#aries birthstone: what is it and what does it mean?
jackxo · 4 months
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𝔄𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔟𝔞𝔟𝔦𝔢𝔰 ♈︎
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esotericway · 4 months
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5 Little-Known Facts About the Aries Zodiac Sign
Hey there, fellow cosmic explorers! Today, I'm here to enlighten you about some fascinating but often overlooked tidbits about the fiery and dynamic Aries zodiac sign. So buckle up, because we're about to dive into the lesser-known aspects of this enthusiastic and passionate sign.
Fearless Pioneers: Did you know that Aries is the first sign of the zodiac? This makes Aries individuals natural-born leaders and pioneers. They fearlessly charge ahead, embracing new challenges with an infectious enthusiasm. Their courageous spirit inspires others to step outside their comfort zones and strive for greatness. Aries truly embodies the saying, "Where there's a will, there's a way."
Competitive Soul: Aries may have a reputation for being competitive, and that's because they thrive on challenges. They have an innate need to prove themselves and be the best at what they do. Whether it's in sports, academics, or their career, Aries individuals pour their heart and soul into every endeavor. Their determination and drive often propel them to astonishing heights of success.
Bursting with Energy: Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of energy and action. This connection infuses Aries with an abundance of vitality and enthusiasm. They have an incredible zest for life and are always up for an adventure. Aries individuals have an infectious energy that can light up a room and inspire those around them. When they set their sights on a goal, they go after it with unwavering fervor.
Impulsive Decision-Makers: Aries is known for their impulsive nature. They often follow their instincts and make decisions on the spur of the moment. While this spontaneity can lead to exciting experiences, it's important for Aries to strike a balance between acting on impulse and considering the consequences. Taking a moment to pause and reflect can help Aries avoid unnecessary risks and make more informed choices.
Lovers of Freedom: Aries cherishes their freedom above all else. They thrive in relationships that allow them to maintain their independence and pursue their personal goals. Aries individuals are fiercely loyal, but they need partners who understand their need for autonomy and give them the space to express themselves fully. They appreciate partners who can keep up with their adventurous spirit and share in their zest for life.
In conclusion, Aries is a dynamic and passionate sign with many intriguing qualities. From their fearless nature to their competitive spirit, Aries individuals bring a unique energy to the zodiac. So, the next time you encounter an Aries, remember these little-known facts and appreciate the vibrant spirit they bring to the world.
Until next time, fellow stargazers! Keep exploring the cosmic wonders that surround us, and may the stars guide you on your journey of self-discovery.✨🔭✨
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astrovastuplus · 5 months
Exploring the Traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius stand out as dynamic fire signs in astrology, each contributing unique attributes to the zodiac spectrum. Let’s uncover their individual characteristics while highlighting their shared qualities:
1. Aries (March 21–April 19): *Element & Nature: Aries, as a cardinal fire sign, embodies initiative, fervor, and forward-thinking.
*Key Characteristics: Those under Aries often display determination, bravery, and a proactive nature. Their innate drive pushes them to kick-start endeavors and embrace challenges.
Areas for Growth: While Aries individuals are driven, they might occasionally act on impulse, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning and patience.
2. Leo (July 23 — August 22):*Element & Nature: The fixed fire sign of Leo symbolizes passion, charisma, and a touch of theatrical flair.
*Key Characteristics: Leos radiate confidence, allure, and a magnetic presence. Their leadership qualities often inspire and captivate those around them.
*Areas for Growth: Despite their magnetic appeal, Leos should be mindful of appearing too self-assured, striving to balance confidence with humility.
3. Sagittarius (November 22 — December 21):*Element & Nature: Sagittarius, a mutable fire sign, resonates with curiosity, optimism, and a philosophical mindset.
*Key Characteristics: Sagittarians often exhibit enthusiasm, broad-mindedness, and an insatiable curiosity. Their expansive worldview and love for freedom set them apart.
*Areas for Growth: In their pursuit of truth, Sagittarians should remember to communicate with tact and sensitivity, ensuring their honesty resonates positively.
Shared Attributes of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius:
*Drive: Each of these signs boasts a relentless drive, whether in personal relationships, endeavors, or aspirations.
*Positive Outlook: A common thread among them is an inherent optimism and vivacity, enabling resilience and positivity.
*Wanderlust: The shared love for exploration, whether through experiences or knowledge-seeking, ties Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius together.
In essence, while Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius each carve their distinct paths, their fiery essence unites them with shared traits of determination, optimism, and a zest for exploration. Delving into these nuances provides a deeper understanding of their motivations, behaviors, and interconnections within the zodiac tapestry.
