#and I wish their dynamic was more explored
jgracie · 1 day
REMINDER zeus cheating on hera is not only him disrespecting her as his wife but also disrespecting her as a goddess since she’s the goddess of marriage 😫
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oceanwithinsblog · 2 days
every day that passes we're getting closer and closer to the final episodes of doctor who s14 (or s1, whatever) (i'm also in denial WTH does it mean that this season is almost over ????)
so before i forget (and before the last two episodes drop) i NEED to vent a bit about this season. the following are just my personal opinions (which might change after watching the season finale), please bear with me ^^
first of all - i am so glad doctor who is back !!! i must admit that my doctor who drought lasted for around 5 months as i got introduced to the show back in late summer 2023 and did a speed run of all nuwho seasons between september and november 2023. i got super excited for the december specials !! and i was even more surprised and thrilled when i found out a new season of dw was premiering in may 2024 !! i know i've been lucky to wait for so little to get immersed in a new dw season but i truly, truly missed it and i enjoyed every episode of s14 <3 now i'm sad to think that this is about to end, but it felt so good to finally see the doctor back in action and to get through each week thinking that one of my favorite characters/storylines/universes was gonna be there for me on the weekend <3 i love dw so much <3
#2 idk about you but i fell so easily for ncuti as the doctor and millie as ruby/the companion TT they're both so good, i really appreciated their acting this season and i would also say that it's probably one the (few) things that positively shocked me this time around. i guess it was a bit unfair for me to think that ruby wasn't my cup of tea after watching just 'the church on ruby road' ep because she totally surprised me this season. she's so great! millie's acting is on point, so captivating and funny to watch throughout the show. i can't wait to find out more about her character fr! well, what's to say about ncuti as the doctor .. ohmy oh my .. i don't think i've ever seen a doctor so confident, so flirtatious, so proud in themselves .. ncuti's doctor exudes charisma and i'm so here for it. that's absolutely not to say that the doctor's worries, traums etc. magically disappear (they're still very present and influence their every move), but what i loved the most about his acting is that he goes all the way into it. fifteen may become one of my favorite doctors ngl (say hi to eleven and ten) and i am so looking forward to where they're gonna take us next <3
#3 as for writing, i feel that something's missing ... don't get me wrong, i love rtd's cool nice funny episodes and seeing the doctor face a range of diverse situations (even the most unthinkable ones, e.g. space babies) is just priceless.. but there's some kind of void in it, too. now that i think about it, maybe it's not the writing itself but the length of the season - having less than 10 episodes doesn't really give us much time and space to properly explore the dynamics between characters, strengthen their relationships and make them grow both individually and as a whole. besides, i admit that i'm a bit biased, but i loved (most of) moffat's writing for the seasons he was a showrunner of and i personally would love to see ncuti bringing to life more stories written by moffat (yes..i know he wrote 'boom' for s14). basically, i miss 'old' nuwho seasons of 18+ episodes where we could get even more affectionate to the characters and the adventures that defined their journey through the multiverse T___T
before i move on to my last point, may i also add (storyline-wise) that i wished the episodes were more interconnected with each other? not necessarily with the narration, even just with easter eggs ^^" idk maybe moffat got me used to have high expectations lol (i'm still eager to find out who the lady appearing in all episodes is !!!! may this dw finale give us all the answers we need)
#4 i would have never thought i would write this (mainly because i would have never thought there could come a time when these gadget weren't going to be used as much) BUT I DEARLY MISS THE TARDIS AND THE SCREWDRIVER WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM ?!?!?! i loved previous doctors goofing around with their sonic screwdrivers and running in the tardis allowing us (the audience) to find out more and more about the endless number of rooms in it ... why does it seem like fourteen doesn't love their tools ?? why don't they show them more throughout the season ?? this is like classic items that can't miss in the episodes so WERE IS THAT SILLY GOOFY STUFF ?? also, as much as i enjoy fourteen and ruby going on adventures in different time periods etc. why aren't they EVER showed inside the TARDIS travelling and waiting to get to their destination ?? i'm just very nostalgic (i took this very personally, i'm sorry i'm just angry at rtd)
well - i guess that's it! if you've read this far, thank you for reading me <3 let me know what you think about it and what you're expecting for the next couple episodes of s14 <3
ps. i'm very hopeful that rogue will be a recurring character <3
pps. ncuti gave the queers the most fruity doctor ever (no shade to all previous doctors, you've served and delivered and we love u immensiely) <33
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katzske · 4 hours
Thoughts on Earthspark Season 2 (first half)
Spoiler Free:
I must admit I’m dissatisfied.
