#cannabis farmer
hailieshapedbox · 1 year
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black2infinity · 9 days
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Rami Lelian
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chickenstarcombo · 26 days
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noneofusareverno · 7 months
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You okay, Uncle? Never should’ve given him that dispo weed, fuck.
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kemetbone · 1 year
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Week 8 of flower ... Future 1
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budmaster420 · 2 years
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girlscarpia · 2 years
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I hate men.
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hemp-co · 2 years
Breaking Down Hemp: The Flower
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Often confused with the psychoactive variant of the Cannabis plant, hemp is not the same – and as such, has different uses. Despite looking and smelling alike, hemp flower produces different cannabinoid concentrations than what many know as ‘Marijuana’.  
…So, what’s the difference?
Over time, people bred cannabis for different things.  Sometimes, they would breed shorter, denser varieties to produce more seed per acre.  Others, taller plants for more fiber. And as people started using it recreationally, they basically started breeding it for strength.  As a result, we have the high-THC variation of cannabis Sativa known as ‘Marijuana’.  But even more recently, people started utilising modern breeding practises to breed THC out of the plant.  
Why? So the plant produces more CBD.  CBD is medicine.
So now we have two classes of ‘cannabis Sativa’:  Hemp and Marijuana. ‘Hemp’ is any plant grown for seed, fibre, or CBD hemp flower.  ‘Marijuana’ is basically just a hemp flower that contains over 1% THC.
So now we’re past that, let’s take a deeper look at what hemp flower can be used for.
Where on the plant it is found
Hemp flowers are found on both the male and female hemp plants. However, on the female plant, they are elongated, spike-like clusters that produce seed when pollinated. On the male plants, the flowers are responsible for producing pollen, and form more clustered branches
The main flowers (also known as colas, tops, or heads) are found at the apex of the plant.
Does it contain THC? 
Hemp flowers do contain THC. However, this concentration is low and contains high-CBD. THC, Tetrahydrocannabinol is the substance that produces the mind-altering effect of psychoactive strains of the cannabis plant. 
Hemp must contain less than 1% THC in Australia.  The law is set this way so that it is virtually impossible for users to experience the psychoactive effects no matter how much they consume. Research demonstrates that hemp contains more than 500 chemical compounds and though one of this is THC, its quantity is negligible.
So what can it be used for?
Hemp flowers are legal in most countries including the US,  and the majority of EU countries. But in Australia, if you have a licence to grow Hemp, you are unable to use the flower or leaf. Flowers are very easy to grow and harvest, and can be done by hand or machine.  The less mechanical processing, the more of the naturally occurring cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and other organic compounds remain intact in the plant – and that’s what you want for medicine.
Smoking hemp is the most used method of flower consumption, however, trends are moving towards more health conscious methods of consuming CBD. It has a relaxing effect without producing any “high”. It can come as pre-rolled CBD cigarettes. Smoking in itself is not a healthy habit, but CBD cigarettes seem to be helpful for people searching for alternatives to nicotine cigarettes and psychoactive breeds of cannabis. 
Healthier options include using the flower in cooking or brewing as tea, although this method requires trial and dosing.
Hemp flowers will produce hemp seed if pollinated.
Hemp seeds are actually a type of fruit botanically. They belong to a group called an achene. They are formed from the pollinated hemp flowers, just as with any other type of true fruit. This means that a hemp farmer can choose from one of two paths each crop: seed or CBD (and that’s before even using the stalks, leafs, and roots!)
Hemp seed can be eaten whole, hulled /dehulled
Hemp seeds can be eaten with or without the shell. Whole means unhulled, that the seeds still have their shells. The ‘whole’ variants of hemp seed are crunchy, contain lots of fibre, and serve as a great source of minerals. They can be sprinkled on top of salads, yoghurt or sandwiches – and you can never have too much!
Hulled (dehulled) hemp seeds are hemp seeds with their shells removed. Also called hemp hearts and hemp nuts, they’re actually the only type of hemp seed available as food to us over here in Australia.  Currently, it’s required that hemp seeds have their ‘hull’ (shell) removed in case they contain leftover cannabinoids from the plant they came from, though there are no cannabinoids in the seed itself, this only occurs if the seed has not been cleaned probably. Also, you may grow a plant in your back garden!! 
