#but new and more organized pinned!!!!!!! YAY
ccaptain · 5 months
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   #CCAPTAIN: dependent kaeya alberich. penned by sam! EU (GMT +1) Timezone / 25+ / selective & mutuals only / affiliated with @predvestnik ♥
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   carrd // headcanons tag // ask memes tag // H:SR verse masterpost
   blogroll: @aaleaqlania // @wwriothesley // @ddazzlingblds // @ssonoroalloys
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sweetenernsims · 8 months
Alternatives To DownWithPatreon 2023
Okay, as you can see I deleted the old pinned post cause I felt like maybe it needed some updating. Some stuff will be the same but some stuff has changed.
Sims Galaxy
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They have some old and new content available, unfortunately you have to sign up so it's up to if you want to or not.
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If you were trying to find the old sims 4 planet, but couldn't it's cause they updated their site it seems.
TS4 Rebels
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Right now the vault is down and they are under maintaince! So please be patient until they get everything up and running again, for the time being they are using notion..
Dollhouse Mafia 2
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Telegram group chat, they put a lot hard work into this group so please be respectful and read the rules/guide. This is legit cc heaven right here, please join cause you will be blown away on how much content is being graciously donated. I am grateful for this group!
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Yes, I know you guys hate this site but it's a pretty decent site for finding newly released content. I believe they stopped taking paywalled content and only post whats free or been released so yay no more paywalls!? I don't know about anything else, however, it's neatly organized and easy to navigate and find
content on.
The O.G, unfortunately they're no longer updating but so now they are archive and I belive all of DWP's items are there as well. So you can find some old gems there if that's what you're looking for.
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This site is awesome, has sims 4 and 3 content available, old and new. You can sign in with your google or whatever account you have. So far it's very safe and I haven't had any problems with the site.
Alright well that's it for now, hopefully in the near future we will have more sites and places like this who help share content and fight against these wack ass paywalls. So if you have any other alternative sites similar to DWP or blogs that I don't know about, feel free to shoot me a message and I will add to the list. Happy cc finding/shopping! =)
PS: Thank you to all those who have made this possible you been a big help in this.
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jupyt3r · 5 months
Set during Act 2. Karlach needs help fixing her teddy bear and wants to air some grievances about Astarion's deal with Raphael.
He smells hot leather before he smells her blood. As if he needs either to detect her approach; she has the loudest footsteps of any of them. But soon the scent wafts verdantly in through the pinned flap of his tent, bright, grassy, and puckering. Citrus and something young and vegetal, intermingled with the tang of the infernal iron that drives it all. Completely antithetical to the tiefling’s fiery appearance: green.
Karlach clasps her hands behind her back and squats in front of the opening, blocking the heat of the fire he had been basking in. Annoyed, Astarion lays the book he's reading across his chest and looks quizzically at her.
“Hey, fangs! Oh–” she says, noticing his book, "Sorry, am I bothering you?”
"Haha! You're a funny one. Anyway, um. Listen, I was wondering if you could do me a solid? Tav tells me you're not bad with a needle. Not surprising, I guess, given your propensity for pointy objects."
How could Tav have– Oh . His underwear . Well. Ignoring the means by which his embroidery skill had been revealed, Astarion raises one silver eyebrow at Karlach, bidding her to continue.
“Okay. Promise not to laugh. But do you think you can fix him?" From behind her back, she produces a threadbare stuffed toy; a bear. It's made from a thick-weighted brown knit, worn fuzzy with age, and has two glossy black buttons sewn in for eyes. The lighter colored thread used to attach them gives the impression of Xs for pupils, a dead-eyed stare, which is accurate enough to its current condition: there is a large tear partially beheading the beast, its stuffing leaking out the busted seam.
"His name is Clive,” she says morosely. Clive and Karlach turn their pleading glances on him, and Astarion can't decide who looks more pitiful.
“Where did you even get that thing?"
“I found him," she declares proudly, holding it aloft. "He got left behind in my room at Last Light; all alone, poor little bugger. So I nicked him. Figured his last friend might not be coming back any time soon.”
“Looks like it might have been better off where it was. What happened?"
She rubs at the back of her neck sheepishly. "Well, now that I won't burn him, I was. You know. Hugging him. And then Scratch walked up and wanted to play, and– Scratch is so soft , did you know?– so I was teasing him, which probably wasn't the nicest thing to do to either of them, and Scratch is really fast. And unfortunately for Clive, Scratch’s teeth aren't as soft as the rest of him." She lets out a nervous laugh. "So do you think, maybe, you could help him out?”
“I could ," he replies, propping himself up on an elbow. "I'm just not sure that's the best use of our resources while we're stuck in this… accursed wasteland. And I'm tired of cleaning up that mutt’s messes."
Karlach’s eyes shine beseechingly, lower lip jutting out. Clive bobbles miserably. Astarion grimaces, sits up, and abruptly snatches him from her hands.
"Yay! Thanks, fangs!”
He sighs, digging through his pack for his sewing kit. This is stupid. He's getting a new slash in his overclothes damn near every day, and he doesn't have the materials to spare on a toy .
And yet.
He's not able to find a similar colored thread. “Red is the closest I have," he says, crossing his legs and threading the needle through with crimson.
“That's okay. He'll have a bit of a rugged look– a cool neck scar, like someone else I know."
Astarion frowns and glances up at her. " ‘ Rugged ’ isn't exactly the image I strive to portray.”
“Oh. No, I know. I just meant your scars look cool," she clarifies awkwardly. Somehow, he doesn't think she's talking about the ones on his neck.
Earlier that day, when they'd set out from Last Light, a certain infernal visitor had been waiting in the parlor. Raphael had stripped him bare with a snap of his clawed fingers, revealing the malevolent latticework of scars encircling his back to the entire room. The whole thing had been rather violating– hence why he’s hiding in his tent instead of soaking up the heat from the fire. He curls in on himself and pierces the soft yarn through.
He's quiet as he works, deftly stitching the fabric together as he presses the bear's innards back where they belong. Karlach doesn't seem to know how to cope with silence, bouncing a leg with pent energy, practically sizzling like water boiling in a pot. Eventually, she spills over.
“So how did you get so good at that?" She peers in closer from where she's settled at the threshold of his tent, observing the fine needlework.
He pulls the needle high, closing a stitch. “I've picked up a lot of little skills over the last few centuries. This one has been particularly useful."
“Huh. I always figured you had a tailor or something, with your whole Upper City accent and, well, everything. Who knew you could get your hands dirty.”
The problem is that she really has no idea how dirty they are- or, rather, bloody. Nobody knows about that. Hells, only Tav knows about Cazador, and even then he's spared most of the… finer details.
"Yes, well. I'm full of surprises, aren't I?” he replies cryptically. He's had enough of his secrets revealed today already. “Why do you even keep this thing around?" he asks to change the subject, adjusting the bear on his lap.
"He kinda reminds me of one my mum got me when I was a kid. I was weak to nostalgia and his cute li’l face. Ain't he adorable?” She leans in to poke at the bear’s overstuffed cheeks, and Astarion swats her out of his working space.
"He's a liability, this one. Falling apart at the seams.”
“Aw, c’mon. Like you've never kept anything around for sentimental reasons?"
The scant belongings in Astarion's tent are answer enough; mostly just pillows and various rags from the road, with a few books and pilfered trinkets scattered among them. A useless silver mirror, a few chalices for wine. Nothing sentimental. “No. Not a lot to be sentimental about. I don't remember my childhood."
"O-oh. I'm sorry. I guess it was so long ago, anyway, it would be hard to remember.”
He's pretty sure that's not the reason. "Are you calling me old? I may be immortal, but I'll have you know I'm a very reasonable age for an elf. I'm certainly no relic like Halsin .”
She puts her hands up, seeing that she's dug a hole for herself. "No! Mate, I would never. You look very good for your age. Or, no, not for your age because you're not. Old. It's just. You're, what, two-hundred and fifty? That's older than I'll ever be, or, not me specifically, because, well…”
The words die on her tongue, but what's been left unsaid hangs heavily between them: She doesn't have that much time left . Dammon had given her the news shortly after turning her temperature down from scorching to sweltering . And that's why Astarion is wasting his precious floss on this ridiculous bear, because he knows how awful it would feel to be given pity, but at least he can oblige her the favor she asked.
All of the stuffing has been sewn back inside the bear’s head. Astarion begins to double back to strengthen the new seam, and he looks very intently at his work as he knits his eyebrows together and asks, “How do you do it?"
“How do I do what?" she says, pulling her knees in with her arms and resting her cheek on her bicep.
“You are so… alive . Despite everything. Despite what you've been through.” Even her blood smelled like life, lush and blooming.
"Ha. I dunno. I just can't believe that I've really made it out of Avernus, so, you know, carpe dime or whatever.”
"I just… don't understand. You're going to die.” It's not pity when he says it, only hard truth.
She hugs her knees closer and lets out a shaky breath. “I don't really want to talk about it. Better to just enjoy things while I can. Otherwise I'd just be a ghost already."
He knows all too well how it feels to be a ghost.
“You're not angry? At Gortash, at Zariel?"
Heat flares in her chest, exhausting from the vents on her shoulders and filling the tent with the inferno of her emotions. “Of course I am! I'm right pissed. And if there's anything I can do about it, then both those fuckers will get what's coming to them.”
"I just… have to take every good thing that comes my way for now. I’ve done some not great things in my past. I regret just standing by when Elturel fell. I hurt a lot of people for Gortash that, looking back, seem like maybe they didn't deserve it. But right now, I'm finally more than just a weapon for causing destruction. For the first time in way too long, I can touch people again. And I've got a lot of good people around me who deserve some hugs.” She offers a small smile, but Astarion shifts away minutely.
"Bear’s done,” he says, holding it out for inspection. A vermilion scar marrs the seam between its head and body; it really does look like an injury.
"Aw, Clive, you look great! Glad to see you back with the living. Hey, Astarion, what do you think about adding a detail– giving him his own vampire bite? You did bring him back to life, after all.”
He knows she's trying to make him feel better, but it's doing anything but. "I wouldn't curse him that way,” he says softly, packing up his supplies.
Karlach is uncharacteristically quiet as she fluffs Clive to redistribute his recently reintroduced stuffing, pursing her lips.
"About your master–"
“We don't have to do this." His back is to her, hands in his pack, and he can feel her stare pricking through his clothes where she now knows the scars hide.
“No, that's not fair. Nothing is fair about anything right now. But you talked to me about my shit and I'm returning the favor whether you want it or not."
"Mama K is talking now. You can just listen, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to.”
Astarion is silent, but he turns and sits back down, eyes downcast like a chastised child.
Karlach continues. "Listen, I don't know anything about your master or how he treated you. But I do know what it feels like to have to serve someone you don't believe in, and to have them fuck up your body without asking. To mark it as their own. I didn't know how to bring this up earlier, but… your scars. The ones on your back. They're in Infernal, aren't they?”
He nods; Tav had been able to identify that, at least, after their… tryst.
"I picked up a little, in the Blood War. Why didn't you come to me? I'd gladly help you out as best I can. You don't have to take this deal, Astarion. You can't trust a devil.”
The thought hadn't escaped him; he figured she might be able to read it. But he wasn't sure she'd be able to decipher the full context, and if he wanted any chance at killing Cazador, then he needed to know as much as he could. And, equally as important, he didn't think he could suffer the shame of anyone at camp knowing the full story. Asking Raphael just seemed the safer option; a fair trade.
"As much as he puffs himself up, he's a cambion, not a devil. And I'm sure he'll respect his end of the bargain. I'm prepared to pay his price, whatever it may be."
“He's a creep who's preying on you because he knows how badly you want it. He's gonna demand something that will just come to bite you in the ass later. That's how it always goes. Please, just let me try. If I can't make sense of it, then go ahead and accept the deal. But let me try."
He’s frozen in indecision, unsure if he can trust her with this. "I’m not sure–”
"You want a sample?” she interrupts, gesturing to the tattooed runes peeking out from under the shoulder strap of her top; it's easy to make out, dark ink contrasting against the sudden glow from within her chest. “This one says fucking Zariel ."
Maybe she understands, he thinks. Maybe he can trust someone else with this. The thin weight of his shirt on his back feels heavier knowing that it and one word are all that stands between him and naked vulnerability. He could just say yes; he could let her look, close himself off to the fear and let himself be lulled by whatever altruistic reasons she claims. But doubt whispers from the back of his mind: she's backed into a corner just like him, if not moreso, and that makes her dangerous . They both want to live, and they're clawing at scraps with all they've got. If she needs his help someday, she'll demand it of him in return. At least the terms of Raphael's deal will be predictable. The cambion’s words echo in his mind: What's better than a devil you don't know? A devil you do.
And there's also the other thing. Astarion is a shitty person and if Karlach truly expects nothing in return, then he doesn't deserve her help. She doesn't even know the depths of his depravity, and he doesn't really feel like sharing. He's ruined, and she's not.
And so, for the first time he can remember when someone was trying to get his clothes off, Astarion says: “No."
"Okay.” She's crestfallen, but to her credit, she doesn't push it.
He expects her to get up and leave now that his task is completed and he's outright rejected her in favor of a devil, but she doesn't. She sits with him a while, her steady warmth radiating over his skin. It feels nice, if he lets himself enjoy it. Clive’s dead eyes peer dolefully at him from within the safety of her embrace.
“If he takes something that hurts you… just know that I'm always down to give a devil a good smack-down. It's kind of my specialty– this tattoo says ‘demonsbane’. Just say the word.”
Astarion thinks the words ring a little hollow, because, from his perspective, taking on Raphael in combat seems like a death sentence, but he appreciates the thought nonetheless. “I can't believe you're sitting here offering up your demon-slaying services while hugging a teddy bear."
"It's only what Clive would want for the person who patched him up.”
"He'd be more useful if he stayed well out of the reach of foul canine beasts in the future.”
"Yeah yeah, I learned my lesson. Thank you Astarion, though, really. I don't have a lot in this world aside from him and you lot so… just doing my best to keep it all together.”
She sets Clive aside and pivots to her knees, moving slowly so as to give Astarion opportunity to escape if he wants to; her tadpole broadcasts her intentions. He warrs briefly with himself but is ultimately unable to convince himself to push her away, and he winds up wrapped in her arms. He knows she's been cooled to a reasonable degree, but he still flinches, because the difference between them is so stark . Her skin blazes against his, even through his shirt, and when he finally brings himself to relax slightly, his cool cheek on her shoulder prickles from the contact. The whirr ing of her mechanical heart is strange in his ears, and all at once, he brings his own arms to grip tight to her shirt; that beating, this warmth could vanish at any moment. She was his only proof that you could go through hell and not come out completely chewed up and broken and bitter, so of course the universe couldn't allow her to slip through unscathed. It wasn't fair– but nothing ever was.
