#breathe air guys
stuckinapril · 5 months
friend wanted to see my tumblr, and when i told him i can’t show it to him bc it’s basically my personal diary he went “oh so I can’t see it but a bunch of strangers on tumblr can??” he literally does not get me. no one will get me like the people in my phone get me
#It’s just so different#even though it’s public it still feels secret and safe. i feel comfy sharing a lot more on here than I do in my actual day to day life lol#in my head I’m also just speaking to myself 90% of the time which helps#if a friend off tumblr saw my thoughts I’d feel so weird ab it#esp bc they might get the vagueposting about certain situations and tell mutual friends#no thank u. this is for me. I’m not about to start censoring my thoughts bc someone I know knows my tumblr#u guys literally saw me have LIVE BREAKDOWNS#meanwhile I’ll have the worst fucking day in history and tell no one about it. I’m already cripplingly private but way more so in real life#this is basically a low stress journaling outlet for me. it’s so important for me to maintain the separation#like this is actually my diary & has been so handy for letting out emotions / articulating thoughts / staying on track !!#& I’ve met so many kind people on here who actually get me. which is so hard to find irl bc I’m surrounded by pre-med gunners/overachievers#who are by standard not very good w emotion & can be competitive/judgmental. or at least it’s hard for me to be vulnerable in front of them#and I’m part of that crowd so I reserve my emotions only to a handful of very close friends#it’s nice to hop on here and express negative emotions!! or positive emotions!! just whatever I want and it’s low stress and people get me#I don’t have to worry about judgment or competitiveness etc etc#like everyone on here is so kind & nice & understanding. & just a breath of fresh air from the types I run w. it’s just nice to have this#so idk that’s why I think I’ll always be strict about keeping the worlds separate. it just works#p
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kisscara · 1 year
they’re trying to speed run life!!!
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ectoplasmer · 8 months
need to kiss him until we’re both silly and delirious and giggling, until we’re both grabbing at each other’s shoulders and sides and arms, until we’re both half hazardously stumbling our way backwards onto the couch in a heap of laughter just so we can be as close as possible and we’re clumsily bumping foreheads and noses. need to kiss him until he can’t stop smiling and until we’re both stupidly lovestruck and just clinging to each other
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clannfearrunt · 4 days
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I've been thinking about terrestrial sea slugs (lmao) again which obviously means I draw my splatsona. They get their own last name now
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through their powers they can carry on my legacy of wearing ski jackets in May
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rileyclaw · 2 years
see you in our memories, little rascal!
animated tribute
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shannonallaround · 1 year
ok but can we talk about Sonic's characterization in Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog for a minute?
Spoilers ahead
Sonic only appears in about a third of the Murder of Sonic game, but his characterization in there is one of my FAVORITE characterizations that I've seen in him in years. Yes, even slightly beating Frontiers (and I adore Frontiers, just for the record). Sonic here embodies all the things I love most in him. It's amazing. Here's a list of why he's great
He is unassuming.
From the very beginning of this game, Sonic is so humble. Like, actually humble.
When the conductor speaks with him and thanks him genuinely for fighting against Eggman, Sonic doesn't make a snarky face and be like "all in a day's work!" or something humble-braggy like that (which frankly is something I feel he would do in the comics). Instead, Sonic is surprised and genuinely expresses how it's no big deal and that he's just glad the conductor and his family are safe.
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Sonic is just a guy who loves adventure. He's not trying to get attention or impress anybody—he's just happy people are safe and well. I love how that is shown here. He doesn't need to tell people how selfless and kind and good he is, he just is. Sonic doesn't need or want to tell people what he stands for. He doesn't care what others think. He doesn't think about his identity constantly; he just is. (In my opinion, people who feel the need to constantly tell you what their character is like rarely actually have the traits they describe. If they actually are those things, it will come out naturally in their speech and actions.) In this game, Sonic simply is. What is this, late 2000s Sonic?? It's amazing.
2. He is encouraging in a private way.
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One of the biggest reasons Sonic felt off to me in Forces (even though I have a soft spot for that game) is because there, he constantly spouts off in a very public way stuff about friendship and not letting fear own you and how 'we can do anything if we stick together', etc. Sonic does believe all of those things, and he is definitely optimistic, but it's largely internal. It's instinctive. Sonic loves to encourage people around him, but he does it on an individual, one-on-one basis. He does this with Shahra in Secret Rings, with Merlina in Black Knight, regularly with Tails, and here with the main character when they get concerned about how they weren't assertive enough when they first felt Sonic was in danger.
