#but still it just kinda sucks cause I’m a part of this team too and I thought C liked me
insanechayne · 11 months
~ ~ ~
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changetyre · 4 months
Heyyyy I just read something with Lando and he says “I wasn’t asking” and I’m going to need moreeee please & thank you 😍
F*ck you!!! || Lando Norris x Reader ⒽⓌ
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SUMMARY: You absolutely despise the way Lando can having you screaming in anger and then pleasure in a matter of seconds…right? Part 1 Here
WARNINGS: **18+**, hate sex
A/N: I love me some hate sex, denying your feelings kinda fics
It was the worse feeling in the world, no doubt. Your first victory was right there, your hands ready to grasp it you could touch it with the tip of your fingers only for it to be ripped away from you.
The race had gone perfectly, exactly as you’d planned both you and your team had done an excellent job in what was undeniably one if the not the best race of your career, making your way up from P12 after a bad qualifying.
No further action
You read and re read the text ready to waltz into that damned stewards office and give them a piece of mind right before lighting the damn building on fire. That’s the amount of rage you felt right now.
Some part of you was absolutely ready to spend the rest of your life behind bars if it weren’t for that idiot of a man you so very much loved to fuck showed up in your drivers room.
“What the fuck do you want?” You scoffed, right about ready to slap him too.
He’d been the cause of it, happily taking the victory for himself without a care that he’d cost you your race and first and well deserved victory completely.
“I came to apologize.” Lando spoke, a smirk on his face that you wanted to wipe off but a fucked up part of you still enjoyed.
“Fuck off.” You shoved him out of the way as you continued grabbing your things scattered around the room to pack them.
“I am really sorry.” Lando repeated.
“Right you really did look sorry when you were happily spraying champagne up on the podium posing for any camera that pointed your way.” You bit back.
“Let me make it up to you then.” Lando grabbed your waist stoping you from moving around the room.
“Don’t touch me.” Lando almost believed you meant it if it weren’t for the fact you made no attempt whatsoever to get his hands off you.
“Wanna touch me instead baby?” That stupid confident smirk appeared on his face again.
“Fuck you!” You huffed angrily looking up at him.
“I bet you do.” Lando laughed before pushing his lip on yours.
You moaned in annoyance but once again didn’t try hard to push him away. Lando basked in the way you accepted it and tried fighting for dominance with your lips which only for today he’d be okay with giving you.
“I hate you.” You whispered as you yanked Lando’s hair back allowing you to trail your lips down his neck.
“I bet you do baby.” Lando only spurred you on as he felt you leaving marks across his skin.
“I do…so fucking much.” You almost moaned the words this time as you ripped Lando’s shirt off him letting your lips continue their journey downwards before yanking his pants down too.
“Show me how much darling.” Lando knew he had to be quiet, despite the fact that your little adventures weren’t secret to many anymore being victims of your loud ventures around the paddock after a day like today it didn’t seem wise to give people more to talk about.
You didn’t feel like prepping him, you quite frankly didn’t care for anything other than taking out your frustration on him, to make him whine and ache at your hands.
So as you began harshly sucking on his length you basked in the way his knees buckled from under him forcing him to find the nearest support to keep himself upright.
He tried to sit down but you were quick to deny him that luxury.
“You sit down and I’ll stop.” You threatened and you reveled in the way he obeyed, straightening up and his eyes begging for more.
Your own cheeks hurt with how hard you sucked him and you knew he wouldn’t last long, and you watched for the tell tale signs carefully.
“Sh*t that’s so good baby.” Lando panted as he gathered your hair in a ponytail.
His head fell back in pleasure, as he tried his hardest to contain the loud moans that wanted to escape his lips.
“I’m almost there…keep going…ah…ugh!” Lando’s groans got louder.
Just as he was about to release you stopped.
“WHAT THE-“ Lando absolutely hated the feeling, the ache that settled in his core with his pleasure being ripped away right at the last second.
“Feels shit doesn’t it.” You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand.
“You little-“ Lando hated the fact that he for 1 second believed you’d make him feel good and forget about today.
“Have fun taking care of that.” You poked Lando’s rock-hard dick before getting up, grabbing your bags and leaving him.
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whimsical-roasting · 1 year
“Coach Ted, how do you feel about group cohesion and dance breaks?”
thinking about random moments shared in the jamie tartt x psych major!reader fic i have in my head... just cute shit tbh
okay so the reader has been with the Richmond club for a solid few months, she’s a familiar face and friendly to the team but not super close with everybody, minus Colin and surprisingly,,, Jamie hehe
the team seems to be having a serious tie-streak going on, and they’re all kinda bummed by it
Ted’s obviously still Ted, unwavering winners mindset that basically means ‘do your best, give yourself a pat, shake it off, and repeat’ - with the addition of a smile ofc!
the reader has been doing readings for her org psych class and knows that raising group morale is necessary but also so so hard.
sometimes motivational speeches just don’t cut it yknow?? sometimes you gotta think outside of the box to fix the vibes and spread positivity
so there she is, standing in the coach’s office with a bluetooth speaker in her hand, nervously waiting for it to be her turn to speak
“Coach Ted,” she calls him in a manner that’s playful but still professional - he’s insisted on just Ted in the past and she’s complied but for serious conversations, she enjoys leading with a ‘subtle sense of professionalism’
“Coach Ted, how do you feel about group cohesion and dance breaks?” she asks, fiddling with the speaker in her hand
“Well darlin, I love a good flash mob. Gosh, those folks must keep in touch, right?” He directs his eyes to Beard, who peaks over his book and replies affirmingly, “a bond has been formed,” causing both you and Ted to smile
“Well, less flash mob but more like... a bi-weekly dance break?” she continues as Ted’s eyes land on her again. “I know the boys are bummed with the tie-streak and I was reading in my org psych textbook about the importance of autonomy in decorating our workspaces, and how group morale helps cohesion which’ll lead to better attitudes and hopefully better performance - not that our performance has been poor, it’s been great, I’m proud of the boys really! But, it sucks to see them bummed out...So maybe a twice-a-week-song-dance-break will lift spirits??” 
she’s rambling. she’s nervous!! it’s a good idea tbh but still, sharing means being vulnerable and the potential of getting rejected
Ted politely waits for her to finish, nodding along and then grins, “sounds wonderful darlin! Hey, maybe you can get the boys to give some song suggestions to help with the whole autonomy thing you mentioned.” 
she’s happy !! grinning as she steps out to the locker room, dragging out the whiteboard from the corner and scribbling in a lil corner of it
Jamie’s eyes follow her silently. truth be told, they followed her when she entered and disappeared into the coach’s office. but he smiles a lil seeing her grin at herself
when she’s done with the whiteboard, she calls for attention and lets the boys know to write down their suggestions, and she’ll choose two songs for the week randomly!! she emphasizes nervously that it should help according to her textbooks and Jamie is silently nodding, eyes drifting to her hands as she fiddles with the whiteboard marker
Dani is the first to speak, “pardon me, can it be Spanish songs too?” and she smiles really big, “anything you like!!” 
Isaac adds, “yea bruv, I fuck wit Bad Bunny” and there’s a wave of approving noises from the rest
SO, the plan has been implemented, and it’s frickin working!!! 
the boys always look forward to whose song is chosen - lots of rap, some taylor swift, Work Hard Play Hard makes them go nuts, some musical songs from Colin but it’s okay cause the lads are hyped over Hamilton 
Ted gets into it!! dancing!! Dani and Jan Maas share an imaginary mic!! it’s great, but Jamie’s favourite part is seeing her join them in the locker rooms for every dance break grooving to the music
one day SHE chooses the song... “Keep Your Head Up” by Andy Grammer cause the team seemed extra tired and bummed
everyone’s like ??? who chose this?? she’s like ‘me. I did.’
she’s trying to break the tension, so she takes her imaginary mic and goes to Ted, then Colin, then Sam, and soon everyone’s into it - just happily singing and dancing
she somehow ends up next to Jamie, shoulders bumping. she’s swaying as she faces him, playfully mouthing the lyrics to him as he smiles with a slight blush (not that she notices cause she’s blushing too)
they’re both dancing close to each other, and she lightly pokes his chin when the song goes, “you gotta keep your head up”, reaching up to pull down his headband at, “and you can let your hair down,” grinning at him when he’s like ‘hey!! :o... >:)’
the song ends, and they’re still laughing at each other, holding hands...a bit longer than they should tbh hehehe. Jamie loves her energy and kindness, it matches his goofiness and makes him wanna be a better person
but anyways!!! they pull away, hoping no one notices.. some do but don’t say anything
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e-dubbc11 · 10 months
Birthday Boy
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: A couple of swear words and fluff
Word Count: 1.8k-ish
Summary: It’s Billy’s birthday, after a day of paintball, you have a couple of surprises at home for him and you’re hoping he’ll snap out of the bad mood he’s in
A/N: Part of the Gingerverse. Frank and Ginger are in this but only a little bit, I hope you’re not too disappointed, I know some of you guys really love those two(I do too.) But I wrote this in honor of my love Ben Barnes’s birthday coming up on the 20th. I wrote it kinda fast so I’m sorry if it sucks or if there are any mistakes. I hope you like it!
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
Just like laser tag, it was Ginger’s idea to have a day of paintball. You had been trying to think of something to do for Billy’s birthday anyway and thought he’d probably have fun with paintball and he did have fun until he didn’t.
And again, just like laser tag, you thought it would be better if Billy and Frank were on opposite teams. At Frank’s request, more like demand, he had to be on the opposite team as Ginger too.
Watching them try and work together during laser tag was painful because they fought like cats and dogs but all in good fun, and it was very amusing to watch. Still, Frank couldn’t have Ginger on his team this time, he said it may cause him to “pop a blood vessel.”
Frank got Billy and he got him good, right in the side of his neck. He’ll definitely have a bruise there in a couple days.
The silence was deafening in the car on the ride home while the ride up was so lively and upbeat. There was no music, no stopping for a coffee, and no talking. You could tell he was furious. You’ve been with Billy long enough now to know it was best to just leave him alone for a bit BEFORE telling him he was being a big baby.
The taunting Frank did after he shot him was what probably pissed Billy off the most, although he would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed. Frank’s team captured your flag first, game over, your team lost, and you were left to listen to the others gloat about their victory.
Billy always played to win, only this time he didn’t, and he felt like he let the whole team down even though it was just a game.
Even the elevator ride back up to the penthouse was silent, the only noises were the hisses and whirs from the friction of the guide rails. The modest squeaking of the cables and pulleys that you don’t normally hear because you’re usually talking or laughing with him, were quite loud when everything inside the elevator car was hushed.