“My… master,” he starts as she pulls away, leaving him feeling bitterly cold from the loss of her. "His name is Cazador. Cazador Szarr." 
“Huh. I think I've heard that name before."
“I'm not surprised– the bastard has his claws sunk all over Baldur's Gate. He prefers to exert his influence from the shadows, but he's too ostentatious for it sometimes."
“You know," she says, thinking aloud, “he sounds like another evil arsehole I know. Gortash was always trying to expand his political influence through various shady dealings. Hey, listen. If you won't let me talk you out of that deal with Raphael, then let's make a deal of our own. You help me get revenge on Gortash, and I help you take down Cazador. I mean, I'd probably help out anyway ‘cause it just makes me fume thinking about any of my people getting hurt, but solidarity, yeah?"
Astarion flashes a fanged grin. "Now there's an agreement I can get behind. Blood for blood.” He holds out a hand cordially, and she takes it up with such force that his arm is nearly removed from his shoulder.
"That's what I'm talking about, soldier! Hah– sorry,” she says, noticing the way his face twinged at the power behind her handshake. "Been a long time since I've gotten to do that. Feels nice.”
"It does.”
There's a loud snorfling sound from behind her– she whips her head around. "Scratch! No! You leave Clive alone.” She pulls the bear out of reach of the dog’s curious nose and makes to leave the tent. "Astarion, will you throw the ball for him? He's got too much energy.”
His first instinct is to respond with a resounding No, I won't have anything to do with that filthy creature , but something within him is stirred by his conversation with Karlach. If he had to put a name on it– hope. He decides that he's going to try not to be a ghost any longer. So he throws the ball.
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clorofolle · 1 year
Just making a post with links so I can pin it! Yay for things being organized! If you spot something not working on mobile, shoot me a message please.
me 🌱 Personal Website! This is the place I update most. 🌱 About page 🌱 "my art" tag 🌱 "plantposting" tag to look at my plants 🌱 "rayposting" tag for miscellaneous things I do and share you 🏴‍☠️ Piracy 101 guide (more up-to-date versions will be published on my website's page dedicated to piracy resources) 🏴‍☠️ ask: subtitles? 🏴‍☠️ ask: direct dowload websites? 🏴‍☠️ ask: why or why not Proton/Mullvad/other VPN Company 🏴‍☠️ "share and enjoy" tag for piracy related discussions/resources
- 🐛 Some nice miscellaneous links for you!
us! ☀️ Manifesto for a New Web ☀️ Internet Etiquette
I'm very happy to make friends and meet people, so don't be shy to say hi, even if we're not mutuals! Emails and long form messages are especially the best for me, as I can be a little scatterbrained and forget to respond to chats in a timely manner.
See you around!
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macaroon-sapling · 9 months
Headcanons - Vanessa & Glitchtrap ✷
Fun facts about a normal girl and her rabbit-shaped friend (not really) who lives in her PC!
✧ Before she was brainwashed in the beta testing of Fazbear Entertainment's VR game, Help Wanted, Vanessa was just a quirky young woman attending a small college for computer science. One day, she noticed that a weird little glitch showed up on her PC monitor.
✧ To support her college endeavours, Vanessa works at a local crafts and fabric store. She really enjoys her job, and gets along with her coworkers even though she's a little too awkward to talk to them sometimes. Her favourite parts of the job are putting out new fabric swatches and organizing the buttons. She's sorta friends with the manager too, who thinks the girl should really get out more. The only real downside to working at the little store is that it doesn't pay all that much.
✧ Preferring to be alone rather than living with a roommate, Vanessa lives by herself in a small apartment complex near the college she goes to. It can get very lonely, but she appreciates all the time she has to herself. It's good for keeping up with homework and her online discord friends. She's decorated her apartment with all sorts of movie posters, figurines, Hello Kitty merch, tiny plants, a bisexual pride flag, and random cute items. There's a lot of pink, hearts, rainbows, and puppies! Oh, and a lot of Monster Energy cans. So many Monster Energy cans...
✧ Vanessa loves girly alt fashion, and adds little elements of it to her everyday outfits. Things like silly earrings, pastel plastic chains, enamel pins, and homemade kandi bracelets really match with her creative style. Her favourite clothes are often colourful graphic t-shirts and baggy jeans with unique designs on them. She also has thin rainbow striped sections in her dirty blonde hair that she dyes herself every once in a while.
✧ Besides fashion, Vanessa is a big fan of vocaloid music, alt rock bands, slasher movies, and true crime. Her favourite bands are ones like Mindless Self Indulgence, and her favourite movie is the classic Friday the 13th. That brings us to her favourite true crime case, the serial killer William Afton and his infamous string of murders in the 1980s. She had never really gone to a Freddy Fazbear's Pizza location more than like once as a kid, but the horrific tale of the killer former CEO fascinated her. How lucky for her then, that the man himself would show up in a ghostly shimeji-like fashion on her very own computer! Yay......
✧ On a perfectly ordinary day, Vanessa came home from her morning college classes and sat at her PC, just like she did everyday. She promptly opened discord and just was about to start chatting away in one of her fandom servers. Then she noticed something casually appear in her peripheral vision, on the lower corner of her screen, something that wasn't supposed to be there. Were those.. tiny rabbit ears? Indeed they were. Using her cursor, she quickly clicked and dragged on those ears before they could disappear again. What she found dangling on her cursor was obviously a virus. Damn it, where could she have accidentally downloaded a virus? Was it from a badly coded Minecraft mod she had downloaded? Maybe from a virus-laced online game she had foolishly played? The possibilities ran through her mind as she grimaced at the odd yellow rabbit-virus-thing seemingly trying to get away from her digital grasp. That was until the virus suddenly looked up, directly at her, and angrily yelled for her to let go. Fancy that, a computer virus had just made eye contact and called her a bitch! Obviously very startled, Vanessa immediately dropped the virus on her screen and jumped back in her computer chair. She watched in stunned silence as the little bunny guy dusted himself off, then stared at the metaphorical "floor" on her desktop wallpaper (a pastel pixel art fairy forest) in frustration of having been prematurely noticed. Fucking creepy!
✧ Through trial and error, Vanessa soon found out that she had gotten the virus from her first beta testing session of Help Wanted (told you her job didn't pay enough). Through some very carefully asked questions (this is sarcasm, she straight up asked him multiple times until he admitted just enough that she could be sure of the situation), she also found out that the rabbit-virus-thing in her computer was the real actual ghost of her serial killer interest, William Afton. She was.. weirdly ok with this. For a lonely girl with nothing better to do in her free time, this was surely fascinating to say the least.
✧ Over the next few weeks, Vanessa and Glitchtrap (she learned very quickly that she really shouldn't call him William) began to develop what Vanessa would call a friendship. Anyone else would call it the beginnings of manipulation and having an annoying little ghost stealing your money and constantly snooping in your files. Keeping Glitchtrap out of her discord, instagram, and deviant art accounts was like a full time job. While freeloading in her computer, Glitchtrap developed a habit of playing games that Vanessa had downloaded. He'd only really do this when he was really bored and she was away at college. He pretty much only got into Minecraft, even though he'd constantly complain about how "shit" the graphics were, despite how much Vanessa tried to explain that the graphics were "awesome actually!".
✧ In this very short time period of mostly harmless antics with Glitchtrap, the worst thing he did to Vanessa was quietly steal over $300 for a memory extension for her PC. And once the part arrived, he proceeded to sit there like an asshole and command her to install it. Poor Vanessa, it's not like she has that kind of money! She's in college, Glitchtrap! It's not like he remembers what it was like to be a college student. Vanessa did indeed install the memory expansion though. Glitchtrap made sure to order one from a non-refundable website. What a prick.
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jekyll2life · 2 years
Blog Update (12/3/22)
Apologies in advance if the blog looks a little messy over the next few days, I’m in the process of re-organizing some things. 
First order of business is to update the masterlist. Since I’ve uploaded a ton of pictures over a relatively short amount of time, I’ve decided the best course of action would be to create separate masterlists. The links to all the group pictures should all be updated now (Jackson x Frankie x Holt get their own list since they have the most pictures lol), but I still need to update all the links to the individual photos. That will likely be done by tomorrow night or the night after tomorrow latest. 
Secondly, I’ll be making a new intro post, since the one that’s currently pinned is no longer accurate (ie, I have more dolls now and Jackson has glasses. Yay!). You can expect to see that at some point during this coming week. 
Rest assured, nothing else is really changing. I’m just cleaning up a bit. :)
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djservo · 1 year
HI CAS HELLO 💅🙋‍♀️ HAPPY NEW YEAR AGAIN, hope everything went fine for u too 🙇‍♀️✨🥳 I have no idea how long this will get but I guess I'll have to cut it in two (maybe 3) different asks so you can answer them under the cut!! Hope you don't mind but I guess it'll be easier for you and your blog 🏄‍♀️🤠
Opened up my notes app to answer you properly (and out of order) but YES, red nail polish is a pain in the 🍑 to remove, just as black nail polish ― the first makes u feel in a gore movie; the second makes u a gardener that worked with wet soil and no gloves. I end up with a cute pink-multi-color-kinda-pearly-holographic glitter bc I find out I DON'T HAVE ACETONE 🥴 I said cake but it's actually a brazilian dessert called Brigadeirão (like the big brother of Brigadeiro), but I called it a cake bc well, I thought it would be easier to picture. It's more like pudding 🍮 but chocolate and less smooth (kinda of)!! It's easy and I bet you can find some recipes online to check out!! I can help too if you need, just scream 🫂🗣️👩‍🍳 [...]
Ok I Did consider answering everything all in one lump but then I confused myself so Yes we are about to embark on this 3-part epic together 🤝🪂🧗‍♀️🏇
Wet soil is a perfect way to describe it yes I can't even think of the last time I painted my nails black bc it simply hasn't been worth it to me, 2010s mary kate & ashley style envy be damned!! But YAY FOR HOLOGRAPHIC GLITTER that sounds so sick!! The last time I reallyyy let my nails grow long (like 4 years ago 🚬) I painted them this blue-ish chrome & I felt like a hot android, I think about it all the time 🤖 I have this stupid hippy dippy #organic nail polish remover I got from some random co-op that hardly even works like I truly have to drench my nails and scrub at them for 5 minutes each so by that point I feel almost as if straight-up acetone would be less harsh? Certainly less annoying BUT WHATEVER 😑
I looked up brigadeirão And brigadeiro and they both sound heavenly omfg. I never think im a major chocolate fan but then ill see something so decadent and rich looking like that and go rabid 🧟‍♂️ ok wait also I've been having ghiradelli white chocolate squares with caramel filling like every single morning with my coffee since christmas so 🧍‍♀️ what is the truth @ myself 🦧🪞 I definitely wanna be more adventurous in the kitchen this year so this will absolutely have to be pinned (for a birthday or holiday tho bc I don't trust myself to refrain from eating it all on my own) 📍👩‍🍳
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elch-im-ausland · 4 months
Sunday Feb. 18 2024
I woke up a bit late but that's okay cuz it's Sunday! And nothing happens on Sundays in Germany... except for the Flohmarkt at the Mauerpark in Berlin. I took the tram just a couple stops away from where I'm staying and arrived at the market. Then I got a dirty chai latte and a currywurst for breakfast (very tasty with hot sauce and different kinds of mayo it was D-Lux!) and I walked around for a few hours.
There were lots of vendors selling coats and I wish I didn't live so far away because I have been dying to have a long fur-lined coat (of which there were many) but I really don't have any space so I ended up buying a leather bomber-style jacket to replace my really ratty denim coat I wear all the time.
As much as I love love love my denim coat and I've had it for a few years it's not very warm and the cuffs are so stringy and it's just not the best coat so I'm going to remove my patches and pins and leave it in Germany where it can have a new life hopefully and I will try not to think about how inanimate objects have feelings and how sad my coat will be that I am leaving it behind.
But I'm excited about the leather jacket. I think it will mark a new chapter in my life and although I am a bit saddened by the fact that leather is not really a pin-friendly material I have so many (some (my mother) might say too many) other jackets to redistribute my pins and patches onto, and I will continue the hunt for the long fur-trimmed coat of my dreams.
Back at the flea market I also bought a silver ring with a face on it for 6 euro, a record of Nena's Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann 12" dance mix for 10 euro, and a button down t shirt for 2 euro. Then I got a cup of Sahlab and another currywurst and went home because I had to pee and there were no public restrooms.
I met one of my host's roommates, he was really friendly and somehow spoke the exact German that I understand like he didn't use big words idk it felt like talking to a german teacher who understands your level of german. So that was nice.
That night I went to the Berlin Independent Film Festival (not to be confused with the Berlin International Film Festival aka the Berlinale, however I recently bought tickets to 2 films that are being shown at the Berlinale so yay! but it's really annoying that they both take place at the same time and have similar names cuz I keep getting them mixed up).
The movie I saw was Lichtenberg by Carl Bessai. It was at the Babylon Theater and it was very good! It is about 5 different time periods during the last century in an apartment building in the Berlin neighborhood Lichtenberg. The eras where 1920s, 1940s, 1980s, 1990s and 2010s. The cast was small and they played different characters in each time period. And then at the end of the movie there was a short Q&A panel at the front of the theater with the cast and director which was a bit awkward since I had a front-row seat so everyone was standing like 4 feet away from me eep! Apparently the director (who is from Canada) wrote the script and then the cast (all German) decided that it was a bit dry so they improvised every scene so it felt more organic and personal so it was a bit like a stage play in that respect. It's not on Letterboxd yet so I haven't been able to add it to my list rip
Then I came home and went to bed because I was sleepy.
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blackacre13 · 2 years
hey I just found out about this AO3 on twitter, And I found your works and I am obsess with 'em now. Just want to say you are my favourite writer rn. Can we please have The Proposal AU part 5? or even better can you please make a book of it
Hi! Ah yay, welcome to the clusterfuck! Not sure what you mean by a book, but here's a link to all parts of The Proposal AU that exist so far in one spot! https://lexicallogan.wixsite.com/blackacre13/the-proposal 
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UPDATED AS OF 9/18/22!!!
