floydvawter · 6 years
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Throwing myself on the #artvshero wave ^_^ These are my main inspirations, some I discovered recently, others I have been a fan of for years <3 Left to right from top: Ole Jørgen Ness @ephk @katsuyaterada @takashipom Myself ^_^ Gustav Klimt @camilladerrico Yoshitaka Amano @auroreblackcat . . . . . #artists #inspiration #ephk #olejørgenness #takashimurakami #gustavklimt #camilladerrico #yoshitakaamano #auroreblackcat #artwork
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tos-fanart · 6 years
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Star Trek Romulan by auroreblackcat
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The amazing digital art of auroreblackcat
Beginner's Guide to Digital Painting in Photoshop: Characters
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keeper-of-slytherin · 3 years
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Art by: Auroreblackcat
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aahana-writes · 2 years
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Art by :Auroreblackcat on DeviantArt
Undoubtedly Severus snape was a hero and that was simply because he sacrificed his life for Harry (or the wizarding world)
In the beginning, I too felt that snape was a nice man, a brave man but there are so many things wrong with him. I used to be a pro-snaper too and then I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to offend the pro-snapers but I’m not gonna lie anymore, the only reason I love Snape is because of how he was portrayed by Alan Rickman. (honestly a legend )
Also, remember book snape is a lot meaner than movie-Snape. It’s only after reading the books that you realise the film writers left a lot of Snape’s horrible behaviour out of the films. I loved Alan Rickman’s portrayal of Snape and can think of no one else who would have played him better, but Snape’s film counterpart was nice compared to book Snape.
Here’s a reminder of his past before the first book
(I did my research)
Severus Snape was born 9 January 1960 to Tobias Snape, an abusive Muggle, and Eileen Prince, a neglectful pure-blood witch. He began to identify with his mother's family and created a secret nickname from his mother's maiden name, calling himself the "Half-Blood Prince".
His home life was not pleasant, with his parents’ constant fighting and neglect of Severus. At the age of nine, he met the love of his life, Lily Evans. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with her in 1971 and was sorted into Slytherin House. Lily, however, was sorted into Gryffindor.
Similarly to his situation at home, life at school was also rough. Despite his talent in Potion-Making and joining the Slug Club hosted by Horace Slughorn, he became enemies with Gryffindor students James Potter and Sirius Black who frequently bullied him, giving him the name ‘Snivellus’. He developed an interest in the Dark Arts, creating spells such as ‘Levicorpus,’ and ‘Sectumsempra,’ and became involved with a group of pure-blood extremists in Slytherin, most of whom would later become Death Eaters. It put tension on his friendship with Lily Evans, a muggle-born witch, and in their fifth year, after he called her a ‘mud-blood’ during an argument, she terminated their friendship.
Severus then noticed one of James Potter’s friends, Remus Lupin, suspiciously disappearing whenever a full moon appeared, and attempted to follow him past the Whomping Willow (after Sirius Black had told him how), putting himself in deadly harm. James found out what had happened and came to Severus’ rescue, ultimately saving his life.
Let's just start this by saying well, Snape's backstory explains his actions, but can never NEVER be an excuse for his actions 
I love how people are just like "I'm a snape apologist" so u agree he has the stuff to apologize for.
This man is simply messed up because of various reasons and I will list out all the reasons I can remember
1)Throughout the ENTIRE series he bullies Neville and Harry and Ron and a whole bunch of other people. yeah he did good things but he also took pleasure from abusing his power as a teacher to torment children to the point where he was Neville's greatest fear and not the woman who tortured his parents into insanity.
2)Also joined the wizard nazis and would have stayed in the wizard nazis if it didn’t impact him specifically aka he became a death eater and was in voldy's most inner circle of trust and only came to dumbledore when lily was being threatened. he didn’t care about James or harry or anyone else
3)he had an unhealthy obsession with lily even after she became a wife and a mother like….Please excuse me while I walk over your husband's corpse like he's nothing and upon entering the room, ignore your traumatised child in his crib and instead clutch your lifeless body in a demonstration of my love for you: creepy and entirely unhelpful.yeah he loved Lily except no he really didn't he loved what he thought she was and then proceeded to call her a really disgusting slur and expected everything to be fine
4)After he mocks Hermione’s teeth she permanently changes them.this man thinks that mocking a teenage girl about how she looks is okay. like snivley first wash your own hair please.
5)If the prophecy had been about Neville, snape would still be a death eater. It’s not like he saw anything wrong with it. It’s just that he saw it would badly affect the woman he was obsessed with.
6)Also  he left her (lilly) alone when she might have required her help, remember the prophecy said " a boy whose parents faced voldemort 3 times" Snape did not help Lily those 3 times, it was only when her death was his fault when he decided to do something.
7)Snape protected Harry through the years but it was only to satisfy his guilt about Lily. 
8)  Snape made Lupin's potion every month and that's great but he also didn't make any moves to help him keep the only stable job he's really had
 And don't try to sell the crap that Snape was cruel and abusive to Harry because he blamed himself for Lily's death and Harry was a constant reminder of his guilt. because he had LiLly'S eYeS.
But people do not listen so ; you know who else blamed himself for the Potters' deaths and also was constantly reminded of them by Harry, and yet didn't abuse him because of his guilt?
Drum roll please 
Sirius Orion Black.
And also to remind you Sirius was also abused and was also a bright student yet he did NOT bully people! (Okay he did bully people in school that was part of his character development; but he did not bully the people he was 'protecting ' he acctually helped them and accepted them)
Oh and before you drag James Potter into this. We don't know if James was completely wrong. Come on, everyone has enemies ( I am not justifying bullying ) besides the only memory we judge  James Potter of is his rival's and that is not fair .
