#brotp: fly away
I’ve been thinking about tommy and Oliver’s friendship a LOT lately (probably because I just posted an edit to Instagram about Tommy’s death and started writing a half baked thought in my drafts.) and I was wondering if you had any headcanons about their friendship?
sorry this took a while, i was in horror mode! ik i have proudly cultivated arrowverse freaks but if anyone wants to send me horror asks too,,,,,,, yknow 👀 
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i think i've said in the past that i didn't really fuck w toliver but i meant it as an exclusively romantic ship, they r so important as a brotp
oliver vowed to never kill again after tommy died, that's canon. but we know he had to break that rule. so, the first time oliver took another life after he couldn't save tommy's? he practically drowned himself in what used to be tommy's favorite wine.
ik tommy told oliver that he was better off not knowing what twilight is. but they totally watched the movies sometime after that.
i think it would be sweet if they measured each other's heights as they grew up in ink on the wall, but did everything they could to hide that part of the wall from moira and robert so it wouldn't be cleaned off, so they just have these sloppy little notes in sharpie hidden behind a painting in the queen house. their boyhood friendship is forever ingrained within oliver's house and no one will ever know. it's a secret they took to the grave  
i just love how casually affectionate they are. we know oliver has issues with touch, but he always hugs tommy. they just grew up so close that i don't think touching tommy would even really register as something oliver could be averse to. it just feels like the most normal, natural thing, he's already so conditioned to it
listen okay listen. i don't ship them romo style but i do not see oliver as straight and i do know that if ollie was struggling with his sexuality and getting bicurious with it as a young adult pre-gambit, tommy is the only guy he would trust enough to do anything with 
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we KNOWW that tommy wanted a pup as a wee boy and i think oliver would've been one second away from buying it for him at all times but the queens wouldn't allow it bc of how often tommy was over, the dog would've just became their responsibility instead of that of the merlyns
oliver has had to watch a tommy die three different times. earth-1, earth-x and earth-2. not even counting hallucination tommy. do you think about that? i think about that. 
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"3 - the unity between two extremes" i cant even like communicate what the fuck that means to me but LISTEN OKAY LISTEN. jewish people are instructed to ask for forgiveness thrice; even if they're not forgiven, the one in the wrongdoing is believed to be atoned. DO YOU GET IT. MAYBE ISAIAH 6:1-6:3 WILL HELP
"In the year that king Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up, and His train filled the temple. Above Him stood the seraphim; each one had six wings: with twain he covered his face and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. And one called unto another, and said: Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory." the angels said holy three times and the word twain is a term for two, like a duo, and tommy's rotting into the ground six feet under and oliver watched his oldest friend die three separate times. DO YOU UNDERSTAND MY VISIONS.
tommy and oliver might be christmas enjoyers but that doesn't mean i can't get them w jewish imagery and symbolism okay, felicity's jewish and a talker so i think it's plausible she would've laid this all out for ollie too
during oliver's lost years, do you think tommy ever looked out at the beaches of their home port city and couldn't help but wonder if his best friend was truly down there. do you think he smelled sea salt and thought of running through the queen halls with oliver behind him. that he saw oliver's blue eyes in sea shells along the sand, that he saw the sand itself and thought of oliver's hair. do you think he ever reached into the coldness of the water and it felt almost like home bc those waters and that coldness was supposed to be oliver's home now. sniffles
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tdbowie · 7 months
For the character asks… Millie and Heather ^^?
- @sceathered
Sexuality Headcanon: she's a lesbian <3
Gender Headcanon: nonbinary millie is very real 2 me..... she goes through the "not like other girls" to "not a girl, actually" pipeline. i believe this. nonbinary lesbian millie they're just like me fr (totally not projecting)
A ship I have with said character: prillie 🔛🔝 but also!! every potential millie dynamic is interesting to me. she needs to get her yuri on next season fr... love the idea of axelmillie because of their joint autism slay. emma/julia/nichelle and millie would be interesting because the former three are at least somewhat famous in one way or another, while millie is just some guy :] influencer gf x has never seen a marvel movie gf. ouughhahs millie needs to talk to more than 2 people next season im going crazy insane
A BROTP I have with said character: the obvious answer is priya, but i also wanna say damien! ripper voice they're NERDS. they should nerd out together!! the dynamics i talked about in the ship question also apply here!
A NOTP I have with said character: chase probably <3 millie should study him under a microscope i think
A random headcanon: she deffo makes sims of people in her real life. sim millie and sim priya are married and have 2.5 beautiful sim children and a beautiful home and they're rich and successful. she puts sim chase in a pool and takes away the ladder (i hope this is accurate to the sims i never get past character creation) also!! i think she'd like minecraft <3
General Opinion over said character: character of all time........ i mean. she wanted uppies. her design is one of my favourites ever. her lesbianism AND autism levels are off the charts. i promise i'm not biased or anything i like millie and all the non millie reboot characters equally!! i love millie sm 5 more seasons of millie
heather >:)
Sexuality Headcanon: that's a lesbian.....
Gender Headcanon: heather is transed gender and she transitioned early on. tgirl heather my beloved <3 transfem h-bombs is canon 2 me
A ship I have with said character: as a kid i remember being so so obsessed with aleheather in world tour so they'll always have a special place in my heart<3 every heather ship is so good though. lesheather, heathney, gweather, joeather, sceather.... the list goes on bc she's such a good character !!
A BROTP I have with said character: i wish we had seen more leshawna/heather friendship (or frenemy ship) post tda. i'm glad heather got put in her place😌 but after that!! what!! in my dream all stars season leshawna and heather make an alliance after the merge and they absolutely dominate before heather gets voted off (leshawna is a finalist) i NEED fanon toxic lesheather enemies to frenemies yuri i NEED it
A NOTP I have with said character: duncan.... no elaboration just duncan
A random headcanon: i like to think heather hung out with chef in the cockpit more than any of the other contestants :) i think they shit talked abt everybody in that plane, especially chris. this is entirely based off of the bit in "come fly with us" where heathers like do you even know how to fly this thing?? when she's up in the front w chef
General Opinion over said character: heather is like. the total drama character ever. world tour was the best season because it was HER season!!! i wish she was bald again in all stars, it would've fixed everything.
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typingtess · 1 month
NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:  “Let It Burn”
The basics:  The team investigates arson at a defense contractor that has the signature of an environmental activist.
Written by: Indira Gibson Wilson co-wrote, “The Frogman’s Daughter”, "Signs of Change" and “Hard for the Money” and was the sole writer for "Lost Soldier Down".  Gibson Wilson played the sleeping Michelle Hanna before Aunjanue Ellis showed up in season four.
Directed by:   Rick Tunell directed "Revenge Deferred", "Se Murio El Payaso", "Where Everybody Knows Your Name" and “Hard for the Money” (co-written by Indira Gibson Wilson).
Guest stars of note: Duncan Campbell returns as NCIS Special Agent Castor from “Of Value”; Justin Huen is Randall Perez.  He was Santo Perez in season two’s “Personal” as the man who shot Deeks.  Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut as FBI Special Agent Summer Morehurst; Romi Dias as Denise Perez, Thal Gondim as Crystal Perez; Brian Leigh Smith as Bomb Tech Aaron Roberts; Rhomeyn Johnson as Terrell and Joe Corzo as Foreman/Michael Duncan
Our heroes:  Are all over the place with Kensi in DC, Callen locked in the office, Sam and Deeks teamed up and Rountree working with an old girlfriend.
What important things did we learn about: Callen:  Reading the Pembrooke file as part of his library day. Sam:   As a caretaker, he has to think about his father first. Kensi:  School trip with Rosa and 24-other 16-year old girls. Deeks:  Offered a trip to Costa Rica. Fatima:   Sent in the field because Callen had a library day. Rountree:  Dated a coworker at the FBI. Kilbride:  Keeping Callen on track.
What not so important things did we learn about: Callen:  Not training for a triathlon because he as common sense. Sam:    Training for a triathlon. Kensi:  OK with Deeks going to Costa Rica – she might go if he doesn’t. Deeks:  Not going to Costa Rica. Fatima:  Wants to know the Rountree-Summer story. Rountree:  Training for a triathlon and going to Costa Rica.  Kilbride:  Not sure Henrietta is Hetty’s first name.  Not sure he likes her either.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  In the Pembrooke file.
Who's down with OTP:   Deeks is trying to figure out a solo Costa Rico trip, worrying that probably won’t fly with the family at home.  Rountree has an ex in the FBI.
