#it just. as a Ship it feels soft and comfy?? like a comfort ship?? idk I just really hope they expand on this
bleetusmcyeetus · 30 days
Oh my god I was NOT expecting to leave the Sun & Foxy fake date ep. mildly shipping Puppet and Foxy?? Help when I clicked on it I was kinda thinking “oh. More fake kidscove stuff. That’s always fun :)” but then everything happened and???????????? Huh??????? Like I don’t really ever ship TSBS characters just cuz it feels weird to me but?? Oh my god
#HELP???#I don’t know how to feel#like the whole Puppet Bodypillow situation is very 🤨 on Monty’s part obviously and kinda very weird#BUT#but but.#Puppet what was that reaction when Foxy kept it??#like Foxy was being completely normal about it. he took it because well Why Not and to maybe sell as a ‘collectors item’#then YOU made it weird#I don’t. hm#is Puppet catching feelings for Foxy??#like. there is NO WAY they included over half an episode of JUST the two of them for. nothing#like Monty at the end was even like ‘🤨hey. hey buddy why are you. Being Like This? Hm?’#I. I don’t know to me personality it honestly kinda seems like it. could work??#like it just felt so REAL to me when they were in Puppet’s new apartment and like. Foxy knew EXACTLY what Puppet would want#and he got EXACTLY what Puppet would want. and you could see how happy Puppet was they were just trying to act not excited#“I like. Couches. I like comfortable couches.’’ and ‘You have a very comfortable couch’ like??? excuses to just. be in Foxy’s house more???#I am reading waaaaaaaaaaaay too much into this but CMON. PUPPET YOU WERE NOT NORMAL ABOUT ANY OF THIS BUT WHY??? PUPPET.#and FOXY?? FOXY YOU ARE POOR. Foxy the most recurring thing about you is that You Need More Money. and then you.#spend MILLIONS of dollars on an apartment for Puppet???? adhdjfjskdjdhagfjskfsjd#like. going back to Puppet. she even EXCPLICITY made some romance-related comments regarding Foxy and?? I don’t know. I don’t knowwww#IS SHE catching feelings?? IS she?? I just. that felt like Something. their entire interaction the whole time felt like Something.#puppet x foxy#(kind of)#mgafs#mgafs puppet#mgafs foxy#i rambled a bit#THAT JUST. chat I am TELLING YOU there is SOMETHING. there is something. I really hope we expand on this because PLEASE. please#it just. as a Ship it feels soft and comfy?? like a comfort ship?? idk I just really hope they expand on this#if they don’t I’ll live. I’ll just be Silly in my head and imagine it being real. BUT IF THEY DO. ILL NEVER BE NORMAL AGAIN
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brunhielda · 1 year
Since you all liked the last one-
Another random Tolkien thought:
(we will not be discussing what it means that I randomly have thoughts on a man long dead, even if he did shape the fantasy genre as we know it)
So I was watching The Hobbit, mostly for the Bilbo/Thorin feels and completely ignoring the unnecessary elvish/dwarvish romance, as you do-
And I am looking at this going “Damn Thorin, you don’t know this guy, why you gotta be so harsh?”
Then replying to myself “Well, because despite being technically a King, Thorin is a “WORKING MAN”tm, who takes one look at Bilbo’s fine China and soft hands and knows him for the soft, well off gentry he is. And it is fair to be worried this guy might hold them back enough to get someone killed. Could have been less rude about it, but is he wrong?”
And I have been talking, in other spaces, about how all of the “comfy cozy” British literature is based off a class in Britain that is not living in castles by any means, but have inherited wealth, and as long as they don’t spend too much in any one place, there is an “allowance” coming from a back account somewhere that allows them to live in general comfort. So the characters can sit about all cozy, do gardening or boats for fun, and often spend thier days stopping in at the neighbors for chats and tea. Stories include Winnie the Pooh, Wind in the Willows, Frog and Toad, and yes, Hobbit Society.
And I have a sudden thought- Is that Tolkien? A quick google says he grew up an orphan with an aunt and looked after by a priest, but yes, he was, as described, “the genteel side of poverty,” meaning that was the society he grew up in as a child, and the society of the people the associated with at Oxford as an adult, even if he had to face more hardships than they did.
So the Hobbits are what he knows, what he remembers fondly from his childhood, what he tries to build for his kids.
The Dwarves are warriors. They are men who work with thier hands, even the most noble of them, when they are not fighting. They may not know all the stuff Bilbo or Gandalf know about histories and elves, but they have thier own histories and prides, and are intelligent in all the ways that matter. And Bilbo is the soft one that got dragged along for skills they can’t see yet, who they poke and prod at until they find his measure under all that fluffy comfort, and are finally proud to call shield brother.
Suddenly I have an image of a very young, nerdy, twiggy Tolkien, WWI, just given the rank of lieutenant because of his Oxford education, shipping out with rough and tumble British working class men, sure that this little idealist who has only ever read books and knows nothing of life is going to get them all killed. And they are looking up to (idk the ranks) a Sargent? A Captain? Someone who surprisingly made his way there from the bottom ranks rather than buying a commission, and has seen a million battles, so the men love and follow him without hesitation. Tolkien didn’t get shipped out til almost mid-way through the war, so this is a likely scenario- the little newbie who has clever ideas but no practical experience, trying so damn hard to impress the superior officer he is idolizing.
Maybe that didn’t happen. I have no records or other sources to back it up. But it explains the characters relationships, and the story trajectory.
My take away on all of Middle Earth literature- Tolkien might be the first author to truly capture Philia (brotherly love, bond between war brothers) in fantasy since Troy (please give me other examples if I am wrong, I want to read them), because he lived it. Whether or not he intentionally boss characters off of anyone in particular, his life experiences in WWI are bleeding through, and it is beautiful.
But IF I am right, and some of this was Tolkien processing his individual experiences in war-
What I really want to know, what I am desperate to know now that I have had this thought and seen this image in my mind:
If Tolkien is Bilbo… who was Thorin?
I bet he was something else.
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writerlyhabits · 3 years
okayyy,,, a din djarin x reader w a non-conventionally attractive reader?? HEAR ME OUT!!!!!ik a lot of fanfic writers get upset when readers call themselves ugly,, but the fact is a lot of ppl tend to not get called pretty in real life and wuld want something they could relate to more?? NOT DAYING I WANT DIN TO CALL ME UGLY,, but maybe he comforts reader after someone made fun of them for their looks or smth? i understand if ur uncomfy with it tho its a pretty odd request <3
I totally get what you mean! I honestly relate, I am by no means the prettiest girl, I don’t have people flirting with me or calling me beautiful/pretty on the regular, but I know that the girl in the mirror is a cutie in her own right and that’s what matters 😅 I feel like Din would understand, focusing way more on how you are as a person and not what you look like, which I thought made for a pretty cute scene for this. I hope you like it!! 💖
Thanks to my love, @deceiverofgodss for beta reading and helping me out with this 🙌💖
Warnings: fluffy, swearing, it's a little angsty? idk I tried, I really write these bounties as the scum of the galaxy I mean this one is a mega jerk, slight self-consciousness about appearance, briefest mention of canon typical violence (if you can even call it that), sweet mando to the rescue, I think that's it
Words: 1008
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“It’s a long journey. You should rest,” Mando suggested from behind you. As he had taken care of things during take-off, you had piloted the crest off of the planet behind you. However, it was in desperate need of a few repairs … again. It wasn’t too worse for wear, but the damages prevented you from going into hyperspace. Nevarro was close enough, and an unannounced landing in town would be nice. Now the problem was just getting there, and what to do until you did.
