#and also my alastair carstairs feelings
vwritesaus · 1 year
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      ‘Hello? Earth to Costume Guy?’       Alastair pulls himself back to the present, and finds Kit staring at him with a raised eyebrow and his arms crossed over his chest. It dawns on him then that the poor boy has probably been trying to get his attention for a little while.       ‘Sorry,’ Alastair mumbles, feeling sheepish. ‘I, uh… sorry, I was…’       Saying nothing, Kit merely uncrosses his arms and makes a gesture with his hands that clearly states want to tell me what that was about?       ‘I hear them,’ Alastair says, ‘but I can’t see them. Or gain any idea of where they are and how to get back to them.’       ‘Who? What are they saying?’       ‘My sister. My friends. To—’ Alastair cuts himself off abruptly and clears his throat. ‘They’re discussing our next steps and also how to go about waking me up.’       Kit’s eyes narrow, scrutinising, and his voice mirrors it as he asks, ‘You think you’re dreaming, aren’t you?’       Alastair shrugs helplessly. ‘Wouldn’t you? If you were me?’
hello!! happy December everyone - and what better way to start the month than with some ANGST (looking at you writers of tumblr who've been posting so far - i see you) and a snippet from the thomastair fic that ran away from me? it's very close to being finished - just got a couple more bits to join up!! but here's a little preview before i post the full fic later on this week ✨
an enormous thank you to @astriefer for betaing, all the lovely words of support and encouragement, helping me choose several snippets to share, and just being an awesome human ♡
do let me know what you think :D also let me know if you'd like to be tagged for future updates of this fic!
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im-out-of-it · 5 months
kind of not even excited for TWP
I remember when I first was reading TSC and I was like omg nine books left to read and I can’t wait for TWP!!! and I’ve re read some (only twice of TMI and that was too much torture for me.) and honestly, there’s shit I hate in all of the books. I used to enjoy TID and then my eyes were opened up to how much Will was a dick and other characters were sidelined for him. Gabriel and Gideon deserved better. I also love the lightwoods a lot more so this post will focus on how much I love them 💓
I love TLH (I know 😭) but the miscommunication and the stuff we didn’t get because apparently we needed 400 pages of miscommunication just makes it feel off. I still love Thomas, Alastair, Christopher, and Matthew (and others) but reading is sooooo underwhelming because you’re like why do we need so much of James and Cordelia shit when we have Alastair and Thomas, and Matthew, plus Christopher??? why did we have to put up with this??? it could’ve been so much better and that’s why I’m high key bitter about it. and that’s how I feel about all her books. she has a decent concept and she could’ve turned it into something more grander but she didn’t ☹️
I swear majority of CC’s books, the side characters are always better but she never wants to focus on them. I’m tired of the Herondales, I’m tired of the misrepresentation, tired of the ignorance, toxic, incest, and gross relationships. I still stand by my statement about TLH- it would have been better if it was Alastair’s pov and didn’t focus on James and Cordelia drama plus the miscommunication. I swear it’s her go to when she needs some drama.
I’m only writing this because I saw that the titles for TWP came out and it’s the last fairy, prince of hell, and shadowhunter. as much as I’m not looking forward to her herondale, incest, miscommunicating, and disrespectful centered storylines- SHE BETTER NOT DESTROY ANY LIGHTWOODS, MAGNUS BANE OR ANY OF THR CHARACTERS I LIKE. get rid of jace and Janus for all I care but STOP KILLING LIGHTWOODS. and I doubt that she’ll improve her writing because she’s wrote 50 books and they’re all the same honestly. I for real don’t feel excitement for it. I know it’s going to be the last of them but she better not ruin it. I don’t know, this is just a dumb post and I’m feeling weird lmaooo
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drunkonimagination · 1 year
no but the potential of thomastair as childhood friends??
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rainingpouringetc · 1 year
ok my thoughts and headcanons on the carstairs/lightwood in-laws now that thomastair are official and out to their families
eugenia and alastair bond over being exasperated by their younger siblings. they have a standing tea date every other week to gossip and complain (thomas tries to join once and gets himself banned from his own sitting room).
cordelia and eugenia also become close friends. eugenia misses her sister and would never dream of replacing her, but it's nice having cordelia around. they go shopping together. cordelia eventually helps eugenia gain the confidence to open her heart again and cheers her on when eugenia enters her first courtship since augustus.
cordelia and thomas are constantly giving each other recommendations for poetry. thomas primarily recommends the irish poets his mother shared while he was growing up and cordelia commits herself to helping expand thomas' knowledge of persian works.
