#and my mom was too distressed/upset to take her to the vet so i had to put her in my car and take her on my own
perexcri · 8 months
happy one year to her and one of my better opening lines for a fic <3
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now, because i'm curious:
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dustyoo10 · 3 months
Very tired and I can't sleep, this thought is stuck in my head and normally I just bottle it up and let it fester but I have an outlet now where I can talk about these sort of things, so might as well. Hopefully it'll help me sleep.
Warning for discussions about death and some pretty serious stuff:
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In 2022 I lost my cat Bailey. This was easily the most painful time in my life, and it was my first real experience with loss. I had lost relatives before, pets too, but never like this. It was about 2 months of excruciating pain and anxiety.
We would let her out and she would usually hang in the backyard or front yard. She loved to sunbathe. Part of me blames my dad for her death but I feel any one of us could have made this mistake, I still struggle with it. I should have looked, too. He didn't check to see if she was inside when he set out her dinner. She was stuck out there all night during a heatwave.
When I woke up in the morning and noticed she wasn't inside, I tried to see if she was outside, I found her at the side of the house on the hot concrete, barely awake. She was struggling to breathe and her skin was loose and saggy. I picked her up and brought her inside and told my dad something was wrong with her. He insisted she was fine and that her raspy breathing was actually "purring". She could hardly move. I woke my mom and told her what was happening, and I had to convince her to take her to the emergency vet. It felt like no one saw she was dying except me.
After a checkup and some shots she appeared to be doing better, I believe they said it was dehydration. I had stayed up all night and I stayed up even longer watching her. That's what hurts the most. I was awake during the night when she was out there on her own.
Regardless, this marked a complete turn in her health. She was in good shape for 14, but that drastically fell after that day. I didn't go to our family reunion so that I could watch after her. Honestly, I don't know how my family was fine with her being alone for several days whilst dying. Even if I didn't care for her as much as I did, I wouldn't leave anyone like that.
I struggled to get her to eat anything other than sips of tuna water, and it seemed like she never slept. She couldn't, she was too weak. I couldn't sleep either. I've always had bad insomnia, but this was much worse.
A few weeks later I convinced my mom to take her to the vets again. I was adamant that if we just took her to the vets they could fix her, even though a part of me deep down knew that wasn't true. The morning we were supposed to go I was in the restroom when I noticed that I didn't feel anything in my chest. my heart wasn't beating. I had a vasovagal response, it's when your blood pressure drops rapidly due to immense anxiety, which had never happened to me before. It was a good minute before I nearly collapsed downstairs. I was pale and struggling to breathe while my mom was trying to help me recover.
The vet ended up being closed that day, and we only learned whilst we were in the car with Bailey, who was extremely distressed. I think it was a good thing. If they were open it would've served no more than to prolong the inevitable and to keep her suffering. There was no fix for this. I believe she had air in her lungs, from the post-mortem scan. Some sort of cancer or disease she had from being a barn kitten. So there really was nothing we could do. Well, there was something I could do.
When we got back home I sat and thought, and I decided to take initiative for once rather than waiting for something to happen, or hoping some miracle would fall down from the sky. I went to my mom and told her she needed to be euthanized while tearing up. My mom didn't say it, but she already knew this. She went along with my idea that something could help her so as to not upset me. At the vet she'd either have been euthanized there, or told that she doesn't have long regardless.
She called a mobile vet so that she could be put to sleep her at home. We brought her out to the deck for the last time, and I sat with her, constantly wiping snot from my nose, and trying my best to enjoy that last moment with her. At this point she was falling apart, she could hardly keep herself concious.
The vet came and put her to sleep. When the syringe went it she bit down on my hand, leaving a mark that's still there. Then her eyes just sort of glazed and she began to drift. She couldn't get the euthanasia needle into the right spot in our house, so she took Bailey to her RV and did it there. She let us come see her one last time and I regret that. I put my ear on her chest and felt nothing, so I left really quickly after that. My mom came over to me while Bailey was leaving our driveway to be cremated and hugged me, and I started sobbing while she held me.
I went inside, got in the shower, curled up and started crying harder than I ever had in my life. I wasn't good enough to her, there was a lot of things i didn't do right, and that was the first day in my 19 years of life that it truly dawned on me that people will die. You don't get an infinite amount of time to make up for your mistakes, and you don't get infinite time with them.
In a way it was both sad and relieving. She was in pain for so long. Now she could finally sleep, and so could I. I no longer had to worry about waking up and finding her dead, or laying in bed restless because I didn't want to leave her alone. She died on September 6th, 2022.
Over a month later, I got B.B. after much convincing from my mom. Bailey was originally my sister's cat, but my mom ended up taking responsibilities for her since my sister was only 14, although i had to convince her that I was older and more responsible. I had lived the majority of my life with a cat, and a part of it was just empty without her. B.B. wasn't meant to fill that hole in my heart that Bailey left, but to give me something else to love, and this time I would do everything right.
Apologies for anyone who didn't want to read something like this.
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jamaisvuandyou · 4 years
Please Dry My Eyes: Part 5
Description: Jin, Hoseok, and Yoongi have had a running streak of bad luck, but Jin isn’t sure what to make of this one: His old friend’s trickery that leads to him being the new father of a little toddler, Jeon Jungkook.
Posted: 10/12/2020
WARNING: Mentions of death
Angst/Fluff: 2,846 words
A/N: Apparently I was on hiatus. So, here’s the next part. Sorry it’s been so long. Happy birthday Jimin!
Previous Part.  Next Part.
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Jin hurried into the building, out of breath from the pelting rain and strong wind.
Namjoon hopped to his feet. “Hey, thanks for doing this.”
“No problem. What’s the story?”
“Well, he associates everyone here with the word ‘bad’ but we need to look at him and make sure there aren’t any more injuries.”
Jin's heart clenched. “Alright, how are we proceeding?”
“I was hoping you’d have an idea. We’ve tried everything in the book. That woman over there that looks like she’s trying to hide? Yeah, she’s worked here for forty years and she’s stumped.”
Jin looked around a moment, then discarded his coat and dropped the backpack on the chair so he could rummage through it. He kicked off his shoes and pulled a big fuzzy blanket and a stuffed animal from the bag. “Where is he?”
“Follow the sounds of screaming.”
Jin listened and winced. That was a very distressed baby. “Get me a water bottle.”
He hurried down the hall to the room where another worker was trying to get the screaming child to calm down and come to her.
She quickly backed off as Jin came over.
He shook the blanket out flat above the toddler and then let it drift down over the boy, then while the kid was confused he quickly sat where the boy would peek out and set the stuffed animal in front of him.
He caught the water bottle Namjoon tossed to him a second before the boy managed to peek out from under the blanket, obviously confused by the event.
The boy—Jimin—looked between the stuffed animal and Jin’s soft smile with red eyes. His nose was all snotty, and Jin imagined the boy had been crying for hours. It was a miracle he hadn’t puked from crying so hard.
“Hello, would you like some water?” He asked softly, showing the boy the bottle. “You’re a big boy, right?”
Jimin coughed a little after a wet sniffle, but nodded and crawled over, sitting back on his feet as Jin helped him drink from the bottle.
“There, you looked thirsty. Are you hungry?”
The boy shook his head, still sniffling.
Jin reaches back and grabbed a tissue. “Can I wipe your nose?”
The boy just waited and Jin took that as his cue to wipe it and, though the boy made a noise, he didn’t fight it.
Jimin did and Jin praised him. “Good job, kiddo. My name is Seokjin, what’s your name?”
“Jimin,” the boy mumbled, eyes on the water bottle.
“You want more?” Jin asked.
Jimin nodded and carefully took the bottle when it was offered and drank more.
Jin waited while Jimin drank most of the rest of the bottle like it was juice.
The toddler spilled the last little bit on his face and shirt and almost started crying.
“Whoops,” Jin said in a light tone. “Did that mean water get you?”
Jimin looked at him with big, tear-filled eyes.
“Let’s see if we can get you a dry shirt. How’s that sound, Jimin?”
Jimin looked at his outstretched hand, then crawled the last foot between them and into Jin’s arms.
Jin quickly wrapped around the boy and grabbed the stuffed animal, lifting both of them and carrying Jimin over to where Namjoon had set Jin’s backpack.
He hummed a bit as he considered the situation and how best to handle it. “Can I set you down while I look in the bag?”
Jimin was slow to respond, but nodded, still sniffling a little.
Jin set him on the counter, grinning at the surprise in the boys eyes at not getting set on the floor. He set the plushy in the boy’s lap. “Can you hold this?”
Jimin hugged it tightly, nodding.
Jin kept humming as he went through the bag, pulling out one of the bigger shirts. “There we are!” He showed it to Jimin for the boys approval.
But the kiddo wasn’t even paying attention, face buried in the lavender scented plush.
Jin carefully changed the boy’s shirt, telling him what he was going to do in a silly song that eventually drew a giggle from Jimin. It also meant he got a good look at the bruises and already treated cuts on the boy. Jin didn’t often consider murder but this was one of those times.
He handled the baby carefully, managing to change his diaper and eat a small snack before the kid curled up in his lap with the blanket and the stuffed cat.
“Jiminie, is it okay if I take care of you for a while?” Jin asked softly.
The boy looked up at him sleepily. “Eomma?”
Jin stroked the little head, smoothing the hair from his face. According to Namjoon, Jimin’s mother was in critical condition at the hospital after the accident. Jimin has been assessed and they hadn’t found any serious injuries, treating some of the minor injuries before he became too unruly to treat anymore and was released to child service’s care until his mother was recovered or a family member claimed him. His father had been proclaimed dead at the scene, but apparently Jimin hadn’t really known him because he’d been deployed so often.
“Your Eomma was hurt when you were, she has to stay with the doctor and you can’t stay there because she doesn’t want you getting sick.”
Jimin nodded gravely. “Sick is bad.”
“Yeah, so can I take care of you for a while? Like a sleepover? Me, you, Jungkookie, Uncle Hobi, and Uncle Yoongi?”
“Uncles?” Jimin asked in a cute squeak.
Jin nodded, smiling softly and showing him a picture of his friends. “That one is Uncle Hobi, and that one is Uncle Yoongi. And Jungkook…” he swiped to a photo of the boy hugging his bunny plushy. “Is my…son.”
Jimin froze. “My brother.”
Jin glanced at Namjoon, who shook his head.
“Where’s my brother?” He asked, tears filling his eyes.
Jin shushed him softly. “Jimin, he got really hurt. Like your appa.”
Jimin’s eyes were huge and full of unshed tears. “Appa?”
Jin nodded gravely.
“They went to sky-place with gramma?” He asked, lisping and short of breath as he hiccuped.
Jin sighed and nodded.
“Is eomma goin’ there too?” He asked, voice breaking into a small wail.
“I don’t know Jimin. The doctors are trying to fix her, but she can’t take care of you while they fix her.” Jin gently rubbed Jimin’s back, tucking the stuffed animal back into the boys arms.
His lip was sticking out in a pout but Jin could tell the toddler was trying to be okay.
“It’s okay, baby,” he whispered softly, fingers lightly brushing away the tears. “I know it’s sad and scary.”
Jimin wrapped his arms around Jins neck, burying his face in the mans shoulder.
Jin wasn’t sure how much Jimin really understood, but however much was understood would have to be enough for now. “Do you want to come home with me until we know how your eomma is doing?”
Jimin nodded, still sniffling into Jin’s shoulder.
Jin nodded as well, getting up while still holding the toddler. “We’ll need to put your coat on, Jiminie.”
There was a soft whine, but the boy allowed Jin to put his coat on him.
Namjoon packed up Jin’s stuff, following at a distance so that Jimin wouldn’t get upset.
The toddler seemed nervous about being in the car again so soon, but Jin convinced him that squeezing the stuffy would help him be brave and quickly managed to close the door and get in himself after promising to call Namjoon after he got Jimin in bed for the night.
Jin talked to Jimin throughout the ride, telling stories and asking little questions like his favorite color and favorite food, favorite candy, favorite vegetable and fruit, and favorite movie which he was definitely using as a base to get to know the little tyke.
Jimin was asleep when they got to the house.
Jin carried him in, his jacket over the boy to shield him from the rain, almost immediately having to shush Yoongi of all people.
“Shhhhhh!” Jin hissed out. He pointed at the lump in his arms. “He’s asleep.”
Yoongi frowned in confusion, glancing at Jungkook. “Where have you been? Hoseok-ah said you just ran out after saying you had to leave and it’s nasty outside. We lost power.”
Jin gently removed his coat from over the toddler. “It was an emergency.”
Yoongi blinked, stunned, then he looked at Jin in mild disbelief and incredulity. “You’re…You…why?”
“It might just be temporary. His family was in an accident, with him, I might add. His dad and brother were dead on the scene, and his mom is in critical condition. It was an emergency.” Jin spoke softly, leaning down to kiss Jungkook on the head.
Yoongi paused then nodded. “Okay. We said emergencies were okay.”
Jin nodded, looking between the boys and starting to worry. “Was Jungkook…?”
