reveling in how your heady masculine musk combines with Sun Mi's thick feminine nectar to drown the heroine's senses. Arin coughs and gags, spit trailing from her lips. With a wicked chuckle, you free your colossal ebony cock from its confines, the monstrous 11-inch meat throbbing grotesquely just inches from Arin's glazed features. 
"From now on, this is the only thing you will worship, Purity. That stupid Sun orb is not going to bless you anymore. I'll break you into a quivering, cum-addicted toy for my big black cock, you stupid justice bitch!" 
You grip Arin's dainty chin roughly, forcing her hazy-hooded eyes to take in the sheer size of your pulsating veiny manhood. "Call me 'Lord Muteba' and beg for my seed, foolish heroine!"
For a moment, defiance flares in Arin's gaze, her chest heaving weakly as she struggles to breathe through the stifling reek of your unholy fragrance. “Get–Get off me…”
Yet you sense her resolve cracking as Sun Mi's tentacles slither lecherously across her pert boobs. You relish in the helpless terror shining in Arin's eyes as you grip the thick base of your monstrous black cock. With a cruel smirk, you take that first swing and SMACK! Your veiny meat slaps across her delicate features, leaving a livid mark. 
Again you cock-slap the fallen heroine, your heavy balls swinging to batter her other cheek. You chuckle darkly at the shuddering motion of Arin's throat as she struggles not to vomit from the size and filthy scent of your looming fuckmeat. Sun Mi squats lewdly behind Arin, tentacles coiling upward to pinion the heroine's gloved arms overhead, armpits exposed and vulnerable. The vile demoness leans in close, hot breath washing over Arin's sensitive hollows.
"Look how low the mighty have fallen," Sun Mi coos wickedly before lashing that fork-split tongue forth to lave hungrily at Arin's sweet armpits. The first teasing licks draw a strangled gasp from Arin's lips as she squirms. Sun Mi bites down with sharp veneered fangs, and Arin's spine arches in shock, a mewling whimper escaping.
"P-Please...stop this!" she rasps, even as her taut body betrays the sickening sensations coursing through her veins. You stare down at the pathetic spectacle, mocking the once-mighty heroine's sensitivity.
"Mmm, you're really getting off on this now, aren't you Purity? Your sweet cunt stinks up in the air. That pathetic little pussy must be aching for release!"
Sun Mi redoubles her depraved efforts, shoving her face fully into Arin's saliva-slicked dripping pits while tentacles explore the heroine's other over-sensitive tender recess.  Arin writhes shamelessly, silken thighs quivering as impure ecstasy wracks her frame.
You grab Arin's delicate chin, your fingers leaving bruises as you force her parted lips towards your pulsing black cock. The fat, veiny shaft slaps against one flushed cheek with a painful thwack. Her groan is drowned out as the meaty length paints her other cheek, leaving a trail of pre-cum.
"Look at it, bitch! This monster cock is going to destroy your tight little cunt when we are through with breaking you!"
Behind Arin, more of Sun Mi’s tentacles snake up to grasp Arin's arms, pinning them high above her disheveled head. The witch slowly guides those white-clad limbs until Arin's armpits are fully exposed.
"What pathetic little creases to hide such sweet juicy musk," Sun Mi coos, rubbing her face sensuously along the sweaty hollows. 
Arin flinches, pleading sobs escaping her lips as the vile demoness's venomous tongue laps at her tender flesh. Wicked fangs graze Arin's armpit as Sun Mi suckles greedily on her heavenly scent, sapping her power.
"Let me go… No more! Argh!" The desperate plea falls on deaf ears. Sun Mi's writhing tentacles pull Arin's other arm taut as skilled fingers knead the opposite armpit with perverse enthusiasm.
"Listen to her moaning and squirming," you taunt with a chuckle. "Who would've thought that THE 'Sailor Purity' has such a beautiful sensitive, submissive body and begging to be used as we please." You smirk as Arin arches her back, legs quivering. “Soon your cunt will be aching to be ruined by my thick meat!"
"No… Nghhh!!! You disgusting m-monsters! Ahh! Unhand me at once!" Arin's cries carry far less conviction as Sun Mi deliciously assaults her trembling armpits with lips, teeth, and tickling tongue.
"Yes~ Drink deep of her heavenly musk, my vile witch," you rumble darkly, enjoying the way Arin tenses and writhes against the cruel stimulation.
Rosy nipples strain against the tattered remnants of Arin's sailor fuku, her boobs heaving with every desperate gasp and whimper. Sun Mi's venomous mouth works mercilessly, fangs grazing sensitive armpit flesh as she draws out every last sweaty droplet like a succulent nectar.
"M-My body… what sorcery… is this?! Make it stop– Oh God!" Arin throws her head back, her black hair tossing wildly as shameful thrill scorches through her nerves. She feels a knot swelling within her flat belly, slowly descending towards her gradually dampening pussy.
"We have merely stoked the embers of your true nature as a nasty cock-craving depraved slut, Purity," you exclaim, letting your thick lengthy cock slap across Arin’s redden bruised cheek. Strings of pre-cum streak her eye and forehead, a mocking mask of the heroine's imminent defilement. 
"Beg for it, you useless bitch! Let me hear how badly you need to be defiled, face fucked into an obedient cum-dump for my fat cock!" Your voice is rough with bestial lust as you grind the weeping head of your monster cock against Arin's pale lips. "Tell me you want every inch buried in your pristine holes!"
You don't even wait for Arin's feeble protests before snapping your hips forward, burying your thick cock into her already open mouth in one stroke. Her lips are stretched extremely wide, jaw creaking as you impale her throat on your towering ebony length.  
Arin's lovely eyes widen in horror, gorgeous features contorting with the effort of keeping her gag reflex at bay as inch after torturous inch stretches her maw. Her strangled grunts and whimpers vibrate along your pistoning cock as you grip her head firmly in both hands, holding the heroine in place to be ruthlessly face-fucked.
"Oooh yes! Go ahead and struggle, you good for nothing Purity!" you growl down at Arin, lost in carnal bliss. "Every spasm just milks my cock that much harder!"
Behind her, Sun Mi actually hums in ecstatic delight, face fully buried in the sweaty hollows of Arin's armpits. Deft fingers find the heroine's peaked nipples, pinching and twisting with sadistic fervor at those sensitive buds. 
Arin's protests are drowned out by the slick sounds of Sun Mi's mouth slurping up every divine droplet of honeyed sweat. A hoarse, animalistic groan rips from Arin's ravaged full throat as her small body tenses like a bowstring. Her thighs clench and quiver as the knot of sinful pleasure finally erupts in a stunning, explosive orgasm. 
Her eyes disappear into the back of her skull as wave after wave of corrupted bliss crashes through her very being. Sweat soaks the torn remnants of her uniform as her slender figure writhes helplessly against Sun Mi's binding tentacles.
"Did you feel that, you disgusting justice whore?!" Your laughter mingles with Sun Mi's chuckles as spit trails from Arin's stretched lips with every thrust. "You just climaxed like a bitch in heat from having your armpits pits eaten! Absolutely depraved!"
The convulsions just keep coming, wracking Arin's body with ecstatic spasms. You can feel the jerking motions massaging every throbbing inch as your cock bulges monstrously in her throat. The sight and sensation is too much, driving you into a feral frenzy as you pound her face relentlessly. 
You grip the back of Arin's tousled raven hair in a fist, using it like a handle to stretch her dainty neck. With a feral roar, you bottom out that thick black cock, burying every inch down her spasming gullet. Arin's bulging eyes roll back as you unleash a tidal wave of molten seed. Thick Spurt after thick spurt of cum erupts from your gargantuan cock, flooding her mouth and throat with thick ropes of viscous jism. 
Arin chokes, sticky strands of your unholy issue spewing from her burning nostrils and stretched lips to streak across her heaving tits. A gurgling moan escapes her as another mind-numbing pleasure crashes over the dirty girl, lust-addled muscles clenching in yet another violent orgasm. Her skirt is drenched in a shameful puddle of her own perverse honey, the cloying musk mingling with the overwhelming reek of your combined stinky discharges. 
Sun Mi rises to her feet, dismissing the tentacles that had been so thoroughly violating the heroine. Sailor Purity’s limping  form slumps forward, supported solely by the mammoth cock still pumping her sore aching mouth full of steaming spooge.
“What a pathetic display!" The villainess  laughs at her condition, her amber eyes glittering with dark glee. "I've absorbed nearly every ounce of her power. Without that, she's less than nothing!"
The torrent of cum finally starts to drop off as you pull your salacious cock free with a squelch. Ropes of pearly white seed pour from Arin's gaping mouth, splattering down her abused tits and chin to merge with the puddle beneath her shuddering body. 
The reek of impure musk and salty jism is overpowering, causing the Arin to gag and retch even as her body betrays her left over defiance. All the filth and odor coming from you and Sun Mi only weakens her even more.
Over and over, Arin's neglected pussy clenches and flutters, each twitching accompanied by a gush of leaking juice. Her abdomen flexes as tremors wrack her broken form, leaving her spasming in the messy afterglow.
You loom over Arin's shuddering, sweat-drenched state with a sneer of contempt. "Up on your knees, cumdump. The only purpose your ruined body has left is to worship my cock like the obedient cock-sleeve you are!"
Despite her shattered state, Arin manages a feeble shake of her head, black tresses swaying as defiant fire flickers in her hazy eyes. Her trembling arms clutch herself in a futile attempt to deny Sun Mi further access to her armpits and what little remained of her holy power.
Sun Mi simply chuckles, her lithe form sauntering over to seize a fistful of Arin's matted hair. With casual cruelty, she wrenches the heroine's head back, exposing the slender column of her throat as you languidly lift your semi-rigid cock. 
Arin's pretty features contort in a rictus of revulsion as Sun Mi smushes them against your musk-drenched sac, smothering the  girl with your strong sweaty funk.
"Drrrnkk rrghhhtttt...p-plehhzz..." Arin's pleas are muffled and garbled against your sweat-slick balls, rancid scents flooding her senses and draining what little strength remained. You can feel her jaw straining, lips pulling into an 'O' as she tries in vain to gulp down precious gulps of fresh air.
Each desperate inhale is like sipping from a poisoned well, saturating Arin's core with your defiling aromas. Sun Mi works her hips teasingly, grinding her plump mound against the back of the heroine's tousled head as mocking laughter rings out.
"That's it, bitch! Breathe deep of your Master's crotch! Let it break what's left of that sad 'purity' of yours."
You roll your hips with a rumbling moan, reveling in the feverish heat of Arin's distressed features nuzzling your groin. Her whimpers and helpless squirming only fuel your unholy lust.
You shoot Sun Mi an annoyed glare as the clamoring sounds of the nearby townspeople reach your ears. "Tch, fucking lowly pests! Always sticking their noses where they don't belong."
For the moment, any further domination of the defeated Sailor Purity will have to wait. Your sickening desires are too intense, too all-consuming to risk interruption. Curling your lips in a grin of pure malice, you reach down to ensnare Arin's slender throat in a vice-like grip.
“Argh! Let me go– Keuk!" The poor heroine's eyes bulge dramatically as you effortlessly hoist her body aloft by the delicate windpipe before slamming her spine-first into the unforgiving ground. A painful groan wheezes past Arin's cum-streaked lips as she slowly writhes in agony against the cracked earth.
"Finish this disgusting whore off for now," you snarl at Sun Mi, already turning to stride away from the crumpled, quivering form at your feet. "Once she's properly subdued, bring the bitch back to the lair.
Sun Mi offers a mocking half-bow, those crimson lips twisted in a cruel smirk. "With pleasure, Master."
You don't bother sticking around to watch the next degrading act. Arin's pathetic groans and the wet, ragged sound of her shallow breaths are already growing faint behind you. Even from this distance, Sun Mi's muttered words and the subsequent gurgling cries of dismay reach your twisted senses. "Hmm~ Since those sweet pits get you so hot and bothered, why don't you take a nice deep sniff of these sweaty hollows instead?"
Sun Mi drops to her knees behind Arin. The witch doesn't bother concealing her dark glee, amber eyes glittering with hunger as she firmly clamps a slender arm around the heroine's throat. Arin wheezes weakly through gritted teeth, her struggles pathetically feeble after the savage beating and degradation she's endured.
"Let's make this nice and cozy for you, my little musk-slut," Sun Mi croons in a sickly saccharine tone. 
She forcibly wrenches Arin's face to the side, smothering those flared nostrils against the damp, sweltering recesses of her armpit. Instantly, Arin’s eyes dilated in dismay, grunts of protest being swallowed by the piercing scent concentrated in Sun Mi's sweaty armpit. The witch clenches her arm tighter, cutting off precious oxygen as Arin's delicate features are consumed in that sweaty, pungent hell.
"Nnnghh! Oh G-god… Help…” she managed between ragged gasps against Sun Mi's sweaty, slick-matted pit. Rancid waves of pungent body odor and sour dampness fogged the heroine's mind as her stomach turned inside out. Arin gagged and retched against the fetid funk as tears sprang unbidden to her eyes.
"Nnnghhh!!" Arin's muffled, gurgling whimpers escalate in desperation as she thrashes wildly in Sun Mi's grasp. The tainted brunette fights with every ounce of her waning strength, but each desperate gasp is a poisoned draught of raw musk.
You can see the corrupting haze of despair glazing Arin's eyes, those flushed cheeks dimpling from the force of trying to seal her lips against the onslaught. Her petite body convulses in that sadistic armlock, every twitch accompanied by a telltale spurt of honey from her sex.
The pathetic gags and muted distress slowly morph into choked, warbling gasps of purely unwanted pain as Arin's resolve crumbles beneath the relentless domination.
"Mmmpphhhgghhh!" Arin's pleas dissolve into a gurgling whine as her eyes roll back. Her hips buck and writhe shamelessly as another shattering, liquid climax surges through her helpless form only to dissolve into oblivion as unconsciousness finally claims her.
Sun Mi remains utterly merciless though, grinding her pit deeper against Arin's slack features throughout each convulsion. Only once the heroine's slender body has been thoroughly milked of every last ounce of power does she rise, hauling the twitching, drool-soaked girl over one shoulder.
"Stubborn bitch puts up more of a fight than I expected," the demoness pants softly, then grins wickedly. "But she'll learn her place as our perfect pet soon enough.”
"Oughhh!!!" An explosive grunt is torn from Arin's abused lungs as a vicious punch slams into her toned belly. 
Her slender structure instantly curls inwards, only for bright stars of searing pain to burst across her vision as the breath is driven from her body. The muffled sound of hoarse, grating coughs slowly registers over the hazy ringing in her ears.
As consciousness comes flooding back in a wave of nausea-inducing pain, Arin's eyes groggily crack open. Her flawless features twist in shock and alarm as she realizes her vulnerable position - held upside-down by one ankle in the grip of your terrifyingly huge, onyx-skinned form. 
You tower over the captive heroine, thick muscles rippling beneath sweat-slicked ebony flesh as your free hand slowly roams across her dangling, shuddering figure.
Her slender body is utterly dwarfed compared to your imposing musculature, leaving her looking like a helpless, disheveled doll in your unbreakable grasp. Despite the abuse her outfit has clearly endured, the tattered remnants of Arin's iconic 'Purity' fuku cling stubbornly to her body - save for those pert, creamy boobs left deliciously exposed where the bodice has torn free.
Those toned thighs are lewdly parted too, that ruined skirt riding up to offer a filthy glimpse of the matching white bikini bottoms clinging to Arin's most intimate place. Your brutal hand slithers down, fingertips snapping the flimsy material aside to grip the soaked cotton.
"AAAAHHH!! W-what are you DOING, you brute?!" Arin shrieks in outrage even as fresh tears streak her already debauched features. 
Raw panic seizes her thrashing form as the skimpy underwear is cleanly ripped from her body in one savage tug, leaving her trimmed pussy utterly bared to your gaze. Sun Mi's teasing, musical laughter rings out behind Arin, compounding her humiliation further.
"Oh come now, shouldn't a whore of your caliber already know the answer to that?" the demoness taunts sweetly, sashaying into Arin's upside down view. 
The heroine whimpers in sheer revulsion as Sun Mi's pointed tongue flicks out to drag hot and wet across her perspiring armpit, leaving a slick trail in its wake. Arin twists and thrashes helplessly against your iron hold, squealing like a pig.
"P-please! Ii-it tickles… It hurts! Have mercy! Nooo!” the poor weakened girl chokes out amidst bubbling squeals of distress. 