gideon and sophie absolutely adore sona, and the feeling is very much mutual. sometimes the lightwoods go visit cirenworth just to see her and help with zachary. of course zachary has alastair and thomas in his life as strong, kind male figures, but sona is glad that gideon is there as well. and, of course, sophie and sona get along like a house on fire. they gossip almost as much as eugenia and alastair.
when it comes to zachary, all of the lightwoods absolutely love and adore him. family dinners typically devolve into a game of pass-the-baby so everyone gets a turn to hold him while they all talk. eugenia and gideon are the best at making him giggle, and alastair and sona are the only ones who are able to get him to sleep at those dinners.
speaking of family dinners, those are definitely a monthly occurrence. they rotate locations between the lightwoods' house, thomas and alastair's house, and even occasionally cirenworth or james and cordelia's house.
thomas and alastair eventually decide to get married. it's a private ceremony, of course, with only their close friends and family. eugenia officiates. sona and cordelia walk alastair down the aisle and sophie and gideon do the same for thomas. zachary is their ringbearer, being just grown enough to toddle down the aisle and hand them the rings. ari and cordelia stand with alastair as his groomswomen, and james and matthew stand with thomas (they save a spot for christopher, since everyone knows he would have been thomas' best man).
when eugenia gets a new suitor, the man expects to have discussions with her father about treating her right and respecting her, and even the talk with her younger brother about not hurting her is expected as well. the surprise comes when alastair and cordelia appear to talk to him, together, and give one of the most blood chilling shovel talks in the history of shovel talks.
gideon and alastair actually take a minute to warm up to each other. they never directly address the origin of their tension together, but gideon decides nothing said by a hurt teenager is worth soiling his relationship with his son-in-law. after he rather aggressively and indirectly proves to alastair that he is trustworthy as a father figure, they get closer and alastair even opens up about growing up with elias, which only makes gideon decide to be even more of a father figure to him.
that's all i have for rn pls pls add on your own !!
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rhiannons-bird · 10 months
My little collection of darling boys keeps growing so I’ve decided to sort them into categories for better overview
Dazzling, charming, usually nice but also can and will kill you especially if you offend his values or his special favourite humans
1. Matthew Fairchild
2. Ramy Mirza
3. Nikolai Lantsov
Seemingly withdrawn & bookish, roiling chaos & murderous energy on the inside, tragic choice in love interest
1. James Farrow
2. James Herondale
3. Robin Swift
4. Bonus, cause I feel like it: Will Graham
Self-loathing, daddy issues, regrets, has an embarrassingly huge crush, I don‘t care if you don‘t like him I‘ll die for him anyways
1. Alastair Carstairs
2. Kieran Kingson
3. Tristan Caine
Little bastard that shouldn‘t be on this list but somehow made it anyways
1. Richard Papen
2. Callum Nova
3. Dorian Gray
Soft baby boy, if you touch him I will personally cut you into a million little pieces slowly over the course of several days
1. Gideon Drake
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fairdale · 4 months
Top 4 fave TSC characters and ships?
so at first i was like "sh*t, this is hard", but actually my top 4 characters it's pretty easy (idk about ships tho).
for characters:
1. will herondale. the loml. my baby. my everything. i love him to pieces. it's been so long since i first read about him and he's still my favorite book character EVER. i won't say much more because i wanted to do a long post dedicated solely to him.
2. alec lightwood. the other loml. i admire him so much and his character development is my favorite. he's grown so much and i'm so proud of how much he has achieved and how confident he has become. he deserves the best of the best and i wish him a very long, happy and filled with love life with magnus, rafael and max.
3. alastair carstairs. when i tell you i didn't expect him to be my fave tlh character, i mean it. i remember reading the first book and being very curious about him, but i couldn't have predicted how much he would grow on me. he also has an amazing character arc in my opinion and i'm so proud of him. he's a softie.
4. kieran kingson. listen. HE'S SUCH A BOSS. i remember i didn't know how to feel about him at first. i was conflicted. i didn't how to feel about him and mark and cristina (i love the three of them and i'm so happy that they're together, just wanted to say it). he was a bit of an ass and i got really mad because of what he did to emma. but he redeemed himself. and i loved him so so much the more i knew about him. how he cared for mark and, later on, for cristina. i still think there's so much more to him that we don't know and i hope we get to see more of him (like, a lot). this may be a bit surprising, but he's so dear to me.
honorable mention to tessa, jem, matthew, magnus, kit, ty and raphael (and a lot more but let's not get carried away).
for ships:
herongraystairs. this one doesn't need explanation. they've been my roman empire for more than a decade. i'm not exaggerating. i love how much they love each other. i've never cried so much as i have with them. i'm still mad jem and will didn't grow old together. and i'm still so so sad for tessa (but happy that she got two loves like them).
