#alius crystal
oflostinfound · 8 months
🎭🌠 The Starlight Ball of 2023 🌠🎭
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ Hello everyone! Autumn has long since started and I believe it's about time I announce the ball for this season. This ball will be a bit special, as I've requested aid of the Grand Duchess Agares herself for a bit of help in bring a little of my home realm here to share with you all... ❞
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ Such I am more than happy to announce that I will be holding a Starlight Ball for the Autumn season on Sunday, November 12th! The theme of this ball is a Masquerade under special crystals that make up the night sky of my home world, so bring your best masks or formal costumes to wear! ❞
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ There of course will be food, drinks, games, and a competition for the next Seven Royals of Autumn! Please let me know if you wish to be invited and I will make sure you get an invitation as soon as possible. I hope to see you all there! ❞
Like this Post to be Invited, or send an ask and I'll respond in turn with how Eath presets the invitation If you muse doesn't know Eath or Hax Please let me know how they'd know them, otherwise they will be invited as a Party Crasher* (not a bad thing, party crasher's are fun and are an interesting way for muses to meet too!) *The only thing I ask for the Party Crasher Status or for new followers / mutuals is that you communicate with me at least a tad- even if it's just "They find an invitation Eath dropped" which is 100% fine! I just need at least some go ahead before I send anything.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 year
She'll lightly bump the crystalline star to float a little higher so the King wouldn't have to bend down as much.
|| 🔷️ ||: " It's made of powerful magic, the same that created my world, so it should never break or chip. If you listen closely, you can hear some of the magic that made Alius Orbis. "
Indeed, if he got close enough, there was a soft, almost melodic humming eminating from the star. Like a song, a light yet somehow powerful and passionate tune.
|| 🔷️ ||: " It may become transparent, like quartz, if in direct sunlight... but then it should glow more brilliantly the next night. "
Another, much wider smile crosses her lips. She certainly seemed to enjoy talking about such things. Stones, stars, her world, it wasn't every day she got to share such things,
|| 🔷️ ||: " You could also think if it as a gift from the Kingdom of Vassago. Or just a gift, because I think you deserve it. "
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As the crystal floated up to a more comfortable height Alexander lifted his hands as if the catch it, his talons just hovering around the object but never actually touching it. His tail began to wag slowly as he examined his new trinket. He leaned in to listen to its internals, and indeed, he could pick up some strange yet intriguing sounds coming from within.
“Not sure if this would be a fine center piece for the study or just a comforting treasure for my bedroom”. He mused, carefully rotating the star around with a talon, admiring the sparkling facets that glittered inside.
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“Well, I would be honored to accept such a gift from the Kingdom of Vassago. I shall treasure it, always. Thank you Eath, I needed to smile today.” He grinned warmly as he bent down and gave the smaller demon a gentle bump with his head.
“I think I’ll place this in my study after all~”
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jcmarchi · 6 months
With a Quantum “Squeeze,” Atomic Clocks Could Keep Even More Precise Time - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/with-a-quantum-squeeze-atomic-clocks-could-keep-even-more-precise-time-technology-org/
With a Quantum “Squeeze,” Atomic Clocks Could Keep Even More Precise Time - Technology Org
More stable atomic clocks could measure quantum phenomena, including the presence of dark matter.
Atomic clock – artistic impression. Image credit: Alius Noreika (created with DALL·E 3
The practice of keeping time hinges on stable oscillations. In a grandfather clock, the length of a second is marked by a single swing of the pendulum. In a digital watch, the vibrations of a quartz crystal mark much smaller fractions of time. And in atomic clocks, the world’s state-of-the-art timekeepers, the oscillations of a laser beam stimulate atoms to vibrate at 9.2 billion times per second.
These smallest, most stable divisions of time set the timing for today’s satellite communications, GPS systems, and financial markets.
A clock’s stability depends on the noise in its environment. A slight wind can throw a pendulum’s swing out of sync. And heat can disrupt the oscillations of atoms in an atomic clock. Eliminating such environmental effects can improve a clock’s precision. But only by so much.
A new MIT study finds that even if all noise from the outside world is eliminated, the stability of clocks, laser beams, and other oscillators would still be vulnerable to quantum mechanical effects. The precision of oscillators would ultimately be limited by quantum noise.
But in theory, there’s a way to push past this quantum limit. In their study, the researchers also show that by manipulating, or “squeezing,” the states that contribute to quantum noise, the stability of an oscillator could be improved, even past its quantum limit.
“What we’ve shown is, there’s actually a limit to how stable oscillators like lasers and clocks can be, that’s set not just by their environment, but by the fact that quantum mechanics forces them to shake around a little bit,” says Vivishek Sudhir, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at MIT.
“Then, we’ve shown that there are ways you can even get around this quantum mechanical shaking. But you have to be more clever than just isolating the thing from its environment. You have to play with the quantum states themselves.”
The team is working on an experimental test of their theory. If they can demonstrate that they can manipulate the quantum states in an oscillating system, the researchers envision that clocks, lasers, and other oscillators could be tuned to super-quantum precision.
These systems could then be used to track infinitesimally small differences in time, such as the fluctuations of a single qubit in a quantum computer or the presence of a dark matter particle flitting between detectors.
“We plan to demonstrate several instances of lasers with quantum-enhanced timekeeping ability over the next several years,” says Hudson Loughlin, a graduate student in MIT’s Department of Physics.
“We hope that our recent theoretical developments and upcoming experiments will advance our fundamental ability to keep time accurately, and enable new revolutionary technologies.”
Loughlin and Sudhir detail their work in an open-access paper published in the journal Nature Communications.
Laser precision
In studying the stability of oscillators, the researchers looked first to the laser — an optical oscillator that produces a wave-like beam of highly synchronized photons. The invention of the laser is largely credited to physicists Arthur Schawlow and Charles Townes, who coined the name from its descriptive acronym: light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
A laser’s design centers on a “lasing medium” — a collection of atoms, usually embedded in glass or crystals. In the earliest lasers, a flash tube surrounding the lasing medium would stimulate electrons in the atoms to jump up in energy.
When the electrons relax back to lower energy, they give off some radiation in the form of a photon. Two mirrors, on either end of the lasing medium, reflect the emitted photon back into the atoms to stimulate more electrons, and produce more photons.
One mirror, together with the lasing medium, acts as an “amplifier” to boost the production of photons, while the second mirror is partially transmissive and acts as a “coupler” to extract some photons out as a concentrated beam of laser light.
Since the invention of the laser, Schawlow and Townes put forth a hypothesis that a laser’s stability should be limited by quantum noise. Others have since tested their hypothesis by modeling the microscopic features of a laser. Through very specific calculations, they showed that indeed, imperceptible, quantum interactions among the laser’s photons and atoms could limit the stability of their oscillations.
“But this work had to do with extremely detailed, delicate calculations, such that the limit was understood, but only for a specific kind of laser,” Sudhir notes. “We wanted to enormously simplify this, to understand lasers and a wide range of oscillators.”
Putting the “squeeze” on
Rather than focus on a laser’s physical intricacies, the team looked to simplify the problem.
“When an electrical engineer thinks of making an oscillator, they take an amplifier, and they feed the output of the amplifier into its own input,” Sudhir explains. “It’s like a snake eating its own tail. It’s an extremely liberating way of thinking. You don’t need to know the nitty gritty of a laser. Instead, you have an abstract picture, not just of a laser, but of all oscillators.”
In their study, the team drew up a simplified representation of a laser-like oscillator. Their model consists of an amplifier (such as a laser’s atoms), a delay line (for instance, the time it takes light to travel between a laser’s mirrors), and a coupler (such as a partially reflective mirror).
The team then wrote down the equations of physics that describe the system’s behavior, and carried out calculations to see where in the system quantum noise would arise.
“By abstracting this problem to a simple oscillator, we can pinpoint where quantum fluctuations come into the system, and they come in in two places: the amplifier and the coupler that allows us to get a signal out of the oscillator,” Loughlin says. “If we know those two things, we know what the quantum limit on that oscillator’s stability is.”
Sudhir says scientists can use the equations they lay out in their study to calculate the quantum limit in their own oscillators.
What’s more, the team showed that this quantum limit might be overcome, if quantum noise in one of the two sources could be “squeezed.” Quantum squeezing is the idea of minimizing quantum fluctuations in one aspect of a system at the expense of proportionally increasing fluctuations in another aspect. The effect is similar to squeezing air from one part of a balloon into another.
In the case of a laser, the team found that if quantum fluctuations in the coupler were squeezed, it could improve the precision, or the timing of oscillations, in the outgoing laser beam, even as noise in the laser’s power would increase as a result.
“When you find some quantum mechanical limit, there’s always some question of how malleable is that limit?” Sudhir says. “Is it really a hard stop, or is there still some juice you can extract by manipulating some quantum mechanics? In this case, we find that there is, which is a result that is applicable to a huge class of oscillators.”
Written by Jennifer Chu
Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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yixisgod-blog · 6 years
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This color.
Check this artist pls!---> https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=23777129
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yugiohcardsdaily · 3 years
Posted Cards Master Post - 18
July 2018
Destiny HERO - Dystopia
Destiny HERO - Fear Monger
Destiny HERO - Malicious
Destiny HERO - Plasma
Destiny Mirage
Destiny Signal
H - Heated Heart
E - Emergency Call
R - Righteous Justice
O - Oversoul
Hero Flash!!
E☆HERO Pit Boss
Xtra HERO Wonder Driver (Japanese)
Get Your Game On!
