#and he got EXACTLY what Puppet would want. and you could see how happy Puppet was they were just trying to act not excited
bleetusmcyeetus · 30 days
Oh my god I was NOT expecting to leave the Sun & Foxy fake date ep. mildly shipping Puppet and Foxy?? Help when I clicked on it I was kinda thinking “oh. More fake kidscove stuff. That’s always fun :)” but then everything happened and???????????? Huh??????? Like I don’t really ever ship TSBS characters just cuz it feels weird to me but?? Oh my god
#HELP???#I don’t know how to feel#like the whole Puppet Bodypillow situation is very 🤨 on Monty’s part obviously and kinda very weird#BUT#but but.#Puppet what was that reaction when Foxy kept it??#like Foxy was being completely normal about it. he took it because well Why Not and to maybe sell as a ‘collectors item’#then YOU made it weird#I don’t. hm#is Puppet catching feelings for Foxy??#like. there is NO WAY they included over half an episode of JUST the two of them for. nothing#like Monty at the end was even like ‘🤨hey. hey buddy why are you. Being Like This? Hm?’#I. I don’t know to me personality it honestly kinda seems like it. could work??#like it just felt so REAL to me when they were in Puppet’s new apartment and like. Foxy knew EXACTLY what Puppet would want#and he got EXACTLY what Puppet would want. and you could see how happy Puppet was they were just trying to act not excited#“I like. Couches. I like comfortable couches.’’ and ‘You have a very comfortable couch’ like??? excuses to just. be in Foxy’s house more???#I am reading waaaaaaaaaaaay too much into this but CMON. PUPPET YOU WERE NOT NORMAL ABOUT ANY OF THIS BUT WHY??? PUPPET.#and FOXY?? FOXY YOU ARE POOR. Foxy the most recurring thing about you is that You Need More Money. and then you.#spend MILLIONS of dollars on an apartment for Puppet???? adhdjfjskdjdhagfjskfsjd#like. going back to Puppet. she even EXCPLICITY made some romance-related comments regarding Foxy and?? I don’t know. I don’t knowwww#IS SHE catching feelings?? IS she?? I just. that felt like Something. their entire interaction the whole time felt like Something.#puppet x foxy#(kind of)#mgafs#mgafs puppet#mgafs foxy#i rambled a bit#THAT JUST. chat I am TELLING YOU there is SOMETHING. there is something. I really hope we expand on this because PLEASE. please#it just. as a Ship it feels soft and comfy?? like a comfort ship?? idk I just really hope they expand on this#if they don’t I’ll live. I’ll just be Silly in my head and imagine it being real. BUT IF THEY DO. ILL NEVER BE NORMAL AGAIN
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kagakuoniryu · 4 months
Alastor x reader I've written randomly to vent about a shitty situation I'm currently living
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Summary : a new guest you knew from your past life arrive at the hotel, she was that one person who bullied you throigh high school, but she mooks too angelic to be guilty
Code : E/n (ennemy/name)
Tags : fem reader, etablished relationship, angst for the most part, there will maybe be a part 2, mentions of bullying, reader is TRAUMATIZED, english is not my first language, may have some inaccuracy about the show since I'm just projecting, and of course probably ooc characters
It wasn't a bad day, at least not in a place like hell, it was even quite nice, charlie was babbling about a new team bonding activity as usual, and it was nice being with your friends, until around 2 pm...when a new guest arrived...
Oh you remembered her...from high school, so pretty, so popular, she was you best friends ! You should have been overjoyed to see her down here !
Well...not exactly, because she wasn't your best friend anymore, you hardly bear to be in the same room as her, of anger, from your history and how your friendship ended...but also of fear and dread...
You were both teens back then, you and eager to have many friends ! You had your own group of friends, and she was a separate individual, spending her time with her boyfriend often, that's okay by you, you were happy for her, and when that boy left her you welcomed her with open arms ! You became best friend soon, even inseparable ! You heard her badmouth you to your friend group from time to time, but she told you it was okay, it was "to know who was fake" then, one by one, your friends ghosted you, but you had her, she was there at least, making new friends, each time you introduced her they left soon enough, you thought that maybe you were the problem and stopped trying, your best friend was there after all
Until a boy came along, love at first sight for you, he had everything ! He had so much...your best friend wanted him too...and with that, she had him, when you called her out she called you an homewrecker and a toxic friend getting in the way of her relationship, that ended badly and an argument followed, while you stayed on the down low, she texted your few friends left, and any new friends you managed to make telling them how awful you were, so you ended up closing your media althogether, moving away, and never hearing about her ever again
And there she was, she didn't really looked different from her time on her, a round face and blond hair, she didn't looked like she fitted in hell, but you you were different, your body jointed like a doll, mocking your life as the puppet of those who wanted to play you, but if not your appearance, your personnality changed, you were more confident, your boyfriend was a powerful overlord too ! No, not boyfriend, he proposed a month ago after all, he was your fiancee now, and you had friends, through thick and thin, you knew they wouldn't buy into her lie at least !
Having an hard time to breath you sucked it up, maybe she wouldn't recognize you ?
How wrong
"Hello ! Welcome to the hazbin hotel ! Guys this is our new guest !" Charlie started with her usually cheerfulness
"Hi everyone ! My name is E/n, I barely arrived in hell ! And I figured that if I could, I would want to be redeemed ! After all everyone deserves second chances !" The girl said back
Her voice hasn't changed, neither her tone, that fake nice tone you used to hear every day, here, one again in flesh and blood, not through a phone, not through class, but..here...
Breathing harder than ever, you only went back to reality when husk called out to you
"Hey ? You seem weird, like you've seen some ghost ?" His tone nonchalant as always showed half concerns, but for him, it was a lot
"A glass, of whiskey, or vodka, whatever you got, strongest you got please"
"Wowowo...alright, that's not your type to drink, what's up...?"
"I-I...I know this girl...she...listens, I can't be in her presence sober, I knew her from where I was alive...we had...some bad conflict...she did some awful things to me, and I got bad issues after that...I said some mean things to her too, we were kids, but since then I'm scared I'll lose all my friends again !"
Husk just nodded at my whispered rant, trying to calm myself, I didn't even insisted on a glass and went straight to my own room since alastor and I didn't shared one yet, not before marriage he said
Later that day, angel vaggie and charlie passed by my room, concerned by my absence, I told them everything, how I ended up abandonning the notion of making friends when I was alive, the calls, the insults, they looked at me with compassion, charlie said she believes that she could have changed, and even if I doubted it, I wanted to believes it
Alastor arrived to spend some quality time with me, dancing on old jazz music far from my time, reading a book, basking in silence with each others
After a while, I thought I could talk about E/n with him, he was my fiancee after all ?
"Al ?" I started, unsure
"Yes my dear ?"
"You know about that new guest at the hotel ?"
"Ah yes, what a cultivated lady, quite entertaining, she was really into songs from the 1980s not my style at all, we had a long discussion about music genres, she's actually quite against modern technology and that picture show"
"Oh...so...you like her company ?"
"She is not insufferable if that's your question"
Finally you decided against your first idea, perhaps she had changed in the end ? Perhaps a new friendship was possible ? With healthy fondation, you could get your bestfriend back !
Wrong again
You revealed her the next day who you were, well, used to be, what linked the two of you back in the living realms, for others, nothing changed, but for you it was subtle, for exemple she never interrupted anyone, but when it came to you each time your mouth opened she would cut you out
She was such a charmer too, a quality you envied her, her audience was captivated, and soon even alastor was her aquaintance, he presented her rosie of course ! Just like he did for charlie !
And just like he did for you...
Rosie found her delightful, and from your tea parties at 3 with her and alastor, became 4, adding E/n
A comment about your appearance back in high school, an embarassing moment you had, a silly crush, every single detail of your life was used to mock you, even your crush on a video game character
Soon you always found excuses to avoid going to the tea party, and spend most of our time outside of the hotel, feeling akward in her presence
You tried talking about it to charlie or maybe vaggie, to no avail, they said how nice E/n was and how much progress she was making, if they weren't saying you sounded silly thinking that in these 3 weeks she took your place, you still felt like it...
And it all confirmed when, after a whole day of searching for everyone, they finally came back to the hotel from shopping...without you
"Finally you're here toots ! We tried searching for ya before going but you weren't anywhere !" Angel started, holding many bags in each arms
"What do you mean ? I was in my room all day ?"
"Wait you weren't out ? E/n told us she saw you leave ?"
"Oh I'm sorry my eyes deceived me...next time I'll still check your room !" As everyone looked sorry I couldn't help but see it, even for a second...
She smirked...
Of course she did, she never changed
This started becoming common occurence, either the others left you behind, or you could leave the entire day without them noticing, and at some point, angel, husk and sir pentious started to distance themselves from you
"Hey angel, hum...you wanna hang out...? Go to a club, or drink with husk, just spend some time betweens pal ?"
"Sorry sweet cheeks, but we're partying with E/n tonight and...she doesn't feel comfortable around you..."
"Wha ? Angel what are you talking about ?"
"She told us about it, about the two of you, hos jealous and manipulative you were, you even tried to make her dump her boyfriend, that wasn't cool of you, I don't want to take side on this, but if I hang out with one of you, I'd rather not force her to be with the other for both your sanities"
That's all you could have mustered, because what was there to muster, you were in hell, all the proof you used to have were on your previous phone in the living realm, but even if angel and the other favored her, mayne your fiancee could understand your side ?
Gently you knocked on alastor's hotel room as he called you to come in, he was currently eating his dinner, a...fresh venison...but you shook your head lightly, taking a sit across the table
"Al, can I vent to you for a bit...?"
"What is it my dear ? But please, spare me your story with E/n, as much as I love a good gossip, the young lady did you a favor by never taking vengance in the living realm, I wouldn't want the two of you to get in troubles once again"
"Al, please it's serious, she's telling lies about le ! And you believes her ? I'm your fiancee ! She's in hell as well !"
"And so are you, and so am I, I am not interested in knowing the why who is were, but I admit your little querrel is...quite entertaining !"
"So your fiancee see her ex bully...and all you think about is entertainment ?"
"Well, ma chère (my dear) as far as we are all concerned, without proof, both of you could be the liar, it's about, who's able to convince the public, just like on a stage"
Alastor's half sadistic smile didn't amused you, you just sighed, getting up, wamking slowly toward the exit of his room, if even your own fiancee, the man you loved refused to believes you, who would ?
You couldn't see alastor's curious expression as you left, he just wanted to prolounge the fun and not outright gives you the solution, but seeing you give up almost made him that for once he screwed up badly
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itsmarsss · 4 months
The World-Famous Annual Heffley Puppet Show [Rodrick Heffley x Reader] (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
(~from the vault~)
Susan invites you to watch one of the Heffley's weird annual traditions, and you're expecting anything but this.
Word Count: 1,479
Dating Rodrick Heffley was… an experience. Not in a bad way at all, it was only that it could be… weird, for lack of a better word to describe it, at times. Like right now, for instance, when you were sitting in his living room while his parents told an extremely over-complicated story through… puppets.
You weren’t exactly sure how you'd gotten yourself into this situation. Okay, well, that was a lie, actually.
Susan had been incredibly persistent about you coming to the ‘World-Famous Annual Heffley Puppet Show’, as she made sure to announce extravagantly, adamant about you being present to witness the oh-so-great performance, and, despite Rodrick´s ridiculous attempts at making faces at you from behind her that quietly told you to not, in any occasion, agree to it, you just couldn’t get yourself to say no.
“Why would you say yes? You could have just said your grandma just died or something!” Rodrick questioned you, exhasperated.
“Dude! Don’t say that about my grandma!”
“Okay sorry. But you could’ve said absolutely anything! Anything!"
“I tried! She kept finding solutions! She even said she’d move the date up.”
“She said that?”
“Yeah. Why?"
“Shit. She’s never moved the date before. She really wants you to go.”
“Why is that?"
“No idea. I think she just really likes you."
“Why do you sound so shocked about that?”
“She’s never really liked any of the girls I went out with.”
“Okay, James Dean. You’ve gone out with like one girl before me when you were like sixteen.”
“Hey I got laid! Occasionally.”
“It’s true!”
“Yeah right.”
“Fine. I got laid twice. Happy?"
You shrugged, grinning at him as you poked fun at him some more.
"Well now that you said yes to her I guess we’re gonna have to go.”
“It can’t be that bad!”
It could. It definitely, 100%, without a doubt, could. The ‘performance’ had been going on for about half an hour now, and it didn’t look like it was heading towards an end any time soon. You were all sitting in chairs, which were lined up in front of the couch, your seat between Rodrick's and Greg's, with Rowley by Greg’s left and Manny by Rodrick’s right.
Okay, yeah, maybe this time you should have listened to Rodrick.
You really, really tried, but you could not, as much as you desperately wanted to, figure out the plot of the story Mr. and Mrs. Heffley were trying to tell. It had something to do with dragons and fried chicken and at some point you could swear there was a clown. How any of that tied up together was beyond you, and, as you could see, Rodrick and Greg too.
The only ones who seemed to be having any fun at all were Manny, who was standing up and clapping like crazy throughout the entire thing, probably props to the very questionable voices his parents were making for the ridiculous amount of different characters that seemed to progressively look worse in appearance as they showed up, and Rowley, who also didn’t seem to understand any of it, but looked entertained nonetheless, occasionally even shooting Greg a few comments, to which Greg just smiled and mumbled something incoherent under his breath in response.
You leaned over to Rodrick, who was wide-eyed at this point, looking borderline terrified at the scene that unfolded in front of him. “You said it was bad, not that it was gonna give me nightmares!” You whispered.
He looked genuinely embarrassed, and for Rodrick Heffley to be embarrassed of something, oh that was something. “I tried to warn you!”
“What are you guys talking about?” Greg whispered too, making himself a part of the conversation.
“Shut up dickhead,” Rodrick let out under his breath, to which Greg replied by sticking his tongue out at him, earning a middle finger in response. Oh, brothely love.
“Do you guys really have to go through this every year?”
They both nodded. “It’s like it gets more terrifying every year,” Greg commented, and you took a quick glance back at the couch, where Mr. and Mrs. Heflley were crouched behind. Apparently a pig who was wearing a bow tie was hunting down a rabbit for sweets now.
“Do you guys think they’d notice if we left?” Greg asked and you pondered on it. Then you had an idea.
You turned to face your boyfriend. “Okay look. You gotta be fast alright? And you can't let your mom be upset at me."
“What?” Rodrick questioned you, finally managing to look away from the trance the puppet show had kept his eyes in.
“When I say I gotta go you say you’re coming with me.”
He nodded, though he hadn't really gotten the gist of where you were going with that.
“Wait can I come?”
“No,” Rodrick promptly replied.
“Come on give him a break," you nudged his arm, to which he rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh.
“Fine. But only ‘cause she asked.”
Greg smiled, looking at you. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“Alright we gotta get out fast. Just grab Rowley with ya.”
Greg nodded in understandment.
“Hey Mrs. Heffley?” You spoke up.
The voices stopped. You were already grateful just for that moment of silence. Susan’s head appeared from behind the sofa. “Yes dear? Something wrong?”
“I'm really sorry, but um I really need to head home, I think.”
“Oh but we’re only halfway through-”
“I’ll take her home!” Rodrick exclaimed at lightspeed, yanking you by your wrist and sprinting towards the front door.
“We’ll come with!” Greg yelled too, doing the same with Rowley, leaving only Manny as an audience for the remainder of the story.
“Bye! Thnak you for inviting me!” You yelled over, already out by the front yard.
“Uh- bye sweetie!”
You got to Rodrick’s van, which was parked on the street, all panting and out of breath from running so fast.
“Okay, get in demon spawn.” Rodrick unlocked the back door and waiting for the boys to enter.
