#art moviment
ressonancee · 7 months
telling myself that if seventeen ever comes to this hellhole of a country i will travel across the country to see them so i may aswell do my first tattoo ever
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kassiamelox · 1 year
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Ellen, 2023.
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utuququ · 1 year
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"Mouvement Perpétuel" The repetition of the sign often gives me a sensation of movement, it leads me to explore new places that I hadn't perceived yet and in which I get lost. Ink on cotton paper.
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juliaridulaina · 6 months
Només necessito recordar//I just need to remember//Sólo necesito recordar
Reflexió de la Setmana  15 d’octubre de 2023::Week Reflection::Reflexión de la Semana Només necessito recordar Només tinc el que de debò sóc, aquesta és la meva força.Si m’he beneficiat d’un nom, un rol, un càrrec, un grup o una persona, arribarà un moment en què tot s’esfumarà i em sentiré buit.Esgotat en la recerca de la meva identitat i necessitat d’autoestima, decideixo anar “dins” per…
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chimchiri · 1 year
Your art had sooo good moviment
Can you do Applejack flexing? Ah wonder how could be like in your style
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I have no idea what they're judging but Rainbow is not doing it fairly. But then, neither is Rarity lol
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pimachicao · 2 years
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La vida es un viajen, disfruta el camino! @emi.nicetoteachyou #artist #arte #art #moviments #acousticguitar #brazilianmusic #prophotographer #artlifestyle (em Beco Do Batman) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdIauNeOTn8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sonicjustbecause · 4 months
Sonic prime - just an opinion about aestetic...
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When, early in 2022 the first trailer came out, the aestetic seemed so much a cutscene from the videogame and that made me think we were going to see some silly Sonic Boom/AoStH serie with a mediocre graphic (For a cartoon). Many times early trailers are not refined as much as the final product. I remember the reaction was not that positive, we excepted something like 'meh'.
When the first episode came out the reaction was very positive and that took my interest. But everybody know about Sonic Prime story, no need to talk about it again...
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About the character design, I noticed first that Sonic's face was smoother compared to what we see in videogame (this was shared with the Boom design and the Classic Sonic Design). Unique to Prime, his expression was overall more gentle. His eyes are bigger, rounder and more expressive. I think they took reference from Classic sonic design for the overall shape of his eyes.
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Game Modern Sonic
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Classic Sonic
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Prime Sonic.
Shadow also got slight changes in his design. For example his quill are made of curves instead of angles and his white spot on his chest looks softer and thicker. This makes his figure simplified, yet still recognizable. Shadow's gaze is sharper because his eyes are horizontal instead of vertical like in the game.
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Game Shadow
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Prime Shadow
Some say Shadow's eyes are brown instead of red.
No, they just choose a muted colour for Shadow and Sonic eyes. They still have red and green eyes (nobody talk about Sonic's eyes not being the bright green they see from videogames?).
I think it is made on purpose, probably they did want the colour of their eyes change better according to the colour of the ligth or the enviroment.
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Pale green eyes, cold light...
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Bright green eyes, the light of a sunny day
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Shadow's eyes are bright red here. Warm light
Sonic prime is also imagined like a traditional cartoon, even if is made with 3D models. Squash and stretch, deformed in betweens that increase the effect of moviment (in traditional cartoon they're wrongly referred as 'bad art') and so on...
I love also the general bright colours of the show without being too overhelming (for this I said previously that Rouge design is improved)
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Riddler being into surrealist art, dadaism and other modern art would also fit because if there is any kind of art that brings up the "you just don't get it. this isn't "weird" and "useless" you're just not smart enough to understand!" argument the most it's probably these lol (not saying that argument has any validity ofc it's just more common for modern art than, say, renaissance paintings) He just seems the type who overhears someone saying that "this isn't art, everyone can make this!" while at the museum and promptly is having an aneurysm about it
Absolutly. I love modern art because I love it's subversive characteristics (though I also do love more classic styles and think expressionism is super pretty) but people are often more pretencious over it (unless they are art purists, art purists are equaly pretencious snobs). That's to say you are totaly right.
Also I'm soo sorry but I did this:
Scarecrow (cares not for art): I can believe I'm wasting my time looking at this absolute non-sense.
Riddler: HOW DARE YOU? I understand your inteligence odesn't measure mine but I thought your feeble brain still worked better than your avarege Joe, honestly Jonathan how dare you *starts ranting about the meaning of modern art (valid) and how it is for smart people only (not vslid)*
Penguin (art "purist"): Art nowdays is a pathetic excuse that doesn't measure to what it used to be on the older times. Oh the precision of renaiscence art and now one can present a toilet and call it art
Edward: It's not the art's fault that you have no imagination nor critical thinking. I would recomend that you stopped looking at pictures and went for photographs for perfect recreations but artistic photography still takes liberties with the reality. In other wolrds, you're stupid.
Catwoman (art thief): Eddie darling, I like art, but for the last time, If I wanted a tour guide I would just come visit the gallery like a normal person, we are here to steal shit.
