#and just like the resentment the writers could explore is they wanted
musicalchaos07 · 6 months
Having angsty Jancy thoughts
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rinneverse · 9 days
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hello oak nation and friends! life has finally slowed down enough for me to make this post - i will be participating in the @ficsforgaza initiative!! while i was initially very anxious about making this post, i realized that i want to do something meaningful and contribute what i can to the fundraising efforts for gaza. i highly recommend checking out their blog for more info + see the other participants!!
this post was last updated: 05.30.24 !
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great question! i've outlined the process below.
the rate is $1.00 USD = 100 words.
make a donation to a vetted fundraiser/charity of your choice; you can find some here!!
screenshot proof of your donation. send it via ask to me with ALL PERSONAL INFO redacted and mention the fundraiser you donated to. (do NOT send me any screenshots you've used for other creators: they will be shared with @/ficsforgaza to verify.) i will not be publicly posting asks.
then in that same ask, just let me know which wip (out of the ones listed below) you'd like to sponsor!! i will be updating this post minimum once a week (hopefully more) with any updates to wc/donations/status etc etc.
example: hi oak! i've donated $x.xx to [chosen fundraiser] and i'd like to sponsor your vampire blade wip. thanks!! (attach your proof here!)
once a fic is fully sponsored, completed, and posted, you will be mentioned as one of its sponsors !! (you may opt out of this part, just let me know while sending your ask!)
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another great question! for starters, here is my blog rules post. i also have a couple more for this initiative below.
i am not accepting money directly. please donate through the vetted fundraisers!
since i am an 18+ blog, i am requiring that all asks should be sent OFF ANON and your age must be easily accessible on your blog. YOU MUST BE 18 YEARS OR OLDER TO SPONSOR A WIP. your sponsorship is null and void if you do not follow this rule.
i am a slower writer, so it may be a hot minute before wips are fully edited and posted after reaching a goal. that being said, the main goal is to raise awareness as well as donate to an important cause!! i vow to do my very best to make sure everyone's donations are honored. this is my first time doing something like this, so lets all be kind here!
MINORS, BLANK, AND AGELESS BLOGS DNI. nsfw + dark content is included in the wips featured below the cut.
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✩ you're so handsome (when i'm all over your mouth) — vampire!blade x f!reader
summary: your mother has always warned you to never to stay out long after the sun sets; the lord knows what may be lurking after night falls. in your carelessness, you are lost at sundown, with no grasp on your location nor the path home. time for you to learn just what kind of beast hides in the shadows. -> sponsored wc: 500/10,000 -> written wc: 1,057/10,000
✩ little bird, won’t you sing a song for me? — yandere!sunday x f!reader
summary: you’ve lived nearly your entire life in captivity. you yearn for freedom, to escape your gilded cage, but your keeper urges you otherwise. he is adamant in his refusal to set you free, and you are all the more resentful of him for it. (or: you wish to leave the planet despite sunday’s wishes. this does not bode well with him.) -> sponsored wc: 0/10,000 -> written wc: 0/10,000
✩ *take a bite — satoru gojo x f!reader x suguru geto
summary: your roommate, satoru gojo, always has his pretty dark-haired friend over to your shared apartment as a frequent guest. one night, when the three of you play a little drinking game together, things get much more heated than you could have ever expected it to. (no curses/modern au!) -> sponsored wc: 0/10,000 -> written wc: 0/10,000
total raised so far: $5.00 !!
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— if you've made it this far: thank you!! if you don't take interest in any of my wips in particular, i implore you to explore the creators featured on @ficsforgaza and see if there is something more your cup of tea.
*regarding the wc of these wips (take a bite in particular), i am unsure of how many words these fics will be. i will start with a baseline of 10k, but if i find that i will be needing wayyyy more than that, i will increase the donation limit. so keep ur eyes on this post!!
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beetheweezarddd · 16 days
On a more serious note, I genuinely wanted to say.. it's okay to miss Flying Bark. Flying Bark brought us something truly special that I don't think could ever be replicated to a T, and that is okay. LEGO Monkie Kid was one of those shows that caught my attention the moment I saw it; the visuals, the voice acting, the story, the music, ALL of it sparked something in me. It brought forth a newfound passion for animation that I had never felt before. to the point where I created a Lego character as a muse for animation projects l'd make for my Personal Exploration class.
I would constantly look back at the amazing shots and scenes, and supported every single animator. Of course, like a lot of people, I was one of the people who came for the animation, but ultimately stayed for the story. But, I understand that the impact FlyingBark had was HUGE on many people who watched it. But, my only wish is that this loss doesn't become resentment. I want LEGO Monkie Kid to thrive with Wild Brain now working on it more than anything, and I think, as a community, we should give them all the support they can get!
Wild Brain could give us a new experience unlike any other, and I want us all to be there for the ride, and show our love to everyone on the team. We gotta understand that while the visuals will be different, Wild Brain is doing everything they can to give us an experience we will never forget, and will enjoy just the same, to keep this show we love alive and stronger.
I think we should look back on one of the very first quotes of the show, in the pilot:
"The thing you need to understand about the old legends is that the story is never finished. There maybe no pages left to turn, but there is always more to the journey."
While specific, this quote has been given a new meaning to me; While Flying Bark may no longer be working on the show, they are not gone. The impact that FlyingBark has had on all of us, on the show, is and will always be felt. FlyingBark introduced us to something special; LEGO Monkie Kid would probably not be as popular as it is now, if it weren't for the soul it was given with a type of animation many have not seen for a long time, and that will never die. The writers, the VAs, the music production, and the new team Wild Brain, is here to continue and give life to a new adventure; a new era of LEGO Monkie Kid, and I want all of us to support them so we can watch this show succeed.
With that, I have but one thing to say to Wild Brain:
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Welcome aboard, buds. 💛
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sepublic · 1 year
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            Looking back, a lot of us assumed the statues in Gravesfield depicting Caleb and Philip as adults was an example of in-universe historical inaccuracy, kind of like how Pocahontas is portrayed as an adult, when she was actually a child when everything happened. But in hindsight, I have to wonder if this adult depiction is even a discrepancy to begin with, and not a point of clarification for the timeline of events for these brothers?
         I think what contributed to the belief that Caleb and Philip were children when the former entered the isles forever is because of Belos’ memory portraits. But we know they don’t depict everything, such as how Philip arrived in the Boiling Isles; From a Doylist perspective, the writers want to leave in some ambiguity, some mystery, and there’s only room for so many memories in the background.
