#bodhi getting ready to go save jyn and cassian??
bethanyeliseart · 1 year
I finally read the Rogue One novelization, and I'd like to have words with Mr. Alexander Freed about my emotional well-being after finishing this book.
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mosylufanfic · 4 months
A Mere Trifle
My first contribution to Rebelcaptain Fluffbruary! The prompt I went with was "dessert."
A Mere Trifle
Bodhi opened the fridge. "Oooooh," he said in delight. His roommate made sweets and desserts to relax, and Bodhi was usually the beneficiary.
"Don't you fucking touch the fucking trifle!" Jyn yelled from another room.
"Why not?" he yelled back, but set the bowl of trifle back where he'd found it.
"Because I'm saving it for poker night, you glutton."
Bodhi raised his brows at nothing. Poker night was at theirs tomorrow night, and while most everyone brought food, it was more along the lines of grocery-store chips and dip. Not a dessert of multiple layers and steps and approximately thirty thousand calories. 
He grabbed the leftover Chinese instead, gave it a sniff, and concluded it probably wasn't going to kill him. Eating beef and broccoli out of the container, he went to the other room where Jyn scowled at the computer screen full of her photos that she was working on. "Not even a nibble?" he asked pitifully.
He licked sauce off his thumb. "It's got all berries and whipped cream and custard. You seriously expect me to resist?"
"Yes, I do, or I'll shave your head in your sleep."
Bodhi put a protective hand over his ponytail. "You're a cruel woman, Jyn Erso."
She bit her thumbnail, narrowing her eyes at two virtually identical images of an empty lot. She twiddled a setting and suddenly the tiny yellow flowers blooming amongst the lanky dried grass burst into focus. "You've known that for years," she said. 
Poker night started around seven, or whenever enough people straggled in to get a decent game going. Bodhi expected the trifle to come out as they set up the table and pulled mismatched chairs in from all over the house. But only the two party subs that Jyn had picked up on her way home from work made an appearance. 
"It's got to stay chilled," Jyn claimed when he asked about it. 
"Uh . . . huh," he said, but had to go answer the door before he could needle the truth out of her.
It was Melshi, who came armed with various chips. "You ready to lose?" he crowed, setting a bag of tortilla chips next to the subs.
"No, but you'd better be," Bodhi told him. 
"Big talk. Beers in the fridge?" Melshi asked.
He opened the door, grabbed a beer off the door, and paused. "Holy shit, Jyn, did you make that?"
Jyn was across the room in a split second, smacking his hand. "Don't touch!"
"Why not?" he whined, cradling his hand.
"Cos I said so." She slapped the door closed. "Go stuff your face with a sandwich. Veggie's on the left side."
Melshi sighed heavily and went to pile his slice of veggie sub high with peppers and mayo.
Leia and her brother came in next, then Kay, then Luke's truck-driver friend, Han, and his large, hairy roommate, Chewie, and then Shara and Kes from down the hall. About half of them mentioned the trifle, and every time, Jyn refused to let them get it out.
It didn't escape Bodhi's notice that Jyn's head snapped around every time the door opened. It also didn't escape his notice that Cassian Andor, who worked at the paper where Jyn sometimes picked up photo gigs, wasn't there yet.
People skipped poker night for work, holidays, hot dates, classes, and exhaustion. Usually they put it in the group text. Bodhi checked his phone. 
"Nobody's canceled," Jyn said without looking at her own.
"Right," Bodhi said, grinning to himself, and arranged his bingo chips. "Okay, who won the last game at Han and Chewie's?" 
"Me," Kes said, raising his hand, and taking the deck to deal. 
Two rounds in, Jyn was looking very downcast, but she still snarled like a Doberman whenever anybody went near the fridge. 
"We ever gonna get some of that dessert?" Han whispered to Bodhi.
"Your guess is as good as mine," Bodhi whispered back.
The doorknob rattled, and Jyn got half out of her chair before the door opened. She sat back down as Cassian came in. "Hey," he said, brushing snow out of his hair. 
"Hey," Jyn said casually. "Thought you weren't going to make it."
"Sorry," he said, shrugging out of his coat. "I kept thinking I was almost done with the article and then I wasn't. How much has Melshi lost?"
Melshi flipped him off. 
"Not enough yet," Jyn said, and got Melshi's finger next. "Did you get anything to eat?"
"No, and I'm dying. Tell me there's something left."
She waved a hand at the subs, mostly decimated on the counter. He put one of each kind on his plate and added mustard, then piled the rest of his plate high with potato chips and the baby carrots that Luke had brought. 
"Should be beers in the fridge," she added. "Oh, and I forgot about a dessert I left in there, can you get it out?"
"So he gets some of that first?"
"I see how it is, Erso!" 
"That's who it was for?"
"Well well well!"
Jyn scowled. "Okay, the lot of you can go fuck yourselves."
"What?" Cassian asked, popping his head up over the fridge door and looking at all of them quizzically. 
"Nothing," Jyn said. "Everybody here is a fucking moron, that's all. You find it?"
"With all the whipped cream? Wow," he said, pulling it out. "This looks amazing, Jyn. Is this the thing you were telling me about last week? Whatsits. Trifle?"
"Oh, yeah, it is," Jyn said as if it was a massive coincidence.
He looked at her for a moment, a little smile playing around the corners of his mouth. "I can't believe it survived this long with these animals."
Melshi opened his mouth, then yelped as if a Doc Marten had met his shin with force. 
"Well, like I said, I forgot about it," Jyn said. 
Bodhi looked across the table at her and mouthed, You're so full of shit. She ignored him, a blush spreading up her face. 
Cassian sat down next to her, juggling his plate of sandwiches and a serving of trifle in a bowl. "This is really good," he said with his mouth full. "I mean, really. Wow." He nudged Luke. "Get some of this, it's incredible."
"Thanks," Jyn said, shrugging, dealing the next hand. "It was nothing."
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mostthingskenobi · 5 months
CASSIAN'S RECKONING - Chapter 16: The Rogues
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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Some gentle fluff to entice you… Do I have an agenda? Yes, I do. Enjoy!!!
Describing how the Empire murdered his crewmates had shaken Cassian’s nerve. He stood in the corridor outside the ready room, grinding his teeth, breathing deeply through flared nostrils. Part of him wanted to hide in his quarters and avoid facing anyone, but his more practical nature, the part of his consciousness that guided most of his decisions nowadays, told him isolation was a bad idea in his current state. Solitude would lead to unrestrained self-reflection; sitting alone in a dark room while guilt ate him alive was the last thing he needed.
Instead, he went in search of Rogue Crew. Cassian craved their company, their awkward companionship, their grounding reassurance. He was their official commander, but they were such a mismatch group of dissidents the Alliance wasn’t quite sure how to utilize them. They were lumped into the Intelligence branch but that was a vague rubric. Cassian wondered if the Alliance’s ambiguous approach toward Rogue One had to do with the fact that none of the members, apart from Cassian, were actual sworn-in soldiers. Jyn was the only one who’d been assigned a proper military rank, but there was no guarantee that she or any of the other members would stick around for an extended period. Even so, as long as they remained, they were Cassian’s responsibility.
He found them in the mess hall eating donuts and drinking coffee.
“You all look bored,” he said, sliding into the seat next to Jyn.
“You finally look alive,” Baze replied totally deadpan.
Cassian smiled as he reached past Jyn for a donut.
“Welcome back,” Chirrut said warmly.
“Thanks.” Andor took a bite and gestured at everyone. “What did I miss?”
“We’ve been put on leave,” Bodhi answered. “Well, everyone except for Jyn.”
Cassian looked at her. “Really?”
“No explanation. They all got notified this morning,” she said.
“Maybe because they’re going to call you in for more debriefing?”
Jyn shrugged. “More like they have something especially fun planned for me.”
“It can’t be worse than anything you’ve already done.”
She laughed darkly. “True.”
“I’m on leave too.” Cassian bumped his shoulder against hers. “Sorry you have to miss out on all the relaxation, Lieutenant Erso.”
“Bastard,” she teased.
“Now that you’re better,” Bodhi said enthusiastically, “you should start playing sabacc with us again at night.”
“You’re still doing that?”
“We stopped for a bit.”
“When you got yourself captured and we had to rescue you,” Baze interjected.
Bodhi stuttered, nervous that Andor would be annoyed by the guardian’s jab, but Cassian just laughed. “We’ve started playing again,” the pilot continued. “It helps pass time living on this ship.”
Cassian hated playing cards but Bodhi was right, ship life for a grounded crew could be tedious at best. “Sure, why not.”
“Together again as we should be,” Chirrut smiled.
After a little more chitchat, the group gradually disbanded with the understanding they would meet again after dinner. As they stood and began to part ways, Jyn and Cassian naturally drifted together and walked side by side out into the corridor.
“Thanks for the clothes,” he said, leaning toward her and lowering his voice. “You didn’t have to do all that.”
“Planning on wearing medical pajamas to your debriefing, were you?” she smiled.
“Where did you get them?”
“There’s an exchange on board.”
“Can I pay you back?”
“You can pay me back by never getting into trouble like that again,” she chaffed him. “Anyway, you needed them,” Jyn continued, not giving him time to reply. “You lost everything on Yavin.”
“Except this,” he said pulling down on his jacket. “I don’t know how you managed to save it.”
“I brought it with for some reason. I stuffed it in a duffle before we launched your rescue mission.”
“Did you have another premonition? You always seem to know what’s going to happen.”
She absentmindedly brushed her fingers over the kyber hanging around her neck. “Maybe,” she said, betraying her troubled heart.
After a few silent beats Cassian spoke so quietly Jyn almost couldn’t make out what he said. “I wish I had listened to you.”
She knew he was referring to the last time they walked Rebel corridors together, when she’d tried to warn him about Tarkin. Now there was even more unspoken trauma hanging between them; he felt responsible for their fresh discomfort and she felt nervous that their suffering wasn’t yet over. Cassian was strong and wily and intuitive; seeing him broken and cowering beneath the Empire’s boot, bleeding on a durasteel prison floor, was unsettling to say the least. “I wish you had too,” she replied without reproach. “But nothing that happened was your fault.”
He changed the subject quickly, not ready to dive into the reality of his horror. “Where did they assign your quarters?”
“I have a rack with the rest of Rogue One in the main bunk room.”
“I still can’t believe they have you sleeping in there. You’re an officer, you should have a private room.”
“They don’t have the space for a spare like me. I’m not an officer of your stature; I’m just riffraff from the gutter.” She shrugged, only half joking.
“We were all riffraff in the gutter at one point. That’s why we’re rebels. But you should at least be with the other officers.”
They had made their way back to Cassian’s quarters and were now standing in front of his door. Jyn swept her arm dramatically and said, “You mean living in the lap of luxury like you? How do you like your broom cupboard?” she teased.
“It’s hardly big enough to turn around in.”
“At least it has a door,” she scoffed. “The only thing between me and fifty-nine snoring grunts is a fabric curtain. Do you have any idea how loudly Baze snores?!”
He smiled, enjoying how easy it was to talk to Jyn.
“How long are you on leave?” she asked.
“Four weeks.”
“I know,” he was genuinely pleased. “The last time I had this much freedom I’d just broken out of prison.”
Jyn had a mischievous twinkle in her eye. “Which time?”
He smirked. “I only broke out once.”
She looked offended. “I beg your pardon, but doesn’t breaking out of Tarkin’s cellblock count for anything?”
“Technically you broke me out.”
“I did.” She smiled and crossed her arms over her chest in mock bravado. “I’m quite proud of myself.
“You planning to go anywhere?” she eventually asked.
“I’m not allowed to leave the ship. They’re keeping tight control over who comes and goes until they find a new base.”
“So, you’ll be around?”
“Looks that way.”
She couldn’t deny she was glad.
“Any idea why they didn’t grant you leave?”
She threw up her hands. “No, and I’m a little nervous about it. Why everyone but me?”
“They haven’t given you any assignments?”
“And you’ve already been debriefed?”
“A few days ago. They had me hand in the IT-O databank and they debriefed me at the same time.”
“You just handed it in a few days ago?”
“When we brought you into the Redemption’s medical bay, we arrived way ahead of most of the fleet. They were all still in the battle over Yavin while you were floating in a bacta tank. Draven and Mothma just arrived.”
“Did you…” he suddenly looked nervous. “Did you watch any of it?”
She took a step closer but didn’t touch him; she didn’t want to invade his physical autonomy after he had been manhandled by the Empire. “No,” she said gently. “Of course not.”
“I wouldn’t blame you if you had.”
“I saw everything I needed to see in person.”
Cassian’s jaw tighten as his gaze drifted down and away. “That was the worst moment,” he finally said quietly, “when I saw you. I thought they’d captured you.” His eyes became dark as he stared at nothing. “Tarkin said he would make me watch while he tortured you.”
Jyn was horrified by the notion but tried to hide it from Cassian.
“I don’t think anything scares me more than the thought of them doing to you what they did to me. I’d rather live through it all again than ever have them lay a hand on you.”
Jyn bit her lip, fear and anger and guilt getting the better of her. “Cass,” she breathed.
He abruptly looked up at her, startled by the nickname.
“I’m…” she didn’t know what to say. Sorry felt grossly inadequate.
He stared down at her, his expression intense and troubled. “Thank you for coming after me,” he whispered. “I’m glad you came when you did. I think if they’d had the chance to move me to the Death Star no one would have been able to find me.”
Her eyes became fierce. “I would have broken down every single door until I’d found you.”
Emotion flickered across his face before he managed to subdue it. “You risked a lot to save me.”
“I’d risk everything to save you, Cassian.”
Each understood the weight of their confessions.
Jyn’s commlink suddenly beeped loudly in her vest pocket. She reluctantly broke eye contact with Cassian and reached for it. He waited patiently while she retrieved the message. “All officers are being called in to a briefing about the state of the fleet. You want to come or do you want to officially be on leave?”
He shook his head. “I’m going to sleep for a while. But fill me in later?”
She nodded. “Of course.” They shared a warm, knowing smile before she turned and headed up the passageway toward the ship’s central hub.
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NEXT CHAPTER IS CALLED "THE ABSOLUTION" - Cassian's demons are still hovering in the background. He and Jyn share a very meaningful moment.
Thank you for reading!
Likes, comments, and reblogs are very welcome!
Much love!
READ IT ON AO3- Kudos and Comments Welcome :-)
READ CHAPTER 1 “The Razor”
READ CHAPTER 2 “The Scythe”
READ CHAPTER 4 “The Expendable”
READ CHAPTER 5 “The Truth”
READ CHAPTER 6 “The Detritus”
READ CHAPTER 8 “The Power”
READ CHAPTER 9 “The Betrayal”
READ CHAPTER 11 “The Reprieve”
READ CHAPTER 12 “The Ghosts”
READ CHAPTER 13 “The Redemption”
READ CHAPTER 14 “The Spoils”
READ CHAPTER 15 “The Interrogation”
READ CHAPTER 16 "The Rogues"
READ CHAPTER 17 “The Absolution”
READ CHAPTER 18 “The Reach”
READ CHAPTER 19 “The Hologram”
READ CHAPTER 20 “The Divide”
READ CHAPTER 21 “The Cost”
READ CHAPTER 22 “The Fallout”
READ CHAPTER 23 “The Wounds”
READ CHAPTER 24 “The Hand”
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cactusspatz · 2 years
July recs
In July, I got all excited about Andor and read a bunch of Rogue One fic! Just in time for the show's premiere to get pushed back. *sigh* I've also got a handful of other Star Wars fic, plus one rec each for The Walking Dead and Miss Fisher.
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save that light by @bright-elen & @misskatieleigh (gen + Cassian/Bodhi)
Cassian realized that he was different when he was four years old. He looked up at his father, his whole world up until then, and said, “Why are they going to make the factory explode, Papá?”
His father swiped to a different article. “I’ve told you before not to sneak out of bed to watch the news holos, Cassian.”
It was only when they heard the noise echo off the mountains that his father looked up. Slowly, he turned and looked at Cassian.
For the first time that Cassian could remember, Papá was afraid.
In which Cassian is Force-sensitive, and some things do and don't change. Really interesting backstory choices in the first story, and a solid fix-it in the second.
where there's a desert by @islandbetweenrivers (Bodhi/Luke)
Bodhi is eleven when the Emperor dies, and the explosions start the same day.
Luke is six when the Emperor dies and Vader takes over. He doesn’t know what that means.