The animation and rendering definitely looks cheaper. Sometimes it feels like frames are missing, animations not polished, scenes not fully rendered. 2d and 3d poorly blends. It’s quite noticeable unfortunately. Characters also do the TFP Megatron stare now.
That being said, time was taken to revisit old models of characters and give them a new appearance. (4 i’ve noticed) It makes sense given a lot has changed during one year time skip.
The writing often feels either like exposition dumping or naruto filler episodes. I was never at the edge of my seat even during the climax. I ended up skipping through episodes due to the lack of relevant plot information.
Something ES managed to maintain were carefully composed shots that make great still images. While that’s nice for screenshots and redraws, I also feel like it’s the only unique aspect of ES’ animation style that remained. The rest, as previously mentioned, has lost quality.
Character Details I’ve noticed and want to talk about (spoilers ahead)
half of season 2 part 1 is filler. optimus trailer episode, great america with cosmos, a pachycephalosaurus-truck fighting mushrooms, hashtag taking ten years to dispose of hard drives…. each episode did have a few minutes of either cute or important moments. but the majority is a waste of time.
I was hoping that we would learn more about the decepticons. now that they’re free, what are they up to? how are their dynamics? how did season 1 finale change their perception on things? would they try to convince the terrans THEY are the good guys? nothing like that though.
There is no satisfying character development for starscream. ES Starscream was perfect to explore a more neutral version of him, who does not do bad things out of pleasure, but due to necessity; following his desire to be free. In the show he mentions he wanted to get rid of his oppressors (in his eyes autobots and humans), but a real “bruh” moment was when he told Hashtag the only reason he opened up to her last time was to tell her “take care of yourself first”. It completely disregards the fact he came to help in the season 1 finale after reflecting on Hashtags words. It also aggravates me that the writing could have been a very easy fix. “hey i’m not being selfish by destroying this town. im doing this for the decepticons, we have lived under the control of the autobots and then of humans. this needs to stop, we deserve freedom and i will do anything it takes.”
the show managed to establish some friction between starscream and shockwave but for deception standards it was very tame. overall i think it was written okay; he purposely let the Terrans escape with the fragments, and he bailed on Starscream once he went bonkers. I hope that he gets to be a Decepticon leader in the second half; i don’t think we have seen that in any TF TV show before. i also like that his antennae and eye color give away his emotions now.
i feel like the autobots are treated even worse than the decepticons this season ngl. they merely exist; and when they do have the spotlight it’s often for comedy.
why the fuck did shockwave not wait for hashtag to just dump the hard drives and leave. if someone walked up to me yelling “give me your trashbag” as i’m trying to dispose of it i’d be weirded out too lol.
i hope the chaos terrans don’t return. aftermath imo was, plot wise, redundant. spitfire at least was interesting and had an impact.
i wish there were more interesting fights like in season 1 instead of, oh no they’re hitting the trailer with sticks, oh no we are an abomination of dinosaur and vehicle for what feels like 15mins straight. i miss seeing soundwave slay.
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captainmera · 2 days
Anything you've been researching recently for any of your projects?
Right now, I'm watching a lot of videos on YouTube about storytelling and analysises of cartoon movies!
I think I'm in one of those developing phases again where I'm elevating my knowledge and style, meaning that the projects themselves are slowed down or halted.
So yes, I'm doing a lot of research atm.
Aside from art and writing techniques, I take breaks from that to read and listen to history stuff. Esoteric history in particular.
I'm fond of the average Joe & Jane & Jam's contemporary thoughts of their time. Yknow the little things that make a culture really come to life.
