#so I’m just gonna be in my feelings for a minute
secondbeatsongs · 3 days
alright my friends.
it’s time.
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look! the wall I always take my pictures in front of is blue now! so much has changed. aeons have passed.
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this looks unsettling
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ohhhh this is dry milk powder! I’d know that taste anywhere - I used to love the stuff, and it’s pretty flammable.
hmm. tastes like there’s a bit of salt in this, and definitely some poppy seeds. fascinating.
I was gonna just go right to cooking it but hahaha holy shit this looks so gross now that I've added water to it
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look at it! it looks like a really scummy pond with dead bugs floating in it!
okay. waiting-four-minutes time
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Jackie why are you squeaking at me. I’m not letting you climb in the dishwasher again
(look at all the claw marks on the woodwork! she's a menace)
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it doesn’t have a strong smell - it smells mostly of noodles with just a hint of garlic and caraway underneath
oh! all the sauce sank to the bottom, but stirring it up there’s definitely some creaminess in the texture of the sauce
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hmm. now that it’s stirred up and there’s steam coming off of it, it smells mostly like hot milk, but specifically the instant kind. unsurprising.
okay, I’ve put this off for long enough.
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oh the noodle texture is particularly slimy. and...huh.
on their own, the noodles taste like nothing. maybe some milk taste, but not much otherwise. but when I get a bite that has lots of seeds in it, I definitely taste them! and some bits of onion, too.
it’s not outright disgusting though, so that’s something
does it taste like an everything bagel? no. it tastes like noodles with caraway, poppy, sesame, onion, and salt.
does the sauce taste like cream cheese? disappointingly, no! it’s got a milky creaminess, but no sour tang to it at all!
weirdly, I feel like if it did have that sourness, it might taste more like an everything bagel.
speaking of...
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it’s time for some science
so the first thing I have is popcorn that’s supposed to be everything-bagel-and-cream-cheese flavored. my sibling gave me this specifically for this experiment, so everyone say thank you to them for enabling me.
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interesting! this doesn’t taste bad. it still doesn’t taste like bagel (and actually hold on...no, the popcorn on its own doesn’t taste like bagel either, just garlic) but I think the flavoring on the popcorn has added some much-needed taste to the noodles, and so it mildly improves it. three stars
next for the cream cheese
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oh, significantly improved! ...or maybe I just love cream cheese. it adds such a nice tangy creaminess to it, and balances out the spices and seeds. four stars.
still tastes nothing like a bagel, though.
and so we try: packaged everything bagel seasoning!
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ah. this was a lateral move. the seasoning on its own tastes good, but when added to the noodles it does nothing but make it a bit more salty. one star.
so now, I have to reveal to you. that I have one final trick. one last thing I can do to attempt to make these noodles taste like an everything bagel.
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behold: an everything bagel
(and it’s a fancy one too! not a pre-packaged one! it’s even got sunflower seeds on it!)
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I’m going to try a couple bites without cream cheese, and then I’m gonna add cream cheese and try that
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conclusion: this was a waste of a good everything bagel
I liked the cream cheese variation better, simply because I stopped being able to taste the noodles at all. five stars!
so when I started out I said the noodles themselves were not outright disgusting, but I’ve changed my mind. after tasting this really good actual everything bagel, these noodles do disgust me. partially because of their flavor, but more because of their (and Nissin's) moral integrity.
how dare they claim that this is what an everything bagel tastes like. this is an insult to bagels everywhere, and I find it truly offensive.
...anyway I guess I’m gonna go eat the rest of this now, because this is my actual breakfast today.
oh god. and I still have two more of these cup noodles! I forgot; I bought extras just in case!
wish me luck -_-
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adrienneleclerc · 2 days
Wrong Name
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Charles pranks Y/N by calling her the wrong name to see how she would react, it did not go well
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: inspired by @23victoria post “what did you call me” also I figured Y/N put Charles through two TikTok pranks, it’s only fair Charles pulls a prank on her. Same universe as “say it back” and “can you get out?” Also, super sorry if your name is Romina.
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Charles was on TikTok because he couldn’t sleep and saw a video where a girl called her boyfriend by the wrong name. He decided to take it upon himself to pull this prank on his girlfriend. He just hopes she doesn’t get angry.
“Muñeco, im getting groceries for dinner, I’ll be back soon!” Y/N calls out.
“Okay, Mon ange.” Charles said, getting off the couch to say goodbye to his girlfriend properly. “I love you.” Charles kissed Y/N.
“I love you too.” Y/N said before leaving. Charles decided to play video games and when he heard the door open 30 minutes later, that’s when he decided to put his plan into action. Y/N was putting the groceries away in the fridge when…
“Hey Romina, what did you buy?” Charles said and Y/N closed the fridge and the bags that were on the counter were long forgotten because she was now in front of the TV.
“What did you say?” Y/N asked.
“I said ‘hey Y/N, what did you buy?’ Are you feeling alright?” Charles asked, pausing his game. He felt so guilty for the gaslighting.
“The hell you did, you just called me Romina. Who the fuck is Romina?” Y/N asked in a louder tone.
“Romina, calm down.” Charles said and that’s when he knew he fucked up.
“First of all, you never tell a woman to calm down, have you learned NOTHING from watching TV or having other girlfriends? Second, you just called me Romina AGAIN! So please, calmly tell me…” Y/N said as she went to their bedroom to get one of her chanclas 🩴 “who the hell is Romina before I become like my mother and beat your ass with this chancla.”
“There’s no need to get violent, Y/N.” Charles said.
“Really? Then tell me why did you call me Romina.” Y/N said.
“It was a prank.” Charles said. “I saw a TikTok of girls calling their boyfriends by the wrong name and I wanted to see how you would react.” Charles confessed shyly.
“You chose THAT prank, specifically THAT one, to pull on me, a girl who has been cheated on before?” Y/N asked rhetorically.
“Yeah, I didn’t think it through actually.” Charles admitted.
“Menso, i was actually gonna hit you.” Y/N said.
“You love me too much to hit me.” Charles said.
“That’s true. Anyway, I have to finish putting the groceries away because someone decided to be a pendejo and prank me. Like why would you prank me? I’m a freaking delight.” Y/N said, walking save to the kitchen
“You pranked me twice, ma Belle!” Charles exclaimed, following her.
“Okay but those were cute pranks, that prank would have ended up with me in jail.” Y/N said, putting the groceries away on the fridge, freezer, and pantry.
“I would never let you go to jail.” Charles said,
“Hey, so while I’m cooking dinner, I’m gonna put on some music, okay.” Y/N said.
“Yeah that’s fine.” Charles said and they kissed. Y/N out her phone on full volume to CUIDADITO by Becky G and Chiquis, singing out loud and specific part.
“Yo no soy celosa pero si eso pasa me transformo en otra. Te poncho las llantas dormirás afuera y esa misma noche le marco a mi suegra para que recoja a la cochinada que un día parió. Te rayo el carro te quiebro los vidrios y voy a llamar a todos mis amigos para que me ayuden que en un pisteada lo arregló yo. Nomas cuidadito con ponerme el cuerno que todo eso lo hago y hasta más me atrevo y no mas te advierto que cuidadito con ponerme el cuerno de la que te salvaste da gracias a dios que nomas fue una broma.” Y/N sung, changing the last two words (which are originally ‘un sueño ’ which means ‘a dream’). I’m not a jealous woman but if that were to happen, I become a different person. I’ll slash your tires, you’ll be sleeping outside, and I’ll call my mother in law that same night to pick up the piece of shit she gave birth to. I’ll key your car, break your windows, and I’ll call my friends so they’ll help me, I’ll handle it in one good beating. If you cheat on me, just be careful because I would do all of that and even more, I’m just warning you to be careful if you cheat on me. You got lucky, thank god it was only just a prank
“Mon ange, what’s that song about?” Charles asked curiously.
“The song is about a women who dreamt that her husband cheated on her. She would have done some crazy shit if he actually cheated her so he’s fucking lucky it was only a dream.” Y/N said with a smile.
“But you sang ‘broma’ and that’s means ‘joke’…” charles said,
“Or prank.” Y/N said,
“You sang that for me?!?” Charles yelled.
“Yes I did so you know, cuidadito.” Y/N warned.
“I Don’t know whether to be scared of you or attracted to you.” Charles confessed and Y/N laughed.
“Both work, mi Amor. You want lomo saltado or tallarines saltado?” Y/N asked.
“Whats the difference?” Charles asked.
“Lomo has French fries and is served with rice, tallarines is pasta.” Y/N said,
“Pasta please.” Charles said,
“Of course, muñeco.” Y/N said, chopping the steak into little strips while humming the music to CUIDADITO and Charles stared at her because he found himself humming too.
“You know I would never cheat on you, right Y/N?” Charles asked just to make sure.
“Of course I know you’d never cheat on me. But the song is so catchy.” Y/N commented and that made Charles feel so much better. He walked up to Y/N and hugged her from behind as she continued to chop the steak, he kissed her shoulder.
“I love you,” Charles said,
“I love you too.” Y/N said,
The End
Hope y’all liked it! A silly little one shot for giggles 🤭
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skzdust · 3 days
Snapshots: "Can I kiss you?"
I'm starting a new series I'm calling Snapshots, which are basically just gonna be little drabbles responding to a prompt with each of the members of Stray Kids :)
Some will contain smut, some will be sfw, and some will be a mix.
For this one, Changbin's has smut, and Han's is suggestive, but the rest of it is sfw!
Pairing: ot8 x reader
Word count: approx. ~100 each, total ~800
Reblogs, likes, comments all appreciated!!!
Bang Chan: When Chan asks if he can kiss you, it’s with a trace of hesitance lifting the words. “Can I… kiss you?” His hand plays with your hair, and he looks at you intently. You’ve been best friends for years, but he wants more, and you want more, and you both know it. “Yeah.” You whisper, and he breaks into a smile, bright as the sun coming out from behind the clouds, before leaning in. It’s long, and sweet, and he knows how to read you like no one else. He knows when to deepen the kiss, and when to pull back and laugh and say, “I’m so glad I asked.”
Lee Know: When Minho asks if he can kiss you, the words rush out of his mouth. You’re about to get out of his car, holding the bouquet he’d given you before your date. “Can I kiss you?” He says, and your hand leaves the car door. “You’re such a gentleman.” “Shut up.” A flush rises on his neck and cheeks. You smile. “Yes, you can kiss me.” Minho leans over the center console of the car to give you a kiss, one that lingers on your lips, one you’ll be thinking about until your next date.
Changbin: When Changbin asks if he can kiss you, he’s sweaty, you’re sweaty, and he’s inside you. “Can I—ngh—” He grunts, thrusting into you. “Can I kiss you?” “Please do.” You exhale, parting your lips for him. The kiss is somewhat jerky as he continues to fuck you, but it’s passionate and heady and it sets your head spinning. His hands work their way up and down your body, and you’re so sensitive, and you feel and feel and feel. He’s sensual with his lips, he always is, and you feel like you could let yourself float away into him if you wanted to. So, you do, giving him everything, and he takes everything.
Hyunjin: When Hyunjin asks if he can kiss you, he says it bearing coffee and pancakes. He sets them down on the table in front of you and leans on his hands towards you. “Can I kiss you?” “Of course.” You smile. He gives you a quick peck on the lips before walking away, throwing a coy grin over his shoulder. “That does not count as a kiss.” You stand up, following him into the kitchen. “Can I get a real one?” “Was that not good enough for you?” He puts a hand to his chest. “My own partner doesn’t like my kisses.” “You know that’s not it.” You grab his shirt, pulling him towards you, and he puts his arm around you, and he’s so close. You get your kiss.
Han: When Jisung asks if he can kiss you, your hair is being ruffled by the breeze in the park. “Can I kiss you?” He leans in close, by your ear, voice low and sexy, but with an unmistakable playful note. “Jisung! There’s kids!” You jerk your head at the play structure. “We can go somewhere else.” “And disturb our picnic?” “If you don’t mind… I want you.” “Yeah?” You swallow. “Do you?” “I do.” His eyes are dark. “I really want you, baby.” You pack up the picnic in a matter of minutes, and you’re barely on the far side of the car before Jisung presses you against the door, capturing your lips with his.
Felix: When Felix asks if he can kiss you, his breath fogs in the air. “Can I kiss you?” His eyes are wide, sparkling in the winter lights, a snowflake falling to land on his face like one of his freckles. You brush it away, your thumb lingering on his face for a few moments longer than it needs to. “Please, Felix, I thought you’d never ask.” His kiss is soft, and sweet, and he sighs into it. When he pulls away, it’s to smile at you with a radiance you can’t help but melt at.
Seungmin: When Seungmin asks if he can kiss you, he does so with a big smile. “Can I kiss you?” Your smile is just as wide. “Please do, babe.” He leans across the table to give you a short kiss, brushing his pants as he sits back down. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist, you look so good!”
