#and whatever little gremlin in my brain that writes is like :)
inkskinned · 1 year
hey it's nanowrimo. i have tips bc i've done it about 34 times.
Don't edit. Ever. Stop it. If you just decide to start a new project half thru this one with all new characters, no problem. pick up and keep writing as if you'd already written the first half of that.
"but i spelled it wrong" whatever. "but the grammar" whatever. make it exist first. no time for sense. think like you're working on a typewriter. no backspace. only forward go.
Don't re-read further than a paragraph or two backwards. "did i mention the gun before?" listen - it doesn't matter. if you need there to be a gun there, the gun is there. put it back in once you finish the book.
"i forgot the specifics of X thing i already wrote" whatever. change it, make a note/comment to figure it out later, and just write what makes sense for the moment. "no raquel it's legit the characters name and origin" idc that character is now reborn as Claudius from Elsewhere. it's fine.
only you see your mistakes. nobody else knows. one of the ways writing and dance overlap - only you know the choreography. nobody else will know if you miss a step, so just keep dancing and pretend you meant to do it like that.
it's an illusion that you need to write linearly - from point A to point B to point C. Nah; that's just timeline propaganda. I've written a LOT of books out of order and just reordered them once i've finished. if you have a scene you'd LOVE to write but can't get there yet because of plot, just fuckin write the scene. I've always found its easier to establish "point F" "point J" and "Point A" and then wiggle my way between those scenes.
write what you WANT to write. 230 pages of smut? of well-researched discussion on bread? whatever. the point is to strengthen muscles however you can.
if you miss a day, a week, whatever. not the end of the world. we all have dry days. also time is a myth so u can do this challenge whenever u want.
as soon as you try to write for a specific audience, you kill your voice. you are writing for yourself. stop thinking about how people will take ur book. it don't matter. what matter is u, enjoying writing. i luv u.
play to your strengths. i have characters talk so much because i don't know how to write a plot if it kills me but i'm really good at dialogue so.
i love a flight of fancy. write a poem in there. shift tactics and write in code. keep it fun for yourself.
see what happens if you shift something major about ur main characters - gender, wealth, superpowers. or if you change point-of-view. or if you kill everyone in a big explosion. do NOT edit anything before this or after it. often these little weird one-off exercises teach me what interests me about what i'm working on. it is never what i thought. plus it is a fun way to add like 1k words.
it's for fun and for practice. stop doing that project if it's giving you anxiety. once my nano was literally 50k words of half-started stories. just things i tried and tried and tried and wasn't able to flesh out. oops. but i am now 50k words of a better writer.
add dragons?
read books/listen to books on tape/etc. people often make the mistake of "buckling down" to just write. you need inspiration. you need to like. fill up on words. you need to remember how it feels to lose yourself in a story.
i don't have the time or space to really talk about this in this post but a lot of creative people turn to drugs/alcohol because it can help you be more creative. this is harmful, and walking a blade that only cuts deep. if you notice you and your loved ones are turning more to substances, please know i love you and i hope you are able to get help soon. i feel like this almost never gets mentioned because it's kind of a hazy underbelly to art. you are always more important than the work.
on that note. drink your fukin. water.
don't talk about a story until you've finished it. once you tell the story, it exists already, and isn't about discovery. i usually have a very canned "haha we'll see" response.
grapes :) tasty snack.
i love you be free.
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shiftylinguini · 8 months
Fuck I Can't Write Crisis Pack:
@phoebe-delia asked in response to this fun lil ask game:
Do you have any advice for getting out of a slump/getting writing confidence back? . (for the ask anything) Do you have any advice for getting out of a slump/getting writing confidence back?
Now THIS. This is a good question, and something that is very much on my mind and has been for a while, as I am currently absolutely in the midst of this and trying to army crawl my way out. I don't have any magic bullets (is that the saying? idk) but I have been here before and i do have a small arsenal of tips or methods that I find can help me. 
Here is my Fuck I Can't Write Crisis Pack (In no particular order):
Write anything 
This is hardly groundbreaking advice, and it's also the hardest thing to actually do (imo) so do not beat yourself up if it takes a while to get to this. Basically, write ANYTHING―it can be aimless, it can be pointless, it can be crap (crap is subjective!! don't let the brain gremlins win!!). 
Don't think about posting it, don't worry about anyone else ever reading it, just fling a few words onto a page and feel the rusty faucet turn on, proving to yourself that it still works. 
Try and sus out what it is that's blocking you 
Again this one is hard and annoying but functional. Once you can put your finger on the particular reason you're staring at a flashing black line on a blank page it can help you kick that reason off your lawn and into the bin. 
And then, take it out of the bin and be kind to yourself about whatever that reason is. Maybe you feel shit because you're comparing yourself to others, your last fic felt like a lead balloon, you can't muster enthusiasm for what you once loved doing and fear that it's gone forever, you're projecting in a Tumblr post―whatever it is, it's something all the writers you admire and aspire to be like have felt, and been annoyed with themselves for, and so you can wrap it up in a blanket and put it on a shelf and be kind to it so it, (respectfully) shuts the fuck up. 
(and remember, everyone feels insecure about their stuff. Like literally everyone, at some stage, feels like their stuff is rubbish)
Cheat on your OTP 
Okay this one might not work for everyone, but it really does for me lol. Ruts (not the sexy kind) can often come with not wanting to engage in my usual ships, being annoyed by my lack of ability to fucking write them/anything/all my ideas taste like cardboard/bleh, and stepping out on them and reading something new can snap me out of it. Just, an injection of new ideas or scenarios or words or even just a little reprieve from being fed up with myself, which ideally, is why we're all here anyway. 
(And then I come crawling back, and am welcomed with open arms haha)
In a similar vein:
Engage in media 
This subtitle is genuinely terrible, i am sorry, LMAO, but essentially: find a piece of media that makes you go "oh, helLO sailor", unhinge your jaw like a snake, and consume it whole. 
Let it nourish you, inspire you, excite you, making you feel SOMETHING, and then take that and think "fuck, what if i wrote bleepbloopblarp" and even if you write nary a single word, you've thought about it and that fucking counts. 
It might be an album, a book, a song, a show, gifs of a hot person, the wikipedia summary of a movie, literally anything counts here if it makes you feel a twinge of creativity. 
Ask yourself, what would Astolat do? 
No for real. @candybarrnerd and I genuinely use this haha.  
Worried your idea is stupid? Astolat would say write it. 
Worried it's too weird? Nah, just write it. 
It's dumb and no one will read it? Just write it for you *waggles eyebrows* (and then find out that yeah, nah, someone else will absolutely read this and be real fucking happy about it haha.)
Worried you're a one trick pony and have already written this fic before, like, and not even once before, and also you're projecting again in Tumblr post? WRITE IT AGAIN! As Astolat once said, "it's a fic so nice, I wrote it thrice". 
It's good advice. 
Make a friend or lean hard on the ones you have here
Misery loves company because it knows they'll come out of this together :). I know, I know, that's fucking NAFF, but fandom is all about finding like-minded freaks and blowing up their DMs because you saw a gif and now feel a kind of ways about it. 
And lastly: 
I mean I love stats (yay validation!), but god can they make you feel like a worthless shit (hey where did my validation go :((( ). It can be really insidious, so piss that right off when it starts to fuck with your confidence or outlook on your own writing.
Hopefully there is something useful here, even if it's just looking at this advice and thinking "no that's shit, it's writing POISON" cos then you can maybe do the version you think is NOT shit, and that might work. 
Good luck, fellow travelers!!
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keyboardandquill · 2 years
How being bad on purpose can be the best thing for getting things written
It’s some of my favourite advice to give fellow perfectionists. Having trouble getting started? Put some awful prose on the page. Make it as bad as you possibly can. 
Think of it like scribbling on the first page of a new notebook or that first stain on new furniture or the first scratch on a new car. 
Why? Because you'll feel a little disappointment, followed by an immense sense of relief. Stop taking yourself seriously.
Here’s why it helps. 
It clears out the creative pipes
Have you ever turned on a tap that hasn’t been used in ages? It coughs and sputters and wheezes, but eventually the water starts to flow. And boy is it ugly water. Who knows how long it has been sitting in the pipes. 
They’re doing road work near my house and had to shut off the water for a day. When we used the tap the first time it came back on, the water ran muddy and gross for a good, long while. And even after it looked transparent, there was still a gritty texture and taste to it for a while after that.
But once I left the tap on for a while, eventually fresh water started flowing from it.
So, instead of trying to get pure, clean prose to flow from your fingertips the moment you sit down, make sure you clear the pipes first.
Write the worst paragraph you've ever written. Make it bad on purpose. Let all that muddy water flow away.
It acts like a warmup
You wouldn't expect an athlete to run a marathon without warming up their muscles first. Even artists warm up with sketches and studies before working on a main project.
Creative writing works the same way. Putting down whatever comes to mind will get you into the right headspace. It doesn't matter if the words you write are any good because you're simply exercising.
Don't stop at just one paragraph. Write another bad one, and another, and another until you feel it start coming out easy.
Blank pages are daunting, so make them not-blank
Pretty simple, right? We hate sullying something new—see my previous comment about new notebooks and furniture and cars—for fear of doing irreparable damage. And while it's a lot harder to buff out scratched paint than it is to hit the backspace key on your keyboard, the effect is the same.
You know that tactic of taking off one or two of those "take a number" tags on a posted flyer to entice more people to take some? Do that to yourself.
Your brain will go "Ah, a first paragraph already exists! Time to keep writing."
Consider: you don't have to be perfect, so don't try to be
Ruin the illusion of perfection to prove to your gremlin brain that it's perfectly okay to do something imperfectly.
We're meant to enjoy the act of creation. It's difficult to do things we don't enjoy when we make it into such a big thing in our minds, right? So if you've over-inflated it, let out some air.
Relax. Enjoy the process of writing. It's going to go through revisions before the final draft anyway, so why not have a little fun while you're at this stage?
tl;dr: Don't take yourself too seriously. Go write some nonsense. Keep writing nonsense until it flows freely. And have fun with it!
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ignify-caligo · 1 year
note: current time is 5:45 am and I have been stewing these like possessed in my doc. Its been a while since I wrote that efficiently and I’m quite surprised with myself. Hope you enjoy!
Besides the obvious reasons for Price to use “muppet” so frequently whenever someone (looking @ u Soap) creates a mess - there’s another reason that’s more obscure intel. Namely, a little old hag of a Yorkie named accordingly; Muppet. A scraggly-looking thing that screams “ankle biter and lady of destruction” for miles, this little missy was Price’s earliest friend, practically joined by the hip from birth. All the shenanigans he and Muppet went through are certainly not on the same level as those his current bunch of muppets (read: all of 141) get themselves to. 
Ghost has a quite high sense of smell, which in turn makes it quick for him to get overwhelmed. Especially with artificially created ones, such as chocolate on various products (ex. plushies, markers etc.). He despises artificial chocolate scent with a passion. 
Gromsko is the type to wear long Adidas socks with sandals, a total polish “Janusz”. 
Out of all the 141 members in the group chat, Ghost is the most likely to correct even the slightest grammar mistake. There’s a daily occurrence of “ *you’re” whenever someone simply writes “youre” in a hurry. 
Another thing about Ghost in the group chat is his unlimited hatred for system emojis that auto-fill themselves, he tries to type in “:)” for some dramatic flare to his threat against Soap and he ends up one sec from going ballistic at his phone because it won’t corporate with him.