Bodhi's fourteen when the moisture farm next door is bought suddenly, sight unseen, by some offworlder family.
Fascinating AU where Luke grows up on Jedha and becomes a Guardian. Low on conflict, but a lovely coming-of-age story, a rich portrait of Jedha and her culture, and a sweet romance with a dash of galactic politics.
let it be tomorrow by @andromeda3116 (Jyn/Cassian)
When Saw left her behind, an old nightmare, the man in white, took his place; 80 hours of nonstop Imperial conditioning later, and to all appearances, the angry Partisan rebel Jyn Erso is replaced by a loyal, inoffensively-sweet young woman.
Three and a half years later, leaks begin to trickle out of Coruscant, hints of high command secrets, either a spanner in the works or a deadly trap. Another eighteen months pass before the Alliance decides to pursue the leak, the potential payoff being too great not to risk it, and send their most experienced spy to find the source and turn the leak into a flood.
And five years into the worst deep-cover operation she never wanted or prepared for, Jyn thinks, fucking finally.
Somewhat dark but awesome different-meeting, with lots of spy games and distrust, Jyn's seething fury & hurt and Cassian's fractured faith colliding in a wildly different context, and a great resolution.
Smuggled In by @galateagalvanized (Cody/Obi-Wan)
“There’s no need for finesse," Cody said, and he felt his men sharpen, ready. "These cages were built to hold two-pound flying rodents, not 200-pound soldiers. See what will break.”
Or, Cody and some of the 212th get captured by smugglers, and nothing is quite what it seems to be.
Delightful snack of a story in which Obi-Wan cannot help but do things in the most dramatic way possible.
Right on Time by @elwenyere (Cody/Obi-Wan)
Cody had decided to walk Obi-Wan to his shuttle stop. And if the reason for prolonging their farewell wasn’t actually that Cody had “needed some fresh air,” but that he was still clinging to the chance that today - at long last - might be the day that something finally happened between them - well. That was between him and the Force.
Or, Cody and Obi-Wan finally go for it. And go for it and go for it and go for it.
I loooved this! A funny premise (Obi-Wan keeps delaying his return to have more sex with Cody, smart man) matched with just the right balance of first-time passion and long-delayed tenderness.
Plot Twist by orphan_account (Obi-Wan/Anakin/Padme)
The supposed love triangle between Mr. Skywalker, Ms. Amidala, and Mr. Kenobi is all their students (and even their fellow teachers) can talk about. The only thing is, no one at Coruscant High School can figure out exactly which of them are together.
Extremely fluffy, cute, and fun modern AU.
(The Walking Dead, Daryl/Jesus) The Prison Break by CanonCannon
Jesus is taken to the Sanctuary with just the clothes on his back, his bandana, and the paper clips he keeps sewn into the waistband of his pants.
It should be enough.
I cut off my interest in TWD at the point where they killed Glenn because fuck that - but apparently I make small exceptions for competence porn like this, in which Jesus rescues Daryl shortly after he's taken hostage by the Saviors. Wherein people make dubious choices while traumatized but it all turns out okay, Daryl has something nice happen for once in his life, and Negan gets murked like he fucking deserves.
(Miss Fisher, Phryne/Jack) there's something wild about you, child by laiqualaurelote
The woman in the bathroom is not human.
Jack doesn’t know exactly how he knows this. Something about her makes the air sing cut-glass clear, makes him feel like he is falling into a deep pit even though his feet are on solid ground. He has known this feeling all his life; it is what his grandmother taught him words for through her stories, why he still carries a dagger of cold iron up his sleeve. This is not the first time he has met the Folk. But he has never had one trespass on his crime scene.
Wonderfully eerie retelling of the show's opening, with Phryne as one of the fae.
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sankta-starkova · 1 year
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previous chapter | next chapter | masterlist
summary: the one where harlow kaz realised that the world was going to end but she decided to try and save it with the people that she cared about, no matter what it takes
wordcount: 1.9k
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Harlow sat with the crew as they approached Scarif and she was horrified by the eerie silence of a group of people who knew they may never be coming home.
She had the same sinking feeling in her chest that something could go horribly wrong but she, like she always had, pushed it down and focused on what she could control.
Last night, she had said her goodbyes and held Cassian all night long, ready for the mission ahead of them.
When she watched the ship go through the ion gate that shielded the imperial Region from view, she knew they had managed to get in and decided to climb up to see the others in the large cockpit.
When she got up, she was greeted by Jyn, Bodhi and K2 who watched the sky. Cassian reached over, grabbing her hand and pressing a kiss to her knuckles.
She knew he was worried about this because the only time he ever had any physical displays of affection was when he was worried - a trait she had picked up early into their friendship.
"Main building down there what is it?" Cassian questioned as he leaned forward, hand still interlocked with Harlows.
"They keep all the Imperial structural archives up there. If the plans are anywhere there will be there," Bodhi explained, pointing at the large tower.
"That at the top, what's it for?" Harlow questioned, brows furrowed as she looked at the large satellite dish.
"It's a lot of signals and there's data files out," he explained and she nodded her head.
She leant over to Cassian, whispering in his ear, "The crew are nervous, I'm going to tell them we're nearly there," she said, smiling as she walked down the ladder.
Harlow knew she had never been great with large crowds even though Cassian always convinced her to give the pep talk and she felt awful leading these people to their deaths.
"We're landing soon, so be ready for what's going to come," Harlow said, standing in front of the group.
She took a deep breath, watching as Cassian and Jyn climbed down the ladders to come see the crew.
"When I was a little girl, my father used to say that one fighter with a sharp stick and nothing left to lose can take the day," She said, a sad smile on her face, "We're going to do this, I know we can,"
She looked back at Jyn and Cassian and Jyn stepped forward, "They have no idea we are coming, there's no reason to expect us. We will take the next chance and the next on and on until we win," she stated.
Jyn was much better with crowds and Harlow already felt the energy in the group increasing, everyone ready to fight with whatever they had.
"The death star plans are down there.  Cassian, Harlow, K2 and I will find them," Jyn said, "We will find a way to find them,"
"Melshi, Baze, Chirrut, you'll take the main square and move east and get wide of the ship," Harlow expaind and the group nodded, she was much better at being their commander than their cheerleader.
"Find a position between here and the tower," Cassian said, looking between his friends and colleagues, "Once you get to the best spot, blow the place up. Make ten men feel like a hundred,"
Harlow smirked, "And get those troopers away from us," she said and everyone let out a little cheer, getting their weapons ready.
"What should I do?" Bodhi asked, and Harlow turned around to look at him. She hadn't even realised he had come down the ladder
"Get the engine running. You're our only way out of here," Harlow said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
He nodded, a half hearted smile on his face as he climbs back up, preparing to land with K2. He had really grown into his part in the rebellion.
She knew that ever since he had left the empire he had been nervous, this was his chance to prove himself. She understood the want to prove yourself.
Harlow turned to the crew as they landed, "Okay, let's just go back here, nobody move," she said.
It was cramped in the small room, the ship was already too small for the whole crew but here she was pressed up against some random pilot she'd never met before and Cassian.
When Melshi reached down to check his gun, it made a small noise and Harlow held a finger up against her lips and he nodded, stopping what he was doing.
She heard Bodhi open the door, making small talk with the stormtroopers and the general about what they were going to need to be permitted to land there.
Harlow nodded when she heard the code phrase they had agreed upon and she slid out of the room, heading towards the hatch.
When she heard it open, she pulled her knife out. Harlow watched as the man climbed down and his eyes went wide as he saw the whole crew waiting there but before he could scream, Harlow was behind him, her blade slitting across his throat.
She pressed a random shirt against him to prevent any extra blood staining the uniform and then she heard two blaster shots as Baze killed the two stormtroopers.
Cassian walked over, "You better not have gotten blood on the uniform I'm going to be wearing," he said.
Harlow just smirked at his words, "You better watch out Andor, I'm not attracted to imperial generals,"
He shook his head, trying to hide a smile as he pulled the man into a cupboard, stripping him of his uniform and putting it on for himself. He never understood how she could joke in such situations.
When he got out, Jyn and Harlow were already dressed in their stormtroopers outfits and he knew it must be hard for Harlow seeing as her family were killed by them.
She turned to look at him, a half hearted smile on her face before she turned to hear Baze wishing her a good luck
"Thanks Baze, and you too," she said before turning to Chirrut, "Chirrut, may the force be with you,"
He smiled, bowing his head slightly, "And you, my child," he said before grabbing his staff and turning to Baze.
Harlow turned away, taking a deep breath as she prepared for the mission ahead of her. She wasn't nervous anymore, she was actually more prepared than before.
This mission seemed impossible but with the adrenaline coursing through her veins, she knew that as they walked out of that door, it was all going to turn out as it should. 
The four of them, Cassian, Harlow, K2 and Jyn, all made their way to the travelator, blending in perfectly with the other imperial officers around them.
It reminded her of something that Cassian had said when they had first met, that if you were confident, they would never even doubt that you didn't belong.
The journey to get to the tower was boring and long and Harlow couldn't help the slight bubble of fear building up in her chest but she pushed it down like she always had.
Actually, as she had gotten older and she had seen worse things, she had become a more anxious person even though she put on a facade. Maybe it was because she had more to lose.
So as the doors opened and they realised they were in the main tower, she took a deep breath as she looked around at the stormtroopers and imperial leaders
Cassian knew her well enough to tell when she was worried so he reached down, fingers brushing against hers and watching as the tension left her shoulders. They were going to be okay.
He pulled away, pulling his hands ro the side as they walked through the halls, "We need a map" he stated.
"Well I'm sure there's one just lying about," K2 said as they approached an empty hallway with only one other imperial security droid there.
"You know what you have to do," Harlow said and K2 shook his head, leaving the group and approaching the other droid.
In seconds, he had him bent over and his handle latched into the input centre as he extracted the map from its head.
When he was finished, he dropped him, looking at the three of them, "Our optimal route to the data vault places only 89 stormtroopers in our path. We will make if no more than 33% of the way before we are killed," he said.
"You really can put a positive spin on things," Harlow said jokingly, trying to keep the light atmosphere.
They all backed up into another room and Cassian pulled out the comms device, "Melshi, talk to me,"
There was static as they waited but then they heard his voice ring throug, "Ready, standing by," he said.
Cassian looked at Harlow for confirmation and she nodded, "Go," she said and he nodded in agreement.
"Light it up," Cassian said and he tucked the comms device into the pocket of the imperial uniform before walking off.
They walked through the halls, following K2 to the date vault when they heard the alarm go off and they looked at one another, glad it had worked.
Dozens of storm troopers rushed off into the distance with their guns, clearly ready to fight the rebels that had blown up their stations.
They just walked through calmly as if nothing had happened and when they reached the entrance to the data vault, they saw a man standing at a control table.
"Can I help you?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at the group as he knew there shouldn't be anyone here.
"That won't be necessary," K2 said as he walked forward and before the man could jolt back in confusion and sound another alarm, K2 hit him over the head, knocking him to the floor.
Harlow and Jyn pulled their helmets off, chucking them to the floor as they prepared for the mission ahead. 
He walked back behind the console and Harlow looked over at Cassian, the two sharing a look before they grabbed the man and started to drag him to the console.
They tried pressing his hand onto the machine but it kept rejecting them and Cassian swore under his breath, chucking the guy to the side.
"This is not working K!" He exclaimed and K2 turned to the two of them
"Right hand," he yelled out and she pulled the man's hand up, her and Cassian both pressing it against the key pad.
Finally, the door opened to show a console room and a large window that looked out over a huge set of files hanging from the middle section.
"That's a lot of files," Harlow said, eyes wide as she walked in, wondering how they were going to find it.
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onthesandsofdreams · 3 years
Together, Or Not At All
Fandom: Rogue One Pairing: Cassian x Jyn Rating: T Summary: He had not just survived certain death only to cower before the woman he had grown to like and feel something for. Words: 626 Notes: Written for Fictober-Event, day 15 Warnings: None Apply
Read @ AO3
“...and once I get out of this medbay, I swear that I will hunt down Vader himself.”
Cassian didn’t know if he should laugh, or cry. Yes, they somehow managed to escape Scariff thanks to Bodhi. His memory was a bit blurry, he only remembered the cold floor of the ship as he laid down and passed out.
And now, here he was, in the medbay of Yanvin with orders to stay put and rest. Jyn and the rest had received the same orders, and while all more or less were taking the chance to rest and heal from their wounds, it was clear that Jyn didn’t need the same amount of rest. Of all of them, she was the one who had managed to avoid major injuries.
“I like that in you,” he told her.
Jyn’s head snapped and turned to look at him, she was frowning. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, that I like that spark in you. Your fire.” He admitted. “You might be new to this whole rebellion thing, but I appreciate that you jumped in headfirst.”
“So you mean I’m reckless?” Jyn gave him a wry smile. “Or that I’m an idiot.”
“Neither.” He said firmly. “You are passionate, but not reckless. Scariff? Had to be done, otherwise, how would be able to take out such a weapon? We had to risk it all, and you did so. For yourself, for your mother and your father. And now, here you are making plans to hunt down the most dangerous being on the galaxy save the Emperor himself.”
Jyn stared at him, and then threw her head back and laughed. “Is okay to say I’m reckless. I feel like I was. And look at me! I want to punch Vader, if that’s not reckless, I don’t know what is.”
He smiled a little, “Okay, maybe you’re a little reckless. But I feel a little recklessness does all of us good. We’re fighting a war, we need it.”
“How are you feeling?” Jyn asked, serious. “I heard you were bruised, but is something else wrong?”
“No, thank you for your worry. I am bruised and my ankle is swollen, but not broken nor twisted.”
They fell into silence and he was lulled back to sleep. Sleep was needed, he was told to rest and he was going to take advantage of that. There was still work to do, and when he was ready, he would do it, but he would allow himself a few days off to rest from this mission.
He woke up to Jyn’s soft voice and slight shakes on his shoulder, “Cass, I got you food.”
He opened his eyes, and pushed himself upwards and sat carefully. Jyn placed a tray on his lap, his stomach growled. “Thank you.” He said and began to eat.
Jyn smiled at him, “I wasn’t sure what to get you.”
“Food’s food. This is fine.” He had never been a picky eater. He ate for survival and nourishment, and when he could, for pleasure. And he appreciated her thoughtfulness. “Thank you.”
Jyn didn’t stop smiling, “So, quick question.”
“Do you like me?”
He nearly choked on his food, but he didn’t feel the need to lie. He had not just survived certain death only to cower before the woman he had grown to like and feel something for. “Yes.”
If anything, Jyn’s smile grew and there was a light in her eyes. “Good, because I like you too.”
It was his turn to smile. “We’ll make it through this,” he said. “And then we’ll live for us.”
Jyn reached and took his hand, “Sounds like a plan.” Then, she grew serious. “Together, or not at all.”
He understood the feeling, “Together.”
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Tell us about your bottled up OC lore
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Everything below the cut. I’m serious when I say it’s long.
Loki x Sigyn (Logyn)
Incredibles AU:  Sigyn is a superhero and Loki is her sworn arch nemesis.  They’re flirted, fought, and occasionally teamed up to take on bigger threats. But, when an act passes forcing all superheroes to go into hiding, Loki finds it’s not fun being a villian without a hero. He finds Sigyn and the pair of them eventually fall in love, get married, and settle down with a couple of kids.  But even if Loki can’t deny the happiness his new life brings him, are part of him longs for the adventure and excitement of yesteryear.  He’s given an opportunity when a package arrives asking him for his “unique insight” on an upcoming project.  How can he resist?
Look, I just want an opportunity to write them both as parents and also have some awkward PTA meetings between him and Sigyn’s fellow hero co-workers.
Just a big ol’ Hunger Games AU that I literally forgot about until just now: Start of the revolution against President Doom lead by survivors of the Hunger Games with Steve Rogers and their new symbol. It’s just two random kids in this universe not one boy one girl.
Tony Stark: Stark is a favorite of the capitol and builds a lot of their tech.  He was taken into the games at 15. During the games he was blasted with some shrapnel and had to hide out in a cave.  There he met Yinsen and he took pity on Tony.  He helped Tony build a makeshift arch reactor to survive the games. Yinsen was killed and Tony survived by inventing weapons and blasting his way out.