“Hey!” You exclaimed in feighened offense.
“Not you. You’re a… sexy little demon...ess,” he smirked, knowing he’d get a laugh out of you.
You could hear Greg and Rowley say ‘ew’ from the back as you got in the car.
“I agrre with them, ew. I think I prefer demon spawn.”
Rodrick got in himself, turning the engine on. “Okay any ideas?”
“Can we go to Chipotle?” Rowley asked.
“No we should go to Taco Bell!” Greg yelled, and they immediately started arguing about it, talking over each other so loud you couldn’t understand a single word they were saying.
“Hey! Dickheads! Shut up!” Rodrick yelled, and, surprisingly, they did. “Y/n chooses.”
“What? Why?” Greg asked, offended.
“She has girlfriend privileges!”
You laughed at Greg’s angry expression. “Well I think we should go to Subway.”
“We’re not going to Subway." Rodrick deadpanned.
“What? You said I had girlfriend privileges!”
“Not if you choose fucking Subway!”
“Fine. Domino’s?”
“That's a decent option!” He smiled, and started driving.
You got yourselves a large pizza, Greg and Rowley quick to leave the table and go chase after each other around the place.
“You have grease on your chin,” you informed Rodrick when you looked at him. He wiped it off, his mouth full of food. He tried to say something, but quit as soon as he started, the sound muffled.
“Dude swallow the pizza first, that’s gross!”
He did so before trying again. “I said thank you.”
“It was looking all greasy and gross!"
"Oh shut up," he smiled at your teasing. "I meant for saying yes to my mom. She was actually like super excited about it.”
You furrowed your eyebrows together, confused. “Wait I thought you wanted me to say no.”
“Well yeah. But she clearly liked that you did go or whatever. She likes you.”
“That good?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “I guess. Maybe he won’t be so up our asses if she likes you.”
“Well you’re very welcome. Cause that was… something.”
He laughed. “You thought that was bad? You should see the Christmas one.”
There was no way. “They do a Christmas puppet show too?”
“Oh no it’s much worse. They actually act in it.”
“Yeah. And you’re officially invited by me.”
“Oh no don’t bring me into this again-”
“Too late! I-” he took a sip of his soda- “will be telling my mom you had a wonderful time today, and you were so, so bummed you had to go home early!”
“You’re a jerk!”
“What's that I hear? You’d be thrilled to attend the Yearly Heffley Christmas Play?"
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
You smiled. You supposed you signed up for weirdness the moment you said yes to dating Rodrick Heflley of all people.
“I do, actually!”
He smiled at you. No, you don't.
[. . .]
A/N: heyy rewrote some thingies but its mostly the same as when i first wrote it. so here ya go with some more rodrick content! :)
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0vereasy · 5 months
Life’s Creation and Love’s Manifestation (Dr ratio x reader)- Chapter 4: Late Appraisal
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Summary: Your promotion as one of the heads of the Security Department at Herta’s Station was full of many headaches, one of the biggest being a visiting scholar from the Intelligentsia Guild, and delegate of the IPC, Dr. Ratio.
When you were forced to team up with him to solve several crises emerging at the Station, how will your tense relationship change? And what exactly is the Doctor hiding?
Taglist: @96jnie @boomie-123 @a2tral @ukiyo-ikigai @poemzcheng @kpopmenace143 @tseleven @rains-mae @comet-kun @thatanimewriter @lowlucifer @snailsposts @earthtooz @delightfuldragoncollection @soobinsgirlfriend @lvfel
A/N: You can probably tell I’m pretty tired by the writing + shorter chapter, but I wanted to get something out. The original draft was longer but I wasn’t happy with the later half, so I thought I would just for with a smaller chapter this time and keep working at the later half for a better finished produce. This mainly serves as a transitional chapter anyway, with more action expected in the next one.
You know that stereotype where fanfic authors literally go through the craziest shit when they’re writing? Well the last few weeks I won my first trial as a law student, got a few good resolution for other clients all at once, ans started getting closer with my crush. So… I’ve been pretty busy as you can see lol. I have a term break in a few weeks, which is likely when the next chapter will come out, and where I will try to pre-write another chapter or two. Thank you all for being patient with the delay!
Chapter 4: Late Appraisal (3.8k+ words)
“I just don’t understand how this even happened!” you watched the short white-haired man pace around Herta’s office, his forehead crinkled in concentration and mouth twisted into a worried frown. You felt your head pulse with each of his footsteps, thumping in beat with the heavy taps of his feet on the tile floor, the ache getting worse with each motion he made. Aeons, you wish they never found you napping in the Seclusion Zone. At least then you could’ve dealt with your hangover in peace and quiet, “How could multiple researchers and a Herta puppet all go missing in one afternoon? Especially with our upgraded security! It just makes no sense.”
“If you let me go look at the security system, I could tell you,” you deadpanned, eyes trailing over to the office door briefly, as if contemplating some way to escape, before flickering back to your boss, “I don’t even get why you called me here, aren’t we wasting time with this meeting when we could be trying to fix things?”
“Wasting time?” Arlan rebutted, stopping his pacing and crossing his arms over his chest. His eyes narrowed as he looked at you, giving you little hope of making your escape from the office, “You know what’s a waste of time? Trying to track you down just to find out you were passed out drunk in the Seclusion Zone! Do you know how much time we wasted just trying to find you?”
“It was literally my day off, Arlan,” you huffed in reply, mirroring his stance by crossing your own arms over your chest, “I don’t have to tell you where I am all the time. Not anymore at least.” You let the implication of the words hang in the air, something that didn’t go over well with your usually mellow boss, who seemed to be getting angrier by the minute. But hey, if he was gonna push your buttons, you weren’t just gonna sit there and take it. 
“We’re in an emergency, Y/N!” he practically shouted at you, “It doesn’t matter if it's your day off! What would’ve you done if it was your day off when the Legion attacked? Stayed in your room and brushed it off?” You felt your body stiffen at his words, arms moving from their crossed state to hang loosely at your sides. You hated this; when you argued, when he used his knowledge of you and what would set you off for his own advantage. It was almost downright cruel. 
“Don’t talk about the Legion attack,” your reply was quick, emotionless as if you were trying to avoid thinking of it yourself, “You know that’s different. A lot different.” At this point, you were willing to run out of the Herta’s Office, meeting be damned. The ache in your head paused for a moment replaced by a dull pain in your chest, mind swirling with thoughts you’d rather forget. You were almost afraid of how you appeared to your boss right now. 
You watched Arlan’s eyes for the shift in emotion, hoping, praying that he was able to see where you were coming from. You saw it for a moment, like a flicker of hope burning within his purple orbs, before he blinked, sending the sympathy away from wherever it came from, “Is it though? For all we know, all of those researchers are dead! Adler could be dead!” You clenched your fist at the mention of the boy, the pounding in your head seeming to grow again. 
“I get it!” you exclaimed, throwing your arms in the air in frustration, “Which is why I wanna look at the security system to see how this happened! But instead were here arguing about stupid shit that doesn’t matter right now!” You watched as he began to pace around Herta’s office again, Herta’s holographic image of herself staring at the both of you, along with the other genius society portraits, as if they all were looking down on this conversation too. You couldn’t blame them. 
“You know why were having this conversation,” Arlan was quieter now, but still stern, “We needed you, and you there was no way to contact you!” He let out a shaky sigh before talking again, “We even started to think you were taken too!” You took a deep breath, attempting to let the anger inside of you simmer down at the genuine tone of his voice. 
“I already know that,” you sighed, “ Screwllum told me it all when he came to wake me up,” you raised an eyebrow, “You should’ve asked him sooner, I mean,” you tugged on your button-down shirt, holding back a wince at how the sudden action made your head pound harder, “You already know our relationship. If anyone knew where I was, it would be him” You released the shirt, begrudgingly moving a hand to hold your head now, unable to pretend that you didn’t feel like shit any longer. Arlan looked at you with an expression you couldn’t quite read; disgust? Pity? You’d honestly rather not know. 
“How much did you drink yesterday?” Arlan asked you, pausing his pacing again to change the subject, his expression still holding anger, but voice quiet, as if he was preparing to hear bad news. You thought about putting up a fuss for a moment, but sighed, preparing yourself to relent on this point, as if the alcohol was holding you back from hiding the extent of your poor state. 
“A bottle of wine,” you said simply, crossing your arms across your chest again. You almost looked stupid, standing in the office in your sweatpants and Screwllum’s shirt, confessing your problems, while Arlan stared back at you in proper uniform, leaving the power imbalance between you two evident visually and audibly,  “And a bit of Vodka,” you left the part about the vodka being in your water bottle unspoken, not prepared to deal his rant on that topic that the two of you had gone through hundreds of times before, though the pitying look on his face told you that he already knew.
“You really have to stop this,” Arlan said, voice losing the anger now, holding nothing but pity. Honestly, you preferred him angry. When Arlan became sentimental and looked at you like you were a lost cause or some sort of fuck up, for some reason nothing in the world felt worse. You didn’t know what it was; the way his lips curved into a frown like no other he ever displayed, or how his big eyes became downturned, a flicker of pain etched onto them and the rest of his features, “You can’t keep doing this to yourself…”
“I don’t want to talk about this,” you stared into his pitying eyes, hand from your head moving back to your side as you forced both your features and stance into neutrality as if that would fight off the emotions that threatened to spill from you.
“You don’t have a choice,” he said firmly, though not unkindly, “You know what I think about your drinking… what Asta thinks,” he let that name hang in the air for a moment, sending a shiver down your spine that made you wince, an action that didn’t go unnoticed by your boss. Arlan sighed, the sternness from before fading away into his usual kind demeanour, “You know I can’t control what you do; you’re an adult. But when your drinking gets in the way of your job; when you pass out somewhere where we can’t find you when we need you, thats when it becomes an issue.”
“Arlan,” you spoke his name, whether in warning for him to stop, or in frustration at the change in track of conversation, you couldn’t say.
“You know the Station is vulnerable after the attack… you know it better than anyone,” he said softly, “So we need you to be at 100% all the time… I know I already extended your hours after the whole incident from a few days ago,” you gritted your teeth at the previous punishment you had received due to your actions on the night that the stupid alcaster face bastard arrived, “but I don’t think that’s enough for what we need from you right now.”
“What are you suggesting?” you huffed, tapping a finger against your thigh impatiently. It clearly wasn’t the first time you received punishment and definitely wouldn’t be the last. At least that was something familiar in your life, you mused - at least something in your life could follow a steady routine. 
“... You can’t drink any alcohol for the rest of the month,” he said firmly, quickly speaking again when he saw you open your mouth in protest, “Okay, maybe not the month… but at least until we get the researchers back and solve the confidence issues… I need you sober right now, Y/N.”
“You know its not that easy to just… stop,” you muttered, eyes moving to look at your feet. Even now, early in the morning, probably a bit over 12 hours from your last drink, you felt jittery, like you needed something to quell your nerves. Without the alcohol, and even with the pounding head, things were too… vivid, real. It was overwhelming to experience the sensations in the world how they were meant to be seen without the dull drag of a foggy blanket taking over your mind. How were you supposed to go a few days like this? 
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, catching your glance as you looked back at him, “I don’t have a choice right now… let's talk more later, go, try to figure out why the security system went down last night.”
You opened your mouth, as if to respond, but allowed it to close again, turning your back to the man, “Whatever… talk to you later… Brother Arlan,” you left Herta’s office before he could respond to your use of his common teasing nickname around the station, not being in the mood to deal with another yelling match today. You unceremoniously slam the door behind you before you practically drag your body towards the elevator. Around you, you could hear the panicked gossip of various researchers, a sound that did nothing to calm the pounded headache that continued to make every movement a hassle. Part of you thought about talking to them - telling them that everything was under control. 
The other part of you recognized that you probably looked like a hot mess right now, and didn’t bother. They already didn’t trust you anyway - you weren’t stupid. If anything, approaching them would probably make things worse than it already was. So, you dragged your body down the stairs, onto the main floor of the master control zone and to the elevator, fully intent on not acknowledging anyone’s existence. 
It was only the sniffles of one specific person that made you do a double-take before you could press the button to call the elevator. Wen Shiling was a few feet behind you, trying to hide her sobs in her sleeve, but failing to do so, her small body physically shaking, evident even from your distance away from her. It was times like these when you wondered how children were even allowed to be researchers on this Station in the first place - it made you wonder how they could handle the stress that even you struggled to deal with. You paused, mind flickering between Wen Shiling and the elevator, sighing when you ultimately decided on the former, trudging your quiet body towards hers.
“Wen Shiling?” you spoke softly, bending down to be closer to her height, the action paining your head. Honestly, with your hangover and usual tone of conversation, you really had no idea how to approach comforting her… or anyone really, “What’s wrong sweetie, are you okay?” you hesitated before reaching a hand out, touching her gently on the shoulder. Her eyes seemed to water as she took in your form, a long sob escaping her lips. She looked from your hand to you, as if contemplated whether she wanted to move away, though she kept herself firmly planted in place. 
“No, I’m mad!” she cried, wiping her teary eyes on her sleeve. She offered you know no other words, too focused on stifling her sobs, which were still obnoxiously loud. You resisted the urge to cover your ears to block out the noise despite her cries doing nothing to soothe your headache. You gently rubbed your hand up and down her back, hoping that it offered some form of comfort to the girl. 
Though she wasn’t clear about the source of her anger, it was clear enough to guess, “You don’t have to worry about Adler, we’ll definitely bring him back soon.” Of course you left out the part where you had no idea where the little boy was or if he was even alive… but you really didn’t want to get into discussing the philosophy of life and death with a eight year old. Your mind flickered to Adler’s stupid book you had borrowed, the one you hadn’t cracked open since the night your… enjoyable evening with Screwllum was interrupted by the damned doctor you had been forced to accommodate. What if you never saw him again… what if he never got to talk to you about the book? You internally shook your head, focusing again on Wen Shiling in front of you. Aeons, if only you could have a drink to take the edge off…
“I don’t want him back… he’s stupid!” she sobbed again. You tried not to cringe at the snot covering the sleeves of her dress, forcing yourself to focus on her words, “He doesn’t talk to me and then disappears…! I don’t even want him here!”
“I’m sure he was just busy,” you attempt to soothe the girl, cursing the Aeons for failing to give you skills in soothing children. Deciding your ability to comfort children was lacking, you decided to only logically thing you could do was change your tone to match your usual personality, “You know, once we get him back I’m sure he’ll be sorry for how he treated you. That’ll serve him right, huh?.”
“He’ll be sorry?” she echoed your words, blinking dumbly up at you. You nodded in encouragement, hoping that you finally found some method to calm her crying. You forced yourself to plaster the a smile on your face, as if everything was fine and you weren’t currently feeling like death from a hangover and dealing with the aftermath of another invasion and your alcohol problem all at the same time. 
“Of course! Im sure we can even make him take an afternoon off his stupid ecology research,” you said with smirk, happy to at least let your genuine thoughts shine through for a moment before the inevitable hours of seriousness ahead, “I heard he’s horrible at board games, we could force him to play one beat him to a pulp.”
Wen Shiling smiled a bit, though her frown returned soon after, “Big sis… Can I ask you something? But you have to tell me the truth.”
Feeling like you were getting the farthest using your typical personality, you let your genuine thoughts ring through in your answer “Sure, I’m not a liar,” you shrugged, crossing your arms over your chest, “what’s up?”
“…” she hesitated for a moment before speaking, “Do you really think Adler is okay? … You think we’ll find him?” You stared at her for a moment, taking in her big brown tearful eyes and the snotty sleeves on her dress, an expression mixed with hopefulness and worry plastered all over her features. You forced a confident smirk on your face, placing your hands on your hips in mock confidence.
“I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.” 