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aghora · 5 months
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alpha-mag-media · 6 months
Aries birthstone: What is it and what does it mean? | In Trend Today
Aries birthstone: What is it and what does it mean? Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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ur-mag · 6 months
Aries birthstone: What is it and what does it mean? | In Trend Today
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cherrygorilla · 2 months
Ethan's Basic Info
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Name: Ethan Dombrowski
Ok, I both did and didn't struggle with coming up with potential faceclaims for Ethan. I had no idea where to even start with looking for faceclaims for him for specific decades - I just don't think that I have that broad of a knowledge of actors lol. So, instead, I've split it into actors who I think capture more of how I imagine his physical appearance to be (Heath Ledger & Johnny Depp - both mostly for the hair, let's be real haha), and actors who I think could really capture the lovably chaotic vibe he brings to the table (Matthew Lillard & Milo Manheim). Unconventional - but then again, so is he, so I think it works lmao.
Nicknames: As much as he loves to dish nicknames out to other people, he's never really been given one himself. I mean, his parents didn't even think to give him a middle name - expecting them to be creative enough to come up with a nickname was a bit of a stretch. He would get called his surname in school quite a bit (mostly if he was getting in trouble), but other than that he usually just gets 'Ethan'. If anything, I think his abundance of nicknames for others is just making up for the lack of his own. I like to think he's just waiting for the right person to come along and drop one on him though hehe.
Age: 20
Date of Birth: 4th of April (which is very helpful for him, because 4.4.44 is a ridiculously easy birthday for his pea-sized brain to remember)
Zodiac: Aries
Birthstone: Diamond
Nationality: American and Polish
Sexuality: He doesn't care about labels - he'll sleep with anyone that breathes in his direction...within reason lmao
Birthplace: A rusty trailer home in Tallahassee, Florida
Current Residence: A slightly less rusty trailer home in St Petersburg, Florida
Occupation: Production Assistant and Sound Engineer in the TV & film industry, and the entertainment coordinator for a local bar. He's also (according to Mick) a professional idiot.
Talents/Skills: Playing the guitar, flipping beer mats, putting together flat-pack furniture (because he's the monkey they apparently wrote the instructions for - Miles' words, not mine), doing god-awful impressions, giving inanimate objects personalities, and, despite his deep-rooted clumsiness, he's pretty good on a skateboard.
Birth Order: Youngest of two
Siblings: His older sister, Billie (27)
Parents: Dominik Alfred Dombrowski (deceased) & Nadia Ruth Dombrowski
New Family: Hendrix, his rescue dog, and the closest thing he thinks he'll ever get to a stable family unit. He says he's a black lab for ease, but he only looks like a black lab if you squint and tilt your head; in reality, he's a mutt that the rescue shelter couldn't even pin down to any particular breed - that's part of what made Ethan so drawn to him though: they're both as misunderstood in the world as each other. In terms of human family though, his aunt (Janis) and uncle (Ford) took him in after everything went to shit with his parents - and although he doesn't see much of them anymore, it's comforting to know that he does have some sort of a real support system to count on if he were to need it.
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Height: 5' 7'' (so many of the actors I picked as his faceclaims are tall, so I tried to make it work for a while, but I just couldn't - he's just got such chaotic little-shit/confident short-king energy in my mind lmao)
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Glasses or contact lenses: He probably needs glasses, but he doesn't care enough to go get an eye test
Distinguishing features: Dimples, a burn scar on his right thumb from messing around with a lighter, a scar on his left wrist he usually hides with a bunch of bracelets/wrist bands, and a lot of really dumb tattoos.
Mannerisms: He's always fidgeting - like always. It doesn't matter if it's with a paper straw wrapper, the end of one of his many wristbands, or the piece of skin next to his nail - he'll even bounce his leg if it comes down to it; he just always needs to be moving in some capacity. He's pretty intense with holding eye contact in conversations too (despite them being half-closed 90% of the time) - and the concept of personal space is totally lost on him.
Health: Mild insomnia and depression. His drug habits also aren't the healthiest, but it's not like he's gonna go to get himself checked out; what he doesn't know can't hurt him.
Hobbies: Playing the guitar (what he spends the majority of his free time doing), walking Hendrix, making terrible decisions, dragging Miles into those terrible decisions (either to join in, or get him out of trouble), napping anywhere and everywhere, collecting cool lighters, smoking weed, getting spontaneous tattoos, thrifting bizarre items of clothing, eating Mexican food, and losing himself in an album for 45 minutes. and annoying the shit out of Mick
Greatest flaw (in their opinion): Probably his lack of drive. Whilst how laidback and carefree he is about life can be a great thing most of the time, it does make him feel kind of empty sometimes not having a goal to reach, or some kind of direction he wants to take his life in. Yeah, it makes life a lot less stressful just living it day to day - not having any responsibilities, or commitments to obsess over - but without any sense of ambition it can start to feel a little…pointless, I guess. 