Last part was part 10 here; here's part 11! (I accidentally originally wrote two variations of part 10, so you may have already read this, but I have altered it slightly to make it work following the true part 10 and re-labeled for future convenience/so we are re-organized and accurate pre-part 12 which is dropping soon!)
“Watch out for Daphne,” Ida warned.
“Daphne?” Lou asked. “That an ex girlfriend of yours I should know about?” The blonde teased, brushing shoulders with Debbie as she merely laughed.
“You wish,” Debbie smirked. “That’s Daphne,” she grinned, gesturing to a little white ball of fluff that was jumping up and down beyond the glass patio door.
“Yippy little thing,” Ida smiled. “So much energy. Just watch out for your ankles, Lou. She likes to nibble.”
“Who could blame her?” Lou tried to joke, glaring daggers at the little dog as they moved into the house, Debbie laughing at the almost 6 foot tall woman shooting murderous looks at a dog that could fit inside a purse.
“I take it you’re more of a cat person?” Debbie whispered.
“You know I like pussy,” Lou rolled her eyes, starting to walk ahead faster to keep up with Darlene as Debbie tripped over herself a bit, her cheeks turning pink.
Debbie cleared her throat, trying to shake ridiculous thoughts and images from her mind as Ida held her back, Debbie left looking forlornly at her mother as she carted Lou away from her. She couldn't hide her nerves from her grandmother.
“So," Debbie started, taking a deep breath. "How exactly did you hear that we were getting married?” Debbie asked.
“You mean besides that crater on your finger?” Ida laughed. “I may be old, but I’m far from blind, Deborah.”
Lou tossed her a smirk from a few feet away as if applauding herself for the impromptu ring selection.
“I mean we had our guesses,” Darlene giggled, turning around as she pinned Lou to her side, elbowing her with a grin. “Debbie’s always so secretive and work keeps her so busy we barely have time to talk, even when she has news. No offense to you, Lou, dear. But you run a tight ship. But a mother always knows, right? And then there was that man from the government? I can’t remember his name. But said he was checking up on you two.”
“Checking up?” Danny asked, raising an eyebrow, unceremoniously dumping their belongings behind the couch. Dennis already nowhere to be found. He was always disappearing. To watch the game. Into his study. Out by the water. It barely phased Debbie anymore. Even if she was here to announce her engagement and had flown here specifically to share that with her family. Not that any of this was real...
“Lou’s from Australia,” Darlene continued, as if it wasn’t obvious from the accent.
“Crikey,” Danny whispered, rolling his eyes just as Debbie pinched him, the older Ocean crying out in protest.
“You would think they’re still in elementary school the way they act around each other,” Ida snorted. “Don’t let them get to you, dear,” Ida smiled, reaching out to pat at Lou’s shoulder as she smiled awkwardly in response.
“What did you say to him, mom?” Debbie asked, pushing Ida’s hand off Lou as she smacked Danny a second time for good measure. “Seriously.”
Darlene shrugged, her eyes turning to study Lou as Debbie watched the blonde's eyes grow wide with overwhelm.
“Just that you were coming home this weekend and we hadn’t seen you in a while,” Darlene spoke, turning back to her daughter. “And that you’d told us about Lou for years, but that we’d never met her.”
“I mean, Lou, dear,” Ida laughed. “The way Debbie talked about you? I’ll admit, I did not see this coming.”
“Me either,” Lou smirked, winking at Debbie as her cheeks flushed red.
“Come on, honey,” Ida smiled at Lou, taking her hand gently. “Let me show you around the house. Deborah can play some catchup with her mother for a few.”
Lou seemed genuinely grateful for Ida’s sweetness, but also shot Debbie a desperate look, not ready to be separated without a chance to set their stories straight before they were each isolated with a family member, but Darlene wouldn’t hear it, shooing Lou and Ida towards the other room as Danny fumbled with their bags again, pretending to be helpful no doubt, but not actually caring.
“Deborah,” her mother frowned, eyeing her seriously for a moment. “You know you can tell us anything, sweetie, right?”
“Of course,” Debbie sighed, kicking at the tire as she looked down at the driveway.
“Then what’s with all this secrecy?” She whispered. “And I mean, of course she’s stunning. That’s clear. But the way you’ve spoken about her for all these years…”
“It wasn’t a secret,” Debbie sighed, feeling defensive. “We just…didn’t tell anyone, alright? I mean it’s hard. I’m her assistant. She’s high up at the company. What would people think? What did you guys think? Things…change, mom. I don’t know.”
“They do say the line between love and hate is rather thin,” Darlene thought aloud, considering her daughter for a moment. “I should be mad at you. But gosh, I’m just so excited! I mean a wedding! Debbie, this is big.”
“It really is,” the brunette grumbled, starting to follow her mother towards the house.
“Oh!” Darlene exclaimed, suddenly spinning around. “I have the most wonderful idea! Danny, listen. What do you two think? For Ida’s birthday this weekend. What if you and Lou got married right here?”
“What if pigs could fly?” Danny snickered under his breath as Debbie swallowed thickly.
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the-nysh · 2 years
This question has prob been asked tons of times, so I’m sorry if it’s an annoying question. I’m new to the fandom and I’m so glad to find your page and couldn’t help to hear your opinions.
I’ve been on Reddit and such, and the controversy regarding Garou is insurmountable. I wanted to ask you: between wc Garou and manga Garou, which route of execution for his character development do you prefer? I understand that both are the same characters, however there are differences in the way they’re presented. What do you think?
No worries, anon! Cause I understand where you're coming from - granted, his current story in the manga isn't finished yet, and even his post-arc tease in the wc hasn't given us complete answers for his overall story's future either (so both versions are still works in progress) so many possible things can still happen, and I can really only judge based on the content we do have.
But I'll say that way back when, it took 2 reads of the wc for me to 'get' Garou - as in 'ah I see now, everything revealed at the end was true after all; I understand where he's coming from' - however, that was merely an acknowledgement/understanding of his character, not a complete 'like' yet. As I used to be primarily indifferent towards his character...up til the manga's shed scene. 👀 Which was an original expansion over the wc (for the better), showing us true tests to his character when impressively pushed to the brink, that really got me to open my eyes and pay attention to the potential of his progression with more scrutinized interest.
Since then, the manga spending this much extra time gradually humanizing him past his initial (performative) impression, and exploring his actual bonds/connections with Tareo & Bang in ways that feel much more organic, are irreplaceable. I wouldn't trade those moments - where we closely get to know him and cheer for his progression - for anything. :O Also because so far, the manga has done nothing to betray/destroy his core character to me; he's behaved consistent/faithful to how I've come to know him, which has been no surprise (however the reddit theorists who totally want 'god' to interfere with him just to see him 'go evil' is what actually would ruin him.)
His wc route is clean, concise and wraps up his climactic end to the MA arc as an extremely solid, standalone, memorable piece of writing. Which leaves me very eager to see what becomes of him post-arc. (My pinned post remains post-arc wc Garou for a reason; to remind me of the amount of joy sparked upon the tease of his return, cause feeling that was also irreplaceable - there he is, and there's room for his story to continue towards more greatness.)
But meanwhile his manga progression has felt so much more personal - that I'm also extremely fond of manga Garou. ;o; Where he's had many awesome, character defining moments showing us the best version of himself - of the person he can be if only he realized/accepted his inherent goodness. :')) His struggles and confusion - at what he thinks/believes being in conflict with what he actually feels and what drives his purest actions...his route to finding himself (past his anger and pain, thru all his mistakes and triumphs) is messy, human, and oh so endearing and compelling to me (which definitely makes me feel the fond/warm fuzzies inside.)
I love both versions of him (yay 'two cakes!'), but I'd say I prefer the more organic path the manga took to get us to really know and feel for him. :O (As again, with just a wc read, he was still interesting/compelling there, but its execution alone did not get me to 'like' him as a character....it took more involved personal moments, and active attention on my part to spot/analyze them as more chs published, gradually revealed/explored over time, to perceive him as himself before the fondness truly set in. So I'm truly grateful for the manga's approach there.) Meanwhile, things are still up in the air concerning how the manga will conclude the current arc, but my eyes are certainly still wide open to see how it all turns out. 👀
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drsweetzscenarios · 4 years
Kiibo, Ryoma, and Kokichi (Seperately) With a fem! Ultimate Neko.
Wow! My first request! I hope you like this, anon! I had a lot of fun with this request! Anyway happy reading! I couldn’t really think of anything for Ryoma so he just gets a lil extra headcanons. And I may or may not have been a lil sappy for Kokichi’s but I overall enjoyed fulfilling this request!
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Keebo, Ryoma, and Kokichi with a Fem!Ultimate Neko!S/O
This was a “love at first sight” kind of deal
You two were the only non-human people in the class!
I headcanon that whenever Kiibo experiences something new, he watches a bunch of anime or reality tv shows to prepare for the moment itself.
If TV told him anything people like you had to stick together!
On the plus side, you were realllllllllllly pretty so it was only natural he introduced himself to you!
I mean he knows how to play it cool!
“Hello! I am K1-B0, the Ultimate Robot! But please, address me as Kiibo!" He waved to you, all the while his internal fans were cooling himself down.You flinched, ears and tail pricked up before calming down. “Oh! My apologies! Did I startle you?” Did he already screw up??“Oh no, it’s alright! Kiibo-Kun, It happens!” Kiibo sighed internally. THANK GOD HE DIDN’T SCREW UP IN FRONT OF A PRETTY GIRL!
“Oh, where are my manners? I’m (Y/N) (L/N)! The Ultimate Neko! Nice to meetcha!” You smiled cutely, your fangs showing slightly. A Neko? What’s that? And then he looked it up…He then turned red. “O-oh! Tha-That’s cool!” He may or may not have come across a very “informative” source.
Thank you internet!
Now Kiibo doesn’t know how to talk to you!
But after months of encouragement from Kaede, Kaito, Maki, Shuichi, Miu, and Kokichi Kokichi just threatened to prank him for the rest of his days as if he wasn’t going to already
He finally confessed!
And it all went uphill from there.
When people make remarks about you, you can expect a “HEY! THATS NEKOPHOBIC!” from Kiibo almost immediately after they said that.
He started watching a lot of animes with nekos in them recommended by Tsumugi since he was wayyyyyyyyyy too embarrassed to ask you about it.
Cuddle time is the absolute best for you two.
You two were cuddling and thanks to your warmth, you took care of both of your needs for warmth.
“Sweetie...Can I tell you something?” You wrapped your tail around him and your ears were pinned to your head. You were clearly drowsy. “Yes, (Y/N)?” He wasn’t really sure for a nickname and couldn’t think of a good one so he just calls you by your name with no honorifics. ”Just know I love you, alright? No matter what..” and then you were about to fall asleep but then you noticed something.
Kiibo had shut down.
His face was bright red and he shut down.
You killed him.
Thanks a lot (Y/N) >:(
He went to his usual place for cats, that one alleyway he always went when he needed to breathe after a long day.
The first day at Hope’s Peak Academy is nerve-wracking.
Even the calmest person would agree so
Besides, he was a criminal
Everyone would either avoid or question him
As he rounded the corner, he saw someone
He didn’t get a good look but-
He knew they wouldn’t want to get involved with a criminal.
So he left, thinking that they didn’t notice him
Oh how wrong he was.
“Hey! You’re that guy!” Ryoma just looked over to you, internally scanning your appearance. “Yup, but I don’t think you’d like to associate yourself with me so bye” He was about to walk off before you interrupted “Wha?? I have no idea what you’re talking about?” You flicked your tail quizzingly. ”I saw you the other day! Were you going to visit the cats?” Your head tilted slightly.
”Do you like cats? Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I’m the Ultimate Neko, (Y/N) (L/N)!” Too bright, he thought. “And you are?” Your wide eyes blinked. "Ryoma Hoshi, the man called the Ultimate Tennis Pro... no longer exists. I'm nothing more than his empty shell." “Huh? Well maybe if we try hard enough we can make that empty shell not so empty!”
After that you two were attached to the hip
You asked him out since Ryoma being Ryoma didn’t expect you to return his feelings so he kept quiet.
There is already plenty people scared of him so you don’t need to worry about anyone commenting on your appearance.
Daily Cuddles.
This relationship is so wholesome-
I swear-
You both depend on each other so much-
You are each other’s comfort
And finally
Ryoma doesn’t feel like a criminal
One of his D.I.C.E. members was on a call the other day
Kokichi, being curious, may have over heard a conversation about the caller going to Hope’s Peak and being nervous, slightly nervous?
Though the caller’s deadpan tone didn’t really help with conveying that...
So the caller is going to be in his year :o
This will be very interesting!
Also the D.I.C.E. member seems to be calling you ‘kitty-chan’ or ‘neko-san’ or something...
Probably a nickname thing!
"I'm Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader!" You blinked. Then blinked again. ”I... didn’t ask...” You then looked back to the window. Her voice is … familiar... He thought.
“Well, I'm just the supreme leader of an evil secret organization. That's all. I gotta say, it's pretty impressive. My organization has over 10,000 members! Or not!" You glanced at him as your tail brushed against his shoes. “So I’ve heard...” you patted his head. You knew who he was. Your childhood friend worked for him. Your friend always talked about D.I.C.E. so they of course talked about their leader.
“What about you?” “Oh.. I’m the Ultimate Neko, (Y/N) (L/N). Nothin’ special”
And so began your friendship began
Well not really it was more like Kokichi’s questioning and in turn you sorta followed him around.
Then you became closer and *BOOM* you started dating each other
Your D.I.C.E. member friend gave him the “talk” and he had the ok to continue dating you.
Whenever someone dares to make a negative remark about your appearance, they get the same treatment that Miu does for the rest of their life
He asks you annoying questions sometimes that are meant to tease but you know that it is like I said just teasing so you don’t respond.
You don’t really smile or laugh at all, but Kokichi knows you still feel.
You just don’t express easily.
It was cuddle time after a long day of Kokichi’s pranking and school. Kokichi no matter how tall you are is the big spoon and he’s teasing you.
“Who knew your ears were so fluffy, cutie cat-chan?” He continued to pet your ears softly and gently. He snickered, his eyes closed but once he opened them... He saw something he always dreamed of seeing.
Your smile... It was happy, cheerful yet it was soft. He always wanted to see it but. He never thought it would look this...perfect and so you. One of the softest people he knew.
“So pretty...”
“What was that?” “N-nothing!” You had heard Kokichi loud and clear. Plus he was really flustered. First time you ever saw him like that. So today was a great day for the both of you.
