#chapter 169
manga-meow · 2 months
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bobauthorman · 4 months
One Piece is a story about freedom...
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...But our hero sure gets put into a cage a lot.
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your-zipper-is-down · 3 months
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Gina protecting Fuuko!
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burning-thistles-bt · 8 months
“Welcome home, Scourge.”
-Chapter 169 (nice)
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Kenjaku, baffled.
To wit:
Fumihiko Takaba, the entertainer, made a head-turning appearance on Chapters 168 and 169.
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I am expecting him to make Kenjaku more confused. Let the entertainer play around with Kenjaku, Gege. Don’t off him.
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paperficwriter · 2 years
What a Wonderful World (Saitama x Genos)
This is directly and powerfully inspired by @florbe-triz​‘s gorgeous Saigenos piece that filled me with the most profound of dokis. I’m glad after all these years we are reuniting over the FEELS.
Some spoilers for Chapter 169! Cut is for length, not for content.
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It’s been a month. They’re out of quarantine now, even though they “didn’t need to be” because Saitama “felt completely fine” and Genos “couldn’t actually get sick, right?” Saitama reminded Metal Knight about all these things exactly forty-seven times until they were cleared, though Genos thinks that might have been because he wanted him out of his hair.
The apartment is gone. They figured that much, but Saitama still seemed disappointed. “I don’t know where I’m going to find a place that was that cheap...”
“Don’t worry, Sensei. I’m sure Dr. Kuseno will be willing to let us share a space in his building until we find a suitable location to live.”
Saitama didn’t seem pleased. “Meehhh...it’s going to feel like living with my parents again...” He presses his lips together and then asks, “Have you told him, about us?”
Right. In the momentum of all the events of however-long-it’s-been, there hadn’t been much time for conversation about topics like that. “Not explicitly.”
At first he worried Saitama might be disappointed. Instead he smiled. “Whenever you’re ready. No rush or anything. It’s not like I’m going anywhere.”
Genos doesn’t say anything to that. Because clearly that isn’t true. Either one of them could go somewhere at anytime, literally, figuratively...fatally.
The nice thing about moving in somewhere new that is not entirely to Saitama’s preference is how much time he wants to spend outside. He’s taken to asking Genos to come with him on monster patrols, or to have lunch on top of the buildings like he used to.
“I like going on these dates with you. It’s kind of like we’re getting back to normal.”
Saitama and Genos are sitting together, having found a structurally-sound rooftop even as the slow cleanup process continues. Genos stays still as Saitama moves closer to him, turning to face him and resting his legs over his closest leg. He’s almost (almost) in Genos’s lap, and he’s leaning forward with serious focus on his face. “Sensei?” Genos asks softly.
“Your eyes have gotten bigger. Or, like, brighter. I don’t know.”
“Would you prefer I alter my pupils to be smaller? Or lower the backlighting? I can re-route energy away, if it’s off-putting--”
Saitama takes his hand and gives it a little shake, grinning. “No, Genos, I like it.” He rests Genos’s arms across his thighs. “You look...happier.”
“I am very happy. Especially when I’m at your side.” When Genos says it, Saitama’s face settles back into thoughtfulness. “Are you, Sensei?”
“Yeah, I think so. For the most part.” For a moment, he looks away over the golden horizon, at the sun that’s moving into position to set. “The other day, when you went to get groceries at that store two cities over because they were having that sale on the meat I like...when I didn’t know where you were, I kind of freaked out.”
“How so?”
“I don’t know. Suddenly I just got this feeling like...what if you didn’t come back, what if something happened to you and I wasn’t there to stop it, and even though usually I’d go ‘oh, Genos has everything under control,’ it was...really real.”
That’s because it happened, he wants to say. That’s because you lived through that. Even if you don’t remember, or don’t want to remember, your heart knows it. But he doesn’t say that. Instead, Genos raises his hand to touch Saitama’s face softly with the edge of his fingers and offers him a small smile. “How did it feel when I came home?”
He tips his head into the feeling, releasing a long breath. “Like when you eat really spicy noodles and all you can think about is how much it hurts, and then you finally drink enough milk that it goes away and you can move on with your day. Kind of like that. I think.”
“Well said, Sensei.”