Sometimes people ask what/where/how I actually collect my research and information. And if, in case, you who read this is one of those people: all I can say is that - every documentary you watch, watch it with story and people in mind.
I think that's why I like to draw backgrounds.
Because it's in the little things. We can get to know a character in a mili-second just by getting a sweeping look of their bedroom. It can be full of trinkets that make them who they are.
Stories that are inspired by historical eras (fantasy world, fictional history or realism) can be tricky if you dont know what people surrounded themselves with.
What's around them out of necessity (radio, stove, broom, drying herbs) and whats around them because they like it (decoration, photos, choice of curtains, art, bowl of stale caramels etc)
A good start is to look around your own home. Kitchens are a great start for that. What's there out of necessity, and what makes it YOUR kitchen?
Now, apply those same eyes when you watch documentaries, or read about people, or look at old illustrations. And you'll start picking up the little bits that make people into people of their time.
After seeing disney's catastrophe of a movie WISH, I thought it'd be a good exercise to try work within the limits of story telling to make my own movie - AS A PRACTICE. Not a serious thing to send in anywhere. Just.. for the love of storytelling.
So I've specifically looked into disney analysis and what people like/don't like in movies. What people think is what makes them work and not.
The good thing about writing a story that has to be told in a limited time frame of ca 1h and 45min is that it forces you to be creative.
You have to get to the point. You have to figure out how to tell some things by visuals alone to save time.
My achiles heel in writing os exposition. I have a tendency to infodump. The way i do exposition is boring, bland, and a bit timeous to read thru.
No wonder my fanfics are so damn long. I repeat and explain too much.
Comics are so much easier for me because I can explain things with expressions instead, or with backgrounds, or colour the mood (literally).
Writing a script is basically just summary and expositions. But I don't know how to write scripts. So atm, it's just conceptual ideas mixed with a lot of this happens then this then this. Etc.
So I guess my side dismey-prince-project is nice to pride at. With that I can do what I did in my fanfics (exercise and explore writing) without the pressure from an already existing fandom.
I call it "the tails project" and it very clearly draws inspiration from what I've built for Evelyn and Caleb. But instead of Philip as a brother, I've taken in Gus as inspo instead. Because for one, I just love Gus. And two, I like his dynamic as a little brother more. And three, in this story the lio bro isn't evil. So yay.
All to say that all of these things I just do to use in ibwr eventually anyway. Ibwr is my baby, and I really like storytelling. So all that I do and gather, I gather essentially to dump into ibwr.
Get better at art? For ibwr.
Research history? For ibwr.
Practice writing? For ibwr.
Make a side project in a different medium to learn new things? For ibwr.
So yeah.
While I'm anyway burnt out and can't concentrate much. And my arm hurts a bit again. I watch and read things to sponge up knowledge.
No knowledge is useless. Knowing about hatpins is just as important as knowing about bat echolocation, or that lobsters were poverty food once upon a time, and that haircare in the 1790s was different depending on hair type just like it is today, or that starvation & generational lasting community illness stunted the growth and that's pm why ppl were so collectively short back in the days.
Yeah, I'm reading about.... stuff.
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brayneworms · 2 days
in your basement, i grow cold.
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featuring. il dottore x reader
content. gore (specifically eye gore), relationship isn't romantic isn't platonic but a secret third thing, toxic dynamics, reader is called dottore's pet, scaramouche appearance, reader is mean to scaramouche, reader is generally fucked in the head, alluded kidnapping + medical experimentation, body horror, injections, electrocution
word count. 1.6k
notes. this was an xmas gift for a friend but ummm might as well post it i guess :p this is silly. i'm a certified dottore hater but he's fun to explore psychologically. also used this as gore practise. i don't think it's majorly disgusting but i'm not very squeamish generally so i might be biased.
♪ strangers — ethel cain
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There is some peace to be found in ugliness. 
