#because of conspiracy to overthrow US government
muddypolitics · 10 months
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(via MyPillow is auctioning off equipment after losing retailers)
MyPillow is auctioning off hundreds of pieces of equipment and subleasing manufacturing space after several shopping networks and major retailers took the company's products off shelves.
The Chaska-based manufacturer recently listed more than 850 "surplus equipment" items on the online auction site K-Bid. Sewing machines, industrial fabric spreaders, forklifts and even desks and chairs are up for auction.
Founder and CEO Mike Lindell said MyPillow has experienced a loss in revenue and the items are no longer needed as the company consolidates its operations.
Major retailers such as Walmart, Bed Bath & Beyond and Slumberland Furniture all said they will no longer sell MyPillow products as Lindell continues to falsely claim that the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump.
oh darn
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tanadrin · 6 months
This series of four videos on Ukraine and the Russia-Ukraine conflict is very interesting. The first is basically just a narrative political history of Ukraine from about 2000 to 2014, talking about different political factions that were relevant in the country in the period, and how different internal and external pressures shaped politics. It's very helpful for understanding the Ukrainian political context, including just how recent and just how shallow the supposed tensions between monolingual Russian and bilingual Ukrainian-Russian speakers was in 2014.
The second video is an overview of the Donbass war from 2014-2022, which you might have been vaguely paying attention to at the time. But it's very helpful to have it all laid out in chronological order with the benefit of hindsight, especially due to the obfuscation of Russian operations at the time that made it hard to work out what, exactly, was going on. It's a combination of a good old 19th century-style filibuster (the military expedition, not the parliamentary maneuver), Fox News-style propaganda, and some (rather badly failed) attempts at astroturfing civil unrest--why Russia thought that would work becomes important in Part 4.
Part 3 is just an extended argument that NATO expansion is not relevant to the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, and while I already agreed with that assessment, it's nice to have it laid out in detail. The very very short version is that by NATO's own public criteria, Ukraine was simply not a candidate to join NATO, and had given up on joining NATO, and that had been painfully obvious since at least the Obama administration. Even more frustratingly, there were multiple points where Russia had an offramp to escalation, where it had gotten everything it could have possibly wanted from the conflict in Donbass, and it refused them all.
Part 4 is the author's attempt to explain why it refused them. The very short explanation is that Russia's government is led by idiots, who are very enamored of a flavor of conspiracy theory that has its origins in the LaRouche movement, and which has been bubbling in both left-wing and right-wing circles since 2000. In this worldview, the US government acting through the CIA (or the British royal family, or George Soros, or Jewish bankers, or whoever your bogeyman of choice is) has an almost supernatural ability to overthrow any government on earth by funding performance art groups (seriously), civil society NGOs, and protestors, and that almost every revolution, actual or so-called, since 1989 has been their direct work, from the post-Soviet revolutions, to Euromaidan, to the Arab Spring.
This belief, in its more overt or fragmentary forms, is incredibly popular, spurred on no doubt by historical instances of CIA malfeasance and actual aggressive wars waged by the Bush administration. But the problem is, it's bunk. During Russia's initial moves against Ukraine in 2014, they tried essentially the same playbook in the Donbass, and of course it failed miserably--you cannot actually astroturf a popular uprising. (The CIA has preferred to stage coups and assassinations, which are a different animal from color revolutions.) The separatists in the Donbass eventually had to be supported by a few thousand Russian troops and direct military aid.
But Putin, driven by his own paranoid misunderstanding of world events, the clique of yes-men he has embedded himself in, and his fear of gay Nazi Jewish CIA agents, simply got Russia in over its head. There is no offramp because Russia cannot articulate what its goals are, and because "stop trying to use George Soros to overthrow the Russian government" is not something the US can agree to, since they are not doing it. The only thing that might have prevented Putin fucking with Ukraine in the first place was maybe if rigging the parliamentary election in 2011 hadn't resulted in protests, in which Putin saw the specter of the hand of the CIA--but of course the US and NATO and the EU had nothing to do with that!
And to cap it all off, since the 2010s the LaRouche movement and its theory of color revolutions has been making inroads in China, so we have that to look forward to in coming decades.
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koroktree · 2 years
Antisemitism Education
What does dogwhistle mean?
A dog whistle is the use of coded or suggestive language in political messaging to garner support from a particular group without provoking opposition. The concept is named after dog whistles, which are audible to dogs but not humans
Antisemitism or “anti-semitism”?
The word, “anti-semitism” was coined on the premise of pseudo-scientific race theory, alleging that “Semites” are a race of people, in order to give the hatred of Jews a scientific, rationalistic veneer.
Numerical dogwhistles
One representing the letter “A” and eleven representing the letter “K”, this is a numerical dog whistle made to refer to the Aryan Knights (AK) which is an Idaho based white supremacist group.
May be written as 109/110. This refers to the idea of Jews being exiled from 109 countries. The “110” is typically a direct threat, stating that there is about to be 110 countries.
One representing the letter A and two representing the letter B, these two letters represent the Aryan Brotherhood (AB).
While there are many variations, 100% generally refers to “100% white”, feeding into the “pure white race” belief.
14 (14 words)
Fourteen words refers to a white supremacist slogan coined by the deceased leader of the group “The Order”, David Lane
A numerical dog whistle that joins the “14 words” used by white supremacists in conjunction with “88” which refers to the eighth letter in the alphabet, “H”. “88” - “HH”, meaning Heil Hitler. 1483 may also appear which would instead mean Heil Christ.
6 million/6 gorillion
6 million refers to the number of Jews murdered in the Holocaust. Antisemites will use terms like “gorillion” and other variations to avoid detection as well as to denote exaggeration in reference to their belief that Jews exaggerate the Holocaust.
An acronym standing for “Six Million Wasn’t Enough”, signifying that 6 million Jews being murdered in the Holocaust wasn’t enough.
Dogwhistles and Conspiracy Theories
Standing for “A Klansman I Am” this allows members to greet each other covertly.
A term what once was, and still is, used by white supremacists.
In the 1920s, the Anglo-Saxon Clubs of America lobbied in favor of segregation and argued for the exclusion of those with even a drop “of any blood other than Caucasian.”