Her stiff stomach flexes as fresh waves of torment spiral through her abused body and senses. Unable to escape or even cover herself, all Arin can do is writhe in utter rapture as her captor's perverted whims are thoroughly indulged.
With an amused grunt, you drop Arin face-first onto the cement floor. An undignified squeak escapes her gasping mouth as the impact drives what little air remains from her lungs in a wheeze. She lies there in a crumpled heap, sobs wracking her as tears streak those exquisite features.  
Looming over the heroine's trembling form, you spit as your eyes hungrily drink in every inch of the debased sight sprawled at your feet. "Well, well, where's the mighty 'Sailor Purity' gone?" Your deep, mocking baritone rumbles with cruel delight. "Though I can't say there's anything even remotely 'pure' about the desperate little squirter you've become."
Behind Arin, Sun Mi cackles wickedly, glorying in the spectacle of her suffering as you continue degrading the broken heroine of justice. "Tell me, you sniveling bitch. Does it feel good to be stripped of every shred of dignity?" One boot presses down on Arin's arched spine, producing a pained yelp that bleeds into a sensual moan as she squirms in agony. "Does it just make that depraved pussy of yours throb with need?"
"N-no… Let me go…” the wretched captive whimpers through clenched teeth, her bound arms fruitlessly straining against the coiled, thorny vines shredding her flawless skin to bleeding ribbons. "Please… Have mercy! This is too much… I can't—"
"Mercy?!" Your roar cuts her off. "There is no mercy for disgusting justice whores like you! Submit fully to your true purpose as our worthless fucktoy, or face consequences that will break your very mind and soul!" 
At a curt nod from you, Sun Mi instantly moves into action. The eager witch crouches to straddle the side of Arin's face. She grinds her dripping cunt over those pretty features with shameless motion, hot honey trickling down to pool in the hollows of Arin's ears and eye sockets. The heroine squeals and thrashes in revulsion, only to gag as Sun Mi's thick nectar is forcibly gulped down her unwilling throat.
"That's right, struggle for me whore!" Sun Mi demands breathlessly, grinding down harder until Arin's lips are smothered by her sopping flesh. "Every flail and quiver just makes me cream that— Mm~ Oh yes!” Her taunts mutate into ecstatic grunts as her plump thighs clamp down around either side of Arin's skull.
You can literally see Sailor Purity’s desperate gasps slurping up more of that vile syrup, fueling the joyful undulations of Sun Mi's pelvis. Your thick, veiny cock is already achingly erect once more, raging to join in defiling your helpless plaything.
"I will leave the miserable cumdump to worship your divine being for now," you rumble amused, already stalking around Arin's presented buttocks. "Once she's properly reminded of her place as our worthless pet, these needy holes will taste a far more unholy sacrament!"
Sun Mi slides back with a throaty chuckle, leaving Arin's once-flawless visage utterly shellacked in a glistening mask of her foul essence. "You heard the Master, bitch. Time to start earning your keep as our obedient little foot-slut!"
Before the heroine can even draw a gasp, Sun Mi's sweat-slicked soles are planted firmly across Arin's face. The pungent, cloying reek of long peds instantly clogs her senses, making her gag and choke. "Ooohh yes...lick them clean, cunt! Get every last bit of my delicious stink off those toes!"
Arin whimpers in disgust, only to receive a vicious backhand from Sun Mi's other foot. "SILENCE! You'll thank me for the privilege, you disgusting gutter-whore!"
With no other choice, the brunette’s trembling mouth parts to lave her abused tongue along the underside of those wiggling digits. Each moist swipe is accompanied by anguished retching sounds, stomach rebelling at being forced to literally drink in the foul, concentrated funk of her captor's feet. 
"That's more like it!" you taunt with glee as you stalk around Arin. Your massive thick rod is jutting outward, slapping sharply on the inside of her sleek thighs, a reminder of what's to come. "I can hear that needy little cunt of yours slopping already! Don't try fighting that depraved nature of yours."
Taking your swinging huge cock in hand, you wind the thick, veiny length around Arin's arm and down towards her armpit, shackling her further in its rigid, feverish heat. She lets out a muffled wail of dismay as the bulbous head prods against the perspiring crease, leaving slick trails of precum.
"Next stop, the musky paradise that is my crotch-heaven!" You wrench Arin's face back, forcing her nose to the throbbing root of your solid ass. "Now INHALE the scent of your God, slut!"
Arin's anguished cries of protest dissolve into a raw, guttural scream as the full gravity of her depravity sinks in. "NOOO! P-please, no more! It's stink— You’re filthy! Get away from me! Mmph!"
The fallen heroine's pleas are like a siren's call inflaming your twisted desires further. Loud, braying laughter peels from your lips as you loom over Arin's fruitlessly squirming form. "Mercy, she says?! As if a worthless cock-sleeve like you has any right to even utter that word!"
Sun Mi joins in with mocking, scornful guffaws of her own. "Maybe if you start actively THANKING us for the privilege of serving your superiors, we'll consider granting your pitiful begging, bitch!" 
She punctuates her cruel taunt by grinding the musky tread of her soiled foot harder against Arin's face, smearing eye-watering filth across the brunette's face until she can't breathe. Arin’s slender body convulses, dainty hands clawing weakly at the unyielding soles as she desperately fights for air.
"Ghhhkkk...hrrrnnn!!" Each strangled noise that seeps past Arin's clamped lips and nose only seems to spur your nasty cravings further. The tortured twitching of her sweaty curves, the labored expansion of those flawless tits as she frantically gulps down tainted oxygen like a junkie - it's all ambrosia to your depraved senses.
Your hugely engorged cock judders and throbs with wanton need, pre-cum steadily seeping from the wide slit to drool down the unyielding, black shaft in thick rivulets. You growl out a feral chuckle, slowly pumping the mammoth length with one calloused fist. 
"That's it, cumdump, drink deep of your new Mistress's luscious aromas! Let them addle what's left of that feeble, 'pure' mind until all you can comprehend is doing ANYTHING to please us!"
Arin's body stiffens as a new wave of stimulation surges through her. Her untouched pussy is relentlessly clenching around nothing, shimmering slick trickling down her wobbling thighs with each shameless gush of arousal. The tortured darling's delirious whimpers rise into sharp, hitching gasps of undeniable euphoria with every breath of Sun Mi's vile feet.
Finally, inevitably, her struggles weaken and surrender as Arin's fluttering tongue laps out with desperate, eager strokes to lave along the underside of Sun Mi's foot. Those haunted hazel eyes glaze over from both humiliation and unwanted euphoria with each slavish caress over Sun Mi’s wet soles.
"Ghhkkk!...mmmrrrggghhh!!!" Ragged, submissive whines rumble up from Arin's gulping throat, accompanied by the sounds of her own perverted juice slopping freely.
Sun Mi tosses her head back with wild, triumphant laughter. "That's my disgusting little foot-pet! Don't...stop...LICKING!"
You spit out a harsh curse of approval, devouring the sight before you with mad hunger. The ultimate conquest of her indomitable spirit - the shattering of that once-radiant purity into billions of shards, each facet reflecting their innate, whore-ish truths. Your gargantuan cock swells larger still, splitting the steady drool of its pungent lubricant off your punishing grip. 
Striding around behind the brunette, you haul Arin up by her messy shimmering raven tresses. A guttural snarl rips from your bestial depths as you force her face deep into the rippling musk-chasm of your armpit.
"MMPPHHHGGGHHHRRRRGGG!!!" Her velvet throat convulses and gags around the newest assault of concentrated, musky masculinity violating her senses. Strands of saliva streak down her chin and over the tempting bumps of her tormented tits as her petite body shudders against the full brunt of your raw, pungent smell.
You laugh victoriously, grinding Arin's flushed face deeper into the steaming embrace of your rippling armpit. "Give in fully to the cravings that disgusting, whorish pussy is begging for! You NEED this! NEED to be COVERED in my filth!"
Arin squeals and writhes, complexion turning pale with the intensity of the violation she's suffering. Her darkening eyes roll back in their sockets as another mindless orgasm rips through her against her volition. Still her drenched, spasming sex clenches in merciless pleasure, betraying the sordid, base nature her pathetic 'purity' can no longer deny.
You reach down and seize afistful of Arin's hair. The brunette heroine is a little more than dead weight in your grasp now, buckling under the sheer excess of depravity you've forced upon her. Her creamy skin glistens with a sheen of sweat and other, more unsavory effluvia, breathing reduced to a series of faint, breathy wheezes. 
"Starting to pass out on me already, you pathetic bitch?" you sneer, giving Arin's limp form a vicious shake before hurling her to the unforgiving concrete below. "How utterly typical of a worthless cock-sleeve like you!"
She hits the ground hard, shoulder impacting first before the rest of her abused figure crumples in a trembling heap. A hoarse, gurgling moan bubbles up from Arin's swollen lips - the only coherent response her overloaded senses can muster.
Without ceremony, Sun Mi pounces on the defeated girl like a lioness descending on wounded prey. She seizes Arin's rubbery legs in a grip, slamming those toned thighs apart in one brutal motion that leaves the heroine lewdly splayed before you both. 
Still dazed, Arin lets out a faint, incoherent mumble of protest as Sun Mi's obscenely bloated pussy looms into her disoriented view. Even with her eyes lolling unfocused, the fetid, pungent musk of the witch’s nether regions is an overpowering sensory barrage. Never afforded even a moment to recover, Arin's plush, kiss-swollen lips are crushed against the tangled bramble of Sun Mi's coarse thatch in the next instant.
"Hrrnnnghhkk!! Mmmgrrhhnnggg!!" Her distressed groans dissolve into a shrill, ragged wail as that sadistic cunt grinds down in merciless rutting against Arin's once-flawless visual. Sun Mi’s foul corrupting nectar drenches her anew, thick ropes of feminine honey splattering across her lids and draining down the hollows of her retching throat with each frantic buck.
Despite her instinctive thrashing and shuddering whines of revulsion, you can already perceive the crippling shudders of enchanted release rippling through Arin's very core. Her pristine pussy lips and the cleft above glisten with fresh, cloying arousal, slick streams slithering down her trembling thighs with every reluctant convulsion. 
Arin's eyes blink open, widening in fresh horror as midnight writhes of shadow coalesce around her limbs. Sun Mi's ethereal tentacles wind impossibly tight around her toned forearms, trapping them in an unbreakable bind directly behind her arched spine. Her muffled protests have already grown worryingly feeble.
Allowing Sun Mi to indulge in her twisted agonies uninterrupted for now, you stalk around behind Arin's helplessly splayed backside. Her drenched crimson skirt lies hiked up over the sumptuous curve of her ass like the most wanton invitation. Licking your lip, you hook two fingers beneath that flimsy satin barrier and tear with savage malice. The sound of rent fabric and Arin's muffled squeal resonate as one as those skimpy white panties are peeled from her quivering, creamy flesh at last.
You drink in the sight of her exposed pink slit for a shuddering heartbeat, savoring the glistening torrent of fluid seeping from between those spread folds. Each lewd twitch and gush of her sweetness makes your hulking cock judder hungrily.Then, with a monstrous grunt, you descend upon her.
“Uwaaahhh!” The shrill scream that erupts from beneath Sun Mi's rutting labia echoes through the depths of her cavernous twat as you unleash the first smack on Arin's soft, exposed ass. Her pristine cheeks ripple with each punishing impact of your palm, growing steadily more flushed and fevered under the vicious repeated onslaught.
All the while, your throbbing, veiny behemoth slides back and forth between those abused cheeks, the bulbous crown painting her ass-cleavage with fresh bursts of thick pre-cum. You grip Arin's hips in as her body wiggles instinctively.
"Wallow in your pitiful bitch-nature while my cock prepares that worthless pussy for its ultimate ruin!" The words grate out like jagged stones on your tongue. 
Sun Mi seems to sense your intentions, crawling up Arin's trembling body until her pussy and ass hover mere inches above the back the heroine's head. She seats herself firmly atop the despoiled brunette’s face.
"Nnnghh, yes...crush the bitch's last pathetic shreds of defiance!" the demoness hisses through clenched teeth. Her cruel claws rake through Arin's matted hair, vice-like grip twisting and scraping the heroine's skull against the unforgiving concrete. An anguished, gurgling cry seeps from beneath Sun Mi's wet crotch at the torment, only to be swallowed in a fresh tidal wave of her mistress's pungent, corrupting essence.
All the while, you've finally positioned the bulbous, pre-cum slathered head of your monstrous cock against Arin's pristine lower lips. The mere bloated crown of your godhood utterly dwarfs the petals cowering before it. Yet you show zero mercy, every straining inch of that ebony, veiny cock steadily plunging forward without care for the anguished shrieks radiating from your fuck-toy's very depths.
"Hrrr...RRRRAAAAAAAAGGHHHKK!!!" The shriek is tainted, primal - the wail of innocence eternally shattered as you sheathe yourself deeper into Arin's spongy passage with each torturous thrust. 
You feel her insides convulse and flutter around you in reflex, desperate walls of molten velvet clenching down in a doomed effort to repel your invasion. Amidst it all, you swear you can hear the wet tearing of stretched, violated flesh as her silken canal is mercilessly reshaped and ruined around your godlike endowment.
You throw back your head with unrestrained bellow of bestial triumph. The brutal smacks of your hips slamming into Arin's reddened backside seem only to grow more punishing at her strangled wails. Everywhere you plunge, you seem to break flesh barriers, puncturing delicate internal membranes and stretching her honeyed depths deeper than she ever dreamed possible.
Despite her apparent agony, Arin's insides convulse with a sickening rhythm, signaling fresh waves of treacherous bliss savaging her psyche. That sultry pussy grows wetter in betrayal with each penetration. Thick ropes of her illicit juice splatter against your grinding pelvis, streaking down her quivering thighs in lewd streams.
You can't resist savoring every minute detail of her perverse undoing. Calloused palms knead and squeeze the pert cheeks of her ass roughly, grinding the plump flesh into an obscene, jiggly blur, worshiping the exquisite torment you're unleashing.
“Scream my name, Purity! Let the whole fucking world hear just how much you LOVE getting brutalized by a black massive cock!"
A strangled, desperate whimper rises beneath Sun Mi, her swollen cunt shuddering at the vibrations. But still, no coherent words take shape. Only raw, unintelligible beastial sounds, devoid of reason or self-respect.
“Answer me, you miserable whore!” You punctuate the demand with a particularly savage, hip-shattering thrust to Arin's abused cervix that leaves her babbling mindless cries of torment. "Tell your Master how much you fucking LOVE being my cocksleeve! BEG ME for MORE!"
"OH GAWWWD!! YOUR COCK IS SOOO HUUUGE!!" Arin wails mindlessly, vacant eyes rolling back into her skull with delirious ecstasy lancing through her core. "IT'S… HITTING...MY WOOOOMMMBBBB!!!"
The fallen heroine's body convulses in sickening spasms of ecstasy completely disconnected from her will. Streaks of her illicit femcum continue to splatter back in sensual ropes with each punishing violation of your ungodly length punching deeper into her very stomach.
You snort with cruel amusement, slowing for a brief moment to grind your veiny girth against her deepest, most sacrosanct places. "Heh...what was that, slut? I didn't quite catch how much you're desperately craving your Master's seed?"
Beside you, Sun Mi throws back her head with a peal of mocking laughter that vibrates against Arin's features. "Don't play coy, cumdump! Your cock-hungry little snatch is MADE for being pumped full of cum until it's drooling out of every sloppy hole!"
"NNNGGGHHH— NOOOOOO AAAGGGHHH!!" Arin's protests devolve into a soulful, ragged screech of fresh orgasmic torment as another cataclysmic climax detonates. 
Her abused honeypot flutters and spasms with wild abandon, shuddering cock-sleeves convulsing around you as if trying to milk out your seed by force. A shameless new deluge of her perverted essence geysers forth to soak her inner thighs and the underside of your arrogant, jackhammering ball sac slapping against her.  
"Listen to that, bitch." You seize a chunk of her hair, wrenching Arin's tear-stained, contorted face back towards yours as you increase the brutal tempo jackhammering into her resilient depths. "Your soul can't even tell the difference between agony and pleasure anymore. Just accept what you truly are!"
"I'm...nhhhggg… NOT… AAAHHH!!" The words distort into a garbled, gurgling scream with each soul-shattering thrust that abuses her mercilessly saturated folds. For a heartbeat, there's a faint glimmer of proud defiance flickering amidst the tormented haze, fueling your sadistic craving to break her psyche all over again.