“I’ll be down in a minute.” You responded shortly. You could hear him hesitate before taking the kid and clanking down to the main hull. You sat in the pilot’s seat for a moment, sorting through the thoughts swimming in your head.
You were pissed. The bounty had been spewing half-baked threats and insults the entire time Mando had dragged him back to the ship, both you and Mando covering the fire from the altercation the blue twi’lek had started as he got cuffed. And even though he was now sitting comfy in his carbonite, his last few words hadn’t left you.
“She’s a good shot; must be why you keep her around Mando, cause it sure isn’t for that face” You punched him hard enough to break his nose. It hurt like hell, but it was at least satisfying. Now you were sitting in the pilot’s seat, angry with nothing to show for it but the stinging in your hand.
“You didn’t fall asleep up here, did you?” Mando asked as he made his way inside the cockpit when you didn’t come down after a while.
“Hmm? Oh… no,” you mumbled. You heard him sigh as he sat in one of the seats next to you.
“How’s your hand?” You lifted your hand from the controls to flex it, turning your chair slightly to the side to see him better. You shrugged and made a face at him, it’s alright. He gave a soft chuckle, just barely audible through his helmet. “You hit him pretty hard.” You smiled softly in response.
“Yeah, well… he deserved it.” You dropped your hand down to your lap, resting your head against the headrest, your face dropping back to neutral.
“What he said… you know it didn’t have any weight to it, right?” He said after a few moments.
“I know,” you sighed, clenching your hand in a fist. “It just made me so mad. I’m by no means the prettiest girl in the galaxy, I know, but I look fine. I just… what gives him the right to say shit like that? And I know I’ll never be able to teach him a lesson cause he’s too dumb to know the difference, so what the hell do I do?.” You were half yelling at this point, Mando silent as he listened to your ramble. He hesitated a few moments before he leaned forward, resting his forearms on the beskar plates on his thighs.
“Do you know how many bounties try to tell me I wear the helmet to hide my face?” You didn’t know what you were expecting him to say, but that wasn’t it. All you could do was tilt your head and furrow your eyebrows in confusion, pointing at your face in reference to the helmet that covered his own. He chuckled at your reaction, nodding slightly. “When these people realize they have no leg to stand on, they pick at straws just to try and get a reaction, to start a fight. One of their last resorts is to jab at your looks, and they’ll use it on anyone. Even a Mandalorian.”
His words started to make you feel better, realizing that the comment from earlier was far more stupid and half-baked than you thought, and having only to do with you because you had to be an easier target than Mando.
“But he was right about one thing.” You looked back up at Mando again, brows raised in a silent request for elaboration. “I don’t keep you around for your looks. I do it because I enjoy your company more than my solitude,” he admitted, looking down at his gloves, and you realized he had been fiddling with them. “But you’re not so bad to look at.” You scoffed at him with a smile.
“Not so bad? Wow, thank you so much. Such high praise,” you sassed, laughing with him. When your amusement settled down, you put a hand on his, and he lifted his helmet to look at you. “I like your company too. It’s why I let you keep me around.” You smiled softly at the visor of his helmet, and he took your hand in his, rubbing softly with his thumb. You leaned back into the pilot’s seat and felt your body release its pent-up tension, and you yawned. Mando gave a soft laugh and stood from his seat, moving closer to you.
“Go get some rest, I’ll take over up here,” he said gently, using the hand in his to pull you to your feet. Before you could acknowledge him, Mando placed his other hand at the back of your neck to pull you closer, resting his helmet against your forehead.
“What’re you doin?” you giggled sweetly at him.
“The Mandalorians call it a Keldabe Kiss,” he answered softly, and you could hear a smile in his voice. “So I can give you a kiss without taking off my helmet.” He lifted his head to look you in the eye again, and your smile in response to his sweet gesture couldn’t be bigger. “Felt like it fit the moment.” You hummed in satisfaction.
“I think it definitely did.” You smiled up at him for a few more moments before he removed his hand from the back of your neck, and with both strong hands, he abruptly turned you away from him and towards the door of the cockpit.
“And I won’t tell you again,” his voice came from right beside your ear, “Go get some sleep.”
Din Taglist: @spideysimpossiblegirl @cats-are-a-girls-bestfriend
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moonflms · 3 years
➷。˚wayv's reaction to...
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sharing a bed with their shy s/o for the first time? requested by anon !
PAIRING ༄ - wayv x shy! s/o
W. COUNT ༄ - around 700+
TAGS ༄ - @cupfullofjeno @jungwon-luv-bot-pt3 (if you wanna be tagged in my stories then feel free to reach out to me ! <3)
➷。min's letter ༄ - i had to ask my friends bc i have zero experience with the situation dfjk
i don't do reactions alot and i just couldn't function properly JSDHKJH sorry if this seemed rushed with the idea bc school supposed to be over and my brain just couldn't cooperate recently djgfh
do not repost. copyright belongs to @moonflms 2021. reblogs and likes are deeply appreciated!
enjoy reading!
hmm, honestly he'd be a bit cautious and nervous? he'd be a bit nervous because it's a first for both him and the s/o, knowing it's a huge level up in their relationship (well, for me it is idk abt y'all-). once in bed, he'd check up on the s/o once in a while to ask them if they're alright if he/she would want a pillow in between them, and so on. he'd be mindful of his actions like hugs and stuff and avoid teasing or any playful actions because he knows it just makes the shy s/o feel shyer and uncomfy. once everything is okay and asleep, he'd try to calm the giddy feeling he's been keeping in him secretly.
okay first, he could be a bit playful. like, he'd tease and shit like "come on, as if we haven't kissed" which he instantly regrets as he noticed the s/o turned flustered and shifts in his/her spot. otherwise, he'd immediately pulls the s/o closer to him slowly and tries to talk to avoid the shy atmosphere they had atm. after getting comfortable being together in one bed he'd ask permission if he's allowed to hug the s/o to sleep. hehe
he's a shy one as well so once he realized that both he and his s/o are in one bed, about to sleep, he just went full-on giddy mode on the inside as he softly smiles on the out. he'd definitely tries to be closer to the s/o and maybe lands a small peck on the forehead with a head pat at the same time. he may not be that affectionate just yet, but he'd probably take it slow with the 'before bed skin ship' so either of them wouldn't be overwhelmed before the sleep.
man, this huge baby would be super happy you know? like he'd be all giggly and shy all of the sudden. but he makes sure that he'd tone down the giddy feelings for the s/o to easily get comfortable beside him. lucas would be super reassuring, like kun. he would ask from time to time about how the s/o felt, and he made sure the s/o had enough space between them just in the meantime. (just to prevent things like squishing s/o with his huge build or etc. he doesn't wanna hurt them y'know) and lucas is probably the type to sleep with a shirt off, but for this case, he's made sure he had a top on to avoid making them feel awkward hehe
xiaojun would be a mix of winwin's, kun's, and lucas'. he'd be the type to hug a pillow first before hugging the actual s/o because again, he wouldn't want them to do things they're not fully comfy with yet. xiaojun would make sure he'd wear a nice set of pajamas and try to change the atmosphere by talking about their bedtime preferences, like if they sleep with full lights out or with a nightlight. and before closing his eyes, he'd softly peck their forehead while whispering an "i love you" after.