malec. they're battling for top 1. COME ON, THEY'RE MALEC. of course they're on my top. iconic. great. sexy. funny. THEY'RE THE BEST. i get so happy everytime they appear and i only want them to be happy.
thomastair. I LOVE THEM. they're so cute and they love each other so much. they grew a lot and overcame a lot of fears to be together. they deserve each other and i loved their storyline.
kierarktina. SO HAPPY THEY ALL GOT TO BE TOGETHER. THEY'RE IN LOVE AND HAPPY. i need more of them. right now. and i need a solution because i want kieran to be together more than he is allowed at the moment.
special mention to kitty (i didn't put them because i'm waiting for twp, lame excuse, i know, I'M OBSESSED WITH THEM SINCE THEIR FIRST SCENE TOGETHER) and sophideon (is that the name?).
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matthtober-2023 · 8 months
Inspired by the amazing @alastair-appreciation-month event celebrating one of my two biggest blorbos, I've decided to make a month dedicated to my other biggest blorbo: matthew fairchild.
this event will span the month of october. like alastember, each week will feature a different theme. they will be as follows:
1-8 october: free for all. post anything you want about matthew! create your favourite type of content! (Week 1 FFA is primarily because I don't want to interfere with Alastember. Make sure to do Alastember first and create something this week that doesn't take too much time if necessary.)
9-15 October: Edits and fanart week. Get creative with visual media!
16-22 October: Fanfiction and poetry week. Post something on Tumblr or Ao3 and tag me!
23-29 October: Post your favourite Matthew passages in the book and tell us why you love them. Feel free to squeal over why you love them incoherently or provide an in-depth academic analysis. both of these things are equally awesome. ball's in your court.
30-31 October: happy halloween. also, last 2 days are another FFA to appreciate Matthew in your own way. You can also appreciate Oscar Wilde here, if you want to make Matthew extra proud ♡
but if you don't feel like following one of these themes, that's alright! they're just suggestions. i'll personally probably be writing fic mostly, if that makes you feel any better! tag each of your posts #matthew appreciation month or #matthtober, and remember to tag this blog in all posts so i can reblog it and spread the love.
tagging my usual taglist on ibrushmyteeth-donttellanyone + some other people i think will be interested (please lmk if you want to be added/removed):
@staywildefairchild @sourlemons262 @belle-keys @drunkonimagination @alastaircarstairsismybff @vwritesaus @claritywithclary @luciehercndale @what-ho-christopher-put-in @life-through-the-eyes-of @alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @bluewrite @lulusofis @oursoulstheyplay @athearaej @faithfromanewperspective @tleeaves @haltthewfairchild @layla-carstairs @quantummeep
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luciehercndale · 8 months
5+1 Reasons Why I Love Alastair Carstairs
I wanted to start @alastair-appreciation-month by listing 5+1 things I love about Alastair because he is one of the characters that I find most similar to myself and reading of his journey throughout TLH made me feel hopeful about my own life. I've rooted for him from the start and I'm glad that he got all he desired in the end 🥹
He is clever and well-read, he knows a lot of languages and uses what he learns from reading to his own advantage, like when he hid Cortana in plain sight after Cordelia asked him to look after it for her or when Will said something and Alastair knew he had just quoted Hamlet. He also likes to bring a book in his coat pocket with him and this is so cool of him
He protects those he loves and looks after them and he is ready to fight for them anytime. He went after Thomas when he was patrolling by himself looking for the killer and he tried to protect Cordelia by hiding their father's addiction. He is also super protective with his little brother Zachary and wants him to have the childhood he couldn't have
He is an excellent fighter and he has a vast knowledge about weapons and fighting alike and he believes that one should always go out with weapons because you never know what lurks in the dark, so you must be prepared
When he loves, he loves deeply. He is also super loyal and someone others can confide into. He shows his affection through actions and gestures and he knows how to comfort someone and support them, even in silence. Like when he stayed with Sona because he worried about her and his unborn brother's safety or when he told Cordelia she was brave and worthy of Cortana when she felt like she wasn't or when he looked after Thomas when he was injured at the train station even though he was a bit stubborn
He great at helping others because he is observant and seems to know what they need, like when he helped Thomas making the antidote for the poison or when he helped Matthew with his addiction
I bet he is also a great cook and loves to cook for the people he cares about :)
Feel free to add more 💜
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bisexualbuckleyy · 2 years
the likelihood of characters dying in chain of thorns
this is just my personal opinions based off of my interpretations of the characters and the current content we have in the shadowhunters universe. this is an incredibly long post cause i never shut up so i'm putting everything under the cut!
