#alberto cosplay
semetarycosplay · 23 days
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This was seriously one of my absolute dream shoots. I cannot express how much I love and adore Luca. I'm so excited it's finally out in theaters for everyone to appreciate on the big screen.
Photos: Kelsey Ray Imagery Luca: Spookwave Cos
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aldomedinasaldivar · 2 years
Let's follow Giulia! :)
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spiderencanto-cos · 2 years
Happy 1st Anniversary, Luca!!! 🐟🐠🌊🍝🇮🇹
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Pixar Movie Cosplay: Luca 🐟
Me - Alberto Scorfano 💛
TikTok: @spiderlovecos
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yumetaro92 · 1 year
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Halloween 2021: Artie and Allie
For Halloween 2021, Artie and Allie went as Luca and Alberto (originally made 10/24/2021)
Posted using PostyBirb
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dash-n-step · 9 months
Wait so is the design of Peni that we got the creepy one, or was it the concept art version?
No no, the Peni we got is the one they go into detail about being inspired by anime the crew liked
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The concept art peni I'm talking about/from that post was by Alberto Mielgo, who was a part of into the spider-verse team SUPER early on, and seems to be gaining traction of tiktok through cosplays I guess, hence that twitter thread.
That artist was fired from the project like 2 years before the movie came out for, as he says, "style differences", which is why a lot of the characters he drew looked different from how the movie ends up
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But I guess he would just recycle the designs for an episode he'd do in Love Death + Robots
Hold on, there's a better tumblr post about it I can reblog
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beadickel · 9 months
10 perguntas para te conhecer melhor!
Cor favorita: Azul 💙
A música do momento: Who's counting, do MGMT
Última música que você ouviu: Amulet, da Melanie Martinez
Última pesquisa do google: "Barbie Raquelle" KKSKSK Queria ter uma ideia se as bonecas da Dreamhouse ainda estavam a venda por aí
A viagem dos seus  sonhos: Havaí, Japão e Croácia são o meu top 3
Qualquer coisa que você gostaria de comprar: Uma peruca pra cosplay! Metade do cabelo de uma cor, uma de outra 🤹‍♀️
Um filme favorito: Coraline e o Mundo Secreto
Uma série que queira assistir: Better Call Saul, que comecei ano passado e simplesmente abandonei do nada...
Um famoso: Alberto Santos Dumont, pai da aviação e aniversariante do dia (150 anos do homi)
Sua obsessão atual: A personagem Harley Quinn, arlequins em geral, circos e toda essa estática ksksksksk. Essa é uma obsessão minha antiga já, que vem e volta de vez em quando 🎪
O @itacoisa me marcou nessa tag que achei bem bacana! Valeu 😊
Vou marcar alguns amigos também: @hadaward04 @andromeda-station @shakespereansonnet @mar0th-blog
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iheartsunset · 2 years
Why everyone is banned from Papa Louie’s Netflix (part 2)
Clover: Got way too excited watching Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World and used Papa’s antique glass table and $800 ivory chopsticks as a drum set.
Marty: Kept bugging Clover to do a Vi and Jinx cosplay with him after watching Arcane. Additionally forced the rest of the Shakers to learn Enemy by Imagine Dragons and proceeded to sing it every day to the point where Papa could hear it in his nightmares.
Cooper: Thought Bojack Horseman was gonna be a funny kids’ cartoon and ended up crying over it for a week straight. He cried at home, work meetings, in bed, and especially at work.
Taylor: Accidentally spoiled the ending of season 2 of The Umbrella Academy during a work meeting. His permission will be reinstated once season 3 comes out and Papa needs someone to watch it with.
Cecilia: Watched Cheer with Timm and roasted all the contestants. Then did her own rendition of the moves in the living room and broke Papa’s cheeseburger chandelier.
Timm: Same as the above situation, but he’s the one who basket tossed her into the chandelier.
Chuck: Watched every Nickelodeon show and wouldn’t stop using iCarly and Victorious humor in every day conversation.