Sonic doesn't just brush off the main character's concern either. He addresses and recognizes it for what it is, empathizing with them and helping them feel understood. Only after that does he recommend a way forward in his wonderful Sonic way, which encourages the main character and helps them find strength. It's so natural and it's awesome!
3. Sonic is selfless, also in an unassuming way.
When Sonic starts coming to, after briefly confirming Espio hit him with the dart (since Tails asked), Sonic instantly focuses on the safety of his friends.
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He hasn't fully recovered yet at all and he IMMEDIATELY focuses on protecting his friends and it's AWESOME. He can't even fully speak at this point and just ajsahdfjadsjlajf. This aspect of Sonic is much more consistently done in the games and was beautifully done in Frontiers, so it's not nearly as big a deal here but I am still so happy about the consistency.
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Need I say more? :)
This game was released as a joke, and yet it was incredible??? EVERYONE was so well characterized in this! I'm gonna be thinking about this game for a very long time.
If any of the creators see this, thank you so so SO much for making this game awesome! :D
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8um8le · 1 month
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Comet clothes
So the old lady who owns a restaurant and befriended Comet will be named “Mrs. Li” :-))
But yeah the staff of the restaurant are actually nice to comet, they took a liking to his awkward but adorable demeanour
(Though not everyone in the city is like that, especially if they see a robo in a job a human usually does, but the staff will just kick them out if they see this happening :P)
Also thought it would be cute if comet learned a Chinese language (like mandarin) so he can talk to the regulars easily
I like writing for comet, he’s so tame compared to literally the rest of the main cast <;-DD
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whump-kia · 1 year
leader whumpees going through hell and high water to keep their team safe. taking every hit, throwing every punch, pushing themselves to the absolute limit. and when the fight is over and their body's under so much stress, they take that deep, agonizing, shuddering breath, muscles twitching with the effort to relax--and finally, the pain takes over, and they slump from the exhaustion and let their team catch them.
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kuni-kuun · 21 days
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noraviolence · 10 months
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its incredible how rare it is that a character in yuri will straight up be like "yeah her being a girl is a big part of why im attracted to her and i wouldnt like her if she was a guy." like yeah unambiguous lesbians lets go!!
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saytrrose · 3 months
I can see you being cancelled in the future for being a dick
I have a genuine question do other people get this much hate like on the daily as me cmon 😭
Go off anon pussy 😝
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morkanslily · 9 months
(I.) In the End You are a Shell, and Nothing More.
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summary: Two little dolls who lack a heart. While the first believed it was only he out of you two who lacked it in the metaphorical and literal sense, he came to learn that so too, did you.
notes: puppet!reader & scaramouche, where reader dies. In this, the Balladeer harbinger rank actually has two lords, with Scaramouche facing as its face, and you being considered in equal ownership of the role. Basically 2 lords in one
He truly did love you.
And oh, how he wished he didn’t.
Prior to this disaster, the herald of indignation was performing his required duties as harbinger. Tasks that were nothing more than mere inconveniences that only served to pull you further away from his grip. Excruciatingly long visits to lands beyond Snezhnaya, such as the country of Freedom and that of Contracts. And even then, these nations felt just as bitterly empty and cold as the former was without your presence. It anguished him to no end, how he agonizingly longed for you by his side. Not only because he yearned to see the way how your lips would curve humorously when your eyes caught his, but also how he found such desires childish—and maybe even embarrassing to an extent. He was a poet of ire, and you, his beloved, were his muse of recourse. After all, he is The Balladeer, is he not? In his long and miserable existence, he had sought solace amongst humans when the gods had forsaken him. But for every time he chose to, it would come back to bite him. What did he even expect, being so naive? Offering your hand to vicious and cruel beasts will only leave you without it.