james: 1/10
highly highly unlikely that he will perish cause someone has to carry on the herondale name
but honestly who knows at this point
like i would be genuinely shocked if he died
and incredibly confused cause someone has to go on to produce heirs that will lead to jace 
cause the lost herondale is a whole different thing 
cordelia: 1/10
also highly unlikely cause it’s almost certain that she’s the person who produces the herondale heirs
cause her and james are already married and i have confidence they’re going to get their shit together 
lucie: 1/10
again pretty sure she’s the one who’s going to be producing blackthorn heirs and we know there are many more blackthorns to come
also i just don’t know what could kill lucie herondale 
but yeah pretty sure she’s safe
matthew: 9/10
listen this man is not making it out of this series alive i’m almost sure of it
he has all the makings of a tragic hero
i feel like there isn’t enough time to give him the healing/redemption arc that he needs so i feel like he’s just going to sacrifice himself 
and it’s going to be horrible and i’m going to cry for a minimum of 8-10 business days
but i just feel so strongly that this is where his arc is headed 
thomas: 6/10
not sure about this one honestly
i’ve always been a little scared for thomas since the fake family tree said he died young (and yes i know it’s not correct but there has to be some reason why that’s listed as his death date even if it’s not when he actually died)
i hope cassie wouldn’t do that to sophie and gideon since she already killed barbara but who knows
there are other male lightwoods so he doesn’t need to live in order to carry on the family name
also i wouldn’t want him to be the one to carry on the family name cause him and alastair need to get together
but i’m worried about him cause i definitely think he’s in danger 
i also will cry for a minimum of 8-10 business days if he dies 
alastair: 5/10
again we’re not sure
honestly my confidence in his survival hinges entirely on the gender of the baby carstairs 
cause if the baby is a boy then there’s a male carstairs to carry on the name 
cause obviously there’s more since emma exists 
but also if the baby is a boy then there is a much higher chance of alastair dying
cause like matthew i think he has the potential to be a tragic hero and sacrifice himself 
i’m hoping his arc will not end like that cause i think there’s enough time in chain of thorns to wrap it up but i am still scared for the fate of my son 
best case scenario him and thomas run away together at the end of chain of thorns 
christopher: 2/10
i’m almost certain he’s okay cause i’m pretty sure he’s the one that carries on the lightwood name 
but also there are two other male lightwoods in this book who have the potential to carry on the name 
but i’m pretty sure he’s gonna be good 
if he dies i think it would be mostly for shock value and cassie doesn’t do that often and normally only once or maybe twice in a series which i think she already did with barbara and elias 
so yeah we’re pretty sure he’s safe 
grace: 2/10
again according to the family tree she marries christopher and they make lightwood babies together 
also i don’t think killing her off would make much narrative sense
cause she was kind of a pseudo antagonist and i think killing her off would be a cheap ending for her
again it would probably be for shock value but i just don’t really see it happening 
anna: 8/10
yeah she’s in danger 
very concerned that snippet that’s like “all that effort to convince you i wasn’t in love with you, and here i am, dying in your arms” is gonna be her at ariadne (kamala? i’m not sure what we’re calling her sorry)
i’m not sure how cassie could wrap up her character in a satisfying way in chain of thorns so i’m worried she’s just gonna kill her 
again it could be a kind of tragic hero moment where like she’s been selfish for so long and then she sacrifices herself for the people she loves 
but i hope she doesn’t die cause i love her 
ariadne/kamala: 4/10
honestly i have no idea but i’m pretty sure she’s gonna be okay
cassie mentioned something about how she’s going to pick a new name for herself by the end of the book and that doesn’t make it sound like she’s gonna get killed off
but cassie is also the queen of misdirection 
so who knows
but again i think if she killed her off it would just be for shock value and it would be kinda cheap after everything she’s gone through 
jesse: 1/10
honestly i’m the most confident about him which is ironic considering he’s spent the last two books being dead
but he’s currently the only blackthorn that could carry on the name and there’s a lot of blackthorns later
but it would feel really cheap to spend so much time focusing on bringing him back to life only to kill him in the next book 
so yeah i’m almost positive he’s gonna be fine 
charles: 3/10
god i wish i could say with confidence that he’s gonna die but i really don’t think he is
i think he’s gonna find some woman who’s dumb enough to marry him and then he’s gonna be a miserable asshole for the rest of his life and help carry on the fairchild name 
cause we know someone does 
and i seriously doubt it’s going to be matthew 
so unfortunately i think he’s probably going to stay alive
but there’s always a chance so who knows 
feel free to comment/send me asks/message me about your thoughts on my predictions or any predictions of your own or just literally anything about this series cause i am desperate to talk about it
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thousand-winters · 8 months
Headcanon based on what we were talking about today: Thomas likes to kiss the hook of Alastair's nose sweetly because he loves it and he is allowed to.