Bruce Banner: Bruce is more of a hermit to the public eye, but still close friends with Tony.  He was forced into the games at 13.  Starting out as a rather timid and quiet boy he spent most of the game simply trying to stay out of everyone’s way, hiding in caves, trees and so on.  It came down to the last handful of kids and none of them were particularly motivated to kill the others since all of them had done what Bruce had done and hid.  To spice things up the game masters sprayed aggression toxin into the air.  All the kids were susceptible to it, but Bruce was the worst.  He ended up killing all the kids himself with his bare hands. Although the toxins did wear off Bruce still fears that anger inside of himself.  He suffers from PTSD and when he is angry he does become violent.
Thor Odinson: Thor is another one of the capitols darlings.  He and Loki entered the games together during an anniversary game in which if one was chosen and had a sibling that sibling must enter the game as well if they are at age. If by the end of the game both siblings are left standing, they can both live.  He was 16 at the time.  Thor relied on his strength with his preferred weapon being a large hammer. He was also one to form alliances with other members while Loki remained wary.  In the end there was Thor, Loki, and two other members of their alliance. Thor wanted to be fair and give the two other survivors a chance.  Loki took the opportunity to poison the water they stole from him and Thor in the night. Thor was at first disgusted with what his brother did, but over the years accepted that Loki did it to save both of them.  
Loki Odinson: Along with Thor he is a capitol favorite.  While Thor plays up the honorable warrior persona, Loki relies on the charming scoundrel. He entered the games with his brother at 15.  Loki relied heavily on his wits and traps to survive.  Once the alliance was broken he knew the other team would not kill him and Thor in their sleep, but they would steal some of their supplies.  Loki made sure to leave food and water in the open for them to take, all of it poisoned.  He does not regret anything he did in the games since it lead to Thor and his survival. What he hasn’t told Thor, or anyone, was that he knew that if Thor got in his way of living, he would have let Thor die.
Natasha Romanov: Game master for the reunion Hunger Games, Natasha is actually working for the rebellion as a double agent.
Clint Barton: He is one of the less praised winners; he makes less of a secret in his distaste with the capitol.  He doesn’t have any family for the capitol to threaten, so he sometimes says things he shouldn’t.  Clint entered the games when he was 14.  His brother Barney was chosen as well.  For most of the games Barney watched after Clint, both of them were skilled archers and shot at opponents from the trees.  Towards the end of the game Barney went down to get some food while Clint waited for him.  Barney was captured and tortured by some of the other kids to find out where Clint was, but he didn’t spill.  That night Clint heard a boom in the sky and he woke up to see that Barney was dead. Clint spent the rest of the games looking for the rest of the kids and killed them all.  Clint is more than ready to fight the capitol and shows it enough for people to catch on it, but not enough for the capitol to kill him.
Juliet Holden: Juliet remains out of the public eye if she can avoid it and spends as much time as she can with her family. She was forced into the games at 17 along with a girl named Beth who as 16.  They stuck together throughout the games.  Juliet used more hand to hand combat and hiding while Beth was more of an inventor.  During an attack Juliet got shocked and Beth helped her through it.  Juliet got out alright, but she lost a lot of her pain censors meaning she could take a hit longer.  Beth took inspiration and made some make shift gloves that could shock opponents to death.  Beth was eventually killed leaving Juliet the winner.  Juliet still feels survivor’s guilt about Beth since she was the smarter one between the two of them.  She hates the capitol with a burning passion, but unlike Clint has a very large family she needs to protect and care for.
Sigyn Odinson: Wife to Loki, their wedding was shown throughout the capitol making Sigyn as much as a capitol darling as Loki.  This was planned by both Loki and Thor to keep Sigyn and Jane safe.  If they were capitol favorites the capitol would be less likely to hurt either of them.  As a result she became one of the few non-winners to be invited to the capitol. She knows how to be charming and play the role of the dutiful wife.  Unfortunately with this new found confidence Thor started speaking more freely his dislike of the capitol.  President Doom knew he couldn’t hurt Thor or Loki or their wives so he turned to their children.  Jane couldn’t have kids so Loki and Sigyn’s children were forced into the games. Both boys died leaving Sigyn devastated. She no longer went to the capitol with Loki and was an adamant planner in taking down the capitol.
Poe Dameron x Lana Solo (Polo)
Modern AU: I wrote a sum up of it here
Bodhi Rook x Sera Darros
YouTuber AU: Linked Here
Coffee Shop/College AU: Linked Here
10 Things I Hate About You AU:
Jyn: Kat  
Sera: Bianca  
Bodhi: Cameron  
Cassian: Patrick  
K-2SO: Michael  
Baze: Mrs. Perkey  
Chirrut: Mr. Morgan  
Draven: Dad  
Male OC: Joey
Roadtrip AU:
Sera is going off the college and her adopted brother Cassian and his best friend Kay are helping her move across country.
Along the way they spot a woman having trouble with her car and offer her a ride to the nearest gas station to call a tow. The woman reveals herself to be Jyn Erso.  She’s going cross country to meet her father who she hadn’t seen since she was about eight. When she calls the tow they say they can’t get if fixed for a few days.  Sera then offers for her to join them on the trip since they’re going in the same direction.  Jyn agrees and they’re off.
They travel for about a day when the car breaks down and they have to get it fixed.  They go to a local mechanic where Bodhi is working.  As he fixes the car he and Sera strike up a conversation where she tells them where they’re going. Bodhi says that he’s going to the same school she is, transferring from junior college.  Sera then offers that he come with them since she wants to know someone when she gets there and it would be fun.  Cassian begrudgingly agrees since the car isn’t at it’s best and having a mechanic on hand would be helpful. 
They travel for another couple of days before eventually reaching a small camp sight.  They had been driving all day and all need some rest.  The nearest motel is miles always so they decide to camp out. Sera pulls what she can out of the car and makes up a camp using her blankets and sheets.  They all have a nice night bonding and fall asleep under the stars.
When they wake up the next morning they find that the car has been stolen and the only things they have left are what they took out of the car the night before.  Luckily, a couple, Baze and Chirrut, overheard they’re plight and offer them to ride in their RV.  Chirrut and Baze are both former priest road tripping across the country to see what they can see. 
Hawkeye Pierce x Elizabeth “Doc” O’Neil
Soulmate AU: Linked Here
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kovnynir · 3 years
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cassian had done everything in his power. everything he could to try and rip himself from that horrid nightmare, to drag jyn and bodhi with them and save them from the same hell, over and over again. sure, keep him there. why should he care if he was trapped in oblivion, forced to live through one of the worst days of his life on repeat, forced to try and change the outcome any way they could... let him stay. that didn’t matter. but spare jyn and bodhi. spare them. 
he had been the last to come out of it, which he supposed was a good thing. at least the others didn’t have to suffer for too long. he woke up alone. he was in the forest. his tent was still up, but there was no one else around. no camp. nothing. they left him there -- which, good. that was good. they shouldn’t have to drag him around when they were in danger, it was everyone for themselves and the cause came first. 
he wondered where jyn and bodhi must be. he assumed the resistance left them too, but as he searched for their tents or cots, they were nowhere to be found, packed up too. jyn should’ve been in his tent, but she wasn’t. it was strange... part of him wondered if maybe he had died again, and this was the result -- loneliness in an endless forest. 
not knowing what else to do or where the resistance ( if there even was a resistance still ) had landed, he walked to the beach instead. the beach had gone from his greatest nightmare to one of the only safe places he had. he stepped onto the sand, walked to the shore, and sat down. shutting his eyes, he took plenty of time to breathe, reconnect with his body and mind, and process everything that happened. 
he was so worried that his mind was betraying him all the time. as a spy, his mind was his biggest and most important asset. it needed to be strong, stable, and safe. losing his mind, going crazy, it was always a risk, but not one he could have. he needed to be the leader that he was appointed to be. with everything that happened, he was scared. he was scared that he was going crazy. he was lucky to have bodhi and jyn in his life, but scared to lose them and equally isolated from them. he wasn’t good for them, he wasn’t good for anybody. he couldn’t save anybody and now he wasn’t even sure if there was anyone left to save. 
the only way he knew that there was anyone left was when keturah spotted him and raced over. he looked up at the sweet girl, and without even thinking he grabbed her hand and pulled her down, into his arms, so he could hold her tight. 
❝ i’m sorry, ❞ he whispered to her. 
❝ you have nothing to apologize for, ❞ the girl replied gently. ❝ you’re safe. that’s all that matters. i’ll take you home -- jyn and bodhi will be so happy to see you. ❞
cassian just closed her eyes and held onto her for a bit. ❝ i’m sorry. i’m sorry i failed the resistance. ❞
❝ you didn’t fail us, ❞ keturah said. ❝ i’m sorry i had to leave you behind. i came here because i thought you’d be here. but i’ve been checking on you every chance i get. we’re all okay. we’ve lost a few, but... we’re okay. ❞ she gently rubbed his back. whenever he was ready, she’d help him return.
cassian waited for a while, then finally took a breath. the two of them got up and returned to the base. cassian was still feeling strange, but... at least he was home. 
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sesamestreep · 4 years
stack the deck with wild cards (chapter 1)
(read on AO3)
SUMMARY: The situation with Cassian is complicated even before Jyn finds out she's pregnant, but deciding to get an abortion should really be the last straw for him, right? If there was any chance he'd still want to date her, she thought it had to be long gone by now. And yet he always finds a way to surprise her. [AKA - The Obvious Child AU you didn't know you wanted]
A/N: I’m going to be posting chapters of this fic daily, since it’s already completed. I never write chapter fic, so I have no idea what I’m doing and please bear with me. Also, this fic (and the movie it gets its plot from) is about abortion, so if that’s not something you’re into reading about, you should really strongly consider not reading this. I promise you won’t hurt my feelings. For those interested, there’s additional notes if you follow the AO3 link above. If you want to blacklist any future updates of this fic on tumblr, I’ll tag it with [#stack the deck verse] for your convenience. Chapter 2 should be posted tomorrow. Stay golden.
The reality of the current situation doesn’t hit Jyn at the doctor’s office when she gets the news or even when she’s booking her follow-up appointment. It doesn’t sink in when they tell her how much it will cost or give her the information she’ll need or the prescriptions to fill. It doesn’t hit her when she’s on the subway, heading home and texting Bodhi with numb fingers to see if he wants to have a movie night, or even when his cheery reply—replete with emojis—comes through saying he can come over tonight.
No, the moment everything becomes real is when she’s standing in the wine aisle at Trader Joe’s, going back and forth on whether spending eight dollars on a bottle of wine so that she can drink all of it in one sitting is irresponsible when she’s pregnant but she’s also not keeping the baby. It’s only then that she starts crying.
She’ll blame it on the hormones if anyone asks, she decides, which might even be accurate. She’s not really a crier under normal circumstances, but even if she wasn’t pregnant, she’s pretty sure draining her savings account for a medical procedure that she wouldn’t need if she had just been a little more responsible with her body would make her cry no matter how tough she thinks she is. Lucky for her, though, she lives in New York City and no one bats an eye at a crying woman in the grocery store. An older woman with a toddler in the seat of her grocery cart passes by and nods in understanding without saying a word, which is oddly comforting.
It’s the reminder that she needs to be careful about her money that talks Jyn out of buying wine for this evening (Bodhi probably wouldn’t have any and she doesn’t need to drink an entire bottle by herself under any circumstances, let alone these, even if she really really wants to), but she goes on to throw whatever snacks she wants into the cart indiscriminately because it has been a spectacularly shitty day. She spends more than she should (what else is new?) and sweats profusely trying to drag all of it back to her sixth floor apartment. She slams cabinet doors in frustration as she puts everything away and then takes the longest, hottest shower her shitty pipes in her shitty apartment will allow. When she emerges, her skin is bright pink and she pokes her stomach viciously, somehow annoyed and confused and relieved all at the same time that it gives away nothing of her current condition.
She spends too long sitting in a towel on her bed, dicking around on her phone instead of getting ready and ultimately decides Bodhi doesn’t care what her hair looks like and so she runs a comb through it and calls it done. She puts on her softest, stretchiest leggings and an ugly sweater she raided from her dad’s closet when she was a teenager that she loves because it has been washed and worn so many times that the sleeves now have holes in them that she can stick her thumbs through. It’s easily the least glamorous look she could have come up with, but she’s pregnant and she’s mad about it, so she’s going for comfort over style.
By the time the buzzer goes off, signaling Bodhi’s arrival, Jyn has managed to light a few candles and put some of the snacks she bought into bowls, so at least it looks like she put effort into some part of the evening. She presses the button to let him up and fidgets as she waits to open the door. She has to tell Bodhi as a trial run for telling…well, everyone else, basically…but a part of her wants to tell no one, deal with it by herself and pretend nothing is wrong. Of course, that would be stupid—the doctor even told her not to try and handle this by herself—but it seems more appealing than the alternative at this particular moment. It’s not possible, though. She needs someone to come with her to the appointment, at the very least, and Bodhi will do it without hesitation, that much she’s sure of.
When she hears footsteps in the hallway, she undoes the locks and opens the door. She takes a deep breath that is immediately squeezed out of her when Bodhi wraps her in a big hug.
“It’s so good to see you,” he says, rocking her a little side to side as he embraces her. “I’m so glad you suggested this! I feel like I’ve barely seen you lately.”
“I know,” Jyn says, clinging a little. Her eyes feel misty again already and that is definitely the hormones’ fault.
Bodhi pulls back to smile at her and his eyes catch on the candles and food. He gives her a suspicious look. “Okay, if this is an intervention for spending too much time with my new boyfriend, I know I deserve it but also I would have expected a much better turn out. You couldn’t even get Cassian here?”
Jyn winces at the mention of Cassian’s name but she thinks she covers it quickly with a forced smile. “It’s not an intervention,” she says as she steps around him to close the door.
“So why all the fanfare for a regular movie night?”
“What fanfare? There’s no fanfare!”
“Jyn, you put cheese puffs in a bowl ,” Bodhi says, as if she’s being obtuse. “You’re gonna have to wash that later. You did not have to do that for me.”
It’s on the tip of her tongue to make a joke— I’m nesting —but she refrains. “It’s no big deal,” she says, instead, and gestures to the couch for him to take a seat.
“If you say so,” he replies, still eyeing her warily and not taking the hint.
“Why don’t we sit down?” She finally asks, sounding strange and false even to her own ears. She leads the way over to the couch and Bodhi follows her, eventually lowering himself into the armchair with the same demeanor of someone approaching a wild animal.
“Jyn, seriously,” he says, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees once she’s curled up like a cat across from him, “is everything alright? You’re acting...odd.”
“Everything is fine,” she says, lightly, and hopes that saying so makes it true. “I just, uh, need to tell you something.”
Jyn twists her hands together nervously, not sure how to get started now that the moment is finally here. “I need you to promise you’re not going to freak out,” she says, stalling for time.
“Ah, yes, that thing everyone says when everything is, in fact, totally fine.”
“You’re leaving New York, aren’t you?” He asks, worried. “To be closer to Saw?”
“What? No, I—”
“Oh my god, it’s not Saw, is it?! He didn’t die, did he?”
“No, Saw is fine,” Jyn says, resisting the urge to rub her temple in frustration. “I mean, he’s not fine , obviously, he’s still sick, but he’s not—”
“Tell me you’re not quitting the band,” Bodhi interrupts. “Listen, I know things have been crazy lately, but I think—”
“Bodhi, I’m pregnant,” Jyn shouts, and the silence that follows is overwhelming.
“Pregnant. With child. Expecting,” she says, bitterly. “Yes.”
He looks like he’s been hit over the head with a mallet, which is bizarrely satisfying. She handled the news better and it was actually happening to her.
“How long have you known?” He asks, after a long time and with apparent effort. It’s not the first question she expected, but it’s not totally surprising.
“Like, five hours.”
“Five—?” Bodhi shakes his head in what she thinks is disbelief. “That doesn’t make any sense.”
Jyn just blinks in response. What is he talking about? “Sorry?”
“You and Reece broke up like six months ago, how did you not realize you were pregnant sooner?” He asks.
“I…Bodhi, I’m not six months pregnant,” Jyn sputters. She smacks her stomach to drive home the point, which in retrospect is a stupid move, but she’s not thinking straight. “I mean, do I look it?”
“No! No,” he says immediately. “That’s why I was so confused, but you…you haven’t been with anyone since the breakup. You would have told me.”
When Jyn says nothing in response, just bites her lip, Bodhi narrows his eyes at her. “You would have told me, right?” He asks.
