#bill and I are a really good duo for this stuff
radiofreederry · 1 year
As part of the restructuring of the New Republic's governmental structure initiated by Chief of State Leia Organa Solo, the Cabinet was established as a successor to the Ruling Council, which itself had replaced Alliance High Command in the days of the Rebellion. While nominally a part of the executive branch and serving at the pleasure of the Chief of State, in practice all cabinet members are drawn from the Senate and from the governing coalition. The Cabinet members are as follows:
Prime Minister: Cal Omas (Reform) of New Alderaan. The Prime Minister is responsible for much of the day-to-day governance of the Republic and primarily oversees domestic affairs. Also serves as the President of the Senate and the primary liaison between the Chief of State and that body. The Prime Minister also serves as the head of the Cabinet in the absence of the Chief of State - most Cabinet meetings regarding domestic policy occur without the Chief of State's presence.
Minister of Defense: Hera Syndulla (PPP) of Ryloth. Effectively second-in-command of the military, as the Chief of State is Commander-in-Chief. Coordinates military procurement and logistics, negotiates contracts with arms suppliers, and oversees the conduct of active campaigns in the absence of the Chief of State. Syndulla ascended to the role after Gial Ackbar was demoted to Minister Without Portfolio as part of the fallout of Mon Mothma's ouster.
Minister of Commerce: Drextar Pym (Liberal) of Excarga. Engages with the galactic business community and develops private-public partnerships, negotiating government contracts in various aspects of life while encouraging economic stimulation and growth.
Minister of Justice: Darial Anglethorn (PPP) of Beheboth. The liaison of the executive branch to the judicial branch. Coordinates government's counsel in pursuing legal cases of interest to the state. In extreme cases may argue for the government at the Supreme Court.
Minister of Foreign Relations: Elegos A'Kla (PPP) of Caamas. Coordinates the Republic Diplomatic Corps. Pursues cordial relations with affiliated states and friendly non-affiliate galactic factions, and negotiates treaties and armistices with hostile foreign powers. Also serves as the New Republic's official liaison with the New Jedi Order.
Minister of Security and Intelligence: Kerrithrarr (PPP) of Kashyyyk. Coordinates the New Republic's internal security forces and its intelligence community. Also serves as the chair of the Senate Committee on Intelligence.
Minister of Science and Technology: Rees Vera (Liberal) of Mikkia. Coordinates and engages with the New Republic's R&D apparatus to develop technologies with both military and civilian applications.
Minister of the Interior: Lassten Stonk (Liberal) of Ithor. Oversees state-controlled assets and natural resources as well as the budding Galactic Parks System, of which the Bail Organa Memoiral Garden was the first.
Minister of Labor: Garm Bel Iblis (PUP) of Corellia. The government's liaison with the labor movement and the unions. Oversees the Labor Relations Tribunal.
Minister of Health: Doman Beruss (PPP) of Illodia. Oversees the state-run healthcare being established under the Organa Solo administration, and also coordinates with healthcare companies for government contracts, including supplies of bacta and kolto.
Minister of Exchequer: Ponc Gavrisom (PPP) of Calibop. Oversees the Republic treasury and drafts the Chief of State's official budget proposals.
Minister of Education: Lanever Villecham (Liberal) of Tarsunt. Oversees the state's education system and establishes educational standards and essential curricula.
Minister of Transportation: Kordi Freemaker (PUP) of Nubia. Oversees galactic infrastructure, including hyperlane maintenance, and works to improve the Republic's growing public transportation systems.
Minister of Energy and Fuel: Jar Jar Binks (Liberal) of Naboo. Coordinates procurement of energy and fuel from private entities. Works closely with the Minister of the Interior in developing the Republic's public energy reserves.
Minister of Veterans Affairs: Jan Dodonna (PPP) of Commenor. Oversees pensions and services for veterans of the Galactic Civil War as well as the remaining clones of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Minister of Communications and Culture: Grelka Sorka (PPP) of Askaj. Oversees the infrastructure of the HoloNet, and promotes art and culture, especially such as is reparative to the many years of COMPNOR propaganda foisted upon the galaxy.
Minister of Food and Agriculture: Melana Koba (PUP) of Dowut. Coordinates with farmers, ranchers, and factory operators to regulate and secure the galactic food supply, as well as invest in advancements in agtech.
Minister of Housing and Development: Sala Mogag (PPP) of Duro. Coordinates public housing projects and regulates rents and mortgages across the Republic. Also invests in urban renewal projects on blighted worlds such as Taris.
Minister of Equalities: Boona Kalan (Federalist) of Taris. Oversees equalities and civil rights, as well as undoing the bigoted policies instituted by the Empire.
Minister Without Portfolio: Gial Ackbar (PPP) of Dac. Has no official office or purview since his demotion, but acts as an advisor to the Chief of State, particularly on military matters.
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Vaggie: “Charlie. You know I love you, right?”
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “…before I answer, can I ask YOU a question?”
Vaggie: “Sure, babe. Fire away.”
Charlie: “Okay.”
Charlie: “Is this about the singing cannibal quartet love song turned massacre in the hotel lobby?”
Vaggie: “No.”
Charlie: “Is it about the supposedly non-man eating flowers that tried eating Angel Dust, which Niffty won’t let us get rid of now because she wants to train them to hunt cockroaches with her?”
Vaggie: “No.”
Charlie: “Is it about the alleged cookies Husk is still in bed recovering from taste testing?”
Vaggie: “Those were cookies?”
Charlie: “Allegedly. In a previous life maybe.”
Vaggie: “Huh. They weren’t bad.”
Charlie: “They- Vaggie, you didn’t actually EAT-”
Vaggie: “After wrestling Angel Dust out of the third flower in a row? I was hungry. The kitchen was on fire earlier so I knew you’d made something. And they were sitting in a common area, unclaimed and unlabeled.”
Charlie: “I put CAUTION TAPE around them!!”
Vaggie: “We don’t have anyone staying here named Caution or Hazardous Waste. Not yet, anyway.”
Vaggie: “Fine. This isn’t about the uh, ‘alleged cookies’.”
Charlie: “Well then what is it about? Am I forgetting something else?”
Vaggie: “Maybe. Are you gonna answer my question now?”
Charlie: “Of course I know you love me, Vaggie. Absolutely."
Vaggie: "Then-"
Charlie: "A dangerous amount, even- you sure you’re feeling alright? Those cookies... poor Husk…”
Vaggie: “Husk is on average 40% alcohol and not used to solid foods. This was a good learning experience for him, trust me.”
Charlie: “I do! I do I do, I just, also really hope Angel Dust knows how to BE an actual bedside nurse as well as DRESS like one. A. Sexy one.”
Vaggie: “We’ll save Husk from medical malpractice in a minute. Right now though…”
Vaggie: (smooch the tol gf)
Charlie: “?”
Vaggie: “You don’t have to do extra things like this, sweetie.”
Charlie: “Oh.”
Vaggie: “Not that I didn’t love the thought behind it.”
Charlie: “There were no thoughts. Just, wow I love my girlfriend, wow I really hope she knows I love her.”
Vaggie: “I do. You’re amazing, and doing normal hotel crisis things with you is already amazing enough.”
Charlie: (droops) “I know, I know…”
Vaggie: “So?”
Charlie: “Well that’s the THING though! We’ve only been doing hotel stuff!”
Vaggie: “It’s a pretty wide range of activities you gotta admit.”
Charlie: “Oh sure right, sooo varied- stop a murder, fight to stop a murder, try not to do a murder, replace THIS fix THAT organize another group talk and go into red alert whenever the things get suspiciously quiet- go collect the bodies, probably reassemble them, pay the bills, supervised arts and crafts and Cherri still makes a BOMB somehow-”
Vaggie: “Everyone getting together to blow it up outside was kinda sweet.”
Charlie: “And that’s great! We’re doing great, things are going good, it’s just- WE don’t do anything that’s just for US.”
Vaggie: “That what’s bothering you?”
Charlie: “Bothering me? BOTHERING ME?? Vaggie our last outing together was dragging you back up to HEAVEN where the people who left you in hell also BLAKMAILED YOU!"
Vaggie: "Could've been worse."
Charlie: "IT WAS HORRIBLE! A NEGATIVE TIME TOGTHER! I’m gonna explode- I haven’t taken you on an actual date in MONTHS!!!”
Vaggie: “So let’s go then.”
Charlie: “I know we can’t just leave the hotel, but that doesn’t stop-”
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “Huh?”
Vaggie: “Let’s go. We can take the rest of the night off.”
Charlie: “….can we?”
Vaggie: “Sure. Niffty’s busy with her new murder plant buddies, Husk’s busy being sick, Angel Dust’s busy with Husk, and Cherri Bomb… well. If the singing cannibal duo wants to keep playing exploding volleyball with her out back then that’s their problem, not ours.”
Charlie: “It’ll be our problem REAL quick if anyone spikes the bomb at the hotel!”
Vaggie: “It’ll be just another Tuesday, another hole in the wall, and a chance for Cherri to learn about the wonders of vacuum cleaners and wall plaster.”
Charlie: “Which you won’t be able to sleep knowing about until you’ve redone the whole thing yourself.”
Vaggie: “That’s still just another Tuesday.”
Charlie: “What about Husk being sick? AND suffering under Angel Dust’s dubiously sexy medical care?”
Vaggie: “If they’re bothering each other they can’t be getting into trouble with anyone else. Win-win.”
Charlie: “Niffty is building an army.”
Vaggie: “Good for her.”
Charlie: “She might be planning on wiping out all life in the hotel???”
Vaggie: “Hell forbid the cleaning ladies do anything.”
Charlie: “Why are you suddenly so okay with mess and chaos? You HATE messes and chaos! You patrol the hotel just to check everyone’s doing what you thought they’d be doing, based on all the little schedules you keep making on them!”
Vaggie: “Which they didn’t need to hear you yelling about but sure.”
Charlie: “You refold all my laundry so the creases line up just right! Why- oh no.”
Charlie: (gasp) “Vaggie, don’t panic, but I think the evil fail cookies are affecting you-”
Vaggie: “Charlie-” (laughing) “-no, they’re not. Maybe I’m fine with a little extra mess and chaos, if it means spending time with you.”
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Vaggie: “Triangle. Wanna go on a date with me?”
Charlie: “YE- wait, you’re sure though?”
Vaggie: “I’m sure.”
Charlie: “Really sure?”
Vaggie: “Very.”
Charlie: “It’s not a fun date if it makes you super stressed afterwards.”
Vaggie: “I’m always stressed. It’d be nice if I could at least get some uninterrupted ‘stare at my beautiful girlfriend’ time while I’m at it.”
Charlie: “The hotel’s gonna be in RUINS when we get back. Our friends might be on fire by then.”
Vaggie: “C’mon, they’re not our kids. They’re all responsible adults….”
Chaggie: “…..”
Vaggie: “….they’re all adults…”
Charlie: “Who we’re kinda responsible for…?”
Vaggie: “Not for tonight.”
Charlie: (sighing) “That WOULD be nice.”
Vaggie: “So let’s make it happen. Date night?”
Charlie: “-ES YES YES YES YES-”
Vaggie: “That a yes?”