Hemp seed can be ground up into different forms such as…
Hemp Flour is made from raw hemp seeds which are made up of about 30% oil. After the grinding process, the hemp oil is extracted.  It is also known as hemp powder or bran. It is much cheaper than protein powder. 
The production of hemp protein requires an abundance of healthy and ripe hemp seeds. Hemp seed oil is first extracted from the seeds by cold pressing and hemp cake is obtained as a by-product. The hemp cake is then sieved several times. If the cake is only “roughly” sown, it produces hemp flour, which is rich in dietary fibre, most of which is retained in the seed shells.
Further high granulation sieving removes larger particles of hemp seed shells which leaves much more protein-rich particles that are found inside the seeds (hemp hearts). Thus, hemp protein powder is obtained.
Nutritional benefits of hemp
Hemp as seed, flour, or protein is rich in gluten-free fibre which helps with digestion and can assist in the prevention of a number of health issues. Similarly, the seed oil is rich in heart-healthy oils including omega 3 and 6 fatty acids (the only plant source of this essential fatty acid). 
Hemp Flower can be used for CBD oil if not pollinated
How is it turned into CBD oil
CBD is one of over 100 cannabinoids in the hemp plant. It accounts for 40% of any extract from the flower. There are different ways to extract it from the flower but the most popular and most accessible method is “Carrier oil solvent”.
It’s obviously a bit more complicated than this – and probably not legal to share the whole process.  So, here’s the quick version.
After flowers are obtained, they are put into a container as small as a crockpot or as large as an industrial drum, along with a carrier oil – coconut oil, for example. The mixture is subjected to low heating. A perfect balance must be created between the temperature needed for extraction and not damaging the nutrients in the flower. The oil is stirred at regular intervals and “cooked” for nothing less than 3 hours. 
The mixture is then strained, the new CBD oil is bottled and stored.
What are the benefits 
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a popular natural remedy for a variety of mental and physical ailments From anxiety to PTSD, and pain management to epilepsy. It is used topically, orally, and even through suppositories in order to provide relief for a number of medical issues that at times, may not have been possible through traditional medicine.
So, why is CBD so effective?  Because of the body’s endocannabinoid system. 
CBD is also well known for its application in cancer management. It helps to reduce nausea and vomiting associated with cancer treatment. Research is also finding that it is neuroprotective and can be used in the treatment of epilepsy and multiple sclerosis.
And now we’ve been through that, let’s get back to the point.
Isn’t it incredible how many different things that just the flower of this simple plant can be used for?  
Next week, we’re going to get to talking about the stalk.
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afrotumble · 12 days
Lesotho's cannabis becomes big business – DW – 06/30/2022
"...here are still winners and losers."
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qigongfire · 1 month
HEMP: Game Changer for German Wine Farmers
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biconicorg · 1 year
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"Biconic biofertilizer: an eco-friendly solution for sustainable agriculture." . . contact us: +91 8076653207
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harisharandevgn · 1 year
Taste the Tanginess of “Superfood”, Amla with Niche Agriculture
Harisharaan Devgan has been a source of motivation and a figure to look upon by many, particularly the farmers working with him. He has always led the path staying behind as a constant source of energy.
His vision of linking the traditional Bharat with the new India is a renaissance, awakening the new dimension which was yet untouched. He has a strong belief of changing old lines in a book which repeatedly said once upon a time there was a poor farmer but today it can be said that Farmer is no more poor.
Harisharaan Devgan believes in the narrative – “Once a farmer always a farmer”
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budmaster420 · 2 years
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For These New York Farmers, Harvest Time Means High Times
For These New York Farmers, Harvest Time Means High Times
In fields from Sag Harbor to Ithaca, a new crop ripened this fall: cannabis plants grown for recreational marijuana. It was a longtime cash crop in the United States, as American as apple pie. Cannabis sativa fields stretched from New England to Virginia even before the Revolutionary War, when the crop’s main product, hemp, was used in the production of rope, sails, paper and clothing. George…
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hemp-co · 2 years
Growing, Processing, and Building with Hempcrete
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"Hempcrete is the eco-friendly building material of the future"
If you’ve been following for a while, you’ve probably heard or read something along the lines of the preceding statement.  And maybe those who haven’t still have questions.  That’s okay!  We’re here to help answer them.  
