wii-brains · 9 months
Stupid lil question:
On Ao3 and here I only see Bucky and Sam’s ship name as WinterFalcon, Sam/Bucky, or Sam x Bucky. It’s possible that I’m just not paying attention. I’m sentient yes but I never said I take in all the information around me.
Because Sam’s name begins with an s, his causal first name ship name with Bucky would be Stucky. But it can’t be because that’s Steve and Bucky’s. And now that Sam has taken on his Captain America role in the MCU his hero ship name with Bucky would be WinterShield, but it can’t be that since that’s Steve and Bucky’s.
So my question is what is Sam and Bucky’s updated ship name? Or are we sticking with WinterFalcon?
I don’t think we should since Sam is now Captain America. I suggest their casual to be “Bam” -cause obvious reasons and it’s cute- and their hero one to be “CaptainWinter” or we go with Bucky’s new title of White Wolf and it could be “WolfShield.” OR my fav idea is “WinterWings.”
Pls tell me if I just haven’t been paying attention and they do have a ship name besides WinterFalcon.
Edit: thank you to @me1och for commenting and correcting me. it would be “sucky” not stucky. there’s no t! my brain isn’t always on all the way lol
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geriszon · 7 years
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2617 j. út #winter #snowyroads #trees #captainwinter #publicroad #magyarközút #snow #frozenlandscape #pic (helyszín: Boldva)
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lookmoodvisionboard · 2 years
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#BandOfBrothers #CaptainWinters
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winterfalcap · 8 years
Cold Water is such a good Steve and Bucky song, you could literally use all the lyrics. Song-fic material.
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spacenerdevans · 8 years
but in all seriousness chris’ laugh in that video was so pure and genuine. 😭💖
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targarvens · 8 years
wow ur icon is so 😍😍😍😍
i know fam i’m totally not crying
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lesliescheung · 8 years
captainwinter replied to your post “im really mad rn yall pls send me fun things 2 cheer me up”
i saw this recently and it makes me laugh every time it shows up on my dash, so http://sokovia.tumblr.com/post/148523623562/twolazytwolie-it-will-be-my-mission-in-life-to
this is...... the most incredible thing i’ve ever seen thank you reyna <33333
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lindseymorqan · 8 years
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend?
ok so what i like about all my friends is that honestly we’re all similar but at the same time really different if that makes any sense but also i like that all my friends are so much cooler than me so they, without knowing it, are teaching me how 2 be a cool kid bc i am just a sad nerd
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike
naturally every core problem that we have happening like sexism, homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc. i don’t like it when people aren’t as tolerant as i am tbh bc it annoys me how they try so hard to control someone ELSE’S life and live it out for them just *whispers* let everyone be who they want to be, it’s really the simplest fUCKING THING
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn?
i am fluent in both english and polish, i understand russian but cannot reply verbally (instead i reply in polish and most russian people understand bc the languages are very similar, and then they’ll just reply in russian lmao it’s fun), i took german for 3 years and was pretty good at that time but i forgot most of it now bc i never used it (i can introduce myself and tell u how old i am, where i’m from, and my likes and dislikes tho! i also remember months, days, dates, colors, seasons and some key buildings like how to say hospital and post office (idk why my brain remembers these i’m so dumb)), and I REALLY WANT TO BE FLUENT IN SPANISH BC I LOVE IT AND IT SOUNDS SO BEAUTIFUL TO ME SOMEONE TEACH ME
💫 who inspires you?
yikes this question is always hard to answer bc i don’t think i have a set in stone person??? everyone i meet inspires me in some way, it could even be from something tiny they might have said but i liked and remember
but role model wise if i had to pick someone i think it’d be emma watson bc i’ve looked up to her since i was 8 and she hasn’t failed me once
also i really like when someone doesn’t lose this childish spark when they get older u know what i’m saying? like they don’t become part of the machine and instead are still full of hope and just children at heart bc i feel like i’m like this and i just really don’t want anything to take it away so whenever i think someone has a fun aura i just kind of am drawn to them
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captainevans · 8 years
chris “i haven’t worked out in a while” evans just breezed through 22 push-ups with his dog adorably getting in the way so fuck this man but also fuck this man.
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fanfic-shiz · 7 years
Obsessed with your writing! My favorite fan fiction writer by far!! Also i think i put my username wrong for the tag list its @captain-winterloki and i think i put @captainwinter-loki... Please keep writing! My heart needs it 🖤💙🖤
Thank you, this is so nice ☺️☺️☺️It means a lot to me to be put into the category of fav fanfic writer 💜 I'll fix your username on my tag list, no problem!
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spacenerdevans · 8 years
mightyevans, stanseb, captainwinter, lindseymorqan
do they follow me: yes / no
do I follow them: yes / no
what I think about their blog: awww marta is super duper amazing and she’s literally the sweetest person ever! she’s always there for me when I need someone, and I absolutely adore her blog so so much.
do they follow me: yes / no
do I follow them: yes / no
what I think about their blog: ahhhhh Winnie!!!!!! she’s so so amazing, she always has the raddest urls I swear to god, she’s got some rad connections. anyways she’s an absolute gem and I adore her very much.
do they follow me: yes / no
do I follow them: yes / no
what I think of their blog: rEYNA is a delicate ray of sunshine that must be protected at all costs!!!! she’s always there for me no matter what, she’s someone I can really count on. always her blog is a+++++++, and I love her so so much.
do they follow me: yes / no
do I follow them: yes / no
what I think of their blog: nICKA!!!!! I absolutely adore her! she’s so amazing and her tags always make me laugh. I always love seeing her on my dash, she’s such an amazing person!! also she has such a quality blog!!!
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lesliescheung · 8 years
captainwinter replied to your post “so i was out in madison square park today with a friend and i got hit...”
omg jess i hope ur okay men are terrible and gross
thanks reyna <3 (and i agree lmao) i’m fine now i’m just still very confused and mildly creeped out like.... i just wasn’t expecting this at all
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lindseymorqan · 8 years
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sebstans · 8 years
hi! i was wondering where the video for this post is from? thank you x sebstans(.)tumblr(.)com/post/90885946362/behind-the-scenes-on-the-set-of-captain-america
Hi, this post is something I made out of the bonus features on the DVD/Bluray, If I remember correctly. So I don’t have a link for it, sorry! 
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baby-yoda · 8 years
ayy congrats on the followers!! :D my favorite song atm is probably fire by pvris
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no more pls
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