#autism lore
ccybersharkk · 7 months
-Hi! My name is Cyber/Archie and I go by he/him
-I'm AuDHD and my current special intrest is creepypasta
-I'm also into Marble Hornets, Eddsworld, Dhmis, Sally Face and South Park
-my favorite artists are System of a Down, ICP, Bethlehem, Këkht Aräkh, I also listen to a lot of Vocaloid
-I'm a creepypasta content creator (or at least I try to be). I'm not very active but I plan on posting more about the creeps and my oc in my AU, feel free to ask any questions
That's all I can think of now, I may update later
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paperbagedhead · 1 year
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What if we hyperfixated together? 😗 JK JK... unless- 😏
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allegedly-human-uwu · 3 months
Existing on tumblr the past few weeks
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chessb0r3d · 2 years
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fluffy boiii !!!!!!!!! :D
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itislils2004 · 3 months
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I'll continue this later today or tomorrow or even never because this was exhausting I didn't know getting my ideas/information and stuff onto writing and trying to make it make sense would be this exhausting...
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Mystic Seller (Ōmeteōtl)
History repeating itself (The Five Suns)
Narinder (Lilith)
Cross/Sword symbol (Lilith's Sigil)
Leviathan Cross
Lucifer's Sigil
Further information about symbols and so if you're interested:
Cult of the Lamb (religious connections)
Symbols Index (no meaning explicitly given)
PS: For clarity's sake, there are many symbols in COTL that don't actually have a certain meaning. Many of which were simply marks to indicate who made something (primarily churches and so on). This is particularly directed to the symbols thrown around when ichor hits the ground, when you open a chest, when you construct something, and even would go as far as to say chemach's followers symbols.
That is to say, they still have a meaning, however up to interpretation.
EDIT: Here is the sheet I found for reference to the "meaningless" symbols that I mentioned earlier. For anyone curious. You can find some of these in cards too. I'll go into it next time.
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This is one of the few sheets of actually useful info I found during my small period of time in which I pulled an all nighter because it's actually frustrating to find anything about the symbols in COTL, because some are mere inspiration or aren't faithful to the original symbol. If you are truly interested in the meaning behind most drawings/symbols you find in this game I STRONGLY suggest you simply don't. Unless you know where to look.
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aphel1on · 26 days
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AURGH auwarghh the autistic parental trauma... the epi was wacky hijinks then dropped this on us out of nowhere... (sobs) laios... laiiiiooooos
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1captainjordan4 · 2 years
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Hi hello please ask me for my empires Joel lore and I will pull out an essay [or check my twitter where the essay is posted]
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ilumel · 2 months
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— how odd it is to find a fragment of the sun in the depths of such a violent storm.
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canisalbus · 23 days
I've been curious about this for a while, and after finding your Tumblr and reading up on Machete lore I'd love to know; Is Machete autistic? I myself am autistic and I see myself in him quite a lot at times while reading your posts... If not, are there anything other disabilities or ailments he has? What about Vasco?
I'm hesitant to assign either them a lot of labels, but I think it's justified to say he has enough autistic traits to place him somewhere on the spectrum. Of course they hadn't figured out neurodiversity in the 1500's, if you knew him well enough you might call him a little eccentric. Even then he's reasonably proficient at masking and trying to appear normal to others. Having impressive self-restraint and an unhealthy degree of self-awareness helps with that. His surroundings are formal, rigid and impersonal and he has learned to navigate that specific social climate reasonably well. In addition to difficulty in socializing his main issues are sensory related, he's sensitive to textures, loud sounds and environmental overstimulation and has a low pain threshold, but can tolerate a surprising amount of discomfort in order to keep his face and not appear weak or unprofessional.