James: Watched Marriage Story with one of his dates (before his character development) and during the argument scene, James and his date also got into a loud argument. It was very upsetting to everyone else in the house.
Utah: Got Alberto, Penny, and Gremmie to recreate Outer Banks with her and accidentally flooded the Freezeria. And the Pastaria. And the Donuteria somehow.
Koilee: Was so offended by Fate: The Winx Saga that she went on a 4 hour rant in both irl and on Twitter about how much it differed from the original Winx. But her permission was reinstated after she introduced Papa to Children of the Whales and Mischievous Kiss.
Carlo: While watching the Chef Show and Iron Chef, he got hungry and decided to cook in Papa’s kitchen. But it was 3 AM and he was sleep deprived, so the kitchen caught on fire. His permission was reinstated because after the fire, Papa ate his lasagna and while it was a tad overdone, it was delicious.
Mitch: After watching The Cuphead Show, he would imitate the characters’ voices when sneaking up behind the others to scare them. This happened with just about every cartoon, so now Papa is trying to get Mitch banned from TV altogether. His permission might get reinstated because he won’t shut up about needing to watch the live action Scooby Doo.
Allan: Made fun of Joy for watching Miraculous Ladybug when he was secretly streaming Mako Mermaids. His permission was unofficially reinstated by him just watching Netflix with Roy and Olivia since Roy still has full permission.
Akari: Let Willow, who was banned from Papa’s Netflix, watch Castlevania and Charmed with her. Willow then got possessed once again and this time, they had to play the actual Stranger Things soundtrack.
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alemdoarcoiris · 2 months
Paper Towns - Por que morar sozinho em cidade grande compensa? Otaku Gamer na cidade grande! ✊👽🤘
Olá, Tumblrs, boa madrugada! São 2h da madrugada desta segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2024 e resolvi escrever sobre cidade grande e sua vantagem de morar sozinho e não depender de nada e nem ninguém! Cidade grande, além das pessoas terem mais visão, elas não ficam intrometendo na sua vida, porque a vida já é tão corrida que tempo e disposição pra isso não se tem, nem interesse! Além de tudo, morar sozinho, cozinhar sozinho, tomar aquele banho gostoso e ficar peladão no apartamento de boas é o que te deixa mais liberto, e o melhor, comer e cozinhar quando se quiser fazer , a hora que quiser fazer e sem mais! O vídeo acima é uma homenagem minha a Juiz de Fora, com o hino da cidade, onde percorri diversos pontos da cidade, que possui mais de 500.000 habitantes, da Praça da Estação aos Shoppings e áreas culturais, além de áreas adultas, com mulheres sensuais. A cidade desenvolve e cresce porque a população coloca políticos como deputados como o Noraldino Jr. da cidade para enviarem verbas para a cidade! Morar só é responsabilidade dobrado! Fazer boa comida (coisa que amo fazer, arroz a piamontese com frango empanado fica delicioso demais), além de muita comida com creme, com molhos, muito tempero, caprichado no alho e sal!
Além de tudo, se tem emissoras e afiliadas como a TV ALTEROSA, na foto abaixo, eu em frente sede da emissora, afiliada do SBT, que já postei abaixo minha paixão com o livro ALMANAQUE 35 ANOS!
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E eu dentro da emissora para contratar um comercial de TV de uma de minhas empresas! A logo do SBT e o Rafael chegando para me atender! Não pode faltar o cafezinho na xícara!
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Ah, essa vinheta da TV ALTEROSA no ano de 2000 marcou minha juventude, além de serem criativos, o jornalismo é profissional!
A TV Alterosa fora do ar em 2002. Eu gostava mais quando ela saia fora total e pegava o SBT São Paulo, pois o SBT mostrava a GERAÇÃO DE MATERIAL, a TV Alterosa não deixava mostrar na madrugada! Eu já escrevi sobre o SBT e meu livro ALMANAQUE 35 ANOS ABAIXO, depois leiam lá, além da SKY também!