Who's down with BrOTP:  A little Sam-Deeks bonding about traveling away from your family and becoming a detective through videos.
Fashion review:   Callen wears a long sleeve medium blue lightweight hoodie.  Sam started the day in a wet suit and wore a black long-sleeve tee for most of the episode.  He was in a brown one at the end of the episode.  Deeks has a pale blue henley for most of the episode but a baby blue hoodie.  Fatima wears a light gray jacket over a white turtleneck.  Rountree started the day in a wet suit too with too, too tight swim trunks.  Wore a gunmetal grey pullover sweater once he was dressed.  The Admiral wore his uniform – dark blue suit, light blue dress shirt, blue tie.
Music: “From Fire” by Perta is used in the teaser.  Deeks is shooting in the range with The Mighty Mighty BossTones’s “The Punch Line” playing over the speakers.
Any notable cut scene:  Not today.
Quote:   Kilbride:  “We've all done things we regret.” Callen:  “Hetty doesn't seem to be the kind of person to regret much.” Kilbride:  “Don't kid yourself.  Now, she may put on a good front, but Hetty has enough regrets for all of us.  She has done things that most wouldn't to keep the rest of us safe.  Unfortunately, that comes with some very dark, ugly things that you carry with you to your grave.” Callen:  “Well, I'm not sure how indoctrinating children does much to keep people safe.” Kilbride:  “I don't know.  Seems to me you keep people safe every day.  So maybe some good did come of it.  Even if their methods were ethically and morally questionable.” Callen:  “If not reprehensible.” Kilbride:  “I don't always agree with her.  And I usually don't like the way she operates.  Hell, I'm not even sure I even like her most days.  But I damn well respect her.  Henrietta, and I'm sure that's not even her real name, Henrietta has dedicated her life to the greater good.  She has made mistakes along the way just like the rest of us.  But it was always done in the service of this country.” Callen:  “So, am I a mistake or a dark, ugly thing she has to carry to the grave?” Kilbride:  “Only you can decide that, Agent Callen.  But in my experience, the past is a place to learn from, not to live in.”
Anything else:  In the evening, a construction crew is working in a high rise office building.  Mostly drywall.  The foreman is shutting things down for the night.  The workers start toward the door taking their hardhats, tools and backpacks.  One worker stays behind.
The worker starts spreading something on the floor and pours an accelerant on it.  As he lights a good part of the office floor on fire, the foreman returns.  The two men fight until the firebug knocks out the foreman.  The firebug tries to drag the foreman to safety but the entire floor is about to be engulfed in flames.  Leaving the foreman behind, the firebug runs.  A symbol is burned into the floor.
Callen is reading the paper in the boat shed by the coffee table.  Sam comes in from a swim with Rountree in tow.  Sam is thirsty, Rountree is uncomfortable.  He didn’t want to wear anything under his wetsuit but Sam found him swim trunks in the office lost and found.  Rountree is worried they belong to Deeks but Sam jokes they are Fatima’s.
Training for a triathlon with Sam, Rountree wonders why Callen isn’t involved.  Callen explains he has common sense.  Sam disagrees – Callen is afraid of sharks.  Callen isn’t but starts messing with Rountree by mentioning “McMurtry” who was shark bait.  Sam joins in on the fun before showering.
At the firing range, Deeks is shooting and listening to really loud music.  The Admiral arrives, pleased that Deeks is joining him in making good use of the early hours at the office.  Kensi and Rosa are on a school trip which gave Deeks the ability to surf, workout and shoot early in the morning like he did “pre-kid.”  Not that he’s complaining.  The Admiral offers Deeks the chance to attend the NCIS Western Conference.  Honored, Deeks is grateful for the offer but thinks he needs to stay close to home.  He recommends one of the younger agents – perhaps Rountree would enjoy Branson and a river cruise.  Rountree will get the Admiral’s consideration but the conference will be held in Nosara, Costa Rica.  Deeks reconsiders – maybe Kensi would be okay with him leaving the family behind for a few days.  It’s a week so Deeks is torn.
Sam took a long shower and hopes there is some hot water for Rountree.  As Rountree is about to go into the shower area, Fatima and Callen pop up on the plasma.  Sam asks for Deeks who he is told is trying to run a “boondoggle” on Kensi.  Fatima asks for Rountree, who is in the still way too tight swim trunks.  Fatima asks if Rountree is wearing her shorts.  Just kidding, she tells Rountree – they’re Kensi’s.  Rountree hates everyone.
Fatima starts with the case – the fire.  Global West Ventures, the people who had the office space, are Navy defense contractors.  The symbol burned on the floor was the signature of an arsonist named Randall Perez - O and A – On Alert.  Rountree was familiar with Perez – he didn’t work his case but the FBI was “on alert” for years when it came to Perez.  Perez blew up an oil tanker years back.  Shut down the 405 for a week.
Sam asks about the fire.  The office space was under construction and the foreman, Michael Duncan, died in the blaze.  LAPD thinks Duncan saw the arsonist and the two men fought.  This would be the first time an “On Alert” fire caused a death.  Rountree sees another difference in the fires.  Perez went after companies he thought were hurting the environment.  This was a defense contractor – not the same thing. 
Sam suggest he and Rountree go to the crime scene.  Kilbride told Fatima he wants Rountree working the FBI Agent in-charge of the “On Alert” cases.  Sam should met the with FBI as well.  Callen asks what is his assignment from the Admiral.  The Admiral wants to see Callen in his office. 
Castor bring the FBI Agent in charge of the “On Alert” cases into the boat shed.  FBI Agent Summer Morehurst tells Sam her boss thinks highly of him but not to play Sam in pickleball.  Sam knows her boss – Rashid Perkins – and Rashid knows what Sam can do with a paddle in his hand.  Morehurst reviews Perez’s history for Sam.  He started as a non-violent activist who was creative in his protests.  Trained as an artist, Perez made sculptures out of the plastic straws he found in the ocean.  Sam asked when did Perez change.  After a number of arrests for disorderly conduct at more radical protests according to Morehurst.
In 2017, Perez started setting fires.  It took the FBI nearly a year to identify him.  When the FBI started to close in on Perez, he set nine fires over two months.  He fled to Mexico when the FBI got too close and has been a fugitive for three-years.  This is the first time Perez has resurfaced and Morehurst vows to catch him.
Just after Morehurst’s vow, a towel-clad Rountree walks into the boat shed’s main room.  He’s looking for his clothes.  Rountree and Morehurst call each other by their first name and being the world class investigator he is, Sam deduces the two know each other.  “You can say that,” they both reply simultaneously.
Knocking on Kilbride’s door, Callen has some opinions.  He gets that Rountree has a past with the FBI (oh, if he only knew) and he’s good with Rountree working with them.   Sam, however, does not need to be supervising Rountree’s debrief with the FBI.  “I’m sorry you miss your bunkie but this isn’t summer camp,” the Admiral replies.  Sam is working with Deeks, “poor devil.”  When Callen asks why, the Admiral tells him “that’s what I want.” 
While the Admiral believes it is healthy to question authority on occasion, he’s getting pissed off about it being a regular occurrence.  Passing Callen a large folder, Kilbride shares all he could find on Pembrooke.  Callen knows he overstepped and thanks Kilbride.  Kilbride tells him it isn’t a gift – just a way to keep Callen focused on the job and not a ghost from his past.  This puts a halt to Callen doing his own research.  Callen defends what he does on his own time and it does not impact his work.  The Admiral disagrees – they wouldn’t be having this conversation otherwise.  Calling it a “library day”, Callen is told to do his research in the office and is dismissed.
A properly dressed Rountree returns to the boat shed.  He asks if Agent Morehurst – Summer – set this up.  She knew he was working for NCIS.  Summer replies that if she wanted to see him, she would have called him.  Except she forgot that he doesn’t know how a phone works.  “Ouch, fair shot.”  Rountree apologizes but Summer says “we were a long time ago.”  Explaining that when they were dating, he was leaving the FBI, Jordyn was starting college – Rountree had a lot on her plate.  Fatima pops up on the screen but neither Rountree or Summer notice.  Still talking about their past – they were a couple for three months – Fatima really tries to make her presence known.  Rountree does introductions and it is all very uncomfortable.
