#and a little Lance to be happy
calmparticles · 5 months
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Happy new year 1997! 🎉🍾
I'm meaning. 2023.9999999999999999999!!!!!!! 🎉🍾
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wondercircuit · 3 months
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Lance and Fernando in their own world racing it out at Pre-Season Testing in Bahrain, 2022
Commentary: "Now if we could have [this kind of racing] repeated from the rest of the grid for quite a lot of laps—I don't think I'm asking for too much, then we get a decent Bahrain grand prix."
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
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2023 Brazilian Grand Prix - Qualifying - Lance Stroll
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b4kuch1n · 10 months
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toy doctor redux
plushy based on this guy
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kagooleo · 4 months
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happy lunar new year!! 🐉 🧧
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justaz · 5 months
au where like keith spent those two years on the space whale and allura brought shiro back to life but they still can’t go back to earth. shiro has gone grey, no black hair on his head, he’s retired and stays on the castle, does not pilot a lion. keith and lance are now like the “leaders” of the team. like keith relies heavily on lance support and lance thrives in the sort of co-leader dynamic they have. pidge casually referring to “dad” and lance being like “shiro or keith??” and pidge going “shiro is retired and has a full head of white hair. who do you think i’m talking about?” so shiro has been promoted from space dad to space grandpa and lance and keith are now mom and dad
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nico-di-genova · 11 days
Charles won in Monaco. Now Pato win in Detroit this weekend, because I need to see him win to feel better after Indy. Then Lance win in Montreal by some miracle in that shitty green tractor next weekend, and I will know peace 🥹.
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antiquepearlss · 17 days
There is not a single human in existence that can convince me that Hugo and Eugene don’t end up becoming brothers.
They hate each other at first, which is understandable because Eugene is Eugene and Hugo keeps antagonizing him (and Gene isn’t over the piano incident yet.)
But after awhile, and maybe after one life changing and life threatening adventure where they bond, Eugene adopts him as a second little brother.
They still hate eachother, but it’s a playful hatred.
Hugo still antagonizes him though, but it is not nearly as malicious and Eugene no longer wants to strangle him or put him in the stocks and throw moldy tomatoes at him.
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agentsofmarvel · 1 year
because y’all really liked the last one, here’s
some of my favorite agents of shield fun facts (season 2 edition)
this is part one! i have a lot of season 2 facts so i split it into two parts!! 🫶🏼
- clark gregg found out coulson was the new director of shield a few days before filming.
- chloe bennet said playing skye in season two was almost like playing another person as skye’s bubbly personality has become more “muted”. chloe said some skye’s more muted personality is due to learning it from may as her SO.
- i don’t know if i just forgot or never payed too much attention to it (as i don’t remember this happening), but it’s said fitz’s hypoxia also caused him to lose function in one hand.
- elizabeth only found out she was going to start the season undercover days before filming. she also didn’t know it would be hydra until a day or two before filming.
- the character of hunter was created to be a direct opposite of coulson, but still on the good side. they pretty much made hunter a character to see how funny it would be for him to piss off coulson.
- in season one, skye was created to be the “eyes of the audience” when it came to shield. in season two, they made bobbi the new “eyes of the audience” as she’s new to coulson’s shield and the characters.
- henry simmons has auditioned for multiple roles in the MCU before he was called in to read for mack. they were nervous to cast him as he was said to be “too handsome” but they liked how sweet he was doing the scenes involving fitz so they gave him the role.
- the executive producers and showrunners had a two week break between finishing season one and starting season two.
- in the scenes where fitz is really struggling with the effects of hypoxia, some of them took multiple tales because elizabeth would start to cry and they would have to pull her aside and tell her simmons wouldn’t cry right now and restart the scene.
- the simmons that fitz imagines throughout the season is wearing the exact same outfit from the season one episode “FZZT”. before this simmons had never repeated an outfit in episodes, which is why the producers said her wearing a duplicate outfit was a sign this simmons may not be real.
- the set designers made the Playground dark and old-fashioned design-wise to provide a direct contrast to the new, bright Bus from season one to show shield going back to its 1940s routes as it rebuilds from scratch.
- they didn’t put a toilet in ward’s cell because it was an open set and the crew said they didn’t want to look at a toilet out in the open every time they worked there.
- the character of hartley was created to show the audience that nobody is safe and that a character can die just like that. damn they really said “don’t get too comfortable, they can all die that fast”
- chloe says there is a ton of easter egg’s throughout the show of skye and the number three. she says one is that she only wears three rings after season one but the fans should figure out the rest.
- to make it seem as if coulson’s team has become more experienced during season one, the cast went through a solider boot camp where they even had live-firing exercises with loaded g*ns.
like i said, this is part one of the season two facts. i’m working on season two part two and season three right now and i’ll post them ASAP :)
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bleh1bleh2 · 11 months
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Jackbox shirt (with friends)
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autisticlancemcclain · 5 months
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kerbyourenthusiasm · 2 months
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He steals my heart every week a bit more
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2023 Bahrain Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso(ft. Max Verstappen, Checo Perez & Lance Stroll)(my personal post-race highlights)
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chilegp · 8 months
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7 candles (7+7=14)
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sepiidae · 11 months
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If I'm playing Necrons while learning 10th edition, might as well paint up and play a certain Illuminor
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coolnonsenseworld · 2 years
isn't K1 the nearly-basically-dead one? Q - Q Does he ever find out that L1 is hopping around trying desperately to save him????
It's actually Keith2 who is dead! This guy right here.
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And Lance2
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--- I mean this abomination, Keith2's husband - is jumping through Universes trying to revive him.
And Keith1 - this one right here -
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is just a guy who was in one of the worlds Lance2 jumped through and was sent to stop him. He also has his own husband who is very much alive.
There is a tiny introduction for AUsAU in a highlight "Voltron AUs" on Gram (side note- I think you have to have IG to see highlights and stories), and this PUBLIC post on Patreon - where there is a description from K2's and L2's perspective, about how their journey began and all - but the entire story is actually from Keith's 1 perspective!
Thanks for giving me an opportunity to talk about it lmao
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