#brianna wu
odinsblog · 3 days
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Brianna is making themselves out to be a victim of “Trans Twitter”? Lmao, that is such a reliable canard. Trans twitter, that all powerful group that controls everything, is coming after poor Brianna—who remember, didn’t do anything wrong except back up a trans/homophobic racist by calling a Black woman a man 🙄
Hoo boy 😮‍💨
Brianna Wu has officially gone the route of Caitlyn Jenner
As if Brittney Griner didn’t go through enough hell as a fucking Russian prisoner, Brianna Wu had to get that “pick me, I’m different but still terfy” dig in, to make clear whose side they’re on
BTW, the phrase everyone seems to be missing in that twitter thread is “racialized misogyny” … that’s the reason a lot of white Starbucks feminists train their fire on Black women so much. Remember how Lena Wilson tried to go after Amandla Stenberg? Same thing: “queer” white women going after Black women for clout points—and the second they get called out on their bullshit, they fall back on playing the victim of an “innocent” misunderstanding. They tried to throw a Black person under the white feminism bus to grow their own status. And they absolutely know what they are doing, and you better believe that if their dig was more well received, there wouldn’t have been any apology afterwards (half assed as it was)
And that’s all without me even getting into the fact that Brianna was tweeting from a notorious conservative racist transphobe, Lauren Chen
Anyway, remember: if you scratch a TERF, a racist bleeds
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macleod · 8 months
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Elon Musk secretly ordered SpaceX engineers to switch off the Starlink satellite communications network near the coast of occupied Crimea in order to thwart a Ukrainian surprise attack on Russia’s naval fleet, according to a report.
Source: The Daily Beast via CNN - September 7th 2023
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Source: Brianna Wu @\briannawu@\mstdn.social
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itisiives · 2 months
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gamer2002 · 1 month
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mysharona1987 · 22 days
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
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I don't normally take joy in the suffering of others...
But Dobson being heartbroken that his Feminist Waifu disagreed with him is seriously some of the funniest shit I've seen in a while.
It was very funny that the one time he got her to actually “notice me Sempai”, it was when he dared to disagree with her, yeah.
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partisan-by-default · 8 months
There’s a huge schism growing on the left I’ve struggled to understand.
And, I think I’ve figured out how to put words to it, please tell me if this rings true to you.
There are Policy Leftists and Infinite Leftists.
I am a Policy Leftist. There are specific policies I want with a beginning and end. I can argue them from a rational basis without calling you names if you disagree. Single payer healthcare. Lowering housing costs. Civil rights for LGBT people.
It brings me into conflict with Infinite Leftists. They see all these issues in terms of a purity test that spirals into infinity.
You start with one issue, and you ride it leftwards. If you ever stop, you are a moral monster.
♾️ Single payer healthcare should be universal health care. Actually, that’s capitalism so nationalize it. Actually, medical establishment discriminates against trans people so informed consent for all medication. Actually, why take hormones at all, gender itself… ♾️
It’s not that those policy goals the problem. It’s that all these arguments are so moralistic, Policy Leftists like myself can’t ever have a moment to go, “Hold on, how are we going to do that?” If you do, you get screamed at by your own side.
Infinite Leftism works well online. I myself was caught up in it for much of the Gamergate era. But when it comes to actually getting policy passed, it’s cancer.
It trains people to expect Utopia with none of the compromises needed in a democracy.
Infinite Leftism does incredible damage, particularly to the marginalized people it’s supposedly trying to speak for. Because the people most hurt by the system are held to the highest infinite standards of purity.
This shitshow with Infinite Leftism is like coronavirus. Everyone catches it eventually. And I think a lot of people like have had it often enough to be immune to it. It’s why Infinite Leftism is so much weaker than it used to be.
If there’s any future for progressives taking over the party from corporate Democrats - it’s going to come from Policy Leftists who have a narrowly defined set of objectives. That’s a base requirement to build the coalitions needed in a Democracy.
The Infinite Leftists will scream. They’ll call us names. They’ll puff their chests and insist their way is the only way to win.
I think most people are frankly tired of their bullshit. Our reasoning and strategy are better than theirs.