Fatima found Perez’s sister, Denise.  She’s lived in the same house for 20-years in Gardena.  The FBI is aware of her.  Summer gets a call.  While she is dealing with the call, Fatima wants some gossip but Rountree shuts off the plasma.  A returning Summer tells Rountree her agents did some digging into the construction firm.  They are a well-run company – no major violations or complaints.  Thinking Perez may see his sister – and his daughter who is living with his sister – Rountree and Summer are having them brought in.
Finishing a call with Kensi, Sam ask Deeks about how he brought up the trip to Costa Rica.  Since Kensi is chaperoning 25 16-year olds in Washington DC, Deeks didn’t think this was the best time to bring up the trip.  Deeks asks Sam if he would go – now, with Raymond living with him.  Being a caregiver, Sam couldn’t go.  He needs to put Raymond’s needs first. 
At the crime scene, Sam sees some differences with Perez’s MO.  The fire was set much earlier in the evening.  Perez started his fires between 2AM and 4AM.  If the fire was started between 2AM and 4AM, foreman Michael Duncan would be alive.  The fire could have taken out the entire building.  Instead, it was limited to the one floor.  Sam wants to see the financials of Global West Ventures.  Make sure this isn’t a set-up for insurance money by using Perez’s signature to distract.
In the boat shed, Rountree is speaking with Crystal Perez, Randall’s daughter, with her Aunt Denise watching out for her.  Rountree is trying to be kind but the Denise talks about all the problems Crystal had in school when kids found out who her father was.  Crystal suffered enough.  Summer brings up that Randall Perez caused a lot of harm.  The FBI and NCIS want to stop him before he takes any more lives. 
Summer asks about Crystal’s life.  She’s a guide at a museum, planning to study being a curator in college.  Asked if she heard from her father, Denise jumps in saying that Crystal hasn’t heard from her father – “he’s dead to us.”  Crystal admits she has heard from her father.  
Denise is surprised and unhappy – Randall is dangerous.  Crystal explains that Randall is sorry – he left just as Crystal’s mother died.  He’s also sorry for what he did.  He’s considering turning himself in.  This catches Summer’s attention – does Crystal know where Randall lives?  She doesn’t.  They last spoke a month ago.  Rountree asks for Crystal’s cellphone number.
Fatima talks to Deeks – Global West Ventures is flush with cash.  The fire was not for the insurance money.  Sam is checking out the fire inspector’s report.  Thermite was used for the fire, something that is easy to make and transport.  Perez had his own recipe for thermite but tests will need to be run to see if the recipes match.  Nothing about Perez’s recipe was told to the public in the past – a copycat would not know the correct mixture.  Since thermite’s main components are iron oxide and aluminum powder used in bulk, only a few retailers would have them.  Finding where there they were purchased probably leads to the arsonist.
Callen is reading the Pembrooke files and having flashbacks to his oh so happy childhood.
Deeks is looking for footprints in the parking area behind the office building.  He’s a fan of Freaky Phil’s Forensics, leaving Sam worried that Deeks learned to be a detective on YouTube.  Sam is more interested in surveillance cameras while Deeks explains the thermite sticking to arsonist’s shoes if the shoes had deep grooves.  Sam finds some tire tracks while Deeks sees if a footprint belongs to the arsonist.  When the footprint catches fire, Deeks is pleased.  Based on the footprints and the tire tracks, the arsonist got in on the passenger’s side.  This is a two person job.  Since Perez always worked alone, this is looking like a copycat.
Kilbride catches Fatima listening in on Rountree and Summer.  She tries to explain “ghosting” to the Admiral, who knows what that is.  He’s more interested in a sit-rep than Rountree’s past.  A traffic cam caught the car leaving the parking area but the video is too grainy for facial-rec.  The plates belong to a dead man with a different car so that’s a dead end. 
More interesting was a number both the FBI and NCIS suspect belongs to Perez retrieved from Crystal’s phone.  As soon as she left the boat shed, Denise Perez called the same number so Denise has been in contact with her brother.  While the arson is likely the work of a copycat, Rountree and Summer are going to follow Denise to see if she leads them to Randall.  The Admiral tells Fatima to stop eavesdropping. 
Fatima has two stores that have the components needed for thermite with one making a large sale to a company called Core Dynamics two days earlier.  Core Dynamics has no certificate certifying it is a real business and the components were sent to an apartment building.  Sam and Deeks are on their way.
Denise Perez is in a public parking lot when Rountree and Summer pull in with the Land Rover.  Summer is annoyed – she wants to arrest Denise right way for lying to the FBI.  Rountree wants to see how things play out.  A man walks up to Denise’s car – she gets out to hug him.  It’s Randall Perez.  When Rountree and Summer approach, Randall runs and Rountree chases after him.  Denise tries to drive away only to turn around and try to take out Rountree using her car.  Randall Perez flees in his own vehicle.  Denise is under arrest.
At the apartment building, the manager explains he rents out garage space behind the building – www.parkyourauto.com.  Opening the garage that got the components delivery, there is no car but there is a lab set-up.  Sam sees a trip wire that would burn down the garage and cover the renter’s/arsonist’s tracks.  LAPD bomb squad is called.
Summer explains to Denise that she is facing life in jail for the attempted murder of a federal agent while helping a known fugitive escape.  Rountree thinks the judge would be lenient if Denise cooperates.  She’s not in the mood.  Randall did not set the fire.  He believes the FBI and NCIS are trying to pin it on him because of his past.  In his past, Randall believed he was doing the right thing – it is why Denise forgives him.  Rountree asks if Randall had an accomplice.  Two people were involved in the Global West Ventures fire.  Since Randall wasn’t involved with that fire, how could he have an accomplice?
Fatima joins Sam and Deeks as the bomb squad gives the garage the all-clear.  The IED attached to the trip wire probably wouldn’t have done much damage on its own but with all the accelerant in the garage, it likely would have taken out all the garages in the back of the apartment building.  Sam asks why Fatima is there and is told Kilbride sent her instead of Callen.  She has a piece of equipment – a mass spectrometer - that will analyze the thermite mix in the garage.
In the garage, Fatima asks Sam’s opinion of Summer.  Sam thinks she was nice until Rountree arrived.  Deeks is brought up to speed on the Rountree-Summer tea.  Fatima thinks it is like “When Harry Met Sally” mixed with “Love Jones” which means nothing to either Sam or Deeks.  She also says none of this is her fault – Rountree and Summer had their comms on.
The analysis matches the thermite mixture in the garage with Perez’s special recipe.  Deeks finds some maps of Los Angeles and a list of targets.  Global West Ventures was fifth on the list.   There is a health care company, an investment bank and a shoe manufacturer.  Fatima calls in the list to LAPD.
The Admiral has info for Sam and Deeks.  The dead man whose license plates were used in the arson is Christian Navarro.  The plates were cited in two-DUIs before he died.  The driver was Marco Navarro, Christian’s son and Deeks thinks is Perez’s accomplice.  Better news – the burner phone used by Randall to speak with Crystal and Denise was traced to a home in Echo Park.  Sam and Deeks are on their way.
At the Echo Park house, Deeks pretends to be a food deliveryman.  Perez runs and Deeks chases him through the house.  Sam is waiting at the back door.  A handcuffed Perez explains he has been trying to stop Marco Navarro.  He’s been looking for Marco Navarro.  Before he went on the run, Perez asked Navarro to store some of his explosives.  He thinks Navarro had his own mass spectrometer and figured out how to make his own explosives – Navarro is a smart man.  When he heard about the fire and the signature, he knew it had to be Navarro.
Saying they may believe him, Sam asks who would be Navarro’s accomplice.  Perez doesn’t know.  Navarro is a young, brash man who wants to change the world.  They were involved in many peaceful protests together.  He was family, lived with Perez.  When he figured out who Perez was, Navarro wanted to join him in the not-peaceful protests.  Perez pushed him away.  Asked if Denise knew Navarro, she did not.   She lived in a different part of town. 
Crystal knew Navarro, however.  He was like a big brother to her.  Sam checks with Rountree to see if Crystal had any contact with Navarro but Crystal turned off her phone.  She hasn’t been to work in a week – she quit.  Denise says this is not like Crystal at all.  Deeks asks if Crystal knew Navarro had Randall’s explosives.  She probably did but Randall tells Sam and Deeks that Crystal knew he also regrets what he did.  Deeks asks if he regrets what he did or regrets getting caught. 