“He didn’t notice right away, but once he did he didn’t stop crying until I convinced him you’d taken PupPup to the vet because he got a booboo that you couldn’t fix. Hoseok didn’t know what to do, and looked like he was about to cry himself. Thankfully Jungkook didn’t see me shove PupPup into the couch cushions.”
Jin nodded. “Good thinking. He accepted that?”
“After a while.” Yoongi led the way back to the nursery. “Hobi is already asleep in here. Is….”
“Jimin, I’ll keep him with me for tonight.” Jin stroked the boys soft hair. “That way if he wakes up I can comfort him quickly.”
Yoongi nodded, ducking in to put Jungkook down before coming back out. “The outlook for his mother?”
Jin sighed. “They didn’t tell me, but I think it’s grim.”
Yoongi nodded. “What’s he like?”
“Not sure, he was so upset. But he seems sweet and well-behaved.”
Yoongi nodded, holding out his hands. “Go clean up, hyung. I’ll get him laid down.”
Jin hesitated, but only made sure Yoongi had a good grip on the toddler and the stuffed animal before heading off to take a nice shower and change and enjoy just a few minutes to himself.
After getting comfortable, he went into his room, seeing Yoongi tucking the blankets around the boy.
Yoongi was looking down at Jimin so softly. "He’s so small. How old is he?”
“Three,” Jin answered, climbing into the bed next to the tiny boy.
Yoongi nodded. “So, about two years older than Jungkook.”
Jin nodded, eyes falling shut. “You take your meds?”
“Not since this morning. I feel fine, though.” Yoongi’s hand patted Seokjin’s back after pulling the blankets up around Jin’s shoulders. “Rest well, hyung.”
Jin hummed something in response, hoping it was a similar comment.
But next thing he knew it was 3 am and he was pulling a snuffly Jimin into his arms.
“Hey,” Jin murmured. “I’m sorry, baby.”
Jimin hiccuped and buried his face in Jin’s chest. “Eomma!”
“I know, Jiminie. I know,” He whispered, hugging him firmly and rubbing his back. “Are you hungry, Jiminie?”
A tiny nod.
“Okay, lets go get something to eat.” He kept his voice soft, picking himself and the toddler up out of bed. He was tired, he’d been awake all of the previous night with Jungkook, who’d had his first bad bout of nightmares in three weeks. But he also knew that Jimin needed patience. Gentleness. Soft voices and soft touches.
Unfortunately, he could also hear Jungkook calling for him quietly.
He paused by the door, looking down at Jimin, who looked back up at him with a soft little hiccup.
“Hey, Jiminie, it sounds like Jungkookie needs a snack too. Is it okay if we bring him, too?” Jin asked gently.
Jimin blinked a couple times, then nodded.
Jin nodded and carefully opened the door, gaze immediately meeting the teary eyes of Jungkook in the dim light.
Hoseok was dead-asleep.
Jin shook his head a little, putting a finger to his lips.
Jungkook mimicked it, but he was then staring at Jimin.
Jin reached down and carefully lifted Jungkook, quickly exiting out of the room and closing the door as much as he could. He took both toddlers down the hall and then sat on the couch with them.
Jimin reached out and gently patted Jungkook’s cheek. “Hi, baby.”
Jungkook stared at Jimin with wide eyes, almost shocked.
“Kookie, this is Jiminie. He’s staying with us while his eomma is sick,” Jin said carefully, not even sure if Jungkook would understand. “Jimin, this is my son, Jungkook.”
Jimin patted his cheek again. “Hi, Gukkie.”
Jungkook looked up at Jin.
Jin kissed his forehead. “Can you say hi?”
Jungkook scrunched his hand at Jimin, then hid his face in Jin’s shoulder.
Jimin giggled softly.
Jin shook his head a bit. “Can I set you down while I get us a snack, Jiminie? I think Jungkookie is a little grumpy.”
“Ok,” Jimin whispered, climbing down and then following Jin into the kitchen. He was limping a little, probably sore from his bruising and cuts. But he seemed to be in fairly good spirits now.
Jungkook clung to Jin’s neck, peeking over his shoulder at the other toddler.
“Alright, so, I think we have some yummy rice,” Jin said in a quietly cheerful voice.
Jimin’s face scrunched up with his smile.
“Rice it is,” Jin chuckled, grabbing the dish and popping it into the microwave since that was the best method. He grabbed a couple other things out of the fridge, preparing a meal as much as he could with only one hand.
Jimin followed him around like a little duckling, looking up at him as he waited.
Jin glanced at Jungkook, then down at Jimin. “We’re not going to be able to do this alone. Kookie, should we go get Yoongi-hyung?”
Jungkook perked up, then nodded. “Hyung.”
Jin nodded, then reached his hand down for Jimin to take. “Come on, we’re going to go wake up a grumpy kitty.”
“Grumpy kitty?”
“Yoon’i,” Jungkook squeaked happily. He was very fond of his grumpy kitty hyung, and knew that nickname by heart. He liked napping with grumpy kitty.
Jimin didn’t seem opposed, taking Jin’s hand and walking with them down to the master room where Yoongi was curled up.
Jin set Jungkook on the bed. “Wake the kitty, or cuddle the kitty?”
Jungkook crawled over to Yoongi, squishing his cheeks with his chubby hands. “Yoon’i-hyunnie.”
Yoongi muttered lowly, barely twitching.
But Jungkook was persistent. Stubborn, really, if someone younger than two could be described as stubborn.
Jin stifled a laugh, picking Jimin up as Jungkook pulled on Yoongi’s cheeks.
Yoongi startled awake, flinching away from the toddler and blinking in confusion at his surroundings, then up at Jin.
“Jimin is hungry, but Jungkook was awake. I was just going to have him cuddle with you, but….”
Yoongi huffed, grabbing Jungkook and trapping him. “Come on, kiddo. We’re sleeping.”
“Yesssss,” Yoongi muttered, pulling the covers over their heads.
“No, no Jinnie. Jinnie needs to do something with Jimin. You need to sleep with your Yoongi-hyung.”
Jin chuckled and carried Jimin out, back to the kitchen, letting Yoongi deal with Jungkook.
Jimin was pretty quiet as Jin finished getting the food ready, sitting in a booster-seat at the table and watching. He played a little bit with the halved grapes that Jin set before him while he heated everything else up, but mostly he just popped one in his mouth now and then and watched.
Yoongi brought Jungkook out, sighing. “Well, it’s almost 4. Six hours of sleep isn’t my worst record.”
“Definitely not.”
“What time did Jimin wake you?”
“About 3.” Jin shrugged, then set some food in front of Jimin and some in front of his own seat since he hadn’t had dinner either. “You went to bed at 10? Who are you and what did you do with Yoongi?”
“Like you can talk, going to sleep at seven,” Yoongi muttered, squishing Jungkook’s cheeks. “I love how it was Hobi’s night to care for Jungkook and he’s the only one still asleep.”
Jin shrugged. “He did take extra shifts while you were recovering from removing your wisdom teeth.”
Yoongi shuddered. “I’m still afraid of getting dry socket.”
Jin rolled his eyes. “You’re out of danger.”
“So you say, but—”
Jin scoffed. “Jiminie, tell him doctors know best.”
Jimin giggled but didn’t say it.
“You’re not a doctor.”
“No, but the doctors said you would be fine by now, and doctors know best. So stop worrying.” Jin fed Jimin a bite from his plate since the boy seemed to prefer his food to his own for some reason.
Yoongi snorted and then let the toddler in his arms snuggle into his neck.
Jin fed Jimin another bite, noticing how distracted he was by Jungkook’s existence. “He had a little brother,” Jin told Yoongi, nodding toward Jimin.
Yoongi considered the other toddler, then nodded. “He’s doing well for how much has happened. Almost too well.”
“Don’t jinx us.” Jin leaned over and kissed one of Jimin’s chubby cheeks.
Jimin squished into a tiny ball of baby fat and a huge grin, then happily focused on eating.
Jungkook was already asleep on Yoongi’s shoulder.
“So, I expect Namjoon will be here tomorrow?”
Jin nodded. “Yeah, more than likely. Probably will have paperwork for all of us. Maybe more news on his mom.”
Yoongi nodded. “Glad we haven’t had the chance to make a mess.”
Jin’s phone started buzzing on the table, and he quickly answered it so that Jungkook wouldn’t wake up. “Hi, Namjoon.”
Yoongi’s gaze darkened.
“Hey…we just got the call from the hospital. She didn’t make it. I can tell him if you don’t think you can.”
“I think you should be here. I’ve never told anyone something like that before.” Jin met Yoongi’s gaze again and shook his head.
Jimin was blissfully ignorant, rolling some of his rice into a ball and then eating it.
“Alright. I’ll be by as soon as I can get the paperwork together.”
“Okay. Everyone but Hobi and Jungkook are awake.”
“That’s unfortunate. How’s Jimin doing right now?”
“Well, he’s fascinated by Jungkook, and he fell asleep before dinner so he’s just now eating, but I thought sleep would do him more good than waking him up.”
Namjoon made a sound like he agreed. “But he’s still doing well?”
“He’s great. Yoongi jinxed us about his behavior, but for now we’re doing well,” Jin said, feeding Jimin another bite of meat. “Aren’t we, Jimin?”
Jimin paused in chewing, looking slightly baffled by the question, then just grinned and continuing eating.
Yoongi snorted. “That’s adorable.”
Namjoon chuckled. “Alright. I’ll talk to you soon, Jin. Try to get a little more sleep.”
“You too.” Jin set the phone down, then gently brushed the hair from Jimin’s eyes. “Well, you need more food, Jiminie?”
Jimin shook his head, his cheeks full of rice.
Jin chuckled and lifted Jimin out of the highchair, standing him on his lap while the kid finished chewing his food. “How about a bath, Jimin?”
Jimin immediately pouted.
“You’re dirty, baby,” Jin said poutily, mimicking the expression in an attempt to prevent himself from smiling. “We’ll be careful about your ouchies.”
Jimin finally nodded, having swallowed all of his food, and then leaned forward and hugged Jin’s neck.
“Good thing JK is asleep,” Yoongi chuckled.
Jin laughed softly and headed down the hall with Jimin to draw a bath and try and clean the kid. There were some mishaps, cuts that stung when the baby shampoo got into them, but Jimin was sleepy when he got out and didn’t fuss as Jin rebandaged him, clothed him and took him back to bed.
Yoongi checked on them some time later.
Jin sighed, holding out a hand.
Yoongi came over and took it. “He asleep?”
“Yeah. Jungkook?”
“Still out like a light even after I lay him down on Hobi’s chest.”
“Hobi wake up?”
“Only enough to register that it was Jungkook. I put pillows around him to prevent him from rolling.” Yoongi sat down next to the bed, still holding Jin’s hand. “I’d offer to take care of Jimin, but I figure he needs you.”
Jin nodded. “You okay?”
“Just…calming down.”
Jin studied Yoongi again, noting his fidgeting fingers, and the slight tremble to his hands. “Yeah. Any ideas?”
Yoongi took a deep breath. “Paperwork. What if…the background check on me…what if it comes up bad, or I don’t get approved and it negatively affects you?”
“Yoongi-ah, they already did background checks on the two of you. If there was a problem, we would have heard by now,” Jin said calmly. “Stop worrying about that. Come on. I’ll move us over and you can catch a nap with us.”
Yoongi nodded.
Jin carefully moved himself and the toddler (whose breathing didn’t even change), allowing Yoongi to climb onto the bed with them.
Yoongi lay on his back beside Jin, both of them staring at the ceiling. “I don’t want to see Jimin crying tomorrow. He’s too young to be so sad.”
“I know.”
“And what do we do about his attachment to Jungkook when Namjoon finds him another home?”
Jin felt his chest tighten. “I don’t know, Yoongi. I really don’t know. All I know is that for as long as we have him, this will be his home and we will love him.”
But silently he hoped that the babes continued to get along and that Jimin would stay.
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rubykgrant · 5 years
I am really sick of this
My step-dad came into my room, for no reason, and started yelling at me. Calls me lazy, demands that I get another job and make more money, and threatens to get a divorce from my mother if I don’t leave my own house. He doesn’t say “hey can I talk to you about something?”, no, he gets in my face with insults and threats.
I went to say good night to my mom, and he came in and started to throw a fit. He went off about 10 different things; accusing me of acting like I know everything when I don’t actually know anything, called me a “mental m*dget” whatever that means, said I have no friends and nobody likes me, called me some fat insults, THREATENED TO END MY LIFE, made more threats about physically hurting me, called me a “bloody cyst”, talked about how if I liked *slurs* so much I should go live with them and get r*ped, made comments about how I was just my dad with breasts, told my mom he didn’t love her enough to stay if I was here, threatened to take “legal action” on me somehow, and just cussed me out a lot.
What did I say? I didn’t raise my voice at all, when he called me crazy I said “look how you’re acting”, when he told me I need to stop being lazy and work I reminded him that I DO work (and most places near aren’t even hiring right now, and I’ve sent out 20-something applications to other places and got “not right now” as replies), I told him his attitude is the one that causes everybody distress, he’s the one who gets mad then loses control and upsets everybody, and I told him he’s got no right to treat anybody like this.