Sem contar na ampla variedade de cultura, shoppings, cinemas, lugares temáticos como Harry Potter, além de muitos lugares para OTAKUS e GAMERS e comida japonesa, comida típica de outros países! Você vai conhecer gente estrangeira, é MUITO LEGAL, como conheci a Kellany, americana de olhos azuis, linda, elogiou muito o país na área de saúde, já que nos EUA, a única desvantagem de lá é a saúde, que é mais caro. Conheci também o Alberto, que é alemão e fala bem o português, é diferente, pula algumas palavras, mas fala bem, é muito legal e divertido, gente, vale a pena cidade grande, você vai se movimentar em muitos lugares, além de museus, games, boliches, KART! Tudo de bom!
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Sabe o que é mais interessante de lugares grandes? Histórias! Muitas histórias, criativas e pessoas de diversas culturas e etnias diferentes, cultura local e cultura de outros povos, é divertido!
E o reconhecimento, uma MOÇÃO DE APLAUSO, que ganhei em 2020 para com projetos culturais, que já contei no meu site e estou mostrando a vocês aqui do Tumblr, que vale a pena voar e acreditar no que se faz!
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Essa logo criei essa madrugada para um cliente de fora, AVAC EMPREENDIMENTOS, está no portfólio do meu site a quem quiser ver mais trabalhos. Estou também desenvolvendo as artes das produções cinematográficas do Sarom, artista este que, fiz a capa do seu livro e outras peças: www.welingtoncarvalho.com.br
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E gente, tem coisa mais gostosa para o café da madrugada ou lanche da tarde? Leite ninho, leite fermentado, divinos!
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Ah, o jornal TRIBUNA DE MINAS, um dos maiores jornais da cidade, publicou uma matéria sobre o MUSEU DO VIDEO GAME ITINERANTE, um evento que já venho publicando! Para GEEKS, NERDS, OTAKUS. Vamos? Estarei de cosplay do Super Luigi, o Mário Verde! O Primeiro evento NERD do ano 2024, o próximo é em Maio 2024 no Shopping Jardim Norte, no Apogeu, logo depois em Julho vem o Anime UAI no Colégio São Paulo e depois os outros como GEEK IN FEST! Simbora!
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E aquele TEMAKI gostoso, envolto de folha de algas, arroz japonês, salmão crú e cream cheese! Comida japonesa gente, coisa de outro mundo. Sabem por que é tão simples? Fizeram para agilizar a vida corrida, minimalismo e assim uma comida simples e fina!
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E que venha animes e hentai muito bons pra gente! :)
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E pra finalizar, em 2023, Março, completa 1 ano que convidei o Jorge a um passeio grande, do Cascatinha a Milho Branco, Santa Luzia e outros, podem assistir neste vídeo abaixo:
E esse foi nosso jornal, uma edição especial para nosso blog Mochileiros, na íntegra, com propaganda para a Banca do Vasco e outras livrarias de primeira qualidade:
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A trilha sonora para esse post especial, é de uma dupla da Noruega, Nico e Vinz, Am Wrong, escute abaixo comigo, me traz grandes recordações do tempo de Happy Holli, o Festival das Cores, Harry Potter Plataforma 9 3/4 na Praça da Estação, de alguns anos anteriores:
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semetarycosplay · 3 days
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We all know this is absolutely how the movie should have ended. And apparently was technically supposed to soooo. Photo: Kelsey Ray Imagery Luca: Spookwave Cos
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aldomedinasaldivar · 2 years
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Today's special moments are tomorrow's memories.
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diedbrave · 7 months
I told Jack that I cosplay a crap ton of his characters because I cosplay Eddie, Alberto, and Freddy Freeman and he goes SO WHICH ONE WOULD YOU MARRY. FUCK MARRY KILL. And I was like EXCUSE ME SIR THEY ARE ALL CHILDREN??????? and he goes....yeah okay huh you're right probably don't answer that one.