I.N: When Jeongin asks if he can kiss you, it’s mumbled and sleepy. “Can I kiss you?” You’re sitting on the edge of the bed, tying your shoe to go for your morning run, and you turn around to see Jeongin reaching for you with one hand from his position still in bed. You smile. “‘Course.” You lean down and give him a kiss, then ruffle his hair as he grins, eyes still closed. “Have a good run, baby.” “I’ll see you when I’m back, love you.” “Love you too.” He smiles one more time and rolls back over, promptly falling back asleep.
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babeeangel · 3 days
pervy boyfriends
bllk boys who would –in my humble opinion– be pretty pervy towards their s/o. 
Shidou, Isagi, Karasu headcanons (low-key nsfw), i tried to be gender neutral but maybe it’s a bit more catered towards afab/fem reader for the Isagi part. 
Let’s stats by the most obvious of em all 
Let’s call it as it is
We haven't seen him talk about lovers canonly yet but i feel like he’d be a monster
This man is ALWAYS making dirty jokes to you
About you mostly 
Oh and public or not, he doesn't care, he if thought of something, you best believe he gon say it, regardless of whether your dad is around. 
He takes a sick pleasure in exposing your kinks to the whole word, especially ones you’ve told him you’re embarrassed about 
He likes it specifically when he says something in a public setting just loud enough so you will never know for sure if people heard him or not
Likes does his team’s goalkeeper know that you like being choked or not ?? You will never be sure ! (And it's not like you're gonna ask him) 
You never really heard it for yourself but you’re quite sure he talks about your sex life to his friends 
Cause multiple times they came up to you and made a joke that was suspiciously real 
“haha Y/N did you have a cat attack your boyfriend’s back ??” “Y/N can you help me out for next week’s anime convention ? I heard you’re quite good at cosplaying”
You even received a leash from a secret santa (you don't have a dog ???)
You’ve tried to ask him about it once, he jokingly said yes, so you never sure he actually meant it 
But you’re scared that if you ask too much he gon make it worse. 
Mind you Shidou is not just an asshole that crosses your boundaries. You had actually told him you were actually kinda into people low key knowing you’re a freak. But you could never say it yourself. So he’s actually nice and thoughtful to his s/o here. 
So yah let's say Shidou is not ashamed to explain to people what his position he likes you in
Also it’s almost obvious atp but he likes dirty talking in uncomfy places cause he knows it takes you very little to get you started, so he’s there getting you horny in the middle of applebees like… 
He likes telling you all the things he’d do to you once you're back home. 
He also often shares the details of how hard he was in the shower this morning thinking about you and how he chose to wait until you guys could do it cause he felt it would be a shame to waste his “precious cum” (his words) anywhere but “your pretty body” (again his words). 
So as I said, certified unashamed pervy boyfriend.
Now I think this would be an unpopular opinion because everyone and their dad headcanons Isagi as “a sweet caring innocent boyfriend 🥺” and while I agree that is true, he is multifaceted to me. 
To me, he would also be extremely pervy to his s/o, but unbeknownst to them. 
Like the minute you’re turning your back to him, he’s staring fouly at your ass
If you bend down to grab sum, he will not bother to look under your skirt that lifts up or your exposed cleavage. 
But again, he will only do it when he knows you can’t see him. 
He likes watching you doing the most innocent things and adding a double meaning to it in his head
Like you eating a skewer will be something far more dirty in his mind and you whining at the antiseptic on your wound is, in another setting, something way sexier. 
So everytime you see him smile at casual things you do, like getting on your knees to tie your shoelaces, you think wow he loves me so much, but truth is yes he loves you that much, actually way more. 
Isagi will always make the most far fetched double entendres to you, knowing damn well you’re too innocent and maybe head in the clouds to ever get it
So he says it, sees you agree mindlessly, and smiles to himself.
I’m telling you he’s an undercover perv.
Some of his dirty minded friends that have, they too, experience in that field, will sometimes get these double meanings he tells you and chuckle at his reaction to your non reaction. 
Unlike you, THEY know he’s toying with you and tbf they also find it quite cute
Isagi is not the type to put out all your sex life to his friends tho. But sometimes, just sometimes, he will (again) make innuendos about things you’re good at, like doing or like receiving.
But again, when he says it it's with a straight face. 
So his friends are never sure that he actually did mean what he said or if that innuendo was a pure coincidence. 
He just smiles smugly to himself
Also final addition: he knows your weak spots and he plays witit. 
Like he knows you're quite sensitive so he purposefully places the coffee grounds on the top shelf to see you struggle, have you jump around to see it jiggle, watch your shirt lift up and inevitably come to your help by grabbing said item from behind, basically squeezing you between him and the counter, pressing his dick into your ass, knowing damn well that’s enough to have you blush and moan.
But as always, you just think to yourself that he's so nice to help you, and you're so sensitive for reacting to a simple thing. 
let’s not forget about this pretty boy cause i feel we ALL know he can be so pervy…
To me, this boy is always, ALWAYS touching you 
He alwaysss has a hand on you like at all times TT
Saying hello ? Good morning kiss
He tries to find you in public ? When he sees you he’s gonna make himself known by laying a hand on your hip
He won a match ? You know already he’ll grab your ass when he finds you. 
He does not care about decency or whatever that social construct is: 
If he wants to feel you up, he will. 
Don’t care if his teammates are taunting him, if your friends are here, if a camera is filming
He likes the feeling of your skin on his, knowing you’re real cause he can feel it, feel the friction and the heat 
And he also likes knowing you’ll always be available for him, lending him a kiss whenever he asks for one
He should know by now you're never gonna say no, cause you love him so much, but he’s always looking to be reassured that you are his. 
So with Karasu, it does not stop at hand holding when you're going out
More like, hand holding, stroking your ass, kissing you passionately then placing his hand on your chin, smiling and walking again like normal until five meters further he wants to feel your waist. 
Mind you you tried to tell him this was not socially okay, being so explicit on PDA. His answer ?
Says who ? It’s not like people don't know where to be together. I dont think I'm breaking news to them that we get physical if I kiss you in public. 
“Babe, this is not about the kiss on my cheeks in public. I’m talking about you stretching my shirt collar to look at my cleavage while you’re on half time and a whole literal stadium is looking at you”. 
“What, you want to keep it a secret that I smack you ass naked when I win ?” “Well yeah that's kinda exactly what i'm saying” “Useless to bother hiding, they must know already” 
So yeah when I say he’s a perv I mean he won’t bother to wait till behind closed doors. He will whisper in your hearts while grabbing your waist from behind no matter if you are in the middle of ordering coffee. 
At least you’re sue he loves you and won’t mind letting others know
A/N: yayyy this came up to me as i was falling asleep, Isagi staring relentlessly as your ass the second you turn around and then thought yeah he'd defo not be the only pervy bf in bllk. Hope u like it~~ still have many more things to write.
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chuuyasheaven · 1 day
♥ “ Just melt into my touch. ” ♥
♥ ♥ SCENARIO. Tired and exhausted from the day you just had, Dazai offers to try and help you relax!
PAIRING. D. OSAMU / AFAB! READER. (TW: suggestive)
NOTES. Small drabble to celebrate the fact that I’m finally done with my finals :3
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Today wasn’t it, at all. You didn’t know why, but all you needed was your boyfriend’s comfort. As soon as you stepped into your shared apartment, Dazai could already tell how you were feeling. All you had to do was to plop down onto your bed, and have him near you. Your body melted into his touch, but not really in the way he wanted it to.
“But I barely have any strength left to hold on, Dazai.”, you protested as you were sitting next to him, completely naked. “What if you can’t breathe?”, slight concern laced your tone as Dazai laid his back on the bed, not wanting to hear your excuses. “That doesn’t matter, I want you on it now.”, he wasn’t going to back down from this, he needed you to sit on his face. “I don’t give a damn if I can’t breathe, all I need you to do is to sit down and relax, ‘donna.”, you hesitated before asking again to clarify, because your exhaustion has left you weak, too tired to even hold your body over his face for even a mere five minutes. “Are. . are you sure? I don’t wanna hurt you in any way—”, Dazai shot you a glare of hunger and lust to your way, his patience running thin. “You’re not gonna hurt me, sweetheart. I may not look like it, but I’m stronger than I look.”, his assuring words calmed you down a little and you slowly got on his face.
“Stop moving around so much,”, he said in a commanding tone, holding your thighs to stop them of shaking too much. “I told you you’re not gonna hurt me if you sit down completely.”, it hasn’t even been ten minutes and you were struggling to keep your body in place, and it was disturbing Dazai’s meal. “But—”, you couldn’t even finish you protest when you interrupted yourself with a yelp, Dazai locked his arms around your thighs to pull you down on his face. Since this was very sudden, you just let it happen. Now fully sitting on his face, he continued where he left off, his face more importantly his tongue was closer to your cunt. Meaning, he was reaching the deepest spots you didn’t even know you had. Due to your body being extremely exhausted and rather weak, your stamina was rather low, also meaning you were more sensitive than usual. You were arching your back while Dazai was eating you out like a starved man.
“Feels better already, doesn’t it, sweetheart?”
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cliffhanger because I’m still burnt out 😞 leave requests if you like so I could be more inspired to write or I’ll just work on old drafts >_<
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hayakawalove · 2 days
I'd Wait For You
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Summary: Everything is perfect between you and Suguru. It could not get any better. The universe has a funny way of doing things though. How do you cope once Suguru gets taken away from you? Will Suguru be able to move onto the afterlife, or will he stay by your side? A/N: I wanted to try my hand at writing angst. Haven't done it too much. Please ignore the inaccuracies of the medicine, it won't be perfect. Comments always appreciated!
CW: SFW, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Death (not reader), Grief/Mourning, Afterlife, Depression, Medical, Car Accidents, Sad, Fucked up but honestly not too bad
W/C: 6,584
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Suguru hadn’t known love until he first met you. 
Everything that led up to you was somehow minuscule compared to the emotions that coursed through his veins whenever he saw you. He wasn’t aware of how fast a heart could beat, how his lungs could falter from merely being in the presence of another person. He wasn’t even quite sure what he’d done to achieve someone like you. We were made for each other, you always told him. In his opinion, he believed he was made for you. Crafted and designed to love you. Not because you needed to have someone like him, but because he needed someone like you. Someone to care for and love.
It was your birthday, and just like he had done every year before this, Suguru was planning on making your dinner. He liked doing it, it made him feel like he was doing something right. It was the least he could do for you, after everything you’ve done for him. He thinks you don’t even know the half of it. 
“Shit.” Suguru murmurs under his breath as he searches the freezer. He could have sworn he bought the meat for tonight, but it was nowhere to be found. 
“Did you find it yet?” He hears your voice call from the couch. 
He doesn’t really have the heart to tell you that no, he hadn’t found it. His lip twitches as he pushes aside all the useless ingredients, looking in places he had already checked three times over. 
Suguru is so focused on the fridge in front of him that he doesn’t even hear your feet padding into the kitchen. 
Tender hands wrap around him from behind, yanking him from his despair. When he looks over his shoulder he sees you behind him, peeking over with curious eyes. 
“I'm sorry baby.” He speaks quietly, turning around to the fridge again. 
He shuts the freezer and faces you, taking you into his arms. It’s nice like this, having you pushed up against him. It makes him feel like he’s protecting you. 
“What’re you sorry for?” You ask. 
You reach your hands up and place a palm on either side of his face. Your mouth drops open as you hold him. 
“Suguru, you’re freezing.” You scold. “How long were you looking in there?” 
He hadn’t realized how cold he was until your warm fingers pressed into his cheek. He nuzzles against you and allows his lids to flutter closed, indulging in the warmth you provide. 
“Only a little bit.” He says. He would rather die than tell you he’s been here for ten minutes. 
“No luck though, huh?” You don’t seem sad when you ask this, and Suguru can’t figure out why. 
He feels like he ruined your birthday. 
“Unfortunately no, but I’m gonna go head down to the store to pick it up. I shouldn’t be gone long.” 
“I don’t want you to go, though!” 
You have an exaggerated frown playing on your lips as you tug his arm. 
“Baby, you need food. I promise it’ll be-“ 
“Why don’t we go out to eat?” You propose. 
He’s looking at you with raised brows, watching partly in amusement. It wasn’t an awful idea, but he much rather preferred to cook for you himself. It was like a gift that way, although he bought you plenty of those too. He nearly felt giddy at the idea of how you would react to each present, all hiding in various places around the house. You always told him he didn't have to get you anything, so he had to get creative in his hiding spots.
“What, you hate my cooking?” He jokes, pulling back to straighten your clothes. 
At first you would snap at him when he mindlessly groomed you like this, but you had gotten used to it. It was just another avenue for him to show his love, fixing your attire like a mother would.
“Ugh, it’s the worst!” You joke back. 
Both of you were well aware of how much you loved his cooking. 
“A shame.” He murmurs. 
“We never go out, it’s been ages since we’ve gone somewhere nice. Don’t you think it would be fun? That way, you wouldn’t have to slave over the stove for me.” 
“But what if I want to slave over the stove for you?” 
“There will always be another time.” You squeeze his arm. 
You’re right. He can always do it for you for your next birthday. 
“If you say so.” Suguru presses his lips against yours. 