It wasn’t your first time lying to a kid, and you were sure it wouldn’t be the last either. 
Your head continued to pound as the elevator descended, countless sounds filling your head. Arlan’s yelling… Wen Shiling’s crying… it all fluttered around your brain like snow, casting an endless stream of emotions on your already overwhelmed brain. Your mind drifted to your water bottle which you knew sat on your desk in your room… would Arlan even know if you took a sip from it… He couldn’t right? How would he? There was no way he could actually expect to accurately record your sobriety, you thought to yourself. No, you just had to be sneaky with it - a few sips here and there to quell your thoughts… thats all you would need… just something to take the edge off. Even the thought of the alcohol seemed to quiet your brain, like a blanket may drive off heat on a cold night. If you were in your right mind, maybe you would realize how worrisome your thoughts truly were… but right now you really didn’t care.
“When an elevator arrives at its destination, you are expected to dismount it,” you blinked back into focus at the familiar irritating voice, eyes falling on to the Doctor. Dressed in his usual clothes, though lacking his alabaster head, he stared at you with a raised eyebrow, as if you were some sort of unusual specimen in his lab. In all honesty, you couldn’t blame him. You hadn’t even realized your elevator had arrived at the floor with everyone’s personal quarters, too caught up in your thoughts to notice, which left you standing blankly forward despite the door already having opened. 
“And when someone doesn’t get out, you’re expected to politely address them, not be a snarky asshole,” you shot back, forcing yourself to leave the elevator. Not ready to end the conversation, but not wanting the elevator to go away, the Doctor stepped inside, pressing the door open button.
“Your insults lack creativity when you are hung over,” he deadpanned, sighing - whether in disappointment or disgust, you didn’t know, “I suppose it doesn’t matter. I was looking for you, you need to come with me.”
You rose an eyebrow at the Doctor, “Uh, kinda in the middle of trying to solve a crisis right now,” you deadpanned, “I’m sure you’ve heard about it… ya know, missing researchers, faulty security system. Don’t really have time for whatever bullshit you’re up to right now.”
“You wound me,” he states, though his face shows no sign of any emotion, “Since when do I act without purpose?” He looked at you with disgust, as if he was shocked at the suggestion, “Of course I am aware of the current predicament and I wish to help you.” 
You cock an eyebrow at him, arms crossed in front of your chest, “And why would you do that exactly? What’s in it for you?” skepticism dripped from your tone, a fact that you knew was all too apparent for the Doctor, who met your gaze defiantly, “Literally all you’ve done since getting here is be a pain in the ass and then almost get me killed - your actions don’t really scream helpful.”
“I seem to recall I was helpful enough in procuring wine for you and allowing you to sleep in my presence,” he smirked cockily, brushing a stray strand of hair from his forehead, “Or do actions such as those not qualify as helpful in your dictionary?”
“The only thing that helped with is getting me chewed out by my boss, so thanks for that I guess, what a help you are,” you rolled your eyes, tempted to walk away, but for some reason forcing yourself to stay put, “I don’t know what the hell was in that wine you gave me, but I swear I’m not usually that… clingy.” You thought you should say more, but chose to stay silent deciding you already made enough of a fool of yourself, “Honestly I don’t even remember most of the shit I did last night.”
“Alcohol interferes with one’s ability to form long term memories, such a fact is really not suprising,” he said matter-of-factly, a cocky smirk coating his features. You barley knew this man, but he seemed to always revel in the ability of making people feel dumb, “Luckily for you, I retained my own memory of the evening, if you wish to recall more.”
“I’d rather not learn more things Arlan can yell at me about, thanks,” you huffed, forcing the conversation back to its original topic, “So really, why do you wanna help me? What’s in it for you?”
“Many things really,” he said casually, finger still firmly pressing the open button on the elevator door, “The satisfaction of helping idiots some a simple problem, the joy of reuniting the researchers with their companions… or the pleasure of building a diplomatic relationship between the IPC and the Space Station as I was directed.”
“Should’ve known of course it was about the diplomacy,” you smirked at him, propping an arm next to the elevator door, “You clearly wouldn’t act kindly on your own accord. Got your own boss who you’re afraid will chew you out like mine?”
The Doctor’s face soured at the mention of a boss, “I’d rather not think of my acquaintances at the IPC, they are not the most fond people to be around.” The scowl on his face made you interested in learning more, but the Doctor was quick to change the subject, “I merely offered my assistance to Miss Asta and she accepted. The mere certitude that doing so will satisfy my companions is simply a bonus.”
“Whatever, I don’t care if Asta got you to help, I have my own work to do,” you brushed him off, turning to move away from the elevator. You were startled when a firm hand grasped your arm, preventing you from leaving. The Doctor’s skin was warm, radiating heat through Screwllum’s dress shirt. His touch mass you freeze in your tracks, glancing over your shoulder at the Doctor. 
“I’m not asking you,” he said plainly, as if disgusted that you hadn’t picked up on that sooner, “You prescene has been requested.” You felt mesmerized for a moment by his presence, the scent of his cologne filling your nose due to your close proximity. His golden eyes seemed to bore into you, as if staring into your soul. It was the first time you really took in how… handsome he looked. Of course you had noticed before… you had eyes of course, but something about how he looked at you now seemed to awaken something within you, something you were desperate to push away, while at the same time wanting to cling on to it. 
Snapping into your senses, you yank your hand from his, crossing it over your chest once more, “Requasted by who?”
“Hmmm what was the word you used for it again?” The Doctor’s hand, now free from holding your wrist, went to his chin in contemplation, “Ah yes, that’s it. A situationship. Screwllum requested your prescene.” With his other hand, he let go of open door button, allowing the door to close behind him, “We’ll see you in the Seclusion Zone.”
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honeybcj · 2 months
Could you pretty please give us some rosekiller hcs as you did for jeggy
oh nonnie i would absolutely love to give some of my rosekiller hcs <3 (i’ve copied over some from my “domestic hc” list, so those will be first and i’ve added some other ones on as well!)
— evan actually really enjoys cooking meals for the two of them, even if barty is an absolute nuisance in the kitchen. always stealing kisses and slapping his ass. stirring whatever is in the pot and pretending like he knows exactly what he’s doing (secretly he does know what he’s doing, but he loves when evan cooks for him, and evan is more than happy to indulge him <3)
— barty is a stress cleaner! he’s not always tidy, actually rather frequently he outright refuses to make the bed or will forget to wash his dishes, but then he goes and has one minor inconvenience and evan will come home to the couch on the other side of the room and the pantry reorganized by the color of each item.
— save water, shower together. there’s not a single chance you’ll find either of them showering on their own. they say it’s for the environment, but truthfully they are just severely connected at the hip, and barty wants any excuse to see evan naked
— evan will (and does) steal the same hoodie of barty’s anytime he is cold. might as well be part of his closet at this point. and before they actually started dating, barty would go out of his way to make sure it was clean every time evan came over even if it meant forking over four extra dollars worth of quarters and dealing with the bitchy lady at the laundromat (i did, in fact, include this hc in like smoke behind glass)
— i have it on good authority that for valentine’s day barty tried to bake evan a heart shaped cake (vanilla with raspberry jam and vanilla bean frosting), but he fucked it up real bad and forgot the LITERAL SUGAR but evan still plastered on the fakest damn smile and told him he was proud of barty
— freaky ass mfs. barty loves to receive praise while degrading someone else, and this dynamic works out really well between him and evan because evan finds a thrill in how barty’s eyes roll to the back of his head when he’s praised and how vulgar and open it makes him feel to be degraded by barty
— there’s a universe where barty is a dirtbag runner ( @moon-seas the idea has not left my head once) and he’s dry scooping preworkout before he goes on his runs while evan is swirling his little glass straw around his cup of fucking fresh pressed cucumber and kale juice
— evan’s obsessed with barty’s teeth, pretty much just teeth in general. and next thing you know evan is investing in a full 1940s style dentist chair that he keeps in his “lab” just so he can strap barty down and start analyzing his teeth until his little heart is content and barty’s just wooed the entire time like “oh wow, yeah, that one’s mine”
— their fucking is a bit clinical meet freak show if that even makes any sense whatsoever. it does it me and i stand by it!
— barty is a wannabe punk skater-boy but he’s more like if a possum got thrown into a bucket of water in the middle of hot topic in 2007 if you catch my drift and then evan is this cadaverous little puppet with an oddly ethereal quality that is both concerning and captivating. it’s like if the bean stalk from jack and the bean stalk got a little cunty, twinky man to be his boyfriend
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Ooh, super interested in what happened to your Sun and why he went from lying to himself to becoming an apathetic brick wall lol
well! Suns was always an apathetic brick wall. because of a design flaw. Moon has already talked about this in one of the questions we've answered:
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the Iterator design evolved by the process of eliminating "redundant" things, with only their capability of figuring out the Great Problem taking priority. quite literal case of putting the evolution points into a singular specialization because of outside guidance
Gen 1s are chunky and tall as they are because they physically (with their puppets) interacted with the Ancients often- either because check ups and fixing things was often required since they were the experimental Generation OR for the sake of things like school/educational trips (citizens of Gen 3s would have road trips to Gen 1s rather than visiting their own iterators). and we end up with the lanky spiky Gen 3 design thanks to this process of elimination
the official jump from Gen 1 to Gen 2 was a BIG thing. different Gen happens when a LOT of things are eliminated to the point that the base design is more cumbersome and therefore it gets revamp to fit the systems better. the jump to Gen 2 wasn't.... the smoothest one
on a physical level everything had gone absolutely swimmingly. but some dumbfuck from the big designer/engineer/programmer team fucked up n accidentally removed the One thing that ensured the Iterators could experience emotions as fully and broadly as a normal organic. and so early Gen 2s have the reputation of being incredibly dull concerning emotional matters (some were a bit spared of this when someone from the construction team on-site noticed the flaw)
this was resolved within the same Generation and pretty quickly by reverse engineering the parts of Gen 1s that made them so capable of this. NSH specifically was very influencial in this research because, for some reason nobody could ever figure out, he was more emotion capable than most of Gen 1s (this fact got boosted cuz the reverse engineering then turned into Enhancing so they could see how far they could possibly take this. NSH does the Iterator equivalent of crying when watching movies Every Time GUARANTEED)
i already have this on hand, so here's Fish (early Gen 2) and Euros (mid Gen 2) for comparison
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poor bastard Seven Red Suns drew the shortest stick possible with this design flaw n has absolutely Minimal emotional understanding and capability
the Terrible thing about this is that they are Aware of this flaw of theirs and what little spark of emotion they can surrect within themselves they dedicate to either mourning or hating it. that's the subject of their depressive "pondering" in this pic
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they are *trying* so hard to have emotions and feelings. they often force fake ones into their voice and it's painfully apparent cuz they always put their all into it, no subtlety about it
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the pain there is faked. they know what sounding pained means to other people, so they force their voice into such form to show to Spears that they didn't mean to be so blind to its capabilities of being a feeling, comprehending creature
their ruse of charm was put in place to make themselves... well, maybe not Feel exactly but you know what i mean- to seem better, i guess. so the other Iterators would love them, so the children wouldn't be so scared of their apparent coldness, so they wouldn't hurt anyone around them because harming people will make them go away and Suns doesn't want to be lonely and Needs other people if he wants to solve the Great Problem. more heads more smarts. "look at me, i'm alright! i feel alright! i am Well! i am happy!" and if i say that to myself enough it will Have to become true
like all Gen 1 n Gen 2 Iterators could tell they were bullshitting, though. they appreciated the effort though so most of the group accepted Suns either way. Gen 3s did not recognize it so much- that's how Pebbles ended up as their mentee rather than Moon's (as he was honestly set up to be, which just made him Not Want To take Moon on as his mentor) or some other Gen 1's (Gen 3s often search for mentors cuz there's a lot of things to catch up on in the research at this point- they often go for Gen 1s cuz naturally they have the most knowledge at hand. Innocence, for example, is Nish's mentee!!! she's his shitty little student, he wants to bonk her So much for bein disrespectful to everyone and he loves her with his entire fuckin being. his lil fucklet...)
this ruse starts to slowly slip past Suns' fingers some years after the Ancients' mass ascension. the longer the searching for solution drags on the more Iterators start giving up, becoming desperate, negative, ...insane... Suns gets affected by both the time and everyone else around them. the ruse doesn't MATTER anymore, because everyone is damaged in SOME way at some point. everyone is a little or a lot broken, what is so bad about their flaws at This point- nobody gives a shit and they sure as fuck don't have the emotional power to give a singular fuck in the first place so why not... just let go of that if it isn't so required anymore...
and so they become an apathetic brick wall openly to the whole world, "shedding" their lies, prioritizing logic and goal chasing over others' feelings and importance of the present
that's how we got here in my take on RW
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Suns is fucked up, man
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crisiscutie · 1 year
I enjoy reading about Yandere Sephiroth, I think that it’s honestly the right way Sephiroth could ‘love’ someone, since he lost and haven’t truly experienced it, his Darling wouldn’t even know what she got herself into and will be brain rotted by him till the point she probably can’t even do nothing without his commands and be his little doll, the Aftermath of how she would have the utmost breakdown if there would ever be and end to him.
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Content Warnings: NSFW themes, (Implied) Breeding, Psychological Abuse.
Yes, I'm glad you enjoy reading about Yandere Sephiroth. And I love the doll analogy you've made. Because that's exactly what she will be to him. His precious doll. Not his puppet, for his dirty work. His beautiful doll, whom he cherished and indulged in his fervent affection.
But like his puppets, he objectifies his doll, using her to fuel his love addiction. Sephiroth is oblivious to this, but his conversations and actions make his intentions clear. He can still use her to fulfill his goals, of course. But he will likely assign to what he considers "honorable" duties to her, such as bearing his children to help rule his cosmos, bearing Jenova's spawn to get to that goal quicker or even have her become Jenova herself, because it's two things he loves in one package. His twisted mind would want all three possibilities with time.
He can also control his doll like he controls his puppets. To fashion them into a form that he finds desirable. Another reason why I like the doll analogy is because it speaks to Sephiroth's inner child. His fear and his anger in particular. He needs to have control over his puppets and his doll. They're HIS everything. They are HIM. This is why I can see many of quotes he says to Cloud, i.e "The Reunion...Is nothing to fear." (My absolute fav quote from Sephiroth), He will say to his darling as well, with a different context.
A good example being that when his darling cried about the life she was forced to abandon and seeing his true, broken body, the suppressed fluffy Sephiroth within him would prompt him to approach her and soothe her with whatever he could. Yes, just thinking about an end to Sephiroth is horrifying to her. He will be occupied with attempting to console her at the disturbing sight, which is what kick-started started her mental breakdown.
But since his Yandere/Dark side is at the helm, he had sincere trouble comprehending why his precious doll was so upset. After all, she is his darling. With him, she has nothing to be sad about. Only he has exclusive rights to her and no one else.
He will wipe away her tears and use his manipulative logic to reason with her. When he still has trouble, he will use his psychic abilities to instill her with a deep sense of bliss and joy, making her forget her worries, though he can only do this a few times before the darling breaks. Why?
When she is getting clawed by the fake emotions that he has been attempting to induce in her, she will try to deny them, knowing that they are not her own.
Only when he held her jaw firmly in his hand, and purred these magical words into her ear...
"Don't deny me, embrace me."
...Did he fully claim her. With twisted happiness, she melts into his touch and pepper him with affection every chance she sees him now on, while his lips curved into a content smirk. But little did he know, his heart had become just as dependent on her as she was on him.
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atsadi-shenanigans · 2 months
Feeding Alligators 44 - Dance With the Devil in the Pale Moonlight
Rated changed to E (just in case). Potential trigger warnings on the chapter in AO3. The sadness arc is here.
