#blake snyder
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filmcourage · 10 months
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The Big Problem With Save The Cat Is That It Doesn't Apply To Every Genre - Daniel Calvisi
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‘And yup here comes the dark night of the soul :)’
Wackus I swear with one measly tag you have struck fear into my tender reader heart 😨
I mean we all knew it was coming but I’m not ready
hehe >:) this goes back to the 3 act structure I was supposed to do but didn't
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basically i took the same beats from the snyder structure and stretched them into 5 acts. instead of the dark night of the soul beginning act 3, it will end act 4.
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the star is where we are now >:3
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feline17ff · 1 year
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Save The Cat! By Blake Snyder (2005)
The prophecy was foretold
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (1992)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
The way Sylvester Stallone ended up starring in Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot is much more interesting than the film itself. In the ’90s, the kings of action blockbusters were Arnold Schwarzenegger and Stallone. After reading the script by Blake Snyder, William Osborne and William Davies, Schwarzenegger knew it was awful. Knowing his rival would jump on the project if he feigned interest, Schwarzenegger told the press he was “very interested”. In no time, Stallone underbid him and got the role. Later, he would go on to call it one of the worst of his career. That's funny. This movie is not.
Sergeant Joseph Andrew Bomowski (Sylvester Stallone) dreads the upcoming visit from his mother, Tutti (Estelle Getty). When she attempts to illegally buy him a firearm, she witnesses a murder. Now the two must work together to determine who is selling high-powered weapons on the black market.
This movie (and the similarly awful Cop and a Half) is the ultimate bad buddy cop “one’s a” movie. We’ve seen movies where one’s a white cop and one’s a black cop, where one’s a man and one’s a woman, where one’s a young guy and one’s an old veteran, and so on. When they’re good, they deliver a compelling police action film and memorable bits of comedy that take advantage of the differences between the leads. When they're bad, you get this.
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot was sold on the gimmick alone - they certainly didn’t have a stack of amusing scenarios in mind. There’s maybe a single joke that lands. The rest is painfully unfunny and unoriginal. It isn’t even a movie about a cop being paired up with an old lady; it’s a cop paired up with his overbearing, irritating mother. You know the kind. We're talking about a woman who sees a perfectly clean room and decides it’s filthy but then goes on to destroy prized possessions in her attempts to make everything “spotless”. All this at 3 in the morning because common sense is something that escapes her.
I understand the movie is a comedy but even so, its characters are just way too dumb. Sure the movie “had to happen” but you never believe this scenario would play out the way it would. Every attempt at hilarity just makes the film longer and fills you with resentment. You look at Stallone’s face and you can tell he knew exactly how bad a movie this was. He puts no effort into the role. Even Estelle Getty isn’t particularly good and she should be the star of the show!
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot feels like an episode of a TV show that would've been canceled after 15 minutes stretched out to an hour and a half. At most, This should’ve been a short skit parodying buddy cop movies. Maybe this began as a joke someone took too seriously or director Roger Spottiswoode had a vision that got lost on the way to the screen. Regardless, you’re sitting there, powerless to do anything about the barrage of anti-fun coming your way. You accept it’s going to be bad within the first few minutes. You hope you can somehow acclimate yourself to the level of dimwitted writing and just when you're about to, Stallone delivers a title drop that lands like a blue whale on an inflatable pool. It just drains away all of your remaining will to live. This was made in 1992? Good gracious. (On VHS, June 14, 2019)
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blogdemocratesjr · 4 months
The desire to find one’s parent or child is the desire to shore up and defend existing DNA and survive.
—Blake Snyder, Save the Cat: The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need
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dandelion-jester · 9 months
This week's Patreon Blog is up!
So this week, I wanted to talk about a little bit of book mail I got today! 'SAVE THE CAT! The Last Book on Screenwriting That You'll Ever Need' by Blake Snyder. It dropped through my postbox this morning and I spent the next handful of hours reading the first few chapters. So, I thought I'd give my first thoughts on this famous book on the craft!
If you have any interest in books on the craft, chances are you've probably heard of 'SAVE THE CAT!' I personally heard about it from my favourite writing podcast, 'Writing About Dragons and Shit', where it has its praises sung on the regular by screenwriter, author, and Dungeon Master B Dave Walters. For a long time, I didn't think I'd ever actually get around to reading it, as screenwriting is pretty low down on my list of mediums to learn and honestly? Everything I heard about Blake Snyder made him sound very annoying. I've read a significant portion of 'On Writing' by Stephen King and I can't stand the way it's written, I find him deeply irritating. I assumed Blake Snyder would be the same...
Read more on my Patreon here for only £1 a month!
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sofiaonthewall · 2 years
Los encantos de My Best Friend's Wedding a 25 años de su estreno
Los encantos de My Best Friend’s Wedding a 25 años de su estreno
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jdms-flat-ass · 7 months
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JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN | It’s the dimples for me 🫣
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mastersoftheair · 6 months
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some of my fav shots from the trailer (via JumpTrailers)
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darkimpala1897 · 2 months
Buck and Bucky wedding would be pure chaos I'm just saying.
Bucky would walk down the aisle to 20th Century Fox Fanfare, because he's Bucky.
Hambone, and Douglass would do drunk karaoke.
