#asking second opinions
dear-mrs-otome · 2 years
Crying over how vague smut scenes can be in JP 😭
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crunchy-rocc · 3 months
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get to meet them next month ….. everyone start cheering
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marlynnofmany · 12 days
If you weren't around for the early days of search engines, you may not be familiar with Ask Jeeves, but for a while there he was the one you went to for answers.
The site encouraged you to ask full-sentence questions, not just type in key words, and it looked like this:
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It went the way of the dodo because Google won the search engine arms race, but Ask Jeeves left a mark on the internet. (The webcomic host SmackJeeves was named as a reference, for one.)
Thanks for all the search results, Jeeves.
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rebelrevolutionary · 1 year
Sebastian sounds like shrek
dear anon i am giving u an ibuprofen and tucking u into bed. like a grandparent w dementia whom i found wandering the empty halls and mumbling incoherencies. sleep well ily
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szsza36 · 2 months
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I haven't been posting in a while, so have a halfassed Henri drawing based loosely on Quazie's Blu medic art
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lloydfrontera · 7 months
In my opinion, the reason the reunion scene was skipped was because the author couldn’t figure out a way to write it non-romantically and gave up after a while
honestly. i kinda agree with you nonnie.
it just. the set up to the scene is sooooo romantic. you have lloyd being absolutely devastated at the thought he's not going to see any of his loved ones ever again and that he's been dropped back into his terrible life, to the place he admitted he'd rather die than go back to,,, and then someone knocks at the door and when he opens it this is the sight that greets him:
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his best friend, the person he's closest to, the one he's spent years with, the one he promised a peaceful life at his side, the one he wanted to grow old with, the one he sacrificed everything for, the one he effectively gave his life to save, the one he thought he'd never see again, standing at his door, having crossed literal dimensional barriers to get to him, a soft and teary smile on his face as he tells him "i missed you"
like. c'mon.
i'm all for platonic interpretations, i'm aroace, i love me a good best friendship as much as the next guy, but,,,, isn't this,,, like,,, really fucking romantic??? extremely so??? am i??? reading too much into it?? because it feels really, really romantic to me.
and like you say. where do you go from there. what response could lloyd give that doesn't involve throwing himself at javier and clinging to him with all of his strength. what conversation could these two have that doesn't involve them seeing how truly devoted they are to each other. what resolution does their arc together have that isn't them spending the rest of their lives together, at each other's side, like they so dearly wanted to.
but. alas. that wasn't the story bk moon wanted to tell. and that's very much his right. i just think that if he didn't want me to assume there's no in-character and narratively satisfying version of that conversation that doesn't end with them kissing he should've at least tried to give us something. and not completely skipped it lol
but that's just my opinion too :]
#hey i got an ask#Anonymous#tged#the greatest estate developer#tged spoilers#lloyd frontera#javier asrahan#llojavi#ch 401#and like. god. this really was his favorite scene to write uh.#i just. i don't get it. what was going through his head. what was he thinking. what was the point of all of This.#i just need ten minutes locked in a room with him. preferably with a translator but i am willing to compromise. just gimme ten minutes.#i can make him spill the soup i know this#fuck if i think too long about how this is the. second last chapter we get. before we officially end the novel with the two of them sharing#a relieved smile at the fact they can finally live their lives together without worries. i do go a little crazy.#this would probably be a hot take if there were enough opinions about tged for it to be considered spicy in the first place. but. i don't#love the extra chapters. the one with javier making a wish to a shooting star is acceptable tho it does create more questions than answers.#but the others are. meh. i would've much preferred if tged had ended in ch 401 with an open ending. maybe ch 402 if only because i did want#to see lloyd interact with arcos and marbella as suho. but there would be no last minute shoehorned wedding in my ideal ending.#i just!! i don't like forced romance!!!! i don't like compulsory amato/heteronormativity!!!!!!#i want my fictional relationships to have proper build up and chemistry and to be narratively satisfying!!!!!!! fuck!!!!!!!#i'm good. i'm okay. this is fine. we're all fine.#anyway. yeah
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cheese-water · 3 months
I know I’m late but idc that person who tried to spread fake allegations about tubbo is so fucking stupid. Like yeah, the obviously fake story is telling enough but their lack of forethought as to what they’re actually doing is just crazy.