It’s a chilly night, the black sky above you providing no heat as you head out of the restaurant. You’re cradling your stomach as if you were 8 months pregnant, while one of your arms is wrapped around his. You’re chattering his ears off, but Suguru doesn’t mind. The night felt perfect, he wasn’t sure how it could get any better. 
The two of you are making your way to your parked car, not in a rush. You have all the time in the world. You’re strumming his hand as you talk, only letting go when he pulls your door open for you.
Suguru crosses the car and slides into the driver's seat, not backing out until your seat belt is on. The drive is calming, your windows rolled down to let in the night air as you quietly sing along to the radio.
“Was it a good birthday?” Suguru asks, tossing a look your way before focusing on the road. 
“It was perfect.” You promise, your eyes twinkling.
Suguru starts to think about which gift he wants you to open first.
“Hey Suguru?” You ask.
“Yeah?” Suguru looks up from the wheel to see your face. 
Your brows are furrowed together as you look forward. Something wasn’t right.
“What is that guy doing?” You speak quietly.
Suguru turns his head forward, his foot on the brake as the car sits at a red light. There’s another car in front of you, driving towards you. He isn’t slowing down for the light, and Suguru can feel his pulse pick up. 
“I don’t-“ Suguru starts. 
The driver presses on the gas even harder, his car jerking, now hurdling in your direction. Suguru only has half a second to throw his arm across your front, shoulder covering part of your body.
Love makes you do crazy things. 
Love can make you feel unstoppable. 
Love can make you cover your partner in a car accident without a second thought. 
The movies never get it right, Suguru thinks. People always talk about the pain, how much it hurts. But Suguru doesn’t feel pain. He doesn’t feel anything. He wishes it was more accurate, that way he could have been prepared. 
It was loud, so loud. 
Metal on metal, tires screeching. It also smelled. Gas, fire, and burning something. Was it plastic? He had never smelled something so atrocious. Suguru turns his head to locate you and sees you motionless, your beautiful lids fluttered shut. Is that blood? Something’s reflecting on your forehead and he hopes to god it’s not blood. 
He attempts to say your name, but nothing comes out. It’s as if his voice box has been completely removed, leaving a gaping hole in his throat. His fingers twitch as he tries to move to help you. 
Move, move. 
He’s begging his useless body to do something, anything. It’s never cooperated with him, lest of all when he needs it most. 
Suguru thinks he hears yelling. Was that a woman? It’s a voice he’s never heard before, and she’s saying something he can’t quite decipher. His head is spinning as he tries to focus on the voice, but it isn't easy. It's all becoming overwhelming, each of his senses being amplified. The sight and sound alone was enough to leave him breathless.
Red lights. 
No, not cops. 
An ambulance. 
He hopes it’s an ambulance. You really needed one.
Suguru tries to focus as he strains his ears to listen for your breathing. He could feel his eyelids get heavier and heavier, his sheer willpower being the only thing keeping him awake. There’s more tires screeching and the ambulance has arrived, heavy footfalls running to your car. 
Help is here.
It would all be alright. 
Everything would be fine.
When his eyes open, he sees white. He must have been in a hospital, the clinical setting surrounding him. No one was in his room. Not even you. You were in worse shape from what he remembers, so he understands. 
He isn’t in as much pain as he would’ve expected from being in a car accident, but he’s glad. Suguru looks down and wiggles his fingers, then his toes. Good. He isn’t missing anything. He knows you would’ve taken care of him if he was missing something, but he would rather soon die than make you do something like that. 
Suguru sits up and notices he isn’t attached to any monitors, which is odd. He figures he probably didn’t need them though, so he quickly pushes the thought aside. He might as well look for you since he was able. You could have been really hurt, and he wouldn’t have been able to rest until he learned where you were. 
The hospitals halls are a scary place, even for Suguru. He knows many great things happen in hospitals, but there’s also a lot of tragedy too. He tries not to think about all the death as he walks down the halls. There are nurses and doctors pushing past him, paying him no mind. They were busy. He could see it in their droopy eyes as they locate room numbers and run to codings. 
He finds the nurses station and speaks up, finding two women sitting at the desks. 
“Excuse me?” He says. 
“Uh, I’m looking for someone.” 
Suguru says your name, but neither of them turn to him. 
Okay, maybe they were too engrossed in their conversation. 
His eyes flick down where he sees a chart, and at the very top of the list was your name. Room A93. That wasn’t too far from here. 
He spares them one last glance before turning around to locate your room. His heart flutters (not in the good way) when he gets closer to the door. Could he handle seeing you hooked up to a million monitors? Could he handle seeing other people take care of you? Suguru pushes through it. He needs to see you. He comes to a stop outside your room and hears voices coming from inside, talking to you. 
“And where is Suguru?” He picks up on your voice, the sound instantly warming his heart. 
“He’s… not in good shape.” 
He wasn’t? 
He felt great. 
Suguru pokes his head around the door and finds a tall woman with tanned skin and long dark hair. She must be the doctor. 
“What do you mean?” You ask.
The doctor straightens, tired eyes looking up at you. 
“He was intubated, he lost a lot of blood and sustained a head injury. My team had to put him in a medically induced coma. I actually was coming here to talk to you about whether or not he wanted to be on life support.” 
“I'm sorry, what are you talking about?” Your body is turned towards her, anticipation leaking from your pores.
“You’re married, aren’t you? I trust that the two of you have gone over it?” 
You haven't looked his way, not even once. 
“Let me see him.” You’re sitting up, wobbling as your frail body attempts to hold you up. 
You don’t see him right now? 
“I'm not sure that’s a good idea.” The doctor comments, her voice heavy as if she knows something you don’t. 
The doctor softly sighs and dips her head once, acknowledging your desperation. She relents, aiding you in getting up. You can’t do it on the first try, your face wincing in pain as you ease yourself off the bed. The doctor is patient as she helps you, because of course she is.
Suguru follows you to his room, throat dry as he stares at the IV stand in your hands. What was happening? 
“Suguru?” His heart shatters at the way your voice cracks. 
He turns the door and comes to a halt behind you, looking over your shoulder. He was looking at himself. His motionless body was laying in the hospital bed, looking more helpless than he had ever felt in his whole life. 
“What happened?” You ask, your eyes never leaving his bed.
“There was an accident. I was told that he took the brunt of the crash to cover you. He’s not…” The doctor looks anxiously between you and him. “I don’t think he’s going to make it.” 
The room is quiet, eerily so as you process the news the doctor gave you. There’s a steady beeping sound coming from behind his body, the only sign of life. By all accounts, he looked dead. Suguru flicks his eyes up and notices a brain monitor attached to him, but the line was flat. How was that possible? Was he in some space between life and death right now? 
You rip the IV from your arm and run up to the bed, collapsing beside his body. Suguru can see blood begin to pool from your forearm, dark red trickling down your wrist as you force yourself against his bed.
“Suguru! Wake up!” You’re shaking his body, voice trembling and loud as tears begin to fall from your eyes. 
He doesn’t wake up. His useless body doesn’t even flinch.
“You asshole! Wake up!” You’re in hysterics as you shake him, and Suguru feels himself choke on a tear. 
“We need to discuss-“ The doctor starts.
“Don’t do this to me! You gotta wake up!” 
Suguru is beside you now, standing above your crumbled form. You’ve never looked so small before. Your tears are staining the sheets beside his body as you hold his hand, your other arm clawing at his chest. Suguru can’t tell which hurts more, watching himself or looking at you. 
He needs to comfort you. 
He needs to make you smile. 
But he can’t. He can’t do anything. Suguru is forced to stand by your side as you cry until you lose your voice, until all of your words blur together and no one can understand what you’re saying. 
The doctor stays with you the entire time, remaining quiet as you sob. She wanted to comfort you, but she also needed an answer. And the truth of the matter was, Suguru never wanted to be on life support. It was a discussion you had early on in your marriage. He didn't want to be a burden. You respected his decision at the time, never in a million years thinking you would have to uphold his choice.
It’s raining the day they pull the plug on Suguru. He always did like the rain. It made for perfect nights in with a warm drink and his favorite book. Obviously with you by his side. That’s not what he’s thinking about when he sees the sky the day he dies. All he can think about is how your tears match the droplets, how god must be crying for you. He hated it. You said it was fitting. It was one of the only things you said on that day.
Suguru watches as his body gets whisked away, he told himself he couldn’t watch the embalming process, but when it happens he can’t look away. It felt unreal. His body was cold to the touch, pale as it lay on the metal table. He didn't look real. He watches with curious eyes as they pump him full of fluids in an attempt to immortalize his youth and beauty. He overhears the morticians talking. Not even thirty years old, they mumble. All Suguru can think about is how you weren’t even thirty. The word ‘widow’ was meant for older people whose partners died in natural circumstances, not for someone like yourself. Plump cheeks and a full life ahead of you.
It’s sunny when his funeral is held. He’s glad for that, he dreaded the idea of you waiting out in the cold. You sit in the front with Satoru. Suguru expected you to be a wreck, you were at the hospital after all. But you aren’t. You sit quietly as each person speaks, your chin tucked into your chest. Your eyes are glassy as you listen. You were checked out. He wanted to take a peek into your brain to see what memory you were reliving. Was it the time you both vacationed in the Bahamas? Or was it when you talked for hours about your favorite book? Those were his favorite memories, but he didn't know yours. He never thought to ask before. Now he wouldn’t have the chance to.
You refuse to let anyone help you make it home, I’m fine you said. You weren’t fine. Anyone with a pair of eyes could see that. All the people surrounding you tried to offer words of comfort, promises to help falling from their lips. You wave them off as you set off down the sidewalk towards your apartment. You hadn’t been in a car since the incident.
The second you close your front door you collapse onto your floor, your knees hitting the ground with a hard thud. You let out the most ear piercing wail. Suguru didn’t know people were capable of making noises like that. He didn’t have a body anymore, but he swore he felt chills creep over his skin. 
You keep screaming, and screaming, and screaming. Suguru hears a loud pounding and turns his head to the door. Someone was here. The pounding resumes and he hears his best friend call out, trying to get your attention. You aren’t listening. You don’t care about anything outside these four walls. 
Satoru twists the knob hoping by some miracle it would unlock. Unfortunately, you had the foresight to lock the door before falling to pieces. Satoru relents in using the knob and tries bumping the door with his shoulder. It takes him a couple of tries before it splinters open. He's out of breath as he looks down at your figure. Your crumpled figure. 
Leave it to Satoru to follow you to ensure you got home safely. Suguru tells himself to repay Satoru, buy him that soda he likes, but then he remembers. He will never be able to repay him for anything again. 
He hopes a token of his gratitude is enough. 
You don’t register that Satoru is even there until he’s kneeling beside you, holding your body close to his. You thrash a bit, shoving him back but he doesn’t budge. Satoru takes it all, even though it hurts. 
“Hey, hey, I’m here.” He murmurs quietly to you. 
“He's gone! He's gone!” You’re heaving into the air, letting him rock you back and forth. 
“I know. I know.” 
“He's never coming back, Satoru!” 
You breathe in deeply, your chest sore from the meltdown. 
“Bring him back! Please, please Satoru!” 
Satoru grits his jaw as he holds you tight. It must be hard. Suguru mourns the loss of himself through you. He can feel the pain you’re in, it feels like a forest fire as it claws into him. 
You’re scratching at Satoru, as if you could dig your way back to Suguru.
Suguru has never felt so helpless before. How do you help someone when they’re mourning the loss of the love of their life? How do you console them when they will never see them again? How could he make you feel better? 
He can’t do anything. He's an outsider in his own home, watching the people who were closest to him.
Satoru grips you as you sob, occasionally rocking your frame back and forth. He doesn’t say anything. There really isn't anything to say. The living room quiets down as your screaming becomes sniffling. Suguru doesn’t know how much time has passed. Satoru refuses to let go until he feels your breathing slow down, your body going limp in his hold. 
Satoru never leaves. He just sets you on your bed before making his way to the couch. He looks just as fucked up as you do. Suguru doesn’t think he’s ever seen his friend in such a bad state before. Eyes that had previously been so bright were now dull, his lips tugged down into a deep frown. Satoru slides onto the couch, his eyes shutting the second he makes contact. 
Suguru takes turns watching the two of you sleep. It breaks his heart. Never again will he feel the warmth of your sleeping figure beside him. Never again will he wake up before you to start your breakfast. 
Things are awkward between you and Satoru in the morning. Neither of you know how to approach the subject. 
Satoru is the first to talk. He always was the talker. 
“Good morning.” 
Your eyes flick to him, almost as if you were expecting him to stay the night. Satoru looks uncomfortable, which is a first. 
“I uh, I'm gonna pick up breakfast. Do you want anything?” He goes on.
A moment passes before you speak. When your voice comes out it's brittle, harsh in a way Suguru has never heard before. 
“I'm fine.” 
The hours of screaming must have caught up to you. 
“Yeah, alright.”
Satoru is scratching the back of his neck, a tell that Suguru learned years ago. He has something to say, but doesn’t know how to say it. 
“I really think you should eat something.”
Satoru steps back as if the tone of your voice wounded him. 