Nikolai unironically listens to soviet-era military music while working on his chopper or anything else. Gives that 100+ energy boost he needs to work. 
The 141 HQ kitchen has a Bluetooth radio (sweetly nicknamed “Bluey” by Roach) that anyone can connect to whenever they sit in the kitchen doing something. The usual user tho is Soap, even though he isn’t cooking/baking himself in the kitchen. He simply became the Radio Gremlin that the others (especially Price because he has a personal beef with that “electrical device from hell” as he so nicely calls it) accept. Soap surprisingly keeps it PG whenever he steals the radio but his street-racing mind sometimes forgets to disconnect. 
Que situations like this whenever Soap wants to listen to music before bedtime; 
Soap turns on the music: 
What comes from the kitchen, full blast: 4 BIG GUYS AND THEY GRAB ON MY - 
Price from the other side of HQ: BLOODY FUCKING DEMONS! 
When it comes to listening to music before going to sleep, the only person not to do so is Price himself. All the others (read: Ghost, Soap, Gaz and Roach) are religious practitioners of this little ritual, tho their taste in music varies somewhat. Ghost is a fan of rock/metal while both Soap and Gaz lean towards the pop genre - lastly, Roach loves violin covers of popular songs. The lyrics otherwise distract him from falling asleep and the sound of the violin soothes his racing thoughts. 
Between Alejandro and Rudy, the 141 feels safer with Rudy as the designated driver. Alejandro is the type to go way past the speed limit, windows open wide with Gasolina by Daddy Yankee blasting on full volume 
Gaz hates Alejandro as the driver because his motion sickness from youth comes back with an enormous thirst for vengeance 
König grew rapidly quickly for his age, which resulted in stretch marks across his back and legs. They add to his social anxiety and make him self-conscious whenever he’s forced to strip. 
Soap would sell his entire squad for a cookies & cream tub of ice cream. Whatever brand it may be, he loves cookies & cream. Roach is a firm believer in any Ben & Jerry’s ice cream - he worships cinnamon bun flavor like a god. He also adores the freshness of mint chocolate chips tho he prefers them in a cafe when store-bought. Ghost isn’t quite enamored by ice cream tho, the reason is that he gets freeze-brain easily - he will steal small bites from the nearest person to him nonetheless. 
Graves is allergic to cats - which seems to be quite the mutual feeling from them against him. 
Nikolai may not seem like it but his an excellent chef when it comes to “homely” cuisine. His specialty is a family secret recipe for blinis that the 141 sometimes will have the opportunity to sample whenever he comes by. Roach together with Soap tried to recreate the masterpiece but managed to set the fire alarm off because they forgot they were heating up the pan.
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Being Nekoma's Manager:
Dating Yaku Morisake
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*look at the little hair flutter 🥺
Yaku Morisake featuring Nekoma x Fem! Manager
Warnings: light Swearing (?), YN fights men
A/N: This is a request from Spooky anon 👻 @cookiesandmilksx ! Also requests coming M,W, F staring September 5th!
Go go Nekoma! Push it, push it Nekoma!
I literally write whatever comes into my brain 😅
YAKU MORISAKE!! Our resident libero and demon senpai 😈
Love that for him!
He's more than earned the name- from his rigorous training of Lev
To his teasing of Kuroo
Yaku is one spicy gremlin
However, he's not all spice
Especially for his soft and sweet girlfriend
That's right YN, for you Yaku is legit the softest boi 🥺
When you first became Nekoma's Manager, Yaku took an instant liking to you
We all know he likes girls with short hair
BUT 👀 no matter the length of your locks, Yaku finds you so adorable and cute
It's actually kind of a phenomenon to Nekoma
They are all so confused 😕
What happened to Yaku?? And why does he only act like that around you 🤨
Kenma and Kai are the first to figure out why
The other ones aren't stupid just kind of clueless in a sense
Once Kuroo figures it out, Rooster boy never let's it go 😅
"I see someone has a crush on our precious manager"- Kuroo 😏
Yaku 👉🏻😐😑
"Who?"- Lev and Yamamoto simultaneously
Kenma and Kai 👉🏻😐🙄
Kuroo will pester Yaku until he finally snaps
Legit it will happen one day strong practice
Kuroo has been bothering Yaku all day about asking you out
Yaku had been busy training Lev so his patience is already at zero 😅
"Just do it Yaku. You're not scared are you?"- Kuroo 🙃
That's when Yaku loses it
Unbeknownst to Yaku, you heard the entire thing
"You- you like me Morisuke?"- You
Yaku turns slowly and stares at you 👁👄👁
Kenma and Kai 👉🏻😐🤦
Kuroo 👉🏻😏
The rest of the team 👉🏻🍿👀
Yaku is now sweating 😰
"Well I- uh, I umm well"- Yaku, the blubbering mess
Sorry YN you have to step in ✋🏻
You walk up to Yaku, give him a kiss on the cheek and say
"I like you too Mori"- you say, giggling at his blush
Yaku 👉🏻😐😳😍
Kuroo 👉🏻😏 still smug, he'll say this was his plan all along
We know it wasn't
Kenma and Kai 👉🏻😮‍💨 finally
The team 👉🏻🥺🤧
And thus begins the ship know as YakuYN
Yaku is so sweet to you YN
Mans will pick flowers for you and walk you home
Honestly he is the softest boy only for his Nekoma's precious YN
And you are literally the princess of Nekoma
All the boys adore you 🥰
You dote on then individually, encouraging them all to do their best
When Yaku or Kuroo get upset, you know exactly how to calm them down!
You encourage our bby Shibayama to do his very best
You know just how to get Kenma motivated
By stealing his switch and/or phone 👀
And you know jusy how to deal with Lev 🙄
That's right, our resident problem child
You know just how hard Yaku is on Lev
So you try and be the more nurturing of the two 🥰
It's like good cop, bad cop
Yaku widdles Lev down to nothing and YN swoops in to save the day 🙌🏻
You can deal with alot of the crap the guys dish out, including Lev
However 👀 if there is one thing you don't tolerate, it's when Lev or anyone makes fun of Yaku's height
You happen to love your short king 🥺
And when you get on YN's bad side 😬
Let's just say I don't want to be anywhere close to you ✋🏻
I value my life thank you very much 😅
So one day at practice, Lev is feeling a bit bold?? Sure let's go with that
He walks into the gym and Yaku immediately starts in
It's really no different than usual
But then, it happens 👀
"I wouldn't expect you to understand Yaku, you're so short it probably went over your head"- Lev
The gym 👉🏻 dead silent 😶
Everyone, including Yaku, looks to you
You're head slowly turns to glare at Lev
Exorcist anyone?? 👀
Lev can feel the heat of your gaze YN, he's afraid to look at you
Lev 👉🏻👀
You 👉🏻➖️👄➖️
Lev 👉🏻😧
You 👉🏻🔥👄🔥
You get up and walk towards the guys
The scariest part is how calmly you walk over to them
Kai probably helps the first years evacuate the area 😅
Their precious eyes don't need to see this
Yaku is mentally trying to figure out how to handle this
He does his best to ca you down
"YN hey its ok, Lev and I do this stuff all the time. You know that big tall idiot"- Yaku, laughing without humor
"Morisake"- you say holding your hand up to him and glaring
That's all it takes before Yaku is like " I've done best 🙏🏻 thoughts and prayers Lev"
Kenma grabs his phone out to record 📱
Kuroo is ready to have Inuoka replace Lev
Kai is planning Lev's funeral
"Would you like to repeat that Lev?"- You say, glaring at the tall beast
Lev rn 👉🏻👁💧👄💧👁 ummmm
"I'd think LONG and HARD before you answer Lev Haiba"- you say (THATS WHAT SHE SAID)
"I-uh- I'm sorry YN"- Lev 😰
"Don't apologize to me, apologize to Yaku"- you spit
No matter your height, Lev flinches 😅
YN fights men ok ✌🏻
"Yaku I'm so sorry. I totally lost my tempter"- Lev practically begs
Really Yaku isn't mad at Lev but he's too afraid to say anything in fear that you might lose it 😅
"Its-its ok Lev"- Yaku answers cautiously
Like the flip of a switch, your mood changes
"There! I'm so glad we are all friends"- you 🥰
Your boyfriend looks at you 👉🏻😶
Lev 👉🏻🥲 yeah...
The team 👉🏻👀🍿
You kiss Yaku on the cheek and skip away, returning to your duties
"Remind me never to talk smack about Yaku around YN"- Kuroo whispers to Kai
You hear him, your head snapping to glare at kuroo
Kuroo 👉🏻🤐
That's right 💅🏼 nobody messes with Yn and her man!
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gyuhanniescarat · 4 months
Take a Chance with Me | CSB | Prt. 1
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: ̗̀➛ summary: on a night when your friend group forces you into a sticky situation, the only thing you're left to decide is if you're willing to take a chance or not
: ̗̀➛ pairing: choi soo bin x curvy!fem!mc (ft. small appearances from yeonjun and some le sserafim members)
: ̗̀➛ genre/au(s): angst (maybe? i guess? idk my writer's brain was struggling), forced proximity, major buildup
: ̗̀➛ rating: M(18+)
: ̗̀➛ word count: 1.409k
: ̗̀➛ warnings: written with a curvy/plus size mc in mind, talks of meddling friends, brief discourse on puberty and crushes
: ̗̀➛ smut warnings: none (for this part)
💌 MESSAGE FROM JESSI: Hello my dear @anyamaris , it is i, your cod net secret santa!! I come wishing you a Merry (belated) Christmas and a Happy New Year!! sorry it's not my best work, i wanted to do so much more with this idea but my perfectionist side and my writer's brain were engaged in an all-out war (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠)
A big special thank youuuuu to my beloved bby @wongyuseokie for your fabulous creative work on this beautiful banner ♡ mdni & support banner crdt cafekitsune
This is my last piece of 2023, as well as my FIRST time attempting to write a piece with an angsty element... And it is also my FIRST time writing a piece for a member of TXT. So please be gentle with me, but I do hope you all enjoy my work.
: ̗̀➛ network tags: @cultofdionysusnet @ksmutsociety @kvanity-main @svthub
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There are very few things your friend group loves more than meddling in the social aspect and love affairs of your life. But especially the details of your love life. In fact, it's their favorite thing to do. See, for some odd reason, your friends absolutely love placing you into situations that test how either your crushes or those who harbor feelings for you will act. This has been the dynamic of the clique for years… since the days when the transition from carefree childhood to the point of the pre/pubescent years in which one begins exploring sexuality as sexual attraction runs rampant, and those awkward, obsessive, puppy love type crushes bloom. Since the 5th grade, for whatever reason it be, your proactive, kooky, loyal, mischievous, tight-knit crew had taken a rather strong interest in the events of your life. Hell, they would jump through flaming hoops of fire just to help you — their talkative friend — finally find a guy whose actually interested in you, and help you get laid by a hottie disguised as a cutie, even if you are their little gremlin of a friend who likes to start shit and then play innocent.
Which is exactly what brings you to your current predicament. A very sticky situation at that. Suddenly, and greatly betrayed and singled out by your best friends. Friends who have subtly manipulated you and forced you in this mess. A group of friends that have once again placed you into a rather testy situation due to their interest in your love affairs. How dare they conspire against you and trap you. God, the audacity of those guys and girls to create a whole scenario in hopes of hooking you up with whoever it is they see as a good match for you. How dare your lovingly mischievous best friends try to push you into a situationship or full-blown relationship right now.