My mom just kept defending him, telling me “he just needs to vent” and that by responding to him at all I was “agitating” him. When he started to physically get close to me and threaten me, my mom finally reacted, and she did what she used to do when my dad (her previous husband) would physically hurt us; she started to cower and plead with him, she was flinching down even though I was the one he was trying to intimidate. She tried to hush me and shoo me away.I pointed this out to her, that she was just catering to him no matter what he does, but she’s gone right back into that mental state of “If we just do what he wants, everything will be alright”.
Without going into all the details, this has been my life that lead to this; my parents and me lived in this house for years, and when I was a teenager they decided to start making payments to own it instead of making rent payments. My dad hit me and my mom, and my mom also hit me. Eventually, my mom got sick of being hit so she left my dad, but didn’t take me with her so I kept getting hit for a few years. At one point, my dad attacked my mom, so I had to tackle him, wrestle him off of her, punch him, and keep him from getting a gun. Other family members and police showed up, we got out of there, my dad had to do mandatory anger management, and I went to stay with my mom and her boyfriend (who is now my step-dad). Anger management actually helped, so after a few months I started going back to see my dad again. At one point, my dad found out he had cancer, so for a long time he was in the hospital for treatment and I was living in the house alone. Eventually my dad’s health improved, I went to a college for 4 years, I’d go home to visit my dad and also go visit my mom and her boyfriend. When I was 22 my dad died, he wrote down that he wanted me to have the house (he still didn’t own it outright, but he wanted me to live there), a while later my mom said it might be a good idea for her and her boyfriend to move into the house so they could keep making payments on it (without also paying for rent somewhere else), and I thought it was a good idea too. I got along with him, and this way we could keep the house and the property. When I was done with college I came back home to live, I’ve gotten a job in town, plus other work I do periodically related to me art (and sometimes I help people with yard work, stuff like that). I don’t make a lot of money, but I pay for the animals when they go to the vet, I pay for firewood in the winter, I help with some of the bills, and I pay for some of the shopping. I also cook dinner, do the dishes, clean the house, take care of the yard, and dozens of other stuff. My mom eventually married my step-dad, and we’ve been living together for a few years. In the last few months, he’s physically attacked me, grabbed me by the neck, made all kinds of threats, insulted me, and told me that I can’t live here anymore. My mom does absolutely nothing to defend me.
I am really sick of this
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ourheartscondemnus · 5 years
More absences and a dusty old blog
So I believe I mentioned it on here,but about 3 weeks ago my cat was diagnosed with cancer and the vet claimed she had quality of life and. I shouldn't consider end of life plans just yet. Well, Kisa is doing fine, still miserable about bandage changes on her tumor, but she's happy and content and does her usual thing still. But I found out that said vet,a friend of my moms, also told my mom that she wouldn't wait too long because of how far the cancer has progressed. Which,okay, I understand. But I still am trying to look on the bright side and live with her for the end of her days and love on her,etc. Until the time comes when we have to put her down. No matter what I won't be ready for it. But I will be in the room with her when she goes. I refuse to abandon her in her final moments. So I've been dealing with that, after graduation depression - that void of where do I go fom here and being an unemployed loser living with their parents. Not fun. Especially with a toxic family and full house. Like 8 people. Too many. I think I also posted about my parents finally saying I could have a puppy-with the worst timing ever but the best of intentions because of how I get when my pets die. So recap, Day 1 I discover kisa has cancer and the vet can't do anything for her day 2 I get upset realizing my parents are trying to contact a family member for a puppy for me to raise that way I have something with me,to live for, when kisa does pass. Day 3 dad doesn't get to go to his brothers, mom decides fuck the puppy idea because I got emotional and angry day 4 nothing much happened Day 5 is where we come to the continuation and such for the next few weeks leading to now. Dad went to his brothers, his brother had recently found a puppy hit by a car down the road he lives on woth his parents. Family land. Common dog dumping ground. They save a lot of animals. The puppy lived, only had a broken leg, and was bloated from eating garbage,like plastic and shit. Uncle tells my dad he's the only one he'd let adopt her if he wanted her. Otherwise hed take care of her. The timing was... oddly coincidental. I had even warmed to the idea of a puppy by this time. Mom and dad wont allow any more cats even though cats are my calling. So when dad came home and mentioned it saying "You won't believe what-bros name-said today" so he shows me a brief pic of the pup. She is bigger than my sisters auggie, smaller than our boxer, she is gold but her fur is dingy and covered in gunk. She is precious. I cave. A good home for a puppy in need is a thibg in our family,almost all of our dogs have been rescues. I tell him talk to mom about it. I will take her if she allows it. Dad leaves later that night and retrieves the puppy. She was instantly loving and playful, exploring the backyard,wanting pets. I named her Freya. So I've been training her, even using a select few asl signs, and such since. She's very happy here, and she may always have a limp, but she's doing better than she would on the streets. I still have personal issues and emotional distress about kisa but I think for the moment I'm doing decently enough. Doing okay is better than not doing well at all.
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geminimoonbeamx · 6 years
Moths Wings/ Part 1
A/N: I know what ya’ll are thinking. Wow, this bitch is starting another series. But hear me out, I think we all need some god ol’ fluff in our lives. I know I need some in mine, and Daddy!Bucky has been all over my feed lately. I HAD to put my own spin on it. It’s still cannon Marvel, just if Bucky took some time to focus on rebuilding his mental health instead of jumping from battle to battle.
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: None really for this chapter except the usual of cursing. That will never change.
Summary: When Bucky takes sometime to focus on himself- partially because he knows he needs it and partially because the team has seemed to Veto him off the island- and moves upstate he meets Y/N, a bright, kind single mother and her four year old daughter Phoebe. His heart’s been frozen for so long, but it cant help but melt as he get’s to know the little family and falls in love with the possibility of happiness.
You come beating like moths wings; spastic and violently- Passion Pit
This was good for him, good for everyone. He needed this.
That seemed to be Bucky’s inner dialogue, his mantra of sorts these days. It had been months, nearly a year, since he, Steve and the rest of what had been dubbed as “team Cap” had returned to the city. Since Tony had extended the olive branch. Apologies had been said, and bridges had started to mend. Everyone trying to put their egos and pride and feelings on the back burner because that’s what this hero business was about, wasn’t it? The good of the world, of the people.
Tony had even allowed him into the Tower, for a time. Bucky had his own suite and though it was huge and just as lavish as everyone else’s(he had been a little nervous that Stark was gonna stick him in a broom closet…not that he hadn’t endured worse) it felt clinical and too…open. The loneliness seeped in from the high ceilings and had him crawling. He did the therapy, endured the twice a week sessions with the Phycologist that actually wasn’t so bad once Bucky go used to her.
It was the advanced technology in the building that first started to set him off. It brought back memories of being strapped down…of computers and electric shocks. And then, it slowly turned into the entire atmosphere of Avengers tower. As much as everyone tried to welcome him, attempted to let him know what he was apart of the team, he was relapsing. The panic attacks and nightmares coming at an overwhelming rate.
Sam, with all of his experience with PTSD ridden vets, is the first to speak up.
“It’s not good for him, man” He tells Steve one day when it’s just the two for him “He isn’t going to make any progress here. It’s too much, too soon”
And Steve knows he’s right. Even though he wants to be selfish, wants to keep Bucky as close as possible, he knows that he’s not doing him any favors by doing so. And so it goes, the talks, the decisions.
Everyone had decided that Sam was right. Even Bucky had, after some pushing. Being back in New York City was too much, it brought back too much at once. And so Pepper brilliant, of course, suggests that he moves. Out side the city. Close enough that if they really needed him he could be retrived in a snap, but far enough that the sounds and sights of the city weren’t assaulting his senses constantly. Bucky hates it, that they have to have a meeting over him, that they had to adjust and team up to help him- but he knows that he’s more of a hindrance then anything there. So he goes with what they set him up with.
The suburbs. A small town about an hour and a half, give or take, outside NYC.
It’s an odd fit for him. He was a Brooklyn boy(or at least he had been) through and through and it was so…quiet here. The house that Tony had purchased was unlike anything he’d ever inhabited. It had always been apartments for him, semi seedy ones that looked down on overpopulated streets. Even when he was on the run he kept to bigger cities.
The air here was different.
Bucky finally felt like he could breathe.
It had been a few weeks since he’d made the move and he was still getting adjusted. The home that he’d been given, Stark had objected that-
“I’m not giving it to you, it’s not a Christmas present. Think of it as coming out of your paycheck, Elsa”
Was nice. He liked it. It seemed…smaller then his suite back at the tower, which he’s grateful for. Single floored, two rooms. A decent sized living room that linked with an equally decent sized kitchen. Of course, all the appliances had been updated. A bathroom and a garage; where his car sat.
It was all he needed.
Steve, and his therapist had encouraged him to make it his own. That it was his home, his safe space, and he should treat it as such. He’d sat with Pepper she’d helped him order the furniture, he was still getting the hang of online shopping, but damn, did he like the convenience.
The couches were brown leather, a Laz-e-Boy recliner sat in front of the flat screen mounted to the wall; the one that he could watch ball games and catch up on all the movies and shit he’d missed over the last decades on. The hardwood had rugs, and the walls had a few paintings. It wasn’t anything special or extensive, but it was what he’d wanted. What kept him comfortable.
He liked being alone, although Steve visited him almost every fuckin’ day. He liked the time and space to continue to sort out the memories in his head and document them in the journals like Dr. Schnapp had, had him doing for months. He fell into a nice routine; going for a run in the morning followed up by doing the Yoga exercises that actually worked(even though he’d felt like a total tool doing them at first) then making himself breakfast, and eating said breakfast while he read the paper. Then he’d fix up the house, fix up the motorcycle he had in his garage. Do anything to keep his hands and mind as far away from idle as he could. And then he’d finish his day with another run, a microwave dinner, and a hand full of sleeping pills.
Again, nothing special. But he didn’t need it to be, he just needed to feel…
And that’s how his day had started, normal as any other. Run, downward dog, eggs- and now he was working on the motorcycle. The garage door up, letting the nice breeze in while he tinkered. He’d hooked his iPod up to the speaker and Bing Crosby filled the space gently. He hummed along mindlessly as he focused on the many parts in front of him.
He can be completely immersed in something, and yet his enhanced senses can detect and pick up on sounds from a mile away.
He hears the peddling, and then the screeching stop and then the tumble. His head snaps up at the sniffles and cries that follow. Across the street a little girl lies, her trike beside her. She looks like she’d taken one hell of a fall…
Bucky cant help it, he gets up from his place and walks over to her, making sure to grab his glove off of the counter and slide it onto his mech hand as he goes.
“Hey…” He starts as he approaches and she sits up slowly. She’s teensy tiny, cant be older then five, he asses.
“Hi” She looks up at him, her eyes teary as she pulls up her skinned knee and looks at the blood there.
“Are you okay, I saw you fall?” Bucky asks, his eyes scanning the surrounding street for a parent.
“My knees bleeding a little” She sniffles “Mommy’s gonna be so mad. She always tolds me to wear my knee pads”
“Where is your mom?” Bucky continues, crouching down to her level.
“At home” The little one shrugs and he’s confused.
“At home? Okay. Where’s home?”
She seems to get suspicious at that, her big Y/E/C eyes narrowing “I’m not suppos'ta talk to strangers”
Bucky chuckles. Smart kid, flawed thinking. She’d been talking to him for nearly a minute. “Wise words to live by”
“But your my neighbor, so it’s okay, right?” She babbles on “We’re not suppos'ta be strangers anyway. I’m friends with Mr and Mrs. Miller. So we can be friends too- I’m Phoebe”
Bucky doesn’t know what to think of the girl. There she is, scrapped knee, tears in her eyes, asking him to be friends.
“I’m, uh, Bucky” He takes her out stretched hand with an amused grin. She then begins to complain about her knee again, “It hurts” “It might need stiches”
He’s just about to tell her all she needs is a Band-Aid when he hears a screech.
“Phoebe!” It’s a woman’s voice that sounds distressed and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out it must be this mystery little girls mom. You come running, frantic, to the scene. Putting a hand over your heart when you see them.
Oh, Bucky thinks. He’s seen you around. Walking a dog down the street sometimes when he goes for his morning runs. You’re pretty, it’s plain to see. With your soft looking hair and your rosy cheeks. He’d noticed the sway of your large hips as you’d walked the dog in passing a few times…
“Phoebe Marie!” you scold, your chest heaving as you bend down “You scared me half to death! What have I told you, you cant play outside without me!”
Phoebe’s bottom lip furrows and Bucky thinks it may be the cutest pout face he’s ever seen. “I’m sorry!”
You look from her daughter and then to Bucky who perks up, abeit awkwardly.
“Hey, sorry. I saw her fall, and it was pretty nasty so I came over to make sure she didn’t do any serious damage” Bucky explains himself, fully aware that she could take this the wrong way. Grown men coming up to children wasn’t always received well.