Some people treat democracy like it's a customer service desk ("I don't care how you fix this just make it happen") and not something that requires active participation.
We used to call people who spent their energies complaining online "slacktivists". Imagine if a quarter of the collective energy spent "debating" on Twittter was spent on, oh idk, the homeless.
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so-what-then · 22 days
I know GamerGate is considered a watershed moment in internet misogyny, but the more I hear from Brianna Wu the more I think the dudes who harassed her are based🔥
If you ever sent d*ath threats to Brianna Wu back in the day, Thank You For Your Service.
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fipindustries · 5 months
there is a whole section in this video from 18 minutes to 35 minutes where destiny and brianna wu reminisce together about gamer gate and how much they've changed since then and its so fascinating to see
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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jmcdra · 7 months
Brianna Wu has some explaining because this is not someone I can trust as an inclusive trans rights advocate. For context, this is a big deal is due to Brianna Wu being a US state senator. While not a huge amount of political influence, it's a significant amount. While she is an advocate for trans rights and claims to have a progressive stances however recently leaked tweets seem to indicate she only has binary trans people in mind for her activism.
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She has claimed these are taken out of context, but what does she mean by "didn’t speak up during the BLM riots"? What way are we supposed to take it when you are openly ragging on a femboy in a transphobic manor?
Source for screenshots:
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Brianna makes a half ass apology here in response: https://twitter.com/BriannaWu/status/1707372523745108139?fbclid=IwAR2Rw40ovkQ2zcYCgNeehZ4-s4kVhw634qjkD4Dxs3v67JN7Qrd-B-mKEXI
After trying to address the criticism, she doubles down and referring to enby people as "politically inconvenient"
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Source of this for full context so I can't be accused of misrepresenting her. https://twitter.com/BriannaWu/status/1704494482362626373?fbclid=IwAR3vGemzizvuwbxDEoS4t6cB0GTC_e24Uw6FKaxE6yqiMZ3aeNguKzTk4XA
Yeah this is my response to this. Full disclosure I'm a binary trans woman who doesn't want surgery. I am on HRT.
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evilroachindustrial · 7 months
I see Brianna Wu's taken the bold path of apologising for being more than a bit of a shithead to trans and enby folks by doing an apology tweet thread then immediately retweeting a transmedicalist making a meme out of it.
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wakewithgiggli · 2 years
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That thread is worth a read, but my takeaway:
For all we complain about social media (with justification!), it has changed the landscape in a huge way to punish groups like kiwifarms and gamergate.
Back in the gamergate day, their victims could be separated and isolated, and attacked individually.
But keffals has used twitch and other social media to build a community focussed on taking no shit, so when their leader was attacked, they were able to organise and fight back.
And a group like kiwifarms relies on fear, relies on people not saying anything about their abuses. But as soon as anyone is able to ignore their harassment and push them into the light, they cannot withstand that scrutiny.
They are objectively horrific, and anyone who looks at them can see that. They are poison for any company who would otherwise want to support them.
They might use this message as a deflection, and might try to create alternative forums, but their days of being the powerhouse they once were are over. They will now slide into irrelevance.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Not too long after Feminist Frequency shuts down Brianna Wu has her DMs leaked revealing her to be a two-faced hypocrite. What's Zoe Quinn been up to lately? And anyone else vocally opposed to GamerGate for that matter. By the way, since not everyone knows this, Brianna Wu is trans, so anyone claiming she's a transphobic cis woman are wrong.
Alec Holowka's death is on her, that's from 2019 though so no clue what might be next on the menu for her.
The Wu thing is news to me, gonna look real quick.
These guys are a subsidy of Reuters based in India, going with trustworthy enough.
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Went over to her twitter to see, just googled it since I don't want the algorithm to think I want anything to do with her, this it what it gave me.
It starts out great and I thought is was gonna be her making excuses for herself because the preview just gave me the first sentence.
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So we can see how it's totally different when it happens to someone else. I have no clue what happened with jonah hill and I really don't care context is for losers at this point.
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ohh and the other person is a transmedicalist, had issues with blm, and all kinds of other stuff.
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Chris here is gonna be all kinds of popular now too I bet.
how thrilling it all is.
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Wait do you have any info on wu blocking him?
I do indeed.
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