Once inside, he dropped his bag and headed right for the shower but didn’t ask you to join him like he usually does. If you didn’t know before, you knew now that he’s REALLY mad about it.
It was supposed to be a friendly game of paintball for your husband’s birthday but there was nothing friendly about any of this. You were all competitive in your own way, Ginger took the loss pretty hard too and she was already planning a rematch. She really was the most competitive person you’ve ever met but Billy was a close second.
He had been so excited earlier when you told him that’s what you were all doing for his birthday, a scout sniper’s dream game, but the lot of you were sullen and quiet when the game was over even though you tried to be upbeat, saying it was all about having fun.
“UH, and WINNING y/n!!!” Ginger bellowed. “It’s about WINNING!!”
You weren’t sure you ever heard him yell “FUCK!!” as loud as he did when that green ball of paint exploded against his jugular. Billy called Frank every name in the book as Frank’s laughter and taunts echoed from behind the rustling trees.
“That’s gonna leave a mark, huh Bill?!!” Frank shouted in between hearty bouts of laughter.
Ginger groaned. “Dammit Frank!! Billy was our best shooter!!!”
“Not anymore!!!!” Frank yelled. “Bill the Beaut, you’re DONE!!!”
Billy was in the shower for a long time which gave you time to sneak down to your neighbor’s apartment one floor down to get the birthday cake you made for him.
Billy had a nose like a bloodhound when it came to sugar so you had to hide it somewhere where he wouldn’t find it and you burned probably every scented candle you owned to try and mask the scent of cake when he came home from work that day.
Meticulously, you cleaned every square inch of the kitchen to make sure all of the evidence of your cake baking and decorating adventure was gone so he would remain clueless because it really was difficult to surprise him. You hid his gifts under the kitchen sink behind all of the cleaning products, knowing full well he wouldn’t look back there.
Billy still wasn’t really used to receiving presents, he had never really had anything when he was a kid living at the group home so to watch him open presents with pure excitement in his eyes and a childlike smile on his face was better than any gift you could ever receive.
Gently, you closed the door behind you and listened carefully to see if the water was still running. Thankfully it was, so you could prepare his gifts and the cake.
You were very satisfied with the cake you made for him, it was round and it looked like a button down dress shirt, complete with a collar, and a black tie cascading off of the top. It took a long time and a lot of hard work to get it exactly how you wanted it but in the end it all came together and you really hoped Billy was going to like it.
In addition to the cake, you bought him a couple of gifts. The first one was a bottle of the bourbon you know he really loves and just ran out of not too long ago and the other was a new watch, the band was made from a whiskey barrel.
You heard the water turn off. He would be out soon and if you were to guess, he would ALMOST be ready to apologize for being salty and a sore loser. Dimming the lights, you lit the single birthday candle in the middle of the cake. It glowed bright yellow with flickering blue at its edges.
“Baby? You out there?” He called out from the bedroom, his voice becoming louder as he got closer to the edge of where the bedroom ended and the living room began. He was wearing a white t-shirt and sweatpants. “Sweet girl, listen I’m really sor—“ He started to say but stopped when you began to sing very softly.
Happy Birthday…to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday, Mr. Russo
Happy Birthday…tooooo…youuuuuu.
The smile on his face stretched from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat as he lovingly watched you walk out of the kitchen holding the cake in the soft glowing light from overhead, the one bright spot being the lone candle in the middle of the cake, illuminating the smile on your face.
“Sit down on the couch, handsome. This is all yours…and so is this cake.” You giggled.
He couldn’t help but crack a smile. “You’re such a goofball, baby.”
“Ah, but I’m YOUR goofball.” You said with a warm smile behind the candle.
He smiled and licked his bottom lip. “Yes you are, my love. Yes, you are.”
“Make a wish, baby.” You said.
Billy gazed at you from behind the candle as he blew out the flame. He had an apologetic look to his beautiful brown eyes and in return, you showed him the forgiving look to yours. You had been waiting for him to reveal the silent apology that he would eventually vocalize later when he felt ready enough.
“Happy Birthday, Billy.” You said, as you gently pressed your lips to his. “I got you these too!”
Excitedly, you handed him the gift bag.
“What did you do, y/n?” He genuinely sounded surprised that you handed him a gift to open.
Discarding the tissue paper on the floor, he pulled out the bottle of bourbon first. The tension in his shoulders eased and he looked more relaxed as he gazed fondly at you and then looked closely at the bottle.
“Sweet girl, this is…you didn’t have to do this.” He shook his head in astonishment.
Billy had a hard time finding the words to say but before he could say any more, you said “Oh there’s something else in there too!”
He reached in, pulled out the small wooden box, and opened it.
“Do you like it? The band is made from a whiskey barrel.” You stated.
Billy looked at the watch and the bourbon, then looked at you with a warm smile. He pinched your chin between his forefinger and thumb and kissed you, while he moved his hand from your chin to your throat, wrapping his long slender fingers around your neck like a necklace.
His lips pressed harder against your mouth causing you to let out a faint moan and you tangled your hands in his tousled hair which was still a little damp from the shower. His tongue twisted with yours as his lips traced down the side of your neck before landing on that special spot you love so much.
“I take it, that’s a yes?” You asked sarcastically.
Billy flicked his gaze back up to meet yours. “Of course, it’s a yes. But I really don’t deserve it after the way I acted earlier, I’m sorry baby.”
“You did act like a big baby, ya know. You would have gloated the exact same way if you were the one to shoot Frank.” You said sternly.
“I know.” He said, scratching gently at his beard.
“I don’t wanna have to put you guys in time out…Ginger too!”
The two of you started laughing, he pulled you into his chest and leaned back against the couch, kissing the top of your head.
“Ok, ok we’ll do better next time, I promise.” He said. “So you made that cake just for me? It’s impressive!”
“Well, I’ll say it wasn’t easy and I wanted it to be a surprise so Jane let me keep it in her apartment for a day.” You said.
You could tell he had narrowed his eyes and when you looked up at him, he was pointing his finger in the air.
“Wait. Is that why you had every candle known to man burning in here the other day when I got home?” He asked.
With a sly smile on your face, you replied “Maybe…”
“This is amazing baby, I almost don’t wanna cut into it.” He said.
Brushing your knuckles against his beard, you lifted your head off of his chest and said. “It’s double chocolate on the insiiiiiiiiide.”
Bolting up off of the couch, he said “I’ll get the knife…and some ice for my neck.” He turned back around to face you and said with a warm smile. “Thank you sweet girl…for everything. I love you.”
“Happy birthday, Mr. Russo and I love you too.”
Tag List: @mindidjarin @saintmurd0ck @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @xdervyxccgh @mattmurdocksscars @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialams @idek-what-to-put @anastasianeedstoread @ratsys @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack @vaguekayla @qu1etwolf @danzer8705
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @simple-lovebot @russosafehaven @mrsbillyrusso @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend
If you’d like to be added (or removed from) my tag list(s) for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again.
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shefaniquotes · 9 months
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Blake: “I had to use my Block button against my wife, but that's how badly I wanted Ansley on my team. I blocked my own wife.” – Gwen: “My husband blocked me so I can't be your Coach. But I'm so happy for you because [Blake] is one of the greatest guys in the whole world.” | Blake: “Even though I'll probably pay for this later tonight, I used my Block button against Gwen Stefani.” – Gwen: “Gwen Shelton.” – Blake: “So, it's still going to be Gwen Shelton even though I use my block on you?” – Gwen: “…” – Blake: “See, she didn’t answer.” | Camila: “Has his accent rubbed off on you?” – Gwen: “I used to be like, 'When are you gonna stop talking like that? That's so fake!’ And then it was, like, his real voice. I kinda got used to it.” | Gwen to a contestant: “You’re so tall and cute.” – Blake: “Easy now, easy.” – John: “Just her type.” | Gwen: “How come they never put me and Blake next to each other?” – Camila: “Too much trouble. No making out on The Voice!” – John: “You guys can't resist each other. Keep your hands to yourself!” | Gwen: “I'm not going to say that I don't care that Blake's my husband, cause I care a lot, but I'm here to win. You are going down Shelton.” – Blake: “My wife beat me again. Sucks on the show, but it's OK for home.” | Blake to a contestant: “I’m a little bit sad knowing that when Gwen turned around, you were like, ‘Oh, my God! It's Gwen!’” – Contestant: “I mean, she's gorgeous.” – Blake: “I agree. I agree. Totally.” – John: “He likes her, too.” | Gwen: “I'm Okie now as well. Am I even allowed to say that?” – Blake: “Yeah, you wear that t-shirt all the time.”
Gwen and Blake’s banter on the Voice, part 6/7 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
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quipxotic · 11 months
[Bor’Dor climbs into the tree where Orym has hidden himself after leaving Abaddina’s house during her conversation with Team Issylra.]
Bor’Dor: Do you believe in god?
Orym: I mean, it’s beyond question. Gods have shaped the history of this world. They have dropped miracles from their seats on high and caused irreparable  damage...and unmistakable good. [Sighs] I don’t know that I care. I care about you and me and I care about my family across an ocean.
Bor’Dor: My life is very small. I wake up, I work, I go to sleep. My beliefs have been black and white. These people told us to go into a church and fight something that I can’t fathom. And the moment where I felt victory, I didn’t see a...divinity or radiance or whatever the fuck you call it, I just felt sadness and compassion. Did you see the way it looked? There was...why did we have to do that? Why is that what happened? And then I’m wondering also like, that woman Abaddina has no fucking clue what you guys are talking about.
Orym: No.
Bor’Dor: She’s talking about elementals beating gods and what’s his face...what’s his name?
Orym: What’s the what’s his face we’re talking about?
Bor’Dor: There’s the goblin that comes out of the moon.
Orym: Ah, that’s Predathos...
Bor’Dor: Predathos.
Orym: A little bigger than a goblin probably.
Bor’Dor: Then there’s the one who controls the giant...the bigger...the monster.
Orym: Then there’s a really old guy who is trying to-
Bor’Dor: Ludinus.
Oyrm: Yes. Part of the government in Wildemount who wants to open up whatever’s in there, what’s ever- [Liam to Matt: Do we see Ruidus?]
Matt: Uh, from up in the tree from where you are now you can just see Ruidus in the far southern horizon, still locked in place above Marquet.
Orym: So I know I think barely any more than you do, but I know that there are people out there who are so intent on busting something supposedly out of our moon that it’s worth killing a lot of people to get there. Do I believe in the gods? Yes. Do they have a ton of bearing in my life, have they? No.
Bor’Dor: So you get to Ludinus and...and then what? We just...we just killed an angel. You saved a woman who has no idea about the fight that she’s fighting. The village has no clue, they’re fucked either way. What are we doing here?