On AO3.
You find some stuff. You leave. Gale blows down the roof. You rejoin the others and wander out of the stink cloud of rot and set up camp. Gale makes food. You eat it mechanically.
Notice Astarion watching you.
Try to focus on the conversation but you can’t. Everyone is talking and their faces move and their limbs gesture. It’s like watching wooden puppets dancing around to an alien performance. Their words make no sense. Their expressions make no sense. You sit there and float on a cloud and do not taste your food.
The sun sinks into the treetops. Dread rises cold and leaden in you.
You can say no. Should say no. You can do it in front of all the others in case it turns out you’re wrong and he doesn’t take it well.
You’ve dated before. Just the once. Ryan Meadows. Nice dude, one of Sasha’s friends. Never raised a voice or a hand against you. Said he wanted to take things slow. A real history buff and he was teaching you to cook more than boiled eggs.
Until he wanted to take it further. And you said no. Because the secular world said you could (no heavenly father or The Pastor to disapprove of you not satisfying a husband, no congregation to hold you responsible for failing your wifely duties). And Ryan had accepted that. He’d been gracious. He’d been kind. He’d smiled at you and hugged you (you hadn’t got to kissing, yet) and told you you never had to force yourself.
Then he ghosted you.
And you realized the secular world was just as much a piece of shit liar as your mother’s. You could, indeed, say no. And the world and the people in it would hold up a mirror so you could see exactly what you were worth if you didn’t open your legs.
Which was nothing.
No call, no text. He even ghosted Sasha (and she’d raged on your behalf for days, which…she meant well. But in all honestly it made you feel worse, taking up her time and attention like that).
You could and did build you some worth on your brains and your learned typing and filing skills. You got your apartment and a credit score. But you saw it in their eyes when you refused coworkers and strangers alike. How you got passed over, left out. How you’d started catching murmurs (never to your face, that would be rude). Ice queen and frigid, nun and sad and what’s her deal, is she gay—shh!
You can say no. And lose every single chance at friendship. If you refuse Astarion, he will drop you quicker than a sack of rotten potatoes, and the others will catch on. Broken goods. Legs padlocked shut. And once they realize you don’t want to fuck any of them, either? Once that option is closed and you make a bad call, ever?
You cannot survive on your own, here. You can’t.
Astarion glances to you again. You’re pretty sure those are what they call bedroom eyes—the half-lidded thing. Shadowheart catches him doing it and it looks like she stepped on a slug with her bare feet.
It’s fine. It’ll be fine. A bit of exercise, once and done, and this time tomorrow, you’ll have had sex, oh goodie.
But what if he wants to again.
Gale looks at you. Frowns, actually. “Are you alright?”
You sit against a tree in the clearing. Your plate is empty (you have no idea what he cooked). You hold a slice of bread in your hand. What remains of one, anyway; you done squeezed it into a hardened ball of dough.
You can’t breathe.
“It’s been a day,” you say and smile. You make sure to keep the edges of your mouth soft, keep your lips from being too rigid. “I think I’m gonna wash up. Thank you for dinner; it was delicious.”
“My pleasure,” Gale says, and he ain’t as good as you at making his smile look genuine.
Karlach ducks to whisper something to Lae’zel. Who gives you a cool once-over. The giant tiefling looks back at you, eyes sparkling. She looks so happy for you.
You force yourself to give her a thumbs up. You feel Astarion’s stare on the back of your neck as you turn and head down to the river.
It’s just sex. A bit of touching, he’ll probably use fingers at first, if he’s courteous. All you have to do is not scream or flinch. Don’t lie there like a doll. Maybe touch him back (oh god) and participate or something.
Maybe you can make it bad? A bad lay is still more valuable than an ice queen.
You take a sharp breath. Flap your hands to try to dissipate the tingles.
It’s just sex. You’ll be fine. It’ll probably feel nice and there’s no need whatsoever to get so worked up about it, stop being stupid.
Your head gets that memo, reads it over, and nods. Your body launches itself into a tantrum you cannot control.
You undress. Try not to feel so exposed as the wind brushes your breasts and between your legs. There will be hands there, soon.
It is literally just sex. It’s fine. You’re fine. This is nerves, is what it is. You said yes. It’s still happening on your terms, even if you didn’t initiate it. Astarion is, well…he’s not actually a good man, is he? He’s an outright bastard. But he’s funny? And there’s something about him you recognize, some connection you can’t name. He’s seen you at your worst, and he’s fine with it.
He jokes about it.
And he wants you. At least for this, at least for right now (lamed gazelle, the most vulnerable prey and what is a vampire if not a predator—)
But that just means you’re going into this eyes wide open. You know he’s not like, marriage material or anything, and he doesn’t see you as such either. You ain’t even sure he’s capable of that kind of attachment (he might be?? You just do not know). He wants sex, just sex, and you can handle that and it’ll secure him to the group and better secure you to the group. That’s what European marriages were: a political alliance forged through genital contact.
A snort breaks free. And it’s the first pebble in a whole ass landslide. You end up crouching in the river, butt-naked, laughing your ass off.
Honestly, you’re probably about to have a better first time than a lot of people—especially the ones with vaginas. Might as well enjoy what you can. You can even make it a funny story, later. “Oh, my first? Got railed by a vampire bareback out in the woods.”
It’s already hilarious.
You get to washing. Well, washing as best you can without soap. Or a razor; you don’t normally shave your legs (wasn’t a thing, growing up) and you never had the time or the spoons for the armpits. Plus, you weren’t looking to impress nobody.
You splash between your legs. If somebody is gonna be all up in there, it only seems polite.
And somebody is gonna be all up in there. Jesus lord, there’s going to be a cock inside you—
The flush is part fluster and part nerves. That’s what you tell yourself. It’s normal. This is normal. You’re lucky, really.
Your hands still shake as you pull your trousers on for the walk back to your tent. You got the one clean pair; you’ll change into those.
The rest is on AO3 jsut in case, and also because it's long.
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infernothechaosgod · 4 months
Good morning everybody and in this episode of "flame overanalizes thing's!" We've got this
As you can see the lord and savior of my mental state has been turned into a horror movie character BUT it May not be a bad thing
I myself am not really a huge fan of horror movies of any kind, latley the horror genre of any kind has been mostly focused on jumpscares and I just think thats a bit cheap since it is a natural instinct to be afraid of those, and the public domain horrors as much as i would love to not expect bad from em have mostly been the same thing, a human in a costume or mask, does murder and thats pretty much it, also ppl like to Rush these alot
But this? I can honestly get behind this, they lay off the movie till 2025 witch is a huge green flag for me because that means they accualy have a plan they don't cut corners at least not alot of em
Their design for oswald is really cute i love the gloves as much as i cant see my ozzie wearning em They do look amazing on him also it is intresting to see them make oswald more cheerful and happy at first then turn upset a moment later, witch btw happends only a moment AFTER he sees US he waves to US then he get's scared/feels dread? Shock? Nothing positive that's for sure! Only after he sees US he starts attacking the souls(?) Around him
HE'S ANIMATED, IDC IF MOVIE PLOT WILL BE BAD, HE'S ANIMATED THAT IS A GIANT PLUS FROM MY SIDE you can quite obviously see he is puppet animated, he's rigged and stuff, I do belive making him look more hand drawn could drive that "He's old OLD" but then again, these guys are indie we support indie creators in the house of flara especialy those who bring us stuff that's seriously promising
I wonder what will happend and how exactly will the movie go? I know were suppoust to follow one of oswalds grand grand kids around but I'm not sure on how true is that and if it is What will oswald exactly do? I know he's suppoust to be soul sucking demon in a way
But we do see him happy and cartoony and peaceful, until he sees US, is there a possibility oswald will be friendly at first but when he realizes were here he will only then turn agressive? Or will he be mad at us/the protagonist? Maybe he will be Disconnected from reality? Prehaps being a cartoon from 1920's that always stayed a cartoon from 1920's (the games do have animated cutscenes but there not really toons, and once upon A studio was whenever we like it or not just a cameo) will that effect him or his actions maybe his mental state or view of the world?
I have alot of questions and dare I Say I'm semi excited, I don't want to bet too much on the table but I will 100% support this, it is very promising
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mamma-marimo · 2 years
Untamable Red Sea
so uhhh I was thinking about Kid recently and put this mess together and thought my fellow Kid Simps would enjoy this! This is my first time posting something like this and this was just a first draft but I'm happy with it and hope ya'll enjoy it too!
Eustass Kid X F!reader (MDNI)
Content Warning: slight overstimulation, use of sex toy(butt plug), sight dumbification, Dom!Kid, hair pulling, dirty talking, use of the word "cunt", and fluff if you look close enough
Word count: 1.2k
Being fucked by Kid was like being fucked over by a raging storm on the seas. His hulking figure hovering over your body consumes you like the raging tides enveloping a ship. Your hands clinging on to his pillow as if it were your lifeline but it isn't enough. Between the pillow your face was halfway stuffed into, becoming coated by the thin layer of drool seeping through your swollen lips marked with a signature maroon colored lipstick your lover wears and his fat cock filling you to the brim it was like you were losing air, being dragged to the bottom of the sea by the the raging currents, always so greedily taking whatever it pleases in the same way each drag of Kids cock takes more high pitched moans from you but like the sea, he’s not contempt until he takes all you have to offer and then some. 
Even the thick door of the captain's quarters doesn't do anything to muffle out the screams of ecstasy, his thunderous groans nor the slapping of skin although… it’s Kids crew… this is unfortunately not the first nor the last time this will happen. If anything it just proves the captain is busy and he cannot be bothered with anything else at the moment. Nothing could matter more than the sight below him. Your pretty hair messily sprawled around, framing what he could see of you face, half smothered into his pillow. Beads of sweat rolling down your face and your lips so nicely swollen from his greedy conquest. It was amusing to see you try to hold on to something for dear life but those slender hands were not match for his fervent thrusting. His remaining hand follows the lovely trail your arched back created all the way to your plump ass raised up just for him and a pretty red gem connected to the plug in your ass shimmered so nicely in the dim lighting of his cabin. 
He has half the mind to pull out the thing and finish in your ass instead but the way your walls are gripping tightly on to his cock convince him to remain. His hand ends up on your waist, thick calloused fingers digging into your skin. His hand is so rough but so warm and strong, capable of keeping you exactly where he wants you to be. Amber eyes were focused between the shimmering jewel and how slick his cock looked with each drag out, mesmerized by your union. To think such a little thing like you really could take it all. Then again, compared to Kid many were so little. “K-Kid!” He hears his name half muffled causing him to gaze back to your face. Your eyes squeezed shut and your knuckles clenching his pillow filling your senses with Kid and no one but Kid. “Oi, don’t hide your face from me!” A low growl ruptures from his chest. His thrusting pace remains constant as he decides to take matters into his own hand to help you out. 
His hand moves from your hip to your messy hair, scooping up a large chunk into a makeshift ponytail, even twirling his wrist around to wrap it around his knuckles as he bends down towards you. “You look so cute being fucked dumb by my cock.” He chuckles lowly as he tilts your head back, using your hair like the string to a puppet. “S-shut up…” You whine, shooting him a glare but it’s ineffective with fucked out expression you have, the trail of drool down your chin and hazy eyes. The view you finally got of his face wasn’t too bad. His stupid cocky grin with smeared lipstick compliments the rosey hue on his cheeks. With him as close as he is you can hear the grunts vibrating through his chest the tighter you clench around his cock. “Fuckin’ hell babe-” He mutters out. Bottoming you out, now focusing his thrust on hitting deep with the force of a raging current. They were both getting close. If he still had another hand he would have used it to grab at your tits and start circling your clit right about now but what he lacks in limbs he makes up for with enthusiasm and sheer determination. He hears you say shut up but he knows nothing turns you on more than when he tells you how good you are, how perfect your ass is and how good your pussy feels around his cock. “You’re so fuckin’ tight… you take my fat cock so good baby, c’mon, cum for me. Cum right now and take all my cum too.” He groans for you, “such a greedy fucking cunt, can’t get enough of my cock…. Better not waste a fucking drop or I’ll make you lick it off the covers…” He mutters between his erratic deep thrusts and your own whines. “Kid!” You cry out feeling your peak getting closer and closer, his words only making it worse, you're already stuffed both ways and the idea of being stuffed with his cum only made things hotter. “Fuck, fuck fuck….” You sigh out. Your ass pressed against him as soon as you feels his teeth sinking into your shoulder, pushing your over the edge. “KID!” You scream, feeling the knot come undone, squeezing around his cock even tighter earning more curses from your lover. Your ass presses tighter against him, his thrusting having yet to relent, now focused on chasing his own high which follows shortly after. He has no shame in holding back his cursing as he comes. He holds himself still, buried in as deep as he can be as he fills you. It’s so warm, it’s so much. You're whimpering from the overstimulation. It’s all so much, like you're drowning but at the same time it’s not enough. 
As soon as Kid lets go of your hair your head falls against the pillow. the grip you had on his pillow loosened. Your body goes limp while he still hovers over you. The warmth of his hefty pants hitting against your already drenched skin. There’s a moment of silence between the two until he pulls out slowly, hissing softly at the cool air of the cabin hitting his drenched cock. “Kid.” He hears you voice softly call out. “I know.” He mutters, slowly pulling out your butt plug and tossing it somewhere else on the bed before he collapses by your side. You roll onto your side, scooting closer to him. He raises an arm allowing you to get comfortable on his chest before draping around you. The room is filled with pitched pants. The rapid rise and fall of his chest is soothing. You know you two would need to clean up soon but it’s a mere afterthought while coming down from your highs. “Holy hell… you’re a demon.” He mutters, making you giggle. The light airy sound from you makes his heart do weird things. “Rich coming from you." You muse, placing a kiss on his chest.
Your eyes close for a moment, not noticing the way he stares down at you, his eyes grazing over your serene features taking in the beauty of your afterglow. You feel the way his fingers gently brush the stray strands out of her face. “Hm?” You hum, lifting your head to rest your chin on his chest. Kid’s lips purse into a soft pout, replacing the former soft look he had a second ago. “Nothing. You’re just a mess.” He mutters looking away. “You made me a mess.” You reminds him.
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phantom-of-the-ruckus · 8 months
The lost episode of Mortimer's Handeemen
Disclaimer: This is a creepypasta meant to be a just-for-fun Halloween thingy. I did not go all the clichés. I now just find most of them silly, but I know there are some good ones. This creepypasta is not connected to any AU and is more of an internet story that would appear in the games in the 1990s to 2010s with some speculation about whether it's real or if the one who posted it was a troll or did it for entertainment.
Either way, happy halloween! Enjoy ^^
TW: for blood, scary imagery, horror, creepypasta, body horror, and gore
[An audio log is found. A mysterious person presses it. The message start.]
[It appears to be a young teenager. Her voice is groggy and whispery, you can hear her heavy breathing]
I...I hope you can hear me or...well rather listening to this audio log.
I'm trapped, and I can't get out...I can't remember well how I got in, but I can tell you what I know of my current location and well my personal state.
[There was a long pause and heavy breathing. In the background there were some steps and scratches at the distance.]
T-they're looking for me....
[It appears that she is muttering to herself. After another long period of silence, she begins to speak once again.]
Sorry...I'm not exactly in a situation where I can easily tell my story. I'm c-currently hiding in some domain of the studio.... T-the Handeemen Studio to be exact. The one that got burned down and close.
[She let out another long pause as footsteps in the distance could be heard.]
I am not supposed to be here. I am supposed to be in the testing rooms, or I think it was the testing rooms. Perhaps I did die and I am a ghost... No. They are looking for me. I must be alive...
[A door shuts and the mysterious girl lets out some heavy breathing.]
I think they left. Hopefully.