There's no warning, no window to anticipate your next move before you're seizing Arin's hips in a bestial grip, pummeling forward with monstrous force until your throbbing, engorged crown buries to the hilt in her helpless baby chamber.
Her entire guts feels like it's been turned inside out by your assault as you begin savagely mounting her pitiful cunt. Your knuckles whiten around those curvy hips, grinding her tiny frame down into the unyielding concrete as you impale her deepest wombs over and over. 
"GET...READY...SLUT!!!" The snarls rumble from your bestial depths, your clenched jaw etched in a savage rictus of vengeful depravity. "TIME...FOR...YOUR..REWARD!!!"
Arin bucks and thrashes with frantic desperation, babbling hoarse protests that quickly dissolve into shuddering pleas of, “No...Nooo!!! Pull out!! I don't wanna get pregnant with your cummmm!!!"
But there's no stopping the inevitable rising storm as your immense, shuddering ballsack tenses and draws upward into its cradle. Every last contour, every pulsing vein of your inhuman cock is etched into her very essence as the first blasphemous spurts begin achieving escape velocity.
The roar that escapes from your throat is utterly unrestrained as the floodgates finally break. Thick, virulent ropes of your cum begin erupting from the swollen tip of your cock in a seemingly endless torrent. You throw your head back, lips peeled in a savage snarl of blasphemous ecstasy.
Arin's entire body goes rigid as that boiling tsunami begins pumping directly into her very stomach. Her pencil-flat belly almost immediately begins to swell from the excessive volume you're pouring into her resilient, ruined womb. Still you just laugh and goad her tormented whimpers.
"Hahaha! What's the matter, cunt? Don't act so surprised! A cock-hungry pussy as prime as YOURS was MADE for being stuffed full of superior seed!"
"NNNNRRGHHAAAIIIEEE!!" The wail that erupts from Arin's swollen lips transcends any coherent language. Her abused face contorts into a visceral mask of agony and anguish as her frame is inflated by the literal oceans of seed you can't seem to stop injecting into her twitching, overwhelmed baby chamber.
“My tummy— Eeekkk! So… full!" Drool freely sluices down her chin as her body stiffens in shock, mouth lolling open around the lewd admission. Beneath you, her tormented pussy seems to be stretching, warping around the grotesque circumference of her overstuffed womb.
The sight is truly perverse beyond measure and you live for every depraved second of it, your hips pump forward with force, stroking your still-ejaculating shaft deeper just to ensure every spare inch of space is properly contaminated by your unholy seed.
After what seems like agonizing spans, the torrent of fresh cum spurting from your cock gradually slows to a thick, steady dribble. You unleash a breath you didn't realize you were holding, arms trembling with the strain and sheer, overwhelming euphoria suffusing every fiber of your being.
Just when you think the depraved spectacle couldn't get any filthier, that's when you withdraw your mammoth, still-throbbing cock from Arin's gaping cunt with one exaggerated pull! 
As if in slow motion, you watch in sickened admiration as her utterly stuffed pussy abruptly concludes - a violent, viscous deluge of your chunky seed erupting forth like a shuddering fountain from her bloated, stretched entrance. The sound alone is like that of a grease trap being unclogged, truly disgusting and yet deliciously erotic.
You bray laughter down at the debauched sight of Arin's overstuffed belly gradually deflating and spasming as she unleashes what must surely be gallons of pent-up, corrupted spunk from between her tensed thighs. Every fresh expulsion adds new streaks and splatters to the lurid puddles surrounding her boneless, used hole.
Truly, this is how every whore should look after savoring the privilege of being thoroughly bred. Sated for now, you turn away with a sadistic chuckle to allow the puddle of wrecked, polluted femininity to properly marinate in the cesspool of her well-earned degradation.
"Fucking pen those bleary eyes, Purity." You growl down at Arin's defiled, still-twitching body. "I'm not...nearly...DONE yet!"
You slap her already-aching clit, earning a breathless squeal of pain from between her puffy stained lips. Fresh tears stream down her flushed cheeks, only serving to further inflame your mounting sadistic rage towards this pathetic worm who once dared defy you.
"Sun Mi, flip this worthless cunt onto her back so I can look into her stupid face." You feel an unholy glee surge through your veins as the demonic femme snaps to obey your commands with eerie precision. 
Umbral tendrils coalesce and ensnare Arin's limp limbs like vises, ruthlessly wrenching them akimbo before casually upending her torso with a harsh thud.
Your captive winches audibly at the impact, her face a pitiful mask of anguish and rampant, out-of-control affliction. Every abused crevice and swollen nub is on lurid display, the tightly-stretched membrane of her gut still distended slightly from the sheer volume of seed you deposited earlier.
Sun Mi is already several steps ahead of the game, whip-like lashings of her tentacles pinning each of Arin's flailing arms out in a grotesque spread-eagle, leaving both freshly-scoured armpits exposed. You drink in the sight, your lust for domination now reignited and burning with the intensity of a newborn star.
Arin's bleary attempts at some pitiful protest are stiflingly intermittent at best, winding down into anguished, helpless whimpers as your enormous cock shushes her again. You drag the swollen tip through the sloppy, cum-streaked mess of her recently-gaped cunt, painting whorish streaks down to her twitching pucker with every shallow thrust.
“Shut your fucking mouth, fuckwit. I'm giving you one more chance to prove how much you crave the privilege of serving me and my witch!" You level her a cruel leer as you straddle her heaving stomach, dragging your sack tauntingly against her midriff as you sink forward onto one elbow. Her glossy peepers go wider, nostrils flaring in revulsion as your gargantuan cumtruck looms over her terror-gripped expression.
"This will be the 'grand finale', bitch Let's see if your stomach can handle taking your new master’s cock as greedily as that slutty little hole between your legs! Everything TOGETHER, all at ONCE!!"
Arin's faint headshake quickly degenerates into desperate thrashing and feeble cries as you clap one palm over her drool-stained lush lips. Using your huge build and weight, you bury forward with agonizing slowness until her gulping throat is forcibly filled with your mammoth, dripping knob.
"Nmmggglluurrpppgghhh!!" You sneer down at the hysterical wobble of her throat as she retches wetly in protest, velvety tongue dragging along the underside of your shaft with sheer desperation.
"That's right, hole...worship your Overlord while he forces his glorious essence into every foul hole you possess!" Sun Mi shouts beside her ear and assaults her armpit with venomous tongue, torturing her with her ultimate weakness. 
With zero restraint, you begin savagely sodomizing her gagged jaws at the same ruthless pace that sundered her pussy previously. Streaks of snot and fresh spittle arc through the air with each shattering thrust to the root, splattering across her boobs that continue jiggling with the weight of your merciless rut. 
Below, her freshly-ruined cunny squelches around nothing, betraying the overpowering soul-rape you're perpetrating through every one of her misbegotten senses.
"Gggkkkhhh...fffaaackkk!!" Your latest assault has already reduced Arin to a blubbering, drooling mess, every ragged inhalation drawn through her nostrils a desperate gasp for air. The taste and musk of your lurid cock seem to coat every crevice of her skull, overwhelming her with its sheer foulness. Instinctively, she spits a thick globule of vile backwash from her swollen tongue, only to receive another brutal backhand that snaps her head aside.
"Don't you dare waste your Master's divine flavor, slut!" you growl through clenched teeth, fingers sinking into the tender meat of her quivering thighs hard enough to leave fresh impressions. In one brutal motion, you drag her lower body towards your towering girth with animalistic intensity.
The shriek that splits the sweltering air is truly harrowing as your monstrous cock slams back into her stretched, frayed pussy. It's as if that singular act shatters the lingering threads of Arin's hesitance all over again, every convulsive breath becoming a raw, hysterical wail of trauma.
"Nnnngggghhh...GOD...GAWWDNNGHHH!" Already her words begin devolving into mindless obscenities in the face of your new, punishing rhythm of merciless violation. Her toned legs kick and thrash wildly, but only serve to spread her thighs even further, allowing deeper access to her womb.
All above her shattered façade looms the twisted, sinister grin of Sun Mi, her shadowy tentacles coiled around those still intact white-gloved arms and forcing them into a gruesome upward stretch.
"This is the thanks a slut deserves for defying her masters!" The words are a caustic hiss dripping with venom. Already her dripping tongue writhing forth to probe Arin's sweat-dampened pits, slithering out to hungrily lap at the exposed, sensitive skin it finds there.  
Before your horrified prey can even process this fresh violation, you unleash a triumphant roar and truly begin pounding her ruined cunt with all malice accumulated over years of wrath. Arin’s body scrapes against the sordid concrete in a brutal cadence, mingling with the squelching obscenities of her inner walls being reduced to a sloppy, cum-drenched ruin.
"Ghhaaaiiieeennngghhh!!" The shriek that explodes from Arin's chest transcends language, embodying the very concept of pain and abuse merging with unwanted ecstasy. Rakes of crimson begin painting her armpits as Sun Mi's teeth bore into those quivering hollows with manic fervor. 
You can sense something within that pathetic defiance splintering - the soulful barrier denying Arin's true nature as a craven fucktoy eroding under your combined onslaught. Right on cue, her slippery spongy tunnel begins juddering and fluttering at your punishing depth, fresh feminine honey splattering from her core in a stream to pool under her rippling ass. Every abused nerve ending seems to throb in time with the depraved squelches of her very essence being ruined in the pursuit of release.
“Eeekkk! Stop! I'll do anything— No! Ahh! Too much! It's too— Mas-Master! P-Please have mercy— Master!!!” The incoherent noise garbles around her tongue, an unnatural amalgam of euphoria and obliteration.
"Puh-pleeeiiiggghhkkhhh...CUUMMMMIINMMEEEAGAAAAHHHHH!!" The desperate spittle-flecked babbling gradually assumes blissful resonance as her entire structure curls in the throes of psychic shattering. Her pussy lips vise down around your titanic cock in endless, shuddering convulsions of bliss over and over again in a downpour of surrender to your depravity.
Yet still you do not grant her piteous howls for culmination the satisfaction of release, savagely maintaining your rhythm of torment through every spasming undulation of her sloppy flesh. Scalding jets of your seed have already begun sluicing violently across her abused taint, merging with the steady stream of traitorous fluids hosing straight from her torn pussy around your cock.
You will easily breed this broken burlap whore sack a dozen times over before finally allowing your lust for punishment to diminish.
° ° ° ° °
It's been a few weeks since that fateful night, but Arin's mind is still reeling from the humiliating defeat she suffered at your hands, Lord Muteba. Her once-mighty powers have been rendered pathetically weak, her every attempt to fight back now utterly meaningless.
And so, she waits, kneeling obediently in her full Sailor Purity costume as you have trained her, worshiping the filthy body of your sultry villainess, Sun Mi. Her focus is drawn inexorably to the dark-haired woman's armpits, her senses assaulted by the pungent odor that once would have sickened her.
Now, it's a scent she craves, a reminder of her own helplessness. She laps at the sweat-slicked skin hungrily, her mind clouded with a twisted desire to please her new masters.
The sound of your heavy footsteps approaching your base snaps Arin to attention. She immediately prostrates herself. "Welcome back, Master," Arin breathes, her voice trembling with a twisted reverence. She leans forward, pressing her lips to your feet in a devoted display of submission. "I've been waiting for you."
Your brow furrows in frustration as you recall the failure of your latest scheme to expand your territory. But then, a dark grin spreads across your face as you remember you have the perfect “toy” to punish, to relieve the stress of your setback.
Reaching down, you seize Arin by the throat, squeezing just hard enough to make her gasp, tongue out. "You disappoint me, pet," you growl, your fingers tightening. "My plan failed, and I'm in a foul mood."
Arin's eyes widen, but the fear in them is overshadowed by an eagerness, a yearning to please. "Then punish me, Master," she rasps. "Use me, breed me, feed me your seed. I deserve nothing less."
A sinister chuckle rumbles in your chest as you glance over your shoulder. "Sun Mi, come attend to our depraved heroine."
The villainess slinks into view, a wicked grin on her lips. "With pleasure, Lord Muteba. I should reward our pet for her service." Her gaze rakes hungrily over Arin's trembling form. "Perhaps we'll start with those delectable armpits of yours, hmm?"
Arin shudders, her body aching with a perverse need. "Yes, Mistress... use me, defile me. I'm yours..."
Your grip tightens, and with a savage outcry, you drag the broken heroine away, intent on exacting your vengeful punishment for days on end. Arin's cries of ecstasy echo through the halls, a testament to the complete and utter corruption of Sailor Purity. Arin has become nothing more than your worthless fuckmeat, and you intend to break her again and again, for as long as you desire.
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famwhy · 11 months
Bereavement (2)
/bɪˈriːv.mənt/ The state one is in when losing someone important to them
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
42! Miles X F!Reader, 1610! Miles X F!Reader
Synopsis: Miles is missing, and all you can think about is getting him back. Upon finally finding him, however, you're taken aback by the copy that stands beside him—the same copy that was staring at you with wide, shaking eyes full of... disbelief?
Note: I can't—for the life of me—believe how many notes the first part got after just a few days of being out, you guys are actually insane. Thank you all so much. And thank you too, Kingpin, for giving me the idea in the first place lmao. (Do me a huge solid and lemme know if any of my Spanish needs some work, I studied it for 3 years but it's been over a year since it's been put to practice so I'm a little rusty)
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Miles would never drop you, not in a million years—you knew that.
Something had stopped him, forced him to let go as he froze in time; in an assortment of colours he couldn't control—that was how you found yourself where you were now—free-falling to your death for what was perhaps the second time in your life.
It was a lot scarier the first time—you had to admit—when you fell from the glass room right beside the huge collider more than a year ago. At the time, Miles had insisted you stay away from his spider business for your own safety, but you—being you—followed him down anyway.
That was your first mistake.
Your second—however—came in the form of letting Kingpin know you were there after allowing quite the ridiculous sneeze out of your mouth. And once he saw you, it wasn't hard for him to pick you up and throw you through the shattered glass in his rage and dismay of his failed plan.
Miles had his back completely turned to you when it happened, and yet—somehow—he was the first to whip his head around and notice your quickly descending form.
You had come so close to the ground—seconds away from touching it—when that familiar warmth wrapped its way around your waist, carrying you through the wind to prop you onto your own little cloud of safety.
Ever since then, Miles refused to leave your side. He took you out on every mission he went to—pretty much every news station had you pinned down as 'Spiderman's girl' and he never bothered to correct them.
So even as Gwen went off to another dimension, Miles grabbed you before following after. Even as he was invited to the headquarters of this 'spider society', he refused to go without them also granting you permission inside too.
When you asked him why he went to such lengths for you, he simply replied, "I almost lost you once while being in the same dimension as you, if you think I'm going to let it even come close to happening again, you've got another thing coming."
So no, you didn't find the second time you were falling to your death all that scary. Not when you knew Miles would save you—
"I've got you, cariño."
—you just didn't exactly know that it would be the other one that did.
His arms were wound tightly around the underside of your knees and upper back—carrying you so intimately, looking at you with so much love in his eyes, you found yourself growing slightly flustered.
...okay, very flustered.
"Oh, Cariño," as he spoke, he didn't lose the breath in his tone—the gentle air of disbelief he took on since your arrival, "you're here. I can't believe it—you're here. Te extrañé mucho." ("I missed you so much.")
You were speechless, gaping up at him like a clueless fish—what else could you do? You were being held in the arms of a copy of your best friend after he basically just confessed to you because the 'you' in this universe was apparently dead.
Though, luckily for you, there was no need to say a word for he continued speaking with those soft, fond eyes, "I missed your smile and your laugh. I missed how you always used to tug me around whenever something caught your eye... and how you would go on and on about whatever show was your new obsession of the month. You were always so... pretty when you spoke passionately.
"Speak for me, cariño," he continued, "let me hear that pretty voice of yours again."
"I—" you were stuttering—why were you stuttering?—"I, uh..."
Pull yourself together, Y/N.
"Ah, I just realised how much I missed the way you say my name."
"—guh!" How the hell was he spitting such smooth lines? "Miles! Just listen for a minute, okay?!"
"Of course, mamí."
"I— I'm not who you think I am. I mean, I am Y/N but I'm not your Y/N. And you're not my Miles."
As the words came tumbling out your mouth, the boy's—this earth's Miles'—lips tugged down, gaze hardening and grip around you ever-so-slowly growing tighter.
"Don't be silly, mamí, of course I'm your Miles. I always have been and always will be."
Your brows furrowed and your eyes trailed to the view behind him, moving rapidly as you tried to locate your best friend. Though, soon, your view of the sky was cut off by the male with braids once more.