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eadanga · 4 years
My Lost Love Part 11
Summary: Liam a prince fell in love with Gracelyn a palace maid who disappeared from his life years ago. Now king Liam is determined to find his lost love who is harboring a secret
Author Note: This series is for @texaskitten30​ one of the winners of my 400 followers giveaway. Hope you enjoy this
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Gracelyn looked in the mirror as she tried on her dress. She smiled as she rubbed her belly “What are you doing in there baby? Are you excited?”
“I know I am” Gracelyn turned around and smiled as she saw Liam behind her. He walked over to her and kneeled down and kissed her stomach “And this pregnancy I’ll be around for I can’t wait to meet you little one”
“The baby can’t wait to meet you too he or she is doing gymnastics right now”
Liam chuckles “Why are you giving your mommy a hard time little guy?”
“You mean little girl”
“Mm hm”
Gracelyn giggles “What if it’s two or three in there Liam?”
“Ah even better” Liam stands and kisses her on the cheek “I’d love to have a million kids with you”
Gracelyn smirks “Then you’re taking care of all of them”
Liam laughs “Oh no you’ll be there too love”
“Nope those million kids will be your problem” She playfully sticks out her tongue
Liam smirks and pulls her closer “Naughty naughty I think my queen needs to be punished”
“What do you-” Liam lifts her up and carries her over to the bed. He climbs on top of her and pins her arms on the top of her head. He trails kisses down her neck as she sighs “Liam…”
“You’re so incredible sexy Gracie” He kisses her deeply then growls “Get on your knees”
She nods and gets on her knees. Liam lifts her dress up and pulls down her underwear. He gives her ass a loud smack “This what happens when you’re naughty you get punished” He smacks her ass again
Gracelyn bites her lips “I’m sorry my king I won’t do it again”
“I don’t believe you” He smacks her ass again
“Please forgive me your majesty”
“Not until you’ve learned your lesson” Liam smirks then pulls her back up “Which I will teach you later tonight”
“You’re such a tease!”
“You love it now pull your panties back up and let’s head to the doctor” Liam heads towards the door and smirks “Don’t make us late”
“Me?!” Liam laughs as Gracelyn rolls her eyes
They arrive at the hospital where Dr. Williams waited for them “Hello your majesties ready for your appointment?”
Gracelyn smiles as she squeezed Liam’s hand “Yes we are”
“Great have a seat” Gracelyn sits on the table and lies back “This is gonna be a little cold” He poured the gel on her and he put the fetal heart monitor to her stomach. Gracelyn grinned as she saw a small image of a body appear on the screen “There’s your baby”
“Our baby” She turned to Liam who was grinning wide
Thump thump thump “There’s your babies heart beat a good and healthy size for 8 weeks too early to determine the gender but everything looks good” He press a button and it prints out the ultrasound picture.
Liam takes it smiling wide “Beautiful I can’t wait till he or she comes”
“Me too”
“I love you so much Gracie”
“I love you too Liam” He kisses her softly
6 months later…
Gracelyn laid down on the bed feeling exhausted after all the meetings she had this week Being a queen is hard work I’m just gonna take this time to myself. She closed her eyes and slept for a while till she was awoken by soft kisses on her neck.
“Wake up my queen”
“5 more minutes”
Liam chuckles and gently shakes her “You can go back to sleep later but right now I need you to get dressed and come with me”
Gracelyn mumbles “Where are we going that’s more important than sleep?”
“You’ll know when you follow me”
Gracelyn sighs and sits up “Ok Liam it better be good”
“Have I ever stirred you wrong?”
Gracelyn smiles “No you haven’t”
“Good now put on that dress” He points to a gold sparkling gown hanging
“Did you pick that dress out?”
Liam smiles “I chose the one that would make you shine the most”
“It’s beautiful Liam help me put it on”
“Of course my queen”
He helps her into her dress and shoes and they head down the hall “Are you ever gonna tell me where we’re going?”
“Be patient love we’re almost there”
He opens the door and they enter a dark room “Liam why are we-”
The lights turn on and everyone jumps out “SURPRISE!!!”
Gracelyn’s eyes go wide then she laughs “What’s all this?”
“It’s your baby shower love”
“Thank you, You guys didn’t have to do all this”
Hana skips up to her “But we wanted to I organized everything to make sure it was spectacular”
“Thanks Hana”
Maxwell grins “Now can we get on with the party there’s a bunch of new dance moves I have”
Drake rolls his eyes “It’s a baby shower Maxwell not a dance party”
“That doesn’t mean we can’t still party by the way why is it called a baby shower where’s the shower part?”
Gracelyn and Liam laugh as Drake sighs. Hana claps to get everyone’s attention “Alright everyone let’s get the party started”
Liam walked Gracelyn over to a large pink chair covered in flowers “Your throne your majesty”
“Thank you my king”
Gracelyn sat down as she ate food and received all her gifts. Lorelai walked up to her “Mommy I made this for my new baby sister”
“You mean baby brother”
“Sister daddy!”
Liam chuckles “We shall see”
“Here you go mommy” She holds up a drawing and Gracelyn smiles
“This is beautiful honey you’re getting good at drawing”
“I wanna be an artist like you mommy”
“I’m glad thank you baby” Gracelyn hugs her
“I love you mommy”
“Love you too sweetie”
“Push!” Gracelyn squeezed Liam’s hand as she pushed “That’s it you’re doing good take a breather”
“You can do it love”
“Hurry and get this baby out of me!!!”
“Push!” As Gracelyn pushes harder she looks at Liam “This is your fault! I’m never having sex with you again!”
Liam chuckles “You don’t mean that”
“You’re not the one giving birth you don’t know how painful this is!”
Liam smiles and rest his forehead against hers “Everything is gonna be fine. You’re doing great”
“Push!” Gracelyn pushes “I can see the head now give me one more big push”
She pushes one last time then a loud cry is heard “We have a beautiful baby girl!”
“I knew it! You owe me Liam”
Liam laughs “Of course”
“Wanna cut the cord dad?” Liam grins and cuts the cord. The doctors wrap her up in blankets “Here’s your new daughter your majesty”
Liam smiles as tears stream down his face “Hi there I’m your daddy. She’s beautiful Gracie” Liam hands her over to Gracelyn who cries
“She has your eyes”
“We make beautiful children” Liam kisses her on the cheek “What shall we name her?”
“Well with Lorelai my mom picked the name so I think you should pick”
“Hmm how about Sierra Annabelle Rhys”
Gracelyn smiles “I love that”
Gracelyn stood in the kitchen making a bottle for Sierra. Liam wrapped his arm around her “Morning love how are you doing today?”
“Good a bit sleepy she woke up once during the night but I got her back to sleep just making her breakfast”
“I’ll get Lorelai you know she always wants to watch”
Gracelyn giggles and heads out the door. Liam heads to Lorelai’s room she grins as he enters “Hi daddy”
“Morning mommy’s gonna go feed your sister now”
“Yay let’s go see daddy”
Liam chuckles “I love that you love her so much” He leans in “Just wait till you both get older you’ll be screaming get out of my room!”
Lorelai laughs “Did you do that daddy?”
“With your Uncle Leo always taking my stuff and pulling pranks yeah”
Liam turned to the sound of Gracelyn screaming “Bastien!”
“Yes your majesty”
“Something’s wrong guard her”
“Of course your majesty”
Liam ran to the nursery and saw Gracelyn on her knees crying “Love what is it? What’s wrong?”
“She gone! Our baby is gone!”
“What?!” Liam rush over to the crib and saw it empty
Tags: @indiacater​ @annekebbphotography​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @mfackenthal​  @texaskitten30​ @the-soot-sprite​ @cordonianprincess​ @mrsdrakewalkerblog​ @jared2612​ @sanchita012​ @queenjilian​ @princess-geek​ @liamxs-world​ @cordoniaqueensworld​ @iaminlovewithtrr​
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seoulwhat · 4 years
Cabin (#7)
Summary: Lay becomes your partner on a vacation organized by your best friend. 
Pairings: Lay x reader
Genre: SMUT
Warnings: slight choking, being pinned down, no condom, creampie, some aftercare 
Word Count: 8.7k
Renting a cabin during the winter is something you did every year with friends. You and your friends would gather together and pair up with each other. Whoever was your partner, you had to do winter activities with them. This year, was exactly the same as the rest of the years. 
"So a few guys are coming and I am inviting just enough guys so each of us has a partner. Is that okay with you?" Sooah asked over the phone. 
"Yeah, that's fine. We never have guys over anyway. It might be more fun with us plus a few guys," you said, liking the idea. 
The day came quicker than you thought and before you knew it, you were packing a luggage bag with your clothes for a week stay away from home. You drove to Sooah's house, the plan being eight people will take four cars, considering everyone was supposed to have a partner. 
"Yay! You made it!" Sooah opened her front door for you. "Okay, so when everyone gets here, I will pair everyone up and then we will leave after that, okay?"
You nodded and smiled, matching her large grin on her face. The two of you enjoyed each other's company, patiently waiting for everyone to come. 
"Okay," Sooah said sitting on her couch. "So I have a few things to say about these guys."
You rolled your eyes and laughed. Sooah was practically guy crazy so you had a feeling you knew what she was going to say. 
"The four guys coming are super cute and apparently they're all childhood friends. They're not my friends, but they're Mirae's friends. She showed me pictures of them and I instantly said yes to inviting them. Maybe we can find a cute one for you," Sooah winked and elbowed you. 
"Sooah, you know I have a boyfriend already. There will be nothing more than a friendship between me and whoever my partner is. Okay?"
Sooah rolled her eyes and slouched. "No one even likes Woosung. He's a jerk to everyone, even you. I don't know why you're with him."
"I'm with him because he's different behind closed doors."
Sooah stared at you with one brow raised. "How long did you have to beg him to let you come?"
You didn't answer her. She knew he wouldn't instantly let you. He'd probably have your head if he knew guys were coming. But since the trip has always been girls, he has no idea guys were included in the trip. 
"It's ridiculous that you need his permission to go somewhere. You're twenty-four years old! He acts like he's your parent and you're a child."
Sooah was right. She was always right. Even though she never had a boyfriend, she wasn't stupid. She always had the best advice but you never listened to her. You couldn't break up with Woosung, though. You had been with him for such a long time. It wouldn't feel right if you two broke up. 
Finally, the door bell rang and Sooah jumped up with energy from the couch. "It's about time!"
First, your two friends showed up. Mirae and Yoorim. Everyone was excited and you hugged both girls. It's been a while since you last saw them considering how jealous Woosung got every time you hung out with them. Just a few minutes later and the guys all showed up together. Everyone was in Sooah's house and she began introductions. 
"Okay so let's do some intros! I'm Sooah!" She said with a large smile. 
"Everyone knows I'm Mirae."
"I'm Yoorim," she said with a shy smile. 
It was your turn and everyone was looking at you. "I'm Y/n," you said with an awkward wave. 
All the girls, including yourself, looked to the men standing side by side. For the first time, you were able to get a good look at all four of them. The tallest one looked quite intimidating. He had light brown hair and was staring at Yoorim pretty hungrily. The shortest one was handsome and he stood like if he knew it. It was kind of attractive and you were curious about who would be his partner. The third guy had silver hair. He stood out the most to you. You had never seen a guy with silver hair and this guy wore it well. The last guy was beyond handsome. He smiled slightly and a dimple formed on one of his cheeks. You instantly fell in love, but you made sure not to stare too long. 
"Okay well I'm Sehun," the tallest one said. 
"I'm Suho," the short one said. 
"I'm Baekhyun," the silver haired guy spoke with a large smile. 
"And I'm Yixing, but you can call me Lay," the last one said with a shy smile. You found him adorable and couldn't help but stare at him. 
"Okay so I have everyone's names written down on pieces of paper," Sooah began. "I'll randomly give the guys a girls name and whoever they have will be their partner."
Sooah passed pieces of paper to all four men. There was some little excitement as to who would be your partner. You actually didn't mind who it was considering they all seemed very friendly.
The four men all opened their pieces of paper  Sehun instantly stared at Yoorim and smiled. "You're my partner," he said and walked over to her. 
"I have," Suho said, opening his paper. "Mirae."
Mirae laughed. "I had a feeling you'd get me."
"I got Sooah," Baekhyun said with a little smile. Sooah walked over to him and stood beside him. The three couples looked at who was left, which was you and Lay. 
"I guess we're partners?" You said with a smile. 
"I guess so," Lay said with a grin. "Should I check the paper just in case?"
You laughed. "I think we're good. But now we have to find out who's car we are taking."
Everyone decided to speak to their partners and you turned to Lay. "Do you have a nice and big car? We need enough room to fit our blankets and luggage."
"Well, I wouldn't say my car is big. But it is large enough. Do you have a car?" Lay raised his brows in question and his eyes widened a bit. 
You nodded in response. "I do. It's the old punch buggy out there. There's no way my car would make it up the mountains. So thank goodness for your car."
Lay looked a little confused. "What's a punch buggy?"
You stared at him in shock, wanting to believe that everyone knew the rules of the Volkswagen Beetle. "It's a game that people usually play. If you see a Beetle car, you punch someone and say 'punch buggy'. It's a stupid game people play but it sometimes kills time."
"Do you play that?" He asked with curiosity in his voice. 
"Not often. Only when I'm bored. Don't worry though. I promise I won't punch you," you laughed. Lay smiled at you and nodded. 
Once everyone decided whose car to take and all the luggage was put into the cars, it was time to take off. It was about an hour ride from Sooah's house to the cabin that everyone was staying in. At first, things were quite hectic with choosing who to follow on the road up to the cabin, but once things calmed down, an awkward silence began to grow in the car between you and Lay. 
"Should we get to know each other while we wait for this car ride to be over?" Lay suggested. One of his hands was on the steering wheel and his other was gently caressing his center console. It was an attractive site to witness. It was completely non-sexual but you always loved seeing an attractive man drive. 
"Is that a yes?" Lay asked, laughing. His question took you out of your daze and you felt a little embarrassed. 
"Uh yeah. You go first."
"Okay," he began. "Do you have a boyfriend?"
You laughed. "Woah, getting to the juicy details already, huh?"
This made Lay laughed out loud and his head tilted back slightly. "I'm sorry if I'm so straightforward."
You shooed him off with your hand. "It's fine. Yes, I do have a boyfriend."
Lay raised his eyebrows. "Nice. What's his name and how old is he?"