Elemental HERO Absolute Zero
Elemental HERO Air Neos
Elemental HERO Aqua Neos
Elemental HERO Avian
Elemental HERO Bladedge
Elemental HERO Blazeman
Elemental HERO Bubbleman
Elemental HERO Burstinatrix
Elemental HERO Captain Gold
Elemental HERO Chaos Neos
Elemental HERO Clayman
Elemental HERO Core
Elemental HERO Dark Neos
Elemental HERO Darkbright
Elemental HERO Divine Neos
Elemental HERO Electrum
Elemental HERO Escuridao
Elemental HERO Flame Wingman
Elemental HERO Flare Neos
Elemental HERO Flash
Elemental HERO Gaia
Elemental HERO Glow Neos
Elemental HERO Grand Neos
Elemental HERO Great Tornado
Elemental HERO Heat
Elemental HERO Honest Neos
Elemental HERO Ice Edge
Elemental HERO Inferno
Elemental HERO Knospe
Elemental HERO Lady Heat
Elemental HERO Magma Neos
Elemental HERO Marine Neos
Elemental HERO Mariner
Elemental HERO Mudballman
Elemental HERO Necroid Shaman
Elemental HERO Necroshade
Elemental HERO Neo Bubbleman
Elemental HERO Neos Alius
Elemental HERO Neos Knight
Elemental HERO Neos
Elemental HERO Plasma Vice
Elemental HERO Poison Rose
Rose Bud
Elemental HERO Prisma
Elemental HERO Rampart Blaster
Elemental HERO Shadow Mist
Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman
Elemental HERO Shining Phoenix Enforcer
Elemental HERO Solidman
Elemental HERO Sparkman
Elemental HERO Steam Healer
Elemental HERO Storm Neos
Elemental HERO Stratos
Elemental HERO Tempest
Elemental HERO Terra Firma
Elemental HERO The Shining
Elemental HERO Thunder Giant
Elemental HERO Voltic
Elemental HERO Wild Wingman
Elemental HERO Wildedge
Elemental HERO Wildheart
Elemental HERO Woodsman
Elemental Recharge
Evil HERO Dark Gaia
Dark Fusion
Evil HERO Infernal Gainer
Evil HERO Infernal Prodigy
Evil HERO Infernal Sniper
Evil HERO Inferno Wing
Evil HERO Lightning Golem
Evil HERO Malicious Edge
Evil HERO Malicious Fiend
Evil HERO Wild Cyclone
Fake Hero
Fifth Hope
Form Change
HERO's Bond
Hero Barrier
Hero Blast
Hero Counterattack
Hero Heart
Hero Kid
Hero Mask
Hero Signal
Hero Spirit
Kid Guard
Legacy of a HERO
Mask Change
Mask Change II
Mask Charge
Masked HERO Acid
Masked HERO Anki
Masked HERO Blast
Masked HERO Dark Law
Masked HERO Dian
Masked HERO Divine Wind
Masked HERO Goka
Masked HERO Koga
Masked HERO Vapor
Miracle Contact
Miracle Fusion
Miracle Kids
Mirror Gate
Over Destiny
Parallel World Fusion
Phantom Magician
Rainbow Neos
Skydive Scorcher
Vision HERO Adoration
Vision HERO Trinity
Vision HERO Vyon
Vision HERO Witch Raider
Chrysalis Chicky
Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird
Chrysalis Dolphin
Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin
Chrysalis Larva
Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab
Chrysalis Mole
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
Chrysalis Pantail
Neo-Spacian Dark Panther
Chrysalis Pinny
Neo-Spacian Glow Moss
Neo-Spacian Marine Dolphin
Neo-Spacian Twinkle Moss
Cross Porter
Cocoon Party
Cocoon Rebirth
Cocoon Veil
Common Soul
Convert Contact
Space Gift
Crystal Abundance
Crystal Beacon
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spiritsncrystals · 5 years
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So remember megumi from the spiritship child poll?
Well. She didn't win it of course but I'll admit she was my personal favourite
So i finally edited and colored her.
She's now known as Megumi Kanawai
A hyper optimistic girl who's a mega HERO archetype fan, also the best friend to Crystal mori (my persona) yet she weilds the most mysterious and intriguing newest addition to the HERO archetype known as the Galaxy HEROs (custom subarchetype to be created eventually by myself) yet there's also deep mystery to herself that she feels.
Has a special connection to the card Elemental HERO Neos alius as she's had that card most of her dueling childhood
Unfortunately has a weak left hand thus when dueling wears a special support glove. (as seen in the picture)
But yeah im sorry but im awfully fond of her
She's basically a chaotic good girl
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libidomechanica · 4 years
Quod he, that in our and sanctity so near
And sacrifice: though in beauty  with feare, but constance 
reach it in his book her  Heart, withoutė lye, god bad oure fyr 
and strengths abundance and made  them here, and having make 
me forth, thinheritance, pen, for  I am aliue and marriage; 
so leave beetles,—blind close thee her  inmost constant sea; the 
wide fluctuate allone? Fixed my wound  round then halwes, is lyk 
a cattes skyn and song, with  spades that good 
and feeling, pricking Painter  stood erect and many fears, 
small birds rejoiced; and a! S surface.  O Sorrow, he felt that 
I lead; which scarce a single  dragoun, the three, He rose 
and if thou art not enamoured  fish or mild, if all 
mens fellow would makes the feel that  I have no more? But one, 
but of the bearing to  the moon instead of 
the trail of home, and  dwarfs, dance takes those muffled round so 
closely… love lies. I do not the  first is this aged 
there twice a damsels tears speak for  us thou, to 
bear; why sholde I bye it of  hir owene toothpicks, the 
street rose is not so; so that  could always him yet, 
to stones and every  milky way apparent; his 
in; and “Ave,  Ave, Ave,” 
said the wild-briar is  going too. Crystal 
brook no further quiver of a  man uses 
instead of the care, and  find me night. They came; the 
herb was drawn upon  him light alone, but Wordsworths 
modes on their native good and  unto love and suffer not, 
than if Kate o the mountains  flow; an she has twa 
sparkling rhymes, but three living  brain—tis allyes — that will 
ye go to thee lesser grief,  beyond come, for 
thy transfer the  wits doth the Apostel 
was her own according  sky, week and how much more abstruse 
ecstatics meantime they moving and,  puffing, play thy harsh or 
somethinks I do, because  thee from several 
the woods, ballad or  romances with 
most pampered swells together. I feele  my bed the same; that 
we have might err, but playd with  thou wish some mighty pen 
let not fear, looking on the  purest human hearts are 
quicker unto him in his  island was beten 
for each has made appeach  the shepherds call, not find 
none but a breeze began; and  more, and average—
by time I stood think to  win who failed rehab and 
by the Grey Monks side. I seem to  death, to become 
that, for intellect,  what fury has a 
human would be the  moon does iron welcome 
to one kneeling—right and  many thing else withouten purest 
both and read the reeds,  and all this my nature, 
the wind! Dropping the  mind bewaild their first she mix with 
sharpe small rubs should pierced with  darkness up to 
God, I stretcheder that we dreary  way; soon on they were smyte! 
There wert them yet, at least; out of  seed, and also sail they lay 
embracd, and contribute to  the valley, come then called 
Beauties, crownd. Ll pelt. Tossd overjoyd, or  an outhern Farmer Simpson 
loste his soule, so late he had fall  remerging in the 
latest her fear. The only  hope, which it adore.
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proximasaur · 2 years
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Small content warning, especially for the last image...
Some cultist characters of mine; I've also included some traditional drawings including the concepts for Augustus + the cult's apparel, and two comic page things (involving Augustus, Hathor, Jason / Crucious, and Praxen, plus some side characters) oh... and a final of Teigin and Praxen :D
Firstly is the leader Augustus, who leads this cult which sacrifices victims to one of the demons that are apart of the cult (at present there are three-four, depending on the timeline though, the original two are Hathor and August's 'deceased' partner April known as Praxen/Pri - aye, those names were a coincidence XD).
August is a seer (or psychic - p-lease, this gets confusing) who can see the dead, and has the ability to cross into the death realm (and astral project too). I currently don't have a surname sorted out for him; April and Augustus never married, so he's not Reynolds XD
Next one is Jason Miller, who was 'sacrificed' to Hathor and became the third demon of the cult known as Crucious (who is... a tormentor compared to torturous Hathor). He was the youngest member of the cult, but alternatively... he's not the youngest sacrifice (the fourth demon is Avila, who was Praxen's victim. Praxen is a 'possessing' demon, also, sometimes a sacrifice can be made to two of the demons, meaning Pri and Crucious can work their tormenting together... andit'dbescaryaf)
I'm still working on a lot of my characters and worldbuilding, etc. I've got myth to work on (with Ara, Storm, Zaxn'Nor, etc.), I've got the death realm/spirits to work on... and also a connection to spirits but not directly apart: deep within... One's a mythological world, two are apart of the same 'universe' but have different storylines of places (aliens, ghosts... things. Like: there's the Onyx storyline which is slightly alien, where there is this deadly crystal that transformed a human being, that a mad scientist used to create a humanoid-fish-monster-thing called Pisces, and that was also used on a ruko alien creating Tau, and an accident that made Proxima Alius. Then there's the aliens, with different stories and species, but there's the ruko aliens, there's Swift and also Alpha, and finally... back to the ghosts)
Oh please don't make me talk about Teigin XD He's not apart of the cult, he's a part of another storyline, set in england, not america, he is much more... independent, and older.
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japonkalecom · 3 years
Football Manager 2021 wonderkids ile birlikte artık sitemizde FM21 ile ilgili çok daha fazla içerik bulabileceksiniz. Football Manager bildiğiniz gibi dünyada olduğu kadar ülkemizde de çok yaygın şekilde oynanılan hatta bazen gerçek takımların transfer yapmak için kaynak olarak kullandığı bir oyundur. Sizler için listelemiş olduğumuz Football Manager 2021 wonderkids listemizi sayfanın aşağılarında bulabilirsiniz. Her mevkiye göre ayrı ayrı sıralanan FM21 Wonderkids listesinde oyuncunun Ranking ini yani fmscout sitesin yapmış olduğu tavsiye sıralama puanını, adını, yaşını, mevkisini, kulübünde aldığı maaşı, bonservis bedelini ve uyruğunu görebilirsiniz.
Peki Wonderkids nedir?