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After the long ass road trip, you finally pull up to the beach house your friend Yeonjun’s auntie owns. Upon your arrival, you’re quite surprised to find no presence of your friends anywhere in the vicinity of the property. While shifting the gear into park, your gaze moves over towards your phone that’s resting in the dash mount. Then you reach your right hand out and hold down on the home button, using your voice to command Siri to initiate a FaceTime call with Chaewon. After about two rings she finally picks up.
“Hey, Chae, where are you? Are you Kkura, Zuha and Yuyu on the road yet? And where's everyone else at? I just barely got up to Yeonjun's aunty's beach house, and I'm so confused. What happened? The place seems to be totally empty. D-Dd-Did we change plans? Or? Oh my God. Did I get here too early? Chae, you should’ve told me!” You worriedly question and stammer, turning off the engine. It's weird. Chaewon is usually super good at telling you about the spontaneous decisions the others in your friend group make. But this time she didn’t for some reason.
“Ohh, heyyyy babes! Huh? What are you talking about, Aeri? Wait a minute girl… WHAT?!?!? So, you’re already at the house? And you’re saying no one’s there? But… What about Soobin? He should be there by now. Is- Is Soobin not there?...” Chaewon suspiciously replies, wordlessly communicating with the girls. Chaewon is then strongly interrupted by the sound of Yunjin, Kazuha, and Sakura animatedly giggling in the background.
Why are the girls suddenly acting so strangely? Soobin? Choi Soobin? Huh? What the hell is going on? What about Soobin? What is Chaewon talking about? And why on earth is she mentioning Soobin specifically? “Hahaha. That fool. What a fucking chicken. Soobie Boobie better get up off his ass and make his move on our girl Aeri now. Lest we forget about how homeboy basically owes us all big time now.” Yunjin sassily interjects, dramatically flipping her hair over her shoulder.
“Amen Sister! Our squad did a huge favor for the man. We all took an L so his cringy simp ass could finally have his opportunity to swoop in on our girl Aeri.” Kazuha scoffs, majorly appalled by the idea of Soobin chickening out after all this planning to help the man finally confess his feelings for you. Kazuha and Sakura exchange some very disgruntled looks before rolling their eyes in unison. “Damn straight girlie! We gave Soobin a big chance here. He told us all about how he was finally going to go for it and tell Aeri everything. So, if he doesn't take the chance, and shoot his shot now… well then, I’mma go kick his ass and then yeet him off a steep as fuck mountain.” Sakura quips, passionately describing how she plans to “take care” of Choi Soobin should things fail him.
Okay. What in the fuck is going on with your besties right now? Clearly there is something that seems to be pretty damn major going on… but like, what? What is it? Why did the conversation flip to some strange talk about Soobin? And then there’s yet another question, what exactly were Yunjin and Kazuha trying to insinuate by saying things like “Soobin should swoop in on you”, or that Soobin “needs to get up off his ass and make a move on you”? Oh, and also there's Sakura passionately going on a whole bit about how she's got this whole plan to unalive Bin if he “doesn't take his chance to shoot his shot”.
Why is there all of this vast discourse on Choi Soobin popping up out of nowhere? Swoop in on you? Make his move? Shoot his shot? Did you fall into an alternate universe or some strange dimension? What on earth is even happening? This all really doesn't sound anything like the Choi Soobin you know. None of it makes any shred of sense. At least not in your mind of all spaces. Especially since you and Choi Soobin are only just best friends. Although, you really shouldn’t have expected any less. What are the odds an event like this would happen to you? 99.9% of course.
Far worse things have been done by your girlfriends before, so how can you distinguish whether or not this time is another pity party, or if there's truly some weight to the words coming from your girls. What exactly are your friends up to? Is this another act of the whole friend group trying to discreetly arrange a romantic situationship for your benefit? Or, is this perhaps a real scenario, and this indeed is a whole orchestrated plan by Choi Soobin?
Yeah, you’ve had a bit of an inkling that in Soobin’s eyes, he might see you as something more than a childhood best friend. But, even if there is a slight, miniscule chance that he holds more romantic feelings towards you, you don't allow yourself to believe it.
Loudly smacking your hand against the center console between your seat and the passenger seat, you succeed in somewhat scaring the four girls on the other end of the call. “Uhh… girls! Y’all have got some explaining to do right now. What the hell is happening and why are you guys being so aloof about everything right now? “Chae, what's going on, bestie? Why is one of the first things you asked me, whether Soobin is here or not? And Yuyu, Zuha, Kkura… can anyone of y’all please be so kind as to tell me why exactly you three are talking to me about our dear mutual friend Soobin rizzing me up?” You interrogatively rant.
Your confusion and grand desperation only grows even larger at the range of reactions exuding from the four girls sitting on the floor of Kazuha's home dance studio. As a result of your rather intense inquiry, your friends audibly gulp and silently exchange fearful glances, wordlessly pleading with one another to speak up and answer your line of questions.
“Sorry sweet sweet Aeri. But, we can't share anything with you. And besides, even if we did by chance want to spill the beans to you… you see, we have all been sworn to secrecy by one Mr. Choi Soobin.” Yunjin comments.
“Nothing we can do, Aeri. Sorry to keep a secret from you, but it is what it is. If you wanna know so bad, then you're just going to have to ask Soobin about everything.”
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© gyuhanniescarat | 2023 - all rights reserved. Reposting/Modifying of any fic, scenario, drabble, reaction or piece of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.
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Hey all!!
I've been trying to write this post for forever but uhhh yes I suppose it's a lot easier to do a quick primer first but uhh
I'm so so sorry I don't answer asks! And I want to change that soon.
[a LONG post about autism, blog updates, and PDA]
TL;DR: I have Pathological Demand Avoidance, but I'm growing from it and hope to become more social on here in the near future!
If you've seen me asks or messages, I promise I don't hate you!! I love you!! I'm so serious
Soon I plan on making a longer post explaining what I've been preoccupied with, and also changes I want to make to this blog in the near future (all small and good!)
But to put it shortly -
I've been suffering from Pathological Demand Avoidance SO HARD and it's been something I've struggled with for some time.
If you don't know Pathological Demand Avoidance - or more accurately named Pervasive Drive for Autonomy - is a profile of autism:
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In short though - because asked to do something, ANYTHING, even indirectly makes my brain stall. I know it sounds ridiculous.
It's not even in a cute anarchist 'I don't have to listen to you!!' type of way. Fam it's. EVERYTHING.
It's not so much the activity that's triggering it. I LOVE talking to people so much, but... like, speaking in conversation is like a demand. Someone calling my name is a demand, doing homework, showing up to places on time, brushing my teeth everyday etc.
It's often why young children with autism may not respond to you talking to them, say 'I can't do x, my legs don't work!!', hide when expected to do things, literally REFUSE to go to school (big me thing), etc.
It's linked to the diagnosis (and misdiagnosis) of 'Oppositional Defiance Disorder'.
That's why I may seem very extroverted (which I am!! ILY!!!) but I don't ever appear to talk to anybody or react to them.
For example - It's more likely for me to add to a tag game if I'm not tagged because when I am, I feel really happy to be thought of but then 'Oh God I have to do a thing. Not right now but soon. The thing I have to do. That eventually must be done. I have committed and I must Do Something. Me doing the thing is approaching. The inevitable thing. That must be done. The inescapable thing'.
ON & ON regardless of what it is. I'm not opposed to doing whatever it is, the demand could be completely self-imposed. I'm just opposed to doing something.
Anything preplanned, asked, or expected of me.
That's why I often abandon fics, or say I'll write an essay and then don't do it. I still remember, but finishing the essay becomes a self imposed demand and then.. I can't do it lol
All in all - this can kinda make notifications really hard for me.
@spidey-bie can tell you, even in discord I'm a little lurking gremlin who is only summoned at inopportune moments and when someone has pissed me off
Usually, my response is ALWAYS flight. I may like an ask or message and enjoy it, even have a response in mind - but instead of answer my immediate reaction to is abort mission and FULLY close the app and find the nearest corner, or try my best to appear offline.
I have no idea if others will understand what I'm trying to convey because I know the concept may sound bizarre, and I get that. It really was a concept I only really learned about recently.
But that's why I mean seem very talkative and hyperverbal and bubbly but also like never appear to be social with anyone ever.
PDA is like -
Me: oh wow this person is so sweet. I consider them a friend, I should message them back.
My brain: Yeah.
Me:... message them back.
My brain: fuck you. anyway write an essay literally no one demanded
Me: Why? Can I at least write that fic that I left hanging for eight months
My brain: No someone complimented you on that once and now there's Demand. Write something 100% unrelated.
Me: *starts writing an essay no one asked for and doesn't even finish it because finishing it has become a demand even though I'm the only one who even knows the essay exists in the first place*
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Like girl be so fr. Even saying this I feel like it sounds like a lie 😭 I got Hobie brain. Some old 'I'll do it but not because you told me to' headass.
I'm Miguel and my brain wanna 'Nah imma do my own thing' on some Miles shit.
Guess how many drafts I have. Guess. WRONG. TWO HUNDRED.
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Nah be forreal is that normal? Y'all got that or nah? Is that common I'm being deadass 😭😭
And girl I'm not even gonna show the number in my inbox cause I'd rather be tarred and feathered than indure that humiliation imma be honest 😐 rather be burned at the stake
But I know that me being so active and like... Not Responding can be very hurtful and I'm so sorry!!
Though I know that didn't make up for it. I know it can make me come off as fake or mean but that's not my intention at all, I promise.
Honestly I just have a brain where everyday feels like opposite day.
But I'm a grown ass person and uh!! I want to change that response.
So please don't stop replying or tagging me in things! I genuinely do love it 💖
This blog is really one of my favorite places in planet Earth and I love this community SO SO MUCH.
Going forward I want to invest more time here and just meta writing in specific.
I'm thinking (girl I'm phrasing this SO CAREFULLY so my brain doesn't think it's a demand like shh I hope the autism doesn't hear me) -
I'd like to maybe designate a day for asks to be answered/queued (as many as I can pump out) because I really love talking with y'all and y'all have SUCH good ideas
I'm hoping to do more Spidersona stuff but I'MA HAVE TO PACE MYSELF OKAY that's not a Demand autism we're just having nice hopeful thoughts NOT A DEMAND
So uhh I don't know how I'll encorporate more Spidersona stuff but yeah... It'll happen.
Other stuff too. Other stuff.
[Notice how I have to be like 'I'm hoping, I'm thinking, I might, I'd like to,'. I'm ALLERGIC to 'I will' 🤢🤢🤢]
I plan on making another life update post just to clear up some things maybe talk more specifics. I'm thinking Tuesdays or Thursdays -
I'll most likely close my ask just to pump out the asks that are still relevant time wise.
I'd also like to take more about PDA in short posts of if anyone is interested. Honestly, I think there are some advantages to PDA.
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Save me Hobie.. Hobie save me (I be using him to internally justify my PDA.. 'like Hobie wouldn't want me to answer this linkdin email' 😭😭)
BUT UHHHH If you read this far and you're still here I LOVE YOU YOU MEAN SO MUCH TO ME HOBIE BE UPON YE
I truly appreciate you, thank you for hearing me out!