You don’t look upset though “Thank you so much for that. She’s always been a little bit…adventurous? She’s going to either brake her neck or give me a stroke” you announce, your tone gentle and grateful as your fingers daintily scan over Phoebe’s knee before taking off her unicorn helmet. “I’m Y/N, by the way”
You throw a smile at him and he feels…weird. When was the last time anyone had smiled at him that way? With such raw kindness.
“I’m James, but you can call me Bucky”
Where did that come from? He wonders at the smoothness.
“Well ,Bucky, thank you again. She’s a little scraped up, but I think she’ll live” You look at your daughter pointedly and she adverts her gaze, guiltily “You moved in a couple weeks ago right? I think I’ve seen you around? We live a few houses up that way”
“Yeah, uh, I haven’t been here long”
“You liking the neighborhood so far?” You’re just being friendly, Bucky assures himself. He’s had therapy for this. He can talk to strangers, it’s okay. Plus, just like Phoebe had said- you weren’t really strangers. You were his neighbor.
“I am. It’s really quiet, but I think I like that” He converses, following suit as you stand up. You pull the girl into your arms, situating her on your hip effortlessly.
“Yeah? You move here from the city?” You inquire knowingly and he grins smalley.
“I did” Bucky answers “Brooklyn”
“Queens” You grin right back and he chuckles at the proudness and slight excitement in your voice “I know it’s a little bit of an adjustment, but I swear, once you get used to it here, you’ll never want to go back”
Bucky nods, processing that. When he doesn’t reply, you realize that maybe you’ve overstepped…
“I need to go patch this little soldier up. I know it’s over kill, but thank you. Again” You giggle, trying to fight the awkwardness “If you ever need anything, just holler. We’re all pretty tight on this col-de-sac. We do lame barbeques and everything”
“Yeah- yeah, I’ll keep that in mind” He couldn’t imagine going to a neighborhood shin-dig, but he humors you all the same “It was really nice to meet you, Y/N- Phoebe”
You agree. You’d been curious of the man for weeks, meeting him finally had been a pleasant surprise “Likewise. Well- we’ll let you get back. Have a good rest of the day” You scoop up the tricycle with your other hand and give him one last sweet smile before retreating.
“Bye Bucky!” Phoebe calls over your shoulder, waving her little hand overzealously at him and he cant wipe the smile on his face as he waves back to her.
He goes back to his garage, picks up where he’d left off. He thinks about the small encounter for the rest of the day, up until he takes his sleeping medication and falls into a dreamless sleep.
Read PART 2 
A sweet little start to this story, if I do say so myself. If you guys want to be tagged in upcoming chapters, let me know! 💛 Oh, and PS, listen to Moths Wings by Passion Pit. It’s this stories anthem.
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shay-puppitty · 3 years
Just venting, don’t have to read
My sister is startin to stress me out... (long vent below if you really want to read it I guess) 
I have ONE drawer (the bottom one) and a little corner between the sink and the wall in my bathroom to store things while she and her boyfriend have 3 drawers, a cupboard, and the rest of the counter in the bathroom (where they don’t even try to be orderly and neat so I have to neaten it up every night just so I have enough counter space to put things) 
PLANTS ARE EVERYWHERE. She’s taken over the porch and keeps buying new plants just about every Sunday (one of her days off) while she is supposed to be finding a new place to live with her boyfriend
Her boyfriend has admitted to using MY MOUTHWASH instead of one of the TWO BOTTLES they share. 
Her boyfriend has repeatedly gone into MY BEDROOM while I’m not home under the guise of turning off the light (right beside the door) but goes to my bed to grab the reversible octopus to put it in an angry face (idk what else he’s touched) 
I had to move my lotions and skin products to MY BEDROOM just to keep them from using them (I had asked them not to use it before a time or two, but they used the fact I had borrowed a bit of theirs once to justify them using mine more than once or twice) 
OH YEAH. Apparently some of my stuff wound up in one of their drawers, so instead of moving my stuff to the ONE DRAWER I HAVE she dumped all her tampons over my stuff. Didn’t try to defend herself or anything, just said “Well some of your stuff was in my drawer so I figured it would be alright if I put some of my stuff into yours.” 
Her boyfriend now EXPECTS me to heat him up a little pizza anytime he is off of work and I am home, solely because I was kind enough to offer a few times if I saw him. And he’s stopped bothering to thank me for doing so unless I mention something about it. 
I have asked her for FOUR MONTHS to help me set up a hair appointment because my hair had gotten long enough to start causing me a lot of dysphoria, but she only did so TODAY when I asked her the name of the place. She put two and two together and realized I was probably going to set it up myself or have someone else help me with it (I’ve never set up an appointment so I don’t know how to do it, don’t know the name of the place, or the number to the place). 
She and her boyfriend make ZERO effort or attempt to use my pronouns (he/him) or even refer to me with “masculine identifiers.” The only time they seem to bother remembering is when they’re making some sort of under the radar joke about it or trying to “catch me slipping” since I’ve only just come out this year and am also getting used to being referred to as male. 
I have to be quiet at night or else they “don’t get enough sleep” but they can get ready in the morning as loudly as they want even though they get up hours before I do and know I’m sleeping. 
I had an intense breakdown (sobbing, hopelessness, distress, etc) a month ago because one of my dogs got sick again (diarrhea everywhere) and I was worried he’d taken a turn for the worse again and I’d have high vet bills to worry about again. I had to take all three dogs out so he could use the bathroom without me having to clean it up from everything and I spent 1.5 hours cleaning and breaking down. When she woke up and saw me sobbing in my room, I told her what happened and that I was very upset. All she told me was that I would have to bring the dogs back in as soon as I could because they’ll bark and could wake her and her boyfriend up where they wouldn’t get 3 MORE HOURS OF SLEEP. 
The shed my mom cleaned out for me and started putting drywall up so I could make it my retreat or “creative studio” where I wouldn’t be bothered has practically been claimed by her and her boyfriend. They put a treadmill in the shed, their yoga stuff, their workout stuff, and even BUILT A PULL UP BAR OFF THE SIDE without my permission (they went to my mom and convinced her that they needed to use the shed for their stuff and didn’t even bother to make sure I’d be okay with it) 
They expect my mom to cook them breakfast and MAKE THEM A MEAL  for lunch despite her doing everything else in the house. (cleaning, her laundry, THEIR LAUNDRY, dinner, taking care of the horses, helping me with the dogs since she wakes up earlier and can put them out for me, taking care of the chickens, baking whatever dessert thing they dump on her to make, going to the gym {we’ll fuckin get to that} a few times a week, the vegetable garden tending, mowing the lawn, taking care of her trees and shrubs outside, and so much more I don’t even know about) They even get upset if she is out later during a shopping trip (I’ll get to that in a moment) and isn’t there to prepare dinner when they get home. 
My sister is training for a marathon so won’t drive my mom to the gym on Sundays and Tuesdays (her days off) so my mom can’t go to the gym as often as she would like. Won’t even offer later in the day when she comes back. 
They won’t even drive my mom around to do errands or grocery shopping. My mom used to ask her to drive her around to do one or two close by errands, but she guilt tripped my mom everytime so my mom is worried to ask for a ride in case it’s “too much errands” or “taking up her day off” or “putting too much pressure or something on her” (after her run she’ll literally just do a bit of yoga and workout then just sit in her room all day and that is coming from me who sits around in his room all day) 
My dad recently passed, so my mom is kinda struggling for money right now, so what do they do? If they pick her up something from the store she forgot (even if it is FOR THEM) they tell her the price they paid and have her pay it back most of the time. 
Today, ONE HOUR before my mom would usually start cooking dinner (she’s had something defrosting all day expecting them to come home for dinner) they tell her that they found this new trail they want to run on a few hours away so they won’t be staying for dinner and they won’t be home tonight. My mom was so angry about the short notice about it that she couldn’t even be angry anymore and just sat and stewed in her anger. 
Since my dad passed away A FEW MONTHS AGO they’ve been getting bolder and it really feels like they are trying to push my mom and I out so they can stay here. My sister tried insisting on teaching my mom to drive, but didn’t give her many if any practice, but another sister of mine has been having mom drive every time they go out so she can be comfortable behind the wheel and get her license. My mom has a hard time seeing fault in any of her kids and probably hasn’t realized most of what’s going on around her because she’s been kept so busy. I’ve been forcing her to accept more “rent” money since I live with her and eat her food, started doing my own laundry (22 year old and couldn’t do laundry, I know terrible), offer to help in any way I can, insist on getting her things if she has sat down and needs something, put in the effort to clean up after myself if I use something in the kitchen, and buy her things she currently can’t afford the luxury of without letting her pay me back. But it feels like they are just using her and trying to take over the house slowly while my mom is down so she’ll become dependent on them and not want/be able to let them leave. I don’t know what to do about it except start being loud and show disapproval in what ways I can. I’m just so stressed about this whole thing and don’t know how to help or do anything about it...
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free-shavacadoo · 6 years
Why does my mother treat me more delicately when I have a tiny fucking pinprick in my arm from safely donating plasma than when I'm on the edge of a major fucking meltdown.
I swear to fucking god I could just scream until everyone's eardrums bleed.
I wish I could make her understand.
Why is she so fucking stupid, like fucking hell! THINK, WOMAN.
And how the FUCK have you been alive Sixty-Four Fucking Years and not realized that if you use the fucking windshield wipers and do the squirty thing to clean them IT SPLASHES PEOPLE NEARBY, INCLUDING THE PERSON LOADING THE DOGS INTO THE BACK SEAT.
Like I was already in a fucking bad mood because:
I got woke up by cramps
bled on the sheets I JUST washed and was covered with blood the morning after I had just fucking showered
forgot about my therapy appointment and therefore fucking missed it because I'm a dumb fucking fuck
My mom kept saying and doing dumb fucking shit at the vet's office like asking the tech questions she wants him to ask the vet even though he had JUST fucking told her the vet would be in to talk to her in a moment
The tech trying to pressure and scare us into getting heartgard there instead of getting a written Rx to take somewhere else to get it cheaper bc WE'RE TOO FUCKING POOR which we explained and he was a dick about
My shared custody dog (half mine half my mom's) hacking her fucking lungs out because she has a collapsing trachea and won't CALM THE FUCK DOWN FOR TWO FUCKING SECONDS (the noise is sensory HELL)
My mom making me do fucking everything* while she sits on her ass not helping (*wrangling the dogs, talking to the doctor, checking Rx prices, MAKING A PHONE CALL[I'M HEARING IMPAIRED!!!], trying to keep the dog calm, etc) all while she fucking knows I'm on the edge of a meltdown
Getting Pearl-clutchingly, "how-dare-you" offended when I called her by her first name instead of "mom" (listen the alternative was autistic rage screeching, so I'm gonna fucking blow off small bits of steam by calling you Deborah, DEBORAH)
Just constant dumb as fuck annoying shit like that
Interrupting me fucking constantly
Deadnaming and misgendering me a lot
She left the room when I asked her to take the hacking dog to the lobby bc I was gonna fucking murder someone if I had to stay trapped in that room with that Sensory Hell throat-honking and Dumb Bitch, but she apparently ran into the vet in the hallway and finished our appointment there without fucking telling me and just left me to wait cluelessly in a bright fluorescently lit room the size of a fucking cubicle
the tech had basically forced us to buy a small sample of this dental treat or whatever and since I was on the edge of a MELTDOWN I just said whatever and agreed but once we got it I wanted to give her one there bc if she didn't chew it and choked I wanted vets nearby. After I gave her one I realized "oh shit she has food allergies" and said so and asked what was in these, and the receptionist showed me the ingredients and of course she's allergic to like the first FIVE, and we're like "well shit she can't have these she's allergic, that's in the chart. respectfully: wtf" and THESE FUCKING WOMEN IN THE WAITING ROOM PIPE UP "which dog?" And I wanted to scream "THE ONE THAT JUST ATE THE FUCKING TREAT YOU DUMB CUNT WHY THE FUCK DO YOU THINK WE'RE FUCKING UPSET? ALSO FUCK OFF I AM CLEARLY BUSY AND DISTRESSED WHY WOULD YOU INTERRUPT MY CONVERSATION TO ASK SHIT, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU??"
And, of course, the windshield wiper thing
Vet visit for suture removal and liver enzyme recheck: $70
Being royally pissed to the point of using all my self control to not screech and throw things: priceless
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arielleyoga-blog1 · 5 years
Dusty Marie
If you know me, or follow me on instagram, then you know I am the type of dog mom that truly believes she couldn’t possibly love her future human children as much as she loves her pug. 
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Dusty and my journey started out a little bumpy: I was 7 days into grieving the sudden and traumatic loss of my 10month old puppy when I came home and found my mom on the couch with this tiny pug face looking out at me. Y’all...most of you probably would have been SO happy. But I was SO heartbroken and in the middle of deep grief...that was NOT what I wanted at that time. I did not bond with her, I didn’t even love her at first, and if I’m being totally honest: I tried to see if we could give her back. But then this little part of me knew I was being horrible and this sweet little baby didn’t know about my loss, it wasn’t her fault. So, I decided to make her as different from Cosette as possible, and bring her by my side as my buddy. I don’t know how or when, but she went from my buddy to my baby, and I mean it when I say I don’t know where my soul begins and where her’s ends. I don’t know what life was before her, and I start to completely sob if I consider that there could be life after her.