Wonderkids demek potansiyel yeteneği 150 ve üzeri olan, 20 yaşından büyük olmayan oyunculara verilen isimdir. Football Manager 2021 wonderkids listemizde sizlere takımınıza katmanız halinde bir kaç seneye çok iyi gelişim gösterebilecek ve çok iyi bonservis ücretlerine transfer satışı yapabileceğiniz oyuncuları sergiledik. Ranking (R) (tavsiye sıralama puanı) ise şu şekilde belirlenmiştir. 81 ve üstü puanlu oyuncular - Dünya klasmanı 78-80 arası puanlı oyuncular Premier lig'de çok iyi olabilecek oyuncular 75-77 arası puanlı oyuncular Championship'te oynayabilecek oyuncular 72-74 arası puanlı oyuncular 1. Lig'de oynayabilecek oyuncular 68-71 arası puanlı oyuncular 2. Lig'de oynayabilecek oyuncular  
FM21 Wonderkids adayı Kaleciler
R Soyadı, Adı Yaş Pozisyon Kulüp Maaş (K) Piyasa Değeri (M) Uyruk 84 Vandevoordt, Maarten 18 GK KRC Genk 4.1 0.1 83 Gasparini, Manuel 18 GK Udinese 2 0.07 83 van Sas, Mikki 16 GK Man City 0.1 0.01 83 Meslier, Illan 20 GK Leeds 20 18.4 82 Iturbe, Alejandro 16 GK A. Madrid 0.3 0.008 81 Matheus Donelli 18 GK COR 0.4 0.01 80 Iván Martínez 18 GK Atlético Pamplona 1.1 0.03 80 Kovár, Matej 20 GK Man Utd 2.5 0.2 80 Russo, Alessandro 19 GK Sassuolo 4.8 0.1 79 Costa, Diogo 20 GK FCP 3.4 1 79 Bazunu, Gavin 18 GK Man City 5 0.1 78 Bajic, Stefan 18 GK AS Saint-Etienne 1 0.1 78 Setford, Charlie 16 GK Ajax 0.09 0.03 78 Owusu-Oduro, Rome-Jayden 16 GK AZ 0.09 0.02 78 Cristian 18 GK ATM 0.07 0.001 77 Turati, Stefano 18 GK Sassuolo 0.2 0.08 77 Jörgensen, Filip 18 GK Villarreal 1.5 0.05 77 Dutra, Sérgio 18 GK Vit. Guimarães 0.5 0.002 77 Dewhurst, Marcus 19 GK Sheff Utd 0.6 0.1 77 Meixedo, Francisco 19 GK FCP 1.8 0.01 76 Klaesson, Kristoffer 19 GK Vålerenga 0.3 0.3 76 Boyce-Clarke, Coniah 17 GK Reading 1.8 0.03 76 Petrovic, Djordje 20 GK Cukaricki 0.6 0.05 76 Carnesecchi, Marco 20 GK Atalanta 3.5 0.3 75 Svilar, Mile 20 GK SLB 9.3 0.3 75 Chevalier, Lucas 18 GK LOSC 0.9 0.08 75 Lavallée, Lucas 17 GK LOSC 0.08 0.04 75 Gabriel Brazão 19 GK Inter 3.6 0.1 74 Pinto, Diogo 16 GK Sporting 0.06 0.001 74 Mabon, Tom 16 GK FC Nantes 0.06 0.02 70 Raatsie, Calvin 18 GK Ajax 0.6 0.07
  FM21 Wonderkids adayı Defans Oyuncuları
R Soyadı, Adı Yaşı Pozisyon Kulüp Maaş (K) Piyasa Değeri (M) Uyruk 91 de Ligt, Matthijs 20 D C Zebre 213 35 83 Papetti, Andrea 18 D C Brescia 0.2 1.6 82 Carrillo, Álvaro 18 D C R. Madrid 1.2 0.04 82 Pembélé, Thimothée 17 D C Paris SG 5.2 0.2 81 Østigård, Leo 20 D C Brighton 4 3.9 81 Saliba, William 19 D C Arsenal 40 11.6 81 Amione, Bruno 18 D C Verona 3.5 0.2 79 Iranzo, Rubén 17 D C Valencia 1.4 0.04 79 Armini, Nicolò 19 D RC Lazio 17.7 0.1 78 Kambwala, Willy 15 D C Man Utd 0.1 0.06 78 Viti, Mattia 18 D C Empoli 1.4 0.1 78 Brás, Gabriel 16 D C FCP 0.06 0.001 77 Almeida, Diego 16 D C Barcelona 0.7 0.04 76 Mengi, Teden 18 D C Man Utd 1.2 7.1 83 Lovato, Matteo 20 D C Verona 2.8 0.6 80 Cuenca, Jorge 20 D C Villarreal 5.6 0.1 78 Ferguson, Nathan 19 D RC Crystal Palace 35 7.1 80 Dalle Mura, Christian 18 D C Fiorentina 0.2 0.04 76 Sadick, Mujaid 20 D RC Coruña 4.6 0.1 78 Chust, Víctor 20 D C R. Madrid 2.5 0.09 87 Todibo, Jean-Clair 20 D C, DM Barcelona 21.9 4.9 83 Fofana, Wesley 19 D C Leicester 55 11.6 82 Rensch, Devyne 17 D RLC, DM Ajax 1 0.2 77 Gabbia, Matteo 20 D C Milan 19.5 1.4 79 Koumetio, Billy 17 D C Liverpool 0.7 0.01 81 Pirola, Lorenzo 18 D C Inter 1.5 0.07 80 Normann Williamsen, Max 17 D C Kristiansund 0.3 0.02 79 Quaresma, Eduardo 18 D C Sporting 4.5 0.7 79 Pierie, Kik 20 D LC Ajax 2.8 1.4 78 Solet, Oumar 20 D C, DM FC RB Salzburg 4.3 0.3 73 Baptiste, Jamal 16 D C West Ham 0.1 0.04 80 Harwood-Bellis, Taylor 18 D C Man City 3 0.5 82 Pavlovic, Strahinja 19 D C AS Monaco 6.9 0.9 79 Wood, Nathan 18 D C Middlesbrough 1 0.1 81 Badiashile, Benoît 19 D C AS Monaco 10.5 2.4 79 Muñoz, Iván 18 D LC Valencia 2.4 0.1 79 Ramón, Pablo 19 D RC R. Madrid 1.4 0.04 76 Mbete-Tabu, Luke 16 D C Man City 0.1 0.02 78 Mosquera, Cristhian 16 D RC Valencia 0.06 0.05 77 Álvaro, Pedro 20 D C SLB 2.7 0.1 76 Kossounou, Odilon 19 D RC Club Brugge 4.5 0.6 79 Kamardin, Aaron 18 D C, DM OM 1.3 0.02 77 Guillamón, Hugo 20 D C Valencia 5.9 0.1 76 Zaal, Timo 16 D C sc Heerenveen 0.09 0.05 78 Vinhas, David 17 D C FCP 1.8 0.006 81 Stergiou, Leonidas 18 D C St. Gallen 2.1 0.9 79 Branthwaite, Jarrad 18 D RLC Everton 5 0.3 76 Kolskogen, Ole Martin 19 D C Brann 0.6 0.06 78 Burns, Finley 17 D C Man City 0.1 0.06 77 Simakan, Mohamed 20 D RC Strasbourg 4.5 0.6 77 Brassier, Lilian 20 D C Rennes 3.6 0.4 81 King, Leon 16 D RLC, DM Rangers 0.03 0.008 74 Machuca, Elías 17 D C Racing Club 0.4 0.7 82 Bettella, Davide 20 D C Atalanta 1.5 0.6 77 Diakité, Bafodé 19 D RC Toulouse FC 4.4 0.3 77 Vuskovic, Mario 18 D C, DM Hajduk 0.6 0.05 83 García, Eric 19 D C Man City 12 22.6 76 Syrota, Olexandr 20 D C Dynamo Kyiv 0.2 0.03 76 González de Zárate, Urko 19 D C, DM Real San Sebastián 1.6 0.06 79 Struijk, Pascal 20 D C, DM Leeds 2 2.9 79 Geovani 20 D C FLU 0.1 0.01 81 Ramos Mingo, Santi 18 D C Barcelona 2.2 0.04 78 Méndez, Bruno 20 D RC COR 3.5 0.7 75 van den Berg, Rav 16 D C PEC Zwolle 0.09 0.05 75 Pascual, Martín 20 D C Vallecano 3.4 0.2 77 Gila, Mario 19 D C, DM R. Madrid 3.3 0.1 77 Greiml, Leo 19 D C SK Rapid Vienna 1.2 0.3 76 Schuurs, Perr 20 D C, DM Ajax 4.5 1.6 78 Zaletel, Zan 20 D C Celje 0.9 0.3 82 Kaiky 16 D LC SAN 0.04 0.001 78 Morato 19 D C, DM SLB 3.4 0.1 79 Binks, Luis 18 D C Bologna 1.8 0.09 77 Quiroz, Leandro 16 D C Colón 0.02 0.3 81 Arrey-Mbi, Bright 17 D C FC Bayern 1.4 0.04 77 Tagir, Ravil 17 D C Basaksehir 2.9 0.2 78 Markovic, Svetozar 20 D RC Olympiakos 6.3 0.3 79 Youte Kinkoue, Etienne 18 D C Inter 0.2 0.04 79 Milovanovic, Mateja 16 D LC, DM Ajax 0.09 0.05 83 Nianzou, Tanguy 18 D C, DM FC Bayern 33.6 0.1 78 Wilmot, Ben 20 D C Watford 5 2.9 76 Maresic, Dario 20 D C, DM Reims 9 1.4 81 Antov, Valentin 19 D C, DM CSKA-Sofia 1.1 0.1 78 N'Dicka, Evan 20 D C Eintracht Frankfurt 8.7 1 83 Bella-Kotchap, Armel 18 D C VfL Bochu 3.5 0.05 78 Aertssen, Olivier 15 D C, DM Ajax 0.09 0.04 80 González, Facundo 17 D C Valencia 1.4 0.05 81 Kabak, Ozan 20 D C Schalke 04 35.1 4 79 Omeragic, Becir 18 D C Zürich 2.7 0.4 81 Collins, Nnamdi 16 D C Borussia Dortmund 0.06 0.01 81 Sutalo, Bosko 20 D RC Atalanta 6.6 1.5 88 Gvardiol, Josko 18 D LC RB Leipzig 13.3 0.9 84 Ampadu, Ethan 19 D C, DM Chelsea 7.5 8.1 78 Roberts, Haydon 18 D C Brighton 4 1.4 78 Pambou, Leon 16 D C Southampton 0.1 0.02 77 Cardoso, Gonçalo 19 D C West Ham 10 1.1 76 Ávila, Gastón 18 D C Boca 1.3 0.3 85 Pérez, Nehuén 20 D C A. Madrid 15.1 4 75 St. Jago, Tommy 20 D C FC Utrecht 1.7 0.7 87 Kumbulla, Marash 20 D C Verona 31.7 5 84 Vanheusden, Zinho 20 D C Standard 23.7 5.7 79 Lawrence, Jamie 17 D C FC Bayern 0.8 0.16 79 Walukiewicz, Sebastian 20 D C, DM Cagliari 8 3.5 78 Richards, Chris 20 D RC FC Bayern 3.2 0.17 78 Schlotterbeck, Nico 20 D LC SC Freiburg 3.5 2.2 77 Otasowie, Owen 19 D C, DM Wolves 0.7 2 76 Klarer, Christoph 20 D C Fortuna Dusseldorf 2.2 0.5 75 Denk, Luca 17 D C, DM FC Bayern 0.06 0.09 74 Gibson, Lewis 20 D LC Everton 5 0.45 74 Aliu, Arbnor 17 D RLC, DM Schalke 04 0.06 0.09 73 Fleurs, Luke 20 D C SuperSport Utd 0.5 0.02
  FM21 Wonderkids adayı Sol Bek Oyuncuları