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screamingbluepanda · 1 year
Not everything will be listed (because sometimes I forgor) All things associated with tags I have posted will be listed
Art Digital & Traditional
D&D/Dungeons & Dragons
Red Pandas
Crystals & Gemstones
The Owl House - #toh
Helluva Boss - #helluva #helluva boss
Ninjago #ninjago - #lego ninjago
Animaniacs - #animaniacs
Kipo: The Age of Wonderbeasts - #kipo
Dead End: Paranormal Park - #dead end #de:pp
Inside Job - #inside job
Gravity Falls - #gravity falls #gf
She-ra and the Princesses of Power - #shera
Steven Universe - #steven universe #su
Invader Zim - #invader zim #iz
Star VS. - #svtfoe
Aggretsuko - #aggretsuko
The Cuphead Show - #cuphead
MLP - #mlp
Digimon (Adventure, 02, Tri) - #digimon
Beastars - #beastars
Brand New Animal - #bna
My Hero Academia - #bnha
Death Note - #death note
Fruits Basket - #fruba
Danganronpa - #danganronpa #dr2 #dr
Mob Psycho 100 - #mp100
Soul Eater
Promised Neverland
Blue Exorcist
Assassination Classroom
TV Shows/Movies
IT (2017 & 2019) - #it #it 2017 #it 2019
Luca - #luca
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish - #puss in boots
Stranger Things - #stranger things #st
MFKZ - #mfkz
Video Games
Psychonauts (1 & 2) - #psychonauts
Pokemon - #pkmn
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Red/Blue, Darkness/Time/Sky, DX) - #pmd
Sam and Max - #sam and max
Undertale and Deltarune - #undertale #deltarune
Hades - #hades
Cookie Run: Kingdom - #crk
Epic Mickey (1 & The Power of Two) - #epic mickey
No Straight Roads - #nsr
Splatoon - #splatoon
Monster Hunter (Ultimate, World, Rise) - #mh #mhw #mhr
FNAF - #fnaf #fnaf sb
Friday Night Funkin - #fnf
Animal Crossing - #acnh
Little Nightmares (1 & 2) - #ln #ln2
Bugsnax - #bugsnax
Cuphead - #cuphead
Bendy and the Ink Machine/Dark Revival - #batim #batdr
Okami - #okami
Spyro/The Legend of Spyro Trilogy - #spyro
Zelda (mainly Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild) - #zelda tp #zelda #botw
Night in the Woods
Portal (1 & 2)
Stardew Valley
Among Us
Monster Prom
Hollow Knight
(Romantic implied, but if Platonic/Familial/ect. will be stated c: no incest/pedo/toxic ships 🤢)
Lumity (Luz/Amity) - The Owl House
Raeda (Raine/Eda) - The Owl House
Fizzmodeus (Fizzarolli/Asmodeus) - Helluva Boss
Stolitz (Stolas/Blitzo) - Helluva Boss
Moxillie (Moxxie/Millie) - Helluva Boss
Verbie (Barbie Wire/Verosika) - Helluva Boss
Pixane (Zane/Pixal) - Ninjago
Jaya (Jay/Nya) - Ninjago
Polyninja (Kai/Jay/Cole/Zane) - Ninjago <Platonic or Romantic>
Barnlogs (Barney/Logs) - Dead End
Breagen (Brett/Reagen) - Inside Job
Rongan (Ron/Reagen) - Inside Job
Entrapdak (Entrapta/Hordak) - Shera
Haidano (Tadano/Haida) - Aggretsuko
DevilDice (King Dice/Devil) - Cuphead
Komahina (Nagito/Hajime) - Danganronpa
Chimondo (Chihiro/Mondo) - Danganronpa
Reddie (Ritchie/Eddie) - IT
Luberto (Luca/Alberto) - Luca
Sasha/Milla - Psychonauts
Freelance Husbands (Sam/Max) - Sam and Max
Suselle (Susie/Noelle) - Deltarune
Zagnos (Hypnos/Zagreus) - Hades
Purecacao (Pure Vanilla/Dark Cacao) - CRK
Espresseline (Espresso/Madeline) - CRK
Black Pearl/Captian Caviar - CRK
Wildchip (Wildberry/Crunchy Chip) - CRK
Teaclair (Eclair/Tea Knight) - CRK
SeaMoon (Sea Fairy/Moonlight) - CRK
Shercotton (Sherbert/Cotton) - CRK
Sun/Moon - FNAF: SB <Platonic or Romantic>
Sun/Moon/Monty - FNAF: SB
BF/Pico - FNF
Flick/CJ - ACNH
Snorplo (Chandlo/Snorpy) - Bugsnax
Lizbell (Lizbert/Eggabell) - Bugsnax
Taakitz (Taako/Kravitz) - TAZ
Blupjeans (Barry/Lup) - TAZ
Game Grumps
cr1tikal / Charlie / Moist / penguinz0
The Adventure Zone / The McElroys / MBMBAM