Charlie: “YES!!! I- Hold on, wait wait, I’ve got-”
Charlie: (pulls out several papers covered in writing and diagrams)
Charlie: “…I’ve got, let’s see here-”
Vaggie: “Notes?”
Charlie: “-seven quick pick up date ideas that don’t need ANY preparation-”
Vaggie: “You made plans for dates you didn’t even think we’d go on?”
Charlie: “Well it never hurts to dream about something, right? That way you get to have fun either way, and you’ll be ready if it does happen!”
Vaggie: “I love you.”
Charlie: (grinning) “You love that you’ve infected me with note cards and organizing thoughts and things~”
Vaggie: “That too.”
Charlie: “Well according to my wonderful notes, the least stressful date option is…. Cannibal Town!”
Vaggie: “They have that dress code don’t they.”
Charlie: “Unless you wanna get your cute butt chased for all the wrong reasons, yep! They do!”
Vaggie: “Is this you wanting to see me in a fancy-ass dress?”
Charlie: “And to stroll down the nicely kept streets arm-in-arm with you, enjoyed the quiet atmosphere not filled with random agonized screams, stopping to admire the beautiful and very well composted flower beds…”
Vaggie: “I’d stroll with you anywhere, so count me in.”
Charlie: “YES! Oh I already LOVE THIS- and Vaggie?”
Vaggie: “Yeah?”
Charlie: “I love you too.”
Vaggie: “Wow really. Had no idea.”
Charlie: “Heheh.”
Vaggie: “Honestly there’ve been like, zero hints about that all day.”
Charlie: “I promise I really was trying to be subtle.”
Vaggie: “There’s a lot of words for you, but subtle’s probably not one of them.”
Charlie: “I tried. I tried for youuuuuuu~ For the sake of my girlfriend, I was willing to go against my baser and more dramatic nature!”
Vaggie: “What’s more dramatic than man eating flowers, that’s what I’d like to know.”
Charlie: “A garden.”
Vaggie: “A g- a whole garden?”
Charlie: (shrug) “We’ve got plenty of empty rooms…”
Vaggie: “A garden, sweetie.”
Charlie: “I was thinking of putting a lot of trees and bushes in. Lots of stuff to hide behind.”
Vaggie: “Our own little patch of private picnic paradise, huh?”
Charlie: “Hm-hmm! Or for makeouts. Or both?”
Vaggie: (chuckling) “Not to spoil the mood but… speaking of plants and compost, on our date, should we bring the other half of the cannibal quartet over to Rosie’s while we’re headed there? Or, what’s left of them?”
Charlie: “Mmmmm NAAAH. I wanna have all hands free on the way over.”
Vaggie: “Hands free for what?”
Charlie: “Nothing~”
Vaggie: “Your hands are already on my ass, Charlie.”
Charlie: “Oh whoops!”
Vaggie: “I didn’t say you could move them.”
Charlie: “That’s why I’m not~”
Vaggie: “You’re in a mood tonight, aren’t you.” (muttering) “I’m not even the one off playing with carnivorous plants, so why's it suddenly feel like I’m in danger...”
Charlie: “Beecaaaause you look dangerously cute in a fancy dress.”
Vaggie: “Says the woman walking around in THAT suit.”
Charlie: “I have to dress sharp! I need to match with my girlfriend!”
Vaggie: “You’ve been wearing that exact same kind of suit since long before you even met me.”
Charlie: “Only through YEARS of unfulfilled potential!”
Vaggie: “Uh huh.”
Charlie: “Tragic, wasted beauty!”
Vaggie: “Hardly wasted with you in it.”
Charlie: “But it was! A jacket crying out for the one woman who’ll finally borrow and wear it the way it was always meant to be worn!”
Vaggie: “With the sleeves falling over my hands?”
Charlie: “With that adorable little blush when you snuggle down into it… Also, the way it falls to almost mid-thigh on you, and how you like wearing it with nothing el-”
Vaggie: “Is this a date night or a do not disturb night?”
Charlie: “Date night!”
Vaggie: “Then stop biting your lip at me.”
Charlie: “Aww.”
Vaggie: “And come help me pick out a fancy dress.”
Vaggie: “Oh you liked that look, huh?” (snickering) “Aw babe- is THAT why you stay up replaying the commercial some nights?”
Charlie: “That’s… public image analysis…”
Vaggie: “Whatever you say. Now you now know how I feel every day.”
Charlie: (muttering) “lucky you.”
Vaggie: “You wanna switch things up for the date, or keep the suit?”
Charlie: “Keep, probably..? You like me in the suit~”
Vaggie: “I like you in a lot of things.”
Charlie: “R-right.”
Vaggie: “And nothing.”
Charlie: “I- same.” (horns start popping out) “Um.” (pushes them back in) “Could we also. Wear matching hats?”
Vaggie: “Of course we’re wearing matching hats. This is supposed to be a fancy date right?”
Charlie: “Very. Very fancy.”
Vaggie: “Well nothing’s fancier than hats."
Charlie: "WHEEE! With flowers on them, yeah!?"
Vaggie: "Have I ever let you down?”
Charlie: “Never.”
Vaggie: “And do you promise not to bring me anymore demonic flowers or singing quartets?”
Charlie: “… I’ll do my best.”
Vaggie: “Perfect.”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “I wouldn’t say no to a few more of those cookies though-”
Charlie: “NO.”
Vaggie: “Sweetie, they were good.”
Charlie: “No. Absolutely no, I am NOT poisoning you on purpose. Not even if you ask me nicely and pout about it like that.”
Vaggie: “You deny the cookies?”
Charlie: “Don’t even start-”
Vaggie: “Girlfriend abuse. Toxic relationship alert.”
Charlie: “Those 'cookies' were the MOST TOXIC THING that our relationship has EVER seen!”
Vaggie: “They were made with love.”
Charlie: “And likely heavy metals? The fact that you willingly ate them is maybe the most WORRYING thing our relationship has ever seen…”
Vaggie: “Cough exorcist lie cough cough.”
Charlie: “Totally different. That didn’t put you in active danger-”
Chaggie: (screaming)
Niffty: “My murder plant babies are in danger.”
Vaggie: “HOW can- how can those things BE in danger?”
Charlie: “NIFFTY PLEASE! The knocking?? The not dropping from air vents???”
Niffty: “Only in emergencies, I remember! This is an emergency. Husk is feeding himself to my murder plan babies.”
Vaggie: “Why.”
Niffty: “Escaping nurse Angel Dust and unnecessary CPR.”
Charlie: “Oh for-”
Vaggie: “Let him. They won’t kill him. Permanently, anyway.”
Charlie: “…. Hm.”
Niffty: “What if my murder babies get food poisoning from second hand bad cookies?”
Vaggie: “Seek revenge for them or something?”
Niffty: “OoooOOOH!”
Niffty: (scuttles away cackling)
Charlie: “Oh noooo, you’ve given her an idea-”
Vaggie: “Too late to stop her now. C’mon.” (grabbing charlie’s hand) “Make a break for our room before anyone else-”
Cherri Bomb: “Hey girls! Uh, you were planning on making a pit for a hotel swimming pool, right? Like, one already kinda full of blood? Right out back? Right???”
Chaggie: “….”
Charlie: “… Hello~! Charlie and Vaggie can’t be reached at the moment!”
Vaggie: “We’ll be out all night.”
Cherri Bomb: “And the pool of blood-?”
Charlie: “So please leave a message at the sound of the beep!”
Vaggie: “Beeeeep.” (at charlie) “Run.”  
Charlie: (scooping up vaggie) “My legs are longer-”
Vaggie: “Brilliant thinking sweetie now GO GO GO!!!”
Chaggie: (flees)
Cherri Bomb: “…..”
Cherri Bomb: “They take the u-haul thing seriously, huh.”
-their room-
Charlie: “….Vaggie.”
Vaggie: “Yeah?”
Charlie: “Stop it.”
Vaggie: “Stop what?”
Charlie: “Vaggie.”
Vaggie: “Mmm?”
Charlie: “…..”
Charlie: “…..fine, FINE!” (groaning) “I’ll see about salvaging the burnt remains of the evil cursed cookie recipe when we get back. Now will you PLEASE stop messing with your flawless hair and put the dress on? Or anything!? Anything being put on would be good now too!”
Vaggie: (smiling) “No idea what you mean babe, but alright.” (quietly to herself) “Mission success.”
Charlie: “I heard that.”
-exiting hotel-
Vaggie: “Almost there.”
Charlie: “Oh please my dad who’s probably in a pile of duckies, please just let us make it out the d-”
(horrific screaming from deeper inside hotel)
Charlie: “…..”
Vaggie: “….”
Charlie: “We didn’t hear that.”
Vaggie: “We kinda already did, sweetie.”
Charlie: “No.” (pouting) “No. We can hear it when we get back.”
Vaggie: “Fine by me.”
Charlie: (SIGHING) “Even though we’re gonna hear allllll about not hearing it when we get back...”
Vaggie: “Worth it.”
Charlie: (grinning) “Think so?”
Vaggie: “Do you?”
Charlie: (already tugging them out the door by their entwined hands) “More than worth it.” (lifts and twirls vaggie down the hotel steps) “Whooosh!”
Vaggie: “Oh is THIS why you really wanted me in a fancy dress? For the ‘whoosh’?”
Charlie: “That, and for the way you smile when I whoosh you~”
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gffa · 4 months
What’s your opinion on Star Wars: Padawan by Kiersten White, and Master and Apprentice by Claudia Grey? I’m considering getting into the books and really want to read stuff about Obi-wan as an apprentice.
Hi! Keep in mind that this is just one fan's opinions on the books, but I can definitely tell you what I thought of both, as an Obi-Wan fan: Padawan: This is easily my favorite Star Wars book in quite awhile. It can't dethrone Revenge of the Sith novelization as my favorite all-time book, but it's currently in second place and it was exactly what I wanted. It was an Obi-Wan adventure where he's such a good kid, one who loves so deeply, but in a very Jedi way, has amazing details about the Jedi woven into it, and was a fun adventure. It might be on the softer side for some (especially if you're expecting Jedi Apprentice style angsty shenanigans, but honestly I'm of the opinion that Obi-Wan's childhood was gentler than that, this fit much better for me), but it was right in my wheelhouse. Master and Apprentice: I had a ton to say about this book, which was a long struggle to reconcile what Qui-Gon would say versus what he would do. Ultimately, if I looked at Qui-Gon as a good person, but often an unreliable narrator and not perfect (which he shouldn't have to be!!!) who genuinely fucked up a lot, who said one thing and did another, who lectured others but didn't do anything about a problem himself, who never really seemed to talk to Obi-Wan despite that they'd been a duo for 4+ years by now, etc., then it it was a great Qui-Gon book. But I don't think anyone should read it just for Obi-Wan content, despite the way its billed it's much more a Qui-Gon book than anything, it's about his relationship with Obi-Wan and Dooku, for all that Obi-Wan has scenes from his point of view. Mileages vary, but I wound up having nothing to say about Obi-Wan in this book, so I caution getting it just for him. (You can always check to see if your library has it and snag it that way! Or, possibly, you may see it totally differently from me!)