They outright used Tubbo’s name and blatantly accused him of a crime that he didn’t commit. AND if his viewers can defend him based on the limited evidence we have, I can only imagine what his lawyer could do if given the opportunity. This random person has potentially put themselves in so much legal trouble and for what? goddamn twitter likes???? Like congratulations, thanks to your actions not only will you rot in hell but also possible rot in jail as well.
It hasn’t even been a month since Cellbit’s twitter calúnia case was made public and yet we still have people who don’t understand that their actions have consequences ESPECIALLY IF ITS FUCKING ILLEGAL
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moongothic · 6 months
Honestly I think crocodile/dragon and crocodile/Doflamingo are only interesting when treated as failed relationships spinning off into increasingly petty grudges and instigations. Become a warlord to piss off one ex by working with his hated father only for the OTHER ex to ALSO become a warlord to drive you insane. Etc.
I am now going to take his as an opportunity to rant about Dragodile because I unironically think it's an interesting ship if Crocodad Real and I don't think I'm ever going to find a better excuse to rant about it unprompted lmao SO HERE WE GO
But yes like. Dragodile is so fucking interesting to me
A marine and a pirate falling in love with each other is already some starcrossed lovers kinda BS. But then it's like, a FORMER marine and pirate who is WORKING FOR THE GOVERNMENT. That's EXTRA JUICY, it adds layers to the starcrossed lovers shit, and I am not immune to it, it's FACINATING, like what was the dynamic here
But also we don't even know when Dragon left the marines and when he and Crocodile first met, so for all we know it could've been some real enemies-to-lovers-to-enemies shit AND THAT'S SO INTERESTING
(Also the mere concept that Dragon could've been chasing Crocodile around kinda like Smoker tried to chase Luffy, only for Crocodile to become a Shichibukai and Dragon having to give up because they're on the same side now (kinda). Like. That is so fucking funny. And then he leaves the Marines to start a revolution. Or just out of spite dshgjdgs)
Then there's the absolutely hysterical part where Crocodile is the meanest, most intimidating, standoff-ish asshole around. So the idea Dragon was fucking into that is INCREDIBLE. THIS MAN LIKES BEING BULLIED DFSHFKGHFGJHDS (It's possible Young Croc might've been less mean but it's funnier if he wasn't)
And yeah. Somehow. In complete secret. A romance blooms.
And then there's a baby.
And Crocodile transes his gender.
And there's a divorce.
And 17 years later Crocodile has commited dozens of unforgivable warcrimes that are almost exactly the kind of things Dragon wanted to stop the government from doing to begin with.
Mind you, I don't actually think there's coming back from that, this relationship was burned to the ground and the ashes blown away by wind, there is nothing left
But could you imagine if despite the anger and the hurt and the warcrimes they still somehow loved each other
I would just
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#Moon posting#Crocodad#Sir Crocodile#Monkey D Dragon#Dragodile#OP Meta#I keep on mentioning Dragodile Divorce but to be fair we don't even know if they had been married#All we do have is the fact that Crocodile Very Specifically doesn't wear a ring on his ring finger (in the manga)#(First half of Alabasta it's his middle finger but from the second half onwards it's consistently been his ring finger)#And there's that SBS where a person asked if the Shichibukai were gonna remain single etc and if they had any kids#And Oda was like ''hMmM I wOnDeR iF aNy oF tHeM hAvE bEeN mArRiEd... Anyway I imagine their kids would be like this''#And then very very specifically he only did Doflamingo Mihawk and **Crocodile**#So like. If Crocodad Real. The two could've been married briefly (in secret). Probably just engaged in my personal opinion#Also like. Like we all know Iva's Magic HRT is POWERFUL STUFF right#There is something so deeply tragic to me about the just the mental image#Of Crocodile trying to put on his engagement ring post-HRT only to realize it doesn't fit his massive man hand#Like a horrible premonition of how this relationship was going to end#Even if he was the same on the inside he no longer literally fit the mere concept of the woman Dragon had fallen in love with#Can you imagine the series of emotions Crocodile would've gone through realizing that#Or who knows maybe he realized it all much earlier-- when and however the fuck he decided to get HRT from Iva-chan#There is much to be said about One Piece's running theme of loneliness and the loneliness queer people experience#God Oda please I need this man's backstory#I need to know what the fuck happened#I NEED TO KNOW HOW THE DIVORCE HAPPENED#NGL there's a part of me that almost hopes Dragon was Objectively Horrible (in a heated moment that he really regrets)#Just so Crocodile could be at least a little justified in being at resentful towards Dragon#I dunno it would not sit too well with me if the Cishet Man Dragon was 100% In The Right And Never Did Anything Wrong#And then it's the transgender man who does all the morally questionable horrible shit because he's an evil queer#(There's more than plenty of positive queer rep in OP to balance out one (1) evil trans character don't get me wrong)#(But it would be sad if Crocodile was An Evil Queer especially because he's the one who has transitioned)
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0x1000 · 3 months
Any more fics coming soon? Love your work!