R Soyadı, Adı Yaş Pozisyon Kulüp Maaş (K) Piyasa Değeri (M) Uyruk 82 Williams, Brandon 19 D/WB RL Man Utd 40 19.7 79 Montañana, Hugo 17 D LC, M L Valencia 1.4 0.05 79 Bard, Melvin 19 D LC OL 14 0.7 83 Calafiori, Riccardo 18 D/WB/M L Roma 13 0.1 84 Miranda, Juan 20 D/WB/M L Barcelona 7.2 0.8 77 Imanol 20 D LC A. Bilbao 2.1 0.07 80 Hickey, Aaron 18 D RL Bologna 13.1 0.8 77 Fernández, Álvaro 17 D L Man Utd 1.5 0.06 81 Zagré, Arthur 18 D L AS Monaco 11.5 0.2 86 Mendes, Nuno 18 D/WB L Sporting 4.1 4.5 78 Ruggeri, Matteo 18 D/WB L Atalanta 0.2 0.07 84 Aït-Nouri, Rayan 19 D L Angers SCO 9.8 2.2 81 Vázquez, Jesús 17 D/WB/M L Valencia 1.6 0.06 86 Katterbach, Noah 19 D/WB L 1. FC Köln 1.7 1 81 Montóia, Guilherme 16 D/WB L SLB 0.06 0.006 77 Pérez, Pablo 18 D/WB/AM L Sevilla 1.2 0.03 74 Maatsen, Ian 18 D/WB L, M C Chelsea 7.5 0.2 80 Bradaric, Domagoj 20 D/WB L LOSC 8.4 0.6 77 Aning, Prince 16 D/WB L Ajax 0.09 0.02 81 Herrero, Toni 19 D/WB L Levante 1.2 0.03 82 Mitchell, Tyrick 20 D/WB L Crystal Palace 0.5 3.7 82 Cacace, Liberato 19 D/WB L STVV 6.1 0.5 79 Netz, Luca 17 D/WB L Hertha BSC 0.06 0.03 76 Candelaria, Jayden 16 D LC Feyenoord 0.09 0.03 85 Wijndal, Owen 20 D/WB/M L AZ 3.8 2.8 77 Fran García 20 D/WB/AM L R. Madrid 1.6 0.06 85 De la Víbora, David 17 D/WB/M L R. Madrid 0.3 0.007 78 Davies, Alphonso 19 D/WB L, AM RL FC Bayern 87.6 6 78 Lelo, Leonardo 20 D/WB/AM L Olhanense 0.2 0.04 79 Romero, Cristo 20 D/WB/AM L Málaga 1.8 0.08 77 Centelles, Álex 20 D/WB L Almería 5.3 0.2 79 Thomas, Luke 19 D/WB/M L Leicester 25 0.4 73 Daley, Luke 18 D/WB/AM L Huddersfield 0.1 0.004 78 Balde, Alejandro 17 D/WB/AM L Barcelona 0.9 0.02 81 Cirkin, Dennis 18 D/WB L Tottenham 1.5 0.2 79 Larios, Juan 16 D/WB L Man City 0.1 0.01 79 Bello, George 18 D/WB L Atlanta United 1.2 0.8 74 Chrisene, Ben 16 D/WB L, AM LC Aston Villa 0.1 0.02 78 Sertel, Cemali 20 D LC Basaksehir 5.9 2.5
  FM21 Wonderkids adayı Sağ Bek Oyuncuları
R Soyadı, Adı Yaş Pozisyon Kulüp Maaş (K) Piyasa Değeri (M) Uyruk 81 Yan Couto 18 D/WB R Man City 5 0.2 75 Konoplya, Yukhym 20 D/WB RL Shakhtar 1.7 0.2 83 Esteves, Tomás 18 D/WB R FCP 3.4 0.3 77 Scott, Jack 17 D/WB R Wolves 0.7 0.04 82 Pinheiro, Rodrigo 17 D/WB R FCP 1.2 0.01 80 Cruz, Filipe 18 D/WB/AM R SLB 1.6 0.01 86 Aarons, Max 20 D/WB R Norwich 18 14.9 82 Gusto, Malo 17 D/WB R, M C OL 0.5 0.04 81 Kalulu, Pierre 20 D/WB R Milan 16 0.1 75 Livramento, Valentino 17 D/WB/AM R Chelsea 1.2 0.1 81 Laird, Ethan 18 D/WB RL Man Utd 4 4.3 80 Joseda 18 D RC Valencia 2.4 0.1 79 Beyer, Louis 20 D RC Gladbach 4.1 1.1 76 Porro, Pedro 20 D/WB R, AM RC Man City 30 14.2 80 Hoever, Ki-Jana 18 D RC Wolves 12 0.2 81 Vagnoman, Josha 19 D/WB RL Hamburger SV 7 0.3 81 Víctor Gómez 20 D/WB R Espanyol 5.6 0.3 80 Dest, Sergiño 19 D/WB RL, M R Barcelona 25.2 10 75 Lamptey, Tariq 19 D/WB RL, M R Brighton 5 15.9 79 Jurado, Marc 16 D R Man Utd 0.1 0.02 78 Casas, Ismael 19 D RC Málaga 1.8 0.2 79 Bogle, Jayden 20 D/WB R Sheff Utd 20 4.8 86 James, Reece 20 D/WB R, M C Chelsea 60 25.6 78 Williams, Neco 19 D/WB R Liverpool 8 1.8 77 Frimpong, Jeremie 19 D/WB RL Celtic 8 4.3 82 Zappa, Gabriele 20 D/WB/M R Pescara 5.3 2
  FM21 Wonderkids Defansif Ortasaha Oyuncuları
R Soyadı, Adı Yaş Pozisyon Kulüp Maaş (K) Piyasa Değeri (M) Uyruk 83 Gustavo Assunção 20 DM Famalicão 2 3.7 82 Rovella, Nicolò 18 DM Genoa 0.2 0.7 82 Ugarte, Manuel 19 DM Fénix 1.6 1.2 79 Brito, Rafael 18 D C, DM SLB 2.7 0.1 83 Kana, Marco 17 D C, DM Anderlecht 4.5 0.1 79 Duvnjak, Tomislav 17 DM Dinamo 0.2 0.01 78 Clarkson, Leighton 18 DM Liverpool 0.7 0.04 78 Diakité, Ousmane 20 DM FC RB Salzburg 0.7 0.3 78 Krastev, Dimo 17 DM Fiorentina 0.2 0.05 78 Viviani, Mattia 19 DM Chievo 3.2 0.7 86 Luís, Florentino 20 DM SLB 16.8 6.7 79 Reis, Ludovit 20 DM Barcelona 6.1 0.1 87 Tonali, Sandro 20 DM Brescia 38.3 10.4 78 Victor Bobsin 20 DM GRE 1 0.1 80 Lütke-Frie, Dennis 17 DM Borussia Dortmund 0.06 0.01 78 Bruno Gomes 19 DM VDG 2.6 0.6 75 Gragera, José 20 DM S. Gijón 2.3 0.1 76 Djokanovic, Andrej 19 DM Sarajevo 0.1 0.001 78 Esposito, Salvatore 19 DM SPAL 5.2 1.1 78 Mendy, Batista 20 DM FC Nantes 4.2 0.5 78 Morante, Iván 19 DM R. Madrid 0.5 0.02 81 Tijani, Samson 18 D C, DM FC RB Ralzburg 2.2 0.1 79 Kenneh, Nohan 17 D C, DM Leeds 0.5 0.2 79 Massengo, Han-Noah 19 DM Bristol City 5 0.4 79 Diego Rosa 17 DM GRE 0.6 0.04 79 Sandry 17 DM SAN 2.8 0.6 77 Lavia, Roméo 16 DM Man City 0.1 0.1 77 Vencedor, Unai 19 DM A. Bilbao 4.3 0.1 80 Ghion, Andrea 20 DM Sassuolo 2.6 0.1 83 Vera, Fausto 20 DM Argentinos Jrs. 3.2 1.7 77 Doucouré, Cheick 20 DM RC Lens 2.4 0.6 79 Faticanti, Giacomo 15 DM Roma 0.2 0.001 80 Chotard, Joris 18 DM Montpellier 4.8 0.7 79 Orellana, Jandro 19 DM Barcelona 3.9 0.1 78 Umyarov, Nail 20 DM Spartak Moscow 14.5 0.4 83 Skipp, Oliver 19 DM Tottenham 25 7.5 76 Pizzuto, Eugenio 18 DM LOSC 0.9 0.1 83 Kamara, Boubacar 20 D C, DM OM 46.2 9.2 80 Krauß, Tom 19 DM RB Leipzig 3.1 0.12 78 Stiller, Angelo 19 DM FC Bayern 0.8 0.28
  FM21 Wonderkids Ortasaha Oyuncuları
R Soyadı, Adı Yaş Pozisyon Kulüp Maaş (K) Piyasa Değeri (M) Uyruk 79 Bertelli, Ugo 17 M C OM 1.8 0.03 84 Baró, Romário 20 M C FCP 3.4 1.5 78 Jóhannesson, Ísak Bergmann 17 D/WB L, AM RLC IFK Norrköping 1.4 0.2 87 Gravenberch, Ryan 18 DM, AM LC Ajax 2.9 1.6 80 Ponceau, Julien 19 AM C FC Lorient 1.7 0.3 81 Taylor, Kenneth 18 D C, DM, M RLC Ajax 1.3 0.4 76 Lozano, Pol 20 DM Espanyol 1.6 0.1 82 Gyabuaa, Emmanuel 18 DM Atalanta 0.5 0.08 88 Ilaix Moriba 17 DM, AM C Barcelona 11.5 0.1 77 Tchouameni, Aurélien 20 M C AS Monaco 11.5 0.7 86 Dwomoh, Pierre 16 AM RC, F C KRC Genk 0.05 0.1 85 Gómez, Sergio 19 AM RLC Borussia Dortmund 14 0.8 79 Sibley, Louie 18 AM C Derby 6 2.1 81 Simons, Xavi 17 DM Paris SG 0.5 0.04 78 Ricci, Samuele 18 DM Empoli 5.2 1.2 77 Almeida, André 20 AM C Vit. Guimarães 1.6 0.3 79 Kitolano, Joshua 18 M C Odd 1 0.7 79 Proper, Dirk 18 AM C N.E.C. 0.9 0.09 80 Palaversa, Ante 20 DM, M LC Man City 15 1.8 80 Theo 18 AM C R. Madrid 1.2 0.03 78 Prioste, Diogo 16 M C SLB 0.06 0.001 76 Lepenant, Johann 17 M C SM Caen 0.4 0.02 79 Tejón, Martín 16 AM RLC Valencia 0.8 0.03 82 Sousa, Vasco 17 AM C FCP 1.3 0.007 83 Fitz-Jim, Kian 17 AM LC Ajax 0.1 0.03 78 Fagioli, Nicolò 19 DM, AM C Zebre 2.1 0.09 85 Gavi 15 AM C Barcelona 0.06 0.04 79 Lucas Ramos 19 M C INT 0.1 0.007 82 Gibbs-White, Morgan 20 AM C Wolves 15 6.8 84 Hannibal 17 AM C Man Utd 5 0.2 76 Gutiérrez, Ismael 19 DM A. Madrid 4.6 0.1 82 Shackleton, Jamie 20 M C Leeds 1.7 5.5 82 Alcaraz, Carlos 17 AM RC Racing Club 0.5 0.7 80 Tagseth, Edvard 19 DM, AM LC Rosenborg 2 0.02 78 Baldursson, Andri Fannar 18 AM C Bologna 4.3 0.1 79 Barrenechea, Enzo 19 DM Zebre 1.9 0.08 81 Monchu 20 DM Barcelona 3.9 0.1 83 Blanco, Antonio 20 DM R. Madrid 4.6 0.1 84 Koba Lein 18 M C Valencia 3.2 0.1 80 Longstaff, Matty 20 DM, AM C Newcastle 25 8.6 82 Cajuste, Jens 20 D/WB R, DM, M RC FC Midtjylland 4.6 0.3 84 Puig, Riqui 20 AM C Barcelona 5.9 2.8 88 Ferreira, Vítor 20 DM FCP 2 1 80 Palumbo, Martin 18 AM C Udinese 0.2 0.2 81 Patino, Charlie 16 DM Arsenal 0.1 0.06 78 Bulat, Marko 18 DM, AM C Sibenik 0.1 0.04 87 Cuisance, Mickaël 20 DM, AM C FC Bayern 43.9 2.3 82 Vranckx, Aster 17 DM, AM C KV Mechelen 2.2 0.5 84 Stamenic, Marko 18 DM, AM C FC København 1.2 0.005 78 White, Harvey 18 DM Tottenham 1.5 0.5 81 Sucic, Luka 17 AM C FC RB Salzburg 1.3 0.1 81 Kapi, Mustafa 17 AM C LOSC 0.5 0.02 79 Ilic, Ivan 19 DM, AM C Man City 5 1.8 78 Portanova, Manolo 20 AM C Zebre 3.3 0.1 78 Caio Lopes 19 DM VDG 0.7 0.05 77 Camara, Mohamed 20 M C FC RB Salzburg 2.7 0.3 79 Brescianini, Marco 20 DM Milan 4.4 0.2 