“Okay. I’ll back off. I’ll bring back something for you to drink at least.” 
Satoru doesn’t ask so you don’t have the chance to deny him. You watch as he exits your apartment, your gaze fixed on your broken door.
Satoru calls repairmen to handle the door while he’s out. It doesn’t take them long at all to fix the damage he dulled out the prior night. 
When Satoru comes back he has two drinks and two bags in his hands. He bought something for you to eat in the end. Satoru rings the doorbell and waits for you. 
You never come. 
He knows you’re home, because where else would you be? 
He stands there for thirty minutes before he takes the hint that you don’t want to be seen. 
Suguru wishes he could curl up in on himself at the sight of his best friend looking so dejected as he leaves. Satoru was making an effort. Suguru doesn’t blame you though. He never could. If he was in your position, Suguru wouldn’t stop until the whole world around him was burned to the ground, he wouldn’t stop until there was nothing left.
Satoru comes back hours later to drop off dinner and notices that the bag of breakfast he left for you is still in the same place. You hadn’t touched it. He leaves dinner for you as well, hoping by some chance that you’ll actually eat something.
Satoru stands at your door, a bag in his hands as he tries to keep up a smile. Suguru can tell it’s a hard task, he’s always been able to look right through his best friend. 
It had been two weeks since the funeral, and Satoru has stopped by every single day.
Satoru says your name again, rocking back on his heels. He’s been here for two hours. Suguru knows because he’s seen him check his phone five times. One of your neighbors comes out and greets Satoru, smiling once he gives her attention. The two had been acquainted because he had visited so often. Satoru didn’t mean to seduce the older woman, but it just came with the territory of being a beautiful man. 
“Hey Ms. Nakamoto!”
“Hello sweetie.” 
“I brought you something.” Satoru searches the bag he’s holding and produces a wrapped piece of chocolate. 
Suguru knows Satoru didn’t bring it for her, but that he couldn't bear the thought of not giving her something.
“You’re so kind, Satoru.” Ms. Nakamoto squeezes Satoru’s shoulder before walking off, popping the chocolate in her mouth. 
Satoru watches her leave with a smile plastered on his face. It feels genuine in the same way a waitress's smile is genuine when she’s working.
“Are you gonna let me in?” Satoru calls, resting his shoulder against the door.
You’re standing on the other side of the door, staring into the wood as if you’d be able to see Satoru if you look hard enough. 
Suguru doesn’t understand why would don’t want to see Satoru. 
He wonders if it’s because Satoru reminds you of him. Suguru would understand, the two have always been inseparable. It was never that way for you, though. You never saw Satoru and thought of Suguru in the past. It was one of the many things he liked about you. He felt like he could be his own person around you. He wonders if the lines are blurred now that he was gone.
“I know you’re there.” Satoru says, leaning against his forearm. 
“Why won’t you let me in?” He waits for a moment until you respond. 
“I don’t want to.” 
“I brought snacks.” 
“I don’t care.” 
Suguru’s heart breaks. You look like a mess, your hair was piled on top of your head and you were wearing the same clothes you had been wearing yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. It was one of Suguru’s shirts, the clothing wrapped around your body as if it was a cocoon. You had been wearing it for so long that the smell of his cologne was starting to fade away. You cried for four hours the night you realized.
Neither of you talk or move for that matter, intent on waiting it out to see who would break first. You have something on your mind, Suguru can tell you’re holding back. 
“Why did he do it?” You ask, your voice muffled through the door. 
You know Suguru as much as Satoru does, but Suguru supposes there’s a sense of relief from the company. 
“You know why he did it. He loved you.” Satoru responds, his voice more level than Suguru had ever heard it. 
“He wouldn’t have been able to stand himself if he didn’t save you.” Satoru finishes. 
You and Satoru both turn around and slide your backs against the door till your butts hit the floor. 
You’re separated by a piece of wood, yet it feels like you’re miles away. Even though you felt so far apart, the two of you were the only ones on the planet who understood each other. 
“He’s selfish.” You say, and Suguru thinks you mean to have a bite to it, but it comes off much more heartbroken. 
“What makes him selfish?” 
“He wouldn’t have been able to live with himself if he let me die, so he’s making me live without him instead. Why didn’t he care that it would hurt me?” You question.
Satoru’s silent as he listens. He’s good at that, although he talks a lot. Suguru is glad you have someone to talk to who listens when you need it.
“I think he did care.” Satoru says, looking at his legs. “He just loved you too much to stop himself.”
“It was my fault, you know.” You start. 
“I was the one who suggested going out.”
Satoru is silent as he listens and Suguru feels like he’s been shot. You were blaming yourself? If Suguru could talk to you, he would reassure you that you had nothing to do with what happened. 
“It wasn’t your fault.” Satoru says, unsure of how else to comfort you. 
Nothing he could say would take the pain away, he was aware of that much. 
Suguru is on your side of the door, watching as your lip starts to tremble. You must be sick of being alone. You slowly stand up and reach for the door, opening it much to Satoru’s surprise. He nearly falls back before hopping to his feet, facing you.
“Do you want to come in?” You ask, knowing the answer.
Ever since the night you let Satoru in, you welcome him in. Suguru thinks it's nice, watching the two of you talk. He’s glad you’re opening up to someone. It’s not good to keep it all in, and Suguru couldn’t stand the idea of you shutting down completely. 
In the beginning, Satoru would sit on the furthest end of the couch, but over time he slowly inched closer until the two of you were sitting next to each other. It didn't matter what you talked about. It was always different. Usually it was about Suguru. 
“He waited until the sun set and it was dark out. I didn't really understand why. Anyway, he got on one knee and when I turned around he had the ring out.”
“It was because of the people I’m sure. Suguru was a private guy.” 
You’re picking at a loose thread on the couch, quietly listening to Satoru. 
“I helped him pick out the ring, you know. He was so indecisive. There were two options we narrowed it down to, he ended up asking all your friends what they thought you would like more.” 
Suguru sees your shoulders shake and he thinks for a second you’re crying, but when you lift your head up he sees a tiny grin on your face. 
“He’s ridiculous. Would’ve loved anything he got.” 
“I know. He only wanted the best, though.”
Suguru loves to listen to the two of you talk, but he loves the silence you share just as much. Satoru always used to dread silence. Suguru thinks you’re bringing him down to earth. It’s nice. Suguru didn't think it was possible. 
“It’s hard. I can't sleep.” You confess to Satoru late at night.
“Why is that?” Satoru asks, but you know he knows the answer. 
“It’s impossible without him.” 
You aren’t aware, but Suguru is there each time you lay down. Sometimes he’ll lay beside you, but he rarely does. You always get a chill when he tries, so instead he sits across the room, listening to your breathing. He’s always loved the sound, but he finds he appreciates it more so now. 
“If you ever need company, I could spend the night on the couch again.” 
You’re trying not to sound eager, Suguru can tell. He grins to himself as he watches your face light up. 
“I'd just have to bring over spare clothes, but I can.” 
People on the outside may think that something was blossoming between you and Satoru, but Suguru knew better. Satoru would never cross that line. At times, Suguru almost wished he would. He wanted you to find happiness again. And truly, who better to give it than Satoru? The two were so alike that Suguru knew you would be happy. But you wouldn’t do that to Satoru. You wouldn’t want him to feel like a placeholder. Suguru doesn’t know how Satoru feels, but he knows how you feel enough to be positive that nothing was starting between you. 
Satoru sleeps on your couch that night. Suguru notices it’s the first time you’ve slept through the entire night in weeks. You don’t wake up even once, not even when Suguru slides into bed beside you. 
Suguru keeps his eyes on you the whole night, mesmerized by the features on your face. You were so beautiful. He should’ve told you more often. 
It was going okay. Suguru thought you were healing. One night you have a terrible nightmare. He watches you in horror as you thrash and scream, wishing he could reach out to touch you. 
“Help! Help!”
Satoru is in your room moments later, holding your body against his. You twitch in his hold, body shaking in fear. Your eyes flutter open and you have to hold onto Satoru for several moments before you understand where you are. 
“It was just a dream.” Satoru speaks quietly to you.
Tears are streaming down your cheeks once you understand what’s happening. You have a tight grip on Satoru’s arms, as if they could keep you from floating away. 
“I was- Suguru, he, we needed,” 
“It was just a dream.” Satoru says once more.
It wasn’t a dream, not really. It was the accident. The scenes were flashing in your brain, plaguing you with memories. Suguru wishes it was a dream. The worst was already over, only now you were left trying to pick up the pieces.
Satoru sleeps on your floor each night afterward. Always beside the bed, ready in case you have another nightmare. No matter what, he never leaves. 
Each time you had a nightmare, Satoru would reach his hand up and squeeze yours, reminding you that the worst part was over. He pretends not to see the scars your fingernails leave in his skin.
Suguru watches as you experience life. Finding your first gray hair, he was even there when you bought your first new car. They were all things he should have been experiencing with you, if only he was alive. 
If you asked Suguru the day he died if he regretted his decision to cover you in the accident, he would say no in an instant. It was the same now, all these years later. 
You never move on from him, not really at least. There were men that passed through your life, but you never marry again. 
Suguru wanted you to find love again, but you were always more stubborn than he knew what to do with.
And when the time came for you to pass, he was there too. The hospital room didn't feel the same as his did, yours was much more warm and happy. That was what it was supposed to be like when you lived a full life. All of your loved ones gathered around you, crying as they held you. You don’t cry. You’re ready. You’ve been preparing for it for a while now. You have weathered skin and a full heart. You have smile lines now, and Suguru thinks you’ve never looked more perfect. 
Suguru stands by the door, watching as everyone says their goodbyes. He feels tears begin to drip from his eyes. He knows it only means he gets to see you sooner, but he’s mourning your death just as much as he would if he was alive. He wanted you to continue living. You still had so much to experience, Suguru wanted you to have it all. 
The last member of your family leaves the room, but you have one visitor left. The doctor smiles at the visitor before pulling the door closed behind the two of you, giving you privacy. 
“Thank you, darling.” Satoru says, smiling at her. 
The door shuts and Satoru is hobbling over to you, lowering himself down next to your bed. He's in relatively good condition for someone of his age. 
“Hello.” He squeezes your hand, if Suguru looks close enough he can still see the crescent shaped marks caused by your nails on his hands. 
Scars proving your love of Suguru on another man’s body. 
“You’re here.” You speak.
“Of course I’m here.” 
The room is silent as Satoru takes in your presence. The air is heavy, partly from sadness, but also from the memories and love everyone had left you with. You had lived a long life. 
“Are you excited to see him?” Satoru asks. 
You look down and fiddle with your ring, the same ring Suguru had picked out all those years ago. 
“I am.” 
“When you see him tell him I said hi.” Satoru could say much more than that, maybe even a joke from his childhood, but more than anything he just missed his friend.
“I will, I swear.” 
“I can’t believe the two of you are going before me.” Satoru’s messing with you now, Suguru walks closer so he can catch the glint in Satoru’s eyes. 
“Don’t you worry, your time is coming.” You chuckle to yourself. 
“Is that a threat?” Satoru leans in close to you, the act intimate in a way that only appears between friends that have endured years of life together.
“Maybe. I think I’m going to haunt you for the rest of your life.” You tease.
“I hope you do.” Satoru’s tone is heavier as he speaks, a nugget of honesty leaking through. 
“Thank you for being so good to me Satoru, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you as much as you were there for me.” Regret is dripping from your words.
“I know you’re dying, but have you gone senile? You helped me as much as I helped you.” Satoru looks at you in disbelief. 
It was true. You had helped Satoru. It wasn’t in the same way he helped you, but instead you provided him multiple chances to relive his childhood. That was worth more than anything in the world to Satoru.
Satoru rubs his thumb along your hand. He sits with you through the silence. He's there with you as the doctor comes back in, voice soft as she asks you if you’re ready. You are, you have been for a long time. Satoru holds your hand, he doesn’t leave as the doctor turns off all the technology that’s assisting you in staying alive. 
Suguru would stay, but he has a date he can’t miss.
When you die, everything is empty around you. Your old body is inching by, walking aimlessly. 
“Sweetheart.” A voice like velvet fills your ears.
You whip around, jaw and eyes wide open as you come face to face with the love of your life. 
“Suguru!” You cry. 
Suguru’s smile is relaxed on his face as he walks up to you, embracing you once more. He could finally touch you. He had been dreaming of this moment for years. 
The second his skin hits yours, it's like a ripple effect. Your skin slowly rejuvenates, your body regressing until it resembles what it looked like the night he died. You were young again. 
Suguru holds you for what feels like eternity before you pull away. He tries not to frown, reminding himself that he can touch you again whenever he feels like it now. 
“I missed you!” Your lash line is holding on a thin thread, tears welling up, nearly pouring out. 
Suguru doesn’t say anything because he doesn’t think he can put into words how much he missed you. 
“Oh, and Satoru said-“
“Hi, I know. I heard him.” Suguru reaches a hand up and skims your cheek with his thumb.
He no longer feels cold.
“You heard him? You were there?”