Brady would be the one crying the entire time and I mean the entire time.
Blakely would be trying to sleep with the groomsmen.
DeMarco snuck Meatball in, who ate everything.
Rosie would have the best speech ever.
Crosby would have a drunk speech.
Bubbles would embarrassingly dance around, making everyone question who invited him.
Curt would be spilling all the embarrassing stories, he definitely knocked down either the wedding cake or ice sculpture or both well screaming "I'm Irish" at the top of his lungs.
Dickie is trying to clean up Curts mess.
Quinn lost BabyFace, and Bailey within five seconds somehow.
Winks and Ken are just filming the entire thing.
Kidd and Harding are just old man dancing together.
Helen is wondering why she came.
Sandra and Marge are also questioning why the fuck they came.
Murphy and Fredkin are literally the most chill ones, but Murphy eventually gets so drunk that he starts taking off his clothes.
Smokey is making sure nobody gives themselves alcohol poisoning, he ends up herding everyone home like drunk cattle.
Stormy is just embarrassed to know these people.
Daniels, Jefferson, and Macon were dragged to this shingdig by DeMarco who said "It'd be fun." And fun was one way to describe it.
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filmcourage · 5 months
Don't Listen To People Who Say 'Save The Cat' Has Ruined The Movie Industry - Steve Douglas-Craig
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Watch the video interview on Youtube here.
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picspammer · 3 months
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God doesn't make the world this way. We do.
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showmethesneer · 11 months
The children yearn for the mines thing but it's just me, yearning for a literary analysis assignment after finishing a book.
So because i have a Film degree, i did the Blake Snyder beat sheet for this novel lol
my Jane Eyre beat sheet
Opening Image - Jane's abusive childhood
Set-Up - Jane is desperate for love and acceptance, desperate to find family and a home where she will feel appreciated.
Theme Stated - Forgiveness is important in love.
Catalyst - Jane is sent to the super religious school where she learns to double down on her people pleasing instincts. Maybe someone will love her and accept her if she is obedient and useful and selfless– this school and its teachings snuff out her sense of self-worth.
Debate - Jane reveals that she wants her abusers to suffer. Helen tells Jane about god and how crucial forgiveness is, even for those who wrong you. 
Break Into Two - Jane takes her future into her own hands, taking out an advertisement and goes to work at Thornfield. She can be useful and find purpose in caring for others.
B Story - Jane meets Rochester– who is not attractive or kind, so it puts her at ease. He puts no effort into being "good" and does not claim or aspire to any virtues her teachings were based on, which is refreshing. He values what she has to say, appreciates her gifts and overall personality, and makes her feel like she is actually worthy of attention.
Fun and Games - As Jane and Rochester develop a rapport, she begins to feel important and useful, and takes pleasure in being of service to him. Even though she worries that he is in love with Blanche Ingram, he proposes to her. She realizes that he appreciates her for who she is because she is worthy of love. She does not have to fade into the background as she was taught.
Midpoint - Rochester is not only already married, he keeps his wife locked in the attic.
Bad Guys Close In - Jane is determined to respect Rochester’s marriage, even at the cost of her own happiness. He loves and accepts her as she is (yay!) but she cannot forgive him for breaking his marriage vow (boo!). Her want/goal was to find people who loved her as she was. Her need is to learn to forgive people so she can be receptive to and reciprocate that love. 
All Is Lost - Jane leaves Thornfield Hall. She rejects Rochester’s love, rejects her job, her home– everything she found and cultivated in this new life she made for herself and winds up starving and cold and penniless and alone. Worse off than when she left the Reed’s house or the school in the beginning. 
Dark Night Of The Soul - The Rivers take Jane in and give her a new family to belong to, a new vocation, a chance to live independently, but without the kind of love she had from Rochester. St. John proposes marriage for the purpose of making her a missionary’s wife. It will be a platonic marriage, at the service of god, where she will have to be selfless and deny her own personal desires. This is the opposite of the life she was leading at Thornfield Hall where her opinion was valued and her appetite for love was well-fed, and her weird little delights in being called an elf and endearingly teased were satisfied. She will not get that as a missionary’s wife, where the emphasis will be on piety and goodness. St. John appreciates her, not for who she is, but for what he can make her. She hears Rochester crying out for her in the night and knows she has to go back to him.
Break Into Three - Jane returns to Thornfield to find it has been burned to the ground and Rochester is badly injured. He is free to marryy her now, he even needs her help so she will definitely be useful if she stays. She has to forgive him if she wants to be with him now. And if she wants to be with him now, she needs to reject being a people pleaser and marrying St. John to live as a selfless missionary’s wife; she knows her worth now. She will not sacrifice her happiness, she wants Rochester and she will have him. 
Closing Image - Jane and Rochester live happily together. They have children. She loves her life. She feels useful and loved and does not have to sacrifice anything to be this content. Additionally, St. John is doing his missionary work and never marries– the epitome of the selfless, people pleasing life she was bound for if she had never learned her worth or how to value herself as she is, which is what Rochester’s love has given her.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
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The Watchmen (2009): DC Comics
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Saw people sending you nice asks about your writing and why they follow you. I've read a few stories and they were really good! But what made me actually try them was your account name 😂
Still remember the time the discord made fun of me for it 😔✊
And I think no one gets the punchline—
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