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buckysmith · 1 year
Christmas special 4
Includes: Ghost, Soap, Price, Gaz, Laswell, Valeria, Graves, Alejandro, Rodolfo and König
A bit spicy so reading is on your own risk
NOTE: Who’s an idiot? Right, me. I saved it instead of uploading it… I just thought you guys didn’t like the last special so… yeah, I’m stupid 🫡
- he hates Christmas
- he’s like the grinch, heart two sizes to small
- but he do finds some comfort in knowing you like it
- honestly it’s a big step in your relationship if he lets you decorate the house
- but it’s an even bigger step to have a Christmas tree
- why you may ask
- the last time he had seen a Christmas tree was with his family, the family that died, the family that was killed.
-somehow to see a Christmas tree triggered the last memory of his family and well- he just didn’t want to deal with it
- one reason he always tried to go on a mission while Christmas time, most likely in a country that doesn’t really celebrate Christmas at all
- but with you he tried to change this memory to a new one, a better one.. a one that didn’t hurt him
- so to watch you smiling like an angel after he allowed you to put up a Christmas tree warms his heart
- but because you had to get rid of all the Christmas stuff before, you don’t have any Christmas bulbs at all- not even a fairy lights - just nothing
- so you have to go shopping first
- he ofc goes with you, how could he not? Maybe you get lost or some creepy dude comes to you telling you to see cute little puppies or smt like that
- the moment he steps inside the store he dies
- you can see in his eyes that he wants to everywhere but there
- he swallows the lump in his throat, trying to not show you that he wants to go home and never leaving it again
- he watches you almost in horror how you pick up the different Christmas bulbs, fairy light and other stuff you decorate a Christmas tree with
- he’s already so done after shopping he wants to go into his bed
- forcing him to stay with you ends up with him acting like a angy cat
- he takes one Christmas bulb into his hand, scanning it like it’s something not from earth
- asking him to bind a string through the top of the bulb to be able to hang it up ends with you getting a death stare from him
- you want what from him?
- why should he help you
- he grumbles but he helps you
- after everything is done, he scans the tree, leaving the living room just to come back with a Granate
- you watch in horror while he puts that thing in the tree too
- he just grins at you
- it’s fake
- but now there hangs a granate in the middle of the tree
- you can forget the cute little picture you wanted to make
- but you wouldn’t put it down, maybe it means something for Simon
- it doesn’t, but to watch you looking at that thing in completely horror makes him giggle
- at least in the inside
- he buys the biggest fucking Christmas tree you can imagine
- his house is huge and the ceilings are high
- watch him struggle to get the tree from his trunk
- he doesn’t want you to help him
- but you have too, cause otherwise something is going to be broken afterwards
- may it be one of the windows or some of the decorations … maybe even both (or not just one window if we want to be honest)
- he has like every fucking Christmas bulb you can imagine
- like really
- his family is big in decorating
- he’s too
- your house may looks completely normal from the outside but the inside is bright as the fricking day
- your electric bill is going to explode, good thing your husband is a rich man
- listing to every single Christmas song is a go
- he knows every single Christmas song too
- he’s not the best singer- not at all
- he sounds like a dying cat
- but you love him so you sing along
- together you’re a duo of dying animals
- but back to the tree
- if he has to buy Christmas bulbs (cause his glass ones are going to break from time to time- (he sat himself on them, like all of em ))
- he cried after that
- but to buy new ones, better ones and plastic ones are a bigger win than a lose
- struggles to put the string through the hole of the bulb (idk what it’s called hahah)
- big fingers, not fitting for petit pieces like that
- he he may throw one of the bulbs against your head
- throw it back
- you both are fighting with each other till your the one laying on the ground, with him on top of you pressing your hands to the ground
- shit eating grin
- well, you both have to make a break from decorating your tree
- mans got something other than a tree in his mind
- after that you continue to decorate the tree
- he may throw something against your head again, maybe your up for a round two?
- but after you both are done with decorating he likes to hold you close to him while cuddling on the couch
- he just admires the tree and how beautiful you look in its light
- he mumbles sweet nothings after that into your ear
- he wouldn’t say it out loud, not with it being your first Christmas with him, but that man plans on decorating the tree in a few years with two or three little copy’s of you and himself
- he likes Christmas, but don’t get me wrong he doesn’t even have the slightest on decoration (if you don’t bring it into the family)
- he even drove to the USA to get a Christmas tree (he knows a cop that plants them and he likes him, so he only buys the trees from him)
- soooo back in Las Almas he has another problem
- he forgot to buy the decorations
- but it’s already too late to buy ones
- so it’s on you both to find stuff to decorate the tree with
- he asks his mom, to get at least some Christmas bulbs
- after the successful hunt he goes back to you
- but seeing that you already made decoration on your own makes him wanna drop the bulbs into the trash
- you put pictures of him and you, your friends his team, his family and yours into little frames so that you could hang them on the tree
- you also used some other stuff to make little snowman’s (you made them out of tissues) and some other stuff just like little presents
- Rodolfo even brought stuff from his home to Alejandro and yours
- in the end every single one of his teammates brought something for the tree
- it’s so full of stuff in the end it’s more decorating than tree
- so your Christmas tree may not look like the traditional one but it’s in the end it’s much more personal
- so while cuddling on the couch you both admirers the tree
- also when the others of his team come for a quick hello they also look at the tree
- he likes it traditional so do decorate a tree is an absolutely go
- he also has decorations so you don’t have to worry about it
- you bring your own decoration with you? Even better!
- listing to slow Christmas songs while you’re decorating the tree
- he randomly stops putting the decorations up to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you to his chest to give you a kiss on the forehead or the lips
- nothing hot, just a small gesture to show you how much he loves you
- he even randomly lifts you up while you struggle to put some decoration up so that you can reach it
- no matter how much you weigh, he’s strong enough
- don’t complain, it would be the same to just talk to a wall
- he also just sits himself on the couch, watching you how you do your work
- he admirers you
- look how beautiful you look while you put the decoration up
- your smile, the little huffs whenever something doesn’t work like you want it
- or the way you mumble to yourself if that looks good or not
- he just loves to watch you, it eases his nerves and for a moment he can forget about all the stuff he’s gone through and about the stuff he will go through
- the moment you’re finished with decorating the tree he pulls you onto his lap
- stroking carefully circles into your waist with his thumbs, kissing your neck and chest area while mumbling how beautiful you are
- he knows it’s a bit to early so he doesn’t tell you what’s on his mind
- but he definitely wants the next Christmas with tree persons instead of two
- to put Christmas stuff up with him his pain in the ass
- to also decorate a Christmas tree is even worse
- he complains a lot
- hes even worse than ghost
- not because he hates Christmas
- no
- he complains because he wants to make it perfect
- that’s why you both are arguing a lot
- he wants red Christmas bulbs
- but you want silver ones
- he wants yellow fairy lights
- you want rainbow ones
- in the end and after a lot of arguing you both decide on buying two trees so everybody can have it’s own
- he watches you while you put your decorations up
- he looks at his
- that doesn’t feel right, isn’t Christmas about love?
- he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you against his chest and asks you if you don’t want to mix the decorations
- you’re ofc not really happy cause you wanted that, but he refused
- but it’s Christmas time, so you suck it up and agree
- after that everything is good
- you both enjoy each other’s decorations and in the end you both are sitting on the couch, giggling about the two trees
- every single soul that visits you both are confused because of the two trees
- you don’t give them answers and just grin over the comments
- he has everything prepared
- he asks the cop friend from Alejandro for a big and beautiful Christmas tree
- he doesn’t bother to drive to the us by himself, just asks Alejandro to bring his tree along
- you give Alejandro and his s/o a cake as a thank you
- after that there’s nothing that can stop your hubby from decorating the tree with you
- he doesn’t give a fuck if it doesn’t look perfect
- he wants it to be special cause you both decorated it together
- he gives you a lot of kisses while you both are working on the tree
- praises too
- “Eso se ve tan bonito, cariño, pero no tan bonito como tú.” (That looks so pretty, honey, but not as pretty as you.) (oh an I’m sorry if it’s wrong, I’m still learning Spanish )
- he helps you reach the top so that you can put up the angle/star/ or whatever you want
- he sings along to every Christmas song that comes up
- he’s a pretty good singer too
- his voice goes a darker than his normal voice, but it sounds good, very good
- after you both are done with decorating he pulls you to him
- gently stroking over your cheek with his thumb before asking if he’s allowed to kiss you
- if he is allowed he’ll kiss you like it would be the last time
- it’s certainly not the last time, cause he will kiss you like ten tausend times more (on the same day)
- he wants to cuddle with you after that
- together with a hot chocolate and a Christmas movie
- perfect little evening for him and you
- na forget it
- she hates Christmas
- she doesn’t if you like it
- well she doesn’t stop hating it she just tolerates it
- so if you want Christmas decorations you have to be on your knees, begging that she allows it
- and oh she will if you beg right
- if you’re being a good little one she gives whatever you want
- but she’s also a bastard, so expect to do a lot of things to get what you want
- after that she brings you the biggest and most beautiful tree her men could find for you
- she doesn’t understand why you have to decorate it too
- it’s a tree, nothing will change that so why putting stuff on it
- Santa doesn’t bring you gifts, she does
- the decorations she gives you are not quite normal tho
- but in the end she breaks in and give you what you want
- if you ask her if she wants to join you she looks at you like you just told her that you’re a 22 feet robot alien
- she tells you that she doesn’t want too and just sits herself on the couch while you do your work
- she watches you, smiling to yourself while you put the decoration up
- but something doesn’t seem right so she goes to you, wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you to her
- “ you seem sad cariño, you really want me to join you?”
- after you nod she just scoffs and joins you
- after good two hours you’re finished with decorating
- she grabs your wrist, pulling you onto her lap just to kiss you
- grinning like the absolutely maniac she is
- you’re so innocent and yet you wanted her to join your little Christmas tradition
- how cute
- she wasn’t always a fan of Christmas
- but that changed when you came into her life
- she now has a reason to celebrate it
- she doesn’t have a lot of Christmas stuff, most of it belonged to her mother that already passed
- she wouldn’t ask you to put that old stuff up, but it means a lot to her so if you ask her if you can put it on the tree she falls even more in love with you
- hot chocolate while decorating the tree? Absolutely yes
- she makes the best hot chocolate you can imagine
- kissing your cheek while putting another Christmas bulb on the tree is also a definitely a yes
- you hung up a little skull, a fake cigar, a bar of soap, a little teddy and a cowboy hat
- all the things that reminds her of her lovely little men
- she loves it
- even send a picture to each person
- while Gaz, Soap and both Alejandro and Rudy loved it
- Price only responded with “such a good kid, give it a pet from me”
- while ghost ghosted you (secretly he loves it that you did something like that)
- but back to decorate it
- she helps you to put the top on it
- after that you both are cuddling together on the couch
- expect a lot of kisses
- he loves Christmas
- and he loves you
- he’s the first one to ask you if you want to put the decoration up
- but first you need a tree
- he takes you with him to buy the tree
- your house is big
- like fucking huge cause not only does he make a good amount of money but also comes from a very wealthy family
- so the tree you bought is a monster
- you need a ladder to reach the top and to put the other decoration up
- he helds your waist while you put the star on the top
- he also loves to sing to Christmas songs with you
- he even gets a little to exited so he just takes both of your hands and dances with you while singing
- he’s pretty good in both too
- you just fall for him again
- his blue eyes looking at your ones like your the most beautiful and most valuable thing in the world
- he even made two Christmas bulbs for you and him
- both have a picture of you both on it
- but one is kinda different
- in the inside of one his a ring
- you don’t know about it tho
- but he will propose with that ring
- he knows your clumsy so the moment you trip over a carton with Christmas decorations and coincidentally smash the right one you’re instantly sorry
- he’s not
- but the only thing you see in that moment is that you broke one of the gifts he gave you
- till the moment he kneels in front of you and the shards, picking the ring up
- maybe in a few years you will find a note in it, asking you if you want to have kids with him
- but for this year it’s only the propose
- he doesn’t like Christmas HE LOVES IT
- expect him to have everything you heart could desire
- he buys the biggest Christmas tree he could find
- watch him bring it into your shared home
- he carries it like the tree would weight a couple of grapes
- you can’t even push it
- he doesn’t care if it doesn’t look perfect, just put everything you want on it wherever you want it
- he lifts you up so you can reach the top
- if your clumsy he makes sure that you don’t hurt yourself while decorating
- if you ask him to put something specific on the tree he will do it
- you made two little figures? One that looks like him, the other that looks like you? He puts it so that everyone can see this masterpiece
- the tree is so full of decorations, you can barely see the tree
- he loves it, you do too
- but don’t get me wrong
- if you have the fairy lights on, you definitely don’t need any other light
- bright as the fricking day
- he gets exited to search for the Christmas pickle
- you don’t get it but you love it cause he loves it
- he accidentally knocks the tree over a couple of times
- good thing
- everything is made out of plastic (not the tree)
- so nothing breaks
- you made sure that nothing is made out of glass for that reason
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The next gen kids and...