 Nevertheless, you are an exception it seems. Exceptions… Ah, quite a rare occurrence indeed. For gods see no worth in him and neither does he sing their praises, and humans are too far beneath him to matter. In this perpetual purgatory of living, never once had he expected to come across you. You, yes, you, bear the same mark of mechanical existence as he. Destined to live an outlier amidst gods and men, you are the only being blessed with sentience who he deems his equal—his other half.
It always mystified Scaramouche how even the knowledge alone that you are indeed of his kind brought him reassurance for the eternity he had yet to spend with you. He would never admit it of course, but deep within the confines of his soul, he is elated to bask in your familiar presence and his thoughts of you. Just as a sunflower(despite him being the farthest man possible from said plant)will always bend towards the sun for dear life. To know that there is someone in this world whose touch is as cold and devoid of warmth as his, sends him into repose--where for just a brief moment, he is allowed to forget the veil of his burdens that trail behind. If the people of this world have turned their backs on him, at the very least, he has you.
And even then, you…
“God, why me…” the Fatuus underling muttered under his breath.
He tried, oh how he tried his best to not tremble as he treaded anxiously towards his superior. Genuflecting, it took all of his willpower and dried up hopes to not mistakenly stumble and humiliate himself. He would much rather endure the violent winter of his homeland than have to accomplish this task. But can you blame him, really? Nobody, and no one has ever wanted to face the ordeal that is Lord Scaramouche. Especially not this guy, with the message he was ordered to deliver. He couldn’t shake off the memory of those sympathetic looks and shaking heads behind him as he departed. Practically everyone agreed that this mission bestowed unto him was a death sentence. And what was that mission, exactly?
The harbinger donned a scornful look of malevolence as his impatient eyes scrutinized the poor fellow. His head was raised, perhaps to further incise the fact that he was echelons above. The subordinate knelt before him, preparing to deliver the news. The messenger shrank under his senior’s watch, with an unshakeable spine-chilling cold running through him. Though he dared not to gaze back, he felt the crushing weight of irritation scanning him, unpredictable and utterly terrifying. He shuddered to think that if he just so happened to breath, this behemoth of inhumanity could erase him from existence with a snap of a finger.
“Speak.” The Balladeer demanded, narrowing his eyes in anticipation. 
“Yes, my lord.” the subordinate replied. He cleared his throat, and carried on. “Er, one of our m-main base camps in Snezhnaya—specifically one that you direct has… formally requested for your immediate return. They ask that y-you may personally provide assistance."
“...And what for?” the harbinger scoffed. “Are the fools that I specifically assigned to do their own jobs that worthless?” he crossed his arms, clearly exasperated by such an outrageous demand. “Hmph, the audacity to bother me with such menial affairs. I almost feel insulted by their ineffectiveness alone.” The lord fell silent for a moment, which sent the subordinate into panic. What more did his superior want? Was he contemplating, or purposely engraving anxiety onto his soul to taunt him? He cringed, awaiting what would entail from this deathly silence.
The Balladeer turned his back on him, striding ahead, then coming to a halt. All that was left was a silhouette cloaked by darkness in the dead of night, as his diaphanous veil served to shadow his figure further. All the minion could see was the giant kanji on its back, echoing the words in his mind. 悪. Evil.
What a savage man he is, the underling thought. His future would be on the line, very soon. If he wanted to live, he would need to successfully get ahold of his own strings in this puppet show of life and death—and choose his next words wisely. As the sixth slightly turned his head, his veil followed, swaying in the breeze, slow and elegant such as the pirouette of a ballerina. Above all else, the most accurate way one may describe him would be an angel of death. Sent straight from the thunders of heaven, to forever damn and blight Teyvat. The subordinate gulped, and braced himself for the punishment to come.
“You aren’t stupid enough to have traveled all this way to waste my time, are you?"
“No sir. Actually, the camp that called for your backup was ravaged and left in ruin by a currently unidentified criminal. Most of the survivors were successfully evacuated, but the location remains unsafe.” He held his breath. “I’m afraid that… the 'other half’, was last seen there, and went missing.“
Silence, again. The Balladeer turned to face him, the wind coming to a startling halt. In that very moment, the world felt as though it was in stasis. Stasis that hid the imploding pressure underneath the surface.
“What did you just say?”
“The situation is urgent. So far we have not been able to find the ‘other’ Lord Balladeer, due to complications. I will elaborate further, but as of now I advise that you may depart as soon as possible.” the Fatuus finished. The overlord lowered his head, his wide brimmed hat concealing his expression.