“Of course I was. I always was.” 
Suguru chuckles to himself at the expression on your face. It's a shock, for sure. You had no reason to believe he stayed with you. Suguru could have moved on at any point in time, but he wouldn’t. Not without you by his side.
“I love you.” He says it the same way he used to say it, and you finally break down. 
Tears stream down your face as you pull him in for a kiss. 
“Come on, let’s make up for all the lost time.” Suguru murmurs in your ear, wrapping his arm around yours.
Tag List: @tojislittleprincesss, @dinolvrrr, @kimi01985, @mikisspeak, @sakui1, @reiluvr, @gothicwhore666, @bunviixo
If you would like to be added to my taglist please let me know. Please specify what you want to be tagged in.
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faithshouseofchaos · 2 days
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Sadist — Sub!Daniel Ricciardo x reader
Warnings — dominant reader, reader is a border line sadist, Mirror sex, body worshipping hand job male receiving, after care
words count 2k
Here’s another one that @mrs-liebgott and I came up with 🤭🤭🤭
Also I won’t apologize and I’m 22 years old
“You look so pretty right now you know that?” You whisper in Daniel’s ear as you jerk him off, making him whine. You had Daniel sitting in the bed facing the mirror so he could see himself. Daniel’s skin was flushed red with sweat and covered with dark bruises and bite marks that littered his torso.
“Baby please I can’t take it anymore” Daniel whines, hands clutching at the bed sheets. His stomach hurts from sucking in his stomach.
“Shh…just relax” You smile watching his expression in the mirror , his thrown back as your hands trace soothing patterns across his chest before slowly trailing down to his stomach. “Be patient my love”
Daniel’s body trembles under your touch and he lets out a small gasp when your fingers reach his aching member. “God, you must really love teasing me.
“Maybe I do” You replied amused watching the way Daniel squirmed under your touch , his eyes squeezed shut. “And I’m gonna keep doing it until you beg me to stop”
A whine escapes from Daniels mouth , his eyes opening in protest “God baby please, I don’t wanna beg”
“Well that’s too bad” You replied teasingly as your hand moved away from his member, leaving him frustrated and needy.
“Baby you can’t do this to me” Daniel whined desperately , his hips pushing forward in an attempt to get some friction. “I need you so bad , please” He begs, voice cracking. Daniel let out a frustrated huff, but obediently stayed still as you continued to tease him. He could feel your breath on his neck and he couldn’t help but shiver , the hairs on his arms standing up.
“You’re such a good boy” You murmured , leaning down to press a kiss to the side of his neck. “And good boys get rewarded”
“Please baby please” Daniel moaned softly , his hands still holding onto the bed sheets. “I need you so bad I feel like I’m gonna lose my mind”
“Shh..just a little longer” You whispered against his ear , your mouth skimming over the bruises on his neck. “You can do it my love just a little bit longer”
Daniel was practically shaking underneath you at this point , his breath coming out in short pants as he tried to contain himself. “I can’t take it anymore” He whined , hand now clutching at your thigh.
“Yes you can baby” You responded, your tone still firm yet gentle. “Just a few more minutes and then I’ll give you what you want” “No ..please baby please I can’t wait anymore” Daniel mumbled between gasps for air. “It hurts so bad I need you now”
Your eyes softened , looking into his pleading eyes , “Oh baby” You cooed, running a hand through his hair. “Are you really that desperate?”
“Yes” He gasped, his body tensing in anticipation. “Please baby I can’t take it. I need you now. I’m begging you please” The last few words were barely intelligible as he panted for air.
You chuckled softly, the sight of his desperation stirring a possessive feeling in your chest. “Then beg” You commanded, enjoying the way his eyes widened. “Beg for it”
“Please please please” Daniel pleaded immediately , all signs of pride gone from his voice. “Please I need you so bad, I’ll do anything just please touch me please”
“Anything?” You asked, raising an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corner of your lips. “You’d do anything for me?”
Daniel nodded frantically , “Anything” He repeated, his voice desperate. “ Please just let me come”
Your smirk grew wider , “But I’m having so much fun like this watching you squirm underneath me” You replied, running your fingers up his inner thigh.
Daniel groaned , “God baby you’re killing me..” he panted , body arching into your touch. “Please I’m so close it hurts”
“Mmm..” You hummed , your fingers grazing over his leaking tip. “But you look so pretty like this I think I’ll keep you like this.”
Daniel let out a choked gasp , his head falling back. “You’re sadistic” He mumbled, his voice trembling as you continued to tease him.
“I prefer the word dominant” You corrected, your tone slightly mocking as you applied just enough pressure to make him squirm. “And you love it” “God yes” He groaned, his body going taut. “I love it so much I just-” He cuts himself off with a gasp as you increase the pressure slightly.
“Just what is my love?” You asked innocently , even though you knew exactly what he was going to say. “You just what?”
“I just-” His breath hitched , his bucking up towards your hand. “Just what?” You repeated, your hand still teasing him. “Use your words baby”
“I just need you so bad” He gasped , his hands clinging onto your thighs and leaving crescent shaped indents in your skin. “I need to come?”
“Please” Daniel whined , desperation in his eyes.
You chuckled softly, enjoying the way he was coming undone under your touch. “Such a good boy” You murmured , your thumb running over his tip. “Fuck-” Daniel’s head fell back , his eyes squeezing shut as a string of curses fell from his mouth. “Please-please-please” He begged.
“Please what love?” You asked, still teasing him with your fingers. You loved the way he looked like this, completely desperate and needy.
“Please let me come..please” He gasped , his hips bucking up.
“Mmm..” You hummed, pretending to think about it. “I don’t know if you’ve earned it yet my love”
“That I do” You replied , watching the way he squirmed under your touch. “But that still doesn’t mean you’ve earned it”
Daniel let out a frustrated huff, his head falling back against your lap. “God you’re so cruel” he mumbled, his body tense with anticipation.
You chuckled , your fingers still moving over his leaking tip. “You don’t seem to mind” You teased , enjoying the way he was falling apart under your touch. “You know I like it” He mumbled , his voice sounding wrecked. “But I don’t know how much longer I can take this”
“I guess we’ll just have to find out” You replied, a smirk on your lips. You loved this, loved watching him come undone under your touch. Daniel groaned , his hands balling into fists as you continued to tease him. “God you’re such a sadist!” He panted.
“And you love it” You responded, your fingers still working over his length. “Just admit it, you love it when I make you desperate and needy like this” “F-fuck-“ Daniel cursed , his body shaking with need. “I do..I love it so much” He admitted, his voice rough.
“I know you do” You murmured , your words dripping with satisfaction. “I know how much you love being teased and denied, how much you love that sharp edge of pleasure and pain”
Daniel was practically trembling now , his body arching up into your touch. “God you’re killing me baby” He whined. “Please let me-“
“But look at yourself such a wreck and all for me” you said grabbing Daniel by the chin making him look at his reflection. Daniel’s breath hitched in his throat , his eyes focusing on his reflection in the mirror. He couldn’t help but gasp at the sight of himself, his body trembling and desperate for release, he looked like a complete mess. “God…” He panted, his gaze fixed on his own reflection.
“Look at how flushed you are” You murmured , running a finger down his neck and watching as he shivered. “And all the marks I’ve made on you “ you added, tracing your fingers over the hickeys and bite marks that littered his body.
“God you marked me up so much” Daniel gasped, his eyes roaming over his own body. “Is it bad that I like it?” He asked, his voice shaky . “Not at all” You grinned watching his reaction. “It just shows everyone who you belong to”
Daniel shuddered at your words, his body writhing in pleasure. “I do..I belong to you” He panted, his eyes locked onto yours in the mirror. “All yours, only yours” “That’s right my love” You whispered into his ear, your breath hot against his skin. “You’re mine, all mine to do with as I please”
Daniel let out a low moan at your words, his body trembling involuntarily. “God I’m so close” He gasped , his eyes closing in ecstasy as his back arched.
“That’s okay Danny” you said, your lips brushing against the shell of his ear. “You can come but only if you watch yourself in the mirror” you purred. Daniel’s eyes widening in response, his breath catching in his throat. “God you’re ruthless” He gasped, his voice trembling. “You’re really gonna make me watch myself?” “Yes, so you can see how pretty you look,” you responded.
Daniel groaned , his body shaking at your words. “You’re gonna be the death of me one day I swear.” He muttered , his voice dripping with desire.
“Now come for me” you tell him.
Daniel let out a gasp at your command, his body tensing as he got closer to the edge. “God-“ he panted, his body shuddering with the effort to hold back. “Come on Danny” You coaxed , your hands and words driving him closer to the edge. “Let go and come for me”
Daniel’s body went taut , his breath catching in his throat as he obeyed. “F-fuck-” He gasped , his body trembling as he finally let go.
“That’s it” You murmured , holding him close as he came undone. “Look at you, such a pretty boy” you added, your fingers tracing gentle patterns on his skin. Daniel was panting, his body flushed and shaking with aftershocks as he clung to you. “Oh my god” he gasped, his voice rough. “You’re gonna kill me one day I swear”
You chuckled, rubbing his back soothingly as he came down from his high. "I think you'll survive my love". You say, smiling amused.
"Barely" Daniel gasps, attempting to catch his breath. "That was a damn near death experience" He jokes, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips.
You laughed, enjoying the sight of him looking so wrecked and satisfied. "You still look way too good after all that" You tell him, running a hand through his messy hair. Daniel lets out a scoff at your words, his voice still sounding breathless. “Yeah because you always make me look like a mess” he muttered, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "It's my favorite look on you" You tease, enjoying the way he looks flushed and debauched. "Besides, you look so cute when you're all wrecked like that. How could I resist?”
Daniel lets out a huff, "You're sadistic, you know that? You like seeing me all wrecked and desperate". His words sounded teasing, but his voice still carried a hint of affection.
“What can I say? I love seeing you like this”. You lean in closer, your voice dropping to a murmur. “You look so pretty all worked up under my touch. I just can’t resist teasing you now let’s get you cleaned up”
Daniel followed you silently, his body still feeling slightly unsteady on his feet. He leaned against you as you helped him into the shower, his eyes sliding shut as the warm water cascaded over his skin. His body felt sensitive and raw, still slightly buzzing from the intense session.
He leaned into your touch as you washed his body, letting out a soft groan of pleasure at the gentle ministrations. Once you had finished, he allowed you to guide him out of the shower and into the bedroom, feeling exhausted but content.
He watched as you gently towel dried his body before grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a shirt from his dresser. He pulled them on, his movements slow and languid, body still feeling loose and satisfied.
Once you were both dressed, Daniel collapsed onto the bed, his body sinking into the soft sheets. He pulled you down beside him and wrapped his arms around you, burying his face in your neck and letting out a content sigh.
He couldn't help but feel utterly exhausted but also strangely content and happy. He felt safe and secure in your arms, his body still tingling from the previous activities. He nuzzled his face into your shoulder, inhaling the scent of your skin and relishing the feeling of being close to you. "Thank you" he mumbled softly, his voice muffled against your neck.
He knew that you had a tendency to push him to his limits, but he also knew that he loved every minute of it. There was something about the way you took control, the way you teased and toyed with him that drove him wild. Even though it left him feeling vulnerable and exposed, he couldn't help but crave it. He craved the way you made him feel, the way you made him lose control and forget everything else but the pleasure of being in your hands.
He snuggled closer to you, his body molding against yours as he let out another content sigh. He knew that he would probably regret it in the morning, that his muscles would be sore and his body would ache from all the previous activities. But right now, in this moment, all he could feel was a deep sense of satisfaction and contentment. He mumbled a soft "I love you" against your skin, his body boneless and relaxed.
“I love you too” you say hand in his hair massaging his scalp. Daniel lets out a hum of contentment at your response, nuzzling his face into your neck again. He feels like he could fall asleep like this, snuggled up against you with his body feeling boneless and satisfied. "You're gonna be the death of me one day, you know that?" He mutters softly, his lips brushing against your skin. Despite his words, there's no hint of annoyance or irritation in his voice. He's too exhausted and content to feel anything but satisfied. And he knows deep down that he wouldn't have it any other way. Despite the way you push and tease him, he knows that he loves every minute of it. He loves the way you make him feel, the way you take control and make him lose himself completely.
“Yeah I know,” you replied, closing your eyes sighing conetley.
Daniel huffed out a laugh, his breath warm against your skin. "You're so self-satisfied" he mumbled, his voice slightly amused. "You know exactly what you do to me, don't you?"
You chuckled, feeling a smug sense of satisfaction at his words. "What can I say? I just know how to push your buttons" you tease, running your fingers lightly over his back. "And you enjoy it way too much" Daniel responded, his voice taking on a mock-pouty tone. Despite his words, he made no move to pull away from you. Instead, he snuggled closer, his body molding against yours. "Guilty as charged" you replied, a smirk playing at the corners of your lips. You enjoyed this, this back-and-forth banter that always seemed to occur after such an intense experience. "But you love it, don't you?" You teased, running your fingertips lightly down his spine.