         But as we learn in Thanks to Them, Caleb and Evelyn communicated through hidden rebuses to meet up multiple times; So their interactions in the human world took place over time, and it wasn’t just an instant, one-off meeting and then Caleb disappeared, his brother in hot pursuit. Dana even clarified in a Post-Hoot that Evelyn initially presented herself as human to Caleb and the rest of Gravesfield, and revealed herself after Caleb earned her trust.
         Maybe this happened across one meeting, one day; But the likelihood is that Caleb and Evelyn interacted as ‘fellow humans’ a few times before the truth was revealed. And they continued to meet up, discreetly contacting one another with hidden rebuses for the other to find and decode.
         So if all this happened over an unspecified period of time, who’s to say it wasn’t across years? And that by the time Caleb made the decision to move to the Boiling Isles, it was when he and Philip were adults; In fact, he might’ve even waited until Philip was an adult who could take care of himself, before leaving him to live his own life!
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         Likewise, there is a valid interpretation that Caleb hid the truth of Evelyn from Philip, and wasn’t aware he was watching when he went off to explore the Demon Realm a few times, before eventually making the permanent move. But I think the other interpretation works, too; That Caleb DOES know Philip is there and watching. And he never made Philip enter the Demon Realm with him, out of a misguided desire to not make his baby brother uncomfortable, force him out of his comfort zone, etc.
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         Caleb might’ve told Philip to wait for him back home, if he didn’t want to enter the magical portal with him; He’d be back! And Caleb did return, multiple times. And Philip didn’t rat him and Evelyn out because he was still a child, and not as dead set into his hatred yet… But I’ve compared Philip to King, as little kids with delusions of grandeur involving their enemies being crushed beneath them.
         And remember Really Small Problems, when King initially tolerated Luz going off to be with Willow and Gus, due to her promise to come back for him? But after enough time of feeling neglected, King’s resentment began to build up? Within the span of just one night, King wasn’t yet ready to intentionally make Willow and Gus ‘temporarily disappear’, but when it happened, he took advantage of the situation anyway instead of bringing them back ASAP, and eventually owned up to this mistake.
         So imagine how Philip felt across years; He may have disliked Evelyn, but not enough to want her dead… But after enough time of feeling resentful over Caleb dedicating time to Evelyn instead of just him, Philip became selfish and entitled over the fact that his brother dared to have a life that didn’t revolve around Philip. Until he became angry enough at Evelyn to want her dead, and retroactively fell back on the belief of witches as inherently evil in order to morally justify these desires, instead of admitting he was just possessive of his older brother. Plus, exposing Evelyn could make him a hero in the eyes of the townsfolk!
         We know there was a big fire, and we know Evelyn was declared a witch by Gravesfield. This could’ve been in response to her, Caleb, and Philip all disappearing; But it’s also possible that realization occurred while they were still there. And that it in fact may have driven Evelyn out of the human world, with Caleb following because he potentially ousted himself by openly defending her. Seeing his brother commit a moral wrong he couldn’t stand by could’ve influenced Caleb to leave when the two of them were adults; As was the ‘reassurance’ that Philip was now accepted by the town as a witch hunter who exposed Evelyn and spearheaded her exile, whereas Caleb was even more of an outcast for his collaboration.
         Of course, the idea that Caleb was an adult when he moved out does raise the question? Why do we not see this progression of age in the memory portraits? And again, there’s what I said about ambiguity and whatnot, but there’s also the conventions of the time skip. Just as TOH ends on a time skip where we don’t see the gradual progression of the characters’ aging outside of some photos, for the Wittebanes, whose story is only told through photos, the framing skips over the years Caleb and Evelyn interacted. The turning point in which the two met and the latter revealed herself was enough…
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         After all, the portraits already skip past Philip’s aging to bring us to his arrival in the Demon Realm as an adult; Who’s to say they didn’t skip past years of Caleb growing up in Gravesfield with Evelyn? Caleb entering the Boiling Isles with Evelyn as a child wasn’t the last Philip saw of his brother, until he himself entered years later; But it was the beginning of ‘the end’ in his eyes, the beginning of when he felt he lost Caleb.
         In the end, a lot of this is speculative. It’s possible Caleb was only portrayed as an adult in-universe because the townspeople correctly remembered Philip being an adult when they last saw him, so generations afterwards made the mistake of applying this to his older brother. History isn’t as well-documented as people would like to believe, even the famous stories are forgotten and picked up after a while; Major details people should’ve easily remembered fall through the holes of time. Entire cities have been lost and rediscovered.
        But ultimately, the fact that Belos’ memories DO portray a ‘timeskip’ based on what we see of them anyway, in addition to the confirmation that Caleb and Evelyn met up over time before the former moved… I think that solidifies my belief that yes, Caleb was an adult when he left Gravesfield, as was Philip. The statues in Yesterday’s Lie are among the very first indicators of Caleb’s existence, as is the episode itself acting as a ‘debut’ of sorts for him in the lore. So maybe Gravesfield’s depiction isn’t so inaccurate, after all…
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thenameisgul · 24 days
The thing with Castiel is that he had a lot of storylines that had potential to develop, but were cut short for whatever reason I don't understand: like Godtiel, humancas. For example, with humancas, an entire season could be devoted to exploiting that, it could be a separate storyline unrelated to Sam or Dean, he could meet other angels and have to solve problems himself. etc. But no, they abandoned it after a few episodes, for what? to make Dean not look like an asshole for abandoning Cas when he was most vulnerable, so as not to divert the audience's attention away from two brothers? I have a feeling the writers kept Cas/Misha around because of his popularity with fans, but never gave him the status he deserved for a character with so much potential and importance to the story line. I'm only in ss10 and heard that Cas is treated even worse in the later seasons, I don't know if I should continue watching or not.
if there's one thing I realized pretty early on when I was finally watching season 7 after a decade long break, was that in the Supernatural universe, there was no other character that was as interesting and multifaceted as Castiel.
The second thing I realized was that it was not a very good thing for the showrunners to have a supporting character be like that when your entire show revolves around two brothers.
The reason they killed off Castiel in early season 7 was because they wanted the show to go back to being about Sam and Dean and with Apocalypse over, they didn't know what to do with Castiel. But clearly, he was too popular and they brought him back because the network itself told them to bring him back.