Orym: Yeah.
Bor’Dor: My life is very small. What are we doing here?
Orym: I think um...Ashton, Laudna, and I have friends that we were with and got pulled away from, and I think we got a one in a two thousand chance maybe of stopping...
Bor’Dor: Okay.
Orym:...More people I care about getting killed.
Bor’Dor: Okay, let’s do that then. The beer thing was pretty cool, right?
Orym: It was pretty cool. So was uh...I’m not going to lie, like the circumstances suck, but it was kinda funny to see a bunch of guys shit themselves.
Bor’Dor: it was really like almost exactly what I was hoping for. [They all laugh.] Thanks for acknowledging it.
Orym: Exandria is very old and I read a good amount, poop jokes have been good for eons.
Bor’Dor: You were so close to talking to that lady too! You were this close. You’re very charming. You’ve got...I really thought we were going to avoid the whole thing.
Orym: Yeah, I’m unassuming. I’ve used it to my advantage most of my life.
Bor’Bor: Okay well thanks for the talk [Utkarsh to Matt and Liam: And I’m going to shake his hand, extend my hand out and I go...] I go where you go.
Orym/Liam: [A little tiny hand grabs two of your fingers.]
-Episode 61 “Crisis of Faith,” Campaign 3
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evansbby · 11 days
When Sharon said she thought reader was the Ari was cheating on her with, cause she had a feeling deep in her gut… should’ve listened to it. Always, and I mean always go with your guy ladies.
Curtis is a damn sleazeball, Wanda is dumb and blind asf. Also a bitch! Hinting at having a threesome with Carla 🤣and Reader. Then when reader says he needs to respect his gf and he says she’s one to talk OHHHH BURRRRN!!!!!!
Also yes Ari how do you know where Steve’s parents live 🌚
He sighs, “If you want, I could come clean to her and tell her it was you who I was sleeping with. You shouldn’t have to deal with that, it’s my problem, anyways.” Does he not realize that that’s not gonna make the situation any better 🤦🏾‍♀️ MEN.
When reader finally had the outburst in the supply closet 😭 poor baby.
Definitely gotta make sure to keep out the part about letting Steve finger her in the Uber🤣 didn’t want Ari even more pissed that he already is.
Uh oh… Ari freaking out about Kira 👀
“Because I do care! I think I’d know what I’m feeling better than you would!” Calm down Stevey Boy 🫢
“I was always going to ask you out, Ari or no Ari. It’s only when I saw how jealous he got when he saw you with me, that I realised how much he liked you. That he liked you more than he liked his own girlfriend. That’s when I realised I could be with you and get back at him at the same time.” Umm… that’s not- yeah that’s still not cool Steve. Men are so so damn stupid I bet this has actually happened in real life before.
“Fuck you! Try an’ scratch me again and see what happens!” Steve arguing with the branch 🤣🤣 then when he claims that that’s it’s tryna pick a fight with him LMFAO!!! This man is drunk!
Poor Steve getting kicked off the team. Also, get this man in some anger issues classes.
Out of everyone, I feel bad for Kira the most. Especially after what Steve said she’s going through and how their parents are never home, and don’t know how bad she’s really gotten.
God, you would never understand men! YOU AND ME BOTH GIRLIE
Also should I feel bad for Carla? Yes, maybe. Possibly? Do I feel bad for her though? 🙂‍↔️ nope
He grabs her by the upper arm roughly, “Carla, shut the fuck up right now if you know what’s good for you,” He hisses. LMFAO!!! YEAH CARLA SHUT UP!!!
“Stop acting so holier-than-thou, Sharon. You’re not worth shit anymore, not since you got dumped,” yeah umm… Carla deserved what Curtis did to her at this point.
She says brokenly, “I..I liked you. I liked you so much. You have no idea how much I…” oh I know how much, that almost confession you made I remember that 👀
“Why does it always take some sort of traumatic event for you to say these things?” You know that’s a really good question. WHY ARI?!
“Tell me, is that what you told my sister too?” JAW FUCKING DROP! ITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!! Again! 🫢🫣
Steve telling Ari about what Kira has been going through makes me feel even sadder than when he was telling reader about it
“She’s my sister and you were my friend and you fucking broke her, Ari.” I FUCKING KNEW IT!!! I KNEW THEY HAD BEEN FRIENDS BEFORE!!!! It always hurts more when it’s a friend that does the betraying, cause like you trusted that person. Never thought once out of the whole friendship that they would ever do something to hurt/betray you.
STEVEN GRANT ROGERS!!!! WHYY JUST WHYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
“Don’t worry about me. I’m comfortably numb, remember? I think I finally made it last…” I-… 😓😢😭😣😔 damn Steve is really going through it. Poor baby
To answer your questions:
1. They were both sweet, but Steve was bittersweet so I think I kinda liked his more. It did hint/foreshadow at what would happen later on in this part.
3. Because she pretended to be her friend, let her vent about Ari and cry on her shoulder. She knew the whole time why Ari broke up with her, had so many times to open up about the truth. I think if reader would’ve told the truth from the get go, and explain everything then she would’ve been a little bit more forgiving towards reader.
4. I’m not sure. Ari says Steve doesn’t know what he’s talking about, so maybe Curtis did it. I wouldn’t put it past him tbh. He seems like that kind of guy. But that begs the question… how did Curtis get ahold of Kira’s nudes if that’s what actually happened?🤔
5. Team STEVE!! I feel like they’re gonna have to pump his stomach. Attempted OD, maybe his parents will even have to fly back at this point.
Okay firstly YES I AGREE, as a woman, always trust your gut and intuition! But also, Sharon was kinda blind bc Ari literally carried y/n bridal style away after she got hit with a basketball like HE LITERALLY COULD NOT HAVE MADE IT ANY MORE OBVIOUS that they were together. But tbh I think Sharon was being blind bc she wanted to believe the best in y/n bc SHE liked y/n 🥺🥺
And yep lmfao Curtis was so damn sleazy in this chapter! Which is crazy bc he and Wanda were genuinely inseparable in the previous chapter! But now this guy is blatantly cheating on her with that brunette cheerleader AND he propositioned reader to have a threesome??? BRO FUCK THIS GUY FR.
ALSO YES. I really wanted to illustrate how stupid and clueless men are. Like when Ari says “you want me to tell her?” LIKE BRO??? That would just make it worse 😭😭 Also when Ari says “she’s a strong girl, she’ll bounce back” that is literally crazy 😭😭 men are fr so stupid and I don’t get them either and I’m happy you picked up on them being stupid in this chapter!!! Emotionally stunted fr! Steve too!! He also had some stupid dialogues and moments like him wanting so badly to explain, then his explanation being like “yeah idk why I did that, I just did” 😭😭😭
Thank you so much for this wonderful review bestie! I always appreciate it so much when people quote lines from my fic and then analyse or react to them!!! And your commentary is fr so funny!
Last thing I’ll say is… yeah maybe Steve will need to get his stomach pumped… IF he survived that is 😔😔😔😱😱😱 but would his parents care enough to even fly back to see him? 😔😔😟
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waitingforeddyneddy · 6 months
Lmao I AM the old mod from Reddit. Just a few points
1) my friend did see them at merrily we roll along. Idk why this changes things. I still don’t like Ariana, she’s an ass. And I find it very telling that JB hangs out and associates with her and it HAS dimmed my interest in him, I still like HIM, but it’s definitely annoyed me. I won’t be seeing wicked, and I’m not convinced it will be good. 2 parts? Why?
2) I do still feel like the JB sub is very strict with voicing opinions. One of my comments recently got locked because I mentioned that I didn’t think JB should brag about meeting president Biden at the moment and I was told not to bring politics into the sub. Somewhat difficult, when JB is angling himself as a political activist/foundation member. But fair enough, it’s their sub and their rules.
3) I didn’t say Simone was jobLESS, I said it was weird she didn’t book as much as her counterparts. I put 0 blame on Simone for this btw - I said I feel like her management team was dropping the ball. Being the lead in a top show on Netflix should have put her on the short list for actresses that year. Fast forward to now, & the strike has delayed whatever project she’s in. That sucks. Because the only thing we’ll have seen from her in the last two years is Bridgerton s2 & 3.
4) I agree JB didn’t do much press for s2. And I still say, he won’t for 3. I didn’t say he’s too big for it. I said he might not want to, and if he’s busy (wicked reshoots and whatever project he books next - a play? Idk) he probably won’t make room for it. Also? Why would I think he’d do press for 3 when they *barely* promoted him for 2. He got his solo articles for 2, he’s not going to do that for 3.
I don’t really remember what else was in the comment but here you go!
Y’all don’t like JB (some of you even hate him) and that’s fine, everyone’s allowed an opinion. I wouldn’t say I’m a huge fan of Simone, I don’t hate her, I just don’t really care either way and people were really pissed at my opinion that she should have booked more after s2 lol.
I read your comments because I agree with some of the things posted, I disagree with a lot. But isn’t that what open dialogue is about?
Anyways, happy holidays!
happy holidays to you anon
listen, you know what I think about JB, I won't say that I hate him cause at the end of the day I can't hate a person I will never meet. I feel an intense dislike for him based on his public persona. Kudos to you for admitting that your interest in him has dimmed. If I was his fan I would be much the same cause you have to admit he surrounds himself with nasty people. Ariana Granda was an asshole way before she came out as a serial homewrecker, there's no one I hate more than privileged celebrities who use their fame and money to treat regular people as trash and we all know those horror stories that always surrounded her about her treatment of workers. Lmao she basically admitted she's a cunt in one of her songs, when people tell you who they are, believe them. As for JB, I don't know if his friendship with her is PR or not, It kinda doesn't make sense since I think his Wicked character doesn't even end up with her right? (I don't know Wicked very well) but it was very obvious those photos were staged because the way they were acting was embarassing and the fact that he keeps bringing them up and the buzz they generated as something surprising is even more embarassing for him. This is why I think he's fake as hell. What do you mean you can't believe people were talking about them and the fact some people thought they were a couple? Not everyone knows you're gay buddy, and they way you and and one of the most famous pop stars were all over each other is bound to create talk so stop acting kind of annoyed about the "straight allegations". Then there's his whole friendship with Matt Bomer, another gay man who wasted a good opportunity to shut the fuck up and punctual as a clock posted an israeli flag on his insta. The reality of Fellow Travelers is there for all to see. Paramount, the conservative author, the producers, writers and cast members seem to be zionists and JB himself was part of Israeli pink washing propaganda. Honestly kudos to you for saying your fave talking about being happy about meeting Biden is not a brag and them telling you to keep quiet is another reason JB fans are the biggest hypocrites cause what the fuck does it mean keep politics out when JB himself said he wants to be political lmao? he photodumped his israel vacation, he's proud of his zionist show, he's happy about meeting Biden. Ladies and gentlemen, I think it's best if you start accepting your fave is not on the right side of things at all, yikes. He's one of the cast members of Bridgerton who said he wants to be political but couldn't bother to post ANYTHING regarding a simple call for a caesefire, in the name of human rights being stomped and all the kids who are losing their parents or even worse their lives. Fucking yikes. And he wants to be political? Does he think being political is only about going to galas, meeting famous people and having drinks? Or does he think it's only all about queer rights? He's white, he's rich, I think he can afford to speak about queer rights AND human rights since he wants to get "political". Nah, I don't think he's a good person at all and the more I see and read the more I feel validated in my opinion.