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Hobie says remember to be a public nuisance and never cooperate with anything and leave the function early and steal
I'm gonna go do something that doesn't matter and that no one asked for that I probably won't finish for no reason :) (/pos)
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queerfables · 8 months
I have this thought that's simmering in the back of my head, and there's some evidence for it, but I simply can't take myself seriously on it, because the idea hits my favourite tropes way too perfectly. I'm, like, 90% sure I should admit to myself that what I actually want is to write fic about this and skip the meta entirely. But apparently this is how I process things these days, so you get my wild projections masquerading as analysis first, and maybe if you're lucky some kind of story later.
So, Nina's partner, Lindsay. Not so much a person as an analogy, right? The consensus is that this relationship is a stand in for Aziraphale's relationship with Heaven, making Heaven the toxic partner holding Aziraphale back from finding real happiness. But the more I think about it, the more I feel like we've taken that assumption and worked backwards from it to prove that Nina is really Aziraphale's mirror and Maggie is really Crowley's.
Look, I realise that drawing the line from Nina to Crowley and Maggie to Aziraphale feels obnoxiously obvious. There are superficial similarities, but does it go any deeper than their general demeanour? When we look at how Nina describes Crowley and Aziraphale - the hard-bitten one who doesn't trust, the soft one who still believes in goodness - I think there's honestly a solid argument to be made that both descriptions could apply to either one of them. I don't think that's conclusive. The thing that's really giving me pause is that Crowley's car and Nina's shop both play Queen. It seems like such a clear signal that they're foils. There's also the fact that the partition around her shop has a very snake-like pattern embedded in it, quite similar in shape to Crowley's tattoo (a detail that pairs nicely with the apple-tree motif on the French restaurant next door).
If Nina is Crowley's mirror, does that mean that Crowley is the one trapped in a toxic relationship? And here's the part where I absolutely cannot trust my brain to give me sensible feedback, because the little gremlin who lives there immediately shuts off all higher functions at the first hint a character might be unwillingly beholden to a nefarious outside force. Especially if they are keeping it a secret.
Could Crowley have been blackmailed or coerced into working for Hell again, despite nominally being estranged from it? I literally could not tell you, because my brain is too busy yelling yes yes yes please oh my god yes. I just love the idea way too much to be rational about it.
I won't insult anyone by labeling this next section "supporting evidence", but here are some ways I think it could fit into canon as it's been established:
In light of my recent meta on how to think about Good Omen's twists, I've been ruminating on some of the big questions I have about season 2. And one of the ones that keeps jostling for my attention is, why are Crowley and Aziraphale not together yet? I don't mean that flippantly, what I mean is - I believe that Crowley and Aziraphale are both aware of the way they feel about each other, and have been for some time. If that's true, what's keeping them apart? Obviously there are quite a few potential answers to this, including the possibility that I'm wrong and they're not both consciously aware of their feelings for each other. But it's an idea I find compelling. They're not together because they're not free yet. And not just in a hypothetical looming threat kind of way.
When Beelzebub summons Crowley in 2x01, Crowley says "I thought we had a generalised understanding." Beelzebub replies, "We don't. You're still a traitor," and then goes on to threaten him with a bounty. The obvious implication is that the understanding they don't have is from the end of season one, that Hell will leave Crowley and Aziraphale alone. But what if it's a different kind of understanding? What if the subtext of Beelzebub's offer for whatever he wants is that he can have enough power to be free of whatever nasty little job he's supposed to be doing on the sly? (Not enough to break free of Hell entirely, though. Never enough for that.)
On the other hand, Crowley doesn't recognise Beelzebub's new face, but they must have been wearing it for a while given all their meetings with Gabriel. Is Crowley bound to the one demon higher than Beelzebub, then? Sorry, the gleeful brain gremlin is the only one available to take questions on this. It sure would be sexy, though, if both the power difference and the secrecy involved were as extreme as possible.
This is a weird little detail that probably doesn't mean anything, but when Aziraphale gets back from Edinburgh, it's early in the morning the day of the ball. The streets are mostly empty and Nina is just arriving for work. Aziraphale helps Crowley put the plants back in the Bentley, and at some point after this, Crowley takes the car and leaves. He must do, because we see him come back. Where did he go? He can't have been gone more than a couple of hours at most, because he arrives back in time to follow Aziraphale around convincing everyone to attend his ball. Okay, fine, maybe Crowley just needed to get away, relax somewhere there's no amnesiac archangel breathing down his neck. But the timeline is so short it seems like a strange detail. It makes me think that Crowley might actually have been hiding something, here. I don't know that this theory is the most likely explanation, but it sure could be an explanation.
And finally, for maximum angst potential, imagine Aziraphale finding out that after everything Crowley said about how toxic Heaven and Hell are, after all the grief he gave Aziraphale for returning to Heaven, that Crowley had been secretly working for Hell all along? WOOF.
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chickenkupo · 4 months
Just My Luck
Just My Luck
Summary: The lands are ruled by ruthless gods of various levels of power. Humanity is only a means to an end for their endless desires, if they happen to gain their attention. Many lay low, do what they can to appease the gods and try to live their lives out, as best they can, given the circumstances. Wriothesley is one such mortal. Having committed a great crime as a young boy, he’s constantly fleeing from his past. Little did he know; however, his constant misfortunes lead to his destiny, and it is most certainly not what he was expecting.
Recommendations: None, this is a purely AU work, so you’re good to go, reader.
Warnings: 18+ content, ya’ll. We’re going to get a little spicy here. Not my usual sort of Wriolette content. Neuv is going to be a little dark and demanding in this one, so if that sort of content (I’d guess you’d say it’s very close to yandere), then this isn’t for you. Religious hints/themes are also present in this. Consent really doesn’t exist here. I have been thinking of this sort of god x human trope for a while now, and I just needed to get it out of my brain. So, I guess this is a little self-indulgent work that I hope others out there will appreciate as well? Also, it’s putting me in a mental headspace to make a little follow-up chapter to Coming Home, since it’s looking like ya’ll are wanting that, hehe.
Also, one more warning. This is me trying to write a SHORT story and not have this as a full-blown novel. However, if this does receive a lot of love, I will 100% rewrite this to be a multi-chaptered work. This is me practicing self-restraint and tldr make a short story, you freaking gremlin sorta thing. OH, also, this isn’t beta-read, but will 100% be if this makes it to being AO3-post worthy.
Wriothesley grunted as he was pushed forward, his hands bound behind his back by a golden metallic rope that refused to give way, even in the slightest. The guards that stood beside him ensured that he continued walking down the extravagantly decorated hallway, figures lining each side wearing various elegant dresses and suits, some even in intricately designed armor that mortals were rarely blessed to see. They all watched as the bound man was ushered onward to a large set of doors, decorated with a carved design of a long, serpent-like dragon encompassing the entire outer border of both doors, as if it were protecting what was beyond them. Wriothesley tried to slow his pace, flexing his well-defined muscles, doing whatever he could to try to break the bonds that held him in place, but nothing worked. The guards beside him only stared at his pathetic attempts at breaking free, a few patrons from the sidelines murmuring to themselves, commenting on how he should give up and how silly mortals were, thinking that they could defy even the smallest demands of the gods.
He always found himself in the most unfortunate circumstances, but this was the worst fate that could have befallen a human. Most of his kind kept their heads bowed, living silent lives and avoiding the powerful gazes of the deities that ruled their lands. For mere mortals, the prime level of life that they could wish to live was providing high level sacrifices to appease their rulers, hoping that they would be blessed in return or even ignored, in hopes of being allowed to live their lives to the best of their abilities. If they failed to uphold to this standard and a god felt slighted, even in the smallest of ways, then they were bound to become cursed, and experience the worst luck imaginable, having them wishing for a swift death. No, the gods loved toying with their victims, extending their punishment for as long as possible, feeding upon their misfortune, until their victims took their very last breaths. It was a miserable existence, but as long as you dedicated yourself to providing sacrifices that satisfied their desires and obeying whatever they commanded, then you could potentially avoid their gazes and wraths.
However, Wriothesley didn’t feel as though that was an existence worth living. He was a man that was shaped by misfortune, and rarely feared it. Having been orphaned at a young age and shoved from one foster family to another, he knew exactly what misfortune was, without the direct punishment of the gods. Each family he was tossed to was worst than the last. From having one family relying on him to provide them with everything and having worked to the point of exhaustion to keep food on the table, only to endure harsh beatings regardless of the outcome every night, to being sent off to fighting rings to win boxing matches against young men his age and older, he had seen it all. He eventually had enough and turned on his last foster family, killing his adoptive parents in the middle of the night, fleeing the area and taking the other children that happened to have the same misfortune as him to wherever he was going to go. They did find refuge in small, abandoned buildings, and for once his luck did strike true as he was able to find families that would take his adoptive brothers and sisters in, and not expose them to the same fates that they had before. No, these people took true pity on them, bringing them in and giving them a proper home and a good foundation for raising them. The same families always offered Wriothesley the same conditions, but he would always deny them, saying that he was far too damaged and messed up to be worth anything, too far gone for any sort of redemption or happy ending. Before they could even try to convince him otherwise, he had already taken his leave and was moving onto his next venture.
The young boy grew into a young man, roaming from city and city, finding places to work manual labor that would provide him with just enough funds to survive off of. Whenever a place offered him a permanent position or abode, he would thank them, and then immediately leave, onto the next city, town or village. He didn’t know why, but there was a part of his soul that felt like he was always in constant danger, and needed to run from prying eyes, even if he had no enemies. Though he had murdered his foster parents in cold blood as a boy, there were no further investigations into this, almost as if the crime had never happened. He wished so desperately that this was the truth of the matter, but his suspicions never seemed to completely wane. Someone had to have known, whether it be a mortal or a god. He knew that he was going to have to face the consequences of his actions, however justified that they were. So, he vowed that he would continue moving onward, never stopping, always running.
So, that’s exactly what he did. He never stayed long enough for any human or deity to know him well, and he wanted to keep it that way. Discretion was key, and to be honest with himself, this type of living excited him and kept him feeling alive. For once, he thought that he had finally hit it lucky, this was the lifestyle meant for him and he was going to live it to the fullest. Though his suspicions and underlying fear ruled him deep down, there was an odd sense of freedom that he felt being out on his own like this, and he never wanted to lose this. For once in his life, he felt lucky to be in the position that he was in. He was afraid to feel happy, but he couldn’t help himself. His adoptive brothers and sisters were on their way to a better future, and maybe one day, so would he.
Well, as quick as luck had visited him, it was just as fast to leave. The young man was continuing his work assisting a local general store with helping them bring in heavy goods, a horribly weighted sack placed on his shoulder as he was able to transport it inside of the store before multiple guards, lesser deities by the look of them, all approached him at once. Wriothesley immediately dropped the sack and tried to take off, not even taking the time to question their motives, but he was easily detained. One deity grabbed him by the shoulder and twisting it, pushing him against the wall as another guard brought out a metallic, golden rope, that automatically tied his wrists together behind him. Wriothesley growled as he tried to resist, now finding the time to begin spouting questions as he realized the situation that he was currently in.
“The hell did I even do?! I just got here and haven’t broken any laws, let me go!”
“That’s not up for discussion. You’re to come with us, no questions asked. Any hesitation, and we’ll hunt down your adoptive family and have them suffer for the rest of their days.” one of the growls out, tightening the rope around his wrists ever so slightly, for emphasis. Immediately, Wriothesley shut his mouth and said no word and offered no resistance. So, his suspicions were correct, someone had been keeping tabs on his whereabouts and knew about his past, but what god or mortal alike would hold any sort of interest in him? Sure, he was handsome and had both women and men swooning for him, but that never held any sort of value to him. He also didn’t have any sort of money in savings to his name, using whatever little he earned from odd jobs to be able to afford housing and small, pitiful meals and other necessities.