“Hey, don’t patronize me.” Saitama leans forward the remaining distance to kiss him. That’s another nice thing, these days: Saitama is much more generous with kisses, with affection, and Genos welcomes it. “But I don’t care if you’re a brat. Let’s just...keep sticking together, okay?”
The warmth that Genos feels is incalculable. He knows it’s not in his cybernetics, or his core. It’s somewhere else, in a very human part of him. He lets his head rest against Saitama’s, ignoring the scene of the sun for more touches, more kisses.
“Yes, Sensei.”
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said7taliban · 2 months
Said Taliban 😎" Chir AlSol "♥️
🍷Esa damisela…al estación del
🍁tiempo “Provoca”
👠Cruzó mi imaginación…desde
✍🏻otra “Época”
🍷La llave de un corazón…
🍁enjaulado lleva en su “Mano”
👠Donde encierra…un amor con
✍🏻cadenas del “Tirano”
🍷Camina con paso…firme con una 🍁tierna “Canción”
👠Florece con mis…Odas en cada ✍🏻“Estación”
🍷Sobre sus rojizos…labios Irradia 🍁mi “Presencia”
👠Sus intrépidas…historias
✍🏻terminan con “Decadencia”
🍷Mi enamora el…temblor de sus 🍁“Pupilas”
👠Donde narra sus…relatos y ✍🏻“Supervivencias”
🍷Mi enamora las…Arrugas de su 🍁Victoriana “Piel”
👠Su tiempo fue un…canaya y le ha ✍🏻sido “Infiel”
🍷Mi enamora la caída…natural de 🍁sus deliciosos “Pechos”
👠Su busto levantado…alimenta
✍🏻mis refinados “Gustos”
🍷Tu madurez produce…ese dulce 🍁toque “Justo”
👠Que endulza un…buen rosado o ✍🏻un buen “Tinto”
🍷Sois un legado de…sabiduría y 🍁belleza “Soberana”
👠Mi enseñaste que…con amor
✍🏻todo mal si “Sana”
🍷Este humilde Plebeyo…siempre
🍁estará a tu “Disposición”
👠Gracias por…permitirme que
✍🏻haga de vos mi “Inspiración”
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theomnicode · 2 years
Chapter 169 thoughts: The Dangers of Obsession
Welp, looks like there's no heartwarming Saitama and Genos moments after all. Or there might be normalicity but there's also something far worse being planned.
We're going straight to hell. At least far down the line.
Big spoilers and theorycrafting meta below.
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I can see that Genos smirk being uncharacteristically unnerving from a mile away. I didn't even need a translation but it only helped reinforce that notion.
"Sensei." "You even jumped through time and space to save everyone and the world." "Even Garou." "And the only person other than you who knows about it…" "I'm the only one in the universe"
So fucking unnerving when he realizes the's the only one in the universe besides Saitama who knows what happened. It's not a proud or innocent smirk that we've accustomed to seeing from Genos. Murata art and conveying character apperance at his best, masterfully depicting Genos with less innocence in him when he has more angular face and less boyish look.
The core did indeed, have divine enery in it as I anticipated. And it's gonna fuck up genos big time.
But even more than that, it's gonna fuck up his psyche.
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God's powers over people's psyche, their self worth, their desires and their morals... he can influence and amplify those feelings directly. He doesn't even need to be there physically, he's the universe, he's everywhere. Where there is free divine energy, like monster explosions releasing divine energy, such as Plat S exploding into shower of stars, God can use that divine energy to manifest in the physical plane and exert it's control.
This is the power of the divine energy, influencing the psyche of people, influencing how they act and think like Godrou and amplifying all of the aspects of the psyche like the flow of the universe where it derives itself from, infinitely expanding. But the nature of divine power like the Kami, is to be amoral, neither good nor evil and it has no emotion, as emotion is only the means of imbuing divine power with said emotional energy and releasing it, because it has none on it's own. The power is that of divine origin, so it is also not human and why all the monsters appear inhumane.
Genos getting juiced up by divine energy from touching the core that was brimming with Saitama's divine energy will mess with his psyche, because he has no resistance to the divine power, like God did with Garou. He has no defences built up whatsoever against divine power influence because his psyche is that of a normal human and just like Garou, his spirit can be influenced.