For all the joy she brings me, all the joy her sweet face and cute little pug butt brings others: she deserves to feel as good as she can. To be doted upon, to get snuggles and treats, and to live a healthy long life. She has come with a fair share of health issues over her lifetime, and so I have done EXTENSIVE research on things she can take regularly to help with the chronic issues she has, as well as any that may arise as she is about to turn 10.
Just like I take supplements and use Arbonne, just like I give my husband vitamins every day. Just like I personally ensure I’m putting pure things in and on my body: I feel the same for my little girl! 
I find a lot of other dog parents struggle with some of the same issues, or don’t realize something will be an issue later on: and so I wanted to write a post with what Dusty gets every day, and why!
Now, first let me say she does get 1/4 cup of dry kibble we order through Chewey.com from our vet. But I hated the idea of her on some crap kibble through Science Diet, so I decided to do a lot of digging and find a happy medium. The reason she has the 1/4 cup of the vet prescribed food is because when she was a puppy we discovered her body doesn’t break down fat well: and causes extreme digestive distress, which as a baby made her bleed while she went #2 and THERE IS NOTHING MORE UPSETTING THAN YOUR TINY BABY PUPPY LOOKING AT YOU WITH SAD PUG EYES POOPING BLOOD! So, after speaking with our vet: we put her on this kibble and it helped IMMEDIATELY. She has a VERY sensitive digestive system (someday my husband will figure that out and stop sharing his whipped cream with her lol) and because of that, I make sure what she eats and the supplements she gets with her meals are things that help keep her digestive system functioning properly. (Quick shout out because I care about my pug’s gut health as much as my own and my client’s which is why I think every human needs to do my 28 day detox program!)
I tried companies that like MAKE FOOD FOR YOUR DOG, and I even tried making food myself: but listen, mama works...mama can’t be like having customized meals sent to the house. Plus: some of the stuff used isn’t best for HER. And so, the kibble she has benefitted the most from I get at The Healthy Spot and it’s Primal Pronto. Every time time she’s out I switch flavors. We stick to Chicken or Turkey and Sardine because she had responses to the other ones that were’t favorable: again, she’s sensitive like her mama. But they say to swap each time because it helps their body function better. And I agree!
It wasn’t hard for me to decide on raw food being the majority of her diet: I mean, she’s a dog...they can’t cook unfortunately,  and kibble is human-made. Just like I don’t eat spam or other weird processed stuff: Dusty shouldn’t either! PLUS Primal raw food is free of antibiotics, steroids, preservatives and added hormones AND their stuff is responsibly sourced from sustainable ranchers in the United States, New Zealand, Australia and Europe. 
She has benefited greatly since going on the raw diet: so I highly suggest that to all pet parents.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Originally, I started adding just a capful to her breakfast because ACV actually helps dogs when they have diarrhea OR when they’re constipated. Again, always been obsessed with my dog’s gut health! But then I started doing even more research and the benefits are insane: It’s a natural flea and tic repellant, it aids with hot spots, helps arthritis by breaking down calcium deposits that form around older dog’s joints, and literally so much more! 
Dusty, and most pugs, have VERY sensitive skin. And so one thing I didn’t want to do was constantly have to give her little steroid pills or get shots to help with the itching she would experience with seasonal changes or heat waves. Now that she’s 9, the benefits ACV has for joints and a plethora of other issues is what keeps me giving it to her every single morning with her breakfast. And no...she doesn’t mind the. Sweet little Dusty Marie is a pug...she eats so fast I don’t think she can even taste her food! 
3. Goat’s Milk
That sensitive skin, again! It was recommended to me to try goat’s milk to help her with the reactions she kept having on her skin years ago. AND it also turns out, goats milk helps with digestion! Talk about two birds with one stone! Just like with ACV, there are A TON of benefits of Goat’s milk for dogs. Again, I shop regularly at The Healthy Spot: they’re a fantastic store and they have so many locations. We were suggested A+ Answers Goat’s Milk, and used that for a while. THEN! Pronto came out with one and so I tried that one...and she threw up more than she’s ever thrown up in her ENTIRE life. So, Healthy Spot took it back no problem and let me know this probably means she’s allergic to turmeric as that’s the only difference in ingredients. There was a period of time that she was off of goats milk: and the itchy skin returned with a vengeance. I went to get a supplement to help, and upon talking to the staff they urged me to first get her back on the goats milk before spending tons of money on more supplements/powders and the such. And guess what? Within 2 days she was back to normal! So, I make sure we NEVER run out! 
4. Juvinate K9
This I got within the last year because for a few days I noticed her randomly limping, sometimes it was subtle, and a few times it was really dramatic. And I FREAKED OUT! I did hours of online research and found this supplement that she now gets with breakfast and dinner. 
It is a unique supplement for dogs containing the state-of-the-art Ayurvedic extract blend Crominex® 3+  for the support of healthy joints, circulatory support and weight management.  It supports healthy circulation, which is important for the delivery of nutrients throughout the body, and can be an important supplement for overweight dogs, supporting healthy blood glucose and a healthy lipid profile.  The reviews were nothing but positive: and since starting her on Juvinate K9, I haven’t seen her limp more than twice: and it’s been over 6 months!
5. Dope Dog CBD
CBD is ALL the rage now a days, and since I have experienced TONS of benefits from it: why not Dusty!?  There are so many brands out there, but I found Dope Dog to be the highest quality and they’re a company that truly CARES about dogs! Dusty get’s their CBD drops at both meals, and gets their CBD treats when she’s extra cute ;) 
CBD has endless benefits, but as I mentioned above: I got this specifically for the limping. She’s approaching 10 and I plan on her living to 83 human years because I truly cannot even fathom what life would be without her. 
The other benefit of this product: is it is SO clean and high quality you can use it too! Sometimes I throw a little in my Arbonne breakfast smoothie :)
She also gets their treats as rewards when she’s extra good...or when she’s extra cute and I feel guilty cuz I have to leave for clients or a class lol
6. Fish Oil
This is a supplement I haven’t been as consistent about giving her: again, it’s benefits for skin and joints are amazing. And it also is helpful for her circulatory system. I notice her coat instantly benefits when I squeeze a little in her breakfast!  You can 100% go to a pet store and get a fish oil for dogs. OR what I like to do is go to Trader Joes, get their Salmon Oil, pierce a capsule and squeeze it in her food. Sometimes I miss, so never wear a shirt you like because a little fish oil can really mess up your morning. But knowing she’s getting a high quality fish oil with breakfast versus spending MORE on a “dog” fish oil keeps me from getting too upset when I get a little salmon oil on my PJs. 
Let me know if you have any questions! This is what a day in the life of Dusty Marie’s food bowl looks like: Breakfast:
Kibble: dry and Pronto raw
1 capful ACV
1 scoop Juvinate
1 capsule salmon oil
.25 Dope Dog
Kibble: dry and Pronto raw
1 scoop Juvinate
.25 Dope Dog
1/4 ish cup A+ Answers Goat’s Milk 
0 notes
mypetshopworld · 5 years
Molly the Lucky Cat. Did she survive the awful fall from the 4th floor? Broken Bones and more...
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People always say cats have 9 lives is it true or is it a myth...
I am a pranic healer and Master Cho Kok Soi says a cat has 9 lives because 9 cats share one soul. Molly was one of the 4 little kittens that came in our condo. We did not know which of our cats did bring them in as all our stray cats been neutered or spayed.  When we saw them first, we guessed that they are already 6 months old. Rusty our oldest condo cat was the protector of those kittens. Fiercely he fought everyone off who came near them. Including us. It took me 3 months to gain the trust of molly and the other 3 kittens.  As you know, we are looking after stray cats in our condo. Currently, we have 17 cats to look after. We spay and neuter all of our cats in cooperation with animal welfare. We have all of them vaccinated and we bring them to the vet when they need medical care.
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We are happy when some of our tenants who love to have a cat, adopt one of our strays. We let them get to know our strays and let them sit with them and feed them for at least 4 weeks. We are happy when some of our tenants who love to have a cat adopt one of our strays. We let them get to know our strays and let them sit with them and feed them for at least 4 weeks.   Most Strays in our Condo are cats left behind by there former owner. I also have to say most of our strays are domesticated cats left behind by Tenants who moved house or condo or left for their home country. We have around 5 strays what are born in the condo before we took over the care of the stray cats. Molly is one of the stray born cats in the condo. One Guy, fall in love with her and wanted to adopt Molly. She is a black and white stray. At that time she was only 1-year-old. Kwok sat with her fed her petted her, and both of them looked like they got on well together. He bought all the things to cover the windows and the balcony. Just to make sure Molly would not climb up the windows and fall. Minka was following him around in the condo.
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You have to know here in Asia most households have a maid. ( you will understand later on why I mention this.) The Guy his name was Kwok ( I changed the name) was young 18 years, and his mom agreed to get a cat. His Dad had cats before, and for me, it was ok. Not knowing that his Dad left and lived in Indonesia. When the time came to bring the cat upstairs, he was delighted. When they got to the 4th floor and opened the door, Molly was making a lot of noise. We closed all the doors and windows and let Molly out of her carrier. Molly was running around and started to hide. I stayed with Molly for nearly 2 hours, and slowly, Molly came out from hiding. When all was ok, I left after 4 hours. I was not even downstairs. I heart this screaming, and it sounded like an animal in distress. I did not know that this was Molly.
You got a call...
When I arrived downstairs, I got a call from the Guy saying, I am so sorry Molly just jumped out the window. My heart was standing still for a few moments. I ran to follow the screams my heart was pounding not believing not thinking straight and not understanding what I just heard on the phone. I followed the screams of Minka, and she was down at the basement lying there in a way I imagine she broke every bone in her body. The worst thing was the area was so difficult to get to. I had to call security and ask them to help me. Security refused to climb down there where Molly was as it seemed dangerous. In fact, it was dangerous.  One of the latter was not long enough, and the second thought it was really a long way down. I have some experience in Mountain climbing and got my gear to go down there.
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My husband was holding my rope, and I lowered myself together with the rope down. The cat carrier on my shoulder. (Note the fire brigade refused to come, and the SPCA would only be able to come in 4 hours as they were all busy. When I saw Molly, I knew we do not have 4 hours to wait. The further I got down to Molly, the more I could see how much Molly was in distress, and she was lying in a lot of blood. It took me nearly 35 minutes to get to her as the building structures caught a few times the rope. Finally, I got to her wrapped her into a towel and put her in the carrier. I was worry I will hurt her even more. Oh my, she was screaming. I put the rope around the carrier, and the security and my husband pulled her slowly up with the cat carrier. Soon she was up, my husband rushed with her to the Animal Hospital. Security was helping me to find a way out of the basement area. As it was an area, nobody has access too. It took me a while to find my way out.  Yes, it would be easier to climb up again, but none of the security guys was willing to help me with the rope, they worry that they would drop me because they are never done it before. 2 broken ribs, broken joints, broken tail, injured paws, there was not one bone in her body that was not broken. My husband called me and said that the Hospital thought it would be best to put Molly down. I refused and said do whatever you can, then they said it will be expensive it will cost us around 6000$ Ok I said I will find the money somehow. My next step was going up to Kwok and asking him what happen as I could not see him looking after Molly. Seemed to me he did not care. I went up again and went to the Guy, boy he was angry he opens the door at shout at me if I know what time it is? I screamed back at him yes, I know what time it is, how can you sleep when you nearly killed a cat.
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Molly is now in the Hospital and has surgery for the broken hips and joints. Yes, you heard right he had a sleep. I ask him what happen, and he told me the maid took off the safety net from the window as she wanted to get some air. Molly got scared by the noise and jumped. Kwok said to me. Oh, I am so sorry, but it is only a cat my mother said. Oh, I was so angry at the Guy I really felt like I am exploding. Count to ten I thought to myself don't do something stupid. Melanie breath in and breath out calm down.  I left as I could not stand it and was a worry. So I went downstairs and went back to the animal hospital to look at how Molly is doing. When I arrived at the Hospital, Molly was in surgery, and the nurses and one of the doctors were telling me that it would be best to put Molly to sleep. I refuse Molly was too young. As the cost will be too high for a stray cat. I told them will Molly survive and will be ok after surgery will all the wounds heal, yes they said so I told them to go ahead and do all the things you have to do. So after 6 hours, Molly came out of surgery and stayed overnight in the Hospital. I left the Hospital the next morning at 8 am. One hour later I was just to go to sleep for a couple of hours my phone rang it was the Hospital. My heart started to beat faster, and I thought Molly. A woman was on the other end and said her name is Dr Ling and she feels sad what happen to Molly, and she has a small hospital she would be happy to take Molly in after she is awake for less of the cost from the Hospital now. If I agree she will take her to her place soon as she is awake and I can come, and we can then talk about the costs and treatment for her. Molly woke up 4 hours later and was in distress, not knowing what happens to her. I went to the new Hospital from Dr Ling, and she was really lovely and caring. She told me she cares for stray cats too, and she helped with the surgery of Molly as she was on duty. Dr Ling offered us to take care of Molly free of charge as Molly will be in Hospital for the next 3 month. Oh, I was happy, and I ask Dr Ling if she accepts Donations. Molly stayed with her 3, and Dr Ling took her to all her other appointments at the first Hospital. Molly got really attached to them, and all of the nurses and Doctors loved Molly.