Hemp has been overlooked as a solution for practices that cause significant damage to the environment from industries ranging from clothing to construction.  But nowadays, the number of problems that it offers to solve is becoming too great to ignore.  The idea of building houses with a plant may seem a little far-fetched, but today we’re going to dive into why it’s such a viable idea.
Growing Hemp for Hurd
What is Hemp Hurd? 
Hemp Shives, Hemp Hurd, is also derived from the Hemp stalk’s inner woody mass that surfaces once the bast fibre is removed. But wait, doesn’t that make hurd a by-product? Well, even though that is technically true, this low-value agricultural by-product has a lot of practical applications. From being useful in the construction industry to being envisioned as the successor of wood pulp in the paper industry, hemp hurd might just be the next multi-million dollar industry on its own.
You can learn more about Hemp Hurd here!
How To Grow Hemp for Hurd?
First thing’s first, you need to be sure that you choose seeds that have been purpose-bred to increase your crop yield. You also need to make sure that whatever you plant is in compliance with your area’s THC policy or you might just end up losing the entire crop and possibly even face criminal charges. Another consideration would be deciding whether you would prefer planting a seed or a clone.
What’s the difference? First of all, seeds do not necessarily always turn out to be of the same phenotype or quality as their parents. There could be, possibly, more than five different phenotypes resulting from 10 seeds of practically the same variety. 
Planting a clone could save you time and money (in the long run) because you’re working with known and stable genetics and so you’re eliminating most of the risk there and then. Make smart and efficient choices.
The next thing to keep in mind is the climate and soil atmosphere of your plant. Hemp grows in a warm environment and a mildly humid soil atmosphere that receives enough rainfall/irrigation to keep its seeds moist. 
Harvesting and Processing 
Hemp, as a plant, exhibits pretty speedy growth. The crop is usually ready for harvest in 3-4 months after plantation. However, the time may vary if you are growing hemp with a specific harvest in mind. Harvesting timeframes for Hemp Hurd is generally around the same time as hemp fibre, before the last pollen is shed. 
The step that follows harvesting hemp is retting, which happens in one of two ways. You either let the dew work its magic, or you flood the field and let your Hemp soak in it for a few days before allowing it to dry. Different microbial actions will separate the enzymes that bind the fibres to the inner woody stalk, enabling you to separate the stem’s hemp bast. 
The separation marks the end of the retting process. Once retting is complete, the stalks are dried and crushed in a decorticator. A decorticator is an industrial machine that separates the fibres from the dried stalks and collects hurd separately. 
And there you have it! The woody shives are now ready to be stocked up in bales or used.. 
Mixing and Building
Turning Hemp into hempcrete is a series of steps that requires great precision and attention to detail. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:
Binding Agents
Lime based binders (50% lime, 50% metakaolin) can be used to make Hempcrete, mainly because they absorb water and chemically cure the mixture as it is made. A basic Hempcrete recipe is 4:1:1! 4 parts industrial Hemp Hurd, 1 part lime binder and 1 part water.
However, people also use clay and other unfired binders instead of lime ones, personally vouching for the potential cost savings and other benefits of using them.
Hempcrete can be made either by using just your hands or a mortar mixer and usually no other sophisticated equipment is required to do the job. 
Almost everyone has a different sequence of adding ingredients. However, the science suggests that dumping the water into the hempcrete mix is the most effective way of adding it. Some people prefer misting the water, but this has shown to be less effective.
The whole process should take around 10 mins. You’ll know that the mix is ready when it is dry enough to retain its shape when packed into a ball yet moist sufficient to crumble when force is added. 
Remember, too much water will impact the drying time once it is made into a wall or concrete structure. Once properly mixed and set (usually takes 20-30 mins), your Hempcrete will be ready to use. 
Making the Wall out of Hemp
Monolithic Cast Walls
This is one of the most commonly used methods of making Hempcrete walls. Also known as the standard-slip form, this method requires that you “cast” Hempcrete in either wooden or plastic structures and tamp around the edges to secure it in its place. This is somewhat similar to pouring concrete while making a traditional wall. However, we use the term “casting” instead of running when referring to Hempcrete. 
The hempcrete will need some time to set, usually a day or two before you can remove the forms and use them for other walls. 
Once completed, allow 6-9 weeks (depending on the climate) for your Hempcrete to dry up to 15% moisture content and take its final form. 
Hempcrete Blocks
Hempcrete blocks are ready-to-use, non-structural, construction blocks that are lightweight, recyclable and pretty sturdy.