Genos was already kind of obsessed with Saitama, but he was morally sound. It was more innocent, naive kind of obsession where he worshipped the ground Saitama walked on because he thought Saitama was just that amazing. He genuinely cared for Saitama.
That's going to take a really dark turn. That obsession.
Obsession to the point where he thinks he'll practically own Saitama. Narcissm, the inflated sense of self-worth where he thinks he's the only one who knows what Saitama can really do, stripping Saitama of his agency to decide who he's even allowed to hang out with because nobody else will be good enough for him. Realization that he has power over Saitama that he can use to his advantage. Blind hero worship. Not caring about what he would do to Saitama emotionally and not having moral qualms about doing so either. Dehumanizing himself and possibly Saitama in the process.
The change will be slow and insidious. The more he uses the new core, which is brimming with power, the more it affect his psyche and turn him into something he's not.
It'll be evil Genos where he abuses his power and control over Saitama and becomes a manipulator.
Manipulators and abusers may control their victims with a range of tactics, including, but not limited to, positive reinforcement (such as praise, superficial charm, flattery, ingratiation, love bombing, smiling, gifts, attention), negative reinforcement (taking away aversive tasks or items), intermittent or partial reinforcement, psychological punishment (such as nagging, silent treatment, swearing, threats, intimidation, emotional blackmail, guilt trips, inattention) and traumatic tactics (such as verbal abuse or explosive anger).
The vulnerabilities of the victim are exploited, with those who are particularly vulnerable being most often selected as targets. Traumatic bonding can occur between abusers and victims as the result of ongoing cycles of abuse in which the intermittent reinforcement of reward and punishment creates powerful emotional bonds (that are resistant to change) and a climate of fear. An attempt may be made to normalise, legitimise, rationalise, deny, or minimise the abusive behaviour, or to blame the victim for it.
It will be the worst possible betrayal because Saitama trusted him. And let him in.
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And Genos will go insane from the divine energy when Saitama does not comply with his wishes and becomes the Mad cyborg. And Saitama is forced to take him down, his best friend who also betrayed his trust in the worst possible way due to no fault of his own. It was all machinations of God and Genos was always just a chess piece for him. Just like with Meteor and just like with Garou, Genos opposes God's goals in many aspects and will have to be terminated. Or used.
It would make Saitama hate people if this happens to him. The one time he opened up to someone emotionally when he's so socially isolated, only to be abused. He would never be able to trust another human being again. It would hurt so much he'd want to stop himself from feeling again and go back into that state of apathy he clawed himself out of.
Perfectly lined up for God's plan to resonate his soul with Saitama when he is at his lowers point, just like Phoenixman attempted to so with Child Emperor and how Garou and Metal bat worked together. When person's sense of self, their soul, their consciousness, their inner universe, their psyche (thoughts, wants, needs, goals, emotions, that sort of jargon), align if even temporarily.
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God is disgusted by mankind (Vaccineman, Phoenixman), their inflated sense of ego and self-importance is like a disease and has discarded it's emotions to form a superior being with a god complex and no humanity to be seen. And it will punish every misstep with karma and to meet it's own ends.
It wants to create another being like itself, another monstrous God.
And Genos, poor Genos, will unwittingly aid him in his attempt in bringing down Saitama.
Edit: The translation is out... aaaand it's a textbook example. Even Saitama notices something is off. Genos is giving out warning signs, but Saitama has a hard time figuring it out, because he trusts Genos.
I knew it.
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But Genos just got the memories did he not?
He knows Saitama didn't make it in time, why would he say this kind of thing?
He knows he literally died because Saitama couldn't make it.
This is just false flattery.
This is textbook positive reinforcement technique, to give superficial praise, flattery and ingratiation.
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Texbook example 2: Psychological punishment via guilt tripping and emotional blackmail. Because Saitama let Garou go when he could have stopped Garou from leaving as the only person who could follow his movements.
If it feels like Genos is being OOC, you're not just imagining it.
Saitama feels something is off too, because his facial expressions take on a more neutral, apathetic and downturn instead of any smiling towards Genos after he absorbed core memories. He still smiled towards Garou. But he stopped looking carefree after Genos touched the divine power core.
He should be happy that Genos is alive, right?