[She breathes once again. Her voice is hearing a bit close to the voice recorder.]
I...I don't remember much. I can't remember my family, if I had one, nor my age. I can't recall my own face, or my own name. I think It was Jessica Parker....or was it Jessica Drew? No...maybe it was Siobhan Drew or Siobhan Parker.... It must be one of those names. They are familiar to me, but I can't remember who belong to who. I do remember they were part of a story. The story of how I got here. That is the story that I can't seem to forget, and probably the reason why I am recording this. I may never remember it or probably would get killed for running away. So...I guess I am recording this now in hopes anyone finds it.
[There was another long pause and a sigh followed after.]
I suppose I can't remain nameless for the rest of this recording. I don't want to remain nameless as I don't remember my name of who am I. But....but I think I used to be called "Jay." It's written on my wrist, or well is smeared with my own blood and I can see is either "Jay" or "J 4 Y." I used to have some writing on my arms and legs, they are smeared and I can't decipher what it was or why it was written. The only thing readable was the "Jay" or "J 4 Y." You can call me Jay. After all it does sound like a name, and I do love the idea of having a name...even if it's not my own name....since I can't remember. But....but I do remember one name. It's Jordan. No last name since I can't recall. Jordan was a kid I used to babysit...or I think I did. I used to watch him. I do recall a lady who was his guardian or mom I don't remember her name. I think it was either one of the possible names I mentioned before.
She'll be just Jordan's mom. It makes it easier for me to remember, and she no longer becomes a nameless face in what remains of my memory. So...Jordan's mom usually called me to watch over Jordan. I think I was his babysitter. I can't remember. She often had to go to work, and we spent hours upon hours doing homework, playing, and...watching TV He...he had a favorite show. A puppet show, some sort of Muppet's knockoff....or was it Sesame Street? It was a cancelled show from a closed down and burnt down studio. The same studio I am trapped here today Mortimer's Handeemen. The thing that got me where I am today. My own nightmare, and the parasite that is taking away my life and memories.
[There was a small pause. Jay was oddly silent. It was almost as if she was taking a time to recompose herself.]
I can remember how did they use to look like. They looked friendlier, happy, and almost as if they never thought about harming anyone. What a crude lie. I see them every day. They are mean, and they like to sew puppets into my arms. I can feel the pain, and then I feel asleep and wake up with no memory.
It's an endless cycle. Every day, I remember less and less about myself. My memories are snapping moments in time. I can't remember how long or when they happened. But I do remember the handeemen from the episodes. I remember them so vividly, and their hyperrealistic faces that were captured into my memories. I saw them permanent smiles. They made Jordan happy ...or I think they did.
He loved the show. It was no longer on aired, but he managed to get some merchandise, VHS tapes of the episode, specials, and shorts. He owned the figures of the main group and the dog. I...I think his favorite was the dog or the artistic guy, Nick Nack. I remember seeing them in a lot of the episodes Jordan and I used to watch. Or maybe it's because I have vivid snapping memories of a hyperrealistic dog made out of humans parts. Large teeth filled with blood, a red eyes staring at me, and his killer bloody paws that could maul anyone within reach.
[Jay pauses momentary.]
Sorry, I lost track of myself.
My mind keeps flooding with memories and...I keep forgetting why am I here sometimes. Not...not how I got here, but rather why am I hiding again...
I know I don't have much time...so it's better if I finish my story. That if I actually have time as they might get me soon...
[There is another period of silence. Jay gets close one again. Her voice is trembly.]
J-Jordan adored the show, and we watch it like a lot. Eventually, we ran out of episodes, and Jordan was getting tired of watching them.
This is where it gets a bit blurry for me. I can recall caring for Jordan, and I am sure I bought him a VHS tape.
But...but the thing is I can't remember why I bought it.
I think he asked me if there were unseen episodes to watch, or I wanted to surprise him.
I was talking to who I believe was my boyfriend. I don't remember his name, so he'll remain as "boyfriend." There is also this other guy involved, so he'll be called "Guy."
So...Boyfriend told me about Guy. He was in his 20s I think. He loved to break into abandoned places for loot, which...also included the abandoned studio.
According to Guy, he didn't break into the studio as often. He got inside like three times I believe or from what I can actually remember.
One of these times, he found a mysterious VHS in the late creator's office. I can't tell if that was a stretch to be cool, or if he actually went in there. Either way, the VHS was a very real thing.
The episode was a never seen or aired episode. The episode was called "Mortimer's Handeemen and the mysterious Meteorite." In the back there was a note saying "PROTOTYPE. DO NOT PLAY" but Guy did play it for some testing before putting it on sale.
I knew that Jordan would love it, so I bought the VHS tape for about 20 or 10 bucks. I remember doing some bargaining. I can't remember the exact price, but I got a sweet deal and immediately brought it to Jordan.
We turned on the TV and placed the tape. The episode started with Mortimer staring with his permanent smile. There was so music. Only a dreadful silence. I didn't have too much importance, and took the VHS out and in thinking the episode froze.
Then, the episode started with Mortimer greeting the audience. He sounded less cheerful than usual. He was introducing the fictional place where the Handeemen lived....but he was rather staring almost as if he could see us. I ignored thinking it was just a prototype error.
Eventually the main theme started. It was very slowed down, and the music sounded off-key. We figured it was due to the age of the VHS tape and continued watching the episode. It started normal with one of the kids finding a strange rock and calling the Handeemen about it.
Then, things started to get odd. The tape suddenly stopped and looped over when the Handeemen were picking up the meteorite. Suddenly the TV went black, almost as if someone turned off....but it was still on and the VHS tape was running.
The screen turned on and showed an empty room. It was silent, but I could feel something was lurking over. I turned off and on the TV. The normal episode was on. I rewind the tape, but everything was as if the image was not there. We continued watching the episode thinking it was a glitch.
Or so we thought...
As the episode progressed. The handeemen sounded less friendly. They sounded annoyed and furious. Their eyes were slowly becoming red. Then they went back to normal as if nothing happened.
I was getting nervous as this was starting to look less of a malfunction and more of a prank. I left the room to call Guy and ask him what was this all about. He was confused and told me that never happened before.
Suddenly I heard a scream. It was Jordan. I hung up and rushed to the living room. He was curled up and crying as he begged me to turned it off. I was confused, so I watched at the TV to see what was going on.
[Jay gives out a long pause. Growling can be heard from the outside. Her breath can be heard again, until the growling fades.]
Sorry... there were puppets nearby...
Where was I?
Oh yes...
When I looked back at the TV, I saw hyperrealistic man. He had a horrified expression and seemingly was rotting. He was sitting on a chair...but he was cut in half and was bleeding. He had mitten sewn into his hands, as I could see the bloody stiches.
It was almost as it was a real thing going on, as if the camara was live. It was horryfing.
Jordan began to scream and begged me to put it away. The channel began to fave, as numerous symbols and strange words began to appeared. I tried to turn off the TV but the off and on button nor the controller were working.
Suddenly a raspy voice began to muttered "I C U" just as the image of the man cut in half was getting closer. Before anything else could happened, I unplugged the TV and everything shut down.
Jordan was upset and terrifed as ever. It was within very good reaons. I did my best to calm him down and told him that I will get to the bottom of this. He decided to go outside and play with his friends. I called Boyfriend, and then called Guy.
When they arrived, Jordan was drawing on the floor. Boyfriend and I confronted Guy about the tape. He swore he never tampered with it. I took him to the living room and plugged the TV back. The episode runned down normally to my surprised.
Jordan eventually sat down and watch it as Guy told me I was crazy and to never contact him again. He left leaving Jordan and I confused. Boyfriend tried to be suportive, and telling me it was propbably some prank in bad taste.
[Jay pauses. It appears she needed a momment to think.]
I do like to think that was the case, but reality turned to be another. Now I am stuck here. Loosing my memory and myself eventually... Alone. A lab rat And-
[Jay pauses before sighing]
Sorry. I lost track again.
Jordan. I talked to Jordan about the situation. I told him that this was either a malfunction or a prank from Guy. He felt unsure, but decided to trust my word. That's what I can remember most about the event.
I know that I ended up staying watching for the night. I cannot assure you wether it was on that same night or if a few days pased. All I know was that Jorda's Mom had aked me to stay overnight to watch her son.
And then, that was when things started to get spooky and unsettling...
Jordan was in his room asleep. I just tucked him in, and I was helping Jordan's mom to clean the kitchen. The phone began to rang and I picked up thinking it was probably Jordan's mom asking me if Jordan was okay.
When I picked up the phone....there was silence and a breathing.
"Hello?" I said, thinking this was some bad connection.
"Have you checked on the kid yet?" My blood went cold as shivers sent right down my spine. I dropped the phone and ran towards Jordan's room.
He was still in his bed asleep. I checked around to see if there was anything off. When I was sure he was safe, I left the room and picked up the phone.
"He's alright." That was the lat thing I said when I hung up.
15 minutes, I recieved the same call.
"Have you checked on the kid yet?" I once again dropped the phone and checked on Jordan.
He was alright, and I hung up the phone refusing to answer the question this time. The mysterious guy called again but I hung up as soon as I heard his voice, and went directly to check on Jordan.
After a while, I decided to leave the door open and keep an eye if anything happened. The same mysterious person kept calling for about 20 minutes. I hung up each of his calls, and he eventually stopped.
I started to slowly doze off. It was getting pretty late, but part of me remained unsettled about the mysterious calls. I doze off momentarily before the phone rang. I hesitated to pick it up, fearing it was the mysterious caller.
To my surprise and relief, it was Jordan's mom. She was calling to check if Jordan was alright.
"He's just in bed. Everything is fine, ma'am." I said just as I heard the TV turning on, and the Handeemen's playing. I ended the conversation and hung up.
I was upset. I figured that Jordan woke up and tried to sneak into watching another episode. When I entered the living room, my skin went pale. The episode I brought from guy was playing, but there was no one watching it.
I took the TV remote and tried to turn off the TV or stop the player. Neither of them worked, but their batteries were still on. I tried to manually turned them off, but it was useless. Then...I tried to unplug the TV.
"This should do it." I thought to myself.
The episode continued to play as if nothing had happened.
Terrified, I tried to remove the tape but what happened next, left me paralyzed in fear.
The screen went back, and then showed Guy being strapped into a bed. His eyes were swollen and he was screaming. Suddenly, the scientist puppet, Riley, entered the room. She had a twisted smile and her eyes were glowing red. In her left hand, she had a saw.
I could not feel my body as I was too horrified to move. I saw Riley slowly approaching guy as she maniatically laughed.
"You'll become one of us!" She said just as she slowly began to press the saw into Guy's torso and slowly cuting him off as blood dropped.
The screen went back, and the next picture was a twisted and bloody Mortimer staring at the screen with a teacup filled with blood and the letters I, C, and U underneath.
The picture then changed to a video of Nick. He was in his art room. His face was melting so hyperrealistic, that it almost looked as if he was bleading. He was sobbing uncontrollably as he strocked some abstract painting of black and red.
The screen went black, and then Daisy appeared on what is seemed to be a kitchen. She was humming to herself as she baked a pie made out of human organs. My stomatch twirled up as I could see Guy's eyes into the mix.
The screen shut down as I stood there trembling as the phone began to ring. I walk towards it and pick up with trembling hands.
"Have you checked on the kid yet?" It was the same mysterious caller as before. I dropped the phone and ran towards Jordan's room.
The bed was empty and he was nowhere to be found.
I picked up the phone and I cried "WHO ARE YOU? WHERE IS HE?"
There was no answer, and no sign of the caller. Then the call disconected and the phone disconnected completely. I dropped the phone, and rushed towards the living room when I heard sobbing.
The place was empty, but the TV had a distrubing picture. It was the same mysterious human puppet man, but now where was Guy accompaning him. His eyes were gone and he was bleeding. He had sewn mittens into his hands, and just as the mysterious man, his upper body was sitting on a bleeding chair.
There was some silent sobbing as the background, but my eyes focused on the message underneath the figures...
"HELP ME" Underneath was the direction to the abandoned studio.
Fearing that Jordan was taken by those puppets, I left the house and rode on my bike into the studio. After I came in, I broke inside and desperately began to look for Jordan.
[Jay's voice trails off as she starts to become uneased.]
I-I couldn't find him, but I heard noices from the outside. I feared that they were outside...a-and went down deeper. Then someone struck me in the head and everything became a blurr.
I heard the voices of Jordan's mom, Boyfriend, the police, and Jordan looking for me outside. I doze off as they shut down.
I woke up on a lab with a puppet sewn into my hand, and then I lost my memory slowly and began to forget who am I or where am I, just remembering the evil faces of the puppets and how I got here.
Now, this the only chance I got to store what becomes of my memory. If you find this, that means that I am dead...or if miracously you found me with no memory.
Either way, please find the VHS and destroy it. No one should have ever seen the lost episode, and become a victim like I or Guy became.
[The tape ends as Riley Ruckus tosses it aside , scoffing, before returning to work. Not realizing that a mysterious man is staring at the tape from afar. His plaque, reading JORDAN]
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~ With care, Phantom <3
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Wyler Fanfiction Rec List Part 2
For @ourloveisdahliaoh, here’s part 2 of that rec list I said I’d make.
My Monster by Wyler4Lifer
Summary: None
Words: 3,721 Chapters: 2/? Rated: E
There’s no summary for this fic and it breaks my heart that it might be overlooked because it is so much fun. I’ve talked about how delightful this fic is to my friends irl and how much fun it is to see Gomez pick up himself a pet hyde and Wednesday to find Tyler fucking Galpin in her house being dressed like a purse dog by her father who is excited about his new beast. The family meeting and harboring Tyler is so good.
Who is in Control? by green_writer
Summary: “Please, flattery will get you nowhere,” Wednesday says, holding her ground as he stalks towards her.
Tyler grips her lapels, jostling her roughly forward. She watches his face, the Hyde lurking just underneath the surface, wonders how much control he has, how much of the boy she met at the Weathervane is still there. She’s reminded of the last time he got up in her face like this, gloating about his kills at the Sherriff’s office. The rage that his little monologue had inspired deep in her gut. That he could deceive her so easily, not just covering his own tracks but misguiding her towards a wholehearted conviction that Xavier was the Hyde. She had felt stupid and small and entirely disgusted with herself. He would have to pay.
What if Wednesday, not Enid, had gone against Tyler in the woods in episode 8?
Or - How to Discipline Your Hyde 101.
Words: 10,781 Chapters: 3/3 Rated: E
I’m sorry. Did you say smut? Because this is 3 chapters full of Wednesday fucking Tyler from the cockroach scene onwards. green_writer understood the fucking assignment. 100/10. Will read again.
Friendly Neighborhood Phantom by ThatOneAntiHero
Summary: Strange murders, a mysterious ghost boy, a missing teenager, and numerous suspects.
Maybe Wednesday Addams was going to stay at Nevermore longer than she expected.
Words: 8,447 Chapters: 3/? Rated: M
I swear i felt like the three spidermen meme when i saw this. I had just rediscovered “Sex with a ghost” and had thought of my own haunting au and then i read this and i’m so happy. It’s dead amnesiac tyler investigating with Wednesday who can see him and it’s amazing. I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter.
Kiss Me Before It’s Too Late by JHoeUNeed2Stop
Summary:  Tyler & Wednesday's last encounter told differently.
More spicy.
Words: 2,090 Chapters: 1/1 Rated: M
It’s another cockroach scene where Enid doesn’t cockblock and I am having such a good time with each and every one of them. JHoe is making the world a better place.
my unconquerable soul by melpomenemuse
Summary: “Who is your master?” she asks dispassionately. 
Wednesday doesn’t care who Tyler’s master is. An objective part of her does, the one that wants a satisfactory conclusion to her novel, but the only thing she cares about right now is this: Tyler has a master.
