#charly's blog update
cursestothemoon · 2 years
ok guys, ive updated the blog.
i am starting to write for fantastic beasts, marvel, and stranger things. I think opening up the fandoms i write for will make things more interesting not only for you guys but also for me 😌
im not saying im coming back because every time i do, i get lazy and just don't but i love writing here for you guys and it really helps me so i want to do it more regularly
for now i am NOT writing for any Harry Potter characters that were canonically under the age of 18 in the last book/movie. As an adult, i do not feel comfortable writing romantic stories about/involving minors. I am trying to decide if I will just age them up, or just not write for them at all, or maybe ill just keep it to strictly post hogwarts. i don't know yet, so until i decide i will not be taking requests for them.
Same goes for the stranger things kids, i will not be writing anything romantic about/involving Max, Dustin, Mike, El, Lucas, or Will (and any other kids i missed). The older 'kids' are fine (Nancy, Steve, Robin, etc.), I feel comfortable writing for them because I am in the same age group (i am 19).
also ive added the option to tip me and i would just like to say YOU DO NOT EVER NEED TO FEEL OBLIGATED TO TIP ME EVER. TIPPING OR NOT TIPPING WILL NOT AFFECT HOW ACTIVE I AM OR WHAT I POST. i just put it as an option because why not, if you guys want to with your whole and complete heart then feel free, if not then please do not. tumblr is not my job, it is my hobby, i do not rely on this blog to make a living. while tipping is appreciated IT IS NOT NECESSARY AT ALL.
thank you
ps: im making a fresh, new, taglist
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askrainbowbug · 1 month
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first page was drawn by my amzing wonderful friend (who wishes to remain anonymous ^^)
EDIT: fixed a panel, forgot charlies short hair!!
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omeletcat · 1 month
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i can't be the only one that doesn't remember gwimbly having a fucking tail?? i played all his games and never noticed this wtf??
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megastrangeskeleton · 2 months
For headcanons going forward regarding anything to do with Wilbur, I will only be writing for his characters (revivebur, ghostbur, etc). As for posts I’ve made in the past, those are being kept up for archival purposes only. As a victim myself, my heart goes out to Shelby and Alice and I hope they both can heal from what that man has done.
As a result, I no longer listen to or support lovejoy. Not only because of the recent events, but also because of what Mark (the McDonald’s incident) and Ash (the cynicsnacks account) have done too.
Fuck Wilbur, fuck lovejoy and always support victims.
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heartship-au · 1 year
Hey Louie do you know anything on the golden pik pik carrot disappearance 5 years ago?
We’ve checked the area and there are NO space bunnies
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[ALPH, BRITTANY, OLIMAR, and HIS HEART are now open for asks.]
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thirtyratsinasuit · 20 days
i’m gonna finish up my kappa fic i swear. in the meantime check out my photography blog and insta. i work hard on it :)
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hatchetfieldgazette · 1 month
beep beep new OC'S INTRODUCING
affiliated with @hatchetsfield / @sondair / @clickedbait & the podcast "who swings the hatchet?" :
CASSIE HUGHES : younger sister of reese, cassie is much like her older brother, a knowledge and lore obsessed nerd. highly intelligent, very skilled ( self proclaimed super human utility belt of wsth ) but a bit of a ( a lot a bit of ) a anxious introverted shut in. lead editor and researcher, and assistant... pretty much everything. secret lover of shitty romance books and a HUGE pot head.
LOTTIE HART : from ann arbor orginally though moving to hatchetfield because it's cute, lottie is a wannabe actress and full time nepo baby. a heart of gold, has Little book smarts. lead producer and production assistant of wsth.
and MORE !
CHARLIE FINCH : older sister pretty much mother of younger brother caleb, it's been pretty much charlie and caleb since caleb was a baby- their father long having been gone and absent far across the state and mother having "gone missing". nowadays, charlie is a full time employee at the thrift store in town, "Feathers and Finds", commission seamstress and artist, charlie has tucked away her passions to focus on keeping a roof over her and caleb's head. they currently live in a small apartment ontop of the thrift store. ( affiliated with @crisisbabe ! )
CJ VALENTINE : college dropout, c.j is a passionate musician who dreams of getting picked up by a label and getting the fuck out of hatchetfield. he works some hours at the birdhouse, but mostly busks the streets ( look at homeless man, you have some competition for your cash ).
HAZEL WINTERS : originally from clivesdale, hazel happily moved to hatchetfield due to the strange vibes and horror stories they heard growing up and has loved it ever since. they work at beanies. an absolute hipster, big tarot card lover. spiritualist, secret history and lore nerd ( mild touch of the gift / gets Vibes of weird shit happening? )
WINTER CLAUGER : future honey queen on the rise. current ballet teacher and full time online student in the process of getting her business degree, though secretly has always wanted to pursue dance and dance alone.
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atelophobicself · 1 month
listen to the skz "lose my breath" preview and now listen to mother mother "verbatim" beginning.
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who-hoot · 1 year
It was a bouffalant herd! Charlie is keeping us safe as Lichen passes us on through. I'd take a picture but I don't want to ruin Charlie's illusion, she's mighty good but I don't think even the greatest illusionist can hide that from a herd.
I suppose I can write what it is like, it's not like we are going anywhere anytime soon. Lichen, for those who don't know is rather large, is carrying all of us on xyr back. Xe is shuffling on foot in front of the other carefully waiting for Charlie's signal to move. Charlie is standing on Lichen's head, one front paw on xyr's head for signals as the other holds up Protect. She is currently making us an illusion but since she's busy I can't ask her what it is. Arachne has wrapped herself around my back, and sleeping for the time being. Thank Reshiram for that. On the other hand Vanilla is currently curled up in my lap. Invested in some padding so their head doesn't spike me if they lose control of their thorns.
The herd is grazing right now, but I see a few of the herd pyatroling along the outside, most likely for any threats. We are in the middle so there's a bunch of baby bouffalant playing and sleeping with their mother's. It's beautiful.
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Mod Monnie: it’s taken almost 4 whole years but we did it gamers we’ve finally reached 1000+ followers and I'd like to thank everyone!
there’s been up’s and downs hard times and good times but I wouldn’t be here without every single one of you all so thank you so much. 
For real I am greatful to still be here and have people who still somehow find joy in this dumbass shitpost even after so long i’ve said it before but don’t you worry 
... charlie’s not going anywhere for a long time even if things get quiet sometimes 
charlie will ALWAYS be here keep cursed everyone!
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I was fighting the urge to delete this blog and start over but I don’t want to do that so instead I’m going to force myself to write everyday for two weeks and hopefully get back into it regularly so I can tackle my inbox and post regular content
Content won’t be like the best quality (I’m so rusty) but I’m definitely warming back up
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shesniktarch · 2 years
my brain is a little clearer after the very emotional weekend ive had so! who would like to plot?
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charlieswanswife · 2 years
Hey what’s up guys! It’s been awhile… trust me I was not planning on being away for so long. Life just kinda swept me up. Got into a sort of long distance relationship for a few months then got my ass ghosted :) it’s a whole thing… let’s just say army guys suck
Anyway! I’m so sorry for those of you who have been waiting on requests; I will get to them! I’m eager to get back into the swing of things so please feel free to send in some more requests & ideas. I love hearing from you <3
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metallic-hugs · 2 years
Going to be turning this into a general FNaF kin blog! Please bare with me as I make adjustments ☺️
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ctrlsugar · 26 days
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a few days ago i answered an ask about my charlie gillespie gif pack from love you anyways saying i had lost it forever, but i found it, so if you're still around anon, feel free to message me off anon, and i can link you to it !!
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