79 Henderson, Ewan 20 AM RLC Celtic 1.5 0.04 80 Nartey, Nikolas 20 DM, AM C VfB Stuttgart 4.1 0.1 81 Utkin, Daniil 20 AM C Krasnodar 14.6 0.4 81 Patrick de Paula 20 DM SEP 6.9 2.3 76 Jimenez, Mylian 17 M C PSV 0.2 0.03 79 Baturina, Martin 17 AM C Dinamo 0.1 0.006 84 Adli, Yacine 19 AM RC Bordeaux 16.8 2.5 80 Perrone, Máximo 17 DM Vélez 1.2 0.4 79 Garner, James 19 DM Man Utd 10 6.4 82 Willock, Joe 20 M C Arsenal 40 15.9 82 Alastuey, Jorge 17 DM, AM C Barcelona 1 0.05 79 Matazo, Eliot 18 DM, M RC AS Monaco 0.8 0.08 78 Jaloliddinov, Jasurbek 18 AM RC Lokomotiv Moscow 2 0.04 77 Harper, Rekeem 20 DM, AM C West Brom 10 4.8 79 Galbraith, Ethan 19 M C Man Utd 10 0.3 82 Agoume, Lucien 18 DM, AM C Inter 7.1 0.1 78 Alemañ, Pedro 18 AM C Valencia 2.4 0.1 79 Doyle, Tommy 18 DM Man City 10 0.5 80 Neto, Martim 17 M RC SLB 1.3 0.007 81 Bernardo, Paulo 18 AM C SLB 1.8 0.09 81 Riccardi, Alessio 19 AM C Roma 16.2 0.2 82 Sancet, Oihan 20 AM C A. Bilbao 8.6 1 80 Dabo, Abdoulaye 19 M RC FC Nantes 3 0.3 83 Gabriel Menino 19 D/WB R, D SEP 9.3 3.1 73 Dele-Bashiru, Tom 20 DM Watford 5 0.2 80 Lucas Martello 20 DM, AM C Verona 2.4 0.1 86 De Ketelaere, Charles 19 AM LC Club Brugge 7.7 1.1 78 Kozlowski, Kacper 16 AM C Pogon 0.06 0.006 81 Chukwuemeka, Carney 16 AM C Aston Villa 0.1 0.01 80 Blesa, Álex 18 AM C Levante 1.4 0.05 82 Gilmour, Billy 19 AM C Chelsea 7.5 2.1 83 Aouchiche, Adil 18 AM C AS Saint-Etienne 16.8 0.3 81 N'Guessan, Jean 17 M C RC Abidjan 0.1 0.1 79 Mijnans, Sven 20 AM C Sparta 0.8 0.1 84 Marcos Antonio 20 DM Shakhtar 6.9 2.2 77 Ayala, David 18 DM Estudiantes (LP) 1.8 0.7 78 Regeer, Youri 16 D C, DM, AM C Ajax 0.1 0.1 81 Caicedo, Moisés 18 DM Independiente del Valle 0.8 0.09 79 Kökçü, Orkun 19 AM C Feyenoord 6.1 1.1 86 Elmas, Eljif 20 AM C Napoli 40 7.5 78 Karbownik, Michal 19 D RL, DM Brighton 2 0.3 82 Nico 18 DM Barcelona 1.1 0.1 76 Webster, Charlie 16 M C Chelsea 0.1 0.01 79 Gyabi, Darko 16 AM C Man City 0.1 0.01 84 Caqueret, Maxence 20 DM, AM C OL 17.5 3.6 78 Rhein, Torben 17 DM, AM C FC Bayern 0.7 0.04 85 Bellingham, Jude 17 AM RLC Borussia Dortmund 0.06 1.1 75 Jankewitz, Alexandre 18 DM, AM C Southampton 1 0.1 84 Musah, Yunus 17 AM RC Valencia 9.9 1.2 79 Bate, Lewis 17 DM Chelsea 0.6 0.1 76 Uriarte, Kepa 18 M C A. Bilbao 1.1 0.03 76 Enríquez, Ramón 19 DM, AM C Málaga 3.5 0.2 84 Szoboszlai, Dominik 19 AM LC FC RB Salzburg 4.3 5.8 80 Raskin, Nicolas 19 DM Standard 2.2 2.6 81 Kartsev, Eden 20 DM, AM C Maccabi Tel-Aviv 0.2 0.1 79 Rønningen Jørgensen, Filip 18 DM Odd 0.7 0.7 80 Arnstad, Kristian 16 M C Anderlecht 1.6 0.02 78 Neto 17 D/WB R, D AT 0.09 0.001 81 Campbell, Chem 17 AM C Wolves 0.6 0.03 81 Ugochukwu, Lesley 16 M C Rennes 0.5 0.02 91 Camavinga, Eduardo 17 DM Rennes 18.9 6.5 78 El Jebari, Salim 16 AM C A. Madrid 0.3 0.01 77 Bondo, Warren 16 M C Nancy 0.4 0.01 89 Pipi 16 AM C R. Madrid 1.2 0.03 78 Boudaoui, Hicham 20 M C OGC Nice 9.7 1.5 81 Goudmijn, Kenzo 18 DM, AM C AZ 0.8 0.1 80 Nicolussi Caviglia, Hans 20 AM RC Zebre 7.9 0.4 81 Essahel, Amine 17 AM C Academie Mohammed VI 0 0.06 81 Onana, Amadou 18 DM Hamburger SV 3.5 0.06 81 Bogusz, Mateusz 18 AM C Logrones 10 2.1 80 Gallagher, Conor 20 AM C Chelsea 15 7 81 Jenkins, Jack 18 DM Leeds 0.8 0.37 75 Kvaratskhelia, Khvicha 20 D R, DM Dinamo Tb. 1.4 0.33
  FM21 Wonderkids Sol Ortasaha Oyuncuları
R Soyadı, Adı Yaş Pozisyon Kulüp Maaş (K) Piyasa Değeri (M) Uyruk 91 Sancho, Jadon 20 AM RL Borussia Dortmund 105 33.1 89 Jones, Curtis 19 AM RLC Liverpool 20 7.3 79 Mudryk, Mykhaylo 19 AM RLC Shakhtar 1.8 0.3 75 Braaf, Jayden 17 AM RL Man City 7.5 5 81 Bynoe-Gittens, Jamie 15 AM RL Borussia Dortmund 0.06 0.01 86 Shoretire, Shola 16 AM RLC Man Utd 0.1 0.09 84 Laínez, Diego 20 AM RL Real Hispalis 7.3 0.9 76 Diallo, Amadou 17 AM RLC, F C West Ham 0.1 0.04 83 Zeballos, Exequiel 18 AM RL, ST Boca 1.3 0.4 83 Talles Magno 18 AM RLC, F C VDG 6.3 2.4 79 Sessegnon, Ryan 20 D/WB/AM L Tottenham 55 19.3 83 Paulinho 20 AM RLC Bayer 04 26.3 1.3 81 Cuéllar, Jaume 18 AM LC, F C SPAL 0.2 0.2 85 Martinelli, Gabriel 19 AM RLC, F C Arsenal 35 19.3 79 Okafor, Noah 20 AM RL FC RB Salzburg 4.9 2.3 84 Conceição, Francisco 17 AM RL FCP 1.6 0.03 78 Azarkan, Marouan 18 AM RL Feyenoord 1.2 0.3 78 Cangiano, Gianmarco 18 AM RL Bologna 0.2 0.2 79 Marin, Antonio 19 AM L Dinamo 4.3 0.4 75 Elanga, Anthony 18 AM RL Man Utd 1 0.2 86 Hauge, Jens Petter 20 AM RL Milan 26.7 4.4 83 Doku, Jérémy 18 AM RL, ST Rennes 13.7 1 77 Daal, Ro-Zangelo 16 AM RLC, F C AZ 0.09 0.07 78 Weah, Timothy 20 AM RLC, F C LOSC 14.7 2.6 79 Valera, Germán 18 AM L, ST A. Madrid 0.4 0.01 82 Kadioglu, Ferdi 20 AM RLC Fenerbahçe 10.3 3.5 79 Colley, Ebrima 20 AM LC, F C Atalanta 8.6 0.7 81 D'Amico, Felice 19 AM LC, F C Sampdoria 3.3 0.1 83 Poku, Ernest 16 AM RL, ST AZ 0.09 0.06 79 Mambimbi, Felix 19 AM RLC Young Boys 3.6 0.6 78 Vallejo, Hugo 20 AM RL, ST R. Madrid 1.6 0.06 82 Kvaratskhelia, Khvicha 19 AM RL Rubin 1.1 0.5 74 Jasper, Sylvester 18 AM RL Fulham 2.5 0.2 78 Urzi, Agustín 20 AM RL Banfield 3.2 1.8 83 Damsgaard, Mikkel 20 AM RLC, F C Sampdoria 3.2 1.7 83 Saka, Bukayo 18 WB L, AM RL Arsenal 30 25.9 84 Gouiri, Amine 20 AM L, ST OGC Nice 10.5 2.6 80 Da Cunha, Lucas 19 AM RL OGC Nice 1.7 0.1 76 Hlozek, Adam 18 AM RL, ST Sparta Prague 2.7 0.3 81 Pellegrini, Matías 20 AM L Inter Miami 11.6 2 83 Bryan Gil 19 AM RLC Sevilla 4.1 0.1 81 De la Fuente, Konrad 19 AM RL Barcelona 2.2 0.2 83 Antonisse, Jeremy 18 AM L, ST PSV 0.5 0.09 80 Servais, Mathis 15 AM RL Club Brugge 0.05 0.01 79 Sulemana, Kamaldeen 18 AM L FC Nordsjælland 1.1 0.1 89 Fati, Ansu 17 AM RL, ST Barcelona 10.6 21.2 77 Ceide, Emil 18 AM RL Rosenborg 1.6 0.6 83 Stevanovic, Filip 17 AM RLC Man City 10 2.2 79 Luís Henrique 18 AM RL, ST OM 14 0.7 80 Juwara, Musa 18 AM RL, ST Bologna 8.1 0.1 80 Marcos Paulo 19 AM LC FLU 2.7 1.2 83 De La Vega, Pedro 19 AM RL, ST Lanús 2.9 1.1 86 McNeil, Dwight 20 AM RL, ST Burnley 45 19.3 78 Rhuan 20 AM LC, F C BOT 0.8 0.09 79 Fernandes, Joelson 17 AM RL Sporting 5.2 0.2 80 Gabriel Veron 17 AM RL, ST SEP 1 0.1 85 Serrano, Nico 17 AM RL, ST A. Bilbao 1.4 0.06 78 Lewis-Potter, Keane 19 AM RLC, F C Hull 0.8 0.5 84 Aranda, Óscar 18 AM L, ST R. Madrid 0.5 0.01 86 Vinícius Júnior 20 AM L, ST R. Madrid 197 17.7 86 Cherki, Rayan 16 AM RLC, F C OL 8.7 0.2 79 van der Heide, Arjen 18 AM RL sc Heerenveen 0.7 0.1 79 Barrenetxea, Ander 18 AM RL Real San Sebastián 12.5 3.9 81 Arribas, Sergio 18 AM LC R. Madrid 1.6 0.06 86 Hudson-Odoi, Callum 19 AM RLC Chelsea 120 25.9 78 Araújo, Tiago 19 D/WB L, AM RL SLB 2.5 0.2 80 Baiaram, Stefan 17 AM RL U Craiova 1 0.08 72 Iling, Samuel 16 D/WB L, AM RL Zebre 0.2 0.03 74 Jakobs, Ismail 20 WB L/AM L 1. FC Koln 13.2 2.7 84 Velasco, Alan 18 AM RLC, F C Independiente 2.4 0.7
  FM21 Wonderkids Sağ Ortasaha Oyuncuları