in my opinion, he'd be like kun and lucas. poor guy, he'd be a bit nervous as well because it's a 'level up' in the relationship he had, and knowing his s/o was the shy type, he just didn't know how to properly act. he'd ask them first before settling into bed which side his s/o would wanna take because the comfort of his s/o is more important than his. like lucas, he'd try to wear a shirt to bed just to make things less awkward between them and the first-time thing. hendery seems like the type to toss and turn in bed (and most likely to hug a pillow or someone) he'd be cautious because he might make the other pair weirded out or hurt by his elbow or something.
oh boy, he'd be a more toned-downed version of ten. with his playful nature, he'd try to sneak in some compliments like "i could get used to this" and etc which leads the s/o more blushed than how he/she is originally is. yangyang who can easily tell how someone is feeling, would immediately cool down and become that soft boy he is. he'd try to play with his s/o's cheeks by poking/softly tugging on it until they both felt like hugging was finally alright to do.
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kfanboyships · 3 years
Hi hi~! I was wondering if it’s alright to request a general ship for txt, seventeen and wayv please?
I’m 22 years old and my pronouns are she/her. I’m 5’5 with a pear shaped body type. I also have big green eyes, short brown hair, I wear glasses and I have a few piercings. I don’t have a set style, but I usually wear comfy or alt clothes.
My personality changes depending on who I’m around. But around strangers, I’m very anxious, awkward and shy. I have major social anxiety, so meeting people makes me anxious and making new friends is hard for me. Once I’m comfortable around someone I’m the complete opposite! I’m much more talkative, bubbly, sarcastic, feisty, sassy, cuddly, outgoing, dorky, and a crackhead LOL. My friends would describe me as being gentle, sweet and cute, but with a ✨spicy✨side. I’m not afraid to speak up when I feel it’s needed. I’m usually the oldest in friend groups, but I often get mistaken as being the youngest because of my youthful personality and looks. There are times I can be super sensitive, emotional and insecure because I overthink EVERYTHING 🥲. I have a hard time managing my emotions, so it’s a daily struggle to keep them in check also pretty draining. I’m also a sleepy person, so I’m tired 24/7 no matter how much sleep I get. I enjoy helping others out and seeing them smile/laugh. I get easily annoyed and overwhelmed, but it doesn’t take long for me to be back to my usual bubbly self. I can sense someone’s moods and energy and I often reciprocate them too. So I guess you can say I’m an empath? I also love playing banter and teasing…that’s how I show my love to others LMAO. I also ADORE hugs and cuddles, but only from close friends and partner. Being touched by someone I don’t know triggers my anxiety and may cause a panic attack. I have a bad habit of cursing when I’m frustrated and self isolating too.
I love animals and kids, but babies kinda make me anxious lol. I ADORE anything cute, soft, fluffy and comfy such as pillows, blankets and stuffed animals. I enjoy taking naps, baths, yoga, food, watching trashy shows, drama, video games, makeup, musicals, shopping, making others laugh, tarot readings, traveling, nature, going on walks and drives, star gazing and cloud gazing, and singing (but I’m way too shy to sing in front of others). I DESPISE spiders, crowds, loud noises, being yelled at, waking up early, and confrontation even though I love drama LOL.
Thank you so much and I hope you stay happy and healthy~! 🥰💜
Woah, so much info, this is so helpful thank you! Also you sound like a very fun person :) I hope you like your ships!
TXT: Yeonjun
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I don't feel like Yeonjun has an ideal type moreso that he'll just find someone attractive by their personality, and I feel like he'd find you to be an interesting and fun person but also cute! I think he'd like your style and you guys could have cool matching alt outfits, but have matching sweatpants and hoodies on lazy days. Your personalities would also go well together because you're the parent types in a friend group and would take great care of each other but also being loose enough to make jokes. (Bonus: he'd kill spiders in the dorm when you come over even if he doesn't like bugs)
Seventeen: Vernon
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Based off of description I just feel like you guys would look cute together idk it just makes sense to me, Vernon has quite a big personality and is quite a jokester but can also tend to be awkward, which is probably how you guys end up being close, it may start off awkward but you bond over these moments. He'd admire your ability to raise the mood of a situation even if you're struggling yourself, and he'd always be there to listen and offer advice to you.
WayV: Hendery
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So firstly you guys are close in age, you're both known to have quite the spicy side, and you can be quite dorky. But Hendery still loves you for who you are on your rough days and always knows how to cheer you up. I can see you guys having a lot of comfy days in playing video games and watching funny shows and movies and making fun of them.
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sunshinetoshi · 3 years
Who do you ship your moots with?
AHH okay i was planning to eventually make this even if no one asked HAHA so tysm cause who knows when that would've come out lol
this got LONG so they will be under the cut <33
also i did the moots i more regularly interact with/have gotten pretty close with. i have more moots that i haven’t gotten to know too well yet bc i’m shy pls but reach out if you want heheh <33
okay i know yall have your faves but i wanted to go for slightly unexpected ones that i can also see (it might sound like i’m talking out of my butt but i swear i’m not akjsdf i spent more hours on this than i’d care to admit. so at most i am ✨r e a c h i n g✨ HAHA)
@daichis-kitty daichi ofc but.. TANAKA. i know you love tanakiyo buuuttt i think tanaka could make you laugh so much (sometimes most times unintentionally and he would be so heart eyes whenever he does) and the thought of you two on the dancefloor makes me so hype HAHA. and those late nights or early mornings he’d be so gentle and soft and romantic (he feels like a physical touch love language guy) and he’d be so supportive of you no matter what
@luvbub akaashi ofc but.. IWAIZUMI. very caring and romantic bf (who would make sure you DON’T sleep next to a pair of scissors). and i think he fits cause he can have some banter with you and you’d make him laugh and get flustered AND i pictured you and him wearing matching crocheted bucket hats and now i will not be swayed otherwise. i think the aesthetics and vibes match (and if anyone can help your wallet relax it’d be iwa trying to scold you that you have enough yarn oh who am i kidding. in fact he’d enable it sometimes bc he thinks you deserve the world)
@love-oikawa oikawa ofc but.. SAKUSA. i feel like sakusa is a really big romantic and you give me that deep love kind of vibe and the two of you together would be so heart eyes wow. like it’d be so?? dreamy. yes. dreamy indeed. he is very sweet with flowers, letters with cute poems he’s come across, and little trips you’ve always wanted to go on but he also would love a quiet comfy day in bed with you.
@kuroos-simp kuroo ofc but.. MATTSUN. i feel like the vibes match bc he’s not a super loud guy but he can get deep in chaos at the same time. would have you in that belly-ache laughter. lots of lighthearted teasing. i think issei also likes late nights in just the two of you. also picture mattsun blasting one direction with you. would be a big fan. that big ol tree just head banging to no control or something HAHA. this is also looks-wise i think it’d be cute!!