- who they look like the most (which parent)?
- who are they like the most when it comes to personality (which parent)?
- who (except their parents) are they simillar to?
Victoire looks a lot like Fleur when she’s younger and grows to look like her Tante Gabrielle, especially after having children. She’s tall and beautiful, and she grows into her curves and figure.
I would say her personality is a lot like Bill’s and he hates it lol. She’s a rebel with a cause and also a mother hen to her siblings. She does come off as a bit standoffish like Fleur can, but she means well in the end.
I would say she is the most like Ginny, headstrong and stubborn and not afraid to fight for her own rights and happiness.
She looks so much like Fleur, just throw on some freckles and a wild mass of red curls she likes to call her lion mane. She is tiny and is often mistaken for being the premee baby of her siblings, not the one that was over ten pounds.
She is just like Bill, a Weasley through and through. She makes fast and rash decisions and it does bite her in the ass, but she grows from it
Speaking of which, I would say she is most like Percy. When it comes down to it, he is defined by his two biggest moments in canon, leaving and coming back. Dominique is made of the same stuff, fitting for the godfather/goddaughter duo
If you held up a photo of Louis and Bill at sixteen, even Molly would have trouble telling who was who.
He is quiet and calm and delicate, Fleur’s baby through and through. He loves art and to dance and to live his life the way he wants to, even if he has to burn some bridges
Not only is he named after Charlie, they are great friends and pen pals. Louis takes after Charlie like a duck to water and they both enjoy it
She looks like Audrey, but with those Weasley freckles and brown eyes and that unmistakable shade of gingery-orange hair. Really she and Lucy are the perfect mix of their parents
Molly is so bright and happy and hopeful, very much like her mother and the Hufflepuffs she finds kinship with. She has had so much pain and sadness thrown on her that she needs some happiness and lightness in her life
She’s like George, they both have this warmth and happiness they can bring out of themselves while also holding onto a deep trauma
She looks like Percy the same way Molly looks like Audrey. She does have Audrey’s blue eyes but Percy’s eyesight and she does tend to walk a little taller than she really is, but sometimes she needs that extra confidence
Lucy is very emotional, she’ll cry at the drop of a pin and her moods change so quickly from happy to sad to confused to happy to angry, she tends to just let everything out because for so long Molly didn’t or couldn’t
Lucy takes after her “Uncle” Oliver Wood, one of her dad’s closest friends and quite the emotional man (when it comes to his Quidditch team lol)
He looks like George, a bit tanner and a little taller, but he looks just like George.
Freddie is a bit troublesome, but not as bad as his dad. He’s playful and silly, but has a tendency to doubt himself at times. He loves deeply and fiercely and will fight for those he does love. He’s a good son to his parents even if he made them grandparents much too young
He takes after Ron really, his confidence goes up and down and he can crack a good joke while being in love with the smartest girl he knows
She looks like her Aunt Roxie, but with some dark red curls she loves to braid and play with
Like her brother she is a bit troublesome and does have some confidence issues. Her issues manifest into a horrible eating disorder and an abusive relationship, but through a lot of work and love she comes out on top
I really feel like she takes after Hermione, she’s stubborn and headstrong and used to being listened to as the smartest person in the room, but her insecurities do hold her back at times
She looks like Ron, red hair and blue eyes, freckles and that playful smile, but Hermione’s curls and her short stature
Her personality is a great mix of her parents, the good and the bad. She also tends to mother hen her cousins, which they jump on and take advantage of at times
She takes after Harry, he’s her godfather and uncle and in many ways her third parent. She learns so much from him and he’s a great source of comfort to her
He looks like Hermione, but he does have the Weasley red hair and he’s sooo tall, the tallest of the Weasley grandsons with only Louis within inches of him
He’s happy, he’s hyper, he loves to have fun and joke around but come exam times, his head is in the books and won’t come out until it’s all over. He is very competitive, but who can blame him when he wants to be the smartest person despite his set backs
He’s like Fred, funny and sweet but sometimes with a mean streak that he hates and a hyperness that holds him back until he overcomes it
James is the perfect mix of Harry and Ginny, he has the messy red hair and tan skin and brown eyes and freckles and lanky limbs that are both Potter and Weasley
He is definitely a goof ball, but also has a heart of gold. He is protective and loving and often doesn’t think before he talks, but it doesn’t matter because he’s so good and honest to those he loves. He has made his mistakes, but he honors them and lives up to his names and the men his mother named him after
He is very much like Bill, taking the weight of all the family in his shoulders with pride and love even if he sometimes puts his foot in his mouth
He looks just like Harry, but he had freckles on his nose and cheeks and it reminds Ginny of Fred. She will never compare her second son’s looks to Harry, always her brothers
Al is dramatic and moody and always rolling his eyes, but he loves his family and gets along with everyone despite his dramatics. Rose is his ride or die and she is the reason he made it to adulthood and he knows it
Honestly, I want to say he’s most like Ginny, but if I can’t pick a parent I would say Percy. He is a bit high strung and prideful, he’s ambitious and wanting from the world, but his family comes first over and over and over again
Merlin she looks like Ginny, she has hazel eyes like her grandfather James and can’t see anything closer than her outstretched hand without her glasses, but honestly she and Ginny could be twins if they were the same age
She is a bit of a brat, being the only girl in her immediate family and then the youngest granddaughter, she takes full advantage of being the baby. But she does grow up and levels out and becomes more than just her wants. She ends up finding a peacefulness in being unknown and called out on her more selfish behavior, and it’s good for her to see reality a bit
He takes after her Grandad Arthur, taking interest in something small but oh so important to her and finding her own ways to be brave and just in front of not only herself and others. She also takes a bit of happiness in hiding away at times, even if she’s always watching
He looks like Draco, but Astoria’s features have made there way in. It’s in the slight tan of his skin tone and the curls of his white blond hair, but otherwise he is all Malfoy
He is literally the kindest and sweetest person, sure he’s also ambitious and cunning, but people notice his presence through his polite and kind demeanor
He takes after Theodore Nott, who has proven himself to be kind and wholesome and a great father. He loves every lost child that comes into his home and has made his home open and accessible to anyone that needs a place to stay, but especially his children’s friends
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kiyoitiepie · 1 month
Gurl, let me do you one better regarding mpreg Pit Babe :)
Pregnant babe won't happen because we have: Charlie's arc in becoming Enigma by the drugs he uses in S1. (Even if Way is not the bad guy, Tony, the rich evil bastard who might very well dabbled in Experimental drugs and experiments of children to make himself powerful and immortal, IS so to stop him... Enigma Charlie? Hell yes!), Tony and Way are not dead and on their asses with a vendetta. Babe has fears (child abandonment, not being good enough parent, daddy issues, kidnapping, lingering trust issues, and maybeee toxic masculinity and body image issues? Who knows! ).
To me, the most logical thing would be Charlie and Babe's story arc in S2, which is them getting over their issues. Defeating baddies. Finally having peaceful life at the end of the series, and then Babe can ask him the same question that Charlie asked after they became boyfriends. "Do you want to have a child?"
The other logical thing is if they DO introduce Omegas, then Jeff is an omega (either he hid the fact due to society or the bastard Tony OR Jeff didn't know) and becomes pregnant. Alan pretty much hypervents and is scared shitless of parenthood.
Jeff on the other hand has soo much potential to have an angsty arc!
Tony is alive, and if he finds out, then Jeff and the baby's life is in danger.
Jeff sees a premonition where he gets kidnapped, OR someone kidnaps the baby from the crib.
His powers take a toll on his body and mind since he sees premonitions regarding X hunter family and Alan, where they are in constant danger.
Tony could either be dead, and his presence is a hallucination induced by Way, who is very much alive because Enigma powers! (remember, we don't know much about how powerful they could be) or Tony could be alive because an evil rich bastard like him who doesn't care about human lives, sells people especially children dead or alive. (And breeds and teaches them like animals) DO YOU REALLY THINK such an evil shit gonna be like "hmm.. let me just sell these super powered children and not think about my mortal life"
I bet my non-existence balls that he not only sold those children but also lobbied companies and scientists who experiment on healing or ways to make oneself immortal.
Just imagine how terrifying he becomes! From an evil bastard who does inhuman stuff ==> to undefeated evil bastard who does inhuman stuff and will never die no matter how much bullet you use and can easily buy powerful people in governments because he doesn't waste any resources (even the dead people) and he's filthy rich.
(Clears throat) My excitement is over now.... thanks for reading! :D
P.s. by the way, I think Babe's dad freed them. My theory is that he either is a cop (post-losing childBabe) or works in an organization that protects special alphas. He be like, "Well, kids either help me out of this prison or refuse and stay in prison) and mot say a word to our characters about the impending threat, which is Tony/Way. So we have three groups: X hunter family (protagonists), evil duo (antagonists), and suicide squad trio (trying to prevent shit from happening)
omg now that you mention it i can definitely see tony working on a way to be immortal. it just fits the bill. i’d be excited to see charlie become an enigma and honestly doubt they’d introduce omegas this far down the line unless it heavily affects the storyline.
i can see how mpreg logically isn’t going to happen in s2 but i also feel like logic isn’t the way to go with this show. esp with the trailer showing not one but two dead and buried ppl alive. but if we are considering logic, s1 was about babe, the heartless racer, learning that he’s allowed to love and be loved in return. the reason he felt that he couldn’t be is the trauma of being sold by his family and brainwashed by his friend. s1 was about him overcoming those things and opening his heart to love in spite of them. in that way i do feel like its logical to think that s2 features babe’s character growing enough to also open his heart up to making a family of his own. funny enough i actually don’t think season 2 will have mpreg. i don’t think they’re brave enough. but i would love to be proven wrong.
loving the suicide squad concept but i feel like itd be cool if pete freed them. im a sucker for petekenta ~
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Please bear with me, I had an odd idea.. (people who dislike joker and joker content / ideas do not look)
Batjokes but in an odd way
What if batjokes happened but between the underlings of respective characters?