His heart felt like it skipped a beat, as he immediately reminded himself about his biggest fear. Was this finally the retribution that he would be facing for his previous sins? Did the families of his abusive foster parents that he murdered finally send out their agents to find him, and a god had felt it was their time to shine to torture a mortal? There was no escaping it, even if it was the case. Wriothesley then opted to keep his mouth shut, hoping he was overthinking the situation. But, what else could this possibly be over, then? He needed answers, but he wasn’t about to try to fight against them for it.
Reluctantly, Wriothesley complied with their demands, and was ushered into a rather delicately designed carriage, one that clearly belonged to a higher-powered god, but which, he had no idea. The guards also remained silent on the manner, merely ushering him in and taking an odd interest in keeping him safe and comfortable, but still under their ever-watchful gazes. They continued onward with their journey, and eventually reached to where they were now, standing in front of those formidable doors, gods of various levels of power and renown surrounding them all, but their focus all centered on him and him alone. Wriothesley’s heart was racing in anticipation, knowing that he had no choice but to face whatever was beyond those doors, even if it ended up killing him, or worse.
A low, guttural growl was heard, seemingly originating from past the closed entryway in front of them, which had Wriothesley’s eyes widening in shock. Never in his life had he heard such a noise, no other god he had known or met personally held the sort of power that was radiating from such a sound. The others that were previously surrounding him were now shuffling away in fear, some were even shaking, staring straight ahead. A thought suddenly ran through Wriothesley’s head, he noticed that all of the deities were distracted, and he could easily flee from the scene. He tried to will his body to run, but instead it only stayed firmly planted in place, his body no longer under his control. His heart began to race in a sudden panic, and it wasn’t eased as the closed doors in front of him began to part, opening up to reveal a continuation of the current hallway that he was in, but a darkness was at the very end, hiding whatever it was that was awaiting him.
What happened next horrified the young man beyond measure, and by then he knew that he was doomed.
“Wriothesley, step forward, come to me, come to your destiny.” a regal voice called out, though the growl from before was also heard in the same voice, as if they were perfectly mixed together. Whoever was calling to him, this had to be one of the ancient gods of lore, mighty beasts that garnered so much power from its followers and victories of war, that it gained godhood. But, what would such a highly positioned god want with someone low and poor, as himself? Wriothesley wasn’t about to argue, however. Wriothesley tested his muscles, now being able to freely move them. He had regained control of his body, and along with that realization, the golden metallic rope that was previously wrapped around his wrists shattered, releasing their hold on him. Whoever this was wanted him to come willingly and freely, but also prevented him from having any other option. After taking a moment to mentally accept the situation for what it was and what it could possibly be, the man slowly but surely took step after step, inching his way forward, obeying the command that had been called out to him.
Once he was past the dual doors, they both slammed shut behind him, as if signaling there was no way to truly turn back now, the only way was forward. The young man jumped in response to the loud noise behind him, but didn’t bother looking back. Instead, the man glared as he looked forward, a figure now clearly standing where darkness once was, the hallway now oddly illuminated, as if showcasing the person directly in his path.
The god before him stood mighty and tall, long white hair with just as long blue streaks, decorated with golden ornaments, robes that matched the varying colors of the ocean’s brightest waters, swirling around his slim body in an ancient style of robes. His eyes were a sharp lilac color, and gave an odd feeling of being so similar to the eyes of a feline, slit pupils that were slightly dilated as his gaze was transfixed to Wriothesley.
“I see that time has done you well, Wriothesley. You certainly grew into a rather handsome man. I will forever consider myself fortunate to lay claim on you so many years ago, before the others could.” At this, Wriothesley gasped, anxiety beginning to rise within his chest. A god laying claim on him? Ages ago? He would have remembered such a thing, seeing as though the deities usually made a huge spectacle when they took a human as theirs. It wasn’t an uncommon act, but according to what Wriothesley remembered hearing, a god had to be completely enamored with a mortal to do such an act. A claim meant ownership of the mortal by the god, sure, but it also bound them together in a deep, intimate way. The god would always know the whereabouts of the mortal, their control over them being absolute. For the mortal, it meant having a power being provide and protect them, but gods tended to be jealous beings, and this often resulted in a rather lonely existence for the mortal. There were humans that found this to be an absolute obsession for themselves, dolling up their looks and doing what they believed would get the attention of some sort of god that would claim them, but many found that staying away from this sort of deep-rooted obsession was better for them.
“I’m sorry, but I think you’ve got the wrong guy. No one’s laid claim on me and- “
“Then how would you explain your horrible luck then, Wriothesley?”
The young man shuddered, every time the god in front of him said his name, an odd wave of feelings started to phase through him that he couldn’t quite explain. It was like it felt right, and a small part of him wanted to hear the figure continue to say his name, until he couldn’t handle it anymore. The hell was wrong with him? He has never had such thoughts about others like this, why now?
“I-I’m not following…”
“I saw you kill your foster parents. I knew what you did was justified, my dear. They were horrible and their sins innumerable. You did what you needed to do to protect yourself and the little ones. It’s not often that I find myself observing humans as closely as you, and I knew from that moment forward, you were someone I wanted. Someone with such a profound sense of justice, and the spirit to carry out punishment. So, I cursed you.” The man continued to explain, as if it were common knowledge.
“Why the fuck would you curse someone that you’re interested in? Are you fucking insane?!” Wriothesley shouted out, stomping forward to stand right in front of the mighty being. The ancient one’s brows furrowed, glaring at the young man in front of him.
“Wriothesley…” the god said, his tone demanding respect and issuing a single and final warning.
Wriothesley bared his teeth at the ancient one, issuing his own, small, pathetic growl, in comparison. However, he understood and heeded the silent warning, not taking any further action, allowing the omnipotent being before him to continue on with his explanation.
“Of course. I didn’t want to take you away, especially with you being so young. However, I wanted no other god to look upon you in favor and want you for themselves. So, I placed a curse on you, and took care of anyone being aware of you committing murder. You would always feel as though someone or something was chasing you. A home would never be one for long, your soul aching to keep searching for something. If a suitor tried to approach you, you would take no notice or interest. They, also, would disappear from your life. Luck would abandon you, forcing you to follow your true destiny with hardships that would test you, mold you for your potential to come alive. You were to keep living your life, until I was prepared to receive you, and you were of a proper age. Now, is the time, Wriothesley…”
The powerful being before him then snapped his fingers, the area around them turning pitch black for just a moment, before the it was illuminated once more, showing a marble decorated room with various different nautical decorations adorning every aspect of it. Blues, golds and silvers lined and adorned every aspect of it, treasures beyond measure lay everywhere, as if the room itself were a museum of the heavenly bodies. In the middle of the room, and directly behind the god, was a giant, circular bed with blankets of the finest silk with the same level of intricate designs on them as well. Wriothesley’s breath stuttered, as he took a small step back, his head tilting to the side in confusion.
“Now is the time to consummate our binding, wouldn’t you agree? It’s been many years, and my hunger for you is insufferable…” the being in front of him stared intensely into his own eyes, unable to avoid him. A million thoughts were running through Wriothesley’s mind, but only one question was able to come out.
“W-w-who are you…?”
“Ah, yes. Sincerest apologies, my love. You may know me by many names, and by many forms, though this is my true self, that I will never hesitate to show and share with you. The title you humans appear to have given me in my temples is Neuvillette, god of all that is hydro, the waters of all are mine, of the lakes, the sea…” Neuvillette purred as he began to approach Wriothesley.
“Of every human body, but especially yours…”
The young man hastily started taking steps backwards, never keeping his eyes off of the powerful being before him, but it was to no avail for his situation. Suddenly, behind him, he felt a sort of cushion that he was then pushed down onto, sheets wrapping up around him as he became entangled in them. It took a moment for him to realize that the god before him must have teleported the both of them straight to the circular bed he had observed before, and now both of them completely nude and exposed to each other. Wriothesley shrieked as realized the position that the two were in now, him being laid out on the bed like a meal on a decorated platter, while the god above was draped over him in pure possession and domination, but that wasn’t the only reason why he screamed out. The young man also observed the full body of the god in front of him, perfectly chiseled muscles but with a slim, elegant figure. White, creamy skin that was free from any blemish or imperfection, and perfectly smooth with little to no body hair, except for his lower body, where white pubic hair trailed from below his navel down towards his lower pelvic region, where instead of one perfectly thick and long member, he seemed to have…two…
Oh, fuck, he was truly not going to make it out of this alive, whether Neuvillette realized it or not.
“G-Get the fuck off of me, just kill me!” Wriothesley screamed out, trying his best to push the god off of him, but once more, to no avail. Though his muscles were much larger than the deity that was draped above him, it mattered little. Whatever claim the god had on him seemed to hold true, he could never overpower him.
“Never, Wriothesley, never, you’re staying with me for the rest of eternity. I will show you how a god truly appreciates his claimed…” Neuvillette growled out, as he lowered his head and nuzzled Wriothesley’s neck, licking it repeatedly in a sensual manner, as if he were handling an absolute treasure. Wriothesley shut his eyes as he moaned in pleasure, not able to prevent himself from doing so, as his hips started rutting upwards, his member starting to harden from just the simplest of touches from this being. He blushed in embarrassment, but no one had ever touched him in this way before, no one had ever said such words to him. Everything he ever wanted to hear and feel from someone, Neuvillette was serving it on a silver platter for him, and he was a starved mortal, ready to accept it all.
“Ah, ah, what are you doing to me, Neuvillette…” Wriothesley breathed out, in a husky voice, fully immersed in all of the emotions and sensations he was feeling. Neuvillette only smiled against the skin of his neck, as his hands began to roam the young man’s body. Soft, but powerful hands continued to caress him, touching Wriothesley in places he never dared imagine anyone else doing so. From his muscled pectorals, down the sides of his stone hard abdomen, and then finally down to his rear as Neuvillette grabbed his cheeks, giving them a nice, firm squeeze, sharp nails digging into the meat of them, but never breaking the skin.
“I’m showing you how much you mean to me, you’re my desire, my passion, my reason to hold firm to my rule, so that no other may touch you like this. Only me, only ever me…” Neuvillette mumbled, burying his head back into the crook of Wriothesley’s neck as he continued.
Wriothesley let out a dirty moan as Neuvillette’s fangs elongated, rooting themselves deep into his neck, and tasting of his blood. The god made sure that when he released and his fangs retracted, that the wound would heal, but leave behind a deep scar that none other would question. He made sure in the back of his mind, to order one of his underlings to immediately begin commissioning a necklace for Wriothesley, that would accentuate his looks but also have the marks forever on full display for the world to see.
At this point, Wriothesley was hard as a rock, his member leaking precum as it begged for attention, for a release, for pleasure, and Neuvillette was more than happy to oblige. Removing himself from the young man’s neck, Neuvillette moved over to Wriothesley’s lips, licking them lightly, biting at him just a smidge, before he invaded them completely, inserting his long tongue and exploring the depths within. Wriothesley greedily allowed him to do so, wrapping his arms around the neck of the god, pressing him further down so that the kiss could be deepened even further, if that was possible. Neuvillette could only smile as he continued his assault, a hand now trailing down Wriothesley’s body, feeling the differences between the two. Where Neuvillette’s body was smooth and perfect, Wriothesley’s had dark hair that covered his arms, some of his chest, and definitely trailed down to his lower regions, oozing manly features. His body, though littered with scars from the trials and tribulations of his life, only seemed to further decorate how in his own way, he was powerful and worthy to be the claimed of Neuvillette.