And it isn’t her.
Or: an insight into Wednesday and Tyler’s relationship through the season finale and post Season 1.
Words: 16,983 Chapters: 13/? Rated: M
The amount of want between these two is delicious. Wednesday seething at the idea that Laurel touched him first is just *chef’s kiss*
Tipsy Truth Telling by Realmermaid333
Summary: Wednesday never thought she’d get drunk, she thought being drunk was for immature fools who couldn’t control themselves— that was until she went to Yoko’s party. 
Words: 2,675 Chapters: 1/1 Rated: T
This is just fun. It’s so much fun. @realmermaid333 is such a gift and I’m so happy I got the privilege of encouraging this in the server. Drunk Wednesday is exactly what I need to brighten my day with some silly little low stakes shenanigans.
Finding Dr. Jekyll by its2014again
Summary: “A Hyde is just a puppet, their mind brainwashed by the puppet-master. To reverse the damage, you have to delve into their subconscious. You have to find the Jekyll beneath the Hyde."
After 30 days in prison, Tyler still won't talk. He won't talk to his father, to the doctors, or to his therapist. Maybe this has something to do with being chained to a chair - or maybe it's because the only person he will speak to... is Wednesday.
Words: 8,154 Chapters: 5/? Rated: NR
Riddles and brainwashing and attraction oh my! The latest chapter had me on the edge of my seat and i highly recommend you all read this fic to see exactly what I mean
a crack run down right the front of me by Morbidmuch
Summary: Tyler's teeth are bright in his paint-splattered face.
“Red looks good on you.”Wednesday doesn't know what to reply when he says things like that: things like I mean it, Wednesday, you look beautiful and I knew there was a reason I liked you. It's all too much and the stone walls protecting her center quiver. Traitors.
Words: 2,194 Chapters: 1/1 Rated: T
what a wonderful dance au and there’s talking and emotions and Wednesday being Wednesday.
the simulation we’re dreaming in by angelconstellations
Summary: If the blood-paint hadn't rained and the dance had continued...
Set during ep 4. What might have happened if the prank didn't happen and Wednesday didn't have her vision to go after Eugene.
Words: 1,789 Chapters: 1/1 Rated: T
a what if they actually finished their date at the dance au and i love it to pieces.
Ennui vs. Wednesday Addams by Klyson
Summary: Tyler had always known he was better than everyone else. He couldn’t make it a reality yet, but someday he’d get out of this backwater hellhole called Jericho and make himself great.
His mother’s death throws a bit of a wrench in his plans, and so does the beast he can morph into and the woman who dares call herself his “master”. She will die for that… someday. Until then, though, at least she isn’t boring.
And then Wednesday Addams comes barreling into his life.
Tyler is a sociopath or something and Wednesday is much more interesting than Laurel Gates.
Words: 15,821 Chapters: 3/6 Rated: E
This is one of my absolute favorites. Seeing Tyler growing up and meeting Wednesday? I love leaning more into the “sociopath finds love” plot. it’s a favorite au of mine.
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miltheperson · 1 year
I have a welcome home request if that’s ok!
Anyways can you write about monster reader who comes of as quite scary to other people but is a softie please?
Of course it's okay! I quite like that idea! I like to imagine the reader as very tall creature(I’ll leave their appearance to your imagination!) who just wants friends. Good thing the neighbors are there for them!
Welcome Home scenarios!
The neighbor isn't a puppet... So what are they exactly? The neighbors have never seen anyone quite like that! Wonder how they’ll react?
(To avoid any confusion, some scenarios are linked with each other!)
Wally Darling
When you came around the neighborhood, Wally was the first to see you and was a bit startled by your appearance. You almost towered over him and your appearance was very… unnatural.
A lot of people feared you for what you were but Wally felt more… Curious than afraid.
“What’s your name, neighbor?” He’d ask in a soothing voice, a hand outstretched to shake yours.
After a few more conversations and getting to know each other better, Wally would find that your company is actually very pleasing. He loves painting you as you were just so different! It was like he could always find inspiration and motivation to paint whenever it came to you!
He loves how sweet you are and enjoys talking with you, he learns so much from you! He also likes to hide behind you to sneak out some apples from Howdy’s place.
Barnaby Beagle
At first, you were quite the scary looking neighbor! Barnaby had yelled out in fright, grasping his hat in fear as he stared up at you. Wally had brought Barnaby over to introduce you to him, but that didn’t go quite as planned!
He had picked Wally up and ran off! You felt so confused and… A little worried.
But, Wally was quick to smooth over Barnaby’s concerns and had explained how much of a nice neighbor you actually were!
“I, uh- haha- apologize for the small hiccup there, friend. My name’s Barnaby B. Beagle! Let’s start over, huh?” Barnaby would smile at you, his fears wiping away almost in an instant. He knew that if Wally trusts you, then he can!
Barnaby was quick to figure out that, just like Wally, you were a little confused by his jokes! But that’s okay, he’d be happy to teach you all about puns and pranks and fun! He thinks your soft demeanor is endearing and is actually fond of you!
Eddie Dear
“O-Oh- mY gOodness!” He would shriek, having been out on a late night stroll. Eddie had caught you in the midsts of his stroll as you were out on a walk of your own. He’d be terrified and would want to run away screaming, but he was just so fearful he was frozen!
Eddie just couldn’t believe it! He’d never seen anyone like you before! His head of felt and stuffing was just swirling with question after question!
“Are… Are you okay…?” You had asked him in a quiet voice, noticing his paralyzed state. Eddie would snap out of it, hearing you speak. For a moment he just stared, his fear slowly calming down. That was a very… soothing voice you had and Eddie knew you weren’t all so scary. Hopefully!
“Oh… Haha! I… er… I am mighty sorry there! You gave me quite a scare!” Eddie would introduce himself, holding a hand out for you to shake. He was still trembling a little but it was easy to tell he was trying his best!
After that fateful meeting, Eddie would visit you and have conversations with you. As he slowly got to know you more better, he could see just how sweet you are and absolutely loved your company! He thought you were such a dear!
Frank Frankly
“E-Eddie whAt is THAT??” Frank held onto Eddie with a shriek, staring at you in fear. Eddie had brought them to you to introduce you to them, knowing just how curious they’d be! But of course, they were very surprised by your appearance.
Eddie cleared the air and explained it all to Frank, helping them better understand who you were. They were apologetic about their first reaction towards you and had apologized.
“I am Frank, it’s nice to meet you.” They would introduce themselves, shaking your hand. “I apologize again for my reaction…”
After getting over their fear, it would very quickly be replaced by curiosity. Being something unique and nothing like they’ve ever seen had gotten their interest and curiosity, they’d ask you all sorts of questions!
They think you’re such a nice person and enjoy bonding with you over any shared interest you two may have! Like butterflies or flowers perhaps… And even if you didn’t have any shared interests, they’d be happy to share theirs with you and listen to yours!
Julie Joyful
“Eep!” Julie would have accidentally ran into you while she was playing hide and seek, unknowingly running to your little comfort space. She was afraid at first, looking at you fearfully. She contemplated running away, only to realize that you were crying.
Julie would very quickly calm down, walking over to you and sitting next to you. She felt very worried and wanted to know what was wrong. Maybe you had hurt yourself! It really concerned her.
“Aw… Neighbor… What’s wrong??” She would comfortingly place a hand on your back, a small pout to her face. Julie would listen to your small babbles of woes, most of them having to do with being alone and people being afraid of you all the time.
Julie would feel sympathy for you, offering to be your friend. You hadn’t believed it at first but felt so grateful that she wanted to be your friend!
Julie just loved playing games with you! Tag and Rock-Paper-Scissors were her most favorite ones to play with you, mostly because she was just so good at those ones! You were the more quiet one between them, listening to her babble on and on about the fun days she’s had!
Howdy Pillar
The way you two met was completely by chance! Howdy just so happened to be exiting his store to dispose the trash when he saw you outside, he let out a little scream and would run back inside. Howdy would peek out to see you, realizing you were just standing there.
He’d feel apologetic very quickly, he assumed that maybe you were just a late night customer! Howdy would cool down his nerves and push himself to start some sort of conversation with you.
“Hey, neighbor! You need something? Howdy’s Place is still open. Want to come inside?” With how cheery and friendly his voice is, you would never have known he was afraid. He smiled at you and opened the door to his bodega wide open for you, gesturing inside.
You were surprised by his invitation and very happy! You happened to feel thirsty and accepted his offer, entering his bodega to get a drink. Thus started a wonderful friendship between the both of you!
You’d often visit Howdy’s Place in the night, his door open just for you! He’d look forward to the conversations he would have with you, enjoying your company.
You’d help him out with restocking every once in a while and you’d even mop around the bodega. Howdy felt very thankful for the extra help and would offer you any drink you’d like!
Sally Starlet
You were a fan of Sally’s musicals. You’d often watch her perform, admiring her and being in complete awe. When she’d be reciting her lines and singing her songs at night, you’d be there to enjoy her little shows.
Little did you know, Sally already knew you were watching! It was a little startling at first to be watched by such a unique looking neighbor but she very quickly loved the attention! She enjoyed performing her shows for the quiet audience, until she decided to show her fan some gratitude.
“Heya there! Yeah, you! Come over here!” You were very surprised when Sally called you over during one of her rehearsals one day, thinking she hadn’t seen you at all.
Sally would quickly strike up conversation with you, asking you all sorts of things! She’d ask your name, what you think about her shows, why you didn’t say anything sooner, all those silly silly questions that would let her get to know you better!
You would continue to watch her shows and rehearsals, but more in sight this time. Sally would ask you for input and would perform little mini-shows just for you! Just to express her true gratitude for being her number one fan!
Poppy Partridge
“Oh, my… Are you alright…?” Poppy had found you near her home, you had gotten injured from a slip. She was surprised by your appearance, realizing that you were no normal neighbor! But she would push that aside to focus more on your injury.
It wasn’t so big, just a bad scrape. But Poppy would not let you go off without at least treating and helping your wound!
“Where are you from? Have you just moved in?” While Poppy helped you with your scrape, she would ask curious questions about your origins. It took her quite a bit to get used to your appearance but she slowly warmed up to you the more you spoke.
She thought you were an absolute darling! You would often help out with baking and would engage in her little crochet sessions, quickly becoming very good friends with her!
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tenebraevesper · 7 months
Five Nights at Freddy's: Obsolete, Night 15: Rewind The Memories
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''For once I tried to simplify, the facts don't let me sleep. I can't say, how broken we are, but I still holding up through the dark, but the suits still pushing on! Forget all the bad strings that the years just cut! On our hands, our scars, our memories unplugged! Through the guilty gift I got, thanks to you, how could you?''
– Guilty by GatoPaint (Five Nights at Freddy's 3)
It was late in the evening when Sam and Springtrap arrived at Freddy's, having borrowed Emma's car for their little trip. Speaking of Sam's mother, Emma was absolutely not happy when she realized that Springtrap wasn't leaving, and while she was glad that Sam's mood had improved, she was still worried in regards to what trouble her daughter was about to get herself into.
''Sam, are you completely sure about this?'' Emma asked when Sam grabbed the car keys and her jacket, due to the weather being rather chilly. ''You haven't really told me what's going on, but whatever it is, I don't have a good feeling about it.''
''Yeah, I'm 100% sure I'm doing the right thing. Also, I'm really sorry for keeping you worried, Mum, but this is something that needs to be done. I cannot back away from Freddy's, especially not when I'm too deeply involved in all of this,'' Sam responded. Emma sighed, rubbing her temple. Of course, she could just forbid Sam to be involved with anything in regards to Freddy's, but she knew as much as Sam did that it was too late.
''Fine, may I at least know what exactly is going on?'' she asked.
''It's… a bit complicated,'' Sam trailed off, with Springtrap picking up.
''We'll explain it later, but let's just say that I have some unfinished business, specifically with Fazbear Entertainment and the new Pizzaplex,'' he explained.
Emma stared at him suspiciously, clearly in doubt about whether to trust him or not. She then sighed, adding in a crisp tone, ''Okay, but I want to know exactly just how dangerous this is going to be and what I can do.''
Sam and Springtrap exchanged glances, a bit stunned that Emma let them off the hook so easily, with Sam then running out to get the car. Springtrap lingered at the doorway, staring at Emma, who frowned in response.
''I suppose you and I have a lot to talk about, especially since I'm staying here,'' he said.
''Yeah, we do,'' Emma replied. It seemed that she wanted to say more, with Springtrap even tilting his ears, waiting for a response, only to leave when she remained silent. He thought about the upcoming conversations with both the Showtimes and Emma, trying to form a coherent explanation for what is going on in his mind. However, he felt that this conversation would be all over the place.
Once they had arrived at Freddy's, they quickly went inside through the back door and into the dark main area. Sam, who was ahead, saw that the stage was empty, only to feel her skin crawl when she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder and quickly turned around, seeing glowing eyes staring back at her.
''Sam? What are you doing here?'' Freddy asked her, clearly stunned to see her. The lights suddenly turned on, with Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and Puppet approaching them and Springtrap also joining them.
''You aren't working today,'' Bonnie pointed out.
''Yeah, I don't, but that doesn't mean that I can't come here whenever I want,'' Sam responded, then gave them a confused look. ''Why were the lights off?''
''We thought it was an intruder about to pillage our restaurant,'' Foxy responded. ''We were about to show'em how we deal with such people.''
''Fortunately for your future victims, we are no intruders,'' Springtrap said. Foxy gave him a side eye.
''Nay, I still see at least one scurvy rat 'ere,'' he responded, with Springtrap shooting him a glare.
''Why are you here?'' Puppet asked, turning towards Sam.
''We need to talk about what is currently going on at Fazbear Entertainment and what might be going on at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex,'' she explained.
''Oh, boy, it's one of those conversations, huh?'' Bonnie said, him and the other Showtimes exchanging looks of concern. Chica glanced at Sam.
''Should I get you a drink or a pizza from the fridge?'' she asked. Sam nodded, well aware that this was going to be a long night.
''Both, and thank you,'' she replied. The Showtimes, Sam and Springtrap then sat at a booth, with Chica arriving with the food for Sam and sat down with them.
''So, what happened?'' Freddy asked.
''I have played through the Halloween DLC, and Springtrap and I believe that the woman who had sent me the initial version of Help Wanted, Vanessa, is working together with Glitchtrap,'' Sam told them. ''I had checked the official Halloween DLC published by Fazbear Entertainment, and the message I had found in the one Vanessa had sent me is not in the official version.''
''I don't understand. Why would she want to work with Glitchtrap?'' Chica asked.
''It is possible that Glitchtrap had somehow influenced her,'' Springtrap said, only to see the Showtimes staring at him. ''What?''
''Oh, nothing… It's just that you simply cannot return without making our lives more difficult,'' Freddy told him in a snarky tone, with Bonnie giving him the thumbs up for the sheer disdain in his voice. Springtrap sighed in exasperation.
''I don't care if you judge me for my crimes. I've already heard enough of that,'' he said, glaring back at the Showtimes. ''However, if you're already going to blame me, then it should be because of something I had actually done. Glitchtrap's existence is not something I wanted to happen. He's only here because of Fazbear Entertainment deciding to create shortcuts by using the shortcuts and my own soul being broken because that Ghost Kid wouldn't let me move on. I had no reason to create Glitchtrap, especially since I genuinely believed that nothing could destroy me.''
''I do believe you,'' Puppet said, much to the surprise of the other Showtimes. She then turned to her friends. ''Consider this – no one knew about Glitchtrap, not even Afton himself, at least until now. From what I understand, it appears that, while Glitchtrap is partially a construct of his own soul, it might as well be an entity of its own, existing as an individual separate from Afton.''