A prophecy foretold that soon will a young blood join the Batfamily - a person of a noble heart and with a caring soul (Kevin). But Joker learned of it before Batman did and he caught said person in the prophecy and turned him into one of his goons. On top of that , he planned to change his mind and turn him into someone akin to his own clown self - to prove further that anyone can be manipulated and broken into a total maniac. And to add insult , he wished to do that to someone who is considered to be of the “same league” as Batman himself.
And so happened that, Batman took in a different man (Bill) - someone on the verge of crossing the line and someone who was filled with disappointment and who grew resentful toward the world. Batman did so not so much out of hope that it would be the man in the prophecy, but because he hoped to help him .
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And its like a n open world game where you can play as Kevin and Bill ? And in that open world game you could make evil or heoric choices, and depending on which you choose you will get an ending.
If Kevin does evil things, at the end he fully turns into a new Joker, proving the Joker’s point. If he does heroic things instead, he gets a true ending. Canonically, heroic choices would fit Kevin more than Bill. A balance between good and evil choices will lead to a neutral ending, where Kevin just leaves and starts living his ordinary life but with guilt and existential crisis after being traumatized by Joker.
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If Bill does heroic stuff and listens to Batfamily, he gets a true ending, but if he betrays Batman he becomes a rogue of his own and completely abandons all morals (?) and its some sort of neutral ending.
If bothe sides do good choices, they get to meet at the true ending, where they have to fight . But at the end they both realize that being on Joker’s and Batman’s side is no good and they both leave them and form a duo
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Kevin is a sweethear with a heart of gold who is mentally very tough, so he treats Bill nicely and Bill lieks him a lot at the end.
I am not a writer, I just wanted to share a random idea (I am sorry for the quality of writing and for all mistakes in english)
Tbh i made this up because I really wanted a story where the Joker is the one who helps Batman mentally. But I felt that using canon Joker and Batman would be bad so I broke a leg and did this.
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trashiewrites · 2 years
MW Halloween HCs
Happy Spooky day yall! Here are some HC’s i cranked up for the boys plus Farah 👀 spending time with you of the fateful day!
+you tried to do something at least decorate the house. He shut you down so fast.
+Plus, He doesn't believe in it and thinks it's a waste of money.
+You told him "THiNk AbOuT THe CHilDrEn JoHN" and I shit you not his response was "Sure I'll give them a good scare" As he pulls out his gun he carries.
+ You then make him aware of the potential lawsuits for you know BRADISHING A GUN TO CHILDREN
+He proceeds to put the gun away "No decorating"
+You ignored him, you bought small decorations anyway with your own money so he couldn't complain. Your favorite is a skeleton bowl that you placed on his nightstand one night after he fell asleep, woke up, and yelped because he woke up with a skeleton in front of him.
+Proceed to laugh in his face. To be honest, he laughs too cause it did get him pretty good.
+ Wouldn't be surprised if Soap signed up for a decorating contest cause I feel he would love to decorate these types of things
+He even makes custom stuff
+you help him OFC, mainly by going out and getting supplies when he needs them.
+ He takes such pride and you as an extra touch Help Soap Get costumes that help match the theme of the decorations for the wear so that way when you guys hand out treats together you guys look in character and can trick a few scared in!
+Soap loves interacting with the kids. Honestly seeing the kids walk up amazed at his work on the house is why he does it.
+DadTavish energy vibes are especially high. Like he is so close to having a full-on baby fever episode.
+He gets really sad the day after because he knows he's not gonna be able to keep his props. But you guys sell the props online because they actually have a big market for this kind of stuff. Saves up money for next year's theme!
+He tries so hard...
+He usually doesn't pay any heed to such a holiday but he wanted to try it
+TBH the only reason he never did is that kids are normally scared to talk to him due to his mask. He's always been marked as intimidating.
+he bought simple decorations for the outside of his house and a silly little skeleton bowl for the candy he was gonna give out.
+He asked you to help him set it all up. But it was really just for the nerves
+ Day of Halloween, he didn't really dress up per se. He just kinda wore the uniform.
+Halloween became his favorite holiday that day :)
+ "Wow Mister! I love your Skull Trooper costume!" He doesn't know where exactly it's from but it meant so much to him
+ After that night he was so silently happy. Whenever it happens, he looks over at you every time with a glow in his eyes. It is so fucking cute
+Now he looks forward to Halloween every year!
+He spent the entirety of the month chatting with you about different duos you both could be. This is the heaviest debate every year cause you two can never agree.
+you want to do a duo from your fav show while he would want to do the cliche couple ones like Peter pan and Wendy; just some Disney.
+You guys compromised this year by doing a duo from your favorite animated movie. (For example, Chihiro and Haku from spirited away, but you choose whatever) 
+ Once the whole costume problem ends, you can finally decide what you guys go do for the holiday itself. Which is something you guys luckily can easily get behind each other's ideas. At least, you guys have civil conversations about it.
+ he usually tries to bring up doing a haunted house and then heading to a party. This year Shut him down on at least the haunted house. Why you may ask, well Gaz doesn't do haunted houses very well... Like horribly.
+ It's either he gets too on edge and almost kills an actor, or he panics and passes out. Two years in a row... So you really don't want to deal with another hospital bill. Despite him saying He'll be okay and he won't do it... You highly doubt that... Cause he has always been pretty jumpy.
+He wanted to go trick or treating... REALLY BADLY. 
+ Yeah you didn't believe him at first when he asked you about you, "Aren't you too old for that Gary?" You wouldn't believe how loudly he gasped.
+ "YOU'RE NEVER TOO OLD FOR FREE CANDY!"  Gary shed a single tear as he ran to your shared bedroom. You couldn't hold your sigh as he went off on his dramatic antics again. Every time, this happens every single time...
+ When you finally agree to it, he celebrates and does a little happy dance. God the shit this GROWN MAN does that makes him the world's oldest 5-year-old. 
+ That happy dance stops when you ask one question, "So, what are you going to be?" He stops right where he is and stays for a bit before looking back at you... "u h h, shit... I don't know." 
+ He dragged you to the Halloween shop with him so he can try out the costumes, which might I add, took about 3 hours of your day.
+ He couldn't pick between being Michael Myers or some other creepy monster you didn't know the name of. Of course, he asked your opinion, aka you choose which one he picks cause he's so damn indecisive. 
+ On Halloween, he was practically jumping off the walls in the evening! 
+For you, enjoying a nice stroll in the cool breeze but seeing Roach so happy is nice too. Even better when you two stop for a break and he reaches into his candy sack and hands you your favorite candy cutely. "Thank you for coming with me (y/n)." 
+ Before anyone asks, yes, yes, he does get really weird looks because he is semi-tall... Like they aren't going to say anything cause he's wearing a mask and even if he wasn't wearing one, he has a baby face so he still would get his candy. 
+I'm going to be completely honest with Ya... He seems like the guy that likes true crime.
+ SO, instead of typical Halloween stuff like Horror movies and cobwebs. You both are watching true crime documentaries while making little knife cookies! 
+Honestly you two get really sad at the end because you can't help but feel horrible for the victims of these killers you had watched. So, after the documentary binge, you both just relax and watch normal things. 
+Honestly Alex forgot it was Halloween until someone came to the door for a trick or treat. Sadly, he had to bear the bad news to the kids. He didn't have candy but offered a knife cookie. 
+ With the consent of the parents, he put them in a little sandwich baggie and gave it to them. 
+You looked back at him with a small glare at him giving the cookies, "what you want me to leave them empty-handed?" You nodded, "Oh come on (y/n), not like you're going to eat them all anyways." You took that as a challenge. 
+ you got sick the next day :D Alex was also mad that you legit ate all the fucking cookies. He only got to have like 3 out of the 14 or so.
+ So, Farah doesn't really get the purpose of Halloween. But she gets one thing. It is the one day she can scare the living shit out of you all day and you can't be mad at her for it. 
+She hinds in the most obscure places and somehow knows where you are going to go at all times.
+ Honestly, it freaks you out how many times she can scare you in one day... Her record is 20. 
+ Poor you get so anxious and somewhat competitive cause you want to catch her before she can scare you. Have you done so? no, currently you have zero points on that front...
+ "Boo!" you screamed and fell backward, "Haha! got you again (y/n)!" she lends you a hand as you proceed to tell her that this isn't what Halloween is supposed to be. "Well, it is this for me and I quite like this holiday. Keeps your senses sharp, doesn't it?"
+ You two don't really celebrate Halloween, the most you two do is buy decorations and make little Halloween snacks. Also, Alejandro has a weird obsession with candy corn...
+ You guys also watch Horror movies but that really is for Halloween, nothing special. 
+ You guys celebrate Dias de Los Muertos, which is really big for him! You guys have an ofrenda in your house and his family usually hosts a big party to celebrate the day which you are happily welcomed to! 
+ If you have ever been to a Mexican party, you can probably expect what it's like.  If you don't know, just know its fucking amazing! fresh food of all kinds, all kinds of booze, and top that with a loud stereo or a live band! 
+ Personally believe that Alejandro would bust out a guitar and play a song or two! Aka, I believe he has a killer Spanish singing voice, English... He's okay with it.
+Take this as you wish, But I'm telling you right now this man is way too fascinated with slasher films... I MEAN IT, HE LOVES THEM SO MUCH!
+ Legit you guys prob had a bucket that you would handle the trick-or-treaters because he won't leave that screen. HE'S SO FOCUSED!
+ It honestly shocks you how many of these types of movies this man can watch in one sitting cause honestly it prob gets boring after about 3 of them. I'm sure he watched maybe 14 movies throughout the entire day.  MIND YOU, THIS ISNT A FLEX!
+ Cheers and makes comments about the character deaths, "That girl totally deserved to die, like who the fuck is that stupid to go that way like honestly dear fucking god..." 
+ One character's head got, you know, smashed and I SWEAR, the first thing out his mouth was "Haha! Pop!" LIKE IT WAS NOTHING!!! not even a flinch... I refuse to believe this man isn't a walking red flag
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darlingkirstein · 3 months
thank you for answering my ask 😭 i felt butterflies as i read them tbh!! hihi since we're in a modern au setting here, do you think they'd have kids or planning to?
your prompts are so fun!! im so delighted to provide my headcannons!! tw: pregnancy
I think they would absolutely want children, probably multiple — but not too many. Neither of them had siblings as children, so I think the idea of a small family appeals to them. I see one or two children in their future. Having children, for them, is such a natural progression of their love for one another that it’s a no-brainer. They get almost giddy discussing it — and the closer the time comes, Eren’s mentioning it frequently, dropping so many not-so-subtle hints to Mikasa. She gladly welcomes them, whispering hushed dreams of children against his skin as they cuddle.