 The memories he -snape chose to show Harry were a tactical decision- he gave him the information that was only enough to understand the mission, and enough back story to convince him that he was telling the truth. There was no time or reason to get into seven years’ worth of rivalry. it would just make it harder for Harry to trust him. But that doesn’t mean that Snape didn’t give as good as he got. There’s literally no evidence that James was a relentless bully and Snape was an innocent victim.
It's funny that everyone puts Snape up on this pedestal and hates Draco Malfoy. Like Malfoy did some bad things but he wasn't a grown ass man angry because he got friend zone by a woman that he was obsessed with.
people give snape so much pity and love after what he did in the last book but I do not and the reasons are given above you can always believe what u want to and even try to make me understand why severus is SUCH a great person.. all I have to say is that It’s okay to like Snape as a character, because he’s really well interesting and complex. It’s NOT okay to like Snape as a person, because he was seriously messed up.
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110789angle · 4 years
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Tag game:
Tag 9 people you want to know better and answer the questions.
Tagged by @pieeeczara
Top four ships: skysolo (Star Wars), bagginsheild (the hobbit), finnpoe (Star Wars), and tigerlily/Wendy darling (Peter pan)
Last song: better for it by small talks
Last film: Shrek 2
Reading: foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett
What food I’m craving right now: kfc chicken strips and chips
@auroreblackcat @bevsi @laughingatmynightmare @mishacollins @shitmystudentswrite @spn-bitchh @zombifisgender @zoella @bitch-is-for-okay
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starofbocsopics · 5 years
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The Eldest sister of Ammit: bearing the name of the Set itself.
found on photobucket roughly 10 years ago
found here http://ftorimg.pw/Water-elemental-commission-by-ming85-on-DeviantArt-Dessin.html
Given that the name in the bottom is the same as another in here, I assume it belongs to the same artist https://www.deviantart.com/auroreblackcat
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reddoll123 · 2 years
1, 3 & 12 :D
Hi, thanks for asking me a few :D!
1) What do you listen to while you draw?
- It depends, sometimes I listen to music that tends to be uptempo no matter the genre (though other times if it's an album or a playlist I made, I'll let the emo songs play lol). But if not music, I listen to podcasts :D. Right now I'm going through the MBMBAM episodes in order and I found it's really nice listening to them and laughing as I draw~ (I also listen to their Adventure Zone episodes too!) So yeah, when I draw I always have to have something I'm listening to, it keeps me inspired and motivated ^^.
3) Famous artists you are inspired by?
- Ooh I love this question. So, I'mma go against the possible grain and not just list like Renaissance artists and instead go by some very popular artists on Deviantart that I follow hehe (gonna be a bit of a list):
12) What styles did you imitate to teach yourself to draw?
- Hehe, so some styles I use to draw in all the time when I was younger were:
The classic Archie Comics style, some Manga/Anime like Fruits Basket & Sailor Moon, western cartoons like Avatar: The Last Airbender, Teen Titans, Totally Spies, Winx Club...Oh! the classic 2D Disney style too, even like Spongebob (I had a book when I was younger on how to draw the characters lol), Fairly Odd Parents/Danny Phantom, My Life as a Teenage Robot etc. They (and others I can't remember rn) all had an influence on my art and how my current style is now~
artist ask game!
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airinworlds13 · 4 years
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¡Jello! 🙋🏻‍♀️ . Hoy traigo una novela gráfica basada en un cuento de los hermanos Grimm y tengo que decir que ha sido una maravilla. La historia cambia un poco para darle un toque más mágico y menos siniestro que el de los Grimm pero, aún así, es muy bonita y llena de sorpresas acompañada de un dibujo espectacular. De verdad que solo por el dibujo merece muchísimo la pena, es brutal tanto el colorido como las líneas y los paisajes. Simplemente brutal 😍 . TÍTULO: HARFANG AUTORA: @auroreblackcat EDITORIAL: @fandogamia PÁGINAS: 110 TOMOS: ÚNICO PUNTUACIÓN: 4'5🌟 . 🎋SINOPSIS🎋 . ~El valle de Geumjhi está maldito. Se dice que una bruja habita en las ruinas de un castillo y que todos aquellos que se acercan quedan prisioneros para siempre. Cuando Lynette desaparece su prometido lo arriesga todo para salvarla, sea cual sea el precio. Aunque eso implique su propia vida. Su propia alma.~ . ¿Os gustan las novelas gráficas a todo color? Tenéis la reseña completa en el blog 📝 . ¡FELIZ LUNES! ✨ . #felizdia #felizsemana #felizlunes #leermola #novelagrafica #fandogamia #harfang #aurore #embajadoresdelibros #recomendaciónlectora #bookstagram #bookstagramerespaña https://www.instagram.com/p/CGiU0HnJuHg/?igshid=1tvg44zr8zoei
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Christmas 2016 by auroreblackcat on @DeviantArt
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blabury · 7 years
I love how auroreblackcat does her inktober challenge. Simple, smal, basic and pretty.
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cindyrellacosplay · 5 years
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Day 29 of #fall for costume is #spooky 🕷 I created this witch dress in 2016 loosely based off an illustration by @auroreblackcat Thanks to amazing photographers @mikeislegend and @ladypendragon for the photos! #basicwitch #witchcostume #witchcosplay #bighat #halloweenwitch #happyhalloween https://www.instagram.com/p/B4NJrhEjCCN/?igshid=qoh0wy2273ks
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harfang-webcomic · 8 years
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