Arbeit Macht Frei
Translating to, “Work will set you free” in English, this phrase was put on the gates of Aushwitz as well as other Nazi concentration camps.
The intentional mispronunciation of Ashkenazi (Correct: Ash-ki-nah-zee. Incorrect: Ash-ki-Natzi) to accuse Ashkenazi Jews of being Nazis.
Ballpoint pen
A form of Holocaust denial in which Neo-Nazi’s claim that Anne Frank’s diary is a falsified or entirely fake document because “ballpoint pens didn’t exist at that time”.
Blood libel
Perpetuated accusation that Jews have murdered non-Jews
(such as Christian children) in order to use their blood in rituals
Jews have long been accused of being part of a secret group that controls the economic and political world order. The term cabal originates from the word kabbalah, the Jewish mystical interpretation of the Hebrew Bible.
Cultural marxism
Sometimes also appearing as Cultural Bolshevism, this antisemitic theory believes Jews are trying to overthrow “Western culture” and destroy “White America”.
A method of denying the Holocaust by suggesting that the gas chambers used to murder people were actually merely “delousing” facilities.
Dual Loyalty
Alleging that Jewish people are more loyal or only loyal to Israel rather than their own country.
Khazars or Khazar Theory
An antisemitic conspiracy theory that the Ashkenazi Jewish people today come from ancient Khazars and are “not real Jews”.
Khazar Milkers
A term used for sexual harassment towards Jewish women. Alternatively “milkies”.
Lizard people
The conspiracy theory that reptilian humanoids are trying to take over the government and can be government officials or large corporate figureheads.
Oven Dodger
A term for a Jew who antisemites believe should have been murdered in the Holocaust.
Pepe The Frog
While not originating in Nazism or White supremacy, the meme was co-opted by the alt-right along Reddit, 4-Chan, and 8chan.
Protocol of the Elders of Zion
An antisemitic text that spreads the paranoid theory that Jews are planning to dominate the globe.
Swimming Pool
An antisemitic conspiracy that the Holocaust didn’t happen because of the existence of a “swimming pool” at Aushwitz and was instead a “resort”. In actuality, it was an aquifer turned into a swimming pool for SS soldiers and their families.
The Jewish Question/Problem
The problem is the existence of Jews. The “question” being how to deal with the “problem” of Jews. This results in Nazism, for example, with the Final Solution. The full phrase is, “The Final Solution to the Jewish Question”.
White Pride/Power World Wide.
You Will Not Replace Us
A phrase popularized in 2017 after the Charlottesville Nazi Riot. Sometimes appearing as Jews will not replace us or YWNRU, this antisemitic theory believes Jews are trying to “over-run the white race”.
Meaning “Zionist Occupied Government”, white supremacists curated this phrase to signal a “Jewish controlled government”, most commonly the United States.
an antisemitic symbol used to highlight the names of Jewish individuals or organizations owned by Jews
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luminalunii97 · 2 years
Iranian people are going through a traumatic event, risking their lives, and losing their lives to overthrow 44 years of dictatorship. so the most decent thing you can do is to not abuse Iran's current situation to fuel your islamophobia or guard against us because you think it's islamophobia!
the protest that is going on in Iran is not a new thing. once upon a time Iranians wanted a true democratic republic and we almost had it when Mosadegh got elected as prime minister. that ship sailed very fast because he wanted to take the oil industry back from Britain and it didn't sit well with the old fox. so MI6 with help of the CIA orchestrated a coup against that government (it's not a conspiracy theory, the CIA admitted to it and then apologized for what they did in the 1950s. look into 1953 Iranian coup d'état on Wikipedia)
that failed government slowly lead to the 1970s revolution to bring today's Islamic republic of Iran government as a lousy substitute for what we lost. but guess what, this revolution which was corrupted from the beginning got worse and worse throughout the years and ended up in the disaster we have today.
today's protests started by the brutal murder of Mahsa Amini and the misogynistic act of violence added enough anger to all the other previously done f up sh**. this government had been failing for more than 40 years. this government is a circus of lies and oppression and theft and embezzlement. this was never what our fathers and mothers intended to have. this government put a religious front but religion is just a tool of oppression and control. They don't believe a thing they force on people.
just three years ago there was another mass protest in Iran that ended up in a massacre. they shut down the internet completely for over a week (in some states for a month) and then killed approximately 1500 people in like 3 days. because it happened so suddenly, no one was prepared for such violence and our voice didn't have a chance to reach the world. that's why we're so afraid of the internet being cut down today.
to wrap it up whether you're Muslim or not, just being a human is enough for you to be on our side in this fight. it's a fight against misogyny, patriarchy, racism (look into IR vs Kurds), dictatorship, terrorism (IR has a long history of doing terroristic attacks all over the world), and basic human rights (no minority is safe in Iran, from religious minorities to ethnical minorities to queer folks). so raise your voice in our defense.
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I always find it funny when those who support the Greens cling to Daemon’s (supposedly) evil acts and atrocities committed, to justify them overthrowing the king’s chosen heir, while also completely ignoring their own side.
Aegon is a proven rapist and frequent child abuser, who might even be a pedophile as well, depending on how you interpret the comment that he prefers the more “unsavory” brothels. He has bastards, whom he has fight in fighting pits. He is an absolute monster.
Helaena is an innocent victim. I’ll give you that. I feel bad for what is to come for her.
Aemond is a kinslaying psychopath. I don’t get those who seem to look forward to him and Alys. He killed her entire family and then took Alys, a prisoner of war, into his bed. Sounds like rape and a war crime to me. His actions cause so much pain. Burns the Riverlands, killing thousands, and his actions are the reason Jaehaerys is brutally massacred.
Daeron is an unknown entity, though he doesn’t seem evil, just a dutiful young man and another victim of his family’s misplaced ambition.