I'd like to say "yes", but I kinda don't have any... Aside from a few thousand words worth of a sequel to TAS that I ended up not liking or finishing. =| SIGH.
I have ideas for fics all the time, certainly—but I struggle writing these things without a unique concept to impart... I need, like, a thesis to defend. Which is a really funny thing to say when being asked about your robot porn. But it is true, at least for me. I require stimulation both sexual AND cerebral. Cranking it straight up sapiosexual style.
Written erotica is far stranger of a beast than visual erotica—it requires both lurid context and lurid detail. It's a lot less immediate, and that's sort of what I struggle with. That's why I inevitably pen thousands of words of preparatory preamble before nary a penis has the chance to appear, let alone penetrate.
Basically, my problem is that I think I've already gotten across most of what I'd like to convey...? Regarding ULTRAKILL, at least. And what I haven't would be much better expressed after some loose ends are tied up in canon itself, once the game is complete. I fear redundancy—and while I doubt one would describe any one rhythmic thrust in the sequence of sex as "repetitive" or "trite", I'd just prefer to wait until I have something I'm confident in the quality of.
... That being said, I was contemplating writing a new fic as recent as "literally yesterday". So I mean. Who knows!
But! As compensation for your kind words, here's a BUNCH of passages from the TAS sequel that I kinda scrapped:
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merverelli · 1 year
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just a couple of dirty bean boys!
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randomminty · 9 months
please i am BEGGING for you to drop the other roleswap champion designs,,, i had no idea how hard cynthia would slay in lance’s fit and my animal brain is now starving for roleswap steven and lance if you ever feel confident enough to post them,,,,,;
[insert meme of guy on his hands and knees offering a wad of fanned-out dollar bills here]
TY JUST FOR YOU ANON…. i redrew my old designs. I still cant figure out stevens design but this will do
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Just for fun ill throw my old designs/brainstorming under a read more too!
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This is a year old. Theyre so ugly. Okay
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boxofthings · 6 months
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bshsjsksk I've never written smut before so I hope this doesnt read as awkward lmao. (I kinda struggled halfway through so I'm sorry if the quality all of a sudden goes down the drain 🥲 i wrote this very late into the night)
Read on AO3
NSFW below the cut!
The post-mission adrenaline crash hits them hard. As soon as the team had returned to base, a hushed scatter of dragging feet had set the tone of their night.
For Ghost, he's high-strung, left on edge from today's most recent failures. He thinks he can still hear gunfire in the background of the night, and if he closes his eyes and lets his mind wander, he sees the poignant look of fear as the person he reaches for is just a little bit too out of grasp, and their screams etch jagged scars into his brain. 
There's a tension in his bones that vibrates through his nerves, begging for reprieve, and he needs it gone—right now.
That's what makes him seek out the sergeant, finding him lounged against the corridor walls and hurriedly yanking the other into Ghost's quarters, pressing his body up against the door with rough hands and a stormy mind.
The sergeant doesn't protest, only reciprocates with the same ferocity as his lieutenant, filling the quiet with their two desperate breaths and lewd whispers.
"I need you," Ghost had groaned, face buried in the crook of Roach's neck, sinking deep reds onto marred but soft skin. Roach's breath had hitched, and the fingers latched tightly onto the lieutenant had only dug deeper. 
It was all the confirmation Ghost needed before he begins stripping the younger out of his gear. Fast and desperate, like two teenagers at risk of getting caught by their parents, and technically, that wasn't too far from the truth.
His hands move mechanically, and there's a despondency that begins to fizzle into his head as he unclasps each and every clip on Roach's armour till he's just in his standard shirt and pants. There's a heavy cloud over his head that pushes him into that ugly, uncaring side of himself—the part of him that tries to make all the good things in his life meaningless, detached. 
He feels the roughness behind his actions as his hands roam free over the sergeant's body. He feels like he's in a trance, familiar and lifeless, as his mind only chases for the ultimate pleasure that only serves to temporarily halt his turmoil. 
This means nothing, he tells himself.