Best quality (in their opinion): His ability to find the fun in any situation. He was dealt a pretty shitty hand in life, but he's never let it get him down. Sure, he may not always cope with it in the healthiest way, but he is coping - thriving, in fact. He floats through life without a care in the world, and will happily toss a pool noodle to anyone that needs one so they can join him. He's optimistic, and authentic, and downright stupid sometimes, but it's those qualities that help people see the bright side in hopeless situations; he draws the fun to the surface, and helps you focus on the simple joys life has to offer, without letting the weight of your troubles drag you down.
Biggest fear: Clowns are his big one - and always the answer if anyone asks. But if he's being totally honest (which is almost never when it comes to serious stuff like this), then it's ending up like his parents. He has a handful of fond memories of his family growing up - his older sister probably has more since she was around for more of the good years - but his unplanned arrival stretched the family's already tight budget razor thin, and it didn't take long for things to go to shit as a result. His dad never had a particularly strong resolve (something he's paranoid about having inherited), and so when things got hard, his already established relationship with drugs became less casual, and more heavily reliant. When the tamer stuff didn't cut it anymore, he turned to the harder stuff, and when the harder stuff stopped helping him feel better - he stopped feeling anything at all. Ethan's mom took her husband's accidental overdose hard, but she found being a single mother even harder. And whilst Ethan knew she was struggling, he's still struggling to forgive her for shutting down on her kids in the way she did. Yeah, fine, lose your job and sleep on the couch all day, ignore your children for days on end - whatever you needed to do to get by - but go out to get your latest fix and go down for 15 years for manslaughter? …That's asking a lot. Like it was mentioned earlier, with his parents out of the picture, his aunt and uncle took him and his sister in, and whilst they might not be the greatest role models themselves in terms of addictive vices, they at least showed him how to open his mind in a safe, supervised environment. Yes, numbing his brain to keep out the bad thoughts is an unhealthy coping mechanism, but it's also beautifully freeing - and there's a lot of fun to be had if you know what's safe and what kind of high you're looking for (which, thanks to his aunt's guidance, he always does). He has a great set of friends keeping him on the straight and narrow now, and his lawyer sister clearly turned her equally shitty hand in life around, but that nagging paranoia about screwing his life up like his old folks did still haunts his thoughts in the wee hours of the morning when he can't get his brain to fall asleep… But that's way too deep and depressing, so he'll stick with clowns - or Miles telling him he's found a new best friend 😢
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor (it was between that or Hufflepuff, but I think he's too recklesss and overbearing to be a Hufflepuff haha)
Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: Cookies 'n Cream
Favourite Colour: Green - but he can be very easily swayed; he thinks they're all fun
Favourite Number: 420 babyyyyy 😎🍃🔥💨🤪💯
Favourite Movie: Wayne's World or the live action Scooby Doo - but his Wet Side Story universe pick would be A Bucket of Blood
Favourite Songs: Ok, this is a really tough category for him, because he has a very deep appreciation for a very broad spectrum of music genres. But, a (slightly) narrowed down list would probably look something like: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, Creep by Radiohead, Enter Sandman by Metallica, Hotel California by the Eagles, Vienna by Billy Joel, Does Your Mother Know by ABBA, Happy Together by The Turtles, Life Is A Highway by Rascal Flatts, Fight For Your Right by the Beastie Boys, The Muppet Show theme song & Hurricane by Bridgit Mendler
A place they want to visit: Niagara Falls - purely because he wants a souvenir t-shirt
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zimandturtles · 1 year
Something I failed to deliver... AIRES INFO 🐺🖤
For the babe I made for MHA, I ship him with Midoriya now but it used to be Bakugo so some shit might seem weird or inaccurate to my present representation of Aries... Just enjoy some shit I overthought about for 2 weeks...
Name: Aries Fangheart (Son of Ozwald)
Age: 17 years
Height: 6.5ft
Weight: 180lbs
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation:
Gay 🏳️‍🌈
NonBinary ⚧️(He/They)
Quirk: Anthro Kiju (in America: HellHound)
Turned into a large anthophamorphc dog beast
Home Country: Alaska, America 
Birthday: April 30,????
Zodiac: Taurus ♉ 
Lucky Stones: Emerald, Diamond, Quartz, Amethyst 
Birthstone: Diamond, Sapphire, Opal
Ruling Planet: Venus
Element: Earth 🌎
Flower: Daisy's & Sweet Peas
Hero or Villain: Anti-Hero (He just acts like one but he's all good guy)
Alias: Fenrir
Slightly Materialistic
Hates Change
Over Protective
The type who pushes shit down till he busts in their face and says something...
Love Language: Physical Touch/ Dirty Flirty
Aries is Norwegian...
His ancestors came to French Canada when the Vikings were still around and settled in Alaska in what is now called “Nome”
They were pushed from their ancestral home and fled the country
He is proud of his heritage and celebrates all “Viking” Holidays 
His mother was Norse his father was African American (Dad is dead)
Aries is the first of his family to receive a quirk...
