#actually the free trial goes up to level 70 now
akakumoeteru · 6 months
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MDZS ✕ critically acclaimed MMORPG FINAL FANTASY XIV that has a free trial up to level 60 including the Heavensward expansion!
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nalyra-dreaming · 7 months
Why was Louis so angry with Lestat when he was the one who stood by when Claudia tried to kill him?
(Doesn't the latter part of your ask play into that though?^^)
Louis was angry with Lestat (and resentful) because he blamed what later happened on Lestat, or at least... tried to curb the pain by doing so.
The thing is that Lestat was told not to tell, or else (by Marius). And at that point he did not know whether Marius would hold him to that promise/threat.
So Louis and Claudia never got many explanations, it was painfully obvious that Lestat did not tell them what they wanted (or needed) to know.
And... he also didn't tell them the details about Paris either, obviously. Or Armand. Or the cult. Et cetera.
Louis goes to Europe with Claudia, they travel for a few years, and eventually get to Paris, and start to live again, finally.
And then they encounter the coven there and Armand pulls Louis in, falls for him, Louis falls for Armand... and Armand decides to have Louis and to get rid of Claudia.
"I must have Louis, that was my injunction. I knew no other."
He is the coven master, he has never had a lot of qualms about "cleaning up" (does not have any qualms about this later either) and Claudia is definitely against the rules. And in the way. He tells her to let Louis go, Claudia goes to Louis... and Louis fails her again, turning to Armand. And the tragedy unfolds.
After the trial Louis is being spell-bound by Armand, calmed to leave.
And Armand’s eye said, Sleep.
After Louis' revenge they leave Paris, and Armand tags along... but Louis is only a shell afterwards, a numb and passionless thing that continues on because he cannot not.
Louis, my companion, dried up of his own free will, rather like a beautiful rose skillfully dehydrated in sand so that it retains its proportions, nay, even its fragrance and even its tint. For all the blood he drank, he himself became dry, heartless, a stranger to himself and tome.
It is after they break up that Louis encounters Daniel in the books, gives that (first) interview.
He is jaded, angry at how things turned out. He does not yet know why Lestat withheld all this knowledge, all this history. (That is part of the reason why Lestat actually writes down his own story!)
Louis holds the grudge that Lestat's withholding his knowledge resulted in Claudia's death. And how their life together ended. That is part of why he is angry still in the books.
(That anger will be gone by the time he actually understands, after reading Lestat's book and reuniting with him.)
This quote from Jacob calls back to all of that, as he directly refers to the original story.
But... the Louis in Dubai is not that, not really angry. He probably was, but in the 70s he's already referring the "terrible thing" he did once, that he regrets.
For him... other aspects come into play. And I can only refer to the awesome Gizmodo article by @lincodega here, published almost a year ago. I can only recommend reading it, but ultimately it boils down to this quote:
"The motivation to embellish the worst parts and understate the best parts is literally standing in the room with him."
And, as a last note, on a bit of a tangent, but because I think that is good to keep in mind for this interview:
"At the end of the night, Armand is not to be trusted! It’s not just that Rashid is Armand-coded, but the entire season is Armand-coded. Armand is a master manipulator, a manifestation of 500 years of traumatic, absolutely batshit insane cult behaviour, and the boy has fangs the size of the Ottoman empire. Armand takes mansplain, manipulate, malewife to unprescended levels of insanity. Like, I love him, he’s a weird little gremlin who plays with blenders and starts a podcast, for some reason, but he’s absolutely out of gourd and willing to do anything to keep everything just how he likes it, and that includes Louis."
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beesmygod · 7 months
this is more artists and dignity stuff but only half-related. a while ago the main mod archive for ffxiv fractured (because the maintainers were bigoted freaks so, fair) but in the wake of it a lot of modders set up personal stores/discords and started charging money. if you gripe about this they try to guilt you with “so you don’t want me to get paid for my labor?” but yeah, i don’t, that’s what i actually believe. having a kofi or whatever is fine, but the new culture of permanent paywalls only sprung up because of opportunists after the main archive fell apart and now we’re supposed to pretend that crying about how hard it is makes that opportunism okay. (never mind that modding is against tos and the devs have been pretty gracious about it so far, but every $30k for feet mods incident (real thing) brings us closer to modding actually being cracked down on)
and i just don’t think game mods should be paid in general.
lol its incredibly frustrating to see people who have come into a public space with the explicit intent to further monetize it them and present their work like its essential labor.
its like. if you were in a public park, or a critically acclaimed park with with a free trial that goes up until Level 70 and the entire Stormblood Expansion, and some asshole comes in and installs a slide he charges people to ride, you would think he was a total asshole.
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eraofstories · 4 years
Ok, it’s possible I knew you were going to say that. :) Look I just have so many FEELINGS and I want to talk about them. I suspect you understand :D
So, first things first: the movie sort of implies that Andy stopped looking for Quynh, that she abandoned her. And yes, I’m sure Andy feels that way - after all, no matter what Andy has done to look for her we do know that when the movie takes place Quynh is still under the water, still trapped in the iron coffin, still drowning and dying and dying and drowning, as she has been for the past 500 years or so. (Did i just spend ten minutes trying to find an actual date for this specific witch trial? YES. Am I grumpy that I couldn’t? Also yes)
But the thing is, I don’t buy that Andy just straight up stopped looking, that in the past ~70 years since scuba diving was invented, heck, since sonar was invented she just went “well, I failed at this a long time ago, no point trying again! Better just stew in misery!” That’s not the person who we see, not really. She’s more resigned and heartbroken about Quynh than about anything else we see, yes, but everything we see of Andy says that she is a doer. Andy has a problem? Andy does a thing! It’s not even always about doing an effective thing, she’s not always planning ahead, but she doesn’t sit back and hope for the best. And, more than that, before the start of the movie we know that Andy and the others have just been apart for a year. So sometimes the lot of them go off and do things on their own. 
So here is what I imagine: Quynh goes into the water, on a ship that Andy is not on, that Nicky and Joe are not on. The people on this boat are all mortals, and they’re either sailors hired at the port that the ship leaves from or people from that town guarding Quynh. They’re all people who are ready to do whatever they can to make this person Stay Fucking Dead Already. While this is going on Andy escapes somehow, obviously. Presumably Nicky and Joe are involved in this in some fashion, one generally also imagines that any time she is awake after Quynh is taken from her Andy is just straight up SCREAMING, with the exception of moments when she’s damaged her vocal cords so much that it takes a few seconds for them to repair before she can scream again. One imagines that her captors kill her more than once as this is happening too, that she starves a few times maybe, is stabbed, strangled, etc. Once she’s free her only thought is that she has to find Quynh, and by the time she and the others leave the town to ride to the port where Quynh was taken there are a lot of dead people in that town, and they know what the plans were, even if they don’t yet know the details of where Quynh will have been dropped into the sea. 
Now things start to get interesting. Does the ship make it safely back to port? Is there a manifest of some kind that they can use to try to figure out where she was dropped? The ocean is big, the kind of big that humans can’t really comprehend on some level, because it’s just too vast. This is true now, and it was truer when Quynh went into the water, when the size of the oceans was something that people didn’t even really have much of a theoretical grasp of, let alone an actual internalized understanding. All the islands of land across the world had not yet been reconnected by people, there are still people all over the world who don’t know that there are landmasses beyond their own, people in Europe to whom the idea of the Americas is still a little unbelievable if they’ve heard of their existence, definitely people in Australia who have no awareness of Europe, since Europeans don’t land on the continent until 1770, although there were already some maps of the coast at the time from dutch exploration. 
So let’s say the ship makes it back, and Andy, Nicky, and Joe are able to find someone who was onboard, and get them to talk. Someone who hadn’t been from the town, who was willing to tell them where they’d pushed Quynh overboard. Here’s the thing - it’s not like that person will have had a gps on them, to record the exact location, so it’s all very approximate. And that’s if they’re lucky. Maybe they don’t ever find a sailor who will talk to them, or worse, maybe they find several. And they all give different locations. They don’t have the kind of studies that tell you that people being tortured don’t provide accurate info, but we do. And so these sailors lie, maybe they don’t know the answers, maybe they just don’t want to tell the truth, whatever, they lie, but andy is desperate, so they go and search those places. Except what does that even look like? They’re limited to free diving, or using diving bells, which I learned about in a fic about Andy searching desperately, they’re giant bells that force air down with you, but obviously not as much as you can get with scuba, and there’s no light, and so searching is already virtually impossible. They can drag the depths with chains, but the ocean is DEEP. 
Maybe the eventually find a ship manifest, but like. There’s no way that had accurate info about what? Where they threw a human overboard? That just doesn’t seem like something with a paper trail to me. And all of that stuff up above about figuring out where to search, even with the fact that searching is almost impossible to do in a way that could be effective, still assumes that they’re able to get an idea of at least the general area where they should search beyond “somewhere off the shore of England, maybe not too far off but who knows?” And that relies on the ship having made it back! Which like! Maybe it did, but who knows. 
Anyway, the main point is that it’s not working. Andy has been searching for a long time now, she’s desperate. I’d guess that she’s been consumed by it for fifty, a hundred years. And it isn’t working, and she doesn’t know if she just hasn’t looked in the right places, if the spot they dropped Quynh is too deep for any chain to reach, for any diving bell to get her down there. Hell, with some of the dangerously deep free diving she’s done and dives with the bells when she got down so deep that the water went dark even when she went down at midday with the sun high and bright and so strong that she and Nicky had turned red for up to an hour at a time before their skin healed and reburned again she doesn’t know if she’s been within a few yards of Quynh, within eyesight if only she could have seen. When she gets that deep all she can do is reach around herself, wave her arms almost frantically as she starts to run out of air and feels the depth and oxygen deprivation getting to her, and still she’s never bumped up against what she’s reaching for so desperately, never ended up touching cold iron, though she thinks by now it must be corroded. 
And that oxygen thing - she’s drowned a lot of times at this point. Like. A lot. A. Lot. But not as many as Quynh must have, she knows that much at least. And Andy begins to get frantic with it, insisting to Nicky and Joe that she has to keep trying, and she dives deeper than a normal person would dare, because she’s not like them, she will come back, so she doesn’t need to save breath for the way back up - she can die as many times as it takes getting back to the surface. Once after she’s down for a long time, and Nicky has to dive in after her, Joe insists that she tie a rope to herself, so that at least they can pull her up, and not have to hope that she’ll float up to the top as she dies and drowns and dies and drowns, not have to just hope that she won’t get caught under something, or swept away by a deep current. 
Andy doesn’t know how to tell them that sometimes it’s the only thing that feels real anymore, drowning, the water filling her lungs, because at least when she’s drowning she’s keeping her promise. Together. 
But they’ve known her quite a while, and after almost a century of this Joe and Nicky sit her down and tell her that she can’t keep doing this, that she’s destroying herself, that she’s scaring them. They tell her that they love her, that they love Quynh, and that this has to stop. She’s furious. She screams, tells them they are faithless, walks out and doesn’t speak to them for a year, walks out the door of the cottage they were staying in and just keeps walking, then keeps looking for Quynh, drowns a lot more times, and a year later she ends up back there, at that same fucking cottage, not even really on purpose, but it’s close to the coast where Quynh would have left from, but they’re still fucking there, as if they’ve been waiting for her, and the second she sets foot into the house she breaks down sobbing, screaming, but not at them this time, not even words, just incoherent grief. They can tell that in the time she was apart from them she’s barely taken care of herself, has worked herself to exhaustion, and they just hold her, because this is what it is have family, family that is inescapable and endless and beloved. 
And so after about a hundred years of searching nonstop Andy admits to herself, and to them that she doesn’t know what to do anymore, that she doesn’t know how to care about humanity, but she also doesn’t know how to find Quynh, but doesn’t feel like she can stop looking while she’s still out there. 
And they suggest that she doesn’t have to entirely stop, but that she could, perhaps, do other things also, that she’d do at least one search every decade say, and she frowns and says that doesn’t seem like enough, and Joe, so relieved that she’s listening, that she’s acting more like the woman he’s been so proud to call sister he almost wants to cry, laughs instead and says, then do it every five years, or every two, but let’s also travel, and exist in the world. 
And that’s what they do. And it keeps not working, but she hasn’t given up. She has started to worry that maybe Quynh is dead though. She remembers Lykon dying in her arms, and she wonders sometimes if Quynh’s time has come. If she’ll eventually find an iron coffin, and open it, only to find a rotting skeleton. That question is answered decisively in 1812, when Booker dies and comes back, and they find him, and the first night they spend with him he wakes up screaming, a lot like Nile will more than two hundred years later, and asks about the woman who is drowning. And Andy cries again, and while Nicky explains and Joe tells him that she really isn’t usually this weepy, for which she slaps Joe, and then smiles through her tears and gives him a friendly (but still fucking hard, Andy that hurt, just because the bruises heals fast doesn’t mean it’s ok to beat up your friends!) and nods firmly, and tells Booker (Sebastien de Livre at this point, it’s a while before someone decides that it’s really funny to translate his name to English) that she’d begun to fear that she’d never see her again, that she was already dead, before sobering, and asking if he sees any clues to where she might be. He looks at her incredulously and says, rather hopelessly “the ocean.” Which isn’t helpful, but she didn’t really expect much more than that. 
Still, every time Booker wakes from a nightmare of Quynh’s endless drowning he tells her, and it is a reminder that there is still hope, that she can still find her. 
It isn’t until the twentieth century that she starts to think she really might be able to pull it off though. She’s so sure sonar is going to be a game changer, especially in 1915 when the tech was first able to detect submarines (another thing she’d tried as soon as she could). And then in 1943 scuba diving is invented, and again she’s so so sure that this is it, this is what she’s been waiting for (well. as noted above she hasn’t been waiting for shit, but she thinks it might be what actually lets her find Quynh). And she still can’t find her, and she rages about it sometimes, exhausts herself with misery about once a decade, and every few years she makes another attempt, and now that there are better ways of mapping she’s able to more accurately catalog where she’s looked, and there’s a house now where the cottage once stood, and she put Booker in charge of keeping it in their possession via a variety of aliases once he joined them, but it’s got shelves and shelves full of maps and records of her attempts down the centuries. 
And so, when Nile’s dreams change, just six months into Booker’s exile, and she sees first Quynh alive, and then Quynh with Booker, Andy’s already at the house, because suddenly it didn’t matter that Quynh hadn’t died yet, because Andy was dying, running out of time. She didn’t have forever anymore, she couldn’t keep to her slow method. She was still willing to do jobs, but she'd dedicated herself to spending more time searching. 
And so when Quynh comes for them it’s there, and when she opens the door Andy is there in the main room of the house, the one with the maps on the walls and the records on the shelves, neatly ordered by location and then year. 
And Quynh walks in with Booker behind her, anxious, and terrified, and still sorry, obviously terrified that they’re going to be furious with him for being there after such a sort period, but also clearly very frightened of Quynh (it will later turn out that she has uh. definitely killed him a few times already, some fun torture etc. we will excuse this between friends, between family, but it will be a long century or so before he really lets down his guard around her). But beyond Nicky shaking his head in response to the apology already falling out of his mouth as if to say “not the time” no one is looking at Booker, not when Quynh is standing there. 
She’s already found herself weapons, though Andy, Joe, and Nicky are fully aware of just how dangerous she can be even without them, and no one has even really had time to process anything before she’s walking right up to Andy and stabbing her in the gut, wrenching the knife out, crying, saying “Just you and me until the end, that’s what you said, that’s what you promised me Andromache! And you left me to drown!” and the others are already moving in, already catching Andy’s body as Quynh drops her, clearly expecting her to start regenerating, and Nile helps her to a chair, as Quynh looks on confused, and when Nile says “Didn’t Booker tell you? She’s mortal now, you’ve killed her.” with a quiet fury and anguish and shock, Quynh goes silent, and turns to him, says “You weren’t lying?” in shock. 