The one support who he clung to. But he even holds Genos in very impersonal manner. And at no point, does Genos seems to show any genuine care for Saitama in this chapter. The lack of care for human emotions, when he's usually so in tune with Saitama's emotions, is also something the divine energy is doing to his psyche.
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Saitama feels depressed and Genos shows zero care. Normally he's far more optimistic and in tune than this.
And Zero reaction about his own death, knowing it rattled Saitama and being emotionally not intelligent at all and rambling Saitama's ear off, despite knowing how Saitama can't really focus on long winded speeches. And it's definitely not short speech either, despite him saying it's supposedly short.
We'll be seeing more of this in next chapters.
Edit 2: Cleared about the part how divine powers affect people.
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Yona of the Dawn: Chapter 169 ~ My Favorite Bits (SPOILERS)
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The necklace 😭
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He grew up so fast *sniff*
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LOL you can’t kill Hak
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Awwww, Vold being happy that Hak called him strong is so precious 🥰
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Yes, listen to Hak. It will make you live longer
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WHY 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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This guy always looks like he’s on death’s doorstep
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That’s right, you NEED Hak
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Tee hee, y’all gonna die 🤭
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no1monstersimp · 2 years
169 spoilers
Just some of my favorite call backs to the WC
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manga-meow · 3 months
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evildeadfan102 · 9 months
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I read Bai Lijin Among Mortals Chapter 169.    
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your-zipper-is-down · 3 months
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Running away from the groupies and yet he refuses to let go of Mui 💖
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burning-thistles-bt · 7 months
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Chapter 169 has been posted.
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kyokasuiigetsu · 2 years
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fuckmesaitama · 2 years
I just…. Had a lot of hopes for Sai after this MA arc was over…
He had just barely been there in the manga throughout the MA arc. It had him so sidetracked for the other heroes that needed their own time to shine. Sai is heroic too… there’s so many side chapters, the DSK aftermath and audios, that established that his heart was still in the right place, (still is but now it’s not enough? so how long before this issue was to be brought up?) and though, with time, getting too strong made him react even more slowly to people’s problems than he would have before I think and recently, this exact thing has been questioned quite a bit and his aloofness has also been stressed on a lot more throughout this arc. That’s one thing the arc was consistently bringing up.
Then they finally register that point and you hold your breathe, thinking things will be changing, albeit painfully, and then they take it away too. The characters are just back to the usual. I’m the one left feeling dumb and numb after everything. Him not forgetting everything was the one last thing I really hoped for. And I don’t know if this is the right word to express it but this is indirectly downgrading his most charismatic aspect: his personality. And I’m still astonished that they are actually doing this. Brutal much, ONE? We’re really going below the respectful bar. And I’m really scared about this new way they’re seemingly viewing him and his role and so how they’re gonna portray him in the upcoming events.
And now…. Sai neither gets to keep his character development even after the plot shoved it in our faces again and again about him being listless through all this mess, but we ALSO don’t get those parts where anyone witnesses him fight. We don’t know if mini BS and Rover will even be there. Instead Blast gets the credit. Like… I don’t know anymore! What am I supposed to do? I even have doubts if I can keep looking forward to what little I’ve waited for so long even in the upcoming arcs! And I have a fear that they yet haven’t had enough of making Sai act like a clown as they did him so much for a war that lasted one day? So there’s high chance they’re gonna keep making him act like that on top of shoving the “recently growing just-rolling-with-what-happened aspect” of his. Comedy is fine but having these two things go on hand in hand WHILE actually wiping away all the self realisation makes me wonder if they’re using Sai for jokes as well as serious moments where his ways can be trusted that carry actual value or they want to turn him (even his character) into JUST A JOKE the more we go on. Such a massive downplay. How did his tendencies change like that in a day, ONE? What about the Saitama I knew for all the weeks in the world before this?? Why mock Sai like that, ONE, why?? I feel so fuckin cold inside after seeing this chapter.
I truly TRULY feel restless about what they plan to do with him. These aren’t good signs. Istg ONE. I’m literally gritting my teeth in fury.
They better register this in the upcoming arcs even tho they tried to sweep it all under a rug this time.
There really was some beautiful things that happened in this chapter as well (though Genos is kinda worrying me) but I can’t stop worrying about these things in the long run….
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