"His name is Woosung and he's twenty-seven. He's a singer, have you ever heard of him?"
Lay was quiet. You looked to him and he was gripping his wheel aggressively. "Is everything okay?"
Lay looked to you and took a deep breath. "Was this Woosung in a band called The Rose?"
You looked away and nodded, wondering how he knew that detail. It's been four years since Woosung was last in The Rose. 
"He was. Why what happened? How do you know him?" You're curiosity got the best of you. You knew the news that was about to leave Lay's mouth was not good but it was killing you to know.
"About five years ago I had this friend. She was beautiful and kind and everything you could possibly love about a woman. The three of us used to be super close friends. I had a growing crush on her and I told Woosung about this. The next day, I caught them in bed together. I was furious because Woosung knew about my crush. He practically broke guy code."
Lay's words hit you like a truck. "But, I've been with Woosung for six years. Does this mean he cheated on me?"
The car grew quiet and the last six years of being with Woosung ran through your mind. How could you be so oblivious? All his friends probably knew about this and you continued to be at his side like a moron. Your heart began to shatter and you felt sick to your stomach. The Woosung that you thought loved you, cheated on you and never told you.
You could see Lay staring at you from your peripheral. He reached for your hand to comfort you, but you instantly retracted your hand. "I'm so sorry, Y/n. I had no idea."
You shook your head in response. Your throat was tight with tears that wanted to spill and you knew that if you spoke, you'd break down. Your eyes watered to the brim, heart completely broken, but you never allowed a tear to fall down your cheeks. 
The rest of the ride to the cabin was silent. You couldn't think of anything else but the fact that the man you thought loved you had cheated on you one year into your relationship. You always knew Woosung was a player but you always thought he'd be loyal to you. 
The cabin slowly came into sight. You felt suffocated in the car and you just wanted to get out and be alone for a while. Once everyone got to the cabin and parked their cars, everyone stepped out and admired the cabin and its beauty. It was different than what Sooah usually rented. Normally, it was just the four of you girls but since the guys were there too, she had to rent a larger cabin. It looked much better than the other cabins on the site. 
You managed to keep Woosung out of your head for a bit. It came back into your mind when you saw the way that Sehun was staring at Yoorim. It was years ago when you and Woosung were still friends. He would stare at you like if you were the most beautiful girl to him. It used to make your heart flutter and your stomach filled with butterflies, but now, the thought of him made you sick to your stomach. Leaving the group, you walked to the back of the house, admiring the mountains and how the mountains cradled the city. It was nice. Evening was approaching and the city's lights began to glow. You took in a deep breath of fresh air, not knowing how you were going to approach Woosung with this newfound information. 
"Hey, are you okay?"
You turned around and saw Sooah with a concerned look on her face. She instantly saw your expression and knew something was up.
"Y/n, what happened? Did Lay do something to you?"
You shook your head and looked down to your feet. Your eyes began to water again, no matter how hard you tried to hold it in. You looked up at Sooah, confident that you actually did look okay, and she instantly hugged you. You couldn't hold it in anymore and her hug just brought out more tears. Before you knew it, you were bawling your eyes out and leaving tear stains on her sweater. 
You began to hiccup from all the crying, feeling like you couldn't breathe properly. "Woosung cheated on me."
Sooah gasped and pulled away from the hug to look at you. "How do you know? What happened?"
"I was talking with Lay in the car and they used to be friends a few years ago. He told me that Woosung had sex with a mutual friend of theirs."
Sooah reached for your hands and held them in her own. "Maybe it was before you two were together."
Even though Sooah hated Woosung, she wanted to believe that he didn't cheat on you. You shook your head. "No. Lay told me this happened five years ago. Woosung and I have been together for six."
Sooah opened her mouth in disbelief. "What are you going to do?"
You wiped a tear with your sleeve. "I guess break up with him. I have zero tolerance for cheating."
"I'll help you drop him if you need help, okay?"
You nodded and smiled through your pain and Sooah returned the smile. She hugged you once more, squeezing just a little for emphasis, and then letting go. The two of you walked together inside of the cabin where everyone was. Everyone had brought in their luggage and you suddenly remembered you never brought yours in. You searched for Lay and found him in the room you two were going to share.
"Hey, can I borrow your keys to get my bags and blankets? I forgot to get them in the car."
Lay gave you a soft smile and pointed to the bed behind you. All your luggage and blankets were already brought inside.
"I thought I'd help you bring them in. I know you're in a rough spot right now and I didn't want to make thing harder."
Your heart almost melted at how sweet he was being. "Thank you so much Lay. I really appreciate it."
Lay nodded and walked out of the room. You searched through your bags for your cell phone and took it out. You saw you had several unread messages from Woosung and a few missed calls from him. You rolled your eyes and could feel the love you once had for him slowly fade away. You hit the redial button and waited for him to answer. 
"Hey, baby! Why didn't you answer my calls? Are you cheating on me?" He asked and then laughed. The question made you feel so bitter towards him and you wanted to lash out. But you knew if you weren't calm about this situation, he'd try to turn this on you. 
"That's funny you ask," you say. "I should be asking you that, don't you think?"
The other line was quiet for a bit until he answered. "Baby, what are you talking about?"
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. He was acting completely oblivious. "I'm going to ask you this once and I expect you to tell me the truth. Okay?"
Woosung was quiet and you could hear his breathing increase. "Okay? I don't know what you're talking about. You know I don't lie to you."
"Have you ever cheated on me while we were dating?"
He didn't answer. Several seconds passed and you waited. "Your silence is all I really need."
"Wait! No, I never cheated on you!"
This time, you laughed because you gave him one chance to be truthful and he lied. "So you never cheated on me? A year into our relationship, and you never cheated on me with a girl that you wanted to sleep with because your friend liked her?"
Woosung gasped. "Are you with Yixing?! How do you know him? I dropped him after that situation and stopped being friends with him."
You internally laughed at how idiotic this man was. He just confessed about cheating and you bet he didn't even notice. 
"Well," you began to say with venom in your words. "I didn't tell you but Sooah invited guys for our girl trip and guess who happened to be my partner? Lay! And guess what else? We're sleeping in the same room and sleeping on the same bed."
That last part was definitely not true but you couldn't stand there and tell him the truth. You wanted to hurt him and make him feel just as bad as you did. "And want to know something else? We're going to fuck. He's a big guy and I know he can fuck me so good. Nothing compared to what you give me with your micro. I'm going to let Lay fuck me until I forget your name."
You could imagine how red and angry Woosung was getting, but you didn't care. You felt satisfaction through your words and it was making you feel so much better. "Also, I want you out of my house by the time I'm back from my trip. And if you wreck anything in my house, I'll take you to court just like your parents did."
Woosung's parents kicked him out of their house for being drunk all the time and when he was leaving, he took a bat to all of their expensive things. They took him to court and he's still trying to pay back the several thousands of dollars of property that he damaged. 
You waited a few seconds to allow him to say something, whether it was a lie or not. Finally, he did. "I did cheat on you. Her name was Nari and she was a good fuck. I definitely don't regret fucking her and I definitely don't regret losing my friendship with Zhang Yixing over it. He's a prick anyway and I hope you have fun with him."
And then the line went dead. You didn't think your heart could hurt any more than it did. But you were wrong. His last few words will remain in your memory. You were livid. You were seeing red and quickly opened up your messaging app. 
Fuck you, Woosung. She probably couldn't even enjoy her fuck because your micro didn't even reach her g-spot. But keep thinking you got it. It makes you look like a completely dumbass. In case you didn't already know, this is me breaking up with you. And while you pack your shit and leave my house, picture Lay fucking my brains out while I drown out the terrible memory of you. 
You exited out of the messaging app and immediately blocked his number. You went straight to your gallery and deleted every picture that left you a memory of him. It was almost most of your gallery but you didn't care. You set a reminder on your phone to set all of his gifts on fire when you get back home.  You threw your phone on the bed and sat in silence for a while. You heart was racing with adrenaline and you were still sick to your stomach. Just the fact of knowing that he cheated on you and never told you was really gnawing at your brain.
There was a knock on the door that caught your attention. It was Lay. 
"Can I come in?"
You smiled at Lay and nodded. You saw him walk in and his cheeks were a light shade of red. "Are you okay?"
He looked at you with wide eyes like if you caught him off guard. He nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay. Why?"
"You look feverish. Are you getting sick?"
Lay shook his head and laughed. "No, but this turtleneck is making me a little hot. Do you mind if I change?"
You nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I’ll let you change."
You got up from the bed and left the room, closing the door behind you. You walked down the hallway and into the living room where everyone else was sitting. There was a debate going on about where everyone should go for an evening stroll since apparently it was on the list of things for partners to do. You sat down next to Sooah who looked at you and smiled softly. You reached for her hand and gently squeezed it, sending back a smile to her. 
"Did you talk to him?" She whispered. 
You nodded. "I broke up with him and told him to leave my house."
She raised her eyebrows and widened her eyes. "Wow. Did he admit it?"
You frowned and looked down. You nodded. She placed her free hand on top of your hand that was squeezing hers, and caressed it for comfort.
"It's okay. We will do something that will get your mind off things. Okay?"
You nodded and looked up. Everyone was still deciding on where to go. 
"Why don't we just talk a walk around the city?" You suggested. 
"I don't like walking," Suho pouted. 
"I do!" Mirae shouted in excitement. "That's a good idea! Let's go!"
"But what if the rest of us don't like the idea?" Baekhyun butted in. 
"Okay how about this. If Lay says so, then we will go. He missed this whole debate anyway," Sooah said. 
Everyone nodded and agreed and finally Lay made his way back to everyone. He was wearing the same turtleneck he had on earlier and took a seat next to you. 
"Hey I thought you were changing?" You asked him. 
He shook his head. "No, I was able to cool myself down so I kept the shirt on. But what is everyone talking about here?"
"Okay we need an answer from you. Sooah swears we need to do partner activities and she wants us to do something this evening," Sehun said. "So we thought it'd be a good idea to get your voice on things."
Lay laughed. "Why me? What if I choose wrong?"
Everyone laughed at his answer. "I'm sure you won't choose wrong," you told him. 
"Okay, should we take a walk around the city or stay inside the nice and warm cabin?" Baekhyun asked. 
Lay smiled and looked at me. "What did you choose?"
You pointed to yourself in question. "Me? I said we should walk around the city."
Lay nodded. "I choose the walk around the city."
The other three men groaned and rolled their eyes. 
"Why? What's the big deal?" Mirae asked. 
"We thought this was a vacation," Suho said. 
"You guys are so dramatic," Yoorim laughed. 
Everyone got ready and made sure to wear warm clothes before everyone got inside the cars and made it to the city. You had never toured the city that you vacationed in and you were excited to see new things. Lay shut the car off after he found parking on the street. 
"Okay partner, are we ready?" He asked. 
You smiled at him and nodded. The two of you hopped out of the car and immediately you looked up at the large clock tower that he parked in front of.
"Wow, this thing is huge!" You craned your neck to look up. You admired the building before you looked at Lay who you caught staring at you. 
"Why are you staring at me?" You laughed. 
Lay smiled, his deep dimple forming. "You just look so amazed."
"Well yeah! Look at this building!"
He finally gave in and looked at it. Beautiful Christmas lights covered the building and you could see the lights shining from his eyes. It definitely made him look more attractive and you had to control yourself and look away. 
"Alright, so I looked up what's around here and just down the street, they have an outlet filled with stores that don't close until like 1AM for the tourists that come here," Sooah said. 
She began walking with Baekhyun, their arms intertwined with each other's. It was cute to see. She hadn't had a crush since freshman year in high school. It was nice to see her comfortable around a guy. 
Everyone began to follow her and you and Lay were the last ones to follow. He offered his arm to you and you smiled and took it.
"So, about earlier," he began. 
You brought your hand up to cut him off. "It's fine. Really. I think I should actually thank you for even telling me. Otherwise I would've stood with a man that cheated on me and I would've looked stupid not knowing."
"And you kicked him out of your house?" He asked. 
You slowed down and looked up at him. "How did you know he lived with me?"
"Oh," he began. "I think I heard you tell Sooah you were kicking him out. When we were on the couch."
You hummed in confusion. "That's weird. I don't remember you being there when I was talking to her about it.”
Lay nodded. "Yeah, I was there. I was actually behind the couch standing when I heard but then I went back to the room because I didn't want to eavesdrop any more than I already had."
"Why didn't anyone notice you standing there then?" You asked, kind of suspicious of his actions. 
"Because everyone was too busy discussing about where to go that no one noticed I was in the living room."
You nodded, adding everything up. You guessed that it did make a little sense. You didn't want to read too much into something that was so little. 
You all finally reached the outlets and you saw it was filled with name brand stores from brands like Nike to brands like Coach.
"Oh my goodness! I have to buy things from here. Baekhyun, do you care?" Sooah asked him. He looked down at her and smiled. 
"You're the best partner ever!" Sooah squeaked and dragged Baekhyun with her to the Louis Vuitton store. 
"So what are we supposed to do? I don't supposed you all like shopping as well?" Mirae asked everyone, but everyone shook their heads. 
"Well I guess we can just split up and do our own things. Find whatever we can to keep ourselves busy," Suho suggested. 
"I'm a junk food person so me and my partner are going to find a candy place to eat," Mirae said and left with Suho. Yoorim and Sehun shrugged and looked confused, but walked away together anyway. 
"What do we do?" You looked up at Lay. 
"Hmm," he said, bringing his lips together. "Well it's really cold out here and we haven't had dinner yet. Want to get something to eat together?"
You nodded your head, stomach instantly growling. "But what are we going to eat? I haven't seen any restaurants in this place."
"Do you like Thai? I saw a Thai restaurant when we walked into this place."
"Yes! I love Thai food!"
Lay laughed and grabbed your hand and the two of you walked hand in hand to the restaurant at the entrance of the outlets. The two of you approached the food courts to find that every restaurant was already closed for the day. You looked around and pouted. 
“What do we do now?” You asked, looking up at Lay. 
He bit his lip in thought and hummed. “How about we go to the store, buy a few things, and then head back to the cabin and we could cook some dinner for the two of us?”
You smiled brightly at his idea. You weren’t that much of great cook but you liked the idea of being able to cook with someone else who’s company you actually enjoyed. You nodded, your smile never leaving your face. 
You and Lay left the outlets and walked back to the car, your hand never leaving his until he opened the passenger door for you. You used your GPS on your phone to find a store and Lay made his way there. You always hated grocery shopping but for some reason, the tedious action didn’t seem so bad knowing you were doing it with Lay. 