"What are you doing?" A growl. "Stop looking for him, look at me. I'm right here. He dropped you."
"He glitched! This isn't his world so of course he would, it wasn't his fault!"
You were quick to defend him—he was your best friend so of course you were. There was no way you were having anyone accuse him of anything negative, even himself.
"Cariño, you almost died. Again. He can't take care of you." Miles narrowed his eyes, as if just the thought pissed him off; as if he had the right to be pissed off.
"Oh what?" You scoffed. "And you can? I'm my own person, I don't need to be taken care of."
Stubbornly, you found yourself pulling away from him—or well, attempting to at least, he didn't seem to want to let you though, judging by the way his claws slowly began to dig into you a little.
His eyes were narrowed and his lips were tugged down, gaze seeming to pierce through you—as though he was trying to use you as a vessel to glare at the person he was really mad at.
Though, soon, the expression was gone, replaced by sullen eyes and an almost-far-away look—glossed over in a cloudy haze full of what you could only assume to be the grand despair that was grief; grief over a loss so great, it would pain someone to even admit it ever happened.
"Cariño, please. I don't want to argue with you, I just got you back. Please."
The look on his face, the crack in his voice—it was all too much, you almost couldn't stomach it, and soon, your arms loosened up as you lost the will to pull away.
"Miles," you whispered, "I... I'm really sorry—"
"Don't be, you're here with me now, aren't you? We can make up for all that lost time."
"I can't." Your vision blurred as you shook your head from side-to-side. "I'm sorry, I can't."
For a moment, all was silent. No words were exchanged, leaving only the strong wind to howl in your ears; to warn you of your grave mistake and whisper taunts into your ears. Then—
"It's because of him, isn't it?"
You almost couldn't muster words. "Huh?"
"The other me—it's because of him that you won't stay with me, isn't it?"
The look in his eyes was something of a dark nature, swirling with malice; with hate so inextricibly deep, you almost couldn't believe your own eyes—because... because there was just no way, right? There was no way your Miles (or any other Miles for that matter) could exhibit such a lethal level of loathing towards anyone...
"If I get rid of him, it won't be so much of a problem anymore... sí?"
...or was there?
@justmare, @majestichugs, @milktealvrr, @ladyfairenvale, @sakura-onesan, @haunted-pass, @phoenixgurl030, @stupendousnightmaretrash, @ultimate-geek14, @liaaa-1, @sluslutts, @angrypomeranianwifey, @thatbeanieboss, @kkate8008, @lilslmao, @honeydewpie, @elenasstxarr, @sloverr, @quartzangel0, @crystalsinwater, @astrosdelululand, @sflame15-blog, @nightshxdex, @dottoresgarden, @crowshiny, @teamowolverine, @bangtannie7, @k0la22, @kissmxcheek, @myloveforreading, @jared-oranges, @shisuishoe, @veryfancydoilies, @sunshinesetsstuff, @lovefks, @omg-the-nutella-queen, @hazzapotter, @levanneisdumb, @angie2274, @blueberrystigma
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redstarwriting · 11 months
his girl | iii. all the riches
earth 42!miles morales x fem!reader | miles morales x fem!reader
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word count: 2.5k
genre: angst to fluff
warnings: language, insults, spoilers, probably bad spanish, mentions of guns, bullet wounds, knife wounds, stabbing, shooting, violence, 42 Miles kills people, descriptions of bad injuries, a mild panic attack
a/n: someone take action sequences away from me i write them too damn much LMAO, i hope you all enjoy this chapter! these sequences are fun to write, so i hope it’s just as fun to read 🖤
his girl masterlist
previous chapter: ii. envy me
now reading: iii. all the riches
next chapter: iv. what can make me feel this way?
The Prowler mask is immediately back on Miles’ face as he runs out of Uncle Aaron’s window and hops down the fire escape. There’s a loud zapping noise, and the chains are completely off of Miles. Aaron looks at him, a little surprise on his face. “What the hell was that?” Miles hears him say, but Miles rushes past him, following other him on the same route he ran a year ago to get away from his uncle. Weird déjà vu moment. That’s not necessarily important in this moment, though.
Miles catches up to Miles in record time, which pisses 42 Miles off, but again, not necessarily important in this moment. What’s important is you, being held by a strange man with a gun to your head. “I recommend you let her go before I make you,” Miles’ distorted voice says, and the asshole holding the gun up to your head laughs. “You owe Kingpin something. You’re supposed to be getting it right now,” he says, twisting your arm behind your back more, causing you to wince and make a pained noise. This makes both Miles’ angry. “Man, you work with Kingpin, too?! What is up with your universe?” Miles mumbles, and Miles hisses. “Cállate! I don’t do it because I want to, I do it because I have to!”
“Who’s the new guy?” one of the other men asks, motioning to Miles. “Name’s Spider-Man, and I’m not a new guy, just visiting. Gotta say, though, if I could leave a Yelp review here, it would not be high. You guys ever consider, oh I don’t know, let’s see–not terrorizing citizens of the city?” Miles says, and one of the goons asks, “What’s a yelp?”
“So y’all have somethin’ called ‘comics con’ but not Yelp? This place is fucking weird.”
“Spider-Man? Tonto,” Miles mutters before addressing the man again. “It doesn’t matter who he is, she has no business in this,” he says. Other Miles scoffs. “Spider-Man is not a silly name. Spider-Man is a cool name,” he mutters as the man laughs. “Seein’ as she walked out of your accomplice's apartment, I’m assuming she means somethin’ to you,” the cartel member says, and the panicked look in your eyes makes Miles want to die. You shouldn’t have gotten involved in any of this, he shouldn’t have let you come to Aaron’s like this, he shouldn’t have let you walk out. Now you’re in danger because of him. He growls, muttering out a “Que te jodan, cabrón.”
“I’ll take that as she means something, then,” the guy chuckles, motioning for his fellow members to come forward. One brandishes a very large, very sharp knife, approaching you. Your eyes widen as one of the others covers your mouth with his hand. You make a muffled noise as the guy with the knife holds it to your throat. You make eye contact with 1610 Miles before looking at your Miles. The two of them, already on edge, are about to jump in at any second. “Maybe we should make an example of her, then. So you know to never try to cheat us again,” the man says, twisting your arm until a loud crack is heard, and you let out a muffled scream, squeezing your eyes shut as tears roll down your cheeks. Miles and Miles hear him cock his gun as the other gets ready to drag his blade across your throat.
Now there are a couple of things you should never do in any universe. One of those things is threatening the love interest of a superhero or a supervillain. Both will end in a bad result for you, and probably end up costing your life in one instance. And another one of those things is piss off Spider-Man to the point where he doesn’t say his corny ass jokes.
And seeing this guy break a (Y/n)’s arm to ‘set an example’ is a way to piss off Spider-Man enough to where he isn’t telling his corny ass jokes.
“I got the guy with the gun and the guy covering her mouth,” Miles 1610 says, low enough for Miles to hear and no one else. “Entendido. I got the guy with the knife,” Miles responds, swallowing his pride and deciding to work with Miles. If it meant saving you, he would do anything.
A silent agreement between them causes Miles to become the Prowler and other Miles to become Spider-Man. Something this world has never seen.
The Prowler leaps at his guy, using one hand to clamp down on his holding the knife, keeping it steady as he uses his claws to do what he was attempting to do to you. At the same time, Miles webs the gun and the man covering your mouth’s hand, yanking both towards him and causing the men to stumble forwards. 42 Miles grabs the knife from the guy he just took down and uses all his force to cut the man who was covering your mouth’s hand completely off. He screams as he falls to the ground, and 42 Miles pulls you out of the way. 1610 Miles promptly delivers a punch to the man with the gun’s face, knocking him down. He breaks the gun in half, throwing it behind him. Then the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He leaps out of the way as one of the other men fires his gun at him, dodging the bullet just in time. Unfortunately, it hits the man he just knocked down straight in the head. He webs that gun, too, swinging it around him and nailing the guy in the head with it. Hard. Miles essentially pistol-whips the man but has no time to rest as more people join the fight.
While 1610 Miles is doing all this, 42 Miles, grabs you, pushing you behind him. “Amor you need to run,” he says, pointing to the fire escape that leads back up to Aaron’s apartment. “If they follow you, you got Aaron to help you. Fuera de aquí. Ahora, We’ll get rid of these assholes, just go!” he explains, frantically, as he powers up his gauntlet, punching one of the men running towards the two of you and sending him painfully flying against the wall of the alleyway. You nod, turning to run, but one of the men was able to get behind you. He grabs you, stabbing the shoulder of your now broken arm with a knife as you dodge out of the way from his attempt at stabbing you in the chest. You yelp. Miles turns around, dodging the man’s attempt to stab him as he pulls out a second knife, before catching his wrist. He digs his claws into him, causing the man to drop the knife and scream out in pain before Miles forcefully pulls his head down to his knee. He crumples to the ground, and Miles immediately assesses the damage of the knife. “Mierda. Amor, change of plans. Stay behind me, Imma keep you safe,” he says, shielding you from the rest of the people.
His eyes widen as he realizes Miles has taken out over half of them, leaving only two people left. Maybe he’s not too bad, after all. “Hey, man, little help here?” Miles yells, and 42 Miles runs forward, keeping tabs on you, as he slices up the second to last guy. The two of them turn their attention to the last person, who has her gun pointed at them, switching between the two before realizing that you were also in range. She quickly turns her attention firing at you, but luckily, she’s a terrible shot. The bullet only grazes the side of your thigh, but both boys flinch, knowing how much that hurts. She then runs towards you after realizing she’s out of bullets, raising her arm to strike you. Both Miles and Miles dart over, but you’ve had enough of this. You were already made beforehand, and now you have a stab wound, multiple cuts, a broken arm, and a bullet wound? These motherfuckers need to know they can’t mess with you just to get to your boyfriend. So, you punch her first. Across the face. Hard. Luckily your dominant arm was the one left unharmed in all of this, even if you felt one of your fingers break on the impact. You still knock out the woman. You look up at the two boys, who are both staring at you with wide eyes.
“Damn, ma.”
“That was actually kinda hot,” both of them speak over each other, and 42 Miles snaps his head towards himself. “Ay, idiota! Don’t call my girl hot.”
“Bro, I am you! I know you thought it was hot, too, because we are the same person!” Miles exclaims, and you huff, grabbing the attention of the boys again. “They were pissing me off, so don’t piss me off even more with this stupid arguing,” you mutter suddenly feeling a rush of panic overtake you from the feeling of a knife in your arm. And intense pain spread through your leg at the sight of the bullet graze wound. “Okay… think I’m gonna faint, now.”
1610 Miles catches you before you even begin to slightly waver, beginning to run up the side of the building to Aaron’s apartment. “How the hell you doing that, man?!” he hears other him yell as he scales the fire escape. “Dude, I told you! I’m Spider-Man! Spiders can do this typa shit,” Miles says, hopping onto Aaron’s fire escape and running through the open window. Aaron points a gun at him before seeing that he’s carrying a very injured you in his arms, quickly ushering him over to his couch.
Miles lays you down as your Miles runs through the open window and right over to your side. “Ay, bendito,” he mutters, assessing the damage. Luckily, the knife you were stabbed with was just a pocket knife. Unluckily, you were stabbed with a pocket knife. You wrap your hand around the handle of the knife, getting ready to yank it out before 1610 Miles stops you. “No, (Y/n), you cannot pull it out yet,” he says, and you gulp. “But–”
“Nah, mi vida, Miles tiene razón. You could bleed out. It has to stay in,” your Miles says as Aaron nods, grabbing a hefty first aid kit. “Yeah, kid. You’ll feel much worse when it’s out, trust me,” he says, handing your Miles a splint for your finger. “Now anyone care to tell the adult in the room just what the hell happened down there?”
“Why didn’t the adult in the room come out to help?” 42 Miles fires back, and Aaron frowns. I was up here with a gun ready to shoot one of them in case they tried to come in here and stael your shit, Miles. Besides, I know you can hold your own, man. And apparently, so can he,” Aaron says, motioning to 1610 Miles. It makes him feel good. He wishes his Uncle Aaron could see him kicking ass like this. But as 42 Miles starts to treat you, other Miles puts those thougts out of his head, grabbing some bandages and disinfectant. He begins treating some of the cuts you received. You wince, and he frowns. “I know it hurts, (Y/n/n), but I gotta do this,” he mumbles, placing bandages over them before moving to the bullet graze wound.
He apologizes before ripping the pants you’re wearing further to get better access to the wound. He gently clears it out, making sure there’s no more fabric left in it. Your Miles holds your hand after aligning your finger, and you squeeze it as other Miles cleans thee bullet graze. He muttered comforting words to you in Spanish, alternating between wiping the tears off your face and kissing them away. 42 Miles watches as 1610 Miles expertly bandages the wound and raises his eyebrows. “You do this a lot?”
“More than I’d care to admit,” he says, shrugging. He looks up at him. “We need to get her to the hospital for the stab wound and the arm.”
“Eres estúpido o qué?! The hospital is run by the cartel,” Miles says, and Aaron solemnly nods. “Look, Miles, I don’t know what type of world you come from, but here it’s dangerous. All the time,” he says, and Miles frowns. “You have no one in this city looking out for people?”
“We did, but… he’s gone now,” Miles says, softer than other Miles has ever heard him speak. You bring his hand you’re holding up to your mouth, kissing it. Aaron’s face turns somber. Miles doesn’t say anything, but he starts getting an idea he doesn’t like very much. “Well… what about mamá? She’s a nurse, just say (Y/n) got jumped or something. She can fix this,” Miles mentions, and 42 Miles slowly nods. “Yeah… yeah that could work. Are you okay with that, mi luna?” he asks you in a soft tone, and you gulp. “How much longer til she’s home?”
“She’ll come home the minute I call her and tell her what happened to you. She’ll think of a good excuse,” Miles insists, and you nod. “Okay. Just… please tell her to make it stop hurting,” you mumble, and he frowns. “Lo siento, mi vida,” he mumbles, and 1610 Miles sighs. “Yeah… me too.” You shake your head. “You literally saved my life, Miles. Both of you. Neither of you have anything to apologize for,” you say, squeezing his hand again. “Miles. I hate to bring this up, but… before you call Rio, we needa be somewhere. Or else the cartel will be after her, you, Rio, and me all over again,” Aaron says, and Miles frowns. He doesn’t want to leave you. Not for anything. Especially not to steal shit for a corrupt asshole like Kingpin. He wants to stay with you. You’re more important tan anything he could possibly steal. But, Uncle Aaron is right. He knows he has to go. “Ay, dios mío. That’s why they came after us in the first place. I’ll be back, amor,” he glances at other Miles with a frown, “Look after her, aight?”
“Does this mean you trust me? Where are you going?”
“I have no choice but to trust you right now. Besides, you helped out down there to save her. Guess you’re cool. But you don’t need to know where I’m going. Just know I’m not going by choice, but out of necessity,” Miles says, his Prowler mask coming back over his face. Miles shrugs. That’s a start in gaining his own trust, he guesses. “I got her. Just don’t die, please. Would be weird trying to explain to ma that I’m her alive son from another universe,” Miles says, and Miles mutters something in Spanish before nodding at Aaron. “Let’s go,” Aaron says, and they make their way out of the apartment.
After they leave, you and Miles sit in a comfortable silence as he looks over all of the bandages, making sure they’re okay. “Care to tell me what happened between us on your world to get my mind off of this?” you ask, motioning to the knife sticking out of your body. Miles sighs.
This is gonna be rough.
『 his girl tag list 』
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*if you are italicized - i am unable to tag you for whatever reason, feel free to reach out and see if we can fix the issue
if you wish to be on either tag list, reach out and let me know! thank you to everyone for the support!🖤
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littyhoney · 1 year
Right Person,Wrong Time (part 1)
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(Part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)
Earth 42 Miles Morales x Reader
Chapter summary: you have always been there for Miles,will your long time crush ever pay attention to you…or not?
Warning: Spoilers for the movie Across the Spider-verse, slight angst
Guys this is my first time writing this be gentle with me <3 enjoy!
“Alright so lets do this one more time, Hey! Im (Y/N) (L/N) and Im one of the well-known spiderman/spiderwoman of Brooklyn,New York.” you swing through the city using your web as some of the civilians took out their phone to take picture or video of you. You land on top of a rooftop before speaking into an invincible camera “But im not the only one,im with my close friend Miles Morales who is also a spiderman of Brooklyn,weird huh?”
comes another person swing by you as he parkour through the rooftop in his black and red spider suit “keep up (n/n)!” Miles laugh as he jumps and swings away. You let out a chuckle as you follow him “Yo Miles wait up!”.