In the boat shed, Summer tells Rountree that Crystal’s car was found.  A witness saw Crystal get into a car with a man who looks like Navarro.  The FBI is checking the area traffic cameras for license plates.  Denise told Rountree that Crystal didn’t mention having any new friends or changes in her life.  Summer is confused about the targets Sam and Deeks found – none of them have an environment connection.   Rountree thinks Navarro may have a different agenda than Randall Perez.
Back in Ops, Fatima found a connection to the companies on the list.   All of the companies are major donors to Senator Greg Garrett’s reelection campaign.  Sen. Garrett was responsible for killing an environmental bill in congress.  Navarro wanted the companies to pay.  Garrett is in Los Angeles to tour a warehouse that is part of an urban renewal project but the warehouse is not on the target list.  The warehouse isn’t the target, Rountree and Summer think, Garrett is.  They are going to meet Sam and Deeks at the warehouse.  Fatima is going to update the Senator’s team.
Rountree and Summer meet with Sam and Deeks at the warehouse.  The Senator’s team is evacuating the place but the worry is that Crystal and Navarro had an hour to lay down the thermite and accelerant.  Entering the building, there is no sign of anyone – Crystal, Navarro or Garrett.  Sam and Deeks come across Crystal as she’s spreading thermite outside the warehouse. 
Rountree and Summer find Garrett and his aides.  Navarro opens fire, hitting one of the aides.  Rountree goes after Navarro while Summer gets Garrett and his staff to safety. 
Sam tries to talk Crystal into surrendering as he and Deeks enter the warehouse.
Rountree and Navarro struggle for about a second.  Navarro is apprehended. 
Crystal lets Sam and Deeks walk far enough into the warehouse so she can circle behind them and light the place on fire.  Sam finds a fire extinguisher and puts out the fire.  Crystal, on the run, winds up cornered by Rountree and Summer.  Crystal tries to explain that “we” are not the criminals.  She threatens to set herself and her bag of thermite on fire but Summer talks her out of it.  Crystal is arrested. 
The Senator’s aide is on his way to the hospital but everyone is fine.  Deeks mentions wanting to be a fireman – “mostly for the calendar.” 
At the end of the day, a tired Deeks is complimented Admiral for a good day’s work.  The Senator’s aide only suffered a flesh wound and is doing well.  Deeks says that after “extensive consideration” he’s going to turn down the conference.  The Admiral thinks Kensi would be relieved.  No, Kensi was fine with Deeks going, even thought she’d go if he said no.  The Admiral agrees with Deeks’s decision.  Besides, next year’s conference is in Albuquerque – perfect for Deeks.  Rountree is going to Costa Rica instead.
In the boat shed, Randall and Crystal share a hug before both are taken away.  Summer found the Perez's farewells bittersweet.  The FBI coordinated the farewell and Rountree approves.  Since she saved his life, Summer thinks she’s owed about five IOUs by Rountree.  She’s also grateful that Rountree apologized.  Sam arrives – Summer, her boss and Sam are going to play some pickleball. 
Once Summer leaves, Sam talks about starting their triathlon training at 4:30AM.  Rountree is distracted by Summer’s departure.  Sam thinks Rountree thinks too much.  “Call that woman – call her.”  Rountree chases after Summer.
The Admiral and his large decanter of scotch visit Callen in the bullpen.  Callen has the Pembrooke paperwork all over his desk.  Callen asks if the Admiral reviewed the information in the file.  He did not – he just called in some favors to get what he could find.  “This is your story, Agent Callen.”  It isn’t the Admiral’s place to invade his privacy, though his door is open if Callen wants to talk.
Callen doesn’t talk, he instead shows Kilbride a black and white photo.  It is Hetty and Pembrooke.  The Admiral explains everyone has done things they regret.  “Hetty doesn’t regret much,” according to Callen.  Kilbride disagrees – “Hetty has enough regrets for all of us.”  She has done things to keep people safe.  Dark, ugly things she will likely take to her grave.  Callen asks how indoctrinating children keeps people safe.  The Admiral thinks Callen keeps people safe, if the methods were morally questionable.  The Admiral isn’t a Hetty fan but he respects her.  Hetty is all about the greater good and she made mistakes.  But the mistakes were in the service to her country.  Callen asks if he’s a mistake or a dark, ugly thing Hetty will carry to grave.   The Admiral says the past is something your learn from, not where you live.
What head canon can be formed from here:    A rather generic, and talky to be honest, episode until the very end.  Nothing here wouldn’t have worked in season one, season five or season nine, just switching around the agents. 
Not thrilled with the family reunion at the end.  The foreman doesn’t get to hug his daughter one last time.
The end was very well done.  A quiet scene, really well written and well-acted.  Well worth the ho-hum 55-minutes before it. 
The Rountree scene cut in “Glory of the Sea” really would have helped sell Rountree ghosting poor Summer. 
Hey Deeks – you are going to get a hotel room for the conference.  Take Kensi and Rosa, you surf in the morning, going to some meetings in the morning.  While everyone else goes play golf in the afternoon (I’ve been to my fair share of conferences), hang with the family on the beach.  Life’s good.
Episode number:   Episode eight of season 14.  This is episode number 310 overall.
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tired-reader-writer · 10 months
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Okay so it's in the twelfth month according to the timeline (remember, this is still the same night Hilmes infiltrated the citadel), and winter. Which ain't all that of note since the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar is also winter as we all know, and Tanaka (and by extension Arakawa) is following the Gregorian calendar here.
But y'know what else is winter? That's right, Esfand aka the twelfth month of the Solar Hijri Calendar, albeit the last month of winter while December is merely the first.
Why am I making note of this? Because it was really bothering me that canon was following the modern Gregorian calendar and while I know I previously decided to follow canon on this one... I'm still very Bothered by this and watching if I can get away with secretly following the Solar Hijri Calendar.
They're both winter, it's still the same season, so this should be fine in this instance at least, if I fudge the months a bit and lean towards the Solar Hijri Calendar.
Team Arslan was probably already out of the citadel by the time Frawardigan rolls around so mayhaps that's why we didn't get to see it in canon (or Tanaka just didn't intend to include it) but it would be interesting to see the folks remaining at the fortress prepare for it, perhaps even go the extra mile of doing it for the fallen of the battle of Atropatene. I would've really loved to see that.
I know I read about Norwuz (the Persian New Years that comes immediately after Frawardigan, the first month is spring) some time ago but I don't remember enough to comment on it.
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Brotp brotp brotp
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Really loved this moment here, they were concerned for Elam and shared a sort of solidarity with a glance, and I'm sure Arslan was glad Alfarīd took it as an initiative to interfere— she was probably trying to get Narsus to back down from insisting and keep Elam where he wanted to be, though things turned out another way!
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I also really liked this moment since just leaving your subordinates to do whatever the hell they want without reporting back to you can only get disastrous down the line, as it is borderline neglect. It's sorta how Andragoras was ruling imo, zero concern of anything outside of military might. Narsus does not want Arslan to become like that.
Moments like this remind/inform the audience that Narsus truly wants Arslan to be a good ruler and not just say have him as a puppet king as some like Shaghad may assume.
Arslan is smart, but he is a child with little to no experience, and he is learning. He's eager to do so.
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I also liked the conversation between Daryun and Narsus— Narsus' metaphor was really apt. Arslan does not get jealous of his subordinates, though far from confident in his own abilities he acknowledges that they are capable, more capable than him, “more capable than he deserves” even. That sort of phrasing is what subjects normally would say to their lieges and I couldn't help but take note of that.
Arslan is neither prideful nor arrogant, nor even entitled. He's... precious. For lack of a better word.
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Home is where the heart lies, and you, Arslan, are the person who has been given the hearts of your subjects (because you gave yours to them first).
Remember Narsus' metaphor to Jimsa about how even a bird cannot fly forever, and must return to the earth to rest.
Arslan is their safe place, their shelter, their home. He really is the heart of the group.
I'm sorry I just have feels about this.
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Okay but I really wonder why Gieve went off on his own to look for it (doubt Narsus asked for it in this specific instance, unless I'd forgotten and he had?)
Gieve at this point could be said is “one who does what he wants for his own gain” aka that's the impression he projects to the audience, and that's also probably what he's convinced himself he is. So what does he have to gain from this little adventure, aside from perhaps sating his own curiosity? But before, he probably wouldn't have stuck his nose in something like that, he has too much self-preservation for it, so... why?
My guess is that he truly is growing fond of Arslan whether he realizes it himself or not, and cracks are starting to show in the self-serving cynical layers he has on to reveal the secret devoted heart he's hidden and buried underneath due to disillusionment.