The Balladeer has yet to learn the same lesson. With every session he seethes and hits, he bawls and curses. The Doctor takes it all standing up, though, a flex of his wax-sheen gloves brushing the Balladeer off as though he were no more than an irksome fly. The doll scowls as you strap him in, hook wires and tubes into his artificial body. Sometimes the voltage is too high and he jerks and turns purple in the face, roasting from the inside out. Sometimes you think Dottore does that on purpose, his own small dose of revenge. 
The Balladeer despises you. He calls you Dottore’s little mouse at first, scampering around quietly doing the Doctor’s bidding. He sneers at you, a curled lip of cold command. “I see he’s let you out of the cage for another evening,” he remarks, violet eyes watching unblinkingly as you hurry between operating tables. “Try not to roll over and die with the shock of your newfound freedom. It would be a shame for Dottore to lose his favourite…” He rolls the words around in his mouth for a moment, considering, before flashing a smirk your way. “Pet.”
You get your own small revenges on Balladeer. Dottore languishes in pain, but you like to watch his sadness. When he’s under, he often dreams, and when he wakes he often cries. Sometimes he even cries in his sleep. You wish to bottle his tears whilst he’s unconscious, scrape them up into little crystal vials until you have enough to fill a chest. Then when he begins with his glaring and his remarking, you will open it in front of him and show him cruel, irrefutable proof of his weakness. Tears enough to drown a man. Not him, though, because he is not a man. He’s not even human. And despite how much he looks down on humanity, he bristles each time at the reminder. 
Dottore finds your ugly streak endearing, in the same way someone might find a cat with three legs endearing. Mostly his mask stays on, sinking most of his features into shadow, but sometimes you find his jaw twitching or a smile curling at his mouth. 
What you find exhilarating about helping to operate on the Balladeer is that you had been in his place once. Strapped down to the table whilst Dottore poked and prodded at you with his various instruments. And Dottore had been hardly gentle with his bedside manner. He’s been open about the fact that he expected you to die on that slab. Archon residue was no blood transfusion; it pumped hatred into your body and festered there, under your blood, pickling your veins. The results had not been pretty; an injection into your left eye had resulted in it bursting inside its socket like a red flower blooming too fast. Dottore had knelt, scooped up the residue in his gloved hands, rubbed between his fingers. The scarlet slip-slide of your innards. It felt like being touched for the first time; his lips hung open, parted in a gentle sort of awe. That time, when you spat at him, he only smiled and ruffled your hair. 
Sometimes he lets you wear a patch. Mostly he likes to look, observe how it heals, what irritates it, documents how long until it stops bleeding. He wonders about nerve damage in the area. You have a constant headache in your lower-left frontal lobe now, pressing against your skull like a bruise. 
You’d expected the Balladeer to laugh himself hoarse at the ugly emptiness of your right socket, but instead he went quite quiet. As you were hauling his body into the machine, he reached out, traced the gaping maw with delicate fingers. Your good eye flicked behind him where Dottore stood, finding the twitch of displeasure in his jaw. He didn’t like the Balladeer touching his handiwork. What’s more, you didn’t—the doll’s touch was gentler than you’d had in years, but you’d grown accustomed to Dottore’s clinical coldness. It was precise, even when it did hurt. The Balladeer’s caress feels clumsy in comparison, and you jerk away. He doesn’t try to touch you again. 
Whatever rapport you have with the Balladeer dies quickly. Once you might have sympathised, but as the years wear on, you start seeing him as Dottore does. A doll. A means to an end. And the Balladeer pretty quickly stops seeing you as a mouse. Sometimes, the way his gaze lingers on you out of the corner of your eye, the way he looks away when you catch him at it, you think he’s more afraid of you than he is of Dottore. 
You enjoy fitting the Balladeer’s body into the wires. You stab them through his artificial skin with prejudice, observe the way he tries not to wince. Your fingers brush over the ball-joints in his limbs, skirting under with a nail just to see him shudder and glare. And you love his tears. He rarely cries when he’s awake, especially in front of Dottore if he can help it. But he’s such a willing crier when he’s lost to his unconsciousness. He murmurs words, too. Mother is a frequent one. He calls out for her more than you did for your own in the beginning. But there’s also Niwa and Katsuragi, Tatarasuna and Escher. 