He expects the same in return—secretly begs for it in his mind so that this can all be just another vapid memory added to the list of casual hook-ups. But when Roach goes to take off his clothing, it's slow and gentle, unlike Ghost's brazen want. Roach moves like they have all the time in the world like this means something—represents more than what their activity depicts on the surface level. And Ghost—he feels disquieted. 
The sergeant is methodical when he takes off Ghost's vest, pausing every so often to look at him and smile. Ghost's heart stutters and the greys in his head recede just a little more.
When it's just his undershirt and pants left, Roach gives him a soft push backwards, seating him down on the edge of his bed.
Ghost's eyes never leave Roach, watching closely like a hawk as the other climbs atop him and firmly grasps his chin, tilting it upwards.
"You think too much," he signs lightly. And before Ghost can respond, confident lips meet his own unprepared ones, and his disordered mind goes quiet.
With his balaclava rolled up to his nose, Roach holds the sides of his face as they kiss like longtime lovers, and there's a fierce burn in his chest that ignites hotter the longer they're connected.
When Roach pulls away, Ghost chases after him, high on the feel of the other's touch. His hands come up to encircle Roach's waist, keeping him firmly close and fervid against himself.
The sergeant's hands come to hold his face again, except instead of leaning in, he stares. His piercing green strikes Ghost immobile, but he recognizes what that look on the other's face means—he's picking him apart, trying to gauge what's going on in Ghost's head.
Ghost tries to avert his gaze, doing so by surging up, trying to capture Roach's lips once again, but Roach sees the action for what it is and pulls away, keeping his hold strong on Ghost. It forces him to look directly at the other.
"Are you ok?" he whispers, and it's soft—so gentle that a hard wall inside of him cracks just a little. Roach's face conveys one of searching concern, and Ghost feels pinned, flayed open at the mercy of those eyes.
He squeezes his eyes shut, shaking his head stiffly as his hands dig deeper into Roach's hips.
"I just-" he croaks, "I just need you."
Roach's eyes narrow, and Ghost lets a sliver of vulnerability slip through the cracks—just a tiny push. "Please," he whispers, and he can see in real-time how Roach's expression falls, a sad smile pulling meekly onto his mouth, and he nods.
Ghost kisses him—hard. This is familiar. If he's in control, he can't let those lingering terrors plague his thoughts. The sooner he can get this going, the sooner he can distract himself. He thrusts up into Roach, feeling the heat of the other on top of him, and the younger groans into the kiss as the two grind against each other, needy and fervent.
Hands push down squarely on his chest until he's forced to lay back. When he looks forward to Roach, the other smiles warmly and begins to work at his zipper. 
"Let me take care of you." 
And it takes everything in Ghost not to crumble at those words.
Roach palms at his erection, still confined in his boxers, and Ghost wants to kick him.
"Stop teasing."
He's met with a cheeky grin. "Stop teasing?" the other signs demurely. "You mean like this?" 
A warm hand suddenly grasps his length, and Ghost's breath hitches, making the humour in Roach's gaze grow.
"Oh, piss off you-"
The hand tightens, stroking confidently up and down, melting the words on Ghost's tongue immediately. 
It's been a while since they've done this. Missions have become more frequent and dire as the war rages on, and Ghost hasn't gotten a chance to get laid—to expel the stress.
He wants to say that's the reason why his stomach swoops so violently as the sergeant slowly takes him into his mouth, gaze never leaving Ghost's as he swallows him deeper.
God, he can't deny it; Roach knows how to take him apart. His eyes make Ghost feel like pinned-down prey as he sensually swirls his tongue around the tip.
His hand reaches to grasp at Roach's hair, keeping the sergeant in place, but Roach only dips lower, expertly sucking him off at a rhythmic pace that punches deep groans out of Ghost.
He bucks his hips upwards as Roach meets him halfway, setting an exhilarating pace that forces Ghost to concentrate on not finishing right into the sergeant's mouth. He wants this night to last.
He pulls Roach off his cock, leaving a string of saliva that Ghost immediately swipes across the other's lips. It makes the heat inside of him grow.
"Get on the bed."
Roach wastes zero time obeying, laying across the same spot that Ghost had previously occupied.
Shedding his cargos, he grabs the lube on the bedside table, fully seating himself between Roach's now bare legs as he drenches his fingers.
As he circles Roach's entrance, he leans forward, waiting for the exact moment the other's mouth hangs open as his finger breaches into heat, capturing lips in a hungry kiss, and Roach leans into it enthusiastically. 