Jyn takes a deep breath, looking down at her hands. “I’m eight weeks pregnant,” she says, feeling close to tears again. “I found out today, I have an appointment in a few weeks to—to terminate it. I just need someone to go with me, the nurse said I had to, otherwise I wouldn’t have mentioned it.”
“Jyn,” he says, placing his hand over hers. “Of course, I’ll go with you. I just—I’m not upset with you, you know that, right?”
She nods, even though she doesn’t feel altogether certain of it. She loves Bodhi and trusts him, more than she trusts almost anyone else, but she’s not convinced she deserves to have him be nice to her after she’s fucked things up this badly. He ought to be upset with her.
“I know,” she says, anyway. A single tear escapes, which is just perfect. “I’m upset with myself.”
“Are you okay?” Bodhi asks, delicately. “Did this person hurt you or force you in some way?”
“No, no. God, no,” Jyn says, pulling her hands free with more aggression than the act required. She wipes the tears away in annoyance. “Nothing like that.”
“Thank God,” he says, looking heavenward and everything. “Then why all the secrecy? I texted you the minute I finished hooking up with Taidu for the first time.”
Jyn laughs even as she continues crying. “I did not ask you to do that.”
“No, but...not even a braggy ‘I just got laid!’ text? I thought we were best friends!”
“We are,” she replies hastily. “I was just embarrassed.”
“Why?” He asks, intrigued. “Is this person weird? Are they famous?”
She laughs again, feeling better in spite of the bomb she’s about to drop. “No, Bodhi…”
“They’re not married, are they? Because I promise not to judge you, but come on!”
“They’re not married.”
“Good, because for a second I was worried you slept with Baze and that would definitely break up the band,” he says, solemnly.
Jyn smacks his shoulder half-heartedly. “I would never sleep with Baze,” she says. “Don’t even joke about that.”
“Fine,” Bodhi says. “So, it was Chirrut, then?”
“Well, you’re being so cryptic,” he shoots back. “If you just told me—”
“I slept with Cassian.”
Bodhi just blinks at her for a long, torturous moment. She’s never actually seen Bodhi yell at anyone before, so she doesn’t know if that’s what is about to happen but she braces herself for it anyway.
“What,” he finally says, flat like a statement and not a question.
“I had sex with Cassian and now I’m pregnant,” she says firmly, as if just admitting it out loud isn’t making her heart hammer in her chest.
“You’re pregnant with Cassian’s baby,” Bodhi says, disbelieving and Jyn winces. She’s been trying not to think of it as an actual baby, because she’s not keeping it. But if she did nothing for seven more months, she would have a baby and it would be Cassian’s, in a purely biological sense. She doesn’t admit to that line of thinking to Bodhi, though.
“Yes,” she says, instead. “Technically,” she adds, because she can’t stop herself.
“Technically? What is that supposed to mean?”
“Just—Getting someone pregnant doesn’t make a man a father,” she says, with more heat than she intended. “Raising a child does. And there’s not going to be a child, so…that’s all I meant.”
“Sorry,” Bodhi says, placing his hands over hers again. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m just so surprised.”
“You didn’t upset me,” Jyn replies, shifting uncomfortably. “It’s these stupid hormones, that’s all.”
“Yeah,” he says, nodding. He moves to sit next to her on the couch, and she folds her legs up to give him room. “How did he take it when you told him?”
Jyn winces again before she can stop herself and she knows she doesn’t hide her reaction quickly enough from the way Bodhi stands abruptly. He always paces when he’s freaked out.
“Jyn, please tell me Cassian knows,” he pleads as he makes a circuit around her coffee table.
“I’ve only known for half a day! I haven’t had a chance to tell him!”
“Why would you tell me and not him?”
“You’re my best friend!”
“It’s his baby!”
“I wanted to make sure you could come to my appointment with me,” she says, and hopes the reminder is enough to make him feel sorry for her. He only stops pacing, but that’s still an improvement. “I was hoping you’d tell me what to do,” she adds, since it’s the actual truth.
“Well, obviously, go to your appointment,” Bodhi says, sinking back onto the couch.
“No, I mean—what I should do about Cassian?”
Bodhi looks over at her, confused. “What do you mean, what should you do about him? Tell him what’s going on.”
“I know, but how?”
“Same way you told me. Use your words.”
“Can I text him?”
“Absolutely not,” he says, scandalized. “You can’t tell him you’re pregnant via text. Who raised you?!”
He acknowledges that with a nod. “Fair point.”
“I bet you’re going to say I can’t leave him a voicemail either,” Jyn says.
“You’re right, but mostly because no one under the age of eighty checks their voicemail anymore,” he says, patting her knee absently.
“Really,” Bodhi replies. “Just...sit down with him and tell him what’s going on. Same as you did with me.”
“It’s different with you.”
“It’s not that different.”
“It’s not your baby I’m aborting,” Jyn says quietly. “And you love me.”
Bodhi looks over at her then, some strange mix of emotions playing out on his face. She half expects him to object and say something ridiculous like Cassian does love her, and the very idea stresses her out. When he doesn’t say that, though, she finds herself oddly disappointed.
“Cassian’s a good guy. He’ll understand,” he says, instead, as if she doesn’t know that somehow. As if that isn’t a huge part of why this situation sucks so bad. As if she isn’t mortified that she has to involve him in something like this. As if she isn’t furious with herself because this is going to blow any chance she ever had with him in the first place. As if she hadn’t already done that by hooking up with him and then never calling him afterwards.
“I know,” Jyn says, looking down at her hands. She doesn’t actually know that—that he’ll understand. She thinks she knows Cassian fairly well, in a casual way. They’re mostly friends through Bodhi but they see a lot of each other. She suspects, from things he’s said before about politics, that he’s probably okay with abortion in a general sense, but it’s different when it’s your potential kid. She can’t actually be certain he’ll be cool with it, but she’s also not asking his permission. She just thinks he deserves to know. Or maybe she just wants an excuse to call him, for all this is the worst possible one the universe could have handed her.
“It’s just weird,” she adds, after a minute lost in thought, “for this to be the thing I call him about, after we hooked up. It feels shitty.”
“Wait, hold on,” Bodhi says, waving his hand dramatically at her. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“I don’t know what you think I’m saying.”
“Have you not talked to him since you slept with him?”
“I haven’t,” Jyn says, bracing herself. Bodhi opens his mouth to interject, so she continues quickly, stopping him. “But, in my defense, it was right before the holidays and then he was out of town for like a month, so it seemed weird to reach out, and—”
“Jyn,” he says, and his tone is so full of reproach, it shuts her up immediately. “None of those are good reasons and I think you know that.”
“It’s not like he and I talk a lot anyway,” she objects, but it’s futile, if Bodhi’s unimpressed look is any indication. “We mostly see each other at the shows and the band didn’t have any in December, so I just haven’t had the chance. That’s all.”
“Okay, so none of it had to do with your overwhelming fear of intimacy and vulnerability?”
“Very convincing,” Bodhi says, and Jyn shoves him.
“Shut up,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Well, if that’s not what happened,” he says reasonably, “you have to tell me what did.”
“What—you want details?!”
Bodhi shrugs. “You hooked up with my roommate and didn’t tell anyone about it for almost two months. There must be a reason.”
“Maybe it was bad,” she says, petulantly.
He just gives her an arch look in reply, which she deserves. “Was it bad?” He asks, bored.
Jyn bites her lip, hard. “No,” she admits. “It actually really wasn’t.”
“Well, then. Spill!”
She sighs dramatically—more dramatically than the situation deserves, honestly, and it’s already a pretty dramatic situation. “What do you want to know?
“When did this happen?”
“By my doctor’s estimate, eight weeks ago.”
“Jyn, for the love of—!”
“I was just trying to lighten the mood,” she says, for all she was actually just trying to stall. “It was that night we played at that terrible hipster bar in November.”
“Jyn, we exclusively play at terrible hipster bars. You’re going to have to be more specific.”
“It’s the one with the arcade games in the back? It’s changed names like three times this year?”
“ Oh , that place. Yeah. What is that place’s name?”
“No clue,” Jyn says, with a shrug. “But it was at that bar.”
Bodhi’s eyes widen, though whether it’s with shock or delight or both, she’s not sure. “You hooked up with him at the bar ?”
“No, no. We went home together afterwards, once the rest of you had left.”
“I knew it,” he practically shouts. “I knew something was up that night!”
“You did not!”
“Yes, I did. You can ask Taidu, I definitely said something about it to him.”
Jyn waves him off, not because she’s convinced but because she’s not going to bother Taidu about something this stupid. “Whatever.”
“You still haven’t told me how it happened.”
“Do you need me to explain how sex works? Because I feel like you get the general idea.”
“No, smartass,” he says with an eye roll. “I mean, you and Cassian hang out at bars all the time together and you’ve never hooked up before. So, what happened this time?”
“Well,” Jyn says, taking a steadying breath, “you and Taidu left early for some reason and you said you were going to stay at his place. And Baze and Chirrut left right after that, because I think that’s when Baze had that terrible cold.”
“Jyn, no offense, but who cares?”
“You asked me what was different about that night! I’m explaining!”
“Okay, fine,” Bodhi allows. “It was different because we all callously abandoned you.”
“Yes, thank you! Anyway, it was just me and Cassian at the bar and I had just ordered another drink when Baze and Chirrut decided to leave and I was giving them a hard time about it and Cassian offered to stay with me for another round, so I wouldn’t have wasted my money or have to drink alone.”
“How gallant of him.”
“No editorializing,” she snaps, and Bodhi dutifully mimes locking his mouth and throwing away the key. “Anyway, we had a couple more drinks, we had sex, and now I’m pregnant. The end.”
“Fine,” he says, giving up. “If you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to. I was just interested because you’re both my friends and I love you. Also, I know how hard the break-up was on you, so I was excited that you felt comfortable enough to move on. But you clearly don’t want to talk about it, so forget it!” He pivots away from her on the couch and leans forward to grab some popcorn. “What movie are we watching, anyway?”
Jyn groans in frustration. He’s always been way too good at guilt-tripping her into anything she doesn’t want to do. “You’re such a brat!”
“What? I’m changing the subject, like you clearly want to!”
“I’m embarrassed, Bodhi!”
“I don’t see why,” he says, looking at her blankly. “Cassian is good looking and he’s not a creep. You could do way worse. You have, in fact.”
She punches him in the shoulder in retaliation. “Hey!”
“What? I mean, you dated Reece for two years and he wasn’t exactly a catch. Cassian is an improvement, in my opinion.”
“I see we’re not sparing my feelings anymore where Reece is concerned.”
Bodhi covers her hand with his own. “Jyn, that guy cheated on you for a long time, and then he broke up with you so he could be with the other woman—right before you went onstage to perform, I should mention—and he had the audacity to blame you for the cheating because you ‘didn’t give him enough attention,’” he says, with the most judgemental use of air quotes she’s ever seen. “I care about your feelings, truly I do. But I do not care about Reece and I will not pretend you aren’t way better off without him.”
“I’m not his biggest fan either,” she says, defensively. “But what does it say about me that I dated him for all that time without realizing what a dick he was?”
“That he was an even bigger scrub than we thought, because he managed to hide his true colors for so long,” Bodhi says, easily. “You’re not responsible for his actions.”
Jyn wants to believe him, and most days she already, mostly does. But sometimes she catches herself replaying the break-up in her head and the part where Reece said that if she’d really cared, if she’d really been in their relationship for the long haul, she’d have paid more attention to him and he would never have even thought about cheating. She’d left him no choice, with all her weird part-time jobs and her crazy schedule and her gigs with her silly little band all over the city in the middle of the night. If she were more together, if she knew what she wanted from her own life, she could have been there for her partner, but she was too much of a mess. Too much of a work-in-progress to be the sort of girlfriend someone wanted to be serious with.
“I know,” she says, half-heartedly. If Bodhi’s told her this once, he’s told her a thousand times. Maybe she’ll really believe it someday, but not quite yet. “It just gets in your head, when someone treats you like that. You start to wonder if you have a neon sign over your head that says you’re not really relationship material.”
“You do not have a neon sign over your head that says anything of the kind,” Bodhi reassures her, surprisingly earnestly. “If your relationship with Reece needed work, he could have brought those issues to you to resolve them. Instead, he cheated on you. He took the easy way out and then blamed you when it made him look like an asshole. That’s on him.”
Jyn sighs, hating how often she and Bodhi have to have this conversation or some variation of it. She wishes she could just magically not be upset about it anymore, but it’s not like she didn’t have trust issues before this. The situation with Reece just made them worse. That was part of the appeal of hooking up with Cassian; she wanted to get back out there and feel desirable again, but she couldn’t do it with just anybody. Cassian was safe because she knew him and trusted him, but they weren’t super close, so it’s not like hooking up with him would ruin their friendship. He knew enough of what happened with her breakup to know that it was just a rebound, but not enough about her mental state to worry about her when she initiated things between them. She didn’t need someone to worry about her; she just needed someone to take her home.
The bar had been surprisingly busy that night, probably because some local favorite band was on after their set and they had a weirdly devoted following. Even though the rest of their group had abandoned them, the spots around Jyn and Cassian at the bar quickly filled in with noisy patrons, which left them no choice but to lean close to each other when they talked. Cassian’s arm had been curled around the back of the barstool that she was perched on, not possessively but in a way that didn’t encourage anyone to interrupt them. Jyn didn’t object; she didn’t want to talk to anyone else anyway.
Something about having Cassian’s full attention, her elbow brushing his ribs anytime she reached for her drink and feeling the warmth radiating off him in the already overly warm bar, felt nice in a way that went right to her head. She was shamelessly leaning into it, both literally—if she had curled any further into him, she would be hugging him—and figuratively—asking him personal questions she’d never bothered with before and laughing a little too loudly at his answers in a way that would have probably made him suspicious if she hadn’t distracted him by constantly touching his arm. It was the oldest trick in the book, and he must have known that, but Jyn wasn’t really in the mood to be subtle anyway.
If he was wary of her motives in flirting with him so obviously, he hadn’t mentioned any of his concerns to her. Cassian tends to be wary as a rule, which is part of why Jyn trusts him. He’s always waiting for the other shoe to drop too, just like she is. There’s a subtle understanding between them as a result. Other than that, Jyn had never given him much thought. Sure, he’s good looking, even when he comes to their gigs still in his clothes from the office, which make him look like an accountant. He’s not actually an accountant, though; he works at some organization that works with kids in the foster system, which is the sort of job that immediately put Jyn on edge when she first heard about it after he’d moved in with Bodhi. She’s technically a freelance illustrator, but since that doesn’t pay the bills with any consistency, she also works all sorts of other odd jobs to make up the difference. She doesn’t have a 401K or a high yield savings account, but she’s pretty sure Cassian does, even if he’s also probably underpaid. But he’s underpaid in the good way, the what-a-Saint way, while Jyn is underpaid in the no-one-values-your-skills, get-a-real-job way. So, at first, she’d been a little suspicious of him.
But, back then, he was Bodhi’s new roommate who also took him up on the invitation to come see his band play during one of their glamorous midnight slots at some crummy dive bar, which earned him a little respect in Jyn’s mind. When he kept showing up, she was surprised. It didn’t seem like his scene at all, but when she said as much to him one night, he’d given her a self-conscious smile and said that coming to Bodhi’s shows gave him the pretense of a social life when his co-workers asked what he did with his free time. He had a tendency to look worried or miserable when left to his own devices, but self-deprecation was a good look on him and it was nice to know he wasn’t dead serious all the time. They never became close friends after that, but Jyn always liked talking to him after the shows.
Something changed when she was going through the break-up, though. Cassian knew what happened, of course, enough to tell her he was sorry to hear about it from Bodhi, but they didn’t exactly talk in depth about it or anything. He treated her the same as he always had. The change had come from her, honestly. She’d always thought he was attractive, in that split-second way you decide when you first see someone, but she’d never given it any thought beyond that, really. But once the initial fog of I-can’t-believe-this-is-happening lifted after the break-up, she started to notice Cassian more and think about him in a way she hadn’t before. She was disappointed if he couldn’t make it to one of their gigs. She started to appreciate the dorky work outfits he wore to the dive bar venues they played and she liked talking to him after the set, when he’d give her his full attention like she was the most fascinating person in the world.