“Poor puppet,” you hum, swinging your legs. Dottore glances over, mouth a thin line.
“Do not bother pitying him,” he muses. “He won’t soon thank you for it.”
You don’t answer, gaze locked onto the Balladeer’s sleeping form until Dottore steps in front of you, obscuring your vision. “Have you tended to your eye today?”
You shrug, trying to peer past him. “I’ll get to it later.”
“You’ll do it now.” His fingers grasp your chin. “What is study and science without consistency? A mad scramble to find pattern, that is all. I’ll do it, if you insist on being stubborn.”
You bat his hand away, snarling. “I can do it myself.”
“Will you?” Dottore says sharply. “It’s been a while since you were tied down to this operating table, but I can certainly make an amendment.”
Your glare is poisonous. “Get your fuckin’ hand off me,” you grunt. 
Dottore smirks. “You’ve grown so bold from the shrinking violet I brought you in as. Some days I miss the subservience of that form.” He pauses. “Then again, most days not.”
Of course. Dottore isn’t afraid to say the quiet part aloud, but he doesn’t have to: he likes violence. He relishes in getting his hands bloody. Poking around your eye socket, fingering the innards, like digging for shrapnel in a wound. He likes the fight back. He likes when you hiss and spit and hit like a feral cat, like a dog who has just learned it has teeth. He likes it even better when you leave a mark. 
Your last appointment before the Balladeer leaves for Sumeru. He sits on the table, spine a gentle slope. His skin is marred with holes and titanium anchors. You run your fingers down the knobs of his back and he shivers. He is unusually subdued, despite how his exuberance over being made into a god had been cumulatively climbing for the past few months. 
“I leave soon,” he tells you as though you don’t know. “I will see a new land, and new people. They will have no idea that they will soon kneel before a new god.” His fingers flex as though physically reaching out to grasp this power. “Will you stay?”
You stare at him and realise you can no longer picture the world outside this laboratory. Your silence seems enough for him; you almost think he pities you. You are particularly vicious with your ministrations that time, reducing him near tears before he’s even slipped unconscious. Dottore watches, the ever-present spectre, smiling and smiling and smiling.
The Balladeer tries one more time before he leaves, in his own way. “Sometimes I miss that little mouse,” he says ruefully. “Now? You’re nothing. You’re worse than nothing. You’re just as bad as him.”
You know you’re beyond saving, because that idea makes your stomach flip. 
You’re under no illusion that Dottore cares for you. Dottore cares for nothing beyond his own experiments and deductions and projects. He doesn’t care about the Fatui. He doesn’t seem to even really care about the Tsaritsa. Only what she can offer him. Dottore is more likely to cut you up and decorate the lab with your insides than confess any sort of love. But it’s alright, truly, because you don’t love him either. You suppose he’s become something of idolatry for you, in the worst possible way. You despise him for what he did to you, but now you cannot picture being any other way. The Balladeer may miss the little mouse, but you certainly do not. Gone are the days of your weakness. Now, in the darkness that Dottore had pumped into you, one injection and cut and fever at a time, there is power. 
Maybe one day you’ll grow to consume him whole. Maybe it starts with spitting in his face and hitting back, but maybe it blossoms to something more. Maybe one day you’d get him down on that operating table, prise that mask of his away to see the way his eyes widen in surprise. Maybe you’d get the scalpel or the wires or the syringe and turn him into the false gods he was so obsessed with puppeteering. And maybe he’d be your little mouse, afraid to catch your eye. 
Idle daydreams. Sometimes you think he can see them in the corner of your eye, because there are days he regards you almost with wariness. But he never exiles you. You suppose, in the way you’ve grown attached to him (as disease grows attached to a person) the same can be said for him. 
You’ll take advantage of it, sometime. You can’t wait to feel his insides on your hands. 
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chillwildwave · 2 days
Hey guys, so while Chapter 2 is already in the works, I’ve been busy sketching up new ideas and concepts I could explore within The Wishing Kingdom, so it would be great if I could share them with all of you!