He adds another digit, awaiting for the stuttered breathing that will follow, and he curls his fingers, watching closely as Roach's back arches off the bed like a puppet.
The other scoffs, locks of hair falling in front of his eyes. Ghost wants to brush them away.
"Now, who's teasing."
A smile pulls at his face as he adds a third, and he revels in knowing that he's the one wringing those noises, those expressions out of Roach—revels in knowing he's the only one who knows how to make the other feel this good.
When Ghost pulls out, moving to lube himself up, Roach's hands come to press on his shoulders, a leg coming up to hook around his middle, effectively flipping their positions in a swift and practiced maneuver.
With Roach on top, he can see the smugness that paints his features, a nimble hand caressing up his torso to sit at his chest.
"I said I'd take care of you," Roach leans down to whisper low in his ear before Ghost can protest, and a shiver runs down his spine, pooling arousal at the base of his cock.
The sergeant takes him in hand and, just like before, never moves his sights from the lieutenant's face as he guides the head of his cock to his entrance, sinking slowly down until Ghost is fully sheathed inside of him.
Their combined groans mingle together into heavy breaths. 
Ghost's hands climb to grip hard at Roach's hips. A choked moan threatens to spill once the sergeant begins moving, his heat all-encapsulating and enticing.
He sits up so he can better hold Roach in his lap, roaming hands gripping tight on the back of the sergeant's shirt. He pushes his hips upwards, setting a brutal pace and eliciting a series of gasps that only encourage him to move faster.
He wants to lose himself in this. Be buried inside this warmth forever, anything to take him away from the battles he'll be thrown back into once he leaves this room.
He scrunches his eyes shut, trying to focus only on the building pressure below. But despite his efforts, the storm cloud slowly creeps back into the cracks of his brain, along with the distant screams that follow with it. Eyes too young to display such fear watch him from the depths of his mind, and suddenly, Ghost can't get it out.
Two taps to his shoulder.
His eyes fling open, thrusts halting immediately. 
The concern is back, more intense than before.
"What's wrong?"
Ghost inhales, taking in how genuinely worried the sergeant looks—how quickly he had noticed Ghost's inner turmoil.
"I-" he swallows, words weighing like bricks in his throat.
He doesn't want to talk about it, doesn't want to even spare a grain of space in his mind for images that will spiral him deep into disruption. It's why he'd even sought out the sergeant in the first place. This was just supposed to be another meaningless fuck.
But a part of him knew it wasn't going to be so easy, not with Roach. Not with someone who takes one glance at him, mask and all, and immediately knows which weak points to aim for to leave him an exposed, vulnerable mess.
He supposes he should've known this would happen—wonders if, deep in his subconscious, he had hoped for something more to come out of this.
Fingers gently grasp his hand, lifting it slowly, hesitantly, as if Ghost would run at the slightest hint of comfort.
Soft lips come to kiss at his knuckles, one by one, and it's so—kind. The contrast between Roach's lips and the scars that run down Ghost's hand feels undeserving, like such good things are ought to be for people like him.
"When people grow up in ugly homes, they can only assume everything in the world is ugly, including themselves."
It was something Roach had said to him offhandedly after a particular deployment. Although back then, Ghost hadn't understood where it came from. 
He'd thought it had something to do with the mission they had just returned from. One that—similarly to today's—had left the task force a shaken crowd of solemn faces.
He remembers it clear as day. He and Roach had been the first at the scene, gazing upon the aftermath of what could only be described as a brutal execution—one that left an innocent family limp at their feet, like bloody ragdolls.
The sole survivor, a boy no older than twelve, had sat at the centre of it all, looking no more alive than the ashen bodies surrounding his small frame.
It was a disturbingly familiar sight, and Ghost had left that mission quieter than usual.
Now, though, he thinks he knows why Roach had said it. It's for the same reason why Ghost was thinking of such a phrase at a time like this—for comfort, reassurance.
Roach had recognized then how that mission had messed with Ghost's head, just as he recognized how today's mission had messed with him further.
Ghost takes a deep breath, calming the violent sea in his mind. 
"Sorry," he breathes out, looking Roach square in the eyes with what he hopes is a genuine, small smile. "Just all up in my head."
Roach's thumb swipes back and forth at the palm of Ghost's hand—a grounding sensation despite how miniscule it is. A small smile reflects back on his face, a wisp of a concession.
We'll talk about this after.
Ghost rolls them over so that Roach is now under him. By the look of exasperation, the other had probably been expecting this. 