Now, a good writer would've been able to find a balance to keep Cas' story relevant and entangled with the Winchesters, as they did in season 6 but with Kripke leaving the show and new management in the writer's room, that didn't happen.
I almost, almost get it? Like, you have your story, you have your lead characters and people love them but suddenly you bring a supporting character who becomes an instant fan favorite, who's, debatably, a lot more interesting because of the history you gave him but never intended to explore and now he's sticking around so you just don't know what to do to make him not take over the narrative? You make him weak.
Cas couldn't have stayed the badass, powerful angel who's lived for a millennia because then that'll require the show to have villians even more powerful than that to be any competition and that leaves the Winchesters irrelevant.
So they tamed him down alot, which in itself wouldn't have been such a bad thing, especially if they went with the human!cas arc for longer like you said but to do that would've meant they couldn't use Cas as an easy way out of all winchester's problems and they needed that too so 🤷‍♀️
My main problem with all of that, mostly comes from the fact that, and I may be wrong here, but it seemed like the writers actively resented misha/castiel for being popular. Like he was, in misha's words "a foil to the boys" and while the writers couldn't let him go because the show would lose ratings, they actively diminished him. The random demeaning comments about Castiel from other characters, especially, from dean seemed a little too pointed. Not to mention how the producers actually publicly said 'misha wasnt a good actor' when he's literally one of the best actors on the show!
So yeah, if supernatural had better writers, or atleast if they kept hold of the good ones (because there were some good ones) they could've given Cas and the show a better story.
I hate to say it but they did it to Sam too. Sam was such an complex character but they just stopped trying after a while with his character. So I guess it was a theme with these writers.
And as a Castiel fan, its frustrating, I gotta say that. But you know what the best part is? that no matter what they did, how dumb the storyline they gave him he still came out as the most interesting character every time. So there you go.
So I'd say watch the show, its really good when it gets good or maybe just open Misha's page on Supernatural wiki and only watch his episodes if that's your thing because tbh, you wouldn't miss much if you left the rest. lol
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calaisreno · 3 months
Those Who Can't
I've always loved writing, but for a long time thought it was pretentious to call myself a writer. What if someone asked to see what I'm writing? What if they didn't like it? That would make me a terrible writer, I thought, one of those people who go around thinking they're great while everyone is secretly laughing at them.
But I walk in the park every day, and I see people who walk there, too. We're all walkers, even the guy who brings his oxygen tank with him every day, even the woman who sits down to smoke a cigarette before she finishes her walk. The young parents pushing strollers, the women in hijab, the elderly lady who has her hair "done" each week and wears jewellery while she does her doctor-prescribed exercise, the people who are overweight or all lean muscle and bone, the people looking for Pokemon, the business suits walking during their lunch hour. All walking, all walkers.
If you walk, you're a walker. If you write, you're a writer.
It's said that those who can't do something become teachers. As a teacher, I resent the implication that we have all failed at something and now pretend to instruct others how not to fail. But it's true in the sense that we are all learners, never finished learning, and no one knows this better than a teacher. Every day I learn just how much I don't know.
Years ago I was walking down the hall of my school, heading for the copy machine, three minutes from the next bell, and an administrator stopped me.
"Would you like to teach creative writing?" she asked. "We need more elective courses next year."
At the time I was teaching three Latin classes and two freshman English classes. Did I really need another prep?
Could I even do this? Why me? What made me more qualified than the other people in my department? How would I teach it? What would the course description say? Who would take the class?
"Yes," I said.
When I started teaching it in the fall, I didn't have answers to all my questions, but I had a plan. The most frustrating thing, I learned, was teaching people who hadn't signed up for it, and just needed a course to fill a hole in their schedule. I thought writing was easy-- and fun! We could all have a good time here, because it was just about self-growth and imagination.
I learned was that I was not the expert. My students might be terrible writers, might hate every moment of journaling and writing exercises and prompts, but they had ideas, too. They were just too used to thinking their ideas were shit, that creativity wasn't worth anything, that the things that mattered were the things that could get them a good job.
My job, it turns out, was coaxing them to open up and explore ideas, to think divergently, to regard storytelling as more than entertainment. Stories matter; how we tell them makes a difference. I was not an expert. I read a lot and wrote stories for fun. And I became my first pupil.
Nearly everything I learned about writing, I got from teaching it. And I haven't yet reached the point where I felt entitled to call myself a writer. I still sort of cringe when I confess to someone that I write. But I keep writing.
"No writing is a waste of time – no creative work where the feelings, the imagination, the intelligence must work. With every sentence you write, you have learned something. It has done you good. Don't always be appraising yourself, wondering if you are better or worse than other writers." -- Brenda Ueland, If You Want to Write
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I know that you dislike how Aegon was portrayed in the show, but I really like alot of the elements they added to his character. The decision to invent an entirely original character just for him to assault was one of the strangest choices by the writers. However, I appreciate how they depicted his relationship with his parents. For instance, Viserys adored baby Aegon because he thought he could be a replacement for Balon. But as Aegon grew older and began to resemble his mother, he was no longer what Viserys wanted. Balon's shadow still looms over Aegon even in his adulthood. This is very similar to the dynamic between Tywin&Tyrion, and how Joanna's shadow still looms over both of them. Aegon's relationship with his mother is also very interesting. She loves him because he is her firstborn, but she also resents him. She believes that by crowning him, she could save him, but that's what ultimately leads to his death. There's so much to Aegon's character in the show, but most of it has been left unexplored. I wish that in S2, instead of vilifying him even further, they would explore the elements they added to his character.
Actually, I agree with a lot of this. It's mostly the invention of the OC to assault that I take issue with, and the way the show's writers can't seem to decide if they want Aegon to be an outright villain or a more grey character (which I think he certainly was in the book). But this is how a lot of the S1 characterization went. Given the time jumps, they had a hard time establishing a consistent characterization that felt like it developed organically over time. It's fine to have characters act in an inconsistent way, but you have to establish that this character has two warring sides and why. As GRRM likes to say, his favorite stories are about the human heart in conflict with itself. A character can do things that are unexpected or against their own interests, but we need to understand the conflict. Aegon really only got a handful of episodes in S1, so it's not surprising that his character is undeveloped compared to Alicent or Rhaenyra or Daemon.