Alicent is a terrible person. She sneakily crept into the bed of her best friend’s father, not even six moons after his wife died in the birthing bed. I’d be surprised if the birthing blood had dried yet. She raised her sons to be hateful little monsters, and inspired their base and disgusting behavior. She was abusive and an all-round horrible mother. Every bad thing that will happen to her family is because of her. She hides behind her false piety, while she is out here allowing dudes to wank one out over her feet the day her husband died. Alicent is no victim, she hasn’t been one in a very long time. She could have had Larys seized, but she didn’t because she wants him working for her and not her father. Manipulative and disgusting.
Larys is a kinslayer of the worst kind. No problem with the foot fetishism, to everyone their own. Though I do find a dude called the Clubfoot having a thing for feet a little on the nose.
Criston Cole is truly an incel. He had one whiff of pussy and upon being rejected started spouting every incel/MRA talking-point out there. He is just a sad and pathetic person wearing a mask and clinging to his false Faith and his white cloak, pretending to be someone he is not.
Otto is a jealous little troll, who did everything in his power to destroy the House of the Dragon. I am a firm believer in the Oldtown Conspiracy, and that the Faith, the Citadel and House Hightower conspired to overthrow the Dragonlords and install Hightowers on the Iron Throne. He cares for nothing but himself. He is an almost one-dimensional villain.
That said, while the Greens are shit, they wouldn’t have been able to pull this off if not for two people: Jaehaerys and Viserys.
Jaehaerys was no conciliator, he was a capitulator. He kneeled to the Faith, was a shit father to his daughter, clearly a rampant misogynist, and allowed these “lesser” Andal lords a say in the governing and succession of the House of the Dragon. His entire shtick about Targaryen exceptionalism was thrown out the window the moment he didn’t want a woman on the throne. He is the root of all evil. Alysanne was a far better queen than he was a king.
Ah, Viserys the Peaceful. More like Viserys the Fool. The only reason he even sat the throne was because his brother assembled an army for him. Well, that and because his grandfather was clearly a deep-rooted women-hater. He was a moron. I saw someone describe him as using his kindness and peaceful nature to cloak what hides beneath: weakness. He was so easily manipulated and his actions led to the death of the dragons.
It is no coincidence it all went wrong for the Targaryens the moment the King wed an Andal. You can disagree with Daemon's Valyrian supremacy all you'd like, but he was right. The moment they "bred" with lesser beings, it all went to shit. They should have kept it to the Velaryons, Celtigars, Baratheons or the bastard Valyrians from the Free Cities.
The Greens’ treason caused the death of the dragons and was the reason the Seven Kingdoms were unprepared for the Night King and his armies.
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Fuck that. I absolutely have the right to criticize people who have done nothing but sit around and complain in their online echo chamber, and then decide “welp, time for molotovs and guillotines.”
If you read my posts more carefully, you would realize a crucial truth:
We are on the same side of this
First of all, "execute all the people in power and start over" is a different thing than "violent protest." People call even destruction of property violent. There are levels. That is important.
Secondly—I cannot stand the people who think violently overthrowing the government will automatically fix everything. They haven't thought about infrastructure. They haven't studied history.
I actively detest the sentiment among certain USamericans that "voting does nothing, don't bother voting." Voting, especially in local elections, can make things materially better for people in your community. At the very least it doesn't hurt. Vote. Don't only vote, but fucking hell, don't pitch a fit about feeling criticized or whatever for not voting when people fought tooth and nail to give you that right in the first place, and politicians are fighting tooth and nail to take it away any way they can. I live in a state where 9% of the population is LEGALLY disenfranchised. Read history and read the fucking room.
But I am still firm on this—history tells us that violence is on the way when a people has been unhappy with their oppressive government for many many years. I would LIKE to avoid violent unrest and upheaval but it is something that happens when other means of petitioning the government have not worked.
For me personally, it is incredibly hard to support or condone the extreme version of this—complete violent upheaval— when the likely consequences will be devastating. If the US government crumbled, we would end up under the control of the fascists. Y'all realize that, right?
I am not on the same side of the "revolution is the only way" people. Have y'all been paying any attention to the January 6 hearings? We had an actual attempt at a coup less than 2 years ago. I grew up in the Bible Belt embedded deeply in a nest of terrifying whackos. At least one person I personally knew participated in the attempted coup.
One of the USA's main political factions is dominated by theocratic fascists involved to varying degrees in a batshit crazy conspiracy cult, and these people have more guns than probably any other group of civilians in the world. They are better organized, more galvanized and a MILLION times better armed than everyone else. Electoral politics has one saving grace if it has anything, and that's keeping these people occupied.
I firmly believe we need to be forming support networks, building our own community infrastructure so everyone will have someone to call on when the shit hits the fan. We seriously need to start organizing in ways that let people access food and medicine and fresh water when infrastructure breaks down.
Yesterday our electricity was out for nearly 5 hours after a windstorm. What would happen in a scenario where there was no one to mobilize teams to get out and fix the problem? The systems that sustain life in America are a crumbling, dilapidated joke. Our infrastructure genuinely has the potential to kill millions in a disastrous scenario where people have to travel long distances to get help. Highways will get backed up, people will be stranded, and there will be nothing for miles around because 93% of the land in this country is The Middle Of Nowhere.
My posts about this are referring to the entirely compatible truth that "peaceful" protests are a display of power and a threat display to the people in power, and when more peaceful means of protest are ignored, things get more violent. This is not a judgment I'm making, this is just how it goes. And ultimately, the ability to protest peacefully is connected to the potential to protest more violently—it's a chance for the people in power to course correct before things get worse.
Under ideal circumstances, peaceful protest would be sufficient. But the responsibility is on our leaders to listen. If they don't listen, fear for the future and desperation will drive people to more and more radical action. Again, this is just a thing history teaches us.
One last thing: I have made this mistake in the past, for sure, but never assume that someone you see posting online is not involved with activism in real life. If you don't see evidence of their real life activism, it just means they're being smart and not posting about it online.
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aroacehanzawa · 10 months
oooh what's acca13? 👀👀👀
ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Department is a 12-episode anime series based on the manga by Ono Natsume (which i haven't read but the anime's aesthetics are on point so i think this is one of the cases where the anime > manga) about a kingdom that consists of 13 autonomous districts that are monitored by "ACCA" inspection department, which basically audits (?) all the districts and keeps the whole kingdom in check.