"This is a two-way tango, bug. Let me return the favour."
There's enthusiasm in the arms that drape around his neck, and Ghost begins to pick up where they left off.
With Roach laid under him, Ghost's fingers crawl up his stomach to lift off the other's shirt, exposing him fully to the lieutenant. In response, Roach tugs at Ghost's own shirt, a challenging glint in his eye that Ghost readily accepts, leaving the two fully bare for each other.
Ghost is gentler this time when he pushes back in, making sure not to be as rough as he was before. Roach takes him in easily, whining softly as Ghost's hips snap to hit that sweet spot. It shouldn't affect him how well they fit together, and not just in bed, but in a warzone, too.
He tries not to let his thoughts wander again, and instead, thinks of Roach—Roach and how he's splayed underneath him, how his touches feel like they burn the skin off his flesh, how even without a voice, his words stick in Ghost's mind like unwilling tattoos.
-- -- --
"You think all these terrible things that have happened to you define who you are. They don't."
"How do you know?"
"Because I know you."
In the haze of pleasurable bliss, a thought weighs sudden and heart-stuttering. 
I love him.
He loves him.
And it's more than just the sex. It's the way those brown curls splay out on the bed like a halo—the same curls he'd run his fingers through countless times during leisure hours. It's the kiss-swollen lips that smile warmly at him every morning at breakfast. It's the strong arms currently wrapped around his neck that aid him in battle with their assured grip and expertise and the fingers that softly grasp Ghost's own when they have fleeting moments of tenderness on the battlefield. It's the way that when Ghost looks at the man before him, there's a part of him deep down that knows what this is, a part of him that thinks of green eyes and gentle smiles, and he wants.
He stares down at Roach, beautiful and wrecked and gazes at the scars that embroider his person. Ghost traces his fingers softly on the large gash decorating the left hip. An ugly knife wound, he remembers. He helped stitch that one. The mark beside that one—a bullet not fully penetrated, but Ghost had been there when the shot had hit its mark, and it had terrified him at that moment.
The arms around him release, and then hands come to rest delicately on his face. Green eyes watch him, glassy from their intimate activity but strong in their tender gaze.
This is so much different than his usual hook-ups—the rough, quick-fucks he'd indulge himself in over the years as a way of forcing out the accumulative tension from his stressful lifestyle. But when he's with Roach, it's gentle, it's slow, and, dare he say it, loving. Ghost can't help himself as his hips slow to a stop, and his eyes move towards Roach's face.
His hand grabs recklessly at his mask, pulling it off with a haste he hasn't felt in a long time.
Roach's eyes widen. His partner's desperate pants have halted as well, and he looks straight up at Ghost, gaze shocked with an underlayer of hope.
"I love you."
Ghost feels nervous in his own skin, uncharted emotion rubbing hotly inside his chest, foreign and wild. But Gary inches his face closer, and immediately, those biting fears dissipate, leaving his mind completely once Gary pulls their lips together in a tender kiss. 
It's the sweetest he's ever had. Completely unlike the past frustratingly-charged snogs he'd shared with past willing fucks.
When they break apart, Gary looks high, pupils blown wide, and lips a swollen red. Ghost suspects he doesn't look much different. 
"I love you, Simon," he whispers, awed.
And the sharp zing of warmth shoots straight down to his groin, where they're still connected, and he groans. 
The legs wrapped around his middle squeeze tighter, and Ghost understands, picking up where he left off and speeding up his pace once more.
Roach's head falls back, eyes squeezed shut as Ghost drives them closer to the edge. 
His heart stutters as he watches Roach closely. He wants this, he wants more, he wants—
A hand on his heart.
"You think too much."
Ghost exhales, watching Roach closely, watching every minute change in expression. He notices how his breathing hitches when Ghost hits that sweet spot, notices how the other likes it when Ghost strokes his hair, notices how his nose scrunches up when he's concentrating on something hard. 
It's not just sex. He knows all the little details about Roach without even having to look. Like when the other taps his pencil on his right thigh but only on the right, like when Roach drinks hot tea and always blows twice before taking a sip, like how there are calluses on his index and middle finger on his dominant hand from writing in his journal, and one on his left index from handling his gun.
I'm thinking about you.
But Ghost doesn't say it out loud; only aims to show what his mind yearns to spill.
He intertwines his hand with Roach's and kisses him feverishly as his hips pull sweet gasps out of Roach's mouth.