He absolutely does ❤️
I think that also would be particularly sweet because we know Alastair started dyeing his hair because his heritage granted him weird looks when the Carstairs travelled around, so there is an aspect of internalized racism there, and it's possible he also wasn't the biggest fan of his own features in general, not only his hair, and wished to have more eurocentric features to not stand out so much
He has definitely come a long way to accept himself in all senses, his hair is so symbolic of his arc in that, but I won't digress. For purposes of this, thinking about it in the less metaphorical sense, I think it'd also help him heal a lot to know that Thomas finds that aspect of him beautiful, and Thomas definitely would be feeling pretty honored to be the one person allowed to do that (I can almost picture him composing poetry about that in my mind, haha)
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herondaleminds · 9 months
My Chain Of Thorns Review
After six months I finally managed to finish Chain Of Thorns. I started in February, had many interruptions and finally finished this book.
I'm a little disappointed. Chain Of Iron ended so well, I was so excited to see what would happen next and it was just disappointing. Over 300 pages almost nothing happened except the love drama triangle between Matthew, James and Cordelia. It was frustrating.
But halfway through the book I started to enjoy reading again. The emotions were so good that I had to cry all the time myself. And I liked the friendships so much. And I love Grace
Now begins the actual review
Matthew Fairchild and Cordelia Carstairs:
The whole Paris storyline was just weird, wrong and terrible. Yes, at first I thought it was really cute how Matthew took care of Cordelia. He tried as best he could to distract her from James. But Matthew was just a creep. I'm sorry but he was so obviously hitting on Cordelia it was disgusting. And he promised her he wouldn't. Matthew lied about his sobriety the whole time. He lied to Cordelia's face. That made Matthew very unlikeable to me. And the fact that they were kissing was so obvious, but James catching them I thought was kind of funny. But I liked that Cordelia after some back and forth finally told Matthew that she feels no love for him.
James Herondale and Cordelia Carstairs
Let's stay right with Cordelia and James. The two of them drove me to despair. In the first two books I could still handle it, but in ChoT was really just annoying. It really bugged me that they both couldn't talk to each other! They had had the opportunity and several times but they never took that opportunity! And it was all because of Grace and the bracelet. And quite ironic that Grace had told Cordelia the whole truth, which James was incapable of doing. Thanks Grace! But I'm really glad that these two have found their way to each other now and that they are going to be happy together. And it was really hot when James shot open the bedroom door and ripped Cordelia's dress.
Lucie Herondale and Jesse Blackthorn
What can I say about them? Except that I love them more and more. How they took care of each other, they dealt with their little problems together and they argued quite rarely. When they did argue, they settled the argument very quickly. Lucie and Jesse proved again that they are the purest couple in the entire book series. And I am so happy for them that they now have a future together
Anna Lightwood and Ari Bridgestock
If any couple had the best development, it's these two. They broke up ugly in Chain Of Iron, both were heartbroken. But when Ari was in need, fleeing her parents' home, Anna was there for her without hesitation. It was so nice to see Anna allowing Ari's love more and more, and that in the final battle Anna confessed to Ari that she didn't want Ari to leave. And it had been so beautiful when they danced together at the Christmas party. And I don't know why but those two give me sizzy vibes
Thomas Lightwood and Alastair Carstairs
These two have been carrying this book on their backs! No couple has frustrated me as much but also made me laugh as much as these two idiots. I always thought Cordelia and James were queen and king of miscommunication but Alastair and Thomas knocked them off their throne. But the funniest thing was, one of the first fire messages Thomas sent to Alastair. It made me laugh so hard. And finally Alastair realized he deserved love too. And Thomas was such a cute idiot in love, he likes to forget his shoes when he meets with Alastair. And when the institute was attacked by Tatiana, they almost slept together. In a carriage. I love them both and I am so happy that they can live together now.
Grace Blackthorn and Christopher Lightwood
I will never forgive Cassie for killing Christopher. Grace and Christopher were so cute together, they understood each other. And the most beautiful thing was that even though Christopher knew what Grace did, he didn't judge her. He still saw the good in her. And they definitely would have made one of the greatest couples TSC has ever had. It's not confirmed in the book, but I think they both loved each other very much. But when Christopher's ghost showed up at Grace's lab, it made me cry. It was so heartbreaking. I think I felt for Grace and Christopher the most. It was so nice that Christopher celebrated Christmas with Grave. That warmed my heart a lot.