There are lots of things I do like about the show's portrayal of Aegon though, and some of it is down to TGC's acting choices, but some of it is on the page. I think actually the show did the best job with the writing of younger Aegon in episodes 6 and 7, where you really see a spark of happiness in Aegon dim from the start of episode 6 to the end of episode 7 as the weight of expectations settles upon him. I also like that the show has made Aegon more or less an abused and neglected child. While I don't think that Alicent is an abusive parent per se, she and Otto both get physical with him even when he's not done anything (the kick to the ribs from Otto I think does cross a line). From episode 6 onward, there's not an episode in which Aegon is not being manhandled to some degree, and I think that's a really interesting choice. He's kicked around and slapped and grabbed and all of this culminates in him finally being metaphorically shoved onto a throne against his will. I think it gives this sense with Aegon that he is never really allowed to exist as his own person, that his very body isn't his own. He is either a vessel for kingship (and thus the protection of his family) or he is a representation the challenge he poses to Rhaenyra. His feelings don't matter, his wants don't matter, his pain doesn't matter. His father, very literally, erases him, and he's raised believing his sister probably wants him dead. I think it feeds very well into his hedonism, and I'd like to see that explored more.
But I agree that Season 2 should develop his character, rather than vilifying him further. I don't actually think show!Aegon is a total lost cause but the writers are treading a thin line with him. Most of what I enjoy about book!Aegon hasn't happened yet on the show, and there will be plenty of time post-Rook's Rest for Aegon to reflect upon his life and his choices, so let's hope they use it! A lot of people die in the Dance but we've got Aegon until the last episode or so, so the show really needs to make sure he's compelling to people who aren't already invested in his book character.
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stargazer-sims · 2 months
pointless rambling below the cut...
I accidentally deleted my post from yesterday where I mentioned wanting to retcon timelines to remove child characters because it almost never fails that when I make my OCs have a child, I stop being interested in them. But anyway, maybe having to start over with a new post is good, because it gives me a chance to elaborate and to be in less of a mood about it. I'm still not happy with my writing lately, but that's not entirely connected to the child character issue. That's more of a me problem.
So, first off, let me just say that I'm not opposed to child characters in general, either in my work or in another writer's work. I have no problem "going back in time" and writing my established OCs as children, and I also see the utility of having a child character if their purpose is to advance the plot.
My problem is that when i give my established characters a child or children, it almost invariably feels awkward, burdensome or just plain forced and wrong, either from my perspective as the writer or from the perspective of the character(s) themselves.
That having been said, it's not normal or realistic for people (and characters in a realistic setting) to not have children. At least some characters must have them, because that's what many normal adults do, and it wouldn't be a credible setting if literally no one had kids. Enter the child characters, whether I want them or not.
It's not just the fact of the child characters being children that bothers me either, because even time-skipping to a point where they're teenagers doesn't fix it. Logically, they had to be babies and children at some point, and well-developed parent characters can't reasonably be expected to have no memories or feelings about that.
And it occurred to me that I can't actually retcon anyone's timeline and be comfortable with it. I mean... I could, but that would fundamentally change what I feel is canon (for better or worse) and would completely negate entire stories such as Au Ciel Étoilé and Caroline & Co.
So, I guess what i really get to do is explore the parent characters' feelings of regret, resentment, fear, frustration, loss of individual identity and loss of freedom in the cases where I probably should not have added child characters to the mix. It's not that these characters hate their kids - the majority of them love their kids - but that doesn't take away from the thought that their lives would be vastly different (and in some cases happier and better) without children.
Yuri, for example, should never have been a parent. He doesn't like children and doesn't like being a parent, and even though he's learned to live as a parent and be a good one, there'll always be an undercurrent of resentment there whether he's fully aware of it or not. He and Caroline love each other, but they don't necessarily like each other, and Caroline knows just as well as Yuri does that Victor is the glue holding the two of them together.
I actually feel bad for forcing Yuri into that corner. The experience has made him grow, but it also ruined the image of the future he wanted and pushed a wedge (tiny, but still...) between him and Victor that he's constantly trying to pretend does not exist.
Fox and Takahiro, my "super parents", completely lost their individual identities when they became parents. They absolutely love their kids and find immense joy in parenthood, and definitely should be parents, but for me as their author, they are no longer of much interest to me as characters themselves.
With Au Ciel Étoilé, I feel like almost every character, with the exception of Félix and Davian, are there for the sole purpose of having a child. Even though the premise of the story is weird and kind of science fiction-y, I think the real reason I lost interest in it was because it was basically "have kid, end of story".
I think Caroline is the character I regret the most, honestly. On her own, she's very interesting to me as a character, but I think she would've been equally interesting with different parents. I went back and forth on whether or not to even add her to the same universe as Yuri and Victor, to say nothing of how much I wavered on whether or not to make her their foster child. While I can't deny the bond between Caroline and Victor, I also can't reconcile the idea that it came at a cost to Yuri, who never wanted to be a parent.
It's perfectly in-character for Yuri to agree to foster Caroline even though he wasn't one hundred percent comfortable with it, though. That's kind of his M.O., doing stuff that Victor wants, even if he doesn't necessarily want it himself. It was a difficult adjustment for Yuri to have a kid around, and although he can't imagine his life without Caroline in it at this point, he often wonders what it would've been like if he'd said no in the first place. Of course, this isn't something he feels he could ever say out loud. Like a lot of things, he's just learned to accept and live with it.
Ironically enough, the child character I'm the least put off by is Belle Blanchet, even though she's not all that interesting. Maybe it's because Félix and Davian don't really think of themselves as "parents" in the traditional sense, and have always treated Belle almost like another adult. Belle isn't a psychological or literal burden to them and almost nothing has changed about their lifestyle. They're still the globe-trotting, thrill-seeking party animals they always were, and Belle is more or less along for the ride.
I don't know... There are probably a dozen story ideas in all of this, now that I see it all written out. Ugh...