He's getting close. Ghost can feel it as Roach clenches tighter around him, and it takes everything in him not to let go right now.
No, he wants to watch Roach spill over the edge first; wants to watch the other fall into the pleasurable bliss brought by Ghost's own doing.
"Come for me, bug," he whispers lowly, and he knows that's all it'll take.
There's a final, strangled whimper before the other spasms and arches beneath him, eyes rolling back as he rides through his orgasm, shaky breaths filling the silence of the room. Ghost drinks in every bit of the sight before him, fuelling his own chase towards the end.
A hand roams his face. The affection on Roach's face is so overwhelming it gives him butterflies.
"Beautiful," Roach mouths.
And Ghost groans as his own orgasm overtakes him, unloading into Roach. Their collective moans are cut short when Roach goes in for one more kiss as Ghost basks in the aftermath of his climax.
This could have never been a casual hook-up, not with Roach. Even with all the past times they've done this, it'd only served to make Ghost hungrier each time for something more. 
It was just unfortunate a mental spiral was what pushed him to spit it out.
Now, as the two of them lay together in bed, Roach softly carding fingers through Ghost's hair, he can only think of what a fool he was for assuming he could prolong those hidden desires in his chest. 
"Do you want to talk about it?"
They'd hastily cleaned up the mess they'd made and thrown on simple clothes, with Roach borrowing one of Ghost's shirts.
It feels oddly domestic, and despite his earlier confession, Ghost can't help but feel scared. 
"Sorry," he swallows, "if I hurt you earlier."
He's deflecting—just a little bit. He knows they have to talk about it, but he wants to sit inside this safe threshold just a little longer.
Beside him, Roach shakes his head.
"You didn't hurt me," he reassures, letting a minute grin slip through, "it's not like you haven't been rougher in the past."
Ghost huffs, his own lips betraying amusement, but he averts Roach's eyes and looks to the ceiling.
He can't keep holding it all in; feels like he at least owes it to Roach—attentive and caring, Roach—what was bothering him.
"It was the girl."
It's not a question, so Roach must've been sure that was it. 
As usual, he was right.
"I was so close." He was. He was right there at the edge of the window. If he'd just been a little quicker–
"It's not your fault, Simon."
He can't help but sigh. He knows that. But there's a part of him, the irrational shadow of himself that looks suspiciously like a little boy, curses him for his incompetence. 
And it's not just the blame; it's the principle of his role as a soldier. If he can't save one little girl, what good is he? 
To serve and protect. If he can't even do that for a stranger, how does he expect to do it for the people he cares about?
In the dim light, he can just make out the grim line of Roach's mouth.
There's nothing the other can really say to make this all better. Regardless of everything, Ghost’s mind will always remain a wasteland of accusatory what-ifs. But-
"I...I meant what I said, though. Earlier."
And even with the sombre fog set over his mind, Roach's smile still manages to make it all just a little more bearable.
"Me, too."
He's scared. There's another reason why his failure today hit him so viscerally. When he stares back at Roach, he feels the phantom fear that imprints like a shadow behind his eyelids, with green eyes that fall into an abyss Ghost isn't fast enough to reach for.
It could be him one day that you don't catch, his ugly thoughts say.
But before he can further fuel those anxieties, Roach pulls him close, resting Ghost's head under his chin.
"You think too much," he mutters, running his fingers through Ghost's hair.
Ghost sighs, closing his eyes and leaning further into the embrace. He feels—safe.
Trust Roach to soften the blows of everything horrible in his life. 
There are more things to say, more things they need to establish with this newfound step in their relationship, more fears that Ghost needs to acknowledge head-on.
But for now, he's happy to stay like this, in the arms of someone he knows he can trust.
Tomorrow, they’ll leave the safety of this room and be thrown back into the uncertainty of their fragile lives; however, the other side of his door no longer feels so daunting, not when he has this.
As his mind drifts slowly away into the lulling arms of sleep, he feels Roach hold him tighter.
"One day," Roach begins to whisper, and it's soft—wishful-sounding, "I hope you'll be able to accept that you're more than just your shortcomings, like how I see you."
For the first of many nights, his mind is at peace.
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gemgirl28 · 11 months
The ONE single person on my team that I don’t like said they’d never watched The Princess Bride because they thought it was stupid and I was so offended I rewatched it tonight just to remind myself how perfect a movie it is and not at all because I want to quote it at them and watch it go over their head.