Things I didn't like:
James and Matthew fight over Cordelia as if she were some toy
Cordelia, who puts herself too much in the victim role and blames everyone for everything
Cordelia and Lucie's fight. They argued so much that Cordelia made Lucie cry
The whole Paris storyline
That James did not manage to tell Cordelia the truth
Christopher's death that was just unnecessary
That over 300 pages nothing happened
The character development of Cordelia. She was annoying at the beginning until the middle of the book.
Things I liked
Tatiana, who crashed into the Christmas party and outed Tessa as Belial's daughter
That Grace became a part of the group and managed to complete the invention of fire messages
Every moment with Thomastair, AnnaAri, Gracestopher and Ghostwriter
Winston the parrot is my new favorite character
Matthew's reaction when Thomas came out
The Merry Thieves sleep together in Matthew's apartment
Anna and Ari dancing together
Lucie and Grace being badass
Will, Magnus and James, who were searching for Lucie
The character development of Grace, Alastair and Anna
My rating:
3 ⭐ 5 of possible stars
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alastairstom · 2 months
you’re such an incredible human 🫶 thanks for making mine & so many other people’s days brighter just by being you!
tlh gang really needs some birthdays setting…what date do you think they should all be?👀
Thank you so much Hannah this made my day so much brighter <3 you're such a wonderful person, I hope you know that. A ray of light!
Okay sooo in canon Matthew is a Capricorn per Cassie and Alastair was born in December. This is all of the information we have about any of their birthdays.
I think Matthew has Capricorn-Aquarius Cusper Vibes (I'm a Pisces-Ares cusper), so 22 January.
As for Alastair, 20 September feels like a good bet. It's also my half birthday, which I'm way too old to make a big deal of. But that's why I'm picking it, lol.
Cordelia is 1000% a fire sign, maybe a Leo. Since ChoG begins in August and her birthday isn't in it, I'm going with a late July birthday - why not 25 July?
Thomas is hard to guess because as @layla-carstairs once pointed out he's canonically 18 for 14 months. But Days Past Paris 1902 had to have taken place pretty shortly after his travel year started as well as in December, and he left for his travel year when he turned 18. So... probably October or November. Why not go with 20 October and have him a month after the love of his life? Party time.
James is younger than Matthew, though seemingly not by much, so I tend to place him around April or May. I actually love this for Herondaisy Reasons because, uh, daisies come up in spring? Yes. How does 18 April sound?
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drunkonimagination · 11 months
imagine how much thomas's mental health will suffer from barbara's loss and kit's sudden death once things have finally settled down. imagine how much he will try to bottle everything up since he has always struggled to share his most intimate thoughts and feelings, especially the sad and consuming ones. and also because thomas hates feeling small and weak like he once did as a child. he hates being treated like glass ready to break at anytime rather than the strong and reliable person he is desperately trying to be. he's just the kind of person who suffers in silent and bears everything all alone until the matter slowly fades away. so when alastair catches him panting and trembling in the middle of the night and asks thomas what's going on, he dismisses alastair's words with a quick gesture of the hand and a forced smile, saying it's really nothing, just bad dreams. however alastair knows thomas all too well to understand something is not right and is too perceptive not to notice how the other boy always flinches at the mere mention of christopher and immediately tries to change topic or hurry to do something else....but he doesn't insist: he just sits closer to thomas and starts caressing lightly his shoulder uttering comforting words. he silently reminds the other boy that he's one of the best things that ever happened to him, that he'll always be there when he needs him the most, the same way thomas is always there for him, that he loves him with his whole heart, especially when he's feeling sad or vulnerable- and thomas doesn't know how or when, but tears are rolling down his face, one by one, and as much as he tries to stop them they don't, just as a raging river overflowing....then he suddenly realizes alastair has stopped talking, but doesn't dare to turn and face him, because he knows for sure that alastair's loving gaze would break him once for all and he doesn't want it. he wants to be strong, he wants everything to stop: the pain, the trembling, the tears...but how can he stop it, how can he- a soft touch abruptly interrupts his stream of thoughts, a delicate hand stroking his cheek and wiping gently his tears, and a whisper: the most tender voice breaking through the veil of sorrow and grief enveloping him. “my tom, please.” thomas lets out a heart-wrenching sob, he doesn't need to look at alastair...all his love, so much love, is pouring through every single word. “let me comfort you,” alastair continues “let me love you.” and thomas can't help it anymore. he wraps his arms around alastair carstairs in a tight embrace and immediately feels strong arms hugging him back. and everything still hurts, it hurts so much, but alastair's presence, his body pressed entirely against thomas, the reassuring familiar voice going right through his heart...it's home. and home feels like hope. hope that one day he'll be fine again.