The series follows the department's vice chairman Jean Otus who somehow ends up being roped into some conspiracy for a coup d'etat and there's like rumours that he's the leader of it or whatever i don't really remember but basically he ends up being used as a puppet for whoever is behind the shadows that's actually planning to overthrow the government and stuff.
Meanwhile we just follow Jean as he travels through all the different districts on his business trip and we get to see the unique cultures of each district, which is honestly one of my favourite aspects of the show, because they're all based on specific aesthetics or tropes (like there's Fairytale Europe district and Desert Scifi district and Aladdin-esque Middle East district and Arctic Winter district and Big American Diner district to name a few off the top of my head)
The conspiracy that unfolds is also really interesting but the series as a whole never gets super serious or high stakes like it's literally Just Vibes. And there's also lots of bread. I would recommend it for the Bread alone. It's just a really cool show with a great cast of characters!!
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tower-of-hana · 21 days
no fr you guys any day now these trans women nazis who definitely make up 99.9% of the population will rise up and overthrow the government or become a voting block or do anything other then post online. This isn't just some weird stereotype that we like to use to paint trans women as bad because calling them predators would be too on the nose. Just trust me this isn't some weird conspiracy just keep giving me updoots and the TRUTH will be revealed by TRUE PATRIOTS
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spokewar · 3 months
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POST-TCW : Path of the Wayseeker.
what is it?
a good ending where Palpatine is outted as a Sith and Anakin doesn't fall
The Wayseekers were a discontinued sector of the Jedi Order from the time of the High Republic through the end of the Clone Wars. Obi-Wan had grown interested in them during his padawan years, but it wasn't until Chancellor Palpatine was exposed as a Sith and the Separatists disbanded that his curiosity became action. Being member of the Jedi Council had left him arrogant and willing, and that arrogance had cost years of suffering for the Clone Troopers, civilians, and fellow Jedi under his care. There was no future in which he could continue hold his seat in power, so he quit the Council, telling them he would remain faithful to the Force, but could no longer serve an agenda. He didn't like who the war had made him and he had to make up for it with or without the council's approval. It wasn't a statement they took to well, but whether is be nepotism or his many sacrifices throughout the years, no one argued with his decision. Along with his new padawan, @valorums, Obi-Wan left for the edges of the galaxy, helping outer-rim planets who struggled to get resources and political aide. A few months into their work, they traveled to the planet of Lothal and it was there—for the first time in years—that he felt an insistence from the Force. In fact, it was less of a suggestion and more of an urgent demand that the duo visit the Jedi Temple buried deep within the mountains of the desert. It was not a difficult journey and once inside, they discovered a trove of Jedi Wayseeker documentation that had been sealed away at the time of their disbandment. They told stories of Jedi who had done unsung deeds of overthrowing dictators, putting an end to flesh traders, helping war-torn villages rebuild their homes, and bringing attention to the struggles that were so often overlooked by the Jedi Order. They looked into all the suspicions civilians brought to them, from government conspiracies to corruption within the Order itself. They did not act as the voice of the common people, they were merely an amplifier to what was already there and they were relentless in their work. They operated outside of the watchful eye of the Council, of the senate, and they had the freedom to help where they saw fit. They didn't need approval before acting, and they needn't stay neutral in battles where there was so obviously a wrong side. It all had the potential to go horribly wrong (and Obi-Wan understood why the Order had feared them), but he knew the Force was telling him that he needed to revive the Wayseekers, that they would bring back a balance the universe had been missing. (And with how spectacularly the old system failed them, a little experimentation couldn't hurt, right?) The new Wayseekers would be Jedi, yet not Jedi all the same, not Grey, nor Sith. They would be the accumulation of the will of the people and of the Force. After establishing a team, Obi-Wan hopes to form a circle of trust with community leaders (not politicians) from different planets to help guide them.
tldr: Obi-Wan gives up his council seat and reestablishes the Jedi Wayseekers who are basically elite Jedi that act without the council's strict oversight and can get involved in plenty of nonjedi-like things
when will i be using it?
a lot
it will be my secondary verse after my main which is mid-tcw
more notes:
Obi-Wan is walking on real thin fucking ice with this stunt
Jedi Wayseekers are not Jedi Shadows, they have much more freedom of movement and are not restricted to the neutral opinion that Jedi are supposed to have
think of it like vigilante justice kinda
it's Controversial because the only people who can really keep them in check are each other
obi-wan's plan is to make a team of self-deprecating people with no sense of self worth
they yeah :// they can kill people :/?
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homunculus-argument · 2 years
Working through the book draft, I only now noticed that almost everything in it revolves around themes of truth, lying, and what their use and value really is. Sometimes a simple, convincing lie is better than trying to explain a complicated truth. Sometimes the actual truth doesn't even matter, what matters is what people are more likely to believe, and how things appear.
The protagonist goes by two names: officially he is Aiden, but on the street he goes by Todd. The two exist in different contexts, Aiden has family and status but no friends, Todd has friends but no family or status. The POV of each character refers to him by whichever they know him as, nobody knows both Todd and Aiden. Todd is suspected of falsely claiming to be Aiden, because Todd famously a joker and a liar, and his friends have no doubt he would do something that crazy just for a laugh.
His own POV switches between the two names, depending on where he is, and with whom. As Todd, he might think back to something that was in Aiden's room, or as Aiden recall something that Todd tends to do, as if truly thinking of a diferent person. Occasionally the narration slips to the other name when he forgets himself and acts like Todd when he was supposed to be Aiden, and vice versa.
Neither identity is false, but when he tells the truth, people assume he is lying. And the reason why anyone even cares whether he really is whoever he claims to be, is that only one of the two identities is accused of being a key player in a conspiracy to overthrow the government.
He isn't. He literally didn't know about any conspiracy at all before the authorities came to arrest him. He just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But nobody believes that, either.