I'd say most of his physical health issues are related to anemia in a way or another, a condition that hasn't been discovered yet and thus can't be treated effectively. In their terms he simply has a weak constitution and is susceptible to mystery pains and illnesses. Unfortunately the catch-all medical care at the time is bloodletting, which, as you can imagine, only worsens his symptoms. Albinism affects the development of your eyes so his sight isn't the best and he's very sensitive to bright lights, to the point he prefers to stay indoors on sunny days.
Vasco, in comparison, has always been healthy as a horse, apart from recurring childhood ear infections. He exhibits some traits that could align with inattentive adhd, but probably not enough to justify a diagnosis. He can be a little disorganized, forgetful and has trouble starting and completing tasks, and has hard time forcing himself to stay invested in things he doesn't care about all that much.
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doodlecrimes · 3 months
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[image id: Lore from Star Trek TNG as the bleats pathetically autism creature meme; he's crying yellow tears and crawling around. the text in the center reads [bleats pathetically]. he's wearing his various outfits from Datalore, Brothers and Descent. /end id]
I felt the need to artistically convey how my upcoming exam made me feel (it's over now, for better or for worse).
do not repost or share my art without permission!
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kokiri · 11 months
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Are you obsessed with Ishgard's lore? Because I know that I'm obsessed with Ishgard's lore! I present to you a 116 page PDF that compiles all of the levequest descriptions from Coerthas Central Highlands (Observatorium and Whitebrim) and Ishgard (Temple Leves).
There's tons of fun little bits of useless silly trivia to downright harrowing worldbuilding about Ishgard's religion and military practices. So, enjoy!
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ccybersharkk · 9 months
Currently in my creepypasta brainrot era
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atbussysparks · 2 years
I can't infodump like a normal polite autistic dawg every time i talk it's like
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They try to silence us, the prophets ✊🏼😔
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chessb0r3d · 2 years
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anyways more of btw and tbh because they are BESTIES!!!!
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xrosevoidx · 5 months
the fear(?) with reblogging scott the woz stuff from Non Wozzers is theyll see my blog and assume im just batshit jerma stan level crazy into this white dude but i need to clarify scott the woz is the guy but also the show. like seinfeld. its a whole scripted thing. they referenced the scarlet letter while using a wii game as an extended metaphor for how sexuality is viewed in society. terry lesler shot a cop.
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hey gang. i may or may not be trying to piece together a cohesive lore/universe for life in the world to come, a show which notoriously does Not Have Lore. i have a list of characters/facts that i can pull just from my head rn but im almost certainly missing so many things. if you’d like to help me out and tell me ur favorite characters/bits/tidbits that would be mad wicked awesome
The List
will can do a backflip from a standing position
will is literally neil cicirega
chris is a red belt in taekwondo but showing a lot of potential
mama doo wop
tommy lasagna
jordan peterson
tom waits
jeff bezos
bug woman
big carl
buffalo wild wings
bobby sugarbones
cinnamon pepper
beans mcsprout
strong + many arms
sun has a gun
fish will have boobs
manosphere guys will all be thrown into a grease pit to fight it out except for Jordan Peterson, who will will save from the pit and kidnap him to raise like a son/parrot
Leopard Planet will be the name of a band
Therapists will be birds
frogs will be physically indistinguishable from mountain lions four generations after the bombs
jordan peterson will be a hydra type beast who continues his 14 things you need to know about life
your parents are going to have a weird nightmare polycule with satan/a spider that involves your dad being cucked
do NOT accept the spider’s bargain
Don’t Trust It, It’s Not Your Dad
you will dream of the suffalo
last week before the apocalypse spider man will be here delivering pizza
jewish coming of age traditions will all involve bugs that hate you
will will die, become blind, become possessed by the ghost of a pirate (no specified order of events)
the sun’s gun will have a son
Gerard Way will become a many-headed many-armed Akira flesh beast who is also the US president
Reddit is a literal pit in the ground where people yell at each over to get the other stoned to death
will will not have fingers for a little while
there will be no books, but there will be a guy named book who shouts literature at the top of his lungs
italians will not exist
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