“Why would I lie about that?” Booker looks stricken, like someone who thinks he’s just killed the best friend he’s ever had for a second time, which in fairness, he has, hasn’t he. 
And Quynh gets a mad look in her eyes, rushes towards Andy, begging her to say it isn’t true, babbling about how it can’t end like this Andromache, I was going to kill you again and again, I haven’t even drowned you yet, and she’s crying, and in her rush to get to Andy she knocks a book off of the table onto the floor and a bunch of maps spill out, and as Andy bleeds onto them Nicky thrusts them into Quynh’s face and she realizes that they’re maps from attempts to find her, and he’s telling her that Andy searched nonstop for a century, but that even since then she’s never stopped looking, that it’s fucking hard to find someone at the bottom of the sea, that Andy has wrecked herself, drowned a hundred times over looking for her, and Andy, who is uh, actively (but slowly look it’s my headcanon i do what what I want) bleeding out here guys, please focus, it’s like you’ve forgotten that some people die? shakes her head at him (well, wobbles her head a little, shaking is beyond her at this point), and rasps that no, she gets it. Quynh has drowned so many more times, she didn’t look hard enough, she gets it, and then she smiles and says “but I got to see you before I go.” And her eyes close.
And at this point Quynh is screaming in fury that Andy does not get to do this, that Andy cannot leave her alone again, and Nile is on her feet ready to rush Quynh and give her at least one more death herself, possibly with a butter knife off the table from when they had lunch earlier that day at this point, telling her that she did this, and Nicky and Joe are just standing there in shock, because they didn’t really expect Andy to make it long enough to die a natural death, not with the way she lived even after becoming mortal, but they also didn’t really expect to lose her so soon, but also Quynh is here, she’s back, and they’ve missed her too, and also separately Booker is there, and Nile looks like she’s about to crack in two, Nile who just a few months ago they watched give Copley the ok to have her family notified, Nile who made the choice not to contact her mother, her brother even though it had been so clearly agonizing to make that call, who had adopted their family with such intense loyalty, and Nicky is already moving towards her when Andy takes a breath and her eyes pop open, and the wound in her side... starts to knit itself closed. 
And then everyone cries! And there are lots more feelings! And a lot of talking, and a variety of people in various pairs and groups go off for a week or more at a time to hash out a wide range of things, but all six of them come back to the cottage after every time, and there’s always at least one of them there, and then they live happily ever after and everyone is very gay, and probably Nile also gets to kiss ladies, I think. 
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It is unfortunate that stories roughly a crazy libido have become fasionable and this is a problem. In case the libido just isn't as active as normal, worried will have a propensity to believe that something is wrong. There's really no truth to the of this, and people shouldn't even pay any attention Libido tips to the. Instead, it would be a lot conducive to find out the source of the underactive female libido and treat the. Low fat diets actually cause testosterone to plunge. Our body needs fat and demands a lot laptop or computer from food item. Saturated fat, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated fat, we need them! Trans fat will be the only fat we should avoid. Overlook the importance need cholesterol too since that can be a steroid hormone in the and our body, regardless of whether it produces 70% of that daily requirement still needs it from foods. Fat is what helps cell membranes function, helps hormones get regulated and just what keeps us alive. Stressor #1: Prescription Medication - Many prescription drugs have one side effect of decreasing one's sex drive,especially the commonly prescribed anti-depressant medication Prozac. Other classifications of drugs that have loss of libido as a side-effect include: chemotherapy, antihistamines, blood pressure medication (Lipitor) some oral contraceptives and ant-HIV prescriptions. Obesity yet another cause for decreased libido in males. If one is overweight, unfit and unhealthy then the body does not function to its optimum. It's very obvious to your house . is unfit and unenergetic then its quiet natural that his eagerness to have sex won't work. His energy levels and wish to have sex tend to be low. In order to rectify situation one should exercise regularly at least for 60 minutes. Some times it isn't feasible for all to go with gym. But rather than that newsletter can simply walk briskly, make use of the stairs instead of using the elevator. Person suffering from decreased libido should also maintain a normal diet and should try acquire some well balanced meals as almost as much ast possible and must avoid processed food. Are you stressed available? Women are more frustrated now than they've most people have struggled. We are not just responsible to have care with the house, kids, plants, dogs, and bills, now we now to check out pilates, get Botox, and manage a high-power career where have got more than likely using idiotic nincompoops that need to be micromanaged. Feeling sexy when you obtain home? Didn't think therefore ,. There have a of for holistic yeast infection symptoms. In ladies, these symptoms are simply recognizable. In men, however tough available. Regardless of that, in suggestions we're in order to be try spend all within the types of symptoms which usually are faced by both women and men. Digestive disorders are if you have got a Candida infection. Consists of how much abdominal gas, constipation and acid reflux. Then you might have a Men Libido and so it might pain during making love. There might also be other symptoms as migraines, headaches and OTT weakness. This fatigue occurs because the yeast eats away the and you're left simply no energy to function. Consequent to this you're afflicted by a bad state of mind. The DX Male Enhancement Pills sex drive is very, very simple. In contrast, the female sexual interest is completely complex. Hopes lot that goes into it, while the female sex drive is dependent upon both emotional and physical factors as a way to function. Ladies must eat well physically and DX Male Enhancement Pills Male Enhancement Reviews emotionally before her libido is going to function properly. However, all a man needs is for you to become physically functioning and his sex drive will maintain full cause. Stress control end up being another priority since stress can raise cortisol levels and in turn reduce androgenic hormone or testosterone. Take time to relax for yourself every big day. Go train, meditate, stretch or just sit down and to be able to your favourite music. Minimally 10 minutes a day does wonders for emotional tension! The best advice I can give deal with worry and stress can be a quote from Jack Lalanne (a man who was active physically and sexually well into his 90s). Remember this quote from him, and forgive me since it may not be the exact words: "If you can something on there then do something positive about it, if you can't do anything about after that it it's done, don't cherish it".
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lockdownuk · 4 years
Lockdown Diary Part 3
A personal account during the lockdown in the UK due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
23/03/2020 8:30pm Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, gives a live address to the nation to, effectively, put the country on lockdown to stem the spread of the deadly coronavirus strain, Covid-19.
Many of us have been self-isolating for days but this latest development within the UK in reaction to the pandemic feels very serious and very scary. I decided to keep a simple diary and where better but online.
Day 61: Writing this in the afternoon on day 62. An exercise driven day. Two walks and stair climb as usual plus I popped round Jeff’s early evening. First time I’ve been to his house, 1 Garden Row, Elmington. It’s further than I thought so, with walking there an back, I managed a daily total of 14km. It was good to see him and have a social (but social-distanced) beer. When I got home, @9:45pm, I made thai green chicken curry, watch The Report (a great, if worrying film) and then TikTok-ed until gone 5am!
Day 62: Typing this on day 64! Beer round Karen’s. Missed Sam’s quiz.
Day 63: Typing this on day 64! Beer round Karen’s. Again! Well, it is bank holiday Monday! Had dirty pizza for tea and watched The Heat. Again! It is the most piss funny film.
Day 64: Well, I have been feeling guilty about treatung the bank holiday w/e l;ike a bank holiday w/e. It’s dawned on me that that guilt is way too self-disiciplned. I got up about midday, usual two walks and stair climb but that’s it. I need to clean the house from top to bottom, get on top of my online courses, get the garden done, get the car fixed, go shopping…fucking hell - if only I had the time…
Day 65: Today I swapped Amazon prime free trial for about the 5th time in my life. Same card and address - will they get wind of my skullduggery. This is all so I can finish watching Hunters and catch Homecoming S2. I went shopping at Asda near Raunds. I wish I hadn’t, it’s no good for a comprehensive shop. Received an email from RCI inviting me to a Zoom meeting with Pal Mulcahy for a business update. I fear the worst. And it’s at 10:00am, FFS!
Day 66: Logged in an attended zoom forum with Paul Mulcahy and over 250 RCI staff this morning. The message was that there is going to be redundancies. I expected this and expected to fall victim. All staff that are going to be put through cionsultation would be contacted today. I however wasn’t! Very, very surpised. meanwhile, Nick Reilly asked to connect via LinkedIn (including become a LinkedIn staff team member -  that’s new to me so I’ll see what it is but I accepted the invitation) Later, I WhatsApp-ed him and asked who has been affected from IT. All he could tell me was no one on Jon Rodger’s team is under threat. Also, Mark C emailed - I’ll respond tomorrow. I got up at 09:00ish and had my mornming walk before the 10:00am meeting. I am now, at 09:30pm, fucking knackered. Dinner and then bed, methinks but not before one more episdoe of Hunters!
Day 67: Typing on Day 68. Got pretty drunk last night. I’ve got blisters from walking (new boots) so I don’t think I’ll walk tomorrow (well, today!).
Day 68: I did fuck all today. Got up after 1pm, no walking. I did manage to clean the bathroom (and smash my little mirror) and do my 26 stair climb. I am typing at 9pm and I feel whacked!
Day 69: I have an abscess. It’s not too painful (today) but I am going to call the dentist tomorrow (Monday). I think antibiotics are in order. I watched a film, which I actually started yesterday, called The Voices starring Ryan Reynolds, Gemma Arteton and Anna Kendrick. Fuuuuuuuuuuuucking weird. The closing credits are the most bizarre, in context, I’ve ever seen. But, in general, a very good film. Back to normal exercise regime today plus hovered the hall and stairs. Get me. It’ll be interetingh to see my Google Fit figures for May tomorrow.
Day 70: Contacted the dentist who advised salt water rinsing and ibuprofen. But, tbf, it’s a lot better today and the swelling has gone right down. The dentist I called was the Oundle House (Rodericks) one. I was not hopeful since last time I saw them they referred me to their Northampton clinic for root canal work which was quoted at over £600. However, the dentist was very nice, had my x-ray to hand from that last visit and seemed more interested in making sure I’m OK than gaining a paying customer. He still wants to see me when possible though! I must mention the weather. It has been glorious weather nearly every day throughout May (it’s June 1st today). Seriously sunny and like a holiday every day. The news mentioned it today - the level of sunshine throughout the transition from spring to summer is unprecedented, apparently. My T shirt tan is, quite frankly, ridiculous!
Day 71: Today’s ‘must mention’ is what’s going on in the US and it’s not particularly related to Trump. There was a black man killed while under arrest. George Floyd died Monday 25th May (8 days ago) A policeman, who knelt on his neck for minutes while he complained of not being able to breathe, has been charged with murder. Now there are riots and curfews and military intervention all over the country. It’s similar to the English riots of 2011. It’s worrying, sad, scary and not what the fight against the pandemic needs. Most of all, it’s racism rearing its ugly head yet again. I’ve had a normal-ish day. received an email from Jim checking in, talked to a recruiter about a promising job lead (although the hours are 8-5 which I am not happy about), talked to Barry across the road and sent Barzzy a WhatsApp. And I logged in Shaw Academy and started lesson one of module 2 of web Design. It’s been a while, so long overdue, but I only did about 15 minutes. Must try harder / do better! As I type, late (10:10pm) I have dinner cooking and a strange pain in my left side and am in the middle of No Country for Old Men. Don’t think I’ve seen it since the cinema (13 years!)
Day 72: As soon as (well, within a couple of days) I mention the weather, it turns. It’s rained a little and is a lot cooler (15° rather than mid-20s). Much better for walking, I have to say. I finished Hunters today (Amazon Prime series). While I enjoyed it, it got too surreal at the end. It is loosely based on the real story of Nazi hunters in the US in 1977 but the straying from loosely based to down-right ridiculous fiction annoyed me. If it goes to S2, I will watch it, however. Received some of my rental deposit back today (the law changed so that only 5 weeks rent can be demanded as deposit). Over £600. Nice.
Day 73: I made a short video for Marc and Clare’s 26th wedding anniversary. I ‘dressed up’ for it. I enjoyed doing it and I think it was appreciated.
Day 74: Typing on Day 75 for no other reason than I couldn’t be bothered on day 74! I received a letter either today or the day before (well, yesterday or the previous day!) from Mr Minos at the eye clinic informing me that, while there is some stuff going on in both eyes (garnered from the photo scans done at the last hospital appointment), he wants to see me in three months. Always a refief when that happens. Been getting into two series on Amazon: Alex Rider and Modern Love. One is a male Hanna, the other is soppy affairs of the heart based on real life stories (from essays written in the NY Times). Both enjoyable for totally different reasons.
Day 75: Lazyish day. Well, not really, just that I only went for one walk, alebit 6km andI got pissed on. Wehn the rain hit, it was also fucking freezing! Some of the clouds were stunning today, made for great photos. As I type, it’s 21:12, I’m listening the wonderful Phoebe Bridgiers. Now, I’m gonna make some tea and sup a few ales, I reckon.
Day 76: Done lots of walking today (over 13,000 steps) I made sausage casserole with too much chilli (scotch bonnet and birdeye). I had an online (fb) debate with Sam over whether the George Floyd murder was a racial.
Day 77: Received a new (used) wing mirror for the car. £18 with delivery, I reckon that’s a bargain. I cashed in £20 from Prolific as well, so I’m satisfied at the financial full-circle. Dropped the car off at Barnwell (Nene Valley Body Shop) and walked back - 7km. Just about to dive into tea - finishing the blazing hot sausage casserole from yesterday. Then I’m going to do some more Rubik’s cube practice with my recently acquired GoCube.
Day 78: Lots of daily walking, 26 stair climb, press-up and late nights watching TikTok (gone 3am this morning) are making for a constantly knackered Tim Stubbs. Today I made veg soup and cooked up some meatballs. Both are delish. How did I ever to learn how to conjure up such stuff? The Rubik’s cube learning is coming along except that I need good daylight to distinguish between the yellow and white faces on the flipping thing!
Day 79: Listening to Radio 6 most the day and the news is making for dire listening. Forecast of severe recession, especially if there is a second peak of the virus, which I think there will be. Plus, an offshoot of the George Floyd murder and the #BlackLivesMatter movement, institutions and town councils are being lobbied by campaigners to remove statues of anyone associated with things like slavery (one was toppled in Bristol at the w/e) and rename buildings etc. that were named after historical characters with any links to something that now is deemed wrong or offensive. I agree with it but it’s not pleasant to hear amongst other bleak news. Walked to Barnwell to collect my car - front trim reseated and new wing mirror fitted, £20 - bargain (I source the replacement wing mirror). But, also, forked out £165 on car tax! Cleaned the lounge from top to bottom. Knackering!
Day 80: Chatted with Dad and Rita - he’s pissed off with the slavery backlash but otherwise they are both OK. I saw Baz in the Tesco queue where I mentioned my disgust at the Thursday market being allowed (I found I could not maintain 2m at all times just walking to Tesco’s!) and that I really don’t want to catch Covid19 as I will probably die. Maybe a bit dramatic but he messaged me later today to say he’d been thinking on what I said and offered to shop for me. I replied that I am OK to shop but am scared at how people are taking things so much less seriously than when lockdown started yet the virus is still out there just as it was then! I am very touched at his massage. I thoroughly cleaned the bedroom and changed the bedclothes today. House work really knackers me out!
Day 81: Spare room cleaned today. Not much else to type about. It’s Friday, I making curried mince and I don’t feel like a beer. How I’ve changed!
Day 82: I did have beers last night. Ended up going to bed with daylight and dawn chorus for company. Today, when I woke, gone 1pm, I have been greeted by what can only be described as thoroughly depressing news from every quarter. This includes violence in the capital, further virus outbreak in Beijing. Fog’s political posts on FB make for depressing (but vaild) reading. I’m feeling thoroughly fed up today. Not even music can lift my mood…
…but, I am currently listening to Craig Charles on BBCR6 and, I have to say, he’s putting in quite an exceptional effort - there may be hope that my mood might lift, even at gone 8pm! I might have a beer or two and grab something postivity and enjoyment from the day after all.