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tanadrin · 6 months
Something politically aware people on every part of the political spectrum from the left to the right think is true and leaders of the Russian, Chinese, Israeli, etc. governments believe in enough to talk about publicly and make major geopolitical decisions based on maybe is not just a crazy fringe conspiracy theory, could be that there's some truth to the CIA, NED, etc. having more involvement in these events than the video author thinks I watched all this stuff happen in real time, and I read your notes, which went over how Russian hybrid warfare succeeded in Crimea in 2014. Every major power takes hybrid warfare seriously, what's objectively stupid is your mischaracterization of how it works. Trying to astroturf a revolution out of nowhere simply by paying random citizens en masse to overthrow the government would indeed be stupid but that's not what it is. Your notes seem to suggest that the video says US was paying little attention to eastern Europe until 2013 but Russia was frequently reacting to imaginary US provocations because they are stupid. It's like there's a giant America-shaped hole in the video's narrative. Ukraine was understood to be a NATO-Russia geopolitical battleground long before Euromaidan, it wasn't just Putin shadowboxing imaginary opponents out of pure stupidity that led to this.
You seem to be operating on the basic assumption that governments don't do stupid things for no reason, or fall prey to obviously inane conspiracy theories. That's simply not true; governments are led by human beings, human beings are subject to a common set of cognitive biases, and when you're an authoritarian right-winger (as the leaders of Russia, China, and Israel all are right now), an explanation for your apparent unpopularity that pins all the blame on the CIA instead of your shitty policies and your attempts to cling to power flatters those biases.
But we don't need to speculate about the propensity of governments to do stupid shit, because we have plenty of historical and contemporary examples of governments believing in nonsense: Havana Syndrome in the US, AIDS denialism in South Africa, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories in Nazi Germany and Imperial Russia, etc., etc. And often these false beliefs lead to real strategic blunders: the Bay of Pigs, the Iraq War, World War II, etc. Sometimes world leaders are stupid! Like, leadership probably tends to select for some kinds of intelligence and ability--charisma, social intelligence, and so forth--but it doesn't automatically make you a geopolitical genius, or make you immune to believing false things about the world.
And the biggest problem with the conspiracy theory outlined here isn't just that we can trace its origin to a fringe American political cult, it's that it's not necessary to explain any development in politics since 1989. There is no problem in understanding the revolutions of '89 or 2000-2014 that CIA involvement is necessary to solve. Indeed, as the videos point out (if you would actually watch them), trying to use "the CIA did it" as an explanation adds considerable problems, bc color revolution theory doesn't work. It's based on misconceptions, misunderstanding of data, and a healthy dose of paranoia.
The only real problem is trying to explain Putin's behavior--and that doesn't require color revolution theory to be true, only that Putin believes it is true. And why he would believe something is true, when he has the supposedly vast power of the Russian state at his beck and call, is easy to explain: authoritarian dictators surrounded by yes men do not have accurate pictures of the world! From Idi Amin to Saddam Hussein to Vladimir Putin, there is a common pattern of authoritarian dictators losing touch with reality, getting really weird, and coming to believe all kinds of counterproductive stuff that flatters their egos. It would be an even bigger problem to try to explain why Putin was immune to that dynamic after 24 years in power.
"World leaders don't shadowbox opponents out of pure stupidity" is an assumption that seems wholly ungrounded to me. Why not? World leaders do foolish things all the time on large and small scales. World leaders make mistakes. World leaders can become paranoid and out of touch--and if they lead countries without functioning electoral democracies, they can stay in power regardless. World leaders are not a magic special class of human being. They're just people. And whether it's because they're your uncle who watches nothing but OANN and Fox, or they're the President of Russia and they have yes-men and the Global Research guys telling them only what they want to hear, they can end up making absolute nonsense a load-bearing part of their worldview.
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freehawaii · 5 months
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Another Pearl Harbor? Yesterday, December 7, was the 82nd anniversary of Japanʻs devastating attack on the US military bases on Oʻahu. Remember, it was not an attack on Hawaiʻi or the Hawaiian people. It was an attack on the US military bases. The attack plunged America into World War II and Hawaiʻi served as the forward staging platform for the military operations of US and its allies throughout the Pacific and Asia — fighting WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia War and the Cold War. Hawaiʻi is America’s sugar-coated fortress; the HQ for the Indo-Pacific Command projecting US might and will over half the globe. The US militarization of Hawaiʻi started in the late 1800s with the US Department of War greedily eyeing Puʻuloa (Pearl Harbor) for a US naval base to expand American enterprise and power in the Pacific. But the Hawaiian Kingdom was a sovereign, neutral country, and King Kalākaua refused to let a foreign navy operate a base at Puʻuloa. Queen Liliʻuokalani likewise refused.  A Conspiracy On January 16, 1893, a company of fully armed US troops landed in Honolulu to support 13 greedy, disgruntled, white businessmen, to overthrow Liliʻuokalani and the Hawaiian Kingdom government. For its pivotal role as the muscle in the coup, the US Navy got the use of Pearl Harbor. Then, three years later, under cover of the Spanish-American war, and claiming “military necessity” (but driven by Manifest Destiny, a.k.a. US white supremacy), the conspirators execute a quasi-annexation of the Hawaiian Islands, the US takes possession, then launches a sixty-year pro-America indoctrination campaign, culminating in 1959 with Hawaiʻi becoming the the 50th State of the United States. The Awakening Hawaiʻi’s cultural revival of the 1960s gave rise in the 1970s to serious questions concerning the US military’s presence in Hawaiʻi: Why was so much of our ancestral lands controlled by the US military, and off-limits to Hawaiians? Why were they still bombing, shelling and strafing Kahoʻolawe? Why were they still conducting live-fire training on our ʻāina? Why is the US military allowed to destroy, contaminate and poison our land and water, stockpile vast amounts of weapons of mass destruction and occupy some of our best lands with impunity? Because it could. Very few questioned or opposed the United States’ presence in Hawaiʻi, including its military presence. After all, the US was here to protect us. This allowed America to do what it wanted to do, regardless of the harm it caused to the people and the lands. The US militaryʻs obligatory “public notices”, “briefings”, “community input” and “consultations” were a complete sham. The Biggest Threat Today, because of the US militaryʻs reckless presence in our islands, our very lives are in danger. Fortunately, the most urgent, immediate threat — the contamination of Oʻahuʻs drinking water by the US Navy’s giant leaking fuel tanks in Kapukaki (Red Hill) — due to public outcry and massive political pressure — is being remedied. Itʻs a good start. But, the other far more serious threat is another “Pearl Harbor”. Only this time, it would entail nuclear missile attacks on all the US military installations spread across the island. The devastation from such an attack will make all of Oʻahu look like Pearl Harbor on December 8th. Or like Lāhainā after the fire, but with almost no one of the nearly million people who live on Oahu surviving. The US Military in Hawaii does not make us safe, it puts us in harm’s way, at risk of annihilation. To the US, Hawaii and its people are expendable collateral damage. This is why it is urgent to do all we can to Free Hawaii and remove this clear and present danger before it is too late.  