Watcher / Shane and Ryan from Buzzfeed: Unsolved
Call Me Kevin
Music (its alot and not even everything lol)
Twenty One Pilots / TOP
Panic! At The Disco
Fall Out Boy
Daft Punk
Ninja Sex Party
Tom Cardy
The Gentle Men
Bo Burnham
Lemon Demon
The Scary Jokes
Tally Hall
Porter Robinson
Yung Gravy
The Oh Hellos
Glass Animals
Miike Snow
Two Door Cinema Club
Comfort Characters
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Hunter - The Owl House
#hunter toh
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Stardust Cookie - Cookie Run: Kingdom
#stardust crk
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Sorbet Shark Cookie - Cookie Run: Kingdom
#shark crk #sorbet shark crk
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Sun and Moon / The Daycare Attendant - FNAF: Security Breach
#sun fnaf #moon fnaf #eclipse fnaf
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Hypnos - Hades
#hypnos hades
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Mono - Little Nightmares 2
#mono ln
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Scorbunny / Raboot / Cinderace - Pokemon Sword and Shield
#scorbunny #scorbunny swsh #scorbunny pkmn
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Hawks / Keigo Takami - My Hero Acadamia
#hawks bnha
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Spinel - Steven Universe: The Movie/Future
#spinel su
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Nagito Komeda - Danganronpa 
#nagito #nagito dr
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Llloyd Garmadon - Ninjago
#lloyd ninjago
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Oswald the Lucky Rabbit - Epic Mickey 1 & 2
#oswald #oswald the lucky rabbit #oswald epic mickey
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alicewaddington · 1 year
Hello Ali! I've been fascinated with "Paradise Hills" ever since it came out. What were some of your inspirations for it? Also how do you identify (pronouns-wise)?
Hey friend! They/Her. I'm non-binary, always a joy to hear my pronouns alternated.
Think "Picnic at Hanging Rock" meets "The Prisoner": institutionalization meeting cult mentality that forms an absolutist system.
Visually, since this is Tumblr, I will mention that Yuuko from Clamp's XxxHolic and most of "Revolutionary Girl Utena" were also visual influences.
My dad says he cries every time he watches it because it feels like a capsule from my childhood-- parents met at a revolutionary film club; I grew up escaping into comic books, sci-fi, cosplaying, etc. My intention was always to push the limits of what was considered genre-acceptable. EG: mixing science fiction with high fantasy was such a fun experiment.
PS: It's incredible to see the way that pop culture feeds itself and a honor to have even a tiny part in it-- I was always a fan of Milla's and have played, I believe, every "Resident Evil" (4 is my fave), so it was absolutely bonkers when they inspired Lady Dimitrescu in the characterization that Alberto Valcarcel, our costume designer, put together for her.
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albertonavajoart · 3 years
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#Fantastictober Day 21: COSTUME
(Inspired by Fantastic Four Vol 1 3, by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby)
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isaalsuli · 3 years
I found Luca Flannel! 😍
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I bought it for 10 Euros, that's a used flannel sadly. But it's okay for me 😅. What do you think?
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