Daniel let out a low groan, his body shivering under your touch. "God damn you, you know I do." he replied, his voice thick with desire. Despite the fact that he was exhausted, he couldn't help the way his body responded to you.
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Tagged - @amatswimming @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @alwayzbeenale @67-angelofthelordme-67 @anedpev @bblouifford @bbtoni @badassturtle13 @barcelonaloverf1life @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @clowngirlsstuff @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @entr4p3 @eugene-emt-roe @embrosegraves @formulas-bitch @formulaal @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hangmandruigandmav @ironcowboycopnickel @jeffs77 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @moss-on-tmblr @omgsuperstarg @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @raikkxz @toasttt11 @the-ghost-lovwr @tallrock35 @uluvjay @vellicora @sweate-r-weathe-r @swifth0lic @strugglingyetvibing @venusisnothere @mrs-liebgott
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inurnctdreams · 2 days
00:00 - l.dh
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haechan x gn!reader
genre: fluff, established relationship, drabble
warnings: swearing, suggestive, mentions of sex, pet-names (baby, hyuckie)
wc: 0.7k
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“happy birthday dear hyuckie, happy birthday to you!”
“hi baby, thank you.” donghyuck’s voice is quiet and slightly raspy. nothing you haven’t heard multiple times before, but not what you’d expected when you’d called your boyfriend at exactly midnight in his current time zone.
“did… did i wake you up?” you frown, and your voice must betray your disbelief if his cute little chuckles over the line are anything to go by.
“maybe, i fell asleep like twenty minutes after i ate dinner.”
“were the guys not with you?” you pout. you’d at least taken some comfort in the fact that he’s surrounded by the rest of the dreamies for the start of his birthday if you can’t be there.
“they’re here.” he says. “our intention was to stay up.”
“and you all fell asleep? that’s actually really fucking funny.” you can’t help the giggles that escape you at the thought of all seven of them crowding in one hotel room to see donghyuck’s birthday in, only to not make it to midnight.
“yeah, i guess we were all pretty tired.”
“wait, does that mean i still got to be the first person to say it?!” you say excitedly. it’s not yet his birthday where you are, but you’d be damned if you were gonna let a silly thing like time zones come between you and making sure your boyfriend started off his day showered in love, albeit virtual.
“uh-huh.” he smiles, leaving out the fact that he’d been planning on answering your call before anyone else could wish him happy birthday anyway. you’d been so cutely adamant that distance wouldn’t stop you from being the first. “i miss you so much.” you almost don’t hear the whisper. if you didn’t know him so well, you’d chalk the voice crack up to him only just waking up.
“i miss you too, baby. twenty-one hours.” you let yourselves sit with the bittersweet feeling for a moment. tears begin to form in your own eyes but you blink them away. “i cannot wait to give you your presents, i think i’ve outdone myself this year!”
“all i need is you.” he elongates the vowels in ‘you’, trying to match your cheery tone.
“ew, stop being so greasy! plus, you love presents and i’m still mad my master plan to have them sent to you was ruined.”
“management did have a point about the shipping time issues, plus this way you can see me open them properly.” he reasons. “i can’t wait to hug you again.”
“just hug me?” you smirk.
“this was supposed to be a cute, innocent birthday call, not phone sex!” he gasps dramatically, sending you both into another fit of giggles.
“okay, okay.” you relent. “i guess the whole point of birthday sex is to do it in person.”
“we did not need to hear that.” another voice chimes in, clearly muffled and far away.
“why are you even on the phone so late?” mark questions, sounding closer than jaemin had. “oh shit dude, happy birthday!”
“is it already midnight?” jisung’s voice is muffled, and then you hear rustling and yells for the other boys to wake up.
“i’ll let you go, have fun with the boys!” you smile.
“no!” hyuck immediately whines.
“it’s okay baby, have a good morning and let me know when you’re boarding and landing, yeah?”
“fine.” he sighs, and you can hear the pout in his voice. the mental image of him, bedhead and traces of sleep, has you mourning the fact that you can’t squish his cheeks or kiss his forehead. yet, you remind yourself. “i’m gonna cuddle the shit out of you as soon as i get back.”
“i’m holding you to that.” you smile, ignoring the fake gagging sounds in the background.
“get some rest too, i know you have work in the morning.”
“i’ll try.” you knew it would be difficult to settle your restless brain but he was right, you did have work, plus the stuff you’d planned for when he got home that you had managed to keep a surprise. “happy birthday, hyuckie. i love you.”
“i love you too.” you glance down at your phone when the call ends.
twenty-one hours.
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wintfleur · 2 days
ᥫ᭡ EEPY ETHANS B-DAY! — Stella Hughes AU!
au masterlist - you can find everything under #👩🏻‍🎨 ͡ ꒱ Stella Hughes!
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I love Stella and Ethan sm , he’s really her brother from another mother 🫶🏻 hope you guys enjoy !! It’s very short because I have a migraine )
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liked by dylanduke25 , adamfantilli , nick_moldenhauer and others
🏷️ edwards.73
🎵 22 (Taylor’s version) - Taylor swift
stellahughes; happy birthday to my fav brother 🫶🏻 from almost killing me with a snowmobile, almost drowning me in the lake, to being by my side whenever I make a irresponsible decision, thank you eepy ethan for everything ily 🩷
comments on this post has been limited
📍edwards.73 stells ur the sweetest sis ever love you 🩷
stellahughes pls stop before I sob 💔
edwards.73 STELLAAAA 😭
edwards.73 wait a minute…
edwards.73 I don’t know if I should feel offended or not from the caption 🤨
stellahughes shhh close your eyes and just enjoy the moment
carmenbarlowe I think I still have water in my ears from that night
markestapa awee little eepy ethan is a big boy now 🫶🏻
edwards.73 only stells can call me that 😐
_quinnhughes each day i become more worried for you when your in the presence of Edwards
edwards.73 I’m offended, I’m a great influence.
lhughes_06 ethan has never done one thing wrong in his life.
stellahughes he’s almost killed me… MULTIPLE TIMES ‼️
lhughes_06 get better ig
rutgermcgroarty 69 ??? More like 73 😍
edwards.73 you want me so bad bro 🥰
stellahughes babe what🧍🏻‍♀️
ahndaesee his smile, oh my heart ❤️
stellahughes that’s the skin of a killer bella ✨
pshoon2002 he’s the worlds most dangerous predator ✨
_alexturcotte are we just gonna ignore the part where you almost died from a snowmobile and almost drowned?
stellahughes yes 🩷
_alexturcotte okay.
edwards.73 added to their close friends!
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[caption1: came over too early and ruined the bday cake surprise (she does the same thing every year)] [caption2: she made me a cake, who would have thought @/stellahughes 🥹]
markestapa replied to your story ‘someone give this man an Oscar with how surprised he acted’
stellahughes replied to your story ‘I don’t appreciate your sarcasm’
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘why did you break into my gfs house ??’
luca.fantilli replied to your story ‘that’s not the cake I wanna see 😏’
Lilybaileys replied to your story ‘she looks so good in those jeans 😮‍💨’
rutgermcgroarty replied to your story ‘I decorated it 🥰’
edwards.73 replied ‘yeah we can tell 💔’
lhughes_06 reacted with ❤️
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˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I love them sobs 💔 , again daisy is the oc of @qoqurt / @yoontwin )
°. — taglist ( @cixrosie @toasttt11 @lovings4turn @bunbunbl0gs @petite-potato4 @winterbarnesblog @yoontwin )
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qoqurt · 2 days
𝜗𝜚 ⋆ BIRTHDAY .ᐟ (ethan’s version)
just a small blurb for mr ethan edwards bc roro ( @wintfleur ) let me know that today was his bday .. so a little commotion for him actually … takes place BEFORE luke moves to jersey and a little after he daisy and ethan get together ok <3
read about daisy, ethan and luke | au masterlist
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liked by dreagraves, jackhughes, and others
tagged : lhughes_06 , rutgermcgroarty , entersteller
daisospahm i literally blocked ethan for this bc i wanted to post my gift for him without him knowing ++ it’s literally 11pm im a HUSTLER 😮‍💨 (ft. luke watching — he signed the card dw!!) shoutout to stella and luke and rutger for reassuring me that the gift is good 😭 there’s more but i’ve decided not to add it here :3
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trevorzegras and tell me why rutger is tied up in slide 2 🤨
daisospahm icl i couldn’t tell you .. i was writing the card one minute and the next my ribbon went missing
entersteller i’m just a girl ok ☹️ he needed some nice ribbon !!
lhughes_06 are you planning to give him to ethan or …
rutgermcgroarty and if she was 😽
dreagraves the build a bear frogs 🥹
daisospahm luke thought it’d be silly if we dressed them up like him and i for ethan actually LOL so i made them clothes
dreagraves you make me sick (that’s so cute shits)
jackhughes shoutout luke for just sitting there
lhughes_06 i just breathed 🙄
davidungh blocking 1/2 boyfriends is actually crazy
daisospahm if you don’t shut the fuck up ur next 🥰
lhughes_06 added to their close friends story .ᐟ
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edwards.73 replied to your story ‘where are you guys going without me 💔’
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘BACKSHOTS 😮‍💨’
lhughes_06 who want backshots 😼
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘no but srsly wtf how did i forget the damn cake 😭 can’t believe we had to walk back’
mark.estapa replied to your story with ‘where is she scrambling off to now’
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rutgermcgroarty added to their story .ᐟ
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ahndaesee replied to your story ‘he hasn’t a single clue does he?’
rutgermcgroarty ‘i almost blabbed but luckily stella changed topics before i could’
ahndaesee ‘good. ur off the hook for now ig 🙄’
🎵: glue song — beabadoobee
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liked by lhughes_06, stellahughes, and others
tagged : edwards.73
ahndaesee ethan on film for ethan day 📸 .. but in all seriousness, happy birthday to one of my favourite guys in the whole world. 🩷 i’ll never stop being thankful for the way you make me smile till my cheeks hurt. love you to the moon and back, ed.
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📍edwards.73 thank you pretty girl ❤️ i love you
ahndaesee 1/2 of my boys 🩷
edwards.73 speaking of which where is he
ahndaesee 🤫
edwards.73 what does this mean
davidungh cakes and candles ethan 🎂
ahndaesee cakes and candles…
davidungh am i not allowed to wish my brother in law a happy birthday
lhughes_06 too late :)
edwards.73 brother in law thank you 🥰
lhughes_06 happy birthday pretty princess ❤️
ahndaesee edwards.73 found him
edwards.73 thanks lucky 🫶🏻 i love you
pshoon2002 happy ethan day !!! 🥳
stellahughes you know the relationship is good when sunghoon approves 😭
ahndaesee EL OH EL ur so right 😭
edwards.73 lhughes_06 we made it 🥹❤️
lhughes_06 feeling real grateful rn 🥲
stellahughes u did him justice daisy 🥰
edwards.73 are you calling me ugly
stellahughes and if i am
ahndaesee you and your bf are really the same
rutgermcgroarty and if we are 🥰
lhughes_06 im gonna be honest im a bit afraid
dylanduke25 is your boyfriend single
_alexturcotte asking for a friend
ahndaesee no.
lhughes_06 double no.
ynaniu happy birthday ethan!! 🫶🏻
_quinnhughes 🥳🎂
luca.fantilli daisy can you be my photographer too
ahndaesee $30 per hour flat rate with $30 service fee:)
edwards.73 added to their story .ᐟ
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lhughes_06 replied to your story ‘happy birthday e ❤️ i love you :)’
luca.fantilli replied to your story ‘that cake n pasta look so good.. hope u saved leftovers’
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘love you birthday boy ❤️’
stellahughes replied to your story ‘my gf looks so good here 🥰 tell luke to hop off pls!’
jackhughes replied to your story ‘i hate couples 🙄 happy birthday though 🥳’
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note from mei ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ happy ethan day everyone !! i hope everyone likes this .. it’s so long (i’m very sorry)
pookie tags : @lovings4turn @iceflwers @wintfleur ( owner of stella hughes oc )
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fandomzwriterk · 1 day
Alright sure. Diluc (genshin impact) x reader nsfw oneshot
Honorary Knight of Mondstadt
Warnings: NSFW content (minors do not interact I swear) + drunk sex + ropes + HardDom!Diluc
A/N: Aight my G let me try Diluc NSFW! I’ll do my best. GN!Reader implied.
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“You my dear… are in trouble for your crimes tonight.”
Diluc was a generous host for tonight, you and him alone in the Angels Share for a quick glass of wine, a celebration of you living one year in Mondstadt. What started as the two of you sitting across a table with a glass of wine, now turned into a make-out session one of Diluc’s room in the tavern. You were half undressed, Diluc now pushing you into a very small bed before practically ripping off his coat and undershirt. His hands went straight for your chest, fumbling to take off your under clothes to see your bare chest.
“Little ember you are so beautiful when you’re so drunk off of wine and my touch.”
His hands worked down to take off his own belt, flinging it somewhere around the room and let his pants fall on their own. He was needy for you, and it was most likely because of the wine.
“Celestia be damned I have the most wonderful creature ever created in front of me, laying there on my bed.”