“Love of country is deep-seated in the breast of every Hawaiian, whatever his station.” — Queen Liliʻuokalani ---------- Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono. The sovereignty of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.
------ For the latest news and developments about our progress at the United Nations in both New York and Geneva, tune in to Free Hawaii News at 6 PM the first Friday of each month on ʻŌlelo Television, Channel 53. 
------ "And remember, for the latest updates and information about the Hawaiian Kingdom check out the twice-a-month Ke Aupuni Updates published online on Facebook and other social media." PLEASE KŌKUA… Your kōkua, large or small, is vital to this effort... To contribute, go to:  
• GoFundMe – CAMPAIGN TO FREE HAWAII • PayPal – use account email: [email protected] • Other – To contribute in other ways (airline miles, travel vouchers, volunteer services, etc...) email us at: [email protected]  “FREE HAWAII” T-SHIRTS - etc. Check out the great FREE HAWAII products you can purchase at... http://www.robkajiwara.com/store/c8/free_hawaii_products All proceeds are used to help the cause. MAHALO! Malama Pono,
Leon Siu
Hawaiian National
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thatmoththoth · 8 months
Crack AU idea
All the avatars are just normal regular people(?), but in the weirdest way imaginable.
Jon is still an archivist, but the archives research weird and wacky people. Jon’s eyesight gets really bad and rather than buying thicker glasses he just buys more sets of glasses and wears them on top of eachother. (More eyes) He has the entirety of Wikipedia memorised by heart, and has uncovered the truth of multiple conspiracies.
Tim is just well, Tim, but his bother just got suffocated to death by balloon animals.
Elias dedicated himself to the art of gathering blackmail on people, and his goal is to eventually try to overthrow the government by blackmailing the government.
Micheal and Helen are both door salesmen. They sell doors and almost always manage to get the person to buy the door.
Peter is just some depressed guy who got bored and managed to make a deadly super weapon that he uses to be alone.
Jude is just part of an arson club along with all the other desolation avatars.
Joe spooky is real because it would be funny.
I feel like I could do better with some of these so reblog if you have better ideas or ideas for what unmentioned avatars would be cause I would love to see more dumb stuff like this :D I have a lot of au ideas so there will probably be a sequel to this post.
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catcas22 · 1 year
My dnd group overthrows the government
Had the best dnd session ever last week and felt the need to share it with someone. I know this is a break from my usual content, so feel free to skip.
So this is part of a long-running campaign that is very character driven and involves several different worlds that we travel between. BBEG started out as your standard cult-leader-trying-to-resurrect-world-eating-monster, but gradually evolved into DiCaprio's character from Django Unchained due to the GM's southern accent. Party and BBEG are racing to recover the artifacts necessary to resurrect said world-eating monster.
Party tracked BBEG to an island city-state. Our rogue is from there, and informs us that they just went through a bloody revolution. Revolution overthrows oppressive monarchy, power-hungry types within the revolution subvert the movement and take over, new government becomes just as oppressive as the monarchy they just overthrew. Standard. The city is currently in the grip of a Great Terror style purge, with mass executions happening on the regular.
Basically the first thing our Bloodhunter does is steal a drunk homeless guy's blood and apply a tracking spell. Bloodhunter is a homebrew race that's basically the anthropomorphic personification of a book. He's chronologically three years old, never really been out of the house before, niave fish-out-of-water, we all know this archetype.
We meet with one of Rogue's contacts and decide it's best to avoid drawing the attention of either the revolutionaries or the loyalists, instead remaining inconspicuous while we search for the McGuffin and generally staying out of the conflict. We're pretty sure the McGuffin is at the bottom of the ocean, but Contact knows of a scientist (recently executed by the new regime) who might have been building a bathysphere. Contact provides us with false papers saying that we're revolutionary inspectors and sends us to search the scientist's house.
Bloodhunter immediately dashes off on his own. According to the tracker, Gary (the homeless dude) hasn't moved all night, and Bloodhunter is concerned for his safety. He follows the tracker to the local police station. Between the fake inspector's papers and a few good deception rolls, he is able to convince the guards that he (Bloodhunter) is a high-ranking agent within the revolution, and that the guy they have in the drunk tank is actually a dangerous monarchist spy who they need to hand over to him immediately.
The guards bring Gary out chained up like Hannibal Lecter. Bloodhunter is fully committed to the role at this point, and over the course of the conversation he points out a random building on a map as the HQ of a counter-revolutionary conspiracy.
Meanwhile, the rest of the party is investigating the scientist's house. Bloodhunter shows up with Gary in tow, and tells us how he spent his afternoon. The party is horrified, pointing out that he likely sentenced whoever lived at the random house he pointed out to death. After thinking it through, Bloodhunter is also suitably horrified. Gary sees the map we're all referring to and screams that Bloodhunter sent the police to HIS house (turns out he's not homeless, just an alcoholic) where his wife and children live. Bloodhunter freaks, grabs Gary, and goes running off to fix his mistake.
Paladin (me) has some backstory trauma related to inquisitions and false executions, so he tags along to help Bloodhunter.
The trio arrives at Gary's house just ahead of the secret police. Bloodhunter offers to stay and misdirect the police while Paladin gets the family to safety, which Paladin respects the hell out of.
Paladin hurries Gary and co. back to Contact's safehouse, then rushes back to save Bloodhunter. Paladin kicks down the door, only to find that Bloodhunter has convinced the secret police that he is the Black Book, the revolution's greatest spy and right hand of the revolutionary leader. Of course they've never heard of him, but that's just because he's such a great spy. He introduces the utterly dumbfounded Paladin as his righthand man, Victor the Executioner.