Finding out about Mikasa’s pregnancy would be the happiest moment of Eren’s life — and she’s equally as elated to see his excitement. He’s gonna go full protective paternal instinct mode and be almost annoyingly attentive to Mikasa. He’s cooking everything for her (he’ll redo meals if a smell or texture or taste bothers her), brushing her hair, keeping a really close hold on her to make sure she won’t trip or fall or anything. Protecting their baby becomes his biggest mission in life. Since he’s so big on tactile contact, I think Eren would be really keen on touching Mikasa’s stomach constantly and kissing her belly to try and get the baby to kick. He’s definitely also saying stupid things to her stomach in the hopes of communicating.
Mikasa’s super hormonal — and she feels guilty when she takes it out on someone that’s just doing what he can to support her. I think, when pregnant, Mikasa gets more touchy and clingy, wanting to cuddle whenever possible. Her muscles ache, so Eren’s massages are so relieving that she probably bursts into tears. She’s just so connected to him and appreciative of all he does and hugs him so much, even as that gets more difficult to do as her belly swells.
I think they both want a daughter — and that’s what their first baby is, a little girl squealing the moment she enters the world. Eren tries to keep it together but he cries when he holds his daughter for the first time — and he’s instantly FaceTiming Carla to show off. his cute little baby. Their daughter is the perfect genetic blend of the two, almost freakishly great at borrowing from the features of both parents. Nobody could ever question who the parents are — it’s etched into her tiny strands of hair that’ll turn into dark tufts, her nose, her eyes, everywhere.
He calls his daughter his little ‘peanut’. That’s always been my favorite headcannon about Eren’s terms of endearment for his daughter. Mikasa has to practically beg for her daughter because Eren’s constantly holding her and doesn’t want to relinquish precious daddy-daughter snuggling time. I think that the peanut nickname lingers even after she’s grown up.
They both probably spoil their daughter (and any future children they may have): going on fun vacations, going for frequent mini-trips around town, doing all sorts of fun stuff. Eren is most guilty of spoiling — something their daughter may start to take advantage of in her teenage years until Mikasa notices the credit card bill piling up.
I can imagine many nights ending in family game night or movie night, anything where they get to relax together — falling asleep on the couch, their daughter snuggled between them, her head on Eren’s chest and legs across Mikasa’s lap.
In terms of parenting:
Eren’s the chill parent — not totally permissive but certainly lax. Being his daughter’s best friend is something he actively seeks, so they spend a lot of time together, getting ice cream or going shopping. They probably coordinate to “prank” mommy, becoming a scheming duo full of mischief and good humor.
Mikasa has to wrangle some control over the household since Eren’s the biggest people pleaser ever for his daughter. So, she’s the one handling discipline — but that doesn’t mean she’s strict or mean whatsoever. I think the relationship Mikasa has with her daughter is a more subdued, intimate kind. Her daughter confides in her about manners id girlhood and the female experience that her father is quite frankly clueless about. Mikasa gives really great advice about relationships, boys, and also shares her own insecurities to make sure her daughter feels seen and heard.
Honestly, in the earlier stages of their relationship/marriage, I think that they would find the idea of children off-putting. They like their routine and the life they’ve built between the two of them — wouldn’t a tiny human screw things up? They’re both focused on their jobs and their hobbies and friends. Kids aren’t a priority, and frankly, Jean’s a little terrified of being a dad.
I think this changes when one of his friends (honestly, let’s say Eremika) has a child and invites people over to meet the baby. Something shifts in Jean — as well as Pieck, but it hits Jean hard. Eren hands his daughter over to Jean (who’s frantically worried about dropping her or somehow screwing up); when he calms down and looks into those tiny eyes, he’s in love. Pieck can’t help but feel the same way watching her husband take care of a little baby — it’s doing weird things to her inside, making her heart melt. Seeing Jean being so tender with someone else’s baby makes her imagine how he’d act around a child of his own, and that’s when they start discussing it earnestly. Baby fever strikes hard; everytime they see a mom with baby in a stroller walking down the street, they turn to each other, pouting.
I think Pieck would be intimidated by pregnancy — whether it’s her smaller stature or just general anxiety, she’s nervous when she takes that test and sees those two lines sealing the deal. It’s not that she doesn’t want a child — she does, wants a family with Jean — but she’s worried about everything, worried about being a good mom, worried about how these next nine months will go. Thankfully, she’s got a great support system in Jean — it’s just a shame that he’s pretty much equally as terrified as she is the moment reality hits and his career as a dad is forthcoming. He does his best to stay calm for Pieck, though, since he knows her job in all this is far tougher.
Their fears are compounded by a little complication — at an early stage check-up with the doctor, they’re told that they’re having twins. That wasn’t part of the plan at all! It takes a lot of restraint not to freak out in the moment, but at home, the anxieties fly free. It all culminates in then reassuring each other that everything’s gonna be okay and that they’ll be okay.
Jean tends to be a little neurotic about any changes in Pieck’s condition. She’ll text him saying she’s super bloated or that the baby hasn’t kicked in an hour and suddenly he’s leaving work early to go check on her — just a total mess — and Pieck teases him when it turns out to be nothing at all, while he’s left blushing and embarrassed with a boss who’s getting sick of all these premature departures for false alarms. He spends his time reading parenting books and Googling ways to be a supportive husband throughout the pregnancy. He satisfies all her cravings and tends to her emotions — even when, on the inside, he feels like that episode of Community where Troy walks into the apartment aflame, horrified at the sight ahead of him.
You know in the Sims, when the mom starts going into labor and the dad starts jumping up and down screaming in panic? That’s Jean. His nerves are peaked when they’re on the way to the hospital to have the babies, and they only get worse in the delivery room. He’s gripping Pieck’s hand so tight she has to snap at him to loosen up. Watching her scream in pain makes him borderline nauseous, but the last thing he wants to do is make childbirth about him.
Each of them holds one of the babies after they’re born — a girl in Jean’s arms and a boy in Pieck’s. The fear is palpable, both thinking something along the lines of, I can’t screw this up, I can’t hurt these sweet, adorable creatures that have become everything to me the moment they arrived. Jean and Pieck look into each other’s eyes — and they both smile, taking deep breaths of relief. They did it. They made it this far.
As they grow up, the twins unconsciously begin to favor one parent — and the same happens with Jean and Pieck, loving both with their whole beings but drawn to one.
Jean loves nobody in the world more than his daughter — maybe Pieck, naturally, but he falls head over heels for his carbon copy, the girl with the blonde hair and propensity for pouting. He struggles to know what to say to her or how they should bond, but once it clicks, it clicks. He’s fiercely protective of her — any whiff of trouble at school and he’s anxious to hear the details, to figure out how he can best handle it. Nobody hurts his girl — and Pieck has to convince her husband that not every boy in the world has the worst intentions when his little girl is old enough to start dating. It’s not that he doesn’t trust her — she’s smart as hell and Jean knows it — he doesn’t trust the male sex, and the thought of someone hurting his daughter festers as anxieties in his chest, anxieties he learns to endure.
Pieck and their son have a fun bond. She loosens the reins on him rather heavily, giving him the freedom to explore and make stupid mistakes — a couple scrapped knees and broken bones are part of growing up, and they happen. She doesn’t get angry with him easily, the soft spot so prominent. He loves his mom dearly — until he starts being interested in girls, and Pieck’s overly interested in the gossip and who he’s got a crush on, to his grand annoyance. She means well, just trying to show investment in his life — and to make sure he knows there’s always someone available to talk to at home besides his father.
I could ramble on longer about the dynamics between Jean and his son and Pieck and their daughter, or more about Eremika, but I think I’ve already said enough! I love talking about these headcannons, thank you so much for asking these questions — if you have anything else, I’d love to talk about my thoughts. These ships are so dear to me :))
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animegirl1363 · 1 year
Boob Pocket
Summary: Crow buys Jack a wallet after an incident were Jack pulls money from in-between his boobs.
Based on this post by @chibi-taylormoon
Today Jack and Crow were at the cafe today. It was nice and sunny. They had some free time and disposable money for once. Crow was here to make sure Jack doesn't go overboard.
Everything was going great until....
"Here is the check." Stephanie said. 
"Good. Don't worry Crow I got this." Jack promptly reached into the open slit of his shirt and pulled out money. "Here you go."
The lady, Stephanie, was a stuttering, red-faced mess before she fainted. The other ladies that were watching were red-faced too.
"J-Jack." Crow could feel heat on his face but he blamed it on the weather. "I am getting you a wallet."
Once again the duo was the cafe. Same as before.
"Jack are you using that gift I gave you?" Crow asked.
"Yes I am. I thought it was silly at first, but it's actually come in handy." Jack said.
Crow nodded, satisfied with that answer.
Waitress, Stephanie, gave the duo the check.
"Don't worry Crow, I got this." Jack reached in-between his boobs for the wallet and paid the bill.
Stephanie went red-faced before fainting at the sight of Jack's action. Looking around Crow noticed other women fanning themselves or pretending not to notice. All red-faced.
"She should really go to the doctor...."
"Jack." Crow grumbles.
"What? I used the wallet." Jack huffed.
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paraemu · 29 days
ok like i said on twitter here's a bullet point list on my dragon ball yaoi opinions
Goku/Vegeta: i know this is most popular for obvious reasons but this is a classic case of fujos deluding themselves. im not gonna say vegeta hasn't experienced some level of attraction towards goku but like he fully does love bulma and i genuinely dont think goku is capable of romantic or sexual attraction. that said i think their relationship as it is in canon is pretty interesting even without putting on the yaoi goggles
Gohan/Piccolo: this one i kind of get. people want gohan to have yaoi and he does have a pretty special bond with piccolo but this bond is explicitly a father/son thing. piccolo literally says in the show that gohan is like his own son. "piccolo is technically around the same age as gohan" he was obviously mentally an adult when gohan was a toddler so dont even try honestly
Gohan/Dende: if you REALLY need to ship gohan with a man this is your only real choice. its cute and had a lot potential pre-saiyaman saga but after videl i can only see it being one-sided. poor dende
Gohan/Trunks: ok this one needs to be evaluated on a case by case basis so lets break it down
Future Trunks/Future Gohan: after everyone else died gohan probably had to help bulma change trunks's diapers and keep him entertained and stuff so trunks was like a little brother to him. for trunks though gohan was this really cool masculine ideal that he was chasing after and i think its not a stretch to say those feelings took on a distinctly non-plantonic tint during puberty even tho he knew gohan would never see him that way. its safe to say gohan was future trunks's first (and only?) love
Future Trunks/Present Gohan: the roles have been inverted, now trunks is the cool powerful adult and gohan is the kid trying to match his strength. i think if they had been able to spend enough time one-on-one gohan might've developed a similar crush but with how little they saw each other and how high tension the situation was he was just left with the feeling that long hair really suited him...