“So what should we eat? Do you like meat? Noodles? Kimchi?” He asked looking around the store. 
You nodded and licked your lips. “I like all of those.”
Lay smiled. “So do I. Let’s get them all.”
You and Lay found all the ingredients together and although you had just had a breakup a few hours before, you felt happy. It was just odd how you felt that a simple action like grocery shopping was making you feel better. 
The both of you took the groceries back to the cabin, humming in pleasure when the heat hit your bodies. You removed your sweater and helped Lay out of his as he held all of the groceries. You took a few from his hands and placed them on the counter in the kitchen. 
“Okay, just a heads up. I’m not a great chef but I don’t exactly suck. I’m willing to help with anything,” you told Lay as you washed your hands. He approached you from behind and went up against you, wrapping his arms around you to wash his hands as well. Your face and ears grew hot at his action and you didn’t know how to react. 
“It’s okay. I’ll teach you how to cook,” he said simply. He finished washing his hands and moved away from you. You took a deep breath, gathering your thoughts before turning around to him. He looked completely clueless to what he just did. It’s like his action was completely normal to him. 
“Here, take these noodles and boil them. Once they reach a good boil, pour the seasoning in them and let it boil for an extra five minutes. I’ll get the meat ready.”
You nodded and grabbed the noodles from his hand. You got the pot ready and poured enough water inside and started the stove. Lay on the other hand took out a frying pan and began cooking, looking like a chef with every swift move in the kitchen. 
“Do you always cook? How are you so good at cooking?” You asked. 
“Growing up, it was always me, my mom and my grandma. My grandma was really old so the only person cooking for us was my mom. Sometimes my mom had to work very late at night and I had to learn how to cook for myself and my grandma, so I made sure to watch my mom’s cooking very closely so I can make us all dinner and give my mom a break.”
You nodded your head. “That’s really good that you took the initiative to help out your mom. Not many guys do that.”
Lay laughed and you looked at him confused. “What’s so funny?”
“I’m not like most guys,” he said. 
It was your turn to laugh but it came out a bit louder than his. “Okay, sure. That’s what every guy says.”
He went serious, his smile leaving his face. “I’m being serious. I don’t really see myself like other guys.”
You crossed your arms and stared at him. You tried to study him to see what made him so different. “What makes you think you’re so different?”
“Well for one, didn’t you just say not many guys would take initiative to help out their mom? I’d like to think I’m more caring than most men. I listen and pay attention to small details. I bet you didn’t even know this but this whole time we’ve been partners, I noticed that your eyes smile when your lips do. Or like how you bite your lip when you’re nervous. I haven’t even known you very long and I’ve noticed these things about you.”
You rolled your eyes and placed the noodles inside the boiling water. “Okay but anyone can say that if they’ve been with me longer than two hours.”
Lay continued to cook the meat and he laughed. As he began sautéing the meat, he looked at you and smiled. 
“What? Why do you keep smiling and laughing during the most random times?”
He grinned and laughed again. “Because you don’t believe that I’m different.”
It went quiet between the both of you, you not knowing what to say. There was no point in discussing something that was so open ended. 
You finished the noodles and Lay finished the meat. He reached inside the store bag and took out a jar of pre-made kimchi that he bought at the store. You set the table and he brought the food over. The two of you sat down and you closed your eyes and enjoyed the smell of the food. Your stomach growled loud and that made Lay chuckle.
“Okay, let’s eat!”
Lay allowed you to get your pieces of meat first and noodles and then he served himself. As you two began to eat, he spoke up. 
“Tell me something, yeah? How am I not different than other guys?”
You laughed with noodles hanging out of your mouth. “You’re still on that?”
Lay shrugged and ate a piece of meat. “What? I want to know. I couldn’t convince you that I’m different so I’m kind of interested in hearing from you about how I’m not.”
You finished chewing your food and had the best idea. “Okay, if you’re not like most men,” you said with a sly smile and crossed arms, “then what would you say if I asked you to fuck me?”
Lay’s eyes widened and he nearly choked on his meat. His face turned a deep red and he reached for his water and took several large gulps. You laughed and tossed your head back, knowing exactly the reaction you’d get from him. He stared at you and you continued to smile at him. 
“Is that a serious question?” He asked. 
You nodded. “Yeah. Your answer to my question will convince me on whether or not I think you’re like most men.”
He nodded and took another drink from his water. “Okay, well, um, we don’t know each other well. So I’d say it would be best if we came to know each other first and then decide from there what we both would want to do.”
You continued to laugh, not entirely convinced by his bullshit answer. You knew he was making this up. 
“Uh-huh. Now what if I made a move on you? You’d tell me to stop?”
“I don’t see how this could help-“
“Stop trying to change the topic, Lay,” you said sitting forward in your seat. You were messing with his head and you kind of thought it was funny. It was sort of obvious that he thought you were attractive so there was no harm done. And if he wasn’t attracted to you, well there’s still no harm done. 
Voices could be heard outside the cabin and the two of you looked to the front door. Lay looked back at you and you gave him a resigned expression. The door opened and everyone walked inside. 
“Wow! You two left us to have dinner! What kind of friends are you?” Mirae said instantly going to the food that was made. 
“Everyone had the option to do something in town. Y/n and I decided to go grocery shopping and make dinner together for the both of us. It’s not our fault you all decided to shop and eat candy,” Lay said cleaning up the dishes. You quickly gathered the rest of the dishes and put them into the sink, slowly reaching Lay’s ear with your mouth. 
“The conversation will continue later on. Don’t think you’re off the hook, sir.” You pulled back and saw him tense up. You found it funny the reaction he had and continues to have. 
Everyone sat down in the living room looking completely exhausted. It was now 12AM and you could actually feel the exhaustion taking over your body as well.
“I think it’s time to sleep,” Sooah said while she closed her eyes on the couch and cuddled into Baekhyun’s arms. He looked down and smiled.
“I think I’ll take my partner and I to bed. Goodnight!” And with that, he carried her bridal style into their room and closed the door. 
“Can you carry me like that to our room?” Mirae asked Suho. He laughed and got up. 
“Last one to the room gets the bigger bed!” He said and began to run with Mirae running after him. 
“I don’t understand how they have the energy to run. I barely have the energy to walk,” Sehun said. “Want to go to bed? I’ll give you the bigger bed if you want.”
Yoorim yawned and nodded and the both of them left to their room, leaving you and Lay alone once again. You quickly turned around to face him but he didn’t want to make eye contact with you as he continued to wash the dirty dishes. 
“Are you going to be a while?” You asked him. 
Lay shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe another ten minutes.”
You nodded and yawned. “Okay, well I’m going to shower. I’ll come back out and let you know when I’m done.”
You left and walked down the hallway into your room. You opened your bags and got out a towel and your clothes and brought them with you into the bathroom that was connected to the room. You started the water and quickly got into the hot shower. It was relaxing and you could fall asleep standing if it was possible. Once you were finished, you lotioned up and threw on your pajamas which consisted of an oversized t-shirt and pajama pants that once had a matching shirt. You combed out your wet hair and left the bathroom. You put your dirty clothes into a plastic bag and into your luggage and began to make your way towards the kitchen. You noticed all the lights were off and you were confused. You had no idea where Lay was. 
Walking back into the hallway towards the room, you heard shuffling behind a nearby door. This door didn’t lead to any of the bedrooms and you didn’t exactly tour the cabin to see what it consisted of. You opened the door and it was completely pitch black and your anxiety went up because you couldn’t see what was inside. Before you could close the door, you were dragged into the room aggressively, but before you could scream, a large hand covered your mouth, your hands instantly reaching for theirs as a reaction. 
“Do not make a noise otherwise everyone in this cabin will wake up.”
“Lay?” You whispered once the hand was removed. “What are you doing? What room is this?”
“It’s the laundry room and I actually wanted to scare you to see how you’d react. Considering how you kept messing with me to see how I’d react to your words.”
You were up against the wall and his body was pressed up against yours. Although you couldn’t see, you could feel his body towering over you. 
“You smell so good,” Lay said. He bent down near your neck and took a deep breath in, sending shivers down your spine to your legs. He pushed a few wet strands of hair behind your ear before his hand went to the back of your neck. 
“Lay, what are you doing?”
“Don’t you want me to fuck you?” He whispered into your ear. You gulped hard and you were sure that even Lay was able to hear it. 
“What do you mean? I was just joking.” You said, not exactly knowing what to say. 
“Were you, sweetheart? So you didn’t tell your ex-boyfriend that I was going to fuck you hard until you forgot his name?”
You gasped. “How do you know that?”
Lay pressed a gently kiss to your neck and your hands instantly reached to push at his chest, but he didn’t budge. 
“One thing you should know about me is that I’m a huge eavesdropper. I don’t mean to be. I just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and I overhear information that I’m never meant to hear. I heard all the things you told your ex-boyfriend. I even read your text message from your phone. Yeah, you forgot to lock your phone when you left the room after breaking up with Woosung.”
“I didn’t mean those things, honestly. I just said it to get him mad.” Your breath became ragged and your heart rate was increasing with every second.
“Mm-hm, so then you don’t wonder what it would be like if I did fuck you? I am much bigger than you and I’m sure I could dominate you and fuck your brains out, just like you wanted me to.”
Lay placed another kiss right underneath your ear and you let out a whispered moan, hoping he didn’t hear. 
“What was that? Was that a moan I just heard.  Let me hear it again,” he said and he kissed again in the same spot. Your knees were weak and shaking and adrenaline was running throughout your whole body. He gave several kisses on the same spot and then gave a gentle suck, making you moan slightly louder. 
“Good girl. Keep moaning for me,” he whispered into your ear. You began to want more and you couldn’t help yourself. You reached up and grabbed his face and smashed his lips onto yours. His lips were soft and you wondered how his lips would feel everywhere else. 
“Do you want me to fuck you?” He asked once more. You nodded, forgetting he couldn’t see you in the dark. 
“Sweetheart, you’re going to have to answer me out loud.”
“Yes,” you breathed out. “Please fuck me.”
With your verbal permission, Lay wrapped your arms around his neck and he picked you up by your thighs and walked both of you out of the laundry room. He made his way to the bedroom the two of you were sharing and he placed you on your bed. 
“You don’t mind if we do this on your bed, right? You have the bigger bed,” he said out of air. You shook your head in response and he dipped his head in between your neck and shoulder and continued to place kisses on your skin. Goosebumps began to rise on ever surface of your body and your heart was beating rapidly. Lay gave you a little bite to your neck, which caused you to jump and moan simultaneously. 
“Fuck, you’re so sexy. I want you out of these clothes,” he said while bringing down your pants.
He threw your pants to the floor and lifted up your shirt. He dipped down and placed kisses on your stomach from your underwear line and made his way up slowly. You weren’t wearing a bra and this made him chuckle as he rose your shirt all the way and saw your breasts. He placed gentle kisses around the mound and then slowly made his way to one of your nipples. He sucked on it, making you want to squeeze your legs but because his body was in between your legs, you couldn’t. Heat began to rise in your core and you wanted some relief. You rose your hips up to meet his but he pulled back slightly, your nipple still in his mouth. You threw you head back, the feeling of your nipple being played with his tongue running through your body. He placed your hardened nipple in between his teeth and gently bit down, making you jump and squeak. He smiled and then pulled away with a pop. Lay pulled your shirt off over your head and then removed all of his clothes. 
“I want you to suck my cock while I eat your pussy,” he said as he took of his boxers. His member sprang up once his boxers let it loose. It instantly hit his toned abs and you couldn’t help but to stare. He was definitely large and it made you excited that finally you were going to get some good dick.
You quickly took your underwear off and threw them to the floor as he laid down and took your place on the bed. You climbed on top of him and placed your throbbing pussy over his face, the anticipation rising your adrenaline. 
“Put that pussy over my face, just like that,” he said in a low voice. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and he put his whole mouth on your pussy. Your hands balled into fists, during he process leaving scratches on his abdomen. Wanting to return the favor, you leaned down and put his long member into your hands. You needed two hands to stroke him. Your hands were small and your fingers couldn’t fully wrap around him. You gave a short lick to his head, making his hips to rise up in demand for more. You slowly put the tip of his cock inside your mouth, receiving a loud moan from him, underneath your pussy. That sent vibrations straight to your clit which caused you to want to go down lower on his cock. 
You began to bob your head up and down and made the blowjob sloppy. Spit was dripping down his cock and it was shiny as you pulled back with a pop. Underneath you, Lay paid more attention to your clit and you were thankful he even knew where it was. He wrapped his lips around the swollen bud and began to suck. Your legs began to shake, a climax coming quick. 
“Lay, I’m going to come,” you breathed out. Your body involuntarily hunched forward and he never ceased his actions. 
“Come on my tongue, baby,” he said. He placed his tongue inside your pussy as his fingers began to rub your clit furiously. The quick movements made you convulse and tense, sending your climax throughout your whole body. Lay gave your clit one last suck before helping you turn around on him. 
“I want to see you ride my cock,” he said, helping you position your thighs on top of his. You lined up his cock with your pussy and slid down on him. 
“Ah, fuck,” he moaned. “Your pussy is so tight.”
The stretch of him inside you burned. You slowly made your way up and down his cock. The burn was soon replaced by pleasure and you began to go quicker. You placed your hands on his chest and bounced your ass on his cock. You threw your head back as his cock hit your g-spot with every bounce. 
“Tell me how much you like my cock,” he said to you. He placed his arms underneath his head as he watched you ride him with your pussy. 
“I...love...it so much,” you managed to say. 
“Fuck,” he began. “You ride me so well. I can feel your pussy tighten with every bounce. Are you going to come again?”
You nodded, not being able to speak any words. Your second climax was approaching quickly and you tried to ride it out. Your actions were deterred, so Lay grabbed you by your ass and began pounding up into you.
“Oh my god, I’m coming,” you whispered, worried that the others might hear you. Your pussy tightened around him and your body tensed up for the second time. 
Lay spun you both around so now you were below him. “Have you ever come three times in a row?”
Your eyes were closed and you could feel the energy being drained from your body. The second climax was much stronger than the first and you weren’t sure you could even have a third one.
You shook your head in reply to his question. 
“Well, tonight will be your first night.”
He rammed his cock back into your pussy and leaned over to look at you. Your eyes stayed closed, wanting to relish in this feeling forever. 
“Look at me,” Lay demanded. “I want to see you up close when I make you come for a third time.”