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ladyhindsight · 5 months
I dont remember if you've talked about this yet, but what are your thoughts on the whole family tree debacle after CHoT came out? It's obvious that CC wasn't originally planning on writing TLH when she made that family tree because it makes no sense now.
I’ve talked about the family tree a couple of times on the blog but never really went into it in detail, because once it became a point of discussion (after I made a comment about it as to Alastair and Thomas’ relationship working out) it was already known to have been an “inaccurate” one at that point. I was told that, essentially, the fake family tree included “fake marriages, secret adoption, people being secretly dead, people being secretly other people, faked deaths, or people marked dead when they became Downworlders/mundanes. Clare said that the Carstairs records were destroyed on purpose & Silent Bros make the family trees. It seems the implication is the family tree is inaccurate b/c Jem is covering stuff up. He has motivation to do this for the Carstairs & Herondales, if not the Lightwoods.” (Most likely refers to this answer given by Clare.)
Then we got The Last Hours (that was over 10 years in the making) and Chain of Thorns that barely made the family tree make any more sense than it did before. It resolved something, at least revealed the inaccuracies of the found one, but also added more to the pile of bullshit that was the whole mess with it.
When complaining about discussing Chain of Thorns, I wrote that Esme Hardcastle “was shoved in there in order to explain the “found family tree”, which at some point, I have no doubt, was how things were supposed to be, until Clare had more ideas for the Edwardian kids. No other characters in whole of TSC have gone through so many changes as these characters have. And as such, to keep the predictability at minimum—which isn’t a lot—the old family tree is made up by Esme, so Clare can spin this tale why it wasn’t accurate. Grace didn’t marry Christopher, Alastair didn’t have children (probably?). Then Clare had all these surprise babies coming because the way she chose to end the story for the Edwardian kids would mean no Emma, no Clary as we know them. So new Carstairs baby, new Fairchild twins.”’
And then she messed up the Lightwoods also. Clare’s insistency on everything including Herondales, Carstairs, Failchilds, Lightwoods, and Blackthorns has always been and always will be the core reason why everything goes to shit. Clare rides on the wings of nostalgia and familiarity with these names every series she writes and is incapable of letting them go and writing a trilogy about some other families. So, some points I’d like to bring up as to this (wholly based on my feelings and observations and are in no way factual but anyway):
THE FAIRCHILD TWINS. Originally (referring to the found family tree that had no reason to go under any change until Clare decided to write The Last Hours) Jocelyn and Clary were either Matthew’s or Charles’ descendants, I don’t remember which one was the assumed ancestor. In Clockwork Princess, the epilogue tells us that when Will was on his deathbed, “Charlotte, white-haired and upright, and the Fairchild sons and daughters with their curling red hair like Henry’s had once been” were present. Which, if Clare would cling to any consistency, would mean the twins should be girls.
Are these daughters ones that existed before or after Clare came up with Matthew’s mistake regarding Charlotte (Before Matthew was said to have golden hair because the epilogue states all of the Fairchild kids have red hair like Henry’s)? Right now it seems that there’s no definite answer which one of the Fairchild children are Jocelyn’s (and thus Clary’s) ancestor. Could be anyone but probably not Charles. Either way it all feels insufficient, because Clare was never interested in the Fairchilds beyond Clary, Jocelyn, Charlotte and now later Matthew. There were no other Fairchilds ever even mentioned, no other Fairchild line that existed beyond Jocelyn’s, no cousins or aunts or uncles or distant relatives. And now that it is ending with Clary eventually becoming Herondale, I feel like Clare is trying to backtrack and keep Charlotte and Henry’s line of Fairchild in existence some way or the other.
(Also already in 2015 Clare teased the connection between Jocelyn’s mother Adele Nightshade and Anselm Nightshade so I guess there is an avenue for that, but nothing to do with the Fairchilds.)
CHRISTOPHER LIGHTWOOD. Clare said on her blog that she knew from the very beginning Kit was going to die, but in Clockwork Princess, the epilogue, reads that “Cecy’s blue-eyed boys, tall and handsome” were present on Will’s deathbed. Mind you, the epilogue is Tessa's counting of events and nothing to do with some shitty family tree that isn't even accurate.
BARBARA LIGHTWOOD. Referring to the same epilogue in Clockwork Princess: “Gideon and Sophie’s two girls” were present on Will’s deathbed, meaning originally Barbara didn't die either. Unless Sophie will also have a surprise baby like Sona and Charlotte.