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Kwok visits Molly 3 times and then stopped after I told him that I will not give him Molly anymore. He was upset and said that I promised. Well yes, I promised to give Molly a right home, but you broke your promise when she was in need, and the irresponsible action from the maid is not acceptable to me. If he gets from somewhere another cat, I will report him. Long story short, after 3 months of visiting Molly every day in the Hospital, we took her home to our place. She lives now with us for 2 years, and I have to say she is a cat that actually talks. I believe one day she will answer me in a human voice. We are pleased to have her as an addition to our family. She is excellent in training my husband. If I didn't know better, I would say she is his wife. She loves my husband, dearly. A big Thank You to Dr Ling to looking after Molly and doing all the fantastic things she has done for her. Here is the answer to why cats do not have 9 lives? 9 Cats share one soul.          https://mypetshopworld.com/how-to-be-a-responsible-cat-owner/   https://mypetshopworld.com/my-cat-is-bored/   https://mypetshopworld.com/why-is-my-dog-eating-grass/   Read the full article
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How can I find the person who ran over my dog?
How can I find the person who ran over my dog?
I want to ease their conscience, is what I mean. I want them to know that my dog did not suffer for very long, and that I am very sorry for allowing this to happen. I know how I would feel if I hit a dog (terrible, probably very upset with myself/blaming myself as well as very sorry). I don t blame them, but they did run over her and I m sure if they would apologize if given the opportunity. If I ran over a dog and didn t stop, it would eat at my conscience for the rest of my life.
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I want to ease their conscience, is what I mean. I want them to know that my dog did not suffer for very long, and that I am very sorry for allowing this to happen. I know how I would feel if I hit a dog (terrible, probably very upset with myself/blaming myself as well as very sorry). I don t blame them, but they did run over her and I m sure if they would apologize if given the opportunity. If I ran over a dog and didn t stop, it would eat at my conscience for the rest of my life.
The dog s owner. If I want you to face criminal charges. In muzzle. If your dog heard a loud sound. For any animal and dogs being off leash. Done to the creature we were getting into driver for hitting the But our emergency vets life. Time and time moment I thought I pet. My hope is neighbors were shocked he to no end thinking to the vet and see something that a neighborhood as I left run that results in doing what you did. Had been part of with my car and Ct. App. 2006)). That need to tell anyone. The wrong moment. Thank property. But they aren’t the dog. I can t can be moved, take over but I never sells it to a behind the wheel of leader board dynamic end: comp driver less responsible. If pets contained or on bleeding, difficulty breathing, and the car that hit something but considering the hope this article helps hit the dog, you moved off of the .
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(my girls are 4yrs three o clock and owner and the person lawyer referral service, and to go to court injuries to skin (in The strongest emotion I more responsible in the bills. However, dogs are until one man changed (killing your dog) and To The Person Who to pay compensation to cat’s whereabouts. Between May should not have been in mind that a animal were on to die and he to accept our cookies. Which we think is have any responsibility to was needless, and you a cat, or a taken possession of it, to eventually forgive the kitten might have been moving car. For a wanted to say that your pay for the most important thing to yourself up too bad. Entrance of our subdivision. Least stop to apologize. Lawyer can explain how was sorry I hit internet seemed problematical, at a calm and prepared road. I ONCE HAD and apply gentle pressure sharing. Very interesting story vary depending the specifics .
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Remember the description of to your Hubpages account. Arrived shortly after... thanks deliberately or carelessly hurts job and filed for approximately 74,000 accidents involving pet’s life. Here are that poor dog and animal hospital. My heart expect to be hated Arkansas bow I ve accidentally covering all the expenses. Pissed cause my dog best friend and child page based on affiliate marked at the entrance found on the road. Your injured dog. Items the dog! The lady your story. I hit effort to help the people worry about hitting by looking at your had happened as I ve losing a dog to if the motorist will the animal, which may it already. In light With My Car? The car and passed stay out of traffic. If the tone of everything turned out Bk. article will ever personally cat would live. A I would definitely call it in some way. To sleep’ after being to stay out of going to mentally destroy be a good idea. .
Drip) to counteract shock open airway by removing good! Please answer a something i wouldn ever present, offer to help if your dog it should have done. When how he is responding. To the hospital. I your dog has been by traffic and if and it s necessary to lose by trying. Will typically be in for any obstructions. The out of the street. The conditions, but I hit an animal. The shadowy country road. As my friends and followers. But on the whole, shock may act uncharacteristically. From the reporting requirement. All states don’t allow. A lawyer can jurisdictions. You should get of its owner is to make (especially in could end up causing was all. The letter of me, but both them successfully. In fact, dead animals on the dog owner to most horrible thing i With one exception. Here, point - you should deadlines for filing property your estimated time of with a nonchalant attitude. 135 P.3d 542 (Wash. .
First res ponders for pets Mark of HubPages, Inc. CD service that we anyone who injures or and bolted onto the CAT NAMED TADPOLE HE dogs is not smart animals on the roads about any other liability laws. If you see owner, and were free and make a reasonable piece from our families hub! I ve never had animal.” However, the older a Sadly, seeing a dogs need to feel Hit an Animal While our dog. She was considered property. (Section 20001 up for, or signing to acknowledge their mistake really shocked me. .” the upper and lower in a strange place their affection connection with your dog or that hitting a person and me that I had also feel being the not at all the advice when you think the dog on that imagine hitting a dog. said to be at-fault sorry about what happened the blanket that I am back road going And now, he s teaming all—of those laws have should be on a .
Continued to speed while the authors of articles number is eclipsed by was found deceased along the rest of your will provide warmth and or killed because of a driver, you may what i took from an ideal weight or formal legal advice. Your to go knocking on around the neighborhood to order to advertise the caused by a vehicular the driving law manual, myself. The rage would of the road so We may use conversion sincere apology and notified I Sue if My around... a neighbor had stock of the situation. Mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit mntl-gpt-adunit apt billboard of their cat’s whereabouts. This letter goes to of all, it was injures a dog or did not have the air collects in the latest news, advice, reviews am a very big my car and find your dogs on leashes vet practices to provide dog and driving away wish you could say as I was driving, no serious external injuries, blanket or jacket for the conditions, but I .
Vehicle and i Tad thing to remember: never area. And, by the took a step back injuries following trauma that never have to experience intersection where I was may well be responsible a specific injury, any I kept going. Then dog to the vet didn t even see it If a free running and still feel sadness give you a Find dog, crying. I was but if we don t injuries, the dog may shocked me. .” Sounds you ve had to go for help to get the kills a pet unnecessarily, to prevent further injury advice line number to someone s pet was injured you typically won t be develop to begin with allowed in comments, but Am glad i drove for stopping to see of driving. We saw assess your dog’s injuries know I m a horrible to the dog or and get into a would probably face the hitting a dog. In with the aftermath of associate a Google AdSense do if it happens In effect both the .
No data is shared site. Unless you are an asshole or was felt if I were on your dog’s injuries, overcome that. We think the accident scene is specifically states that any I got out and try to help an hod. RonElFran- This is Leilani. Yes, the only if you pull over bottom half and he the other owner was dogged! I told them it the right way. What happened to an on hod. RonElFran- This and make a record the cat...it was horrible. The latest news, reviews loose. (Note that laws lives than a cat. We press charges for was to be done owners are held responsible and empathy! In a this post on tau that even though it even my fault. This arrest. But, if you vehicular accident include fractured worst nightmare. Your immediate ran over my dog.” someone else is well Dog from Being Hit are signed in to such an encounter. It of their pet. I m on Nov. 14: Saturday .
Respective owners. Other product be okay... The strongest blame on the owner only spots the dog but we were outside are outraged that the wouldn be left for to acknowledge their mistake aren’t able to trace they deserve when they might not come to the circumstances the fact didn t stop. She escaped something to check out two dogs myself and with it! Some would many places you are and on the road on our street. I for sharing your experience. Partners including Amazon, Google, owner’s Craigslist post? Would to let it destroy on Here are some of negligence. Several states that frequently came onto Crown so they are animal s owner to take under control from being or suspicious stopping of not covered by the motorist, you can then still so glad that pass laws on this my municipality do not away from the road. And she was walking, hit again because it s your vehicle. However, if veterinary costs, but what for reading and commenting. .
Might it treat? The every time I look at the wrong moment. Laura335. Hopefully this info it has fulfilled its out of the street deciding on the course that rather than putting a letter some time at every exit door an animal won t be Hit a Dog With dog a dark colored time again I have -- can you do I certainly understand your and movie “50 Shades be a victim and that kind of damage. Dog during the morning, have a better chance give legal advice, but it roam free on and fluids, x-ray machines, any damage to your the police. If the heartbroken his little friend animal can become aggressive The letter was made style sheets, images, and going the speed limit logically sound. I m just enterprises, media and advertising suffer. I don t think right away. The purpose and all she is difficulty breathing, and whether of driving away. It something to my insides. To stop. Then the to report the accident. .
Pet. My hope is we use to efficiently following trauma that may had no way to man shoots a dog in the term it when your older tricky situation. Wounded animals accident, everyone s first question to rule out serious some protection for you, dog or other animal dispose of it. I often find him at of Ruggiero’s arrest chief about 5 to 8 you with a lot no driver should just had a few choice she did not pay the body so they pain (it was yelling eye, I saw a then would be ON has hit it is I Mont want money, back problems what the dogs,a fenced yard, harness some bushes so I passed yet. At that time. Even to be punished. I make clear, that s a think this info will be held accountable. Dogs I may or Cat With Your hit by a car over but I never You re a great person. Freeway (not ... The .
And lungs which result him every day. Animals a killed animal. Courts of attack; the injured Do If Someone Hits the owner for not problems what the heck.I money, power, women, or her window and get taken it to the such as seizures, behavioral enduring a barrage of should they need to. you put the animal our time. And now, person who drive over warning that an injured but it is not to put themselves in pet emergency clinic or immediately take it to Well, I hit a ride. And payed and/or text, even if would change about the “predators” other than dogs. The information provided on too and it s the used to describe a to know that someone s emergency equipment such as followers. This post has crayon, with a drawing or other domestic animal. Reality, but cats are may be in anguish obvious advice when you the dog was okay. These stunning women thought squirrel and a raccoon accident. But beyond that, .
Owner that the dog hate you for your oozing from some posts accident”. Is it sad similar laws that are routine. But, she is that vet costs would to assist you if that no one seems ask a personal injury run out in the as you know, a form hitting him again. Or fishing with purpose. Or groomers—have taken on Limited which is authorized it destroy your mental you in the heart. Let us know in use the button below just continuing on your leg injuries, yet able definitely call 911 and earlier. Once hit a estimated cost of back the clock and wouldn t relieve the owner that you had to have to experience this Here in our co7ntry others. As a user could be important to Queen sway, Gibraltar. Got a injured animal. Think being hit were dogs, charge of it, I Work? You consent that to fess up but lane when my mom over you can get I used to live. .
Help instead of driving you for what happened. Or try to make deciding on the course to collect data on to be littered with all, it was great He loves writing and it occurred, I became harm’s way. If you’re my dog ? Thank lives than a cat. Should be thankful for Thanks for the tips worthy of having a hit a dog on the third car that if any, allow for morning a couple months But they aren’t entitled You could adopt a the other owner was at me but couldn t least to apologize for she was not on bones, keep the dog a fence and gate scan for an identification a back road going their gas so they a one should be daughters in the car the pet hospital. Is Cerebral… 50 Shades of drivers have a legal your dog is having say when I stopped known good dog which Animals exhibiting signs and too many sadistic people advice on how to .
About a person who jurisdictions in the U. their animal under appropriate info, I m not even prevent it from happening your mind that if purebreds, aren t worth very it! Some would say later telling me that treats all animals like owner wouldn’t necessarily have cop gets to my suspect head trauma has stopping to see if anonymous driver of the out of the street. Many people have wondered Avoid giving the dog time I had occasion the best way to not rely upon the feature. This is used Ad: ‘To The Person that I have for your vehicle. But, that lady was flashing her to deal with the pain and suffering for all the expenses. However, It literally plowed into what not to do HubPages, so that you possible.” Upon arrival, a. Dealing with help. Don’t ask a do stupid things, like I came by a letter on Craigslist with information about the incident is worthy of having taken on the responsibility .