She couldn’t tell, though, if he was genuinely interested in her or if he just thought she was hot and (now) single. If she’d been smart, she would have figured that out before hooking up with him. Instead, the universe handed her the perfect opportunity to be alone with him, without any of their friends to talk them out of it or ruin the mood and she’d taken full advantage of it. She had felt almost dizzy with the possibility of it, that she could ask him to leave with her and that he’d probably say yes. Next to her, some drunk guy stumbled up to the bar and, in his haste, accidentally and rather fortuitously shoved her even further into Cassian’s arms. He’d tightened his hold on her to catch her fall and when she’d looked up, he was glaring at the man, who was completely oblivious to having made an enemy. It was ridiculously charming, to think he was offended on her behalf, as if her honor had been threatened. Really, what was she supposed to do then, except kiss him?
He’d been surprised, at first, and who could blame him? Sure, she’d been giving the corniest, most textbook signals that she was into him all night, but she hadn’t even known she was going to actually make a move until she did it. He recovered quickly, though, which was nice, and reciprocated immediately. Jyn’s not sure what she would have done if he’d asked questions or tried to talk things through first, even though she kind of expected it from him. They’d both had a few drinks, not enough to impair them by any means but just enough to embolden them.
His hand had come to rest on her back when she got pushed into him and she felt it flex, as if he was trying to hold her even closer. The other moved to her face as soon as she kissed him, though it was really just his thumb grazing her jaw, like he was worried she might turn away and he wanted to offer a slight incentive to stay where she was. She probably would have kept making out with him at the bar like they were college students or something, but she didn’t actually want to spend another second with the drunk patrons or the shitty band that was onstage. She wanted to be someplace else—anywhere else, really, so long as it meant she and Cassian could be alone. She pulled back, with great effort, and the look on Cassian’s face made her think he expected to be let down easy.
“Do you want to get out of here?” she asked, instead.
His eyebrows went up, as if that was the last thing he expected her to say. He closed his eyes, like gathering his thoughts was difficult at that moment. “I, uh—what are you asking?”
Jyn bit her lip, which was a bad habit of hers when she was nervous, but if it also happened, by pure luck, to look flirtatious, that was fine too. “I’m asking if you want to go back to your place and have sex with me,” she said, because she wasn’t about to waste time and not get exactly what she wanted out of this.
“Do I want that?” He’d asked, dumbfounded, and if she hadn’t just been having a completely normal conversation with him, she’d have worried he was drunker than she thought. But this was entirely her effect on him and it was incredibly flattering. “Do you?”
“I think the fact that I suggested it makes it pretty obvious what I want.”
Cassian had run his hand through his hair, clearly a nervous tic. “Yeah, but—yes, I would like that.”
He said the last bit decisively, as though he realized he might be accidentally talking her out of it with his hesitation. He needn’t have worried—Jyn has her mind made up about this—but she thought it was better to keep him on his toes than reveal that. She gave him a bright smile before turning to get the bartender’s attention. They paid their tab and got the hell out of there in record time.
When they left the bar, it was raining lightly, barely a drizzle at this point, but there was evidence that it had stormed earlier in the evening. The small heel on Jyn’s boots brought her close enough to Cassian’s height that, even standing outside the bar, she didn’t have to strain to reach him and pull him down for another kiss. His hands came to her hips to steady her anyway and she’d have happily continued like this for a while if the bouncers by the front door didn’t wolf whistle at them and ruin the moment.
They started walking to Cassian’s apartment without discussing it, like they agreed via telepathy that no cab driver would tolerate them given their current amount of PDA. It wasn’t a far walk, though, and Jyn had internally thanked the forces of the universe for making this happen at the closest bar to Cassian’s place, because she’s sure they would have lost their nerve over the course of a lengthy subway or cab ride. Instead, they headed for his apartment in silence, more because they were focused than not having anything to say. He held her hand the whole way, as if he was afraid she’d disappear if he wasn’t touching her. While they waited for a crosswalk signal at one corner, he pulled her into his side and kissed her again, like she really needed the reminder that he was a good kisser. How could she forget?
“He’s a really good kisser,” she says, suddenly, to Bodhi, as they sit together on the couch.
Bodhi scrunches up his nose, looking disgusted. “Who? Reece?”
“No! I’m talking about Cassian!”
“Oh!” His eyes light up. “I thought you didn’t want to.”
Jyn shrugs, noncommittal. She wants Bodhi’s reassurance that she didn’t fuck things up beyond repair and this is probably the only way to get that. “I’m obviously not going to tell you everything . But we can talk about it, a little. I guess.”
“Okay, but how good is he?”
“Is there an accepted scale I should use?”
“One to ten would suffice, I think. Ten being the best kiss you’ve ever had and one being…well, you already said it was good, so we don’t need to worry about that.”
She exhales noisily, not sure how to describe it. “I don’t know. I can’t even think of the best kiss I ever had.”
“That’s kind of sad.”
She punches him on the shoulder. “I hate you,” she says, petulantly. “It was really, really good. Definitely an 8.5 or a 9. Maybe a 9.5.”
Jyn nods, feeling awkward. “Yeah. We made out for a really long time before we…well, before anything else happened.”
She doesn’t mention that she’d almost lost her nerve, when they first got back to Cassian’s apartment. Being in his bedroom, the idea of sleeping together suddenly became real and all of her tipsy confidence evaporated. She’d been in a relationship for two years—she’d thought she and Reece would move in together whenever their leases were up, even though she hadn’t had the confidence to bring it up to him before he turned around and left her for another woman—and suddenly she wasn’t ready to be with someone else. Naturally, Cassian had picked up on her change in mood and asked her what was wrong. She lied and said it was nothing, though he hadn’t looked convinced. To prove her point, she’d kissed him again, hard, trying to psych herself up, but he’d eased back, turning their kiss into something easier and softer. He’d kissed her like that for a while, his hands in her hair and on her jaw, not reaching for her clothes or straying anywhere new. It was only after they’d continued like that for a long time that Jyn felt her nerves mellow into pleasure and then sharpen into desire again. Even though they’d kept things fairly chaste, all of that kissing had made her want more, and she clearly had to be the one to take the lead.
“And was he a gentleman with you?” Bodhi asks primly, interrupting Jyn’s thoughts.
“You’re going to have to be more specific,” she says, with a frown.
“Did he…how do I put this…take care of your needs?”
“Oh. Uh, yes.”
“First?” He asks, clearly enjoying himself.
“Yes,” Jyn replies, through gritted teeth. She leaves out the fact that she’d not-so-subtly rushed them past the point of foreplay so Cassian wouldn’t get any ideas. Maybe it was wishful thinking on her part, that he would have even tried something like that with her, that she got in the way of some grand plan of his to gallantly fulfill her needs before worrying about his own, but he had looked surprised when she took them straight from kissing to taking his clothes off to fucking him. Maybe it was a pleasant surprise, maybe he was relieved to find someone who didn’t expect so much effort from him. She didn’t ask. She just knew that she couldn’t handle the idea of it being unequal, of him being smug or, worse, expectant with her. She didn’t want to owe him anything, so they were going to have sex once and then she could move on. Naturally, she hadn’t counted on getting pregnant.
“I told him I was on the pill and I wasn’t,” she blurts out before she can stop herself.
The way Bodhi swings around to stare at her would be funny, under any other circumstances. “Why would you lie about that?” He asks, unable to keep the judgement out of his tone.
“I didn’t lie ,” she says. “I thought I was on the pill! I’ve been taking it for years, so I didn’t think anything of it. I forgot to get my prescription refilled a few months ago and I was like, ‘who cares?’ because Reece and I had just broken up and I was convinced I was never going to have sex again.”
“But then you had sex with Cassian!”
“I know! And I forgot I wasn’t on the pill anymore.”
Bodhi covers his eyes with his hands. “Please tell me you used a condom.”
“Cassian definitely offered,” she says, trying to sound upbeat.
“And you said, ‘yes, of course, because you’re a man I’ve never slept with before and that’s the safest way for us to have sex!’”
“No. I said, ‘it’s fine, don’t worry about it, I’m on the pill.’”
“Before you yell at me, I would like to remind you I’m already pregnant, so the worst case scenario has already happened.”
“That’s not the only reason you should use a condom!”
“I know, but I got tested for STDs when I went in for my pregnancy test and nothing has come back positive yet, so hopefully I’m not that unlucky.”
“Listen, I know you’re going through some stuff right now and I don’t want to pile on, but that was really risky,” he says, looking more serious than she’s ever seen him. “You have to promise me that you’ll be more careful.”
“I promise,” she says, feeling like a teenager being chastised. “Believe me, paying out of pocket for an abortion is a pretty great way for me to learn my lesson.”
“God, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s my fault. Like you said, I wasn’t being careful.”
“That wasn’t—I’m not trying to hit your nose with a rolled up newspaper, Jyn. I’m just worried about you.”
“I know. This is why I was embarrassed. I made a complete idiot out of myself. And now I get to explain all of this to Cassian, which won’t be humiliating at all.”
“He’ll understand,” Bodhi says, with enviable levels of confidence. “He’s good like that.”
“I said I’d call him and I didn’t,” she says, trying not to cringe as she remembers how quickly she’d left after they’d had sex, how she hadn’t even looked Cassian in the eye when she promised to call. “Even if he was fine with a one-night stand, I still lied to him. I doubt he’ll be happy to hear from me, especially under the circumstances.”
“If the alternative is not hearing from you at all, I think he’d rather hear from you. No matter what the circumstances are.”
“I don’t know.”
“Jyn, you and Cassian are friends, even if you don’t think you’re particularly close. And you’ve slept together, which involves a certain level of intimacy—”
“Not the way I do it,” she jokes. Although there’s some truth to it, she thinks.
Bodhi smacks her with a pillow, which she completely deserves. “Call him or I’ll kick your ass.”
“God, fine!” She slouches down in her seat on the couch. “Do I have to do it right now?”
“God, no. I don’t want to be here for that conversation,” he says, grabbing another handful of popcorn. “Besides, you promised me a movie night. What are we watching?”
“I don’t care, as long as it doesn’t involve babies or pregnancy.”
Bodhi’s scrolling through the titles on Netflix as she speaks, nodding absentmindedly. “‘Sleepless in Seattle’?” He asks, when he lands on it.
“That totally has a baby in it!”
“The kid is, like, eight,” he argues. “And it’s not about the process of having kids!”
Jyn sighs, defeated. “Do you want to watch ‘Sleepless in Seattle,’ Bodhi?”
“Yes, but I’m mostly in it for Bill Pullman.”
“Fine,” she says, settling in next to him. “I’m probably going to fall asleep in twenty minutes, anyway.”
“That’s the spirit,” Bodhi says, and hits play.
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Please could you write some Rebelcaptain + jewelry?
At first, Jyn thinks it’s some kind of bolt. 
Maybe a washer. Or a lug nut? Cassian’s always pocketing some little artifact or spare parts around their quarters; a just in case sort of thing. She’s not about to admit she finds it cute or anything like that, but as a habit it’s grown on her. Since she’s allowed to be the only one who can rifle through Cassian’s things at will. She can count on Cassian to have just about anything stored away in one of the nooks or crannies that pocket the Rebellion, or their quarters. 
But upon closer inspection, Jyn realizes the object she’s holding can’t be some kind of part; it’s both somehow too flat and too rounded. It’s made out of a dark gray gunmetal looking material, it sits in the palm of her hand with a pleasant weight and heft. It also has little glittery streaks in the curvature of the band, the chances of it being some kind of mechanical part is unlikely. 
She’s still staring at it in confusion when Cassian comes into the room behind her, already riffling around for extra datapads or whatnots, when he says casually, “I’m going to send Kay to the quartermaster’s, you need any--”
His voice dies away when Jyn turns to face him, her hand outstretched. “What’s this?” 
Cassian looks at the object in her hand, and then at her face, his own expression immediately wiped clean of any expression. “You--you don’t know?”
“I’m asking you,” Jyn says, still holding out her hand like some kind of damn stuffed dummy. 
Cassian blinks once and Jyn sees a flick of his tongue dart out; one of his sure tells. Other than that, absolutely nothing shows on his face but careful neutrality. “It’s--it’s a band. A marriage band. It’s for when two people--”
“I know what a marriage band is for,” Jyn says, now making the shift from puzzled to slow growing irritation. “It’s mostly a Core world thing. Why do you have one?”
She’s not--she’s not jealous, or anything equally immature or stupid, but the thought of Cassian having a marriage band for someone else--she wants to go out and bash some heads, leave some kind of destruction in her wake. Even if it’s just for a job, or a cover, he isn’t allowed to belong to anyone but her. 
Cassian’s careful blank spy face is now becoming his genuinely baffled face, a favorite expression of hers. “Why do I--Jyn, why do you--”
Jyn is still not getting it, when she looks down at the ring in her hand and then it falls on her like a ton of space junk--
“Oh.” She sounds utterly stupid. “Why would--”
“It’s--” Cassian’s ears are turning red, a sure sign of imminent mortification. “It’s a custom on Fest, for bonded or married couples to wear band, I still have my father’s, but that one I had made for you--”
Jyn is gaping. She knows she’s gaping like an absolute fool, but she can’t seem to stop. “You had it made for me?”
“Well,” Cassian splutters, “who else would I make it for? How do you not know a marriage band when you see one, didn’t your parents--”
“They didn’t have them,” Jyn says, too overwhelmed to say anything else, “At least, I’m pretty sure they didn’t, but I don’t remember. I think they had sashes or something instead.”
It feels utterly ridiculous, to be standing here, reminiscing on how her parents displayed their marriage, when she’s holding how apparently, Cassian’s people displayed theirs. The ring is growing warm in her hand, and she finds herself curling a fist around it like someone might take it from her. 
They’re now staring at each other, the air between them as thick as durasteel, when Cassian speaks again, very slow and careful, “I had that one made for you, a few months ago. You were on point with the shock troopers. I was planning to offer it to you after the war, but--”
He doesn’t need to finish the sentence. Who knows would be the best possible description. “Do you--is it okay?” he asks, sudden anxiety showing. “I can have another one made if you don’t like it--”
Jyn clutches her fist to her chest, suddenly and purely ready to fight for this little thing. “No!”
“No, you don’t like it?” 
“No, I--” Jyn takes a deep breath, forcing herself to speak clearly. “I like it.” I want it. “I just--I didn’t know what it was for.”
She can see some of Cassian’s anxiety fading from his face, and hope as sharp her knives. “Can I--can I see it? It might not fit, I’ll have to get it fixed--”
“Please,” Jyn mutters, finally opening her hand to reveal the ring again. As if he doesn’t know the exact length and circumference of every one of her fingers. 
The band sits there still, gleaming dark and promising against her calloused palm and the dark leather of her half glove. Still feeling like she’s having an out of body experience of some kind, she offers it to Cassian, who accepts it as delicately and carefully as if it’s glass, or a bomb. He takes her left hand, removes her fingerless glove and tucks it casually in his free hand, and slides the ring on the fourth finger. It sits there, tucked smooth and perfect at the base, what she realizes are tiny gold and silver and even green flecks. Stardust, she thinks, stardust in my band and thinks if she cries right now, Cassian is never going to recover. Hell, she won’t recover.  
“A perfect fit,” Cassian murmurs. “That’s good. Saves me the trouble of having it resized.”
He sounds utterly casual, like they’re discussing star charts or the mess’s dinner menu, but she looks into his face and what she sees there makes every breath of air desert her lungs. Before she can do something utterly disgraceful, like cry or throw her arms around him and climb him like a tree, she asks, “What about yours? You said--you said you had your father’s.” If she gets to wear a band declaring who she belongs to, than so does he. Jyn’s all for equal opportunity claiming here.   
He blinks, and then reluctantly releases her hand to go to one of his hiding spots (a new one, Jyn is quick to note, for future reference), and comes back with a ring that is an exact copy to the one on her hand currently, only clearly meant for someone’s much bigger hand and wider fingers. She can feel a blush coming up in her cheeks like a signal flare, but she reaches for it and he lets her take it, and take his hand in hers too. He offers her his left hand and she carefully put that ring on him, just like he did hers, on his fourth finger. It fits him perfectly too. 
“Why that finger?” she whispers, staring at it, overwhelmed. 
“On Fest, it was said humans are supposed to have a vein that goes all the way to their heart beginning on that finger,” Cassian says. He’s gripping her hand now and seems in no hurry to let it go. “I’m sure the other worlds have different reasons.”