As for Simone and her career...I don't know what's going to happen, I'm patiently waiting for news, she seems happy and I'm good with that. Of course I wish for more, we'll see. I don't think it's right to compare her to her other costars. Actors from Bridgerton who have been booked and busy are Phoebe and JB, they're both white with connections. Even Rege, who was the actor everyone couldn't stop talking about when Bridgerton came out, didn't book much. I mean he did a couple of movies but nothing that matched the level of hype he got. We all know why.
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holymusicalmothman · 2 years
When You’re Focusing - Dan Avidan x Reader
So the other day, I wound up taking a nap and had a dream about this and it was just one of those dreams that’s just so vivid and real. Like, color and touch and sound, the whole shabang. So here’s the dream in fanfic format <3 My dream didn’t take place in the old office, but it was still a kitchen and since there hasn't been a new office tour, we’re just gonna have it be the old kitchen/kinda bar looking area. I kept this exactly as it was in my dream <3
Also, Ashley doesn’t exist in this, I will never include her in any Danny x Reader. Ever.
Might write more if people would like to see more.
Warnings: Swearing, secret relationships, takeout with its own ecosystem, age gap
Word count: 577
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“Dude, no, it fucking sucks! It’s impossible!”
If anyone had ever told you that you would one day be sitting with the people you looked up to most, much less working and learning as a part of their business, you would have said that they were crazy. Granted, sometimes dreams do come true, but this one always felt too out there when you considered it. 
And yet there you were, with your Nintendo Switch in hand, sitting at a counter with Dan Avidan and Arin Hansen, arguing over Breath of the Wild. It was nice to finally feel like you were comfortable to just hang around them. Being around the well known members of the Grumps team had given you massive anxiety at first, yet as the months went on, you couldn’t imagine life without them anymore.
You rolled your eyes and continued on with your game, the Trials of the Sword weren’t the easiest, but you were infinitely more patient than Arin was. For the moment at least. 
Dan leaned across the counter to watch your screen as you fought your way smoothly through the game, nodding appreciatively. “I don’t know, man. She’s crushing it so far.”
You glanced up, your gaze meeting warm brown eyes.
Arin huffed and turned to the fridge, digging through it, occasionally pulling something out only to dismiss it and keep looking. 
You quickly progressed through the level, aware that Dan was still watching you. You looked up at him again. Had he leaned in more?
Arin’s back was still to the both of you, he was now rattling off the items he was pulling out, commenting about a forgotten take out box. 
Dan’s own back was towards his friend as he leaned just a little more across the counter, those brown eyes of his flicking towards your lips then back up. 
You felt your eyes close as he pressed his lips to yours. You could feel the scratch of his stubble against your face. The feeling of his slightly chapped lips as well. 
There was a brief flash of fear through you as you remembered Arin was right there. But the thought was gone almost  as quickly as it arrived. 
Dan pulled back at the sound of Arin’s loud exclaim. 
“We have got to be throwing this shit away. There’s another box in here but it’s got its own ecosystem! Look at this!”
Dan jumped away from him, “Arin, that’s disgusting.” He laughed.
The kiss, while not the first, had taken you by complete surprise. You pulled your scrambled brain together quickly and made a look of absolute horror at the old takeout in Arin’s hands.
“That’s so gross, dude.”
Arin sniffed it, pulling back immediately. “I’m tossing this in the outside bin.” 
As soon as he was gone, Dan was in front of you again, brown eyes now twinkling.
“What part of ‘we’re not telling anyone we’re dating yet’ took a vacay, Danny? Had Arin turned around, we would have been caught.” You scolded softly. 
The both of you had agreed to keep your relationship a secret, and not just cause it was fairly new. You were eighteen years apart, 25 to his 43. And while neither of you cared, you were more than well aware of how it would look to others. 
Dan grinned. “Couldn’t help it, sunshine. You’re so cute when you’re focusing.”
You rolled your eyes as he leaned in again, obliging him in another kiss.
If anyone’s interested in my other Danny fix, it’s quite a bit longer and can be found over here!
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Don't Let Me Go (Part 2)
Words: 5921
Warnings: language, talk of alcohol/alcohol consumption, regret, Leon being a dick but for a kinda good reason, maybe ooc characters and probably bad writing
Resident Evil Masterlist Main Masterlist Join My Taglist
This also was originally written for my OC Tiffany (Whose info on her/original story will eventually be available on this account @imnotobsessedwfictionalchracters )
Leon and Hunnigan are PROBABLY OOC (as I suck at not being able to keep them from being OOC)
Actually find it fucking insane how long this thing is all together
This is it in multi-part form: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
This is it in one part form
Reader and Leon are partners with their job (have been since 2004/2005) and is insinuated to be around the same height as Leon
Not Proof-read and I think it can be seen every once and a while (I know you can see where my brain couldn't function how to write the scene so I just guessed and hoped for the best)
Can be read as its own story or as a sequel to You’re About To Lose The Best Damn Thing You’ve Ever Had
Losely has themes from the songs Never Say Never by The Fray, No Surprises by Radiohead, Afterglow by Taylor Swift, and Look After You by The Fray
Anywho, enjoy
Love Z <3
Leon’s POV
Leon, who had only been there because he was going over a report with Hunnigan, head snapped over towards Hunnigan the moment that Y/N ended the call. Worry spread through his body as they were unable to contact her back. He felt his knee unconsciously bouncing up and down as the computer kept beeping. He knew that he technically had no reason to be worried. Now, thanks to his own doing, all she was to him was another Agent. Not his partner. Not his girlfriend. Not even his friend. (Of course he didn’t know that the last part was all on his own)
“Why is it doing that? Why can’t you get back to her?”
“She blocked me from calling. Which means one of two things; she needed no distractions or she had to go semi-dark. I’m trying the other 4 members of her team and if they don’t respond, it means that they had to go dark too.”
Leon bit the inside of his cheek. He knew that the team originally consisted of 7 plus Y/N/N. The original 3 BSAA and 3 STRATCOM had been reduced to 1 BSAA and 2 of their own. 
If he was going to be honest, Leon didn’t care about the team, he just cared about Y/N and if she was okay. He hadn’t meant to do what he did then just disappear. He meant to break up and let her be for a few days, a week tops, then talk to her. But then he got called in and had to leave immediately. He knew from Claire and Hunnigan both that she didn’t understand why it happened or what caused it. Which he knew was his own doing. He should have told her. He shouldn’t have just said that they weren’t gonna work out. Especially since on their previous mission together they had a run in with Ada. 
But that wasn’t why he did it. No. It was because Stacey had been that person who they thought walked in. And as they had exited the training room, had messaged Leon to remind him that fraternizing with your partner was against the rules. He knew he should have just told Y/N why he was doing it, why he pulled away and why he treated her like shit for so long. But he couldn’t. He was scared that if he had, she would have argued with him and said it was fine. That they would figure it out together. It’s how she was and he knew it was. 
Of course, he still felt horrible for what happened on New Years, he shouldn’t have done that. Shouldn’t have gotten her hopes up just to crush them the following days. He shouldn’t have treated her the way that Ada would treat him. Shouldn’t have done something that would make her feel like he was using her in the moment because he needed something just to hurt her later.
December 31st of 2008/January 1st of 2009
Leon had gotten to her apartment earlier that day to help Y/N put up the decorations. But the entire time all that he had said to her was when he asked her to hand him something or made a comment about getting a drink or going to the bathroom. And then once Chris had arrived, surprisingly being the first, he had gone to talk to him. He had seen her leave from the corner of his eye, knowing she was changing out of the pajamas she had been in all day. 
He had no idea what she was going to come out in, but as she came back from her bedroom, a glass of champagne having already been downed, he knew it would be hard to keep himself under control. He noticed that she was wearing that top she had not-so-secretly bought a few weeks ago. Or at least he assumed it was. He had never seen the one she was wearing and he knew she hadn’t worn that one top yet. It was paired with her stupid jeans that fit her perfectly and those stupid heels that he loved on her because for some reason it always turned him on when she was practically a head taller than him. He saw her necklace was the one he bought her for their first anniversary in 2007. The rings were the ones she always wore and he noted that she wore the bracelet that she had owned since highschool on her right wrist, opposite of the watch he got her back in 2006 after her previous one got destroyed on a mission. Thankfully it was her birthday too so he didn’t have to deal with her arguing too much so he could argue that it was a gift for her birthday and she couldn’t turn it away.
He remembered how she kept saying he didn’t have to and that it must’ve cost a fortune. He had just shrugged it off and said he knew she needed one and he thought she liked that one. And even now, over 2 years later, he still hasn't disclosed the price of it. Something he’d never do because he knew she’d give it back and feel horrible about it. Knowing the only reason she had accepted the necklace was because it was their anniversary and she had gotten him something he knew was expensive as hell.
But even then, he didn’t talk to her. He didn’t go near her. Even as the rest of the group got there. He occupied himself with drinking and talking with people. Even as he saw the look of desperation on her face as she talked to Jess and Claire. Even as he watched her walk back to her room with a face full of complete defeat written all over her face.
No. he stayed talking with Chris and her brother Joe while he knew she was likely standing in the bathroom that connected to her bedroom. While he knew that she was probably doing anything to distract herself from how he had been ignoring her. He knew she could hear him talking and laughing with them. He knew that it seemed like he was happier with everyone except for her. But he wasn’t. He hated this. Hated this hell he had created by not doing it already. This hell he had created for both of them where he knew she was feeling like a deflated balloon that he didn’t want anymore. When that was the complete opposite of what was true. God did he want her. God did he not want to have to hurt her this way. All he wanted to do was hold her and tell her it would be okay.
Let her convince him that Stacey wouldn’t out their relationship and they would figure it out.
He got pulled out from the conversation when he heard a faint sound of something crashing in the back. He wasn’t sure if others had heard and chose to ignore it, or if it was just him who did since he was the closest to the hall. He stood and excused himself saying that he was gonna go check on her since they hadn’t seen her in a bit. 