Diluc climbed onto the bed, hovering over you as your half drunken brain started to go haywire. Diluc was gentle with his hands, seeing you in your pants has him riled up. One grab and he just ripped them off. Now you were bare naked under this man, a man you’ve always wanted in this way, just to scared to say anything.
“Fuck my brother, he can’t have this. I don’t want him to.” He practically moaned in your ear as he groped your chest, kissing down your neck
His hands were swift, taking off the final layers he had, now also naked in front of you. Maybe it was the wine, but Diluc looked like a fire burning in front of your eyes.
“Now be still like a good pet.”
He flipped you onto your stomach, reaching for something just over your head. You couldn’t see what it was, but a little feeling of twisted, dry fabrics had you squirming as he held your hands behind your back. It was ropes.
“Stop squirming little ember.” He growled as he smacked your ass
You wanted to fight, the drunken part of you wanting to fight him but the other part of you wanted to submit to him, accept what he was going to do to you. And the heavenly principles be damned if you wanted him to basically destroy you right now.
“Good little pet. Now… I’m gonna do something to you I’ve wanted to do since I saw Kaeya give you that stupid look.”
He was behind you, his mouth right next to your ear as his hands moved your legs so he could fit between them. Diluc wasted no time in lifting your ass into the air, seeing your dripping little hole that was so open and ready for him. He didn’t have to do a single thing to you, or maybe that was also because of the wine. With one hand holding onto your hip and the other you couldn’t see what he was doing, but he pulled you back slightly, your hole dripping onto his cock. He was hard, and also dripping with pre as he gently rubbed it on the folds of your hole.
“Diluc, please.”
“Good little pet.”
No warning, and Diluc slammed into you with all his force, feeling your insides going numb at how quick and unprepared you were to take him inside. But Diluc didn’t wait, and to be honest you didn’t want him to either.
“Fuck little ember… gods this feels so good.”
Both hands on your hips and with slow thrusts, Diluc had you basically crying for him. You couldn’t grab anything, just moaning for him to go faster.
“Is this what you like my ember? Getting fucked drunk by me and not my brother?”
It spurred him on, going faster and much harder. He felt so good you weren’t sure you could handle it. He had you screaming in a matter of minutes. His grip on your hips was tighter, pulling your ass to he pelvis in time with his thrusts, trying to get as deep as he could.
“Answer me ember. Is this what you wanted? Me, fucking you half drunk on my own bed, and not with my stupid brother?”
It was hard to breathe, almost choking on air as you could only nod, answering with only a “yes”. He was going faster and faster, getting deeper and deeper each time, feeling you tighten around him as he started to get sloppy.
“Fuckkk ember you’ve got me so addicted to this. Fuck I just wanna cum… can I cum my love? Can I cum inside?”
He practically begged you for it, holding himself back till he got words from you.
“Y-yes cum inside me Diluc.”
And that was it for Diluc, doing one final thrust as you felt his hot cum flooding you inside, your insides squishing his cock as you came as well.
“Oh yeah… I love you my ember.” He muttered as he pulled out, flopping down next to you and pulling you close to his chest
“I love you more Diluc…” your voice said faintly
A/N: hope you enjoyed! First Genshin request down so let me know how you all feel about my writing for him.
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calliopesdiary · 3 days
Hi lovely! I love your writing! Can you do a single dad! james one shot where harry is in kindergarten (lily isn’t in the picture) and you’re harry’s teacher and james has a crush on you? No pressure if you don’t have time! Thank you!
hi dovie!! thanks for much for requesting! i was on holiday so i couldn’t respond quickly but i hope this was worth the wait 😊
Paper Rings~💌
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singledad!jamespotter x fem!kindergartenteacher!reader
summary; Harry is a charming kid, but his dad might be even more charming.
a/n; no hate to my girl lily! i just like to imagine that she’s with mary or pandora (:
wc; 1.2k
warnings; none (:
contents; muggle au, james sirius and remus co-parent harry, lily isnt in the picture
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YOU WERE NERVOUS, i mean, rightfully so.
Monday, August 23rd. the first day of school, and the first day of your new job.
in the past, you thought you’d be anything but a kindergarten teacher. but after volunteering with a local daycare over the summer…
you were smitten.
besides, you knew one day you’d actually have kids. but that was about… seven years down the line. (yes, you had your future all mapped out)
and it’s better this way, really. you get to hang out with the kids, paint with them, read with them, talk to them, and then at three o’clock you can just return them back to their parents and not have to deal with kids all night.
perfect plan, right?
after pacing your well-decorated classroom back and forth about sixteen times in the past twelve minutes, a fellow teacher came in to chat.
“Hi, you’re Y/N, right?”
you spun around to the source of the greeting.
“sorry, yes, i am.”
you shook his hand with an anxious type of firmness.
“it’s nice to meet you, i’m Remus. i teach seventh grade.”
his smile lit up the awkward mood in the room.
“i assume you’re a bit nervous, yes?”
“a bit more than a bit.”
you admitted embarrassingly, they were just kids.
“well, you’ve definitely gotten the best age group to start out with.”
“i have?”
“mhm, all you have to do really is teach them their ABCs, and make sure they don’t eat the non-toxic paint.”
you let out a soft chuckle at that.
“i’ll certainly try my best, Remus.” he smiled.
“well, you’re about to get some kids in here so i should probably leave. just be careful, when i started out i was so much taller than the kids that some of them climbed onto me like i was a tree.”
he chuckled, definitely easing your nerves.
“that sounds like hell.”
“it was.” he nodded, closing your door with a soft thud, leaving you to your own thoughts and feelings.
until a young boy walked in with his dad, nervously clutching onto his big hand.
“hi… you’re ms. L/N, right?”
the dad spoke in a soft spoken manner, clearly not wanting to spook his son. (totally not because he was absolutely astonished and terrified that his sons teacher was maybe the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen)
“yes, i am.”
you answered with the same tone, swallowing down your anxiety.
“well… this is harry.”
Harry ducked behind his legs.
“i’m sorry, he’s not usually shy.”
“it’s alright, everybody gets nervous the first time they try anything.”
you crouched down to the boys level.
“hi, Harry. i’m Ms. L/N.”
“h-hi, Mrs. L/N."
the boy smiled cheekily as he held his little hands.
"we're gonna have so much fun today, so don't be scared." you returned his smile, yet you were probably about as nervous as he was.
you stood back up to face his dad, he was tall... very tall, and his eyes a hazel hue.
god, was he handsome.
no, that was not a good thing to say about someone who was definitely married with a kid.
but... maybe just sneak one more glance..
but, of course. the kids began to pile in, and the handsome young dilf dad waved goodbye to his son, and turned to leave.
little did you know he was thinking of you too.
your first day on the job was incredible, and time had flown by to Christmas Break.
your classroom was lovingly decorated for the holidays, and you had gotten to know your peers a bit better.
Remus was definitely your teacher buddy, you'd get coffee every Friday after school to discuss the past week and your plans for the next.
you had come to find out (through these coffee debriefs) that Remus was actually roommates with James- Harry's incredibly hot father.
and Remus was practically Harry's uncle, along with his long-time boyfriend, Sirius,
"So you're the Moony Harry is always talking about." He chuckled, blushing embarrassingly at the nickname.
"Moony was a nickname from High School, but Remus is difficult for Harry to pronounce so we went with that to make it easier."
You smiled, Harry was a very smart kid for his age.
"so.. James, is he-?"
"single? yeah, he chased after his highschool crush for about seven years at our boarding school, and once she finally gave in they got married quickly. but she eventually realized that she didn't like James that way, and had a thing for our close friend, Mary. so they broke off, luckily it wasn't a nasty divorce but Mary wasn't ready to take on the burden of a child, so James took Harry and now he lives with us."
Remus quickly explained before realizing that was probably a ton to drop onto you all the sudden.
"i-.. sorry, i didn't mean to drop that all on you at once."
"it's alright, and i'm sorry for James."
"he's alright now, the divorce took a large blow onto all of us, since... you know.."
"from the outside it looked perfect, didn't it?"
"couldn't have explained it better myself."
He smiled, sipping on his tea.
"besides, i think he's got his eye on someone."
"oh really? who?" that was a selfish question.
you deadpanned, thinking he was joking.
why hasn't he said he was kidding?
where's the punchline?
"he wont stop bloody rambling about you, Y/N."
"yes! he wouldn't stop talking about how you had these braided pigtails two or three weeks ago and how adorable you looked-"
his rambling about James' minute obsession with you faded into the background as you attempted to process-
James, James Potter, James Fleamont Potter, your favorite students father.
likes you, his sons Kindergarten teacher who probably has black circles under her eyes because she barely sleeps anymore cause she stays up and thinks about him-
Remus broke you out of your thought jail.
"i said that you need to set something up with him, because i know you like him too and i cant keep being the monkey in the middle and trying to get you both to finally wake the fuck up and date eachother!"
You'd never heard Remus so insistent, he was always so calm and collected.
"Remus... i've never asked anyone out before."
"And? it's really not that difficult."
you sighed, pinching your nose bridge softly.
"fine, fine. I'll talk to him Monday."
and you dreaded Monday, but it also couldn't come soon enough.
after finishing up your classes for the day, you walked Harry to James.
"Hey.. Y/N."
"Daddy!" Harry went running to James, gripping onto his leg with all of his toddler force.
"He did great today, as usual."
"That's great to hear..."
You accidentally stared into his eyes for moments longer than you should have, but it didn't feel awkward.
"Y/N, I have something i need to tell you."
"i have something i need to tell you too..."
"I like you, alot."
you blushed furiously, why wasn't this easy?
"i-i-i like you too.. alot."
"would you... want to go out for dinner, sometime?"
"I'd like that."
"FINALLY!" shouted an exasperated Harry.
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dailytomlinson · 15 hours
Guadalajara recap
Louis showed up wearing a Saul Nash tank top paired with C.P Company trousers and Axel Arigato shoes
Setlist had 20 songs (no Chemical)
“We are off to a fucking flyer already. This is gonna be a good gig I can feel it. Let me start this gig how I start every single gig, this is the last gig of this tour... very fucking sad. Let me say a massive, massive thank you to every single person in here, and every single person who’s come to the tour so far. These are my favorite moments and I don't get to experience these moments without you incredible people. This is gonna be a good one I can feel it, I can feel it!”
“Love the balloons!”
“It's fucking deafening in here, it's incredible! So fucking mad! I can not believe we are at this point in the set, it's just fucking flown by.“
“You guys know this already right, this tour has been so so so fucking special for me. Every single minute of the Faith in the Future tour has been incredible, incredible. But honestly, thank you for creating so many fucking memories I'll never ever ever forget. I just want to take a moment to thank every single person who's ever fucking supported me. This tour has been a fucking dream, I can't do it without all you incredible people so thank you, thank you. I also want to say a massive thank you to every single person who works on this tour. Honestly, there's a lot that you guys don't see behind the scenes, so thank you, thank you, thank you, to everyone for making this happen because I fucking love this tour. Maybe I'll just keep talking all night and then it never has to be over innit?”
Louis going “one last time” during: WMI / SIBWAWC / WALLS
Louis, the teacher, at it again: “[to fan] You're the last person I'm telling, it's below the waist!”
“I’m gonna fucking miss this man. That’s all I was thinking while I was up here, is that I’m gonna miss this.”
Louis inviting a fan to take a picture of the whole crew for him / quote / taking a picture with them afterwards
"Is this what you do over here? It's like half a pint! That's a lot babe! Are you joking! [takes a sip] I'm not Mexican yet so I can't drink it all! That's a lot, did you finish yours? How did you finish yours?”
“[forgets lyrics of WDBHG] I'm drunk, it's your fault!”
Closing: Silver Tongues
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odessastone · 3 days
Think I’m gonna have to force myself to take a break from this game. After going on a 12 game losing streak a week or two ago, I’ve ended up in some gutter hell where half the players literally don’t know how to play the game (never touching the payload, standing off to the side shooting some distant enemy while the red team takes the point, etc.) and the other half are smurfs going 30-0 with supposedly like 45 minutes on the game. I’m not good enough to solo carry my way out of this hell, so I’m just getting sucked deeper and deeper into the mire with no light at the end of the tunnel. In the past week I’ve been hovering around a 27% win rate.
I’m not usually the type to get frustrated at games, I play OW because I enjoy the characters above all. But this is the least fun I’ve had with the game in 8 years.
Has anyone else ever experienced this? I feel like I’ve been sent to the Overwatch equivalent of Hell!!
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kissingkiszka · 14 hours
i’m yearning for jake period fluff BAD so here’s my request! jake really wants y/n to stay over. she agrees but then tells him she’s having her period this week. y/n was super nervous and shy but jake was super understanding and caring. he’s adaptive to her needs (advil, heating pad, supplies) and takes care of y/n for the days she spends there. SUPER fluffy, realistic, sweet, and lighthearted.
By Her Side - Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Requested! I hope you enjoy :)
Words: 1.9k+
Summary: when Jake finds out the reader is on her period, he does everything in his power to help her feel better.