Day 83: Another late one last night but up before noon today. Started watching something called Condor on Sky One. It’s OK - there’s stuff I wanna waytch on Amazon Prime but, more often than not, it keeps telling me there’s ‘a problem’ when I try to play anything. Pissing me off. I just checked and I have two weeks of the initial 12 of furlough to go. I shall started asking the questions about what might happen on the Connections website.
Day 84: Typing this on Day 85. On the way back from dropping off some shoes for Sean Davies at his brother’s (martin) I met Karen and she said why not pop round for a beer so I did. Certainly not used to a drink on a Monday so that, and the genral upheaval to my evening, while good fun and a nice change, put pay to my usual diary entry! I sorted Amazon Prime out by leaving the TV turned off for over an hour. Day 85: Tim did the garden today and it looks great. The pipes in the bathroom have been knocking loudly, on and off, for a couple of weeks now. Last night, they were so loud that today I took it upon myself to resolve it or ring Woodfords. So, having turned off the water, run the taps dry to get rid of any trapped air and then turned the water back on slowly, I discoved it’s the cistern and its pipes. Woodfords are arranging Corvee to visit. Meanwhile, leaving the water turned off at least stops the noise which is, otherwise, costant and unbearable! I emailed HR a couple of days ago about what’s happening in a couple of weeks time in terms of furlough when the 12 weeks will be up. Sue Cockimngs got back to me attaching an email Deryn sent on 15th May which I never received. Basically, they’ll extend furlough if need be and an update should be forthcoming late May/early June. Well, that time has passed, so who knows what is going to happen. The furlough scheme (CJRS) has been changed by the govenment, I’ve read, and it looks like any new people would have to have been furloughed by June 10th (it’s the 16th today) so no furlough rotation, which is annoying. The CJRS ends 1st October with employer contributions required from 1st August - that’s D-Day as far as I am concerned….so job hunting will have to step up a notch! Day 86: Pete’s birthday and he bought himself the same speaker as me. When I asked if it lived up to his expectations he mentioned it’s better through WiFi than Bluetooth. That confused me as I haven’t got WiFi available on mine…..long story short, I bought the wrong fucking speaker. I got a AudioPro AddOn T10 instead of C10. To say I am fucked off is an understatement. To think I was so pleased at the cheap price I paid. Now I feel like I have wasted  €200. Bollocks.
Day 87: Finished Alex Rider last night. Another series that started off so well and ended a litte weak but, overall, not bad. I’ve started keeping strange meal times…lunch very late (4pm) and dinner really late (11pm). I need to sort it ‘cos it’s playing havoc with my sugar levels. I had a huge hypo while having my second walk today, second day on the trot that’s happened. My late dinner was Chinese chicked curry with a quarter of a scotch bonnet and two birdeye chillies. Delish.
Day 88: I have managed to be bitten yesterday or the day before on one of my walks. There are strange, itchy lumps on my right inner forearm. And I do mean itchy. I trimmed my sideburns today, I was very pissed off with them. My hair looks just a little less shit. I did a shop at Tesco in Corby today. Mainly booze as follows: 20 cans Sam Miguel £18 18 cans Stella £15 20 bottles Bud £10 8 cans Tyskie £9 3 lrg bottles Warsteiner £5 £57 Bargain.
Day 89: Lazy day. One short walk and usual stair climb. Howard and Sue popped round to give me a pressie - bottle of Monkey Shoulder. I’m building up quite a collection of whisky!
Day 90: Dad called and we chatted for an hour or so. I had to apologise for not sending a father’s day card! Dan messaged me and offered to pay for a pizza delivery which I declined.
Football has started again this past week…Prem and Championship only. L1 and L2 season was cut short and Posh missed out on the play-offs by one place. As I type, Everton v Liverpool is on Sky Sports on a Sunday evening - it’s very strange with no crowd. There’s crowd noise being played thorugh the tannoy.
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ketolytee-blog · 4 years
Keto Lyte 100% Natural Results Weight Loss Formula!
Feeling light and solid are your definitive objectives when it includes weight reduction. Be that as it may, arriving at now take huge amounts of your time and vitality that you just don't have. Or on the other hand it essentially takes utilizing the Keto Lyte Pills to loosen up your weight to help you lessen . With this unbelievable enhancement, you'll increase inconceivable supplements that work close by the advancement ketogenic diet so you'll consume your muscle versus fat and switch it into vitality. This incredible equation will help you shed ten pounds or a greater amount of fat in your first month. In this way, continue perusing our Keto Lyte Review to search out how these inconceivable pills can help you get into ketosis to decrease quicker and simpler than at any other time! Something else, click the pennant beneath to find out on the off chance that you'll guarantee a FREE TRIAL OFFER of the most elevated selling pills before the offer terminates or supplies sell out!
Along these lines, by taking Keto Lyte Pills daily that are stacked with BHB Ketones, you hold ketosis ready for action. Furthermore, that will help you consume more fat and acquire the most significant weight reduction results conceivable. to not make reference to, insofar as you're consuming fat, you're additionally liquefying creeps off your casing. In this way, you'll be prepared to see significant changes in your body in a matter of seconds. Tap any picture on this page to ask the most straightforward Keto Lyte Biotic Price and look at this before it sells out!
Keto Lyte Supplement Reviews
It can feel difficult to diminish . On the off chance that you've attempted and attempted before without any outcomes, it are regularly unbelievably disappointing. Presently, you don't have to stress that . Since, Keto Lyte Diet Pills have your back. As we said over, the surveys are on the whole truly encouraging. Indeed, the surveys even had us energized. Since, various clients were raving about what extent weight they lost with this equation! as a matter of fact , one client even shed 30 pounds in just a few months due to this pill.
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Step by step instructions to Use Keto Lyte Pills
The Keto Lyte Diet Pills are the least complex gratitude to change over your additional fat into vitality so you'll diminish quicker and simpler than at any other time. Yet, you keep on requiring the advancement ketogenic diet to encourage your best outcomes. Which is the reason these keto tips will are accessible convenient:
Increment Fat ��� Boost fat utilization to 70% to ensure that your body is getting enough vitality to continue ketosis and decrease quicker.
Decrease Carbs – Try keeping carbs at an espresso 5% to ensure that your body stops utilizing glucose for vitality and starts consuming your additional muscle versus fat for vitality.
Protein – The last 25% is for protein. By getting enough protein, you'll be prepared to keep your bulk unblemished while your muscle versus fat is helping.
What Are The Keto Lyte Ingredients?
This enhancement contains the ground-breaking characteristic fat eliminators alluded to as BHB Ketones. BHB Ketones trigger ketosis inside the body. Truth be told, they're similar to placing gas in your vehicle. for example , if ketosis was your vehicle, the ketones would be the gas. you must place gas into a vehicle to frame it go. Also, you must remain putting gas inside the vehicle to remain it running. an identical goes for placing ketones into your body to remain ketosis running. Also, the more you remain in ketosis, the more fat you'll lose!
The Keto Lyte Ingredients contain a solid mix of BHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate) ketones and other weight reduction inciting supplements to ensure you are feeling lighter than any time in recent memory! This mind blowing recipe fluctuates relying on whether you select the conventional keto supplement, the purify bottle, or the biotic equation. Yet, the shared characteristic between them consequently every one of the equations are natural, vegetarian, and totally normal. This novel recipe contains precisely what you might want to help your ketogenic diet so you'll decrease and become lighter than at any other time! In any case, the more you pause, the almost certain that this unbelievable offer could lapse, or supplies could sell out. Along these lines, in case you're wanting to state a FREE TRIAL OFFER of the most noteworthy selling pills, click any picture or catch on this page before the offer lapses or supplies sell out!
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Weight reduction is threatening. Regardless of whether you have a couple of pounds to lose or very few, it can want a lofty slope to climb. Fortunately, the Keto Lyte Ingredients are here to help make it simpler. Truth be told, this normal fat busting equation contains BHB Ketones. Also, BHB Ketones help trigger ketosis inside the body. It resembles giving your body a green light to change from consuming carbs for vitality to consuming its own fat stores for vitality.
In this way, as you progress about your day, your body gives you vitality by burning its own fat stores. As it were, this is regularly the premier easy weight reduction you'll ever have. Also, you'll have confidence realizing this recipe is really consuming obstinate fat throughout the day. to not specify, it's so characteristic, you shouldn't have to influence any genuine Keto Lyte Side Effects. Furthermore, since it gives you an every day portion of ketones, it'll even help you STAY in ketosis. Also, which means you'll consume difficult fat until you arrive at your objective weight. Sound incredible? Snap any picture on this page to embrace it now!
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Obviously, you would prefer not to require this equation and feel more regrettable. You're attempting to diminish , get more beneficial, and feel good, isn't that so? In this way, you really would prefer not to put up with reactions. That is the reason we're energized the Keto Lyte Cleanse doesn't have any detailed symptoms. Actually, no one referenced it in any of the client audits. Along these lines, you shouldn't generally have a lot to worry about here.
Obviously, be sheltered in any case. In the event that you are doing encounter symptoms that don't stop inside the week, quit taking the enhancement. It's in every case better to be protected rather than sorry. Additionally, you shouldn't hurt your body just to diminish . In outline, this may be a fantastic gratitude to consume fat and acquire the consequences you had always wanted! What's more, it's practically easy. Tap any picture on this page to ask absolute bottom Keto Lyte Dietary Supplement Cost and look at it now!
Up until this point, we haven't seen any notice of Keto Lyte Side Effects. Which might be an incredible sign this amazing recipe can help you get lighter and more advantageous without immense issues en route. However, this mind blowing recipe attempts to travel above and beyond by lessening reactions. By including additional ketones, you'll be prepared to suits ketosis quicker and increase additional vitality inside the procedure. With the additional supplements, you'll be prepared to suits ketosis quicker and gain a lot of additional vitality so you'll lessen symptoms inside the procedure. in only a short time, you'll be prepared to decrease quicker and simpler than at any other time! In any case, the more you pause, the more probable that this mind blowing offer could lapse, or supplies could sell out. Along these lines, click any picture or catch on this page to help your weight before it's past the point of no return!
Epilepsy: The ketogenic diet was first utilized clinically to treat seizures. it's been wont to effectively diminish seizures for quite a long while, with exploration to duplicate the preferences exceeding any cons.
Weight reduction: There are some extraordinary metabolic changes at first with this eating regimen. In a bit of composing by Antonio Paoli, he takes note of that the wellbeing boundaries identified with conveying overabundance weight improve, similar to insulin opposition, high crucial sign, and raised cholesterol and fatty oils. the facts confirm that fat oxidation builds because of the body adjusting to the upper dietary fat admission. Be that as it may, fat oxidation and losing muscle versus fat are two unique procedures. At the point when fat oxidation is higher it doesn't really imply that there'll be a rebate in muscle to fat ratio. By and large calorie admission and calorie consume will be the most determinant in fat misfortune.
Carb limitation can immediaty affect glucose fixations, bringing down them after some time. it will be a basic way one could get their diabetes under wraps. In any case, one ought to counsel an enrolled dietitian before using this technique
offical site:http://thesupplementcop.com/keto-lyte/
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deniscollins · 4 years
The Hardest Questions Doctors May Face: Who Will Be Saved? Who Won’t?
If you were a medical director and had 10 ventilators with 30 people needing the, thus can only save the life of 10 out of the 30, how would you determine who gets a ventilator by: (1) age (preference to young), (2) highest likelihood of survival, (3) most in need, (4) lottery, (5) first-come, first-served, (6) combination (if so, which ones), (7) something else (if so, what)? Why? What are the ethics underlying your decision?
The medical director of the intensive care unit had to choose which patients’ lives would be supported by ventilators and other equipment. Hurricane Sandy was bearing down on Bellevue Hospital in New York City in 2012, and the main generators were about to fail. Dr. Laura Evans would be left with only six power outlets for the unit’s 50 patients.
Hospital officials asked her to decide which ones would get the lifesaving resources. “Laura,” one official said. “We need a list.” After gathering other professionals, Dr. Evans checked off the names of the lucky few.
Now, she and doctors at hospitals across the country may have to make similarly wrenching decisions about rationing on a far bigger scale. Epidemic experts predict an explosive growth in the number of critically ill patients, combined with severe shortages of equipment, supplies, staffing and hospital beds in areas of the U.S. where coronavirus infections are surging, hot spots that include New York, California and Washington State.
Health workers are urging efforts to suppress the outbreak and expand medical capacity so that rationing will be unnecessary. But if forced, they ask, how do they make the least terrible decision? How do they minimize deaths? Who even gets to decide, and how are their choices justified to the public?
Medical providers are considering these questions based on what first occurred in China, where many sick patients were initially turned away from hospitals, and now is unfolding in Italy, where overwhelmed doctors are withholding ventilators from older, sicker adults so they can go to younger, healthier patients.
Choosing between patients “goes against the way we used to think about our profession, against the way we think about our behavior with patients,” said Dr. Marco Metra, chief of cardiology at a hospital in one of Italy’s hardest-hit regions.
In the United States, some guidelines already exist for this grim task. In an effort little known even among doctors, federal grant programs helped hospitals, states and the Veterans Health Administration develop what are essentially rationing plans for a severe pandemic. Now those plans, some of which may be outdated, are being revisited for the coronavirus outbreak.
But little research has been done to see whether the strategies would save more lives or years of life compared with a random lottery to assign ventilators or critical care beds — an option some support to avoid bias against people with disabilities and others.
Some commonly recommended rationing strategies, researchers found, could paradoxically increase the number of deaths. And protocols involve value judgments as much as medical ones, and have to take into account the public’s trust.
If hospitals withhold treatment by age, where do they draw the line? If they give lower priority to those with certain underlying health conditions, they may in effect be offering black Americans less treatment than white Americans. If physicians try to redirect resources — putting a patient on a ventilator for a few days, then giving it to someone else who appears to have better prospects — more people may die because few would get adequate treatment. And if many patients have a similar chance of survival, what fair way is there to make a choice?
The federal government, so far at least, is not providing national rationing guidelines for the coronavirus outbreak. Officials from various states, medical associations and hospitals are discussing their own plans, potentially resulting in very different decisions on life-and-death matters about which there are deep disagreements, even among medical professionals.
“You have to be really clear about what you are trying to achieve,” said Christina Pagel, a British researcher who studied the problem during the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic. “Maybe you end up saving more people but at the end you have got a society at war with itself. Some people are going to be told they don’t matter enough.”
‘The Most Good’
Just before the coronavirus outbreak, Dr. Evans, the physician at Bellevue, moved across the country to direct the intensive care unit at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle. The city became one of the first areas in the United States to see community spread of the virus.
The hospital is doing whatever it can to prevent the need to ration — what Dr. Evans referred to as “an ethical obligation.” Like other institutions, it is trying to increase supplies, training staff to act in roles that may be outside their usual jobs and postponing elective surgeries to free up space for coronavirus patients. Some cities are racing to construct new hospitals.
Strategies to avoid rationing during the pandemic were published by the National Academy of Medicine. But hospitals across the country vary in their adherence to such steps. At the University of Miami’s flagship hospital, surgeons were told last Monday to cancel elective surgeries, but across the street at Jackson Memorial Hospital, they were “given wide discretion over whether to cancel or proceed,” according to an update sent to physicians.
Dr. Evans is working with health leaders in Washington State to figure out how to implement triage plans. Their goal, she said, would be “doing the most good for the most people and being fair and equitable and transparent in the process.”
But guidance endorsed and distributed by the Washington State Health Department last week suggested that triage teams under crisis conditions should consider transferring patients out of the hospital or to palliative care if their baseline functioning was marked by “loss of reserves in energy, physical ability, cognition and general health.”