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Damn Rajendra's loud.
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“I acknowledge your effort, but no!” this made me feel fond things towards Hilmes for some reason lol.
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unknown-lifeform · 5 months
Let's see Genesis! 😁
Sexuality Headcanon: tbh I'm a sucker for aromantic bisexual Genesis. I'm also good with just plain bisexual Genesis, it really depends on whether I'm in the mood for romance. But depending on the setting aromantic Genesis may also have some kind of weird complex relationship which is about 70% him basking in the fact that he can get people to love him romantically (yes he may need therapy for this but what does he not need therapy for)
Gender Headcanon: trans man Genesis is def my favorite flavor
A ship I have with said character: the OTP would be Genesis and Angeal. Just the childhood friends opposite attracts thing they have moving to the fallout in Crisis Core? Delicious. But the whole ASGZC combo is also a big favorite
A BROTP I have with said character: this is hard because I feel I lowkey ship Genesis with all his canon friends, and I can recognize that objectively being friends with this man would be a massive chore. He and Aerith would have a blast together tho. I feel depending on how they get introduced to each other they would either hate each other or become instant besties, no in-between
A NOTP I have with said character: I think I'm good with all popular Genesis ships? Like there's characters I definitely would not see him with but it all feels like ships I would make up on the spot and not things I've actually seen people ship
A random headcanon: he will get on Angeal's case about his plants bringing bugs inside but he actually doesn't care that much about bugs in general. He finds them gross but he's perfectly capable of taking care of them himself. After all, Genesis did grow up in the countryside in the middle of nowhere, the ugliest spider in the world climbing into window was just a regular Tuesday thing. But being dramatic about bugs in general is - aside from the pleasure of bitching - a perfect way to hide that he is actually terrified of those bugs that like to fly around in particular. Like wasps, bees, some beetles, dragonflies. It's not that he's scared of being stung or anything, he just hates that these things will fly straight at his face for no reason and he can't stand it when they do that. It just freaks him out. Whenever it happens he'll start flailing around and trying to chase it away and he somehow feels his dignity is preserved if everyone thinks "oh Genesis being a drama queen again" instead of "oh so Genesis hates those in particular huh"
General Opinion over said character: I love him so much I would die for him he scratches all of my beloved blorbo itches I just want Squenix to show him to me again please
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princesssarisa · 2 years
Tinker Bell for character ask
Favorite thing about them: How lively, spunky, and mischievous she is, how shamelessly amoral and spiteful she can be, and yet how truly she loves Peter, to the point that she's willing to die for him. She's a perfect balance between popular culture's pretty, romantic vision of fairies and the wild, trouble-making "fair folk" of earlier folklore (although she leans more toward the latter), and she's a true kindred spirit to Peter.
Least favorite thing about them: That she tries to trick the Lost Boys into killing Wendy out of petty jealousy.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I don't like to be ignored.
*I can be hot-tempered.
*I love deeply.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not exactly small or delicate.
*I would never try to kill a child out of jealousy.
*My voice doesn't sound like tiny bells.
Favorite line: From the book, after she drinks Peter's poisoned medicine:
"It was poisoned, Peter, and now I am going to be dead."
And when he asks her why she drank it, she gives his nose a loving bite and whispers her regular catchphrase:
"You silly ass."
brOTP: Peter Pan.
OTP: Happiness, and maybe Peter if only they were the same species and he were willing to grow up.
nOTP: Captain Hook.
Random headcanon: She wasn't born from Peter's first laugh, even though she insists she was. As Peter reminds her, a fairy's gender is always the same as the gender of the child whose laugh they were born from. She was born from Wendy's first laugh – and it's a good thing she doesn't know it, because she would be mortified if she did.
Unpopular opinion: The book's reveal that she died soon after the Darling children's time in Neverland, because fairies have short lifespans, and that Peter doesn't even remember her because he lives only in the present moment, is a poignant detail that I wouldn't want to cut. Still, I understand why most adaptations and contemporary sequels shy away from killing off such an iconic character, and either resurrect her or ignore Barrie's world-building about fairies and make her functionally immortal like Peter.
Song I associate with them:
"You Can Fly" from the Disney film.
Also, her celesta leitmotif from the 1954 Moose Charlap/Jule Styne musical.
Favorite pictures of them:
This illustration of her drinking the poison to save Peter.
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This illustration by Trina Schart Hyman, which shows her lying on her deathbed just before the children's clapping saves her life.
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This illustration by Scott Gustafson.
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Disney's iconic Tinker Bell:
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Ludivine Sagnier in the 2003 film:
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ariel-seagull-wings · 2 years
@princesssarisa @faintingheroine @angelixgutz @softlytowardthesun @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @grimoireoffolkloreandfairytales
Tagged by no one. I Just wanted the chance to talk about her character
Favorite Thing About Them: She is an organized person who knows how to trade services in exchange for shelter and protection, plus how to gain other people's thrust and make them her friends, and is polite but firm when presenting an argument to refuse something.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: Just the fact that her love interest (Prince Yelisei) has a name while she doesn't.
Three Things I Have In Common With Them:
I like apples
There are lots of times where i feel vulnerable and have to ask for protection
I have an idealist romantic side to my personality
Three Things I Don't Have In Common With Them:
I am not russian
I am not royalty
I have a good relationship with my stepmother
Favorite Line:
O my brave and bonny brothers,
Virtuous beyond all others!
God in heaven strike me dead
If my answer be not honest:
I've no choice? my hand is promised!
You're all equal in my eyes,
All so valiant and wise,
And I love you all, dear brothers!
But my heart is to another
Pledged for evermore. One day
I shall wed Prince Yelisei!
brOTP: Her maid Smudge and the Knights.
OTP: Prince Yelisei.
nOTP: The Tsarisa
Random Headcanon: Her name is Yelena, the russian version of Helen, because her beauty is comparable to Helen of Troy, the most beautiful woman in the world.
Unpopular Opinion: As far as Fairest of them All type of stories go, I feel the writing of this narrative poem by Alexander Pushkin has a better pacing, focus on the main heroine's point of view and feelings and building of romance compared to the more well known german tale of Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs written by the Brothers Grimm, wich makes it a more enjoyable reading of a work of literature that feels more complete.
Song I Associate With Them:
Fly Away on the Wings of Wind (Uletay na Krilyah Vetra)
Russian Land
Favorite Picture of Them:
This illustration by Mikhail Nesterov
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These illustrations by Boris Zvorykin
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These illustrations by Vyacheslav Nazaruk
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The portrayal alongside Prince Yelisei by the Soyuzmultfilm animated movie
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queensectonia · 1 year
for the ask game! still! galacta :]
oho, galacta! now there's a character always ripe for the headcanoning.
my read on galacta relies pretty much entirely on the headcanon that he's a time-displaced SUPER far future kirby, so a lot of the answers for this may end up referring back to that.
1: sexuality headcanon: you know, I have genuinely never thought about this for my galacta. it's never come up. whether he's aroace, or celibate, or just doesn't have the time or inclination for relationships... who knows. he values friendships much more anyway and has a lot of factors that severely dampen his prospects anyway lmao. he's in that classic "doomed to always outlive his partners" bracket because star warriors are immortal and it's not like anyone's going to be able to kill him any time soon. on top of all that, being sealed away in a crystal 99% of the time makes it a little difficult to get to know people, ya dig
2: otp: see above for my own galacta. metagala is always a fun pairing for the fight freak jock solidarity appeal of it all.
3: brotp: metagala is pretty sick here too! especially since I imagine meta knight would respect galacta deeply and even look up to him a bit as The Ultimate Star Warrior.
4: notp: can't say I have one. frankly I don't really have NOTPs at all i don't have time for that shit, i just shrug and carry on
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: in my design briefs for galacta, he's always been the heavily-armed cavalry knight to meta knight's more lightly-equipped footsoldier. even though galacta far outstrips meta knight's abilities in every category, meta knight's combat specialty is speed and finesse as opposed to galacta's sheer overwhelming strength.
this is drawn from the fact that galacta's weapon is a lance, which are never used on foot and require the speed and increased reach of a horse to even work. the lance is therefore a symbol of galacta's power, that he can not only wield it effectively, but treat the damn thing like a sword when he wants to. the lance is also a perfect weapon for him because he can fly, which gives him the exact qualities required for a lance to be effective in the first place.