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ddarker-dreams · 5 months
After a long time I finally read through Nexus, on oh my gosh. That was the best piece of plot i have ever read in so long. The way Blade and readers relationship declines as soon as she found out?? The fact you were perfectly able to get us attached to oc’s in a story??? The fact you made me want Lear in a Blade fic??? The way you were actually able to write Blade in a way that made us wish it didn’t happen?? THE ANGST???? This was written so amazingly like i could ACTUALLY immerse myself into the story?? Also even as just a plot on its own its amazing??? I cant get over how beautiful it was, anything with you write is bound to be amazing and Nexus just proves it to a whole new level. You’ve inspired me to start making my own Blade x Reader series just because of what you’ve made. I cannot stress enough how amazing of a writer you really are lock 😔😔❤️
when i was in the beginning stages of plotting out nexus, i had a fascination with tragedies, which went on to influence the work. the two that grabbed my interest the most were oedipus rex and macbeth. personally, i think there's almost nothing more tragic than a character accidentally bringing ruin upon themself. should n darling have been self-serving, things would've ended objectively better (for her, the people of eris, not so much). it ended up being an exploration of the shortcomings of my own convictions. i'd like to think that living a life centered around helping others is the best way to live, but sometimes choosing to be selfish is necessary.
'The way you were actually able to write Blade in a way that made us wish it didn’t happen??'
YEEEEEEES this was something else i was hoping to accomplish. the way i characterize yan blade is different from other yans. i talked about that some here but i always have something to say so i'll keep yapping. while it can be argued that blade is the antagonist of nexus, i didn't want it to be that cut-and-dry. n darling's journey to total isolation from everyone she knows and loves parallels what yingxing underwent. in trying to save baiheng, he condemned himself and countless others.
hence his line at the end of ch5:
“When you live for others, you’ll die for them too.”
he's speaking from experience. there's an undercurrent of empathy (which vanishes the second n darling mentions lear LMFAO). i didn't want the ending to feel like a victory for blade, because it isn't. okay maybe it is a little bit because he's got his woman. however! he's intimately aware with the unique resentment n darling holds toward him, it's similar to his feelings toward imbibitor lunae.
thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble about nexus 😌💖 i'm wishing you all the best on your blade story!!! you've got this!!!!
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mysticbeaver · 22 days
Your opinion on all the side characters? Or what you like or dislike in each of them?
Thanks for the ask, and it's a long one! Nice for a change. Let's see...
- Jonny 2x4 - one of the characters I'm guilty of neglecting... But I think he's a fun, quirky kid (even when he's supposed to be annoying). I remember when I first watched Dear Ed (where he got in a fight with Plank) the scene at the playground made me sad for him. It seems to me there's not much Jonny fanart here on tumblr compared to how Plank and him are considered icons of the show elsewhere. That's probably what makes some like me less interested in the character... I hardly react to pics of real Plank IRL, sorry Plank fans 😅
- Sarah - she's fun... c'mon! Again, non-tumblr fans are on a different planet, the hate boners people have for a 6-7(?) year-old character are entertaining... for a while. I love that she's actually intimidating and strong, she ain't just bark and no bite, another less slapstick-focused show would have handled her differently. A lot of people cheer for the scene where Ed shouts at her in Little Ed Blue, cause they want to see her get "just desserts", but I never care about that, I like her for the rabid little princess she is lol. I also like people's headcanons of her treating her brother better as she grows up, and hopefully escaping the unhealthy favoritism from her parents.
- Jimmy -�� even more than Sarah, the hate he sometimes gets is really tedious to me... he's always entertaining, especially his "theatre kid" moments, and his squeaky voice borders on "dog frequencies" sometimes haha. The only thing I've found slightly odd is maybe his flaws and negative traits (spoiled, Sarah always has his back, secretly a cunning little bastard) are sometimes given a free pass just because he's queer-coded, maybe? This only ever bothered me exclusively in relation to someone like Kevin being written off instead, but this my own bias, just a lighthearted observation (for real tho please tell me if this is a dumb reasoning)
- Nazz - she's the nicest and most well-adjusted "normal" kid around (if you ask me kevin ain't normal haha), but had an unfortunate starting point of "girl all the boys have a crush on", which she was never developed out of, or at least not nearly enough as she should have been. I've read something about the writers struggling to figure out what to do with her, maybe? Can't remember. Some people point out her hidden intelligence, but I think it would also be interesting to explore her negative traits, mainly I see her as slightly two-faced/flighty when it comes to how she interacts with the Eds.
Kevin - oh boy, my sense of this character is probably so skewed... The one character I used to get upset and annoyed about like an idiot, in regards to other people's takes and such, sometimes I resent the fact I ever got fixated on the character... why??? Help 🤣 I guess what torments me is that the viewer was never really meant to like him or find him interesting in any way? and doing otherwise is just a case of "fandom brainrot", I dunno what others think 😵‍💫 His jerk/bully role is definitely handled in more interesting ways than other shows would, there's enough meat to the character I guess it's possible to be invested in headcanons/developments. (or so I convince myself...)
Without getting too rambling, let's just say I love him as much as I'd find it entertaining to see him get incinerated by a flamethrower lmao.
Rolf - my other favorite ofc, and a much more pleasant one lol. Nothing embarrassing about loving this character, for sure. In fact I'm probably guilty of not seeing his flaws, but I guess he can be arrogant, and violent/gross with his traditions, when he could learn to be lenient considering how he's treated with a fair amount of tolerance by the cul-de-sac. But in the end he's just a kid trying to get used to a new land and culture.
Kanker sisters - I never thought much about Lee but my eyes have been opened by the implication that being the oldest one in a tough family/social background kinda excuses a lot of her behavior... But others can analyse this better than me.
I think Marie is the unfortunate middle sister who maybe had the least distinct personality? (beyond her aesthetic hinting at her being a punk chick), thankfully she's got plenty fans (btw her being underdeveloped is more food for thought for marie x nazz/nazzarie 👀...). I haven't got much to say unfortunately, other than my first eene ship was eddmarie exactly because of Marie development.
I'm guilty of seeing May as the most innocent one (certainly thanks to that bit where she cries in Hanky Panky Hullabaloo) and the only Kanker I'm keen on shipping with an Ed (the Ed).
Bro? - well... He serves his purpose haha. And he's got an interesting aesthetic. I do like people being invested in the character and even liking him or imagining a more redemptive interpretation of him. Fans have been able to like much more monstrous characters in fiction, being a Bro fan is no big deal... "I can fix him" sure go ahead! You're a saint 🤣
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swampstew · 1 year
Hiii I hope you know your one of the greatest unappreciated writers I’ve ever seen and your very nice 😊
I’m kind of shy so I’ll make this quick since I’m not the best at this if you want to write for yandere luffy maybe you could write this you don’t have too platonic/romantic fluffy headcanons of yandere luffy having a shy timid soft s/o who’s nerdy and smart? But they try to match his energy in a cute way? Like being cheerful and not so fearful? And hug him more because they want to make him feel loved? Feel free to take your time or ignore have fun!