@lilshortcakess osamu (i think?? i think i saw on your blog once that he’s one of your faves. lol what if i said chan HAHA) okay okay osamu ofc but.. SEMI. okay shared love for music. constant humming songs with the two of you it’d be so cute omg. also he loves how soft your aesthetics are?? OH you could totally get him to watch rom-coms (he’d be a lil snarky at first but he falls in love with them heheh)
@gg9183 konoha ofc but.. KITA. both of you give off such pretty and soft aesthetics BUT there’s so much more to you two. like that aquarium post of yours when you said kita would ABSOLUTELY mess with you. mhm. i think you get kita more than other people do and that would show in a relationship. he’d actually be very teasing and making you crack up and other people are surprised but you’ve always known. but he also takes SUCH good care of you. hubby material.
@theuntamedmulti aone ofc but.. ASAHI. another gentle giant HAHA. but this one was kinda specific okay i remember that one time you were talking about dressing kinda edgy and recently i saw a post about asahi getting piercings to look cooler. so yall would dress edgy and look immaculate and maybe slightly intimidating but the kicker is that you two have these hearts of gold and it’s amazing. we love to see it.
@daichidaichidaichi daichi + ushi ofc but.. TERUSHIMA. okay i’m pretty sure i’ve told you that look-wise i ship you with teru but if i havent then now you know asjdf. but i also think you two would have good back and forth but he’d never try to push your buttons like most people would think. no, he’s too soft for you. wants to treat you like a princess. i also think you both are bubbly and like to joke around (also lots of flirting lol)
@targaryens-blog tendou ofc but.. ATSUMU. you have a very kind heart and i feel like you’re the type to understand others in ways most people don’t care to try and do so i feel like the way you would connect with atsumu would be something he has hardly experienced and it can be really special. he is very much a sweetie and i think you two would be very supportive of each other even if it seems like you two have different interests. lots of laughter!!
@sunalma suna ofc but.. TSUKKI. HOLD ON HEAR ME OUT. i think it’d actually be a more chill relationship than you’d think. bc you two are more alike there’s a connection where you two just move in sync. also he’d love all your music recs and in a way you’d chill him out and get him to laugh more and i think that’s sweet (also i think yall would be good together looks-wise too ooo)
@starlightte osamu ofc but.. FUTAKUCHI. OKAY. I FEEL KNOW YOU WON’T AGREE. BUT THIS IS JUST FOR FUN BAHAHA. first off he might not be your type idk but he’s a very pretty tall boy and i think look-wise it could look cute. second your personalities could be nice together - it would be a very teasing and flirty relationship but he also knows when to get serious and take responsibility so it would be fun but mature. small bickering might be frequent but they don’t hold actual weight. he will go to the ends of the earth to make you happy.
@mochi-marie asahi ofc but.. YAMAGUCHI. just two absolute sweethearts being together. i really like the idea of you being a little more teasing compared to tadashi and he’d get flustered but you’d also get him to get more comfortable over time. BUT ALSO yams can get kinda chaotic sometimes (when he would subtly join in hinata’s antics lol) so yall would have a blast together and end up cackling together.
@shoyotime akaashi ofc but.. ENNOSHITA. okay you might be thinking HUH. BUT i think in a similar way that akaashi can draw in some of your chaos and keep you on track with a task ennoshita can do the same. BUT ALSO i feel like ennoshita has a chaotic side (like how daichi also has a kinda chaotic side) so it’s not like you two would be complete opposites. if anything he’d let himself be a little looser around you bc he’s more comfortable. and it’d be one of those things where you and his friends could be doing the same thing but he’d only yell at them bc when you do it it’s actually funny or something like that (lol basically he’s a simp).
@tsukkisfatsimp iwaizumi ofc but.. MAKKI. i can just imagine all the memes you two would send one another. and sometimes when you two speak it makes no sense to anyone else but there the two of you are laughing your butts off. but also he’s a v sweet bf and wants to give many many cuddles and smooches. so pls give em to him.
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
The Mandalorian Chapter 12 rewatch thoughts
- I would like to thank them for keeping in din’s harried yet triumphant ‘hAH!!’ when he gets the explosives to stick to gideon’s ship in the ‘hey remember when this happened last season’ section, that was a nice gesture from the showrunners to me personally, I assume
- this episode actually helped me find more enjoyment in the last one, because it’s such a nice reassurance that even though they’re pulling in more stuff from other star wars media this show won’t suddenly stop being its own thing and mando won’t suddenly stop being himself and it’s very comforting to me somehow haha
- the small hesitation before din calls out “do you... do you have the wire?” lol lol lol he’s completely aware of the bizarreness of what he’s doing here but hey being alive is already so damn weird etc. 
the softness of his voice the whole way through and the fact that he never, never blames the baby for not being able to do what shouldn’t really be asked of him in the first place, tho... ;____;  
- the tiny exasperated head tilt din does when he realizes the hatch isn’t going to extend all the way fdslkfhasdlashfs  
- din is looking down at the baby the entire time while greef talks to the mechanics ❤️❤️❤️
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(the baby seems pretty drawn to/excited to see greef again and mando seems to notice which is extremely cute. he’s becoming really good at tuning in with the kid) 
he also greets cara baby first in much the same way as he does peli, like he knows what the main attraction here is lol, they do a very sweet bro nod at each other. god I wish gina carano wasn’t so terrible imagine if we could just have this BrOTP without hesitations :( 
I think greef is actually a bit worried to begin with after seeing the ship, he sort of takes din in intently before he huffs a little laugh and grabs his arm. it must be a bit stressful to be his friend and not be able to see his expression right away when you worry something might be seriously wrong haha
- people are finally treating the baby like you would a real baby and it’s such a blessing, everyone talking and cooing at him and baby babbling back
(I wonder if greef has children of his own? he does have an undeniable air of experienced grandpa about him in this episode, it’s adorable)  
- din does so much talking -- unprompted, even! -- these days, it truly is an embarrassment of riches 
- capital E Emotional about this shot with IG-11 right behind din and cara inviting him into the school in front of him. some past carried with us into the future shit going on here  
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IG-11′s legacy’s still got our back y’all :’) I swear to god if gideon blows up nevarro at some point I’m going to lose it 
the ‘oh yeah?/that so?’ way din leans his head back after she says “wait until you see inside” is also amazing
- baby reaching out his hand like ‘can have?’ is so polite ;______; he takes after his father (including in the ‘fool me twice, I’ll fuck you up’ department haha. listen you get one chance to be cool about it and then no more mr nice mando/baby)
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go ahead, kid, make a fuss about it. who are you going to tell, huh? who’s going to believe you? you gonna tell them you got bested by a baby? a magic baby? no? that’s right. I took your dignity as easily as I took your macarons, there’s nothing you can do to change it, and now you gotta live with that. sweet dreams.