(actually, the way that the devs literally just treat galacta's lance as a sword as a side effect of him being a meta knight clone is extremely funny. those are two VERY different weapons with completely incompatible wielding styles. lances are piercing weapons, for one thing. trying to use one like a sword essentially turns it into a giant fucking club.)
thank you for attending my weapon categories TEDtalk, i can and will do this again
6: favorite line from this character: oh boy it's the no dialogue club again!
7: one way in which I relate to this character: i, too, hate to be woken up by my alarm clock (meta knight demanding another god damn fight) when i was just trying to fucking sleep
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nothing really! galacta was designed purely for the cool factor and he continues to carry that off. maybe one day you'll be canon, my good dude
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? once he gets an actual character i'll get back to you on this one
(my galacta is a very burnt and toasty cinnamon roll. did nothing wrong. extremely tired. just wants the universe to unfuck itself.)
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fancyfade · 2 years
Blue beetle for the character thing?
favorite thing about them: His independence! Like the 2006 solo has him tryign to find out about the reach stuff without the guidance of the main hero community at large and he is understandably burnt by having been left in space for a year by the JL (like they literally couldn't reach him, so it's not like they intentionally ditched him, but it would still affect his opinions).
least favorite thing about them: How can I have a least favorite thing about him? ;_; I guess his tolerance of Guy Gardner XD Maybe Guy is secretly likeable in comics I haven't read but the version Jaime's seen is the version that sexually harasses waitresses at restaurants
favorite line: “Any last words” - “Just two – Khaji Da!”. That one is like a crowning moment of badass.
brOTP: Jaime Brenda Paco ^_^
OTP: Don't really have one. he's cute with Traci but IDK that it's an OTP
nOTP: Don't really have one either.
random headcanon: his parents think the teen titans are a bad influence on him due to how disastery the team of that era is XD They notice him cursing on live TV when he's around them and make him invite the teen titans (and possibly their parents, whatever is more funny) down for dinner to see the kind of people he's hanging out with. The titans (minus rose) think that rose will scare his family but she doesn't she just chills with milagro in the corner. its the other titans that make a bad impression XD
unpopular opinion: keep him away from ted kord ala rebirth mentorship stuff he does not need ted kord to be a mentor ted kord worked best for jaime when he was dead
song i associate with them: can't believe he's one of my top dc superheroes and I don't have a son for him ;_;
favorite picture of them: This is gonna be the first favorite pic that's not my art, b/c Cully Hamner draws him so expressive and fun!
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[image: a black and white drawing of jaime reyes as blue beetle. he is paused in the air, like he's leaping or flying, smiling and holding one hand out end image]
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scattered-winter · 2 years
dick grayson
ough my BLORBO <3
ha this got away from me (surprise surprise) but LISTEN. HE'S MY FAVE
favorite thing about him
first of all I love how he's so GOOD. he tries his best to help everyone around him. he fights every day for a better world. he genuinely wants to see the good in people and he gives so much for his city and friends and family and he just! keeps giving!!!
I also really love how he always tries to put on a smile! I think back to my anime phase when I watched My Hero Academia. the reason why All Might was such a great inspirational hero was because he always, always saved people with a smile. he gave them hope! he made them realize, as the world is burning and the sky is falling all around them, that "hey. it's gonna be ok." and that's DICK MOTHERFUCKING GRAYSON! a sword to his enemies a shield to his friends a blanket to tuck around the shoulders of the people he's protecting etc etc. superheroes are about hope and nobody embodies that more than Dick!
least favorite thing about him
in that same breath: I hate how the fandom (and even DC itself) tries to reduce him to a cheerful, happy go lucky himbo armed with nothing but witty quips and the power of friendship. he's so much more than that!!!! yes, he is generally cheerful, but that's not his entire thing!!!! he's seen shit! he's lost people! he has issues! he isn't a sunshine himbo, he's a man who has seen the worst humanity has to offer, over and over again, but still chooses to save people with a smile. which one is the more compelling character, DC??
as to his actual character, my least favorite thing is how he puts the burdens of everyone else's happiness and well being over his own. whether they be family, friends, or complete strangers, he's always putting people before himself, physically and emotionally. and the reason why I dislike that is because I would like to NOT introspect <3 I just put all that in a box and inspect at a later date
I also hate how everyone tries to turn him into a sexy sex machine. I can't remember where the panels are but there are instances of him being openly uncomfortable with people making sexual comments at him and like?!? writers and fans alike love to ignore that. they make him into a player who sleeps around and cheats on people and just. stop. idk if it's my aroace-ness or the fact that it's just. contradictory to his character but I Hate It. #StopOversexualizingComicBookCharacters2022
favorite line
"I'm fighting gravity again, and I'm losing. That's the thing about gravity. You can try and fight it, but...sooner or later, it brings you crashing down to Earth."
"You'll never know if you can fly, unless you take the risk of falling."
just....those 2, juxtaposed next to each other....ough
Dick and Donna 100%. I collected favorite panels of them because I fuckin love those two
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tbh I don't really actively ship Dick with anyone. there are ships I like and ships I dislike fr, but I don't really have super strong feelings about any of them?!
that said, some of my favorites are dickroy, birdflash and dickkori. nobody does it like them <3
and this does actually open a can of worms but I hate it when people pit dickbabs and dickkory against each other. like?!? let them live their LIVES ! I don't really like dickbabs but y'all don't see me bashing dickbabs fans on main!!!! and don't even get me STARTED on DC doing this. god it makes me so angry
anything with his family ofc. it's nasty
but also dickbabs. I just....don't like shipping Barbara with any of the batboys tbh, because she's being passed around like candy and to me it makes every one of her bat!romances just feel flat and muted. not to mention all the ableism that's cropped up in recent nightwing comics (specifically toward dickbabs), and the fact that they're constantly pushing Kori aside in favor of Barbara (or vice versa. I'm so fucking tired of it) all in all I just...don't like dickbabs very much. I love their friendship so much but as with all things in media, the friendship was shoved aside to make room for a romance that made me dislike them together completely 🥰
random headcanon
Dick is aspec. he's in qprs with all his friends <3
unpopular opinion
Dick should have more comics outside the batfam and titans. listen I know he's the leader of the titans and is part of the batfam but I wish he had a few issues to be his own hero without any connections or people coming to save him! I'm probably just salty about Tom Taylor's recent nightwing comics but I would KILL for a current run in which Dick is just. Being A Hero on his own, in his own way, without bat drama bleeding in or the titans swooping in to hold his hand and save his ass
song I associate with him
Somewhere in Stockholm by Avicii
Can't Hold Us by Macklemore
From Heads Unworthy by Rise Against
favorite picture of him
I have too many. here <3
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image limits won't let me use more, but I'll reblog this with the rest! these are my favorite textless panels/covers <3
send me a character!
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beevean · 2 years
Knuckles and/or Amy!
A ship I have with said character: Just one? I'll give you three: Sonuckles because they're funny together, Knuxouge because it's a classic, and Knuxamy because they're the Power Duo :P (my boy gets around)
A BROTP I have with said character: I also like his friendship with Sonic and his potential friendship with Amy lmao, but an underrated one is of course the one he has with Tails ^^ big (awkward) bro and lil bro!
A NOTP I have with said character: Can't think of anything
A random headcanon: To destress, and when he has the time, Knuckles goes to one of Eggman's many junkyard/broken flying bases and starts to smash stuff. Flying Battery is the most convenient target of course :P
General Opinion over said character: Knuckles kind of feels stuck in Sonic and Tails' shadow, mostly because, unlike his friends, he was victim of bad writing in the 2000s and then never had a strong chance to recover in the 2010s. I like him well enough, but he needs a more consistent streak of good portrayals. Thankfully, he's my favorite character in Frontiers, so for now we're doing well :P
A ship I have with said character: Sonamy and Knuxamy!
A BROTP I have with said character: Team Jubilee of course!
A NOTP I have with said character: Can't think of anything
A random headcanon: She still talks to the Flicky that was inside Gamma from time to time :)
General Opinion over said character: Oh, Amy. I'm glad that fans have moved away from shitting on her (actually, some might argue that her fans got very, very defensive lmao). She's a very fun, cute character, the personification of the power of femininity - and I'll defend her playstyle in Adv1 and 3 to death :P
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unknown-jewel · 2 years
Foxy and Kaia from motorcity for the ask thing. (Clair would be cool too if you could swing it ) Thanks!