His father had an animal related quirk that subsided in later age(Lost the ability as he kept it hidden)
Aries was considered cursed until his mother found it was genetic(whoopsie)
Aries loves his family and knows good and well that they are scared of him regardless of what he does for them to make them feel otherwise 
Aries is comparable psychologically to a Dog...
His animal side prevails often in their constant fight for control over their shared body
The animal side is less another personality more like instincts that force Aries to abide by his lesser nature
Aries hates the animal part of him and tends to let it get the better of him
Aries has many instincts and features to that of his animal breed
Sense of smell (can smell an animal 8 miles away)
Great hearing (Dog whistles hurt his head)
Courting Rituals (Basicly heat but way worse because he can say how much it hurts)
Night Vision (sees like a night vision camera)
Dominance Struggle (Will assure dominance on anyone he sees as an appropriate target, often for his aggression)
Universal Communication (can understand other dogs)
Hunting Mode (becomes easily agitated and uses to focus on finding “prey”)
Aries Love Life...
His last girlfriend met an untimely demise by his own claws
Aries was in heat and she tried to take advantage or him but he attacked not realizing what he was doing
He will never forgive himself 
Aries is a virgin (just because his last partner tried to get some don't mean she got to see it!)
Aries will oddly enter heat and will become more prone to speaking his mind and saying how he feels, he also becomes more emotionally vulnerable and will give off the scent of lavender and cedarwood that gets stronger as time prolongs
Aries tends to refuse help out of fear of hurting whoever is so unfortunate to cross his path in that state
Aries will bite and scratch his lovers (in acute and caring way)
Aries tends to show his affection for his crush in animalistic ways such as:
Bringing them gifts (Dead animals, Chocolate, flowers, stuffed toys, coffee, etc.)
Over Protective Actions (growling and snapping at others who get too close)
Carving their name all over his bedroom walls and arms(with his claws)
Aries is sensitive...
While Aries comes off as deep and brudding he is very vulnerable when struck with strong emotions 
He cares very deeply for those he considers a part of his pack(family)
Aries is very vulnerable with his loved ones
Hidden Featurs:
Aries has a large single vertical scar on his left eye, the eye itself is made of black volcanic glass made by his great grandpappy (Renniran). The scar is jagged and deep pink and has the unique texture of leather, the scar was opened to his upper lip and is the opening for the next feature...
Aries has a large gold tooth that replaces one of his old fangs...
it was knocked out while Aries was fighting a Moose, the Moose lost in the end...
Rip Moose...🌹☠️
His facial scar shows the whole fang...
Aries has a Norse Rune tattoo...
it's on his lower back above his tail
The fur was shaved off and the rune is embedded in the fur, the tattoo shows due to the pigments of the skin change and have a lasting impression on the fur
Aries got the rune as a way to bless himself with spiritual protection
Only his mother knows about the tattoo (she paid for it... 😆💸💸)
Aries paints his claws and nails...
he uses human nail polishes but only does the coloring with a paint brush
He'll do intricate designs for fun
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erius-vidi · 5 months
Aries birthstone: What is it and what does it mean?
Aries birthstone: What is it and what does it mean? Read Full Text
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emilynightshade89 · 2 years
For all your OCs:
Basics: 6
Appearance: 3
Personality: 3 and 6
Background: 4
Relationships: 2
Fun Facts: 5 and 9
Hi! I'm very sorry this took me so long! 😅
6. Wat's their zodiac sign/element/birthstone/etc.? Do they believe it holds any significance?
Wendy McCoy -> Born March 21st, (year??), Aries, birthstone: Bloodstone.
Not really. While she is curious to know about her signs and meanings and perhaps that of others, I wouldn't think that she totally thinks that any of it may hold any sway over her.
Rose Gonzales -> Born April 23rd, (????), Taurus, birthstone: Diamond.
No. She doesn't really care, nor does she believe that anything higher than herself, besides chance/circumstance, gets to dictate who or how she goes on through life.
August Ripley -> Born June 15th, (????), Gemini, birthstone: Alexandrite.
Yes. Growing up, his older sister Blaire was hugely into the stuff. She would try to give him tarot readings if he asked whenever their parents weren't around because they believed it was all nonsense. But it entertained August and to him it had to be true because why else were there such things out there in the stars that described him better than himself? As an adult, he still believes they do hold significance over people but perhaps just less so.
3. What's their style like? Clothes, hair, makeup?
Wendy McCoy -> Laid back but with not too much flowy clothing in case there is the need to defend herself with a weapon or flee from someone trying to grab her. In a world filled with vampires she tends to wear clothing that covers her exposed skin up the most (long sleeves, collared jackets, jeans), for whenever she's out and about at the risk of getting found. She still has her old military uniform, which is essential when going out on supply raids because she can take with her a great deal of medical supplies. When she's more relaxed, she most likely sporting a favorite band t-shirt with a plaid long sleeve over it. She owns a simple brush for her shoulder length hair, and she does not wear makeup as with trying to focus on survival they're hard to come by.