Present Trunks/Present Gohan: we know canonically gohan was on babysitting duty for goten and trunks both. they have a brotherly relationship and trunks thinks gohan is kind of lame for being a nerd but he still looks up to him at times. no yaoi to be found this time around
Goten/Trunks: NOW we're talking! this is the crowning jewel of dragon ball yaoi. they grew up together, they're best friends who spend all their time together, they're the poster boys of fusion, they're literally attached at the hip. its got everything you could ask for in a good ship. case in point: gt and super both tried to make them het and they still haven't managed to put a single dent on their popularity. i hope they get married and have full saiyan babies
Whis/Bills: i love this one. they're such old gay queens who have been married since the down of time. im surprised its not more popular tbh, i think their involvement is blatant. couldnt have picked a better duo to relaunch the franchise
Whis/Goku, Whis/Vegeta: ok the way whis keeps checking out goku and vegeta is INSANE. he's not even trying to be subtle. that said i dont think he actually wants to fuck them hes just a muscle fan and they both remain oblivious
Android 17/Piccolo: ???? this is popular on twitter and idk why. ik they fought each other but nothing remotely bait-y happened in that fight. im chalking this one up to 17 is the only twink in db and ppl are desperate to have someone to ship him with
Yamcha/Tenshinhan: another pair the spares type of situation. its valid ig i just don't give a fuck about either of them. also i think tenshinhan is married to chaoz
Mr. Satan/Majin Buu: I SEE NO DIFFERENCE LOVE IS LOVE!!! ok jokes aside this one is literally canon. look at this figure and tell me it isnt
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allthecastlesonclouds · 2 months
heard your head was full of thoughts. spare one for a curious mutual 🫴🫴🫴
(gimme ur thoughts i wanna know)
so rosé canonically doesn't have much lore at all– first season bc karina didn't have roleplay experience and had a headache creating her, and second season because it just didn't come up and rosé's a little shit <3 BUT WE HAVE SOME AND IM EXTRAPOLATING
she had a balcony in her old apartment and an outdoor cat visited her (<- canon. headcanon ->) she said she didn't name it but she started calling it barfield bc it was an orange tabby, then forcibly stopped herself by moving away. every apartment she's had since has had a balcony, though, because she really does love them and she misses the cat. they're the right vibes for her, she thinks.
she cannot cook (the most she can do is reheating stuff) but she is a plants girlie and, on the aformentioned balcony, she grows a buncha vegetables and herbs. she's got tomatoes (much to gma's chagrin) and mint and cucumbers and spinach and basil and also lavender just for funsies!
she's afraid of needles and is also afraid of death. her previous job got violent and she simply had to leave. she'll never get a tattoo or her ears pierced, but she will draw on her skin whenever with enough skill that people will ask her where she got her tattoo.
and fuckin FABIAN he's HAUNTING ME this BOY
he'll send the hangman to other people's houses to check up on them. if someone mentions in the groupchat that they're having a hard time, there is a dog pawing at their front door in the next 5-10 minutes. fuck traffic laws his friends don't feel good :(
he had a crush on adaine freshman year and then felt bad for having a crush bc it wasn't the same sorta relationship as bill/hallariel and focused all his attention onto aelwyn
he wears his blanket battlesheet constantly. It's a sash. it's a scarf. it's a shawl. one notable time it was a skirt over his leggings. he has been dared to wear it superhero-style and those videos Are Blackmail
the more stressed he is the more his dyslexia seems– this school year's been ROUGH. bringing fig or adaine to the banker's is not just great for the extra money he receives but he can also actually ask for the paperwork and have it read over now! he doesn't have to just Go Off His Banker's Word!
that man got his ears pierced when he was 5 by one of bill's friends. pirates wear earrings and bill seacaster will give his boy the chance to wear them. after toxic masculinity is dead he starts wearing some that are less "piratey."
riz and fabian refusing to go to therapy duo :D :D :D
and then ghost stories.
fuckin. bird song by juniper vale is so incredibly gs!fig. i found the song as i was writing chapter two and decided i had to make it the title because it was perfect. just. rahhh. all she wants to do is bond and explore and learn who she is because she may be slightly older in this but the Identity Issues are still Very Prevalent (because i think they come with having shape-shifting abilities)
and actually i have a whole playlist for the au and i have at least one song for every character besides kristen and i can't find a good song for gs!kristen and i'm sobbing
anyway the two for riz are tardigrade song by cosmo sheldrake and false confidence by noah kahan
there's a disproportionate amount of noah kahan on that playlist actually but they all apply to different characters so it's okay!
fig listens to paramore. adaine simply embodies paramore. coincidence i think not (they are so incredibly Besties)
gorgug's majoring in environmental engineering
riz and adaine listen to and read the news daily. fabian's news intake is solely whatever people tell him. fig will listen to the news if it's on but prefers media she can turn her mind off with. gorgug will read news emails. kristen is in a cult.
riz lives about 10 minutes from sklonda. they have lunch together twice a week.
they all love chocolate because chocolate is delicious. however if it's ice cream riz goes vanilla based. this is kinda just a riz headcanon in general however i think fabian brings this up midbattle and riz judges fabian for judging him
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philcoulsonismyhero · 3 months
Okay, so I need to expand my convention stall print selection as a matter of vague urgency because my current stuff is reaching the end of its useful lifespan (the joys of a small con scene and a lot of familiar faces in the customers who've already bought all they're going to buy), so
The current mile long to-draw list for the sake of creating some accountability (bolded are the most immediate priority):
Kirk, Spock, probably also McCoy
The rest of the Trek captains from the shows I've watched (Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Archer, Pike, Burnham?? I haven't gotten far enough in Discovery for her to be captain yet but I'm assuming she is eventually)
Assorted other popular Trek characters, eventually (if you've got suggestions, Please let me know, there's 500 of these people and narrowing it down is hard)
Luke, Leia, Han
I Really can't be bothered but I know Maul, Dooku, Sidious and Vader would be popular so eventually I'm just going to have to suck it up and draw some characters I hate
Something clone troopers (I have it on good authority that there's basically no merch for clone fans)
Torchwood team (portraits, like the Doctors print I've already got)
14th and 15th Doctor (or whatever they're called) to update Doctors print
NuWho companions? At least Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, Clara, Bill
9th Doctor, Rose and Jack group shot
Something Hot Fuzz
Something Kingsman (Eggsy and Galahad, probably)
Something Pacific Rim (currently thinking maybe three somethings? Newt & Hermann, Mako & Raleigh, Pentecost and the cancelling the apocalypse line)
Judge Dredd and Anderson from Dredd
All nine of the Fellowship of the Ring, brown paper, which is going to take forever but should be worth it because they're all popular and also I love them all, probably eventually also Eowyn and Faramir and Bilbo
The daft local in-joke Nazghul thing (there's this mounted statue of Wellington in Glasgow that always has a traffic cone on its head so I'm redrawing it as a Nazghul because I think that's funny)
Something Firefly
Roy Kent, because I've got a Ted Lasso and he's the main character people are always asking after
Something DnD movie?
And probably a dozen other things but that's enough for now
I'm trying to mainly stick to old, established fandoms and movies/series that I genuinely like that are cult-classic-y enough that they're consistently popular, because I'm fed up of how quickly The Current Popular Thing fades these days. I've done well out of drawing stuff that'll appeal to the Queer Cartoon-Watching Teens, but they're a fickle audience and getting less reliable so time to target the staple fandoms instead.
And then there's also the other list which is stuff that's mostly for my own entertainment but will probably do decently well, just not enough to be a priority right now:
A few more RWBY characters on coloured paper to expand that set (at least Penny, Nora, Ren, Jaune, Oscar)
A DCTV Flash and Reverse Flash pair of prints on red and yellow paper respectively
Something Rivers of London
An updated set of brown paper FMA art
Arcane stuff (will be higher priority when the next season is closer, but for now no one is paying it any attention)
The trio from The Marvels
Eda, Luz, King and Hooty group shot (this one should probably be on the other list, but it's down here for now because I've already got Owl House prints and right now I need to go for breadth of fandoms rather than expanding within what I've already got)
That Captain America set of four with limit colours idea that I've had for ages (Steve, Bucky, Sam, Peggy)
More brown paper Jedi (current top of the list are Aayla Secura, Shaak Ti)
A print of the main duo from The Untamed (got badges already)
Etc etc
Can you see why I never get anything done, too-many-choices choice paralysis is A Nightmare
The current plan is to start with the Star Trek stuff, because that's going to be portraits and I can do those in my sleep. If I can get Kirk and Spock done, that's a solid start. The Torchwood team print is also small portraits, so that's potentially doable as well, and a good shout for my next event since it's an 18+ evening con so the audience will be a bit different to usual. (I'm intrigued about this con, I don't know how it's going to go, but the idea of an adults-only event where artists can sell All their stuff rather than sticking to kid-friendly is a good one even if that's not going to affect my own stock at all. Shame it's the same weekend and in the same city as a big established con that I got wait-listed for which I'm still mad about because I Kinda Need The Money, but what can you do.)
I've got that con the weekend after next which means I've got until Monday night at the latest to get things finished if I want them with the print shop by Tuesday morning. Then I can work on the two extra Doctors and maybe some companions, because those will be badges and I make those myself. And that's as far in the future as it's worth thinking right now, let's just take this a couple of weeks at a time and maybe my brain will stop stalling over having too much to do and no way to narrow it down
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aceofspades-sml · 1 year
I will make a more constructed analysis later because I am v tired but here are my immediate thoughts :
Legit had the best time of my life. I have been wanting to see this show for years and it didn't disappointed. Everything was amazing, from the singing and the dancing to the actors who were just >>>>
And when I say the dancing I mean specifically Arcangelo and Josh D during Seize the day
(/hj tho because they were all amazing. Absolute legends)
Damon Gould danced right in front of me. Three times. Due to this I missed a good part of Carrying the banner and what was going on on stage
Alsooo at one point I had both Damon AND Imogen in front of me I think I have been blessed
Okay moving on to more important stuff, Jordan Isaac and Zack guest joined in during Seize the day !!!
Saying this now since he is leaving, George M was incredible as Romeo. Smashed it. During the bows you could see he was emotionnal and honestly I'm gonna miss him so much
Same thing goes for Alex and Jordan. Their respective performances were over the top (also I'm really gonna miss George and Alex's duo)
Kamilla is a queen thank you very much
The Javey was veeeeery strong in this show. Will elaborate later bc boy do I have stuff to say
Will also elaborate later but I think Hanna just became my new fav character
Okay I'm just gonna put it out there but Bronté is so pretty pls
Yes, Race was amazing
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ecargmura · 7 months
Dog Signal Episode 3 Review - Nature Vs. Neuter
This episode takes a bit of a serious tone compared to the previous two episodes for it talks about an interesting topic: neutering. Because Miyu is a first-time dog owner, he’s unsure whether or not neutering is okay for dogs, so he spends the entire episode pondering about whether he’s being selfish about taking away Singe’s natural instincts or if he’s doing something beneficial for his health later on. I love that this topic is shown through the eyes of a novice pet owner’s perspective and through an experienced one’s.
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Nature vs neuter, what’s best for dogs? I’m sure dog owners ponder about this all the time. To be honest, I’ve never gotten my dogs neutered and spayed. The poodles I have right now had already gotten surgery when I adopted them. Before my poodles, I was raising a Shih-tzu that didn’t have surgery. I was planning on getting him neutered, but he had a heart murmur and other health complications that he died rather early. At first, with my Shih-tzu, I was thinking about neutering him because I thought it was the natural thing to do since all dog owners do it. Watching this anime made me realize that it’s actually something that requires much thought, even as an experienced pet owner.