Hi anon ~ that's so sweet and kind of you to say <3 Sorry I took some time on this but this is now the kick off on my Yandere Content Week! Thank you for your request, I gave it my best shot below and hope you like it👉👈
WC: 661 CW: SFW; not-gender specific reader; Yandere Luffy; kidnapping reader; maybe stockholm? sorry if it's awful or too OOC or not Yandere enough I am just a little lady trying my best!
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Bless both your souls. You thought he was just really friendly, and you’re not wrong he is – just uhhh he doesn’t really take no for an answer and he reeeeeallllyy wants you to join his crew. What does he have to do to convince you to go with him? Job or education? No need when you’re a pirate! A resume is more important than a diploma (no offense Robin). Worried about your safety? Don’t! What else are you saying? He can’t hear you over the sound of the whistling air as he yeets you from your island on to his ship. Why would he do that? Well cause if you had it your way, he’d have to fight every person you cared about to keep them from holding you back from him. Man, woman, child, he does not give a shit, square up!
The ship is already in motion so you’re stuck with the Straw Hat crew. The others seem mildly surprised, something about Luffy not hyper focusing on any one person so long that he resorts to kidnapping (often) but stranger things have happened – moving on. You’re lucky, all things considering. Luffy is literally the best pirate from the Worst Generation to be snatched by. He’s goofy by nature and generally kind. But oh boy is he selfish. Well, you would know now wouldn’t you?
Luffy can be selfish but he would never want you to be unhappy so he’ll do anything to make sure you’re having a good time. Want to fish with him? Catch bugs with him? Explore a thick jungle and see what wild creatures you’ll come across? You find yourself running after him, he is pretty fun and honestly, reckless, and constantly needs your help getting unstuck from wherever he ended up wedged in. When you’re travelling on the sea for weeks on end, Luffy keeps you company as you read Robin’s books, or as you watch and ask Franky questions about himself and his robotics, he doesn’t care – he just likes spending time with you. Especially since you’ve started coming out of your shell lately.
Luffy was afraid at first that you hated and resented him for taking you. And you did but even you had to admit that being around the rubber man wasn’t as bad as you initially thought. Just, your consent would have been cool first, that’s all. Nevertheless, Luffy brought out the best in you – without him, you wouldn’t have known how exciting life could be, and you certainly hadn’t expected him to be so in sync with you. It’s like he always knew what you needed before you did. Or maybe it was the crew pitching in and giving him an edge but all you knew is that you’ve never been treated as kindly or as well before. Luffy gives you all his attention, he listens with enthusiasm as you share the things you enjoy or the new things you discover. He goes the extra mile to make sure you get whatever you want. In return you also reciprocate the enthusiasm and attention.
Luffy’s content with the relationship never getting physical or even romantic, it does not really matter to him all he wants is you, on his crew but specifically with him, and for no one else to ever have you. That works perfectly for you, your feelings on him are still mixed. Over the course of several months, your personality transforms from a shy, self-proclaimed nerdy person to a more confident version of yourself. Luffy teaches and instills you with empowerment, assertiveness, even cockiness! You went from being stiff and awkward around him to sneaking him hugs from behind, letting him intertwine his fingers with yours, and more often than not, sneaking pokes to each other’s side to elicit maniacal laughter and sharp cries of protest. Neither of you show mercy during these tickle wars, just another trait he rubbed off on you.
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vo-kopen · 4 months
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So in case any of y’all were interested in Zippo’s origin from my other post (seen here) here it is. I appreciate that his first appearance has a diagram of his tech, and while his spandex is a bit generic, his harness and wheels make him stand out. It is a bit weird that this PI just randomly has invented a harness, but a future story could explore why a PI is a skilled mechanic and inventor. Maybe he wanted to be an inventor but his tech was too niche or impossible to mass produce, so he was forced to use his eye for detail as a PI. There is potential for future stories here. And as a reminder, Zippo is in the public domain, so he is free to use for anyone for anything.
It’s also interesting that while Zippo is faster than any human, he’s not anywhere near the speed of a proper speedster. The Flash and Quicksilver both are so far out of his weight class it’s hilarious. But that’s not a bad thing, its an unique idea to have a speedster using 1940’s machinery to move fast, I can’t recall any other speedsters like that. The tech also stands out against his uniform; it is far from streamline. There is a sense that it is not the optimal way to move fast, but it still enough to let him foil a villain or two. Almost like a street level speedster. If a writer using him has a more typical speedster in their cast, Zippo could be used to show the limits of technology.
I also appreciate that while Zippo is violent, he did not kill his enemies. This is the Golden Age and before the comic code authority, and as you can see the Pirate is not only willing to kill but I believe he is cleaning blood off his cutlass. Zippo sparing him therefore seems like a point of contrast, the Pirate is willing to even kill his own henchmen, but Zippo does not. You could explore a code of ethics here. And from a practical point of view, this theoretically means the Pirate could show up in future stories.
The story is jingoist, what with the focus on war plants and the USO thing at the end, but this story did come out in 1943. War industry is bad, but at least they are fighting the Nazis. (Though I cannot bring myself to read issue two yet because it’s the forties and while I do not know the plot, if Imperial Japan comes up in a story I expect to be horrified. Captain America comics in the forties were very racist. Zippo seems more based in the states than Cap so it might never come up, but spies and saboteurs are still a possibility, so my anxiety fears)
Other notes, his secretary barely appears but her last name is Smith, so if a writer uses him they could incorporate that name as a play on words. Like, maybe she helps him maintain or build his gear. (again, I have not read issue two yet, she might not stick around or their dynamic might differ. Though there is no reason a retelling would have to treat the original comics as a strict bible) Either way, she is in a position that could easily be a recurring role if not a major supporting character. Shame she is such a blank slate in issue one.
As for Joe’s profession, my gut shouts ACAB, especially his use of threatening violence to get enemies to confess. That said, he is approached by Anderson because he is not a part of the system and they don’t want to cause a panic, so there is potential there for him to be written as outside and contrasted against law enforcement. Is he subtler than the law? Is he less important in the eyes of the public so they would not care as much? Would any of that plus Zippo’s smashing success cause resentment among the cops? These ideas are clearly not in the text, but it could be explored by a modern writer. And I will admit, being a PI gives him a reason to be approached by civilians to help them with their troubles, as well as an excuse to investigate in his civies. Reporter is the classic occupation to justify superhero snooping, but this is not the worst job for a superhero to have. That’s billionaire.