Favorite thing about them
She really came through for the Burners at the end of "Julie and the Amazons".
Least favorite thing about them
She's kind of mean. :/
Favorite line
"Ladies, are we talking or racing!"
Idk why but I really want her and Texas to be friends for some reason.
She and Claire would be cute together.
Anything involving a guy.
Random headcanon
I've mentioned it in a previous post, but I really like the idea of her secretly loving stuffed animals and not wanting anyone to find out about it.
Unpopular opinion
Can't think of anything. I'm bad at this part of the meme. -_-
Song I associate with them
"Michelle" by Sir Chloe
Favorite picture of them
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Favorite thing about them
She's got a really cool design!
Least favorite thing about them
She's underutilized in the show.
Favorite line
"Oh,... well hello Mike, I uh... I'm glad to see your okay."
Idk I guess her and the other Terras.
Don't ship her with anyone.
I don't really see her getting shipped with anyone so I guess I don't have one for her.
Random headcanon
She's definitely commited murder and gotten away with it before.
Unpopular opinion
I don't like the way her wings look. They're structured really weird and don't look like they should be able to carry her. I know this series generally doesn't care if something is realistic as long as it looks cool, but Idk this one thing really bothers me for some reason.
Song I associate with them
"Venus Fly Trap" by MARINA
Favorite picture of them
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Favorite thing about them
She's a really good friend!
Least favorite thing about them
She really could be doing more to help the Burners.
Favorite line
"For seriously my brain's like totes gonna explode like for reals."
Her and Julie! Sisters for life! :')
Don't ship her super hard with anyone, but Claire/Chuck and Claire/Foxy are both cute.
I guess her and Julie. Like I stated above I think of them as sisters.
Random headcanon
She loooves bunnies! They're her favorite animal!
Unpopular opinion
Like I said with Chuck, the fact that I think the two of them would be cute together is unpopular enough.
Song I associate with them
"Juice" by Lizzo
Favorite picture of them
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leftovergarlicbread · 2 years
i know ur a cain fan. how about cain for the ask game?
putting this under a cut because unsurprisingly this got LOOONG. I have A Lot to say about him lmaooo
Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual. That's cannon, and. Yeag. :]
Gender Headcanon: Trans man. This is a hill i will fucking die on, the amount of tboy swag that radiates off him is SO INTENSE. Also im transmasc and hes my favorite character so he gets hit with transgenderfication beam and also his gender is so fire and i love it sm theres no way a cis man can have that much gender
A ship i have with this character: I don't really ship too much, but I've always seen Cain as being like ~20 so i've kinda lowkey shipped him with Cal? It completely came from nothing tho lmaoo I just imagined an interaction between them and went "hang on. in this made up scenario of them they actually kind of have some chemistry. hmmmm."
A BROTP i have with this character: I've always gotten the vibes that Cain and Arclight are besties of all time. I don't know why. The vibes are just there. But also, CAIN AND HARDY!!!!!! They 1000% became besties while up in Calcenon and you CAN NOT convince me otherwise. They bonded over emo music at first and Hardy definately had a guitar on him when they got stuck in Calcenon (he's 100% one of those guys that just always carries a guitar with him) so he started teaching Cain how to play!! I also hc that he teaches Aya how to play too :] Also their dynamic is so funny lmaooo Cain chaos goblin plus Hardy Literally Just Doing His Best. I basically just expanded on their dialouge on Route 3 where Cain's like "man we're getting beaten up here and not in the good way ;;;)" and hardy's just like "there's a good way??????" just. that dynamic. Kind of feral and unhinged plus guy who's kind of confused but totally chill and just enjoying the ride. Anyways. I care them <3
A NOTP i have with this character: Again, I don't really ship much/have many strong opinions on ships so obviously excluding all the gross ones there isn't really any? I guess CainxHardy just because I like them as besties more?
A random headcannon: You're getting several. I have too many.
Cain has a few tattoos and when Anna and Noel first saw them it took him like. Two weeks to convince them that they really were permanent and Actually In His Skin and that he wasn't drawing them on every morning lmaooo
As for what the tattoos are, I imagine he has a small Jolteon on his ribcage on his side because it's his favorite eeveeloution and also the person he was dating at the time had a Jolteon. He was 16 and an unsupervised teenager, be nice >:( He will lie about the origins of this one tho he'll tell people that it's of Arc's jolteon and it was a best friends tattoo lmaoo. It also was his first tattoo!
He also has a purely aesthetic one on the top of his left forearm that's of a purple eye crying like, blobby space goop tears. It looks cool and is ourple. Next Question.
He has some random stick-and-poke flowers and other small designs on his shoulders that he got from friends and other random impulse nights.
His favorite and the biggest one is on the outside of his right calf and goes from ankle to knee. It's also the most personal one to him. It's a burned apple tree with various symbols formed in the patterns of the wood grain on the tree of things important to him. Some of them being the trans symbol, the posion type symbol and a flying bird (representing freedom) The overall meaning of it is based off the saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" and is symbolizing him doing what he can to fall as far away from his "tree" (family) as he can, doing what he can to break that cycle of abuse and not become like his parents.
He also has a few piercings!! He's got multiple ear piercings throughout his ears, an eyebrow piercing and a tounge piercing.
Kind of related to what I said about his last tattoo, it hit me one day that despite how innuendo-filled his talk can be, Cain is one of the few characters who never swears, even cleary going out of his way to use more tame language. I hc that when he was younger and still lived at home, (i hc that he ran away from home when he was like 15 and just struggled throuhg life best he could until he was able to collect himself) he did swear and yell a lot because. It seems like yelling and loud arguments and cussing people out was kind of the norm, but once he got away and was able to get to a point in his life where it wasn't jsut Survival Mode doing what he could to keep going forwards, he kind of took a step back and realized that he could distance himself from being like his mother by not swearing and yelling all the time like she did. I don't exactly have the best words to describe it but that's like. the basic idea of it.
I have Many More headcannons but I will stop there for now lmaoo this has already gotten rather long sidohfnwiokfh
General Opinion over said character: Absolute love. Blorbo of all time. Such a skrinkly i've rotated him almost nonstop in my brain since i first met him, literally Such A Character. But also more seriously, I do also realte to him on a pretty personal level, with his anxiety about how he doesn't have a clear plan for himself and feeling alienated from his peers because of it how he's never really had grand plans for himself or known what he's wanted to do, like. I'm literally the EXACT same boat there so that part especially of his character, it just HITS. I also think A LOT about his dynamic with Aya, and just the whole thing of how they very clearly have hurt eachother A LOT unintentionally just tying to survive their own home, and that idea of yeah they both fucked up to different degrees, but how do you Not fuck something up in a situation like that and then them working on healing and trying to become siblings again and i just- FFFUCK its Good. and i haven't finished the maingame yet (though im working on victory road so im close!!!) so it's still a lot of just speculation for me, but GOD i just. Them. Dude, I could write literal essays about the LaRue siblings. But Cain has easily become one of my top blorbos ever and probably will for a long long time, like this funky little purple guy just holds such a special place in my heart and makes me so happy and, just, yeah <3 <3 <3 <3
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faintingheroine · 2 years
Fictional character ask: Yelena and Sonya from Uncle Vanya
This won’t be intellectually deep or any extensive analysis, these are just my random thoughts :)
Favorite thing about them: She is trying to get along with and help Sonya. I think she is a nice person in general.
Least favorite thing about them: Funnily enough, nothing. Maybe her falling a bit in love with Astrov.
Three things I have in common with them:
- I am in my twenties
- I try to get along with people
- I am quite lazy
Three things I don’t have in common with them:
- I am not Russian
- I have never been married
- I don’t have men wrapped around my finger
Favorite line:
“There is no greater sorrow than to know another's secret when you cannot help them. [In deep thought] He is obviously not in love with her, but why shouldn't he marry her? She is not pretty, but she is so clever and pure and good, she would make a splendid wife for a country doctor of his years. [A pause] I can understand how the poor child feels. She lives here in this desperate loneliness with no one around her except these colourless shadows that go mooning about talking nonsense and knowing nothing except that they eat, drink, and sleep. Among them appears from time to time this Dr. Astroff, so different, so handsome, so interesting, so charming. It is like seeing the moon rise on a dark night. Oh, to surrender oneself to his embrace! To lose oneself in his arms! I am a little in love with him myself! Yes, I am lonely without him, and when I think of him I smile. That Uncle Vanya says I have the blood of a Nixey in my veins: "Give rein to your nature for once in your life!" Perhaps it is right that I should. Oh, to be free as a bird, to fly away from all your sleepy faces and your talk and forget that you have existed at all! But I am a coward, I am afraid; my conscience torments me. He comes here every day now. I can guess why, and feel guilty already; I should like to fall on my knees at Sonia's feet and beg her forgiveness, and weep.”
brOTP: With Sonya
OTP: Eh, not with anyone. Astrov if I have to, at least it is a mutual attraction. But not with anyone really.
nOTP: With her husband
Random headcanon: She does find happiness with a younger man after she is left a widow. She doesn’t squabble with Vanya and Sonya over inheritance and leaves them be.