(this is a joke. the baby is not evil. I hate that I even have to specify this but I’ve seen some stupid shit in the tags in my time you guys haha) 
- I can’t work out what anything on greef’s desk is supposed to be, but if that’s a computer it’s got to be older than even the razor crest lol
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- friends: din yes?
mando: din no, only repairs
friends: din yes please?
mando: ... [sigh] din yes 
he truly has next to no defense against people he actually likes asking him for something huh lol. well a self care co-op mission clearly did him a world of good in this one at least it’s all fine
- “I’m starting to dehydrate, Boss” is an excellent line and delivered perfectly, I cackle every time (”You park your gills right there until I say otherwise” is a good runner up too) 
- it’s so nice to see the small moments of communication between them in this one after mando was so out of sync with the team in the last one (and tbf those guys didn’t even try to give him any pointers at all, they really left him to flounder through the whole thing if you watch it carefully haha)
- the mythrol’s jacket still looks so comfy, I want one
- aaaaah the way din says “I don’t like this” is just so... hnnngh it’s perfect, there’s a vulnerability and openness to it for a moment. greef glances over at him like he hasn’t heard him sound like this before too, which just sells it even more
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u ok bro?
you know shit’s fucked up when din djarin expresses an emotion without even being forced to by circumstance (I think what I mean is that it’s actually really rare for him to state how he feels about something just to do it, usually his communication is more practically oriented, more along ‘I think this is the best cause of action because of a and b’ lines, or like when he tells omera he’s grateful it’s... more to inform her of it and make sure she knows than to express himself? but he’s starting to do it more with people he trusts now and it gets me in the heart? man I’m finding this hard to articulate let’s move on lol)
- I really, really wonder about pershing’s position in all of this. his plea for the child’s life did sound genuine -- he did try to guard him with his own noodly scientist body when he thought din was out to hurt him, remember -- but is that only because he knows he’s in deep shit himself without the blood the baby can give? is he maybe not quite cool with whatever gideon has him doing? (he does sound quite strained when he talks about the ‘body’ rejecting the transfusion and the ‘volunteer’ potentially suffering the same fate... hm.)
idk why I want there to be something redeemable in him so bad, maybe it’s just my weird yet enduring attachment to ladon radim in stargate atlantis messing with me they’re kind of similar in some ways (yeah don’t ask me I don’t know either sometimes the heart wants what it wants in ways reason can’t explain)
- tfw ur literally launching yourself across a pool of boiling lava because you’re Dad and your baby’s in danger T__________T he just does not stop running towards that kid for even a single second help
- there’s something so innocently pure and... old fashioned? about the scene with mythrol and greef screaming the entire time they drive off the cliff, it feels like something out of a movie from like three decades ago. that whole segment feels a bit like that, it’s just there to be fun and that’s okay sometimes
- every dog fight in every movie should have a baby nonchalantly snacking on a cookie in them, it elevates the experience immeasurably (he squishes his nose a little bit with the macaron when he misses his mouth at one point, which is more than anyone should be expected to bear honestly)
I love that even all fixed up again the razor crest groans and creaks like an old tired thing when din makes it flip to dive, he 100% did take out a bunch of ferraris in his stalwart morris minor of a spaceship and I treasure him     
- there’s so much life and emotion in din’s voice here I can’t!!!! I simply can’t!!!! imagine if we get to hear him openly laugh one day, would I even survive it??!!!!
 also the kid makes such pitch perfect ‘having my lil nose wiped and whining about it’ baby noises when din uses his cape to clean him up (din does turn the autopilot on before he turns around to deal with it, for those who, like me, worry about these things) 
- between carson showing up and the stuff the droid talks about in the lesson they’re doing quite a bit of outer rim vs. core worlds theme building in this one, I wonder if this is going to ramp up more or what
- god but gideon’s theme SLAPS tho 
he’s probably going to try to fuck up everything I love but you can’t fault him on the tunes he’s going to do it to 
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paperpeachy · 3 years
when/if you have the time..do you have love language head canons for mimi, doopliss, or any other pappie mario characters? thank youuuu oooh you’re the bestest
hmmm....how to tackle this... i have a lot of ships w both charas but it's v like, they're both v weird w intimacy so i think it'd b different depending on who's revieving the love ? idk let's try !
i don't think mimi is v good w like, validating ppl's feelings/comforting them ? she tries ! but like, she doesn't really know the right things to say/she’s outpractised in this field. she's all about filling in the spaces w her own tastes. if she starts rooming w her som1, she's gonna take liberties to spice up the interior and go all designer mode. she’s left her imprint on the place and it’s hard not to feel included by that. she likes daily rituals ! if she has a self-care routine she does day n night, she'll drag them in too. if they're worn out from their workload, she'll do a convincing job at getting them to do somn fun w her. she's v touchy too, and likes to receive physical touches herself. and she may not be good at sympathizing with them, but she's v good at trying to get thru someone's head for their own sake. she likes moments of intimacy, and she can't rlly place a finger on the nuances of that (love is v new to her, and physical touches are the easiest way to explore that).
doopliss is all familiarity. nudges ppl on the side, slings an arm over them, puts a hand on their shoulder to kneel over and laugh w them, but freezes/gets flustered when someone returns the gesture. extremely touch-starved and will get all >:I if ur too soft w him, but his defenses have already dropped at that point and now he's soft too. boooo. and by then, he's gonna wanna impress them! big goofy grand gestures ! take them to the carnival ! bring them into his show ! doopliss likes his me-time. a Lot. if he's w someone who can just vibe w his level of weirdness, he's gonna b comfy enough to invite them to those moments. and if he's grown enough of an attachment, he will suck it up and spill how much he actually admires them and how respectful they are in his eyes. he's rlly scared of ppl leaving, so he'll try his best to do the things his parents couldn't bring to do w each other.
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
YouTuber AU | junior quartet
I could have sworn I’ve made a post about this before?? But apparently not?? So yeah. This post focuses on their group channel in this au.
Jingyi and jin ling are absolutely notorious for bickering all. The. Fucking. Time.
There are a ton of compilations of them yelling at each other. Sizhui has banned then from livestreaming together unless he or zizhen is with them.
They mostly have vlogs of them together on their shared channel (named the junior quartet for no particular reason).
They have a couple million subscribers, but a good portion of them are Sizhui’s fancult. There are so many fan edits of him that it’s scary??
Ship. Wars. A small but vocal portion of their subs are in it for the ship, but only Zizhen and Jingyi really follow it. It’s not super toxic, since the four of them are close enough that people can mistake any pair of them to be dating. Plus, their entire dynamic fills like every relationship trope.
Zhuiyi = childhood friends to lovers (and just a lot of fluff) + oblibious boiz
Lingzhen = idk why but they give off hurt/comfort vibes.
Zhenyi = they would totally pretend to be in a fake relationship just to see if anyone would believe it or for fun. Literally no one is surprised. Also could be slowburn? I feel like it could be. Mutual pining, but a lotta ships on here could apply to that.
Lingyi = enemies to friends to lover (kinda?) + the epitome of being forced to share a bed. They keep kicking each other off. It’s funny. Also a whole lot of “won’t say I’m in love”
Zhuiling = a LOT of mutual pining. Was probably ling’s gay awakening, or zizhen. They had a meet-cute.
Zhuizhen = soft, fluffy fluffff. They’re just so soft for each other it hurts me. Soft pda & cuddles.
No one is quite sure how they met or became friends (the only backstory known to the public is zhuiyi’s childhood friendship and maybe a couple offhand mentions of jl and oyzz).
People eventually find out that ling is inheiriting
Jingyi made a coming out video. He literally sang “IM COMING OUT, I WANT THE WORLD TO KNOW” as the intro and people knew where this was gonna lead. The other didn’t, but sizhui has mentioned that he’s pan before. In an interview, oyzz has mentioned that he’s also pan. Ling’s sexuality is unknown bc of the four he’s the most private & doesn’t think people need to know.