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rainmidnight · 4 months
secret shanghai characters as tortured poets department titles (based purely on vibes since it's not out yet)
juliette: guilty as sin? roma: down bad rosalind: i can do it with a broken heart orion: loml oliver: so long london phoebe: fresh out the slammer silas: i can fix him (no really i can) marshall: florida!!!
(bonus) lourens: the alchemy
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lyramundana · 10 months
heyheyhey! how are you?? I hope everything is okay! perv!minsung x innocent f!reader?
I'm great, honey, thank you 🥰 Everything is going okey for me right now.
MinSung as perverts is one hella good of a trope, specially if you throw an innocent Reader in the mix. They're prone to manipulation already and they won't stop at anything until they get what they want.
They have different ways to proceed in this scenario, but they have one thing in common: They're obsessed with Reader's smell. Have you seen those bunch of videos of them both just shoving their noses in the other's hair or neck to sniff? Yeah, that's it.
They'll steal her clothes and underwear to get off her smell. They fucking drool when they get a sniff to her panties, even more the old ones. Minho shoves it to his face and already leaks pre-cum just by the smell alone, while Jisung straight up licks her essence from it. They'll pass next to her after shower and casually place their noses near her pulse point just to take a small sniff. It calms them down as much as it gets them horny.
They'll enjoy every second of corrupting her. It feeds their ego and their twisted fantasies too. They get off her not knowing what they do and innocently showing herself to them.
Han is a voyeur. He loves to spy her when she's alone, doing private stuff. He touches himself at the sight of Reader pleasuring herself on her bed, opening the door silently to watch her and having to bite his fist to keep his own moans hidden. He tries to synchronize his orgasm with hers, looking at the shiny toys inside her and wishing desesperatly that those were his cock instead. Once she's done, he sneaks inside her bedroom and gets a hold of the toys to use them on himself later, still covered in her juices. He convinces her to let him stay on the bathroom while she showers because "what if you trip and hurt yourself?" and so she lets him stay there, the curtain blocking the sight of her cock growing hard.
Minho is pro-active. He can't stand just watching from afar, no, he needs to act. He lures her with sweet words, caring gestures, portraying himself as just a shy, protective friend that likes to help her. She's just so innocent, so cute, she knows nothing about the world, but don't worry, they're both here to help. He talks her out into letting him help her shower, cleaning the places her hands can't. She finds it a bit weird how his hands wander off further than they're supposed to, like her waist and inner thighs. He stops her when she's about to clean her cunt, telling her to lay back down and trust him, that he'll take care of it. Her brain is so mushy by the massages and the utter submission trust he has ingrained on her that she allows it, letting out a content sigh when his fingers draw lines with the soap on her lips. He has to grap unto every bit of strenght and self-control to not devour her right there.
They both sneaks their hands under her clothes to caress her warm skin, hiding their faces on each side of her neck. They always tell her this is normal, that close friends do this all the time, and due to her lack of experience, she believes every word they spit out. She's so easily influenced, so compliant and sweet. A precious little angel for them to corrupt.
They made her sleep in the same bed as them, in the middle, with their arms trapping hugging her. When she feels hard thing poke at her sides, they hush her and distract her with kisses until she falls asleep. They're shifting positions constantly over the night, explaining they need to find a comfortable one, when in reality they're straight up grinding their dicks on her until they cum. If she feels something wet on the sheets or clothes the next morning, they gaslight her again enough until it's cleaned. They offer to massage her boobs when she's on her period and they hurt, and she doesn't say anything when they start to use their lips to bite her nipples. It's to make the massages better and relax her body, right? And it feels so good..
Whenever they get too horny and can't lay they hands on her, they fuck each other's brains out until they're spent. They use her toys, her clothes and any possession of hers they can't get their hands on. Sometimes they don't even bother into cleaning them..
Of course they're the ones to take her virginity. Who else are going to treat her better than them? She's already used to their touches, to their mouths on her skin, their filthy words. She's completely under their will, fooled by their fake friendship pretense and seduced by their ill-intended attempts, blind to their real motivations. She thinks they simply want to make the experience the most enjoyable for her because they care and are good friends like that. She can't suspect they've been fantasizing and manipulating her secretly to arrive here, to this moment. She's so shy and nervous the whole time, leaving them room to do everything they want with her body.
In short, they'll be twisted and manipulative little shits about it. And they also discovered a corruption kink they didn't know they had.
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Danny Fenton from Danny Phantom
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Danny Fenton from Danny Phantom is Christian!
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