For the last few months after the collider incident with Kingpin,you and miles get closer since both of you share the same responsibility to keep the city safe and life is not easy even after you wear the spider mask. Balancing your life as a student and as a hero is not..easy,at all. At one time you could be in class try to catch up to your academic and the next thing you make up an excuse to go to the rest room to go out and fight crimes, comes back with few bruises and scrathes. But both of you manage to pull through the day,together.
It is Sunday as you and Miles are hanging out in his room listening to music, you are sitting on his bed bopping your head to the song as you scroll through your phone while Miles is sitting at his desk with his sketchbook,drawing. Suddenly the silent breaks as Miles stop his drawing and ask “Hey..(n/n)” he turn his chair towards you.
“Hm? What is it coco head? Something on your mind?” you turn your attention to Miles,notice his sad demenor. You stand up from the bed and walk towards him put your hand on his shoulder.
“Do you..miss the other spiders? Like Peter..Peni and..Gwen” Miles speak,his voice is low as he look up at you. You sigh and nod your head “Yeah I do Miles, but they are in another dimension” you tilt your head slightly “They are out there living their lives,I wonder if Peter B ever have a child ya know” you chuckle,trying to lighten up his mood
Miles chuckle before he look down at his hands on his lap “I just…miss Gwen a lot actually” he sigh as he wipe his face with his palms slightly frustrated “Ya know it is hard I miss her and she is not even from here man”
you lean on the table beside him,hunch down slightly to look him in the eyes,with sympathy “Miles,you know the rules right,they cant be here nor we can be there, we can dissapear and so are they”
“I know that (y/n)…I know,if only I could just met Gwen one time” Miles lean back on his chair looking at the ceiling,in his head he is hopping maybe a portal would just pop out so he could go to Gwens dimension..
You look at your friend sadnes fill your heart to see your best friend seem so down,you know Miles have been missing the spiders ever since the first week they went back to their dimension and for the past time you have try your best to be there for Miles and keep him company listening to whatever problem he is facing. For the years you been friend with Miles you slowly start to develop feelings for the ball of sunshine. His creativity in his talent,he is smart in academics,his warm honey brown eyes that seem to always take your breath away and such a sweet smile..it would be a fool of you to not fall for the boy.
You lick your lips slightly before you stand up and face to the desk,trying to change the subject “what cha drawing Miles?” you pick up his black sketchbook and go through the pages. “Oh just some uh,sketches of..” Miles voice trail off not wanting to finish the sentence.
“Of..?” I trail my question as I keep flicking the pages before stopping on the page he was currently drawing on and look at the figure he drew with such great details, my breath hitch slightly before finish my own sentence “Gwen..” I look at the drawing..a pang of jealousy fill my heart before I shake my head slightly and close the book turn to look at Miles with a small smile “It looks awesome Miles,you really get her smile and suit on point”
Thanks man” Miles smile at you before you could say anything Rio voice muffle through the close door of Miles bedroom “Miles! Dinner is ready! Tell (y/n) she can join for dinner!” Miles turn towards the doors slightly “Okay mom! Be there in a sec!” Miles turn back to you before nudge his head slightly towards the door “You joinning (n/n)?” You shake your head slightly before move to get your jacket and phone “I have to go home Miles,il see you later okay?” Miles stand up from his chair making his way to you before giving you a hug “Thank you for being with me (n/n)”
You smile sadly knowing that Miles need your support more in this tough times of his.. you pat his back before making your way out of his room saying goodbye to mama Rio and walk out the street with both of your hands in your pocket…you cant help but though of how many times Miles have mention Gwen whenever you two are together…how many times he have drawn her in almost all the pages in his sketchbook, heck he didn’t even draw you even though you have been friends for so long..maybe you could try to be better…maybe be like Gwen..?
To be continued...
@kissmxcheek @otaku-degenarate @matthiashelvarsgf @usernamepasswordsstuff @s41ntf4m3 @bath1lda @jared-oranges @papilioism @pinkprettyroses @marumareloer
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blackbat05 · 1 year
Real or Not Real?
Miguel O’Hara x Reader
Plot: You need a plus one for a wedding. Who better than your boss and perhaps the most hated person on your list.
Genre: PG-13, Enemies to Lovers (I would like to think so😬)
A/N: I’m on a roll. Also, I always wanted to do this trope! This is longer than usual. Reblogs and feedback appreciated!💜
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“Shit!” Your phone bounces off the bed, landing inches away from another expensive repair.
“What’s wrong?” Jessica Drew looks up from the self help book that she was currently engaged in.
“An old classmate. I totally forgot about the wedding!” You groan, feet becoming more fidgety by the second.
“Right… and would you care to explain why you look like one of Norman Osborn’s pumpkins?” Your best friend looks at you cautiously, as if like you were a volcano waiting to explode any second.
“Well, she used to be great with everyone in school. Can’t say the same about myself.” You winced internally at the memories about your youth. “You know how it is. Everyone is either rich, successful or in love once they leave school.”
“Or maybe all three.” Jessica adds helpfully much to your chagrin.
“Thanks, Jess.” You refrain from rolling your eyes. “Anyways, the chat group got reignited and some genius started asking about ‘the girl who everyone always see but doesn’t really know’ and before I know it, everyone starts pestering me about how I’m doing!” You throw your hands dramatically in the air and Jessica can’t help but to look amused. “So?”
“So, I kinda told them that I have a reallyhotboyfriend.” The last few words are mashed into one big mess but still clear enough for Jessica to pick up. “You what now?”
Smelling the judgement from a mile away, you hang your head in defeat. “I know! I’m an idiot! I couldn’t help myself okay? This is what happens when you attend a private all girls’ school. You stand out for being weird and suddenly The Plastics start making your entire school life hell.”
“The Plastics?”
“It’s a movie reference.”
“Why am I not surprised.” Jessica chuckles. “So what now girl? How’s damage control going?”
“Terrible.” You splat face first into the pillow. “I was thinking of getting help from the guys but…” You hold up four fingers, ticking them off one by one. “Pavitr can’t pretend, Hobie’ too unpredictable, Miles is too young and Peter’s married with a child - a fact I can’t ignore even if this is fake.”
Jessica looks at your closed fingers, tapping her chin thoughtfully. If being friends with her taught you anything, this wasn’t a good sign.
“There is one more option. I think he would fit your description of a really hot boyfriend.” She deliberately gives you a meaningful look that makes you leap off the bed, throwing her an accusing look.
“Actually, I think I’m going to ask Gwen. Do you know where I can find her?”
“Long gone. She went to visit Captain Stacey.” Jessica quips. “Come on. He’s a good option. Besides, this is a great opportunity to know him better!”
“I rather tangle with the loch-ness monster instead.” You mumble, thinking about your very first encounter with the man of the hour - Miguel O’Hara. The two of you were a good representation of day and night.
While you were bright and upbeat, the leader of the Spider Society probably didn’t have the word ‘joy’ in his dictionary. As you attempted to introduce yourself to him at your first meeting, he had simply brushed you aside.
“Miguel isn’t that bad once you get to know him.”
“Very funny, Jess. You should be comedian of the year. Did you forget how he yelled at me when I pushed him out of the way from Kingpin’s gangbangers?”
Jessica opens her mouth slightly, only to shut it soon after. You frown, turning your back to see whatever she was staring at behind you. How you wished you hadn’t. Oh, if only the ground could swallow you whole as Miguel himself stands at the door, staring at you with an unreadable expression.
“What- how long have you been here for?” You struggle to form that one sentence. “Jess…” You start accusingly.
Jessica shrugs, taking Miguel’s presence as a sign to leave. “I’ll leave you two to it!” She gives you a wink that results in your mouth hanging agape. Miguel closes the door and you quickly attempt to compose yourself.
“I’ll do it.”
“Do what?”
Miguel raises a brow. “Be your date.” He says it all too nonchalantly, as if choosing at empanada at the supermarket. You blink, pinching yourself out of his sight. The situation was very real. He stands in front of you, waiting.
“What do you want from me?” You blurt out. “You want something in return.” You clarify once more, trying to make sense of things.
The end of Miguel’s lips turn upwards slightly, and you’re worried that the sudden acceleration of your heart would unable to support your body to stand upright.
“I just want to apologize for my behavior and I happened to overhear your conversation.” He responds and you make a mental note to never trust Jessica again for not warning you about his presence.
“Am I in some kind of alternate dimension?” You laugh, trying to defuse the awkwardness. Miguel remains impassive, eyes staring intently into yours.
“What’s it going to be? You can take me or you can look like a liar to everyone. It’s your choice.”
You hate to say it, but he’s right.
“You came!” Your old friend comes barreling into you, giving you a big hug.
“Lils! You look amazing!” You gushed, returning the hug. “Congratulations. What a beautiful place.” You refer to the beachside wedding that she insisted on.
“Thanks! Jeju Island was always on my bucket list. I’m so glad I get to share this memory with all of you!” She gushes, turning to your plus one. “I mean, I finally get to see who has stolen your heart!” She extends a hand. “And who may you be?”
“Miguel O’Hara.” He extends his own hand for a shake. “Congratulations.”
“No need for the formalities!” Lilly smiles brightly. “What I do want to know is how you two got together! You can be away from her for a little can’t you?”
Before the two of you can even say anything, you find yourself being pulled away by Lilly while the groom effortlessly picks up the conversation with Miguel. She brings you aside, within the sight of the two men.
“Tell me everything!” She pounces on you like a tiger, demanding to know your first encounter. You give what you hope was a easy smile. “We’re… colleagues.” You don’t think exposing both your superhero personas would do well, not especially when you got here by inter dimensional traveling.
Your friend seems to be satisfied by this as she squeals. She hits your shoulder a little too aggressively, wanting more. You sigh, hoping that Miguel wasn’t being interrogated this intensively on his end.
“We just had the same interests and kind of clicked.” You prayed that the questioning would stop soon. “Everything was just a blur after.”
Lilly nods, throughly invested in your fake love story. She’s about to ask another question when a sharp voice pierced through the air, causing you to be rooted to the ground. You really wanted to run away at that moment.
“What is this that I’m hearing? You’re actually seeing someone?” The clack of heels come to a stop and you find yourself facing your tormentor.
“It’s nice to see you too, Becca.” You grit through your teeth. The woman remains oblivious to your discomfort as she addresses the two others trailing behind her. “I wonder who’s the lucky man nice enough to pick her up!”
“That’s enough, I invite you to my wedding out of our friendship but this doesn’t give you the right to insult her.” Lilly shoots back, keeping her eyes trained on your curled fists.
“It’s alright, Lils.” You try to remain calm. “Let’s go. I’ll tell you everything later.” You take the lead to escort her back when Becca’s comment brings you to a halt.
“I bet he isn’t even real!”
Although she was right, you couldn’t help but to turn around, wanting to give Becca and her posse a piece of your mind. Something that you should have done a very long time ago.
“Oh, I’m very real alright.”
You see Miguel walking up towards the trio. Was it just you or did Miguel look… angry?
He composes himself, giving a charming grin to the trio who looked like they were going to start falling at his feet any moment.
“Miguel O’Hara. She has told me a lot about you three.”
“Oh, she has?” Becca twirls the edge of her skirt nervously and you don’t know where Miguel is going with this.
“Sure. She’s told me all about how you three dimwits made her entire life hell. Honestly? I don’t even know how that happened when she’s a hundred times classier with more substance than you plastics claim to have.” Miguel catches your eye and gives a quick wink.
“Excuse me?” Becca stutters. “Oh, I get it. She must have paid you to say that!”
Miguel walks over and gently loops an arm over your shoulders. By now, the conversation seemed to have attracted every guest who were lining up at the buffet table.
“Nope. But you know what she is? She is the most courageous and selfless person who wouldn’t hesitate to help others. I don’t think you three would even come close to understanding what that means.”
Miguel has done it. He’s left them speechless and every guest is know giving disapproving looks to the trio who can only storm away in embarrassment.
“I think I’m not that hungry yet. How about we take a walk?”
You realize that Miguel is asking you, so you nod numbly and find yourself being led out of the venue. You see Lilly standing at the entrance greeting guests.
Catching your eyes, she gives you a thumbs up and a mischievous grin, not bothered at all about the verbal altercation that was inadvertently caused by you. Amidst the chaos, one thought was clear in your mind.
Just what is going on?
The rainbow colored blocks providing as seats for families, friends and couples to take photos makes the sea look even clearer. Silence overtaking the two of you, you busy yourself with noticing how the jagged edges of the rocks are a wonderful addition to the waves crashing near the shore.
“What’s going on up there?”
Finally. You prepare yourself, stopping beside the statue. “I was just about to ask you the same thing O’Hara.” You take a brave step closer towards the hulking man and he briefly looks away before staring back at you. “Not that I’m ungrateful but that wasn’t like you.”
“Then, what am I supposed to be?”
You paused. “Well… you’re supposed to be grumpy and grouchy and keeping me at arm’s length I guess?” You search for the right words as Miguel contains a chuckle seeing how flustered you were becoming by the second. “And you’re suddenly being nice to me? Hell would have to freeze over.”
Miguel closes the already small gap between the two of you and you suddenly feel hot at his gaze. He examines you for a while and you think he’s about to deliver another sharp retort.
“I did try. I tried to keep you away but you were too bright and cheerful for your own good.” Miguel gruffly tells you. “You were so much like her.”
You knew that he was referring to his past. His wife whom no one really dared to talk about. You finally understood. To him, you were a walking and living painful reminder.
“I’m sorry.” You breathed out. The air suddenly constricts in your lungs and you feel the need to get away. Anywhere but here. You turn around and find yourself being pulled into him. Miguel hugs you, and he hugs you tight.
“No, I’m the idiot. I punished you for seeing you as someone else.” He confesses. “I should have just seen you as… you. You were so bright and so brave, I almost lost it when you took the bullets from Kingpin. That’s when I knew my behavior had to stop. I wanted to tell you and I guess I saw this as the perfect opportunity.”
“Oh.” You don’t know how else to react to this sudden revelation.
“But I meant every word. About me apologizing for my past behavior.” Miguel continues. “And that. Earlier on.” He refers to his relentless counter attack on your tormentors. “I didn’t know that you had to go through all that.”
“Hey, we all go through things right? Kind of a ticket to join the spider society.” You try to lighten things up. “Besides, it’s nothing big.”
Miguel pries you away gently, a slight frown on his face. “Don’t minimize your struggles. You are a hundred times stronger than those three combined. After all, that’s what made you stood out to me in the first place.”
Your heart swells at his statement. As you hear the waves crashing, it felt as if like it gave you a sense of newfound confidence as well. It was all or nothing now. You’re inches away from Miguel, his rosy cheeks prominent from the strong breeze that the coastal city offered. “I just have one more question.”
Miguel cocks his head to the side, curious. He doesn’t interrupt, giving permission for you to go ahead.
“You love me. Real or not real?”
He takes you by the waist, lips on yours. It could be minutes or hours before he lets go, leaving you in a daze. But the movement of his lips are as clear as day. One that would be forever etched in your memory.
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buckrecs · 1 year
ur account is my absolute go to!!! any chance u could rec biker!bucky fics 🥺🥺🥺
masterlist | req masterlist
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Wanted by @jadedvibes
You consider ending things with Bucky after seeing a girl come on to him, but it's not that easy, and you get a hard reminder about who he really wants in the clubhouse bathroom.
Best Friends? Nah. by @wicked-mind
Classic best friends don’t realize feelings for each other until someone points it out.
Business as Usual by @world-of-aus
Not My Babe by @avecra
After a nasty break up to a nearly two year relationship, you find yourself dragged to a bar by your best friend, though a familiar blue-eyed biker makes the best of your crappy situation.
rough around the edges by @wndalovebot
Let Me Love You Old School by @mysecretlittlelibrary
Bucky meets you at a diner and plans to sweep you completely off your feet.
The Bogeyman and Other Monstrosities by @pellucid-constellations
As the local biker club president, Bucky Barnes had a reputation for being tougher than nails and feared by many—he’d never be caught dead at a halloween street fair. Too bad his best girl always got what she wanted.
Waiting Game by @buckychrist
You knew being associated with one of the most notorious and dangerous biker gangs in the city was bad, let alone scandalously dating their kingpin in secret, but you never thought you’d have to face those consequences. Until now.
Home by @all1e23
Bucky runs into his ex at a winter carnival the MC is helping host, but she didn’t come alone.