CW: 18+, MDNI, fluff, periods, talks of pain & period symptoms, use of pain medicine, surprises, cursing, there’s just lots of fluff, use of pet names, I believe that’s all!?
6:32 p.m.
Jake: Come over?
You glance down at the notification on your phone and let out a loud sigh. You had just gotten your period yesterday and all the symptoms were hitting you like a brick. You reread his text a few times and think of all the possibilities. The second and third days were always the worst for you, and in no way did you want Jake to see you like this. You type out your response and bury yourself under another blanket.
6:36 p.m.
You: I don’t think that’s a good idea.
6:37 p.m.
Jake: Is everything alright?
6:38 p.m.
Jake: Call me.
Of course he’s going to be suspicious, you never say no to spending time with him. You watch as his name and face light up the screen. You let out a groan and lift the phone up to your ear.
“Jake-” You start.
“Hi Beautiful. What’s wrong?” He asks, worried.
“I'm fine. I’m just a bit preoccupied. That's all.” You unconvincingly tell him.
“Yeah, Y/N. I know you well enough to know that you're not fine right now.”
“Jake, I'm fine. I swear.” You had a feeling he wasn’t going to back down until you really told him what was wrong.
He inhales, and you can tell he's growing more concerned. “But you’re not.”
You liked Jake so much, and you really had a strong connection with him. But you just weren’t close enough with him yet to feel comfortable talking about all your period problems. You didn’t know how'd he react- if he’d be grossed out, or if he wouldn’t be understanding, or maybe he just didn’t want anything to do with this stuff. That is what made you the most nervous. It was a weird phase in your relationship that you couldn’t wait to get past. But maybe, this was the push that was needed to get you past it after all.
“Okay, Jake. Maybe you're right.” You fold, clutching your blanket closer to your chest.
“You know I’m here for you, always will be. So, lay it on me.”
“Well…” You hesitate for a bit. “I’m-uh, I got my period yesterday and I guess, I’m just not feeling well.” You shyly admit.
“Oh…” Jake pauses and a lump forms in your throat. “Honey, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” He asks softly.
“I just- I didn’t know how you’d take it.”
“Baby, I’m always gonna be here for you. I mean it. Don’t be scared or nervous to talk about natural things with me.” He takes a breath. “Maybe some company will help.”
“Okay.” You whisper softly.
It's Jake, of course he would understand.
“I’m coming over. Hold tight.” He tells you before hanging up the phone.
You continue to lay down, scrolling mindlessly on your phone while you wait for Jake to come over. There’s no use in getting ready, he’s going to show up soon and you feel comfortable enough to be around him now that he knows what you’re going through.
Even though Jake only lives down the street from your place, it still takes him about 45 minutes until he arrives. You hear the tires pull onto the driveway and decide to send him a text.
7:26 p.m.
You: Key is under the mat. Don’t feel like getting up.
A few minutes later, you hear the door open and Jake’s voice announces his arrival.
“In here.” You sluggishly call out as footsteps grow closer to your room.
Your bedroom door swings open and Jake peers his head in. His eyes land on you, laying in bed.
“Hi, honey.” He softly smiles. He walks into your bedroom and you notice he's carrying multiple bags in hand. “You okay?”
“Hi Jakey.” You smile back at him, the only time you’ve smiled today. “Well, I kinda feel like shit. What’cha got there?”
“I would've gotten here sooner, except I made an essential pit stop on the way.” He tells you, dumping the bags on your bed.
“Awh, Jake, You didn't have to.”
“Let me take care of you.” He delicately runs his hand down your cheek, moving any hair out of your face. “There's that beautiful face.”
You begin to rummage through the bags together, seeing the various things he got for you.
“Well, I might’ve gone overboard.” He says as he pulls out a box of pads and a box of tampons. “I didn’t know which ones you preferred.”
“Thank you.” you nod. “That’s very thoughtful.”
“That’s not all.” He enthusiastically takes a bottle of Advil out of the bag and tosses it over to you. He then pulls out some chocolates and a box of herbal tea bags. “I can make this for you, you just let me know when you’d like it.”
“Thank you.” You graciously reach for a piece of chocolate and begin to munch on it. You immediately down the Advil in an attempt to get any sort of relief from the terrible cramps and the aching headache, amongst other symptoms.
“And, since you deserve it…” He reaches his hand into the second bag, and pulls out a bunch of body care items. “I got you a few bath bombs, a face mask, some body wash, and epsom salt. And look, this kind is specifically for periods.” He tells you, pointing to the package that reads ‘menstrual relief’.
You break out into a huge smile, nobody has ever done anything as sweet as this for you.
“Jake-” You sigh happily. “This is so sweet. Thank you.”
Even though your insides felt like they were at war with each other and all you wanted to do was bury yourself under a mountain of blankets for the next week, you couldn’t help but crack a smile. Jake always brought out the best in you.
“No need to thank me. I just want to see you happy.” He smiles and leans over to give you a hug.
He stands back up, and puts his hands on his hips while he thinks for a moment.
“Okay, so…” He begins. “You’re gonna stay here, and I’ll be right back.” He tells you before grabbing one of the bags off of your bed and walking out of your room.
You have no clue what he’s doing or where he’s going, so you begin to scroll mindlessly on your phone. You hear water begin to run in your bathroom. About 10 minutes later, Jake walks back into your bedroom.
“Where’d you go?” you question through a giggle.
“Come on. I’m gonna take good care of you.” He declared, helping you up out of bed.
“I can get up by myself.” you joked.
“I know you can, I just want to help.” He replied.
Feeling his strong arms wrapped around your waist while you went to stand was more than enough to send shivers down your spine.
“Okay, close your eyes and follow me.” He requests with a cheeky smile written across his face.
You sigh and close your eyes. He grabs your hand so he can easily guide you into the other room.
As he walks you across the hall, hand in hand, a relaxing aroma fills the air. You know you’ve entered the bathroom when you feel switch between the hallway's hardwood floors to the cold tile on your feet.
“Okay, ready?” He asks, squeezing your hand.
“Mhm.” You nod softly.
“Okay…open!” He announces.
You open your eyes to see the most relaxing bathroom set up ever. The lights are dimmed, there are burning candles on the countertop, your essential oil diffuser is pumping out lavender oil to help you relax, and there is a fully ready bubble bath awaiting you.
“I made you a bath.”
“Jake!” you gasp. “You did all of this? For me?”
“I sure did. You deserve it the most.” He lets go of your hand. “I’m sorry you’re going through so much right now.”
“It’s fine, Jake. It’s only my period. I get them every month.” You laugh, giving him an embrace. “This is the most thoughtful, sweetest thing anybody has ever done for me.”
“I know periods are monthly.” He laughs. “But if there is the slightest thing I can do for you during it, I will a hundred percent do it for you.”
“Thank you.” You grin, pulling out of the hug. “Stay the night?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He holds your forearms delicately and looks into your eyes. You could feel yourself getting lost in his deep brown eyes, and he gets lost in yours. After a few moments, you both snap back to reality.
He nervously giggles. “Oh! Don’t want the bath to get cold.”
You turn to face the bath and notice a tray next to your sink containing a face mask and one of the bath bombs he had just gotten for you. Jake sees that you notice the tray and carries it over to you.
“Almost forgot, you can use this face mask in the bath, if you want.” He kindly offered. “And I figured you’d want to put the bath bomb in yourself. Watch it fizz up..y’know..” He gives you a shy grin. He makes sure you’ve got everything you need to enjoy your bath time before he leaves you be.
After being able to decompress and clean yourself off in the warm and relaxing bath, you get out and wrap yourself in a fluffy towel that Jake had set aside for you. This was such a nice gesture from him, but it definitely wasn’t out of the norm for Jake. He always went out of his way to show his love, and this was no exception. Looking back, you had no idea why you were so nervous to tell him. You quickly dry yourself off and walk back to your room.
Back in your bedroom, you immediately notice your bed had been made with a set of freshly clean sheets. On top of your neatly made bed laid your most comfortable lounge clothes gracefully folded. Next to them were the boxes of pads and tampons that Jake had just bought for you. You quickly got dressed and wasted no time to make yourself comfortable. Jake was out in your living room, giving you privacy and space until you were decent.
“Darling, may I come in now?” He asks, knocking lightly on the door.
“Yes you may.” You reply, adjusting your shirt.
“How was the bath?” He inquires, laying down next to you.
“It was so nice. I feel so much better now.”
“I’m glad.” He chuckles.
“Thank you, really.” You say, turning to face him in bed. The smell of the clean sheets mixed with Jake’s musky cologne is more than enough to bring you peace.
“No need to thank me. I’m doing the bare minimum for you.”
“Wait, actually-”
“What do you need?” He immediately jumps up, ready to fulfill any of your requests.
“Could you bring me my heating pad?”
“Of course, honey.” He wastes no time and runs out of the room. He doesn’t want to leave you waiting.
“In the bathroom closet!” You exclaim, making sure he can hear you from wherever he is.
A few moments later, he saunters back into your room with it in hand. “Aha!” He plugs it in and hands it to you.
The rest of the night was spent with the two of you cuddling and watching some of your favorite comfort movies together. He even ordered take out from your favorite Chinese restaurant, per request.
That entire week he spent at your place, waiting on you hand and foot. He had you completely spoiled, but he knew you deserved it. Anything you needed, he jumped up at the first chance to get it for you.
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mellybouboulove · 3 days
My guardian angel🤍𓆩♡𓆪☁️
Chapter 1
Hey guys, this is my first fanfic :) I'm already working on the upcoming chapters, it's gonna be pretty long.
This is a Drug Dealer Ellie Williams X OFC fic, it's out of universe and takes place in college, it's set in the 2000s.
Chapter 2 here!
Tags: #wlw #sapphic #drugdealer!ellie #modern!ellie #tlou #slowburn #smut #fluff #tlouau #au #modernau
Here's the first chapter <3
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First Chapter
It’s October 31st and I have yet to find my Halloween costume for the upcoming party. I was never too fond of parties but my friends have been begging me to join them. I started feeling guilty for not engaging more with the social part of uni, am l wasting my life ?
9pm: My whole wardrobe was covering the floor of my bedroom. I was contemplating each piece I had to find anything that could work as a costume when I started to question if I should even attend. After a couple minutes, I decided to put on a red top and red thighs topped with a blue dress in a desperate attempt to recreate Wendy Torrance’s look in The Shining. By the time I got ready, Emily and Jonathan were here to pick me up. I was already feeling so tired from all the noise. Maybe wasting my life is not that bad after all.
As we parked I could already hear everyone screaming like raging animals. When we entered the house Victoria, one of Emily’s soccer teammates, greeted us and took Emily and Jonathan apart. I felt out of place and decided to head towards the bar to grab a drink. Everyone around me was dancing and smoking. I struggled to breathe and looked around me, spotting the backdoor to the garden. I paved myself a way in the crowd; as I reached the outdoors. I sat and took a deep breath of fresh air watching the sky thinking about my bed.
I started relaxing when I noticed a presence in the corner of my eye. I turned around and saw a girl smoking a cigarette leaning against the wall. She glanced at me and we stayed in an awkward silence for a couple seconds until she finally started talking. 
- Hey, do you mind if I sit here? - Not at all, go ahead. 
As she sits next to me I take a better look at her, I can’t help but notice her attractiveness. She has a cute button nose and small freckles on her cheeks, light green eyes and strands of hair falling in her face. She’s really pretty. She looked up to me and I quickly looked away in embarrassment. She smiled at my reaction.
- What’s your name ? I don’t think we’ve met before. - My name’s Maya Reeves, you ? I asked. - Ellie Williams. What are you doing here all alone? 
- I just needed some fresh air, I lost my friends and the music is so loud. Her face enlightened, then she confessed to me that she didn’t like these parties either.
- What are you dressed as ? I continued.  - What? - It’s Halloween, are you not wearing a costume? - Ohh no no, I hate this kind of stuff.. Are you wearing a costume ?
I got up and turned around to show off my outfit. 
- Duh?! Do you think this is how I normally dress ?? l said.
She chuckled and looked at me up and down admitting something was off. She continued.
- What are you dressed as ? -Wendy Terrance from The Shining. -Ohh cool.. I didn’t see it but you look good. -What!! you really should see it! -I'll keep it in mind, I'll think about you when I do. 
She smiled at me, put out her cigarette in the ash and got up to leave. On her way back, she greeted Jonathan who was coming out of the house. He looked at me surprised. 
-Did you get drug?  -No why? I asked surprised.  -She only ever talks to her clients. -What are you talking about?  -She’s my plug, she’s at every party just to do business.  -Ohh.
I guess she must’ve only talked to me to try to sell me drugs, I’m kinda disappointed, she seemed sweet. Emily noticed how bored and sad I looked and offered me to drink to get in the mood. After a couple drinks I felt better and managed to enjoy the rest of the night. 
Eventually, it was time to go home. Emily and Jonathan were both way too drunk so I took the driver’s seat. The road was dark and my hands a little shaky, my eyes started to close until l suddenly saw two big lights coming right at us and heard loud noises. l realized we just collided with a car.
------------------- To Be Continued..
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