''You're correct,'' Springtrap replied, nodding in agreement. ''I had been trying to understand what exactly Glitchtrap is and figure out what he might be planning next, but all I can do is speculate based on what I would do.''
''All of that speculatin' boils down to murder, eh?'' Foxy said. Springtrap nodded sharply.
''That might be the most obvious answer, but I still have a bunch of questions left,'' Sam said, playing with the can of soda. ''For starters, how is Glitchtrap influencing Vanessa? I assume it has something to do with Help Wanted, which opens another can of worms for myself, considering how I too played that game and encountered Glitchtrap, but we can worry about that later. Also, more importantly, what does Glitchtrap's existence mean for the Pizzaplex?''
''Do you want to say that he might to try to take over the Pizzaplex?'' Chica asked. Sam shrugged, not completely sure about it either. However, it seemed to be the most obvious answer.
''But, he's just a virus?'' Bonnie said in bewilderment. ''How could a virus take over an entire establishment?''
''He could if he has someone who'd aid him,'' Freddy said in a grim tone. ''As Puppet mentioned earlier, we had no clue that we had been infected by Glitchtrap, so if someone put a virus in the system at the Pizzaplex, or even the animatronics themselves, the virus could easily take over everything, correct?''
He glanced at Springtrap for confirmation, who nodded in agreement. ''I assume that you can only imagine what consequences that would have. I don't know the infrastructure of the Pizzaplex or how it will be run, but I wouldn't be surprised if Fazbear Entertainment starts relying more and more on robots, especially if they're mass produced in a cheap manner, and computers. They are doomed even before they have opened the building.''
''I'm glad that Anthelm said that I'll be sent to the Pizzaplex. Since I'll be trained as a technician, it should allow me access to the new animatronics, and I and Springtrap could make sure they're not affected by Glitchtrap, as well as explore the whole place top to bottom to see if there is anything that is just shows how neglectful Fazbear Entertainment is, or whether there is something more sinister going on,'' Sam added.
''Hmmm, seems like you aren't as hostile towards Afton as you used to be,'' Puppet observed.
''Sam and I had a heart-to-heart conversation, and we managed to finally settle down that argument,'' Springtrap explained.
''Too bad,'' Bonnie replied, grinning in amusement when he saw Springtrap glaring at him. ''I'm just saying that it was fun seeing Sam being pissed off at you while it lasted.''
''At this point, I have a hard time holding grudges,'' Sam told him.
''Lassie, having a kind heart is great, but you need to stand yer ground,'' Foxy responded.
''Yeah, I know,'' Sam replied, exchanging glances with Springtrap. He looked slightly concerned, but she just smiled back happily.
''Speaking of standing one's ground, I assume that you still have no spirits haunting you,'' Freddy said, looking at Springtrap.
''No, and it still feels weird, maybe a little unsettling, but I'm not complaining about it. The last thing I need is to suffer from hallucinations or have any of the Ghost Children try to convince Sam that I'm dangerous by placing her in danger,'' Springtrap responded.
''So, it's just us then?'' Freddy said, and when he got a few puzzling looks, he added, ''I mean that it's just us who actually know what's going on and want to prevent another tragedy from happening.''
''Yeah, but what can we even do about it?'' Bonnie asked, his ears twitching. ''We're stuck here, and the main action is going to happen at the Pizzaplex.''
''Do you guys really want to help us out?'' Sam asked.
''Of course. I think we owe it to you since you had told us why we were glitching out and being aggressive towards the previous technicians, as well being transparent with us about what is going on,'' Puppet responded. ''Not to mention, the obvious motive of us not wanting blood on our hands like the previous generations.''
''Thank you, but unfortunately, I won't be able to bring you to the Pizzaplex. I will keep you informed about what is going on, though,'' Sam promised.
''What about your friend?'' Bonnie asked. Springtrap rose an eyebrow, glancing at Sam.
''What friend?'' he asked suspiciously.
''The friend that had been coming over for the past few weeks whenever Sam was working,'' Chica explained. Springtrap gave Sam a questioning look, with her sighing.
''They mean Matthew Dearth, a new student at my school, who also has an interest in the Five Nights at Freddy's games and franchise,'' she explained, taking a sip of coke. ''He can be a bit weird, but he manage to put up with me during the past months, and I told him a bit about what happened at Ricky's, although nothing in detail. I also told him about Glitchtrap. However, I didn't tell him everything about what happened last summer in detail.''
''Wait, you told him about Glitchtrap?'' Springtrap asked her, a mix of surprise and suspicion on his expression. He didn't appear to be angry, but he certainly didn't look happy with the news.
''I didn't really have anyone else to tell besides the Showtimes, and I wasn't going to involve Mum into this mess,'' Sam responded, giving Springtrap a questioning look, her brows furrowed. ''Matt is someone I can rely on. He never pressured me to share more than I was comfortable with and he is really supportive.''
''Perhaps you should let him on this,'' Puppet suggested. ''After all, if he knows about Glitchtrap, but isn't affected like the rest of us is, he might be able to help you more than we do.''
''So, you're saying that it would be fine to involve this person in this mess as well,'' Springtrap said, leaning against the table and clasping his hands as he stared at the Puppet. Puppet, in response, was silent as she realized what she just said. ''Considering how you want to prevent another tragedy from happening, this suggestion is quite hypocritical.''
''I… I didn't mean it…'' Puppet stuttered, only for Sam to interrupt.
''I believe that Puppet is right,'' she said, much to everyone's surprise. ''I think I should give Matt the full rundown in regards to what is going on and let him decide whether he'd be fine with being part of this or not. After all, I too had all of the information necessary to decide what I want to do. Of course, everyone was telling me to just drop the matter, considering Springtrap's reputation.''
''So, are you going to call him now?'' Bonnie asked. Sam took out her smartphone, with the clock on the screen indicating that it was 11:54 PM, and she lingered a bit on it.
''It's really late, maybe he's already asleep…'' she muttered, but then decided to call him anyways. ''If he doesn't answer, I'll just send him a message.''
She put the phone on speaker so the Showtimes and Springtrap could listen to the conversation. The phone was ringing several times, and on the last one, Matt picked up.
''Hello? Sam, do you need anything?''
''Hi, Matt! I'm sorry for calling you so late, but I need to talk to you about something important,'' Sam said. Everyone heard shuffling on the other side, as if Matt just sat up.
''What do you want to talk about?''
''Remember how I told you about Glitchtrap and Help Wanted, and all that stuff in regards to Five Nights at Freddy's…''
''Well, something happened and… Let's just say that I'm willing to share way more information about FNaF than any normal person should even know about. I also know who exactly Glitchtrap is and what he might want, and that he is connected to the Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex… So, if you are interested, I can tell you everything,'' Sam explained. There was silence on the other side for a moment.
''I see… Do you want me to come over now so we can talk?''
''Wait, you really want to come over now?'' Sam was surprised.
''Yeah, sure. My parents won't mind me being out at this hour. Besides, it's a weekend.''
''I thought about waiting until morning, but if you're fine with it- I'm currently at Freddy's,'' Sam replied, feeling a little self-doubt. She now wondered whether it was a good idea to tell Matt everything. ''I will warn you, if you decide to get yourself involved, you might end up getting seriously injured or even murdered at some point.''
There was another pause on the other end, with Sam trying to ignore the looks the animatronics were giving her. She knew well that she sounded like the Ghost Children or Henry, but she knew that she needed to be as transparent as possible in a place where covering the truth up was prevalent.
''Okay; I'll see you soon!''
Sam cancelled the call, looking at the animatronics. ''Now, we're now waiting.''
It had been about 20 minutes since the call, and while Sam didn't really know where exactly Matt lived, she figured it would take him a bit to arrive. So, she spent most of her time pacing around the restaurant, trying to figure out how to explain the whole situation to Matt, as well as questioning her decision. Sure, it would be nice to have more support, but at the same time, she was worried about his own safety. However, instead of pretending to know better, like others did for her, she decided to give him information and let him do whatever he wanted with it.
Sam then looked up, noticing that one of the animatronics went missing from the main area, and upon realizing who it was, she went straight for the kitchen. There, she found Springtrap, who was staring at the kitchenware, being a bit startled by her appearance.
''Has your friend arrived?'' he asked. Sam folded her arms across her chest.
''Not yet,'' she said, giving the animatronic bunny a knowing look. She waited for a few seconds, then sighed and extended her hand. ''Okay, William, give it to me.''
''Give you what?'' Springtrap asked, acting confused. Sam shot him a glare that sent a shiver down Springtrap's spine. It reminded him of that those Emma gave him.
''William, I'm not an idiot. Give me the kitchen knife you're hiding,'' Sam demanded. Springtrap stared at her apprehensively, only to sigh in defeat and take out the huge kitchen knife he was hiding and giving it to Sam, who just glared at him as she took it. ''I wasn't going to use it, you know. It was supposed to be an intimidation tactic.''
''Yeah, I don't care. I may have forgiven you for abandoning me, but I'm not dealing with your antics,'' Sam replied, placing the knife back into the drawer.
''Sam, I just want to make sure he doesn't take advantage of you like your former best friend,'' Springtrap explained. Sam rose an eyebrow.
''Matt is absolutely nothing like Tessa, so there is no reason for you to do anything,'' she told him in a firm tone, then walked out. Springtrap remained, pouting.
He had to admit that he was a bit stunned to hear that she made another friend, and while he knew that her having a friend she can hang out with was a good thing, he couldn't help but feel a bit… well, he certainly wasn't jealous. He knew just how important he was to Sam. Perhaps, ''overprotective'' was the right word. Yeah, it certainly was. He simply felt overprotective given her history with other people. He also didn't like the fact that it was a guy, as he didn't feel that he was quite trustworthy. Sure, it was ridiculous to think something like that about a kid he hadn't even met yet, but he was dealing with teenagers, and he knew that those were just pure trouble.
He walked back into the main area, noting how Sam got alerted by Foxy, who was keeping an eye out at the street by looking through the shutters at the window. She immediately ran out through the back door, finding Matt at the parking lot as he tried to place a padlock on his bicycle. ''I'm sorry about all of this.''
''Hey, it's fine,'' Matt replied. ''After all, I asked you whether I could come over.''
''Yeah…'' Sam trailed off, with Matt joining her after he made sure his bicycle won't be stolen. ''It'll be better if we talk inside the restaurant. It's cold here.''
''Right… You wanted to talk about Five Nights at Freddy's, didn't you?'' Matt asked, with Sam nodding in response. The two then walked in into the main area, where the Showtime Animatronics were waiting for them. Matt looked curiously at the Showtime Animatronics, well aware that they were robots with a high level of sentience built for entertainment, but the way they looked at him, a look of anticipation, made it clear that there was much more to them.
''I suppose that a proper introduction is in order. Guys, this is Matthew Dearth, a classmate of mine. Matt, these are the Showtime Animatronics, the current generation of animatronics created by Fazbear Entertainment,'' Sam explained. ''They are way more self-aware than any other animatronic that isn't possessed by a ghost, and they had been helping me keeping my own sanity in check for the past few weeks.''
''It is nice to meet you formally, guys,'' Matt said, extending his hand for Freddy to shake it. ''I don't believe we really interacted with each other.''
''No, we didn't,'' Freddy replied. Matt then placed his hands on his hips, looking at the Showtimes.
''I also remember seeing one more animatronic last week…'' Matt suddenly froze when he heard a deep, growling tone from behind.
''That would be me.''
Matt turned around, stunned to see Springtrap suddenly standing behind him, his eyes glowing menacingly in a dark purple. He didn't even see him a moment ago as he walked through the entrance, and he noticed the smug smirk on the animatronic's expression, clearly pleased by Matt's startled reaction.
''The name is Springtrap,'' Springtrap said, keeping his hands folded on his back. Matt blinked slowly, processing what he just heard.
''You mean, William Afton…?'' he asked carefully.
''The one and only,'' Springtrap responded, clearly enjoying the fear creeping across Matt's expression. Then, Matt's demeanor suddenly changed, and he extended his hand, with a look of interest on his face.
''Nice to meet you, Mr. Afton,'' he said. Springtrap was baffled by the sudden change, as any sign of fear had been wiped and Matt was genuinely curious about him. He glanced at Sam, who just gave him a smug look. Matt waited for a moment, then lowered his hand when Springtrap didn't react. He turned to Sam. ''So, is this why you told me I might get murdered? Because you have an undead serial killer walking around freely?''
''Well, yes,… and no,'' Sam replied, rubbing her temple. ''It's a long story, but I can assure you that William won't hurt you… right?!'' She gritted her teeth, hissing the last part as she glared at Springtrap, who gulped nervously and nodded in response. Sam then turned back to Matt. ''You might want to go sit down. This is going to be a long conversation.''
''No problem, I have time,'' Matt replied, sitting down together with Sam and the animatronics at the booth. He also smiled at Chica as she brought over a free drink and a hastily microwaved pizza from the fridge. ''Okay, so, what's going on here? How did you even meet Mr. Afton?''
''I came across William last summer, when Ricky's Wonder Shack was still open and before Freddy's opened,'' Sam explained. ''Basically, I was just taking a peek at the restaurant because I was curious and I saw a figure inside, and the next thing I knew, William had grabbed me and threatened to murder me.''
As if right on cue, everyone, both Matt and the Showtimes, automatically looked up at Springtrap, who had an annoyed look on his expression. ''In my defense, I had just escaped Hell and had no clue what else I should do aside from the obvious.''
''That is no defense,'' Chica pointed out, frowning. Springtrap just stared at her, not responding, but clearly displeased.
''Wait a second, does this mean that what was shown in those FNaF games had really happened?'' Matt asked.
''For the most part, yeah,'' Sam replied, glancing at Springtrap. ''William had confirmed that they are indeed based on real events, and not just rumors Fazbear Entertainment spread to save their reputation.''
''Huh, that must've been a shocker when you found out about it,'' Matt said.
''I don't really remember her having much of a reaction, but she did grill me about what I had done and what had happened,'' Springtrap explained.
''I'm sorry, but I still don't understand something,'' Freddy suddenly rose his voice, addressing both Sam and Springtrap. ''How come you even decided to work to together? You, Springtrap, said that you wanted to kill her, but that obviously didn't happen.''
Sam and Springtrap exchanged glances, seemingly anticipating a question like that, with Springtrap answer, ''Sam had managed to get away from me and lock herself inside the security guard office, and we had a bit of a back and forth, with me threatening her and her responding to my threats.''
''Eventually, things went quiet, and I managed to escape the office and found Springtrap sitting on the ground,'' Sam added, addressing Springtrap. ''If I remember correctly, you were suffering from hallucinations, courtesy of the Ghost Children who had returned along with you to make sure the torture continues.''
''Right.'' Springtrap nodded.
''We talked a bit, and I eventually took pity on him and suggested that he could do better and offered him to stay at my place until he figures things out, and he accepted,'' Sam continued.
''Does your mother know?'' Matt asked.
''Yeah, she does,'' Springtrap said in a slightly bitter tone. ''She almost immediately figured everything out and threatened me. I will admit, Emma can be scary when angered.''
''I believe you. There is nothing scarier than a mother's righteous anger,'' Puppet said, clearly amused by Springtrap's strife with Emma.
''As I was figuring things out, I had been contacted by both the Ghost Children and Henry Emily, my old partner, who had been doing his best to convince me to literally go back to Hell,'' Springtrap continued. ''Of course, I never listened to him, especially since my attention was on the ongoing events at Ricky's Wonder Shack.''
''Sam had told me about it,'' Matt interrupted. ''She explained how one of the employees, Connor Davis, went on a murder spree, even using the animatronics for his misdeeds, and he eventually died.''