He was pounding your pussy and making your eyes roll back, it was hard to stare back at him. He placed a sloppy kiss against your lips and you were moaning into his mouth. Your hands reached up to his back but he grabbed both of your wrists and pinned them above your head. 
“Fuck, you look so fucking sexy pinned underneath me as you take my cock. You’re such a good girl for me,” he groaned. He had your wrists pinned with one of his hands and with his other, he reached to grab your neck. 
“Do you like to be choked?” He asked. You nodded. 
He gently squeezed the sides of your neck and you could feel your third orgasm approaching. It was coming strong and you could feel it. 
“I’m going to come,” you said in small breaths. 
“Me too,” Lay said. “I want you to come with me. I’ll count down from three.”
“3,” he said. Your orgasm was quickly on its way and you weren’t sure you could control when it happens. 
At 1, he squeezed your neck slightly harder and you instantly came. Your pussy squeezed his cock and he groaned loud into your neck. His cock pulsed inside your pussy as the both of you came. He let go of your wrists and neck and hovered above you, placing gently kisses on your lips. 
“That was the best fuck of my life,” he said and placed one more kiss on your lips before pulling out of you. “Come on, let’s go clean up before you leak onto your bed.”
He helped you get up onto your shaky legs and led you to the restroom. He found several rags on a rack and got one and ran it under warm water.
“Open your legs. I’m going to clean you,” he said. “Put your hands on my shoulders.”
You put your hands on his shoulders as he leaned down and wiped you. The rag slightly touched your clit and your body jumped, making you lean on his shoulders. 
“Are you okay?” He asked looking up at you.
You nodded. “Just a little sensitive.”
You smiled at you and continued to clean you up, making sure to be careful of your sensitive spot. He cleaned off the rag and continued until he thought you were fully clean and then cleaned up himself. 
“Okay well we’re both cleaned up. Don’t forget to pee, sweetheart,” he said leaving a kiss on your forehead before leaving and closing the bathroom door. You used the toilet and walked out and saw that he wasn’t in the room anymore. You put your clothes back on, fixed your bed sheets and laid down on your bed, feeling ever more exhausted. You heard the room door open slowly and you knew it was Lay. You heard his footsteps approached your bed and he tapped you. You turned around and saw his shadow standing over you. 
“Do you want to lay with me?” You asked him. Without letting him answer, you made enough room for him in your bed. He picked up your covers and got under with you, instantly wrapping an arm around your waist. 
“So how was it?” He whispered into your ear. His voice was soothing and you closed your eyes. 
“It was really good. Better than what I expected,” you told him. He gave you a gently squeeze on your waist. 
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now let’s sleep, sweetheart.”
With that, you placed your arm on top of his and interlaced both of your fingers. You could smell the soft cologne he was wearing and that was the last thing you remembered before sleep took over your body. 
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This will probably be my longest post ever lol. Well, get ready for this behemoth of a story called Happy Tree Friends: The Funeral.
(the movie begins in the hospital showing Lumpy as a doctor, he comes across Buzz Lightyear, who has broken his arm off)
Lumpy: Hello, do you need fixing up?
Buzz Lightyear: Don't talk to me!
(Lumpy comes over to a bruised and bloodied Cuddles' hospital bed)
Lumpy: So, you were beaten up by Scoutmaster Lumpus?
Cuddles: (coughing up blood) Y-yes....
Lumpy: Hmmmmmmmm…..don't worry, I can make you better! (rubs two defibrillator paddles together) CLEAR! (electrocutes Cuddles, which burns him until his heart explodes)
(everyone shrieks)
Lumpy: Whoops, sorry....
Toothy: He's not the only one you know, Russell died of lung cancer, Flaky had of a heart attack from entering a chick farm, Cub was shot by a black guy because Pop wasn't there to protect him, Mime was shot by Cleveland Brown, and Splendid puked his organs out after swallowing the Kryptonut.
Nutty: Oh, why would we lose them too?!
Petunia: This is just terrible!
(later, at the funeral)
(The Intermezzo of Cavalleria Rusticana starts playing as the remaining Happy Tree Friends mourn for Cuddles, Russell, Flaky, Cub, Mime, and Splendid)
Reverend Lovejoy: Here lies Cuddles the bunny, Russell the pirate otter, Flaky the porcupine, Cub the baby bear, Mime the mime deer, and Splendid the super squirrel. We shall never forget the times we had with them.
PhantomStrider: (blows a horn) YAY!!!! 6 OF THE HAPPY TREE FRIENDS ARE DEAD!!!!
Happy Tree Friends Hater #1: LET'S CELEBRATE!!!!
PhantomStrider: (starts playing the Chicken Song by J.Geco)
Flippy: You evil disrespectors! I swear I'll cut you in your sleep!
Reverend Lovejoy: Question, how did Cuddles die?
Sniffles: Lumpy shocked him to death after he got beaten by Scoutmaster Lumpus.
Reverend Lovejoy: Oh, okay.
Diesel: Alright people, LET'S TEAR THIS PLACE DOWN!!!
PhantomStrider: I’m full of surprises, they ought to say of me, I bring some razzle dazzle to the yard, I’m full of surprises, as you can plainly, I don’t find being surprising all that hard. Some would probably say, I’m only up to my old tricks, but I’d say I’m a problem solver, looking for a nice quick fix. I’m full of surprises, they ought to say of me, I bring some razzle dazzle to the rail, I’m full of surprises, as you can plainly see, I’m trusting my surprises to prevail, I hope this time being surprising doesn’t fail! They used to call me devious, because I had a pit of previous, but please you must believious, I’m not that bad… Well maybe just a tad.
Crowd of Characters: (applause)
Russell Ferguson: That's what that pirate otter gets for stealing my name!
PhantomStrider: Come here, Happy Tree Friends haters!
Happy Tree Friends Haters: Coming!
PhantomStrider: Are you a real villain?
Hater #1: Well, uhhh….technically not
PhantomStrider: Have you ever caught a good guy like a real superhero?
Hater #1: Nah!
(Hater #2 shakes his head)
PhantomStrider: Have you ever tried a disguise?
Hater #1: Nah, nah....
PhantomStrider: Alright! I can see that I will have to teach you how to be villains!
Happy Tree Friends Haters: Hey! We are number one! Hey! We are number one!
PhantomStrider: Now listen closely. Here’s a little lesson in trickery. This is going down in history, If you wanna be a villain number one, You’ll have to chase a superhero on the run. Just follow my moves and sneak around be careful not to make a sound. (Happy Tree Friends Hater #1 steps on a branch) No! Don’t touch that! Ha, ha, ha! Now look at this net I just found. When I say “Go!”, be ready to throw! Go! Throw it at him, not me! Ugh! Let’s try something else. Now watch and learn, here’s the deal, you’ll slip and slide on these banana peel, (Happy Tree Friends haters slip on the Banana peels) What are you doing?! We are number one Hey! Hey! 
Crowd of Characters: (applause)
Handy: Hmph!
Lumpy: I kinda like it!
PhantomStrider: And for you guys, I have something to say to you.
Giggles: Oh, great.....
PhantomStrider: A man has fallen into the river in LEGO City! Start the new rescue helicopter.
Crowd of Characters: HEY!!
PhantomStrider: Build the helicopter, and off to the rescue. Prepare the lifeline, lower the stretcher, and make the rescue. The new emergency collection from LEGO City!
Pop: My son is dead and you're telling us songs and quotes that make no sense?!
Flippy: (flips out) THAT IS IT!!!! WE WILL KILL YOU!!!!
(Silence breaks for 10 seconds)
PhantomStrider, the Happy Tree Friends Haters, and Crowd of Characters: (booing and throwing things at them)
Duck: Dingus!
Oliver: You shut up!
Smudger: Preachy!
Lammy: We’re not being preachy.
Yong Bao: (throws a jar of macaroni and cheese at Disco Bear)
Happy Tree Friends Hater #1: I thought they touched on a vital issue.
PhantomStrider: I beg to differ, hi-yah! (throws a rock)
Flippy: Okay! Okay! Uncle! We give up! Can we please call this a truce?
Frankie: (recording) Theo, this is not safe at all.
Theo: Shut up, Frankie! Just keep filming, Okay. I’m Theo, and I am The Greatest American Hero, my special power is being somehow memorable after a very short run on TV.
(Merlin, Hurricane and Lexi set off)
Theo: (singing) Believe it or not, I’m walking on air, I never thought I would be so free…
(Hurricane, Lexi and Merlin let go of Theo)
Theo: (still singing) Flyin’ away on a wing and a pray’r, who could it be? (could it be) believe it or not, it’s just… (crashes into a tree and falls into the lake at PhantomStrider’s concert, everyone stops booing and starts laughing at Theo)
Reverend Lovejoy: In many ways Cuddles, Russell, Flaky, Cub, Mime, and Splendid were supporting characters in our lives, they didn't grab out our attention with memorable catchphrases or comical accents.
Nutty: Awwwwwwwwwwww..........
PhantomStrider and Haters: (Singing) These guys are not use at all; Thinks they’re very clever. Says that they can manage us; that’s the best joke ever! When they order us about, with the greatest folly, we just kill them! Pop Goes Old Dummies! (PhantomStrider and the haters laugh and then run up to the Happy Tree Friends with spears, torches, pitchforks, katanas, battering rams, axes, pistols, chainsaws, whips, bazookas, tasers, pepper spray, medieval flails, maces, shis, staffs, nunchucks, rolling pins, shurikens, broken glass bottles, and plasma cannons making battle cries and kill them)
(later, they all respawn back in a different timeline)
Cuddles: Well, of course we'd all be back. It's Happy Tree Friends, for goodness sake! Next time I'll stay away from Scoutmaster Lumpus. Hmmm....that's funny, I feel hungry for some cat all of a sudden. (sees a cat on the floor, pupils dialate) Come here, after-death snack! (iris closes up on the cat as Cuddles eats it offscreen)
(after-credits scene, July 19, 2069…)
Hater #1: Uuuuuuuuuuh, PhantomStrider? I don't think we should be here again.
PhantomStrider: Come on, the Happy Tree Friends are all dead now.
Hater #2: But you know they can respawn, right?
PhantomStrider: I know, but they'll respawn in a different timeline, so there's nothing here to be afraid of.
(a hand grabs PhantomStrider and throws him off a bridge)
PhantomStrider: (screams)
(the Happy Tree Friends haters watch PhantomStrider fall to his death, now more scared than before, they turn around and see Jack Skellington heading towards them)
(cuts to static)
(after-credits scene second part, Cuddles is fast asleep with Giggles in their bed together, when their room is intruded by PhantomStrider's ghost, just as PhantomStrider raises his arm to attack them, Cuddles wakes up and finds that the room is empty. Assuming PhantomStrider's ghost to be a dream, Cuddles goes back to sleep, oblivious to the presence of PhantomStrider's shirt on the floor)
This is... *inhales* *exhales*
What does PhantomStrider has to do with Happy Tree Friends!?!
You do know the characters don't talk right?
How is this supposed to be scary?
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
ABM fam going bowling ~T
Yes! Perfect time to use this inspo picture!! hehe
Also I found this video which is also what the guys look like at this time in this universe so enjoy that 😛
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Thursday, May 27, 2021
Clementine had her arm around Daniel’s shoulders as he carried her into the building, holding the door open for Florence with the stroller just behind them. It was late May and Zach had invited their friend group to go bowling for his 20th birthday. He meant it as more of a ‘let’s drink and bowl and then head to the arcade’ but with two little ones, Daniel and Florence took it as an opportunity to see their friends and have a fun day out of the house for the girls.
Clementine had never been bowling before - at two-years-old there was a lot she had yet to experience - and simply the bright neon colours and lights that filled the bowling alley had her eyes wide as she looked around to soak everything in. Daniel smiled at her and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“What do you think, baby?”
“Cool!” Clementine grinned, her little fingers wrapping around the material of his purple t-shirt.
They all walked towards the check-in desk and Daniel ordered them a lane and shoes with a swipe of his debit card. Clementine made sure so say a cheery “hi” with a little wave to the guy behind the counter before they headed off to find their shoes. Florence was going to stick with baby Penelope instead of playing so she went off to find the rest of their group while Daniel and Clementine got their bowling shoes from the rack.
Clementine held onto his shoulders and looked around the area as he got her in her shoes and Velcroed them up for her. The crash of the pins and the sound of the heavy balls hitting the wooden lanes was very new to her and she seemed to constantly be on high alert through the bit of sensory overload. Clementine held Daniel’s hand as they headed down to their group, taking the three steps to the lanes one at a time before she was rushing off towards their friends.
“Jack!” Clementine shrieked, throwing her arms around his legs.
“My little orange! I missed you!” Jack set his beer down so he could pick her up and pressed a kiss to her cheek as she cuddled into him.
Daniel greeted his friends quickly – it had only been a few hours since he had seen them back at their shared house – and they organized themselves into teams.
Since Clementine was playing, one lane had the bumpers and was set up for 5pin bowling as the other were regular 10pin. Daniel and Clementine and Jack and Jonah and Corbyn stuck together with the smaller game and Zach and his friends from class took the main game. Florence kept her seat by the ball return, Penelope sat on her lap with her favourite toy to keep her entertained.
Corbyn typed in everyone’s name into the computer to put up on the score chart screen above the lane, their names down to four letter abbreviations. Clementine was put first to go and Daniel walked with her up to the line and handed her a ball.
“Can you hold this?” he asked softly, trying to let go to have her carry it herself.
“Daddy!” Clementine shrieked, nearly dropping the ball so he set his hands back over hers.
“I got you, I got you.” Daniel chuckled, crouching down behind her. “We’re gonna give it a good roll, okay?”
“Okay.” Clementine nodded, bending her little legs to roll the heavy ball down the lane (with a little extra nudge from Daniel’s hands). They all watched it roll steadily over the wood floor, bumping into the guardrail before finally knocking over a single pin. “It fell down!” Clementine gasped, pointing at it before whipping around to Daniel to see if he saw.
“I know! That’s so good!” Daniel grinned, pressing a kiss to her cheek. He jumped up to grab a second ball. “You have one more turn!”
They rolled the ball down the lane together again, hitting two more pins much to Clementine’s glee and she ran over to Florence to share the details as if she couldn’t see from her close seat. Florence praised her daughter gently before helping her up onto the chair beside her to wait for her next turn. They watched Daniel go next, surprisingly getting a strike on his first go.
“Yay, Daddy!” Clementine shouted as she applauded him.