As the hand of the god reached Wriothesley’s member, the man groaned, still stuck in the deep and passionate kiss, continued to raise his hips up, a while leaving his lips as his member demanded any sort of friction against it. Neuvillette grabbed him, stroking up and down, thumb teasing the leaking head. The kiss finally broke as Neuvillette desired to see Wriothesley’s pleasure, as he continued to pump the member of his claimed, doing every action so perfectly and true to the wants and needs of the young man. It wasn’t long before Wriothesley was breathing hard, his body shaking as he released all over the god, thick ropes of cum shooting out and even coating Neuvillette’s chest, as if adding to the creamy skin of his claimer.
Neuvillette could only continue to smile as Wriothesley repeatedly began to apologize, ashamed of what he had done but enjoying feeling every effect his god was bestowing upon him.
“Shhh, my soul, hush now with that. I do not want your apologies for indulging in what I give freely to you. Now, roll over…” Neuvillette growled out, the animalistic side of him starting to show. Wriothesley trembled beneath Neuvillette for a moment, but the god only offered him an odd sense of assurance as he gently led Wriothesley to roll over onto his stomach, directing him to keep his chest lowered onto the bedsheets but his rear raised high, on full display to his god. The young man, still embarrassed, tried his best to hide his face within the lavish sheets of the bed, but didn’t fight back. A part of him wanted this, needed this, wanting this session they were sharing to never end.
Wriothesley felt a warmness spread throughout his core, as he assumed Neuvillette had summoned some sort of water to assist with what was about to happen. The liquid was spread along the crease of his bottom and hole, delicate and soft fingers of the god above him caressing him, touching every inch of him, as if he were savoring his very existence. It wasn’t much longer after this that he could feel an odd flesh shape being pressed against his hole, one of his dicks, Wriothesley surmised. His heart started to pick up it’s pace once more, worried that such a formidable size wouldn’t be able to fit and he would feel nothing but pain as he was tortured into the act. However, that was far from the truth.
The water continued to warm and relax the skin that it touched, his muscles feeling lose and somewhat stretched even before he knew he was being entered. Neuvillette lowered himself once more, kissing Wriothesley’s back and nibbling here and there with his fangs, building up Wriothesley’s desire for him, which he did. Once he heard the young boy beginning to pant, spreading his legs even further and raising his rear even higher, he knew he was ready. Slowly, the god started pressing the head of one of his cocks into the greedy hole of his claimed, and it accepted him with ease. Wriothesley continued to plant his head directly into the sheets of the bed, moaning so loudly and continued to pant like a dog, but he desperately wanted this, needed this. It was only a matter of time before the god was deeply planted inside of him, taking a moment to relish the feel of the warmth that his length was now experiencing. The god then started to pump into his claimed, clawed hands holding onto his waist for support.
The thrusts started out small, and careful, but the pace was quick to change. The more that Neuvillette was planted in Wriothesley, the more that he desired, so his thrusts began to continue with their assault, becoming deeper and rougher.
“Yes, yes! More, more-gah, FUCK!” Wriothesley yelled out as his thoughts started to lose all sense but being completely consumed by pleasure. Within seconds he lost the ability to form any coherent words, only feeling and appreciating the ecstasy that his god was providing for him. Time seemed to go on forever as the thrusts continued, and Wriothesley had begun grabbing onto the nearby sheets, twisting them until they were a complete mess from the perfect state that they were in before.
Another deep, animalistic growl was heard above him, which made him moan even harder, as he felt Neuvillette’s balls slap against his ass from how deep he was thrusting in, the second cock now also fully erect was also slapping against his ass, warm and thick. It seemed that the god did have some form of pity for him, as he had only inserted one of his members this time. But that didn’t stop the conquering of his mortal body. A few more grunts were heard as Wriothesley felt something spill inside of him, so very warm and copious amounts kept flooding in. The young man sighed in absolute bliss, eyes fluttering shut as his body fell down back to the bed, Neuvillette easing him back down, but keeping his member deeply planted as more cum continued to be released inside of his claimed one.
Little did Wriothesley know this was the final act to solidify their bond. The god of hydro had marked him with his essence, and it will never fade. Every god and mortal will instantly know who he belonged to, and Neuvillette will always know what he was feeling, where he was, his thoughts and feelings now completely forfeit to him.
Oh, how lucky this god truly was.
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
So I decided to go back to school this year and am now in grad school, which I am somewhat struggling with more than I would like; damn them ADHD brain gremlins. As a grad school veteran, do you have any tips for not drowning in grad school while being a semi-functioning employed adult? 💚
Aha, well. I haven't actually gone to grad school while also working full time (unless I really lose my mind and do another master's degree while also managing two and/or three academic programs, but let's not talk about that), so I don't have specific suggestions in that regard. However, I can offer my basic tips for surviving grad school, which include:
* Set a routine and make sure you block out time to do your reading and/or writing. If nothing else, prioritize this. A lot of your grade in the class will come from what is directly before the professor's eyeballs, i.e. whether you can prove that you actually have a clue what they're teaching you and whether you can write coherently as a result. You can skim-read (dirty secret: almost all academics do), but you have to know how to skim-read, so you'll still taking in the essential points of the content. Usually this means reading the abstract, the introduction and conclusion, and maybe the beginning and end of each chapter or article section. Take notes. If you think "oh no, I'll definitely remember that!" -- that is the devil talking. Read with a pen in your hand. Future You will thank you.
* Likewise: you will need to take at least a few days to write a decent grad school essay. Plan in advance. Some people are the kind who can frantically scramble to pull an entire undergrad essay out of the hat on the night before and submit it at 11:59pm, but a) this doesn't work in grad school, or at least not as much, and b) if that's how you're going through it, you're not getting value out of it for money, and grad school is FRIKIN EXPENSIVE. The most amount of outstanding student loan debt I have is from my master's degree, not my bachelor's or PhD. If you're skating through it and bullshitting everything, then it's just not worth what you're paying.
* COMMUNICATE! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, COMMUNICATE!!!! This should be both to your professors in school and/or your bosses at your regular job. If you anticipate a schedule conflict, need an extension, have something that needs to be done in one front that will have to take priority over the other -- PLEASE COMMUNICATE! (Is this my Traumatized Faculty And/Or Administrator Voice talking? You can't prove it.) Don't drop in with a panicked email five hours before the deadline and beg for more time/a dispensation/extension/whatever. Most people will be willing to work with you, but that relies on giving them time and/or planning space to do so and make other arrangements; after all, they are also counting on you to be a team player and if you can't be, to give them the chance not to be screwed by your absence. It is a basic courtesy to promptly answer (and my god, READ!!!!) your emails and to communicate with other people BEFORE problems arise, rather than when you're right in the middle of them and it is already an emergency. Everyone will thank you for this.
* Likewise: work out which things need to be done as soon as they come up, and which ones are able to wait a little longer. My particular brand of neurodivergence often makes me think that I need to do new things RIGHT NOW GOD RIGHT NOW FIVE ALARM FIRE!! and I stress and get anxious until I do them, even if I'm already working on something else. Project-hopping can sometimes be helpful if you're feeling blocked on something else, but do also have a sense of what needs to be prioritized most.
* If you're not already on medication and/or have some way of managing your ADHD: I would strongly recommend that. Grad school is hard enough, and you don't need to make it artificially harder. There are always the usual bugaboos about obtaining any kind of care, but do what you have to do, medically or otherwise, to make sure you're putting your best foot forward and not artificially sabotaging yourself because the brain chemicals just won't play ball. Believe me, I also know something about that, so yeah.
Good luck!
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Aw geez the anon asking about boob faceplanting and tiddie squishing got me on my slasher tiddie bullshit again. How do the Sinclair boys react to reader SUCKING their tiddies? 👀
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Thomas Hewitt - Bo Sinclair - Vincent Sinclair - Michael Myers - Asa Emory
Tw: NSFW, sfw, canon violence, Asa, Michael, reader being horny on main, mature language MINORS DO NOT FUCKIN INTERACT ISTG.
A/N: you ask i shall deliver. Smh, you all asking to make a whore out of me like this.. it's horny o'clock so let's get down to business. And since I'm at it, here's the song I listened to while writing this atrocity. Also is my first time writing something smutty so if it's bad that's why. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO BE A WHORE I ONLY THINK LIKE ONE OKAY? I hope you enjoy it nonetheless
I- I have to say it. I would have to think about it 
not because I wouldn't want to -god If I want to- 
but as they say, save a horse right? 
It all started with the audacity of Thomas laying on the bed, bared tiddies in plain sight
Poor boy was dying from the heat and since he didn't had any other chores for the rest of the day he just decided to take a quick nap without his shirt to relax a little bit
Little did he know that he was not going to get his nap 
you, to be fair, went only to faceplant yourself on them and just die there. 
Could've been mistaken by a hug if you act stupid enough
Thomas did not acted stupid enough
Big boy here GASPED. He was like "EXCUSE YOU?! YOU FOUL GREMLIN" 
His brain however went from a to b really fucking fast as you kept plating wet and soft kisses all over his chest and on the most sensitive areas 
cue the awkward boner alert you felt against you
Now you're the one flabbergasted and he's just waiting for god to come and kill him right from the embarrassment 
That's until he gets like "you know what? This is your fault, you're gonna fix it" 
He was just trying to have a peaceful nap and you have to come and act like that
Gotta put some sense in you somehow
Buckle up cause he's not going to have any fucking chill. He's gonna put his whole thomasussy in fucking you so hard you won't remember what's your name
And if you try to make noise he's having none of it and it's covering your mouth with his big ass hand
Even as he's like destroying your soul from inside you KEEP SQUEEZING DAT TIDDIE CAUSE GIVING UP IS FOR THE WEAK 
The more you squeeze the more harder he goes so..yeah do what you wish with this information 
Overall 10000/10 
You couldn't walk right for like three days but worthy 
It takes place from the last request so if you want more context go read that
So you just planted your face on this manwhore chest right
And he shamefully asked you to do nasty things if you really liked it so much 
What he doesn't expect is for you to be as unhinged and shameless as he is 
When you just straight up start to unbutton his shirt to take it off he's like: :0
Not going to stop you tho, keep going y/n be horny do crime
This man weakness are chest kisses, he will crumble as soon as he feels soft lips brushing against his bare skin and your breath tickling sending shivers down his spine and making his breath slightly tremble as he sighs biting down a groan of pleasure~
He's gonna fold when you start to leave small hickies as you suck ON THOSE BIG OL MANBOOBS 
Needless to say that whatever he was going to do now has to wait until he has finished with you
If you look at him you may, unlike with Thomas, think "I can take it" 
No, no you can't.  
You're not making love, not even fuckin..YOU'RE GETTING BRUTALLY RAILED 
Once again oh to be destroyed by Bo's dick 
Moral of the story, sucking on tiddies always ends up with sex 
Same as Bo if you want more context go READ IT 
Now…vinny, baby
You didn't have enough uh, you got to go and keep going with your foul behaviour towards his vinny milkers??