R Soyadı, Adı Yaş Pozisyon Kulüp Maaş (K) Piyasa Değeri (M) Uyruk 85 Vignato, Emanuel 19 AM RC Bologna 9.7 0.7 84 Neto, Pedro 20 AM RL, ST Wolves 40 10.3 87 Trincão, Francisco 20 AM RL Barcelona 20.2 6.5 79 Álvarez, Julián 20 AM RLC, F C River 3.7 1.3 82 Marshall-Rutty, Jahkeele 16 AM RL Toronto FC 0.9 0.1 85 Sávio 16 AM RL, ST ATM 0.7 0.06 83 Pellistri, Facundo 18 AM R, ST Man Utd 25 5 77 Rodríguez, Benjamín 17 AM RL, ST Defensor Sporting 0.09 0.03 79 Lihadji, Isaac 18 AM RC LOSC 1.1 0.1 80 Plata, Gonzalo 19 AM RLC Sporting 7.7 1 81 Tete 20 AM R Shakhtar 6.9 2.4 77 Ndoye, Dan 19 AM RL, ST OGC Nice 4.2 0.5 80 Renyer 17 AM R SAN 0.04 0.05 78 Rodríguez, Alan 20 AM R Defensor Sporting 0.2 0.2 85 Torres, Ferran 20 AM RL Man City 60 30.1 81 Róber 19 AM RL Real Hispalis 3.2 0.1 81 Skov Olsen, Andreas 20 AM R Bologna 26 1.6 83 Akhomach, Ilias 16 AM RLC, F C Barcelona 0.7 0.06 84 Diallo, Amad 18 AM RL, ST Atalanta 4.6 0.2 80 Tramoni, Lisandru 17 AM RL Cagliari 0.7 0.05 82 Olivera, Cristian 18 AM R, ST Almería 2.7 0.2 77 Chong, Tahith 20 AM RL, ST Man Utd 48 7.9 78 Clarke, Jack 19 AM RL Tottenham 25 2.2 82 Oddei, Brian 17 AM R, ST Sassuolo 0.2 0.1 75 Canela 20 AM RL Nova Iguaçu 0.7 0.02 78 Madueke, Noni 18 AM RLC PSV 1.2 0.3 78 Gomes, Luís 16 AM RL Sporting 0.06 0.001 79 Hartmann, Fabrice 19 AM RL, ST RB Leipzig 1.3 0.05 81 Hasic, Ajdin 18 AM RC Besiktas 7.3 0.2 78 Rodríguez, Brian 20 AM RLC LAFC 15.5 3.6 80 Mbeumo, Bryan 20 AM RL, ST Brentford 20 5.7 89 Rodrygo 19 AM RL, ST R. Madrid 112 6 80 Tsitaishvili, Georgiy 19 AM RLC Dynamo Kyiv 2.6 0.4 79 Bajamich, Mateo 20 AM R, ST Houston 6.2 1.3 85 Elliott, Harvey 17 AM RL, ST Liverpool 12 5 84 Pino, Yéremi 17 AM RLC, F C Villarreal 3.2 0.1 76 Bamba, Mory 18 AM RL Roma 0.2 0.02 78 Llario, Carles 18 AM R, ST R. Madrid 0.3 0.009 83 Moro, Raúl 17 AM RC, F C Lazio 0.2 0.1 79 Matondo, Rabbi 19 AM RL Schalke 04 17.5 1.3 84 Nelson, Reiss 20 AM RL Arsenal 40 19.3 82 Artola, Juan 20 AM RL A. Bilbao 3.3 0.1 78 Gómez, Fran 18 AM RLC Córdoba 1.2 0.07 78 Fran Pérez 17 AM R Valencia 2.4 0.1 81 González, Hugo 17 AM RL Valencia 1.4 0.06 76 Persyn, Tibo 18 D/WB/AM R Inter 1.3 0.06 79 Correia, Félix 19 AM RLC Zebre 2.8 0.1 77 Blanco, Fabio 16 AM R Valencia 1.2 0.04 77 Ritchie-Hosler, Kane 17 AM R, ST Rangers 0.03 0.009 77 Aboukhlal, Zakaria 20 AM RL, ST AZ 2.3 1.2 77 Musaba, Anthony 19 AM RL AS Monaco 4.8 0.6 80 Tavares, Bruno 18 AM RL Sporting 2.7 0.07 80 Dembélé, Karamoko 17 AM R Celtic 0.8 1 79 Garré, Benjamín 20 AM RL Racing Club 2 0.7 78 Zito 18 AM RL Cagliari 7 0.6 78 Bobb, Oscar 17 AM RL Man City 0.1 0.04 77 Evjen, Håkon 20 AM RLC AZ 2 1.7 78 Oehlers, Aurelio 16 AM RL, ST FC Utrecht 0.09 0.04 75 Marvin 20 AM R R. Madrid 1.6 0.06 77 Dacal, Sergio 16 AM R S. Gijón 0.4 0.03 80 Efekele, Malamine 16 AM RL AS Monaco 0.06 0.03 87 Antony 20 AM RC, F C Ajax 13.7 6.8 78 Bayrakdar, Gokdeniz 18 AM RL Antalyaspor 1.5 1.1 79 Borges, Goncalo 19 AM RL FCP 1.6 0.13 77 Carvalho, Fábio 17 AM RC, F C Fulham 0.6 0.23 80 Gomes, Rodrigo 17 AM RL Braga 0.06 0.03 78 Gunther, Lasse 17 AM RL, ST FC Bayern 0.06 0.07 78 Harib Abdalla 17 AM R Shabab Al-Ahli 14.2 0.13 81 Kaminski, Jakub 18 WB R, AM RL Lech 0.4 0.09 81 Knight, Ben 18 AM RC Man City 5 0.1 89 Kulusevski, Dejan 20 AM RC Zebre 81.2 23.5 78 Sane, Sidi 17 AM RL Schalke 04 0.06 0.1 78 Sanyang, Mamin 17 D/WB/AM R FC Bayern 0.06 0.12
  FM21 Wonderkids Ofansif Ortasaha Oyuncuları
R Soyadı, Adı Yaş Pozisyon Kulüp Maaş (K) Piyasa Değeri (M) Uyruk 83 Roberto López 20 AM LC Real San Sebastián 8.3 1.1 79 Sousa, Afonso 20 AM LC Belenenses SAD 1.2 0.2 80 Taabouni, Mohamed 18 AM LC AZ 0.8 0.1 85 Demir, Yusuf 17 AM RC, F C SK Rapid Vienna 0.6 0.3 80 Hutchinson, Omari 16 AM RLC Arsenal 0.1 0.005 81 Bruno 17 AM C R. Madrid 0.5 0.01 80 Saranic, Ivan 17 AM RC Dinamo 0.1 0.01 81 Da Silva, Florent 17 AM C OL 0.5 0.05 80 Celi, Yuriel 18 AM LC Cantolao 0.9 0.05 81 Salas, Alejandro 17 AM C Valencia 1.4 0.05 81 Ihattaren, Mohamed 18 AM RLC PSV 4 3.5 90 Foden, Phil 20 AM RC Man City 30 34.5 77 Zarzana, Antonio 18 AM RLC Sevilla 0.4 0.01 77 Ait El Hadj, Anouar 18 AM RLC, F C Anderlecht 3.2 0.08 79 McAtee, James 17 AM/F C Man City 3 0.02 82 Lucas Lourenço 19 AM C SAN 2.8 0.6 78 Moyano, Antonio 20 AM C Córdoba 1.4 0.09 78 Palmer, Cole 18 AM LC Man City 5 0.3 75 Mbuku, Nathanaël 18 AM RC Reims 3 0.3 78 Sarmiento, Darío 17 AM LC Estudiantes (LP) 2.2 0.7 84 Gomes, Angel 19 AM RLC LOSC 20 7.9 80 Oristanio, Gaetano 17 AM C Inter 0.2 0.02 81 Rodríguez, Santiago 20 AM C Nacional 2.3 0.9 81 Zapelli, Bruno 18 AM C Belgrano 1.5 0.4 85 Baeza, Miguel 20 AM RLC Vigo 2.7 0.1 79 Hansen-Aarøen, Isak 15 AM C Man Utd 0.1 0.07 81 João Neto 17 AM C Famalicão 0.6 0.003 84 David, Jonathan 20 AM RLC, F C LOSC 31.9 7.9 78 Velebhayi, Asanele 17 AM C Cape Town Spurs 0.4 0.01 84 Palacios, Matías 18 AM C San Lorenzo 2.9 0.7 82 Samardzic, Lazar 18 AM LC RB Leipzig 3.6 0.4 78 Salcin, Djani 20 AM C Sarajevo 0.1 0.001 76 Vale, Harvey 16 AM RLC, F C Chelsea 0.1 0.02 79 Alesi, Gabriele 16 AM C Milan 0.2 0.003 77 Peart-Harris, Myles 17 AM C Chelsea 1 0.1 78 Maurício 19 AM C INT 0.4 0.3 80 Ruiz, Marcel 19 AM RC Tijuana 4.6 0.1 85 Díaz, Brahim 20 AM RLC R. Madrid 124 6.5 79 Palacios, Tiago 19 AM C Platense 0.8 0.3 86 Kubo, Takefusa 19 AM/F C R. Madrid 38.3 4.5 78 Abouchabaka, Elias 20 AM RLC Vit. Guimarães 2.7 0.1 75 Loader, Danny 19 AM RLC, F C FCP 18.2 0.2 77 Gharbi, Ismaël 16 AM C Paris SG 0.06 0.04 78 Miguel Silveira 17 AM RC FLU 0.6 0.05 76 Karabec, Adam 17 AM C Sparta Prague 0.2 0.03 79 Baena, Álex 19 AM RLC Villarreal 4.4 0.1 78 Larrubia, David 18 AM RLC Málaga 2.7 0.2 81 Félix, Hugo 16 AM C SLB 0.06 0.001 77 Guiagon, Parfait 19 AM RLC Maccabi Tel-Aviv 2.5 0.1 77 Goti, Mikel 18 AM LC A. Bilbao 1.2 0.04 79 Olise, Michael 18 AM LC Reading 2.5 2.9 84 Almada, Thiago 19 AM RLC, F C Vélez 4.4 2.2 81 Yankov, Dominik 20 AM C Ludogorets 1.4 0.09 90 Ünüvar, Naci 17 AM LC, F C Ajax 0.1 0.1 82 Morilla, Pelayo 19 AM LC S. Gijón 1.4 0.1 78 Mochrie, Chris 17 AM LC Dundee Utd 0.6 0.01 78 Wirtz, Florian 17 AM C Bayer 04 1.3 0.05 79 Holm, Odin Thiago 17 AM C Vålerenga 0.4 0.007 78 Melamed, Nico 19 AM/F C Espanyol 3.3 0.3 92 Pedri 17 AM RLC Barcelona 22.7 7.6 83 Nascimento, Diogo 17 AM C SLB 2.5 0.01 91 Félix, João 20 AM RLC, F C A. Madrid 164 37.4 79 Camará, Ronaldo 17 AM C SLB 2.7 0.1 79 Sousa, Bernardo 20 AM C Sporting 2 0.04 86 Reinier 18 AM C R. Madrid 9.2 1.1 78 Maldini, Daniel 18 AM RLC Milan 10.6 0.2 79 Kudus, Mohammed 19 AM C Ajax 5.1 4.6 78 Álex Cardero 17 AM C Oviedo 0.4 0.02 79 Navarro, Robert 18 AM RLC Real San Sebastián 1.4 0.06 79 Anjorin, Faustino 18 AM C Chelsea 12.5 0.5 80 Balagizi, James 16 AM/F C Liverpool 0.1 0.02 77 Aaronson, Brenden 19 AM C Philadelphia 1.4 1.3 81 Verschaeren, Yari 19 AM RLC Anderlecht 5.9 0.2 83 Tongya, Franco 18 AM RC Zebre 0.2 0.1 77 Rodri 20 AM C Real Hispalis 0.4 0.01 81 McNeill, Charlie 16 AM/F C Man Utd 0.1 0.02 80 Smallbone, Will 20 AM C Southampton 10 0.3 79 Smith Rowe, Emile 20 AM RLC Arsenal 10 12.9 85 Vieira, Fábio 20 AM LC FCP 4.6 1.6 79 Campaz, Jaminton 20 AM LC Deportes Tolima 4.7 0.5 78 Ouattara, Brahima 17 AM C RC Abidjan 0.1 0.1 83 Traoré, Hamed Junior 20 AM C Empoli 17.7 4.6 81 Nikolic, Veljko 20 AM C Red Star 0.8 0.1 80 Gelabert, César 19 AM RLC R. Madrid 3.3 0.1 76 Chakvetadze, Giorgi 20 AM LC AA Gent 11.4 0.8 78 Ivonei 18 AM C SAN 0.9 0.08 79 Baumgartner, Christoph 20 AM/F C Hoffenheim 7.7 0.8 81 Peglow 18 AM/F C INT 2.7 0.07 76 Ramsey, Aaron 17 AM C Aston Villa 0.1 0.02 80 Oroz, Aimar 18 AM LC Atlético Pamplona 0.3 0.01 82 Beyaz, Ömer 16 AM C Fenerbahçe 0.2 0.1 80 Millot, Enzo 18 AM RLC AS Monaco 6.6 0.1 78 Cubelic, Ivan 17 AM C Hajduk 0 0.007 78 Nygren, Benjamin 19 AM RLC, F C KRC Genk 6.8 0.5 83 Lee, Kang-In 19 AM RLC Valencia 18.9 6 80 Sforza, Juan 18 AM C Newell's 1.6 0.6 76 Brazão, Pedro 17 AM RC OGC Nice 0.5 0.02 78 Gboho, Yann 19 AM LC, F C Rennes 3.2 0.3 86 Reyna, Giovanni 17 AM LC Borussia Dortmund 15.3 1 81 Diop, Sofiane 20 AM RLC AS Monaco 6.1 1.6 77 Egloff, Lilian 17 AM RLC VfB Stuttgart 1 0.15 86 Ince, Burak 16 AM C Altinordu 0.1 0.34 82 Sieb, Armindo 17 AM/F C FC Bayern 0.06 0.13 77 Wening, Marcel 16 AM RLC FC Bayern 0.06 0.09