Anyway, tagging @thefingerfuckingfemalefury @akirakan @espanolbot2 @filipfatalattractionrblog @nitpickrider @bear-of-mirrors @geekgirl101 @renaroo @docgold13 @paulsebert @majingojira @strixobscuro and any other comic fan who might be interested in reading a quick little comic about a public domain “speedster.”
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ven0moir · 9 months
Two of the things I notice Redditors lack when analyzing their theories: 1. Imagination and 2. Belief in the Duffers as writers and moreover, storytellers.
So it's kind of fascinating to me how their theories lack so much ... heart. Stuff like 'the UD is a dark place with likely more flora and fauna that looks like this dude's concept art for the show that was never used'
like okay but what about exploring the potential effects of the blurred lines between reality and the metaphysical that Vecna introduced us to? What about Vecna as a vehicle to represent metaphors and the psyche? and opening that curiosity door to analyze and study how far this concept can be taken? And how does it all go back full circle? What about knot theory in terms of the structure of the narrative, considering that the UD is compared to a 'cancer' and a 'knot of resentment' by the characters themselves? what about the fact that we have a repressed character with deep insecurities who is going to be facing a villain that represents Hidden Desires in s5? What about horror as metaphor and allegory? what about a study of the setting of Hawkins and how that will affect our characters? What about the foreshadowing of the Realm of Emotions going into s5? What about a quick analysis on Fairy Tales and how they fit the themes of ST?
I COULD GO ON AND ON like their "theories" are just 'What is really the upside down?' and I'm like 'well maybe if you spent more time seeing it as a vehicle driving the emotional arcs of characters and their interpersonal relationships you'd have a better idea dude'
I JUST ... ARGH just read a comment referring to Will fans as 'Willuminatis' because we think that he's going to suddenly replace Eleven as the main character or something THESE GUYS HAVE NO IDEA WTF S5 IS GOING TO BE ABOUT AT ALL
also ... why are they not analyzing THE FUCK out of Vecna??? Bro the duffers told us he's been here ALL ALONG and they were just like 'nah that makes no sense lmao the duffers just wanted to incorporate eleven into the supernatural more'
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starfxkr · 2 months
i was thinking about the horrror that is jiara and every time it confuses me why the writers would do that
cause now the whole group is a friendcest group which lacks platonic male and female relationships aswell ruining the dynamic between pope and jj
like jj who literally was ready to go to jail for pope is not doing him dirty like that and especially not with kie
kie and jj have a very compilcated friendship because kie refuses to recognise her privilege as a kook and you can tell jj resents her for it
jj would sacrifice anything for pope because he knows that despite pope coming from a loving home, he doesn’t have a lot to fall back on unlike kie
not even sarah has support anymore, her and jj i would say are tied in lack of support from anyone trusting (topper is not counted cause he literally set fire to the chateau when he realised she wasn’t going to give him what he wants)
but when you put all that in comparison with kie, you can tell how the ignorance from her would put a big nail in their relationship because she simply cannot understand the intensity of struggle the rest of the pogues go through
i will die on the hill that they should have made kie gay and let jj pope happen or jjcleopope
but this is netflix and they aren’t ready for that yet
i deeply wish they explored kies conflict and relationship with sarah more because it really gives "i had a crush on this girl and i thought we were something then she ghosted me" like this is a closeted girl. this is a lesbian.
i just hate so much how the fan service and the continuous bad writing for her has robbed us of what could be a genuinely compelling character!
kie shoulda been gay and jjpopecleo shld rise idk man this shoulda been an hbo show
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doodlegirl1998 · 5 months
Hey, on the topic "quirks are diseases" again, I do think it would divided people here. Bc if you are born with Momo's quirk, wow, you made in life.
If you are born with Mineta's quirk? Tough luck.
But here a few things I want to say:
1) I talked about Rede and yes he wouldn't like people thinking quirkless are better( I think is lile at best 5% of people who do have powerful quirk) and soon a civil war would happen. Well, a dude who has a powerful quirk will be "liberate" in using 100% and envy speaks loud. Rede's end goal makes no real sense but is better than afo.
2) how the quirks came to be? Like overhaul was spreading this theory. So he lie...meaning people could have acess to this info. Quirkless are healthy one...does all schools teach about that?
3) if so, why Izu was abused? Ok say Aldera is mega shitty and never taught that. Ok. Still doesnt justify how shitty Izu was treated and he was healthy among his peers.
4) I have a hc now...that quirks users have a short lifespan compared to quirkless. Again, an intetesting concept hori wont touch with a 10 feet pole.
5) what this revelation proved? Nothing, aside Hori shitting on Izu AGAIN.
6) ok so...I do think Hori was influced by MCU but then started seeing the boys...and fails miserable. The boys does take dark concepts and explores (spoiler: they have a drug that can kill supers) it has a built up and consequences. Hori? Shits on Izu and wanks Bk's dick.
Like to sum up, this chapter proves how Izu shouldnt have been treated like that and he would be better off not being a hero. I just saw a sgdk fic where Inko - in an angst moment where she is right- asks in tears why Izu's dream has to cause him harm? Why he cant have anothet dream? Fair. He wants help people? Doctors exists. Fireworks too.
To this day I dont get why the MC wants to be a hero.
Bk? I know why ...and hate how it makes sense.
Hi @mikeellee 👋,
I think even if born with Mineta's quirk, you'd be set for life. The grape is cowardly but you can't deny his quirk could be highly useful as a hero. But I do get your point, quirks are a sickness no one wants a cure for.
1) ReDestro wanting people to be liberated in using their quirks makes sense - however the practicality of this not so much.
2) I bet schools (especially if some are hunting grounds for MPA recruitment) do not teach that quirkless are the 'healthy ones' because that wouldn't benefit them in any way.
3) Canonically, Bakugou being an abusive little shit is the main reason for Izuku being abused for being quirkless (although he even abused him before that point - being quirkless just have Bkg more fuel to torment him with.)
4) that's an interesting plot point - one Hori wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. But under a better writer, resentment from quirked people over them not living as long as the quirkless would make sense.