Rose Gonzales -> 80s Biker Girl with a red tank top, leather jacket, and ripped jeans with boots. When she's out stealing, she's got a stealth suit that's pretty comfortable. Her main wardrobe consists of a few grey, red, or black tank tops, some jeans, an extra dark blue jean jacket with a rose painted on the back. Her hair is past shoulder length and moderately wavy. She keeps a brush for it but often puts it up in a bun especially when she's working. Some light makeup like eyeliner, maybe some eyeshadow, and definitely some red lipstick (especially if she wants to show off for Raven).
August Ripley -> Simple and outdoorsy. Absolutely has some plaid shirts in his closet but he does appreciate the simple t-shirt and jeans outfit. HIs working clothes, either as a B.P.R.D. agent or private detective, consist of a black turtleneck and white long coat with black buttons (he unfortunately, does not wear a detective's hat). His say for the outfit is that he doesn't want to look like a stereotypical gothic Necromancer with the dark long coat and skull jewelry and such. He has long auburn hair that just barley touches his shoulders. He keeps it up in a ponytail most of the time, especially during missions or while on the job. He doesn't wear makeup. 😂
3. What are their hobbies and interest? Do they have any particular "favorites"? (Food, books, and so on)?
Wendy McCoy -> Her motorcycle is her biggest hobby. She loves taking care of it and riding it out and around. Now she uses it mostly for solo missions for when she's out looking for more human survivors. She's a big listener to music. Growing up, the only positive memory about her father is when they used to sit for hours together pouring over his old and new record collection of rock albums and oldies. While she doesn't have a particular favorite band, she loves listening to alternative rock the most.
Rose Gonzales -> Fixing up a car or motorcycle has been an interest in Rose since she was young. For her it's as calming as solving a puzzle and if the pieces don't fit anymore then she just gets to find another one. Rose loves to go out to try different restaurants and diners. After every successful job done, she celebrates her new earnings by going out. Her favorite take-out to get is teriyaki chicken with Korean purple rice.
August Ripley -> Before August became a Necromancer his job was as a mountain park rescue and on his free time, he and some close buddies of his would go spelunking in the caves of the mountain. Ever since his accident however, he doesn't do it anymore and prefers to go to the park to play a game of soccer with strangers or go hiking. His favorite books are The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. He also reads poetry on his downtime.
6. Do they have any vices/addictions/mental illnesses?
Wendy McCoy -> Wendy did have a drinking problem around the time she was 16 that she doesn't tell anybody about. It was a hard year for her family and a domestic incident involving herself and her parents left her briefly traumatized and a not so good friend at the time encouraged her to drink alcohol in order to forget about it and calm down. It continued until she was at least 18 or 19 and her mom was able to get her help. As an adult, Wendy doesn't touch anything. She had slipped into a depression while drinking and now she fears she'll end up that way again if she drinks.
Rose Gonzales -> Rose ends up stealing things she doesn't necessarily need. Raven figures this out months after they get together that she steals things she's afraid they might run out of. Like more guns, motor parts, clothes, and even food. He's tried to reassure her that if they need any of it, he knows where to get it for sure but sometimes Rose insists on it. She grew up on the streets with hardly anything to call her own along with a couple of other kids she tried to look out for. She's used to providing for others before herself.
August Ripley -> August most likely has PTSD from his cave diving accident. He should have fallen to his death but ended up just barely surviving it. Entirely wracked with pain, He remembers how everything in his body was screaming for the release of death... only for a cloaked, rotten smelling figure to appear to him out of the shadows to save his life only just to leave him to figure out an escape out of the cave by himself.
4. How do they fit into their "story"?
Wendy McCoy -> Her story, and mainly that of her relationship with Lionel, takes place after the events of the film. She's the voice on the broadcast that Lionel and co. hear on their car radio and go to investigate. Cautious at first but once they realize that Wendy is human like them, she leads them back to her own people where they discover news of a mutated strain of the original virus that turned almost the whole world's population into vampires starts emerging.
Rose Gonzales -> Her story is still in development mostly because i haven't seen the film yet. But she meets Raven one day by stealing his bike from the workshop and successfully getting away with it, which absolutely infuriates and intrigues Raven. He goes after her and thus starts an enemy to lovers' story for them both.
August Ripley -> Not quite sure. While I have seen the Guillermo Del Toro Hellboy movies multiple times, I've been itching to rewatch them to figure out if I want August as part of the main story or to give him one on his own.
2. What's their friend group like? What role do they play in it?
Wendy McCoy -> The Mom Friend. Even back before the outbreak, after she had succeeded in her recovery from drinking, she threw herself into working to help others and started her career as a nurse and from then on transferred into the military when the virus broke out. Her military friend group is quite strong, they've been through rough times, and they rely on each other very much and as their team medic she keeps a keen eye on all of them. When Lionel and co. meet her colony and its people, she finds herself as their guide and advocate for a time. She believes them and their discovery and helps them get her people to understand that there's a chance for survival. She becomes close with them in this way and eventually it develops into a romance with Lionel.