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So yeah, some rough sketches of each idea I came up with, so allow me to explain them one by one, this is where Asha enters Magnifico’s castle after her try of their magic.
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Antares and Asha sneaking into Rosas as part of their mission to find the truth of the royal couple.
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A Pocahontas-esque ending where Antares and Asha wave goodbye before transforming into the first wishing star, honestly, that would’ve been gorgeous and this might change later on!
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Some more sketches of Antares and Asha’s dynamic and also Antares being a Disney Princess, it seems like he's very Giselle-coded, don't you agree?
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Anastasia reference cuz why not, and also another concept where Antares is invited to a royal ball held by the royal couple to convince them that he is proper royalty and not a star, cuz is he is, they’ll take his power for themselves. And yes, Asha does get a dress change here!
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Drawings of Asha and Antares’ first meeting, I know they’re rather basic but they effectively show how they met, you can pretty much see that Asha is unsatisfied at first.
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Another rough sketch of the first meeting, and also, there is something I would like to put onto the table, what if I told you guys that in my rewrite, I could try sketching up ideas on how magic works in Rosas and Starfell to see how those two contrasts with the basic good vs evil trope we've seen in classic Disney movies, and I'm so glad I've made these sketches in the first place as this does help me develop any ideas that might be included in the rewrite, it would be great if you guys contributed and made some suggestions or at least a little something to add to my previous concepts,
Make sure you stick around for more!
@annymation @uva124 @flicklikesstuff @oh-shtars @signed-sapphire @wings-of-sapphire @spectator-zee @ryoli @rylxdreams @peapeapeapa @your-ne1ghbor @rascalentertainments @emillyverse @thisnameisnotspokenfor @gracebeth3604 @gracebethartacc @frogcoven88 @hopeyarts @cerulean-crow @tumblingdownthefoxden
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black-and-yellow · 10 months
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Reel it in.
(NB even though this reads right to left, the pages are ordered so that they will be in order when scrolled through on full screen)
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drrav3nb · 4 months
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Killer Eyes, Dangerous Hands and a Devastating Smile
“You couldn’t kill me even if you wanted to,” Lee Tang jeered with a confident smile. “I’ve already taken one life,” Nan-gam reminded. “I’m sure that taking another won’t be so difficult.” His declaration spurred a silence to fill the space between them, a quiet imposed by his nemesis as he brought his gaze towards the hand that held a gun to his face. “But your hands are shaking.” | Aka how I wanted that final episode to go.
Read the fic here
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skunkes · 6 months
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i have soooo much more i cld say abt him, and have explored more thru other doodles, but quick summary of talon's whole deal, which is subject to change still as he's only almost 2 yrs old as an oc
#oc text#obvs sparse description of the events bc i dont mean for it to be gratuitous#even if i decided to explore it further in some medium the focus wouldnt be gratuitous ykwim#not that there werent awful stuff within that but my focus with talon is also more exploration of like#even stuff that isnt a big deal (which it wasnt at first) can effect someone greatly#and then once it does get a bit worse the focus is still more on the effects of how he views himself and the aftermath#AS WELL AS LIKE. well. did i do this to myself? i went back. do i deserve this?#he's a lot like me and the reason i like the self insert dynamic is bc he thinks of cheye as Me If It Didnt All Go Horribly#bc ive not gone thru the Extreme but i have had interactions with ppl who very enthusiastically thought i was ummmm underage!!!#while they were already being creepy toward me and making me nervous abt my safety !#so this isnt ''he's umm 400 but looks 12 bc i want to do weird shit with him 😏'' dude drawing him Fed makes me so sad sometimes...#we're also weird eating buddies <3#and grief buddies <3 he actually further spawned out of my need to deal with a lot of family members passing away in such a short time#severe death phobia buddies...#i still dont know how he really feels about his Old Wrinkly Form btw all i know is he feels safe in it#as much as id love to sway toward ''he thinks he's hot like that. because he is.'' i also dont want to convey the wrong message wrt this#form being due to....disordered eating caused by Issues. ykwim#though! he can shapeshift quite well when he's fed and maybe he'd choose that form willingly if he ever got. Past everything#he does hate that he never gets to actually age...! he wishes he cld age normally like a mortal...(still scared of dying though)#but we cant knoww for certain yet ykwim. maybe he'll let me know soon.#my issue with talon other than i suck at plots is well he has too many of my issues. and. idk how to solve them.#he's growing with me.#oh and have we noticed he's mean to me when *im* being mean to me...MANY such metaphors#ok goodnite