5) the revelation of quirks being from a virus meant nothing! Nothing at all! It only harmed the story - and added a heavy bias against AFO and OFA's nameless, homeless sex worker mother (thanks Hori *sarcasm*).
6) Hori may have been inspired by other superhero stories but fails in incorporating the origins of quirks in MHA.
Despite going to UA being how Izuku met his idol and friends - being a hero has only brought Izuku suffering, canonically speaking, he would have been better off doing anything else to help people.
I hate how MHA and Izuku's story has become THIS.
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tugadork · 1 year
Discussing Hans' Hypothetical Return in Frozen 3
So... been a long while since I've made a post on here. For the few Frozen peeps who follow me, my Fractured fan-fic is currently on an indefinite hiatus (I still very much plan to continue writing it and seeing it through to the end and actually post it at some point, but writer's block continues to pester me and I still need much more storybeats to properly flesh out before I get any serious work done; by now I've only written like half the prologue section).
With that out of the way, and with Frozen 3 being officially greenlit, the question still wonders in the air whether or not everyone's favorite dastardly prince has the opportunity to make a comeback after being left out of Frozen 2 (though, at least we know via that one Santino Fontana's old interview that Hans was intended to be a part of the second movie very early on during development, or at least, the idea itself was discussed).
As of right now, and realistically speaking, I don't think it's very likely for a few reasons: Jen Lee clearly has changed her mind between Frozens 1 and 2 in regards to Hans' character so I don't believe she would begin to consider revisiting his character; him literally being called an unreedemable monster by Elsa in F2 is not a good indication for any chances of a redemption arc with him should he return; in that one group interview with Santino, Josh Gad and the Lopez a few years back, Hans was brought up and Gad even supported the idea of him coming back for a Frozen 3, but Santino seemed very hesitant to the idea so, if he doesn't want to do it assuming they want Hans back, then I don't think he would do it (unless maybe they give the character some depth or give him an overall importance to the plot. I don't know, something that could convince him to come back to the role.)
But I also like to consider what-ifs, and one of those what-ifs is with what to do with Hans' character should he be revisited, because there are quite a few storytelling routes they could go with him, which I will discuss below and you guys can tell me your thoughts if you're particularly interested. These are just basic ideas that came to my head:
1 - Hans is hellbent on revenge against the Arendelle sisters, is the main villain of Frozen 3 and somehow manipulates his family (who is 100% innocent and comprised of good people) into starting a war with Arendelle because of Elsa's unlimited power; still being portrayed as he was during the fireplace scene in F1. [a very generic and boring option for me; many people take issue with how almost unnatural his shift to mustache-twirling villain was, so fleshing his character out a little, villainous or not, I think would help in the long run. Plus, him being the sole main villain would get stale imo]
2 - Like F2 and Frozen Fever, Hans does return somewhat but is made into nothing but a punchline throughout the whole movie, aka the General Hux effect while one or some of his family members play the main villain(s) and ridicule him. [the least interesting and most cringeworthy route to take, and the joke would get old real fast. Not to mention, canonically speaking, Hans' family life hasn't been... great, so I feel like portraying an abusive family relationship like this, even if Hans isn't a good person, would be very uncomfortable and send the wrong message]
3 - Hans' abhorrent actions and consequences, as well as his backstory bit by bit, are fully explored, and he's disowned and exiled by his family following a trial that takes place shortly after his arrival home. Stewing with anger and resentment as he wanders alone, he is eventually approached by the actual main villain (another elemental user would be cool and long overdue for these movies in my eyes) and is ironically manipulated into taking vengeance against those he feels wronged him (Anna and Elsa included) when said villain promises him the rule of the Southern Isles and the happiness he so desires. The villain only intends to use him for their own agenda and someone to take the fall for their actions, choosing to stay in the shadows until the right moment to strike. Hans goes along with the plan, and at first he's thrilled and vindicated, but one tragic moment shatters his concept of morality (this could be any number of things as long as it results in him having a serious wake-up call) and makes him realize how catastrophically wrong his actions are and not being able to cope with it. In the end though, and through moments of actual self-reflection, he helps Frohana to take down the main villain. If he dies, then Anna realizes that people aren't black-and-white like in the storybooks she read as a kid, and decides to forgive him despite what he's done, while Elsa does not. If he survives, either Anna still forgives him or none of the sisters forgive him, but they recognize the change in his character. Hans ultimately gets to make a life for himself, one where he's not shackled by the past. Also, he gets to interact with Olaf in this (seriously guys, immediate comedic potential here, this is literally one of the reasons why I want them to bring Hans back) and Kristoff which he never got to do in the first one. [this, to me, would be much more interesting. Hans' actions would not be taken lightly and the story would later punish him, but through that experience owning up to his mistakes and starting to atone; maybe meeting a few commoners during his exile which he eventually grows to care for or something would gradually kickstart his change. I really love this concept and will probably make a separate post on this that's much more elaborate and better detailed if anyone's interested. It would have to be a different beast than Fractured though, and less of a handful to write for 😅]
4 - Hans is brought back and is still portrayed as a villain, but is given the proper time for his character to be explored and given depth. He also gets an actual villain song. He plots to take vengeance on those who wronged him, but instead of being portrayed as the cunning snake he was in F1, it's more a drive out of desperation and anger. He ends up doing things he would not normally do, horrible things that do weigh on his mind but he pushes on because he sees no other way to claim his happiness; that since barely anyone cared for him when he was younger, that he learned to only care for himself. He's given moments to stop what he's doing and not escalate things further, and despite pausing, he still chooses the worst option. In the end he becomes his own worst enemy, and accidentally dies by his own hand. His defeat is not something that brings either Elsa or Anna joy despite how much he's wronged them and how justified they'd be feel some relief, his family is affected by it, and so the ending of the movie is bittersweet. [let me start off by saying that there is no way in hell Disney would have the cajones to do something this depressing, but man I would kind of love it if they did. One thing I do love about the idea of bringing Hans back and keeping him a villain is turning him into a Shakesperean tragedy, and his quest to claim his happiness by any means unnecessary would be so compelling to watch imo. Sort of similar to Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2 in that regard. You could still have another villain in this, either one with powers - seriously, introduce another elemental user in Frozen 3, Disney, pretty pls - or one/some of his family members that are up to their own nefarious plots]
And that's it! Let me know which plot idea sounds good to you or if a combination of certain elements from all these would be more preferable in your opinion for his hypothetical return. 👍
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