Rose Gonzales -> The Outsider. She doesn't have too many friends in her line of work. When she and Raven start getting together, she has a hard time trusting his lackeys that follow him because they don't trust her either and expect that she's just using him for something.
August Ripley -> Not sure yet. At the moment he's like a new brother to the group already established within the B.P.R.D. He does get along with Abe and Liz just fine but with Hellboy himself they get off on a rocky start due to Red's constant teasing and dismissal of the "new guy". Eventually they do open up to each other only enough to actually get along and tolerate each other to a degree.
5. What position do they sleep in?
Wendy McCoy -> Whatever position she wakes up in. She tosses in her sleep a lot and if she's out on a patrol or a search she hardly sleeps at all. When she shares her bed with Lionel, she finds comfort in his company and hardly wiggles or shifts as she sleeps.
Rose Gonzales -> On her side or curled up. If Raven is in bed with her, she'll wrap an arm across his chest if he hasn't made himself comfortable holding her first.
August Ripley -> Slightly angled so that he's sitting up with some pillows or the bed being able to motorize into that similar position, or he's just fallen asleep on the couch. He can't sleep straight on his back because that gives him nightmares.
9. What's their favorite candle scent?
Wendy McCoy -> Pine trees and Vanilla.
Rose Gonzales -> Mango!
August Ripley -> Pumkin Spice and Lemon.
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iheartgarrus · 3 years
OC Questions - Viola Shepard (Part 1)
Questions from this post
1. What’s their full name?
Viola Grace Shepard
2. What does their name mean? Why were they named that?
Really, Viola is just a pretty name that her mom liked. Grace comes from Hannah’s best friend.
3. Do they have any nicknames?
Most people obviously just call her Commander or Shepard (or both). Those privileged enough to use her first name sometimes call her Vi.
4. How old are they?
29 as of 2183 (as we all know).
5. When’s their birthday?
Again, as we all know, April 11, 2154. :)
6. What’s their zodiac sign/element/birthstone/etc.? Do they believe that holds any significance?
She’s an Aries (like me!), so fire sign, with diamond as a birthstone. But no, she doesn’t really put stock in any of that. Doesn’t care for diamonds either.
7. What’s their species/subspecies? Do they have any special/magical abilities?
Hooman! She’s got skills, but no biotics or anything.
8. What “class” do they belong to (for fantasy characters)? If none, what weapon do they favor?
Infiltrator. Loves a sniper rifle and tactical cloak, but can easily swap to a pistol or SMG at close range.
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
OC Questions: Basics (2, 6), Relationships (4), Fun Facts (10,12)
Okay mate, thanks for the ask, I’ll do David for this one
2) What does their name mean? Why were they named that?
David’s name means ‘Beloved’. The long and short of it is he was named after kind David from the Bible (courtesy of his father). In a more thematic sense, taking into account the tale of David vs Goliath, it represents David overcoming great obstacles. That and king David (as he came to be known after defeating Goliath) started out as a shepherd. In other words, a leader/guide which is partly what his animagus form (the ram) represents.
6) What’s their zodiac sign/element/birthstone etc.? Do they believe it holds any significance?
David is an Aries, as a result I guess that means his element is fire (Aries being a fire sign) though if you want to go off his Hogwarts house, it would be earth. His birthstone is aquamarine. 
David would insist it’s just coincidence that he can turn into a ram, plus he thinks Divination is a load of trite.
4) Who do they look up to? Who do they trust?
David looks up to Erika the most of all of his friends, she taught him about good sportsmanship and even how to control his anger. So as well as being part of his inspiration to try and go pro in quidditch, she really helped him when he needed a sibling figure who could be there for him at a moment’s notice.
I’d say out of all his friends he trusts Rowan, Merula and Bill the most. If we’re going off MC friends though... definitely Judith.
Fun facts 
10) What songs remind you of them?
The three main ones are Ignite by Jeff Williams for the series RWBY. The other two are both songs by The Clash, Death or Glory, and I’m Not Down.
12) What stereotypical high school clique would they fit into?
David is most definitely a Jock.
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belorage · 4 years
Wes for the full clear on the OC asks? 😘😘😘
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What’s their full name? Wesley Daniel Brooks
What does their name mean? Why were they named that? Wesley means “western meadow,” Daniel means “God is my judge,” and Brooks means “stream.” You can find my real world reasoning for choosing his name here. As for the canon reasoning, Wesley is a family name on his father’s side and Daniel is a good Christian name. 
Do they have any nicknames? Lots. Wes is the big one (Hwes if you’re Hurk Jr.), Rook, Dep (Deputy if you're as extra as John Seed), Bright Eyes (Raf only), Sundance (Nick only), Darling (Lyra, when she’s being cheeky), and probably a handful more that I’m forgetting.