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veveisveryuncool · 1 year
meta knight and bandee bonding <333
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bonus: found family from the manga
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livelylambs · 5 months
On the topic of homoerotic rivalry I’d like to throw my hat into the ring and say that it’s cool! But what if sometimes it’s. Not homoerotic. Like, what if it’s not about the repression of attraction and how it manifests itself in the bickering and the fights and the vitriol. What if it’s exclusively the moments where, against all odds, they find themselves laughing together through the cracks of the facade. Where the mask of the rivalry crumbles and they find themselves doing something as vulnerable as enjoying themselves, without restriction, without judgment, with someone who seemed just as far away as they did. Maybe it’s about how vital it is for such intensely defined individuals, who are so unwilling to sacrifice any part of their personal freedom, to know they can be safe and soft in company when they want it. And that like, somehow, it’s the same individualism that makes them bicker that ultimately allows them to respect the other’s freedom more than anyone else. And it’s not about the attraction it’s just about the vulnerability and the trust and the independence and they wonder if they might be able to live their whole lives like this, adjacent to one another. Free, but with the capacity to let their guard down and still be welcomed in again. You ever think about that
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syrupsyche · 7 months
Another favourite quote day! I can't write anything better than what cliozaur and dolphin has written but I'll throw in my meager two cents:
All of Enjolras' "named" kills are always done in response to the death(s) of the men around him, thus embodying the whole concept of Justice; only killing when he has to. And every time he does it, it pains him more.
"He might be your brother" / "He is" line can be talked about forever and ever til the end of time; a direct reference to Hugo's previous mention of:
Civil war—what does that mean? Is there a foreign war? Is not all war between men, war between brothers? (4.13.3)
I don't think I have to point out the similarities in the language comparing the artillery sergeant to Enjolras: blond, mid-20s, a "charming young man" who are both capable of violence. He is practically shooting himself then; an even bigger foreshadowing of his fate. And Combeferre trying to dissuade him; I'm not entirely sure why he puts Enjolras through such a sad moral dilemma- perhaps he's facing the same one himself and is just trying to convince both of them that it did not be done? (After all, "the good must be innocent".) Alas, what is necessary must be done, and only Enjolras has the strength to do it, even when it (literally) kills him to.
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noahtally-famous · 1 month
can't believe this hasn't been said before but unhinged!scarlett and unhinged!dave would be an iconic duo. shame pi didn't get a second season bc these two in an alliance would basically succeed in destroying the island, they'd wipe everyone out
the fact that they're both versions of the nerd character so they're already smart in their own ways, the fact that they have absolutely zero fucks to give anymore, their individual darker sides have come out (whether it was hidden consciously (scarlett) or unconsciously (dave)), and they've each attempted to kill/seriously injure one or more contestant(s) (and mess up the island in the process) just to reach their end goal. imagine if these two found a common goal somehow, literally nothing could get in their paths (except possibly each other)
#these two in an alliance that ends with one or both of them turning on the other would be wild#tbh i know ppl talk abt wishing roti getting a second season but the potential in a second season for pi?? there is so much!!#literally half the dynamics have changed and so have personalities for most of the characters in pi#max and scarlett's dynamic change and their shifts in characters#topher could easily shift from chris lover to chris hater. two extremes!!#he just wants to get chris fired or in pain or smth lmao#dave becoming more competitive and less romantic he turns more heartless (and a bit more reserved and unpredictable)#his heart is there its just v shrouded. and repressed memories dave of the finale!!#he knows smth big happened but the memories of exact details are fuzzy (when that mental curtain is ripped away its gonna be chaos)#amy and sammy's change in dynamics. sammy standing up for herself!!#i wanna say sky would join a second season to get a chance at the money (im a shawn winner truther)#but idk if after all that she'll want to lmao#but skave dynamic total shift if sky comes back!!!