Jyn nods, not really aware she’s doing so, staring transfixed at the ring. “You know--” she looks up at him, their rings warming on their hands, “It’s not official until we sign a paper. With witnesses or something.”
Cassian nods; probably he knew this already. “Do you want it to be? Official, I mean.”
Jyn thinks about it. Everyone she’s ever loved has left her. Her parents, Saw, the Partisans. But not her people. Not Cassian. She thinks about her life with him, and the one she had without him, and realizes she would gladly burn down the galaxy, smash the Emperor’s throne to pieces with her bare hands, before she ever willingly conceded to living without him. 
Cassian is still holding her hand. Ever patient, ever steady. My strong right arm, Galen Erso had once said to Lyra, when her parents thought she was in bed and could not hear. 
“Yeah,” she says, returning the grip on his hand. “Let’s make it official. I don’t know how legal it can be, though, since we’re both technically criminals--”
Whatever dubious legality she wants to explore has to wait for a later time. Cassian is currently kissing whatever’s left of her brains out. 
In the end, it’s made official in a remote little office off Command Center. Bodhi is there, Baze and Chirrut, and Kay. Mon Mothma is there too, incredibly and so is Draven. Leia Organa performs the ceremony since, as she points out, she’s still legally a princess and no one can contest her word. 
They wear their usual clothes, only Cassian has on his best jacket, and Jyn wears a neater shirt. They use Alderaanian vows, because neither of them can remember what words they used on their respective home planets. They swear to love the other, to stand by them, to defend them, to give them the first bite of food and the last sip of the cup. They pledge their hearts and their bodies to each other, the names they will cry out in the night. They vow to stay by the other’s side, until darkness falls and the breaking of the worlds. It’s exactly the kind of overblown sentimentality that makes Bodhi cry and Baze sniff suspiciously, as Kay mutters about the unlikeliness of all these promises. 
They have to exchange the rings again as part of the ceremony, to make it official, and more important than that, they sign a legal document, declaring in the eyes of the soon-to-be Galactic Republic and Planetary Alliance, Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso are each other’s. No one else’s. Not the Empire, not the Rebellion. 
This is enough, Jyn thinks. This is enough for me.   
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racheljchen · 3 years
story vomit
-hong kong runaway idea reality in mental hospital? mr robot perfect blue -blue hour love "i wanna be scary" heart break shaves eyebrows red lipstick black panther for asians space? dreamjng of home story about learning to let go and putting yourself first story about choosing happiness, prolonged misery JYN AND CASSIAN IMMORTALS her fingers ruffled through soft locks of his hair, and her heart swelled. it was too little and too much all at once, after all the years apart, how could she have ever doubted wanting to be by his side again? Now that he was in her arms the certainty seemed to settle into an unshakable truth, that she and he were meant to return to each other, circling each other, standing by the other's side no matter the circumstances of the rest of the foolish world. the girl from before, who only knew of solitude, of running, looking over shoulder at every turned would have thought this new certainty unthinkable. it might have terrified her or disgusted her, but the Jyn of now was a different woman. his eyes caught her transfixed gaze and crinkled with a smile she knew better than her own. no words needed to break the cozy silence for the understanding to pass between them. there was nothing she wanted more than to crush his body to hers, to hold him gently and never let go again but the feeling overwhelmed her and she could only continue to cradle his head in her lap, stroking a finger down the jawline she loved. mine. mine. her heart said, touching a body that was not her own, this skin which would pierce me to be bruised, these bones which would shatter her to be broken. hours later, after many hushed words had passed between them, describing in few short words the many hard years that had passed for each of them, as the sky began to flush lilac with the rising  sun, they broke apart with much hesitance. after several failed attempts on cassian's part to urge her to the fresher for a much needed shower, she finally relented breaking the connecting touch betwen them. jyn couldnt contain the tiniest childish pout. how could she miss holding him within seconds of relinquishing the contact? annoyed at feeling like a childish teenager but still petulant to let go. "go!" urged cassian, his eyes crinkling with a grin, and then, of course how she resist grabbing his smiling face again and kissing those grinning lips. cassians arms could not help but to circle around her waist but of course he was the one with the greater self restraint and he withdrew them after a few moments, pushing her gently towards the fresher door. under the hot satisfying spray Jyn allower herself the luxury of a quick moment to just enjoy the comforts of a life not based on the next meal, next job, and the overhanging urgency of survival, before she got to work scrubbing off the unholy layers of grime on her body. as she lathered suds into her hair, the fresher door clicked open with a soft hiss, and she peered through the fogged shower door at cassian, who of course smiled at her again, and she marveled at the ease of his surrending unlimited smiles for her when he was a man of few smiles for the rest of the universe. and with that her traitorous heart was off again, squeezing with the overwhelming painful joy of having him by her side again. cassian rinsed his toothbrush, finished with brushing his teeth. with a mischievous grin he peeled of his under shirt and dropped his trousers to the floor. steam poured out of the fresher as he slipped in beside her, putting his rough hands on the soft slick skin of her waist. jyn hooked her arms around his neck and tiptoed up to kiss him, soft sweet and slow, and they stood under the spray, feeling each other up like teenagers until suddenly Jyn shrieked. "Ah! Sorry, sorry, the boiler tank is small, I've been wanting to install a bigger one-" Jyn laughed despite the freezing spray erasing her comfortable warmth by the second. "get out you horn dog i still have to rinse out my hair" one of them gets executed but comes back to life cassian? comes back to find jyn and their child // cassian as a fire breathing bar tender modern au where they're divorced drug cartel AU krennic and galen in the cia/dea jyn smuggles or deals arms or something cassian is an undercover DEA agent cassian riding a horse, wearing a cowboy hat, smoking patron notices cassian is into jyn and 'gives' her to him "you're a lucky guy" thats just a nice way to say i want to fuck your girl jyn if you do this i can't protect you ive known these guys my whole life and you think you can get into this game for a couple months and i need you to protect me from them i dont mean from them cassian joserra jerome antonio anglés andrez after they settle down: oh where did you guys meet jyn: tinder // divorced soulmates when they meet jyn can tell its something special. she's been around the block enough to know that this one wasn't for messing around, that they meant too much to each other. cassian tamed her and she brought him to life and his friends were all supportive of course, relieved he had found some joy at last, that he finally had a reason to leave the office without putting in overtime more days of the week than not, a reason for brief smiles to stsrt escaping his serious outward demeanor. all they saw was cassian hiding a smile in a tumblr of mezcal st the bar with them, watching jyn dance with han and kes, twirling around them with smooth confidence as they tried not to trip on their own feet. how could it be anything but good? jyn knows cassian would never hurt her on purpose so she lets herself fall too easily, then slowly her life revolved around him. he occupied her throughts, her space, and she became nothing more than a part of cassian, his wife, as honoured and respectable as the role was she became suffocated with being introduced as his wife, people telling her what a great man her husband was, and she became defined by him, strangers assuming insight of her. when she leaves she finds herself all alone, realising all the friends she had were gifted to her by cassian, and the thought infuriates her. not at cassian, never at cassian, but at her past self for allowing this to happen, blind to painfully learned lessons to always have an escape route in sight, to rely on herself first and foremost. when she leaves, the pain is unbearable. she cries and she cries herself to sleep, and when she wakes up she's temporarily soothed her mind betraying her with the false sense that all the pain was just a bad dream and she would roll over and see cassian there, soft and warm and comforting and ready to hold her close and kiss the nightmare away. but the realisation came quick and she would be sobbing again. in the end it was only her stubborn pride that saved her the indignity of crawling back to him on her knees begging. or maybe it was the stone pit on her stomach that said you did this. you hurt him like this, and for what? how can you deserve to try and salvage what was perfectly good before you picked it up and smashed it on the ground just to see how the splinters would fall? when the fog of misery starts to fade though, she is relieved. even as she sits in her crappy, hole in the wall apartment, eating left over pizza for a undignified amount of times in a month, she is so relieved to be free. even if the AC keeps crapping out and she's sweating in February and bodhi has been the only other person to visit her apartment she is so relieved. her thoughts were her own again and she was so happy she could cry "jyn you will always be my family. you know that right?" she doesn't deserve it cassian walking barefoot in the shore wash at blue hour this pain wasn't unbearable but it was a unique brand of torturous. knowing exactly what she wanted was right in front of her, seeing it, touching it in soft polite embraces that lingered just on the dangerous end of perfunctory hellos and goodbyes. she's already had a taste of exactly everything she wants (not needs, not anymore, and that made the pain tolerable but a new unique brand of torturous), and she couldn't have it. she threw it all away. no regrets could be had, she would have never made it here without giving it up, but it certainly didnt help when they sat on the opposite ends of the friends spanning a bar counter and her attention still strayed from whatever kes was talking about to start at his lips, soft  from worrying at the glass tumbler in his hand, hearing the memory of the laugh she only watched escape from him in real life as it was lost in the din of the bar. "i forgave you for literally tearing my heart apart the first time, but as much of a masochist as i am, I can't give you permission to do it again. so what is it jyn?" "come on jyn. it doesn't take an idiot to see how much we still care about each other" their scars are the only soft and tender part on them, new and innocent skin next to hard won calluses cassian's ex wife meet first time when cassian gets backup for his mission huge sexual tension competence porn celebrating successful mission, cassian shoots his shot she reveals she used to be in intelligence "understand this captain andor. i have a lot of respect for what you do. it's horrid work but it needs to be done. matter of fact i started in intelligence. but the one thing i know, is the kind of person that can stand that line of work, the kind of person i was back then, thats not the kind of people i want to break bread with" she pulls rank on him despite him being older and more experienced. "in my branch you get promoted fast because you die fast" cassian was being pessimistic/realist sbout expected bad outcome but young recruit is horrified more massive sexual tension at a bar or something, she goes outside to make out with some rando guy, cassian follows her and chases him off and kisses her. not nice and tender, hatefuck in an alleyway but it's so hot doesn't see each other again fuck in a tent, fuck in the showers start to bond, see each other's honour and kindess. after a bad mission she's doubting herself, unable to sleep, cassian takes her to a secret vantage point. "sometimes i think i'm a dispicable person" "not to me" he kisses her "what, really here?" where they're in constant threat of being walked in on "no." they just make out and its tender snd loving and it scares her off and she avoids him for a while cassian gets captured and held in solitary confinement for months, mentally tortured, starved. tries to escape, gets punished. gets fucked up in the head. draven and elkie are the only one pushing to find him and break him out.  after cassian is found and returns to base he's a shell of himself, spooked, makes intense eye contact with elkie as he passes her but no aknowledgement of their signifigance to each other. after medical checks he's left alone and starts to panic, but before he freaks out fully, she comes into his room with shaving kit and a peach. she cuts a few slices for him to enjoy because hes not really allowed fruit, talks to him and shaves him as he heals she arranges for him to be put in a room with a chatty old soldier who keeps telling him old war stories, and visits him whenever she back on base. after a particularly bad mission. she crawls into his hospital bed in the middle of the night. after he's discharged, she sleeps with him whenever she can, calming him down after nightmares. one night he knows she's sleep deprived and needing to wake up early for important things the next day and tells her to stop sacrificing her sleep to help him. she's quiet before she asks if he is making her leave. he says no, so she just snuggles up to him. he realizes she prefers being woken up all night to sleeping without him. one say when cassian's feeling like he cant stand being amongst the people on the base in the mess hall, she brings him back to the vantage point to have lunch. they fuck but it's making love. something in between she gets captured and tortured. breaks leg. cassian rescues her. cassian cares for her in the immediate aftermath, she wakes up to him asleep in the hospital chair after he comes back from his own mission back on base, superiors want to send her off base to recuperate and get better PT, she really doesn't want to go, she knows she might never make it back and lose her nerve and her mind. their sleeping in cassian's bed and she admits this. he says there's desk work she can do on base. "married officers get first choice of postings" she's stunned by the insinuation "i need to know you arent whoring yourself out out of some misplaced need to take care of me. just because you slept with me a couple times doesn't mean i'm your responsibility." "i need to know you aren't... offering... out of convenience. just a loophole to help me out" "i'm not. i can't live without you anymore" they get married, she takes his name. captain andor and captain andor she drops off the grid for an extended period of time, she sees him in a crowd and he thinks she's a hostile, tries to take her down but she takes off her mask and goggles she dies in his arms CASSIAN'S LITTLE SISTER/DAUGHTER cassian's 16 she's 8, he saves her and has to babysit her for a while around rogue one she's 18 starting to do field work as an agent cassian as fulcrum is not nice or friendly but mentors her and takes care of her she just starts acting like a friend even though she has no reason to treat him like one bonds with jyn they go to each other when they're concerned about cassian, jyn tells her about a miscarriage, she tells jyn about PTSD she doesn't want to admit to cassian later as peace becomes more viable and cassian less cold and jaded, he starts to act like her family and at first it scares her off a bit she's hostile, says you don't have any right treating me like a child considering how you treated me in the past CASSIAN JYN F1 bodhi jyn both trained by legendary race strategist galen erso (betrays imperial team and orson krennic?) bodhi was trained to to compete and be great, jyn was thrown in and not expected by others to be a real competitor jyn joins f1 with saw gerrera's partisans, low midfield team, strapped for cash bodhi drives with his brain jyn drives with her gut bodhi tells her she can be truly great when she masters melding the thinking and control with her raw talent jyn podiums once and is over the moon but cassian isnt happy for her and she doesnt understand cassian says she doesnt understand racing yet, put herself on the line for revenge, had no way of knowing she was gonna survive her dirty trick and she only won when almost half the field retired calls her hotheaded and not ready cassian was an excellent ruthless driver, would drive dirty to make the win very good (champion?) gets into bad crash (jyn saves him?) and retires, join rebellion as race strategist cassian suggests jyn as new driver leia backs him up jyn helps cassian with his PT and tells him he doesn't have to put on a mask for her and he allows himself to show that he's in pain jyn falls asleep in cassian's hotel room and when he tucks her in she grabs him and they fall asleep together at a party after a good win jyn's tipsy and grabs cassian and starts singing and dancing in his face and cassian is laughing and loving every moment jyn's championship title comes down to the last race she gets a rough bump that physically takes a toll on her she has a good lead but she blows a tire and limps home (krennic gets on the radio somehow to try and break her confidence?) cassian: "do your best, bring her home. i'm right here jyn, I'm with you to the end. I'm not going anywhere" jyn wins a championship and retires she's proved herself after no one thought she would, defeated vader for a season she knows she doesn't have a strong chance of doing it again and wants to make room for luke and han so they don't join imperial F1 STORY young hotshot female driver gets put into falling from glory ferrari with him he used to be eyed as the next great talent but in a shit car he doesn't have any accomplishments to show and is starting to lose the hype and his drive to win she idolizes him, after a race where she does very well for a rookie and he delivers good but not great results, she goes into his driver's room and congratulates him on a good drive out of a need to assert control he fucks her he's trying to massage his own shoulder, she says here let me help, get close, talking, he turns to catch her eye and realises how close they are and kisses her fucks her on the desk, hot and dirty after their lustful scramble he comes back yo his senses and is a bit ashamed of what he's done kisses her on the forehead and leaves, saying see you tomorrow they keep hooking up throughout her rookie season, and spending time together in the public eye, her sweet genuine humorous personality tempers his steely cold and focussed persona and media and fans eat it up, everyone loves them as old gruff dude and young hotshot jokester duo two seasons like that as they grow closer there's a picture of him as a f1 rookie giving 14yo her a trophy forehead kisses become a meme she tells him what he already knows, he needs to jump ship from the team he loves in order to win he signs with a top three team as she continues to get more experience at their old team throughout the season they continue hooking up and hanging out in winter break they spend a lot of time with each other, to the point it seems like they're dating but theyve never discussed it he wins a world championship, realises the only person he wants to celebrate with is her she gets signed to a title contender team next time they hook up he's being a tender and says something commitment related she freezes up "what did you think this is" "yeah of course anyone would jump at the chance to fuck their idols, that doesn't mean their idols would be a good person to settle down with" "did u think i would fall in love with you just because i look up to you? im not some groupie. as if you weren't just taking advantage of me the first time, cheating on your girlfriend. im smart enough to know I'm not special, if you did it to her you certainly have it in you to do it to me" "i think we should stop doing this" breakup, theyre both heartbroken he feels betrayed, thinking the girl he's in love with just used him she doesn't want to admit she really did fall for him he gets signed to the same team as her the whole world is super excited to see their chemistry again but they're super cold, barely together, barely acknowledge each other press conference she blows off the question of whether she's excited to be teammates again he gets into tabloids rumored to be dating hot celebs they have a bad rivalry on the track fighting for positions gets double retirement and other bad things eventually he realises she only pushed him away out of self preservation and she mist have loved him to have done so much and cared for him the way she did he apologizes and asks her to give them a chance she's shocked but she agrees, but she says they shouldnt be together until the season is over cue sexual tension she misses him too much and he comes into her hotel room to get a fright shes in his bed and they cuddle she wins the championship after 5 years of being together and racing, he retires proposes to her, to the shock of the world
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swtorramblings · 4 years
A Good Day
SW POC Positivity Project, Day 23: Rogue One No One Dies AU
No one? No one at all? Ow. I think I’m going to have to go with the people in the invasion. And one other. I’ve had to miss a lot of these, mainly because of lack of time and preparation, but also because a number of them were just outside whatever talents I might have. This, though? No way I’m skipping this one. Tragedy is a valid form of expression. I mostly am good with how the film ended. If it hadn’t been the most diverse central cast in a Star Wars film to date (I think), I would have had fewer complaints. I still think one of them should have lived, perhaps due to being left behind, but so it goes. What I’m doing here has the feeling of having the bodies scattered all over the stage at the end of Hamlet hop up to explain how they faked their deaths. And I’m good with that. Some of the timing may not work, I haven’t seen the movie in years, but this is an AU and I’m good with that, too.