Unpopular opinion: I think all the men in the play treat her shittily. Her husband of course; but Astrov and Vanya are also too insistent and corner her, making her situation difficult.
Song I associate with them: None that I can think of
Favorite picture of them: I don’t have one
Favorite thing about them: She is very human with her insecurities and unrequited love. I also admire the resilience she shows at her ending speech to Uncle Vanya.
Least favorite thing about them: She idealizes Astrov way too much. He is an interesting man, but he isn’t that interesting if you know what I mean and doesn’t deserve this amount of idealization.
Three things I have in common with them:
- I am female
- I am quite insecure
- I love my family
Three things I don’t have in common with them:
- Again, I am not Russian
- I am not hardworking
- I am not as sweet
Favorite line:
“What can we do? We must live our lives. [A pause] Yes, we shall live, Uncle Vanya. We shall live through the long procession of days before us, and through the long evenings; we shall patiently bear the trials that fate imposes on us; we shall work for others without rest, both now and when we are old; and when our last hour comes we shall meet it humbly, and there, beyond the grave, we shall say that we have suffered and wept, that our life was bitter, and God will have pity on us. Ah, then dear, dear Uncle, we shall see that bright and beautiful life; we shall rejoice and look back upon our sorrow here; a tender smile—and—we shall rest. I have faith, Uncle, fervent, passionate faith. [SONIA kneels down before her uncle and lays her head on his hands. She speaks in a weary voice] We shall rest. [TELEGIN plays softly on the guitar] We shall rest. We shall hear the angels. We shall see heaven shining like a jewel. We shall see all evil and all our pain sink away in the great compassion that shall enfold the world. Our life will be as peaceful and tender and sweet as a caress. I have faith; I have faith. [She wipes away her tears] My poor, poor Uncle Vanya, you are crying! [Weeping] You have never known what happiness was, but wait, Uncle Vanya, wait! We shall rest. [She embraces him] We shall rest. [The WATCHMAN'S rattle is heard in the garden; TELEGIN plays softly; MME. VOITSKAYA writes something on the margin of her pamphlet; MARINA knits her stocking] We shall rest.”
brOTP: With Uncle Vanya. Is there any other answer??
OTP: I would like an alternate reality where Astrov loves her back, but also not really.
nOTP: Not anything in particular
Random headcanon: She will be happy.
Unpopular opinion: From a solely rational point of view, Astrov not returning her love isn’t tragic, he isn’t worthy of her love if he can’t even see it and is so apathetic towards it. But of course, the human heart doesn’t work that way.
Song I associate with them: Any song about unrequited love will do
Favorite picture of them: I don’t have one
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the-lonelybarricade · 2 years
Hiii poor beggar anon here!
Lemme say how AMAZING INCREDIBLE AND MIND BLOWING was this ACoFD chapter was!!
Elucien acting like they’re a married couple already? DEAD
Feysand angst? Cursing you and jumping off a bridge
Nessian? JESUS CHRIST THE WAY I SCREAMED BECAUSE THE FOYER SCENE IS MY FAV AND THE WAY YOU REWROTE IT JUST MADE IT ALL EVEN MORE PERFECT AND I AM IN A MESS (made me even more excited for their spin off! Really you write them so well never stop
this chapter was so perfect like the breakfast scene with Vassa and everyone else was so cozy and nice and oh my god all the archerons wearing their finest clothes for the High Lords meeting? Had everyone on their knees. And I see what you did with Gwynriel and I’m watching you and connecting the dots 👁👁
Anon come here you get the BIGGEST smooch on the forehead 🥺😘
I was thinking about you when I wrote this chapter! 😂 Those Nessian moments were made with you in mind! What do you think Cassian was going to tell her before Rhys cut him off? 👀 (it was definitely going to be something to do with his penis)
And I am SO happy people are picking up on those Gwynriel crumbs 👀 I am right there with you, I loved Az and Feyre bonding over flying too 😭 They didn’t get to have that in this timeline, but they still deserved their lil moment!
It also cracks me up that everyone’s take away from the High Lord meeting was “oh my god Helion defended Lucien 🥺” which is valid 😂 We have priorities! That was very sexy of him!
But just so y’all know, instead of working on the next LVER chapter (which I know I should be 😅), I’ve been writing a long Lucien POV entitled Killing Beron Vanserra 👀
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princesssarisa · 2 years
Bihter for the character ask?
Favorite thing about them: I think I like her for the same reasons you do, @faintingheroine: her radically complex, sympathetic characterization. Yes, she's an adulterous wife who ultimately meets literature's standard fate for such a character (suicide), and she's vain, materialistic, and venomous when she's angry. But she's also a nice person in many ways, who tries to get along with other people, isn't a "wicked stepmother" (at least not until the end, but Nihal hates her long before she returns the sentiment), feels guilty about her "sin" every step of the way, and bears the emotional scars of having been raised by an unloving mother with a "fallen woman" reputation. She's not just a pathetic victim, but neither is she just a "whore" who gets her comeuppance: she's a three-dimensional person.
Least favorite thing about them: Well, like Nihal, she can be spiteful and vindictive, which might be compelling traits for a character to have, but make her less endearing as a person. I also don't care for the idea that she was always doomed to commit adultery because she inherited her mother's libido. But just because she says this doesn't mean the narrative wants us to believe it, per se.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I'm a brunette.
*I like material luxuries.
*I like to act as a caring older sister figure to children.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I don't like looking at myself in the mirror – all I can see are the flaws.
*I would never marry someone more than 20 years my senior.
*I have a good relationship with my mother.
Favorite line: All from the scene where she confesses her adultery to her mother:
"If you do not agree to what I ask of you today, at this moment, I won’t make a fuss, but wait for his return — you know who I mean, your son-in-law — and go to him and say, ‘you are giving your daughter away to Behlül; that’s all well and good, except that he has been your wife’s love for the past year… To stop my husband from flying at me, I will say, “no, no, why be angry? You knew that your wife was the daughter of Firdevs Hanım. A pity that there was a Behlül nearby. Be thankful that this woman is coming to you today to tell you not to give your daughter to this man, and to throw this woman and her mother — and her mother, mind — out of your house."
"Marriage! It was a toy, something made of bits of wood. If you but touched it with the tip of your finger…"
"Even if it isn’t easy, since they love each other, it is even more important to break up this marriage… but god! It’s killing me. To see them making love before my eyes, before my eyes… While I’m writhing in torture, their happiness is killing me…"
brOTP: She does seem to have a nice relationship with Bülent. He'll probably be the only person in Adnan Bey's family who will really mourn her death, rather than just never mentioning her again.
OTP: Happiness, and at some point a man who really loves her, who isn't among the ones she knows within the book.
nOTP: I agree with @faintingheroine – Adnan, Behlül, or Nihat.
Random headcanon: Maybe this is canon, not just a headcanon, but I'll cite it because it emerges from the dialogue, even though it almost contradicts the words of the narrative voice: as much as the narrator emphasizes that Firdevs and Bihter have never been a real mother and daughter and never loved each other, Bihter still longs for her mother's love. Her anger toward Firdevs bears less resemblance to Nihal's rivalry with her (although there are some parallels there too) and more to Nihal's anger toward Adnan for "abandoning" her by remarrying. This book's two main anti-heroines are far less different than everyone thinks they are, and feeling emotionally abandoned by their one surviving parent is a core wound for both of them.
Unpopular opinion: While I do think she's a good character, and more complex and sympathetic than you might expect an adulterous wife in a turn-of-the-20th-century novel to be, I think she's slightly less interesting than Nihal, and definitely either the co-protagonist with Nihal or the deuteragonist just behind her.
Song I associate with them: None at the moment.
Favorite pictures of them:
These pictures of Müjde Ar in the 1975 TV version:
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