“Good thing I have my three good luck charms with me.” Daniel smiled, dipping down to kiss his girlfriend sweetly.
The other boys took their turns, Clementine applauding for each of them but always seemed to cheer the loudest for Daniel. And when her turn would come around, she would jump right off the chair and rush up to the line with Daniel and held out her hands for the ball, her little blonde pigtails bouncing with her excitement. She definitely wasn’t winning but she was having the time of her life, watching her slow rolling ball knock over a pin or two, and especially watching the guys throw theirs expertly.
Penelope soon got fussy – probably from all the noise of the bowling alley and the many different lights that were flashing as the sun was setting – and Daniel scooped her up from Florence’s lap to console the ten-month-old himself, resting her head on his shoulder and held his hand over her ear gently as he swayed slowly. So Jonah took over for Daniel with helping the toddler roll her ball down the lane and Corbyn took over Daniel’s turn to rack him up a few points since Corbyn was leading them all.
Clementine was soon offering a smiley, “Good job!” and a high five to everyone when they were done their turns.
It was nearing the end of the game and Jonah had Clementine set up for her turn, making sure she was holding tightly to the ball. “Throw as hard as you can, okay?”
Clementine nodded, pulling her arms back between her little legs before tossing the heavy ball down the lane with a small yelp.
“That was so good!” Jonah praised the toddler, the two of them watching as all of the pins were knocked down.
Clementine screamed and whipped around to Daniel, pointing her little finger down the lane, “Daddy! Look! I won! Look!”
“Oh my gosh, Clem! You knocked them all down?” Daniel gaped.
“Uh huh! All by myself!” Clementine grinned.
Corbyn laughed and clapped Jonah on the back as he got up to take Daniel’s next turn, “The teacher is always forgotten.”
Clementine skipped over to Daniel and he held his hand down for a high five and she smacked her tiny palm against his.
“That’s my girl.” Daniel squished her cheek. “Do you want a snack after your big win, baby?”
“Chipies!” Clementine held onto the hem of his shirt.
“We can for sure get you chips.” Daniel let her by the hand up the three steps to the main hallway where the small restaurant was and he ordered nachos at the window, Penelope still tucked up against his shoulder.
As they were waiting for the food to be made, they rested against the wall and Clementine traced the patterns on the floor with her slippery shoes, keeping herself steady with her hand in Daniel’s.
“Daniel!” Corbyn called from their lane. “You won, bro!”
He looked up at the score list and sure enough, he had pulled through at the end (thanks to Corbyn doing literally all the work) and ended up winning.
“Ay! I did!” Daniel grinned, throwing his friend a thumbs up. “And I didn’t even break a sweat!”
They took the nachos back to their seats and Clementine sat on Florence’s lap to eat and set Penelope in the stroller as the boys did a regular round for themselves. Of course, now that the bumpers were down and Corbyn wasn’t playing for him, Daniel ended up coming in dead last with a score of 24.
He returned to their chairs with a disappointed expression, shaking his head at himself.
“Don’t think this is your game, baby.” Florence chuckled.
“My good luck charms don’t work anymore for some reason.” Daniel tisked.
“One’s asleep and one’s covered in fake cheese.” Florence laughed, looking at Clementine on her lap whose little hands and face were covered in artificial melted cheese from her nacho feast. The two-year-old gave a toothy grin up to Daniel.
“What’s your excuse?” Daniel asked, leaning down towards his girlfriend until they were mere centimetres apart.
“None, you just suck.” Florence teased, earning an insulted gasp from Daniel and she pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.
He couldn’t offer a rebuttal before Clementine was grabbing him by the front of his shirt, “Daddy, I gotta pee!”
“Okay, angel.” Daniel sighed lightly, now with a small greasy cheesy handprint right on the middle of his new shirt and he lifted her off Florence’s lap. “Let’s go.”
Clementine reached up to take his hand as they walked, the sticky mess on her hands now rubbing all over his as well and Daniel could only smile down at the little girl as she skipped happily beside him.
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ilonga · 4 years
The Phantom Menace in my Avatar Au
posting it separately for organization purposes!! 
here’s an overview of the avatar au:
you can find snippets, asks, and more info under the tag “star wars/avatar au” on my tumblr!!
anyways, here it is:
So Anakin lived with Shmi in a poor Earth nation village filled with workers like them and more or less owned by the earthbender Watto. The workers (farmers, for the most part) only got to keep a little of their share for themselves and were basically terrorised by Watto day and night. Watto considered the workers below him and enjoyed lauding his power over them and making them suffer. He used his earthbending to intimidate and terrify them (pinning them down in the Earth when they displeased him, on one notable occasion throwing a rock down on someone’s arm and crippling them for life). If he was displeased with someone, he’d often pin their arms and legs in rock and leave them there, with no food or water, until his whims were satisfied and he let them out.
One of Anakin’s earliest memories was trying to sneak his mother food and water the countless times it happened to her (it happened to him once, too, and he’d never been so terrified in his life).
Save Anakin and one older woman who was an airbender, there were no other benders in that village. Both hid it for fear of what Watto would do to them if he found out (they could have been separated from their families, maybe, or used for much more dangerous or difficult tasks. On a much darker note, if Watto was in a particularly bad mood, he might have tried to cripple and kill them so they couldn’t inspire or help the workers fight back).
Watto, raised in a rich family, had decided against joining Raava’s Order at a young age, a decision that his father (who also tyrannised the workers in a similar way) supported. He enjoyed the fruits of his workers labor and lived rather lavishly if anything.
So that was their early life.
Padme Amidala, a nonbender and daughter of Jobal, a leader of the Northern Water tribe, was about twelve or thirteen years old when the vicious spirit Maul began terrorising her people. She was a talented archer and hated feeling helpless more than anything. So when representatives of Raava’s Order Qui-gon Jinn and Obi-wan Kenobi came to aid the Water Tribes and track down and defeat the spirit, she snuck along with them as they were tracking Maul. Obi-wan was around nineteen or twenty at the time and considered a tremendously talented waterbender, and Qui-gon Jinn, just like in canon, was quite unorthodox and independent. The two had a healthier relationship than in canon (Qui-gon had accepted and wanted Obi-wan as his apprentice right away rather than the somewhat cruel back and forth that happened in canon).
When they figure out that Padme snuck along, Qui-gon’s rather worried and Obi-wan rather annoyed, but she really is a talented archer and a talented diplomat, and she wins them over quickly enough. Qui-gon can’t help but think she reminds him of a young Obi-wan, and Obi-wan himself at the very least admires her determination.
So. They’re tracking the spirit Maul, who eventually leads him to the isolated village where Anakin and his mother live. They lose track of him (he probably disappears into the surrounding forest) and they seek lodging at the village until they draw Maul out and defeat him. Anakin, who is about ten or eleven at the time, notices them first and takes them to his mother, who in turn directs them to Watto. Anakin doesn’t reveal his bending to them immediately, although it’s clear they suspect something, and once he realizes that they’re from the Order, he has a heated discussion with his mother about it.
“Mom, they could help us,” he says, thinking of Watto and how if anyone would be able to subdue him, it’d be benders of Raava’s Order. He’s cautious, of course, but they’re not earthbenders so they can’t be that bad, can they? And that girl, Padme, was really pretty…
“No,” his mother says, thinking of how Watto’s family has been in power for generations and they always manage to escape the suspicion of outsiders, “but they could help you.”
Watto, on the other hand, is simultaneously thrilled that such important people are visiting, but worried at being found out. So he makes no secret of his earthbending but curbs his visible cruelty and covertly threatens the workers not to let a word of it slip.
So Qui-gon, Obi-wan, and Padme find lodging within the workers’ huts (Watto kicks some workers out of there and moves them into others’ huts because of course he does, which they’re not aware of) and Anakin reveals his bending to them. And they’re excited because a new possible member of Raava’s Order!! But also, alarm bells are going off in their heads because why is this kid so secretive about it and why does he feel he needs to hide his firebending?
They talk to Shmi, and they notice that both her and Anakin avoid talking about Watto entirely, although Anakin’s facial expressions and body language are a lot more expressive. But they notice Shmi’s bruises, and they notice the way both of them tend to subtly flinch whenever Watto, work, or even bending is mentioned. So now they have two things they’re worrying about: Maul, and the condition of the workers in this town (none of that “I didn’t come here to free the slaves” stuff this time around; they’re openly worried, and if there’s something wrong, they want to do something about it). And also, they start to care about the two. Obi-wan takes a liking to Anakin more or less immediately, and Shmi is so kind and so steadfast that the three of them can’t help but admire her.
The next day, Obi-wan and Qui-gon start tracking Maul again. Padme stays behind in the village to observe. Anakin and Padme bond a bit (in a friendly way, definitely not romantically (although maybe slight crushes are involved?)–they’re kids!! ok!! and since there’s way less of an age difference they can just be kids together, enjoying each other’s company). Anakin shows off the tricks he’s managed to teach himself in secret over the years. Padme shows off her archery. They bond over the whole “I hate feeling helpless” spiel and caring a lot about their moms. And although Anakin doesn’t explicitly say it’s Watto he hates being helpless against, they both know who he’s talking about. Padme resolves to do something. That something, she decides, is talking circles around Watto until she can get him to admit to something so that her, Obi-wan, and Qui-gon can move against him openly.
In the meantime, night has fallen once Obi-wan and Qui-gon finally track Maul down. There’s a quick skirmish and they realize Maul is much more dangerous than they anticipated. Then the battle starts in earnest.
It’s long, and messy, and they’re exhausted and still fighting when the sun comes up. They’ve also been slowly getting closer and closer to the village as the battle goes on, and eventually they reach the village proper and now the workers are in danger too. There’s a lot of commotion and Watto comes out of his house (mansion, practically) to see what’s going on.
The three are fighting and Maul lands a hit on Qui-gon that knocks him out of commission, so now two things happen at once:
1) Anakin reveals his bending to the whole village (+Watto) when he steps in to ward off an attack from Maul
2) Maul’s next hit kills Qui-gon
So now, again, two things are happening at once. Obi-wan, furious, finishes off the duel with Maul and kills him (for good). Watto, on the other hand, having seen a demonstration of Anakin’s bending, is furious out of his mind. All thoughts of hiding his cruelty from the outsiders gone, he tries to hurt Anakin, probably alongside mad ravings about Anakin “threatening him”, “defying his power”, “how dare he”, and all that jazz.
It all happens so quickly. Watto throws a rock or something aiming for Anakin, Shmi pushes him out of the way, and Shmi gets trapped under the rock in Anakin’s place. It’s clear she isn’t going to survive. There’s a lot of yelling and reactions, from the village, from Obi-wan who’s still in shock from Qui-gon and Maul’s deaths, from Anakin who’s horrified and furious out of his mind. But Padme’s the one who acts first. She shoots an arrow at Watto, almost as soon as she sees what he’s going to do, and it lands through his heart right after Shmi is crushed.
So now they’re all in shock, yay!
Anyways, Shmi’s last words to Anakin are to go with the benders and Padme and to go learn from Raava’s Order, and that she’ll always be proud of him and loves him dearly. She also tells him to make sure Beru is taken care of and make sure Beru knows Shmi loved her.
Anakin promises.
Qui-gon’s last words to Obi-wan are that he’s proud of him, he loves him, and please take care of the people they’ve found that he’s leaving behind.
Watto has no last words. He dies alone and in shock at being defied for the first time in his life.
The next two days pass in a strange haze. The village is now free, for once in their life. They rebuild and heal, and they form a new leadership where everyone has a voice and no one will be abused again. Padme offers them refuge, should they want it, amongst the waterbenders, but most of them refuse. Beru tells Anakin he should go train with the Order, but that she’s staying here, at the village, with Owen and the others. He tells her to take care of herself and that Shmi loved her like her own daughter. There are tears.
Obi-wan, on the other hand, is grieving. Mostly for Qui-gon, but also for Shmi, the kind woman he’d only known for a few days. Anakin is the one who helps him stay sane and not spiral into his grief and guilt at not being able to defeat Maul before Qui-gon was killed, and Obi-wan helps him in turn with the same. The two bond, and Obi-wan swears to himself that he’ll take Anakin back to the Order and train him himself. He’s not leaving this kid behind.
So they have their funerals, and begin to head back (the shock’s still in place for the three of them, really). Padme and Anakin agree to stay in contact as much as they can, and Obi-wan takes Anakin to the order as Padme heads back home and reunites with her mother (who definitely has a lecture in store for her but is also rather proud). Obi-wan formally takes Anakin on as his apprentice, and though Raava’s Council certainly has questions about what the hell happened in that village, there isn’t so much of an overt objection to Anakin joining as there was in canon. The more traditionalist faction of the council is all “this isn’t how it’s done!!” because usually kids come to the order much earlier and have been partially trained in their element before becoming a padawan, so there are some protests there, and there are some people who are like “isn’t this kid pretty traumatised?? are you guys going to be ok?”, but for the most part they’re like “yeah, train the kid. have fun.”. There’s also mourning rites for Qui-gon, of course.
So now Anakin, who’s been hiding his bending all his life, begins his training with Obi-wan, his new pseudo-older-brother-figure who he’s growing increasingly reliant on and who’s growing increasingly reliant on him to cope with their respective losses of parental figures. Anakin has a lot to unlearn, especially with the whole showing my bending = bad bit, and also has to learn basic control and stuff, which Obi-wan, a waterbender, has to figure out how to teach him (usually padawans have already learned the basics by the time a master picks them, especially since their master will bend a different element). But Anakin’s powerful and a quick learner, and Obi-wan is nothing if not stubborn, so they get there, slowly (and by enlisting the help of other firebenders in the Order--Master Dooky being one of them).
On the other hand, Palpatine takes notice of this new addition to the Order, especially the kid’s… unique (haha more like ripe for manipulation and grooming) circumstances. Because yes, Anakin’s a bender, but he’s a bender who has strong cause to be traumatised and afraid, and distrust, other benders. Plus he just lost his mother in one of the most traumatising ways possible, so he’s emotionally vulnerable for sure. This makes him perfect for Palpatine’s purposes, because he’s a firebender (which Palpatine, a firebender who has been hiding his own bending for nefarious purposes, favors), he’s reliant on emotional support, and he’s in a unique position where even as a bender, if Palpatine plays his cards right, he can be turned against other benders (especially if he’s convinced that other benders will use their powers to suppress or hurt others).
So Palpatine reaches out, slowly at first, and how could one say no to the Firelord?
And such, the story’s begun.
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