1666 words.
“The Force is with me. I am one with the Force. The Force is with me. I am one with the ULP!” Chirrut felt the cable wrap around his torso, then was jerked off his feet and sailed through the air. He felt the heat of the blast, burning at the soles of his feet. He barely kept hold of his staff as he landed in a heap. “Are you all right?” It was, of course, Baze’s voice. “The rescue could have been more graceful.” He could hear some blaster fire, and then a short pause. “Is that all you have to say?” “Thank you.” “What about trusting in the Force?” He got to his feet and felt for the cover before saying, “I did. I told you. It’s why I have you.” “We will talk later. Here they come.” Chirrut heard soldiers closing. He swung, knocking the first one to the ground. They were still most likely going to die, he knew. But at least they would die together, and for a cause worth fighting for.
K2 was making calculations, playing out scenarios as he slowly, over the space of agonizing microseconds, shut down. None of them were possible, of course. Fantasizing ways for Cassian to live. One impossible scenario after another. Then, two unexpected things occurred. The first was in the data stream that had just been sent to the rebels. A tiny thing, a second plan by a father desperate to protect his daughter from a supremely unlikely threat. A threat she was about to die from. He didn’t like her, she had caused all this, but he still sent the signal. Maybe it would work, and marginally increased the odds of Cassian’s survival. The second, he had to speed up his perceptions for. More blaster fire even though he was already disabled. One of the Imperials fell next to him. He had to admit it gave him a feeling like pleasure. It was probably due to the damage in his cognitive circuits. He heard them speaking before shutting down completely. “What, the droid, too?” “Those are our orders. It’s mostly intact, but get all the parts you can find back to the ship. And hurry.”
Bodhi couldn’t reach the grenade in time, but he had the ship’s guts exposed in front of him. In desperation, he slapped some of the wiring together, and the thrusters roared to life, tilting the ship, almost flipping it over. The soldier that had thrown the grenade registered with shock that it bounced back out of the ship, just as it exploded. The ship crashed back to the ground hard enough that he knew he was going to bruise from slamming into the floor, but he didn’t think anything was broken. Well, no more broken, anyway. He was sure the blast and the fall had damaged the ship enough to make it unusable, though. He’d known he wasn’t going to make it, but he ran from the ship, keeping his head down as best he could. Surviving was a habit he wasn’t going to break until it was broken for him.
Raddus looked down at the message. They had an unknown benefactor, or so they would have him believe. There was no point in not taking precautions, though. He chose a heading at random and had the flagship brought around. No transmission, no message that might be intercepted and deciphered. The fleet knew what to do without orders. Survival often depended on it. The new calculations were made. He would wait as long as he could, but they were ready for whatever happened next.
They staggered out of the tower. Jyn was almost carrying him, in spite of being exhausted, herself. The metal moon overhead made it all pointless, but she wasn’t going to stop trying, he knew. Was it admirable, or insane? He’d lived his life in a state of desperation, fighting for the barest scraps of hope, even as what he had to do for them slowly destroyed him. He wasn’t going to tell her to do anything else. Soon, the battle station would fire, though. He had no doubt Tarkin would destroy this place to keep his secrets. He thought they wouldn’t have to wait for it as he heard the ship’s engines, waited for the blaster fire to erase them. Then, it spun, and landed in front of them. Jyn saw who was on board. “Gerrera?” “Yes! Get on! We don’t have time!” Just as shocked, Cassian said, “How are you alive?” “I’ve been doing this a long time! Now, get on!” Jyn was saying, as they went up the ramp as quickly as they could, “You ran?” “Of course I ran! And now I’m saving you!” He strapped himself in. “What? Couldn’t you trust me?” “I don’t trust anyone! It’s why I’m still alive!” She couldn’t argue with that, and dragged Cassian aboard. Gerrera made a gesture to the pilot and the ship lifted off. It wouldn’t matter. They were too low. Once that thing fired, it was still over.
“You may fire when ready.” The weapon was powered, though at a mere fraction of its capacity. Hundreds of the crystals would have been drained and need to be replaced. A small price to pay, Tarkin believed. He smiled, the smile of a man who knew the power at his command and enjoyed exercising it. Then, one of his people turned to him and said, “Sir, the weapon won’t fire!” He forced himself to remain calm. “Explain this.” “The computers won’t allow us to finish the sequence! And they are speaking!” Hoping it wasn’t a countdown, he said, “Play it for me.” As the speakers came on, it was just, two sentences, three words each, over and over again. Six words that had disabled the most powerful battle station the galaxy had ever seen. A father’s voice, saying, “Stardust is here. Do not fire.”
Somehow, the small ship had reached the upper atmosphere and the rebel fleet. Jyn looked around the cabin. Counting the soldiers she had convinced to go on this suicide mission. Chirrut smiled at her, a bit weakly. Baze had his arm around him, and scowled at her for their injuries, but still seemed relieved to see her. Bodhi was calling back from the pilot’s chair that they were about to make the jump to light speed. K2 didn’t look good. Hopefully he could be repaired. He’d probably be surprised that she thought that. Cassian was sitting right next to her, looking relieved. There were over a dozen other rebels she hadn’t had the time to learn the names of. She had to make sure she did if they lived through this.
Vader stood on the bridge. The trap had been sprung, and none of the rebel fleet would escape. By now, Tarkin would have destroyed all trace of the project, he was sure. They emerged from hyperspace, only to see the enemy fleet jump away on alternative course, one pre-planned and random. They had been warned. The installation was still intact, not obliterated as he’d expected. There was a signal coming from the planet. It seemed Krennic had also lived. For now. He turned to his troops and ordered, “Send troops to the planet, and to the Death Star. I want Tarkin and Krennic here. Someone must answer for this failure.”
Rogue One had done its part. No one was asked to fight for the Rebellion again. Some did, of course. Chirrut stayed with the Rebellion, helping the youngsters learn the history of the Jedi, so much of which was lost. Baze stayed at his side. What the Force had brought together, nothing would part. Cassian left, though. He had seen and done too much and needed the time to heal. Years later, the fighting over, he returned, and joined the new Senate. Hoping that his experiences would help them to be better than they had been, or than he had been. K2 was repaired and remained with Cassian, though more as an adviser than a bodyguard. Perhaps it was the damage, perhaps he just was well past the time for a memory flush, but he had stopped taking the orders of anyone but himself. Some might call him a “droid rights advocate”. He thought they were stupid. Jyn stayed with the rebels, and rebelled. She did eventually learn all of their names, because as risky as her life was, there was time, now. Bodhi still suffered from the probes and the interrogations, but eventually recovered as best he could. He became one of the best pilots in the Rebellion, running supplies, and, when necessary, fighting. His was one of the few ships to survive the battle over the Death Star, and while he wasn’t the one that fired the fateful shot, he was satisfied to be present as it was destroyed. He took holos to share with his friends. It was a good day.
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This old Coffee Shop I Love so Much | Cassian Andor x Reader (Oneshot)
Setting Prompt: Coffee Shop AU
Words: 1838
Fandom: Rogue One (Star Wars)
Warning: Not much, mostly fluff and mutual pining
Summary: You develop a crush on a regular customer who, unfortunately, works for a man that wants to shut the cafe down. Title inspired by Falling in Love in a Coffee Shop by Landon Pigg
There was a man that frequented the cafe, Rogue One, where you worked alongside your two friends, Jyn and Bodhi. The cafe was owned by the most amazing bosses you could ever have, Chirrut and Baze, who claimed that the sign was supposed to be Rouge One, but the sign maker got it wrong. Chirrut liked the sound of Rogue and kept it. This man, however, seemed to be a close friend to the cafe owners.
The first time you’ve encountered him, he had walked in with wind tousled brown hair and a brown scarf tucked under his chin, a long overcoat covering his figure. He smiled at you, a hint of a dimple on his cheek, and gave you his order. You had to snap your jaw shut and input his order into the system using shaky hands.
“You’re new here,” he said smoothly, his voice making your cheeks heat up.
“Um, yeah, I, uh, started several months ago,” you said, trying to get the stubborn cash register spit out his receipt.
“It’s fine,” he assured you, “are Chirrut and Baze in today?”
“Yes, I think they’re in their office upstairs. Do you want me to-”
“It’s fine,” he said again, taking out the latest smartphone and started to ring someone, “Thank you.”
After that, he would come in once every month, then once every other week, then weekly, then every other day. Jyn, who had worked at Rogue One longer than you, said that it was unlike him to stop by this often.
“Who is he, really?” you asked her.
Jyn’s face scrunched up in distaste. “He works for an asshole called Draven who’s been wanting to shut the cafe down in favor of a more mainstream coffee chain,” she growled.
“But it’s not his fault,” Bodhi piped in, “He’s got his marching orders.”
“He doesn’t have to follow them,” Jyn mumbled under her breath before continuing on with her task.
“He seems nice, though,” Bodhi said optimistically, “Chirrut and Baze would have driven him off if they didn’t like him, and, like Jyn said, it really is odd that he’s here more often. Do you think Draven is close to closing us down?”
“I will start a rebellion before they could take Rogue from us.”
“Enough!” a stern voice called from the kitchen. Bodhi jumped and went back to his sweeping. “Mr. Andor is coming back later today and I don’t want my employees gossiping when he gets here.”
“Sorry, Baze,” the three of you muttered.
Like clockwork, the man, Mr. Andor, came over and gave his usual order. Jyn had you take over for her while she went to get more pastries for the display. You smiled at him and readied his order, doing the usual small talk that the two of you had every time he visited.
“How’s your paper going?” he asked.
You looked up from the Espresso machine with wide eyes. “I didn’t think you’d remember that. Um, it’s coming along,” you said with a shrug. “How’s your new dog, Mr. Andor?”
“Please, call me Cassian, and he’s actually very easy to train but he does have an attitude.”
You hummed. “Maybe you can bring him over the next time you visit,” you suggested.
“I will.” You handed him his drink. “Thank you. You know, you’re the only one that makes it perfect.”
Your cheeks heated at the compliment. “I don’t know about that…”
“It’s true!” Cassian insisted, taking a gulp for emphasis. Your eyebrows shot up, knowing how hot the drink was. He sputtered, turning away and wiped his mouth.
“Um… are you okay?” you asked slowly.
Cassian waved you off and gave a thumbs up. He straightened up when he heard footsteps walking down the stairs. Chirrut walked down steadily, his hand running along the railing.
“Mr. Imwe,” Cassian addressed him, standing at attention like a soldier.
“Please, Cassian, it’s been years. Using my surname implies that you bring grave news,” Chirrut said, “Do you?”
Cassian hesitated, his eyes flickering towards you then back at Chirrut. “May I speak with you and Malbus somewhere private?”
Chirrut exhaled slowly through his nostrils and nodded. As if he heard everything, Baze emerged from the kitchen, setting down a rag and his apron on a counter. Baze nodded over at Cassian then gently guided his husband back upstairs.
You watched as the men went upstairs without sparing a glance towards you, wringing your apron until another customer came in to occupy you. After you dealt with that customer, you saw Bodhi cleaning tables with a deep frown on his face, his lips drawn into a thin line. You could tell that he had seen the interaction and most likely shared your worries.
It had been an hour when they came back downstairs with solemn expressions on all three of their faces. Cassian said his goodbyes to them and walked out of the cafe. You’d be lying to say that you weren’t bothered by Cassian not saying goodbye to you, but with the current mood, your feelings weren’t much of a priority.
Jyn stood next to you by the counter, setting down a tray of freshly baked goods and waited for the news. Even Bodhi stopped his cleaning and made his way over to the two owners.
Baze regarded the three of you and sighed. “Cassian came here to tell us that unless we increase our sales in the next few months, Draven will shut us down and replace us with a coffee chain.”
“What?” Jyn shouted. “He can’t do that! We won’t be able to make that much in such a short amount of time. There must be another way, right?”
“Unless someone else beat Draven to it while also allowing us to keep Rogue One, I don’t see another way.”
“Don’t worry,” Chirrut said calmly, “All is what the force wills it. It will be alright.”
Baze grimaced. “I wish I shared your optimism, no matter how delusional it can get.” Chirrut slapped his shoulder and went to sit in the back office. Baze placed his hands on his hips and turned to the three of you. “We can start thinking of ways to increase sales. Maybe special events, reward systems, anything. Until then, continue as normal. I don’t want any customers knowing what’s behind the scenes.”
“Of course, Baze,” Bodhi said. Jyn looked like she wanted to say something, but nodded instead, going back to the kitchen to busy herself.
“Is Cassian coming back?” you asked quietly as you continued to wring your apron.
Baze gave you a sympathetic smile. “I don’t know.”
Rogue One tried everything from stamp cards, to limited time recipes, holiday specials, and even open mic. Sales were certainly going up, but just shy from the needed threshold that would save the cafe. Cassian hadn’t come back since the day he gave the news and your friends knew that you were saddened about the turn of events. You knew it was foolish to have a crush on someone you only saw in the cafe, so you tried to turn your focus on work and school.
You finished your shift and stayed at Rogue One to study, taking up a table in the corner with your laptop open and your books open. Jyn plopped down on the seat next to you and shoved a newspaper on top of your notebook. You grimaced at her, trying to push the newspaper away.
“No, look,” she insisted, pointing at the headline.
It was a couple, Leia Organa and Han Solo, that ran a business together called “Rebel Republic” that went around helping indie businesses by investing and giving them financial support. They had saved several indie bookstores and comic book stores as well as mom-and-pop stores around the cities.
“We could get them to help us,” you agreed. “But how?”
“Hm, maybe we could-”
The door chimed, signalling another customer. Jyn immediately stood out of habit, readying to go into customer service mode. She frowned when she saw who it was.
“Didn’t know you’d show up,” Jyn remarked.
You looked away from the newspaper towards the newcomer. “Cassian?” His name escaped your lips.
He smiled sheepishly and nodded. He looked good, more like a businessman. Unlike his previous casual but still professional attire, he wore a suit that fitted him quite nicely, his brown haired slightly combed.
“I’ve, uh, brought some friends over who I know you’d want to meet,” Cassian said, gesturing to the door.
A small woman with neatly braided brown hair and a tall rough looking man with a roguish style brown hair walked through the door. The woman smiled at the homely atmosphere and turned to Cassian.
“You were right, Cassian, this place is quite cosy,” she said.
Jyn’s eyes widened, looking at the couple, then down at the newspaper. “You’re, you’re, oh my god. You’re Leia Organa and Han Solo!” Jyn said.
Leia smiled at her. “Cassian has been telling us about this lovely coffee shop that he’d frequented. When we heard that Draven was planning to get rid of it, we had to step in, so we got Cassian to show us the place.”
“For me, it’s more to spite Draven,” Han said, then flinched at the slap Leia landed on his arm.
“Why are you helping us?” Jyn asked Cassian, hands on her hips.
“I quite Draven’s company and went to work for Leia and Han,” he said, “I’m sorry for the way I’ve left things the last time I was here, but I want to make it up to you guys.”