E. Nygma: BUT LINA YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF MANET TO THE MODERNIST MOVIMENT! Specially when we are stealing Le Dejeuner sur l’herbe!!
MadHatter (surrealist fan): I like surrealism.
Eddie: Oh yeah? Name every surrealist artist and their paintings, sculptures, poems and exibitions!
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el modernisme no va ser un invent de catalunya
??? No entenc a què ve aquest ask
El modernisme és la vessant catalana dels estils de fi de segle, fora dels Països Catalans no se'n diu "modernisme". A França i Bèlgica es diu art nouveau, a Itàlia es diu liberty, a Alemanya es diu Jugendstil, a Àustria i Hongria es diu secessió de Vienna i a Escòcia es diu Modern style o Glasgow style.
No té gaire sentit parlar de qui va "inventar" moviments artístics perquè són sempre el resultat de processos i influències que molt difícilment estaran confinats a un territori concret (rarament cap país ha "inventat" cap moviment artístic), però el modernisme és el moviment artístic equivalent català, no té sentit dir que no va sorgir aquí quan només existeix aquí i a més va ser un moviment basat en la reivindicació catalanista. No té sentit separar el modernisme de Catalunya. No es podria entendre el modernisme sense Catalunya.
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arthist0rian · 2 years
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Les Océanides (Les Naiades de la Mere), Gustave Dorè, oil on canvas, 1860
Gustave Dorè was a painter, illustator and sculpture, he studied as a self taught at the Louvre, and started drawing since childhood. In his teen he collaborated with various news papers and literary megazine as a caricatures designer.
In His art style it's predominant a variegated and movimental invective, reflecting the taste of Delacroix, sharing the dynamics searching, the chiaroscuro contrast e traits of enviromental verism.
Being already very appreacieted as a lithographer in his late 20s he started working with the publisher P. Lacroix. He mainteined the association even when working with other publisher of while being a private painter.
In his later years he fucused on the painting and sculpting, but he never had the same reputation with those media than when he worked as an illustrator.
From his illustration work: the inferno, don quixote, the lost paradise.
The painting depics the chorus of "Prometheus Bound" the oceanides, ocean nymphs, the 3000 daughters of Ocean a tytanus in the greek mythology, while in the back we see Prometheus on the rock, chained.
The composition can be familiar to a painting of Gèricault (le radeau del la Meduse), we have the focus of the painting in the middle, but the rock makes a triangular shape where the action is being carried on. There's also this dichotomy between life and death, some of the oceanides looks like corpses in the oceans, while other looks like survivors of a shipwreck finding a safe spot where to rest and not being carried by the sea current. Some of them can be seen still arrive on the right.
As in the tragedy here akso some of them are worried about the future. They are all young and know almost nothing about the world, so they get out of their dad palace to go see and try to help Prometheus. Who will not accept help from them but he will describe to them the future, and why they should not be worried.
I honestly love the use of the varies blues and green for the ocean and waves. The little details give at a rather symple concept a more defined and refined look, the chiaroscuro beautifully executed. And of course the myth happening in the background.
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canalsart · 20 days
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Obres en el nostre Fons d'art. Alba Vila Pons és una pintora i professora associada a la Facultat de Belles Arts de la Universitat de Barcelona. Va obtenir el Diploma d’estudis avançats a la facultat de Belles Arts de la Universitat de Barcelona el 2008 i des de llavors és professora associada. El seu treball artístic es centra en les relacions entre el llenguatge del cos i el de la natura, a través de la pintura, la dansa-moviment i la consciència corporal. Les seves pintures mostren relacions poètiques entre el cos i certs elements de la natura, evocant els lligams entre la sensorialitat i l’espiritualitat.
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objecteiespai · 26 days
Festival of creativity, art & digital design ⚡️ April 4-6, 2024 | Disseny Hub
Taller 'Manifest la teva identitat creativa' a càrrec de Wix Studio
3 d'abril de 2024
'Gestió de bandes sonores' d'Echoic Audio
4 d'abril de 2024
"Disseny de moviment a nivell de producció a Houdini" de ManvsMachine
4 d'abril de 2024
Taller 'Caligrafia al concepte' a càrrec de Monotype
4 d'abril de 2024
Taller de foiling a càrrec de Foilco
4 d'abril de 2024
Taller 'Flintstones Photoshop' a càrrec de Rob Draper
5 d'abril de 2024
'Tipografia en un caos líquid' de Tina Touli i Thiago Maia
5 d'abril de 2024
'Pràctica amb Maxon' d'Elly Wade
5 d'abril de 2024
'El videojoc és el teu escenari' de Gameloft Barcelona
6 d'abril de 2024
Taller 'L'empatia a través dels sentits' a càrrec de Fail Fast
6 d'abril de 2024
La 24a edició de l’OFFF Festival arriba amb més de 70 ponents de renom internacional en els camps de la creativitat, el disseny i les arts digitals. També podràs trobar referents locals com @mox_london, @bol_house, @abuela.studio, @fuegocaminaconmigo, @heystudio, @pablohoneyhoney, @losientostudio, @gameloft, @wearemucho i @_usted_. Alguns d’ells estan presents a les col·leccions del Museu del Disseny – DHub.