ALEXANDER LIGHTWOOD (the first one). Recently I noticed that changing Alec and Isabelle’s ancestor from Kit to Alex created a pretty huge problem. Having Alex continue the family line makes absolutely no goddamn sense because he was born 1900 and the next known descendant Isidore that is Isabelle and Alec’s great grandfather was born 1908. (Also are surprised that I mostly listed Lightwoods here, as if they were the least thought about...)
I get that Clare said like 10 years ago (at earliest, when TID finished, I had to go check when this thing actually originated because I honestly didn't know before this) that the family tree is a “found object” and not reliable. But what she wrote previous to this whole things doesn’t align with her earlier plans either and only creates a confusing narrative.
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4uru · 10 months
Narcissistic art rant
Tw: anti cc
[I only take constructive criticism if u don't like/agree with my post either keep scrolling or *politely* express your opinion, i am a fragile little tea cup who doesn't like conflict and i will cry and overthink]
I know i might sound egotistical, but i don't like how any official art (the art posted by cc) of alastair carstairs looks.
I will 100% reblog an Alastair Carstairs fanart that maybe doesn't fit my vision of him, i wont criticise it or anything bc they did this from their heart. They were passionate about it. I will shut my mouth and appreciate the hell out of it. Also i know that my fanarts will also clash with some ppl's perception of him
But, I actually hate coming across official art of Thomas and Alastair, here are my reasons,
> the proportions are always wack on these two specifically for some reason. If y'all remember thr scarf one, i remember trying to figure out the proportions there, Alastair's arms were short and it just irks me. Bc ppl are paid for this. This isn't a fanart, this is a Commission prolly, and it just takes me out of the whole piece immediately.
>Thomas doesnt have a single, solo art that actually looks nice. One that i actually like started to bother me for some reason, so i tracked the proportions and his forehead was too big, and just the whole thing tuned me off from the piece.
He also has a chariot (?) fanart, (him on top of a chariot) and im sorry to say that was one of the fucking ugliest of Official art of thomas, his whole thing was off, it was a perspective drawing, and it just failed, his head looked to big, his face was stiffer than wood, his body' perspective made my brain hurt, it was just not good.
>for some reason only the alastair and thomas are non sensical (im talking their solo character drawings) like why is Alastair
Evilly reading a book? Why is thomas just flexing?? It makes no sense compared to the rest, matthew is laying there like a girl boss and that makes sense for him, like just these two are kinda awkwardly standing or sitting
> they make Alastair a twink. Theres nothing wrong with being a twink. But Alastair is literally a shadowhunter. An ACTIVE shadowhunter. And its not even that he looks like a twink compared to Thomas, no they actually make him a petite little boy. Wtf???? It feels like they are trying to put Alastair and Thomas in a heteronormative box. Doesn't help that almost the whole fandom agrees on the opinion that Alastair is the bottom. (Trust me i tried searching for bottom thomas lightwood....i found a barren land)
Their art feels forced to me...i dont feel jack shit. And these are my favourite fucking characters i have seen absolutely beginner stuff, and i have cried over it. I just dont feel anything when i look at these official arts.
Here ends my very narcissistic rant. At the end of the day...cc can just make characters and fuck em up, i will take them, put them.in a box and shake it violently until i like them.
I will have to say, i love the coloring of these fanarts, even the ones that make me want to die, but yeah the drawing is just not there, they feel hollow and wonky, and i dont care how smooth and cool the colors looks when it feels completely emotionless.
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tamlinfairchild · 1 month
How are you liking all of the TLH characters and ships?
(If anyone is reading this do not send me spoilers, I'm only half way through Chain of Iron)
Honestly, I am loving them all!
My favourite characters so far are Matthew, Cordelia, Jesse, Grace and Alastair. I also do enjoy James, Anna and Lucie, although Thomas and Christopher are barely there in page so far I feel. I also find Lucie and James' powers really interesting.
As for ships, I’m very fond of Jesse and Lucie atm. I’m interested to see more of Anna and Ari and I like James and Cordelia, but I’m also vibing Matthew and Cordelia.
Honestly, as always, CC’s platonic relationships are way more compelling than the romantic ones and honestly bless her for that. I love the Carstairs family dynamics and the Merry Thieves. I am fascinated by Grace and Jesse and the levels she'll go for her brother. And ofc, James and Matthew's Parabatai bond! And despite everything James and Grace (refuse to call them a ship) is very gripping, in a I'm so curious wtf will happen when it all comes down kinda way.
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