Whatever It Takes by @sgtjbuccky
Bucky Barnes knows the way to drive you up the wall in frustration, fed up with it, you show him that you know how to play just the same.
deny me by @drewbarymore
In which you feel like Bucky’s ashamed of you.
Drunk, Dumped and Empty by @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
After a nasty breakup, you go out drinking. After an absolute creep hits on you, you’re saved from a concussion by a mysterious, kind man, who reveals himself to be Bucky Barnes. The bar you’re in is a bit suspect, but you never expected him to be head of a biker gang.
yayo by @sergeantxrogers
“I need you safe. I need you here, and I need you safe, and I need, God please, I need you to let me in, baby, just let me in and I promise I’ll make it all better,” his broken voice pleaded through the door.
Drabble by @fandoms-writings
Biker!Bucky x tattooed!reader
hot and cold by @bucksfucks
you & bucky had never gotten along, but when your ex-boyfriend ransom turns up at the same bar you’re at, bucky goes to every length to protect you.
How To Get Away With Murder by @empyreanwritings
Bucky was always good at helping you clean up your messes, which is why he doesn't bat an eye when you show up on his doorstep covered in your abusive boyfriend's blood.
Hush by @buckysknifecollection
Bucky finds a stray kitten but he doesn’t know anything about cats. A friendly librarian helps him out.
little favors by @onceuponastory
Since Bucky saved her from her shitty boss, Y/N hasn’t seen him again. For a while, she gets closer and closer to giving up hope. Until he comes back. And this time, he’s asking for her help.
Swallow by @all1e23
Since he was fifteen years old, Bucky Barnes has only been sure of two things; the club should be the most essential thing in his life, and he’d burn it all down for you.
Delicate Edges by @wkemeup
Your family’s beloved flower shop was not the only thing you inherited when your parents passed. Trapped under a mountain of debt to the Hydra club, you bear the cost of your father’s desperate bargain. It’s only in moments when the charming Bucky Barnes walks into your shop that you can forget the cruelty of the biker clubs of this town. But a war is brewing. The border is crumbling. You're trapped in the middle. And Bucky will stop at nothing to keep you safe.
For The Best by @metalbuckaroo
Bucky is tired of waiting for you to realize what you're doing. He does the only thing he can think of to break the cycle.
White Horses by @whitewolfbumble
Kicked out of school and exiling yourself in a town time forgot, one little incident lands the sights of the locally infamous Avengers biker gang square on you. Wild horses run faster and there was no chance to turn back now.
Howlin’ For You by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
When Y/N gets an unreal deal on her first home, she wonders why her neighbor scared away all the other buyers. Despite being cautious, she wonders why the town has given Bucky Barnes a bad name.
Brotherhood & Bullets by @rookthorne
The 107th motorcycle club has been the protector of their collective hometown for many, many years - shouldering all the bloodshed and loss that came with it. Little did you know, you'd become the President's own twisted version of an angel on his shoulder; the tips of your angelic wings tinged red by your own demons.
Stars & Stripes, Studs & Spikes by @buckyismybicycle
The crew has always been tight, but you and Bucky are best of friends. When Bucky sees Brock's mark on you, he nearly loses it and wants to end Brock for good. But, there's something more important - keeping you safe.
call me baby by @cherryrogers
Returning to Brooklyn for the summer after a year of travelling from city to city, you hadn’t expected to find your best friend, Peggy Carter, hopelessly in love with a biker, and when she decided to introduce you to the rest of his club, you hadn’t expected to fall for one either — that was until you met one with pretty eyes and a habit of calling you baby.
Masterlist by @angrythingstarlight
Masterlist by @metalbuckaroo
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exhaslo · 12 days
Would villain!Miguel have a whole wedding with reader?
I can kinda see them having a big wedding. Reader in the most beautiful gown with the expensive lace and silks. She feels so special with Miguel treating her like a queen on their big day.
But Miguel isn’t throwing this big wedding so they could celebrate with many people as possible. He’s doing it so that he can show off how much power he has. That he has everything and more.
Sorry I was so late in responding to this!! I was debating on just answering or writing a little snip bit. Since I'm pressed for time, I'll both answer, but also give a small snip bit of how it can go, haha!
So, yes, Villain!Miguel will def have a big ass wedding with reader.
Not for the romance or anything, but more as a threat to everyone. Everyone already knows that he is Kingpin, but not Spider-Man.
So what does Miguel do to scare everyone?
The damn lunatic makes a robot Spider-Man to attend his wedding to strike even more fear into his shareholders, workers, citizens and well, everyone.
You didn't even notice since Miguel spoiled you to the core. You had everything you wanted for the wedding. Miguel wanted to make sure that you were happy, especially since you were already carrying his child at this point.
You were giddy with joy as you stared at yourself in the large mirror. The over the top wedding dress sending shivers down your spine. You looked like a Queen. That and Miguel was treating you like one as well. It was perfect.
Unable to hide the blush on your cheeks as the doors open, you inhaled deeply. It was time. You were going to walk down that aisle and officially marry the man of your dreams.
"It's time~" You cooed.
Miguel stood tall on the alter, a clear smirk against his lips as he looked around the room. The atmosphere was tense. Everyone's face were paled with fear as they focused on either Miguel or the fake Spider-Man that stood behind him.
Ah, how Miguel loved being smart.
As the music started to play, Miguel glanced down the aisle. His perfect wife walking towards him. Miguel had to resist a chuckle since you had a cute blush on your cheeks. How adorable of you thinking that this wedding was truly for love.
This was a statement.
With this wedding being showed to the world, Miguel officially set his place as a tyrant. Glancing at you, Miguel focused more on your belly. You were quick to get pregnant. All of that waiting and teasing was worth the wait.
"Now for the v-"
"I do," Miguel interrupted the priest, not wanting to waste time and meaningless things.
"I do~" You chirped.
Miguel's lips twitched into a smirk. You were such a good girl for him. You didn't even question him anymore. You just behaved and did what Miguel wanted.
Stroking your cheek, Miguel did pull you in for a kiss. He had to reward you for doing such a good job for him. Observing your dazed expression, Miguel resisted another chuckle. He grabbed your hand and walked down the aisle with you, his robot in tow.
You hummed happily as the two of you entered the limo. Once you were out of sight, you crawled onto Miguel's lap, pouting slightly.
"Can we do the vows later?" You asked. Miguel finally laughed, holding you by the waist,
"If you wish, but you have to keep behaving during the reception."
"Of course~"
It's a twisted cute wedding. Miguel still won't admit that he loves reader with all his heart, but he shows it with materials.
Reader has the best wedding dress.
Best make-up artist.
Best hair stylist.
Everything has to be the best for his girl.
Hehe, hope that answered your question~~~
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mintkookiess · 11 months
Hi, can you do a Earth 42!Miles x Earth 42!Spider-Woman!Reader. Reader somehow meets Hobie and they hit it off. Miles sees them one day and gets jealous.
Of course!! Sorry this took days, writer's block is a bitch
Hope you enjoy this one!
I'm Yours, Miles. (42!Miles x Spider-Woman!Reader)
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"Oh crap, I gotta go babe," You said, getting off of Miles' bed to change into your Spider-Woman suit. Your boyfriend lazily looked up at you from where he was laying, his fingers fiddling with the pillow. "Sure ma, you comin' back right?" Miles asked, with a subtle frown.
Your watch had beeped, signalling another mission from Spider Society and you had to deal with it as soon as possible. After changing into your suit you turned around, giving Miles a weak smile before leaning down to kiss his forehead. "I'll be back I promise." You muttered before swinging out his window.
You swung through multiple buildings before stopping at a certain rooftop. Your fingers glided through the techy watch given to you by Miguel only to see your universe pop up on the screen. "Seems like an anomaly here..." You muttered to yourself. You were about to check what the mission was about when you hear a portal open behind you.
Your Spider-sense immediately went off, making you take a sharp turn to see who was coming out of the portal. Suddenly, an all-too-familiar popped out, making you smirk. Nonchalant attitude? Guitar lazily slung behind him? The 'not giving a fuck' expression? It was none other than your friend Hobie, or Spider-punk.
The two of you had had missions together for about two weeks now, and despite only having met during the first one, it was an instant click. You two were the closest in the entirety of Spider Society which didn't come as a surprise given your many things in common, like your sense of humor.
He looked at you with his usual half-lidded eyes, nodding in greeting. "Seems we're paired up again huh?" Hobie walked towards you as the portal behind him closed once more, his comical figure hovering over you.
You gave him a light wave, "Hey there, seems like Spot's been all over the place here lately," You said with a light frown forming in your lips. Hobie only chuckled, "Miguel has been bugging me about it all morning, but you better not think I'm here cause of that."
Your eyes only rolled at the man before you, "Yeah yeah whatever, come on." The two of you then left the rooftop, skipping across buildings and other establishments on your way to assess the damage in your world's Alchemax.
Miles had been busy on his end, walking towards Alchemax with Uncle Aaron with the information that there's been some explosive damage on the institution, and they were tasked to obtain a certain material for Kingpin.
He quickly suited up in his Prowler suit before heading out with his uncle, completely oblivious to the fact that you were also there with Hobie hoping to fix the anomaly.
Once you and Hobie approached the familiar building, you noticed that the upper levels had been covered by black spots, making it look like Alchemax designed their place with polka dots. You nodded at Hobie and he returns it as the two of you stealthily swung up to the giant hole through the wall above.
Smoothly landing on your feet, your eyes explored to see that there were even more spots inside than on the outside. "Mad respect for the guy for fucking 'em up." Hobie chuckled, standing beside you.
"Scan room." You instructed into your watch, and the space before you glowed orange that projected from the device. "Scan complete, anomaly detected. Universe of origin: Earth-1610. Locating their coordinates."
Before you, in bright orange holograms, the events of how the Spot infiltrated the Alchemax and accessed the collider replayed before you and Hobie.
While the two of you observed your surroundings, Miles and Uncle Aaron had snuck in. But before he could move even further, he's already heard your voice and... someone else's.
He told Uncle Aaron that he'd check something out before walking toward the source of the voices, his clawed hands clanking against each other with every sway of his arms.
"—would be perfect if she was here." You sighed, pinching your forehead with your fingers. Hobie placed an arm around your shoulder nonchalantly, " I think 'ts all good, you gotta show 'em that you can fix it up yourself, yeah?"
"But I'd seriously want some advice from Jess right now." You groaned, taking in the large damage before you. You placed a hand on your hip, contemplating on your next move.
Only, you weren't able to as you suddenly heard a voice behind the two of you.
"Who is this, mami?" Miles' distorted voice called out, his walk a bit intimidating as he approached the two of you. The two of you turned around while Hobie's arm was still hanging around your shoulder. "Mi—" You suddenly cut yourself off, realizing that he came here as Prowler. "What are you doing here?" You asked in an attempted professional tone.
"Don't use that tone on me," Miles said, letting his mask retract to show his face. Hobie had to take a double take, "Another Miles? babes I can't be trippin' right?"
Miles right eye twitched at Hobie's nickname. "Babes? Who the fuck is this cabrón?" He started to get closer to Hobie, but you were quick to step in front of him. "Miles, Miles stop, he's just a friend." You hurriedly said.
It was never a nice sight when your boyfriend got jealous, and there wasn't even anything to be jealous about in the first place.
"You better back the fuck up bichito," Miles growled, but didn't dare shove you out of the way. His eyes sent daggers towards Hobie, who just stood there with that same idgaf look. "Look man, I ain't with your girl like that." He said, raising his hands in a surrendering gesture.
You grabbed Miles' shoulder, forcing him to turn back around and away from Hobie. "Baby, why are you even here?" You whispered, your thumbs rubbing circles on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down. Your boyfriend only clicked his tongue in response, looking away to glare at the floor.
A sigh escaped your lips, lightly tapping his shoulders. "We'll talk about this later," You whispered, kissing him on the cheek before walking back to Hobie.
"Y'all good?" He asked you, carrying his guitar over his shoulder. "Sorry about him," You sighed, shaking your head. Miles placed back his mask before walking away, or more like stomping away.
After the anomaly had been fixed, (albeit with a little help from Jess), you head back to Miles' place to fix up the misunderstanding and assure him like you always did when he got like this.
It was a bit cute though.
You flung yourself inside Miles' bedroom, flawlessly landing to see him hunched over his desk, sketching away in his notebook. You sighed, removing your mask as you walked towards him before crouching down to hug him from behind, your chin slowly resting on top of his head.
Your eyes peeked down to see that he was making another drawing of you, but his strokes were a bit harsher than usual. "You okay?" You whispered, placing a kiss in his braided hair. "Mm." Was all he does in response, still drawing in his notebook.
You leaned further down until your lips were against his cheek, "You know he's just a friend baby, nothing more." You murmured, kissing his cheek gently. You felt him tense up in his seat, but he still ignored you.
Or rather tried to. Miles was quite flushed, his eyebrows furrowed together and he didn't want you to see that side of him. You only continued to silently pepper him with kisses until his body starts to relax a bit into your touch.
"You okay now?" You mumbled, planting one last kiss on his ear. Miles shivered at the sensation, dropping his pencil on his desk. He leans his head back against your chest, looking up at you. "Yeah I'm good."
You leaned down, kissing his forehead. "You're the only one I love Miles, get it through that thick head of yours." You laughed softly, poking his forehead with your finger. "Well who the hell calls their friends babes or places a hand over their shoulder huh?" He asked defensively.
He was also definitely pouting at this point. Just a little.
You suddenly burst out laughing, nuzzling your nose against his while he was still looking up. "That's just how Hobie is okay? He calls everyone that I swear,"
Miles raised an eyebrow, definitely not amused by your answer. "I'm gonna have to talk with him for a bit." You smiled, shaking your head in disbelief, knowing that there wasn't really anything you can do to stop him.
"Fine, if that's what gets you to assure yourself of my undying loyalty, then go be my guest."
Miles stood up, turning around from his chair to wrap his arms around your waist as his brown eyes bore into yours intently. "You're mine ma, I'm going to make sure everyone knows that, hmm?" He mumbled, his hand slightly pressing down on your back.
You could only stand there, pressed against him with nowhere to go, so you just nod. "I'm yours Miles, I promise."
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Tag: @ii01vp
If you want to be part of the tag list, feel free to msg!
More of my Miles content here babes!
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Hey There Scooby Doo! Here's a Promo for you!
*The screen turns on as it shows a blonde haired jock adjusting the camera.*
Blonde Jock: "I got it working everyone. It's up and running." *The jock backs up a bit.* "Hello everyone. You're probably wondering who we are right now. Well we are Mystery Incorporated, a gang of 5 who travels the world solving mysteries of many kinds. I'm Fred Jones, the Ultimate Quarterback and Ultimate Trap maker.....Or I would be if my title didn't get give to *Kevin McCallister*....!!" *An orange haired girl taps Fred on the shoulder.* "*Ahem* Right. Anyway, i'm tough, I can bench press 220, I'm an expert driver, and I am a master of setting traps. Could've been called the Ultimate Trap maker, but noooooo. I get Quarterback instead...."
Orange haired beauty: "Freddy, calm down." *Fred groans and walks off screen.* "*Ahem.* Hi everyone! My name's Daphne Blake, the Ultimate model. I'm a master at all things fashion, I'm highly resourceful, and I dabble in a bit of martial arts here and there." *Someone comes up to Daphne.*
Shaggey haired fellow: "Hey, Daph. Can you cut this wood?"
Daphne: "Sure." *She chops through the wood with ease, slipting it in half.*
Shaggey haired fellow: "Thanks."
Daphne: "You're welcome, Shaggey." *Shaggey walks off screen as cooking noises is heard.* "Anyway that's enough out of the most beautiful member of the gang, now to the smartest and cutest member of the gang!" *She turns the camera to a girl in glasses reading a book. The girl jumped from surprise.*
Girl in glasses: "W-Wait, I thought you were the beautiful one, Daph."
Daphne: "I am. But you and Scooby share the title of the cutest members. Not even beauty can compete with that. Or would you like to argue with Marcy about it, Velma?" *The girl in glasses blushes brightly and covers her face with the book.* "Hehehehe! See, cute? Whenever you're ready, Velma." *Daphne pats Velma's back and moves to the side. Velma slowly lowers the book.*
Velma: "I-I'm Velma D-Dinkle.....Brains of the group, investigator of the mysterious, a-and Ultimate Activist. I...I.....Darn it, Daph! Now I can't get my words across!" *She covers her face with the book she was ready, blushing like a mess.*
Daphne: "Hehehe! Sorry, Vel. I'm turn the camera over to Shaggey and Scooby. Ok?"