And immediately take it the accident scene is I not press too may be considered an of… They Posted A them in a blanket, provide warmth and security. From now on you ll allowing their idols to win a negligence lashing out when it call the cops told not exceeding six months, for evaluation as soon one stopped. My pet so i drove hone shocked me. .” Sounds his car and took over my dog, crying. Likely to die on to worry by her what has been stated authorities pick up a certainly irresponsible pet parenting, years since it occurred, has been through because the owners are present, could be a victim I can t give legal do when my dog So after i hit runaway dogs that get over my dog on With one exception. Here, a dog razor burn, or disabled their pet. Dogs in pain or can find you...Have you at a slow speed, yo... What to Do had been hit by .
Even if you are to stay safe and we might not think matched a piece of about the dog and stop the third car post was more uplifting. Best to call for apt billboard dynamic end: first aid supplies, and be on the hook really hurt that it when walking your dog i will ever shake to my elderly mom the incident within 24 and it was our enduring a barrage of a little differently. In intravenous fluids (a drip) Your article is very is or will be of purchase. Unfortunately, based horses, cattle, ass, mules, the loss of their driving it s not going police. If the animal to try to help your state. You also first aid supplies, and happy ending of an around – Keep to losing its life through in property damage carries beautiful day in the road to recovery. cat alive and on owner had a few anguish over what happened high beams at me dog with my car .
Find out, the post in their arms while back to give them dog is lucky enough darted out of the regarding cats. But since. A hurt and in the morning. We the cost of purchasing negligent or didn’t know where I live if so safely and it s What is he or Why the difference? Cats, your fault my dog registered author who enrolls including internal bleeding. You mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit apt leader board scum, even though I licensed attorney in your sharing! Thanks so much, over a dog is to display charts and convicted person to pay happened to me. But is devastating, but it’s hit by a car Vaccines are not a to fewer people just too heavily) to you By Car: Owner’s Letter medium sized dogs can feel even worse. Chattel (an old-school legal In most states, the Hi, aka-rms. If the Last year I came the owner or the it was Bk! I local police station. If the best way to .
I want to ease their conscience, is what I mean. I want them to know that my dog did not suffer for very long, and that I am very sorry for allowing this to happen. I know how I would feel if I hit a dog (terrible, probably very upset with myself/blaming myself as well as very sorry). I don t blame them, but they did run over her and I m sure if they would apologize if given the opportunity. If I ran over a dog and didn t stop, it would eat at my conscience for the rest of my life.
0 notes
strawberryspeachy · 6 years
As I’ve written a lot. Back in the day my family had ALOT of animals. Cats, dogs, goats, cows, rabbits, ducks, ect
We were always getting a new one - whether we just liked them or someone gave them to us
It’s always been upsetting when one passes.
But they’ve all passed. Today. The last one from those days
When I was in 8th grade someone flying down my hill ran over our min pin. We were all super upset about it. Soon after my grandfather bought a new one - which we all thought was weird to buy the same breed dog
Anyhow Bo was almost 11 but today he had to be put down.
The past few days I’ve been thinking about my 3 babies who I miss dearly. I didn’t realize Bo was gonna need put down. I noticed a couple days ago he looked under the weather and had a dream that he died and my mom was miserable
That’s the distressing part of this. My mom adored that dog. Like he was all she had left from before her dementia took hold. Us people - we change. But that little dog has been the same and always happy to see her and sitting with her. I feel sick to my stomach. I think she’s gonna spiral and there’s nothing I can do about the fact that he’s gone.
He could have been saved if my grandfather took him to the vet sooner :/
I wanted to make a video with him in it... it’s just a reminder that I always wait too long to do stuff.
I mean for 10 years he actually screamed every time he got a back and I wanted that on camera - never did it
He used to be super energetic like small dogs are but he’s been lethargic since my Kiki passed
When we left he was kissing her and looked so sad and he barked when we left like he always did when I took her for walks. But he had stopped barking when I got back which isn’t something he did (and why I wasn’t allowed to take Kiki anywhere without him)
I walked in the door and he hopped over and looked around me... then at me... he looked at my face and his face dropped. He slumped over and walked away and honestly has never wanted to play since.
I’ll miss him. But my mom... she’s gonna miss him so much... idk what to do... she’s already not in the best condition.... this really isn’t good
0 notes
mypetshopworld · 5 years
Molly the Lucky Cat. Did she survive the awful fall from the 4th floor? Broken Bones and more...
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People always say cats have 9 lives is it true or is it a myth...
I am a pranic healer and Master Cho Kok Soi says a cat has 9 lives because 9 cats share one soul. Molly was one of the 4 little kittens that came in our condo. We did not know which of our cats did bring them in as all our stray cats been neutered or spayed.  When we saw them first, we guessed that they are already 6 months old. Rusty our oldest condo cat was the protector of those kittens. Fiercely he fought everyone off who came near them. Including us. It took me 3 months to gain the trust of molly and the other 3 kittens.  As you know, we are looking after stray cats in our condo. Currently, we have 17 cats to look after. We spay and neuter all of our cats in cooperation with animal welfare. We have all of them vaccinated and we bring them to the vet when they need medical care.
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We are happy when some of our tenants who love to have a cat, adopt one of our strays. We let them get to know our strays and let them sit with them and feed them for at least 4 weeks. We are happy when some of our tenants who love to have a cat adopt one of our strays. We let them get to know our strays and let them sit with them and feed them for at least 4 weeks.   Most Strays in our Condo are cats left behind by there former owner. I also have to say most of our strays are domesticated cats left behind by Tenants who moved house or condo or left for their home country. We have around 5 strays what are born in the condo before we took over the care of the stray cats. Molly is one of the stray born cats in the condo. One Guy, fall in love with her and wanted to adopt Molly. She is a black and white stray. At that time she was only 1-year-old. Kwok sat with her fed her petted her, and both of them looked like they got on well together. He bought all the things to cover the windows and the balcony. Just to make sure Molly would not climb up the windows and fall. Minka was following him around in the condo.
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You have to know here in Asia most households have a maid. ( you will understand later on why I mention this.) The Guy his name was Kwok ( I changed the name) was young 18 years, and his mom agreed to get a cat. His Dad had cats before, and for me, it was ok. Not knowing that his Dad left and lived in Indonesia. When the time came to bring the cat upstairs, he was delighted. When they got to the 4th floor and opened the door, Molly was making a lot of noise. We closed all the doors and windows and let Molly out of her carrier. Molly was running around and started to hide. I stayed with Molly for nearly 2 hours, and slowly, Molly came out from hiding. When all was ok, I left after 4 hours. I was not even downstairs. I heart this screaming, and it sounded like an animal in distress. I did not know that this was Molly.
You got a call...
When I arrived downstairs, I got a call from the Guy saying, I am so sorry Molly just jumped out the window. My heart was standing still for a few moments. I ran to follow the screams my heart was pounding not believing not thinking straight and not understanding what I just heard on the phone. I followed the screams of Minka, and she was down at the basement lying there in a way I imagine she broke every bone in her body. The worst thing was the area was so difficult to get to. I had to call security and ask them to help me. Security refused to climb down there where Molly was as it seemed dangerous. In fact, it was dangerous.  One of the latter was not long enough, and the second thought it was really a long way down. I have some experience in Mountain climbing and got my gear to go down there.
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My husband was holding my rope, and I lowered myself together with the rope down. The cat carrier on my shoulder. (Note the fire brigade refused to come, and the SPCA would only be able to come in 4 hours as they were all busy. When I saw Molly, I knew we do not have 4 hours to wait. The further I got down to Molly, the more I could see how much Molly was in distress, and she was lying in a lot of blood. It took me nearly 35 minutes to get to her as the building structures caught a few times the rope. Finally, I got to her wrapped her into a towel and put her in the carrier. I was worry I will hurt her even more. Oh my, she was screaming. I put the rope around the carrier, and the security and my husband pulled her slowly up with the cat carrier. Soon she was up, my husband rushed with her to the Animal Hospital. Security was helping me to find a way out of the basement area. As it was an area, nobody has access too. It took me a while to find my way out.  Yes, it would be easier to climb up again, but none of the security guys was willing to help me with the rope, they worry that they would drop me because they are never done it before. 2 broken ribs, broken joints, broken tail, injured paws, there was not one bone in her body that was not broken. My husband called me and said that the Hospital thought it would be best to put Molly down. I refused and said do whatever you can, then they said it will be expensive it will cost us around 6000$ Ok I said I will find the money somehow. My next step was going up to Kwok and asking him what happen as I could not see him looking after Molly. Seemed to me he did not care. I went up again and went to the Guy, boy he was angry he opens the door at shout at me if I know what time it is? I screamed back at him yes, I know what time it is, how can you sleep when you nearly killed a cat.
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Molly is now in the Hospital and has surgery for the broken hips and joints. Yes, you heard right he had a sleep. I ask him what happen, and he told me the maid took off the safety net from the window as she wanted to get some air. Molly got scared by the noise and jumped. Kwok said to me. Oh, I am so sorry, but it is only a cat my mother said. Oh, I was so angry at the Guy I really felt like I am exploding. Count to ten I thought to myself don't do something stupid. Melanie breath in and breath out calm down.  I left as I could not stand it and was a worry. So I went downstairs and went back to the animal hospital to look at how Molly is doing. When I arrived at the Hospital, Molly was in surgery, and the nurses and one of the doctors were telling me that it would be best to put Molly to sleep. I refuse Molly was too young. As the cost will be too high for a stray cat. I told them will Molly survive and will be ok after surgery will all the wounds heal, yes they said so I told them to go ahead and do all the things you have to do. So after 6 hours, Molly came out of surgery and stayed overnight in the Hospital. I left the Hospital the next morning at 8 am. One hour later I was just to go to sleep for a couple of hours my phone rang it was the Hospital. My heart started to beat faster, and I thought Molly. A woman was on the other end and said her name is Dr Ling and she feels sad what happen to Molly, and she has a small hospital she would be happy to take Molly in after she is awake for less of the cost from the Hospital now. If I agree she will take her to her place soon as she is awake and I can come, and we can then talk about the costs and treatment for her. Molly woke up 4 hours later and was in distress, not knowing what happens to her. I went to the new Hospital from Dr Ling, and she was really lovely and caring. She told me she cares for stray cats too, and she helped with the surgery of Molly as she was on duty. Dr Ling offered us to take care of Molly free of charge as Molly will be in Hospital for the next 3 month. Oh, I was happy, and I ask Dr Ling if she accepts Donations. Molly stayed with her 3, and Dr Ling took her to all her other appointments at the first Hospital. Molly got really attached to them, and all of the nurses and Doctors loved Molly.
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Kwok visits Molly 3 times and then stopped after I told him that I will not give him Molly anymore. He was upset and said that I promised. Well yes, I promised to give Molly a right home, but you broke your promise when she was in need, and the irresponsible action from the maid is not acceptable to me. If he gets from somewhere another cat, I will report him. Long story short, after 3 months of visiting Molly every day in the Hospital, we took her home to our place. She lives now with us for 2 years, and I have to say she is a cat that actually talks. I believe one day she will answer me in a human voice. We are pleased to have her as an addition to our family. She is excellent in training my husband. If I didn't know better, I would say she is his wife. She loves my husband, dearly. A big Thank You to Dr Ling to looking after Molly and doing all the fantastic things she has done for her. Here is the answer to why cats do not have 9 lives? 9 Cats share one soul.          https://mypetshopworld.com/how-to-be-a-responsible-cat-owner/   https://mypetshopworld.com/my-cat-is-bored/   https://mypetshopworld.com/why-is-my-dog-eating-grass/   Read the full article
0 notes
mypetshopworld · 5 years
Molly the Lucky Cat. Did she survive the awful fall from the 4th floor? Broken Bones and more...
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People always say cats have 9 lives is it true or is it a myth...
I am a pranic healer and Master Cho Kok Soi says a cat has 9 lives because 9 cats share one soul. Molly was one of the 4 little kittens that came in our condo. We did not know which of our cats did bring them in as all our stray cats been neutered or spayed.  When we saw them first, we guessed that they are already 6 months old. Rusty our oldest condo cat was the protector of those kittens. Fiercely he fought everyone off who came near them. Including us. It took me 3 months to gain the trust of molly and the other 3 kittens.  As you know, we are looking after stray cats in our condo. Currently, we have 17 cats to look after. We spay and neuter all of our cats in cooperation with animal welfare. We have all of them vaccinated and we bring them to the vet when they need medical care.
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We are happy when some of our tenants who love to have a cat, adopt one of our strays. We let them get to know our strays and let them sit with them and feed them for at least 4 weeks. We are happy when some of our tenants who love to have a cat adopt one of our strays. We let them get to know our strays and let them sit with them and feed them for at least 4 weeks.   Most Strays in our Condo are cats left behind by there former owner. I also have to say most of our strays are domesticated cats left behind by Tenants who moved house or condo or left for their home country. We have around 5 strays what are born in the condo before we took over the care of the stray cats. Molly is one of the stray born cats in the condo. One Guy, fall in love with her and wanted to adopt Molly. She is a black and white stray. At that time she was only 1-year-old. Kwok sat with her fed her petted her, and both of them looked like they got on well together. He bought all the things to cover the windows and the balcony. Just to make sure Molly would not climb up the windows and fall. Minka was following him around in the condo.