The concept of triage stems from Napoleon’s battlefields. The French military leader’s chief surgeon, Baron Dominique Jean Larrey, concluded that medics should attend to the most dangerously wounded first, without regard to rank or distinction. Later, doctors added other criteria to mass casualty triage, including how likely someone was to survive treatment or how long it would take to care for them.
Protocols for rationing critical care and ventilators in a pandemic had their beginning during the anthrax mailings after the Sept. 11 attacks, but have not previously been implemented.
Dr. Frederick M. Burkle Jr., a former Vietnam War physician, laid out ideas for how to handle the victims of a large-scale bioterrorist event. After the SARS outbreak stressed Toronto hospitals in 2003, some of his ideas were proposed by Canadian doctors, and they made their way into many American plans after the H1N1 pandemic in 2009. “I have said to my wife, ‘I think I developed a monster here,’” Dr. Burkle said in an interview.
What worried him was that the protocols often had rigid exclusion criteria for ventilators or even hospital admission. Some used age as a cutoff or pre-existing conditions like advanced cancer, kidney failure or severe neurological impairment. Dr. Burkle, though, had emphasized the importance of reassessing the level of resources sometimes on a daily or hourly basis in an effort to minimize the need to deny care.
Also, the plans might not achieve their goals of maximizing survival. For example, most called for reassigning a ventilator after several days if a patient was not improving, allowing it to be allocated to a different patient.
But rapidly cycling ventilators might not give anyone enough chance to improve. When the coronavirus causes severe pneumonia, doctors are finding that patients require treatment for weeks.
In Canada, a study of H1N1 patients found that 70 percent of those who would have been withdrawn from ventilators after a five-day time trial if a rationing plan had been implemented actually survived with continued care.
Researchers at a British hospital had similar findings, concluding that “a new model of triage needs to be developed.”
A Score Card and a Lottery
Many of the original plans in the U.S. were developed exclusively by medical personnel. But in Seattle, public health officials gathered community input on a possible plan more than a decade ago.
Some citizens feared that using predicted survival to determine access to resources — a common strategy — might be inherently discriminatory, according to a report on the exercise. Citing “institutional racism in the health care system,” they were concerned that the metrics for some groups, like African-Americans and immigrants, would be skewed because they had not received the same quality of care.
There were similar findings in Maryland, where researchers at Johns Hopkins engaged residents across the state in deliberations over several years.
The researchers presented them with several options. Hospitals could assign ventilators on a first-come, first-served basis. Some thought that could disadvantage people who lived far from hospitals. A lottery struck other participants as more fair.
Others argued for a more outcome-oriented approach. One goal could be saving the highest number of lives, regardless of factors like age. A different goal could be saving the most years of life, a strategy favoring younger, healthier patients. Participants also considered whether those playing a valuable role in a pandemic, like medical workers who risked their lives, should be made a priority.
After the project ended, the Hopkins researchers designed a framework that assigns scores to patients based on estimated probability of short- and long-term survival. The latter was defined by whether the person had a pre-existing life expectancy of at least a year. Ventilators would be provided, as available, according to their ranking. The framework recommends a lottery for lifesaving resources when patients have identical scores. Stage of life may also be used as a “tiebreaker.” Decisions should be made by designated triage officers, not individual doctors caring for patients, and there should be a limited appeals process in cases of resource withdrawal, the protocol said.
The public input led the Hopkins researchers not to incorporate most exclusion criteria.
Dr. Lee Daugherty Biddison, one of the effort’s leaders, said that was because most participants were uncomfortable excluding patients with underlying health issues. Preconditions don’t always predict survival from respiratory viruses, and having chronic diseases like diabetes, kidney failure and high blood pressure often tracks with access to medical care. Rationing based on these conditions would be “essentially punishing people for their station in life,” Dr. Biddison said.
The Hopkins group published a description of the framework last year, and doctors from other Maryland hospitals are teleconferencing twice a day to prepare to implement the plan if conditions grow extreme. Dr. Biddison has also been sharing the recommendations with doctors across the country.
In Pennsylvania, Dr. Douglas B. White, chairman of ethics in critical care medicine at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, is using the Hopkins protocol to help prepare hospitals in his state.
In Colorado, Dr. Matthew Wynia, a bioethicist and infectious disease doctor, is working on a plan that would also assign a score. In his rubric, the first considerations are odds of survival and expected length of treatment. He said there was wide agreement among planners “not to make decisions on perceived social worth, race, ethnic background and long-term disability status,” which some fear could happen if doctors had to make seat-of-the-pants judgments without guidelines.
He is also trying to ensure that patients on admission to Colorado hospitals are asked whether they would forgo a ventilator if there were not enough for everyone. “One thing everyone agrees on is that the most morally defensible way to decide would be to ask the patients,” Dr. Wynia said.
He supports the idea of reassigning ventilators in certain cases. “If things are clearly getting worse, it’s really hard to justify a stance of once you’re on a vent, you own it, no matter how many people have to die in the meantime,” Dr. Wynia said.
Unlike in Italy, where age has been used in rationing treatment, some people developing protocols elsewhere have de-emphasized it. “There are arguments about valuing the young over the old that I am personally very uncomfortable with,” Dr. Pagel, the British researcher, said, including that young people should be a higher priority because they have more life ahead of them.
“Where is your threshold? Is a 20-year-old really more valuable than a 50-year-old, or are 50-year-olds actually more useful for your economy, because they have experience and skills that 20-year-olds don’t have?”
A Right to Know
As Hurricane Sandy intensified outside Bellevue in 2012, Dr. Evans referred to New York State guidelines, since updated — which some hospital leaders have said they will follow if overwhelmed by the coronavirus — on how to allocate ventilators in a pandemic using a scoring system that tries to estimate someone’s chance of survival. She pulled together an ad hoc committee of doctors, ethicists and nurses. “Having a system and procedures gave us a sense we had some control of the situation,” she recalled.
For those about to lose electricity, she and her colleagues stationed two staff members at the bedside of all patients who relied on ventilators, preparing to manually squeeze oxygen into their lungs with flexible Ambu bags.
Looking back, Dr. Evans feels the patients and their families had the right to know that their machines would lose power, but in the crisis they hadn’t been told. The doctors also did not think to ask whether any patients or their families might volunteer to give up a power outlet so that it could be provided to someone else. “It wasn’t even on my radar,” Dr. Evans said.
In the end, it was improvisation that prevented tragic rationing at Bellevue. The generator fuel pumps failed, but a chain of volunteers hand-carried diesel up 13 flights of stairs. Dr. Evans’s patients were all maintained on backup power until they were transferred to other hospitals.
“I remember it really vividly,” she said of the experience. “It’s going to stay with me my entire professional career.”
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Countdown keto
CountDown KetoCount Down To Better Keto Weight Loss!
The check down is beginning and you still can't seem to try and start your weight reduction plans. Maybe you have an objective you need to hit, or you have to thin down in time for a specific event. Be that as it may, weight reduction is much harder than you recollect it. Which is the reason you need the CountDown Keto Pills. With this ground-breaking keto supplement, you'll have the option to consume fat quicker and simpler than any time in recent memory! All you need is a legitimate ketogenic diet to get results. Furthermore, best of all, you DON'T NEED EXERCISE. With the #1 keto supplement, you can thin down with insignificant endeavors. In this way, continue perusing our CountDown Keto Review to discover more! Something else, click the pennant beneath to guarantee a FREE TRIAL OFFER of the top selling keto supplement before provisions are no more!
With Count Down Keto Advanced Weight Loss Pills, you can at long last free your additional fat and feel more sure than any time in recent memory! These ground-breaking pills contain amazing keto supplements to help the leap forward ketogenic diet so you can thin down quicker and simpler. Actually, you can shed ten pounds or more in a solitary month with this mind blowing keto. With this simple keto supplement next to you, you'll at long last have the option to tally down to a superior body in a matter of seconds. Things being what they are, would you say you are prepared to perceive how the CountDown Keto Diet Pills can work to assist you with thinning down? Snap the flag beneath to guarantee a FREE TRIAL OFFER of the top selling keto pills before the offer lapses or supplies sell out!
As indicated by the Official CountDown Keto Website, these pills have the ability to support you:
Check Down to Better Fat Burning
Get thinner in a Time Crunch
Consume Fat for Extra Energy
Change in accordance with Ketosis Faster
Improve Energy Levels
And that's just the beginning!
With the CountDown Keto Weight Loss Pills, you can at last free your additional fat and feel slimmer than at any other time! These incredible pills work securely and adequately to expel additional body weight. One investigation even expresses that the keto diet can support digestion and control longings. Along these lines, click any picture or catch on this page to perceive how the top selling keto supplement can assist you with thinning down before you pass up on your opportunity to tally down to a superior body!
Step by step instructions to Use CountDown Keto Pills
To appropriately utilize CountDown Keto Weight Loss Pills, you need a legitimate ketogenic diet. Else, it will be more earnestly to conform to ketosis and get your best weight reduction results. In this way, here are a couple of tips to assist you with thinning down quicker:
Increment Fat – By expanding fat utilization to 70%, this guarantees your body is getting enough vitality to help ketosis.
Diminish Carbs – Reducing carbs to simply 5% enables your body to stop utilizing glucose so you can consume your additional muscle to fat ratio for vitality.
Protein – The last 25% is for protein. By keeping protein in your eating routine, it keeps your bulk flawless.
What Are The CountDown Keto Ingredients?
The CountDown Keto Ingredients contain 800 mg of incredible BHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate) ketones that assist you with bodying get in ketosis and consuming your additional fat for vitality. Normally, your body makes ketones and utilizations them to transform your additional fat into usable vitality. Be that as it may, by including much more ketones, you can change in accordance with ketosis significantly quicker so you can begin getting weight reduction results right away. With these incredible keto pills, you can beat your countdown to fat consuming outcomes. Anyway, would you say you are prepared to attempt these unimaginable keto pills for yourself? click any picture or catch on this page to guarantee a FREE TRIAL OFFER of the top selling keto supplement before provisions are no more!
Are There CountDown Keto Side Effects?
Up until now, we haven't seen any notice of CountDown Keto Side Effects. Which is an extraordinary sign that these pills can assist you with outperforming your countdown to more readily fat consuming with no issues! Truth be told, this amazing enhancement goes above and beyond and decreases reactions. Ordinarily, your body could encounter some symptoms from the keto diet itself while it's acclimating to the new ketogenic changes. However, by including BHB ketones, you can get in ketosis quicker and ease reactions, if not wreck them completely. All in all, would you say you are prepared to tally down to all the more likely fat consuming? Snap any picture or catch on this page to guarantee a FREE TRIAL OFFER of the top selling keto supplement before you botch your opportunity to check down to all the more likely fat consuming outcomes!
What Is The CountDown Keto Price?
In the event that you are attempting to get to the most minimal CountDown Keto Cost, NOW is your opportunity! By clicking any picture or catch on this page, you can get to the top selling keto pills to perceive what selective offers are accessible. Furthermore, on the off chance that you rush, you can guarantee a FREE TRIAL OFFER. Which implies that you can get your first enhancement at the minor CountDown Keto Cost of postage. That way, you can attempt the enhancement and see what you think for as long as about fourteen days before paying everything. All in all, would you say you are prepared to perceive what all the publicity is about before the countdown runs out and the cost rises? Snap any picture or catch on this page to look at the CountDown Keto Cost before it's past the point of no return!
Where To Buy Count Down Keto Advanced Weight Loss Pills
On the off chance that you are as yet pondering where to purchase CountDown Keto Diet Pills, you have two alternatives. You can give finding the official item site a shot your own or snap any picture or catch on this page to guarantee a FREE TRIAL OFFER. In the event that you hustle, you can even guarantee a FREE TRIAL OFFER. Be that as it may, in the event that you stand by excessively long, you could totally pass up on your opportunity to get to this mind blowing bargain. These famous pills make certain to sell out quick. In this way, click any picture or catch on this page to attempt the top selling keto before the countdown runs out and supplies are no more!
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markbinsonnn-blog · 4 years
Super Fast Keto Boost
Super Fast Keto Boost Review
Super Fast Keto BoostLose Weight Super-Fast!
Everybody needs to get thinner super-fast. In any case, actually weight reduction likely won't occur like you need it to. Except if you are utilizing the Super Fast Keto Boost Boost Pills. This top selling fat consuming enhancement can assist you with shedding pounds faster than at any other time! Utilizing a mix of ground-breaking fat-consuming fixings and working close by an achievement ketogenic diet, these pills can assist you with meeting your weight reduction objectives for the last time. You'll get the super-fast outcomes that you've been sitting tight for! Along these lines, continue perusing our Super Fast Keto Boost Review to discover more! Something else, click the pennant underneath to check whether there is a FREE TRIAL OFFER accessible for the #1 selling keto before it's past the point of no return!
Super Fast Keto Boost Boost Diet Pills are perhaps the most ideal approaches to consume fat super-fast! In the event that you are searching for a simpler method to thin down, this top selling keto pill is IT! Utilizing go BHB ketones, you'll have the option to acclimate to ketosis (the condition of consuming fat for vitality) faster, increase crazy measures of vitality, and consume fat super-fast! What's more, that is not every one of these pills can accomplish for you. To see different ways these pills support your weight reduction results, click the standard beneath! On the off chance that you hustle, odds are you'll have the option to get to the most minimal Super Fast Keto Boost Boost Price yet! Along these lines, click presently to get to a FREE TRIAL OFFER before provisions are no more!
Super Fast Keto Boost Boost Does It Work?
SuperFast Keto Boost Review
Shedding pounds super-fast isn't a legend any longer! With an excellent keto pill, you can at long last get the fast outcomes you are searching for! As per the Official Super Fast Keto Boost Website, these pills have the ability to support you:
Get Super-Fast Fat Burning
Change in accordance with Ketosis Easier
Keep Muscle Intact
Increment Body Confidence
Improve Energy Levels
And then some!
There are such a large number of advantages that you can see by utilizing a super-fast supplement! Be that as it may, you are still most likely asking, Super Fast Keto Boost Boost Does It Work? What's more, the appropriate response is yes! The KETO DIET REALLY WORKS. One study expresses that utilizing a keto diet can improve digestion and control hunger. Thus, click any picture or catch on this page to attempt the super-fast keto pill before provisions are gone and you pass up on your opportunity!
Step by step instructions to Use Super Fast Keto Boost Boost Pills
On the off chance that you are seeking after super-fast outcomes, you need an appropriate ketogenic diet close by the Super Fast Keto Boost Boost Diet Pills. Here are a couple of tips to enable you to out:
Increment Fat – Consuming 70% of fat is vital to keeping your body in ketosis. You need this fat to consume and transform into a vitality source.
Lessening Carbs – Reducing carbs to simply 5% guarantees that your body stops utilizing glucose for vitality and goes to consuming your additional fat.
Protein – The staying 25% is for protein. You need only enough to keep your muscle unblemished while the eating routine is dissolving your fat.
What Are The Super Fast Keto Boost Ingredients?
The Super Fast Keto Boost Ingredients contain go BHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate) ketones. These go BHBs are the way to holding your weight down! Ordinarily, your body normally makes and uses ketones so as to remain in ketosis and consuming your additional fat for vitality. In any case, including extra BHB ketones can MULTIPLY your fat consuming outcomes by imitating your regular BHBs. Thus, you'll have the option to change in accordance with your keto diet simpler, you'll increase crazy measures of vitality, and you'll consume your fat faster than any time in recent memory! Quit asking yourself the inquiry Super Fast Keto Boost Boost Does It Work? Prepare for super-fast keto weight reduction and snap any picture or catch on this page to attempt the #1 keto pill NOW before provisions are no more!
Are There Super Fast Keto Boost Side Effects?