I feel like Miyu struggling on whether he should let Singe get surgery or not really shows how much he cares for his dog. He’s really asking thought-provoking questions understandable for a first-time dog owner. I’m glad that Niwa is there as a neutral ground of sorts. He understands Miyu’s struggles, but he’s also telling him that having Singe getting surgery would be more beneficial for him in the long run. He’s not chiding Miyu for being selfish about his dog, but he’s not supporting his indecisiveness either. I really like that he’s neutral in all of this.
This episode also introduces a new character, Suzunosuke Kubo, a vet. He’s the craziest vet I’ve seen so far. What vet shows off a dog’s testicles to its owner? Though, he does seem to know his stuff, though. I did like how he mentioned the neutering bias present in the West, which shows how some things are viewed in some countries.Though, my only issue with the doctor is that he did NOT talk about stuff like pet insurance, pet protection plans, or anything regarding money with Miyu. I don’t know what vets in Japan are like, but in America, vets LOVE to charge everything (like every healthcare professional in the country). They’re always trying to persuade pet parents to take protection plans or insurance because vet bills are EXPENSIVE. I’m wondering about the money Miyu has. Pet items aren’t cheap. Veterinary bills are pretty much worth a person’s salary. If Miyu is okay with letting Singe have surgery, that means he got good money from working at the bar or he has pet insurance…does Japan even have pet insurance? Also, is it just me or does the vet guy look like Kanechika-senpai from Skip and Loafer?
Other than Miyu’s worries, I do like how there’s continuity in this story as Eguchi does become a customer and student in Niwa’s dog training course. I’m glad, though. I’m so happy that Eguchi does care for Leo and wants what’s best for him and for herself too. It’s nice see both her and her dog improving their relationship—one of my favorite things about seeing people with dogs. I also like seeing that even though Singe got neutered, it doesn’t mean an instant change in habits. I think Miyu should invest in pet pads if he doesn’t want Singe to pee everywhere.
One last thing I liked was how Dr. Kubo was teasing Niwa about hiring Miyu. Apparently, Miyu looks like a puppy and Niwa was denying that he was “interested” in him due to his curly brown hair. Oh, does Niwa have a type? Also, what’s with the sudden BL teasing in this episode? Not that I’m complaining…
I can’t wait for next week when our duo tackles the issues that the Border Collie and its owner has. Though, I think the subtitles for the dog’s name doesn’t match the audio. The subtitles say the dog’s name is Rexy, but the dog’s name is pronounced as Roche (Ro-shee-eh). How does one get Rexy from Roche? Anyways, what are your thoughts about this anime? I feel like I’m the only person reviewing this show, which has both its positives and negatives. 
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angstyyyangel · 9 months
𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓭𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓼 ˗ˏˋ ୨♡୧ ˎˊ˗ 𝓲'𝓶 𝓸𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓪. 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓶𝓮 𝓿𝓲𝓿𝓲 <3 𝓲'𝓶 𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓷𝓮𝔀 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮!! 𝓲 𝓭𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓸𝓷 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓫𝓬 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓼𝓮𝓮 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓱𝔂𝓹𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓸 𝓯𝓪𝓻, 𝓲 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓻𝓮𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓽 𝓲𝓽. 𝓲𝓽𝓼 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓯𝓾𝓷.
i'm turning 18 this month.
i'm from alaska, ik pretty cool. i'm in oregon rn. i'm half european. my mom was fully european, and my dad was american obviously. at the end of the day, most americans have european roots, so even if ur european-american, ppl just see u as american 🙄 and tbh since i was born and raised in here and haven't visited europe, i don't really feel my roots that much, don't get me wrong i love my roots but i think i just got my dad's personality and mindset more, but i wanna visit europe so bad and get close to my roots!!
i like anything dark and weird. my aesthetic would be a mix of emo, coquette/morute and grunge/dark fairycore.
i listen to female artists like lana del rey, melanie martinez, ashnikko, clairo, marina, poppy, men i trust, girl in red, suki waterhouse, taylor swift, nicole dollanganger, lady gaga, avril lavigne, halsey, miley cyrus, billie eilish, honey gentry, banshee, kailee morgue, etc.
i listen to some male artists like mgk, corpse husband, role model, mac demarco, eyedress, mareux cavetown, yungblud, d4vd, lil peep, xxxtentacion, the weeknd.
i listen to a lot of bands/duos too, the neighborhood, chase atlantic, maneskin, my chemical romance, nirvana, deftones, linkin park, arctic monkeys, waterparks, paramore, evanescence, crystal castles, cults, etc are some of my favorites.
this is not all i listen to lol. i listen to almost everuthing soft/sad music, rap/hiphop, folkpop, 2000s music, weirdcore, latin music, etc. i love french and russian music too.
thrifting, baking, reading, journaling, sketching, watching horror movies, animated horror stories and true crime documentaries, listening to music, going out at night, etc r the things that bring me joy.
i also watch anime. another, mieruko chan, devils line, diabolik lovers, dance with devils, nana, death note, kemono jihen, phantom in the twilight, seraph of the end, rent a girlfriend, horimiya are by far some of the best animes i've watched. i've watched almost all the studio ghibli movies.
i love 2000s shows like tvd, gossip girl, gilmore girls, skins, pretty little liars, one tree hill, etc. and 2000's movies too (mean girls, clueless, not another teen movie, legally blonde, wild child, she's the man, what a girl wants, the crush, the girl next door, she's all that, the notebook.)
i'm a huge twilight stan. 🦇
my favorite movies are the virgin suicides, lolita, jennifer's body, gone girl, the love witch, girl interrupted, pearl, thirteen, black swan, ginger snaps, buffalo '66.
i like tv shows like the queens gambit, anne with an e, spinning out, dawson's creek, good witch, insatiable, shadowhunters, riverdale, chilling adventures of sabrina, i'm not okay with this, the society, deadly class, you, scream, the originals, fate: the winx saga, the end of the fucking world, the umbrella academy, the haunting, dahmer, clark, ratched, izombie, grand army, 13 reasons why, cobra kai, wednesday, elite, ragnarok, derry girls, baby, etc. i finished hemlock grove, teen wolf and the mist.
i have a list of almost all the movies i've watched but that's for another time.
i mostly watch supernatural/fantasy, horror/thriller, slasher/gruesome, psychological/mystery but i do watch romance/drama sometimes.
i don't watch comedy, only dark comedy/ deadpan.
i like sylvia plath.
i have a lot of celeb crushes but no 1. would be lily rose depp and bill skarsgård.
audrey hepburn is my role model.
i like watching yt too, i watch a lot of stuff. spooky stuff, comedy, vlogs, wieiad videos, a lot of food related stuff, edits. i like watching vogue beauty secrets. i listen to asmr, i'm sure u can imagine what kind 👁️👁️
sam and colby are my comfort youtubers. love jake's vlogs too.
some of my fave youtubers are kate brock, sadie crowell, sydney serena, sophia kleo, julia ayers, elle gibson, alia zaita, jazmin tyler, annika osterlund, blair walnuts, enya umanzor, eva meloche, joyish, fitgreenmind, isabela juliana, isabelle heikens, karissa love, alexandra andersson, romee strigd, kellymichalita, lani pliopa, lauren brodauf, leyla tavas, liezl jayne strydom, lydia campanelli, mina rome, olivia jade, oatmilkmakeup, rosie maio, etc.
i watch rebal d, duncanyounot, danny gonzalez, kurtis conner, chad chad, larray, ravon, alex meyers for laughs. benoftheweek and jordan cunningham is pretty good too.
what else can i say abt myself? here's some facts:
1. i'm obsessive, severely mentally deranged, delusional and unhinged.
2. i have 43 personalities.
3. basically a bimbo.
4. i love love love women.
5. i have a dark/dry humor.
6. silly, goofy, quirky and cursed is how i'd describe myself.
7. your local emo girl.
8. wanna be cool girl.
9. narcissist but also a self hater.
10. not a fact but you're gonna be in love with me.
11. i'm religious.
12. just a good girl that does bad things.
13. will destroy anything i come in contact with.
14. a hopeless romantic.
15. secretly a vampire 🤫🧛🏻‍♀️.
16. i don't play by the rules.
17. i don't bite unless you want me to.
18. unbothered and chic, that's how i like it.
19. can be a stubborn brat sometimes.
20. practically a grandma. (my friend said so 🤷🏻‍♀️)
21. i always need someone to tell me they're proud of me.
22. i love exploring and trying new things, making new friends so don't be shy.
23. i'm very open minded.
24. not secretive or mysterious, just misunderstood.
25. sometimes ppl can't tell if i'm being serious or sarcastic.
26. i suffer with depression and anxiety. i have a couple of mental disorders but bpd and ocd are the most serious and active ones. i have a bad temper. i'm indecisive and pretty impatient but working on that. i'm selfish and self-centered. easily bored.
27. some ppl say i give off serial killer vibes hmm.
28. my favorite color is black, guess i didn't even have to say it.
29. comfort food is banana bread. favorite is pasta.
30. i have a huge sweet tooth, i love sweets, baked goods, all of that. dark chocolate and snickers are two ways to my heart ❤️.
31. i'm lactose intolerant, but i just hate cows milk in general 🤢 i go for oat or almond milk but i like my coffee plain, black w nothing. i used to be a coffee addict, sometimes 6-7 cups a day but i stopped. i also drink tea, chamomile, green tea and earl grey is my top three. peppermint is pretty good too.
32. i don't like milk chocolate but some are good like kitkat, snickers, reese's peanut butter cups, toblerone, twix, etc. and never ask me if i like white chocolate 🤮
33. i work at a coffee shop, i used to work at a bookstore and i miss it. idk what my plans for the future is yet. i do wanna open an orphanage. (i'm an orphan and an only child) my uncle raised me, i lived w him for 16 years. he passed away last year. i live with my grandma now.
i could also open a bakery. my friend said i could open a restaurant maybe?
34. my happy places are cemeteries, the woods, abandoned houses/places 🤗
35. my biggest fear is darkness tbh. i also have aquaphobia. i almost drowned once.
36. i dream almost every night. i used to have nightmares.
37. i love shopping. fashion, runway shows, models. some of my fave are kaia gerber, vittoria ceretti, megan roche, suki waterhouse, lily rose depp (obviously), adriana lima, taylor hill, etc.
38. i think love is confusing. i don't do relationships that often. but i'll say i do like my men feisty, a little fucked in the head and dangerous. i have a thing for old men, british guys and psychopaths. i'll tell you more about my type of guy later 💋💋
39. i'm a masochist. if you didn't already read the description. but i'm also a bit asexual.
40. i enjoy gore stuff.
41. i don't drink soda.
42. i never wear bras.
god i said so much stuff. check out my pinterest if you wanna know more about me @vrtualvamp444
i'm also active on instagram, feel free to ask me for it 💋
i have other social medias. you can find me on facebook (yeah facebook, which i don't use anymore, i had a facebook era but oh well), snapchat and discord.
i'm also a little bit addicted to tiktok.
i have spotify, if you listen to any of my playlists, i'll love you forever <3
got wattpad, not a big fan.
i don't have twitter yet.
anyway, i'll also be a tumblr girly from now on so i'll talk a lot abt myself. answer more questions.
nobody asked, i'm just bored.
#newbie #girlblogger #girlblogging #newontumblr #coquette #dollette #dollcore #bimbo #bimbodoll #factsaboutme #gettoknowme #lanadelrey #lizzygrant #lilyrosedepp #sylviaplath
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