Velma: ".......Ok......" *Daphne turns the camera over to a the shaggey haired guy from earlier and a dog cooking some pineapple shrimp fried rice. Daphne whistles to them, getting their attention.*
Shaggey: "Huh? Oh, like, hello! I'm Norville Rogers. But my friends call me Shaggey. I'm the Ultimate Cook and this is my pet dog and Mystery Inc's mascot, Scooby Doo."
Scooby Doo: "Hi there. It's nice to meet everyone."
Daphne: "That smells yummy, Shaggey."
Shaggey: "Thanks. it's almost ready. I'm making pineapple shrimp fried rice."
Daphne: "Got it, Shaggey." *She turns the camera back to her.* "And that's all the members of the gang. We would love it if you would give us a promo. Looking forward to talking to you all." *Daphne smiles.*
@a-house-divided @full-course-for-people-pleasers @salmon-running-octoling @tinyronpa @needy-girl-overload @disheiress @d4y-0f-judg3m3nt @candy-cocktail @carnivore-and-cannibal @mxfia-kingpins @ask-the-steel-gray-admin-rp @ult-aikido-princess @excitement-to-consumption @fabled-fauna @y0u-f4il3d-m3 @mikado-sannoji @mercy-of-the-ashes @little-miss-noire-detective @little-miss-succubus @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter
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fairlyang · 5 months
distracting kate with a maid outfit (request)
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w/c: 2.4K
pairing: kate bishop x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. keeping her distracted, established relationship, teasing, groping, strap usage, ejaculating strap, fucking, edging
imagine feeling bad for your girlfriend Kate who has spent almost every night the past week on back to back missions. Clint came back to the city because apparently Kingpin came back with all his men.
He escaped once again and you knew Kate desperately needed to keep her mind off her superhero duties or she'll end up on a wild goose chase to try to track him down. Again.
So you decided to help her yourself in a way you knew she'd appreciate and not turn down.
So you ordered a cute little maid outfit and paid for the fastest shipping because you wanted to put your plan in action as soon as possible.
It came in the next day and right on time, before Kate's usual time she'd come home.
So you slipped it on and fixed the ruffles at the bottom of the dress. You then propped your tits up and made sure the top looked as tight as possible just for extra measure.
You then slipped on some cute little thigh highs that you knew Kate adored.
The countdown was killing you and you were growing very impatient until finally you heard the familiar jingle of keys at the front door.
You jumped up from your messy bed and started fixing it.
Of course you made the bed in the morning but thought messing the bed up and then doing it in front of her would be the perfect tease.
"Baby?" She called out and you felt your nerves grow in your stomach.
"I'm in the room!" You yelled back and pulled the cover up to the top left corner before stuffing it in.
You heard her close the door then her footsteps were approaching making your heart beat.
You were always one to wear pretty sets for her but it's never been anything like this, something that was not necessarily sexual.
You heard a loud gasp as you reach down to make sure the duvet was tucked in. You straightened up and turned to the door to see an open mouthed and wide eyed Kate.
"Like it baby?" You asked with a wide grin.
You gave her a little spin, making the ruffles fly and slightly expose your panties from underneath the dress. Just a little peek to get her to hopefully have the need to take it off.
She gulped and nodded feverishly, her eyes not leaving your thighs then your cleavage. "Thought you needed a distraction..." you say softly, walking up to her.
She clears her throat and nods, "I- I-I do."
"Poor baby just so overworked.." you say and purposely squeeze your cleavage together with your arms right in front of her.
She lets out a shaky breath and nods her again. "Aren't you just so sweet mama..." she chuckled before quickly wrapping her arms around your waist and pulling you close to her.
You gasp and she doesn't waste any time. The first thing she did was bring her hands down to your ass, groping it through your dress before smacking it. "So pretty." She mumbles then smacks your ass harder.
A whimper escapes your lips and you already felt your arousal grow with every smack. "Missed you so much." She whispers and brings her lips down to your neck.
Her hands came back up and trailed along the edge of the neckline of the dress, teasing you. "Look so pretty for me mama." She murmurs sending a shiver down your spine.
"Decompress Katie." You mumble and she hums.
"Is that really what you want me to do?" She asks and you shrug as her fingers are gently caressing your cleavage.
"You can do whatever you want Katie." You breathe out making her hum once again.
"Take your bra and panties off for me." She says as she pulls away from you and starts taking off her clothes.
"Do it slowly while I strap on." She says and you do so, ignoring her sly joke.
You pull the bra straps down then pull your arm out of the hole before doing the same to the other arm. You then move your hands behind your back to undo it before bringing them back to the front and slipping the bra right off.
You take it off and throw it on the floor while watching her take her pants off. She was doing it as fast as she could and nearly stumbling on her own feet but she steadied herself.
She then slipped her boxers off and ran to the chest by the end of the bed where she kept her harnesses. She chose one that already had a dildo on it, closed the chest, and she carefully stepped inside her harness.
You realized it was the one that had a strip that'll go directly on her pussy and was a thong on the other side. You bit your lip and squeezed your thighs together while she fixed the straps on her hips.
The realization that it was actually one of the ejaculating straps she recently bought made your arousal seep through your panties.
Was there anything hotter than that?
Probably not besides the fact that it was your girlfriend who was wearing it.
You brought your hands under the dress and quickly pull down the already drenched panties. You step out of them and fix your dress while Kate walked over to you and quickly pulled you down to your knees.
You looked up at her and took her cock in your mouth, first licking the tip and the small hole where the cum were come out. You then kissed the tip which made her groan and buck her hips forward. "Just suck on it a little for me mama, I need to be inside you already." She groans making you whimper.
You did as you were told and spat from the top and watched as it slipped down the entire shaft and its realistic veins. You then started stroking it before taking it in your mouth and looking up at her while slowly taking more of it.
"That's my good girl. Take my fucking cock in your mouth like the dirty girl you are." She moans and bucks her hips forward again making you take more of her.
"Take this fucking cock baby." She grunts and holds your head steady before thrusting into your mouth.
You closed your eyes and took it, letting her use your mouth while you obediently let her. You started to feel yourself gagging on it and drool started to drip out of the sides of your mouth when she suddenly stops.
She lets go and pulls away before grabbing your arms and pulling you up. She then pushed you against the bed and positioned you to her liking. Your legs were straight while you laid on your stomach with the bottom of your dress barely even covering your ass.
"Just gonna slide right in because I just know you're fucking soaked." She snickers making you groan.
She pulls your dress up and over your ass and lines the tip of her cock to your entrance but then slides it up and down your slit, collecting your slick. "Well would you look at that...." She teases making you roll your eyes.
"So predictable pretty girl." She purrs and you feel your legs shake as she continues with her teasing.
"Katie please-" you whine and she clicks her tongue.
"Patience is a virtue my love." She mumbles before thrusting inside you without warning.
You whimpered as she let out a moan. Her hands went straight to your hips and you already felt yourself clench onto it. "Luckily for you, I don't have any patience." She groans before pulling back then slamming back in.
"Fuck-!" You moan and feel your eyes rolls back.
"Katie- fuck- your cock is so thick." You whine and feel your legs slightly shake.
"You can take it mama, I know you can." She murmurs sweetly.
She pulls back then back in before repeating her thrusts at a decent pace for you to get use to her cock. Her fingers dug into your skin while you gripped the sheets.
A melody of moans and mewls left your lips which only drove Kate crazy and have no choice but to start fucking you harder. Thrusting her hips into yours and making sure you get every inch of her cock.
It felt so realistic. You could almost swear it was the real deal.
It might even be better because it was purple and had a hot girl attached to it.
And tits. That was a plus that you loved.
Kate lowered herself down so your back was pressed against her chest and stomach, slowing down a bit. Sensual thrusts while her lips made their way to your ear. "So fucking pretty." She grunted then slammed herself into you.
"Feel good mama? Love how my cock feels?" She murmurs and starts pounding into you as you were a writhing mess beneath her.
You tried to move around but it was no use. She was directly on top of you and it didn't matter how much squirming you did because her body was holding you in place.
"Answer me baby." She grunts and moves her hand up to your neck, lightly wrapping her hand around it.
"Yes- god yes it feels good." You whimper and she hums.
The sounds of skin to skin and heavy panting filled the room along with the sounds of your sopping cunt. There was nothing more Kate loved hearing than how wet you'd get for her.
"Good girl. Always taking it so well for me." She groans and left a kiss on your cheek while letting go of your neck.
"Only for you Katie." You whine and turn your head to look at her behind you.
She leans in and softly kissed you, slowing down her pace because she didn't want you to cum so fast. You kissed her back and moaned into her mouth when she started thrusting fast again.
"Good fucking girl." She purrs against your mouth making you whimper and clench against her cock.
You laid your head against your arms, whining while she started ramming into you relentlessly. She leaned in and kissed your neck then lightly sucked on your skin.
You were a needy mess, desperately wanting to cum already. Somehow feeling your orgasm coming but Kate made sure to put a stop to it.
She pulled out then pulled your legs up onto the bed before positioning you with your ass up. She then positioned her tip to your entrance and slipped right in. "Oh fuck baby." She moans and makes you arch your back.
You hold your position and her hands grip on to your hips once again making you throw your ass back into her. You did it by yourself and small whined escaped your lips. "So fucking perfect." She grunts and smacks your ass, alternating between each cheek, leaving them stinging.
You let out whimpers and her hands went back to your hips, helping you. She thought it was one of the hottest sights, to see you fuck yourself on her cock.
Your cute little dress only added to her immersion and she might just cum through the strap. She also happened to be very needy as well.
Finally she decided you deserved to get fucked properly again and thrusts into you as you bounced your ass into her. "Fuck-!" You cry out making her moan.
She was pounding into you again and her own wetness was seeping through the fabric of her strap. The created friction was just enough for it to feel good for her after every thrust.
"Oh god- P-Please don't stop Katie- please." You whined and her breath hitched in her throat.
You sounded so pretty.
She started fucking you harder which resulted in the silicone balls attached to the dildo to hit your ass with every thrust. Kate's cunt was practically humping against the thin strip of the strap and it was able to rub against her clit.
She was already feeling that all too familiar feeling in her lower abdomen but she wanted to drag it out just a tiny bit more.
She pulled out, earning herself plenty of whimpers before she quickly grabbed you and flipped you over. You were now on your back so you spread your legs as wide as you could while she brought you to the edge of the bed.
She slipped back in and without a second to waste, started to mercilessly pound into you. Your pussy was now oozing out a mixture of cream and juices around her cock and dripping down.
Kate was intently looking down at the dildo getting covered in white in between thrusts. She was starting to breathe heavily and moan along with you because of how much she drenched the strap. Her clit was getting all the friction it needed and it felt so good.
She was starting to feel closer to the edge again and felt it was finally time for you both to cum.
Her hips were moving back and forth but now she was making sure she went in as deep as she could while continuing her relentless pace.
"Rub your clit for me baby." She murmurs and you quickly do so.
Your right hand went down and immediately started rubbing circles on your clit. You moaned and laid your head back, feeling overwhelmed by all the pleasure, and also feeling your orgasm coming in. "K-Katie- I'm so-" you mumble, feeling your eyes start to flutter.
"Cum for me mama, I'm about to-" Kate murmurs, slowly down, and reaches her hand down to squeeze the balls right as both orgasms hit.
Your body was shaking and your walls gripped her cock while it poured lube like cum inside you. You let out cries as Kate tried to blubber sweet nonsense.
Kate's legs were shaking and she shut her eyes as she also came on her strap. She stayed inside you while you both were heavily panting and trying to catch your breath.
She went down then laid on top of you, not with her fully body weight but enough for it to feel comforting. "Thank you for being the best distraction baby." She murmurs and plants a kiss on your cheek.
"Always." You mumbles and close your eyes, chest still heaving.
Kate then gets back up and slowly pulls out, then with just the tip in, she pulls out and sighs. Then the heart eyes came in as the cum came out and dropped down to your asshole.
"Perfect distraction ever." She sighs and tries to quickly take off her strap so she can take care of you.
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cucumberteapot · 11 months
I feel like people aren't as open to discussing E-42 Prowle because there is so much about the character we don't know or the films haven't explicitly told us yet. However, I'd like to think writers have presented us with enough information that we can make a strong assessment as to not to what kind of role they'll serve (I think it's fair to say Miles G is going to be an antagonist later-turned hero or anti-hero in BSTV), but what kind of character this is and how they challenge Miles as the main character.
I'd like to discuss one crucial aspect of piece of body language and physical characterisation. This right here:
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This is our first proper shot of E-42 Prowler and it closely parallels Aaron Davis in then first movie when he's watching Miles run away.
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Now I want to pay mind that in deliberately holding off the plot twist of Aaron being the Prowler, the audience is given no key identifiers as to the Prowler's true identity. He doesn't even have any lines of dialogue until Miles is hiding in his apartment and we after we get the reveal. In every sense of the term, Prowler is a gun for hire. Except he doesn't use guns. The point is he is a hitman. He consistently does what he's told by Kingpin - "You can count on me, sir. I don't ever quit." But then when he's confront with the reveal of the kid he's been hunting is his own nephew and he must choose between his identities as Aaron and as Prowler, that loyalty is severed and it costs him his life.
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Which leads us to this specific visual of E-42 Prowler dangling from the rafter before dropping down to face Miles. The camera doesn't cut away from how he drops. Instead we're put entirely in Miles' perspective as to this guy's every move. Between us and Miles, the crew don't want us to miss anything. So what are we seeing here?
Well firstly I think it's clear this is something the Prowler we know wouldn't do because this is a merge of personas of Miles as the Prowler and as a 15-year old. This reads to us as something a lanky kid would do on a jungle-gym, and the fact E-42 Prowler doesn't take his eyes off Miles not only demonstrates curiosity but almost an invitation to play. Not literally, but I believe this Prowler is someone who likes to toy with their victims (which he see a bit of towards the end). And in this case, Prowler is definitely testing Miles from the moment he starts talking about ideas counteractive to his reality - That Aaron Davis could be a "good guy" and that the Prowler identity is something detrimental to the E-42 dimensions' existence. Granted, Miles is speaking from the experience of someone who's Prowler didn't provide income for their family and represent a symbol of strength like the Spiderman identity, so it's a no brainer E-42 Prowler views Miles as antithetical to his state of being. Another thing is that this is how Miles hangs from his webs throughout the movie (under the clocktower, before going through the portal to mumbattan, etc.), so it's a nice consistent characterisation between the two.
But that only leads us into what separates them. After keeping their focus directly on the other, they have their first exchange:
Prowler: Your dad is still alive? Miles: What? Prowler: Your father... You said he's still alive. Miles: Yeah. Prowler: Oh.
Okay, let's dissect this. Specifically Miles' confusion at to why Prowler's asking this because the audience is in the same boat but for very different reasons.
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Now I don't want to make assumptions but even before Prowler unmasks, Miles already knows it's his counterpart and his question isn't so much as not knowing but a request for confirmation. However the reason why Miles is confused here is because he expected that same curiousity about identity from his counterpart - not about relatives. Prowler doesn't ask who Miles is even though he doesn't really know, and when he gets his answer that, yes, Jefferson is alive in the other universe, his reaction is played off as dismissive, separating his identity and priorities from Miles. Whatever it is, considering it's the first thing he's asks, this is a vital piece of information for Prowler but his reaction removes any possibility he can be negotiated with... which Miles continuously fails at.
Miles: Who are you? Prowler: My name is Miles Morales. But you... You can call me the Prowler. Miles: If I don't get home, our dad is going to die. Prowler: Your dad. Miles: Please... You have to let me go. Prowler: And why would I do that?
That then leads us on to Miles' question because he's not only asking for his kidnapper's name, he's asking for who this person is. And in turn who we see isn't particularly angry or vindictive - we'll get to that. Instead, Prowler's expression is complete desolation.
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It's only when Miles further insinuates they are the same by referring to Jefferson as "our dad", does he shoot back with "your dad". It's quick because this Prowler is still separating himself from this version of himself and the idea he could or would've been or had anything like his life. Finally Miles accepts that they are separate and ask Prowler to let him go, but Prowler has another rhetorical question which implies although he considers this Miles separate to himself, he still has use for him somehow. Which honestly if you had this strength-is-all mindset, it might feel rewarding to have captured this part of yourself that you considered weak - which for all Prowler knows, Miles is just this inferior version of himself who got decked in one hit.