He’s not ashamed or anything, but he just doesn’t feel the need to let people know. She he doesn’t.
They do a lot of fan interaction videos, like truth or dares & qna vids.
That’s where they learn about Jingyi and Sizhui’s lifelong friendship. A lot of fans knew that they tended to stick together more often (Jingyi’s Instagram is 75% selfies with other juniors and half of them are of him & Sizhui. The other 25% are pics of places they’ve visited and pretty foods and whatever else people post on Instagram.)
Anyways, half of that qna video is zhuiyi being lovey dovey for each other and jl rolling his eyes more often than what should be humanly allowed.
They do reaction videos together sometimes!! Zizhen really likes them. Hc that he has the cutest giggle and it’s great. They react to a lot of stupid vines (it’s really just jingyi and zizhen reciting them all) and even reacted to fanfiction of them once. We don’t speak of it.
There was the one time they vlogged going to the mall bc jin ling got dared to let zizhen & jingyi choose outfits for him. Sizhui is there for the damage control but secretly takes pics to show wwx.
They didn’t pick anything that would make jl uncomfortable though. Just a little embarrassing or things he wouldn’t wear. Ever.
The disastrous duo make jl try on everything from prom dresses & crop tops to suits and plaid. He didn’t hate any of them, and I guarantee that it was a whole lot of fanservice bc jl’s fashion taste is... lacking. He wears a lot of hoodies and sweats bc he doesn’t give a fuck, but sometimes he’ll wear designer. So you’re either stuck with comfy jl or mismatched designer jl. Odd.
at the end, Sizhui is amazed that jl hasn’t killed anyone and jl’s pockets are much emptier.
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satoisms · 3 years
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———  BASICS! ♡
NAME! ♡ -  ami
PRONOUNS! ♡ -  she/they
ZODIAC SIGN! ♡ -   cancer
TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡ -  single
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡ -   i have a bad phobia of strong winds and loud noises
2! ♡ -   we first got internet in my home when i was 12 and there was a special deal where if you got internet w/ this one provider you’d get a free ipod shuffle. that thing didn’t like to work for me but i was excited abt the free ipod shuffle.
3! ♡ - i love to cosplay and started cosplaying in 10th grade. learned how to sew namely bc of cosplay.
PLATFORMS USED! ♡ -  i started on ye olde site of quizilla (rip you old giant) in private messages with friends, msn messenger (rip again to a giant), youtube messages when that was still a thing, deviantart, skype, tumblr, and discord. i also dabbled a bit on twt rp but that never stuck.
FEMALE, MALE OR NONBINARY! ♡ - i don’t care. i just write whoever i like and whoever i feel will vibe with my writing.
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡ -  if this is in reference to muse as you can see i like single muse blogs. if this is in reference to shipping? depends. i generally lean toward single ship bc it’s a bigger preference for me but some instances i do multiship but it’s rare. 99% of time if i do multiship i do it ship exclusively but mafuyu is a special case. for him i will only ship w/ ritsuka or yuki and no one else. i’m down for shipping with doubles only bc mafuyu should love all portrayals of his boyfriends. yes.
FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡ -  i’m huge on fluff and angst. fluff is my biggest preference bc i love soft happy things but i also love angst bc i love the fact it can and will cause anyone to read it pain and it’s a shared suffering thing. i can and will write smut but only on certain circumstances such as knowing the person i’m writing with since idk i can’t do smut if i don’t feel comfy around the other mun. i also have found a preference of writing it privately vs on the dash bc idk comfort. other than that i don’t really write it. maybe i hc it happening or send provocative stuff for ships but never full out write it unless in a safe environment.
PLOT / MEMES! ♡ -   either or. i’m not super big on plotting though namely because i find plotting can sometimes be really restrictive and sometimes something will be plotted out but my muse wants to do something different than what was planned when that point reaches it and i don’t like forcing myself into certain things. i’m good with vague plots to get an idea of what’s gonna happen like idk coming up with characters going on a date to some place or a confrontation w/ family that kinda stuff i’m good with. i’m not good with the whole rp being plotted in its entirety bc it removes the fun of rping for me. memes are fun though and i encourage them if i reblog a meme and you want to send smth in bc you feel it’ll fit. i might take a bit to respond bc i’m often times doing other things or i’m sleeping bc i’m always tired but yeah i’m down to do memes and if stuff happens from them? all the more fun.
TAGGED BY! ♡ - stole from gin
TAGGING! ♡ - if you want to do it do it
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hey!! idk what your limit is for fandoms but i would love a mcu and harry potter ship 💕 i’m a straight gal, aries (and i fit a lot of those qualities like headstrong, independent, feisty etc lmao) and a slytherin! i love a challenge, i’m super academically driven and pretty damn smart, i study history! it takes a while for me to open up to people but i’m super loving once i do, and i love to laugh and be dumb with people i’m comfy with. i love reading, music, and being outside, thank youuu 💕💕
hey girl! so for marvel i ship you with... thor!
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thor and y/n. the perfect fit :')
thor fell for you as soon as he saw you walk into the avengers meeting, announcing yourself as y/n l/n the new member of the avengers
at first, you were a lil' intimidated by him more than the others, being THE god of thunder and all, you weren't scared though, especially after realising he's a huge softie
after getting to really know thor, he wanted to get to know you! with anyone else you would've been reluctant to share personal facts about yourself, but with thor? you didn't have much of a problem tbh
you loved to hear all about asgard, and he loved to hear all about your hobbies and music! you started rambling on about your favourite artist, tame impala, and it wasn't until you looked up and saw his clueless expression you realised he'd never listened to them. o.m.g. so you ofc played your favourite song 'lost in yesterday' by tame imapala for him
you show him all the books you read, you were mostly into fiction: hunger games, divergent, the usual yanno? he's particularly interested in listening to the hunger games which you had no problem explaining the plot to him and giving him the book to read!
thor loves to hug you, him being super strong he can just bear hug you and pick you up
piggy backs. all the time. and it honestly makes you laugh how effortlessly he just picks you up, being your personal taxi cab around the avengers tower lol
you both love to goof off together, pranking bruce being one of your favourite things to do together [sorry bruce :P ]
coincidentally, you LOVE storms. lightning, rain, thunder, the cozy feeling of staying inside while lightning strikes out-side, or laying down under the stars in the rain. you love it :') so when thor created a thunderstorm as the perfect setting to watch a romantic movie in, you finally realised that you love him and you would both do anything for each other aw :')
and for harry potter i ship you with... draco malfoy!