He tried, as the gentleman he is, to distance himself and leave to the bathroom so you didn't have to feel nor acknowledge what effect you were having on him
You, on the other hand, very disrespectfully holded closer starting to slide your hands down his chest
You reach to the hem of his shirt, went under it and slowly started to creep your hands all the way back to his pecs 
Only this time it was full on skin to skin contact 
he just- he can't hold it anymore and a soft moan escapes his mouth
You grin like the awful gremlin you are and slowly start to rise up his shirt until you completely take it off 
His chest is raising up and down with shaky breaths and his muscles twitch as your fingers brush against them
And then, you did it. You just went straigh for the badoonkas 
After that everything in Vincent's mind went downhill 
You just ruined him so why don't go all in?
He took off the mask and watched you in the eyes without a trace of shyness 
Oh boy, you have fucked up. 
Vincent has let you suck on his chest so now you gotta repay the favour 
You know what he wants so you just brush your lips against his chest again and leave a trail of kisses as you lower yourself to kneel 
If i dont go to heaven its you all fault. FOUL, ALL OF YOU. including me. 
If there's someone's tiddies that should be sucked are Asa's 
This man has cake, tits and is TALL TOO? PICK A FUCKING STRUGLE EMORY 
But jokes aside, you have to be either really horny or really brave to do that with Asa. 
I would not be out there risking my life for some men tits 
I lied, I would be risking it. One chance is all i ask mr collector 
For the sake of making things easy you have never been a victim. You're just his lover 
Asa sleeps shirtless cause he moves around so much that having a shirt on is just uncomfortable 
He was just reading something, you were resting your head on his chest as he mindlessly played with your hair 
You thought that maybe if you were subtle enough he wouldn't noticed what you were doing
You started to a small kiss on the softest part of his chest and when his hand didn't stop playing with your hand you kept going 
One kiss led to another and then the small kissies turned into you getting on top of him and just starting to plant more confident and warm kisses all over his skin
Book long forgotten already his full attention was on you now
He's like caressing your thighs with his fingertips and looking at you with that look i-
When you start to smirk against his skin and then proceed to suck he just loses it
Now, I know you all knew this was coming. 
He's going to obliterate your soul from the inside. 
He flips positions so you're now laying on your stomach, caged under him. 
Bro is going to be FUCKIN MENACE
im talking about ripping away your clothes, pushing your face against the pillow as he thrust against you and biting your back 
You really thought he was gonna let you sucking on his chest slide like that? 
Will you be able to walk after? No. Will you do it again? Yes. 
Once again, are you really that horny? Do you really want tits that much?
I can picture him that as soon as you try he's already he's holding you against the wall by the throat, choking the life out of you
I feel like I'm getting repetitive with all the fucking you up thing so lets spice things up shall we? 
Since you thought it would be sooooo funny to try to assault THE Michael Myers tits, THE SHAPE OF HADDONFIELD badoonkas, THE BOOGEYMAN daddy milkers he's gonna show you what's good
No Myers dick for you, sorry. 
So, he's holding you against the wall by throat right? He's gonna now hold you higher until your feets don't touch the ground
He tilts his head watching as you fight for the privilege that is breathing
Michael is smiling like the fucking bitch he is under that mask
He slips a hand inside your pants without breaking the eye contact
You can feel how calloused and rough are his hands as his long fingers start to play with you painfully slow
He's gonna tease you until he knows you're about to cum and then he just lets you go, letting you fall butt first against the ground and walks away. 
When i tell you he has no remorse in being that FUCKIN HORRIBLE
and if you try to finish anything he will know and the punishment will be even worse 
He comes back hours later as if nothing has happen and if you pout or try to get all pissy about what he has done he will do it again
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purple-chaos-clown · 1 year
Demons' Emotions & Body Language
Because why the hell not talk about something that has probably been written/talked about a hundred times before? XD I'm in the mood to write about Mephisto because my brain is occupied by thoughts of him in some way 99% of the time.
This was spurred on by once again seeing Mephisto's great teeth appreciation and it reminded me of how much I actually love looking at his facial expressions in general.
He's just so fucking good at expressing himself, lol. And then I begin to wonder...
How much of it is staged/faked/put on, how much comes natural to him? If even at all?
Did he have a period where he tested out all the different facial expressions humans tend to make in certain situations? Did he go and study them? Is it like a game for him? Knowing the Human-Emotions-101 better than even humans themselves, just to have even more power and control over his cute toys?
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^Ch. 46 We know he's a little stalker gremlin, so people watching is one of his greatest hobbies - it would certainly help him out with accurately mimicking their body language.
Did he have a rough time when he first started to make contact with humans face to face? :( Because I know that even humans struggle with body language and facial expressions. Totally not looking at me, who's often laughing and smiling, simply hoping it's appropriate because I often don't fully understand what's going on. :')
Considering Mephisto is a pro at acting all human or demon (depending on which outcome he wants to reach, making certain behaviors necessary to manipulate everyone's actions) with how much time he has spent with humans and his obsession with them and their creations...
What is it like for all the demons possessing human bodies?
Amaimon seems to struggle a lot using the muscles in his face, if that side-story panel is anything to by. XD
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Moving a sack of flesh can be rough, buddy. I feel you there, my resting bitch face often scares strangers and I have to always check in to make sure I don't look as dead as I feel.
Amaimon is obviously able of actually showing emotions, evident in the manga, but I think there's one he expresses more often than others: anger.
Thinking of anger... There's Satan.
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^Ch. 105 Before he came into (regular) contact with Yuri he could only show anger when threatened/searching for Yuri. All other expressions seem to have been actively taught to him over a certain span of time.
Same with Rin when he was born.
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^Ch. 109 Though the threatening circumstances might have triggered/amplified that little ugly burning potato's anger. :x
Looking towards Lucifer is pretty much the same, though his anger is often more of the hidden kind and not as openly expressed. Same with Mephisto though. Maybe it's their age (though their behavior doesn't exactly reflect maturity, both of them are brats in their own rights) or simply who they inherently are.
The rest of the demon kings are... definitely emotional and expressive too, which is weird because why would they feel the need to mimic human behaviors and expressions? (Might be reason for another ramble, this post is already so much longer than I intended for it to be XD)
In conclusion...
All of it makes me think that anger is the one emotion that demons might inherently feel and express, anything beyond is something they need to actively learn about over time.
Which is incredibly sad the more I think about it.
I also think most demons (possessing human bodies) have to consciously think about what kind of facial expression/body language goes along with whatever they're feeling - if they want to outwardly express them.
Do they even feel the need to do that in the first place though? And if yes, why? Considering they don't have bodies in Gehenna, it wouldn't make much sense for them to inherently have some body language if they don't have bodies that support it, would it?
And yet we've seen how feral demons can be, Rin is a prime example when he gets overwhelmed by his demon side. All snarling, showing teeth and growling and it's something I (and many other people) love incorporating in our writing all the time because feral demons and the way they threaten each other is just peak content that I desperately need to continue living. XD
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thatndginger · 3 months
Y’all remember that idea I said I might share a little about yesterday? Well hold on to your butts because I’m about to ramble about the latest project spawned of the Shifter!verse.
I’ve been low-key obsessed with interactive fiction/novels (usually just abbreviated to IF) for a long time. If you don’t know what interactive novels are, this website has both a helpful explanation and a bunch of IF you can play :P Anyway, I like IF. A lot. And pretty much since the moment I started writing Shapeshifter, I’ve had the thought in the back of my head about writing an interactive novel for it. However, because IF tends to be high on wordcount and also I’d have to learn how to code and shit, that thought usually gets shoved waaay back in the brain cave until the next time it claws itself back.
But now, thanks to @touloserlautrec I have not only come up with a basic plot idea, I have the beginnings of the npcs too. And since I was a good gremlin and hit my wordcount goals yesterday, I’m gonna talk about it ^.^ Under the cut, of course, to save y’alls dashes.
Ok. So. Basic plot of what I am now calling Shapeshifter: Shadows - 
Player Character is a tourist who comes to visit Moressau for [unspecified but short amount of time]. PC has no idea what they’re actually getting into chasing magic and mystery, and quickly find themselves over their head when a particularly pushy and unpleasant vampire called Soran takes a shine to them. PC manages to escape Soran - temporarily - with the help of a shifter named Aurora who happened to be nearby. Aurora introduces PC to her small cadre of friends who help PC explore Moressau and have a good time - while also protecting them from Soran when it becomes clear Soran is not going to leave PC alone. I’m thinking different branches based on which characters the player chooses to hang out with most. The throughline plot won’t change, but certain scenes could change based on who the player has been favoriting. Obviously there’d be the option to romance certain characters, and that will affect which ending the player gets. The ‘basic’ endings would obviously be either PC escapes Soran and returns to their normal life with some wild stories OR Soran finally makes good on their threat of turning PC into a snack. More endings could include Soran being taken care of and PC deciding to stay in Moressau long-term, being turned into a vampire *without* getting eaten, or deciding to become a witch if they have an affinity with magic. Also, obviously, romantic partner endings.
I thought about making PC a supernatural from the start, but I think it’s more fun - and also easier - to make them a regular human being thrown into the world of the supernatural. I don’t want to make them a shifter because there’d only be a limited number of options for which animal they could turn into and depending on the kind I’d have to completely alter certain scenes and…. It’s just a lot of work. So. No. And turning them into a vampire would defeat the whole point of the plot. A witch might work, but it's more fun to have them discover a magical affinity over the course of the game, I think.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, here are the basic sketches for the major characters I’ve figured out so far:
Soran - he/him - a vampire and a complete asshole. Doesn’t take no for an answer because he thinks that being a vampire and having a vampire’s powers lets him do - or have - whatever he wants.  Aurora - she/her - a shifter with no clear allegiances who helps PC escape Soran’s initial advances, then takes it upon herself to show PC around Moressau and introduce them to new people, sights, and experiences. Short, sweet, and utterly terrifying when she wants to be; she refuses to let the bad experiences turn her into just another jaded resident of the smuggler city. David - he/him - a shifter who has a massive chip on his shoulder and a very simple color scheme: black. Jaded and prickly, he doesn’t want to get mixed up with *anyone*, let alone a clueless tourist. But he can’t just let PC stumble blindly into death either. Secretly a bit of a softie beneath all the black and leather and broodiness. Rune - they/them - a witch and friend of Aurora’s. More than happy to help show PC the hidden corners of Moressau and kick some vampire ass. Fairly relaxed and laid back but with a mischievous streak hidden just below the surface. Intelligent but a little clueless emotionally. Celia - she/her - a vampire and acquaintance of Rune’s. Keeps her cards close to her chest and it’s rather unclear why she agrees to help PC with their Soran problem. Playful and teasing, a bit of a thrillseeker, has some *great* stories. Dress style spans like 3 different centuries and you never know what she’ll show up in next.
So... yeah. It’s a thing. I’m gonna shove it back to the far corners of the mind cave now, since my goal is to finish Into the Storm before I start anything else. But I am now significantly more inclined to learn how to code and write IF now than I was.