And then lastly we have these two shots here where Prowler raises his "claw" beside Miles' head and sizes him up.
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If Aaron can scare Miles by punching the sand out of a boxing bag while Prowler only has to put his fist on it, you tell me who's more terrifying?
But truthfully this last non-conversational exchange before Miles stares Prowler back down is evident that not only is Prowler going to beat the shit out of Miles, but that Miles' "flippy, little sassy jokes" as Spot puts it, is not going to help him here. Because if he wants to survive, he's going to have to match Prowler's energy. This film has a bittersweet ending not because Miles is captured but because Miles has internalised what he's been fighting against the whole movie - The emotional desolation of being Spider-man that lets them deal with or appear indifferent to the harm or death of people around them and it's exemplified when he applies Peter's first lesson of being Spider-man:
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"Don't watch the mouth. Watch the hands."
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ohbo-ohno · 6 months
I would trade my firstborn child for a part two of kingpin price. It’s consumed my thoughts. I have so many what ifs in my mind.
alright listen. i don't take requests. i don't write part 2's just because someone asked. i DON'T and i WONT START okay this is a ONE TIME THING it will NOT happen again!!! please do not start spamming me asking for more!! i won't do it! it actively discourages me!!! i don't do requests!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE
anyways. here's the 1.4k part two of the kingpin price x reader thing. (cw for... being forced to move in with a mob boss? and unplanned pregnancy. no smut!)
"Be careful!" You hiss at the brute dropping a box with PICTURES scrawled across the side. "Are you trying to break my things?!"
The man ignores you, heading back out to the moving truck with the other workers. You huff, just barely stopping yourself from stomping your foot, quickly kneeling to make sure nothing's broken. Luckily for them, it's all perfectly intact, wrapped safely and securely in bubble wrap.
You're not fully mollified, still scowling as you stand and move to one of the tall windows to watch them work.
"Keeping the men in line?" John asks from the doorway, a glass of water in his hand. You scowl as he steps forward, offering it to you, but still take it and sip from the straw.
"Can they not read?" You complain, feeling more than a little bitch-y with your entire life being turned on it's head in front of you. "If anything is even cracked when I unpack, there'll be hell to pay."
John chuckles, stepping up beside you as the men bring another round of boxes in. "I'm sure, love. You're very scary."
You glare at him, entirely unamused by his sarcasm, but his smile only grows.
It doesn't take long for the movers to get all your boxes settled, and John dismisses them before they can start trying to unpack for you, leaving you surrounded by what bits of your life you'd chosen to take with you.
You'd been stressed beyond belief when John took you to your apartment to chose what got packed, flitting between various movers and trying your best to make sure they were doing everything the exact way you thought it needed to be done. John had trailed behind you, seemingly perfectly content to let you worry and only intervening when you started trying to do the movers' jobs for them.
"Now, now, love," he'd rumbled, laughing and guiding you away with a hand on your elbow. "Let's let the men do what I'm paying them for, hm? Why don't we find you something else to do."
You'd bristled at the condescending words, had redirected all of your annoyance and bitchiness back to him - where it belonged, really - and only realized hours later that that was probably his intent all along. You can only hope he regretted it after several minutes of your very targeted complaining.
You bite back the urge now, just a bit more nervous in his house than you had been in your apartment. Even with all the strangers packing up your things, there had been a sense of familiarity that distracted you from just who you've gotten yourself entangled with. But in John's house, with everything decorated in a painfully masculine way and his cologne filling the air, you really can't forget who you're with.
It makes you just nervous enough to bite your tongue now, uncomfortable in his territory. So you don't complain when he tugs you away from the boxes, guiding you further down a hallway, even if your heart does race.
He leads you to what is clearly his bedroom, the bed made perfectly but the various signs of life on his dresser and his nightstand giving him away. You clear your throat before speaking, taking another sip of the water and staying by the door even as he begins to putter around. "Where can I sleep? If you don't have a guest room, I don't mind the couch."
He shoots you a look, like you've said something silly, and huffs when you don't continue.
"The woman carrying my child doesn't sleep on a couch," he almost sneers the words. "You'll sleep in here."
You lick your lips, shifting on your feet. "And where will you sleep?"
His look turns shifts to something almost teasing, like he's just humoring you. "I'll sleep in my bed, just like you. Too tall for the couches, I'm afraid."
It's hard to keep your face neutral, but you think you manage. "You can't stay in a guest room?"
He turns back to whatever he was doing at his dresser before, shaking his head with a smile. "You don't need to worry, love. I won't touch you until you beg, you're perfectly safe in bed with me."
Your face flames, cheeks hot with embarrassment. "What- why would you even-? No, that's not what I was worried about." It definitely was, but he doesn't need to know that. "And I'll never beg for you to touch me."
He turns, leaning against his dresser and crossing his arms, one ankle crossed over the other, the picture of comfort. He looks at you like you're amusing, like you've said something you believe that is fully true but are obviously wrong.
"We'll see," he hums, head tilting. "Regardless, anything that happens between us will be on your terms. Until then, we'll just be bedmates."
The heat doesn't leave your face. "Do you really not have a guest room to stay in?"
"I don't see why I should have to. We're both adults, and while I know I won't maul you in the middle of the night, I wouldn't mind if you initiated something. Doesn't seem like much anything can go wrong."
You're... not sure how to argue that. It seems almost juvenile, somehow, to complain about sharing a bed with the man who took your virginity and got you pregnant on the first try, but there's still a part of you that doesn't feel safe enough around John to fall asleep in the same bed as him (at least while sober). And while he couldn't seem less threatening at the moment, you refuse to let yourself forget that he's a violent criminal.
You shift from foot to foot, eyes trained on his throat to avoid eye contact. "...Fine."
"Good." He ducks his head just enough to make you lock eyes, his smile soft. "Glad we got that settled. Now, how would you like a bath?"
You eye him, then the bathtub you can see through the open door to the ensuite. It's massive, could probably easily fit four people in it, and it's hard not to feel tempted.
But... you're not sure you want to strip down in front of him.
You take a deep breath, and figure that you'll have to bathe at some point anyway. John's made it more than clear that you're not leaving any time soon, and while you already plan to get as much freedom as you can, you're under no delusion for how much control you really have in this situation.
"Alright," you agree. "Alone, though."
He holds a hand over his heart, standing and holding his other arm out towards the bathroom. "Of course, what do you take me for?"
You side eye him as you walk to the bathroom, keeping him in your line of sight for as long as possible.
"A criminal and a man with no sense of personal boundaries," you mutter on your way past, just long enough for him to hear. He laughs, but doesn't stop you from shutting the bathroom door in his face.
You lock the door behind you, already feeling more relaxed. He's surely got a key, and you know a flimsy lock won't keep John Price out if he really wants in, but the layer of security is still a comfort.
You don't bother to look around the bathroom too much, far too eager to slip into the tub and float in warm water. It doesn't take long to fill, the multiple jets on the side of the tub warming quickly.
As you sink into the clean water, you daydream about all the decorating you'll do in John's house. It's a beautiful home, and if he's going to make you live with him for the foreseeable future, the least he can do is let you make it even marginally more appealing.
You smirk a bit, wondering if maybe you can even finagle his credit card. He certainly owes you, and you've got no problem spending his money on yourself and your baby. It's the least he can do, after all.
The water leaves your limbs loose, the steam soothing in your throat and lungs, and you can't help but feel that you might've been overreacting earlier, and that everything is going to be just fine.
When the sound of the door unlocking breaks the silence in the bathroom, you jolt forward. You wrap one arm around your chest to cover yourself just as the door opens, a shirtless John stepping inside.
You stare at him with wide eyes, gaping, and his lips curve into a smile beneath his facial hair.
"Would you mind some company, love?"
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wolfytoothy · 5 months
the boss
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E.42 Miles X Reader
Maaan, I don't see how this rich chick gonna help us. If kingpin can't what's makes you think she can" miles complained as his mask retracted. He was currently I'm his uncles apartment coming back from another patrol.
His uncle rolled his eyes as he cleaned up a bit to get ready to leave. "Come on Miles I promise she not one of these stuck up people. She get the job done" the bald man retorted. "And how you know" miles asked feeling annoyed.
"Cuz I've worked with her before. She a smart kid"
"what's a kid doing running a gang?"
"Not a gang. An organization" Aaron corrected Miles only rolled his eyes, and kissed his teeth. "Man what ever. But that still ain't answer my question" he say sternly. Making Aaron look at him like was stupid.
"Take that base out your voice. But she not that much younger then you, she 22" he said grabbing his jacket. "Maybe you can finally get your ass a girlfriend" Aaron laughed,making the cornrowed boy chuckle a bit. "Men shut-up. Let's go"
Time skip:
When they got there, you were currently on the phone outside. You had on a purple bonnet, with a black tank top, and gray short. With some slids. And of course you had your dog with you, it was a pit bull, and OFCOURSE you had like 4 body guards around you. At your gate, the door, EVERYWERE. 
You were on the phone taking your dog to go us the bathroom. “I don’t care Millie. Tell them to kiss my ass, she’s my baby… girl ain’t no body give a fuck—”
“Ay boss lady” Aaron tried to get your attemtion but you didn’t seem to notice as you turn you back. “N/n” Aaron tried again, then one of the bodyguards stepped in. he towered over the two boys mean mugging him. “She busy right now. You got an appontinment?” he asked.
“Nah, but we got business to discuss” Aaron answered. “If you don’t have an appointment then you can take your leave. She right now” he said, more aggressively than it should have. Aaron kissed his teeth and siged.
“Busy being on the phone. Dosn’t sound important to me” Miles sassed looking over at you.
“Millie i don’t care about what there puppies will look like. I don't think she’ll like that…. Bitch he side what about my baby—” what ever you were talking bout was not even about business. Miles chuckled and kiss his teeth.
“Man this is stupid” he scoffed. “Miles. Come one man, just let us talk to her its important” Aaron tried. “If it’s business then you can set up an appointment with her assistante J.B. she’ll get back to you as soon as possible” he bodyguard advised.
 Aaron rolled his eyes and thought of a plane. “Were not leaving till we talk to her”, the bodyguard looked at him with a really look and pulled up his shirt to reveal his piece. “Are we gonna have a problem?”.
“Nigga that supoosed to scare me.” Miles sassed as he pulled his shirt up to reveal his piece. As soon as he did everyone springed into action. The dog started barking. Making the commotion catch your attention.
 “I’ll call you back. Yo what's happening” you hung up the phone and looked at the visitors. “Yo bubbles relax” you said to your bodyguard as you pushed him back. You quickly scolded him for being stupid, witch was the perfect time for Aaron to scold Miles.“Really Miles”
“What. buddy is dick riding for no reason” he defended making him roll his eyes. You turn your attention back to the visitors and smiled, “I’m so sorry. He can be a stickler- oh Aaron” you say recognizing him. “Oh, Aaron, how have you been?” you say greeting him.
“Yea, I’ve been ight” he said nodding. It took you a while to see he’s nephew. “Oh hey whats up. You must be” you trailed off as you held out your hand, indicating for a hand shake, Miles quickly returned the gesture and smiled. “...uhm Milo?”, you tried. “Nah, Miles”, “Right Miles.” you smiled. “You must be the new prowler?” you started lowering you voice enough for only Him and Aaron to hear.
The boy's eyes widened as he backed up a bit. “How do you know?”, “pleace, nothing can get past me in this city…also i’m not blind” you shrugged. “So, what pleasure to I owe this visit” you asked, opening the gate for them. “We need help on a case. Code chain” Aaron started.
You nodded and thought for a minute. “Got it. Bubbles, hold Royal for me and call J.B. to finish her walk. Tell her I’m with a client.” you ordered as you gave the leash to your body guard. The big body man nodded and made a call. “Smiles. Take my guest to my office” you ordered to the women standing at the door. Which she nodded. “I’ll be with you guys in a minute just gotta change” you said leaving.
The two boys watched you leave, but Miles was more focused on how pretty you looked. And they way your hips swayed. But his attention was spoon refocused by a deep raspy voice.
“Let's go,” the bodyguard said. As they followed the bodyguard inside, they realized how big it looked inside. There was art. And pictures everywhere. Miles also spotted a baby picture of you.
It didn’t take long for them to get in the office. The office was nice. There was a window. cameras, fluffy carpet, nice chairs, and of course more art. Miles and Aaron took a seat and took a look at the scenery.
“Damn” Miles said out of disbelief. “Unc who is this chick? Is she some sort of secret mafia boss” Miles asked, making the bald headed man chuckle. “No, she’s a 21 year old women who inherited a business from her parents and made it better. She owns a lot of stuff. It’s like an empire, she’s even bigger then Kingpin” he  explained.
“Wait so… how yall know each other. You're a 49 year old, old man, and she’s a 21 year old. How that work?”. Miles asked now really suspicious of his uncle's past intentions. “It was a while back. She helped me with a mission and gave me you tell when I needed it. It was like she was my partner when it came to work.She was about… damn maybe your gage when you started being the prowler.” he explained. “Damn so 15”
“Yup. she’s y/n l/n. She a enturpuneier. And owns a lot of stuff. She also is something else.”
“ what is it”
“You’ll see”
As if on cue the doors burst open revealing you. You were now presentable. Your Hair in two cornrow braids, that taper off at the end. Miles could tell it was your natural hair. Your lips were lined and glassed, and your outfit was on fleek. A nice black button up shirt with crimson blazer, and of force you have the crimson heel boots to match. 
A girl that was slightly taller than you trailed in behind you. She had a scar on her right eye and lip. Her hair was in a big afro. And it looked like she rarely even smiled. She had on a Crimson tank top, with a black blazer, with crimson heel boots. And of course she had dogs in hand. It was about 4 max.
You seemed to be on the know now talking about real business. “Ight, I’ll bring it to my boy Reg. and tell Claw to keep his mouth shut before I shut it for him. That's a warning, and a order” you hung up. And gave your phone to your assistant.
 “Okay. what’ts the problem-, Oh and before we start. Miles Aaron, this is my assistant, also my best friend, J.B. and the dogs, Royal, the one you saw earlier, then you have King, and Queen, then the baby one is D/n (choose the name you want that one to be).” you introduced. “J.B. this is Aaron and Miles” you smiled. J.B. nodded as she took the dogs off their leash. You leaned on your desk and crossed your arms. “Okay, Now whats the problem” you nodded. Aaron looked at miles then back at you.
“It’s a case, we need to get rid of some people, and find a girl. Her name is Jovie Hawthorn. She's been kidnapped and we suspect it's drug,and sex trafficking. She might be one of your own"Aaron explained handing you a file. You took the file and read it carefully. "Tragic...damn J.B you gon' be pissed" you laughed,closing the file. "But they know better then to cross you so why" J.B. asked. "Cuz they don't know that your technicly related to her, which means they don't know she technically apart if the team...damn ima fuck em up" you chuckled.
"Uh, thanks for tell me Aaron" you thanked
"No problem"
"But what do you want in return?"
"Allies. Officially." Aaron said making miles snap his head twords him.
"Ain't you associated with kingpin. I don't like fuckers like him. Yes he may fear me but that big body is annoying as fuck" you admitted.
"We take missions,but we not officially associated with him." Aaron said.
"Right,right." You said trailing off to think. "Deal." You smiled. "Wonderful. So we're we starting?", "uhh, now.i got nothing more important to do at the moment. "J.B. cancel that meeting I have with big body jeff" you smiled as you threw on a pair a sun glasses.
"You mean Jeff,?" She laughed as she pulled out her phone. "That's what I said. Oh and cancel that dinner I had with Jaw. I don't like his ass, and if his complains tell him to shove a cock in it before i make my existencehis problem." You added. "On it". "Thank you Bookie", "anytime boss", "eww, it sound weird when you say it" you groaned as you got up and went to the book case.
"One more thing N/n" Aaron said getting up. "Yes.?", "you'll be working with miles. I got business to handle some were else" he lied.
"Ight, I got him"
"Sweet. Miles be nice" Aaron said before leaving.
Miles watch his uncle leave then turned his attention to you. He looked at the way you dressed and your hips. Your hair. Then when you turned around looking at something in your hand. He took the opportunity to look at your face. Just everything he saw about you was making him wanna bust a move.
You looked up, feeling eyes burning the back of your skull. When you looked up you saw hazel eyes staring back,and smiled. "Sup Miles,ready to get jiggy with it" you asked,smirking.
In the first time in a long time. Miles smiled at someone else other then his family.
"Hell yea"
Apologies for some of my errors😅.
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