DM is making him roll deception for basically every statement that comes out of his mouth. Bloodhunter is rolling moderately well, like in the 10-14 range (modified), but he beats every one of the DM's opposing rolls by the skin of his teeth.
Rather than disengage, Bloodhunter claims to have uncovered a counter-revolutionary plot and demands to be taken directly to Leader. The police comply.
Important side note: During our last encounter with the BBEG, he perma-killed two party members, one by literally wiping her out of existence, and the other by brainwashing him into acting as the final boss of that arc (both players had asked to be written out in suitably dramatic fashion, but the rest of the party got blindsided). Paladin was forced to kill the brainwashed Boss in order to save the rest of the party.
Earlier, the party had uncovered clues indicating that BBEG may have inserted himself as one of Leader's advisors. Paladin goes along with Bloodhunter in the hopes of getting close to BBEG.
The secret police escort the two back to the palace where Leader has set up his HQ. When they are taken to Leader, he is presiding over a mass execution by way of burning at the stake.
His trauma now fully activated, Paladin uses the "I'm a fan of your work, could I shake your hand?" routine to get close, then stabs Leader through the heart.
DM has speedrun all five stages of grief and is now fully invested.
Paladin turns on the two mysterious hooded men who had been accompanying Leader, assuming them to be agents of BBEG. Then one of them drops his glamour, revealing BBEG himself. He proceeds to taunt Paladin for his role in Boss-teamate's death from behind the cover of a magic shield.
The room is in chaos, the crowd is stampeding out, guards are rushing in, Paladin is incoherent with rage attempting to hack through BBEG's shield. The rest of the party is looking on in horror, still chilling at the scientist's house without an in-game excuse to come to the rescue.
With his cover blown, BBEG teleports out and leaves Bloodhunter and Paladin to the guards. Paladin wrecks the first group of guards, letting the last man escape at Bloodhunter's insistence, but it's clear that the room will be crawling with soldiers any minute now.
Paladin offers to stay behind and hold them off, but Bloodhunter instead demands that Paladin hit him and give him one of his (Paladin's) personal belongings.
At this point Paladin isn't going to question Bloodhunter's plan, so he hits him, hands over his backup weapon, and slips out the back.
The guards arrive. Bloodhunter holds up Paladin's bloody glaive and claims that his loyal righthand man, Victor the Executioner, was a double-agent who just murdered Leader. Not to worry though -- The Black Book killed Victor himself, and as Leader's most trusted confidante, Book is prepared to carry on the revolution in his stead.
Bloodhunter is instructed to roll deception, then persuasion, both with disadvantage. He passes both.
Meanwhile Paladin is fighting his way through the lower levels of the palace. He finds the holding cells, empty except for a half-starved child. Said child turns out to be the crown prince of the deposed monarchy. Paladin breaks him out and heads for the exit.
He slips out into the courtyard to find Bloodhunter giving an absolute barnburner of a speech (which the player is adlibing on the spot) about how the revolution has lost its way, but the Black Book is here to remind them of their ideals, to create a truly just government by the people and for the people. As a true son of the revolution, he will guide them down the path to glorious freedom!
Bloodhunter has to continually roll persuasion to keep the crowd's attention on him and ensure that they don't notice the six-foot-tall fully armored Vengeance Paladin sneaking out the back. It works.
Paladin staggers back to the scientist's house covered in other people's blood and carrying a traumatized child. Bloodhunter shows up a few minutes later, proclaiming that this has been the best day ever and he's sort of the head of the country now? His first act as leader is too decree that Gary's family gets free food for life.
I am pumped for the next session!
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bronanlynch · 7 months
once again here is my weekly roundup post of what I'm watching/reading/etc. once again none of this is necessarily a recommendation, except the bits where I talk about my own fic. obviously everyone should read my fic
listening (podcast): nothing new here. continuing with the Wing episodes of Great Gundam Project, which continue to make me want to watch Gundam at all times. also keeping up with Palisade (Friends at the Table), my beloved, I love it when an actual play podcast episode is an extended discussion on spycraft and the changing political landscape, and also watching someone else flip a coin
also, I've listened to less A More Civilized Age recently because I'm less interested in KOTOR now that they're covering that, but I did listen to their episode on the imminently-closing Disney World Starcruiser attraction which. oof. great podcast episode, unsurprising that the ~experience was uhhhhh not worth how many thousands of dollars it costs
listening (music): changed the CD in my car to One-X by Three Days Grace. sorry for almost exclusively listening to music that was used for AMVs in the 2000s.
however! for once I listened to new music, the new Troye Sivan single, Got Me Started. nothing particularly smart to say here, it's fun and catchy and makes me wish it was 2018 and I was back in grad school having a single overpriced drink in a gay bar and failing to psych myself up enough to flirt with anyone
reading: still working my way through Rule of Wolves (truly would be more interesting if Leigh Bardugo did not always shy away from the political marriages that she teases at, at least then the political intrigue would have to actually happen on the page) and Water Outlaws (shout out to my new favorite side character, the nonbinary strategist who wants to overthrow the government).