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draco and y/n. best-friends for life, maybe more? who knows :P
draco didn't know what was happening. everytime he saw you,whether it was walking down the corridors or whether it was in the commom room, he felt sick. however, it wasn't an illness per say, it was more like: butterflies.
but you, y/n l/n, the best friend of the infamous draco malfoy, the fiesty and headstrong slytherin was completely clueless to malfoy's feeling towards you. literally EVERYONE knew but you, hell, even potter knew about malfoy's feelings towards you. but you? you were completely oblivious
it was a stormy day, rain pouring while you and draco ran through the corridors towards the dungeon after getting completely soaked and out of nowhere you hear those words. those words. "god y/n i do love you" you both froze. "w- wait? what did you say?" you had never heard those words. not from your judgemental pureblood parents. not even from you friends. but to hear it from draco was music to your ears. "i love you too dray"
after that, you and draco started dating and it was not only completely expected to happen eventually but also extremely adorable.
he doesn't care what other people think, and if they happen to say something negative towards your relationship or even look at you the wrong way. then game over woops- however, you are exactly the same except maybe you don't do it through mindless threats with your wand, but more with your wits and tricks (if you weren't a slytherin then there is no doubt in anyones mind that you would be a ravenclaw)
draco loves to shower you with gifts. chocolate frogs are a big thing, being your favourite sweet treat and all, but anything you want- he'll give you with no hesitation :')
despite being a pureblood you surprisingly know a significant amount about muggles, especially music. you LOVE muggle music, the only music you could get access to was music on 'vinyl records' since it was the only things you could quickly grab from the ministry. your favourite so far was girls just wanna have fun by cyndi lauper, honeslt draco was tired of hearing that song constantly playing but he'd never wanna ruin your fun :')
he's not big on affection in public, he has to keep up a reputation ofc. but in the comfort of only each others company he loves to cuddle, kiss, just lay there together. he loves to let you know just how much he loves you!
AN: hey girly! i am so so sorry abt the confusion earlier! i didn't mean to post it i meant to save it to my drafts lmao im so stupid lamisjbsy buttt i actually really like this one, im a huge simp for my soft bb thor :') but like... who am i not a huge simp for lol but i really hope you like this, i sorta guessed on the songs so i hope that theyre okay! if not i'll totally change them, just shoot me a message in the ask box whenever! but yeah i hope this is okay for you! have a good day/night and thank you so much for sending something in! :')
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ferie-anon · 4 years
hello angel !! if it wouldn't be too taxing on you or stressful, would you mind if i requested a ship for stray kids ? ♡ i'm a capricorn sun, taurus moon, sagittarius mercury, sagittarius venus, scorpio mars, and cancer rising !! thank you so much and ily (i'm so proud of you and your blog becoming bigger uhuhu ♡(> ਊ <)♡)
Oki fwend 🥺, since I alrdy explained your placements from previous ship asks, lets jump right in!
In straykids... your match is Hyunjin~
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Remembering your placements, hyunjinie is THE match for you, you two are such hardworking soft babies 🥺~ Hyunjin has a pisces sun along with a virgo moon, thus he is dreamy and lovable, soft and intuitive yet his virgo moon presents him to be more meticulous in his work/hobbies and skills, and he is constantly bettering himself or improving for his own self! Similarly your capricorn sun with taurus moon is quite the perseverant responsible one yet a down to earth softie, you are less harsh with the standards you hold yourself to and trust yourself better than others. Hyunjin admired you from a distance from you chatting with your friends, as your personality definitely caught his attention, and he probably felt himself falling more and more with his caring and compassionate personality feeling a connection with yours.
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Oki so lets talk about Hyunjin’s virgo moon, well I kinda said quite a bit about it but~ Hyunjinie may feel sometimes insecure or not good enough becuz virgo moons hold themselves to very critical standards or are harsh towards themselves. If they make a mistake, they will try to improve from it, if the results they accumulated isn’t satisfactory enough they will try harder as virgo moons constantly strive for perfection. Virgo is an earth sign, and earth moons are not keen on expressing their emotions outwardly, (taurus moon are chill and less strict on their emotional expressions, but rlly how many of yall have seen taurus, virgo, and cap moons cry in public, maybe once or zero at all) however virgo moons are less toned down than cap moon. Virgo moons want affection/need affection to calm their anxious hardworking heart, (they may not give their emotions out at first but their vulnerability eventually shows and you just wanna give them a hug) (not me pretending im not a virgo moon lmao) they love to help ppl and are very compassionate despite their analytical or detailed traits. Your taurus moon can ease Hyunjin to not be so harsh on himself and it’s okay to be imperfect. Hyunjin is also humble/modest and your taurus moon is quite the comfy little friend that would listen while the others rant to them for a while. So you two would find each other to be a supportive pillar and have emotional stability. And, hyunjin and you would cuddle. A lot. Cue the wholesomeness.
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(We love a weird llama) Cough cough* His mercury is in pisces, and these natives are soft spoken, their heart is sensitive and yet they give others comfort or their sensitivity aids others in times when others feel down. Mercury pisces ppl are just lovable becuz of their warm little heart of compassion/empathy. Your sagittarius mercury is just sunshines and warmness, as you often have a cheery communicative position, I’d imagine you two would probably aggressively compliment each other? Like Hyunjin would say “you’re pretty!” And you would be like no “you’re prettier YOU ADORABLE LLAMA dancing MaCHINE”, and then it goes downhill lmao. You both love to compliment your close ones and each other, and you both would definitely listen to each other on a tiring or stressful day, Hyunjin would probs be collapsing on your lap and go -> \(;-;)/ and when you are tired, Hyunjin can visibly tell on your facial expressions even if you try to be cheerful about your day, as he just rubs/pats your back.
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Next up, his venus is in piscess~ Hyunjin rather cuddle, hug, or do some romantic little dates with you~ Pisces venus natives are more keen on the dreamy scenarios implemented in movies, and so they may be romantic at heart. Your sagittarius venus loves any experience that is new, piquing your interest, or inherently fun. And I mean Hyunjin is fun personafied, I mean drama queen hyunjin ain’t nothing without his lively expressions and his humorous reactions in every single crackhead skz video I’ve seen 😌. You two would find the joy and have a pink rosy atmosphere around you two all the time, I honestly think you two will be very hyper and laughing all day ☀️☘️✨
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Lastly, Hyunjin’s mars is in aries! This is probably why he constantly fights with Jisung lmao, mars in aries ppl are prone to easily lose their temper or quick to get angry. They are direct about their actions, their emotions, and their efforts towards their goals/interests. Hyunjin is passionate about dance and it’s obvious how much effort he puts in and in his idol career. Passion and self expression is visible in his of initiation towards you, he may be romantic or directly ask you stuff (what’s your favorite color/flower, then after you tell him, later he buys it and smoothly pulls out a huge bouquet of it during a date or idk an anniversary date? Then you pretend to be shocked or a more expressive reaction, cuz he totally didn’t make it ObViOus) Your scorpio mars is also passionate and hardworking, which he will appreciate and love that you are similar to him, having a serious driven side as well. (Also, with your cancer rising, his pisces placements are naturally attracted to your soft exterior/nature and motherly/caring nature, like Hyunjin is rlly a baby chick 🐥 when with you 🥺✨)
Overall, Idkk- yall are the couple that literally have their hearts connected to each other! Like it is evident how much you both care for each other, physically, and spiritually/vibe wise cuz ppl can just feel it when they see you two together. Passion mixed with pure hearted love, you two may be reminiscent of fun youthful wholehearted love~ -> 💖✨☀️ 🎡 🐥🍓🌇🌠🌹☘️💕
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janellion · 4 years
ok so obviously I have to say blue, since bokay is my fav ship💛 BUT BONUS: baby blue has the fattest crush on you !! being around you just always puts him in a good mood and he loves geeking out with you about health thingsss. he admires how genuine you are and how you seem to always know the right things to say. you recommend him songs for his running playlist, and he mayhaps smiles everytime they come on. Idk man you might not even like iwa but I think he’d have major heart eyes for you!! -🦋
oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my GOSH 🦋 ANON YOU HAVE BLESSED ME TODAY!!! THIS MADE ME SO HAPPY AND SOFT OH MY GOSH THANK YOUUU like these hcs are so sweet i think i’m gonna cry like u have me falling in love w him again 🥺
baby blue: iwaizumi
i won’t lie HES LIKE MY NUMBER 2!!! before i fell in love w bo he was my number one 😳 so he holds a very very special place in my heart, i love him sm 🥺
iwa hc:
he LOVES fuzzy socks. something about them makes him feel so warm and comfortable and relaxed. he likes to buy matching ones for you and him to wear around the house. it reminds him that you’re his happy place, and he wants you to be as comfy and happy as he is when he’s with you
tell me who u ship me w!!