Up until now, we haven't seen any notice of Super Fast Keto Boost Side Effects. Which is a GREAT sign that these top selling weight reduction pills are the most ideal approach to thin down super-fast without immense issues. And yet, you have to plan for conceivable reactions with the ketogenic diet itself. Now and then, reactions can happen while your body is acclimating to the ketogenic diet itself. Be that as it may, you can decrease these issues by utilizing an appropriate keto diet and boosting your outcomes with the top selling keto pill. The BHB ketones in the equation will assist you with changing in accordance with the ketogenic diet faster, so you don't see such a significant number of reactions. All in all, would you say you are prepared for super-fast weight reduction results? Snap any picture or catch on this page to attempt the #1 pill before provisions are no more!
What Is The Super Fast Keto Boost Price?
The Super Fast Keto Boost Boost Price is always showing signs of change, however NOW is your best time to attempt these pills. In the event that you snap RIGHT NOW, odds are you can get to a FREE TRIAL OFFER. With this offer, you'll have the option to get your first item FREE. All you would need to pay is postage for the Super Fast Keto Boost Pills. In any case, in the event that you stand by excessively long, you could botch your opportunity to get super-fast outcomes altogether! This unimaginable keto supplement is just going to get increasingly prominent. Along these lines, on the off chance that you are planning to get to the most reduced Super Fast Keto Boost Price, click NOW before this offer terminates, or supplies are no more!
Where To Buy Super-Fast Keto Boost Advanced Weight Loss
On the off chance that you are as yet pondering where to purchase Super Fast Keto Boost Pills, you can discover them by clicking any picture or catch on this page! Our connections will lead you directly to the official item site so you can perceive what restrictive offers or limits are accessible. What's more, on the off chance that you click SUPER-FAST, you may have the option to get your hands on a FREE TRIAL OFFER. In any case, in the event that you are planning to get to this inconceivable offer, you have to click NOW before the restricted inventory sells out! In the event that you take excessively long, we'll show you the following best supplement, so you don't pass up your best weight reduction. Be that as it may, in the event that you are seeking after super-fast fat consuming, click any pennant on this page before you pass up on your opportunity!
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kikaiz · 6 years
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If you don’t understand why there’s so many dislikes and uproar about Nintendo’s online service that’s launching tomorrow, let me just provide ya’ll a list, because I feel terrible for the majority of folks that don’t know. And no, this isn’t about the price, it’s about what we’re paying for.
Disclaimer: Let me know if any of this information is wrong with evidence, and I’ll update the info. Everything will be under the Read More so that misinformation doesn’t spread and because frankly, it’s long. 
The overall comparisons!
Note: There is a bit of bias here because I am angry and because I don’t care about NES games. Also not everything I’ve listed are things I care about but I know would bother someone out there so they’re in this list. Also here’s the links for the American and Japanese trailers if you’re curious how the dislike ratio has become since this post.
**Price per year**
❎ $60 (Xbox) 🅿️ $60 (PlayStation) 🆘 $20 (Switch Online Service)
❎ Dedicated server 🅿️ Dedicated server 🆘 Peer to Peer WiFi (your own internet server)
**Online and Party Chat**
❎ Need service to play online however, you don’t need it to access apps and services. Membership required for Party chat (thru the system itself). 🅿️ Need service to play online however, you don’t need it to access apps and services or Party chat (thru the system itself). Members also gain a few extra features, including automatic downloads of game updates, early access to some betas, and extended game trials of certain titles. Allows you to share one subscription with all users of the console. 🆘 Need service to play online. Splatoon becomes unplayable offline. No apps available (Netflix, YouTube, browser). Requires smart phone and app in order to Party chat. No Netflix, YouTube, or browser. No themes or messaging.
**Cloud Saves**
❎ Cloud saving for all games as well as free usb transfers. Cloud is also available Free to Everyone and not just paying members. 🅿️ Cloud saving for all games as well as free usb transfers. Unsubscribed members cloud saves are kept for a 6 month grace period. 🆘 Cloud saves for games except Splatoon 2 and Pokémon. No way to back up data otherwise, despite SD card saving being available on Wii, Wii U, and 3DS. Edit: One week after the service launched, we finally got information that there is indeed a 6 month grace period for your cloud saves if you’ve unsubscribed. (Technically 1 year, 6 months, 22 days for this information if we’re counting from when the switch launched.)
**Free Games**
❎ 2 free Xbox one games and 2 Xbox 360 games every month, all new triple A quality. If you unsubscribe, you’ll lose access to these games. However if you resub, you will have access to them and their saves again. Xbox 360 games can be kept regardless of subbing. (Note: xbox 1 is backwards compatible that’s why I’m listing Xbox 360 info) 🅿️ 2 free new triple A games every month. If you unsubscribe, you’ll lose access to these games. However if you resub, you will have access to them and their saves again. 🆘 20 NES games. That’s it. Just these twenty 33 year old games with “more to come”. However they will cycle. When 20 new ones come the old 20 are gone and you do not own them. If you are away from wifi for 7 days (whether that be a storm or a vacation), you cannot play the NES games you paid for. Edit: The co op plays with friends seems seamless and fun for games I don’t plan on playing. WARNING: Do not use the CRT filter on the NES games because they’ll have a temporary “burn in” effect on your switch screen due to how the pixels vibrate. This eventually goes away on its own over time (and not by turning on and off your system) but I wouldn’t chance it, personally.
**Game Discounts or Special Offers**
❎ Many discounts for members but there are a few sales for non members too. 🅿️ The store regularly has discounts for everyone. However members may get a better deal. If a game is 60% off for a regular, it could be 80% off for a member. 🆘 So far the only special offers are NES controllers (only available if you’re a member of the Online service. This means you’ll be paying $80 total) and exclusive sports gear for Splatoon 2.
**Other Info**  🆘
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A personal rant from a Splatoon fan! 🦑🐙
When I’d heard about the online being mandatory for Splatoon 2, I was saddened but I understood, especially under the assumption that I would be paying for servers to run to improve disconnectivity drops. I had no problems with just that. And the price was affordable for me to boot.
Then I learned that I cannot back up my save data. I heard about 3rd party docks bricking switches and losing saves, of people who’s switches were stolen at E3′s and losing their saves.
Then I learned that Splatoon 2′s saves aren’t tied to the account or to Nintendo but to each individual switch itself. 
Then I found out cloud saves will not work on Splatoon 2 and upcoming Pokemon games “to prevent cheating”. So not only can I not back up by SD card like we have been for the last 12 years, but I can’t save my 700+ hours of Splatoon at all. All to prevent save scumming... despite there already being plenty of Splatoon hackers already that do a lot worse than save scumming. And there are solutions to these problems so that cloud saving is possible for every game!
I just can’t protect my Splatoon 2 data... Not all the weapons I’ve bought, every outfit I’ve bought and leveled up, not my ranks. The only game I would actually care about losing my progress cannot be backed up.
Then I found out I’m not even paying for a better server. It’s going to continue to be peer to peer using our own wifi.
I do not play other online games. Sure some games I would love to play with friends like minecraft and dragon quest builders 2 and pokemon, but I can live without it since local multiplayer is still free. Splatoon however becomes unplayable offline. You cannot even go to the store to buy new outfits. The only part of Splatoon I could play offline are the single player mode and DLC but I’ve already 100% those.
The Splatoon series is my favorite... It’s the first time a game made me feel good about myself and my aim and actually made me improve myself irl. I don’t mind paying for online if I’m actually going to get something out of it. It’s been over a year of delaying this online and they haven’t changed anything for me. 
I’ll probably cave in the end... I just love Splatoon so much and I want to play all the new updates and keep getting better. But for now, I’ll try to boycott for as long as possible, maybe use my 1 free week trial for the October splatfest if it’s spooky. But until then, I hope people who will boycott with me will return to Splatoon 1 until Nintendo adds something. I don’t expect this boycott or our message to get to Nintendo in the end. I think there are already too many people blinded by the cheap price and lack of information and upcoming Smash game. I don’t want to pay for something like this. 
What would make me feel better about this service:
I just want to know that I won’t lose my Splatoon progress if my switch gets damaged or stolen. 
I want confirmation that my Splatoon progress is tied to my account not my system. 
I also think Cloud Saves in general should be free for all if there’s no other way to backup saves. (I would say give us SD card backups but I don’t believe games like Splatoon and Pokemon should have those because that’s local save scumming and we don’t want that.) Right now, Nintendo is the only ones charging us to protect our saves. 
I want a word from Nintendo that servers will improve in the future, otherwise Peer to Peer should be free and dedicated servers should be paid for. I know for sure that hardcore Smash players would pay for dedicated servers. 
Personally, I don’t mind about NES (because I won’t play them) or the phone app (splatnet2 is great and I can just keep using discord or like the actual phone). HOWEVER, I really really need a real way to block/ban players in splatoon 2 in-game and not using the App, (as well as a way to Un-yeah a post in the lobby from accidental clicks but that’s more a splatoon problem than a phone problem.)
Sure what I asked for is taking out all the good stuff from the Online service but imagine this. Imagine if Switch Online actually had things worth paying for. Imagine your themes and browser apps and mutual best friend messaging. Imagine games other than NES coming to that service they’re providing eventually. Imagine bigger sales available on eshop that notifies you when games on your wishlist are on sale. It’s so cheap many more people would buy and keep a subscription without all this controversy. It’s taken them a year to pull this off and they’ve got nothing for it. Why? Because they know people will pay for it anyway. 
I want to be wrong about all this, trust me. At the very least, Nintendo is at fault for making about 18k people really really upset and anxious with poor communication.
“You knew you were going to have to pay for a service so you shouldn’t have bought a multiplayer game like Splatoon.”
I was under the impression for over a year with no other info that I would be paying for dedicated servers along with the Online.
“Stop complaining, this was a really long free trial and you knew that.”
Yep! And they kept delaying it. And delaying it. And delaying it. So I think we were all assuming Nintendo had a big surprise they were delaying all this for to make it worth the wait. It’s not.
“It’s $20 a year, that’s way cheaper than the competition. Of course it’s not going to have a lot of offers.”
Yes, I agree! But for me this is less than what I expected and trust me I was not expecting much. This is less than the basics.
“So you bought a $300 switch, $60 game, $20 DLC, and $70 pro controller but you can’t pay $20 a year? Sure.”
I want to pay $20 a year for a service not a hostage situation. Sorry if I seem upset about having a gun to my head.
“The Wii U was a failure. Nintendo needs the money. Do you want them to go bankrupt?”
Don’t sympathize with billion dollar companies like they have feelings. We have problem of treating large companies like people instead of money producing companies, especially if there’s nostalgia attached. “Don’t be mean to Nintendo, they’re having a rough time.” The sooner more people realize this, the better. And no they’re not in need of money. They have $10.5 billion in the bank. For some perspective that’s 35 million switches. For further perspective if just one second was a dollar, that’s 333 years. They’re fine.
“Why are you making such a big deal out of this?”
Because I want Nintendo to succeed. I don’t want them to have EA levels of controversy. I don’t want them to worm their way to EA levels of anti-consumerism. We already have loot boxes in a free mobile game. And now the free online we’ve had for 12 years is under a paywall. I’m not mad about either of these. I just don’t want it to get any worse than that. I don’t want Nintendo to think they can get away with the bare minimum just because “they’ll buy it anyway.” Nintendo has been making great leaps forward with the switch but things like this severely set them back.
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eternitas · 6 years
Voltron Dance Academy AU
okay for this hear me out: I am not a professional dancer and I know jack shit about dancing but this is a fun thing spooking in my brain for a while now so bear with me please okay? okay
It’s headcanon time!
An AU where everyone is a dancer and shit
Basically there are two majour big dance academies in Altea: Voltron and Galra
It all starts by the Garrison closing down and the crew having to find a new dance academy.
Lance, Hunk and Pidge were put in a trio back in Garrison and therefore know each other and for comfort Pidge goes to see Matt and Hance join bc what else to do?
Keith is with Shiro and just “wat now”
so Shiro is just “Well Matt and I will just unwind tonight, wanna come?”
 And somehow they all end up at this open dance night, where they just have their fun and all dance a bit, until the club anounces the dance stage open for the more brave guys. 
Lance runs onto the now free dancefloor only to bump into this chick.
But the music aready starts and they roll wth it
Lance thought he is a great dancer, but oh boi, this girl leaves him in the dust with her precise and lively steps he is absolutely WOOED
If he is a level 10 dancer she exceeds the 70 Level line by far
Still everyone cheers them on and it’s super much fun!
Especially because both have a lot of fun together and despite not knowing each other and improvising a lot they click and dance pretty well together
Even if Blue is the one leading and hogging most of the spotlight
Shiro notices a few more people at the sidelines who seem to be with the girl, cheering for her (aside of this one chick who looks grumpy af all the time)
The next song comes on and a pretty small girl and a giant come forth bringing some BANGING JAZZ and michael jackson style steps to the floor (fedora and vest included)
They do all the stuff, from tap dance, jive, swing- a wild mixture, but stylish af
The song ends and Shiro sees the grumpy girl of the group return from the DJ. He wats to hold Keith back, but the guy already sprints onto the stage and almost clashes with this smaller girl (guess who)
And oh boi as the music sets in she gives such quick ballet moves Keith is left in the dust like Lance prior
Of course this is Keith, he aint going down without a fight and show off his own skills, but she owns the stage with her grace, as if she is flying over it, as if gravity doest exist
Keith “I dance ballet almost my entire life” Kogane is put in place by nobody else but this chick he never met and he is both furius and absolutely stunned
“Let’s get a big applause for the one and only Red Lioness of Voltroooon!”
Shiro: Voltron? Lance: Hold up! Isn’t Voltron that prestigeous dance academy?
“And now exclusevely just for this night The Lions of Voltron with their debut choreography!”
Nobody of them knows what the f is going on, but the music starts and they witness an absolutely epic dance group performanc led by this one young woman with the short black hair
It’s as if they all are one entity, their moves precise and totally synched up. 
Not only the synchrone parts, but the place swaps, the double moments, the acrobatic movements, it’s absolutely fitting and a perfect picture.
It leaves the crew absolutely stunned
The club goes back to it’s usual routine and everyone disperses.
Pidge runs at Matt (who had probably his third vodka lemon in hands) and fangirled about those quick jazz steps, the smooth movements of that very small girl that was dancing
he just nods and slurps his drink because yes mhm i have no idea what is happening, but yes let’s give my little sis some acknowledgement, god I am so drunk where is Shiro I need an adult
Hunk and Lance were basically not even listening at each other and just talking in one big waterfall about how AMAZING that just was
and Shiro quickly follows Keith who makes a B line to the girl he danced again
“What’s your name and where did you learn to dance like that?”
Red just turns to him absolutely unamused and scoffs
“Excuse me?”
Blue makes a face and gives a short whistle, but before a fight breaks out Black and Shiro pull their hotheads back
The two look at each other andd exchange soft smiles
“I’m sorry, he’s-” “It’s okay, I get it. Maybe we could talk outside?” “Yeah good idea.”
The others notice Shiro and Keith leaving and quickly travel behind.
Lance just leans against Hunk and gives Blue a charming smile
“Hey gorgeous.” And she smirks back just as flirty. “Hey there handsome~”
Count Lancce absolutely LOVESTRUCK
Red just keeps glaring at Keith and murmuring “This is ridiculous, let’s just leave.”
And before Shiro and Black can really talk a loud “There you are!” has the lions turn around, Blue just groaning annoyed.
Entrance Allura and Coran
Did I say Blue had Lance lovestruck? Oh no, boi just fell in love at first sight ho mama mia
Blue: Allura PLEASE Black: Olea, just don’t.
Allura just talks in one flow to Black about how they can’t just leave during an open end night and how they still had practice yare yare
“Allura, I get that, but we all needed a small break, just a little... change of pace, we’ve been practicing the routine non stop for the entire day.”
Cue the Crew feeling a bit awkward and third wheelie.
“And who are these guys?”