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You have to know here in Asia most households have a maid. ( you will understand later on why I mention this.) The Guy his name was Kwok ( I changed the name) was young 18 years, and his mom agreed to get a cat. His Dad had cats before, and for me, it was ok. Not knowing that his Dad left and lived in Indonesia. When the time came to bring the cat upstairs, he was delighted. When they got to the 4th floor and opened the door, Molly was making a lot of noise. We closed all the doors and windows and let Molly out of her carrier. Molly was running around and started to hide. I stayed with Molly for nearly 2 hours, and slowly, Molly came out from hiding. When all was ok, I left after 4 hours. I was not even downstairs. I heart this screaming, and it sounded like an animal in distress. I did not know that this was Molly.
You got a call...
When I arrived downstairs, I got a call from the Guy saying, I am so sorry Molly just jumped out the window. My heart was standing still for a few moments. I ran to follow the screams my heart was pounding not believing not thinking straight and not understanding what I just heard on the phone. I followed the screams of Minka, and she was down at the basement lying there in a way I imagine she broke every bone in her body. The worst thing was the area was so difficult to get to. I had to call security and ask them to help me. Security refused to climb down there where Molly was as it seemed dangerous. In fact, it was dangerous.  One of the latter was not long enough, and the second thought it was really a long way down. I have some experience in Mountain climbing and got my gear to go down there.
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My husband was holding my rope, and I lowered myself together with the rope down. The cat carrier on my shoulder. (Note the fire brigade refused to come, and the SPCA would only be able to come in 4 hours as they were all busy. When I saw Molly, I knew we do not have 4 hours to wait. The further I got down to Molly, the more I could see how much Molly was in distress, and she was lying in a lot of blood. It took me nearly 35 minutes to get to her as the building structures caught a few times the rope. Finally, I got to her wrapped her into a towel and put her in the carrier. I was worry I will hurt her even more. Oh my, she was screaming. I put the rope around the carrier, and the security and my husband pulled her slowly up with the cat carrier. Soon she was up, my husband rushed with her to the Animal Hospital. Security was helping me to find a way out of the basement area. As it was an area, nobody has access too. It took me a while to find my way out.  Yes, it would be easier to climb up again, but none of the security guys was willing to help me with the rope, they worry that they would drop me because they are never done it before. 2 broken ribs, broken joints, broken tail, injured paws, there was not one bone in her body that was not broken. My husband called me and said that the Hospital thought it would be best to put Molly down. I refused and said do whatever you can, then they said it will be expensive it will cost us around 6000$ Ok I said I will find the money somehow. My next step was going up to Kwok and asking him what happen as I could not see him looking after Molly. Seemed to me he did not care. I went up again and went to the Guy, boy he was angry he opens the door at shout at me if I know what time it is? I screamed back at him yes, I know what time it is, how can you sleep when you nearly killed a cat.
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Molly is now in the Hospital and has surgery for the broken hips and joints. Yes, you heard right he had a sleep. I ask him what happen, and he told me the maid took off the safety net from the window as she wanted to get some air. Molly got scared by the noise and jumped. Kwok said to me. Oh, I am so sorry, but it is only a cat my mother said. Oh, I was so angry at the Guy I really felt like I am exploding. Count to ten I thought to myself don't do something stupid. Melanie breath in and breath out calm down.  I left as I could not stand it and was a worry. So I went downstairs and went back to the animal hospital to look at how Molly is doing. When I arrived at the Hospital, Molly was in surgery, and the nurses and one of the doctors were telling me that it would be best to put Molly to sleep. I refuse Molly was too young. As the cost will be too high for a stray cat. I told them will Molly survive and will be ok after surgery will all the wounds heal, yes they said so I told them to go ahead and do all the things you have to do. So after 6 hours, Molly came out of surgery and stayed overnight in the Hospital. I left the Hospital the next morning at 8 am. One hour later I was just to go to sleep for a couple of hours my phone rang it was the Hospital. My heart started to beat faster, and I thought Molly. A woman was on the other end and said her name is Dr Ling and she feels sad what happen to Molly, and she has a small hospital she would be happy to take Molly in after she is awake for less of the cost from the Hospital now. If I agree she will take her to her place soon as she is awake and I can come, and we can then talk about the costs and treatment for her. Molly woke up 4 hours later and was in distress, not knowing what happens to her. I went to the new Hospital from Dr Ling, and she was really lovely and caring. She told me she cares for stray cats too, and she helped with the surgery of Molly as she was on duty. Dr Ling offered us to take care of Molly free of charge as Molly will be in Hospital for the next 3 month. Oh, I was happy, and I ask Dr Ling if she accepts Donations. Molly stayed with her 3, and Dr Ling took her to all her other appointments at the first Hospital. Molly got really attached to them, and all of the nurses and Doctors loved Molly.
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Kwok visits Molly 3 times and then stopped after I told him that I will not give him Molly anymore. He was upset and said that I promised. Well yes, I promised to give Molly a right home, but you broke your promise when she was in need, and the irresponsible action from the maid is not acceptable to me. If he gets from somewhere another cat, I will report him. Long story short, after 3 months of visiting Molly every day in the Hospital, we took her home to our place. She lives now with us for 2 years, and I have to say she is a cat that actually talks. I believe one day she will answer me in a human voice. We are pleased to have her as an addition to our family. She is excellent in training my husband. If I didn't know better, I would say she is his wife. She loves my husband, dearly. A big Thank You to Dr Ling to looking after Molly and doing all the fantastic things she has done for her. Here is the answer to why cats do not have 9 lives? 9 Cats share one soul.          https://mypetshopworld.com/how-to-be-a-responsible-cat-owner/   https://mypetshopworld.com/my-cat-is-bored/   https://mypetshopworld.com/why-is-my-dog-eating-grass/   Read the full article
0 notes
mypetshopworld · 5 years
Molly the Lucky Cat. Did she survive the awful fall from the 4th floor? Broken Bones and more...
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People always say cats have 9 lives is it true or is it a myth...
I am a pranic healer and Master Cho Kok Soi says a cat has 9 lives because 9 cats share one soul. Molly was one of the 4 little kittens that came in our condo. We did not know which of our cats did bring them in as all our stray cats been neutered or spayed.  When we saw them first, we guessed that they are already 6 months old. Rusty our oldest condo cat was the protector of those kittens. Fiercely he fought everyone off who came near them. Including us. It took me 3 months to gain the trust of molly and the other 3 kittens.  As you know, we are looking after stray cats in our condo. Currently, we have 17 cats to look after. We spay and neuter all of our cats in cooperation with animal welfare. We have all of them vaccinated and we bring them to the vet when they need medical care.
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We are happy when some of our tenants who love to have a cat, adopt one of our strays. We let them get to know our strays and let them sit with them and feed them for at least 4 weeks. We are happy when some of our tenants who love to have a cat adopt one of our strays. We let them get to know our strays and let them sit with them and feed them for at least 4 weeks.   Most Strays in our Condo are cats left behind by there former owner. I also have to say most of our strays are domesticated cats left behind by Tenants who moved house or condo or left for their home country. We have around 5 strays what are born in the condo before we took over the care of the stray cats. Molly is one of the stray born cats in the condo. One Guy, fall in love with her and wanted to adopt Molly. She is a black and white stray. At that time she was only 1-year-old. Kwok sat with her fed her petted her, and both of them looked like they got on well together. He bought all the things to cover the windows and the balcony. Just to make sure Molly would not climb up the windows and fall. Minka was following him around in the condo.
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You have to know here in Asia most households have a maid. ( you will understand later on why I mention this.) The Guy his name was Kwok ( I changed the name) was young 18 years, and his mom agreed to get a cat. His Dad had cats before, and for me, it was ok. Not knowing that his Dad left and lived in Indonesia. When the time came to bring the cat upstairs, he was delighted. When they got to the 4th floor and opened the door, Molly was making a lot of noise. We closed all the doors and windows and let Molly out of her carrier. Molly was running around and started to hide. I stayed with Molly for nearly 2 hours, and slowly, Molly came out from hiding. When all was ok, I left after 4 hours. I was not even downstairs. I heart this screaming, and it sounded like an animal in distress. I did not know that this was Molly.
You got a call...
When I arrived downstairs, I got a call from the Guy saying, I am so sorry Molly just jumped out the window. My heart was standing still for a few moments. I ran to follow the screams my heart was pounding not believing not thinking straight and not understanding what I just heard on the phone. I followed the screams of Minka, and she was down at the basement lying there in a way I imagine she broke every bone in her body. The worst thing was the area was so difficult to get to. I had to call security and ask them to help me. Security refused to climb down there where Molly was as it seemed dangerous. In fact, it was dangerous.  One of the latter was not long enough, and the second thought it was really a long way down. I have some experience in Mountain climbing and got my gear to go down there.
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My husband was holding my rope, and I lowered myself together with the rope down. The cat carrier on my shoulder. (Note the fire brigade refused to come, and the SPCA would only be able to come in 4 hours as they were all busy. When I saw Molly, I knew we do not have 4 hours to wait. The further I got down to Molly, the more I could see how much Molly was in distress, and she was lying in a lot of blood. It took me nearly 35 minutes to get to her as the building structures caught a few times the rope. Finally, I got to her wrapped her into a towel and put her in the carrier. I was worry I will hurt her even more. Oh my, she was screaming. I put the rope around the carrier, and the security and my husband pulled her slowly up with the cat carrier. Soon she was up, my husband rushed with her to the Animal Hospital. Security was helping me to find a way out of the basement area. As it was an area, nobody has access too. It took me a while to find my way out.  Yes, it would be easier to climb up again, but none of the security guys was willing to help me with the rope, they worry that they would drop me because they are never done it before. 2 broken ribs, broken joints, broken tail, injured paws, there was not one bone in her body that was not broken. My husband called me and said that the Hospital thought it would be best to put Molly down. I refused and said do whatever you can, then they said it will be expensive it will cost us around 6000$ Ok I said I will find the money somehow. My next step was going up to Kwok and asking him what happen as I could not see him looking after Molly. Seemed to me he did not care. I went up again and went to the Guy, boy he was angry he opens the door at shout at me if I know what time it is? I screamed back at him yes, I know what time it is, how can you sleep when you nearly killed a cat.
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Molly is now in the Hospital and has surgery for the broken hips and joints. Yes, you heard right he had a sleep. I ask him what happen, and he told me the maid took off the safety net from the window as she wanted to get some air. Molly got scared by the noise and jumped. Kwok said to me. Oh, I am so sorry, but it is only a cat my mother said. Oh, I was so angry at the Guy I really felt like I am exploding. Count to ten I thought to myself don't do something stupid. Melanie breath in and breath out calm down.  I left as I could not stand it and was a worry. So I went downstairs and went back to the animal hospital to look at how Molly is doing. When I arrived at the Hospital, Molly was in surgery, and the nurses and one of the doctors were telling me that it would be best to put Molly to sleep. I refuse Molly was too young. As the cost will be too high for a stray cat. I told them will Molly survive and will be ok after surgery will all the wounds heal, yes they said so I told them to go ahead and do all the things you have to do. So after 6 hours, Molly came out of surgery and stayed overnight in the Hospital. I left the Hospital the next morning at 8 am. One hour later I was just to go to sleep for a couple of hours my phone rang it was the Hospital. My heart started to beat faster, and I thought Molly. A woman was on the other end and said her name is Dr Ling and she feels sad what happen to Molly, and she has a small hospital she would be happy to take Molly in after she is awake for less of the cost from the Hospital now. If I agree she will take her to her place soon as she is awake and I can come, and we can then talk about the costs and treatment for her. Molly woke up 4 hours later and was in distress, not knowing what happens to her. I went to the new Hospital from Dr Ling, and she was really lovely and caring. She told me she cares for stray cats too, and she helped with the surgery of Molly as she was on duty. Dr Ling offered us to take care of Molly free of charge as Molly will be in Hospital for the next 3 month. Oh, I was happy, and I ask Dr Ling if she accepts Donations. Molly stayed with her 3, and Dr Ling took her to all her other appointments at the first Hospital. Molly got really attached to them, and all of the nurses and Doctors loved Molly.
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Kwok visits Molly 3 times and then stopped after I told him that I will not give him Molly anymore. He was upset and said that I promised. Well yes, I promised to give Molly a right home, but you broke your promise when she was in need, and the irresponsible action from the maid is not acceptable to me. If he gets from somewhere another cat, I will report him. Long story short, after 3 months of visiting Molly every day in the Hospital, we took her home to our place. She lives now with us for 2 years, and I have to say she is a cat that actually talks. I believe one day she will answer me in a human voice. We are pleased to have her as an addition to our family. She is excellent in training my husband. If I didn't know better, I would say she is his wife. She loves my husband, dearly. A big Thank You to Dr Ling to looking after Molly and doing all the fantastic things she has done for her. Here is the answer to why cats do not have 9 lives? 9 Cats share one soul.          https://mypetshopworld.com/how-to-be-a-responsible-cat-owner/   https://mypetshopworld.com/my-cat-is-bored/   https://mypetshopworld.com/why-is-my-dog-eating-grass/   Read the full article
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