When he got to the back of the apartment, he looked in and saw that it had just been the cup that held their toothbrushes and pastes. He watched as she leaned down and grabbed the fallen contents. He realized that she didn’t even notice him there until she jumped as he laid a soft knock on the door.
He laughed softly, like he always did when she did this. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya.” As she placed the cup back where it went, he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. The jolt from her didn’t go unnoticed and his face went from one of playfulness to concern. “Hey, you okay?”
She nodded silently, and he saw that she was trying to keep her breathing steady. “Yeah. Sorry. I think I’m just getting tired. My body isn’t used to not having to be on edge 24/7.”
He knew she was lying. He could tell it in her voice. But he still cracked a small smile in an attempt to calm her down. “Can’t disagree with you there. But you seem genuinely freaked, like after a mission.” The smile switched to one of concern, “Are you sure that you’re okay?”
She nodded and turned to him, giving him a smile of her own. “Yeah. I am Lee. Promise.” Lee, the nickname she gave him after their first mission together when she got a concussion. He remembered that his name kept blanking on her (as did most people) so she just referred to him as Lee as it was all she could remember and it had stuck. He noticed as she looked down at her watch before looking back at him, “Hey, it’s 11:59, we should get back in there.”
He was about to go to move some hair from her face, but stopped before he even reached his hand. He knew it would leave her even more confused when he broke it off. He knew it would make it harder for him if he continued to act like a boyfriend. So he kept on telling himself that he was being a friend. Friends treat friends this way. He could still be this way with her even when he calls quits to save her reputation. “Are you sure? It seemed like you had left for a reason.”
He knew from the look on her face that he was the reason and it hurt. At first it was because he hated that he was treating her like this, leading her on. But then it was because he couldn’t feel that way. He had to pull away from her so it would hurt less when he broke it. But he felt his resolve falling and knew it was close to breaking.
“Yeah. I’m perfectly fine. I just needed to get away for a moment. You know how I am.” 
He knew it was a lie. He knew she lied about something he wouldn’t call her out about. He studied her face and saw that she was doing everything to show she wasn’t lying. He knew she knew he was doing this. But he said nothing. He didn’t put her on the spot. Call her out. He just let her do it. Especially as everyone in her living room began to count down.
However, neither of them moved as their friends began down from 10. This was the closest he had been to her since Christmas. It was taking everything in him not to kiss her. Everything in him to not grab her face and pull it to his. But that entire work he was putting in was thrown out of the window the moment she brought her hand up and brushed some hair out of his face. And as she leaned in to him when their friends reached one, his thoughts to push her away were thrown out the window. As she placed a kiss on his lips. He heard nothing as he felt her softer lips on his own chapped ones. 
As she pulled her lips away from his, any control that had been left there disappeared as his hands on her cheeks and he slammed his back onto hers. The moment she let out a tiny gasp, he slipped his tongue into her mouth. He felt her arms wrap around his neck as he began moving them to the sink. Only stopping when the back of her legs met her sink. 
He pulled away for a moment, just to bring his lips down to her neck. And between kisses he asked a question that plagued him since he saw her come out in it. “Is this...a new...top?” He heard her humming in response, eliciting a small chuckle from him. “Is that a yes baby?”
“Yeah.” Her voice was soft and breathy, just above a whisper and he held back a groan when she did.
“I like it. You should wear it more.” He carefully moved her arms up so he could pull it off. His lips lingered on her collarbone, close to the center by her sternum, as he breathed in her perfume. It was a warmer one, a mix of vanilla and spice. He recognized it as the one he bought her back when she dragged him into Victoria Secrets when they were having a sale. He remembered her arguing with her that she wanted to buy it so they agreed that he’d buy her that and she could buy him whatever cologne he wanted. Which just happened to be the one he was wearing tonight.
His lips continued down her body as he got other noises from her. He only stopped when he heard a gasp, immediately pulling his lips away from her. His eyes looked over to see Y/N's sister-in-law standing there with a hand over her mouth.
“Shit, I’m so fucking sorry. I should’ve known what you two were doing when you didn’t respond. Fuck, I’m sorry. Um, Joe and I are heading out. I don’t wanna overwork my sister too much by watching the kids after she had a long week. But we had fun. I’ll see you later.”
He stood as he watched Jessica leave the room and felt Y/N/N's head fall on his shoulder. He listened as she ranted about how embarrassed she was by what just happened. How she had been hidden for nearly 30 minutes and then someone came to find her, just to see her making out with her boyfriend. So fucking embarrassing. 
He laughed lightly and joked, “At least we were just making out and not actually having sex.”
She groaned and buried her head in his chest, “I did not just say that out loud, did I?”
He missed the top of her head, “It’s okay.” He pulled away before leaning down to grab her shirt from where he had thrown it on the floor and handed it to her. After she slipped it on, he kissed her lips again. “You know I love you, right?”
She smiled and looked into his blue eyes, “Yeah, ‘course I do.”
This was going to hurt when he finally did it.
Leon knew that she wasn’t asleep as she laid by him. But he stayed quiet. He knew tonight would haunt him. He was supposed to be pushing her away. Not drawing her back in and making her feel better while he was just going to hurt her in the end.
January 3rd of 2009
He knew she was hurt. He knew she was trying not to cry. Leon knew how mad and confused she was. He knew. He knew her too well. He knew that she understood none of it. Even after he explained. He knew that she saw him as the one for her because he knew she was the one for him. But he could stop. He had to end them so neither...no so she didn’t get her reputation ruined. He refused to let anyone think that the only reason she gets chosen for assignments is because they’re together. He refused to let anyone think of her as anything but the fucking amazing and talented agent she was.
He had promised her back years ago that he would never hurt her. That he would never be the one to break her heart. That he would be there by her side no matter what. But then here he was, breaking her heart and about to leave her.
In the end, all that he could say was, “I’m sorry.” And “You don’t deserve this.” He reached to grab her hand in an attempt to comfort her, but she jerked it away. Which he understood. He deserved it. She didn’t deserve this. She deserved better than him. “You deserve better than this. Than me. Than our fucked up situation.”
“But Leon, I like it. I love you. I don’t care about the secrets and the lies. I just want you. Leon, please.”
“I can’t.” He stressed, he still hadn’t said what Hunnigan had told him when he asked what would happen. That was why he was doing this. He had to protect her.
“Can’t what?” Her voice was stretched, he knew she was trying not to cry.
For a brief second, he thought that he shouldn’t do it, but as he saw her face, saw as she was breaking, he decided to do it. “Can’t ask you to possibly give up your job because someone found out! Watch as you have to get reassigned because Hunnigan already confirmed that it would be you. Watch as your life completely changes just so you can be with me!” He ran a hand through his hair, “That’s why we’re done, Y/N/N. Why we have to be. Both in this relationship and in our partnership for work. I already sent in the request for a new partner.” He hadn’t said that last part to her yet. But it was true. He did it yesterday. After she had left the office for the day.
He ignored her as he walked to her door, he was planning on just leaving, saying nothing else. But as his hand reached for the knob, he stopped, “I’m really sorry Y/N/N. Truly, deeply, sorry.” 
He walked out after that. But he didn’t go far. He stayed there in the long hall. He brought a hand up to his mouth to stiffen the sobs that were threatening to fall. He felt his chest tighten as he heard her scream and a crash. He knew she was angry and upset. He knew she was blaming herself. And it took everything in him to not open the door and agree with her that they’d figure this out. That they’d find a loophole. That they’d be alright.
February 18th of 2009
He shook his head, trying to forget that last time he saw her. Instead, he became hyper focused on Hunnigan trying to contact anyone on her team. The difference between her and them was with them, it called, but no one answered. He felt himself picking at the calluses on his hands, a bad habit that she always noticed. A habit that whenever she saw, she would take his hands into hers and hold them. He ran a hand through his hair as the nerves built up again when it went off that she disconnected herself from being able to be contacted. 
He hadn’t even noticed Hunnigan talking to someone through her mic set until she said: “Do you want me to assume her and her team are dead, sir?” He snapped his head to her. What did she mean by that? Why would they assume that Y/N was dead? She just went dark. Since when has it been the procedure to assume death when gone dark. “Of course sir, I’ll keep watch and will let Agent Kennedy know.” Leon narrowed his eyes at Hunnigan as she turned to him. “They want me to keep an eye out for if she pings a location in the next 48 hours. If not, then you’re being deployed to finish the mission and if you come in contact with her, call for an evac for her. But shoot to kill if she’s been bitten.”
Leon looked away from Hunnigan. He wasn’t sure if he could do that. Shoot to kill Y/N. Personal feelings aside, they had been partners since she joined back in 2004. Since right after he got back from Spain. Hell, she would’ve been with him if she hadn't had to get her appendix taken out and miss training causing her start date to be pushed back to where it was around 48 hours before he got back from Spain with Ashley. He had known her for 4, going on 5 years now. How could he shoot her, even if it was for the greater good? He felt his chest tighten and--
“Leon? Do you understand?”
He looked back at Hunnigan and nodded silently before getting up to leave the room. He couldn’t be there anymore. He felt like he couldn’t breathe. He practically ran through the halls, not caring who looked at him. Only able to catch his breath when the cold February air hit his skin. He heaved, his hands on his knees and he leaned forward. He couldn’t do it. He knew he wouldn't be able to do it. He knew that he would get in trouble. But he would rather get in trouble for not doing his job than have to shoot her.
He just prayed that she pinged to prove she was alive. And that if he ever got sent in, he would find her. Alive or dead but not bitten. Not turned. He’d rather find her already dead than have to do it himself. He would never be able to live if he broke her heart and then killed her.
Hell, he wasn’t even sure if he would be able to live with himself if he broke her heart and then found her dead.
February 28th of 2009
36 hours after she went dark they received the first ping. 11 days had passed since and they had gotten 8 more pings. Leon was at his desk, waiting for Hunnigan to tell him they got the next ping. But as the sun went further and further down, they still had got nothing. He kept telling himself that she was okay. That maybe she just forgot or wasn’t somewhere where she could.
He kept telling himself that it was okay and she was alive. That he had no reason to worry. That she would make it back to them alive.
March 2nd of 2009
Leon looked out the window of the helicopter he was on. 4 days had passed since her last ping. Since they last heard of her being alive. They had sent him in the early hours of the morning to go finish the job and find her. They told him to not have hope she’d be found alive. The cold was horrid and she was supposed to be back by now. It was doubtful she’d have enough heat stored to survive.
But he ignored them. He ignored their warnings and pushed them away as he climbed down and off the heli and walked the remaining mile to the village her team were meant to be staying at.