How old are they? 28, almost 29 as of the start of FC5.
When’s their birthday? November 11, 1989
What’s their zodiac sign/element/birthstone/etc.? Do they believe that holds any significance? Scorpio sun, Aries moon, Aquarius rising. Year of the snake. Birthstones are topaz and citrine. He isn’t aware enough of any of this to believe in it.
What’s their species/subspecies? Do they have any special/magical abilities? He is a natural disaster in human form. His special ability is that he somehow manages to survive that for as long as he does.
What “class” do they belong to (for fantasy characters)? If none, what weapon do they favor? A revolver (Steel & Ivory), a sawed-off shotgun (Sin Eater), or basic hand-to-hand. Close combat is preferable to range. He also uses homemade C4 in his tireless crusade against cult infrastructure.
What do they look like? He’s 6′3″, has brown-ish hair (specifically, a warm golden bronze color) and hazel eyes with long eyelashes. Fit, moderate-to-lean build. Sharp features, angular jaw, a pronounced Cupid’s bow. He has the facial hair of a man who has forgotten to shave for two weeks, because he is—you guessed it—a man who has forgotten to shave for two weeks.
Do they have a face claim? Tomas Skoloudik
What’s their style like? Clothes, hair, makeup? Casual clothing—flannels (often tied around the waist), t-shirts, henleys, jeans, boots, jewelry (gold, leather), leather jacket, cargo jacket. His hair is messy and soft, just like he is, because he doesn’t overload it with hair products unlike some people. He’s got an ouroboros tattooed around the lower part of his right forearm and (universe-dependent) John and Lyra’s names on the inside of his wrists.
How do they carry themselves? What’s their default expression? He attempts to project swagger and indifference, but to anyone who knows him and is paying attention, he’s an open book. In a comfortable environment, he’s loose and casual. His default expression is fixated if he has something to occupy his mind and distant if he doesn’t.
Do they have any physical ailments or disabilities? No, but he’s got bruises and flesh wounds aplenty! He’s got bite marks and scratches galore! You want knife-slashing scars? He’s got twenty. But who cares? No big deal. Wes wants mooooore! 🎵
What’s their alignment? Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral
Which one of the 16 Personality Types do they fit into? ISFP
What are their hobbies and interests? Do they have any particular “favorites” (food, books, and so on)? I answered for his favorite films and TV here, and his favorite book is Watership Down. He likes the Beatles and bar snacks and black coffee. His favorite cultists are Lyra, John, and Shaggy—please don’t judge him.
What are they bad at? Dancing!
What kind of things do they dislike/hate? Hates being controlled, dislikes very sweet things.
Do they have any vices/addictions/mental illnesses? Impulsiveness, reactive behaviors. He smokes and drinks, although neither of those are done with a shocking amount of excess. Previously, harder drugs. 
What are their goals and motivations? Freedom and acceptance.
What are their manners like? Any habits? He’s not a jerk; he has passable manners when the situation calls for them, but Emily Post would like him not. His habits are covered in much more detail here, but the big one is that he tends to busy his hands and/or mouth with things wherever possible.
What are they most afraid of? Rejection, abandonment, enclosed spaces, death (specifically, the possibility of an afterlife). 
Where were they born? What was their childhood like? Born in Hope County. He was an only child and his home life was suspect, but made moderately more bearable by his best friend. Once he realized trying to please his father was a losing battle, he said hell yeah to a downward spiral of rebelliousness and troublemaking.
What’s their family like? His dad was a jerk of the sort that would never be satisfied. Big on toxic masculinity, short on acceptance. His mother loved him, but she fell in line more often than not.
What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold? Hope County Sheriff’s Office (probationary sheriff’s deputy), Hope County Resistance (figurehead, pot stirrer, problem magnet). 
How do they fit into their “story”? Barely. Next question. I hate to use this word yet again, but it’s the only one that fits: his story is mostly about acceptance—self, fate, fault, sorrow, joy—because as much as he desired acceptance from others, he denied a lot of it for himself.
Where do they currently live? What’s their place like? He grew up in the Silver Lake trailer park, way up on the northeastern end of Holland Valley, near the Whitetails. For the duration of the game timeline, I picture him spending more time crashing where he can—with the Ryes, in the woods, wherever—but his own place would be sparse and fairly untidy, with clothes tossed everywhere. 
How do they eventually die? Wesley intends to live forever. How dare you insinuate—
Do they have any friends? Would they consider anyone to be their best friend? Within the timeline of the game, he has quite a few. Raf is his best friend (and has been since they were kids), but Nick (and Kim) are both up there. He has a soft spot for Mary May; that seems to be reciprocal. He appreciates Grace because she doesn’t ask unnecessary questions. Sharky and Hurk offer unconditional friendship, which he appreciates and sorely needs. Adelaide is the vodka aunt who thirsts after his ex. She tries to rile him up sometimes (in a myriad of ways), but he likes her. And if you account for other universes, his friend count goes way up thanks to the various and sundry brat squad kids.