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juliaridulaina · 1 year
Harmonia autèntica//Authentic harmony//Armonía auténtica
Reflexió de la Setmana  14 de maig de  2023=Week Reflection=Reflexión de la Semana Harmonia autèntica Per a generar pau permanent, necessito conèixer el meu jo espiritual.Aquesta consciència dissol la dependència que genera emocions contraposades: de vegades properes, de vegades distants, de vegades amoroses, de vegades de rebuig.El conflicte és el fruit de combinar dependències, expectatives i…
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ernestdescalsartwok · 2 months
FIRA DE L'AIXADA-MANRESA-PINTURA-ART-PARADES-MERCAT MEDIEVAL-PLANA DE L'OM-MOVIMENT-PERSONES-PAISATGES-NUCLI HISTORIC-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: FIRA DE L'AIXADA-MANRESA-PINTURA-ART-PARADES-MERCAT MEDIEVAL-PLANA DE L'OM-MOVIMENT-PERSONES-PAISATGES-NUCLI HISTORIC-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Pintar el movimiento de las personas entre los colores rojos de las casetas medievales en la FIRA DE L'AIXADA de MANRESA, multitudes que se funden con la atmósfera del Mercat Medieval en la Plana de l'Om, Acuarelas expresivas que observan la vida y los detalles de la arquitectura del paisaje urbano. Pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals con acuarela sobre papel de 50 x 70 centímetros.
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ocombatenterondonia · 4 months
Agatha Sá esbanja boa forma em clique de biquíni e é exaltada por fãs: ‘Obra de arte’
Agatha Sá, de 23 anos, movimentou as redes sociais nesta quinta-feira (28), após posar de biquíni e arrancar suspiros dos internautas de plantão. A influencer, namorada de Filipe Ret, postou cliques curtindo uma cachoeira de Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, e recebeu chuva de elogios dos seguidores do Instagram. Não faltaram elogios dos internautas nos comentários da publicação: “Você é uma obra…
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
no need to be sorry about watching a movie i hope you had fun with it!
and this is long but just because you mentioned the engineering : do you know that type of modern art sculptures that have moving parts and look like mechanical constructs? maybe it would be fun if his engineering was more like those or like Rube Goldberg machines and Da Vinci's inventions or those elaborate puzzle boxes, something that isn't based on formal education in engineering but rather things he figured out from scratch with all sorts of odd unusual materials and mechanisms? that would also make his contraptions more difficult for Bruce to solve since Bruce might at first look at them from the pov of someone with a formal education in STEM instead of the out of the box creative thinking necessary to solve them and it could push Bruce to get more creative. a kind of 'by all means this should not work but Ed somehow cobbled it together in such a way that it does' type of engineering? and this is a small thing but what's your thoughts on if instead of modern high tech robots he built ones like those by historical artists and goldsmiths that work with cranks and clockwork mechanics etc. and were meant more for entertainment and art than practical use? he dresses like a neon colored version of an Edwardian gentleman after all (did DC ever make a reference to his first name fitting with the time period his costume is styled after? because imo they should. ik he canonically only invented his last name but if he came up with his first name himself too that would be a perfect reference for it) so why not give him a more timeless or somewhat historical vibe instead of just being a modern futuristic hacker or engineer? oh, sorry if this ask was too long
I think what you are refering would be kinetic art. Now this is a form of art related to moviment as whole that includes both optical ilusions and actual moving parts by sometimes unusual material it also can involve applied calculated use of physics theories.
I think both kinetic art and Rube Goldberg machines would be a huge influence for his constructs and of course by your description I cannot stop imagining his inventions as somehow a form of steampunk. The unusual materials and victorian aespects. Delicious.
Also your definition of: "by all means this should not work but Ed somehow coobled it together in such a way that it does" fits the concept of gambiarra. It's a brazilian concept - though not an exclusive brazilian fenomena - to refere to creative and unusual ways to build something using whatever you already has, it's specially common in low income househoods. Wich could mean that his engenering skill cames both from art but also for growing up in a low income and negletifull househood where even as a kid he had to do with what he had and with little help. The heater broke? Twelve years old Ed had to find some way to fix it because they coudn't freeze to death and no one was going to do ot for him. So his skills are artistic and pratical and not really academic. Wich means Bruce the rich boy with no care for art has to really go outisde of his logical and academic bubble to understand Ed's plan. The two rules to defeat Riddler became: the classical don't play by his rules but also the fundamental but go to his world.
Edward choosing his full name? Trans Ed, trans Ed, trans Ed! Sorry not sorry but I'm stealing this idea of the edwardian era reference and adding it to all my trans Edward headcannons. You are a genius!
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