It took him almost no time to find the abandoned snow-mobiles they had ridden to get there. Took him almost no time to walk into the small place they were staying to find the rest of her team all dead. But still, there was no sign of her. No sign that she had even been there recently. He told Hunnigan and she responded that she’d send someone once they found Y/N. As he exited the house, he grabbed the keys to be able to use one of the vehicles.
He drove through the town until he reached the point where she had gone dark at. It was by a larger building that stood out compared to the rest. But that wasn’t where she had left at. She had left off in a small home by it. He walked in and looked around, finding her tracker and communication devices in a box that had been covered in snow. A few of the windows had been shot through, he assumed it was from her. He walked up the stairs and saw that there was no way out from there. If she had been in there, she had left the same way she went in.
He walked out of the house and was about to get back on the snowmobile, to head to her last pinged location, but he realized that it was inside the large building and he would have to walk it. The sun was going down as the time passed 6 PM as he jumped the fence and ran around trying to find her, shooting those infected that got in his way. Which he was surprised wasn’t that many. He had expected more to be there, but it was like someone had already gone through and killed most of them. 
He ignored the fatigue that grew as he ran closer and the sky got darker. Or at least he assumed it did, there were practically no windows in this place so all he had was his watch to tell the time. He ignored the gnawing feeling he had that he was going to find her dead. That he came all the way to bring her home alive that he’d have to do it dead. That he kept telling himself that she’d be alright and he could apologize. He could tell her what Hunnigan told him when he got back. So he could apologize and let her scream and yell and choose what to do. 
So he could know if there ever would be a possibility that they could have made it. That they could have done more if he hadn’t let the possibility of what could've happened take control of his life.
As he grew closer and closer to where she had last pinged, he felt his heart drop further and further into his stomach as he saw more and more blood covering the floor. He kept telling himself that it wasn’t hers. It was someone else's. And he wasn’t entirely wrong as he grew closer. A body laid on the ground, he could tell the blood wasn’t even an entire week old so it had to be from around her last ping. He placed his boot at the dead and grimaced as he recognized him as the guy from last summer.
That told him why she went dark. 
He kneeled by the body, looking for what caused the bleeding, finding a few bullet holes. They weren’t accurate and he could tell that whoever shot them had a shaky hand. Making him doubt it was Y/N. One thing he knew he could always count on was her steady aim. Rarely would she hit a target in the wrong spot on accident. It was always on purpose. But, he knew the bullet holes. It was with a Lightning Hawk. It was like how he always had his Matilda, she always had a Lightning Hawk on her.
He stood up and continued on, looking down at the small device to see how much further and realized that it was to his left. He turned and saw a door drawn shut. He put the device away and grabbed his gun out from its holster and carefully opened the door. He swiftly turned to walk further in, something that at first seemed futile as he didn’t see her. But as he walked further in and looked around, he saw remnants of her having previously been there.
He kneeled by her clicker that had been pinging her location when she told it to was on the floor with some of the layers she had been wearing when the mission started. But what scared him was that there was a bandage covered in blood that looked like it had been sitting there for a few days. If it was her blood like he thought, that would explain why it looked like someone had shot the guy shakily and unsure. And so that nausea grew as the gnawing feeling that she was dead came back to him. 
He shook his head of those thoughts and got up, looking around the room more. As his eyes scanned, he saw that there was a trail of blood that led to one of the walls. When he got closer, he saw the faint marks of what he assumed had been someone moving the cement. He put the flashlight between his teeth and holstered his gun as he began to touch around, trying to find a weak point in the wall. When he did, he pushed in until it started moving. Once it was opened enough for him to slip through, he grabbed the flashlight from his mouth and upholstered the gun. 
He pointed the gun forward and slipped through the crack, he walked with cautious footing. He still found it rather suspicious that he hadn’t had to deal with much since he had gotten there. His senses were on high alert, feeling like there was a possibility of him getting attacked at any point. He walked down the dimly lit room, turning the flash on and off so for the case of someone watching him, there was a possibility of him throwing them off. 
But any want to not get caught and have the element of surprise immediately left his body when he heard gunshots down the end of the hall. He ran as fast as he could and slammed the door open, gun ready to shoot. But when he got there, he saw that Dr. Lewis was already bleeding out on the floor, but still reaching for her own gun. As he approached the woman, he looked around and saw Y/N laying on her stomach, gun on her non-dominant side, in a corner. And as much as he wanted to check on her first, he ran over to the doctor and kicked her gun as far away from her as possible. 
He kept his gun up and stood over Lewis, the barrel of the gun pointed at her head, daring her to do something. But all she did was laugh before coughing up blood. “You...you really think this...this will be...be the e-end? You...you killing me? Think it...it will bring that little b-bitch ba-ack.”
He knew he was supposed to bring her in alive. So they could question her. But Leon just couldn’t. He knew she had been experimenting on children more than she ever had with adults. The information Y/N had found and sent in before she went dark proved it. And something, some part of him, felt like no one who did that to kids could live. Maybe it was his belief that he still was doing this for Sherry. He knew she was an adult now and that she doesn’t need his protection anymore, but it didn’t stop him from making it his main reason. 
With his gun still smoking, and Lewis’s eyes going blank with death, he pulled it down. “Still stops you.” He looked up when he heard the sound of an alarm going off and his vision was encased in red. He should have known that killing the head would do this, but he didn’t give a shit. All he cared about was saving her. He ignored the blaring alarm and robotic voice saying that the building will self-destruct in 10 minutes.
He turned to run back to where Y/N was lying. As he got closer to her, he could see she was slipping in and out of consciousness. When he reached her, he placed a gentle finger where her pulse would be, he knew he should have kept his eyes trained on Lewis, in case she turned herself into something, but he didn’t. His eyes were trained on Y/N. She was covered in sweat and blood, hair clinging onto her. Her breathing was labored and she barely was able to keep her eyes open. He turned her to her back and immediately saw what the reason for the bleeding was. 
A large gash that went down her sternum. There was dried blood all around it and he saw that shittily done bandage that had moved. It was surely infected and was probably the reason for her sweat. He grabbed his device to call Hunnigan and requested a medical evac. He found Y/N and she was alive. They were in the building, but he was going to try and get her outside. Hunnigan informed him that she already sent one the moment he said the rest of the team was dead and they were 5 minutes out.
The moment the call ended, he gently moved one of Y/N 's arms around his neck before putting his arms under her body. Placing one securely under her knees and the other behind her back and under her other arm. He heard her groan in pain as he started to carry her out. Trying to figure out how to get to the roof.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Y/N/N.”
“Leon?” Her voice was hoarse, barely there.
“Yeah, yeah it’s me. I got you. Medic is 5 minutes out, okay? I’m gonna get you out. You’re gonna be okay.”
“Leon, please, just let me go.”
He shook his head, “No. I’m not doing that. I’m not letting you go. Not anytime soon.”
“But it hurts.”
He looked down at her and saw her eyes were closing again, “I know. I know it does. But I need you to keep your eyes open for me, alright? I know it’s gonna be hard, but I need you to do that.”
“But it feels better that way.”
He kicked a door open that led to stairs, “I know it does Y/N/N/N, I know. But I really need you to keep them open. Just until the evac gets here. Once they get us, you’ll be alright. You can close your eyes. Just keep them open till then.” Y/N/N/N. A nickname he came up with once when they were both drunk and abnormally clingy to one another. A nickname that he only used around her when he was close to breaking.
But she nodded, “Okay, I’ll try.”
He smiled down at her, “Good, try.”
He knew if she wasn’t injured and delirious, she would be yelling and screaming at him. So a part of him was happy she was, but most of him was scared that they medic wouldn’t get here in time and they would be fucked. That the team wouldn’t get there and he would lose her. But he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t lose her. Not yet. Not now. Not when he had so much apologizing to do. 
So when he made it out of the maze of a building, he let out a breath of relief when he saw the helicopter landing. Never in his life did he think he’d be so grateful that living Agents were top priority. That they’d rather lose the dead bodies and explain to the families that there was no body than possibly lose someone that could still be of use to them. Of course, he knew there was also the likelihood that they had sent two helicopters.
As he got to the Helicopter, he passed her body to one of the Agents in it before jumping in himself. And as they flew off, he helped close the door that he had jumped in from. For a moment, he stared at the window to see the sun coming up in the distance as the building exploded. But only after a second, he turned back to see the two medics already hooking Y/N up and getting her the help she needed.
He slumped down into one of the small chairs, leaning his head against the cool metal and silently watched as they flew to a hospital in Vancouver that was used to STRATCOM and the BSAA. 
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storiesofsvu · 4 months
happy law and order thursday!!
Okay, city tv has registered that I’m not actually in Toronto and now we’re back to the backwards viewing order…
OC first:
My goldfish brain has half forgotten if we’ve seen this blonde dude before or if I just know him from somewhere else.
There’s so much goddamn tension between bell and the other captain, like there is no way they haven’t fucked…
Ugghh mama bear belllll…. Heck yes to these parents watching out for their kids, nothing gets past them lol.
Still don’t like/understand jet using air pods instead of official ear pieces…
Okay, yes Reyes was on his way to blowing the op, but jet didn’t need to jump right in, she kinda fucked the whole thing up.
Bruh… is that bitch dead? Do we need to start reminding the younger generations they need therapy too?
Okay, good, shrink time it is! Bonus that it’s Ayanna’s personal shrink, not department, a: more personal. B: proves that she’s in therapy and we know she likely needs it.
They might be exes, they might be frenemies, but they certainly do work an interrogation room great together
I feel like gunfire in the midst of a gas station parking lot where all the fuel is, is a deadly idea… that could have gone so much worse. Esp considering this is in relation to bombing cases…
I know a lot of it is likely just the era that the show was created/originally airing but the differences in the squad room designs between departments baffles me.
Elliot really out here lecturing his own brothers like he didn’t up and leave out of nowhere. God I hate this shit lol.
L&O now. How much attention will I pay?
Jfc… that dead body was a jump fucking scare
What is WITH all the shaky cam tonight, ugh.
I have said it before and I will say it again: Samantha Maroun goes shopping with Rita Calhoun.
Fuck, cases like this fucking suck. But like, legality wise, they’re right. It’s easier to get the perp behind bars by just using the more solid case they have with the rich white victim. If they try to get justice for all the victims, it’s way more likely that they case can and will be thrown out or land on a not guilty verdict. Ugh. Politics
If they need to prove that the vic and the perp didn’t have sex at the sex club on the night of the murder…why not just run a rape kit? Or would some kind of exam like that just be part of the autopsy?
More shaky cam… loving this.
Also why the fuck did my subtitles disappear halfway through this episode? I’m deaf… I need this shit..