Lance: your future lover~ Green: he wished Blue: pFT
“Um, my name is Shiro. We actually just saw them all dance and heared they are called the Lions of Voltron so we... got a bit curious if they meant the academy of Voltron...”
Hunk explains that the Garrison had to be closed down and that all of them were looking for a new dance school
and immideatly everyones miens change
Red: good luck with your search then. Black jut puts two fingers to her lips to shut her up.
“Actually...” She starts with a smile and then Allura approuches them as well.
“This is actually great timing... How about we invite you to apply for Voltron?”
Some character info dumb and more word building under the cut
Blue: aka Oleander Alvaro
Called Olly or Olea by most
Specializes in Latino and hip hop
Dubbed the Blue Lion of Voltron, being in Lion Class by now
Extremely outgoing and goofy, but also very emotional and ready to throw some fists if necesary
despite seeming to have her shit together she is absolutely NOT OKAY
why be okay herself when she can make sure her crew and friends are okay? : )))))
Usually seen with her hair in a ponytail tho ofc v stylish with enough short hair framing her face
Very wavey/curly hair
absolute latino beauty
She and Red may “not get along”, but when dancing they are one entity
The dances she does with Yellow are usually just for fun, beause they have chemistry
Has no problem dancing leading parts
Green: aka Silvana Forest
for some reason people only call her Forest?
Specializes in Swing and Jazz/Tap-dance
Wears contacts, but glasses when tired
Dubbed the Green lion of Voltron
a tiny with barely 157cm
Makes a lot of compicated choreographys and steps, sometimes even acrobatic stunts
The crews intelligent brain and data manager
She likes to film practice and analyze steps to give scientific and objective tips for improvements
She usually dances pair with Yellow, but also likes to have story choreographies with Red
Snarky lil shit and dubbed ”gremlin” by Blue
You think she chill? Nah bruh she’s gona roast you if she sees fit. Totally no filter and will make you feel like shitp urely with words because she CAN
Yellow: aka Sun Désert
“All your puns on my name? I heared them already”
Specializes mostly in very traditional and classic dances like Waltz and polka and stuff
Always dances the leading parts for pairs and can adapt perfectly to everyones style
dubbed the Yellow Lion of Voltron
Such a big silent and fluffy man. Very teddy bear. Cuddles are always welcome
Basically the heart of the crew and the only male
knows how to party and have fun, but is quick to be the repsonisble mom friend (i mean he’s best friends with BLUE)
Blue uploaded Sun and Forest dancing jive on Elton Johns I’m still standing and it blew up quite positively being the starting point of putting the Lions on the radar for people
Big burly black man dancing with a tiny white girl it’s the cutest and funnies image.
He’s usully very chill but if you manage to fuck up and get him angry you have a storm coming boi
Red: aka Scarlet Rose
Aside of Black nobody calls her Scarlet, always only Red. Probably becase of her RED HAIR AND HER NTIRE NAME SCREAMING R E D
Has been dancing ballet almost her entire life but at some point she didn’t want to just dance ballet.
Actually she used to go to the Galra Academy, but then she met Alfor and... well she quit and applied to Voltron
(I have an entire post idea or her backstory so stay tuned)
Specializes in Blallet and Modern, but has a good grip on tango and other latino dances thanks to Blue
the second big Lion video was Greens recording of Reds debut solo on this song  but it was also her “trial” to see if she will stay on Voltron because he two academies have different philosophies
Obviously she was accepted
Silent but different than Sun
she will dance as much as she can and always be rather practicing than anything else
gets easily frustrated with herself and prefers to dance soli than doubles
easy to aggravate and high tension 25/8
Her standarts for someone to call themselves a dancer are incredibly high
still the crew loves and values her even if their start with red were very difficult
Black: aka Noir Schwarz
Specializes in honestly everything. You give her a song and she will dance to it
She is the one making the group choreograhies
leader of the crew and the BIG MOM/BIG SIS
she has a very strong bond to everyone, but the strongest to Red as they BOTH had started at Galra and know each other the longest
used to dance a lot of pairs and duos with Zarkon but they... fell out
long story
since back then Noir suffers of chronic pain in her back and shoulders that it sometimes makes it hard for her to dance
she shoulders a lot of the problems in the group and sometimes there are fights because she is being too forgiving and nice to the bullshit that happens to her
“I have to stay strong for everyone.... I just have to keep up for the others.”
She helps out the others with their routines and will jump in for duos and the like if they are in a pinch
never complains about that stuff
“I got this.” She doesn’t got this
Infos about Voltron and Galra
Voltron is an old academy run by Leonard Weiss
He wanted for Alfor to join the comitee once he finished his course but Alfor had a terrible accident and is now on recovery rehab overseas, now Allura tries to live up to her fathers legacy
Corran does EVERYTHING, without him the school wouldn’t be able to run at all
The whole study goes for 5 years all devided in different named classes with “Lion” being the currently 5th and last class
The schools philosophy is less on the accuracy of steps and how technically well you dance and more on what feelings you can convey (thats why Red was on trial for an etire year. Her steps and technique were flawless but she seemed like a puppet)
who graduates from Voltron as a bright future to them
but because of Galra being so popular and their entire schoolbody doing anything to make Voltron seem bad and like a joke of a school their applications are almost none. 
Actually the current lions and Allura are currently their only students????;;;;;
meanwhile Galra is about to be the one dominating school in the entire city and around. Thing is that they are incredibly racist and basically the entire system is bullshit. If you aren’t on the same level as their best students you are immideatly inferior and will be made down, if you are no bowing to the tyrany of the Galra then you’ll have a bad time my riend
Voltron is strict and hard but they are “human” in that sense
but if by the time the Lion class graduates they don’t have more students the school will be closed and... well goodbye Voltron
That’s why they are fighting so hard
Altean Class exams
1st Class- a Duo, a soli, 1 group choreography (end of year)
2nd Class - 2 duo, two soli, 2 group choreography (3 times a year)
3rd Class - 3 duo, 3 soli, 2 group choreographies (3 times a year)
4th Class - 3 duo, 3 soli, 3 group choreographies (3 times a year)
5th Class - the Castapendio also known as Alchemy Trial requirements: 2 classical pieces, 2 modern of those 2 duo, 2 soli, 2 group choreographies + 2 completely free dances (makes 8 dances in total) at the end of the year To practice for the Alchemy Trial the 5th Class has no additional classes to hold.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Epic vs. Apple: 10 Strangest Facts the Fortnite Trial Has Revealed So Far
The Epic vs. Apple trial may have started over a disagreement about Apple’s revenue share and how it was impacting Fortnite, but the early days of the trial have already made it clear that these proceedings are going to bring a lot of strange facts about both companies to the surface.
As Epic and Apple release everything from email chains to internal reports, gamers everywhere are being treated to a rare look at the inner workings of two companies that tend to keep things pretty close to the chest. In fact, it seems that both sides may have revealed more than intended as supposedly sealed documents have been unsealed and revealed to the public as part of the trial.
So, from Snake Plissken skins to Walmart’s gaming plans, here are the strangest facts we’ve learned from the Epic vs. Apple Fortnite trial so far.
The Rock, Samus Aran, Snake Plissken, and More Are Coming to Fortnite (Probably)
Among the many things revealed by leaked internal Epic documents is a loose kind of confirmation Epic doesn’t intend to stop adding bizarre crossover characters to Fortnite anytime soon. In fact, documents that have been disclosed so far seemingly reveal that the following celebrities and characters may be coming to Fornite in some capacity:
Samus Aran
Naruto Uzumaki
Lebron James
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
Katniss Everdeen
The Bride (Kill Bill)
John McClane
Snake Plissken
Lady Gaga
Ariana Grande
It’s pretty clear that some of those characters will be added to the game as skins, but the Lebron James crossover might actually tie into a special Fortnite basketball mode vaguely hinted at by other documents. As for Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande, it seems that the hope is that they will perform in-game concerts or participate in a similar promotion. As always, though, all of these plans and details are subject to change.
Fortnite Made $9 Billion in Two Years
Maybe this isn’t technically a “strange” bit of news, but if you’re wondering just how successful Fortnite is, just know that it reportedly generated over $9 billion from the beginning of 2018 to the end of 2019.
To put that already incredible number in perspective, it appears that Epic Games generated $108 million from their other games during that same period. If it wasn’t already clear, Epic Games is pretty much Fortnite at this point from a revenue perspective.
The Epic Game Store is Far From Profitable
The Epic Games Store has certainly disrupted the PC gaming scene, but documents and emails reveal that it is not yet profitable for Epic and isn’t expected to be profitable until around 2024.
That’s not uncommon for new ventures (especially ones of that size), but what is a little surprising is how much money Epic is spending on the Epic Store in the meantime. In 2020, they spent $444 million on exclusivity deals alone. While gamers did spend $700 million on the Epic Store in 2020, only $265 million of that came from third-party games. 
Tim Cook to Tim Sweeney: I Don’t Even Know Who You Are
In 2015, Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney sent an email to Apple CEO Tim Cook in which he asked Cook to consider “separating iOS App Store curation from compliance review and app distribution.” In retrospect, it was a prelude to the issues that would lead to Epic and Apple going to court. 
However, the biggest takeaway from this email has to be the fact that Cook forwarded it internally along with the question: “Is this the guy that was at one of our rehearsals?” Granted, this was before Epic even released Fortnite, but that’s still pretty cold/funny. 
Epic Had to Apologize To Ubisoft For Stunning Fraud Figures
In 2019, Epic upgraded the Epic Store’s security system with long-overdue verification options. While such security upgrades were inevitable, it seems that their release at that time may have been partially prompted by the fact that some games on the Epic Store were suffering from a significant number of fraudulent transactions. 
No game was hit quite so hard by fraudulent transactions as The Division 2. At one point, it seems that over 70% of Division 2 purchases on the Epic Games Store were made with stolen credit cards and other compromised information. That level of fraud prompted Tim Sweeney to send an email to Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot in which he explained just how unusual that figure was and stated that “the fault in this situation is entirely Epic’s.”
Tim Sweeney May Not Own a PS5
Aside from a hilarious moment when Tim Sweeney was asked to identify next-gen consoles, the most interesting next-gen revelation to come from the early days of this trial is the reveal that Tim Sweeney apparently doesn’t have a PS5 at home. 
Now, Sweeney did say that he has a PS5 at the office, but it’s not clear if that’s his personal model or just a work unit. Still, it’s kind of funny to think that even Epic’s CEO has struggled to find a PS5 for personal use. 
Epic Asked Xbox to Enable Free Multiplayer Ahead of the Trial
Recently, the Xbox team announced that you will no longer need an Xbox Live Gold subscription to play select free-to-play games. It’s a big win for many Xbox gamers, but some say this move should have happened a while ago. 
In fact, it seems that Epic tried to push the Xbox team to make a similar move ahead of the start of the Epic/Apple trial. The wording of their request strongly suggests that they hoped such a decision would make Apple look bad by showing how easy it was to play Fortnite on consoles rather than mobile devices.
PlayStation Can Charge Epic for Cross-Platform Play
The PlayStation team was always hesitant to enable cross-play on PlayStation platforms, but they seemingly finally tore down that wall in 2018 when they opened up cross-play options for various developers and games. 
However, Epic’s documents seem to reveal that the Fortnite studio (and possibly other developers) have to pay the PlayStation team extra royalties if it’s discovered that cross-play is costing them a certain amount of revenue or playtime. Again, it’s not clear how or if this deal is enforced with other studios, but it just goes to show how hesitant Sony was to just enable crossplay across the board. 
The PS4 is Responsible for More Fortnite Revenue Than Any Other Platform
While Fortnite is clearly popular across all available platforms (including mobile), Epic’s internal reports confirm that the PS4 is by far the most popular Fortnite platform from a revenue perspective. 
In fact, the PS4 accounts for 46.8% of Fortnite revenue. That’s compared to just 27.5% on Xbox, 9.6% on PC, and only 7% on iOS devices (prior to the game’s Apple Store delisting). That would certainly help explain why Sony is so insistent on getting their full cut. 
Walmart Wants to Start a Cloud Gaming Service
While the Epic/Apple lawsuit was expected to include a few secrets from both companies, it seems that the leaks won’t be limited to those two parties. 
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
For instance, a 2019 email from Epic Games co-founder Mark Rein seemingly confirms that Walmart is working on a cloud gaming service called Project Storm. While Rein said he’s tried the service and was impressed by it, it’s not entirely clear whether or not Walmart is still working on Project Storm and if or when they intend to reveal and release it. 
The post Epic vs. Apple: 10 Strangest Facts the Fortnite Trial Has Revealed So Far appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3b0vEJ2
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WandaVision series review part 1.
Because I have some things to say.
This is going to be posted on March 19th, at which point the WandaVision (WV) finale will have been out for two weeks; also the day Falcon and the Winter Soldier (FatWS) begins, which I have, for whatever reason, begun to think of as WandaVision's sequel, despite being a completely separate series. In 2019, FatWS was actually scheduled for before WV, so that makes no sense.
Anyway, I'm going to begin with a spoiler-free review of the series as a whole, then I'm going to go into an episode-by-episode breakdown as I re-watch the show, but the spoiler-free section will contain spoilers for the rest of the MCU. This part will cover episodes 1-3, part 2 will cover 4-6, and part 3 7-9. I’d love to do this in one post, but it’s just a little overwhelming.
If for whatever reason you don't know vaguely what WV is about, you've been living as a hermit for literally the last six years. But if you don't know: in 2015, Marvel Studios released Avengers: Age of Ultron (AoU), technically the second movie in the 'Avengers' franchise, but the eleventh movie set in the MCU, the Marvel Cinematic Universe. AoU introduced three main characters to the MCU: Vision, a synthezoid-human-robot-AI-android thing, who I would call a person but it's complicated - his consciousness is derived from the mind stone, one of six infinity stones, JARVIS, Tony Stark/Iron Man's AI assistant, Tony Stark himself, Bruce Banner/the Incredible Hulk, Thor, and Ultron, the villain of the movie, who's more of a robot than Vision, but he's not the point. The movie also introduces Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, known in the comics as Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, though they are never called this in the movies. The Maximoffs are twins who volunteered for experimentation from HYDRA, an evil Nazi organisation who provide the main antagonists in the Captain America trilogy. We are told they each gained superhuman powers from the mind stone - Pietro has an increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis, and Wanda can do neural electrical interfacing, telekinesis and mental manipulation, or, in the words of Maria Hill, 'He's fast and she's weird.'
Pietro Maximoff is promptly killed by somehow failing to dodge bullets, while Wanda and Vision join the Avengers, and eventually fall in love. I'm not explaining Avengers: Infinity War. Or Avengers: Endgame. If you haven't them, why are you reading this?
Anyway, so Avengers: Endgame is the third-to-last movie in Phase Three of the MCU, but is the last part of Wanda and Vision's story pre-WandaVision, and wraps up with Vision dead and Wanda grieving.
So, should you watch WandaVision? Yes. Absolutely.
We already know our two main characters and several of the other characters, including Monica Rambeau from Captain Marvel, grown up, Darcy Lewis from the Thor franchise and Jimmy Woo from Ant-Man and the Wasp, but we're also introduced to a cast of new characters, mainly new villains (but then superhero movies so rarely use old villains), who are well-developed and intriguing - you'll either love them or love to hate them.
The plot leaves you on the edge of your seat - nearly every episode ends on a cliff hanger, and leaves you with a thousand questions. It answers the bare minimum, the final episode leaving us still with some questions, but it is the perfect way to milk our investment.
On the other hand, if you aren't familiar with the MCU, Wanda and Vision, you may have quite a hard time understanding every aspect. So long as you have a vague idea of the context, you can follow the plot, but you won't enjoy it nearly as much. I really don't think it's worth watching the entirety of the MCU solely for this show, but I also think it's worth watching the MCU movies, full stop.