''Yeah, but I didn't tell you all the details. When I and William learned about Connor and what he had done, we decided to investigate him, and one of those investigations led us to the factory where William ended up stabbing Connor to save my life. Unfortunately, being inside a Ricky suit, Connor's soul had managed to possess it, and he sent his own creations – the Drawkill Animatronics – after us, while using the Misfits at Ricky's to murder more people. Unlike the Misfits, the Drawkills also have a higher level of sentience, similarly to the Showtimes, but neither animatronic group had been possessed by anyone, save for Raven,'' Sam continued.
''I remember you telling me about Raven…'' Matt muttered.
''From what we learned, Raven had been possessed by whatever remained of the soul of Connor's former co-worker, Bran Crawford, but eventually, his soul left, and all that remained was Raven with Bran's memories. Connor kept him around because he was obsessed over learning how to achieve immortality in a similar manner to William,'' Sam added.
''That's also why he had targeted me and Sam. He was an arrogant idiot who thought he knew better,'' Springtrap added. ''Not only that, but he also kept torturing both Raven and the Drawkills, who decided to turn against him and aid me and Sam in stopping him. Eventually, Raven and I had managed to corner Connor and Drawkill Freddy set the whole building on fire, with all three of us burning to ashes.''
''I see… but, you being here doesn't make sense then,'' Matt pointed out, only to raise an eyebrow. ''Right, you always come back, don't you?''
''Correct,'' Springtrap replied. ''Although, that's a whole another matter.''
''So, are the Ghost Children still here?'' Matt asked. Springtrap shook his head.
''No, which is something we had already discussed. Last time I had been here, I've been constantly hounded by either the Ghost Children, Henry, and even my own children. However, everyone's gone now, and while I suppose that is good news for my own sanity, it does feel a bit unsettling at times,'' he explained.
''As a side note, I can also see the spirits of the deceased after an unfortunate accident with Remnant,'' Sam quickly added.
''I see…'' Matt was a bit surprised, but quickly moved on to his next question, ''I suppose that didn't really help your own mental health.''
''Let's just say that the Ghost Children went so far to threaten my life in order to 'save me' from Springtrap, and with me being able to see and talk to them, I now had to listen to that as well,'' Sam explained.
''That's understandable. However, it appears that you're doing much better than before,'' Matt pointed out. ''Still, you have that dark and heavy aura surrounding you, but it is a bit lighter than before.''
''Aura?'' Springtrap rose an eyebrow, glancing at Sam. He saw nothing.
''It is just a way for me to describe what I sense,'' Matt explained. ''I know that there was something heavy and cold placed on Sam's shoulders, and I believe that her strong involvement in the supernatural was what caused it. Not to mention, the loss of someone close to her, a tragedy in her life, made things even worse, to the point she had issues with sleepwalking and constant nightmares.''
''I remember you literally asking me if I had something tragic happen to me the first time we met,'' Sam said. Matt smirked.
''So, I was correct in the end,'' he said in a triumphant tone. ''Dead or not, you still lost someone close to you.''
''Wait a second, I have a question here,'' Bonnie suddenly said, cutting off Sam's attempt at a response. ''How come you can sense stuff like that? Are you a medium or something?''
''No, because if I was a medium, I would've been able to communicate with spirits and see them the same way Sam does. I can only sense the supernatural and see whatever aura they have, and then I draw my conclusions from there. That's why I like to visit places that have this lingering sense of something tragic happening at them in the past, which is then preserved, either through the spirits that refuse to move on or the living who refuse to do the same,'' Matt explained. ''There is something nostalgic about places like Ricky's, even if it was a place of tragedy and only abandoned a couple of months ago.'' He then looked at Sam and Springtrap, with a soft smile spreading on his lips. ''I'm also glad to know the truth behind my brother's killer.''
Not only Sam and Springtrap, but even the Showtimes were shocked by this bombshell, staring at Matt in stunned silence, who didn't seem to be perturbed at all by the sudden attention he got. Instead, he just took a bite of his pizza, calmly eating it.
''Matt, are… are you talking about Ricky's?'' Sam asked in a baffled tone. Matt nodded.
''Me, my younger brother and his friend went to Ricky's, and one moment he was there, and the next one, he was just mangled mess of flesh and blood,'' he said in a quiet voice.
''Matt, I'm so sorry, I had no idea… I knew about every disappearance and murder at Ricky's, but the news didn't release any names…'' Sam apologized, feeling awful for Matt having such a horrible experience. However, instead of showing any emotion, be it guilty or sorrow, Matt just shrugged.
''I never told you, so there is nothing to feel sorry for. Me and my brother were never close, and frankly, this wasn't the first death in my family. I also had a younger sister, but she died when I was 7. She had been playing at the pool we had outside our house, running around until she fell and hit her head on the pavement, then fell into the pool and drowned,'' he continued, ignoring the looks of horror on everyone's expression, sounding almost indifferent. ''My parents were devastated, and we moved from Hurricane to New Harmony because they couldn't get over her death, before eventually moving back. Mum always wanted a daughter, so this hit her really hard and she started paying more attention to my brother. I suppose it was a way for her to fill the void my sister had left after her death. However, now, they act like they have no children and a teenager roommate. I didn't hear them blame me for what happened though, but I do believe that something is going through their minds,'' Matt's tone was surprisingly bitter, but his expression showed nothing but serene indifference. ''I still have my sister's doll she played with when she died, as well as the Ricky plushie my brother held when he died. I had to clean off the blood, though, but I suppose this is one way to keep them around even if we were never close to each other.''
''Matt… I…'' Sam had no clue what to say, feeling completely numb, only for Matt to interrupt her.
''So, what's the deal with Glitchtrap then?'' he asked.
Recognizing that Matt wanted to move on from the topic about his own past, she quickly answered, ''Right, well… William had told me that Glitchtrap is most likely a broken piece of his soul, having found his way into the Help Wanted video game due to Fazbear Entertainment using the circuit boards as a shortcut for the programming, and is now influencing Vanessa, the one who sent me the Glitchtrap-infected games. I'm now certain that their next objective is to cause chaos at the Mega Pizzaplex.''
''A broken piece of soul…? How did that happen?'' Matt asked, turning to Springtrap.
''It was because of the constant torment I suffered in the Hell created by one of my victims,'' he explained.
''I see… So, what can I do to help you?'' Matt asked, observing Sam and the animatronics.
''You don't have to do anything,'' Sam replied. ''I told you this so you could make your own decision to either back away or be involved into a mess that might end up in your own death. This is a warning.''
''Fine, I'll get involved then,'' Matt responded in a blunt tone. Sam snorted, having already expected such an answer.
''Are you completely sure about this? Sam had been part of this for a while and she almost died on multiple occasions,'' Chica asked.
''Yeah, I'm certain. It sounds like it's going to be interesting, and I would love to participate in this horror show,'' Matt replied, shrugging. ''It's not like I have anything better to do.''
The Showtimes were about to argue back, but when they saw Sam shake her head, they realized they were fighting a losing battle. After all, Sam absolutely refused to back down, and if Matt was anything like her, he would power through this as well. Springtrap, on the other hand, didn't appear to care that much about Matt's safety.
''If you think that's the best decision, then you do you. However, don't think I'll be looking out for you if you do something stupid while exploring the Pizzaplex,'' he told him. Matt leaned against the table, placing his chin on his hand as he stared at Springtrap with a sudden interest. His eyes then flicked towards Sam.
''Sam, I don't think your father likes me very much,'' he said.
The reaction was instant. Both Sam and Springtrap were stunned by the bold statement, with Sam sputtering, ''W-Wait, that's not- He's not- I didn't-'', while Springtrap's eyes suddenly started to glow a dark purple, clearly plotting how to murder Matt for stating something so bold; something that was also quite true. As for the Showtimes, both Freddy and Chica were bewildered by the statement, while Foxy and Bonnie were amused by Springtrap's reaction, while Puppet just shook her head, clearly aware that there was something more going on than either of them wanted to admit. Matt just grinned cheekily, clearly enjoying himself.
Springtrap, on the other hand, was glaring daggers at Matt. Just when he hoped that Emma would be the only person he'd have to deal with, now he had a sassy teenager who was a bit too close with Sam for his liking to contend with.
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#Five Nights at Freddy's: The Untold Story (Masterlist)
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sxugaryx · 8 months
Reunited (Fanfic)
A new chapter of my Lies of p Fanfic series (´ ω `♡)
Geppetto, Gemini, and Pinocchio were all stunned.
“Sophia, is that really you?” Gemini chirped, there was a chance it could just be a normal blue butterfly.
But Pinocchio knew it, it was her.
“Pinocchio, I’ve come to speak with you” Her voice was calm, composed, like when she first found him, yet more lively.
Geppetto was quiet he wasn’t sure what to say.
“In private, please”
Pinocchio looked at his father.
“It’s okay, I understand, you two should go to your room to talk privately”
And so, Pinocchio took Sophia to his room with him, gracefully flapping her wings, shining with a blue glow, with sparkly white particles falling from her, and vanishing into the air.
He closed the door behind him, leaving his Father and Gemini behind.
A part of Geppetto wanted to ears drop but, he knew better than to do that, Pinocchio deserved his own privacy.
“Sophia, you’re are back! I’ve been thinking about you” Pinocchio was happy to see her again.
“Yes.. but not for long, I’m sorry but Krat brings back… painful memories, I wish I could be by your side right now, but I… I…”
Pinocchio held his hands so she could land on them.
“It's okay, I get it, you don’t have to do anything that would make you feel sad”
“Thank you, you’ve always been so good, so understanding” Sophia then continued, “I have come here to speak to you about the changes in your body”.
“You know about that?”
“Pinocchio, you and I are forever connected, when you took my ergo, and when you helped me transfer my soul into the body of a puppet, we were both linked, I believe your white hair should be proof enough for that”
Pinocchio remembered, when she took her ergo, took her life, and then, how he brought her back, as a puppet.
“As of now, your body is in a state of between, I sense that you don’t fully know if you wish to be completely human or to remain a puppet”
Pinocchio felt conflicted about that, he didn’t need to become human to be happy, he was okay with who he was, but he had all the emotions of a human, and he wanted to learn more about them and live with them. Sometimes he felt he should be a human, sometimes he felt he should remain a puppet.
Sophia was certainly more happy now that she was a puppet.
“You are unique Pinocchio, you don’t have to decide, even in this state you currently are, you can live a normal life, rest assured, I’ve come to tell you that you do not need medical assistance when it comes to fixing your own body, for now, if you don't feel well, Geppetto should be able to fix the problem”
“I don’t have to decide…” Pinocchio thought to himself, yes, he doesn’t have to decide! He is his own being, he is who he wants to be even if others don’t understand.
“If something ever were to put you in harm's way, I will always stand by your side, no matter the distance, I will always come to your aid”
Pinocchio smiled, he wasn’t just happy, he felt warmth.
“You should inform Geppetto and the others about this, I know they must be worried about you as well”
“Don’t worry, I will and, if you ever need help too, just tell me! Just like before, I’ll help you no matter what!”
Pinocchio could sense Sophia’s happiness, wherever she was, she was smiling at him.
“Now it’s time for me to go, I shouldn’t overuse my powers for too long”
Pinocchio opened the door, both went back to the living room, Gemini and Geppetto looking at them expectantly, but Sophia did not say a word to them.
She got closer to the window, Pinocchio was next to her, she was ready to leave.
“Goodbye… for now”
Sophia flapped her wings, but before leaving she went up and landed on Pinocchio’s cheek, then, he felt warmth again, but also fuzzy his face turned red, his heart was pounding.
Did she.. did she kiss him??!!
That was his first kiss, even if it was just on the cheek, he felt so, just, he didn’t know exactly how to feel but he felt really happy.
Sophia giggled and then, took flight to leave, and as soon as she was outside for a few moments, she vanished into thin air.
Geppetto could tell that his son was flustered, he wondered if he shared the feelings Sophia had for him.
“Sophia… she is such a good friend! I didn’t know friends could kiss each other like that” he exclaimed, completely and utterly obvious as to why she actually kissed him.
Geppetto couldn’t help but put his palm on his head.
“Pinocchio” Gemini spoke to him.
“Huh?, yes Gemini?”
“You are an idiot”
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adamwatchesmovies · 7 days
Constantine (2005)
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Constantine comes from the era of comic book film adaptation when we were just happy to get ANYTHING. This allowed writers, directors and executives to do whatever they wanted to make the stories and characters more accessible and bankable without mobs coming to their doors with pitchforks and torches. Unfortunately, this often resulted in generic, forgettable films. The less familiar you are with the Hellblazer comics, the more likely you are to appreciate this less-than-faithful take on the character. I enjoyed it just enough to give it a mild recommendation while hoping a better adaptation will someday leave this one in the dust.
In LA, cynical occultist John Constantine (Keanu Reeves) is surprised to find a demon attempting to enter our world through its possessed host, rather than simply puppeteering her the way demons usually do. Meanwhile, Detective Angela Dodson (Rachel Weisz) is shocked when her twin sister, Isabel, commits suicide. Isabel knew this mortal sin would condemn her to Hell, which prompts Angela to suspect she was actually murdered. These strange events are somehow linked to a strange spearhead discovered in a ruined church in Mexico that possesses a man (Jesse Ramirez) while granting him near-invincibility.
With his American accent and black hair, this Constantine feels a lot more like a traditional cynical hero than the blonde from Liverpool you'll find in the pages of DC/Vertigo's comics. There are worse things your movie could do, but it doesn’t help make the story memorable. There's got a mystery that leads to a big threat, which is a good spine to build your skeleton upon. We’re introduced to several rules about the world. Turns out that God and the Devil (Peter Stormare) are competing for mankind’s souls and that neither demons nor angels can directly interfere; they only “influence” people. “Half-breed” angels and demons can walk around doing what they want, however, and when they go too far, Constantine puts them back in their place. He’s doing this to win himself a spot in Heaven. Our favorite exorcist has terminal lung cancer - that’s what you get for smoking non-stop. Maybe this case will be the one to get him his golden ticket. I dunno. Doesn’t it feel like more could be done with this? When you boil it down, Constantine isn’t much deeper than End of Days with Arnold Schwarzenegger and is that really where we want to be?
It’s the details of the world that wind up interesting us in the end. The visions of Hell we see are unique. It’s like a perpetual nuclear sandstorm ripping apart a parallel Earth, with damned souls squirming in agony below while demons prowl about. Getting there requires you to perform simple but convincing-looking rituals, which is one of the standout moments. Rachel Weisz and Keanu Reeves have some pretty good chemistry, even if it would be a cliché for her to fall for a man who didn’t even hold the elevator door open for her the first time they met. Pruitt Taylor Vince as Father Hennessy has an inventive encounter with a demon. Shia LaBeouf plays Chas Kramer, Constantine’s driver and apprentice but he’s gone for such large chunks of the movie you wonder why he was even included. Tilda Swinton has a memorable but small role as the Archangel Gabriel. At this point, I feel like I’m just going through a list of things about the movie, which anyone could do… but maybe that’s all there is to say. How does the movie make you feel? Excited while Constantine is shooting demons with his cross-shaped gun or punching them with holy brass knuckles, I guess. Intrigued when we’re piecing together the clues behind Isabel’s death, I guess. Not exactly a rousing endorsement but the film is not boring. It moves, you want to see what’s coming next and once it’s over, it’s out of your mind.   Could it be that I’m nostalgic for Constantine? I do remember seeing it when it was released on DVD. In fact, I specifically remember buying it. I went to HMV looking for V for Vendetta. This was going to mark my official transition from VHS to discs and when I got to the store, I saw they had an exclusive 2-pack that included Constantine for free. Maybe that’s what's tipping me over the scale; the fact that I didn’t have to pay anything to see this film. If you decide to check it out, stay all the way to the end of the credits for a bonus scene. (August 16, 2022)
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