#dave doing anything to get her eliminated sky slowly starting to retaliate#it'd be interesting to explore ella and sugar's characters if they've changed or not#evil scarlett who doesnt hide it!!#jashawn ain’t gonna join i think lmao they deserve a nice break plus they split the million so#rodney who is still a romantic but starts to understand the truth of boundaries and the rose colored glasses start to break#(he gets a sexuality revelation when he crushes on one of the guys)#just imagine how wack things would have gone with a second season#the different interactions and alliances and friendships and enemies#and the interactions/dynamics in the first season def would have changed in a second one#this is making me remember the whole layout for a second pi season younger me wrote with new and old contestants#anyway! second season pi was so deserved it would have been wack#noahtally-famous#total drama#td dave#td scarlett#tdpi
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Ah yes, two of my favourite characters: sugar-crazed impulsive detective, and her assistant, revenge-seeking anxious botanist
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anghraine · 2 years
Maybe it's just because I'm sleepy and my brain is tired and irritable, but I do wish fandom in general weren't so absolutely intent on casting all familial or quasi-familial relationships into some near approximation of US nuclear family idealization.
Acting as a caretaker for a child doesn't automatically make someone their "real parent" or "adopted parent" or "any parent at all" if the child doesn't see them that way. These caretaking relationships can be messy, begrudging, or essentially coercive (in both fiction and IRL, and in life, forcing children into situations where "they'll be taken care of" is often coercive and/or predatory).
And sometimes a caretaker adult, whether a natural parent, adoptive parent, some kind of guardian, or more amorphous caretaker, is ... bad, actually. It's understandable for the children they take care of (whether literal children or now-adult people who experienced it previously) to have had negative experiences they have complicated feelings about, to have complicated feelings about their caretakers that may not distill down to "real parents", to be capable of harsh criticism of their former caretakers, even if they love them.
Sometimes it is the simpler scenario where a child is adopted and it looks very much like a conventional "nuclear" relationship (though even then, the child can have more complex and inconvenient feelings than they're often supposed to have). But—okay, I may be biased from coming from a family that was licensed for foster care, which saw a lot of children essentially forced into foster care with varying complicated feelings about it that didn't always equate to "this person who looks after me is my mother"—even after a long time, sometimes.
And there's frequently a nasty pressure on children placed in "care" to either reach out to their birth or adoptive parents, or to wholly turn their backs on them and accept their current caretakers as the only parents who matter. But usually things are messier than that. You can care about a caretaker, you can respect and love them, and still not feel like you're their child. Or maybe you do! It just depends.
This can happen with siblings as well, especially when there's a big age difference—yeah, one of the siblings may be functionally filling the shoes of their parents as well as they can, but it doesn't necessarily make them actual parents in the eyes of their younger siblings (or themselves). It can, but doesn't have to. Or maybe it's something messier, like when the relationship is almost parental, but not quite, and the exact nature of the dynamic is hard to pin down.
There's also the case where the relationship may have been parental at one point, but one of the parties (usually the caretaker) burned bridges so badly that the child (often an adult at this point) cuts ties and doesn't deny that the caretaker filled a parental role back then, but wholly rejects it as any kind of current reality. This can happen with biological family, but also with looser caretaker relationships as well (esp the cultier ones).
I'm thinking of a lot of fandom examples of these kinds of indeterminate caretaker-child (or former child) relationships, where either we know or have good reason to believe the child doesn't regard a former caretaker as exactly the same as a parent, or we just don't know what the nature of the relationship is, and fandom will be absolutely insistent that the only possible way to read it is parent-child.
And also, sometimes there's nothing wrong with the caretaker relationship, but it's still not parent-child. It simply doesn't map onto this parental mold that fandom tries to box all adult-child caretaking relationships into, because family is more complicated than a single, very simplistic model allows.
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vitocosas · 11 months
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had this meme saved just beacuse it reminded me of noah jksjksjk
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