“Hmph. Is that so?
“Uh...yes my lord?"
“Oh, but when did you have the authority,” he raised his head, revealing a wry expression. “...to make demands of me as well?” he sneered, looking back at the subordinate.
“No, I..."
A bolt of lightning immediately vaporized the ground nearby, almost missing him. The impact left a painful singe on his side, with parts of his garments chipped and burnt off. He clutched his side in pain, fully collapsing to his knees. His ears rang painfully, and his vision blurred as he coughed on the ground. Fire bloomed in the grass, the embers alive and sizzling. Lord Scaramouche’s finger was still smoking, an expression of pure wrath plastered upon his face. His eyes wide, crackled and seethed with anger. Even the wind picked up, furiously blowing at his hair and garments.
“You humans are always so dreadfully annoying.” He muttered, gritting his teeth whilst smoke seeped between. His words were lacquered with acrimony. The harbinger strode forth with celerity, trampling weeds in his wake. “Useless.” he rubbed his hands together to stop the smoke. “Inefficient.” He shook his head. “Ugly, worthless specks of dust.” In his eyes, humans were no more than unsightly weeds that spread too fast and too far in the garden to be plucked. The only situation? To burn it all together. He looked down on the recuperating man, and grabbed him by the collar. “You vile vermin fail to do the one thing you are asked, and still have the impertinence to come back crawling to me for help? Tsk, how amusing.” When the Balladeer raised his other hand to strike once more, the pest scrambled to make his final move.
“ W-wait, my lord-"
Only then did the subordinate truly learn, that sinners never gain redemption in the eyes of gods and angels alike.
@mhiieee @rainxiaower ⭐️
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moonssugar · 1 year
underrated raven cycle relationship is blue and maura. ‘Then she lay down behind Blue, mother and daughter like spoons in a drawer’ do you know how much i love this. do you know how much. and “you could at least say sorry…pretend like I have some power over you.” and maura talking with calla and persephone about being angry at blue instead of just immediately reacting, blue telling maura if she grounds her she’ll just sneak out the window with a bedsheet rope. theyre just so openly honest with each other like ‘at least blue could still be certain that her mother would never lie to her’ who is doing it like them
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allyouneediskilly · 1 year
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The jojo posing? The Michael Jackson moves mid-fight? Beating the shit out of a conservative and getting suspended? Trans gf? This mf is suddenly one of my favourite characters in the series
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simmingonthelow · 5 months
Happy Simblr Gratitude day!
I don't wanna say much cause I talk too much 🫠!
You guys are soooo extraordinary on this site, and I live for it!
I wanna thank all you wonderful people for being so amazing and soo creative making the few years I've been on this side of tumblr amazing!
I wanna make this a thank you to @cinamun , @coatedinhoney , @crsentfairy , @moonfromearth, @m0ckest , @bibliosims , @latte-trait , @lilypixels , @nightlifeseries , @wileyfern , @duskbats , @adrasteamoon , @clumsyalienn , @void-imp , @shittyysimblr , @blackskorpi0n, @aniraklova, @gunthermunch, @thegrimalldis, @emzchaos , @citylighten, @pralinesims, @xldkx, @uiakodoesstuff, @liliumsims, @zynoox, @simarcana, @ezra-trait and everyone else I forgot to mention (I'll keep adding as I remember....I hope)
Thank you all for making this simblr experience something so special to me!
🥺♥️❤️‍🔥 I love you All!
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 2 months
im also floridian. this weather is too suspicious its not meant to be winter weather in march! summer will kill us all
It’s starting to heat up. But then it’s going down again?
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LOWS IN THE 60S AT THIS TIME OF YEAR IN THIS PART OF THE WORLD..? That ain’t right. No. It can’t be. No way.
It’s going to be a constant 102* in June-September because nice things aren’t allowed here and we must suffer. We’re supposed to get our designated 2 weeks of nice weather randomly in dec-feb and THATS IT. We have been too greedy. The end is coming.
*for non swamp dwellers, the actual temp stays between 80-95 mostly, but humidity makes it feel like you’re being steamed alive. Which is fun! (government mandated propaganda)
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