The series is only available on Disney+, which absolutely sucks. I've had a Disney+ subscription since it was released in the UK, so this wasn't an issue for me, but it does generally suck. Even if you are up to date with MCU movies, if you don't have a Disney+ subscription, you can't watch it. The streaming service stopped offering free trials in July 2020 due to the release of the Hamilton pro-shot, knowing they'd get an influx of new subscribers, but not wanting people to be able to watch it without paying. Capitalism at its finest.
Whether or not the cost of one month's subscription for WandaVision is worth it is subjective - though now all the episodes have been released you could easily watch it and only have to pay once.
Ultimately, I would argue WandaVision is absolutely worth watching, though someone who isn't up to date on MCU films wouldn't enjoy it as much as someone who is, and with its runtime of just under six hours, broken into nine episodes, it may not be worth the Disney+ subscription for you personally, especially if you're not up to date on the MCU. However, I would like to end this section on a positive note: I cannot get over how awe-inspiring the storytelling on this show is. Marvel has its issues with storytelling, with things often feeling disjointed in an attempt to remain unpredictable and prevent actors (*ahem* Tom Holland) spoiling events, but WandaVision doesn't feel that way at all. It's unlike any superhero show I've seen before, plays on morality and plays with sitcom formats from the last 70 years, meaning you'll love it even if, like me, you're not a fan of action-focused media - the only long action scenes occur in the last episode.
So, yes. five stars.
Beyond this mark, I'm going to go into an episode-by-episode breakdown, and it will be basically all spoilers from here. If you haven't seen the show and care about spoilers, go away. Please don't spoil yourself.
Also, in each episode's breakdown, I may point out foreshadowing and things I only notice because I've watched it already, so unless you've seen all nine episodes, you may find spoilers even if you only read about the episodes you have seen.
I watched WandaVision episode by episode as it was released, and since the first two episodes were released nearly two months ago, I'm going to re-watch the show and break it down as I go.
Episode One: 'Filmed Before A Live Studio Audience' This episode was released on January 15th along with episode two, and I didn't actually watch it until the Sunday because I wasn't invested yet, and, of all the MCU shows announced, this was kinda the one I was dreading. Before this show, I loved Wanda, but hated Vision, so I also hated their romance. I'd also seen the sitcom-style trailers and was absolutely terrified it would be terrible, so I wanted to finish the season of the show I was currently watching before watching the episodes.
So let's get into it.
The episode is only 29 minutes along, including the nearly-ten-minute credits, which is pretty standard sitcom-episode length. We open with the Marvel introduction, but as the camera zooms out, we're shown the logo in a fuzzy, monochrome, early-1900s style. The aspect ratio also decreases, which is a nice touch but very annoying because the show itself has a larger ratio, meaning there's a lovely thick black border all the way around the frame. But that's just a formatting complaint.
We move into a 50s-sitcom-style song-montage in which Wanda and Vision, looking human like that single scene in Infinity war are coming home, just married. Wanda magically buys the house and with some weird Vision-power stuff, he carries her over the threshold to their new house, and we see the logo.
Thoughts at this point? Just what? How is Vision alive? Why is it black and white? Why is there a musical song? Why are we in the 1950s? How are they married? Why aren't they being Avengers? Just sheer confusion.
Wanda uses her powers in this episode without her typical red-smoke-sparkles, and they make a lot of gags, received with a laughing track, about their powers, but generally follow a sitcom formula, with the plot of having Vision's boss for dinner and needing to impress him.
Also, it’s noteworthy that what little was left of Wanda’s Sokovian accent by Avengers: Endgame has completely vanished.
It's very odd to see Vision as Vision, as in synthezoid would-be-red-if-it-weren't-in-black-and-white face, dressed in regular clothes instead of his cape and superhero get-up. It seems like his superhero clothes aren't actually a part of him, but when he walks through things, they go with him, though he can't take other objects with him. This could be because they were made at the same time as him, but he also takes his other clothes with him. That's just a question as to the limits of his capabilities, though.
We're quickly introduced to their new neighbour, Agnes, cast in the role of Nosy Neighbour, but the cast of this episode stays incredibly small. Agnes mentions her mother-in-law being in town and talks about her husband Ralph, though neither of these characters are introduced.
Vision goes to work, raising the question of why a superhero synthezoid needs an office job, especially one he apparently doesn't know the purpose of.
Later, Vision calls Wanda from work, and she answers the phone as 'Vision residence', which is confusing on a number of levels. Wanda is a perfectly normal name, perfectly able to blend into this setting - Vision is not. Especially when he has no surname and this answering gives the impression Wanda has taken his name, and literally become 'Wanda Vision,' which is likely the point, but confusing nonetheless.
Here comes a 1950s style advert, advertising the 'ToastMate 2000'. In the ad, the two people put bread into the toaster, which toasts and beeps for an unnervingly long time before coming out. We're then told it's made by Stark Industries (Iron Man's company) with the slogan: 'Forget the past; this is your future!' Ominous, and clearly playing into the fact we seem to be on an alternate timeline.
Towards the end of the episode, Vision's boss's wife, Mrs Hart, begins asking questions about their past - where they moved from, how long they've been married, children, etc. - and Wanda and Vision freeze, trying to answer, but apparently unable to remember. Mr Hart, Vision's boss presses, but they fail to answer. Mr Hart begins to choke, and Wanda and Vision freeze, while his wife laughs, telling him over and over to stop it, until he falls out of his chair, and Wanda tells Vision to help him, which he does using his powers, though neither Mr nor Mrs Hart question this, and quickly leave, having barely eaten. Overall, the dinner is apparently a success.
Wanda and Vision realise they don't have wedding rings, and Wanda makes some, in a clearly cut-together shot reminiscent of the intended style. The camera then pans out to 50s-style credits, crediting the two cast members, producer, director, writer, photographer, music director, production manager, supervising editor and several other roles, with names I'm sure have some relevance, either to real cast members or some comic reference, but don't mean much to me.
The camera continued to pan out, showing the episode playing on an old fashioned TV in some kind of technological/industrial room. A hand presses a remote button, and we cut to the real credits, against a background of warped shots of screens, which then zooms into the pixels and we see a load of formations, such as of their house. Credits which are seven minutes long, though the length has nothing to do with the show itself.
One more thing: it's hard to notice during the episode, but during the credits we see a warped shot of Vision, in which his eyes appear human, where previously they've been fairly robotic.
This episode brings up a million questions and answers literally none, so, glad there's another episode, we move on. I enjoyed this episode, and enjoy it more the second time round, now knowing the answers to most of my questions, but it's so frustrating.
Episode Two: 'Don't Touch That Dial' This episode is 36 minutes long including credits, which is still fairly standard sitcom length. I watched this one directly after the first, and my frustration only continued.
Something I've only just noticed watching this the second time through: this episode opens with a recap of the first, and it recalls the events without including character introductions--except for Agnes. The recap includes her introduction, but nothing else of her, which, even though she's technically irrelevant in episode one, clearly means the writers are trying to make the audience remember her.
The comedy-style intro to this episode is in a cartoon-style, which opens with an image of the moon surrounded by six stars which light up in turn, a nod to the infinity stones.
Here, Wanda and Vision--Wanda especially--are wearing less traditional-50s clothes, though the first time round I didn't question this because Wanda's hair was nearly the same--just a little longer and more relaxed--and so was the way it was shot, the black-and-white, and the aspect ratio. I didn't quite make the decade-jumping connection, though looking back it is fairly obvious we've shifted to the 1960s.
Since this episode still follows a comedy formula, in which every episode has its own arc which rarely intersects others, the plot of this episode is Wanda and Vision participating in a town talent show and attempting to blend in. After the intro, we see Vision practising, and Wanda brings out a cabinet of mysteries for their act, which has an image reminiscent of the mind stone on the doors.
With Wanda acting as Vision's magical assistant, he gives her the name 'Glamour,' a nod to her powers, and 'glamour' in the more magical, less-celebrity sense. It also matches Vision's magician's name, 'Illusion,' from which it becomes a nod to the fact this whole set-up seems so abnormal, and, an illusion or glamour.
Before the intro to this episode, we see Wanda and Vision getting woken up in the night by some banging. Later in the episode, we hear whirring and another bang, which prompts Wanda to go outside to investigate, where she finds a crashed toy helicopter, in colour. The helicopter has a sword symbol on it--the first time we see this.
Agnes then brings Wanda a rabbit for the magic act, who she calls Senor Scratchy, a reference to Nick Scratch, a colloquial name for the devil. This was part of what led to initial speculations about which character was actually comic-villain Mephisto in disguise - WandaVision also draws heavily from comic series 'House of X', in which Mephisto is the villain. Obviously, people began assuming Agnes was either Mephisto in disguise, or working for him.
Agnes then advises Wanda about Dottie, the leader of some organisation Wanda is apparently trying to join. Skip to the meeting, Wanda emulates Dottie’s actions to appeal to her. Dottie is then rude to a woman giving some sort of account, but she forgot to ask about the chairs, to which Dottie says ‘Devil’s in the details, Bev.’ Agnes then says to Wanda, ‘That’s not the only place he is,’ which added to the speculation about Mephisto.
The committee Wanda is with is working on the talent show to raise money for the elementary school--’For the children.’ This phrase is repeated throughout the episode, and foreshadows Wanda’s motivations as the show progresses. Wanda meets a woman named Geraldine, who says she feels out of place, foreshadowing her true identity, and how she, personally, came to Westview.
Meanwhile, Vision attends a neighbourhood watch meeting and one of the men offers him a stick of gum, which he takes despite the fact he can’t actually eat food, as a synthezoid. One of the men slaps him on the back fondly, and Vision swallows the gum, which we see as a cartoon of it going down his mechanical oesophagus. 
Wanda stays behind at the committee meeting to help Dottie clean up, and Dottie tells her she’d heard things about Wanda and her husband, which Wanda responds she ‘doesn’t mean anyone any harm,’ and Dottie tells her she doesn’t believe her, as though she’s mentally returned to reality, continuing to foreshadow the reveal in the next few episodes. The camera zooms in, the music intensifies, and a voice comes from the radio beside them, asking if Wanda can hear him. Dottie asks, panicked, who it is, and who Wanda is. The radio short-circuits, and Dottie breaks the glass she holds, cutting her hand, and the blood is red.
The advert in this episode contains the same actors from the previous one, this time advertising the Strucker watch--a reference to Wolfgang von Strucker, a Nazi villain from the Captain America franchise; also the head scientist on the experiments which Avengers: Age of Ultron claims gave the Maximoff twins their powers. The slogan is ‘He’ll make time for you,’ which, even now, I’m not completely sure what it’s a reference to, or who the ‘he’ could be, but it seems to further suggest Mephisto’s involvement, despite that not actually being the case.
Cut to the talent show, Wanda panics because Vision is late. He shows up, walking and acting as if drunk, and we’re shown the gum is stuck around some gears in his gut. On stage, Dottie makes the audience chorus ‘for the children’ again, and Wanda and Vision come out. Because of the gum stuck in Vision, the act goes sincerely wrong, and he uses his powers out in the open, but Wanda manages to use hers to apparently hide this from the audience. They bring out the cabinet of mysteries, and Agnes asks sarcastically if they’re sure they don’t want an audience volunteer named ‘my husband Ralph?’, the second mention of Ralph in the series. 
Vision taps the box with his wand before Wanda gets inside, and the audience starts chanting ‘What’s in the box?’ Wanda panics, does something with her powers, and opens it to reveal a very confused Geraldine inside. Their act ends, and Wanda uses her powers to find and release the gum stuck in Vision, and he seems to ‘sober up’. They try to leave, but Dottie calls them up on stage, praises them and presents them with a trophy for their comedy. Wanda calls up Geraldine, who asks what happened, but they play the ‘magician never reveals his secrets’ card.
They get home, and joke about it, repeating ‘for the children’. Wanda gets up, deciding to get popcorn, and is suddenly quite pregnant, where she very much wasn’t before. There’s a thud outside, and they go to investigate. A manhole cover in the road shifts, and somebody in a beekeeper’s suit, with the sword logo on the back, emerges, face in shadow. Wanda merely says ‘no’, and we rewind to before the thud. Colour then begins to bloom onto the screen, and the episode ends, with an echo of the voice from the radio.
Looking back, I think the shift to colour on Wanda’s part may have been a decision because of the helicopter, and the blood--the beekeeper prompted it, but she’s trying to hide the fact that the things which do not belong are so obviously out of place.
This episode holds no more answers than the last, and has the same comedy tone with the ominous undertones as the last, but also contains significantly more characters and locations, as though this sitcom world has expanded.
And then we had to wait a week for episode 3.
Episode Three: ‘Now in Colour’ And we shift to the seventies. This episode’s recap recalls all the major points of the last episode, including Geraldine’s introduction. This episode is only 32 minutes including credits; longer than the first, but shorter than the last, so we’re still sticking to the comedy format, and the episodes aren’t yet lengthening.
Just a point a little irrelevant to this: WandaVision’s total runtime is about six hours, and we’re getting six FatWS episodes, which is probably about the same runtime but a little disappointing (though that’s mostly because it means there’ll be a couple weeks where we get nothing between it and Loki).
The introduction to this episode is more classic sitcom, with the long pop-style song over a montage of the characters--exactly what you’d expect from the seventies. The episode opens with a doctor at their home, who tells them she’s about four months along, which she obviously isn’t. Vision questions how this happened, but it becomes fairly clear to the audience this is Wanda’s doing. Vision asks the doctor not to tell people about the pregnancy, and sees his neighbour to the non-Agnes side, Herb, trimming his hedge, but the hedge-trimmer is going through the garden wall, and he hasn’t seemed to have noticed. Vision points this out, Herb verbally acknowledges him, but keeps going.
Vision returns inside, and Wanda’s pregnancy has progressed even further. Wanda uses her magic to prepare the baby’s room, and her magic is still missing her signature scarlet, a continuing sign something is wrong. The baby kicks, Wanda describes it as ‘fluttery’, and accidentally makes the butterflies on the baby’s mobile real. 
Vision mentions the name ‘Billy’, and Wanda says ‘Tommy’, ‘a nice, classic American name’, returning emphasis to their efforts to fit in. Wanda gets Braxton-Hicks contractions, and her powers turn on the tap, open the window, flare the lights--the pregnancy causes her to lose control of her powers, and the block’s power goes out. Wanda mentions the people of Westview ‘always seem to be on the verge of discovering [their] secret’, and Vision says something seems wrong there. The music intensifies and the camera zooms in, then we cut back to before he said that, but without the rewind sequence we saw in the last episode.
And Wanda goes into real labour, sending Vision in a panic. Then it begins to rain inside, and Wanda comments she thinks her water has broken.
Cut to commercial! Same actors again, this time for Hydra Soak--’find the goddess within’. It’s a bath product meant to take you away from your problems--a reference to Wanda’s apparent escape from what she was left with after Endgame. I’m not completely sure what all the HYDRA references are about, even after watching the whole series.
It stops raining inside, and Wanda opens the windows to dry out the house, and I cannot get over how perfect her hair is in this episode. It’s perfect in the others, too, but this time, it’s perfectly straight, not a strand out of place, and I just can’t get over it.
Vision goes after the doctor, who was about to go on vacation when he left, and the doorbell rings. Wanda puts on a coat to hide her belly, and welcomes Geraldine in, but tells her it isn’t a good time. Wanda gets a contraction, and her coat transforms. And again. So she throws it off, and uses a fruit bowl to disguise it, but Geraldine doesn’t leave. 
A stork appears behind Geraldine, apparently the one Vision painted on the nursery wall earlier, and Wanda has to do her best to keep Geraldine from seeing it. She tries to make it vanish in a cloud of red smoke, her typical magic, but fails, and Geraldine eventually hears the stork, but Wanda tells her it’s the ice maker. 