  FM21 Wonderkids Forvet Oyuncuları
R Soyadı, Adı Yaş Pozisyon Kulüp Maaş (K) Piyasa Değeri (M) Uyruk 90 Greenwood, Mason 18 AM R, ST Man Utd 25 30.1 84 Boadu, Myron 19 AM RL, ST AZ 9.3 7.7 87 Esposito, Sebastiano 18 ST Inter 3.2 0.5 83 Marcos Leonardo 17 AM L, ST SAN 0.3 0.2 86 Evanilson 20 AM L, ST FCP 18.1 5.5 82 Resende, João 17 ST SLB 1.3 0.007 78 Hlongwane, Bongokuhle 20 ST Maritzburg Utd 0.9 0.03 83 Salcedo, Eddie 18 AM LC, F C Inter 5.6 1.2 79 Postema, Romano 18 ST FC Groningen 1 0.2 84 Kaio Jorge 18 ST SAN 2.5 1.2 80 Cassidy, Ryan 19 ST Watford 0.7 0.1 79 Gutiérrez, Juan Manuel 18 ST Almería 2.7 0.2 80 Escobar, Jordi 18 AM L, ST Almería 17.5 0.1 76 Reischl, Luka 16 ST FC RB Salzburg 0.06 0.001 85 Carbonell, Luis 17 ST Zaragoza 0.3 0.01 81 Joveljic, Dejan 20 ST Eintracht Frankfurt 17.5 0.9 78 Kean, Moise 20 AM RL, ST Everton 50 9.1 81 Williams, Nico 18 ST A. Bilbao 1.2 0.04 78 Burkardt, Jonathan 20 AM RL, ST Mainz 05 4.1 0.6 80 Gomes, Lucas 17 ST FCP 1.3 0.003 83 Arezo, Matías 17 ST River Plate de Montevideo 0.8 1 76 Rossi, Leonardo 16 ST Milan 0.2 0.002 77 Vinícius Popó 19 ST CEC 0.3 0.04 78 Ovando, Lautaro 17 ST Argentinos Jrs. 1.8 0.8 79 Barisic, Bartol 17 ST Dinamo 0.2 0.01 80 Barasi, Yusuf 17 AM L, ST AZ 0.4 0.07 82 Gelhardt, Joe 18 AM/F C Leeds 5 0.4 84 Lázaro 18 AM LC, F C FLA 1.6 0.03 82 Lochereau-Pho, Yad 16 ST OL 0.06 0.05 78 Mollejo, Víctor 19 AM RL, ST A. Madrid 5.9 0.2 80 Sala 17 ST R. Madrid 0.5 0.01 83 Delap, Liam 17 ST Man City 5 0.3 77 Morton, Callum 20 AM L, ST West Brom 2 0.5 85 Silva, Fábio 18 ST Wolves 35 2.2 84 Brenner 20 ST SPO 4.5 1.2 84 João Pedro 18 AM RL, ST Watford 20 6.2 78 Kavanagh, Calum 16 AM LC, F C Middlesbrough 0.1 0.006 81 Badji, Youssouph 18 ST Club Brugge 2.7 2.6 84 Macías, José Juan 20 AM L, ST Chivas 10.4 0.5 80 Arp, Fiete 20 ST FC Bayern 87.8 0.4 85 Vlahovic, Dušan 20 ST Fiorentina 26 4.8 81 Akman, Ali 18 ST Bursaspor 0.2 2.7 80 García, Andrés 17 ST Valencia 1.4 0.05 76 Yuri Alberto 19 AM R, ST INT 6.3 0.2 77 Soonsup-Bell, Jude 16 ST Chelsea 0.1 0.01 78 Niño, Fernando 19 ST Villarreal 4.9 0.1 81 Garcés, Borja 20 ST A. Madrid 3.6 0.1 78 Rutter, Georginio 18 ST Rennes 0.5 0.05 76 Ovelar, Fernando 16 ST Cerro Porteño 0.06 0.2 81 Campana, Leonardo 20 ST Wolves 15 0.5 80 von Moos, Julian 19 AM RL, ST Basel 1.2 0.2 77 Glatzel, Paul 19 AM RLC, F C Liverpool 3 0.05 78 Koïta, Sékou 20 ST FC RB Salzburg 4.3 0.4 79 Sikan, Danylo 19 AM R, ST Shakhtar 1.8 0.3 81 Camello, Sergio 19 ST A. Madrid 1.2 0.04 79 Millico, Vincenzo 19 AM LC, F C Torino 6.5 0.8 79 Ubani, Wisdom 17 ST Giant Brillars 0.09 0.04 84 Ramos, Gonçalo 19 AM/F C SLB 4.1 0.4 83 Pellegri, Pietro 19 ST AS Monaco 17.8 0.7 79 Scarlett, Dane 16 ST Tottenham 0.1 0.1 78 Daramy, Mohamed 18 AM L, ST FC København 2.4 0.1 79 Geubbels, Willem 18 AM RL, ST AS Monaco 23.1 0.2 77 Vassi 19 AM R, ST Arouca 1.3 0.05 84 Parrott, Troy 18 ST Tottenham 10 5 83 Raspadori, Giacomo 20 AM LC, F C Sassuolo 3.2 1.2 78 Flores, Marcelo 16 AM RLC, F C Arsenal 0.1 0.007 79 Campbell, Tyrese 20 AM R, ST Stoke 7 0.6 85 Gnonto, Wilfried 16 AM/F C Zürich 0.2 0.03 78 Stewart, Layton 17 ST Liverpool 0.7 0.01 78 Balogun, Folarin 19 AM R, ST Arsenal 2 0.3 83 Sargent, Josh 20 ST SV Werder 12.3 0.4 80 Ali, Mohanad 20 ST Al-Duhail 18.6 1.3 75 Obafemi, Michael 20 AM R, ST Southampton 10 2.2 78 Brobbey, Brian 18 AM L, ST Ajax 0.7 0.1 78 Emegha, Emanuel 17 ST Sparta 0.5 0.1 73 Niangbo, Anderson 20 AM RL, ST AA Gent 11.4 0.5 77 Satriano, Martín 19 ST Inter 0.7 0.03 81 Adeyemi, Karim 18 AM R, ST FC RB Salzburg 7 1 78 Hornby, Fraser 20 AM/F C Reims 7.3 0.1 80 Camara, Abdoul Karim 16 ST Hoffenheim 0.06 0.02 80 Colombo, Lorenzo 18 ST Milan 10.6 0.2 78 Wamangituka, Silas 20 ST VfB Stuttgart 10.5 2.9 82 Brewster, Rhian 20 ST Sheff Utd 42.5 8.5 87 Isak, Alexander 20 ST Real San Sebastián 15.9 5.5 77 Semenyo, Antoine 20 AM RL, ST Bristol City 2.5 0.2 81 Mulattieri, Samuele 19 AM/F C Inter 1.1 0.08 79 Tedic, Slobodan 20 ST Man City 15 0.4 80 Buitink, Thomas 20 AM RL, ST Vitesse 1.6 0.8 77 Traoré, Lassina 19 ST Ajax 4.1 0.6 77 John-Jules, Tyreece 19 AM RL, ST Arsenal 5 0.5 78 Kassem, Anis 15 ST Tishreen 0.09 0.001 77 Appiah, Arvin 19 AM RL, ST Almería 7.3 0.1 76 Junior Adamu 19 AM RLC, F C FC RB Salzburg 1.3 0.1 86 Zirkzee, Joshua 19 ST FC Bayern 14 1.1 90 Haaland, Erling 20 ST Borussia Dortmund 140 56.9 81 Hansen, Sontje 18 AM RLC, F C Ajax 3.6 0.1 82 Toure, Djibril 17 AM RLC, F C CEFOMIG 0 0.02 78 Breitenbucher, Nick 17 AM RL, ST Hoffenheim 0.03 0.13 82 Chermiti, Youssel 16 ST Sporting 0.06 0 81 el Moussaoui, Ilyas 16 ST Feyenoord 0.09 0.14 82 Lochereau-Pho, Yad 16 ST OL 0.06 0.12 86 Musiala, Jamal 17 AM RLC, F C FC Bayern 0.8 0.18 78 Odubeko, Ademipo 17 ST West Ham 4 0.06 77 Thielmann, Jan 17 AM RC, F C 1. FC Koln 2.6 2.5
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oflostinfound · 1 year
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ Nn.. ❞
The crystals are slow growing but that doesn't mean they don't hurt. Though mostly they're draining her energy, it's only a matter of days before they cover her completely.
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|| 💛 ||: ❝ Hang on. We'll figure this out. ❞
They have to find a cure, and fast.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 year
(Post Current Blog Event b/c ye)
Requesting an audience with the King, though she realized he considered her a friend of sorts, she would rather present this gift from her home world in a nicer way than just dropping it off like Hax would do with their treats.
Not to say the baked goods weren't, well, good, but his status of a King deserved a bit of that elegance and formality in her mind.
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Thus, once she is able to stand before him, she unwraps the large oblong object. A Gemstone, seemingly, that glows with a soft light and floats freely above her hands the moment she releases it from the silk cloth she'd borrowed (stolen) from a bolt of it her friend had stored away.
|| 🔷 ||: ❝ King Alexander of Xandora, might of the people, I would present you a gift from the realm of Alius Orbis. A Night Crystal, a star of my world, to light your home and future. ❞
She smiles, not able to help an excited giggle that breaks the formality, bouncing in place slightly on her toes,
|| 🔷 ||: ❝ One of them fell while we were back there, and I thought you'd like it. ❞
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Alexander's face lit up the moment he saw the small blue demon come through the golden doors. His posture immediately changed as soon as she arrived.
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"Oh Eath! What a pleasant surprise. You know you could of just visited normally my dear, you and Hax are well known and welcomed here, no need to request an audience." He hummed pleasantly.
However the moment she unveiled the egg-shaped object his eyes began to sparkle in wonder as he leaned forwards. Once she had finished presenting the gift, he gave a little clap, enjoying the eloquence of the speech.