Seriously that crime scene photo needs to come with a fucking warning. Jesus
Okay. SVU time
Wonderful. I’ve gotten my subtitles back. Thank god.
This is a weird start… hmm…
Getting even more interesting… ngl…
Okay, circling back around, I thought we might be about to get a plot twist of ray being the perp.
UUGHH. I saw a tweet about a new female officer/detective and as much as we all hope that she’ll stick around for more than a season… if Officer Gomez is the new squad member, she’s a woman poc so the chances of her sticking around are slim to none, lets be fucking real.
 Okay, don’t get me wrong. I know that this girl is tiny and she’s an escort, but if a man came in and confessed to rape you’d still take him immediately into an interrogation room. This is a double standard. Especially cause she’s young, thin and pretty, I’m not going to ignore that or let that slide either. *side eye* (like yes, we later do get to the point that she was forced at gun point, but they don’t know that til after. Everything is complicated and there’s lots of lines crossing over and blurring but my statement still stands)
When are they gonna make Bruno an actual part of the team? Why is he still just a guest star?
Man, it’s gotta be hella hard nowadays when it comes to taxis and shit. You have legit taxi’s, multiple companies, gypsy cabs and multiple ride share apps and companies.
Odafin Tutuola only knows about robin egg blue because of Phoebe… there is no way he would know otherwise.
This doctor clearly fucking rich as hell, fuck
HOW does the SEX CRIMES unit currently not have any women working for it??!! (I’m not counting liv cause she’s the captain and irl she would not be in the field, she’d be constantly swamped by paperwork). Even in this episode, it would be helpful to have either terry or fin and a female cop going to talk to a vic/potential vic, if I had been assaulted in any form, remembering it or not I wouldn’t be very open to talking about it if they were talking to me like that, both playing the alpha role. At least with Velasco he can slip into a more soft, quiet, supportive type of conversation/questioning…
“where do you keep your receipts” is something that ALWAYS blows my fucking mind on these shows as a bartender. I DO NOT GET IT. Maybe it’s cause we have tap/card machines that don’t require signatures in Canada, but like…we don’t keep receipts, and even when there are the ones we do keep, they don’t have names, they don’t even have the full credit card number on them, so there would be no way to track someone. We had 250 people in the room each night and as a bartender, unless they had a tab with me, or a personal connection/were a good tipper/conversationalist, I’m not gonna remember them. Our reservations are usually for large groups, so sure we have a single name/card on file, but there’s no way to pin point someone out of their 4-40 people friend groups.  Random bar/service industry things that drive me wild on tv shows. That’s all.
Okay, we’re taking the bracelet off, I think that’s some progress finally.
You know, I wouldn’t mind commercial breaks if they weren’t the same fucking commercials every damn time. That’s the issue with live streaming shit. I miss cable…
“well…they’re idiots, but at least they’re consistent” LOL
Ice T really said “hold on…I need to earn my paycheque for the season” with the amount of screen time he has this ep…
Wait…what’s the plan here? The cops have talked to the perps, there’s no way they wouldn’t be sus about ray coming back in on this. Why not send Velasco or other cops in to bribe the things out and play the ray role? This seems like a bad idea lol.
“wife is here” WHY DID NO ONE TELL VELASCO??
Why don’t we get to go to court anymore?!
Who is this defence attorney? She looks familiar.
I need to raid Velasco’s closet. This coat and sweater look so fucking cozy. They’re mine now.
Glad to see liv branching out to a new type of therapy.
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neyxmessi · 1 year
hey Cara which clubs could you see Messi at? genuinely curious to hear your opinion 👀
Honestly, if PSG can sign a couple more players that are actually decent then I can see why he would stay there. And I’d love for him to still be with Neymar (that’s if Neymar even ends up staying if Leo renews… so many “ifs” atm lol) but the ultras don’t treat him well so that kinda sucks. But genuinely I do think he had good moments when the right players were there w him (I mean if we think of the arg boys and the beginning of the season was already going sm better for him compared to the prior year). Ofc Barca is another option cause that’s literally his home and he already knows so many players that I feel like the re-integration wouldn’t be too hard (but I think if he were to play they’d have to move Gavi around or something like that right?? idk that’s just stuff I had read online 😭) There’s also a part of me that kinda wants to see him at City bc of Pep and Pep would know how to play him. Also I think him and Haaland would be funny playing together. Idk why. Maybe the height difference. But City is doing well rn so idk if he would disrupt the flow they already have going on yk?? And idk kinda for shits but not really I feel like Serie A could be another option if things don’t work out. Maybe Milan? Idk much ab the team tho so literally that suggestion could be absolute ass and don’t listen to me 😭😭 but yeah that’s just what I’m figuring for now.
tldr; psg if they sign better players and figure out a proper formation with him in it, barca bc he’s been there for so long and knows a bunch of people and a lot of them know how to play w him already, city for pep, and milan in case all else fails just cause it would be a better option than him going to mls or something else
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catb-fics · 6 months
Yeah the hate got to Van early on. There was definitely enough for it to make anyone insecure and soooo many backhanded compliments. Really sucked to see it all unfold over time cause he was always incredibly kind and sweet to fans. By 2016 when most fans came around it had dissipated and he found his new look. Then all the hate started up for their music sounding the same and being average. Most loved him but there was a ton thrown at him both by UK and non UK listeners 😔
Catfish positively shook up the indie scene out here. They were part of the whole 2014-16 tumblr girl scene just as much as The 1975. Outside of tumblr, they were pushed in North America as the second wave of The Strokes type bands which came with insanely high expectations. Seemed like Americans were expecting Van/Catfish to be another Alex Turner/ Arctic Monkeys which was not the case. Indie rock was thriving out here so Catfish kinda got pushed to the side after their second album cause there were better bands (Cage The Elephant won the hearts of Americans first). I think that’s what stunted their growth out here. Ughhh it sucked cause Van’s such a solid frontman and Catfish are great live without being polished. I miss good bands having live grit! That’s why I always loved Catfish. We all know how much Van cares about his craft, fans and that missing vibe from music nowadays.
With all the negative shit going on in music, labels are so afraid to let bands be authentic now. Bands really only need a distribution team (they get their music into record stores/retailers and streaming services) nowadays which doesn’t require a record label. But I guess if you want to go international, record labels help tons. I could go on about this for hours but nobody cares 😂
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I did think it was you. I’m really sad to hear there was hate over in the US in the early days but I guess it comes with the territory being in the public eye, must still be v unpleasant to read though and a real knock to your confidence. Still bugs the hell out of me when I hear people complain they released the same album 3 times, you can bet if they came out with a completely new musical direction people would complain about that too!
It’s a shame they didn’t make it bigger over there when they were at their peak in the UK but I think it’s hard for bands to break the States. I wonder what the reception will be like when they tour over there again?
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dogwittaablog · 6 months
You opened this can of sardines for me the topic of employed Nolan/what is he gonna do now. Buckle in Buckaroos as I spout some nonsense.
1. He can go work for the NHL (kinda unlikely at this point imo). Despite not being able to play he seems to actually enjoy hockey still. His dad back in his early career had always said that he was a very analytical watcher, replaying parts of games over and over again to figure out what they were doing. I can see him somewhat settling behind a bench as a playmaker, and being a little shit about it. Like making the most annoying but legal plays. I can also see him becoming a bit of an advocate for players and head injuries considering what he's had to go through.
Even if not directly behind the bench or in the NHL there is a possibility for him to work with a smaller team or a more behind the scenes role. It would be private enough for him I feel.
2. Hunting (more likely). Even in pre NHL interviews he constantly brought up his love for the wilderness and hunting and possibly being a hunting guide. This I feel is the most likely possibility. Opening like a little Patrick's hunting guides venture. If I'm being a bit more optimistic and whimsical, an actual hunting store to sell supplies.
This might also mean more social media pat as he promotes himself. He's an advocate for ethical hunting and consuming so I can see him pushing that angle and teaching about how to respect and use the animals.
3. He has a tiktok, "Why the flyers can eat my ass (NHL exposed) Part 1 of 12.
4. Joins Mt. Joy (this is the crack fic one). He's close to the band, can play guitar. Why not? Write a few songs for them, date their pianist (I think that's her role?) Would b cute.
Sorry for rambling, but I do genuinely hope he ends up okay in the end and settles down well after everything he's been through. He doesn't seem like a bad guy and holy fuck has he been put through the wringer. I want him to be okay and succeed in something and not have everything he does be over analyzed by everyone ya know.
(Imma tack this on at the end, I agree at what he was getting with with the mailloux thing cause Trudeau absolutely sucks, but my god man has poor wording choices.)
Hahahaha living for the in detail post! Feel free to ramble I’m all ears.
I think jumping in an NHL job after what he had to go through would be pouring salt on an open wound, for now at least. Realistically it’d be a solid real job to have, tho it’s probably still gonna be way too much attention for him even if it’s behind the scenes. It’d give people too much to talk about. Would be pre sweet if he even took up coaching for a local team, whatever age really.
Please if dude was desperate for money or just to do something I was even thinking how he would probably debate joining his dad in real estate and work for him 😭😭😭😭
Don’t think money is an issue tho, cause he gives me vibes he’s pretty frugal and just living life lmao. Also Manitoba isn’t the most expensive place to live in to what I’m aware of.
Conclusion I really don’t think hes finding a job that’s about $$$ but something he enjoys and what he aligns with, so the hunting and fishing guide is 100% Though he has so many resources to branch out in multiple things.
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letstrywritingmaybe · 7 months
3. Sports AU- Hockey edition
(Re part two of my list of fics ideas I’ll never get to)
As a massive Penguins fan, the influence they hold over this fic is so typical. It pains me because I love one man and he is the captain of my team, while I loathe Shinichi some days. But for the purposes of this fic I have to pretend he’s close to being as amazing as my man.
Have I lost you yet? Probably, let me try and bring it back cause this is an enemies to lovers fic, but also forbidden romance (I assume typical in hockey rpfs? Idk I’m not in that fandom). Because you see in this verse, he’s a hockey player and Shiho, my queen, is a referee (we’ll get to her background later and how she ends up here)
• Shinichi’s been in the league for a while and he’s the captain of the team, also the face of the franchise and is a really good player/teammate. Center man because of my own biases, and of course line mates would have to be Heiji and Kaito (the core/trio for like ever. This is my fic so they’re gonna be wingers, but can also play center I suppose. Point is forwards cause I don’t wanna completely copy my team plus I think they would be better as forwards well maybe Kaito… okay stop)
• being a star player and too good at his job, penalties are not always called… which may also be because refs are the worst (not my queen though but I’m biased)
• my girl has it rough cause listen major sports are still predominantly run by men, so of course every call she makes will be criticized (even if she’s right, and god forbid she misses something. It’s her fault and not her colleagues cause men suck)
• Shinichi doesn’t care that she’s a girl, but they get into it a few times when he thinks she hasn’t been calling things in favor of his team (he’s biased, she didn’t call them cause she saw what was going on and isn’t going to play into favoritism as he’s the golden child. Technically being that good just means he won’t get calls cause the league sucks anyway but still)
• anyways they start off on the wrong foot. After the game Shinichi realizes he may have been too harsh and tries to apologize, which Shiho does accept but it happens again cause there are games at stake here people!