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hirokiyuu · 5 years
for the character asks-- whoever you first romanced/are romancing in fe3h
mercedes is my WIFE
favorite thing about them: shes so genuinely kind and good and caring and wonderful..... i genuinely believe her presence in the blue lions in invaluable in terms of dealing w/the characters who’ve had esp traumatic lives/backstories
least favorite thing about them: her hair in academy phase is so cute im so sad she cuts it :(
favorite line: her line abt “you’re still here” to dedue is one of the ones that really really stuck with me. it really encapsculates a lot of her character imo? like. this terrible tragedy has occurred but we have to continue living, and here’s how to deal with the grief of what happened while acknowledging we can continue on. its so good i think abt it a lot
brOTP: her n sylvain joking abt crest babies at the end of their b support was SO good. i really luv them there wwwww in general i really like sylvain as like, the one person mercie is really comfy being dark/fatalistic with and them both being comforted by being ugly together if that makes sense. also her n annie are good best friends im glad theyre so close
OTP: i do genuinely like mercie/byleth as a ship. i think mercie’s willingness to help byleth + how she’s genuinely shown to do so in their supports makes their rship feel very natural and balanced to me? also shes my wife. aside from that uhhhhhhh.............. shrugs?
nOTP: dont like her n lorenz romo but i thought it was hilarious how she was just like, totally dragging him. it was so good. [mercie voice] were i not a holy woman i would beat you senseless.
random headcanon: she was shyer before she met annie. idk if this is canon or not but annie being her first real friend Good
unpopular opinion: uh shes not just uwu soft. mercie loves you and wants you to take care of yourself but also if youre a dick she Will Call You Out
song i associate with them: none really LOL
favorite picture of them: all of them. thats my WIFE shes BEAUTIFUL
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you're so so valid omg springs is my biggest comfort character rn and finding this blog made me all warm and fuzzy inside aaaaaahh i hope you don't mind me saying so (i know some people aren't comfy with others self shipping the same character)
NO NO Nonnie you're perfectly fine! I aint fixin to hecc on you for anything of the sort! You're perfectly fine and like 100% valid (that sounded a bit better in my head 😂) with the whole "same character" thing. In fact, its just anothet person to like idk g u s h to? Talkin bout thy warm and fuzzy feels? ^_^
I'm all about them Soft™ stuff! 💚💛💜
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bedeliadumaurier · 5 years
Excuse me did you say you LIKE AIRPLANES? You LIKE FLYING ON AIRPLANES? I love traveling and travel often but I HATE flying and I hate airports. It gives me so much anxiety. I'm about to go on a trip for work and it's about 13 hours of travel consisting of two layovers and I am dreading it so much, especially because I'll be by myself. How do you do it??
i do! it’s okay you are not alone, a lot of people don’t like planes/airports or are even afraid of flying to such a degree that they’ll never fly anywhere, etc., so don’t feel bad. 
I don’t know why I just always kind of liked it? I think it’s exciting! I love being in airports and watching all the planes taking off and seeing all the different places on the destination/arrivals board, that sort of thing. And it’s just so amazing to me that you can get in this big machine and fly across massive oceans that just a hundred years ago would have taken like, weeks to cross by ship. That’s fucking wild. I LOVE watching documentaries about aviation, of all types, I find it all so fascinating.
Also honestly even though I’ve had anxiety in some form for as long as I can remember, I find the whole experience of traveling by plane doesn’t usually bother me in that way? I don’t know why but all the little unexpected things that can go wrong while you’re traveling, delays or getting lost in airports or what have you, just don’t seem to rattle me for whatever reason. I’m very “meh, we’ll get there eventually” about things. I’m just weirdly chill in stressful situations.
And as far as safety is concerned I just know that air travel is statistically incredibly safe and that’s…enough for me? I know that doesn’t help a lot of people because when there are accidents it’s so catastrophic, I don’t know how to deal with that if that’s something that freaks you out tbh! I always just remember that there are millions and millions of people traveling by plane every single day without incident.
Okay so idk if this will help you, but here are a couple things I do personally to make flying much more enjoyable:
(I’m putting this under a cut because….not everyone cares right)
be organized when you pack and do not overpack! You NEVER need everything you think you’re gonna need. The less you pack, the less you have to lug around all day, and the more comfortable you’ll be. Seriously google “packing tips” and you’ll find lots of little tips and tricks, it sounds silly like packing should be common sense/easy but it’s totally not that simple. Good packing is an art form, truly, and future you will thank you for it especially if you have to dig something out of your suitcase in the middle of a busy airport or whatever. 
If you can check a bag, keep your carry-on small so you don’t necessarily have to store it in the overhead bin (that space fills up fast, you want room for your feet if you have to stash it under the seat). And gate-checking sucks. 
you know those various addicting mobile games like tetris, candy crush, bejeweled, etc., that you sometimes find yourself playing for an embarrassing amount of time? Like all of the sudden an hour has passed and you forgot to eat dinner because you were playing some dumbass puzzle game? those games are PERFECT for killing time on flights.
headphones, obviously.
have juice or water on the plane, airplane air is dry af i find i get really dehydrated so that helps me avoid miserable dehydration headaches.
also make sure you have a little thing of chapstick and hand lotion handy ‘cause again, nasty dry airplane air. 
bring a lil snack like a granola bar or something, the food they give you on planes is rarely enough. 
when you’re checking in or connecting, find your gate right away even if you’ve got lots of time. Then go find food or the bathroom etc., if you need to. You’ll feel SO much less stressed if you have a good idea of how near/far away from your gate you are at any given time. 
scarves are good! big soft comfy ones! throw one over your sloppy comfy airport outfit and it looks like You Tried but also it’s like a mini blanket if you get cold. 
chew gum or starburst or something especially for the landing, i’ve had my ears pop and hurt for like a full day afterward and it’s miserable.
on your layovers, seriously just find a quiet spot near-ish to your gate and set up camp and get comfy. I even sit on the floor by the windows sometimes? i try not to spend too much time in the food courts, restaurants etc., because personally i’d rather find a quiet spot and have my quiet time to mentally recharge before being crowded onto a plane with a hundred strangers in close quarters. i find that really helps my mindset/anxiety and then I can deal with things better.
Anyways good luck friend, you’ve totally got this! If things get stressful or overwhelming, try to just pause, slow down, kind of take stock of the situation and look around and don’t be afraid to ask for help! :) 
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