The baby, however, it very quickly coming, and Geraldine sees Wanda’s belly. She lays Wanda down, and she births the baby, while light fixtures break and paintings spin, before Vision arrives. My God, her hair is so damn perfect. The baby’s a boy, and Vision concedes to Wanda’s name choice of Tommy. Then Wanda screams again, and Billy is born. For the children.
Vision goes outside with the doctor, and asks about his trip. The doctor tells him that small towns are ‘so hard to... escape,’ yet another ominous implication. The doctor leaves, but Herb is still outside, now without the hedge-trimmer, but with Agnes. They whisper about something, then Vision goes over. Agnes says ‘Ralph looks better in the dark, so I’m not complaining,’ when he asks if they lost power, too. And Agnes asks if Geraldine is with Wanda, as though she is suspicious, though knowing how episode seven ends, her true concern is clear.
Inside, Wanda tells Geraldine she’s also a twin, and the music intensifies. Geraldine says, ‘He was killed by Ultron, wasn’t he?’ in reference to Pietro--Quicksilver.
Agnes says Geraldine is new to town, no husband, and no home.
Wanda asks what Geraldine said, but Geraldine goes back to complimenting her. Wanda presses, but Geraldine’s sudden clarity seems to have gone. Then we zoom in on Geraldine’s necklace, and it’s the Sword logo.
Herb tells Vision Geraldine ‘came here because we’re all...’,but Herb can’t get the words out.
Wanda asks about the symbol, who Geraldine is, but she says she doesn’t answer.
Agnes makes Herb stop talking, and leaves. Vision returns inside, and Wanda tells him, rather monotonously, that Geraldine had to return home. But the camera cuts to the Westview sign, suddenly with a wider, more modern aspect ratio. It’s night, the air ripples like TV static, and Geraldine comes flying out, as though pushed. She collapses on the ground; cars approach, a helicopter casts a spotlight on her. We pan out to some kind of camp, and cut, to that dreaded ‘Please stand by’ credits screen.
And episode three ends, leaving us still without answers, but at least a little confirmation of something malevolent occurring. 
So, that’s my initial overview and breakdown of episodes 1-3. Part 2 will contain episodes 4-6, and part 3 7-9 plus my final thoughts.
But that’s that for this week’s post; the next two parts should be up next week and the week after, unless I have something I want to post more.
Anyway, go drink some water, eat something if you haven’t eaten in the last few hours--you’re amazing, you’re beautiful, and you so deserve everything you have, and more.
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orbemnews · 3 years
Russia’s Vaccine Is Safe and Effective, Published Study Shows MOSCOW — Russia cleared a hurdle in its vaccine rollout on Monday with the publication in the respected British medical journal The Lancet of late-stage trial results showing that the country’s Sputnik V vaccine is safe and highly effective. The publication is sure to buoy the Russian government’s promotion of the vaccine at home and around the world, strengthening the Kremlin’s hand in vaccine diplomacy with a credible endorsement of the product’s safety. Russia drew criticism from Western experts when it approved the vaccine for emergency use in August — before late-stage trials had even begun — and started vaccinations that month. Moscow claimed victory in the vaccine race, as it had decades earlier in the space race with the launch of the Sputnik satellite, though at the time other vaccines were further along in testing. In the end, its politicized rollout only served to deepen skepticism. The peer-reviewed article published Tuesday cleared those doubts. It showed the vaccine had an impressive efficacy rate of 91.6 percent against the virus, and was completely protective against severe forms of Covid-19. “The development of the Sputnik V vaccine has been criticized for unseemly haste, corner cutting, and an absence of transparency,” two independent researchers, Ian Jones of the University of Reading and Polly Roy with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, wrote in a commentary published in The Lancet. “But the outcome reported here,” they continued, “is clear and the scientific principle of vaccination is demonstrated.” Their commentary did note that the design of the Russian vaccine, which relies on a genetically modified cold virus and is similar to half a dozen others including those made by Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, is difficult to mass produce. Though quick out of the gate with regulatory approval, Russia has lagged in mass production and actual vaccinations, the process that in fact protects people from illness and death. The Russian financial company promoting the vaccine has said about two million people have been inoculated with Sputnik V worldwide, far fewer than with the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. The company, the Russian Direct Investment Fund, does not break down the vaccinations by country. But of the two million vaccinations, at least hundreds of thousands have been in countries outside of Russia, suggesting the government has quietly prioritized exports. While beneficial for speeding global immunity to the disease, the policy has also reaped public relations and diplomatic benefits for the Russian government, even as residents of many provincial Russian cities still do not have access to shots. On Monday, for example, the authorities in the Leningrad region in northwest Russia said supplies had run out. So far, 15 other countries, including Argentina, Hungary and Serbia, have approved the Sputnik V vaccine for emergency use. Covid-19 Vaccines › Answers to Your Vaccine Questions Am I eligible for the Covid vaccine in my state? Currently more than 150 million people — almost half the population — are eligible to be vaccinated. But each state makes the final decision about who goes first. The nation’s 21 million health care workers and three million residents of long-term care facilities were the first to qualify. In mid-January, federal officials urged all states to open up eligibility to everyone 65 and older and to adults of any age with medical conditions that put them at high risk of becoming seriously ill or dying from Covid-19. Adults in the general population are at the back of the line. If federal and state health officials can clear up bottlenecks in vaccine distribution, everyone 16 and older will become eligible as early as this spring or early summer. The vaccine hasn’t been approved in children, although studies are underway. It may be months before a vaccine is available for anyone under the age of 16. Go to your state health website for up-to-date information on vaccination policies in your area Is the vaccine free? You should not have to pay anything out of pocket to get the vaccine, although you will be asked for insurance information. If you don’t have insurance, you should still be given the vaccine at no charge. Congress passed legislation this spring that bars insurers from applying any cost sharing, such as a co-payment or deductible. It layered on additional protections barring pharmacies, doctors and hospitals from billing patients, including those who are uninsured. Even so, health experts do worry that patients might stumble into loopholes that leave them vulnerable to surprise bills. This could happen to those who are charged a doctor visit fee along with their vaccine, or Americans who have certain types of health coverage that do not fall under the new rules. If you get your vaccine from a doctor’s office or urgent care clinic, talk to them about potential hidden charges. To be sure you won’t get a surprise bill, the best bet is to get your vaccine at a health department vaccination site or a local pharmacy once the shots become more widely available. Can I choose which vaccine I get? How long will the vaccine last? Will I need another one next year? That is to be determined. It’s possible that Covid-19 vaccinations will become an annual event, just like the flu shot. Or it may be that the benefits of the vaccine last longer than a year. We have to wait to see how durable the protection from the vaccines is. To determine this, researchers are going to be tracking vaccinated people to look for “breakthrough cases” — those people who get sick with Covid-19 despite vaccination. That is a sign of weakening protection and will give researchers clues about how long the vaccine lasts. They will also be monitoring levels of antibodies and T cells in the blood of vaccinated people to determine whether and when a booster shot might be needed. It’s conceivable that people may need boosters every few months, once a year or only every few years. It’s just a matter of waiting for the data. Will my employer require vaccinations? Where can I find out more? “Publication in The Lancet today really shows that Sputnik V is the vaccine for all mankind,” Kirill Dmitriev, the director of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, said in a statement. “Today is a great victory.” The vaccine is one of three that have completed late-stage trials showing an efficacy rate above 90 percent, along with the shots made by Pfizer and Moderna. The version of the Russian vaccine tested in the trials must be shipped and stored at difficult-to-manage temperatures below about zero degrees Fahrenheit. The Russian ministry of health has also approved a freeze-dried version that can be stored in a refrigerator. Russia is marketing Sputnik V at a price of about $10 per dose for the two-shot vaccine. The clinical trial conducted in Moscow late last year on about 20,000 volunteers showed only side effects commonly associated with vaccines, such as headaches or mild fevers. The researchers determined that no so-called adverse events, or serious medical problems among the trial participants, were associated with the vaccine. In total, they found 70 serious medical episodes in 68 people in the trial, in both the placebo and vaccine group. Notably, two people who were administered the vaccine died of Covid-19 following illnesses that began days after the first injection. The researchers said both people were likely infected before the trial began and fell ill before the vaccine had time to generate antibodies to the coronavirus. The “disease had progressed before any immunity from the vaccine developed,” they wrote. The Russian authors of The Lancet article also noted the trial in Moscow lacked ethnic diversity to ensure the vaccine is safe in nonwhite recipients. A trial of Sputnik V underway now in the United Arab Emirates includes a more diverse study group, the researcher say. Source link Orbem News #effective #Published #Russias #safe #Shows #Study #Vaccine
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alarmclockshop · 4 years
How to Upgrade Your Morning Alarm Clock Experience on Your Phone
Many of you probably get up every day with the help of an alarm on your smartphone. But are you using your phone’s alarm to its full potential, or settling for the standard default ringtone at a certain time and leaving it at that? These are the tricks, the apps, and the gadgets that can upgrade your wake-up experience. The Clock app on Android The Clock app that comes with Android recently added support for Google Assistant routines, so you can turn on your smart lights or get a morning briefing at the same time that your alarm goes off. When you’ve set an alarm under the Alarm tab, tap Google Assistant Routine in the panel underneath. You can get a report on the weather, the news, or your schedule. You can also take your phone out of silent mode or do something with any smart lights, plugs, or thermostats you’ve hooked up to Google Assistant. On top of that you can play the news, a podcast, or an audiobook by selecting an option under the And then play heading (tap the cog icons on the right to configure these features further).
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If you want to wake up to music, tap the alarm sound on the main Alarm screen. The options to wake up to YouTube Music (if you’re a premium subscriber) or Spotify (whether you’re a premium subscriber or not) were recently added to the Clock app, so you should see them alongside the usual selection of ringtones. If you want to wake up to a specific song or audio clip without the aid of Spotify or YouTube Music, you need to create your own custom alarm sound. To take more control over your alarms on Android, tap the menu button (three dots, top left) on the Alarm screen then choose Settings. The subsequent list of options lets you set how long alarms ring as well as their volume, how long the default snooze period is, and the function of the volume buttons on your phone. (They can be used to dismiss or snooze alarms, or change alarm volume). Tap Gradually increase volume to do just that: If you don’t want to wake the rest of your household with an alarm but do want to make sure you get out of bed, set the initial alarm volume to a low level, then set the volume to ramp up over a period of between 5 and 60 seconds. The Clock app on iOS Adding alarms on the Alarm tab of the Clock app for iOS is straightforward enough, but there are a few tricks and features you might have missed. Firstly, you can toggle the Snooze option off for when you really need to get out of bed immediately. There’s also the option to name each of your alarms via the Label field. The only purpose this serves is to help you distinguish between alarms—e.g., weekend wake-up calls and reminders to take medication—but the option is there if you need it. Tap on the Sound button and you get a host of options, including the ringtones that come with iOS, ringtones you can buy from iTunes, and songs you’ve got synced to your phone from iTunes or available from Apple Music (tap Pick a song to make your pick). Follow this guide if you want to make some custom ringtones. If you want a more subtle wake-up call in the morning, you can turn on vibration as well as or instead of an audible alarm. If that’s your preferred method of waking up, you can choose from the list of options iOS gives you, or even create a custom vibration by tapping on the screen (select Create New Vibration to do this). To control the volume of alarms on iOS, tap Sounds & Haptics from the Settings app in iOS. Drag the Ringer and alerts slider to change the default alarm volume, and turn the Change with Buttons toggle switch on if you want to be able to adjust it as it’s ringing with the volume buttons. Get familiar with the Bedtime feature now available in iOS as well. (It’s a separate tab in the iOS Clock app.) It takes you through the process of setting a morning alarm, but will also remind you when it’s time for bed based on how much sleep you want to get as well as track how well you’re sticking to your goals over time. Third-party alarm apps You’ve got a wealth of options to pick from when it comes to third-party alarm apps, and it seems like more are being added all the time. If you’re struggling to get out of bed, these apps can force you to, for example, complete a math challenge or some other task to silence the ringing. Several of these apps will attempt to wake you up at a time that fits in with your body’s natural circadian rhythms. In theory, that makes for an easier time actually getting out of bed. Sleep Cycle for Android and iOS, is one of the best in the business, and it’s free to get started. With this one, you can customize your wake-up window, analyze your sleeping patterns over time (based on the sounds you make during your slumber), and get nudged into wakefulness during a light period of sleep. Sleep As Android for Android is another excellent app that combines sleep tracking with smart alarms, but as the name suggests, it isn’t available for iOS. It sits on your mattress to judge how well you’re sleeping and can wake you at a time that fits your periods of light sleep. It also comes with a selection of natural sounds to use as an alarm. The app is free to use, but extra features can be unlocked with a one-off $4 payment. For iPhone users, the freemium Pillow for iOS is similar to Sleep As Android. Either place your phone near your pillow (see the link?) or connect it to an Apple Watch, and the app measures the quality of your sleep and picks the optimal time to wake you up (within a specific time window you’ve already configured). It also comes with a choice of ambient and natural sounds to wake you up more gradually. The freemium Alarmy for Android and iOS has been helping people get out of bed for years and remains one of our favorites. It comes with a whole host of challenges for silencing your alarm, from taking a photo of something like your bathroom faucet to solving a math problem. The idea is that by the time you’ve managed to switch the alarm off, you’re well and truly awake. You can also get weather and news updates through Alarmy as well. Also worth a mention here is AlarmMon for Android and iOS. The freemium app stands out for the way it makes waking up fun (or at least tries to): There’s a choice of mini-games to help rouse you from your slumber more efficiently, a selection of weird-but-cute sounds to wake you with different audio each day, and even ways to log your patterns of waking up over time. Carrot Alarm for iOS will set you back $3, but for your money you get a talking alarm clock that’s a little different from the norm. In addition to having a lot of attitude, the app comes with a choice of options for shutting off the alarm, including shakes, swipes, and pinches. The alarms themselves can be a mixture of custom dialog and music, and the app actually gets angry with you if you hit the snooze button too many times. Last but not least, Alarm Clock For Heavy Sleepers for Android is a freemium alarm clock app that’s well summed up by its name. In its attempts to drag you out of bed, the app can combine multiple alarms and challenge you with math puzzles. It has some other neat tricks too, like the ability to disable alarms on public holidays or to set alarms based on your location (so you don’t get woken up too early on vacation). Adding another device Another way to upgrade your morning wake-up experience is to get something else working alongside your phone to get you out of bed. A dock like the $70 iHome Bluetooth Alarm Clock will wirelessly charge up your iPhone overnight, tell you the time, and add some extra volume to those alarm sounds. There aren’t too many brilliant alarm clock dock options for smartphones these days, but another one we like is the $60 Dpnao Charging Docks Station: It works with all recent iPhone models, and it too will charge up your phone while you sleep in addition to making sure the alarms are loud enough to get you out of bed. And the advantage of having a dock that’s not right by your bedside is that you do actually have to get up to turn the alarm off. Whether or not you want to invest in a separate dock device, if you’re struggling to wake up in the mornings, try putting your phone on the other side of the room (or even in another room entirely). With so many shapes and sizes to cater for, there aren’t as many docks for Android devices as there are for iPhones. One we have spotted is the $28 Philips AJT3300 device that brings with it several useful features. Some of those include keeping the time on display, playing music (or alarm sounds) over Bluetooth, and charging your phone. Indeed, you don’t necessarily need to buy a dock to give the alarm audio some extra oomph. You could just connect your phone to a Bluetooth speaker before you go to bed and set the volume accordingly. (But maybe give this a few trial runs in the daytime to make sure it’s not going to wake up the entire neighborhood.) Don’t forget you can get a variety of smart lights as well now to work in tandem with your phone (you could control them with Google Assistant when an alarm goes off, as we mentioned at the start). The $99 Casper Glow, for example, can gently dim at bedtime and gently brighten in the mornings to ease you into the day more naturally.
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