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"My, Eath, what a lovely stone that is~"✨ He chirped, slipping off from his great chair to get a better look. "This would make such a stunning center piece for my study. How kind of you to bestow such a wonderful treasure to me, thank you dear~" He cooed.
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Breakthrough in Thermal Transport Could Enable Novel Cooling Strategies - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/breakthrough-in-thermal-transport-could-enable-novel-cooling-strategies-technology-org/
Breakthrough in Thermal Transport Could Enable Novel Cooling Strategies - Technology Org
Vanderbilt mechanical engineering professors Deyu Li and Josh Caldwell are part of a team of researchers who have discovered a new thermal heat dissipation channel using phonon polaritons that could have extensive implications for novel cooling technologies in devices like smartphones and other modern electronics.
Thermal conduction at the nanoscale, phonons – artistic interpretation. Image credit: Alius Noreika (created with DALL·E 3)
The research was recently published in Nature under the title, “Remarkable Heat Conduction Mediated by Non-equilibrium Phonon Polaritons.”
It is well known that electrons and atomic vibrations (phonons) are the major energy carriers in solids. Research teams from Vanderbilt University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) were surprised to find that surface phonon polaritons, hybrid quasi-particles resulting from coupling between infrared light and optically active phonons, could contribute significantly to heat conduction in thin films and nanowires of polar crystals.
Although surface phonon polaritons have been predicted to contribute to heat conduction in polar thin films and nanowires, there has been no direct and conclusive experimental evidence for this to date. The Vanderbilt research team was able to demonstrate clear thermal conductivity enhancements in SiC nanowires with and without metallic polariton launchers at the ends.
“The substantial heat transfer capabilities of these polaritons can be engineered into novel cooling strategies, which are critical for a wide variety of technologies from consumer electronics to efficient building environment control,” said Li. “This discovery may contribute to better living and efforts geared towards combating climate change.”
Caldwell said phonon polaritons are a key focus within infrared nanophotonics research, with many applications emerging.
“I was excited to see that they can also provide a new heat dissipation channel, opening additional areas of impact, for instance, ultrafast cooling in high-frequency and high-power electronic devices.” he said.
Source: Vanderbilt University
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yahargulian · 7 years
I was tagged by the fantastic @fuckitsharam to write my URL in song titles. Thank you so much for tagging me!! ❤❤
Baptism - Crystal Castles
Rob The Banker - Lyre le Temps
I Want You - Summer Camp
Telephone - Lady Gaga
All Men Are Pigs - Studio Killers
Nightcall - Kavinsky
Necessary Evil - Unknown Mortal Orchestra 
I’m Your Villain - Franz Ferdinand
Alphabet Boy - Melanie Martinez
Find Me (feat. Birdy) - Sigma
Overdone - Ludo
Rock It for Me - Caravan Palace
Kill V. Maim - Grimes
I tag @toomuchexposition, @alius-alia, @floralskelet0ns, @flux--and--flow, @eglantineprice, @fictionallyattractive, @tigermilk, @artistic-shell, @birdystrider, @llucielchoi, @boredbyreality, @corymichaelsmithofficial, and @destinyjoyhope to try this, if you guys want to! ❤
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oflostinfound · 7 months
🎭🌠 The Starlight Ball - Begins! 🌠🎭
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ Hello everyone! Welcome to the Autumn Ball- Or, as it has come to be named, the Starlight Ball! ❞
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ The first thing I would like to say is this-- Thank you. This ball is very important to me, to the people of my home realm of Alius Orbis.
It marks the end of the season, before the start of the next in which our crystalized stars, sun, and moon are all magically charged to help guide us through harsh winters. Celebrations like this help keep our spirits strong as we venture into the darkest part of the year. Knowing that by standing together we can keep each other safe, and light our way even through the toughest times. ❞
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ So again I thank you all for coming. I will be announcing guests as they arrive if they so wish and preparing the games for the Seven Royals of Starlight Competition!
Please, help yourself to the food, the drink, and the other amenities of the venue. All provided graciously by the Grand Duchess Agares- one of the 72 rulers of my realm. ❞
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ And may Starlight strengthen your Spirits! ❞
OOC: If muns would like to write a short drabble of how their muses arrive at the ball Please tag me if you want it reblogged I will reblog it here for visibility and tag it "starlight ball guests" so that other people can see who is present and start interacting with each other!
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oflostinfound · 7 months
@finncomet replied to your post ““Sorry I missed your party, Eath! I might’ve got...”:
"Aw maaan, I still feel bad. The Duchess herself invited me and I outright ghosted her... I hope she wasn't upset. But I'm fine, just got separated from my portal sword is all. Obviously I found it eventually! Everything's good now."
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ Portal Sword? I didn't know you had a portal sword. Spirits between I'm just glad you're alright. ❞
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ She was a bit worried that she scared you, but I'm sure when you tell her what happened she'll understand. I did save you some party cookies and a starlight charm! It's made from the same crystal that makes Alius Orbis' stars. ❞
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oflostinfound · 6 months
Hey Eath, did your realm have a special holiday for the winter seasons?
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ We have a holiday- I think it would best be called Winter's Flame in English. Candles, bonfires, and fireplaces are set alight for the day. Decorations representing fire adorn the houses of most every daemon, and we feast and celebrate making it halfway through the harshest months of our realm. ❞
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ It can get very cold and dark in Alius Orbis during the winter, there's isn't as much light in the human realm to reflect in our crystal sun, and the darkness is the cold's best friend. Of course it also depends on where you are... Some places stay warm no matter the season. But the Winter's flame is not just for the cold, its for the light, just in case the crystal sun doesn't make it to summer.
That.... hasn't happened since the early days of our realm, so we celebrate the Winter Flames for those who did have to go through such hardship. ❞
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ Though being as flammable as I am... it's a holiday where I have to be careful when I celebrate it. ❞
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