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slutforalastor · 2 months
Just to make it clear I have no true allegiance, I love a bunch of a different ships and adore everyone in Hazbin Hotel, Alastor is just my problematic fav and for once in my life, I am indulging in being a huge fan of something instead of trying to reign it in. I don't consider myself a writer of any one ship or dynamic or even genre. If I write Alastor in situations that are not him being the aroace he is, I mean for it to be a fanon version of him, not canon. Any desire to write him as something he isn't is because of my liking for him, not because I think aroaces should change or are invalid. Alastor does not need fixing, or to find the right person, or whatever else. I've got ideas for all of those things because it satisfies my lizard brain, but they're AU, not me wanting to see the character from the show I know and adore actually change. It is entirely my desire as a fan, not my judgment as someone that respects, loves, and appreciates all of those across the wide spectrum of aro and/or ace folks. It's easy to say "Well, he isn't real, so it doesn't matter," but I know he's a big deal to an extremely overlooked and marginalized group that deserve representation. They deserve him that way in the show. They deserve more folks like them in more shows. Me, however? I'm a horny little gremlin and I like what I like. Aroaces deserve to be acknowledged without being handwaved away or made to feel bad because they just want SOMEONE they can relate to in that very specific and personal way. I've got ideas for him both ways, just trying to make my intentions clear and transparent from the get-go.
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oddygaul · 3 months
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, and also just Scott Pilgrim
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-footage from Rebuild of Scott Pilgrim
I watched Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, then realized it had been nearly 15 years since I actually read the comics, so then I re-read all of those. I wish I had just done it in the right order to begin with, because doing it this way really scrambled my thoughts about both works. In my defense, how was I to know Takes Off is actually a sequel? What am I supposed to do, read things?
I was pleased to find that the original Scott Pilgrim honestly holds up pretty well. Takes Off is clearly such a reflective work that I was expecting to find the original story a lot more problematic than I had in high school, but… for the most part, it really knows what it’s doing. Yeah, a lot of the characters are shitbirds, but they’re meant to be shitbirds. The entire point of the book is showing us flawed people who intermittently make shitty decisions, and giving them a chance to grow, reflect, and treat the people around them better.
So generally, I still really liked Scott Pilgrim. All the goofy-ass character art and the surreal, unexplained quasi-fantasy Canada bits that made it tick back then still work. This time around, I really appreciated the writing and dialogue for not only its bevy of solid jokes, but for how fucking weird it is. In the past decade or so, I think a lot of ‘quirky’ humor has homogenized somewhat into a particular tone. Call it Whedonization or globalization or internet brain or whatever you want, but it can sometimes feel like anything aiming to be comedic hits a lot of the same beats.
The Scott Pilgrim comics, however, are a weird time capsule and their own vibe entirely. These fuckers just talk like aliens sometimes. They say random stuff, but it’s not *holds up spork* random, it’s “shit sorry I was kind of half listening but I think the thing I’m about to say is relevant” random. It’s less big swings to try and land a punchline, and more of two people letting loose a stream of consciousness at each other, lending a sense of constant confusion to the proceedings. It’s absolute nonsense sometimes, and I was way into it.
This ties into a slight shift in my read on Scott as a character, too. I always just saw him as a huge asshole - and that led to my biggest issue with the movie, which was that Cera plays him way too meek and doesn’t suck nearly enough. Reading the comics again, though, while Scott absolutely does suck, he’s just so fucking head empty that I warmed up to him a bit more. He’s still an asshole that doesn’t take responsibility for how his actions affect others, absolutely, but also god damn he’s so dumb that it softens the blow sometimes.
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There were some little details about characters I’d forgotten that I really love - like the fact that Scott is actually a really good cook, but does it purely through intuition without knowing what anything’s called.
Art-wise, I liked it a lot more than I remembered, too; it definitely starts out a bit rough, but there’s a lot of charm to the characters and their weird gremlin mouths. I also laughed at some of the manga inspiration I didn’t pick up on before; everyone’s got big anime eyes, sure, but the grey screentone Clip Studio pattern fills? The hiring of assistants to do polished background work as the author gets into the later volumes? Ahh, classic.
Takes Off was a lot of fun, too. I gather that a lot of the internet fandom is upset it wasn’t a straight retelling of the original story with killer animation, but man, you gotta let creators create what speaks to them. Bryan Lee O’Malley started Scott Pilgrim twenty years ago. He’s been both married and divorced since then. Surely he’s gone through as much growth and change as we all would in such a timespan - how could you expect someone to just re-tread the exact same ground on such a personal story?
I find it interesting how prevalent this trend has become in the past decade or so - a creator or creative team returning to an old work - seemingly out of necessity, as the IP has become such a juggernaut that it’ll happen with or without them - and refusing to just tell the story again by the numbers. Anno’s Rebuild of Evangelion is the closest spiritually to this, but even recent ‘remakes’/reboots like Final Fantasy VII and God of War 2018 have followed the same path - creators ruminating on the strengths and weaknesses of older work from a more distant lens to create something new. They all seem to have arrived at this methodology independently, too (O’Malley said he only watched the Rebuilds once Takes Off was written and well underway); it’s not about chasing the trend of an altered remake, it seems to just be a natural desire to reckon with the past this way.
Because of this, one of the reasons I really wish I watched the show after re-reading the comics is to have a better sense of the evolution, and the change in tone and message. Due to watching Takes Off while having only a hazy recollection of the original, I made a lot of assumptions about how the original work must have portrayed things, to explain what Takes Off’s themes were a rejection of: that by giving Ramona more agency, she’s less of a damsel in distress/prize to be won, and isn’t defined by her body count… when in fact, neither of those are really the case to begin with. Ramona has plenty of agency in Scott Pilgrim, she fights as much as Scott does, and really is only defined by her body count as narrative framework, not judged in-universe by the other characters* **.
*I think some of these misconceptions may have come from having rewatched the movie more recently than I read the comics, as the movie (if I remember correctly, which this entire blog has established I likely don’t) does tend to treat Ramona as more of an passive object. Her subservience to Gideon in the real world (rather than in her subspace mind prison) comes to mind.
**Also, you could argue that the framework of the story itself being ‘guy fight’s girl’s evil exes in order to earn the right to date her’ is inherently placing importance on Ramona’s body count and someone’s romantic eligibility/desirability being defined by that but like… man that just is clearly not the vibe imo
If anything, I think the real lack that the show was trying to make up for wasn’t Ramona’s lack of agency, exactly, but a lack of screentime. Takes Off simply spends more time inside Ramona’s head, letting us see things from her perspective, and understanding the reasons for why she is the way she is and why she does the things she does. In some volumes of the book, she’s aloof almost to the point of feeling like a trope; it’s clear (especially later on) that there’s a reason for the way she acts, but the story just doesn’t necessarily communicate it very well. In the show, with Scott sidelined, we get to spend a lot of time with Ramona, understanding her thoughts and feelings, which is certainly a welcome change.
Anyway, intentions of the changes aside, I wouldn’t trade Takes Off for a straight remake in a thousand years; the sense of utter surprise I felt while watching the story take a hard left turn was exhilarating***. Plus, if the reason you love a series is the characters you’ve developed a bond with, what could be better than canonized fan fiction written by the original creator, showing your favorite characters interacting in new and novel ways? How could one not be excited to see Gideon and Lucas bro out and watch anime together? How could one not be thrilled to see Wallace Wells enact further chaos upon the whole province? More than righting storytelling wrongs, Takes Off is making space to tell more stories and round out everyone’s favorite supporting characters in a franchise that, due to the inherent density of its plot and setup, simply hasn’t had the real estate to develop all of them and let them breathe.
***Having just played through NieR recently, I almost felt like the show had scanned me, detected I had gotten Scott Pilgrim Ending A before, and was throwing some NG+ bonus content at me lmao
As far as the production goes, I was impressed overall, but thought it did suffer from some awkward timing and pacing issues. It’s stiff competition when your inevitable point of comparison is an Edgar Wright movie - even other live-action movies can seem stiff and slow compared to his frenetic pacing and constant cuts - but it still felt remarkably low energy at times, especially in the back half. Now, this is a problem you see a lot in anime dubs; English and Japanese are two very different languages, with different cadences and construction. Since a cast is typically required to dub over already existing animation, the translated dialogue often ends up being elongated and unnatural when it should be a quick back and forth, or hurried where it should have a little more breathing room. Given, though, that Takes Off was not only recorded in English before Japanese, but actually recorded before animation then animated to the dialogue (exceedingly uncommon), I was surprised the show still had this issue.
Regardless, the boarding in the first 4 episodes or so manages to be bombastic enough that this isn’t a problem; there’s a lot of wild camera angles and perspective shifts that keep things dynamic even when the dialogue itself isn’t moving too quickly. The animation highlight for me personally was the fight in the video store between Ramona and Roxy; great idea, incredible execution.
While Science Saru is the main production studio, I was intrigued to spy a bunch of other studios listed in the credits - WIT, Shaft, Ufotable, Trigger - but upon some further research it looks like they were just doing inbetween work.
Also the music includes slapped - I was jamming hard to Kidnapped by Neptune and Konya wa Hurricane, and then that United States of Whatever drop? unreal.
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alexis-royce · 3 months
Mr Pages- 4, 8, 9, 21
Ask game time!
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Either more visual novels, or a prose novel! I think that it’s nice to have a little time to puzzle out Pagemanteaus, and spoken media might go by a little too quickly for that. Also, unless you are literally Stupendium, putting Pages into a musical would be doomed to failure. The difficulty bar is absurdly high.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I’m not a fan of questions like this! I think that unless it’s a genuine ethical issue like harassment, complaining about fandom creations is stirring up trouble and complaining about stuff that people make in their free time, for no pay, and often with no training. Also? The FL community tends to be pretty erudite and fun-loving. Everyone who memes on Pages gets the appeal! I always like seeing it, even if I’m too shy to interact sometimes.
So I guess instead, I’ll try to give advice? If you’re drawing Pages, I think that it’s fun to go exaggerated with the body language. Since you can’t see its face, most of the emotion will be stored in the pose. The other masters are better at acting spooky and stoic than Pages is. Pages is a fucking gremlin. ❤️
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9. Could you be roommates with this character?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. My favorite characters are generally somewhat amoral and obnoxious, and Pages fits the bill for this. Let’s be real: Pages is a messy bitch who loves drama and canceling people for their problematic writing. Pages would take one look at a trans dude who writes weird smut with flawed characters and whoops I’m quickly dogpiled and in prison.
Pages is my worst nightmare but it is very fun to imagine a character (The Academic) who could survive it. Power fantasies come in all shapes and sizes.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I love writing pagemeanteaus. IRL I struggle to verbalize my thoughts often, and though I have a large vocabulary, I tend to get stuck when I can’t remember words. Sometimes simple ones. It’s very frustrating to stand there trying to talk with a brain that just stopped working. So I love that while writing, I can just bullshit words instead. Whenever I stumble I can just cramsert whatever makes sense into Pages’ speechandering style of speaking.
On the other hand, I have difficulty balancing how romantic to make Pages, with how antagonistic. I know that my characterization is much less brooding and mysterious than in canon (especially MotR. That one needs for Pages to represent the masters as a group for most of its plot, so it comes across as much more muted). I tend to lean on Pages’ depiction in Hearts Desire, which is lullingly affable, until the instant it’s not getting what it wants, whereupon it can be venomous. But I get the feeling that Pages really does like human romance, and its desires would be a little more mainstream than the curator fight-flirting I tend to write. If I were trying to write as canonically as possible, I’d tone that stuff down.
But sadly, I love antagonistic nemesis comedic pseudo-romances with blustery infodumping old guys, so you’re stuck with me writing Pages with a very low spooky and traditionally romantic stats. It’s autism and slapstick murder hours 24/7 in my house. ❤️
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