What’s their friend group like? What role do they play in it? When he was younger, he was the introvert-adopted-by-an-extrovert. He was a bit too withdrawn to have friends outside of that, though he wasn’t unfriendly. For a bulk of the current timeline, his friend group is “ragtag misfits” status and he basically gets ping-ponged between them as they try—with varying amounts of success—to fight a cult.  
What’s their love life like? (See also: ship question meme.) Do they have any kids? Depends on the universe. In canon, it’s messy but becomes significantly healthier later on. His previous relationship was promising and likely would have been ideal, except that they were young and unable (or unready) to deal with the realities of their situation. In AU, he is enemies-with-benefits but also grossly in love with the Judge of Eden’s Gate and her husband (who was a fun surprise, but it’s fine, because Wes got Lyra back by giving her a gracious two-for-one deal on children)!
Who do they look up to? Who do they trust? Whitehorse is something of a father figure, though Wes would never say that out loud. For the record, neither would Whitehorse (at least not directly to Wes)—mostly for Wes’s benefit. He trusts Raf, Pastor Jerome, and the rest of his friends listed above.
Who do they hate? Do they have any enemies? Joseph, because Joseph is daddy issues incarnate. Jacob, because Jacob understands Wes well enough to yank him around like a dog on a leash. By the time the Collapse hits, everyone is his enemy to some extent (as evidenced by the adorable horns and pointy tails drawn all over his wanted posters). Notable exceptions are John, Sharky, Hurk, and Whitehorse; however, all but the first are functionally unknown to him.
Do they have any pets? Just Boomer, who is the best emotional support animal a disaster could ask for.
Are they good with kids? Animals? He’s naturally good with both children and animals, but he lacks practical experience, especially with the former (shout-out to the Ryes for finally adding that to his resume).
Which tropes do they fit? Which archetypes? Tropewise, he’s Troubled, but Cute and I can’t refute it; apart from the high school thing, it’s a full BINGO clear. He’s also Bruiser with a Soft Center, Inferiority Superiority Complex, Cosmic Plaything, Desperately Craves Affection, Hero with Bad Publicity, I Am Not My Father, and almost certainly a whole host of shameful others that I don’t dare brave the rest of TVTropes to find. Of the twelve classic archetypes, he’s some combination of The Hero and The Outlaw. Otherwise: fallen angel, antihero, byronic hero, prodigal son. 
Do they play any instruments? Sports? He can play guitar, but only at an intermediate level. He’s not big on sports, but he can ice skate and he likes to swim.
What are some items they always carry? Steel & Ivory and a lighter; later, Sin Eater. In New Dawn he carries John’s watch.
Do they collect anything? Bad decisions. Minicultists, apparently. Nothing in particular.
What position do they sleep in? His default position when he’s alone and in a comfortable place is on his belly. There are exceptions listed in greater detail here.
Which emoji would they use the most? Honestly, he’s not really the type to use emojis, but he will send his love interest pictures of things he likes or finds pretty with no context. Otherwise, his texts tend to be short, to-the-point, and lacking in punctuation or capitalization. Believe it or not, he’d much rather communicate in person. My most frequently used emojis for him are 🍰 and 🐍. (Awww, cake and snake... They rhyme. How precious!)
What languages do they speak? English. He knows a limited amount of Spanish, but he’s better at understanding it than he is at speaking it.
What’s their favorite expletive? Damn or fuck.
What’s their favorite candle scent? Pine.
What songs remind you of them? I have a playlist for him here, but it—much like him—is a bit of a mess. I also have a playlist based on his own taste in music here.
Which animal would you say represents them? Snakes, stags, swans, scorpions.
What stereotypical high school clique would they fit into? Loners or troublemakers, probably. Stoners on a technicality—he doesn’t fit the stereotype, but he does have a history. He has some of the soul of an art kid but, tragically, none of the talent.
What would their favorite ride at an amusement park be? At a real amusement park, probably the roller coasters. At something more lowkey like a carnival, he’d like the classic, aesthetically pleasing rides like the Ferris wheel or the carousel.
Do they believe in aliens? Ghosts? Reincarnation or something else? He’s not an “I Want to Believe” sort of guy, but he still can’t explain the Larry Parker debacle. He tries very hard not to believe (or at least not to think about) any sort of afterlife, because he fears it.
Do they follow any religions/gods? Do they celebrate holidays? His family was Catholic, but he endeavors not to be. He likely wouldn’t celebrate holidays as a bachelor overmuch, but he would take part in holiday activities with others.
Which Deadly Sin do they most correspond to? Which Heavenly Virtue? Pride and Fortitude.
If you had to choose one tarot card to represent them, which would it be? The Tower, The Devil, The Wheel of Fortune.
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