• she isn’t assigned to all of his games of course, so they do get time to admire each other at their job when they have time off. Cause no way he isn’t watching hockey just cause he isn’t playing, and as for Shiho she used to play (we’ll get back to this later)
• during one of the games she refs with him playing, a goon on the other team is an asshole and Shinichi stands up for her. A fight occurs which leads to penalties on both sides, but she does thank him after for trying to diffuse the situation. Unfortunately some guys are assholes and shouldn’t be allowed to play in the league!!
• they slowly become more friendly with each other, and end up kinda cool with each other as time goes on. (This is meant to sorta be a slow burn, but we all know I suck at that which is why I say sorta)
• one night his team plays at home and she’s on a break after being on the job for so long. The last game she refs is that game he was in. She decides to chill and go to the bar where the boys all end up celebrating at. She doesn’t go up to them, choosing to unwind by herself while they’re all being fawned over and getting drunk. Cause they clinched play offs! Yay! He spots her anyway and offers to buy her a drink (he’s not drunk but he has been drinking), she turns him down cause it could cause trouble later on if people find out. He tells her it’s not that big of a deal, besides everyone is drunk and no one is paying attention. She still says no.
• he leaves her be, but two seconds later the bartender gives her a drink courtesy of an anonymous stranger. She naturally guesses it to be Shinichi, who winks at her but stays away for now. She decides to accept it since he’s staying away.
• he of course comes by and teases her about it, to which she rolls her eyes but she finds that he’s not terrible company.
• if it’s not obvious where this is going, then this bullet point says it all. They leave together for a drunken one night stand, in which she totally panics cause this is definitely not okay. Meanwhile he’s also like yeah this is bad but also… they can totally be professional about this.
• they are professionals about it. They don’t let what happened affect their jobs. Just one slight problem, they also can’t quite quit fooling around with each other. (Because guess what? He scores a hat trick after spending the night with her and hello superstition! So of course he’s like we gotta do it again and she’s like are you insane???)
• but they do and while he doesn’t score a hat trick again, he does still score a goal. Leading him to believe this should continue while she’s like absolutely not. It continues cause of course it does. Even though they get eliminated before making it to the cup, which gives her grounds to be like okay we can stop.
• doesn’t happen. They actually get closer during off season where they can just be them without worrying about the hockey world. Basically they fall in love for real.
• this lasts at least two seasons, hockey seasons meaning at least two years (could be longer but idk yet) Which means it’s no longer just hooking up cause they’ve both caught feelings. They even stayed together during off season in a different country where they could actually be a normal couple.
• it isn’t long until they’re basically in a secret relationship. Which is messy enough already, but wait! There’s more! To keep up with his image, Shinichi unofficially has a girlfriend. Unofficial because he’s very much not attached to anyone, but he does have a childhood best friend who thinks otherwise. Which is totally his fault for basically leading her on, cause he never flat out told her he’s not interested. Instead because he’s a softie, he tells her he’s not going to commit to anything because hockey is his life and that’s all he cares about. So she decides to wait for him, thinking when he retires then they can be together.
• now at this point Heiji and Kaito both definitely know something’s going on, but like the good bros they are, they don’t say shit. In fact they help cover it up, cause yeah their captain sleeping with a ref is not a good look when they’re trying to win another championship.
• shinshi become serious, because of course they’re in love (it’s my fic hello). He’s ready to lock it down, but he can’t cause of their jobs. Meanwhile Shiho still feels guilty and keeps thinking they should end it, but can’t get herself to actually end it.
• she basically lives at his place, her stuff is here and she spends most nights here. Ran (I swear I don’t hate her, but she fits the role better okay) notes how distant Shinichi has been, but thinking it’s normal especially during playoffs, just lets him be. But she gets a bad feeling and decides to check up on him, where she finds out about shinshi. She feels betrayed and heartbroken (as she should).
• Shinichi is surprised to see her at his home, an argument ensues. She threatens to expose his relationship unless… he chooses her instead then she will forgive him and pretend everything is fine. (To mirror my Pens, he’s nearing the end of his career and of course he would want to go out with a bang. Another cup with the boys!)
• basically choose hockey or Shiho. It’s a no brainer because I’m writing this fic, he chooses my queen. Which is so shitty for Ran, she leaves. Shiho was asleep already, but woke up when she heard their argument and she hears the ultimatum. She’s stunned when he chooses her, she decides she can’t let him ruin his career for her.
• she goes back to bed and pretends to be sleeping when he comes back in, he calls her out on faking and they have a talk. She tells him she’s not worth it, he says otherwise. Cue confession finally, and crying cause she’s happy they’re in love and it’s not just one sided on her part, but also she knows how much hockey means to him. This would ruin him. Just like how it ruined her.
• finally we get to my queen’s back story! She was a really good hockey player herself! Part of the Olympic team and won gold in the finals! For the next Olympics she was set to also compete, but a jealous team mate made up false accusations and tarnished her reputation. She was shunned by the community, until recently when it came out that she was the victim and never harmed anyone. Which is how she managed to kinda get back into the game and become a ref. Since it had been a while, no one really brought up her past or at least talked about it in depth especially since she was wronged.
• point is, she knows what it’s like to have her career ripped away from her when she wasn’t ready to let it go, so she can’t let the same thing happen to him. She leaves him and quits her job. During playoffs knowing he cannot follow her if the cup and his team are on the line. But she also secretly hopes he goes to her since the place she runs off to, is where they vacationed during the off season when their relationship first began. A small town where people knew who he was, but they let him be and they were away from cameras and stuff so they could be a normal couple.
• now this is not a norm for my fics, but I think realistically this could happen so why not. Guess what? To make things even more dramatic, she’s pregnant. When she finds out, she immediately wants to take everything back. She wants to be with him, but she pushed him away and there’s no way she can drop all this on him during the final series!
• back to the boys, Heiji and Kaito finally confront Shinichi and let him know that they knew all along. To which he’s like how?? And they’re like it was obvious plus we’re besties and also you guys suck at being secretive! You couldn’t wait to go home one time, and really? In the locker room??? But they support him cause they’ve never seen him this happy. Yes hockey is all of their lives, but they have the chance to start a family and share it with them while Shinichi has been all hockey focused. He’s finally met someone who he’s willing to break his rule of nothing serious until the end of his career.
• Shinichi apologizes cause he knows he should be focused on only the game right now, but he can’t stop thinking about her. Being on the ice is fine, but as soon as he’s away he’s thinking about her and how she left him. Then there’s also the drama with Ran
• speaking of, because she’s always known he doesn’t love her, she decides to keep his relationship with Shiho a secret. She won’t tell anyone. Which solves one problem.
• now back to quintessential lots of love things, which means there are only happily ever afters in my book (and clichés) So of course they rally and the team wins another cup! With the help of Heiji and Kaito, Shinichi is able to sneak away and get on the next flight to where he hopes/knows Shiho is.
• he was right, he finds her just as she was missing him and wondering if she should even tell him the news of her pregnancy. She’s stunned to see him, but so happy. They obviously get back together and everything turns out well. No one finds out about the inappropriateness of their relationship, since everyone in the league thinks it happened after Shiho quit.
• an epilogue of sorts. Shinshi is married and their baby boy is healthy. Shinichi is at home watching over their son, because Shiho is back on the ice again. It’s been a long time coming, but she’s finally able to make a comeback. If their son doesn’t end up playing hockey too it would be a shame given how it’s in both his parents’ blood.
The end. That’s my basic outline of this fic that I dreamed up immediately after realizing I could totally write this verse. I have the American football and baseball one sorta planned out too. But with it being hockey season, and this was the one I had a complete vision of, I decided to bullet point it out here first. Which hopefully means I won’t actually have to write the fic now that I’ve just rambled about it here.
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chrisginny · 1 year
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i’m right 😎 anyways yeah some hcs:
ginny and pitts are like the perfect bff team together. pitts is a pretty good builder and ginny goes and gets supplies (wood cobblestone etc) for his builds and bc she enjoys exploring caves and other terrain
neil mentions the poets’ server not long after meeting todd and todd is like. (see image above) “wtf is minecraft” and neil’s like “it’s a game dummy” and todd gets added to the server not long after
cam likes to play by the rules for the most part so he’s always trying to beat the game. he’s always testing new methods to kill the ender dragon and then making the end safe for the others. he also really likes the achievement notifications
meeks is a redstone GOD. he’s so into it he will cause horrendous lag for the entire server. but ultimately his creations are super cool and useful!! also his biggest inspiration is the youtuber mumbo jumbo bc redstone
ok speaking of youtubers, a lot of the poets really love the hermitcraft series. pitts gets inspiration for his builds from grian and scar and pearlescentmoon. charlie finds new prank ideas from a lot of the hermits all the time. etc etc
knox literally just speedruns. he sucks at it and keeps dying in stupid ways but he’s always trying to do that. if at any point he’s convinced to stop, he’s still always on the move. (he probably watches dream)
johnny gets a little nervous exploring in the dark and stuff so he and chris tend to the farms and the base and help organize things. chris isn’t scared but she does prefer kinda staying in one place
also chris helps pitts decorate the interior of his builds :)
keating is technically whitelisted but he barely plays. when he does though… it’s chaos. he’s having a good wholesome time but he always joins right after some shit has been going down (charlie trolling somebody or bad words being said in chat or smth) and everyone tries to act normal and pg. it’s like a game for them (especially neil and charlie)
neil is the designated monster killer guy and he helps cam kill blazes and the dragon and shulkers etc. he also will dramatically challenge people to pvp battles (and he always wins)
stick is kinda just there. his interest in minecraft fades in and out so he’s not always active. if he’s been gone too long, the other poets will raid his base >:)
hopkins does not know wtf is going on but he tries!! it doesn’t help that he’s also quite new to the game tbh. sometimes he finds stuff for chris’ interior design though
you know those editable book & quill minecraft items? yeah. the poets use those for their digital meetings (when they can’t physically go out to their cave, they have one in minecraft to use!). their book currently has the thoreau quote on the first page and then 8 pages of keysmashes and random notes and signatures
more later perhaps!
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