also read the newest KJ Charles novel, A Nobleman's Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel. I always have a lot of fun with her stuff, she understands that life-threatening stakes and also secrets & betrayal are what I personally want in a romance. this one had some very fun intrigue around inheritance & legal loopholes, and also plot-important discussions of religion in Roman Britain. my main complaint isn't even a critique of the book itself, it's just that I as a person have slightly different priorities and I wish one of the main characters had been allowed to stay angry and maybe be more destructive about it. like I'm glad he's happy now that he's had his character development, and I do think it was well done. however. I would've found it personally cathartic if he got to do a few more crimes first
also also, this incredibly scathing academic book review (Was There an Administrative Revolution?, George Zhijian Qiao). it's a delight. I've seen some harsh rebuttals but nothing nearly as much of a masterpiece as this
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watching: continuing to watch Elementary, which has its pros (competently-written mystery stories with fun characters) and its cons (can't tell if the copaganda has gotten more blatant this season or if it's just been building up and I'm getting tired of it)
also continuing my long slow journey of watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes. what a show. love an incredibly homoerotic military sci-fi anime about the narrative construction of history. season 3 has been kind of up and down for me, though, I must say. I love the parts about Reinhard being desperate to die in battle against a "worthy opponent," I love Reuental getting accused of treason presumably to foreshadow him actually doing treason at some point, I love Kircheis haunting the narrative, I love the vastly different tone whenever we see Yang being self-aware about history and his friends getting up to shenanigans. however. whenever the Earth Cult is the central focus I'm reminded how much I don't like that plotline. like. Idk. I'm not an expert but I know more well-informed people than me have talked/written about the prevalence of antisemitic conspiracy theory tropes in anime from this era and uh. that sure is present here and I don't care for it
the other thing I watched this week is 1985 horror film Re-Animator. my first note is "oh he's such a little freak I love him" (about the titular guy who reanimates the dead) and that really sums it up I think. is it a good movie? I mean. probably not. but I could write an entire thesis on the themes of procreation vs necromancy and how that subtextually makes the central conflict of the film a love triangle, and sometimes that's what really matters
playing: ran a session of Blades in the Dark while partially out-of-it from the flu shot/covid booster combo. this was the third session of a single score, and by the end of it everyone only had one (1) remaining stress box but somehow no one trauma-ed out while escaping the ancient winged robot/ghost lady whose gambling hall they were robbing (they stole her reality-bending dice that she made out of her own bones)
I've been enjoying Ace Attorney 5 more this week, the second half of 5-3 and the beginning of 5-4 have been a lot of fun. it really is a shame that Robin's gender is handled Like That because otherwise 5-3 would be such a good case. I'm not far enough into 5-4 to say much about it other than that I like it so far but truly my main observation is, if two astronauts were on the launch pad, and one of them killed the other with a knife, would that be fucked up or what?
making: made butternut squash pasta sauce with the rest of the squash left over from last week's muffins. we used this recipe, largely because it involved roasting the squash in the oven instead of standing over a stove waiting for liquid to reduce (substituted oat milk for the half-and-half, it turned out fine and just didn't needed the added pasta water)
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here it's on mushroom ravioli, but we also added it to baked mac & cheese to add some more vegetable to that
drinking: sorry that all of this is so aggressively seasonal, unfortunately I love a lot of ~fall flavors~. anyway. shout out to Citizen Cider's Baker's Dozen (cider donut flavored cider). it's not as sweet as other cider donut ciders I've had, since Citizen's stuff tends to be fairly dry, but it still has the cinnamon flavor and it's very tasty
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writing: mostly I've been editing the same t4t yurivain fic I've been working on for months, but I'm running out of shareable snippets of that and really I need to just post the damn thing. and I've also written a little bit more of a self-indulgent vibes- & motif-heavy Great Ace Attorney fic so uh. here's this:
They’d been at sea without stopping for a while now, but land was drawing into view once again, if he looked west where the sky was still dark. Maybe his friends, the friends he must’ve had once, were still out there, beyond the sea. Maybe they were looking for him. Maybe they were waiting for him in London. Maybe that was why he needed to go there so badly. Or maybe they were all gone, and he, left behind alone, had business to finish on their behalf before he could rejoin them. The sea slapped against the hull of the ship, and there was the frayed edge of a memory there too, a familiarity with ships, with the sounds that the sea could make, that went back farther than his few months’ employment as a dock worker and a deckhand.
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frostyreturns · 1 year
End Times/False Prophets
It bothers me to no end when I hear Christians with such a nonchalant view of the world, who think preparation for hard times is silly and dismiss people like me as conspiracy theorists. I mean lets see what Jesus has to say when he was asked about the end times.
Matthew 24
Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.
9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
It's why it also drives me nuts when I hear preachers talking about the coming days with excitement about how God is going to show up and topple the government and establish his own kingdom on earth and overthrow the evil politicians and their system so don't worry we're about to be winning...they're reading a different Bible. The amount I have to hear about how Gods going to use Trump to fix everthing makes me sick.
There's a bunch of people like this woman Julie Green cough* putting these ideas out there that are basically just qanon for Christians. Sit back do nothing and don't worry the booms are coming, don't worry about the house on fire God will put it out so just stay there dont move, leave the fire extinguishers alone its all good. And don’t worry Ms Green is definitely a Christian and her prophecies are definitely from God...fresh prophecies every day just in time for her broadcast, God on a schedule so convenient. And of course they’re all this pure Americanist Christianity garbage where America is God’s country and all his concerns are about America and America is Gods chosen country. 
And she makes prophecies that are either impossible to be disproven because they are so vague like ‘famous person that’s always in the news will be in the news for something’...or it will be something that’s already long ago happened but is just something normie church ladies dont know about. Like she predicted a month or two ago that John Mccain would be exposed as a traitor...lol yeah thanks I knew about him since 2008 and not because God told me. and qanon popularized it years ago during Trumps presidency, its a well known fact. Even if it werent why would God be concerned about exposing a single dead politician?
 Or she’ll do psychic cold reading style things like saying “a wolf will be in the news for a surprising reason.” so in order for this prediction to be wrong then from now until the end of time there can never be any news stories about wolves, and no matter what the story is she can claim its what she was talking about and define what she means by surprising after the fact. It’s all con artist shit. Like she predicted Trump would win the 2020 election which for a con artist is a safe bet he was obviously way and wildly more popular so at worst it was a 50/50 gamble but he prediction didn’t account for cheating, and so she tried to walk it back and say her prediction didn’t come true because Christians were being punished for not doing what God wants. 
She also preaches pre trublulation rapture which again looks like telling Christians what they want to hear to reassure them and make them feel safe and comfortable and also means she didn’t read Matthew.
29 “Immediately after the distress of those days
“‘the sun will be darkened,    and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky,    and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’
30 “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. 
Notice the use of words like “then” and “after”
God is real prophecies are real...but that doesn’t mean you should just listen to anyone who claims to be a Christian and who claims to have a word from God without analyzing it thinking about it critically and weighing it against scripture.
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