They save you the drying time needed for monolithic walls as they are batch-dried at the production facility; however, bear in mind that they are only used for wall-filling or insulation purposes. 
This is because they lack the cohesiveness of monolithic walls, which have no spaces in between and are cast all at once to achieve a seamless consistency. 
Spray-on Hempcrete
This spraying hempcrete method involves the use of an industrial spray for wall-making. Yes! 
You can simply add hempcrete in a cement mixer and let an industrial sprayer build the hempcrete wall from interior formwork instead of manually adding it layer by layer into the form and working your way to the top. 
The main drawback is that this method employs expensive equipment and requires far more practical knowledge of Hempcrete and Hempcrete construction than the traditional method. 
Benefits of Building with Hempcrete
Hempcrete can replace conventional construction materials and provide sustainable and environmentally friendly means of fulfilling our housing needs. Hempcrete greatly reduces the need for using toxic building materials and saves you a ton of money during construction. 
Here are ten reasons why you should prefer to build with Hempcrete:
High Structural Integrity 
Co2 Absorbent
Moisture Regulator
Mould and Pest Resistant
Hempcrete absorbs Co2 and other irritants in the air while naturally adjusting the room’s humidity and temperature. This breathable material not only gives you a natural, healthy environment but also drastically reduces your heating/cooling costs.
Being diffusive and moisture-absorbent means that Hemp walls are less likely to be infected with moulds, which also directly equates to lesser allergies, chronic respiratory diseases and asthmatic attacks associated with moulds and their airborne spores.
Our planet’s health takes a toll every time we use cement, wood or toxic chemicals for construction purposes. Thus, the sooner we can incorporate Hempcrete in the construction industry, the bigger part we can play in preserving the environment.
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headspace-hotel · 5 months
Going through the bills proposed in the kentucky 2024 legislative session and some of the things being proposed are
make a PFAS Working Group
require homeless shelters to provide free menstrual products (it's actually disturbing that they didn't already)
require schools to provide free menstrual products
create harm reduction centers and lower penalties for possessing controlled substances
require insurance to pay for cancer screenings (okay. low bar but okay)
abolish the death penalty (actually has a couple republican sponsors)
decriminalize cannabis
make fluoridation of water in districts optional (?????)
make coal the "state rock" of Kentucky
Prohibit children from being interrogated in a "deceptive manner" (?)
Make weight discrimination illegal
pay schools to food grown at kentucky farms to provide for school meals at low income schools (hey that's rad)
Lower the age of carrying a concealed deadly weapon from 21 to 18 (?????????????)
Require companies to give their employees earned paid sick leave
Impose restrictions on the collection of biometric data by private entities
Allow poultry to be sold at farmers' markets and at farms
pay for cancer screenings for firefighters
let pregnant incarcerated people have midwives or doula services
require that public high school curriculum include instruction on the history of racism
Remove Robert E. Lee Day, Confederate Memorial Day, and Jefferson Davis Day from the list of public holidays (WE HAVE THOSE?!!?!?!)
Retroactively expunge some cannabis convictions
"Prohibit public school districts from expanding any resources or funds on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging or political or social activism; prohibit public school districts from engaging in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging" (HUH?????)
require schools to give kids a lunch period of at least 30 minutes (the bar is in hell)
provide scholarships for teachers to help the teacher shortage and give teachers compensation for planning time
require schools to have defibrillators
make it so a homeless person doesn't have to pay to get a copy of their birth certificate
require a working smoke detector to be present in any house sold (...did we not already have this?)
create the Kentucky Urban Farming Youth Initiative
Require local governments to lower minimum square footage requirements for housing, and facilitate multifamily housing, manufactured housing, and "tiny homes," and require that zoning laws have a "substantial connection to protection of public safety, health, and usage of property" (This could be a good thing??)
require hiring and licensing authorities to allow people convicted of a crime an opportunity to get a job
Propose a new section of the Kentucky Constitution that guarantees the right of an individual to buy, sell, or use a certain amount of cannabis and to grow a small amount of cannabis plants, and put this on the ballot (LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE please this would be so funny)
Now let's watch how many of the good and basic common sense laws get left to die by Republicans because Republicans are ghouls
this is why it's important to vote in local elections, this is the kind of stuff that's being decided upon
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