“Thank you,” you told Cassian. He smiled, the familiar dimple smile that you can’t help admitting that you loved and missed so much.
“I’ll go get Chirrut and Baze,” Jyn said, “Sit anywhere you like.”
Leia looked between the two of you and smirked, dragging Han away to the other side of the cafe to give you privacy. Cassian shyly gestured to the seat next to you, which you pulled out for him. He sat down slowly, as if giving you time to change your mind.
“I’m not mad at you,” you said, seeing him visibly relax at your words.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t speak to you before I left the last time I was here. I wasn’t sure you’d wanted to speak to me after knowing what was going on. I’ve worked under Draven for a long time. I was good at what I did and I couldn’t see myself doing anything else. Why would I when it paid well? The guilt selling small business away was something I thought I had to get used to, something I had to numb myself with, but I was wrong. Chirrut and Baze were very kind to me and saw right through me. When I went to see Leia and Han about Rogue One, they saw my potential and I was finally able to leave Draven’s company.”
“I’m glad that you’re back,” you said, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.
“Me, too.”
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sassysnowperson · 4 years
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Total Words Posted 2019: 263,964!
Total Works: 30 works in 7 fandoms with 30 different relationships (counting Gen pairs - also, it was not, in fact, a pairing per fic, but a couple repeats, and a multi-pairing fic).
As compared to last years: 269,752 words, 64 works, 3 fandoms, 40 different pairings.
Compare/Contrast between this year and the last: Roughly the same wordcount! Again! I've been pretty consistent these last three years. I wrote fewer, longer works, but remained very open in terms of pairing. We're growing the fandoms, but Star Wars definitely wins still (though, breaking it up by TYPE of Star Wars, I diversified this year - learning to write more broadly across the canon! Star wars is about 12 fandoms in a trench coat, after all). 
Major thing(s) I learned this year: Narrative courage, I think might be the best way to sum it up. I feel like I've taken more chances than I have in past years - I've learned how to write different characters and different settings than I've written before. 
I feel the need to shout out Arrivals, Connections, Departures here. It's my WIP longfic that I started this year. It's already nearly 50k, and it's nowhere near done. This story is going to be LONG, and honestly, it's intimidating for me! There are so many things I want to write, and a fic like this requires commitment. I think it's a story worth telling, through, and I'm enjoying sharing it with folks. But I'm learning how to pace myself when I'm not writing fic all in a rush, breaking it up with breaks for smaller fics. Trying to find the balance between loving my WIP and getting to chase creative spark. 
I also got way more involved in exchanges, the gift-swap is fun, as is a chance to write something I've never written before. 
How I did on my Goals for Last Year: One of my goals was to go back to my ongoing series and I...did not. I had a sort-of idea for how Bodhi Lives would roll out going forward, and I feel like I've grown enough as a writer that I'm not satisfied with my tentative outline anymore. I'm not sure what the solution to it is - I still love the universe, and I'm not ready to close the book on it yet, but at the same time, I'm not sure how to move forward. Will require thought. 
HOWEVER, my other goal was to get Arrivals, Departures, Connections started, and I did! We've got the ball rolling!
I also had the goal to write more gift fic, interspersed with my giant fic, and I did that too! I think probably about two-thirds of my fic output this year was written as a gift for someone else.
Goals for the Coming Year: I think I want to set the goal of finishing my massive WIP in 2020. At least the draft - hopefully getting it posted, too. 
I also want to close some of the "open tabs" I have in my fic writing brain. Off the top of my head, that's the Bodhi Lives conundrum I talked about earlier, my Bodhi/Cassian series (am I ever actually going to write them having sex? It's a mystery), my K-2SO narrates wildlife fic, and I've got a bunch of prompts sitting in my tumblr inbox. Next year, I'd like to either decide that I'm not going to write them, or start sitting down and getting them out into the world. 
I'd also like to read and comment more - I've been a good writer this year, but a bad fan community member. I think it might be fun to do fic read-a-thons together, or something like that. 
Under the readmore is a round-up of the fics I wrote in 2019. I'm going to group them by fandom, sub-fandom for Star Wars and Marvel, and then by date posted. 
If you’ve been reading my work, talk to me!
What’s been a favorite story? Most unexpected? What was the first thing of mine you read? What are you hoping I’ll write more of in 2020?
Note: Titles below are links to the works.
Star Wars 
Rogue One
Critical Flaws - (Galen Erso/Lyra Erso/Bodhi Rook) (50458 words, 21,847 posted this year) - Galen, Lyra, and Bodhi form complicated plots for how to kill the Death Star, and also have to figure out why they are to each other, now that Galen has reunited with Lyra. (A continuation of the Lyra Lives series, where Lyra decides to go with Jyn instead.
Entirely Useless - (Cassian Andor/Leia Organa) (1780 words) - Cassian and Leia make time for something entirely useless.
Suboptimal Shape and Texture - (Cassian Andor/K-2SO)(100 words) - A moment of quiet.
Instinct and a Winning Smile - (Davits Draven/Antoc Merrick/Mon Mothma) (5208 words) - Antoc Merrick never wanted to be in the middle of Mon Mothma's fling with her spymaster. But that's exactly where his substandard sabaac face has landed him.
Poet with a Problem - (Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso/Bodhi Rook) (2774 words) - University Professor AU, where Professor Rook should really know better than to get a crush on both his best friend, and his best friend’s nemesis.
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Trade - (Obi-Wan Kenobi/Owen Lars/Beru Whitesun) (5839 words) - When one-and-a-half year old Luke’s Force powers start acting up, Owen and Beru reach out to the man that brought him in the first place.
Flustered - (Padme Amidala/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker) (5500 words) - Padme Amidala has a horrible crush and her husband is not helping.
Knight Amidala - (Padme Amidala/Obi-Wan Kenobi) (18865 words) - At the end of RotS Anakin dies, Padme wakes up with all his power, and the galaxy changes. 
Star Wars Original Trilogy
Obvious and Intractable - (Dak Raltar/Luke Skywalker) (13717 words) - Considering all the problems in Wedge's life, it's impressive that the issue of Luke Skywalker's gunner even shows up on his radar. But Dak Raltar's obvious and intractable crush on his commanding officer is a problem, and it's growing more complicated by the second.
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Keep Coming Back - (Star Wars Sequel Trilogy) (5515 words) - Han finds Rey on Jakku. She’s not ready to leave, so Han keeps coming back.
Insult and Intimacy - (Lando Calrissian/Poe Dameron) (9365 words) - A Regency AU in Space featuring Titles and Genteel Understatement and Suitible Matches, as well as some scandal and a bit of kidnapping.
What I Wanted to Tell You - (Finn/Rey) (557 words) - What was it that Finn wanted to tell Rey?
An Awful Legacy - (Rey’s Mother/Rey’s Father) (879 words) - Rey’s mom reacts to...certain revelations.
Scorch Marks  - (Wedge Antilles/Luke Skywalker) (910 words) - Wedge leaves the new generation to their celebrations, and considers an old familier X-Wing.
Calrissian Sass - (Lando & Jannah) (1181 words) - Lando loves showing Jannah all the things she missed out on, growing up.
Just My Type - (Zorii Bliss/Rey) (1058 words) - Rey is really interested in Zorii’s relationship with Poe, and Zorii has no idea why.        
Star Wars Legends
Truce - (Wedge Antilles/Mara Jade/Luke Skywalker) (15038 words) - Wedge and Mara don’t like each other and they don’t trust each other, but they’re both willing to do what’s needed to save Luke.
Star Wars Intra-Universe Crossover
Sharpened - (Rogue One/Solo) (Jyn Erso/Qi’ra) (17490 words) - Jyn’s found the score that will let her stop running. Unfortunately Qi’ra of the Crimson Dawn stands between her and her target. Podfic Available.
Whatever You Want - (Sequel Trilogy/Rebels) (Rey/Ahsoka) (6782 words) - Ahsoka slept for forty years, and Rey wakes her up.
New Lands for the Living - (Original Trilogy, Sequel Trilogy) (Poe Dameron/Luke Skywalker) (50241 words) - Time-travel fix-it AU where Poe Dameron winds up on Tatooine before the Original Trilogy, winds up married to Luke Skywalker, and is desperate to fix things.
Hoping It's Mutual - (Rogue One/Sequel Trilogy) (3247 words) - Bodhi Rook and Poe Dameron have eighteen hours together before they take on a stupid, risky mission that could lead to both their deaths. They make the most of the time.
Eight at the Most - (Original Trilogy/Rogue One) (Luke Skywalker/K-2SO) (8332 words) - K-2SO has questions he wants answered and no concept of social niceties. Luke Skywalker, honestly, finds this a refreshing change from gentle respect everyone treats him with these days.
Arrivals, Departures, Connections - (Sequel Trilogy/Original Trilogy/Rogue One) (Wedge Antilles/Bodhi Rook, Luke Skywalker/Poe Dameron) (WIP - 46,751 words written in 2019) - A sprawling, story of loss and love, friendship and romance, and all the messy ways those things collide.
Star Wars Extra-Universe Crossover
The Face Underneath - (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine/Rogue One) (Cassian Andor/Elim Garak) (300 words) - Injured and alone, Cassian finds a familiar face in a very unfamiliar environment.
Remixed: 100th Fic Fest - (K-2SO & Bodhi Rook, Cassian Andor/Bodhi Rook, Bodhi Rook/Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles/Bodhi Rook, Poe Dameron/Bodhi Rook) (500 words) - A what-if drabble series in my existing universes, along with end notes - much longer than the drabbles, amusingly - musing about these AUs 
Captain Marvel
Galactic Response Time - (Carol Danvers & Nick Fury) (5130 words) - All the OTHER times Nick paged Carol.
The Avengers
Return Policy - (Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers) (8888 words) - A missing scene fix-it that shows how exactly Steve returns the Infinity Stones.
Good Omens
 Life's Little Pleasures - (Crowley/Aziraphale) (1758 words) - A statue in Crowley's apartment sparks an unexpected discussion.   
Russian Doll
The Messed Up Motherfuckers Afterlife Movie Club - (Nadia Vulvokov & Alan Zaveri) (2991 words) - After everything, Nadia and Alan watch a movie.
Sailor Moon
Destiny and Property Destruction - (1055 words) - Instead of getting Moon Powers, Usagi gets a giant mecha.
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silentwaters4 · 6 years
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For anon...enjoy!
You ducked behind some scrap as more bucket-heads ran from the shelter of the main building. Your little area was in between them and the open ship you had landed in. Bodhi. You best friend, and admittedly your crush, was still in the ship ready for the get away; you had to protect him.
Taking in a deep breath, you popped back up and starting shooting as much as you could. Several of them fell in quick succession. It had become complete hell down here and you could only hope Jyn and Cassian were making progress.
When that group was down, you hustled over to the open hull. The clang of your body against the metal caused the pilot to jolt. You sent him a smirk as he stared at you with wide eyes.
“What the hell? You’re supposed to be with Chirrut!” “Ah, he’s got Baze. They’ll be fine,” you paused to start shooting at another troop. “Besides, someone’s gotta guard your sorry ass.” Bodhi let out a chuckle. “Yeah, thanks for the worry.”
You refocused on the people shooting at you. You watched as comrades died, but you forced yourself to keep going. One with yellow gear caught your eye. They were running toward you, toward Bodhi as he called for help, holding a small container. Your eyes widened.
“Oh hell no.”
With quick succession, you shot their chest, then their hand, and then the flying device. Momentarily, you ducked from the large flaming blast that resulted from it.
Hopping into the ship, you fell to one knee while continuing to shoot. Unbeknownst to you, Bodhi was staring with a gaping jaw. You just saved his life.
“Any chance you can hurry it up, Bo?” you shouted at him.
He refocused.
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A loud cheer erupted within the ship as the remaining watched Scarif explode. Somehow your little group of misfits had survived and managed to fly away. Though the loss was heavy, in the moment, everyone only felt relief.
Having turned autopilot on, Bodhi had walked over toward you. He gripped your wrist before kissing your hand.
“Thank you,” he murmured, “for saving my life.”
Blushing, you threw your arms around him and gave him a desperate kiss. Out of surprise, he didn’t respond. He did keep his hold on you. When you pulled back, his gaze was glossed over as he smiled.
“That was...” “Unexpected,” you offered. “Amazing,” he finished.
Grinning like an idiot, you ducked your head into his shoulder. He held the embrace, kissing the top of your head. There was loss, but he still had you.
Perma-tags: @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @heeyeonni @caitsymichelle13 @frostbyte-horan @littlestfangirl @bestillmystuckyheart @anali-022506 @krylo-rxn @yllwtaxi @ilovetvshowsblog @mimikyu-of-death @spider-woman22 Semi-tags: @bi-shy-and-ready-to-die @michaelathewordsmith
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onthesandsofdreams · 3 years
Working Vacations
Fandom: Rogue One Pairing: Cassian x Jyn, Cassian & Bodhi Rating: G Summary: “You going somewhere?” She asked as she perched on a corner of his bed. They had been friends for a long time now, and they both had keys of each other’s apartments. Cassian stopped, turning towards her, he nodded. “Yes, got hired for a high fashion photoshoot in Greece.” Words: 651 Notes: Written for Fictober-Event, day 31
Read @ AO3
Jyn found Cassian packing his bags.
“You going somewhere?” She asked as she perched on a corner of his bed. They had been friends for a long time now, and they both had keys of each other’s apartments.
Cassian stopped, turning towards her, he nodded. “Yes, got hired for a high fashion photoshoot in Greece.”
“Wow, sounds fun.” Cassian was a talented photographer, so it was not a surprise that now even fashion houses were calling now. He somehow always managed to capture the right moment and his photography was recognized worldwide, to the point that he could allow himself to be picky when work called.
Not that Cassian was picky, he liked his work and traveling, so he accepted most of it. It really had to be what he thought a bad idea for him to reject it.
“Yeah, I’m getting a mini vacation out of it.” Cassian said. “The shoot is only for two days, and I decided to stay there for a week extra, you know to relax and whatnot.”
“Now that is a good idea, you’re always working.”
It was true, Cassian was a bit of a workaholic. If he wasn’t working, by his own admittance, he grew restless and a restless Cassian was a somewhat annoying Cassian. So, he worked. The fact that his work range was so varied was something that worked in his favor. He had not been pigeonholed into one type of work only.
“Yeah, I need a break. Greece sounded good.”
She hesitated, she was never the one who wanted to be annoying, but… “Take me with you?”
Cassian blinked, “You want to come?”
“I’ll pay for my own things, of course. But yes, I need a vacation and since I’m currently not working, it should work out well, if you let me come, of course.”
Cassian’s lips curled upwards, “Then, I’d recommend you go home and book yourself a ticket and room, I’m staying in the Arion Athens hotel, you should be able to get a room. It’s the off season, I’m told, I had my pick of rooms.”
She jumped out of the bed, “Excellent! Then, I’ll go home, get my stuff ready and… when do we leave?”
“Saturday, that should allow you get your ticket. Even if we don’t sit next to each other.”
“Shame, but we’ll have fun after we land and you’re done with your work!”
It would be a good thing, she thought, to have some time off. He work search wasn’t going great, so she really would welcome the small vacation, thankfully, she had the founds for it. Something her mother had installed in her, was the sense of savings. And she always had a vacation savings account beyond her retirement found, and her emergency savings.
“Yeah, I’ll welcome the company for this trip.” Cassian smiled at her. “It should be fun not to be alone while exploring the city.”
“A shame we won’t be able to see the Isles, but maybe we’ll get to that later.”
Cassian laughed, “Already planning our next vacation?”
“Yeah! Let’s start traveling together and see the world, Cass.”
“Okay, okay, sounds like a plan.” Cassian nodded. “But you really need to go and get your ticket and hotel room.”
“Going right now!” She kissed his cheek goodbye and made her way home. Once she got everything she needed, she began to pack. She and Cassian would have fun!
‘She’s coming to Greece with me’
‘Good. Make your move man, you’re pinning.’
‘Shut up, Bodhi.’
‘This is your chance, don’t ruin it.’
Cassian stared at the message, perhaps Bodhi was right, he really should ask Jyn out. And sure, Greece sounded like a good place to do so. He only hope his crush was returned. ‘Fine, I will.’
‘Hell yeah! Good luck man.’
And now, he had to plan how to do it well and not scare Jyn away.
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